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Rite Publishing Presents

By Steven D. Russell
Rite Publishing Presents:

10 Anti-Paladin Magic Items

Mordred (Design, Development, Layout):
Steven D. Russell
Skurge The Executioner (Editor): Daniel Douglas
The Black Night (Cover Artist):
Nick Deligaris
Paladins of Slaughter (Interior Artwork):
Fadly Romdhani, Nick Deligaris, and Skoeger
Dirty Squire
Squire (Publisher): Steven D. Russell

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See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not
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10 Anti-Paladin Magic Items 2013 Steven D. Russell, Open Gaming License Copyright 2007
Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved, Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used
under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more
information on the compatibility license. Some rights reserved. The image on the cover and page 4 by Nick Deligaris and the image
on page 1 by Fadly Romdhani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. The image on page 6 by Skoeger is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Spiteful: Three times per day, a spiteful armor or
shield can as an immediate action, inflict an anti-
paladins touch of corruption and his cruelty class
features upon a creature that makes a successful melee
attack against the wearer. This consumes a use per day
of the anti-paladins touch of corruption class feature, if
he has no uses per day he cannot make use of this
Faint necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and
Armor; spite (See the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game:
Advanced Players Guide); Price +2 bonus.

Tormenting: A tormenting weapon inflicts wracking

pains that impose a 2 circumstance penalty on attack
rolls, skill checks, and ability checks to living creatures
upon on a successful hit unless a successful Will save
(DC 10+ the wielders anti-paladin class level + the
wielders Cha modifier) is made. Anti-paladins draw
power from inflicting this torment upon their foes, so if
the opponent fails its save the anti-paladin gains a +2
circumstance bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, and
ability checks. This effect lasts for 1 minute. A creature
that makes its save against this effect is immune to the
same tormenting weapons ability for 24 hours.
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and
Armor; crushing despair; Price +1 bonus.

Boots of the Craven

simply standing on a solid non-slick surface that is
Aura strong transmutation; CL 10th
not near an edge.
Slot feet; Price 500 gp (lesser), 6,500 gp (greater)
Greater: As an immediate action you latch on tight
9,500 gp (superior) Weight -
when larger creatures use melee attacks against
you. When your target opponent (who must be a
These appear to be light leather sandals with thread of
larger size category) uses a melee attack against
gold stitching.
you, you adhere to the attacking appendage or
Some anti-paladins are cravens at heart, hiding in the
weapon. While you are latched on, you gain a +4
shadows of others, holding on to massive opponents for
bonus to hit and damage (you do not lose your
dear life, and stepping all over friend and foe alike so
dexterity, dodge, or shield bonuses to your armor
that they dont fall and can continue on their ascent to
class). The creature can dislodge you by performing
dominance. The wearer of these boots gains a number of
a successful combat maneuver or Escape Artist
abilities based on what version of the item he possess,
check (DC equal to your CMD +4) as a standard
the greater versions of the boots possess all the abilities
of the lesser versions.
Superior: You sacrifice your move action each
Lesser: As an immediate action if you are about to
round and move inside the arc of an adjacent
fall or you are falling and there is a creature
opponents attacks and move as they move so that it
adjacent to you, you can grab hold of that creature
is harder for your opponent and her allies can get a
and stop your fall, this may dislodge the other
direct bead on you. You move into that opponents
creature and cause it to fall or suffer your falling
square and you gain the benefit of cover against all
damage instead (subject to GM adjudication). To
attacks so long as they are at least your size category
avoid being dislodged or suffering the falling
or larger. Attacks that miss you have a 50% chance
damage instead, the other creature must make a
of striking the targeted opponent. You can now
successful Climb or Acrobatics check (DC equal to
choose to move with your opponent when they do,
10 + your anti-paladin class level + your Cha
so long as you have movement remaining though all
modifier). You cannot dislodge a creature that is
your other actions occur during the normal

