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Place the title of the article, centrally

justified, Times New Roman 24pt font size

Put your name(s) here
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, INDIA 208 016
e-mail: your,

Abstract. Place here the summary of your laboratory report, mentioning what exactly you have studied and
what are your important observations. The abstract should not be more than 100 words. The font size of
abstract should be 10pt.

Typing Area
Use paper of A4 size, with the following typing area: top margin 25 mm, bottom margin
25 mm, left margin 30 mm, right margin 30 mm, header 12 mm and footer 12 mm. Font of
the running text should be Times New Roman, with 12pt size. Do not change the font type
throughout the report (not even in figures or tables). Do not use capital letters or words at
the middle of a sentence, unless it is extremely necessary. The format of whole article
should be double justified, except the title and the authors name and affiliation which are
centrally justified.

Typographical Style and Layout

The line spacing at the beginning, or end, or in between the subsequent paragraphs is 12pt.
Also, the spacing between the section (or sub-section) title and the paragraph following is
12pt. Similar is the recommendation for table, figure or equation. Only after the title of the
article provide a gap of 16pt. Write etc., viz. in italics, wherever you have used them.
When you intend to use any abbreviation, first use in its full form and write the short form
within bracket ( ) immediately after it, and use the short form then afterwards. Write the
terms Figure, Equation and Table completely, do not use abbreviations.


The section, sub-section etc. should be typed in bold. Font sizes for section and subsection
should be of 16pt and 14pt respectively. The subsubsection, if any, would be in italics and
in 12pt. The first letter of all the words of sections and subsections should be in capital. For
subsusection, only the first letter will be capital. Keep all headings flushed to left. Start a
new paragraph without indentation.

In your laboratory report you need not have to discuss the entire test procedure. Mention of
relevant codes/ specifications (following appropriate referencing style) will suffice. If you
plan to put the picture of the equipment, use your own photograph. In the Conclusion or
Summary section, mention your salient findings / observations. Comparison with the
results obtained by the past researchers (with appropriate references) is encouraged.

All illustrations (figures) must be numbered consecutively, using Arabic numbers. All
illustrations should be centered, except for small figures, which may be placed side by

side. Put figure captions (12pt, bold) beneath the figure with no gap in between. Do not
assemble figures at the end of the article, but place them close to where they are mentioned
for the first time in the main text. Drawing your own schematic diagram is encouraged.
The entire content of the figure, including legends and notes should be within a rectangular
box. Only the axes titles are to be placed outside the box. The background of the graph
should be white and without grid lines.

All tables must be numbered consecutively (in Arabic numbers). Table captions (12pt,
bold) should be placed above the table with no gap in between. The title of figures and
tables should start with first letter capital, and a full stop (.) at the end. Equations, if any,
should be numbered and appear as a separate line in the text. Tables should be centrally
placed, equations should be flushed with the left. Each table, figure, or equation must at
least be referred once in the main text.

References to the literature should be mentioned in the main text by an Arabic number in
square brackets like, [1]. Any statement you are making, which is not yours, should be
duly referenced. List these (in numerical order, as per the sequence they are referred) at
the end of your article (under the heading 'References', 16 pt, bold), as shown.

The reference should be complete in all respect. Give the name of the author (surname in
full with first letter capital, coma, first letter of first name in capital, full-stop), coma, title
of the article/ paper within double inverted coma, name of the magazine/ journal (in
italics), volume number, year of publication within bracket ( ) and page no. This sequence
should be maintained for all the references. The name of the journal/ magazine should be
in italics, volume number will be in bold. For books and reports, write the name of the
author(s), name of the book (in italics), publisher, city from where it is published, reprint/
edition no, (year of publication in bracket) in sequence and separated by coma. For
internet address, give only the complete http:// link, coma, date last time you accessed the
site, and no underline.

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