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Brooke Habit

September 15, 2015


Legal Studies Academy


My senior project will focus on the risks and effects of hydraulic fracturing, or as it is more

commonly known, fracking. The title of my paper will be, "What the frack? How Hydraulic

Fracturing is Affecting People and the Environment." I chose this title because it catches the

reader's attention and also briefly states the issue being discussed. Fracking is a technique that is

meant to recover natural gas and oil from shale rock. It is a process that involves drilling down

into Earth and then releasing a high-pressure water, sand, and chemical mixture into the rock to

release the gas inside. The process of extracting this non-renewable resource presents numerous

environmental risks and negative effects on the people and their communities where the drilling

occurs. I became aware of this issue in eighth grade when I watched a documentary on the

fracking process. I was alarmed at the risks associated with it and how it was affecting

communities worldwide. I realized that so few people are cognizant of the issue or that it may be

happening in their own community. With my project, I hope to inform the public of the risks

associated with hydraulic fracturing and how it can affect the environment, the water supply, and

people themselves.

My project will consist of a creating a documentary about hydraulic fracturing, featuring

real stories of individuals affected by fracking. The purpose of my project will be to inform my

audience of this issue. I could have students from First Colonial be mock-interviewed and have

them assume the role of these individuals who have experienced the adverse effects of fracking.
The documentary would feature these interviews and video of what occurs when fracking goes

wrong. I would then have a screening of the documentary at the Great Neck Library. Before the

documentary is played, I would conduct a survey of 3 questions to assess if my audience has any

knowledge of fracking or their opinion on it. I would then do an introduction to explain what

hydraulic fracturing is and other basic information. After my introduction, I would begin

showing the documentary. Halfway through it, I would pause the documentary and conduct

another survey to assess how the documentary is affecting the audience's previous thoughts about

fracking and if their opinion has changed. I would then finish playing the documentary. At the

conclusion of it, I would have two expert presentations, one that supports fracking and another

that does not. The presentations would be around 15 minutes each. After the speakers, I would

conduct a post survey and then offer attendants the opportunity to sign a petition to be sent to

Virginia lawmakers. My consultant, Mrs. Hill, will be able to help me with my project by helping

me find and contact professionals in this field that can offer me more information or be featured

in the short film I am creating. The success of my project will be evaluated by a survey given to

attendants at the end of the event. The following questions will guide my research:

Why is hydraulic fracturing occurring?

What are the adverse effects of hydraulic fracturing on the environment and the communities

it occurs in?

Where is hydraulic fracturing occurring?

What legislation exists to protect against fracking?

What incidents have occurred because of or linked to hydraulic fracturing?

What can be done to limit or eliminate hydraulic fracturing?


New skills to be learned:

How to create a documentary and edit video

How to efficiently research the stories of those affected by hydraulic fracturing

How to reach my target audience

How to host a movie screening

Enhanced skills:

How to contact professionals and communicate effectively

Presentation skills

Public Speaking Skills


The target audience of my project will be people who are uninformed about hydraulic fracturing

and its repercussions. My project will seek to inform, educate, and possibly encourage audience

members to take action to protect our community and environment. To ensure I have the

appropriate audience, I will open to the invitation to everyone I can reach, not just LSA seniors.

Specifically, I plan to speak with First Colonials Earth Science teachers and ask if they would

offer an extra credit opportunity to their students to attend my project. Marketing strategies for

my project will include flyers to be put up around First Colonial, texting people I know to invite

them, a flyer at the Great Neck Library, and announcements on my personal social media. The

Great Neck Library is my venue because I can use one of the conference rooms there as my

presentation space. This room comes equipped with a projector screen and chairs and tables.

Also, this is an inexpensive space and I know one of the librarians there well and would likely be

able to easily organize using it as my venue.


Preliminary 1. Create storyboard for documentary, write script 6

Steps 2. Find participants for documentary Hours
3. Contact professionals to participate in documentary or do
presentations at conclusion of screening
4. Contact venue (Great Neck Library)

Midway Steps 1. Reserve space at Great Neck Library 8

2. Begin filming documentary Hours
3. Confirm presentation experts
3. Find pre-existing petition or create petition against fracking
4. Create and implement advertising elements

Later Steps 1. Create documentary 8

2. Write documentary introduction Hours
3. Create 3 surveys for screening
4. Hold meeting with consultant to finalize plans for documentary

Final Steps 1. Type and print three surveys for documentary screening 4
2. Secure any help that will be needed during documentary Hours
3. Review documentary
4. Review two expert's presentation plans for conclusion of
documentary screening
4. Finalize and print choice of petition

Follow-Up 1. Set up documentary screening space 6

Steps 2. Show documentary and other ancillary presentation aspects Hours
3. Clean up venue
4. Review feedback from surveys
Total: 32 Hours


Screenshots of text messages concerning project

Screenshots of any posts on social media about project

Storyboard for documentary

Script for documentary

Email conversations

Phone log for calls

Receipts from any purchases

Flyers from advertisements

Photos of event


This project will be beneficial because it will educate a widely uninformed audience about a

dangerous environmental issue. Hydraulic fracturing business is expanding and there is a

possibility of it reaching Virginia Beach, posing an even high risk to the people in my

community. I have never done any type of project or formal research on this topic before, so it

will be a challenge to discover reputable sources and clear information on the topic. In addition,

the project will be challenging for me because I have minimal experience with video editing,

having only ever created a one and half minute video for a project once before. Formulating and

creating a documentary will require me to build upon what extremely minimal video production

skills I have and the finished product will be a genuine demonstration of growth.


My paper will focus on answering my driving questions. This will include identifying what

hydraulic fracturing is, its negative effects on the environment and communities, views in

support and opposition of fracking, and where it is occurring. The paper will provide all

information necessary to create the documentary. The documentary will essentially consist of

overarching examples of how fracking is hurting the environment and communities. Then, the

two guest speakers afterwards will serve as examples or evidence of the opposing views on

hydraulic fracturing.

I understand that any academic dishonesty by me on any part of the project will result in

failure of the Senior Project and forfeiture of the Legal Studies Seal on my High School diploma.

To me, academic honesty means all written aspects are my original work and all other produced

works are created exclusively by me. Also, this includes not plagiarizing the work of others and

citing all sources correctly. I understand the importance of academic honestly in learning and

ethical decision-making. I plan to maintain my academic honestly by having integrity and always

ensuring the work I do is my own and I will properly document my work in order to show this.

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