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Program: EDIT 6130 Evaluation Model

Situation: The evaluation is being conducted to see if the ABEKA curriculum is assisting children in their learning to be successful
when attend Kingergarten in public or private sector elementary school.

Inputs Outputs Outcomes

Activities Participation Short Medium Long

ABEKA curriculum training for staff. Schedule staff to All Staff. Improve staff skills Improve confident
attend annual training level of program with
and provide staff with the staff
support to instruct Continue school
age approxiate enrollment, additional
activities for students. classes, trained staff,
BOD and Center Director vision for school Accountability for less Board
with support in place for increase Marketing plans for Board, Center Increase enrollment involvement, increase
technology, available equipment for staff and community and Director and staff and less staff community
students, and community involvement. Board members,
parents involvement. turnover. awareness and
Center Director,
Experience staff morning and afternoon and Parent confident in
knowledge of vision for school. school and staff.

Monthly student Additional classes

assessments. added to school.

Workshop for parents and community Understanding

Teachers and current student and
student. parent needs.

Time provided for

staff to prepare
weekly lesson with
necessary equipment.

Assumptions: Staff and student retention will increase. Academic of student at External Factors: Less control of Pastor and Board. Center
each age level will improve and students will be prepared to enter into the public Director has control of staff hiring and training, technology
or private school system. Parents will be comfortable with grade level students available for both staff and students, community involvement, and
are at to be successful. parent comfort level.

Rev. 7/09

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