How To Improve Performance of Fusion Application

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How to Improve Performance of Fusion Application

Oracle Fusion Application is on cloud and time to time users are facing slowness
while working on fusion Application.

There are multiple ways to overcome on application slowness.

a. User should use the latest browser version of Mozilla Firefox For best
performance of Oracle Fusion Applications.
b. User should not clear the cache, it will result in a slow page rendering at first
access. User should generate browser cache by executing the entire Business
flow post freshly bounces server.
c. User shouldn't close the existing session, if possible continue with the
d. Reschedule any Anti-Virus software that is running during work hours to
prevent slow performance of the computer.
e. Check the Task Manager for available memory and CPU usage. If you see any
processes consuming a high amount of resources, highlight them and click
End Process.
f. User should bookmark the application link without session information
because application always creates a new session.
For example:

ATK Login: https://<myhost>/homePage/faces/AtkHomePageWelcome

Homepage: https://<myhost>/homePage/faces/FuseWelcome

Disk Cache settings for the different browser

Chrome - Increase the disk cache to 1024MB. In Chrome right Click on the Google
Chrome icon in desktop. Select Properties> Shortcut Tab. Add -disk-cache-
size=1073741824 at the end of the Target box. Click OK.

Firefox - Increase the disk cache to 1024MB. In Firefox type about:config in the
url address bar to set the disk capacity for the cache. Change the value of
browser.cache.disk.capacity to 1024000. Increase the cache entries size. Set a
value of -1 (unlimited) for browser.cache.disk.max_entry_size.

Internet Explorer - Increase the disk cache to 1024MB. In Internet Explorer, go to

Tools> Internet Options> General> Browsing History> Temporary Internet Files>
Disk space to use, to change cache size. Then in preferred settings, the default
option is set to Check for newer versions of stored pages. If you choose the
Never option to disable checking for newer files for cache files, this may lead to
incompatibilities of static files when a new patch version is applied on the server.
New static files can be downloaded manually by deleting the browsers cache. For
IE 9+ running on machines with low resources, pages using CSS3 styles may be
slow. To fix this uncheck "Use Software rendering instead of GPU rendering" by
navigating to Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> Accelerated graphics.

If user is still facing the slowness in the application, please raise the
Oracle SR with below information to get faster response from Oracle

1. Open the IE browser

2. Sign-In to Fusion Application
3. Set the browser disk cache as 1024MB
Internet Explorer -> General-> Settings-> Temporary Internet Files -> set the
Disk Space to use as 1024 MB, as mentioned above in Browser settings

4. Click on F12, it will open a new pane at the bottom of IE browser as shown
below, select Network tab, and click on Enable network traffic capturing.

5. Now navigate on the tasks in Fusion Applications where exactly user is facing
the slowness. If application is slow all around, then click on the tasks where
application UI is taking more time to load.
6. Once you are done with tasks, click on Disable Network traffic capturing
7. In the last, hit click on Export captured traffic.

8. A file with name NetworkData.xml will save on your machine, provide this
file to Oracle Support for the further analysis. This file contains all the URL
information with response time.
9. Hopefully you should get the solution from Oracle Support in first attempt.

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