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US 20120079618A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0079618 A1
Kole et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 29, 2012

(54) BITTER MELON VARIETY CBM12 AND Related U.S. Application Data
(60) Provisional application No. 61/364,938, ?led on Jul.
16, 2010.
(75) Inventors: Chittaranj an Kole, Clemson, SC Publication Classi?cation
(US); Phullara Kole, Clemson, SC
(US); Bode A. Olukolu, Raleigh, (51) Int. Cl.
A01H 1/02 (2006.01)
NC (US); Albert G. Abbott, A01H 5/00 (2006.01)
Clemson, SC (US) A01H 5/08 (2006.01)
C12N 5/04 (2006.01)
A01H 5/10 (2006.01)
(73) Assignee: Clemson University
(52) U.S. Cl. ........................ .. 800/260; 435/410; 800/309
(21) Appl. No.: 13/179,952
The present invention relates to bitter melon breeding and
products, in particular, to a neW bitter melon variety desig
(22) Filed: Jul. 11, 2011 nated CBM12.
Patent Application Publication Mar. 29, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 4 US 2012/0079618 A1
Patent Application Publication Mar. 29, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 2012/0079618 A1

Fig. 2
Patent Application Publication Mar. 29, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 4 US 2012/0079618 A1


24x 1

Patent Application Publication Mar. 29, 2012 Sheet 4 0f 4 US 2012/0079618 A1

Fig. 4

15 ' 'a;""cueurbitacm-s

1'4 charantln
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

BITTER MELON VARIETY CBM12 AND one or a feW favorable genes for a highly heritable trait into a
PRODUCTS THEREFROM desirable variety. This approach has been used extensively for
breeding disease-resistant varieties. Various recurrent selec
STATEMENT OF PRIORITY tion techniques are used to improve quantitatively inherited
traits controlled by numerous genes. The use of recurrent
[0001] This application claims the bene?t, under 35 U.S.C.
selection in self-pollinating crops depends on the ease of
ll9 (e), of US. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/364,
938, ?led Jul. 16, 2010, the entire contents of Which are pollination, the frequency of successful hybrids from each
incorporated by reference herein. pollination, and the number of hybrid offspring from each
successful cross.
STATEMENT OF GOVERNMENT SUPPORT [0008] Each breeding program generally includes a peri
odic, objective evaluation of the e?iciency of the breeding
[0002] Aspects of this invention Were supported by funding procedure. Evaluation criteria vary depending on the goals
under Grant No. 2009-35301-15041 from the USDA and objectives, but should include gain from selection per
National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The US. Govem yearbased on comparisons to an appropriate standard, overall
ment has certain rights in this invention. value of the advanced breeding lines, and number of success
ful varieties produced per unit of input (e.g., per year, per
dollar expended, etc.).
[0003] The present invention relates to bitter melon breed [0009] The development of neW bitter melon varieties
ing and products, in particular, to a neW bitter melon variety involves the development and selection of bitter melon breed
designated CBM12. ing lines, the crossing of these breeding lines and selection of
superior hybrid crosses. Hybrid combinations are identi?ed
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION and developed on the basis of certain gene traits such as leaf
[0004] Bitter melon (Momordica charanlia L, Family: siZe or color, ?oWer color, disease resistance or herbicide
Cucurbitaceae) is a functional food that can be consumed resistance, phytomedicine content, and the like, Which are
as a vegetable and as a medicine. This plant contains an array expressed in a hybrid. Additional data, such as yield and
of therapeutic chemicals active against many diseases, par quality traits, on parental lines as Well as the phenotype of the
ticularly cancer and diabetes. For example, cucurbitacin-B, hybrid in?uence the breeders decision to continue With the
lycopene, beta-carotene, and alpha- and beta-momorcharin speci?c hybrid cross.
are active against cancer While charantin and polypeptide-p, [0010] Pedigree breeding and recurrent selection breeding
also knoWn as plant insulin, possess antidiabetic properties. methods are used to develop true breeding varieties from
HoWever, the popularly groWn varieties have loW contents of breeding populations. Breeding programs combine desirable
these bioactive compounds, albeit possessing desirable fruit traits from tWo or more varieties or various broad-based
quality traits. In contrast, some genotypes of the Wild botani sources into breeding pools from Which varieties are devel
cal variety M charanlia var. muricala are rich in these phy oped by sel?ng or alternatively, by creating doubled-hap
tomedicines. Therefore, it Would be Worthwhile to introgress loids, and selection of desired phenotypes. The neW varieties
the genes controlling bioactives from muricala into the popu are evaluated to determine Which have commercial potential.
lar varieties belonging to the botanical variety charanlia to [0011] Pedigree breeding is commonly used for the
develop dual purpose hybrids. improvement of self-pollinating crops and parental lines for
[0005] There are numerous stages in the development of hybrids. TWo parents Which possess favorable, complemen
any novel, desirable plant germplasm. Plant breeding begins tary traits are crossed to produce an F1. An F2 population is
With the analysis and de?nition of problems and Weaknesses produced by sel?ng one or several Fl plants. Selection of the
of the current germplasm, the establishment of program best individuals may begin in the F2 population; then, begin
goals, and the de?nition of speci?c breeding objectives. The ning in the F3, the best individuals in the families are selected.
next step is selection of germplasm that possess the traits to Replicated testing of families can begin in the F4 generation to
meet the program goals. The aim is to combine in a single improve the effectiveness of selection for traits With loW
variety an improved combination of desirable traits from the heritability. At an advanced stage of inbreeding (i.e., F6 and
parental germplasm. These important traits may include F7), the best lines are tested for potential release as neW
higher yield, resistance to diseases and insects, better stems varieties.
and roots, tolerance to drought and heat, improved nutri [0012] Mass and recurrent selections can be used to
tional/medicinal quality, and better agronomic characteris improve populations of either self- or cross-pollinating crops.
tics. A genetically variable population of heterozygous individu
[0006] Choice of breeding methods depends on the mode of als is either identi?ed or created by intercrossing several
plant reproduction, the heritability of the trait(s) being different parents. The best plants are selected based on indi
improved, and the type of variety used commercially (e. g., F 1 vidual superiority, outstanding progeny, or excellent combin
hybrid variety, pure line variety, etc.). For highly heritable ing ability. The selected plants are intercrossed to produce a
traits, a choice of superior individual plants evaluated at a neW population in Which further cycles of selection are con
single location may be effective, Whereas for traits With loW tinued.
heritability, selection can be based on mean values obtained [0013] Backcross breeding has been used to transfer genes
from replicated evaluations of families of related plants. for a simply inherited, highly heritable trait into a desirable
Popular selection methods commonly include pedigree selec homoZygous variety or inbred line Which is the recurrent
tion, modi?ed pedigree selection, mass selection, and recur parent. The source of the trait to be transferred is called the
rent selection. donor parent. After the initial cross, individuals possessing
[0007] The complexity of inheritance in?uences the choice the phenotype of the donor parent are selected and repeatedly
of breeding method. Backcross breeding is used to transfer crossed (backcrossed) to the recurrent parent. The resulting
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

plant is expected to have the attributes of the recurrent parent [0024] In further aspects, the present invention further pro
(e. g., variety) and the desirable trait transferred from the vides a bitter melon plant, or a part thereof, having all the
donor parent. physiological and morphological characteristics of CBMl2,
[0014] The single-seed descent procedure in the strict sense said CBM12 having been deposited under ATCC Accession
refers to planting a segregating population, harvesting a No. .

sample of one seed per plant, and using the one-seed sample [0025] In additional aspects of this invention, tissue culture
to plant the next generation. When the population has been of regenerable cells of any of the plant, or part thereof, of this
advanced from the F2 to the desired level of inbreeding, the invention is provided. In such tissue culture, the regenerable
plants from Which lines are derived Will each trace to different cells can be from plant parts such as leaves, pollen, embryos,
F2, individuals. The number of plants in a population may cotyledons, hypocotyls, roots, root tips, anthers, ?oWers and
decline in each generation due to failure of some seeds to any part thereof, ovules, shoots, stems, stalks, pith and fruit
germinate or some plants to produce at least one seed. As a (e.g., gourd, pepo), including embodiments Wherein the
result, not all of the F2 plants originally sampled in the popu regenerable cells are callus or protoplasts derived therefrom.
lation Will be represented by a progeny When generation [0026] Further aspects of this invention include a bitter
advance is completed. melon plant regenerated from the tissue culture of this inven
[0015] In a multiple-seed procedure, breeders harvest seeds tion and expressing all the morphological and physiological
from one or more ?oWers from each plant in a population and characteristics of CBMl2, said CBM12 having been depos
pool them to form a bulk. Part of the bulk is used to plant the ited under ATCC Accession No.
next generation and part is put in reserve. The procedure has [0027] Also provided herein is a method for producing a
been referred to as modi?ed single-seed descent technique. ?rst generation (Fl) hybrid bitter melon seed comprising
[0016] Proper testing should detect any major faults and crossing a plant of this invention (CBMl2) With a different
establish the level of superiority or improvement over current bitter melon plant and harvesting the resultant ?rst generation
varieties. In addition to shoWing superior performance, the (F 1) hybrid bitter melon seed. An F 1 hybrid bitter melon seed
breeder should consider Whether there is a demand for a neW produced by this method, as Well as an F1 hybrid plant, or a
variety that is compatible With industry standards or Which part thereof, groWn from such seed is provided herein as Well.
creates a neW market. The introduction of a neW variety Will [0028] The present invention also provides a method for
incur additional costs to the seed producer, the groWer, the producing hybrid bitter melon seed comprising crossing tWo
processor and the consumer, for special advertising and mar bitter melon plants and harvesting the resultant hybrid bitter
keting, altered seed and commercial production practices, melon seed, Wherein at least one bitter melon plant is the bitter
and neW product utiliZation. The testing preceding release of melon plant of this invention (CBMl2).
a neW variety should take into consideration research and [0029] In further aspects of this invention, a method is
development costs as Well as technical superiority of the ?nal provided for producing a CBMl 2-derived bitter melon plant
variety. For seed-propagated varieties, it must be feasible to comprising: (a) crossing CBMl2, representative seed of said
produce seed easily and economically. CBM12 having been deposited under ATCC Accession No.
, With a second bitter melon plant to yield progeny
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS bitter melon seed; (b) groWing saidprogeny bitter melon seed,
under plant groWth conditions, to yield said CBMl2-derived
[0017] FIG. 1. Ampli?ed fragment length polymorphism bitter melon plant. Also provided herein is a CBMl2-derived
(AFLP) marker pro?le of 20 bitter melon varieties and tWo bitter melon plant, or a part thereof, produced by such
advanced breeding lines (CBM9 and CBM18). Lanes 1-22 method.
indicate the genotypes as listed in Table 2. The lane 21 rep [0030] Additionally provided herein is the bitter melon
resents the ?ngerprint of CBMl2. plant, or a part thereof, of this invention, Wherein the plant or
[0018] FIG. 2. Fruit traits ofCBMl 2 and close-up compari a part thereof has been transformed so that its genetic material
son to TaiWan White. comprises one or more transgenes operably linked to one or
[0019] FIG. 3. Fruit traits of six randomly selected cultivars more regulatory elements.
for comparison With CBM12 in FIG. 2. [0031] Also provided herein is a method for producing a
[0020] FIG. 4. Relative content of cucurbitacin-B and cha bitter melon plant that contains in its genetic material one or
rantin (in mg/g of poWder from lyophiliZed fruit chips) of 18 more transgenes, comprising crossing the bitter melon plant
varieties and one advanced breeding line (CBM18). of this invention described above With either a second plant of
another bitter melon line, or a non-transformed bitter melon
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION plant of this invention, Wherein progeny are produced, so that
the genetic material of the progeny that result from the cross
[0021] The present invention relates to a neW and distinc comprises the transgene(s) operably linked to one or more
tive bitter melon variety designated CBMl 2, having desirable regulatory elements. In such embodiments, the transgene can
agronomic and characteristics in combination With increased be, for example, a transgene the expression of Which confers
phytomedicine content. herbicide tolerance, insect resistance, disease resistance,
[0022] Thus, some aspects of the present invention provide nematode resistance, tolerance to abiotic stress, yield
a bitter melon seed designated CBMl 2, representative seed of enhancement, improved fruit characteristics, altered repro
said CBM12 having been deposited under ATCC Accession ductive capability, altered chemical composition and any
No. combination thereof. The present invention further encom
[0023] Further provided herein is a bitter melon plant, or a passes a bitter melon plant, or a part thereof, produced by this
part thereof, produced by the seed designated CBMl2. Also method.
provided herein is pollen of such plant as Well as an ovule of [0032] In addition, the present invention provides a method
such plant of this invention. for developing a bitter melon plant in a bitter melon plant
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

