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Acta Scientiarum
ISSN printed: 1806-2563
ISSN on-line: 1807-8664
Doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v38i4.28796

Electro-flocculation associated with the extract of Moringa oleifera

Lam as natural coagulant for the removal of reactive blue 5G dye
Bruna Souza dos Santos, Eduardo Eyng*, Paulo Rodrigo Stival Bittencourt, Laercio Mantovani
Frare, der Lisandro de Moraes Flores and Michelle Budke Costa

Programa de Ps-Graduao em Tecnologias Ambientais, Universidade Tecnolgica Federal do Paran, Avenida Brasil, 4232, 85884-000,
Medianeira, Paran, Brazil. *Author for correspondence. Email:

ABSTRACT. Although an important significant sector in world economy, the textile industry is known
for its large volumes of wastewater generated in production processes. In the search for cleaner
technologies, the application of electrochemical processes, such as electro-flocculation, or natural
coagulants, such as Moringa oleifera Lam extract, have become recurrent in literature. Since the required
operating conditions for alternative technologies are such that they hamper effective application, current
paper presents results obtained with the use of a hybrid system of treatment which combines electro-
flocculation and the aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera lam to evaluate the removal of reactive blue 5G dye
from aqueous solutions. Milder conditions of electric current intensity (0.10 1.50 A) and natural
coagulant concentration (250-2000 mg L-1) were tested. Through a Central Composite Rotatable Design, it
was possible to obtain a quadratic model which subsidized the optimization of operating conditions.
Applying an electric current of 0.97 A to sacrificial electrodes of iron and a concentration of 2000 mg L-1 for
the extract of Moringa oleifera Lam, an average 86.79% color removal was obtained, considered a satisfactory
Keywords: textile effluent, electrochemical treatment, optimization.

Aplicao da eletrofloculao associada ao extrato de Moringa oleifera Lam como

coagulante natural para remoo do corante reativo azul 5G
RESUMO. A indstria txtil, apesar de representar um importante setor para a economia mundial,
tambm conhecida pelos grandes volumes de guas residurias geradas no seu processo produtivo. Na
busca por tecnologias mais limpas de tratamento, aplicaes de processos eletroqumicos, como a
eletrofloculao, ou ainda de coagulantes naturais, como o extrato de Moringa Oleifera Lam, tm se tornado
recorrente na literatura. Entretanto, por vezes as condies operacionais exigidas por estas tecnologias
alternativas inviabilizam sua aplicao efetiva. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho apresenta os resultados
obtidos com o emprego de um sistema hbrido de tratamento, conciliando a eletrofloculao adio de
extrato aquoso de Moringa Oleifera Lam, avaliando-se a remoo do corante reativo Azul 5G de solues
aquosas. Foram testadas condies mais brandas de intensidade de corrente eltrica (0,10 1,50 A) e
concentrao de coagulante natural (250 2000 mg L-1). Por meio de um Delineamento Composto Central
Rotacional foi possvel obter um modelo quadrtico, que subsidiou a otimizao das condies
operacionais. Aplicando-se a corrente eltrica de 0,97 A aos eletrodos de sacrifcio de ferro e uma
concentrao de 2000 mg L-1 para o extrato aquoso de Moringa Oleifera Lam foi observada a remoo mdia
de 86,79% da cor, valor considerado satisfatrio.
Palavras-chave: efluente txtil, tratamento eletroqumico, otimizao.

Introduction Among all forms of pollution, one of the most

Societys development and, consequently, progress worrisome is the pollution of water resources. In
in technologies caused a growing concern with the fact, the textile sector is one which most contributes
environment (Brito, Ferreira, & Silva, 2012). In such a towards this problem since it is a generator of
scenario, textile industries are characterized as activity significant amounts of wastes. Further, its effluents
responsible for part of industrial development, or contain dyes which, even at low concentrations, may
rather, while it brings benefits, it is also a causative be highly toxic to living organisms. In fact, they are
agent of environmental degradation (Brito et al., 2012; one of the main sources of water contamination
Bata, Aquino, Silva, & Rabelo, 2012). (Aquino Neto, Magri, Silva, & Andrade, 2011).
Acta Scientiarum. Technology Maring, v. 38, n. 4, p. 483-488, Oct.-Dec., 2016
484 Santos et al.

