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Lord Of The Flies

Jakob Marlin
Lord Of The Flies
Jakob Marlin
Jack, Eric, Piggy, Roger, Simon, Ralph, Sam, Andy, Larry, Mikey, Steve, Rusty,
Marine officer, Tony, Will, Luke, Rapper, John, Tex, Peter, and Greg.

The Two main Characters are Jack and Ralph. Their

character traits are as follows:
Ralph--Leader, Kind, Smart, and caring (12 year old).

Jack--Greedy, Jealous, Violent, Mean, and Selfish (12 year old).

Additional Characters:

Simon--Smart, Curious, Nice, Shy, and Worrier

Piggy--Nice, Friendly, Intelligent, and Optimistic

The setting of Lord Of the Flies is an abandoned Island in the Pacific ocean.

The Island has many pigs ,fruit, and has enough water for the boys to survive.
When Lord of the Flies Starts, a plane carrying a group of boys ages 6 to 12 has crashed on a island in the Pacific ocean.
With no adults around, the boys are left to survive by themselves. The boys use a conch as a talking shell. (Whenever the
boys had meetings they would use this and if you didnt have you couldnt talk. Ralph, one of the older boys, becomes the
leader of approximately twenty boys.

They are afraid of a beast somewhere on the island. They decide to build a signal fire. But Jack, jealous of Ralphs power,
decides the boys should use their time to hunt for food instead of managing the fire. The longer they are on the island, the
more insane they become. Meanwhile Simon and Piggy help Ralph make shelters.

Eventually this small conflict becomes bigger, and the boys that are supposed to be tending the fire skip out on their duty
to hunt. While they skipped their duties tending to the fire, it went out and a big ship pass without them noticing them. This
causes a huge argument between Ralph and Jack. Jack leaves the group and makes his own.

Everyone leaves for Jacks group except Simon, Piggy, Erik, and Mikey. Later the next night Simon was wondering around
and Jack and his tribe thought he was the (beast). So they mistakenly kill Simmon. Ralph and his tribe went to talk to Jack
about the murder. This only made it worse. While Jack and Ralph were talking, Jacks tribe kidnapped Mikey and Erik.
Then Steve pushed a boulder on Piggy which killed him. Which only left Ralph. He ran when he saw them kill Piggy. The
next day he smelled smoke they lit the forest on fire. He ran to the beach, they were going to kill him. He fell on the
ground, noticing they were right behind he gave up, but when he looked up he saw a military officer he was going to
survive. He was going to make it off the island!
I rate this book a 9 out of 10 it was a great action packed book. At times it is violent.

Anybody who likes action and survival books will absolutely love this book.
About The Author
William Golding was born in 1911 in Cornwall, Britain. He lived in Britian for his
whole life. He Joined the navy in 1940, before he joined the navy he was a
teacher. He wrote many books about war. He wrote Lord of the Flies in 1945.

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