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Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

J. Robert Flores, Administrator June 2004

Of fice of Justice Pr ograms • Par tnerships for Safer Communities •

Detection and Prevalence

of Substance Use Among A Message From OJJDP
Research indicates that many juve-

Juvenile Detainees niles who enter detention facilities

have used drugs. To provide effec-
tive deterrence and treatment for
such youth, juvenile justice authori-
ties need reliable information on
Gary M. McClelland, Linda A. Teplin, and Karen M. Abram substance use problems. While
questioning detainees about their
Identifying and responding to juvenile Crowe, 1998; Bilchik, 1998; Cocozza, 1992;
drug use does not necessarily pro-
substance use and abuse are central to Teplin, 2001).
duce valid results, alternative meth-
the mission of the juvenile justice system.
The Northwestern Juvenile Project is a ods of testing for drugs also have
The reasons are clear: shortcomings.
study of 1,829 juveniles sampled from
◆ Of the approximately 2.4 million juvenile intake at the Cook County Juvenile Tem- Using data from the Northwestern
arrests each year, more than 203,000 porary Detention Center in Chicago, IL. Juvenile Project’s study of high-risk
are for drug charges (Snyder, 2002). Researchers gathered extensive self-report youth detained in Cook County, IL,
As of October 27, 1999, nearly 109,000 data on substance use and collected urine the authors of this Bulletin assess
juvenile offenders were in custody in samples for drug analysis. This Bulletin two widely used measures of drug
juvenile residential placement facili- describes the self-report and urinalysis use: self-reporting and urinalysis.
ties; approximately 9,880 of these youth findings, with the goal of providing practi- Their assessment covers a range of
(9 percent) were held for drug charges cal guidance for juvenile justice policy- substances but focuses on cannabis
(Sickmund, forthcoming). makers and administrators planning drug and cocaine, the drugs most com-
◆ Many youth in the justice system have detection and treatment programs. monly used by juvenile detainees.
a substance use disorder (Atkins et al., The Bulletin has four sections. The first The study confirms a high rate of
1999; Gray and Wish, 1998; Marsteller presents background information on the drug use among juvenile detainees
et al., 1997; Teplin et al., 2002), and many effects of substance use and abuse on ado- and identifies detainees who require
more regularly use illicit substances lescent development, demonstrating the special attention. The authors con-
(Crowe, 1998; Dembo et al., 1993, 1999; significant role of this factor in delinquen- clude that because cannabis use is
Feucht, Stephens, and Walker, 1994; cy. The second section reviews literature so common and often leads to more
Kang, Magura, and Shapiro, 1994). on the measurement of illicit substance serious drug use, most youth enter-
ing detention can be considered at
Juveniles are not likely to be candid about use in detained and securely confined juve-
risk of developing substance abuse
their use of drugs and, like adult detainees, nile populations and assesses the state
problems. The study’s findings
juveniles in detention are especially reti- of the science. The third section presents indicate that the best approach to
cent. Juvenile justice authorities should, empirical findings from the Northwestern detecting substance abuse is to
therefore, be prepared to identify sub- Juvenile Project on the relative merits of combine self-reporting with urinaly-
stance use problems among detainees and self-report and urinalysis measures and sis and also use other resources
to use this information to provide treat- on the prevalence of illicit substance use such as treatment and drug arrest
ment and diversion (Gray and Wish, 1998; among detained juveniles by age, gender, histories and information from
families and schools.

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race/ethnicity, and type of substance. The 1990; Rutter, 1996; Yamaguchi and instrument, or a face-to-face interview.
final section discusses the implications of Kandel, 1984a, 1984b). Bioassay, or biological measurement, can
these findings. ◆ Beginning substance use and abuse in be done with various tissues and fluids.
early adolescence is associated with: No gold standard exists for assessment
The authors conclude that presently there
of substance use. Each method has its
is no single reliable method for detecting ❖ More serious delinquency and longer strengths and weaknesses.
substance use and abuse among juvenile deviant careers (Moffitt, 1993a; Crad-
detainees. The best approach to reliable dock, Collins, and Timrots, 1994;
assessment uses a combination of existing Self-Report
Harrison and Gfroerer, 1992; Brook
methods, together with information from et al., 1996; Loeber, Stouthamer- Self-report is the least expensive, most
a range of other sources that indicate a Loeber, and White, 1999). easily administered method of assessing
youth’s involvement with drugs. substance use. For this reason, large
❖ Antisocial personality disorders national studies rely on self-report data
in later life (Myers, Stewart, and to generate prevalence rates of substance
Background: Substance Brown, 1998; van den Bree, Svikis, use (Craddock, Collins, and Timrots, 1994;
and Pickens, 2000).
Use in Adolescent Harrison and Gfroerer, 1992; Golub et al.,
❖ More numerous risk behaviors 2002; U.S. Department of Health and Human
Development (Elliott and Morse, 1989; Pedersen Services, 1996). For self-report data to be
Drug use is implicated in a number of and Hegna, 2003; Duncan, Strycker, valid, subjects must understand the ques-
developmental problems in adolescence: and Duncan, 1999). tions, accurately recall the information
poor academic performance (Lynskey and requested, and disclose information hon-
Fergusson, 1995; McCluskey et al., 2002), ◆ Substance abuse is associated with
poor academic performance (McCluskey estly (Lessler and O’Reilly, 1997; Turner et
sexual precocity (Elliott and Morse, 1989), al., 1998; Wasserman et al., 2002; Catania
aggression and violence (Brook, White- et al., 2002).
et al., 1990; Huang, Watters, and Case,
man, and Finch, 1992; Windle, 1990), gang ◆ More severe substance abuse and 1988; Miller, 1997). Each of these require-
involvement (Fagan, 1989), and mental dependence are associated with more ments poses challenges in juvenile justice
distress and disorder (Cohen et al., 1990). serious criminal offenses in general settings.
Drug use is prevalent among American (Elliott, Huizinga, and Menard, 1989;
youth: 4.9 million youth between 12 and 17 Mason and Windle, 2002). Understanding questions. Drugs of abuse
years of age report using illicit substances have a wide range of street names, and
◆ Substance use and abuse are associated these names vary greatly from setting to
in the past year, and more than 1 million with higher rates of psychiatric disor-
of these youth have a substance depend- setting. Because subjects may be unfa-
ders and with more severe psychiatric miliar with street names of drugs used
ence disorder (U.S. Department of Health disorders (Elliott, Huizinga, and Menard,
and Human Services, 2002). More than in other neighborhoods, social strata,
1989; Abram, Teplin, and McClelland, or ethnic groups, interviewers must be
half of all 12th grade students report using 2003; Brook, Cohen, and Brook, 1998;
illicit substances, and about one-quarter trained to be sensitive to each subject’s
Deykin and Buka, 1997; Shedler and background, demeanor, and linguistic pref-
report using them in the past 30 days Block, 1990).
(Johnston, O’Malley, and Bachman, 2003). erences. In addition, because many juve-
In addition, 28.5 percent of all high school Although substance use is not thought nile justice detainees have limited reading
students report being offered drugs, sell- to cause all of these problems, it is empir- skills, self-administered questionnaires
ing drugs, or obtaining drugs on school ically associated with a number of prob- and computerized instruments that are
property in the past year (Grunbaum et lem behaviors and with adolescent delin- useful in other settings may be problematic
al., 2002). quency in general. For this reason, the for detained youth.
detection of substance use among juve- Recalling information. Drug use itself
Recent advances in the understanding of niles in the justice system will help iden-
adolescent development make these fig- might compromise a subject’s ability to
tify youth at greatest risk for serious recall specifics. However, although impaired
ures on substance use even more disturb- problems and those most likely to benefit
ing. It is now known that deviant careers recall poses problems for assessing pat-
from treatment and diversion. terns and details of substance use, recall
have distinct patterns. Problem behaviors
cluster together in time, and they often of recent use is unlikely to be so impaired
follow typical sequences of development Measuring Substance as to prevent identification of youth in
over the life span. These patterns are need of treatment.
often called pathways.1 Although there is
Use Among Detainees:
Self-Report or Answering honestly. The greatest barrier
no universally accepted categorization of to accurate self-reporting of drug use
these patterns or pathways, the following Bioassay? is unwillingness to disclose honestly.
generalizations about drug use and adoles- Self-report and bioassay are the two tech- Detainees—both adult and juvenile—are
cent development are generally recognized: niques most commonly used to detect understandably reticent about reporting
◆ Substance use commonly follows a substance use in detained populations. illegal behavior, and self-reported drug
sequence from tobacco and alcohol There is great variety within each of these use data from these groups, therefore, are
to cannabis and then to more danger- techniques. Self-report information can likely to lack validity.2
ous substances (Newcomb and Bentler, be obtained by using a mail question-
naire, a self-administered computerized

