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MR Contrast Agents

Lus Curvo-Semedo and Filipe Caseiro-Alves

Contents Abstract

2.1 Introduction............................................................. 18
Despite the excellent soft tissue contrast pro-
vided by plain MRI, the use of intravascular
2.2 Paramagnetic Agents.............................................. 18 contrast agents is often performed in a variety
2.2.1 History...................................................................... 18 of clinical settings being an instrumental com-
2.2.2 Physicochemical Properties...................................... 18
2.2.3 Pharmacokinetics...................................................... 19 ponent of many MR studies. Several compounds
2.2.4 Safety........................................................................ 20 have been developed for contrast-enhanced MR
2.2.5 Imaging Protocols..................................................... 20 imaging of the abdomen, with the purpose of
2.2.6 Current Clinical Indications...................................... 23 increasing tumor detection and differentiation
2.3 Superparamagnetic Agents.................................... 25 between normal and pathological tissues. MR
2.3.1 History...................................................................... 25 contrast agents can be divided according to their
2.3.2 Physicochemical Properties...................................... 25
2.3.3 Pharmacokinetics...................................................... 27
magnetic properties into paramagnetic and
2.3.4 Safety........................................................................ 27 superparamagnetic agents. They are also classi-
2.3.5 Imaging Protocols..................................................... 28 fied as interstitial, nonspecific, or liver-specific
2.3.6 Current Clinical Indications...................................... 29 contrast media, with the latter subdivided
2.4 Imaging Findings and Intermodality according to their target-cell population: hepa-
Comparison............................................................. 33 tocyte-selective or Kupffer cell contrast agents.
2.5 Pitfalls and Limitations.......................................... 36 A review of their main characteristics includ-
References............................................................................ 38 ing physicochemical properties, pharmacoki-
netics, and safety profile is performed under
the scope of this chapter. For each class of con-
trast media, suggested imaging protocols and
current clinical indications are also provided
for the typical setting of 1.5T magnets. Main
imaging findings and diagnostic information
obtained with these agents is provided for
comparing accuracy with other imaging tech-
niques or modalities. Pitfalls, limitations, and
future directions are also addressed in order to
L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves (*)
Universitary Clinic of Radiology, Coimbra University keep the reader fully aware of their current
Hospital, Praceta Mota Pinto/Avenida Bissaya-Barreto, clinical spectrum.
3000-075 Coimbra, Portugal

N.C. Gourtsoyiannis (ed.), Clinical MRI of the Abdomen, 17

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85689-4_2, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
18 L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves

2.1Introduction (Omniscan, Gd-DTPA-BMA; GE Healthcare) gado-

versetamide (Optimark, Gd-DTPA-BMEA; Mall
inckrodt), gadoterate meglumine (Dotarem, Gd-DOTA;
The differentiation between normal and diseased tissue
Guerbet), gadobutrol (Gadovist, Gd-BT-DO3A; Schering
by means of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging relies
AG), and gadofosveset (Vasovist, Schering AG).
on their distinctive signal intensity (SI) which depends,
In 1998, a combined extracellular and hepatobil-
among other factors, on intrinsic properties of tissue
iary medium, gadobenate dimeglumine (MultiHance,
(T1 and T2 relaxation times). However, the relaxation
Gd-BOPTA; Bracco Diagnostics) has been approved
times of normal and abnormal tissues frequently over-
in Europe for MRI of the liver. Another agent with
lap. As a consequence, the ability of plain MR imaging
combined extracellular and hepatobiliary properties,
to detect and to characterize abnormal tissue may be
gadoxetic acid disodium, or gadolinium-ethoxyben-
compromised. This shortcoming is, however, overcome
zyldiethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (Primovist,
by applying specialized pulse sequences, or instead by
Gd-EOB-DTPA; Schering AG), has been approved
using MR contrast agents, substances which change
for use in Europe, albeit at a formulation of only 0.25
the tissue relaxation times and can, therefore, be admin-
mol/L and at a dose of 0.025 mmol/kg body
istered in order to manipulate their signal intensity. In
weight [3, 4].
clinical practice, contrast media with paramagnetic or
A dedicated hepatocyte-selective contrast agent is
superparamagnetic properties are used to shorten the
mangafodipir trisodium (Teslascan, Mn-DPDP; GE
T1 and T2 relaxation times. In abdominal MR imag-
Healthcare), which was approved for clinical use in
ing, several different classes of contrast agents are
1997 [57].
available for routine clinical use. These include non-
specific media that distribute extracellularly in a man-
ner similar to that of the iodinated agents used in
computed tomography (CT), materials that are taken 2.2.2Physicochemical Properties
up specifically by hepatocytes and partly excreted into
the biliary system, and agents that are targeted specifi-
Paramagnetism arises in atoms that have unpaired
cally to the Kupffer cells of the reticuloendothelial sys-
electrons. Placed in an external magnetic field, these
tem (RES) in the liver or the macrophages in the lymph
atoms show a significant net magnetization because of
nodes. The differential use of these agents, depending
the preferential orientation of the paramagnetic dipole
on the clinical setting, can improve the diagnostic
moments parallel to the applied magnetic field; its
information available to the radiologist and help to
magnitude is proportional to the magnitude of the
solve several diagnostic dilemmas.
external magnetic field. The most important chemical
subgroup of paramagnetic compounds are metal ions
(e.g., Mn2+) and lanthanide elements, such as Gd, one
2.2Paramagnetic Agents of the strongest paramagnetic substances known since
it has seven unpaired electrons. Paramagnetic agents
cause shortening of both the T1-relaxation time and
2.2.1History at higher tissue concentrations the T2-relaxation
time [2].
Chelates of the paramagnetic ion gadolinium (Gd) that Because of its strong paramagnetic effect, Gd is the
distribute solely to the extracellular space (i.e., do not base for all available extracellular MR contrast agents.
have any tissue-specific biodistribution) have been com- Due to the high toxicity of free Gd invivo, it needs to
mercially available since 1986 [1]. A variety of these be bound to ligands, resulting in highly hydrophilic
compounds are produced with different binding com- Gd-chelate complexes.
plexes that behave similarly. The prototypical complex Gd-BOPTA is an octadentate chelate of Gd. It
of this class of agents is gadopentetate dimeglumine possesses higher relaxivity than equimolar formula-
(Magnevist, Gd-DTPA; Schering AG), which was the tions of other extracellular contrast agents, because of
first MR contrast agent introduced into the market [2]. its more lipophilic structure [8]. Its contrast-effective
Other Gd-chelates include gadoteridol (ProHance, moiety interacts weakly and transiently with serum
Gd-HP-DO3A; Bracco Diagnostics), gadodiamide albumin. As a consequence, a T1 relaxivity in human
2 MR Contrast Agents 19