breeding program using plant breeding techniques, Which invention belongs. The terminology used in the description of
include employing a bitter melon plant, or a part thereof, as a the invention herein is for the purpose of describing particular
source of plant breeding material, comprising: using the bitter embodiments only and is not intended to be limiting of the
melon plant, or a part thereof, of this invention as a source of invention.
said breeding material. Such plant breeding techniques can [0039] All publications, patent applications, patents, nucle
include, for example, recurrent selection, backcrossing, pedi otide sequences, amino acid sequences, accession numbers
gree breeding, restriction fragment length polymorphism and other references cited herein are incorporated by refer
enhanced selection, genetic marker enhanced selection, ence in their entireties for the teachings relevant to the sen
double haploid breeding, single seed descent, multiple seed tence and/ or paragraph in Which the reference is presented.
descent, and transformation. A bitter melon plant, or a part [0040] As used in the description of the invention and the
thereof, produced by this method is also provided herein. appended claims, the singular forms a, an and the are
[0033] Furthermore, the present invention provides a intended to include the plural forms as Well, unless the con
method for producing a CBM12-derived bitter melon plant, text clearly indicates otherWise.
comprising: (a) crossing CBM12, representative seed of said [0041] Also as used herein, and/or refers to and encom
CBM12 having been deposited under ATCC Accession No. passes any and all possible combinations of one or more of the
, With a second bitter melon plant to yield progeny associated listed items, as Well as the lack of combinations
bitter melon seed; (b) groWing saidprogeny bitter melon seed, When interpreted in the alternative (or).
under plant groWth conditions, to yield said CBM12-derived [0042] The term about, as used herein When referring to a
bitter melon plant; (c) crossing said CBM12-derived bitter measurable value such as an amount of a compound (e.g., an
melon plant With itself or another bitter melon plant to yield amount of a phytomedicine) and the like, is meant to encom
additional CBM12-derived progeny bitter melon seed; (d) pass variations of 120%, 110%, 15%, 11%, 10.5%, or even
groWing said progeny bitter melon seed of step (a) underplant 10.1% of the speci?ed amount.
groWth conditions, to yield additional CBM12-derived bitter [0043] As used herein, the transitional phrase consisting
melon plants; and (e) repeating the crossing and groWing essentially of means that the scope of a claim is to be inter
steps of (a) and (b) from 0 to 7 times to generate further preted to encompass the speci?ed materials or steps recited in
CBM12-derived bitter melon plants. the claim, and those that do not materially affect the basic
[0034] Further embodiments of this invention include a and novel characteristic(s) of the claimed invention. See, In
method of introducing a desired trait into CBM12, compris re HerZ, 537 F.2d 549, 551-52, 190 U.S.P.Q. 461, 463 (CCPA
ing: (a) crossing CBM12, representative seed of said CBM12 1976) (emphasis in the original); see also MPEP 2111.03.
having been deposited under ATCC Accession No. , Thus, the term consisting essentially of When used in a
With a second bitter melon plant that comprises a desired trait claim of this invention is not intended to be interpreted to be
to produce Fl progeny; (b) selecting an F1 progeny that com equivalent to comprising.
prises the desired trait; (c) crossing the selected Fl progeny [0044] As used herein, the term plant includes plant cells,
With CBM12, representative seed of said CBM12 having plant protoplasts and plant tissue (e.g., in culture; tissue cul
been deposited under ATCC Accession No. , to pro ture) from Which plants can be regenerated, plant calli, plant
duce backcross progeny; (d) selecting backcross progeny clumps, and plant cells that are intact in plants or parts of
comprising the desired trait and the physiological and mor plants, such as leaves, pollen, embryos, cotyledon, hypocotyl,
phological characteristics of CBM12; and (e) repeating steps roots, root tips, anthers, ?oWers and a part thereof, ovules,
(c) and (d) from 0 to 7 times in succession to produce selected shoots, stems, stalks, pith, fruit (e.g., gourd, pepo), and the
backcross progeny that comprise the desired trait and the like.
physiological and morphological characteristics of CBM12 [0045] As used herein, the term tissue culture encom
When groWn in the same environmental conditions. In such a passes cultures of plant tissue, cells, protoplasts and callus.
method, the trait can be, for example, herbicide tolerance, Methods of culturing plant tissue, cells, protoplasts and cal
insect resistance, disease resistance, nematode resistance, tol lus, as Well as methods of regenerating plants from plant
erance to abiotic stress, yield enhancement, improved fruit tissue cultures are Well knoWn in the art.
characteristics, altered reproductive capability, and altered [0046] As used herein, the term resistance and the term
chemical composition. The present invention also provides a tolerance refer to the ability of a plant to Withstand expo
bitter melon plant produced by this method. sure to an insect, a disease or pathogen, an herbicide or other
[0035] In yet further aspects of this invention, a bitter melon agent or condition (abiotic or biotic). A resistant or tolerant
product produced from the bitter melon plant of this invention plant variety Will have a level of resistance or tolerance,
is provided. respectively, Which is higher than a comparable Wild-type
[0036] These and other aspects of the invention are set forth variety.
in more detail in the description of the invention beloW. [0047] The term transgene as used herein, refers to any
nucleic acid sequence used in the transformation of a plant or
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION other organism. Thus, a transgene can be a coding sequence,
a non-coding sequence, a cDNA, a gene or fragment or por
[0037] The present invention Will noW be described more tion thereof, a genomic sequence, a regulatory element and
fully hereinafter With reference to the accompanying draW the like.
ings and speci?cation, in Which preferred embodiments of the [0048] The term crop as used herein refers to cultivated
invention are shoWn. This invention may, hoWever, be embod plants or agricultural produce, such as grain, vegetables, or
ied in different forms and should not be construed as limited fruit, considered as a group.
to the embodiments set forth herein.
[0038] Unless otherWise de?ned, all technical and scien Description of the Variety
ti?c terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly [0049] A breeder uses various methods to help determine
understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to Which this Which plants should be selected from segregating populations
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

and ultimately Which inbred lines Will be used to develop bags Were taken out ?ve days after sel?ng, assuring formation
hybrids for commercialization. In addition to knowledge of of the fruit (conversion of ovary to fruit). All the seeds from
the germplasm and plant genetics, a part of the selection the ripened fruits Were collected, cleaned and sun-dried for
process is dependent on experimental design coupled With the raising plants for the succeeding generation.
use of statistical analysis. Experimental design and statistical [0054] The seed-to-seed life cycle of the plants Was short
analysis are used to help determine Which plants, Which fam requiring only 3 .5 months and plants could be groWn through
ily of plants, and ?nally Which inbred lines and hybrid com out the year under controlled greenhouse conditions. This
binations are signi?cantly better or different for one or more facilitated development of the variety Within less than tWo
traits of interest. years.

Breeding History GroWing Conditions

Pedigree and Breeding Methods Employed [0055] The plants Were groWn in the greenhouse of Clem
son University (latitude 34o 41'0" N, longitude 82o 50'15" W)
[0050] The medicinal variety, CBM12, Was developed by at 800 C. (day) and 65 C. (night) temperature and relative
employing a single-seed-descent strategy from a Wildly humidity of 70-80% (dehumidi?cation set at 80%). Seeds
groWn roadside plant belonging to Momordica charanlia L. Were scari?ed using sand paper and soaked in sterile distilled
var. muricala, an allied botanical variety of Momordica cha Water for germination. Germinated seeds Were planted in 3><6
ranlia var. charanlia to Which most of the popularly groWn
(10"><20") plastic trays (1020 tray and 1801 insert, Landmark
horticultural varieties belong. This Was one of the tWo origi Plastic Corp.) and kept under mist in a greenhouse for tWo
nal plants collected at Greenville, SC. in 2007 and named as days and then transferred to the main greenhouse and kept in
accession CBM1 and CBM2. The CBM2 plant Was immedi the trays until the seedlings attained a height of about 6" With
ately planted in a greenhouse at Clemson University. Female tWo completely expanded primary leaves. Thereafter the
?oWers of this plant Were selfed to produce selfed fruits. First
seedlings Were transplanted in 3-gallon pots (10.5" diameter,
generation selfed seeds (S1) Were collected from 15 selfed 9.5" height) ?lled With Fafard 3B Mix. Pots Were Watered
fruits. Fifteen seeds, one each from the fruits Were planted in once a day. Peter Excel fertilizer solution of 15:5:15 of N, P
a greenhouse. The 15 plants originated from sel?ng Were and K, respectively (Scotts Corp.), Was prepared by dissolv
named CBM2-Sl-1 through CBM2-S1-15. This single-seed ing 3 lbs. of solid fertilizer in 3 gallons of Water (ca 120,000
descent procedure Was repeated until the sixth sel?ng genera ppm) and Was applied to the pots once in a Week. Plant
tion that resulted in 15 S6 seed-lots originated from CBM2, protection chemicals Were applied as required to control dis
named CBM2-S6-1 through CBM2-S6-15 in summer 2008. eases and insect-pests. Each plant Was provided about 40"><
[0051] Fifteen S6 plants Were groWn using one seed from 24" spacing on greenhouse benches (Ludy Greenhouse MFG
each of the S6 seed-lots. The best S6 plants from the pedigree Corp.).
of CBM2 Was selected based on the content of cucurbitacin-B
and charantin, these having anticancer and antidiabetic prop Extraction and Quanti?cation of Phytomedicines
erties, respectively, in its fruits and the selected accession
named CBM2-S6-12. Homozygosity in this selected S6 prog [0056] Extraction of cucurbitacin-B and charantin Was per
eny Was con?rmed by AFLP (ampli?ed fragment length poly formed using a Soxhlet extraction protocol from 1 g of poW
morphism) marker analysis of the DNA of seedlings pro der of freeze-dried fruit chips. A ?nal precipitate Was dis
duced from 24 randomly selected seeds from the S6 seed-lots. solved in 200 [1.1 of 1:1 (v/v) chloroform-methanol mixture,
This selected genotype Was CBM12 for brevity. This geno and then adjusted to 2 ml With methanol. High-performance
type Was compared to 18 other cultivars of diverse geographi liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis for cucurbitacin-B
cal origin (six countries) and three genotypes developed in and charantin Was performed With a ZorBAX Eclipse XDB
Clemson University (CBM9, CBM10 and CBM18) groWn Phenyl column (5 pm particle, 4.6><250 mm ID) in a mobile
under controlled conditions in a greenhouse during fall 2008 phase of 100:2 (v/v) methanol-Water. Peaks of the germplasm
With regard to their fruit Weight and content of cucurbitacin-B samples corresponding to the standard peaks from pure
and charantin. Later, this genotype Was formally considered samples of cucurbitacin-B and charantin Were used for iden
for release as a medicinal variety by the Crop Variety Rec ti?cation and quanti?cation at Wavelengths of 235 nm and
ommendation and Release Committee of Clemson University 205 nm, respectively.
in March 2010 and Will hereinafter be described as a variety.
[0052] The method of sel?ng that Was the same in all six DNA-Fingerprinting
generations; conditions of groWing the plants; extraction and [0057] Homozygosity of the variety Was veri?ed by DNA
quanti?cation of the tWo phytomedicines; and DNA-?nger ?ngerprinting of 24 randomly selected S6 seedlings employ
printing folloWed for development and selection of the variety ing ampli?ed fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) mark
are discussed beloW. ers (Vos et al. 1995). AFLP marker analysis Was also done on
all of the 22 accessions including CBM12 to develop DNA
Methods of Sel?ng ?ngerprints of the variety. AFLP DNA-?ngerprinting for this
[0053] Bitter melon is a monoecious and highly cross-pol purpose Was performed using 10 primer combinations that
linated species and therefore controlled sel?ng Was practiced produced 255 polymorphic marker loci after digesting With
in each of the six sel?ng generations. For sel?ng, a female the restriction enzymes EcoRI and Mse1. FIG. 1 depicts the
?oWer Was bagged With a butter paper bag in the afternoon DNA-?ngerprint of CBM12 vis-a-vis 21 other genotypes.
one day prior to blooming (opening of the ?oral-bud). An Morphological Features
intact male ?oWer opened on the day of sel?ng Was plucked
and its anthers Were rubbed on the stigma of the female [0058] The morphological features of CBM12 in compari
?oWer, folloWed by immediate re-bagging and labeling. The son to a popular cultivated variety, TaiWan White, are pro
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