initiative order. The creature can dislodge you by Gauntlets of the Abductor
performing a successful combat maneuver or
Escape Artist check (DC equal to your CMD +4) as a Aura strong (conjuration); CL 13th
standard action. Slot hands; Price 20,800 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Construction Description
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, haste, These dark steel gloves display a motif of a guillotine
Cost 250 gp (lesser), 3,250 gp (greater) 4,750 gp executing a victim.
(superior); These gauntlets can only target a special abductee, an
abductee is a creature that is denied its Dexterity
bonus to its AC and has a number of Hit Dice equal to or
Bracers of Vile Tactics less than half the wearers anti-paladin class level. Once
Aura Moderate (transmutation); CL 6th; per day, if an anti-paladin wearer has line of sight to an
Slot wrists; Price 10,500 gp (lesser), 13,500 gp abductee within 400 ft. + 40 ft./anti-paladin class
(greater), 16,500 gp (superior); Weight level; the wearer can as an immediate action, teleport
Description that creature along with any attended objects that dont
These dark steel bracers have sharpened spikes and exceed the targets maximum load to an open square the
little spring loaded compartments for the storing of wearer threatens. The abductee receives a Will Save
small concealable items, including a spring loaded (DC 10+ the wearers anti-paladin class level + the
knife. wearers Cha modifier) to negate this effect. If the target
The wearer of these bracers gains a number of abilities fails its save, the target abductee is rendered helpless
based on what version of the ring he possess, the greater (for 1 min. per anti-paladin class level) and the wearer
the versions of the rings possess all the abilities of the now has a readied action to perform a melee attack
lesser version. against the helpless abductee that will inflict a coup de
Lesser Ring: The wearer does not provoke an attack grce.
of opportunity when performing a dirty trick Special: The wearer lose the benefits of this magic
combat maneuver. In addition, the wearer receives items effects if the wearer is afflicted with a detrimental
a +4 bonus on checks made to attempt a dirty trick condition or the wearer is distracted after the user has
(this does not stack with the bonus granted by teleported the abductee (the victim, is no longer helpless
Improved Dirty Trick or Greater Improved Dirty and is not subject to the coup de grce. Final
Trick). Whenever the wearer successfully performs determination is left to the judgment of the GM.) Anti-
a dirty trick, the penalty lasts for 1 round, plus 1 paladins often use this item to take their foes loved ones
round for every anti-paladin class level the wearer hostages, either to perform cruel executions in front of
possesses (rather than being based on the result of their foes or to negotiate their way out of a losing battle,
the check). In addition, removing the condition forcing their foes to ready some desperate act of heroics
requires the target to spend a standard action. or give in to the anti-paladins demands.
Greater Ring: The wearer can perform a Construction
single dirty trick combat maneuver in place of one Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, greater teleport,
of his melee attacks (including an attack of Cost 10,400 gp;
opportunity). The wearer must choose the melee
attack with the highest base attack bonus to make Overlords Helm
the dirty trick combat maneuver.
Aura faint (necromancy); CL 3rd;
Superior Ring: While using the smite evil class
Slot head; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
feature, as a swift action at the start of the wearers
turn, he can forgo the bonus on damage rolls and
This dark steel helm bears a wicked or cruel image
instead gain half that bonus as a bonus on a dirty
often that of some fiends face or deaths head.
trick combat maneuver checks against the target of
Three times per day as a swift action, the wearer of this
his smite. The effects of his smite evil feature return
helm can inflict his touch of corruption and cruelty class
to normal at the start of the wearers next turn.
features as a gaze attack against one target within a
range of 30 ft. This consumes a use per day of the anti-
Requirements Adept Champion, Forge Ring, Greater
paladins touch of corruption class feature, if he has no
Dirty Trick, Improved Dirty Trick, and Quick Dirty
uses per day he cannot make use of this ability.
Trick, Cost 5,250 gp (lesser), 6,750 gp (greater), 8,250
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Reach Spell,
gp (superior);
touch of corruption and cruelty class feature, Cost 1,500

