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S32 1Nd ANVSD GAINVAGV A mine aunch fcr blanchedas he realized what had jut appeared rom ‘nowhere ontohis copes, and salvoedhis hee mein rer: The com [ngaueralt had tobe ste, and ha just saps tre soles jects isfrt SAM struck and exploded onthe high-ensin tines that panned the era oat he ri Th nize vay wa abd Te ‘ower nes ell sparking ita te ver. The oer two SAM raced pt the ural eplesion and locked ata the second R11 ‘The fint Paveway impacted proce in the center ofthe northern span. tas a delayed-action bomb, and penetrate int th Nek cones before pledge yar from a battalion commanders tak The aorth spay ‘ras strong had ben in efor verity years—but e945 pound igh explosive ipod t apart Inn Inan the grea cere sch wae atin two, 255d tment f00t pp appering between the vo unsure ying butreee Thy wore not digit stand sone, prtiary with iimored vehicles rombling over them. The bomb reas by the second ‘Anrdvark struck oserto shore onde eastern side of hespanfaldentiee iy taking eight tanks nto the be with io Okey art L The Land Game 3 Moving (Deploying) Air Units 6 Breakthrough Suppor 3 Alrto-Aie Combat 3 Terrain Eifets| = 3 Air Superiority r 10 Corps and Army Assets 3 Tactical Missions = 10 Replacements 4 Sheath Fighters 2 Division Breakdowns 4 Airborne Land Units 2 Part Ut The Air/Lasd Game =~ 5 Part: Optional Rules ss ae Air/Land Game Tura Sequence S World Warllt u credits Design: Douglas Miss Editing: Seve Winter Graphic Design: Sephaie ibe ‘Mapa: Diss! Playing Pieces: Davide Stheriand and Deis Kauth ated dein hentai i Didi thie tel dno: Bride nd Reap HCL ‘sg pdr ope afte Ud Sales Area yn rin te ft met od Irs ped who cpm yan, ny ond {hla ED STORQRSING ye Cay Lary alo RED STORM RSING abe needy wed ne ef a pn pent ay body rene alan ns Arend ROD LCSONUR RAG TEN ae ame Dee capi 9 TR Al gh med iin eS, the eane Unies you have prior experince with ‘vargmme, you should lem and play the Bailes Unies otherwise specified, all of the Basic Game rule all apply in the ‘Advanced Game, Most Advanced Game rules ad things to the game nly rary do they change ocimiate femething you have already lersed. “The Advanced Role ae divided into two sections the Land Game andthe ‘Aland Game. I you want to ease your way Ino these rules, read the Wand Came mle and then pay the ame a few tes before adfing the ‘Land Game nies New Pieces ‘Those playing pieces labelled “Advanced Game Peer ar need 19 se these ules, Pees bearing borne ‘tao symbole are wed ony IN the Ar/Land Game; the others read {ng assets) are ue inthe Land Came, Diagram 1: PARATROOP AND AIRMOBILE ‘SYMBOLS, AND ASSETS, aalee 4 Praroop ‘Aemobio I] = [ay HI In addon, the aircraft counters are ‘hed inthe AkrLand Game The Land Game “The fllowing rule can be wed with the ouetrn vartable nding, ol Breakthrough Support In the Advanced Game, a support stakes allows oe pice to role dice tent atfacs doesnot entitle an Ser pleee making a brektheough stack tool wo die ast does inte Buse Camel If you place two support ‘marina space and an srmor pce that stars in thar space pts to make a Ureakthough attach, then the second ‘marker allows the arsor pice fo rll two. Ifthe armor pice doesnot get tovadvance and’ attack the suppor ‘marker tat wed up, Terrain Effects ‘Treforest, cy, and rough terrain spac- have an efecto combat in the ‘Advanced Came: Rivers, in edion thee comba eel, Impede movement Inthe Advanced Came Forest and Rough Spaces When pice that accu forest or ugh train space i stacked. the attacker suffersanl penal to saitack Fating theme aif attacked cones tninor river. I the space contains both Fora and rough train, he stacker penal 2. This peal ieumalatine th the ver perly oa pice tack Ing fares space serosa major ver ‘Siler 3 pena City Spaces ‘An armor piece ataking an enemy pieceina ty space ules penalty {outs aac ating. This penalty isso ‘uulative wll al ethers, though an Stack rating can never be reduced talon one River Movement Effects rosin a ver costs an eta space of tmoverent nthe Advanced Game Piece cou normally move wo spaces, 3 Dutt roses