vided in Table 1. FIGS. 2 and 3 depict fruit attributes (size, derived from CBM12, and CBM12 plants comprising a
color, luster, shape and surface texture) of this variety and its nucleic acid that has been introduced therein by traditional
comparison to those of seven randomly selected varieties breeding or genetic engineering techniques, and seeds, plant
including TaiWan White. parts, and tissue cultures of the foregoing plants, as Well as
methods of producing the plants of the invention.
Comparative Performance
[0063] Accordingly, methods for crossing the bitter melon
Phytomedicine Contents plants of the present invention are provided. Such methods
[0059] Contents of the anticancer phytomedicine, cucurbi may comprise crossing the plant of the present invention,
tacin-B (CCR-B), and the antidiabetes phytomedicine, cha CBM12, With itself or a second bitter melon plant. The
rantin (CHR), of CBM12 along With 16 cultivated varieties present invention further encompasses a method for produc
and one advanced breeding line (CBM18) are furnished in ing hybrid bitter melon seed, the method comprising crossing
Table 2. The variation in the contents of CCR-B and CHR tWo bitter melon plants and harvesting the resultant hybrid
among the 19 genotypes Was estimated by the Duncans mul bitter melon seed, Wherein at least one bitter melonplant is the
tiple range test and found to be highly signi?cant at p-value of bitter melon plant of the present invention, CBM12. In
<0.0001. The average CCR-B and CHR content among the another embodiment, a method for producing a ?rst genera
genotypes ranged from 0.3 to 1.0 mg/g and 0.65 to 1.35 mg/g tion (F1) hybrid bitter melon seed is provided comprising
of lyophiliZed fruit poWders, respectively crossing the plant of the present invention With a different
[0060] In general, the variety CBM12 along With CBM10, bitter melon plant and harvesting the resultant ?rst generation
CBM18 and Hybrid Beauty Winner-1 exhibited signi?cantly (F 1) hybrid bitter melon seed. Further provided by the present
higher contents of CCR-B and CHR as compared to all other invention are plants produced by these methods.
cultivars (FIG. 4; Table 2). Following means comparison [0064] Additionally provided herein is a method for pro
using Duncans multiple range test, CBM10 Was found to
have signi?cantly the highest contents for CCR-B and CHR
ducing a CBM12-derived bitter melon plant comprising: (a)
crossing bitter melon variety CBM12 With a second bitter
as compared With any other genotype. The mean of CHR
content for CBM12, CBM18 and Hybrid Beauty Winner-1
melon plant to yield progeny bitter melon seed; (b) groWing
Was not signi?cantly different, While the mean content of
said progeny bitter melon seed, under plant groWth condi
tions, to yield said or CBM12-derived bitter melon plant. The
CCR-B Was signi?cantly higher in CBM18 as compared to
method may still further comprise: a) crossing said CBM12
CBM12 and Hybrid Beauty Winner-1, Which Were not sig derived bitter melon plant With itself or another bitter melon
ni?cantly different (Table 2). The variety Hybrid Beauty Win plant to yield additional CBM12-derived progeny bitter
ner-1 is supplied by the private company, Asian Vegetable melon seed; (b) groWing said progeny bitter melon seed of
Seeds-Evergreen Seeds ( step (a) under plant groWth conditions, to yield additional
bitme.html) and this variety, similarly With 17 other commer CBM12-derived bitter melon plants; and (c) repeating the
cial varieties used in these studies is not knoWn to be regis
tered or patented. CBM12 has been used to cross With TaiWan
crossing and groWing steps of (a) and (b) multiple times to
generate further CBM1 2-derived bitter melon plants. In some
White to develop an F2 segregating population to map the
genes controlling some fruit traits and Will be used to map the
embodiments, the crossing and groWing steps of (a) and (b) in
step (c) are repeated from 0 to 2 times, from 0 to 3 times, from
genes controlling the content of some phytomedicines.
0 to 4 times, 0 to 5 times, from 0 to 6 times, from 0 to 7 times,
Fruit Weight from 0 to 8 times, from 0 to 9 times or from 0 to 10 times, in
order to generate further CBM12-derived bitter melon plants.
[0061] CBM12 Was proposed and recommended to be used In other embodiments, the crossing and groWing steps of (a)
as a medicinal variety for basic and applied research applica and (b) in step (c) are repeated from 0 to n times in order to
tions in the disciplines of genetics, genomics, physiology, generate further CBM12-derived bitter melon plants. The
biochemistry, pharmacognosy, microbiology, food science invention further provides plants produced by these methods.
and human nutrition, etc. This genotype can be immediately Accordingly, the invention encompasses progeny plants and
useful as a donor parent for developing dual-purpose varieties parts thereof With at least one ancestor that is hybrid bitter
in bitter melon. Fruit of this variety can be used also for melon plant CBM12 and more speci?cally Where the pedi
consumption since small amounts of fruits or fruit products gree ofthis progeny includes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and/or 7 cross
Will be enough to provide high amounts of the anticancer and pollinations to a bitter melon plant CBM12 or a plant that has
antidiabetes phytomedicines. The fruit Wei ght of CBM1 2 Was CBM12 as a progenitor.
compared With 18 cultivated varieties, three genotypes, [0065] Other embodiments of the present invention include
CBM9, CBM10 and CBM1 8, groWing under randomiZed a method for producing a bitter melon plant that contains in its
block design (RBD) With three replications in greenhouse. genetic material one or more transgenes, comprising crossing
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed highly signi?cant the bitter melon plant of the present invention With either a
variation among these 22 genotypes, evidenced by a very high second plant of another bitter melon line, or a non-trans
F-value (128.58) and a very high P-value (<0.000l). CBM12 formed bitter melon plant of the present invention, Wherein
shoWed (along With CBM10, CBMl8, Hybrid India Baby, progeny are produced, so that the genetic material of the
Small Baby and Hybrid Baby Doll) the loWest fruit Weight progeny that result from the cross comprises the transgene(s)
after the Duncans multiple range test for means comparison operably linked to one or more regulatory elements. In one
(Table 2). aspect of the invention, the one or more transgene includes but
is not limited to a nucleic acid conferring herbicide resistance,
Other Representative Embodiments of the Invention
insect resistance, disease resistance and/or altered reproduc
[0062] The present invention also encompasses hybrid tive capability. Also provided by the present invention are
plants produced from bitter melon variety CBM12, plants plants produced by this method.
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

[0066] Further provided by the present invention is a [0075] A food product of the present invention can com
method for developing a bitter melon plant in a bitter melon prise the bitter melon plant CBM12. The plant can be trans
plant breeding program using plant breeding techniques, genic, carrying one or more heterologous genes of interest, or
Which include employing a bitter melon plant of the present it can be non-transgenic. The plant and/ or fruit of the plant can
invention, or a part thereof, as the source of plant breeding be included in the food product in any suitable form as Would
material. Plant breeding techniques that can be used in the be knoWn in the art. The food product may comprise any
method include, but are not limited to, recurrent selection, amount of the plant and/or fruit (or plant or fruit part), for
backcrossing, pedigree breeding, restriction fragment length example from 1,2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 percent to 90, 95 or 99 percent
polymorphism enhanced selection, genetic marker enhanced by Weight (or more), With the balance of the product com
selection, double haploid breeding, single seed descent, mul prising other nutrients or additives.
tiple seed descent, and/or transformation. Further provided [0076] Other nutrients or additives that can be combined
herein are plants produced by this method. With plants or plant parts as described herein to produce a
[0067] Accordingly, any methods using the variety CBM12 food product of the invention can include carbohydrates fats,
are part of this invention: sel?ng, backcrosses, hybrid produc lipids, and/ or proteins. Carbohydrate sources used to produce
tion, crosses to populations, and the like. All plants produced a food product according to the present invention include, but
using CBM12 as a parent are Within the scope of this inven are not limited to, corn, oats, barley, sorghum, or combina
tion including plants derived from CBM12. Advantageously tions thereof, Which can be ground into a meal for use in the
CBM12 cultures used in crosses With other bitter melon food. Supplementary protein sources include, but are not
plants can be used to produce a ?rst generation (F1) bitter limited to, Fraction I and Fraction II proteins, soy meal, ?sh
melon hybrid seed and plants With superior characteristics. meal, blood meal, poultry by-product (ground poultry offal),
[0068] Other aspects of the present invention include prod meat meal, feather-lysate (see, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 4,908,220 to
ucts produced from the variety CBM12 and methods for Shih) and combinations thereof. The plant or plant parts can
producing those products. be the sole protein source, or supplemented as described
above. Other nutrients in small amounts, such as vitamins,
[0069] Accordingly, one aspect of the present invention is a minerals, antibiotics, and other substances or compounds can
bitter melon product produced from the bitter melon plant be included in the food. The ingredients may be mixed and
designated CBM12, representative seed of said bitter melon blended in accordance With any procedure knoWn in the art of
variety CBM12 having been deposited under ATCC Acces food products formulated into any suitable form, including,
sion No. . Thus, products of the present invention but not limited to, food pellets, beverages and food bars. The
comprise products produced from any part of the bitter melon bitter melon of the present invention can be genetically modi
plant. Including but not limited to, fruits, seeds, leaves, pol ?ed to provide for the production of additional nutrients
len, embryos, cotyledons, hypocotyls, roots, root tips, therein, if desired.
anthers, ?oWers, ovules, shoots, stems, stalks, pith, fruit (e.g.,
gourd, pepo), Wood, and the like. Hybrid Production
[0070] In addition to the above discussed bitter melon prod
ucts and methods of making or producing such bitter melon [0077] The development of bitter melon hybrids involves,
products, the bitter melon variety CBM12 is also useful for in general, the development of completely homozygous lines,
producing other commercially valuable products including, the crossing of these lines, and the evaluation of the crosses.
but not limited to, food additives, human food products and In the case of bitter melon, a completely homoZygous line
livestock food products. may be an inbred or a doubled-haploid line.
[0078] Pedigree breeding and recurrent selection breeding
[0071] Accordingly, in some embodiments, the present methods are typically used to develop inbred lines from
invention provides a product produced from the bitter melon
breeding populations. Breeding programs combine the
plant designated CBM12, representative seed of said bitter genetic backgrounds from tWo or more inbred lines or various
melon variety CBM12 having been deposited under ATCC
other germplasm sources into breeding pools from Which neW
Accession No. , Wherein the product produced is
inbred lines are developed by sel?ng and selection of desired
selected from the group consisting of food additives, human
phenotypes. The neW inbreds are crossed With other inbred
food products and animal food products.
lines or doubled-haploid lines, and the hybrids from these
[0072] In other aspects of the present invention a method of crosses are evaluated to determine Which have commercial
sustaining a human or animal subject is provided, the method potential.
comprising feeding the subject the bitter melon of the bitter [0079] Pedigree breeding starts With the crossing of tWo
melon variety CBM12. The bitter melon of the present inven genotypes, each of Which may have one or more desirable
tion may be fed as a food product comprising the bitter melon characteristics lacking in the other or Which complements the
of the present invention alone or in combination With at least other. If the tWo original parents do not provide all the desired
one additional nutrient. Thus, a food product as used herein characteristics, other sources can be included in the breeding
can be used for humans and/or animals. population. In the pedigree method, superior plants are selfed
[0073] Examples of subjects of this invention can include, and selected in successive generations. In the succeeding
but are not limited to, humans, non-human primates, dogs, generations, the heterozygous condition gives Way to homo
cats, horses, cattle, goats, pigs, sheep, guinea pigs, mice, rats geneous lines as a result of self-pollination and selection.
and rabbits, as Well as any other domestic, commercially or Typically in the pedigree method of breeding, ?ve or more
clinically valuable animal, including animal models and live generations of sel?ng and selection is practiced. Thus, mul
stock animals. tiple crossings and groWing steps may be carried out in order
[0074] Human subjects can be male and/or female and can to generate a desired hybrid.
be of any age including neonates, infants, juveniles, adults [0080] A single cross bitter melon hybrid results from the
and/ or senescent individuals. cross of tWo bitter melon lines (e.g., inbred or doubled-hap
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