Ring of Betrayal During you turn if you have attempted a dishonorable
attack you can as a swift action, choose to gain a +2
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 10th profane bonus to your AC plus damage reduction 9/-
Slot ring; Price 50,000 gp; Weight until the beginning of your next turn. Dishonorable
Description attacks include all ranged attacks, sneak attacks,
These curious ring always come in pairs. A ring of ambushes, poison use, subtle magical attacks (subject to
betrayal is indistinguishable from a ring of friend shield GM adjudication), and attempts to attack a helpless,
until it is worn by an anti-paladin. A ring of surprised, or massively and obviously outclassed
betrayal without its mate is useless. Either wearer of one opponents (CR is 7 or greater than the wearers current
of a pair of the rings can, at any time, command his ring character level, etc.). The wielder can use this ability for
to cast a shield other spell with the wearer of the mated a number of rounds per day equal to his anti-paladin
ring as the recipient. This effect has no range limitation. class level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
If a ring of betrayal is worn by an anti-paladin, he can Construction
command the mated ring to cast a shield other spell as Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, protection from
an immediate action with the anti-paladin as the good, Cost 6,250 gp
recipient, the wearer of the mated ring cannot dismiss
the effect. The first time this is done the mated ring
becomes cursed and requires a spell or effects that can
eliminate a bestow curse, in order to be removed.

Legacy Item
Forge Ring, bestow curse, shield other; Cost 25,000 gp.

Tabard of Malicious Metamagic

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th
Slot chest; Price 1,000 gp (lesser), 3,750 gp (greater), They are known by many names, Legendary Weapons,
7, 500 gp (superior); Weight Relics of the Godlings, but in Questhaven they are
Description referred to as Legacy Items, these minor artifacts can
This tabard is made of a strange type of cloth that increase in power as their wielder does when the proper
displays whatever heraldry, holy symbol or sigil the ritual is performed along with the correct sacrifice. This
wearer desires. rouses the legacy item to its true glory. One cannot
When an anti-paladin wearing this tabard prepares a enchant the items further until it has reached its full
spell with the chaos or evil descriptor modified by a potential but once reaching that plateau a wielder is free
metamagic feat, it reduces the effective spell level to enchantment the item adding something of his own
increase of any metamagic feat by 1 (to a minimum of experience to its final legacy.
+0, it still increases the casting time of spontaneously
cast spells). Harnskarr
Harnskarr The Vicious Storm
A greater mantle grants a single bonus metamagic feat Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th
that can be used only to modify anti-paladin spells with Slot held; Weight -
the chaos or evil descriptor, a superior mantle grants
two bonus metamagic feats that can be used only to Physical Description
modify anti-paladin spells with the chaos or evil This sinister curved greatsword is forged of the red and
descriptor. purple metal known as deed breaker, with veins of
Construction eldritch power running down its length amid which you
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, the proper can find small ovals, like pools of blood. The hand guard
metamagic feat (or any one for the lesser mantle) Cost is polished to a bright silver sheen, shaped like sweeping
500 gp (lesser), 1,875 gp (greater), 3,750 gp (superior); knives along the blade, with deaths heads fanged skulls
decorating the upper portion of the guard, at the center
Vestments of Ill Repute is a single bloodstone inset in the mouth of a skull. The
Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th swords grip is wrapped in cloth of silver, covering spiral
Slot body; Price 12,500 gp; Weight lbs. grooves, while the pommel has a single pointed end like
Description yet another fang.
This dark black vestment of the coarsest wool has a
pattern of red splotches forming a pattern like
splattered blood. .

