Miguelmccray-Hw420-Section-Unit 1 Exercise

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Unit 1 Assignment

Miguel McCray

HW420/ Creating Wellness: Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing

January 10, 2016

Prof: Mark Maule


Aspects of Spirituality

Spirituality is a characteristic that can explain who you as a person are. Healing is clearing

the mind, and body of disease, to achieve the outcomes of being healthy and well. Spirituality has

many faces, it can be love, forgiveness, storms, struggles, loving and being kind to thy neighbor

and really listening to your inner self and letting your heart guide you.

Defining Spirituality

Spirituality is the use of principles (ideas) and practices (authentic behaviors) which have

as a result the deepening of relationship with others, with the Universe, and with ones self. And,

because at our core we are all great, deeper is better ("Defining Practical Spirituality

(relationship)", 2015). Many believe that spirituality plays ab vital role in health and healing and

overall well being

Personal Aspects of Spirituality

Personal spirituality in my opinion is how we feel about believing and accepting Christ as

our Lord and Savior and making sure our hearts are as pure as we can. Jesus or God to some can

be a healer, to some a father, to some a guider, but to me he is the Alpha and Omega, my first and

the, and the beginning and the end. Christ is everything he is everywhere at all times and to some

its get confusing if youre not able to believe in what you cannot see. Its only right for us to

notice Christ for all the roles he plays in our life but the most dominant one is the way the Holy

Spirit guides us, protects us, nurtures us, and feeds us with positivity in negative situations so that

we may be able to be what he put us on earth to be.

Professional Aspects of Spirituality

Professional aspects of spirituality involve the overall essence of who people are and how

they are in the workplace. Core values and mission statements can aid in the fostering of a

positive spirituality culture based on what values the organization considered valuable to the

organization. The workplace culture and organizational core values and structure all tie into the

professional aspect of spirituality.

How spiritual bankruptcy and/or dormancy can be changed into spiritual hunger.

Spiritual bankruptcy is a sense of moral decay, and spiritual dormancy is when on chooses

to ignore the importance of spiritual wellbeing as an individual or in a social aspect. On the other

hand spiritual hunger is a blessed hunger, a need to feed the soul with righteous. The only way

that bankruptcy and dormancy can be changed into spiritual hunger is everyone who has that

spiritual hunger pray for the ones who are spiritually bankrupt. Prayer changes He who spiritually

hungers, has a real sense of his own indigence. He wants righteousness.



The Nature of Spiritual Hunger. (2016). Retrieved from



The Spiritual Aspect. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.total-integration.net/mindbody-


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