Bioassay immunoassay. In both methods, a drug- more recent use, and veracity levels are
At its best, bioassay promises to circum- binding antibody is added to a sample, markedly lower for cocaine than for
vent the problems of self-reporting. Bio- and the level of antibody activity is cannabis. For adults, the veracity level for
assay, however, does not solve all the then measured. Although these meth- opiate use is generally higher than that for
problems associated with measuring drug ods are relatively inexpensive and easi- cocaine use.
use. Common to any bioassay is the prem- ly executed, they have drawbacks: a
different antibody must be developed To summarize:
ise that the drug or a metabolic byproduct
for each drug tested, and the antibod- ◆ Both self-report and bioassay data
unique to the body’s processing of the
ies sometimes bind to substances that confirm that substantial numbers of
drug will be present in the fluids or tis-
are chemically similar to the drug in juvenile and adult detainees use drugs.
sues tested. Two issues confront all bio-
assay methods: first, what tissue or fluid to question (resulting in false positives, ◆ Self-report veracity is poor among both
test; and second, how to measure the pres- such as mistaking over-the-counter juveniles and adults, especially when
ence of a drug or its metabolite. These cold remedies for amphetamines). they are asked about recent use.
two issues frame most of the debate over ◆ Self-report veracity is related to the type
the validity and usefulness of bioassay. Previous Studies
of drug. Cannabis use is more likely to
Research has demonstrated not only high be reported than cocaine use, probably
Choosing tissues or fluids. Bioassays levels of substance use among detained
can be done with urine, hair, saliva, sweat, because the former is more socially
youth but also shortcomings of self-report acceptable (Golub et al., 2002; Harrison,
blood, and semen. Most detention facili- measures in this population. Table 1 sum-
ties use urine or hair, both of which are 1995; Mieczkowski et al., 1991; Fendrich
marizes seven studies that used self-reports and Xu, 1994) and because it carries
relatively easy to collect.3 In general, urine and/or bioassays to measure drug use in
testing is sensitive only to drugs used less severe legal consequences.
juvenile detainees.
within the last 2 or 3 days (Mieczkowski Two key questions have not been ade-
and Newel, 1993; Cone, 1997; Council on As the table shows, the level of self-reported quately addressed in the existing litera-
Scientific Affairs, 1987; Wolff et al., 1999).4 cannabis and cocaine use varies markedly ture: First, does the veracity of self-reported
Although hair analysis initially promised from study to study. For both drugs, self- drug use differ across demographic groups
to provide a record of drug use for weeks reports of use decline sharply when sub- (i.e., age, gender, and race/ethnicity)? Sec-
or even months, troublesome issues have jects are asked about more recent use. ond, what is the best approach for identi-
yet to be resolved: external contamination Urinalysis results for cannabis are fairly fying drug use among juvenile detainees,
may result in false-positive findings,5 and consistent for three of the four studies; given the demonstrated shortcomings of
cocaine may bind to hair more readily results for cocaine are more consistent the various measures? These questions
than cannabis or opiates and may bind across studies. Hair analysis results vary are addressed below.
more readily to some types of hair than for both drugs. The variation in bioassay
others (which may cause racial differences results may be attributable to the studies’
in sensitivity to hair analysis) (Baumgart- methodological differences: they sampled Findings From the
ner, Hill, and Blahd, 1989; Mieczkowski youth at different stages of the juvenile
and Newel, 1997; Miller, Donnelly, and justice process, were designed for differ-
Northwestern Juvenile
Martz, 1997). ent purposes, and had different rates of Project
refusal or noncompliance. The study reported in this Bulletin uses
Choosing a method of analysis. Many
self-report and urinalysis results from the
techniques are available for identifying Veracity of self-report data could be com-
Northwestern Juvenile Project to compare
drugs in urine or hair (Visher and McFad- puted for only a few of the studies. For
the veracity of self-reported drug use
den, 1991; Riley, Lu, and Taylor, 2000): cannabis, one study found that 60.4 percent
across demographic groups and to identi-
of juveniles who tested positive reported
◆ Gas chromatography/mass spectrom- fy the best approach for assessing drug
use in the past 3 days, and another found
etry. GC/MS is the best method for use among juvenile detainees. The study
that all juveniles who tested positive report-
detecting drugs (i.e., the least likely to focuses on self-report and urinalysis for
ed lifetime use and 81.0 percent reported
produce false-negative or false-positive three reasons: they are the most widely
“recent” use. For cocaine, veracity of self-
results), but it is also the most costly. used, best understood measures of sub-
report data was strikingly poor: of those
GC/MS requires trained technicians, stance use; they can be administered by
who tested positive, only 22.7 percent
lengthy preparation of samples, and trained lay personnel (a practical consid-
reported use in the past 3 days, 22.1 to 23.4
expensive laboratory equipment. eration for juvenile justice facilities); and
percent reported use in the past 3 months,
the level of agreement and disagreement
◆ Other chromatographic methods. and 50.0 percent reported “recent” use.
between the two measures is relatively
High-performance liquid chromatogra- In other words, at least half of recent
well documented.
phy (HPLC) performs well but also cocaine users denied use.
requires expensive equipment. Thin- This section describes the study’s sample
Studies of detained adults (Golub et al.,
layer chromatography (TLC) is inex- and methods, presents an overview of
2002; Gray and Wish, 1999; Harrison, 1995;
pensive but not as reliable as other findings, and then looks at findings for the
Mieczkowski, 1990) have found self-report
chromatographic methods. two substances most commonly used by
veracity levels for cannabis and cocaine
◆ Immunoassay. The most commonly juvenile detainees—cannabis and cocaine—
that are similar to those found for juveniles.
used immunoassay methods are radio- by subject characteristics (gender, race/
As with juveniles, self-reports of use
immunoassay and enzyme-multiplied ethnicity, age, prior treatment for sub-
decline when subjects are asked about
stance abuse, and recent drug charges).