Omen: The Vicious Storm is by far its most well-known
Legacy items have a heritage and only certain epithet. The wyrd mystic theurgist Iron Star Illith of Our
individuals favored by fate, bloodlines, or simple good Grand Wright of Heaven, the most celebrated living
fortune (individuals chosen by the GM) can gain their weaponsmith in all of Questhaven and its Protectorate,
benefits. These individuals cause an effect known as an forged this blade in his dreams with the assistance of
anointing showing the legacy item and the creature Kahrvass Fleymbrow, Smith of Burning Desire, while
share a heritage and hence can awaken the item. A sign within the Tarnished Souk on the plane of dreams. The
of Ill-omen is always a feeling of wrongness and wyrd is so wealthy he no longer forges blades for coin
bestows one permanent negative level on any creature alone, requiring an interesting challenge or client to stir
attempting to attend the item; those attempting to wield him to work, he has been known to send uninteresting
it gain two negative levels. The negative levels remain as would be clients on perilous quests before he will forge
long as the creature attends the item and disappear their weapon To make them interesting enough for the
when it is no longer attended. These negative glorious Iron Star Illith to forge a weapon for. Illith
levels cannot be overcome in any way (including forged the blade at the request of a human member of
by restoration spells) while the item is attended. Unlike the Sisters of the Savage Storm known as Sister Syndyn,
normal negative levels if a creature's negative levels who was fighting in the Coliseum Morpheuon for The
bestowed by a legacy items omen equal or exceed its Kahn of Nightmares. After failing to defeat Sir Unger
total Hit Dice, it does not die. Thornes West Guard the remaining Sisters of the
If the proper creature (determined by the GM) attends Savage Storm were all slain by The Khan of Nightmares
this legacy item, it is anointed; feeling a sense of threw their bodies and all their belongings including
rectitude a bestial roar echoing in its ears along with Harnskarr into a planar maelstrom of The Slumbering
the smell of freshly spilt blood. Sea.

Lore: Abilities:
Knowledge (arcana, planar, or local) DC 15: When first encountered in its unawakened state this +1
The Orcs of Steelcrag refer to this as Gijakjarn The deed breaker greatsword grants a +5 competence
Blade of Bloodiron the dark fey of the Solstice Court bonus to Intimidate checks. When the wielder reaches
call it Adinagh Monstrous Ending, the ironborn name or exceeds a certain level, he learns of a specific ritual,
it Tiamats Tooth, but its draconic name Harnskarr he can perform along with what materials are required