plasma that is approximately twice that of the conven- Gd-BOPTA differs from other available Gd-chelates
tional gadolinium agents is achieved [9]. This sub- in that it distributes not only to the extracellular fluid
stance differs from the purely extracellular Gd agents space, but is selectively taken up by functioning hepa-
as it combines the properties of a conventional non- tocytes and excreted into the bile by the canalicular
specific Gd medium with those of an agent targeted multispecific organic anion transporter that is used to
specifically to the hepatocytes [6]. eliminate bilirubin [12, 13]. Unlike the conventional
Gd-EOB-DTPA is a paramagnetic hepatobiliary agents, approximately 35% of the injected dose of
contrast agent with hepatocellular uptake by the Gd-BOPTA is taken up by functioning hepatocytes
anionic-transporter protein [10]. It has higher and ultimately excreted via the biliary system. As a
T1-relaxivity in human plasma than Gd-BOPTA, a result, the normal liver parenchyma shows strong
fact possibly explained by the greater degree of pro- enhancement on delayed T1-weighted (T1-w) images
tein binding. Like Gd-BOPTA, Gd-EOB-DTPA has a that is maximal approximately 1 h after injection [13].
higher T1 relaxivity compared to the conventional As with other Gd compounds, Gd-BOPTA is mainly
extracellular agents and distributes initially to the eliminated by the kidneys.
vascular and interstitial compartment after bolus Gd-EOB-DTPA provides a triphasic pharmacoki-
injection [4]. netic profile similar to that of Gd-BOPTA. The lipo-
Mn-DPDP is an anionic manganese chelate that philic side chain EOB produces a high affinity to the
dissociates rapidly following administration, yielding organic anion transporter system, which is also respon-
free Mn2+ ion [11]. sible for the uptake of Gd-BOPTA. After intravenous
Some physicochemical properties of the main para- bolus injection, Gd-EOB-DTPA is rapidly cleared
magnetic contrast agents are summarized in Table2.1. from the intravascular space to the extracellular space;
from here the compound is both taken up by hepato-
cytes and eliminated by glomerular filtration [11].
Whereas only 35% of the injected dose of Gd-
2.2.3Pharmacokinetics BOPTA is taken up by hepatocytes and eliminated in the
bile, in the case of Gd-EOB-DTPA 50% of the injected
While Gd is responsible for the paramagnetic effect of dose is taken up and eliminated via the hepatobiliary
complexes, the ligand determines the pharmacokinetic pathway after approximately 60 min [3]. The maximum
behavior. Due to the high hydrophilicity and low increase of SI of liver parenchyma is observed approxi-
molecular weight of the Gd-chelates, they diffuse rap- mately 20 min after injection and lasts for approximately
idly into the interstitial space after intravenous injec- 2 h [3, 14]. In contrast to Gd-BOPTA, urinary filtration
tion. The protein binding is negligible. The elimination and fecal excretion by way of bile account for approxi-
of the unmetabolized Gd complexes from the body mately equal portions of the administered dose. Although
occurs via renal excretion with a plasma half-life of the degree of renal elimination augments with increas-
about 90 min. The compounds are completely elimi- ing doses, its hepatic clearance reveals a moderate satu-
nated after a maximum of 24 h if the glomerular filtra- ration phenomenon in higher doses [11].
tion rate is not diminished, but the half-life is prolonged Regarding Mn-DPDP, after invivo dissociation of the
in patients with impaired renal function [2]. largest portion of the Mn-DPDP complex into free Mn2+
and DPDP, the free ion is taken up by hepatocytes,
whereas a transmetallation with Zn2+ could be shown for
Table 2.1 Physicochemical properties of Gd-based contrast DPDP. By another specific carrier mechanism, some of
agents the remaining Mn-DPDP complex is also taken up by the
Osmolality Viscosity Relaxivities hepatocytes and shows intracellular dissociation. Whereas
(Osm/kg) (MPa/s) at 1.5T (mM/s) DPDP and the still complete Mn-DPDP complex (15
R1 R2 20%) are renally eliminated within 24 h, free Mn2+
Gd-DTPA 1.96 2.9 3.9 5.3 remains in the body for several days and accumulates not
Gd-BOPTA 1.97 5.3 6.3 8.7 only in the liver but to a lesser extent in the pancreas,
gastric mucosa, adrenal glands, and some intracerebral
Gd-EOB-DTPA 0.69 1.19 6.9 8.7
structures before it is eliminated by bile or urine. The
Mn-DPDP 0.30 0.8 3.6 7.1 half-life, therefore, is not clearly determined [2].
20 L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves

2.2.4Safety As with Gd-chelates, Mn-DPDP is considered to

have an acceptable safety profile although injection-
Overall, this class of contrast media is the safest com- related minor adverse events such as flushing, nausea
pared with other contrast agents, with an incidence of and dizziness are relatively common [6, 20]. However,
adverse reactions of 12%, mostly mild and transient. these symptoms are transient and of mild intensity and
This incidence may be about two to three times higher affect the patients well-being but do not raise a true
in patients with a history of allergies or with asthma [2]. safety concern. Some authors performed a fast injec
Most of the Gd-chelates result in minor changes in the tion while administering this agent, which potentially
serum iron and bilirubin levels and demonstrate passage increases the incidence of adverse events. Moreover,
across the placenta and excretion into the breast milk this contrast dissociates rapidly following administra-
[15]. This occurs within 24 h of injection; therefore, the tion to yield free Mn2+ ions, which may be associated
administration of Gd-chelates during pregnancy or with increased neurological risk in patients with hepatic
breast-feeding is generally not recommended, but they impairment [21]. Nevertheless, serious side effects
can be used in selected cases according to clinical indi- have not been described with this substance [6].
cation [11]. The most relevant adverse reaction which
may occur after intravenous injection of Gd compounds
is an anaphylactoid reaction. The incidence of anaphy-
lactoid reactions is about six times lower than with non- 2.2.5Imaging Protocols
ionic X-ray contrast agents. As far as it is known, there
is no relationship between adverse reactions and doses As paramagnetic compounds, Gd-chelates shorten T1 tis-
of up to at least 0.3 mmol/kg of body weight [2]. sue relaxation times when injected intravenously. At rec-
Although the safety profiles of these agents are all ommended doses of 0.10.3 mmol/kg their main effect is
extremely attractive, especially in comparison to iodi- to shorten the T1 relaxation time resulting in higher SI of
nated x-ray contrast agents [16, 17], possible problems tissue, which is best demonstrated on heavily T1-w images
associated with the least stable of these agents (gado- [22]. Due to rapid redistribution of Gd-chelates from the
diamide and gadoversetamide) have recently come to intravascular compartment to the extracellular space, these
light [16]. Both, but none of the other approved Gd contrast agents must be administered as a rapid intrave-
agents, have been shown to cause spurious hypocalce- nous bolus at a dose of 0.1 mmol/kg (0.2 mL/kg) body-
mia as a result of interference with laboratory tests for weight and at a flow rate of 23 mL/s. Injection of the
serum calcium [16, 18]. contrast agent should be followed by a saline flush of
Other adverse events after intravenous injection of 20 mL at the same injection rate. Thereafter, imaging of
Gd-chelates include nausea and vomiting, warmth and the entire liver is performed in a single breath hold during
pain at the injection site, headache, paresthesia, dizzi- the dynamic phase of contrast enhancement. This is most
ness, urticaria/allergy-like skin reaction, and focal commonly undertaken with a 2D or 3D T1-w gradient-
convulsion [2]. echo (GRE) sequence with serial imaging in the arterial
Both Gd-BOPTA [12] and Gd-EOB-DTPA have a dominant phase (2530 s post-injection), the portal-venous
safety profile that is not dissimilar from those of the phase (6080 s post-injection), and the equilibrium phase
conventional extracellular Gd agents [3, 4]. The most (35 min post-injection). The 3D fat-saturated (FS) GRE
frequently reported symptoms of adverse effects were sequence should be performed with parallel imaging
nausea, vasodilatation, headache, taste perversion, and resulting in lower acquisition times and breath hold times.
injection site pain [4]. Imaging with contrast agents that have a combined
All Gd-based agents increase the risk of nephrogenic extracellular and hepatocyte-specific distribution can be
systemic fibrosis (NSF) in patients with acute or chronic performed during the dynamic phase of contrast enhance-
severe renal failure (glomerular filtration rate < 30 mL/ ment in a manner identical to that used with the non
min/1.73 m2) and in patients with acute renal insuffi- specific Gd-chelates that have a purely extracellular
ciency of any severity due to hepatorenal syndrome or in distribution. For this purpose, these agents are injected as
the perioperative liver transplantation period. Extensive a bolus, typically at a dose of 0.050.1 mmol/kg BW
literature on NSF has been published in the last years (0.10.2 mL/kg bodyweight) for Gd-BOPTA and
and may be consulted for in-depth information [19]. 0.025 mmol/kg BW (0.1 mL/kg bodyweight) for
2 MR Contrast Agents 21