Table 1: Drug Use by Detained Juveniles: Studies of Prevalence and Self-Report Veracity
Prevalence Prevalence Prevalence Veracity of
Based on Based on Based on Self-Report
Study Design Self-Reports Urinalysis Hair Analysis Data*
Wislar and N=3,048 Past 3 days Cannabis 31.4% Not Past 3 days
Fendrich, 2000 juvenile Cannabis 31% Cocaine 7.3% administered Cannabis 60.4%
arrestees and Cocaine 2.8% Cocaine 22.7%
Dembo et al., N=80 youth Past 3 months Not Cannabis 32.5% Cannot be
1999 arrested and Cannabis 51.3% administered Cocaine 18.75% computed†
completing a Cocaine 7.5% at baseline
Mieczkowski, N=407 juvenile Past 3 days Cannabis 34.8% Cannabis 38.5% Cannot be
Newel, and Wraight, detainees Cannabis 25.3% Cocaine 7.1% Cocaine 22.0% computed†
1998 interviewed Cocaine 0.9%
within 48 hours Past 30 days
of detention Cannabis 50.6%
Cocaine 3.2%
Cannabis 85.6%
Cocaine 13.2%
Magura, Kang, and N=121 youth Past 30 days Not Cocaine Past 3 months
Shapiro, 1995 followed up after Cocaine 22% administered 51%– 67%‡ Cocaine 22.1%–
release from jail Past 3 months 23.4%‡
Cocaine 23%
Cocaine 35%
Feucht, Stephens, N=88 detained Past month Cocaine 7.8% Cocaine 56.8% Cannot be
and Walker, 1994 youth Cocaine 3.4% computed†
Past 90 days
Cocaine 5.7%
Cocaine 7.4%
Dembo et al., N=399 detained Authors do not Cannabis 34.3% Not Cannot be
1993 youth provide self- Cocaine 9% administered computed†
report data Opiates 0.5%
Dembo et al., N=66 juveniles Authors do not Cannabis 53% Not Recent §
1987 ordered into provide self- Cocaine 6.1% administered Cannabis 81%
secure detention report data Barbiturates 4.6% Cocaine 50%
(6 refused urine Lifetime
test) Cannabis 100%

* Among youth who tested positive, the percentage who reported use.
† Veracity cannot be computed for several studies because self-report data are not provided specifically for positive urinalysis or hair analysis test results.
‡ The ranges reflect the authors’ two cutoff levels for establishing cocaine content in hair: > 2 ng/10 mg and > 5 ng/10 mg. The latter, more conservative
figure is the conventional cutoff level.
§ The authors do not define recency of use.