ave, can only move fone space that tm I could move four spaces, bat crosses aver, ten coy move ve paces that tr ‘An armor pice performing break ‘rough cannot eres 4 maf Tre ‘hen Woven Minor recs have 03 iret beara, however ‘A plece carrying an Engner Asset see Carpe and Army Ascts, below) Ianores al ver penaies to movement Slombat Corps and Army Assets ‘The pee inthe Base Game represent the dons, brigades, and repanents Actually fighting the bate. Each of these att controled by a higher: level headquarters (HQ). These HO: also command ether units ealed Sets) which the IQ can attach fi Combat ans ogee those uns pecia pbs oretra pene, Thre ype Sets ate inl i the Adranced {Gane engine rly and amor (only the Wareaw Pact har armor ‘Son% hath as have atley nad engines ‘An optional rule, explained later, allows a Fourth ype of sets chemical ‘wuntons Asst are dplayed on stipe of ear toad sina fo damage mer. Diagram 2: ARTILLERY, ARMOR, ENGINEER, CHEMICAL eke eo | =e cans ee g aan: om Using Assets Atthestar ofthe game allot the aets fre placed in ther respective boxes Printed on the map boards Unies the ‘Sptonal ues are being ws, se ade he Chemical Warlare and other optional ast AL he start of your Attack top daring fry tum youcan ake anes rom your ‘boxand place them in your pisces, You an abo take ‘other ats From your pce and place them in the box. You ‘anno! iakean ase from ne pice ad acter aiety to another plce dur Inge same ten ‘An undamaged piece can have to ‘tne attached 19 Be'A poce markad ‘ath ont ore htc leony one Suet ploe carping tro sate int you most take one ef thors acts Sed Tetum mediately tthe net im. [NATO assets mt be asgned to army ices with matching natonalites ‘ierca asctcan baste cyt ‘American nits Belgian assets to ‘Belson units. Silay, Warsow aetna ase ples of ‘he correct army. wih th esption tip sues can be signed any ‘Warm Pact amy piece Effects of Assets An armor orate ase ncressesthe ‘ack rating ofthe pee carrying by ne: Thirst ir comaltive, soapce ‘sith an attack ating ofS carrying both {armor and antler set rest Saran itch tng of Amenglnceraseallows the unit eary- ig ato ignore rivers, both when attacking actos them and when mov Ing acrom them Losing Assets ‘Any time apiece carrying an ase ‘ached ane de ola an set is destroyed, regards of whether the ie deed th pce bo Ect the player who controle that pece chow ich of the sats Sates. ea piece carping an ase is denroyed but the stacker de rll wae ota {hen the abe rete the payer ‘art Bor Replacements Unis that have suffered casualties hits) In combat can recive replacements 35 the bate rapes on, patel onthe [NATO side. (The Warsaw Pac tends to ‘eplaceeatire units with fresh units) “Ths rte allows players to cept units shar navesllord (Replacements ae okies amd exuip- ‘mer that are asiged Yo replace asco imams which are sredy fvelved in Fighing Reinforcements are whole tnd hich are brought into jus the fhe) Eligibity For Replacements {A damaged pec eligble to receive feplacements i doing the Reinforce mene ot ade ary ee endl city that bas never been held byte enemy (ou can hep tack of which cies have ever been captured ih the cy cor trolmarkers. Atty withno maker has never been coplurd. Ac wih on fnomy marker haa been captured. A ‘ly wth a fiendy marker as Been ‘eaptured) Replacement Procedure IF you have a piece meeting the to requlrements plained above, youcan ‘Feowe a hit marker rom that pce. the pce ha slfered wo hits, youcan Replacement Restriction Neither player can provide ceplace- Pes llores farm, No pier ean remove more than fone itp tom, PON eeu ‘At some poit inthe game, you may want oechange astong pies attack {aug © 4075) forseveral weaker ones (hen you need to extend the NATO Tne to prevent a: Breakaheough, for cxample or when the Wars Patt feed Yo spread out to grab move ter tory. Breakdown Pieces ach player ceeives 12 Breakdown Dice in the Adeanced Game, There ae four groups of three pice, usm ered 2,3, and Ech group of pe representa the componente SF's Avision (a 4 or 5 point pics) The NATO breakdown pices are frthet (oud inte two Arsercan