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Ortiz, Anahi M. Saturday, February 25, 2017 7:01 PM Ryznar, Annie C; Mazzola, Joe R: Long, Teresa; Brown, Marilyn S.; O'Grady, John E. svc_BOC; Minerd, J, Richard D.; Baldwin, Dallas L;;;;;;; Ryznar, Annie C;; Zach Klein (; O'Brien, Ron J. Subject: RE: Leadership Discussion re; Opiate Epidemic Response Hello, 11am writing in response to the email below. As chair of the Franklin County Opiate Crisis Task Force | would lke to voice my objection with this meeting, Our task force Is relatively young, 6 months. However, | have been working on this issue for the past two years: establishing a case review of overdose deaths, putting together the first Summit and creating the Community Action Plan with the support and assistance of many people and organizations. We have people and agencies joining the task force almost daily. The Task Force has accomplished many outcomes and is currently surveying members to evaluate what else we need to look at and work on to tackle this crisis. Our second Opiate Crisis Summit will be held March 22. The event was full within 10 days of opening registration. Our community recognizes the need for the Task Force and recognizes that we have and will accomplish a great deal. This past Wednesday, February 22, | met with Franklin County Public Health Commissioner to discuss bringing in the townships and city managers to discuss the opiate crisis and joining our efforts. We will be setting up a meeting in the near future. In addition, at the same moment your email was sent | was sending one to the same stakeholders to invite each of them to a meeting for the purpose of establishing an executive committee of community leaders. As each of you is aware our opiate crisis has increased its toll of those who overdose and those who die, The Franklin County Opiate Crisis Task Force has been operational since August of 2016, 6 months. We have made some significant accomplishments but have much more work to do. Our upcoming Opiate Crisis Summit on March 22 will bring people from all across Ohio to learn and engage on this issue. At this time, 1am inviting our leaders in government, law enforcement and health care to come together as a committee. My goal is to create a venue for our Franklin County leaders to collaborate on this issue, be informed on the activities, goals and accomplishments of the Task Force as welll as inform our Task Force on the needs of the ‘community from their perspective. This collaboration can also be useful for positioning ourselves for grants and funding. 1 will be sending you an invitation next week with the date and time of our first meeting. | believe that to further strengthen our efforts in this crisis continuity and collaboration are key. The Task Force should be the leading agency. Creating a whole new committee separate from the Task Force will disrupt our efforts, and cause confusion with the agencies and organizations involved already. | hope that as leaders you see the value in supporting an existing effort rather than creating a new and separate initiative. Sincerely, Anahi Ortiz M.D. Franklin County Coroner 520 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 (P) 614 525 5290 (Fax) 614 525 6002

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