Sample and Methods asks about lifetime use, age at first use, Drug charges. Data on recent drug
Sample. The Northwestern Juvenile Proj- frequency of use in the past year, any charges (e.g., possession or sale of con-
ect is an ongoing longitudinal study of use in the past 6 months, and treatment. trolled substances) against subjects were
high-risk youth sampled from the Cook Because it is designed to assess patterns collected from the Cook County Court
County Juvenile Temporary Detention of use, it does not ask about use in the Clerk’s computer system. The period of
Center (CCJTDC) in Chicago, IL. CCJTDC past 2 or 3 days. coverage for these data was from 90 days
was selected for study because of its urban prior to intake at CCJTDC to 30 days after
Of the 1,829 subjects interviewed, 1,745 intake (to account for lagtime between
location (most juvenile detainees nation- (about 95 percent) provided urine sam-
wide are in urban areas) and because arrests and charges).
ples.6 Some subjects were unwilling or
Cook County is ethnically diverse and has unable to provide samples, and some sam-
a large Hispanic population (Hispanics are ples were unavailable for administrative Overview of Findings
the largest minority group in the United reasons.7 The final sample size for the Table 2 presents an overview of findings—
States and are overrepresented in the juve- analyses reported in this Bulletin is 1,742 self-reported use, urinalysis results, and
nile justice system). In addition, CCJTDC’s (3 subjects did not complete the DISC computations of veracity, prevalence, and
size (approximately 8,500 admissions each portion of the interview).8 bias (see “Definitions” sidebar, below)—
year, daily census of 650, and daily intake among the total sample of all detained
of 20) ensured adequate numbers of sub- Urinalysis. Enzyme-Multiplied Immuno- juveniles.
jects for key subgroups such as females assay Tests (EMIT) were used to iden-
and Hispanics. tify illicit drug use by the subjects. The Self-reported use. Self-reported use of any
EMIT–10 panel tests for the presence substance was quite common. Use in the
The CCJTDC sample was stratified by gen- of amphetamines, barbiturates, benzo- past 6 months was reported by 77.3 percent
der, race/ethnicity (African American, non- diazepines (diazepam, nordiazepam, of youth, lifetime use by 90.1 percent. The
Hispanic white, Hispanic), age (10–13 or oxazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and norflur- figures for cannabis were about the same
14 and older), and legal status (processed azepam), cannabis, cocaine (benzoylecgo- (77.1 percent and 90.1 percent, respective-
as a juvenile or as an adult). All estimates nine is a cocaine metabolite found in the ly), an indication that almost all youth
reported in this Bulletin were weighted urine), methaqualone (Quaaludes), opi- who report any substance use report
to reflect the CCJTDC sample (Little and ates (including codeine and morphine), cannabis use. Self-reported use of sub-
Schenker, 1995; Cochran, 1977). PCP, and propoxyphene (Darvon). Some stances other than cannabis was much
EMIT–10 panel categories are not exact less common: 8.0 percent and 13.0 percent
Initial sampling and baseline interviews
were conducted between November 1995 matches for self-report categories.9
and June 1998. The final sample size for
the project was 1,829. Additional informa-
tion on the sample and study design is
available elsewhere (Teplin et al., 2002;
Abram et al., 2003; Teplin et al., 2003). Definitions
Interviews and urine samples. Trained The measures reported in tables 2–4 and analyzed in the accompanying text
interviewers used the Diagnostic Interview are defined below.
Schedule for Children (DISC 2.3) to gather Self-reported use: percentage of detained youth who reported substance use.
information on substance use. Subjects
were assured that the information they Urinalysis results: percentage of detained youth who tested positive for sub-
revealed would remain confidential and stances in EMIT–10 urinalysis.
would have no bearing on their legal pro- Veracity: percentage of detained youth who tested positive by urinalysis who also
ceedings. Interviewers built rapport with reported use.
subjects during the questions that preced-
ed the substance use items (basic demo- Minimum prevalence: estimated prevalence of substance use among detained
graphic information, education, life circum- youth, based on combined self-report and urinalysis results.
stances, and DISC mental health items). Minimum bias for self-report: estimated percentage of detained youth who use
Female subjects were assigned female drugs and would go undetected if self-report is used without urinalysis (calculated
interviewers, and Spanish-speaking sub- as the difference between minimum prevalence and self-reported use).
jects were assigned bilingual interviewers.
Minimum bias for urinalysis: estimated percentage of detained youth who use
The DISC instrument measures use of drugs and would go undetected if urinalysis is used without self-report (calculated
alcohol, cannabis/hashish, uppers/speed, as the difference between minimum prevalence and urinalysis results).
downers (e.g., barbiturates), tranquilizers
(e.g., Valium, Librium, and Ativan), heroin Self-reported use and the related measures of veracity, prevalence, and bias are
and opiates (including morphine, metha- presented separately for use in the past 6 months and ever (lifetime). Prevalence
and bias estimates are “minimum” because both self-report and urinalysis meas-
done, and codeine), cocaine/crack cocaine,
ures are expected to underestimate true rates of substance use.
hallucinogens (including LSD and PCP),
and inhalants (e.g., glue). The instrument

Table 2: Drug Use by Detained Juveniles in Cook County, IL: Overview of Findings (%)
Substance Minimum Minimum
Self-Reported Detected Minimum Bias for Bias for
Substance Use by Veracity Prevalence Self-Reporting Urinalysis
Drug 6-Month Lifetime Urinalysis 6-Month Lifetime 6-Month Lifetime 6-Month Lifetime 6-Month Lifetime

Any substance 77.3 90.1 66.4 87.7 94.1 85.4 94.0 8.2 3.9 19.0 27.6
Cannabis 77.1 90.1 65.9 87.6 94.1 85.3 94.0 8.2 3.9 19.4 28.1
Other than cannabis 8.0 13.0 5.8 27.5 37.8 12.2 16.6 4.2 3.6 6.4 10.9
Cocaine 4.4 6.2 4.8 21.7 28.1 8.1 9.6 3.6 3.4 3.4 4.8
Opiates 1.2 2.6 0.2 65.7 65.7 1.3 2.6 0.1 0.1 1.1 2.5
Uppers 0.8 1.8 0.0 * * 0.8 1.8 † † † †

Downers 0.3 0.5 0.0 * * 0.3 0.5 † † † †

Tranquilizers 0.3 0.6 0.0 * * 0.3 0.6 † † † †

Hallucinogens 5.5 9.4 1.1 33.3 39.3 6.1 10.1 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Note: N=1,742. For explanations of veracity, minimum prevalence, and minimum bias, see “Definitions” sidebar on page 5.
* Veracity cannot be computed because the EMIT urinalysis result is zero.
† Bias figures are not presented because self-reported use is very limited and bias computations would not, therefore, be meaningful.
‡ Bias figures are not presented because the EMIT urinalysis panel detects PCP but not the other hallucinogens in the DISC self-report instrument and
bias computations would, therefore, be misleading.

(6-month and lifetime, respectively) for means that cannabis alone was responsi- overall use of these substances was low.
any other substance, 5.5 percent and 9.4 ble for the high level of veracity in self- Nevertheless, as the bias and prevalence
percent for hallucinogens, 4.4 percent and reporting of overall drug use. More than figures show, self-reporting overlooked
6.2 percent for cocaine, and even less for three in five detainees who tested positive one-fourth (3.6/16.6) to one-third (4.2/12.2)
the other categories measured (opiates, for use of illicit substances other than can- of juveniles who had used substances
uppers, downers, and tranquilizers). nabis did not accurately report their use. other than cannabis.
Urinalysis results. In many ways, patterns Minimum prevalence. Based on a combi- For cocaine specifically, 6-month self-
of use detected by EMIT–10 urinalysis nation of self-report and urinalysis results, reporting overlooked 3.6 percent of
were similar to patterns of self-reported the minimum prevalence estimates show detainees and lifetime self-reporting over-
use. However, use rates based on urinaly- that at least 85.4 percent of detained looked 3.4 percent of detainees. The 6-
sis results generally were lower than those youth had used some kind of illicit sub- month minimum prevalence for cocaine
based on self-reports of 6-month and life- stance in the past 6 months and at least use was only 8.1 percent, so overlooking
time use. This is not surprising, given that 94 percent had used an illicit substance at 3.6 percent means missing more than
in urinalysis, the window of sensitivity to some point in their lifetime. For substances one-third of confirmed cocaine users.
drugs generally is only 2–3 days. Two- other than cannabis, however, minimum
thirds (66.4 percent) of detainees tested prevalence was much lower: 12.2 percent For uppers, downers, and tranquilizers,
positive for any drug, 65.9 percent for can- for 6 months and 16.6 percent for lifetime. self-reported use was less than 2 percent
nabis, 5.8 percent for any substance other and EMIT urinalysis findings were zero.
than cannabis, 4.8 percent for cocaine, Minimum bias for self-report. This meas- Therefore, veracity could not be computed
and 1.1 percent for hallucinogens. ure, which is the difference between the for these substances, and table 2 does not
minimum prevalence estimate and the present self-report bias figures for them.
Veracity. Overall, self-reporting had a sur- self-report estimate, indicates that self-
prisingly high level of veracity. Among all reporting without urinalysis overlooked Because very few detainees tested posi-
detainees with positive urinalysis results, at least 8.2 percent of detained youth who tive for hallucinogens, very few users of
87.7 percent reported use of any substance had used some kind of illicit substance in hallucinogens would be missed by self-
in the past 6 months and 94.1 percent the past 6 months, or almost 1 in 10 youth reporting alone. As noted in endnote 9,
reported lifetime use of any substance. in detention. This bias drops to 3.9 per- the EMIT panel detects PCP but not the
However, although the veracity figures cent for lifetime use. For substances other other hallucinogens in the DISC question-
for cannabis (87.6 percent for 6 months than cannabis, self-reporting without uri- naire. Therefore, the minimum prevalence
and 94.1 percent for lifetime) were nearly nalysis overlooked 4.2 percent of youth estimates for hallucinogens (6.1 percent
identical to the overall figures, those for who had used a substance in the past 6 and 10.1 percent for 6-month and lifetime
any drug other than cannabis were much months and 3.6 percent of those with life- use, respectively) are biased downward
lower (27.5 percent and 37.8 percent). This time use. These values were low because relative to estimates for the other cate-
gories of substances. For these reasons,