Textile effluents containing dyes are usually Lam is reported in the literature, but with no
treated by chemical or physical methods. A standardization for the procedure (Arantes
combination of different methods may be employed et al., 2012).
to obtain the desired quality of water on a costs- Therefore, it is believed that the combination of
effects basis. Such methods include flocculation, the above techniques, specifically electro-
flotation, electro-flocculation, membrane filtration, flocculation and the addition of Moringa oleifera Lam
coagulation, electrochemistry, ion exchange, as natural coagulant, may demonstrate an efficiency
precipitation, radiation, ozonisation, among others of the treatment system higher than the use of these
(Srinivasan & Viraraghavan, 2010). In addition, there technologies employed alone. Further, when applied
is also the biological treatment, or rather, the use of individually, the conditions normally employed for
microorganisms for the degradation of different the two techniques are more intense than when
pollutants (zcan, nc, & zcan, 2006). employed within a hybrid treatment system which
However, special emphasis has been given recently aims at milder operating conditions.
to the use of electrochemical processes for the Current assay proposes to contribute to cleaner
treatment of potentially polluting effluents, such as technologies since it aims at efficiency in the
electro-flocculation technique (Cerqueira & removal of pollutants from textile effluents
Marques, 2011). (specifically Reactive Blue 5G dye) by techniques
Electro-flocculation is an electrochemical which are less aggressive to the environment due to
process with four stages: generation of small gas reduction in chemical agents. The assays goal is the
bubbles; contact between the bubbles and application of a hybrid system, or rather, the
suspended particles; adsorption of small gas bubbles combination of electro-flocculation and the addition
on the surface of the particles and rise of particle of the natural coagulant from Moringa oleifera Lam in
bubbles set to a surface. All suspended matter is a batch operating system.
floated, causing bleaching of the liquid. On the
surface, a layer of foam is formed containing floated Material and methods
particles that are easily removed (Aquino Neto
et al., 2011). Unlike conventional processes in which Analytical methodology
the coagulants are added to the effluent in the form The solutions of dyes used have been prepared
of salts, the coagulators (iron or aluminum) in the from the commercial reactive blue 5G dye. Color
electro-flocculation process are added to the evaluation of the samples was carried out by
suspension by the dissolution of the anode, which is Molecular Absorption Spectrophotometer UV-Vis
oxidized due a potential difference application, double beam scanning, PerkinElmer, Lambda 45
which causes the aggregation of particles later model.
removed by sedimentation or filtration (Sasson & Wavelength at which the compound to be
Adin, 2010). quantified absorbs maximum radiation was
In the search for alternative technologies in the determined by scanning along the spectral range of
treatment of textile effluents, some initiatives are interest.
worth mentioning. One of the products which have
been largely studied in coagulation/electro- Preparation of solution of reactive blue 5G dye
flocculation is the Moringa oleifera Lam seed, either in Solutions for the experiments were prepared
natura or as extract. Early scientific studies on the with reactive blue 5G dye at a concentration of
plant as a coagulant were developed in Germany and 50 mg L-1, obtained from the dissolution in distilled
the UK in the 1980s (Arantes, Ribeiro, & Paterniani, water.
2012). Surveys conducted in the 1990s
demonstrated that high molecular weight proteins in Electro-flocculation treatment
Moringa oleifera Lam seeds are responsible for the The electro-flocculation system comprised 1 L
coagulation process (Ndabigengesere, Narasiah, & beaker, magnetic stirrer, direct current source and
Talbot, 1995; Okuda, Baes, Nishijima, & Okada, the sacrificial electrodes of iron, measuring 100 long,
1999). 50 wide and thickness 0.6 mm. Further, 500 mL of
The use of the coagulant agent of Moringa oleifera reactive blue 5G dye solution at 50 mg L-1
Lam presented significant results as a natural concentration were used for each test. The pair of
coagulant and may be considered an alternative electrodes was separated at a distance of
technique for the treatment of water (Santos, approximately 1 cm and the area actually used for
Pereira, Santana, & Silva, 2011). The success of the electro-flocculation measured 2.5 x 10-3 m2. Further,
coagulant solution based on seeds of Moringa oleifera 1 g of sodium chloride was added to the dye
Acta Scientiarum. Technology Maring, v. 38, n. 4, p. 483-488, Oct.-Dec., 2016
Electro-flocculation and moringa for dye removal 485