loid lines), each of the parents having a genotype that comple ease and sensitivity, an ampli?cation method, such as PCR
ments the genotype of the other. The hybrid progeny of the Will be used to detect the presence or absence of the marker in
?rst generation is designated F 1. Preferred F1 hybrids may be the plant genotype.
more vigorous than either parent in a cross betWeen inbred [0087] Molecular markers can be used in any method of
parents. This hybrid vigor, or heterosis, can be manifested in nucleic acid ampli?cation knoWn in the art. Such methods
many polygenic traits, including increased vegetative groWth include but are not limited to Polymerase Chain Reaction
and increased yield. (PCR; described in US. Pat. Nos. 4,683,195; 4,683,202;
[0081] In general, the development of a bitter melon hybrid 4,800,159; 4,965,188), Strand Displacement Ampli?cation
involves three steps: (1) the selection of plants from various (SDA; described by G. Walker et al., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
germplasm pools for initial breeding crosses; (2) the sel?ng USA 89: 392 (1992); G. Walker et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 20:
of the selected plants from the breeding crosses for several 1691 (1992); US. Pat. No. 5,270,184), thermophilic Strand
generations to produce a series of inbred lines, Which, Displacement Ampli?cation (tSDA; EP 0 684 315 to Frasier
although different from each other, breed true and are highly et al.), Self-Sustained Sequence Replication (3SR; J. C. Gua
uniform; and (3) crossing the selected inbred lines With dif telli et al., Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87: 1874-78 (1990)),
ferent inbred lines to produce the hybrid progeny (F1). A Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Ampli?cation (NASBA; US.
consequence of the homozygosity and homogeneity of the Pat. No. 5,130,238 to Cangene), the QB replicase system (P.
inbred lines is that the hybrid betWeen a de?ned pair of Lizardi et al., BioTechnology 6: 1197 (1 988)), or transcription
inbreds/doubled-haploids Will alWays be the same. Once the based ampli?cation (D. Y. KWoh et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
parents that give a superior hybrid have been identi?ed, the USA 86: 1173-77 (1989)).
hybrid seed can be reproduced inde?nitely as long as the Transfer of Traits into Bitter Melon Cultivar CBM12
homogeneity of the parents is maintained. [0088] Genetic variants of CBM12 that are naturally-oc
[0082] A single cross hybrid is produced When tWo lines are curring or created through traditional breeding methods using
crossed to produce the F1 progeny. A double cross hybrid is variety CBM12 are also intended to be Within the scope of this
produced from four inbred lines crossed in pairs (A><B and invention. In particular embodiments, the invention encom
C><D) and then the tWo F 1 hybrids are crossed again (A><B)>< passes plants of variety CBM12 and parts thereof further
(C><D). Much of the hybrid vigor exhibited by F 1 hybrids is comprising one or more additional traits, in particular, spe
generally lost in the next generation (F2). Consequently, seed ci?c, single gene transferred traits. Examples of traits that
from hybrids is not typically used for planting stock. may be transferred include, but are not limited to, herbicide
resistance, disease resistance (e.g., bacterial fungal or viral
Evaluation of Plants for Homozygosity and Phenotypic Sta disease), nematode resistance, tolerance to abiotic stresses
bility (e.g., drought, temperature, salinity), yield enhancement,
improved nutritional quality (e. g., oil starch and protein con
[0083] It is desirable and advantageous for a bitter melon tent or quality), altered chemical composition (e.g., phy
variety to be highly homogeneous, homozygous and pheno tomedicines), improved fruit characteristics (color, shape,
typically uniform and stable for use as a commercial variety size, number, chemical composition), altered reproductive
or breeding material. In the case of inbreds or other lines, capability (e.g., male sterility) or other agronomically impor
there are many analytical methods available to determine the tant traits.
homozygotic and phenotypic stability of the variety. [0089] Such traits may be introgressed into variety CBM12
[0084] The oldest and most traditional method of analysis from another bitter melon variety or may be directly trans
is the observation of phenotypic traits. The data are usually formed into variety CBM12 (discussed beloW). One or more
collected in ?eld experiments over the life of the bitter melon neW traits can be transferred to variety CBM12, or, altema
plants to be examined. Phenotypic characteristics most often tively, one or more traits of variety CBM12 are altered or
observed are for traits associated With seed yield, disease substituted. The introgression of the trait(s) into variety
resistance, maturity, plant height, intemode distance, ?oWer CBM12 may be achieved by any method of plant breeding
color, leaf color, leaf yield, leaf size, leaf angle, lamina knoWn in the art, for example, pedigree breeding, backcross
midrib ratio, and concentration of chemical components such ing, doubled-haploid breeding, and the like (see, Wemsman,
as phytomedicines. E. A., and Rufty, R. C. 1987. Chapter Seventeen. Bitter
[0085] In addition to phenotypic observations, the geno melon. Pages 669-698 In: Cultivar Development. Crop Spe
type of a plant can also be examined. There are many labo cies. W. H. Fehr (ed.), MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., NeW
ratory-based techniques available for the analysis, compari York, NY. 761 pp.).
son and characterization of plant genotypes; among these are [0090] The laboratory-based techniques described above,
Isozyme Electrophoresis, Restriction Fragment Length Poly in particular RFLP and SSR, can be used in such backcrosses
morphisms (RFLPs), Randomly Ampli?ed Polymorphic to identify the pro genies having the highest degree of genetic
DNAs (RAPDs), Arbitrarily Primed Polymerase Chain Reac identity With the recurrent parent. This permits one to accel
tion (AP-PCR), DNA Ampli?cation Fingerprinting (DAF), erate the production of bitter melon varieties having at least
Sequence Characterized Ampli?ed Regions (SCARs), 90%, at least 95%, at least 99% or greater genetic identity
Ampli?ed Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs), and With the recurrent parent and further comprising the trait(s)
Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), Which are also referred to introgressed from the donor parent. Such determination of
as Microsatellites. genetic identity can be based on molecular markers used in
[0086] The presence or absence of a marker in the plant the laboratory-based techniques described herein.
genotype may be determined by any method knoWn in the art. [0091] The last backcross generation can be selfed to give
For example, the marker sequence (or its complement) may pure breeding progeny for the nucleic acid(s) being trans
be used as a hybridization probe, e.g., for Southern or in situ ferred. The resulting plants generally have essentially all of
analysis of genomic DNA. Typically, hoWever, due to greater the morphological and physiological characteristics of vari
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