◆ Veracity in reporting cannabis use was cannabis use. Only 71.6 percent of
Age at Onset of about the same for boys and girls, i.e., African American girls reported use in
most detainees with positive urinalysis the past 6 months, compared with 85.4
Substance Use results also reported use. However, percent of non-Hispanic whites and
Juvenile detainees who reported because boys had a higher rate of posi- 81.2 percent of Hispanics. Lifetime self-
using drugs were asked about age tive urinalysis results, their 6-month report rates also were lower for African
at first use. Their response is disturb- self-report bias (8.4 percent) was great- American girls than for other girls.
ing. Ten percent of the youth who er than that for girls (5.2 percent). In ◆ Because of the differences in self-
reported using drugs said they first other words, cannabis use during the reported use, the 6-month self-report
used them at or before age 11, and past 6 months was more likely to go bias for cannabis was greater for African
25 percent reported first use at or undetected among boys than among
before age 12. Ten percent of youth
American girls (6 percent) than for
girls if self-reporting was used without other girls (3.7 percent for non-Hispanic
who reported using cocaine said they urinalysis. Lifetime self-report bias was
first used it before age 11, and 50 per- whites and 3.3 percent for Hispanics).
similar for boys (3.9 percent) and girls The 6-month urinalysis bias was greater
cent reported first use before age 15. (3.3 percent). for non-Hispanic white girls (41.6 per-
◆ Urinalysis biases were much higher for cent) than for African American girls
girls (34.9 percent for 6 months and (31.5 percent) and Hispanic girls (37.9
46.4 percent for lifetime) than for boys percent). In short, self-reporting alone
table 2 does not present self-report bias (18.2 percent 6 months, 26.7 percent was most likely to overlook cannabis use
figures for hallucinogens. lifetime), which means that cannabis among African American girls, whereas
use would be much more likely to go urinalysis alone was most likely to over-
Minimum bias for urinalysis. Minimum undetected among girls than among look its use among non-Hispanic white
biases were greater for urinalysis than for boys if urinalysis testing is used with- girls. This finding suggests that among
self-reporting, in part because urinalysis out self-reporting. This again suggests girls, African Americans’ self-reports of
has a limited window of sensitivity to that recent cannabis use was less com- cannabis use are the least reliable.
drugs. When not combined with self- mon among girls than among boys.
reporting, urinalysis overlooked one in Age
five detained youth (19.0 percent) who Race/ethnicity ◆ Among both boys and girls, self-reported
reported using any substance in the past ◆ Among males, self-reported cannabis cannabis use was less common for
6 months and one in four (27.6 percent) use was roughly equal for all three detainees ages 10–13 than for older
who reported lifetime use. For substances racial/ethnic groups. detainees. Among detainees ages 10–13,
other than cannabis, urinalysis overlooked use in the past 6 months was reported
◆ Boys in all three racial/ethnic groups
6.4 percent of self-reported 6-month users by 56.7 percent of boys and 50.8 per-
had reasonably good veracity for
and 10.9 percent of lifetime users. Table 2 cent of girls (compared with 77.3 per-
reporting cannabis use, although 6-
does not present urinalysis bias figures cent of all boys and 75.1 percent of
month veracity was slightly lower for
for uppers, downers, tranquilizers, and all girls).
African American boys (86.8 percent)
hallucinogens for the same reasons it does ◆ Among boys, biases for both self-report
than for other boys (94.6 percent for
not present self-report bias figures for these and urinalysis varied greatly by age:
non-Hispanic whites and 91.1 percent
substances (see above). (The urinalysis compared with older boys, those ages
for Hispanics). Because the rate of pos-
bias for hallucinogens was quite large, but 10–13 had greater biases (i.e., their can-
itive urinalysis results was higher for
this is probably because of the limited nabis use was more likely to go unde-
African American boys than other boys,
scope of the EMIT test for hallucinogens.) tected when either detection method
the 6-month self-report bias was greater
for African Americans (9.2 percent) than was used alone). In contrast, biases
Analysis: Cannabis for others (3.2 percent for non-Hispanic among girls did not vary greatly by age.
This section analyzes findings for canna- whites and 5.2 percent for Hispanics). Prior treatment for substance abuse
bis. See table 3 and “Definitions” sidebar ◆ Among boys, urinalysis bias for detect-
(page 5). ◆ Almost all boys and girls who reported
ing cannabis use was lower for African prior treatment for substance use had
Gender Americans (24.4 percent for lifetime very substantial self-reported cannabis
use) than for other groups (33.6 per- use and consequently had very low
◆ Although self-reported use of cannabis
cent for non-Hispanic whites and 34.3 self-report bias.
was about the same for boys and girls
for Hispanics). The proportion of life-
(around 75 percent for 6-month use ◆ Urinalysis detection for cannabis was
time cannabis users who would be
and 90 percent for lifetime use), urinal- much more common for boys who
overlooked when urinalysis is used
ysis results differed dramatically: 67.4 reported prior treatment (87.9 percent)
without self-report methods is smaller
percent for boys and 45.5 percent for than for girls who reported prior treat-
for African Americans than for other
girls. This suggests either that cannabis ment (57.4 percent). Because so many
racial/ethnic groups.
use was less common among girls than boys who reported prior treatment
boys or that the temporal association ◆ Unlike males, female detainees in the tested positive, their urinalysis bias
between using cannabis and being three racial/ethnic groups differed sub- (11.9 percent for lifetime use) was
arrested was stronger for boys than stantially in their rates of self-reported
for girls.