solution, which provided an average electrical error (calculated from replications on the central
conductivity of 4.230.45 mS cm-1. Figure 1 shows point), and a possibility of adjusting a mathematical
the scheme of the electro-flocculation batch system. model. If this model is statistically validated, the
surface response may be generated and sometimes
the process optimization is possible (Rodrigues &
Iemma, 2009).
According to the CCRD experimental design, 22
factorial runs were executed, coupled to the four
replications on the central point and four runs on
the axial points, totaling 12 runs, in duplicate.
Table 1 shows real values, corresponding to the
study of the variables. The variable codification
followed Equations 1 and 2. The reaction time was
settled for the tests in 5 min.

= 2.0143 1.6114 (1)

= 1.6113 03 1.8129 (2)
Figure 1. Experimental module for the treatment of textile
effluent by electro-flocculation (batch system).

Preparation of aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera Lam Table 1. Real and coded rates corresponding to factors studied.
seed -1.41 -1 0 +1 +1.41
I (A) 0.10 0.30 0.80 1.30 1.50
Moringa oleifera Lam (MO) seeds were obtained in MO (mg L-1) 250.0 504.4 1125.0 1745.6 2000.0
Medianeira, Paran State, Brazil, at 25 17 43 S and
54o 05 38 W, and in Marechal Cndido Rondon,
Five tests, as control (they evaluated the
Paran State, Brazil, at 24o 33 22 S and 54o 03
removal of color without the addition of the
24 W. Seeds were selected according to uniformity,
coagulant), were carried out to verify the actual
size and coloring.
removal of color by the natural coagulant of
First, the husks were removed from MO seeds
Moringa oleifera Lam.
which were macerated manually with a pestle and a
For a better analysis of CCRD, a correction of
homogeneous material was obtained. A pie was
color removal had to be performed since the
produced for the preparation of the coagulant
dilution could mask the color removal
solution at a proportion of 5 g of MO for 100 mL of
results when a significant volume of coagulant
solution using 20% NaCl. The solution was then
extract was added. Correction was done with
agitated for 20 s in an ultrasound device at a
Equation 3.
frequency of 80 kHz to extract the coagulant
proteins from MO seeds. After the extraction stage,
the solution was vacuum-filtered by 3-micron pore = (3)
filter paper. Solution was thus ready for the
coagulation/flocculation tests at a ratio of
50,000 mg L-1 (matrix solution of the coagulant).
RCcorrected = Removal of corrected color.
Experimental design RC = Color removal.
Veffluent = Volume of dye solution used in the test.
A Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD)
Vextract = Volume of coagulant (aqueous extract of
assessed the influence of the variables: electric
Moringa oleifera Lam) added.
current intensity (I) applied to the sacrificial
electrodes and concentration of coagulant added to
Results and discussion
reactive blue 5G dye solution. Response was the
percentage removal of color. The wavelength at which absorption of
Experimental design techniques, such as CCRD, reactive blue 5G dye was highest corresponded to
are very useful for bench scale experiments since the 618 nm, as seen in Figure 2. From these results,
external influences are generally controlled. the other trials were based on the biggest
Furthermore, CCRD provides the experimental absorption wavelength.
Acta Scientiarum. Technology Maring, v. 38, n. 4, p. 483-488, Oct.-Dec., 2016
4 Santos et al.

electric currrent intensityy and the in nteraction of

Moringa oleififera Lam exttract and elecctric current
intensity were
w statisticcally significaant at 5%
(p < 0.05).

Table 3. Colorr removal (%) for control tests.

Run Color Reemoval (%) Meaan (%) Standard
d Deviation (%)
1 9
2 7
3 1
1.66 4.79
4 3.69
4 1
5 3

Table 4. Regreession coefficientss for color removaal (%).