groupe and fo Pst German groupe Breaking Down a Division [AL the sar of your move, you can femove an undamaged plece ih a tae rang of fof 8 and replace 8 ‘withthe thre breakdown pisces of one ‘roup This dows not repate he ule on rowing: by theend of your move you ust have two or Fewer lees in every ‘pace these cee ean in space ter your move, you must eliminate ‘eovob ea Any Infantry (attack rating 4) place ‘rast reader nt» Breakdowm et ‘rth a eal tack rating of (22 and {wo An Armor (ats rating 9) bee can break dove ino anys of Breakdown pecs. a division has sllered one ht, you fan break it dowa by wing ay too of the Breakdown Pies om 8 grou, Instead of vee Ifthe division basa fed two it, cannot be broken ‘Any Warsaw Pact dvbion canbe bre ‘et don lato any f the four groups ‘valle. A'NATO division saat be Broken down int group of the sme ational Thus tuenurs of four Pach two. American and two, Wes (German dvsions canbe broken dow, FALL the breakdown, pecs of one troup are sliminated “in combat (othe viten can trek down ang ‘Re plce of hat poo Breakdown pieces cannot recombine Ino a dvisen, nits land Game rules, ignore the Basie Tete ‘my peor "plc? Cae a gc An a tio ens applied othe plying pieces inthe SH Basic and Advanced Game Each turn follows these seven ses a nde “The tem alr plete” of “ae uit ‘The Air/Land Game res allow play-_deseibesthe counters epeseting i> STEP 1: Ai Deployment Both ply tssioenplarethefillscpe tthe med. gale quadronsin he A Land Case, eaplaeethar scat paces tm balled, as supersonic fighters, ‘Land pines “army pecs" or aray ‘on the ir Board simultane hindering ground stack borer wat sleet tie slan-up pecs ‘yin this oder fand fast antitank fiicopters dash epresetng the division regen, Netter Sasor coms the lines to score their deadly and brigade of troops tha fight on He ‘Command Misons blows aginst each the andthe forces ground. (This clas paattope and ‘AieSoperionty Mations fon the ground, The Ai/Land Game acmatle unt which ave land. eae tthe adds rae for parstroop and sir even though they can move Waa Souttam Sear {mobile formationthat geal inease anspor) poe oe ich players mab. eee potas ‘heed Masone Payers should punch out the ard ae SHEAGE wcxcanemiarl ag Sond couien wih atcrat ymbol, FER RSS Pete) Inthe Norther Sector snd tn them Each counter represent them the Southern Stor to four squadons of combat srt ‘Also find the air Bound and place i The Air/Land Game uses a more ctceee bea! ‘motto the map board. shown. Much detaledsequnceof pay Yorcach game STEP 3: Wars Pact Attach, The ‘lthe combat inthe Aie/Land Game's ten. Ths eammariaedon the back of ‘Wana Pact player moves ‘saled on the aboard 1 rae ook When using the Ai? Is" ground attack ieraft Diagram 3: ‘AIR BOARD NEXT TO GAME BOARD from the sic board to the imap bosed. He then plans ny suppor and asset mas ‘eae plans tae he tam Sind resolves his attack, Remove and set eile Ware Save Pat round atade aie STEP & Warsaw Pact Movement ‘The NATO player mover iatedicting sera from the ar board to the map board: Then the Warsor Peet payer moves Ke pee fe, Remove and set ade NATO intedicting te STEP s NATO Movement. The War Sa Pat player mies ner ‘ding srl rom the sir teed to the map bowed ‘Then the NATO. player smoves his pieces Remove nd et abe Warsaw Pot Interdeting sian STEP 6 NATO Ate The NATO player moves Ns ground Stack aircraft from the air Saeco the map Board He then plays ary support re he war an Sina resolves hit atta. [Remove and et ede NATO (Ground Attack sr ite STEP % Tum Condsion. Remove allaieratt from the air ‘board and set the counters ‘ade, Determioe renner. mens for each player ad place thoee reinforcements fn the ap board. Finally ‘emove hit from damage Uns tha ate eligible for replacemen' About the Air Units Each i i marked wa pete Spd the name of the pee crate x tun, and ether single number (ie stack fling) of the leters AWACS (fot Atborme Warning and Command System. Most air unts havea lower number onthe back ste the counter, Fepreseling. the unit at reduced Strength You do not ack 3 hit om an iron lke you do witha land unit