much smaller than that for girls who use in the past 6 months was well Gender
reported prior treatment (42.6 percent above 80 percent for both males and ◆ Rates of self-reported cocaine use
for lifetime use). females, and lifetime veracity was among detainees were more than twice
above 90 percent. as high for girls as for boys: 9.6 percent
Recent arrests for drug offenses
◆ For both 6-month and lifetime use, min- versus 4 percent for 6-month use and
◆ Self-reported cannabis use and positive
imum prevalence exceeded 90 percent 12.4 percent versus 5.7 percent for life-
urinalysis results for cannabis were
for male and female detainees with time use.
more common among detainees with
recent drug arrests. ◆ In contrast, rates of positive urinalysis
recent drug arrests than among those
with no recent drug arrests. results for cocaine were slightly lower
Analysis: Cocaine for girls (3.7 percent) than for boys (4.9
◆ Detainees with recent drug arrests
This section analyzes findings for cocaine. percent). As discussed above (page 3),
were quite forthcoming about their
See table 4 and “Definitions” sidebar other studies have found that veracity
cannabis use: veracity for self-reported
(page 5). in reporting cocaine use is generally

Table 3: Drug Use by Detained Juveniles in Cook County, IL: Analysis of Findings for Cannabis (%)
Substance Minimum Minimum
Self-Reported Detected Minimum Bias for Bias for
Substance Use by Veracity Prevalence Self-Reporting Urinalysis
6-Month Lifetime Urinalysis 6-Month Lifetime 6-Month Lifetime 6-Month Lifetime 6-Month Lifetime N

MALE 77.3 90.2 67.4 87.6 94.2 85.7 94.1 8.4 3.9 18.2 26.7 1,126
African American 77.1 89.9 69.9 86.8 93.7 86.3 94.3 9.2 4.4 16.4 24.4 552
Non-Hispanic white 81.0 91.7 59.5 94.6 97.8 84.2 93.0 3.2 1.3 24.4 33.6 199
Hispanic 78.1 91.6 58.9 91.1 97.3 83.3 93.2 5.2 1.6 24.4 34.3 372
10–13 56.7 70.3 46.6 70.5 81.4 70.5 79.0 13.8 8.7 23.9 32.3 306
14–15 75.5 88.2 69.0 85.0 90.6 85.9 94.6 10.4 6.5 16.9 25.7 344
16+ 82.5 95.6 70.0 91.8 98.7 88.3 96.5 5.7 0.9 18.2 26.5 476
Prior treatment
No 95.6 98.2 74.8 97.5 99.0 97.4 99.0 1.8 0.7 22.6 24.2 616
Yes 99.3 99.7 87.9 100.0 100.0 99.3 99.7 0.0 0.0 11.4 11.9 158
Recent drug charges
None 74.7 88.5 60.6 88.2 95.0 81.8 91.5 7.1 3.0 21.2 30.9 857
Any 82.4 93.6 81.2 86.5 93.0 93.4 99.3 10.9 5.7 12.1 18.1 269
2+ 84.9 97.7 77.5 89.8 98.8 92.8 98.6 7.9 0.9 15.3 21.1 87
FEMALE 75.1 88.5 45.5 88.6 92.7 80.3 91.8 5.2 3.3 34.9 46.4 616
African American 71.6 86.1 46.1 87.1 90.8 77.6 90.3 6.0 4.2 31.5 44.2 404
Non-Hispanic white 85.4 96.3 47.5 92.3 97.4 89.0 97.6 3.7 1.2 41.6 50.1 81
Hispanic 81.2 93.1 46.6 93.0 97.8 84.5 94.1 3.3 1.0 37.9 47.5 130
10–13 50.8 68.3 22.4 71.1 71.1 57.3 74.8 6.5 6.5 34.9 52.4 50
14–15 76.5 89.1 44.8 90.4 93.6 80.8 92.0 4.3 2.9 36.0 47.1 334
16+ 78.4 92.1 51.2 88.1 93.7 84.5 95.3 6.1 3.3 33.3 44.1 232
Prior treatment
No 94.4 98.5 55.5 98.9 99.4 95.0 98.8 0.6 0.3 39.4 43.3 311
Yes 97.8 100.0 57.4 97.8 100.0 99.1 100.0 1.3 0.0 41.7 42.6 94
Recent drug charges
None 74.2 88.0 42.6 89.4 93.1 78.7 91.0 4.5 2.9 36.1 48.4 547
Any 82.6 92.4 67.2 84.7 90.9 92.8 98.5 10.2 6.1 25.7 31.3 69
2+ 86.7 92.2 67.9 88.5 88.5 94.5 100.0 7.8 7.8 26.6 32.1 14
Note: For explanations of veracity, minimum prevalence, and minimum bias, see “Definitions” sidebar on page 5.

poor among both juvenile and adult use, 14.6 percent for lifetime use) than for girls, for both 6-month and lifetime
detainees. In the current study, veracity for boys (7.8 percent 6-month, 9.2 per- use. In addition, their urinalysis detec-
for cocaine was much lower among cent lifetime). Self-report bias was tion rates for cocaine were less than
boys than among girls, for both 6-month greater for boys than for girls (3.7 per- half the rates for other boys and girls.
use (20.8 percent for boys, 36.2 percent cent versus 2.4 percent, respectively, Urinalysis detection of cocaine was
for girls) and lifetime use (27.4 percent for 6-month reports). most common among Hispanic boys.
for boys, 39.4 percent for girls). ◆ Veracity in reporting cocaine use was
◆ Combining self-report and urinalysis good among non-Hispanic whites, espe-
results, minimum prevalence rates were ◆ African American boys and girls reported
cially among girls: 61.5 percent (6-month)
higher for girls (12 percent for 6-month almost no cocaine use—less than 1 per-
and 78.6 percent (lifetime) for boys,
cent for boys, and less than 2 percent