Effects Coefficiients Standard E
Error p value
F 2. Spectru
um scanning of reaactive blue 5G dyee.
Mean 66.6654 3.69466 1.9E-06
I(I^2) --27.0834 -13.54417 2.93311 0.0036
Table 2 sh
hows the codedd values of 12 runs, with I 4
47.9441 23.9721 2.61644 9.5E-05
t respectivee values of thee response varriable color I(MO^2) -0.3516 -0.17558 2.93311 0.9541
MO 7.9573 3.978
87 2.61644 0.1792
removal afterr treatment oof dye solutio on by the I:MO -
-19.8038 -9.9019 3.69477 0.0365
h system
m. Removal p percentage of color was
d b comparing post-treatmen
by nt samples
and pre-treatm
ment aqueous dye solutions,, at 618 nm
absorbance. The
T data are m mean values, since runs
w performeed in duplicatee.

T 2. Results for color removal by hybrid treatment system.
R I MO Color Removal (%) Standard Deviation
D (%)
1 -1 +1 41.56 0.86
2 +1 +1 77.92 0.05
3 -1 -1 4.84 0.04
4 +1 -1 80.81 1.09
5 0 0 64.26 0.05
6 0 0 67.19 0.36
7 0 0 66.89 0.25
8 0 0 68.28 0.19
9 +1.41 0 69.39 1.07
10 -1.41 0 13.45 0.18
11 0 +1.411 67.25 0.17 Figure 3. Parreto Chart for color
c removal prrocess, with 5%
12 0 -1.41 68.73 0.44

Table 2 deemonstrates tthe removal of o the final Analyzed d for the Color
C Removaal response,
color, rangingg between 133.45 and 80.881%. Since Table 5 revealed
r that regression was highly
t mean rate of color removal for co ontrol tests significant (p < 0.05). Moreover,
M thee coefficient
w 4.79% (Table 3), the efficienccy of the of determin nation showeed a good ad djustment to
coagulant an nd electro-flo occulation of samples experimental data, wiith a rate of 0.9506.
analyzed mu ust be underrscored. It should s be Equation 4 shows the maathematic mode for Color
p out that,
t for the analysis of results, the Removal. The
T response surface mayy be seen in
removal of th he final color has been corrrected for Figure 4.
t volume off the coagulan nt used.
Table 4 and Figuree 3 show regression 654 13.5417
= 66.66 7 + 23.9721
coefficients calculated
c for a quadratic model. It 0.1758 + 3.9787 9.9019 .
may be observeed that the linear and quadratiic term of
T 5. Analysiss of variance for co
olor removal respo
Source of Variation Sum
m of Squares Degrees of freed
dom Mean
n squares Fcalcuulated Ftabulated F0.05;5;6 p value
R 6307.0 5 1261.4 23..1 4.39 0.0007
R 327.6 6 54.6
T 6634.6 11

A Scientiarum
m. Technology M
Maring, v. 38, n.. 4, p. 483-488, O
Oct.-Dec., 2016
Electro-flocculation and moringa for dye removal 487

color in a wider range, taking into account the

optimal region obtained, was validated.
Table 6 shows the operational conditions of the
validation model test and its results. The average
removal of color obtained reached 86.79%, albeit a
high error rate (15%). The experimentally removal
of the color was higher than the one predicted by
the model.
Several studies may be currently found in the
literature related to the implementation of electro-
flocculation. These experiments employed the
technique under different conditions of treatment to
evaluate the efficiency process of the parameters
(Harif & Adin, 2007).
Although in the case of Moringa oleifera Lam,
several authors have investigated the potential use of
Figure 4. Graph of response surface for color removal. its seeds, obtaining a coagulant solution has been
reported in a great number of ways (Arantes
Validation model tests of color removal from reactive et al., 2012).
blue 5G dye solution treated by a hybrid system Some studies of these techniques are mentioned
Analysis of response surface determined the in Table 7 so that results could be compared.
optimal process conditions that provided the Based on these studies, treatment by electro-
maximum color removal of reactive blue 5G flocculation associated with the coagulant potential
solution dye, when the hybrid treatment system of Moringa oleifera Lam is an alternative from the
comprising electro-flocculation and natural technical-economic-environmental viability point of
coagulant Moringa oleifera Lam extract was applied. view. Two promising technologies of textile effluent
These conditions were determined by solving the treatment may be employed based on the hybrid
partial derivatives of the model, whose Equations system, using milder operating conditions, i.e. to
were equated to zero, resulting in coded values of enhance the level of treatment that would be
0.35 for I and 1.46 for MO. However, since optimal achieved with the techniques when used alone. The
value of MO extrapolated the range of study, the percentage removals achieved in current study were
nearest value at 1.41 was employed. Therefore, the similar to those found by other researchers
model confirming experimentally the removal of the (see Table 7).
Table 6. Results of validation model tests.
Run I MO Color Removal [Experimental (%)] Color Removal [Predicted (%)] Error (%)
1 87.48
2 80.91
+0.5 (0.97 A) +1.41 (2000 mg L-1) 73.77 15.00
3 91.99
Mean 86.79

Table 7. Methods for the treatment of textile effluents.