Insead, ian aunt sues ah tis A Blak attack ating indicates a ait flipped ois reduced sient side. Ira ut tat cam attack Both lard and ai ‘untwthablankbackortat already units effectively. Tt never gets o roll, Stcteee mernsawanies Satire Rewaleies ort Ser Cot Cred Ak Rtgs Toediemancn se ; Ropes De tow elle agai! ‘raion staking ea hal he ‘ican wry ellectve agaist enemy nt, When ata ey {is apiece with yellow attack at Inggertin dice When atacand A player ale units are Kept of the ott the start of the game and ae removed fom the board atthe end ‘very tum, Be sure to keep thee ur ‘ngarstwo dies Whenitattacksaland Grit separate frm ar unis thal have ‘ ha yellow atack een eiinatd. Place lined units ack ‘ating es only one and 5 Inthe game box place uns that ae off ‘ating duce toon. the map but stl nthe game i a co: ‘Agenaitackeating means thatthe air vee place next to the tap board fn lective agaist ene and ‘rts. When Ie atatk land unt, the The Ale Board peceallowsthe player tool two ce. Every tar, ai units are commited to (Wen stacks enemy air uns, the ete the norte hal rte southern counter with the gran atack rating halo the map board by placing them ‘zonly one dieanditsatackratingss in the appropriate postion of the at Folead to one eae Diagram 4: [AIR BOARD, SOUTH AND NORTH | “Thee sectors correspond to the division betineen NATO's 2 ATAF (Allied Tcl ‘Airforce inthe noth ands ATAPia the south: Tossa ly, the Vs Pact. ‘deployments made ith the sume Bourdary. Alo the ited area of AIRBALTAP (Air Forces Balle Approaches) has Bee ncloed nthe Northern Seter for game ‘Authesame tine, airunit are committe to a typeof mlsonfor hat turn again by foeaing the ina parca par of thsi basrd. Thee typeof misont tree sented nthe gare 6 Diagram 5: PLACEMENT OF NATO AND PACT COMMAND MISSION AIRCRAFT 7 Command Mision: The E-3 Sentry (NATO) and Manstay (Warsaw Pact) sires donot partcpatein combat, The srr and oly ts, can peronm cmon Diagram 6: PLACEMENT OF AIR SUPERIORITY AIRCRAFT ‘Ai Superiority Misions This the cic ai ate the srugae of lane versus Planeta wil determines much about the couse ol the war Ai snitmth yellow lack ratings are bet thir mission, Those nth Hac atack ratings ean Deroe ‘the mission reasonably well Assigning sr unt wih ren tac aig To ts smisslon usualy 3 watt of ahrpomer Players committee ai units, oe sector at ime tothe alr superiority mission by ‘lacing them inthis portion ofthe nr board daring Sup 3 ofeach ar 7 Diagram 7: PLACEMENT OF TACTICAL MISSION UNITS ‘Teil Misions This mision allows one to separate ype of atack: ground attack or interition, Any alcaft not signed previous sson can be laced {nthe actieal mision portion of the ar board, where t remain avaiable fore atria the ur, “The sete thee unit ae placed in north or south) determines wha! space on the game board the acted musi a anit ean attack, Putting Alr Gnits on the Alr Board “Thetur sequence explains the order in which at units are placed on the at board. Alls unt tat wil be signed tothe northern sector are placed bore ‘ny units are asigned tothe southern Sort out, secre thai unite you plan to deploy during thi ate. and held "hes nt in your ate Den et your tpponent sc them. When you have ‘oth teleded the aiecrat you wll poy eval your selections Sn ‘neously nd then place ther the {Sppropite part ofthe aboard Example: The step begine with the Aployment of Soman mission it tis inthe northern sector. The NATO Player secretly acects two AWACS Eat whe the Warsz Pact player Sees oo Mainstay unis. Bot play tes then revel thle choies and lace fhe tetas cenesand mien por Yin of the northern sector of the ir board New, each player choses ar peor Sy un for the norhers actor Here, the NATO. player selects 12 fighter tuts, not knowing thatthe Wars het player has simaltaneouly picked 39 ats for the ume mimions Both players reveal ther elections, the RATO player wats loudly, and the procs repeated for the teal a ‘Sonia the northern sete. ‘Then the players eepeat these three deployments for the southern stor (here the NATO player comes. out shea ce hesaed anya ah ‘rsforthat ator) The