Table 4: Drug Use by Detained Juveniles in Cook County, IL: Analysis of Findings for Cocaine (%)
Substance Minimum Minimum
Self-Reported Detected Minimum Bias for Bias for
Substance Use by Veracity Prevalence Self-Reporting Urinalysis
6-Month Lifetime Urinalysis 6-Month Lifetime 6-Month Lifetime 6-Month Lifetime 6-Month Lifetime N

MALE 4.0 5.7 4.9 20.8 27.4 7.8 9.2 3.7 3.5 3.0 4.3 1,126
African American 0.4 0.5 3.2 0.0 0.0 3.7 3.8 3.2 3.2 0.4 0.5 552
Non-Hispanic white 21.5 29.5 7.7 61.5 78.6 24.3 31.2 2.8 1.6 17.1 23.5 199
Hispanic 16.2 23.1 12.1 42.0 52.7 22.8 28.8 6.6 5.7 11.5 16.7 372
10–13 1.0 1.6 2.1 5.9 5.9 3.0 3.6 2.0 2.0 0.9 1.5 306
14–15 3.2 4.5 4.5 16.0 19.8 6.8 8.1 3.6 3.6 2.5 3.6 344
16+ 5.3 7.4 5.7 25.0 33.9 9.5 11.2 4.2 3.8 3.9 5.5 476
Prior treatment
No 4.7 6.6 4.4 24.9 31.9 7.9 9.6 3.2 3.0 3.6 5.2 616
Yes 10.0 12.9 9.1 33.0 38.1 15.7 18.6 5.7 5.7 7.2 9.4 158
Recent drug charges
None 5.6 7.7 3.8 33.2 40.6 8.0 10.0 2.5 2.3 4.3 6.2 857
Any 1.0 1.5 7.0 7.3 13.0 7.2 7.6 6.3 6.1 0.5 0.6 269
2+ 0.4 0.4 5.0 8.7 8.7 5.0 5.0 4.6 4.6 0.0 0.0 87
FEMALE 9.6 12.4 3.7 36.2 39.4 12.0 14.6 2.4 2.3 8.3 10.9 616
African American 1.5 1.5 2.7 0.0 0.0 4.2 4.2 2.7 2.7 1.5 1.5 404
Non-Hispanic white 26.7 44.0 7.3 83.3 100.0 28.0 44.0 1.3 0.0 20.4 36.7 81
Hispanic 24.7 30.2 6.2 71.3 71.3 26.5 32.0 1.8 1.8 20.1 25.8 130
10–13 4.4 4.4 0.0 * * 4.4 4.4 † † † † 50
14–15 7.7 10.8 2.6 53.0 53.0 8.9 12.1 1.2 1.2 6.3 9.4 334
16+ 13.6 16.3 6.1 26.2 31.3 18.2 20.5 4.5 4.2 12.0 14.4 232
Prior treatment
No 12.4 15.2 4.1 29.3 34.9 15.3 17.9 2.9 2.7 11.2 13.8 311
Yes 21.5 29.0 5.7 77.4 77.4 22.8 30.3 1.3 1.3 17.0 24.6 94
Recent drug charges
None 10.5 13.4 3.2 47.6 51.8 12.2 15.0 1.7 1.5 9.0 11.8 547
Any 3.2 4.3 7.6 0.0 0.0 10.8 11.9 7.6 7.6 3.2 4.3 69
2+ 0.0 5.5 7.8 0.0 0.0 7.8 13.3 7.8 7.8 0.0 5.5 14
Note: For explanations of veracity, minimum prevalence, and minimum bias, see “Definitions” sidebar on page 5.
* Veracity cannot be computed because the EMIT urinalysis result is zero.
† Bias figures are not presented because self-reported use is very limited and bias computations would not, therefore, be meaningful.

83.3 percent (6-month) and 100 percent percent for 6-month use and 38.1 per- detainees who used substances other
(lifetime) for girls. cent for lifetime use). than cannabis in the past 6 months (4.2/
◆ In contrast, veracity for cocaine use 12.2 [minimum bias for self-reporting/
Recent arrests for drug offenses minimum prevalence]=34.4 percent),
among African American boys and girls
was zero, for both 6-month and lifetime ◆ Among both boys and girls, rates of self- and urinalysis alone overlooked at least
use. Among Hispanic boys, veracity reported cocaine use were lower and half of these detainees (6.4/12.2 [mini-
was 42 percent (6-month) and 52.7 per- rates of positive urinalysis results for mum bias for urinalysis/minimum preva-
cent (lifetime); among Hispanic girls, cocaine were higher among detainees lence]=52.5 percent).
veracity was 71.3 percent for both with recent drug arrests than among
those with no recent drug arrests. In addition, certain groups of detainees
6-month and lifetime reports. require special attention. For example,
◆ Among boys, the minimum prevalence ◆ Veracity for self-reported cocaine use in this study, younger detainees, African
for cocaine use was less than 4 percent was much poorer among detainees with American detainees, and detainees with
for African Americans, compared with recent drug arrests than among those recent drug arrests in particular lacked
more than 20 percent for non-Hispanic with no recent drug arrests. Among veracity in self-reporting drug use. Females
whites and Hispanics, for both 6-month boys, veracity was more than 30 per- had lower rates of detection by urinalysis,
and lifetime use. cent for detainees with no recent drug although further research is needed to
arrests but only 7.3 percent (6-month understand exactly why. Detainees with
◆ For both 6-month and lifetime use, the use) and 13 percent (lifetime use) for histories of substance abuse treatment
minimum prevalence for cocaine use those with a drug arrest. Among girls, require special attention because of their
was slightly more than 4 percent for veracity was about 50 percent for higher rates of substance use and their
African American girls and exceeded detainees with no recent drug arrests histories of drug abuse.
25 percent for non-Hispanic white girls but zero for those with a drug arrest.
and for Hispanic girls. Minimum preva- In short, among youth who have made
lence was greatest for lifetime use by the transition to using drugs more serious
non-Hispanic white girls. Implications than marijuana, neither self-reporting nor
What are the implications of the current urinalysis provides a good measure of
study’s findings? The most important find- use. Most detained youth who test posi-
◆ Among boys, all of the cocaine meas- ing is the general confirmation of high tive by urinalysis for substances other
ures increased with age, including rates of drug use among youth entering than cannabis do not reply honestly to
rates of self-reported use, positive detention. Virtually all (94 percent) of the questions about their drug use. Further-
urinalysis results, veracity, minimum youth entering detention had used drugs more, use of these substances is likely to
prevalence, and biases for self-reporting during their lifetime, and 85.4 percent had go undetected in urinalysis because the
and urinalysis. used drugs in the past 6 months. Two- test has such a limited window of sensi-
◆ Because urinalysis results for cocaine thirds (66.4 percent) of detainees tested tivity to drugs.
were zero for girls ages 10–13, veracity positive for drugs in urinalysis. Probably The practical lesson is that self-reporting
and bias results are not presented for because cannabis use is commonplace and urinalysis should be used in combina-
this group. Among girls ages 14 and among these youth, their veracity in tion with each other and in conjunction
older, all of the cocaine measures except reporting its use was generally good. The with other resources, such as histories
veracity increased with age. For girls low self-report and urinalysis biases for of treatment for substance abuse, records
ages 14–15, the veracity rate for report- cannabis are an indication that few juve- of drug-related arrests and charges, and
ing cocaine use was 53.0 percent (for niles who use it will be overlooked by information from families and schools on
both 6-month and lifetime use), com- either approach to detection. Because youth’s drug use. All avenues should be
pared with 26.2 percent (6-month) and cannabis use often leads to more serious explored in efforts to identify those youth
31.3 percent (lifetime) for girls ages 16 drug use (Kandel and Yamaguchi, 1993; in greatest need of intervention.
and older. Yamaguchi and Kandel, 1984a, 1984b),
almost all youth entering detention can
Prior treatment for substance abuse be considered at risk for developing Endnotes
◆ Among both boys and girls, self-report substance use problems. 1. The concept of patterns or pathways
rates for cocaine use among detainees of problem behavior is widely discussed
Identifying youth in acute need of treat-
who reported prior treatment for sub- in the literature (Newcomb and Bentler,
ment is much more difficult. For example,
stance abuse were about twice as high 1990; Cohen et al., 1990; Elliott, Huizinga,
detecting use of substances other than
as the rates for detainees who did not and Menard, 1989; Kandel and Yamaguchi,
cannabis is far more problematic than
report prior treatment. Rates were 1993; Kandel and Logan, 1984; Loeber and
detecting cannabis use. Although the mini-
higher for girls with prior treatment Hay, 1997; Loeber et al., 1991, 1993; Mof-
mum prevalence estimates indicate that
than for boys with prior treatment. fitt, 1993a, 1993b; Rutter, 1996; Yamaguchi
only one in eight detainees had used a
◆ Veracity for reporting cocaine use was substance other than cannabis, neither and Kandel, 1984a, 1984b).
good among girls with prior treatment self-reporting nor urinalysis appears to 2. A large body of research has questioned
(77.4 percent for both 6-month and life- provide an acceptable measure of such the validity of self-reported drug use data
time use); veracity was much lower use. As can be seen in table 2, self-reports from adult arrestees (Golub et al., 2002;
among boys with prior treatment (33 alone overlooked at least one-third of DeJong and Wish, 2000; Gray and Wish,