ety CBM12, in addition to the transferred trait(s) (e.g., one or [0096] In particular embodiments of the invention, a trans
more single gene traits). The exact backcrossing protocol Will gene conferring herbicide resistance, insect resistance, or
depend on the trait being altered to determine an appropriate disease resistance is introduced into the bitter melon plant.
testing protocol. Although backcrossing methods are simpli
?ed When the trait being transferred is a dominant allele, a Expression Vectors For Bitter Melon Transformation
recessive allele may also be transferred. In this instance, it Genetic Markers
may be necessary to introduce a test of the progeny to deter
mine if the desired trait has been successfully transferred. [0097] Expression vectors typically include at least one
[0092] Those skilled in the art Will appreciate that the bitter genetic marker, operably linked to a regulatory element (a
melon nucleic acids described beloW in connection With bitter promoter, for example) that alloWs transformed cells contain
melon plants produced by genetic engineering techniques ing the marker to be either recovered by negative selection,
may also be introduced into the variety CBM12 by conven i.e., inhibiting groWth of cells that do not contain the select
tional breeding methods. able marker, or by positive selection, i.e., screening for the
product encoded by the genetic marker. Many commonly
Transformation of Bitter Melon used selectable marker for plant transformation are Well
knoWn in the transformation art, and include, for example,
[0093] With the advent of molecular biological techniques nucleic acids that code for enZymes that metabolically
that have alloWed the isolation and characterization of nucleic detoxify a selective chemical agent Which may be an antibi
acids that encode speci?c protein products, scientists in the otic or a herbicide, or nucleic acids that encode an altered
?eld of plant biology developed a strong interest in engineer target Which is insensitive to the inhibitor. Positive selection
ing the genome of plants to contain and express foreign methods are also knoWn in the art.
nucleic acids, or additional, or modi?ed versions of native or [0098] One commonly used selectable marker for plant
endogenous nucleic acids (perhaps driven by different pro transformation is neomycin phosphotransferase ll (np?l),
moters) in order to alter the traits of a plant in a speci?c isolated from transposon Tn5, Which When placed under the
manner. Such foreign, additional and/or modi?ed nucleic control of plant regulatory signals confers resistance to kana
acids are referred to herein collectively as transgenes. The mycin (Fraley et al., (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 80:
term transgene as used herein, refers to any nucleic acid 4803). Another commonly used selectable marker is hygro
sequence used in the transformation of a plant or other organ mycin phosphotransferase, Which confers resistance to the
ism. Thus, a transgene can be a coding sequence, a non antibiotic hygromycin (Vanden ElZen et al., (1985) Plant
coding sequence, a cDNA, a gene or fragment or portion Mol. Biol. 5: 299).
thereof, a genomic sequence, a regulatory element and the [0099] Additional selectable markers of bacterial origin
like. Thus, the term transgene, as used herein, is not neces that confer resistance to antibiotics include gentamycin acetyl
sarily intended to indicate that the foreign nucleic acid is from transferase, streptomycin phosphotransferase, aminoglyco
a different plant species. For example, the transgene may be a side-3'-adenyl transferase and the bleomycin resistance deter
particular allele derived from another bitter melon line or may minant (Hayford et al., (1988) PlantPhysiol. 86: 1216; Jones
be an additional copy of an endogenous gene. Several meth et al., (1987) Mol. Gen. Genet, 210: 86; Svab et al., (1990)
ods for producing transgenic plants are knoWn in the art. PlantMol. Biol. 14: 197; Hille et al., (1986) PlantMol. Biol.
Therefore, in particular embodiments, the present invention 7: 175). Other selectable markers confer resistance to herbi
also encompasses transformed versions of the bitter melon cides, such as glyphosate, glufosinate and bromoxynil (Co
variety CBM12. mai et al., (1985) Nature 317: 741; Gordon-Kamm et al.,
[0094] Plant transformation generally involves the con (1990) Plant Cell 2: 603; and Stalker et al., (1988) Science
struction of an expression vector that Will function in plant 242: 419).
cells. Such a vector comprises DNA or RNA comprising a [0100] Selectable markers for plant transformation that are
nucleic acid under control of, or operatively linked to, a not of bacterial origin include, for example, mouse dihydro
regulatory element (for example, a promoter). The expression folate reductase, plant 5-eno/pyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate
vector may contain one or more such operably linked nucleic synthase and plant acetolactate synthase (EichholtZ et al.,
acid/regulatory element combinations. The vector(s) may be (1987) Somatic Cell Mol. Genet. 13: 67; Shah et al., (1986)
in the form of, for example, a plasmid or a virus, and can be Science 233: 478; Charest et al., (1990) Plant Cell Rep. 8:
used, alone or in combination With other vectors, to provide 643).
transformed bitter melon plants, using transformation meth [0101] Another class of markers for plant transformation
ods as described beloW to incorporate transgenes into the requires screening of presumptively transformed plant cells
genetic material of the bitter melon plant(s). rather than direct genetic selection of transformed cells for
[0095] Any transgene(s) knoWn in the art may be intro resistance to a toxic substance such as an antibiotic. These
duced into a bitter melon plant, tissue, cell or protoplast markers are particularly useful to quantify or visualiZe the
according to the present invention, e.g., to improve commer spatial pattern of expression in speci?c tissues and are fre
cial or agronomic traits, herbicide resistance, disease resis quently referred to as reporters because they can be fused to a
tance (e.g., to a bacterial fungal or viral disease), insect resis nucleic acid or regulatory sequence for the investigation of
tance, nematode resistance, yield enhancement, nutritional nucleic acid expression. Commonly used reporters for
quality (e.g., oil starch and protein content or quality), fruit screening presumptively transformed cells include BB-glu
characteristics (color, shape, siZe, number, chemical compo curonidase (GUS), BB-galactosidase, luciferase and
sition), and/ or altered reproductive capability and/or chemi chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (Jefferson, R. A., (1987)
cal composition (e.g., phytomedicines). Alternatively, a Plant Mot. Biol. Rep. 5: 387; Teeri et al., (1989) EMBO J. 8:
transgene may be introduced for the production of recombi 343; KoncZ et al., (1 987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 84: 131 ;
nant proteins (e.g., enZymes) or metabolites. De Block et al., (1984) EMBOJ. 3: 1681).
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

[0102] In vivo methods for visualiZing GUS activity that do 619 (1989) and Christensen et al., Plant Mol. Biol. 18: 675
not require destruction of plant tissue are also available (Mo (1992)); pEMU (Last et al., Theon Appl. Genet. 81: 581
lecular Probes Publication 2908, lmagene GreenTM, p. 1-4 (1991)); the mannopine synthase promoter (MAS) (Velten et
(1993) and NaleWay et al., (1991) J. Cell Biol. 115: 15). al., EMBOJ. 3: 2723 (1984)); maiZe H3 histone (Lepelit et al.,
However, these in vivo methods for visualizing GUS activity Mol. Gen. Genet. 231: 276 (1992) andAtanassova et al., Plant
have not proven useful for recovery of transformed cells Journal 2: 291 (1992)); the ALS promoter, a Xbal/Ncol frag
because of loW sensitivity, high ?uorescent backgrounds, and ment 5' to the Brassica napus ALS3 structural gene (or a
limitations associated With the use of luciferase as a select nucleotide sequence that has substantial sequence similarity
able marker. to said Xbal/Ncol fragment); ACT11 from Arabidopsis
[0103] In addition, a nucleic acid encoding green ?uores (Huang etal.,PlantMol. Biol. 33:125-139 (1996)); Cat3 from
cent protein (GFP) has been utiliZed as a marker for nucleic Arabidopsis (GenBank Database Accession No. U43147,
acid expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (Chal?e et Zhong et al., Mol. Gen. Genet. 251:196-203 (1996)); GPc1
al., (1994) Science 263: 802). GFP and mutants of GFP may from maiZe (GenBank Database Accession No. X15596,
be used as screenable markers. Martinez et al., J. Mol. 208:551-565 (1989)); and Gpc2 from
maiZe (GenBank Database Accession No. U45855, Manju
Promoters nath et al., Plant Mol. Biol. 33:97-112 (1997)).
[0104] Nucleic acids included in expression vectors are lnducible Promoters
typically driven by a nucleotide sequence comprising a regu
latory element, for example, a promoter. Several types of [0108] In some embodiments of the present invention, an
promoters are noW Well knoWn in the transformation art, as inducible promoter can be used to drive the expression of a
are other regulatory elements that can be used alone or in transgene. lnducible promoters activate or initiate expression
combination With promoters. only after exposure to, or contact With, an inducing agent.
[0105] As used herein, the term promoter refers to a Inducing agents include, but are not limited to, various envi
region of a nucleotide sequence that incorporates the neces ronmental conditions (e.g., pH, temperature), proteins and
sary signals for the ef?cient expression of a coding sequence. chemicals. Examples of environmental conditions that can
This may include sequences to Which an RNA polymerase affect transcription by inducible promoters include pathogen
binds, but is not limited to such sequences and can include attack, anaerobic conditions, extreme temperature and/or the
regions to Which other regulatory proteins bind together With presence of light. Examples of chemical inducing agents
regions involved in the control of protein translation and can include, but are not limited to, herbicides, antibiotics, ethanol,
also include coding sequences. A plant promoter is a pro plant hormones and steroids. Any inducible promoter that is
moter capable of initiating transcription in plant cells. Such functional in a plant can be used in the instant invention (see,
promoters include those that drive expression of a nucleotide Ward et al., (1993) Plant Mol. Biol. 22: 361 (1993)). Exem
sequence constitutively, those that drive expression When plary inducible promoters include, but are not limited to, that
induced, and those that drive expression in a tissue- or devel from the ACEl system, Which responds to copper (Melt et al.,
opmentally speci?c manner, as these various types of promot PNAS 90: 4567 (1993)); the ln2 nucleic acid from maiZe,
ers are knoWn in the art. Which responds to benZenesulfonamide herbicide safeners
(Hershey et al., (1991) Mol. Gen. Genetics 227: 229 (1991)
Constitutive Promoters and GatZ et al., Mol. Gen. Genetics 243: 32 (1994)); a heat
shock promoter, including, but not limited to, the soybean
[0106] Thus, for example, in some embodiments of the heat shock promoters Gmhsp 17.5-E, Gmhsp 17.2-E and
invention, a constitutive promoter can be used to drive the Gmhsp 17.6-L and those described in US. Pat. No. 5,447,
expression of a transgene in a plant cell. A constitutive pro 858; the Tet repressor from Tn10 (GatZ et al., Mol. Gen.
moter is an unregulated promoter that alloWs for continual Genet. 227: 229 (1991)) and the light-inducible promoter
transcription of its associated coding sequence. Thus, consti from the small subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase
tutive promoters are generally active under mo st environmen (ssRUBlSCO). Other examples of inducible promoters
tal conditions, in most or all cell types and in most or all states include, but are not limited to, those described by Moore et al.
of development or cell differentiation. (Plant J. 45:651-683 (2006)). Additionally, some inducible
[0107] Any constitutive promoter functional in a plant can promoters respond to an inducing agent to Whichplants do not
be utiliZed in the instant invention. Exemplary constitutive normally respond. An example of such an inducible promoter
promoters include, but are not limited to, the promoters from is the inducible promoter from a steroid hormone gene, the
plant viruses including, but not limited to, the 35S promoter transcriptional activity of Which is induced by a glucocorti
from CaMV (Odell et al., Nature 313: 810 (1985)); ?gWort costeroid hormone (Schena et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
mosaic virus (FMV) 35S promoter (P-FMV35S, US. Pat. 88: 421 (1991)).
Nos. 6,051,753 and 6,018,100); the enhanced CaMV35S pro
moter (e35S); the 1'- or 2'-promoter derived from T-DNA of Tissue-Speci?c or Tissue-Preferred Promoters
A grobacterium tumefaciens; the nopaline synthase (NOS)
and/ or octopine synthase (OCS) promoters, Which are carried [0109] In further embodiments of the present invention, a
on tumor-inducing plasmids of Agrobacterium tumefaciens tissue-speci?c promoter canbe used to drive the expression of
(Ebert et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 84:5745 5749, a transgene in a particular tissue in the transgenic plant.
1987); actin promoters including, but not limited to, rice actin Tissue-speci?c promoters drive expression of a nucleic acid
(McElroy et al., Plant Cell 2: 163 (1990); US. Pat. No. only in certain tissues or cell types, e.g., in the case ofplants,
5,641,876); histone promoters; tubulin promoters; ubiquitin in the leaves, stems, ?oWers and their various parts, roots,
and polyubiquitin promoters ((Sun and Callis, PlantJ., 1 1(5): fruits and/or seeds, etc. Thus, plants transformed With a
1017-1027 (1997)); Christensen et al., Plant Mol. Biol. 12: nucleic acid of interest operably linked to a tissue-speci?c
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