to perform it. Each ritual requires 1 hour to perform,
after this ritual is performed that special quality is
Deed Breaker
awakened with the item gaining that ability. This fantastic red and purple metal is hated and
despised by most of the humanoid races, and especially
Level Special Ability Component Cost those who style themselves adventurers, as it has a
3rd Maiming 2,000 gp deeply disturbing effect on abilities gained through
6th +2 smiting 10,000 gp experience rather than natural gifts.
8th conductive 10,000 gp HP/inch: 30
10th tormenting burst 32,000 gp Hardness: 10
12th +3 curse of undeath 70,000 gp Cost: ammunition +60 gp (per missile), weapon
15th +5 damnations 172,400 gp +3,000 gp
reaver Cost (Longer Wording): The disconcerting ability of
this material causes it to disrupt a humanoids class
abilities. Once per day the first time a humanoid with a
Maiming: At 3rd level, the wielder learns the ritual that
class ability is damaged by weapons made of this
awakens this ability; this ritual requires consumable
material, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the
components worth 2,000 gp. When the wielder deals
wielders base attack bonus + one of the wielders ability
damage with this weapon that would kill his opponent
modifiers that modified the attack roll) or have its
he can instead choose to withhold that damage and
highest level class ability (not including spells)
instead leave a vicious unhealable scar, permanently
suppressed for 1 minute. Only a failed saving throw
blind her (or only take one eye), or remove an
consumes the use per day of this ability, but the same
appendage, which leaves your opponent at -1 hp. To
weapon will not affect the same creature again for 24
repair this damage magically requires a successful caster
hours. Weapons not primarily made of metal are not
level check (DC 15 + the wielders anti-paladin class
meaningfully affected by being partially made of this
level); if a caster fails, an attempt cannot be made again
special material (a longsword can be a deed breaker
until that caster gains an additional caster level.
weapon, while a quarterstaff cannot). The market value
of ammunition is increased by 120 gp per missile, and
+2 Smiting: At 6th level, the wielder learns the ritual
weapons by 6,000 gp.
that awakens this ability this ritual requires consumable
components worth 10,000 gp. This weapon
enhancement bonus increase to +2 and grants an
additional use of smite good each day and deals an extra
+2 points of smite damage with each smite attack. Tormenting Burst: At 10th level, the wielder learns
the ritual that awakens this ability this ritual requires
Conductive: At 8th level, the wielder learns the ritual consumable components worth 32,000 gp. A
that awakens this ability this ritual requires consumable tormenting burst weapon functions as a tormenting
components worth 10,000 gp. A conductive weapon is weapon (see above) that also grants an additional effect
able to channel the energy of a spell- upon striking a successful critical hit. In addition to the
like or supernatural ability that relies on a melee or penalty from the tormenting ability, a tormenting burst
ranged touch attack to hit its target (such as from an weapon inflicts wracking pains that impose a -4 penalty
anti-paladins touch of corruption class feature). When (these penalties do stack) on attack rolls, skill checks,
the wielder makes a successful melee attack with this and ability checks to living creatures unless they make
weapon, he may choose to expend two uses of his successful a Will save (DC 10+ the wielders anti-
magical ability to channel it through the weapon to the paladin class level + the wielders Cha modifier). Anti-
struck opponent, which suffers the effects of both the paladins draw power from inflicting this torment upon
weapon attack and the special ability. For example, their foes so if the opponent fails its save the anti-
an anti-paladin who strikes a living opponent with paladin gains a circumstance bonus to attack rolls, skill
her conductive greatsword can expend two uses of her checks, and ability checks equal to this penalty (this
touch of corruption ability (a supernatural melee touch bonus does not stack). This effect lasts for 1 hour. A
attack) to deal both greatsword damage and damage creature that makes its save against this effect is
from one use of touch of corruption. This weapon immune to the same tormenting weapons effect for 24
special ability can only be used once per round, and only hours but not its tormenting burst effect (a new save
works with magical abilities of the same type as the must be made each time).
weapon (melee). If the weapon's critical multiplier is 3, change the
penalty to -5, and if the multiplier is 4, change the
circumstance penalty to -6. Even if the tormenting

ability is not active, the weapon still inflicts the instantaneously, and thus continue to exist even if the
circumstance penalty on a successful critical hit. curse that created them is removed. Any effect that can
remove a bestow curse spell can remove this effect, but
+3 Curse of Undeath: At 12th level, the wielder learns it must be cast before the creature rises into unlife.
the ritual that awakens this ability this ritual requires
consumable components worth 21,600 gp. Creatures +5 Damnations Reaver: At 15th level, the wielder
damaged by this weapon must make a successful Will learns the ritual that awakens this ability this ritual
Save (DC 10+ the wielders anti-paladin class level + requires consumable components worth 48,000 gp.
the wielders Cha modifier), or suffer 2 points of When wielded by an anti-paladin, this profane weapon
Constitution drain each hour and rise again as an provides spell resistance of 12 + the anti-paladin's class
undead creature after death. Should the subject die level to the wielder and any ally adjacent to him. It also
while under the effect of this curse, attempts at reviving enables the anti-paladin to use greater dispel
the creature through spells such as raise dead and magic (once per day as a standard action) at the class
resurrection fail (though true resurrection will work). level of the anti-paladin.
In 1d4 rounds, the creature instead rises as an undead.
The type of undead creature is determined by the GM, Destruction
but it should include an undead template appropriate Harnskarr The Vicious Storm can be broken, but it
for the creature. Created undead are not under the cannot be ruined unless a redeemed anti-paladin
control of the wielder but they will not attack him. sunders it with a holy avenger.
Undead created by this spell are created

Curse of Undeath

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason
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independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
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