1999; Harrison, 1995; Mieczkowski, 1990; to answer items about heroin and opiate Brook, J.S., Whiteman, M., and Finch, S.J.
Mieczkowski et al., 1991; Mieczkowski use. Of greater concern for purposes of 1992. Childhood aggression, adolescent
and Newel, 1993) and detained juveniles this analysis were the subjects who re- delinquency, and drug use: A longitudinal
(Dembo et al., 1987, 1993, 1999; Feucht, ported lifetime use but refused to answer study. Journal of Genetic Psychology
Stephens, and Walker, 1994; Magura, Kang, questions about use in the past 6 months 153(4):369–383.
and Shapiro, 1995; Mieczkowski, Newel, (1 for marijuana, 16 for cocaine, 17 for
and Wraight, 1998; Wislar and Fendrich, Brook, J.S., Whiteman, M., Finch, S.J., and
heroin/opiates, 1 for downers, 46 for hallu-
2000). Cohen, P.C. 1996. Young adult drug use
cinogens, and 3 for tranquilizers).
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3. Saliva analysis has problems of contam- 9. Barbiturates, methaqualone, and and adolescent mediators. Journal of the
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must be available for 24 to 48 hours. Col- EMIT results for either methaqualone Catania, J.A., Chitwood, D.D., Gibson, D.R.,
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Wislar, J.S., and Fendrich, M. 2000. Can MacArthur Foundation, and the Open Society
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
self-reported drug use data be used to Institute.
Prevention is a component of the Office of
assess sex risk behavior in adolescents? Justice Programs, which also includes the
Archives of Sexual Behavior 29(1):77–89. Points of view or opinions expressed in this
Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Bureau of
document are those of the authors and do
Wolff, K., Farrell, M., Marsden, J., Mon- Justice Statistics, the National Institute of
not necessarily represent the official position
teiro, M.G., Ali, R., Welch, S., and Strang, J. Justice, and the Office for Victims of Crime.
or policies of OJJDP or the U.S. Department
1999. A review of biological indicators of of Justice.
illicit drug use, practical considerations
and clinical usefulness. Addiction 94(9):
Yamaguchi, K., and Kandel, D.B. 1984a.
The authors of this Bulletin are affiliated with the Department of Psychiatry and
Patterns of drug use from adolescence to
Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University. Gary
young adulthood: II. Sequences of progres-
M. McClelland, Ph.D., is Senior Analyst, Psycho-Legal Studies; Linda A. Teplin,
sion. American Journal of Public Health Ph.D., is Owen L. Coon Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and
74(7):668–672. Director, Psycho-Legal Studies; and Karen M. Abram, Ph.D., is Associate Director,
Yamaguchi, K., and Kandel, D.B. 1984b. Psycho-Legal Studies. The authors thank all of the funding agencies and organiza-
Patterns of drug use from adolescence tions for their collaborative spirit and steadfast support.
to young adulthood: III. Predictors of Many individuals contributed to this project. The authors thank OJJDP’s Karen
progression. American Journal of Public Stern, Ph.D, who provided valuable substantive and editorial comments; all project
Health 74(7):673–681. staff, especially Amy M. Lansing, Ph.D., and Amy A. Mericle, Ph.D., who super-
vised the data collection; Jacques Normand, Ph.D., for insightful comments; and
The research reported in this Bulletin was Laura Coats, Kate Elkington, and Erin Gregory for their meticulous library work,
supported by grant number 1999–JE–FX–1001 editing, and manuscript preparation. The authors greatly appreciate the coopera-
from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delin- tion of everyone working in the Cook County systems, especially David H. Lux,
quency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, project liaison. Without the county’s cooperation, this study would not have been
U.S. Department of Justice, and grant numbers possible. Finally, the authors thank the study subjects for their time and willingness
R01MH54197 and R01MH59463 from the Nation- to participate.
al Institute of Mental Health.

Major funding was also provided by the Centers

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