promoter produce the product encoded by the transgene [0113] As an example, a transgene Whose expression
exclusively, or preferentially, in a speci?c tissue or cell type. results in or contributes to a desired trait to be transferred to
[0110] Any plant tissue-speci?c promoter can be utilized in variety CBM12 can comprise a nucleic acid encoding an
the instant invention. Exemplary tissue-speci?c promoters insecticidal protein, such as, for example, a crystal protein of
include, but are not limited to, a root-speci?c promoter, such Bacillus thuringiensis or a vegetative insecticidal protein
as that from the phaseolin gene (Murai et al., (1983) Science from Bacillus cereus, such as VlP3 (see, for example, Estruch
23: 476 and Sengupta-Gopalan et al., (1985) Proc. Natl. et al. (1997) Nat Biotechnol 15:137).
Acad. Sci. USA 82: 3320); a leaf-speci?c and light-induced [0114] In a further embodiment, a transgene introduced
promoter such as that from cab or rubisco (Simpson et al. into variety CBM12 can comprise a nucleic acid conferring
(1985) EMBOJ. 4: 2723 and Timko et al., (1985) Nature 318: herbicide tolerance, the expression of Which renders plants of
579); the fruit-speci?c E8 promoter from tomato (Lincoln et variety CBM12 tolerant to the herbicide. For example,
al. Proc. Nat l. Acad. Sci. USA 84: 2793-2797 (19.88); Deik expression of an altered acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS)
man et al. EMBO .1. 7: 3315-3320 (1988); Deikman et al. enzyme confers upon plants tolerance to various imidazoli
PlantPhysiol. 100: 2013-2017 (1992); seed-speci?c promot none or sulfonamide herbicides (US. Pat. No. 4,761,373). In
ers of, for example, Arabidopsis thaliana (Krebbers et al. a still further embodiment, a nucleic acid conferring tolerance
(1988) Plant Physiol. 87:859); an anther-speci?c promoter to imidazolinones or sulfonylurea herbicides is transferred
such as that from LAT52 (TWell et al. (1989) Mol. Gen. Genet. into variety CBM12. Expression of a mutant acetolactate
217: 240) or European Patent Application No 344029, and synthase (ALS) Will render the plants resistant to inhibition
those described by Xu et al. (Plant Cell Rep. 25:231-240 by sulfonylurea herbicides (US. Pat. No. 5,013,659).
(2006)) and Gomez et al. (Planta 219:967-981 (2004)); a [0115] US. Pat. No. 4,975,374 describes plant cells and
pollen-speci?c promoter such as that from Zm13 (Guerrero et plants containing a nucleic acid encoding a mutant glutamine
al., (1993) Mol. Gen. Genet. 224: 161), and those described synthetase (GS) Which confers resistance to herbicides that
by Yamaji et al. (Plant Cell Rep. 25:749-57 (2006)) and are knoWn to inhibit GS, e.g., phosphinothricin and methion
Okada et al. (Plant Cell Physiol. 46:749-802 (2005)); a pith ine sulfoximine. In addition, expression of a Streptomyces bar
speci?c promoter, such as the promoter isolated from a plant nucleic acid encoding a phosphinothricin acetyl transferase
TrpA gene as described in International PCT Publication No. results in tolerance to the herbicide phosphinothricin or glu
WO93/07278; and a microspore-speci?c promoter such as fosinate (US. Pat. No. 5,489,520). US. Pat. No. 5,162,602
that from apg (TWell et al. (1993) Sex. Plant Reprod. 6: 217). discloses plants tolerant to inhibition by cyclohexanedione
Exemplary green tissue-speci?c promoters include the maize and aryloxyphenoxypropanoic acid herbicides. The tolerance
phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) promoter, small is conferred by an altered acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase
subunit ribulose bis-carboxylase promoters (ssRUBlSCO) (ACCase). US. Pat. No. 5,554,798 discloses transgenic gly
and the chlorophyll a/b binding protein promoters. phosate tolerant plants, Which tolerance is conferred by an
altered 5-enolpyruvyl-3-phosphoshikimate (EPSP) synthase
Signal Sequences For Targeting Proteins to Subcellular Com nucleic acid. In another particular embodiment, tolerance to a
partments protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor is achieved by expres
sion of a tolerant protoporphyrinogen oxidase enzyme in
[0111] Transport of proteins produced by transgenes to a
subcellular compartment such as the chloroplast, vacuole, plants (US. Pat. No. 5,767,373). In another particular
embodiment, a nucleic acid transferred into variety CBM12
peroxisome, glyoxysome, cell Wall or mitochondrion, or for
can comprise a transgene conferring tolerance to a herbicide
secretion into the apoplast, may be accomplished by means of
and at least one other trans gene conferring another trait, such
operably linking a nucleotide sequence encoding a signal
as for example, insect resistance or tolerance to another her
sequence typically at the 5' and/or 3' region of a sequence
encoding the protein of interest. Association of targeting
sequences With the coding sequence may determine, during [0116] For purposes of proprietary protection of a trans
protein synthesis and processing, Where the encoded protein genic plant, a genetic map can be generated, for example, via
is ultimately compartmentalized. The presence of a signal conventional Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
sequence directs a polypeptide to either an intracellular (RFLP) analysis, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) analy
organelle or subcellular compartment or for secretion to the sis, and/or Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR), Which identi?es
apoplast. Many signal sequences are knoWn in the art (see, for the approximate chromosomal location of the integrated
example, Becker et al., (1992) PlantMol. Biol. 20: 49; Close, DNA molecule. For exemplary methodologies in this regard,
see Glick and Thompson, METHODS IN PLANT
P. S., Masters Thesis, Iowa State University (1993); Knox,
C., et al., (1987) Plant Mol. Biol. 9: 3; Lerner et al., (1989)
PlantPhysiol. 91: 124; Fontes et al., (1 991)Plant Cell 3: 483; 284 (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1993). Thus, if unauthorized
Matsuoka et al., (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 88: 834; Gould propagation is undertaken and crosses made With other ger
et al., (1989) J. Cell Biol 108: 1657; Creissen et al., (1991) mplasm, the map of the integration region can be compared to
Plant]. 2: 129; Kalderon et al., (1 984) Cell 39: 499; Stiefel et similar maps for suspect plants, to determine if the latter have
a common parentage With the subject plant. Map comparisons
al., (1990) Plant Cell 2: 785).
Foreign Nucleic Acids that May be lntroduced into Bitter Would involve hybridizations, RFLP, PCR, SSR and/or
Melon Plants sequencing, all of Which are conventional techniques.
[0112] Nucleic acids of agronomic importance can be Transgenes That Confer Resistance To Pests or Disease
expressed in transformed plants. More particularly, plants can
be genetically engineered to express various phenotypes of [0117] (A) Plant disease resistance. Plant defenses are
agronomic interest. Exemplary nucleic acids implicated in often activated by speci?c interaction betWeen the product of
this regard include, but are not limited to, those described a nucleic acid coding for disease resistance (R) in the plant
beloW. and the product of a corresponding nucleic acid coding for
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

avirulence (Avr) in the pathogen. A plant variety can be [0124] (H) An insect-speci?c venom produced in nature by
transformed With a cloned nucleic acid conferring resistance a snake, a Wasp, or the like can be introduced via a transgene
in order to engineer plants that are resistant to speci?c patho (see, e.g., Pang et al., (1992) Gene 116: 165, for disclosure of
gens (see, for example, Jones et al., (1994) Science 266: 789, heterologous expression in plants of a nucleic acid encoding
cloning of the tomato Cf-9 gene for resistance to Cladospo a scorpion insectotoxic peptide).
riumfulvum; Martin et al., (1993) Science 262: 1432, tomato [0125] (I) An enZyme responsible for an hyperaccumula
Pto gene for resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv.; Mind tion of a monterpene, a sesquiterpene, a steroid, hydroxamic
rinos et al., (1994) Cell 78: 1089, Arabidopsis RSP2 nucleic acid, a phenylpropanoid derivative or another non-protein
acid encoding resistance to Pseudomonas syringae). molecule With insecticidal activity can be introduced via a
[0118] (B) A Bacillus Zhuringiensis protein, a derivative
thereof or a synthetic polypeptide modeled thereon (see, for [0126] (J) An enZyme involved in the modi?cation, includ
ing the post-translational modi?cation, of a biologically
example, Geiser et al., (1986) Gene 48: 109, disclosing the
active molecule; for example, a glycolytic enZyme, a pro
cloning and nucleotide sequence of Bt o-endotoxin) can be
teolytic enZyme, a lipolytic enZyme, a nuclease, a cyclase, a
introduced via a transgene. Moreover, nucleic acid molecules
transaminase, an esterase, a hydrolase, a phosphatase, a
encoding o-endotoxincan be purchased from American Type
kinase, a phosphorylase, a polymerase, an elastase, a chiti
Culture Collection (Rockville, Md.), for example, under nase and/or a glucanase, Whether natural or synthetic, can be
ATCC Accession Nos. 40098, 67136, 31995 and 31998.
Other examples of Bacillus Zhuringiensis transgenes being introduced via a transgene (see, for example, PCT application
WO 93/02197 in the name of Scott et al., Which discloses the
genetically engineered are given in the folloWing patents and
nucleotide sequence of a callase). DNA molecules Which
patent applications and hereby are incorporated by reference
contain chitinase-encoding sequences can be obtained, for
for this purpose: U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,188,960; 5,689,052; 5,880, example, from the ATCC under Accession Nos. 39637 and
275; WO 91/14778; WO 99/31248; WO 01/12731; WO 67152 (see also Kramer et al., (1993) InsecZBiochem. Molec.
99/24581; WO 97/40162 and Us. application Ser. Nos.
Biol. 23: 691, Which describes the nucleotide sequence of a
10/032,717; 10/414,637; and 10/606,320. cDNA encoding tobacco hookWorm chitinase, and KaWal
[0119] (C) A lectin (see, for example, the disclosure by Van leck et al., (1993) PlanZMolec. Biol. 21 : 673, Which provides
Damme et al., (1994) Plant Molec. Biol. 24: 25, Which dis the nucleotide sequence of parsley ubi4-2 polyubiquitin).
closes the nucleotide sequences of several Clivia miniala [0127] (K) A molecule that stimulates signal transduction
mannose-binding lectins) can be introduced via a transgene. can be introduced via a transgene. For example, see the dis
[0120] (D) A vitamin-binding protein such as avidin (see closure by Botella et al., (1994)PlanZMolec. Biol. 24: 757, of
PCT publication WO 93/06487, Which teaches the use of nucleotide sequences for mung bean calmodulin cDNA
avidin and avidin homologues as larvicides against insect clones, and Griess et al., (1994) Plant Physiol. 104: 1467,
pests) can be introduced via a transgene. Which provides the nucleotide sequence of a maiZe calmodu
[0121] (E) An enZyme inhibitor, for example, a protease lin cDNA clone.
inhibitor or an amylase inhibitor (see, for example, Abe et al., [0128] (L) A hydrophobic moment peptide can be intro
(1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262: 16793, nucleotide sequence ofrice duced via a transgene (see PCT application WO 95/ 16776
cysteine proteinase inhibitor; Huub et al., (1993) Plant Which discloses peptide derivatives of Tachyplesin Which
Molec. Biol. 21: 985; nucleotide sequence of cDNA encoding inhibit fungal plant pathogens, and PCT application WO
bitter melon proteinase inhibitor 1; and Sumitani et al., (1993) 95/ 18855 Which teaches synthetic antimicrobial peptides that
Biosci. Biolech. Biochem. 57: 1243, nucleotide sequence of confer disease resistance).
Slreplomyces nilrosporeus amylase inhibitor) can be intro [0129] (M) A membrane permease, a channel former or a
duced via a transgene. channel blocker can be introduced via a transgene. For
[0122] (E) An insect-speci?c hormone or pheromone such example, see the disclosure by J aynes et al., (1993) PlanZSci.
as an ecdysteroid or juvenile hormone, a variant thereof, a 89: 43), of heterologous expression of a cecropin-[3|:I lytic
mimetic based thereon, or an antagonist or agonist thereof peptide analog to render transgenic plants resistant to
(see, for example, the disclosure of Hammock et al., (1990) Pseudomonas solanacearum.
Nature 344: 458, of baculovirus expression of cloned juvenile [0130] (N) A viral-invasive protein or a complex toxin
hormone esterase, an inactivator ofjuvenile hormone) can be derived therefrom can be introduced via a transgene. For
introduced via a transgene. example, the accumulation of viral coat proteins in trans
[0123] (G) An insect-speci?c peptide or neuropeptide formed plant cells imparts resistance to viral infection and/or
Which, upon expression, disrupts the physiology of the disease development effected by the virus from Which the
affected pest can be introduced via a transgene (for example, nucleic acid encoding the coat protein is derived, as Well as by
see the disclosures of Regan, (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269: 9, related viruses (see Beachy et al., (1990) Ann. Rev. Phylo
expression cloning yields DNA coding for insect diuretic palhol. 28: 451). Coat protein-mediated resistance has been
hormone receptor; Pratt et al., (1989)Biochem. Biophys. Res. conferred upon transformed plants against alfalfa mosaic
Comm. 163: 1243, an allostatin is identi?ed in Diploplera virus, cucumber mosaic virus, tobacco streak virus, potato
punlala; Chattopadhyay et al. (2004) Cril. Rev. Microbiol. 30 virus X, potato virusY, tobacco etch virus, tobacco rattle virus
(1): 33 54 2004; ZjaWiony (2004) .1. Nat. Prod. 67 (2): 300 and tobacco mosaic virus (Id.).
310; Carlini & Grossi-de-Sa (2002) Toxicon, 40 (11): 1515 [0131] (O) An insect-speci?c antibody or an immunotoxin
1539; Ussuf et al. (2001) Curr. Sci. 80 (7): 847 853; and derived therefrom can be introduced via a transgene. Thus, an
Vasconcelos & Oliveira (2004) Toxicon 44 (4): 385-403. See antibody targeted to a critical metabolic function in the insect
also U.S. Pat. No. 5,266,317 to Tomalski et al., Which dis gut Would inactivate an affected enZyme, killing the insect
closes nucleic acids encoding insect-speci?c, paralytic neu (Cf. Taylor et al., Abstract #497, SEVENTH lNTL SYMPO
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

