Rock Salt

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Rock Salt

By N.Ananth
Rock Salt
Rock salt is obtained from Salt Mines similar
to Coal from Coal mines.
The salt is in the form of a rock and is called
Rock Salt
Rock salt mines are located in Mandi District
in Himachal Pradesh.(Estd deposits-116
million MT)
Hindustan Salt Limited, Govt.of India, is
authorised to mine.
Rock Salt from Himalayan Source from India
and Pakistan are called Himalayan Salt.
The Famous Khewra Salt Mines are located in
Jhelum Dist, Punjab,Pakistan
Rock Salt
Rock Salt is also known as Saindha Namak,
Saindhalun, Induppu, etc.,
The colour of the salt changes with the
composition of the trace minerals,
predominantly Iron; varies from white, pink,
brown to dark red
It is used in the preparations of Ayurvedic
medicines and in the traditional culinary
Typical Rock Salt Composition of
Hindustan Salts Ltd.,
S.No Characteristic Contents
1. Sodium Chloride (as Nacl) Persent by 67.81
2. Matter insoluble Percent by weight 31.23
3. Calcium Bicarbonates Percent by weight 0.35
4. Magnesium Sulphate Percent by weight 0.04
5. Calcium sulphate Percent by weight 0.26
6. Sodium Sulphate Percent by weight 0.31
Rock (Himalayan) Salt in Indian

Edible Rock Salt brands available in India

Export of Rock Salt from India
S.No Month Qty (Kg) Total Value Total Value Unit Rate
(INR) lakhs (USD) (INR) FOB

1 April 2015 3070 1.92 3096 62.60

2 May 2015 6820 2.87 3443 42.00

3 June 2015 6953 4.17 6567 60.00

Exports mostly to USA,Canada,Australia, Singapore

Import of Rock Salt to India
S.No Month Qty (Kg) Total Value Total Value Unit Rate
(INR) lakhs (USD) (INR) FOB

1 April 2015 20000 3.20 5079 16.00

2 May 2015 24000 2.97 4611 12.30

3 June 2015 NIL

Imports were from Pakistan

Rock Salt Lampshades are made
Lamp Shades from Himalayan Rock Salt.
The use of lamps with Rock
Salt lamp shades is
believed to reduce the
impact of electronic
gadgetry like Computers
The Lamp shade makers
and traders are located
mainly in Punjab and
Thank You

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