d-EOB-DTPA, at a flow rate of 23 mL/s. The injection

G Mn-DPDP has to be administered as a drip infusion
of the contrast agent should be followed by a saline flush over a period of approximately 10 min at a dose
of 20 mL at the same injection rate. Contrast-enhanced 2D of 510 mmol/kg bodyweight (0.5 mL/kg; maximum
or 3D GRE T1-w or T1-w FS imaging of the entire liver is dose, 50 mL), which precludes dynamic imaging.
typically performed in a single breath hold at 2025 s post- Moreover, because the 510 mmol/kg dose of manga-
injection (arterial phase imaging), 6080 s post-injection fodipir is 10% or less than that of the Gd agents, imag-
(portal-venous phase imaging) and 35 min post-injection ing with this contrast during its distribution phase in
(equilibrium phase imaging). the extracellular fluid compartment does not contribute
Hepatobiliary imaging after injection of Gd-BOPTA to diagnosis [20]. This contrast causes increased SI in
is performed at 45 min to 3 h post-injection (enhance- the liver on T1-w images [6]. GRE T1-w breath hold
ment is most prominent 60120 min after intravenous sequences are normally used for image acquisition. Fat
injection). Conversely, with Gd-EOB-DTPA imaging saturation has been shown to improve contrast [24].
in the hepatobiliary phase can usually be performed as Imaging is usually performed at 1520 min post-injec-
soon as 20 min post-injection (highest liver-to-lesion tion, but in some cases, later images at 4 h provide
contrast is observed 2045 min after injection). The additional information for lesion characterization [2].
use of fat saturation improves contrast-to-noise ratio Figure2.1 and Table2.2 show suggested protocols
(CNR) on hepatobiliary phase images [23]. for MR imaging using paramagnetic contrast agents.

T2-w TSE
T1-w GRE in/out of phase
3D T1-w GRE



Bolus injection Bolus injection Drip infusion

20-25 20-25
3D T1-w GRE arterial phase 3D T1-w GRE arterial phase

70-80 70-80
3D T1-w GRE portal venous phase 3D T1-w GRE portal venous phase

180-300 180-300
3D T1-w GRE equilibrium phase 3D T1-w GRE equilibrium phase

> 15
T1-w TSE FS or
T1-w GRE
> 45 3D T1-w GRE or
3D T1-w GRE or T1-w GRE
T1-w GRE

Fig.2.1 Imaging protocols for paramagnetic contrast-enhanced MRI


Table2.2 Suggested sequences used in MRI studies employing paramagnetic contrast agents
TR (ms) TE (ms) Flip angle (o) Matrix (mm) FOV (mm) Slice Intersection Fat Respiratory Breath Acquisition
thickness (mm) gap (mm) suppression triggering hold time
T2-w TSE 1,800 93 150 384 264 360 270 8 1.6 Yes Yes No 155
T1-w TSE 692 10 70 384 264 360 330 8 1.6 Yes Yes No 219
T1-w in/out 100 2.32/5.24 70 256 180 350 350 9 1.8 No No Yes 9 (2)
3D T1-w GRE 3.64 1.44 8 256 256 400 400 3.5 0.7 Yes No Yes 14
L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves
2 MR Contrast Agents 23

2.2.6Current Clinical Indications agent gadofosveset is also particularly employed for

use in MR angiography.
In addition to the hepatic imaging capability of
The extracellular contrast agents have a broad indica- Gd-BOPTA, biliary excretion also facilitates its use
tion spectrum. In imaging of the liver, they provide for biliary tract imaging, while the increased relaxiv-
important information for the detection of lesions and ity deriving from weak plasma protein interaction
for characterization of focal and diffuse liver patholo- may be beneficial for hepatic MR angiography. Both
gies (in general using dynamic imaging). Regarding of these features have proven advantageous for the
lesion characterization, characteristic enhancement preoperative evaluation of potential liver donors in
patterns have been identified for several benign and transplant surgery [27]. Gd-EOB-DTPA is also a suit-
malignant masses (Tables2.3 and 2.4) of both hepato- able agent for liver and biliary imaging [28]. Table2.4
cellular and non-hepatocellular origin (Figs. 2.22.4) summarizes the expected behavior of various focal
[25, 26]. liver lesions on hepatobiliary phase of enhancement
For gadobutrol, it should be stressed that because it after injection of hepatocyte-specific contrast agents.
consists of a 1 M concentration instead of the 0.5 M Although Mn-DPDP is primarily considered an
concentration of all other Gd-chelates, (resulting in agent for MRI of the liver, some studies demonstrated
double the concentration and half the injection volume a potential usefulness for imaging of the pancreas as
for the same dose), it is advantageous for first-pass well [29]. Moreover, since the Mn2+ ion is partly
imaging examinations, such as perfusion imaging and excreted through the biliary system, this contrast may
high-gradient 3D MR angiography [2]. The contrast prove effective for biliary tract imaging [30].

Table2.3 Magnetic properties of focal liver lesions on CE-dynamic MR

FNH HCA Hemangioma HCC Cholangiocarcinoma Metastases
Arterial Homogeneous Heterogeneous Peripheral Heterogeneous Heterogeneously Variable, usually
strong enhancement globular strong hypointense hypointense with
enhancement enhancement enhancement rim
(except for enhancement
central scar)
Portal Isointense Iso to Progressive Iso to Hypointense, Hypointense
(hypointense hypointense, centripetal hypointense, heterogeneous
scar) heterogeneous enhancement heterogeneous
Equilibrium Isointense Iso to Progressive Hypointense, Heterogeneous late Hypointense,
(enhanced hypointense, centripetal heterogeneous, enhancement peripheral
hyperintense heterogeneous filling peripheral washout
scar) capsule

Table2.4 Behavior of different hepatic focal lesions on hepatobiliary phase after administration of hepatocyte-specific contrast
FNH HCA Hemangioma HCC Cholangiocarcinoma Metastases
T1-w Iso- to Heterogeneous, Hypointense Hypointense Hypointense Hypointense
hepato-biliary hyperintense; variable SI (iso- to hyperin- (occasional
phase hypointense (usually tense if well- enhancement)
central scar hypointense) differentiated
24 L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves

Fig. 2.2 FNH: the lesion is slightly hyperintense on T2-w on the portal venous and equilibrium phases (d, e); the nodule is
(a) and hypointense on T1-w (b) images; after Gd-EOB-DTPA, hyperintense to liver on the hepatobiliary phase (f)
there is strong enhancement on the arterial phase (c) and washout

Key Points: Paramagnetic Agents ilirrubin values >3 mg/L interfere with the
Paramagnetic contrast agents shorten the T1 amount of biliary excretion.
relaxation time of tissues. Nonspecific Gd compounds should be admin-
The most important subgroups of paramag- istered as a rapid intravenous bolus injection
netic compounds are metal ions and lan- at a dose of 0.1 mmol/kg body weight and at a
thanide elements, such as Gd, that has seven flow rate of 23 mL/s.
unpaired electrons. Typical hepatocyte-specific phase used for
Regular Gd-based compounds show a rapid liver imaging ranges from 20 min for
vascular passage followed by interstitial dif- Gd-EOB-DTPA to 60 min for Gd-BOPTA. The
fusion (non-specific agents). use of fat saturation improves contrast-to-
Hepato-biliary compounds are dual agents, noise ratio (CNR) on hepatobiliary phase
initially with extracellular distribution, and images.
over a time frame taken up by hepatocytes All Gd-based agents increase the risk of
and excreted into the bile. nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) in
The transport mechanism is competitive patients with acute or chronic severe renal
withbilirrubin uptake and excretion. Serum failure.
2 MR Contrast Agents 25

Fig.2.3 HCC: the tumor is hyperintense on T2-w images (a); imaging after injection of Gd-EOB-DTPA demonstrates hypervascu-
lar features (b, c, d) and is hypointense to surrounding liver on the hepatobiliary phase (e)

2.3Superparamagnetic Agents Whereas the bigger iron oxide particles are mainly
taken up in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow, USPIO
2.3.1History agents are able to penetrate the vascular endothelium.
From the interstitial space, they reach the lymphatic
Iron oxide particles of different sizes have been devel- system and suffer phagocytosis by macrophages in
oped for clinical applications on MR imaging. They lymph nodes. One such compound, ferumoxtran-10,
are referred to as superparamagnetic iron oxides (SPIO, (Sinerem, AMI 227, Laboratoires Guerbet), is cur-
mean size > 50 nm) and ultrasmall superparamagnetic rently under development [2].
iron oxides (USPIO, mean particle size < 50 nm) [11].
One superparamagnetic contrast medium is feru-
moxides, which has been on the market in Europe
since 1996, under the trademark Endorem (AMI 25, 2.3.2Physicochemical Properties
Laboratoires Guerbet). Another contrast agent, feru-
carbotran (Resovist, SH U 555 A, Schering AG) is Iron oxide nanoparticles composed of maghemite and
available in most European countries since 2002. Both magnetite (Fe2O3, Fe3O4) and stabilized by various
these agents belong to the so-called SPIOs category. coating agents are characterized by a large magnetic
26 L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves

Fig.2.4 Colorectal metastases: multiple liver nodules demonstrate peripheral rim of enhancement on the arterial phase (a); there is
no enhancement on the portal phase (b) nor on the hepatobiliary phase (c)

moment in the presence of a static external magnetic the magnetic moment of the entire crystal tends to
field, making them suitable contrast agents for MRI. align with the magnetic field.
Formed by small ferromagnetic clusters, they can As a consequence, superparamagnetic crystals are
randomly flip direction. As a result, they are magne- characterized by a large magnetic moment in the presence
tized except under an externally applied magnetic of an external magnetic field, but no remnant magnetic
field. Normally, coupling forces in ferromagnetic moment when the field is zero, contrarily to ferromag-
materials cause the magnetic moments of neighboring netic substances, which have a remnant magnetic moment
atoms to align, resulting in very large internal mag- at zero field once magnetized (magnetic memory).
netic fields. The colloids of magnetic iron oxide are composed
Superparamagnetism occurs when the material is of a crystalline core measuring 46 nm. Once submit-
composed of very small crystals. In this case even the ted to an external magnetic field, they align and create
energy does not overcome the coupling forces between high local magnetic field gradients inducing water pro-
neighboring atoms, but it is sufficient to change the ton spin dephasing and reduction of T1 and T2 relax-
direction of magnetization of the entire crystal. Thus, ation times of the surrounding water molecules.
2 MR Contrast Agents 27

Table2.5 Physicochemical properties of particulate iron oxides (PS photocorrelation spectroscopy)

Hydrodynamic Crystal core Coating Relaxivities in water at 37C
diameter (PS) (nm) size (nm) (1.42T) (mM/s)
R1 R2
Ferumoxides 120180 5 Dextran T10 kDa 10.1 120
Ferucarbotran 65 4 Carboxydextran T1.8 kDa 9.7 189
Ferumoxtran-10 1530 6 Dextran T10 kDa, T1 kDa 9.9 65

In most situations, it is the decrease of the so-called Table 2.6 Pharmacokinetic profile of superparamagnetic iron
T2* relaxivity that is explored by MRI, also known as oxides
susceptibility effect. It consists of differences in mag- Human Degree of
netization between different voxels on the imaging half-life (h) macrophage
plane with inhomogeneous distribution of superpara-
magnetic particles, originating local field gradients Ferumoxides 12 High
that accelerate loss of spin phase coherence. Like many Ferucarbotran 2.43.6 High
other agents, to avoid invivo clustering of the particles Ferumoxtran-10 2436 Low
and to increase tolerance, iron oxide particles had to be
coated with low molecular weight dextran, also becom-
ing more hydrophilic [2]. by intracellular dextranase after uptake by macro
The physicochemical properties of the iron oxide phages and is almost exclusively eliminated in the
contrast agents are summarized in Table2.5. urine (89% in 56 days) due to its low molecular weight,
while the remaining dextran is excreted in the feces.
The degradation of iron oxide has been described to
2.3.3Pharmacokinetics occur in the lysosomes of macrophages. The iron oxide
is solubilized into iron ions, which are progressively
incorporated into the bodys iron pool and then into
Nanoparticles are usually taken up by Kupffer cells in hemoglobin. Like endogenous iron, it is eliminated
the liver, spleen, and bone marrow and, to a lesser very slowly, as only 1621% of the injected iron is
extent, lymph nodes. eliminated after 84 days in the feces being the urinary
SPIO shows higher cellular uptake than USPIO excretion negligible (<1%).
when comparing agents with identical compositions. It
seems that the larger particle size of SPIO is responsible
for the higher rate of macrophage extraction from the
bloodstream. Also to take into account is the fact that 2.3.4Safety
ionic nanoparticles such as ferucarbotran show a higher
uptake than nonionic nanoparticles (ferumoxides and Safety data from more than 800 patients were reported
ferumoxtran-10). Slower rates of uptake of the smaller from phase-III clinical trials with ferumoxides. The
particles lead to a longer blood half-life, allowing it to reported incidents of adverse events range between
reach other targets such as the lymph nodes. The blood 10.3% in Europe and 15% in the USA. One of the most
half-lives of the various iron oxide nanoparticles admin- frequently reported adverse effects is lumbar back pain
istered in patients vary from 1 to 36 h (Table2.6). which was observed in more than 34% of the patients
Blood half-life is dose dependent for the iron oxide [2]. The nature of this symptom is unknown but it
nanoparticles. This is related to a progressive satura- appears to be a side effect of particulate agents in gen-
tion of macrophage uptake in the liver or other mac- eral; it is not specific to ferumoxides and is limited to
rophage-rich organs. the injection period and slightly beyond. Back pain
Dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticles are biode- develops in patients in whom the contrast agent is
gradable, and therefore do not have long-term toxicity: administered too rapidly (i.e., faster than the recom-
the dextran coating undergoes progressive degradation mended slow intravenous drip infusion) and is more
28 L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves

likely to occur in patients with liver dysfunction, such the stock solution immediately before administration
as cirrhotic patients [7]. The incidence and severity of by dilution in 100 mL of a 5% glucose solution and
adverse events (such as back pain, thoracic pain, or slowly infused as a drip infusion over a period of 2030
hypotension) correlates with the speed of infusion. min. The optimal time point for imaging in the accu-
Therefore, the drip infusion should be stopped until the mulation phase after ferumoxides administration is
symptoms disappear and resumed at a slower rate under between 30 min and 6 h after injection of the complete
medical supervision. If reactions such as nausea, urti- dose of contrast medium. Imaging protocols typically
caria, or other allergic skin reactions occur, the admin- include T2-w turbo-spin-echo (TSE) sequences with
istration should be stopped and not resumed [23]. FS, T2*-w GRE sequences, and, in selected cases,
Ferucarbotran has been administered to more than T1-w sequences [23]. SPIO-enhanced T2*-w GRE
1,200 patients during clinical phase-II and phase-III tri- sequences are be more sensitive and specific than T2-w
als worldwide. The overall incidence of adverse events TSE since a more intense a SI loss of the enhancing
is about 9%. Back pain was reported in less than 0.5% tissue is expected related to their sensitivity to mag-
of cases and is of mild intensity. Other secondary effects netic susceptibility effects, as they are devoid of the
include paresthesia, headache, nausea, anxiety, vomit- 180 refocusing radiofrequency pulses (Fig.2.5).
ing, and pain at the injection site. With regard to labora- Unlike ferumoxides, ferucarbotran is a ready-to-use
tory parameters, a transient decrease within the normal suspension, which can be injected intravenously as a
range of the activity of clotting factor XI has been fast bolus, allowing dynamic imaging to be performed.
observed. This does not result in any changes in the The dose for patients with a body weight of less than
overall bleeding time or coagulation tests such as PTT 60 kg is 0.9 mL (total iron dose 0.45 mmol), while
and Quick [2]. No changes in urinary chemistry or blood individuals with a body weight of more than 60 kg
creatinine have been reported. Similarly, no impairment receive a dose of 1.4 mL (total iron dose 0.7 mmol).
of liver function was found in previous studies. The contrast agent is administered as a bolus through a
The adverse reactions associated with the use of 5 mm-filter followed by a saline flush (0.9% saline
ferumoxtran-10 are similar to the ones reported for the solution) of approximately 20 mL. After bolus injec-
other iron oxide agents. The most common adverse tion, dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-w imaging of the
event from the previously performed studies was mild entire liver can be performed. This dynamic imaging is
lumbar back pain in fewer than 4% of patients [31]. possible due to an intravascular and interstitial T1
As with all other contrast media, allergic or anaphy- effect occurring before phagocytosis by Kupffer cells,
lactic reactions can, in principle, occur with each of which only occurs later on, about 10 min after injec-
these contrast agents [2]. The iron moiety of this con- tion [11].
trast media might cause a transient change in seric As a result, the time-point for imaging in the accu
iron, ferritin, and iron-binding capacity, but there is no mulation phase after ferucarbotran injection ranges from
risk of iron overload. 10 min to 8 h after administration of the contrast agent.
At this time T2-w TSE FS images or, preferably,
T2*-w GRE images should be obtained.
2.3.5Imaging Protocols Ferumoxtran-10, which is primarily taken up by
lymph node macrophages, is reconstituted using
Imaging protocols may be variable but typically pre- 10 mL of a 0.9% saline solution. The administered
contrast T1-, T2-, and T2*-w sequences are acquired dose ranges from 1.7 to 2.6 mg of iron/kg of body
when SPIO is used for liver imaging. weight and the corresponding volume of the contrast
T2-w images should be obtained with fat suppres- agent solution is diluted in 100 mL of a 0.9% saline
sion in order to reduce artefacts and increase lesion-to- solution. The final volume is injected intravenously, by
liver contrast. T1-w sequences must include in- and drip infusion through a filter (pore size: 0.22 mm), at a
out-of-phase images to provide information about the rate of 4 mL/min, with an average infusion time of
liver parenchyma and to detect or exclude diffuse liver approximately 30 min. Imaging is performed 2436 h
diseases such as fatty infiltration [32]. after the intravenous injection of the contrast medium.
The recommended dose range for ferumoxides in Achieving an accurate nodal characterization
Europe is 1015 mmol Fe/kg of body weight (0.075 implies that the optimal sequence for MR lymphogra-
mL/kg). This contrast medium has to be prepared from phy should have a good CNR. T2-w images possess a
2 MR Contrast Agents 29

a b

Fig. 2.5 Metastasis: SPIO-enhanced T2*-w GRE sequences contrast between the black (enhancing) liver and the metastatic
(b, c) exhibit a more pronounced SI loss of the enhancing tissue nodule. Please also take into account the darker appearance of
than T-w TSE ones (a); as a consequence, detection of hypovas- the enhancing liver with longer TE (c, TE 15 ms) than with
cular lesions is better on T2*-GRE because there is an increased shorter TE (b, TE 10 ms)

good signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) but are not very sen- 2.3.6Current Clinical Indications
sitive to the changes in intranodal susceptibility
caused by intracellular ferumoxtran-10. Contrarily, The major clinical indication of SPIO-enhanced studies
the T2*-w sequences are exquisitely sensitive to sus- is liver imaging. The rationale behind this is the fact
ceptibility effects induced by the intranodal iron in that, because of the unique physiologic properties of the
normal nodes. T2*-weighted images have good CNR liver, opsonized iron oxide particles are sequestered by
but lower SNR [33]. Thus, the imaging parameters for phagocytic Kupffer cells of normal RES. In this way,
this sequence should be selected with caution. By liver lesions that contain negligible or few RES cells
selecting a sufficiently long echo time and a small flip remain largely non-enhanced, while the normal liver
angle, the T2* effect can be enhanced, allowing dem- enhances (becomes hypointense on T2-w images),
onstration of satisfactory signal intensity decrease resulting in an improvement of the CNR ratio between
within an enhancing node [34]. However, by increas- enhanced (low SI) liver and non-enhanced (high SI)
ing the echo time, one must take a lower SNR into liver lesions on SPIO-enhanced T2-w images. Liver
account [33]. metastases constitute the type of lesion for which an
Figure2.6 and Table2.7 provide suggested proto- increased detection rate with these contrast agents is
cols for MR imaging with particulate iron oxides. more clinically relevant. Patients with potentially
30 L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves

Pre-contrast Pre-contrast
T2-w TSE T2-w TSE
T2*-w GRE T2*-w GRE
T1-w GRE in/out of phase
3D T1-w GRE


Drip infusion Bolus injection Drip infusion

3D T1-w GRE arterial phase

3D T1-w GRE portal venous phase

3D T1-w GRE equilibrium phase

> 10
T2-w TSE
T2*-w GRE
> 30
T2-w TSE
T2*-w GRE > 24-36 H
T2-w TSE
T2*-w GRE

Fig.2.6 Imaging protocols for SPIO- and USPIO-enhanced MRI

resectable liver metastases on the basis of limited The following table summarizes the expected
involvement correspond to the patient group in which behavior of various focal liver lesions on SPIO-
the role for SPIO agents may be most applicable enhanced MRI (Table2.8).
(Fig.2.7) [7]. Smaller SPIO agents, such as ferucarbotran, pos-
Apart from the detection of focal liver lesions, SPIO sess a more prolonged intravascular half-life than do
agents may also play an important role for character- the larger particulate agents, exhibiting T1 effects that
ization. The increased uptake of iron oxides by focal emulate the vascular phase effects of T1 agents.
nodular hyperplasia (FNH), due to its high content of Therefore, they can provide additional information
functional RES cells, is a well-known example about the characterization of focal liver lesions, simi-
(Fig.2.8). larly to a Gd-based extracellular compound. Also, due
Some overlap may occur with liver nodules poten- to its vascular enhancement they were used for MR
tially containing RES cells as hepatocellular adenoma angiography [7], despite their weak T1-effect.
(HCA), regenerative nodules, dysplastic nodules and The main clinical application of USPIO agents is
well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma [11]. It the characterization of lymph nodes through MR lym-
should also be mentioned that lesions possessing a phography. After intravenous administration the iron
large blood pool, such as hemangioma, may also show particles are slowly extravasated from the vessels into
a signal intensity drop-out on T2-w SPIO-enhanced the interstitial space, from where they are conducted
sequences. to the lymph nodes. Entrance into lymph nodes is via
2 MR Contrast Agents

Table2.7 Suggested pulse sequences for MRI studies employing particulate iron oxides
TR (ms) TE (ms) Flip Matrix (mm) FOV (mm) Slice Intersection Fat suppression Respiratory Breath hold Acquisition
angle (o) thickness gap (mm) triggering time
T2-w TSE 1,800 93 150 384 268 360 270 8 1.6 Yes Yes No 155
T2*-w 130 14 30 256 180 420 394 7 1.4 No No Yes 38 (three
GRE acquisitions)
T1-w in/ 100 2.32/5.24 70 256 180 350 350 9 1.8 No No Yes 9 (2)
out phase
3D T1-w 3.64 1.44 8 256 256 400 400 3.5 0.7 Yes No Yes 14
32 L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves

Fig.2.7 Metastases: lesions on the right liver lobe are hardly recognizable on non-enhanced T2-w images (a), whereas on SPIO-
enhanced T2-w sequences (b) even tiny nodules become readily apparent

Fig.2.8 FNH: Rounded lesion of the left liver lobe (white arrow), slightly hyperintense on FS T2-w images (a), demonstrating
homogeneous SI loss on the same sequence after the administration of SPIO (b)

Table2.8 Behavior of different hepatic focal lesions pre- and post-SPIO injection
FNH HCA Hemangioma HCC Cholangiocarcinoma Metastases
T2-w pre- Iso- to mildly Heterogeneous, Markedly Heterogeneous, Hyperintense, Variable,
contrast hyperintense; variable SI hyperintense hyper- to heterogeneous usually mildly
hyperintense isointense hyperintense
central scar
T2-w Homogeneous Slight signal Variable signal No SI decay No signal dropout No signal decay
enhanced signal decay; loss, mildly decay (except well-
hyperintense hyperintense differentiated
scar HCC)

two mechanisms, a direct transcapillary passage from homogeneous USPIO uptake and consequently signal
venules into nodal medullary sinuses and nonselec- intensity loss on contrast-enhanced T2-w TSE and
tive endothelial transcytosis into the interstitial space T2*-w GRE images, whereas a lymph node replaced
[35]. The macrophages that are present in normal by malignant cells remains bright after USPIO admin-
benign nodes take up the contrast agent, causing a istration since it is deprived of macrophages (Figs.2.9
signal intensity dropout. Benign nodes show and 2.10) [33].
2 MR Contrast Agents 33

Key Points: Superparamagnetic Agents PATTERNS OF USPIO ENHANCEMENT

Superparamagnetic contrast agents shorten the

T2 relaxation time of tissues. Non-metastatic Metastatic
Iron oxide particles create high local magnetic
field gradients causing proton dephasing and Pre-contrast

reduction of the T2 relaxation times of tissues.

Iron-oxide particles are primarily directed to the
liver, bone marrow and spleen (SPIO, mean size I II III IV V VI
>50 nm), or lymph nodes (USPIO, mean particle
size < 50 nm). Fig.2.9 Drawing for assessment of nodal signal intensity before
Imaging with SPIO should be performed from a and after USPIO administration, establishing enhancement cri-
teria used to differentiate benign from metastatic nodes. The
time frame of >10 min after bolus injection nodes showing a homogeneous signal decrease (I) on enhanced
(ferucarbotran) to >30 min after slow venous T2-w images or minute hyperintense foci (II) or a hyperintense
infusion (ferumoxides). peripheral rim (III), are considered nonmetastatic. Nodes that do
Imaging with USPIO should be performed 2436 not show signal intensity decrease (IV), that contain obvious foci
of high SI (V) or are heterogeneous (VI) on T2-w images are
h after the slow infusion (ferumoxtran-10). considered metastatic
T2*-w sequences are exquisitely sensitive to sus-
ceptibility effects and thus to the presence of
intracellular iron. carcinoma. For instance, differentiation between HCA
One of the most frequently reported adverse and FNH is possible during the hepatobiliary phase
effects is lumbar back pain reported in about since FNH contains hyperplastic bile ducts resulting in
than 34% of the patients. contrast accumulation during the hepatobiliary phase
contrarily to HCA (Fig.2.11) [11].
A previous study [36] examined 249 patients with a
variety of primary and secondary hypervascular tumors
on both dynamic and delayed imaging after Gd-BOPTA.
Delayed imaging provided additional information for
2.4Imaging Findings
lesion characterization with high accuracy in distin-
and Intermodality Comparison guishing benign lesions like FNH and regenerative
hyperplasia from other lesions (sensitivity 79.7%,
Contrast-enhanced imaging with the use of nonspe- specificity 96.1%). Other authors [37] studied a subset
cific extracellular agents has high accuracy in detect- of patients with FNH comparing Gd-BOPTA with feru-
ing and characterizing focal liver lesions [11]. moxides. They noted that 57 of 60 lesions displayed
The basic idea of the hepatobiliary-specific contrast typical enhancement characteristics after Gd-BOPTA
media is that they can only be taken up by normal liver and 100% were identified correctly, whereas after feru-
tissue. In lesions of hepatic origin, the uptake depends moxides only 71.6% were correctly identified as FNH.
on the number and the functional integrity of the hepa- The diagnostic performance of Gd-EOB-DTPA
tocytes. The variation between several lesion types and enhanced MR imaging for detection of liver lesions
the resulting differential uptake of contrast media pro- was evaluated in a large prospective study with the use
vides useful information for lesion characterization [2]. of 25 mmol/kg dose [38]. More small lesions were
With hepatobiliary agents, dynamic contrast-enhanced detected on post-contrast than on pre-contrast images.
images exploit the differences in blood supply between Per patient sensitivity for characterization was signifi-
lesions and normal liver parenchyma. The results are cantly higher on post-contrast images alone. One pro-
comparable with other conventional extracellular con- spective study also contained comparative data with
trast agents. At the hepatocyte-retention phase there is biphasic (arterial and portal-venous phase) helical
an improvement in the detection of hypovascular lesions CT [38]. Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging
[6, 11] due to selective uptake by functioning hepato- was superior to CT in the overall analysis for
cytes in normal liver, contrarily to the tumors of non- the pre-therapeutic approach in liver imaging regard-
hepatocytic origin, such as metastases or cholangiocellular ing lesion detection, localization, classification, and
34 L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves

Fig. 2.10 After USPIO administration, the node that does not tially metastatic; the node that experiences a homogeneous
show signal intensity decrease (a) is totally replaced by metas- signal decrease (c) on enhanced T2-w images is a nonmetastatic
tases; the node that contains obvious foci of high SI (b) is par- node

characterization. The frequency of correctly detected Regarding detection of liver metastases, well-
lesions by Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging was controlled studies using surgical pathology or intraop-
87.4% compared with 77.1% for CT (lesion-based erative ultrasound (IOUS) as gold-standard have
analysis), being superior for the detection of lesions supported the efficacy of SPIO-enhanced MRI. For
under 1 cm. Classification of detected lesions (benign example, an early multicenter phase III study showed
versus malignant) was also superior for Gd-EOB- more lesions in 27% of cases than unenhanced MR and
DTPA-enhanced MR imaging (82.1%) compared with in 40% of cases compared to CT [11]. Several other
CT (71%). studies have compared the sensitivity of lesion detec-
Using Mn-DPDP, tumors of hepatocellular origin, tion regarding helical CT versus SPIO-enhanced MRI.
such as FNH, HCA, and well-differentiated HCC, For helical CT, sensitivity and specificity ranged from
have been shown to accumulate the contrast, provid- 60% to 85% and from 44% to 89%, respectively. The
ing additional information for characterization and corresponding values for SPIO-enhanced MRI were
ability to discriminate hepatocellular from non-hepa 6887% and 82100%. SPIO-enhanced MRI has also
tocellular tumors. Although Mn-DPDP can differenti- proved by various authors to be as sensitive as but
ate between hepatocyte- and non-hepatocyte-containing more specific than CT during arterial portography
lesions, other lesions such as regenerative nodules, (CTAP) for the detection of liver metastases. There is
well-differentiated HCC, and metastases from endo- also an advantage of SPIO-enhanced MRI over non-
crine tumors may also show contrast uptake and enhanced MRI in terms of sensitivity (95% versus
increased enhancement [39]. It should be stressed that 81%), but not specificity (89% versus 88%) for detect-
lesion enhancement may be seen up to 24 h after ing liver metastatic lesions [44]. Thus, combined anal-
administration [40, 41] providing a very large tempo- ysis of non-enhanced and SPIO-enhanced images is
ral window for imaging. In a study of 77 patients with more accurate for characterization of focal liver lesions
histologically confirmed diagnoses, the sensitivity and than the review of SPIO-enhanced images alone [45].
specificity of Mn-DPDP-enhanced MRI for the differ- For detection of hypervascular HCC, it has been
entiation of malignant versus benign lesions was 91% documented that SPIO-enhanced MRI is more sensitive
and 67%, respectively, while that for the differentiation than dual-phase spiral CT. A previous study showed
of hepatocellular versus non-hepatocellular lesions that the mean sensitivity of SPIO-enhanced MRI was
was 91% and 85%, respectively [42]. significantly higher (70.6%) than that of dual-phase spi-
Previous studies have shown a benefit for liver ral CT (58.1%). Other authors compared SPIO-enhanced
lesion detection with Mn-DPDP-enhanced hepatic MR MRI with triple-phase multidetector CT (MDCT) for
imaging compared with unenhanced MRI [20, 43]. preoperative detection of HCC [45]. Mean sensitivities
2 MR Contrast Agents 35

Fig. 2.11 On T1-w in-phase image (a) a hyperintense liver arterial phase, whereas the smaller one enhances only discretely
lesion is seen, which experiences SI dropout on T1-w out-of- (c). Both, particularly the larger one, show washout throughout
phase image (b), indicating the presence of intralesional fat. the other phases of enhancement (d, e). On delayed hepatobil-
Next to it there is a larger nodule which is isointense on T1-w iary phase (f) the larger lesion appears brighter than the adjacent
in-phase image and slightly hypointense on T1-w out-of-phase liver, corresponding to a FNH, and the smaller nodule, hypoin-
sequence. After administration of Gd-BOPTA, the larger nodule tense to the adjacent parenchyma, represents lipid-rich HCA
shows hypervascular characteristics with enhancement on the (steatotic adenoma)

of MRI and triple-phase MDCT were 90.2% and 91.3%, additional information when imaging findings on
and specificities 97.0% and 95.3%, respectively. They dynamic MRI are doubtful due to the presence of intra-
concluded that SPIO-enhanced MRI was as accurate as hepatic arterio-portal (AP) shunts and/or post-thera-
triple-phase MDCT for the preoperative detection of peutic liver damage.
HCC but increased the diagnostic confidence for exclu- Previous works reported the usefulness of double-
sion of pseudo-lesions [45]. contrast MRI, that is, the concomitant use of SPIO- and
Several studies have shown that Gd-based dynamic Gd-dynamic MRI, for HCC diagnosis, showing a
MRI is slightly better than SPIO-enhanced MRI for the higher accuracy when compared to plain or SPIO-
detection of small (<2 cm) HCC, showing better con- enhanced MRI alone (0,84, 0,64, 0,76, respectively).
spicuity. However, SPIO-enhanced MRI may provide Both HCC and dysplastic nodules were correctly
36 L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves

characterized with all three techniques, although

Key Points: Detection/Characterization
observer confidence was greatest for the double-con-
trast approach [45]. Several studies have shown that Gd-based
There are some reports regarding comparison of dynamic MRI is slightly better than SPIO-
efficacy between SPIO and paramagnetic hepatobiliary enhanced MRI for the detection of small (<2 cm)
agents in the diagnosis of HCC. A comparative study HCC.
between SPIO and Gd-BOPTA reported a mean sensi- The frequency of correctly detected lesions by
tivity and positive predictive value of SPIO-enhanced Gd-EOB-DTPAenhanced MR imaging was
imaging of 81.0% and 85.0%, respectively, where those 87.4% compared with 77.1% for CT (lesion-
of Gd-BOPTA-enhanced MRI were 91.4% and 88.1%, based analysis), and Gd-EOB-DTPAenhanced
respectively. The authors concluded that Gd-BOPTA- MR imaging was superior in the detection of
enhanced dynamic imaging exhibited a better diagnos- lesions under 1 cm.
tic performance than SPIO-enhanced imaging for the HCA and FNH can be distinguished by the
detection of HCC [45]. enhancement pattern as seen on the hepato-
SPIO-enhanced MRI has a diagnostic efficacy cyte-specific phase.
equivalent to that of CTAP plus CTHA as a preopera- SPIO agents increase the accuracy of MRI for
tive test for HCC [44]. The SPIO-enhanced technique detection and characterization of focal liver
is recommended for the preoperative work-up of can- lesions helping to reduce false-positives.
didates for surgical resection of malignant hepatic The main clinical application of USPIO agents is
tumors. Because CTAP plus CTHA is approximately for characterization of lymph nodes.
three times more expensive than SPIO-enhanced MRI, Double-contrast MRI using SPIO and nonspecific
use of SPIO is also economically favorable. Gd agents is feasible, and can increase HCC
Regarding MR lymphography, several published detection when compared to plain or SPIO-
studies in humans have shown the improved diagnostic enhanced MRI alone.
efficacy of this technique in differentiating benign MR lymphography, improves the diagnostic effi-
from metastatic nodes in comparison to other cross- cacy for differentiation of benign from meta-
sectional imaging modalities. The sensitivity and static nodes when compared to other imaging
specificity values for this technique reported in the modalities.
different clinical trials varied from 33% to 100% and To date, the best clinical benefit for the use of
from 37.5% to 100%, respectively. Nevertheless, a USPIO agents concerns metastatic lymph node
direct comparison of results obtained in different stud- involvement in patients with prostate cancer.
ies is difficult due to heterogeneities in study design,
MRI technique, and anatomical area under apprecia-
tion. For instance, results obtained in the pelvic region
may not be applicable to the mediastinum, where
image degradation due to motion artefacts can decrease 2.5Pitfalls and Limitations
the sensitivity to further extent [34].
Several studies have been published in patients with For Gd-BOPTA, the long waiting time to explore the
head and neck cancer, with sensitivities ranging from hepatobiliary phase is a disadvantage in daily prac-
86% to 95% and specificities from 77% to 100%. Another tice. As for Gd-EOB-DTPA, the main current limita-
trial evaluating nodal staging in patients with prostate tion is related to a lack of large-scale studies, since
cancer showed a significantly increased sensitivity for most of the data available derive from phase-II and
detection of metastatic lymph nodes, ranging from 35.4% III trials.
for plain MRI to 90.5% for USPIO-enhanced MRI. A problem for both agents, and also for Mn-DPDP,
Specificity was also increased, from 90.4% to 97.8%. is the possible overlap of enhancement patterns
It is now accepted that ferumoxtran-10-enhanced between benignancy and malignancy on the hepato-
MRI has a high sensitivity and specificity for the charac- cyte-specific phase. For example, FNH, HCA and
terization of lymph nodes in the abdomen and pelvis, well-differentiated HCC may be difficult to differenti-
with the highest sensitivity and specificity being found in ate from each other [32, 42]. It is also important to
two studies reporting data for prostate cancer only [31]. stress that delayed phase imaging per se is frequently
2 MR Contrast Agents 37

insufficient to provide accurate characterization since

benign lesions (e.g., hemangiomas, cysts) behave sim-
ilarly to malignancy, especially metastatic disease. So, The use of intravascular contrast agents in MR
it is necessary to evaluate all imaging sets from non- examinations became widespread in a variety
contrast to enhanced dynamic multiphase MRI when of clinical scenarios. They may play a pivotal
using BOPTA or EOB-DTPA [23]. Another shortcom- role in several abdominal conditions, both by
ing of these agents relates to reduced liver enhance- improving detection as well as characteriza-
ment in the presence of jaundice. Serum bilirrubin tion of lesions. MR contrast agents can be
values >3mg/L may impair diagnostic usefulness and divided according to their magnetic properties
biliary excretion may lack. into paramagnetic and superparamagnetic
MRI with iron oxides requires a longer imaging agents. They are also classified as interstitial,
protocol that generally implies pre- and post-contrast nonspecific, or liver-specific contrast media,
imaging over a period of 30 min or more in the case of with the latter subdivided according to their
SPIO, or more than 24 h when using USPIO for MR target-cell population: hepatocyte-selective or
lymphography. Kupffer cell contrast agents.
Limitations of SPIO-enhanced MRI of the liver Paramagnetic contrast agents shorten the T1
include the possibility of false positives due to the relaxation time of tissues. They are Gd-based
increased signal of vessels seen end-on on cross- and may show a rapid vascular passage followed
sectional axial slices against a background of black by interstitial diffusion (nonspecific agents) or
liver [23]. Furthermore, use of SPIO in patients with experience an initial extracellular distribution
cirrhosis is challenging due to the diminished uptake followed by uptake from hepatocytes and bil-
and heterogeneous signal intensity due to Kuppfer cell iary excretion (hepato-biliary agents). Super
impairment, inflammation and fibrosis that may ulti- paramagnetic contrast media shorten the T2
mately mimic or conceal HCC [23, 45]. As with hepa- relaxation time. They are composed of iron
tocyte-specific Gd-chelates, lesion characterization oxide particles which are primarily taken up,
may encounter difficulties for differentiation between according to their size, by the liver, spleen and
benign hepatocellular lesions and well-differentiated bone marrow (SPIO, mean size > 50 nm), or
HCC due to the possible remnance of functional lymph nodes (USPIO, mean size <50 nm).
Kupffer cells [11]. Previous studies have shown that Gd-based
Regarding ferumoxtran-10, preliminary results are dynamic MRI may be slightly better than SPIO-
promising; however, it has also been reported minimal enhanced MRI for the detection and character-
or no uptake by inflammatory lymph nodes, which ization of some lesions (such as small HCC),
may reduce specificity of the technique [2]. Other but SPIO agents increase the accuracy of MRI
false-positives are possibly related to the administra- for detection and characterization of focal liver
tion of lower doses of USPIO agents, the presence of lesions helping to improve accuracy; this is
lymph node necrosis or fatty metaplasia, a feature especially true in the case of metastases. The
observed in about 5% of nonmetastatic nodes. main clinical application of USPIO agents is
False negatives may also be generated due to the for characterization of lymph nodes and, at
so called blooming effect resulting from the present, the best clinical benefit for the use of
strong magnetic susceptibility artifact seen on USPIO agents concerns metastatic lymph node
T2*-w GRE sequences, obscuring nodal structure involvement in patients with prostate cancer.
and hampering the detection of micrometastases. The prospects for new applications of particu-
This may be, however, overcome by reducing the late iron oxides in cellular imaging are very
echo time in order to obtain the best image quality promising. Research is still ongoing to demon-
for the clinical purpose. Finally, it must be stressed strate the ability of nanoparticles to target
that detection of intranodal micrometastases is still inflammatory lesions via macrophage labeling.
a problem owing to insufficient spatial resolution. This opens up major and very exciting prospects
This may be minimized by the use of state-of-art for the characterization of numerous inflam-
equipments with multi-element coils and stronger matory and degenerative diseases. USPIO-
magnetic fields.
38 L. Curvo-Semedo and F. Caseiro-Alves

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