TIONS (Edinburgh, Scotland, 1994); enzymatic inactivation et al. De Greef et al., (1989) Bio/Technology 7: 61, describes
in transgenic tobacco via production of single-chain antibody the production of transgenic plants that express chimeric bar
fragments). coding for phosphinothricin acetyl transferase activity.
[0132] (P) A virus-speci?c antibody can be introduced via Exemplary nucleic acids conferring resistance to phenoxy
a transgene (see, for example, Taviadoraki et al., (1993) proprionic acids and cycloshexones, such as sethoxydim and
Nature 366: 469; showing that transgenic plants expressing haloxyfop, are the Acct-S1, Acc1-S2 and Acc1-S3 nucleic
recombinant antibody are protected from virus attack). acids described by Marshall et al., (1992) Theor. Appl. Genet.
[0133] (Q) A developmental-arrestive protein produced in 83: 435.
nature by a pathogen or a parasite can be introduced via a [0140] (C) An herbicide that inhibits photosynthesis, such
transgene. Thus, fungal endo ot-l,4-D-polygalacturonases as a triaZine (psbA and gs+) and/or a benZonitrile (nitrilase)
facilitate fungal coloniZation and plant nutrient release by can be introduced via a transgene. PrZibilla et al ., (1991) Plant
solubiliZing plant cell Wall homo-Bot-l,4-D-galacturonase Cell 3: 169, describe the transformation of Chlamydomonas
(see Lamb et al., (1992) Bio/Technology 10: 1436). The clon With plasmids encoding mutant psbA. Nucleic acids encod
ing and characterization of a nucleic acid Which encodes a ing nitrilase are disclosed in US. Pat. No. 4,810,648 to
bean endopolygalacturonase-inhibiting protein is described Stalker, and these nucleic acids are available under ATCC
by Toubart et al., (1992) Plant J. 2: 367. Accession Nos. 53435, 67441 and 67442. Cloning and
[0134] (R) A developmental-arrestive protein produced in expression of DNA coding for a glutathione S-transferase is
nature by a plant can be introduced via a transgene. For described by Hayes et al., (1992) Biochem. J. 285: 173.
example, Logemann et al., (1992) Bio/Technology 10: 305,
shoWs that transgenic plants expressing the barley ribosome Transgenes That Confer Or Contribute To A Value-Added
inactivating nucleic acid have an increased resistance to fun Trait
gal disease.
[0135] (S) Nucleic acids involved in the Systemic Acquired [0141] (A) Decreased phytate content: Introduction of a
Resistance (SAR) phytase-encoding nucleic acid Would enhance breakdown of
[0136] Response and/or the pathogenesis related nucleic phytate, adding more free phosphate to the transformed plant.
acids can be introduced via a transgene. Briggs, S., Current For example, see Van Hartingsveldt et al., (1993) Gene 127:
Biology, 5(2) (1995), Pieterse &Van Loon (2004) Curr Opin. 87, for a disclosure of the nucleotide sequence of anAspergil
Plant Bio. 7(4):456 64 and Somssich (2003) Cell 113(7):815 lus niger phytase.
6. [0142] (B) Modi?ed carbohydrate composition effected,
[0137] (T) Nucleic acids encoding resistance to fungi can for example, by transforming plants With a nucleic acid
be introduced via a transgene (Comelissen and Melchers, Pl. encoding an enZyme that alters the branching pattern of starch
Physiol. 101 :709 712, (1993) and Parijs etal.,Planta183:258 (see ShiroZa et al., (1998) J Bacteriol. 170: 810, nucleotide
264, (1991) and Bushnell et al., Can. J. Plant Pathol. 20(2): sequence of Streptococcus mutans fructosyltransferase;
137 149 (1998). Also see US. application Ser. No. 09/950, SteinmetZ et al., (1985) Mol. Gen. Genet. 200: 220, nucle
933. otide sequence of Bacillus subtilis levansucrase; Pen et al.,
(1992) Bio/Technology 10: 292, production of transgenic
Transgenes That Confer Resistance To A Herbicide plants that express Bacillus licheniformis (XE-amylase; Elliot
et al., (1993) Plant Molec. Biol. 21: 515, nucleotide
[0138] (A) An herbicide that inhibits the groWing point or sequences of tomato invertase; Sogaard et al., (1993) J. Biol.
meristem, such as an imidaZalinone or a sulfonylurea can be Chem. 268: 22480, site-directed mutagenesis of barley
introduced via a transgene. Exemplary transgenes or nucleic ot-amylase nucleic acid; and Fisher et al., (1993) Plant
acids in this category code for mutant ALS or AHAS enZyme Physiol. 102: 1045, maiZe endosperm starch branching
as described, for example, by Lee et al., (1988) EMBO J. 7: enzyme 11).
1241, and Miki et al., (1990) Theor Appl. Genet. 80: 449, [0143] Those skilled in the art Will appreciate that the trans
respectively. genes described above may also be transferred into bitter
[0139] (B) Glyphosate (resistance imparted by mutant melon plants using conventional breeding techniques as
5-enolpyruvl-3 -phosphikimate synthase (EPSP) and aroA knoWn in the art and as described herein.
nucleic acids) and other phosphono compounds such as glu [0144] As a further alternative, the transgene can encode an
fosinate (phosphinothricin acetyl transferase (PAT) and antisense nucleic acid molecule or any other non-translated
Streptomyces hygroscopicus phosphinothricin acetyl trans nucleic acid as knoWn in the art. In a further alternative
ferase (bar) nucleic acids), and pyridinoxy or phenoxy prop embodiment, the transgene effects gene suppression in the
rionic acids and cycloshexones (ACCase inhibitor-encoding host plant.
nucleic acids) can be introduced via a transgene. See, for
example, US. Pat. No. 4,940,835 to Shah et al., Which dis Methods for Bitter Melon Transformation
closes the nucleotide sequence of a form of EPSP Which can
confer glyphosate resistance. A DNA molecule encoding a [0145] Plants can be transformed according to the present
mutant aroA can be obtained under ATCC Accession No. invention using any suitable method knoWn in the art. Intact
39256, and the mutant nucleotide sequence is disclosed in plants, plant tissue, explants, meristematic tissue, protoplasts,
US. Pat. No. 4,769,061 to Comai. European Patent Applica callus tissue, cultured cells, and the like may be used for
tion No.0 333 033 to Kumada et al. and US. Pat. No. 4,975, transformation depending on the plant species and the
374 to Goodman et al. disclose nucleotide sequences encod method employed. Procedures for transforming a Wide vari
ing glutamine synthetase, Which confers resistance to ety of plant species are Well knoWn and routine in the art and
herbicides such as L-phosphinothricin. The nucleotide described throughout the literature. Such methods include,
sequence encoding a phosphinothricin-acetyl-transferase is but are not limited to, transformation via bacterial-mediated
provided in European Application No. 0 242 246 to Leemans nucleic acid delivery, viral-mediated nucleic acid delivery,
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