Treatment Effluent/ Coagulant Operational Conditions Removal (%) Ref.
Electrolysis time: 15-45 min
COD (88.3%)
Electro-flocculation Textile Industrial laundry Initial pH: 3-11 (Palcio et al., 2009)
Color (100%)
Electric current density: 28.6-142.9 A m-2
Color (95%)
Electric current intensity: 0.4-5 (A) (Cerqueira, Russo, &
Electro-flocculation Textile industrial effluent Turbidity (100%)
Iron and Aluminum Electrodes Marques, 2009)
COD (87%)
- Supply water and Turbidity 2 hours
(Lo Monaco, Matos, Ribeiro,
wastewater; Coagulant concentration: sedimentation (22.3%)
Coagulation/ Flocculation Nascimento, & Sarmento,
- Coagulant from Moringa 0,02-1.2 g L-1 Turbidity 24 hours
oleifera lam sedimentation (35.3%)
- Effluent from jeans
(Strher, Couto Junior,
industrial laundry Coagulant concentration: Color (80.33%)
Coagulation/ Flocculation Menezes, Bergamasco, &
- Coagulant from Moringa 1400-2600 mg L-1 Turbidity (91.10%)
Pereira, 2012)
oleifera lam
- Reactive Blue 5G Dye
Electric current intensity: 0.97 A
Electro-flocculation associated solution;
Iron Electrodes Coagulant Color (86.79%) Current paper
to Coagulation/Flocculation - Coagulant from Moringa
concentration: 2000 mg L-1
oleifera lam.

Acta Scientiarum. Technology Maring, v. 38, n. 4, p. 483-488, Oct.-Dec., 2016

488 Santos et al.

Conclusion Harif, T., & Adin, A. (2007). Characteristics of aggregates

formed by electroflocculation of a colloidal
Effluents generated by the textile industry have suspension. WaterResearch, 41(13), 2951-2961.
large amounts of non-biodegradable organic Lo Monaco, P. A. V., Matos, A. T., Ribeiro, I. C. A.,
compounds, resulting from the incomplete fixation Nascimento, F. S., & Sarmento, A. P. (2010).
of dyes to the fibers. Cleaner treatment technologies Utilizao de extrato de sementes de moringa como
may be an alternative to conventional methods used, agente coagulante no tratamento de gua para
such as electro-flocculation associated with natural abastecimento e guas residurias. Revista Ambiente &
coagulant Moringa oleifera Lam extract. To enhance gua, 5(3), 222-231.
treatment level, the two techniques were associated Ndabigengesere, A., Narasiah, K. S., & Talbot, B. G.
(1995). Active agents and mechanism of coagulation of
in a batch system and an average 86.79% efficiency
turbid waters using Moringa oleifera. Water Research,
of color removal was obtained for the optimum 29(2), 703-710.
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The hybrid treatment system, under milder (1999). Improvement of extraction method of
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excellent color removal, subsidizing the seed. Water Research, 33(15), 3373-3378.
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onto DEDMA-sepiolite. Journal of Hazardous Materials,
Acknowledgements 129(1), 244-252.
Palcio, S. M., Espinoza-Quinones, F. R., Mdenes, A.
The authors would like to thank the Fundao N., Oliveira, C. O. C., Borba, F. H., & Silva Junior, F.
Araucria and the Fundao Parque Tecnolgico G. (2009). Toxicity assessment from electro-
Itaip Brasil. Thanks are also due to CNPq for its coagulation treated-textile dye wastewaters by
financial support. bioassays. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 172(1),
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License information: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Electroflocculation for textile wastewater treatment. Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(4), 659-668. and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Acta Scientiarum. Technology Maring, v. 38, n. 4, p. 483-488, Oct.-Dec., 2016

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