silicon carbide or nucleic acid Whisker-mediated nucleic acid I. R. (ed.), Cell Culture and Somatic Cell Genetics ofPlants,
delivery, liposome mediated nucleic acid delivery, microin Acad. Press, Orlando, Vol. 1,1984, and Vol. II, 1986). It is
jection, microparticle bombardment, electroporation, sonica knoWn that practically all plants can be regenerated from
tion, in?ltration, PEG-mediated nucleic acid uptake, as Well cultured cells or tissues.
as any other electrical, chemical, physical (mechanical) and/ [0151] Means for regeneration vary from species to species
or biological mechanism that results in the introduction of of plants, but generally a suspension of transformed proto
nucleic acid into the plant cell, including any combination plasts or a petri plate containing transformed explants is ?rst
thereof. General guides to various plant transformation meth provided. Callus tissue is formed and shoots may be induced
ods knoWn in the art include Miki et al. (Procedures for from callus and subsequently root. Alternatively, somatic
Introducing Foreign DNA into Plants in Methods in Plant embryo formation can be induced in the callus tissue. These
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Glick, B. R. and somatic embryos germinate as natural embryos to form
Thompson, J. E., Eds. (CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, 1993), plants. The culture medium Will generally contain various
pages 67-88) and RakoWocZy-TrojanoWska (Cell. Mol. Biol. amino acids and plant hormones, such as auxin and cytoki
Lett. 7:849-858 (2002)). nins. A large number of plants have been shoWn capable of
[0146] Bacterial mediated nucleic acid delivery includes regeneration from transformed individual cells to obtain
but is not limited to DNA delivery by A grobacterium spp. and transgenic Whole plants.
is described, for example, in Horsch et al. (Science 227: 1229 [0152] The regenerated plants are transferred to standard
(1985); Ishida et al. (Nature Biotechnol. 14:745 750 (1996); soil conditions and cultivated in a conventional manner. The
and Fraley et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 80: 4803 (1983)). plants are groWn and harvested using conventional proce
Transformation by various other bacterial species is dures.
described, for example, in Broothaerts et al. (Nature 433:629 [0153] The foregoing methods for transformation may be
633 (2005)). used for producing transgenic inbred lines. Transgenic inbred
[0147] Physical delivery of nucleotide sequences via lines can then be crossed, With another (non-transformed or
microparticle bombardment is also Well knoWn and is transformed) inbred line, in order to produce a transgenic
described, for example, in Sanford et al. (Methods in Enzy hybrid bitter melon plant. Alternatively, a genetic trait that has
mology 217:483-509 (1993)) and McCabe et al. (Plant Cell been engineered into a particular bitter melon line using the
liss. Org. Cult. 33:227-236 (1993)). foregoing transformation techniques can be moved into
[0148] Another method for physical delivery of nucleic another line using traditional backcrossing techniques that
acid to plants is sonication of target cells. This method is are Well knoWn in the plant breeding arts. For example, a
described, for example, in Zhang et al. (Bio/Technology 9:996 backcrossing approach can be used to move an engineered
(1991)). Nanoparticle-mediated transformation is another trait from a non-elite line into an elite bitter melon line, or
method for delivery of nucleic acids into plant cells (Radu et from a hybrid bitter melon plant containing a foreign nucleic
al., .1. Am. Chem. Soc. 126: 13216-13217 (2004); Torney, et al. acid in its genome into a line or lines, Which do not contain
Society for In VlZIO Biology, Minneapolis, Minn. (2006)). that nucleic acid. As used above, crossing can refer to a
Alternatively, liposome or spheroplast fusion can be used to simple X byY cross, or the process of backcrossing, depend
introduce nucleotide sequences into plants. Examples of the ing on the context.
use of liposome or spheroplast fusion are provided, for
example, in Deshayes et al. (EMBO J., 4:2731 (1985), and Products
Christou et al. (Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 84:3962 (1987)). [0154] Bitter melon plants, or parts thereof, of the present
Direct uptake of nucleic acid into protoplasts using CaCl2 invention may be utiliZed in any product containing bitter
precipitation, polyvinyl alcohol or poly-L-omithine is melon and/or bitter melon fruit, including, but not limited to,
described, for example, in Hain et al. (Mol. Gen. Genet. shredded bitter melon, cut bitter melon, ground bitter melon,
199: 161 (1985)) and Draper et al. (Plant Cell Physiol. 23 :451 granulated bitter melon, ?ne particulate bitter melon, poWder
(1982)). Electroporation of protoplasts and Whole cells and bitter melon fruit, dried bitter melon fruit (e.g., freeZe dried,
tissues is described, for example, in Donn et al. (In Abstracts sun dried), bitter melon fruit chips and/or bitter melon extract.
of VHth International Congress on Plant Cell and Tissue Accordingly, some embodiments of the invention provide
Culture [APTC, A2-38, p 53 (1990); DHalluin et al. (Plant bitter melon products produced from the plants of the present
Cell 4:1495-1505 (1992)); Spencer et al. (Plant Mol. Biol. invention, or parts thereof. In further embodiments of the
24:51-61 (1994)) and From et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 82: present invention, the bitter melon product may contain other
5824 (1985)). Polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation is bitter melon varieties or bitter melon types. In still other
described, for example, in PasZkoWski et al. (EMBOJ. 3:2717 embodiments, the bitter melon products of the invention may
2722 (1984)). Microinjection of plant cell protoplasts or contain any other bitter melon type or bitter melon product
embryogenic callus is described, for example, in CrossWay constituents in any form. Additionally, the bitter melon prod
(Mol. Gen. Genetics 202:179-185 (1985)). Silicon carbide ucts of the present invention can include a ?avoring compo
Whisker methodology is described, for example, in DunWell nent or scent, as described beloW.
et al. (Methods Mol. Biol. 111:375-382 (1999)); Frame et al. [0155] The bitter melon plants of the present invention, or
(Plant J. 6:941-948 (1994)); and Kaeppler et al. (Plant Cell parts thereof, can be used to produce bitter melon products
Rep. 9:415-418 (1990)). Wherein the bitter melon products have increased levels of the
[0149] Plant cells, Which have been transformed by any phytomedicines cucurbitacin-B and charantin. The bitter
method knoWn in the art, can also be regenerated to produce melon plants of the invention, or parts thereof, can be used in
intact plants using knoWn techniques. blends With bitter melon from other bitter melon varieties to
[0150] Plant regeneration from cultured protoplasts is make a blended bitter melon product. Thus, the bitter melon
described in Evans et al., Handbook of Plant Cell Cultures, plants of the invention, or parts thereof, can be used to pro
Vol. 1: (MacMilan Publishing Co. NeWYork, 1983); andVasil duce blended bitter melon products With increased levels of
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

cucurbitacin-B and charantin. The bitter melon plants of the Flavorings also can include components that are considered
present invention can also be used for human and/or animal moistening, cooling or smoothening agents, including, but
food products. not limited to, eucalyptus. These ?avors may be provided
[0156] Plant parts that can be collected from the plants of alone or in a composite (e.g., spearmint and menthol, or
the present invention (e.g., cut or harvested) include, but are orange and cinnamon). Representative types of components
not limited to, fruits, seeds, leaves, pollen, embryos, cotyle are also set forth in US. Pat. No. 5,387,416 to White et al. and
dons, hypocotyls, roots, root tips, anthers, ?owers, ovules, PCT Application Publication No. WO 2005/041699 to
shoots, stems, stalks, pith, fruit (e.g., gourd, pepo), wood, etc. Quinter et al., the relevant portions of each of which is incor
[0157] A bitter melon formulation for a bitter melon prod porated herein by reference.
uct can incorporate other components in addition to bitter
melon which can alter the bitterness, sweetness, soumess or INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY
saltiness of the formulation; enhance the perceived dryness or
[0158] This invention is also directed to methods for pro
moistness of the formulation; or the degree of bitter melon
ducing a bitter melon plant by crossing a ?rst parent bitter
taste exhibited by the formulation. Such other components
melon plant with a second parent bitter melon plant wherein
may be salts (e.g., sodium chloride, potassium chloride, either the ?rst or second parent bitter melon plant is a bitter
sodium citrate, potassium citrate, sodium acetate, potassium melon plant of variety CBM12 or a bitter melon plant of
acetate, and the like); natural sweeteners (e.g., fructose, variety CBM12 further comprising one or more additional
sucrose, glucose, maltose, mannose, galactose, lactose, and traits (e.g., single gene traits). Further, both ?rst and second
the like); arti?cial sweeteners (e.g., sucralose, saccharin, parent bitter melon plants can come from CBM12 or a bitter
aspartame, acesulfame K, and the like), organic and inorganic melon plant of variety CBM12 further comprising one or
?llers (e.g., grains, processed grains, puffed grains, malto more traits (e.g., single gene traits). Thus, any such methods
dextrin, dextrose, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, using the bitter melon variety CBM12 or a bitter melon plant
corn starch, lactose, manitol, xylitol, sorbitol, ?nely divided of CBM12 further comprising one or more additional traits
cellulose, and the like); binders (e.g., povidone, sodium car
(e.g., one or more single gene traits) are part of this invention:
boxymethylcellulose and other modi?ed cellulosic types of
binders, sodium alginate, xanthan gum, starch-based binders,
sel?ng, backcrosses, doubled-haploid production, hybrid
production, crosses to populations, and the like. All plants
gum arabic, lecithin, and the like); pH adjusters or buffering produced using bitter melon variety CBM12 or modi?ed
agents (e.g., metal hydroxides, preferably alkali metal variety CBM12 further comprising one or more additional
hydroxides such as sodium hydroxide and potassium hydrox
traits (e.g., one or more single gene traits) as a parent are
ide, and other alkali metal buffers such as potassium carbon
within the scope of this invention.
ate, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and the like); [0159] Advantageously, bitter melon variety CBM12 or
colorants (e.g., dyes and pigments, including caramel color modi?ed variety CBM12 further comprising one or more
ing and titanium dioxide, and the like); humectants (e.g. glyc additional traits (e.g., one or more single gene traits) can be
erin, propylene glycol, and the like); preservatives (e.g., used in crosses with other, different, bitter melon inbreds to
potassium sorbate, and the like); syrups (e.g., honey, high produce ?rst generation (Fl) bitter melon hybrid seeds and
fructose corn syrup, and the like); disintegration aids (e.g., plants with superior characteristics.
microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, crospovi
done, sodium starch glycolate, pregelatiniZed corn starch, and Deposits
the like); antioxidants (e. g., ascorbic acid, grape seed extracts
and oils, polyphenol-containing materials such as green tea [0160] A deposit of at least seeds of bitter melon
extract and black tea extract, peanut endocarb, potato peel, variety CBM12 has been made with the American Type Cul
and the like (See Santhosh et al., Phylomedicine, 122: 1 6-220 ture Collection (ATCC), Manassas, Va. 20110 USA on
(2005); incorporated herein by reference); and ?avoring . The deposit has been assigned ATCC Accession
agents. Flavoring agents may be natural or synthetic, and Number . This deposit of the bitter melon variety
include, but are not limited to, fresh, sweet, herbal, confec CBM12 will be maintained in the ATCC depository, which is
tionary, ?oral, fruity or spice. Speci?c types of ?avors a public depository, for a period of 30 years, or 5 years after
include, but are not limited to, vanilla, coffee, chocolate, the most recent request, or for the effective life of the patent,
cream, mint, spearmint, menthol, peppermint, wintergreen, whichever is longer, and will be replaced if it becomes non
lavender, cardamon, nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, cascarilla, viable during that period. Applicants do not waive any
sandalwood, honey, jasmine, ginger, anise, sage, licorice, infringement of their rights granted under this patent or under
lemon, orange, apple, peach, lime, cherry, and strawberry. the Plant Variety Protection Act (7 USC 2321 et seq.).


Objective description of the varieties.

CBM12 Taiwan White

Species charanria charanria

Subspecies mzm'cala charanria
Kind Gourd Gourd
Type Summer (vegetable marrow) Summer (vegetable marrow)
Mature plant Growth habit Long vines Long vines
Plant type Pilose Pilose
US 2012/0079618 A1 Mar. 29, 2012

TABLE l-continued
Obiective description of the varieties.

CBM12 TaiWan White

Main stem Section shape Angular Angular

Diameter (mm) mid-point of 1st intemode 14 30
Average length (cm) Indeterminate Indeterminate
Average number of nodes Indeterminate Indeterminate
Leaves Blade shape Ovate Ovate
Blade form Deep lobed Deep lobed
Margin Spiny Spiny
Margin edges Flat Flat
Width (cm) 7 9.5
Length (cm) 6 9.5
Leaf surface Smooth Smooth
Dorsal surface pubescence Soft hairy Soft hairy
Ventral surface pubescence Soft hairy Soft hairy
Leaf color Light green Light green
Leaf blotching Not blotched Not blotched
Petiole length (cm) 2 3.5
FloWer- Diameter (cm) 2 4
Pistillate Ovary Fusiform Fusiform
Pedicel length (cm) 5.5 6
Margin shape Curved Curved
Margin edges Plain Plain
Sepal Width (mm) 1 2
Sepal length (mm) 2.5 3
Color Lemon yelloW Lemon yelloW
FloWer- Sepal length (mm) 6 6
Staminate Sepal Width (mm) 3 4
Pedicel length (cm) 3.5 5.75
Color Lemon yelloW Lemon yelloW
Fruit (Market Length (cm) 5.6 17.5
maturity) Width (cm) Widest at middle 9.8 18.6
Average Weight (gm) 3.8 146
Shape according to variety type Hubbard Hubbard
Apex Taper pointed Taper pointed
Base Taper pointed Taper pointed
Ribs None None
Fruit surface With pointed teeth With flat teeth
Warts (teeth) Many Many
Blossom Scar Button Slightly extended Slightly extended
Seed cavity Length (cm) 1.1 1
Width (cm) 0.6 0.65
Location Conforms to fruit shape Conforms to fruit shape
Placental tissue Sparse Sparse
Center core Prominent Prominent
Fruit stalks length (cm) 7 6.5
Diameter (mm) 1 2.5
Cross-section shape Round Round
TWisting Not tWisted Not tWisted
Tapering Tapered Tapered
Straightness Straight Straight
Texture Hard Hard
FurroWs None None
Surface Spiny Rough
Attachment end Slightly expanded Slightly expanded
Detaches With dil?culty With dif?culty
Color Light green Light green
Seeds Length (mm) 12 12
Width (mm) 7 8
Thickness (mm) 2 2.5
Face surface Scaly Scaly
Color Cream Black
Luster Dull Dull
Margin Straight Straight
Margin edge Rounded Rounded
Separation from pulp Moderately easy Moderately easy
gms per 100 seeds 11.9 19.2
No. ofseeds per fruit 3 14
Seed coat Normal Normal

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