sie deloyment Seam orieea a TF you have two or more ir unite ‘signed toa partclar type of msion ‘ona turn, you ant aig ar uit to ‘oththe north and southern sector. Atleast one-quarter of thse units mast ‘be asad the weaker Sector “Example: lf the NATO player asone = total ef reven si ante facteal mis sons, he can place fout in one sector Sndihreentheother orfveimone ss 8 tocando inthe other. He cannce slit ‘Reon op any oes ey. (One fara a sere, rounded up, The wear wats) Need All aiso-al combat Fourht Stdcteachtm: Atos combat Kit resolved between al ir nits Shigned tothe ar superior mission in the northern sector and. then Beswcen hore tit aigned 10 saperinty inthe routhern toe Each alu tacks ony oce during see cat an ye attack ratings get to rol wo" ‘Wen every alr unit assed 0 al ‘iperoiy has atacked. Sep 2 ove ‘Ainto-Air Combat Procedure ach pec nan ar bate must stack specie enemy pice. Each pce can Stack one dering an air bate “Take all of your air superiority units (too the tie boued and ne ee op ‘whl your oppanen deste sane. The Wan Pact player now places ah of his ar superionty units opp Sethe NATO stron witch ‘Gs cnt be datibled ws evely 03 pouible You mus sien ore a place {esta every enemy ae pee before [you aign two pecs to tack Sey enemy ae py you mest sign feo atackers to every enemy efor you can asin thes to any enemy ee you have ewer runs inthis sector than your oppor your at unis ‘wth aw aac ratings can ack {vo diferent enemy units fone die esos each you have equal forces ‘Sr you outnumber the enemy, units frah yellow atack ratingr ms Both dice to atack these trae (Once the unis ae ined up start atone fol the hae and rll a dior ie for cach atiack. Altos combat ie simultane: INATO sir mit that i thot down by Warsaw Pact fishers still ges ite Chance to aac H's placed in the Diagram AIR-TO-AIR COMBAT. ages na Abort Ad oO a ie oo O9 Denaged ad Anes ropriate Air Combat Results: box Gomted, Hit and Aborted, oe Em te ‘Alter ll Warsaw Pact attacks are fescved, the NATO player tearrnges ‘irs Pat air units oppostelnsown dnd atac. When all attacks ace finished, damage {dicated bythe Ate Combat Rel ‘ove takes tes Effect ofthe Command Mission on Air-to-Ale Combat 1 command mission aircraft is {signed toa sector a othe attack ting of alleen ar unis in that eee fndithaenot doneso, Atte end of ar- {ove combat ile removed frm the board, undamaged. It your dice oli eas han he attack ingalr uni attack rating then the ar fetuntinborhdamagedandabored fan attack insite combat hat ‘ravitemiion a theendo he cound. elect). Dowble eliminate the second NATO unit with two ts: The four ‘Wasa Bact un ses trp come Bay wih ro ¢ an 9) NATO eeare moved the appropte Ait Era Rohner avec ack ‘The NATO player decides that Ns aie ints wl aac the Wars Pac its that attacked them, All of isaac fang are increased by one because of Fir one command aircraft: His strong fatlowed Beene NATO te eutmam ered) Ithitsand aborts one and aborts ‘heather Hirsecond uni attack rating S\datroyeitetarge! with wo hts The ‘hed NATO unit mses start wth rolls of 7 and 10. Players nove pt the eo elicinated ‘ts in the game bon: Those hat were Fitare Ripped to dhe reduced strength Sides AlPunit that were aborted are moved from the air board and set Side heyil come buck int pay net {len Each player has one fighter so SSroapeionty in thssectorsscontsed Ue Ar Superior). ‘Attacking Command [Mission Aireratt ‘ou can ase fighters on a ae superior fy minion to aac your opponents ‘Stet on command’ missen, Sach Mads are very shy. They we ts ‘ecial proedue You must announce attacks against Command mision srcrait before ay ‘sthersirtowircombat sreoeed, Yo ‘an designate oe sient neath ctor to attack your opponents command Sire. Your eppenent. eure, can othe same to you 1 an attack declared gaint your fonmand azeaf, you can designate ny number of ait unis that weee Sagal tothe at sprint mon in that sector ta lend the Command Airerafts Units you designate fort theirmormalairfoat ata, but hey anal attack he enemy al ai ore ‘paso allack your command sion sift, The enemy le uit can only ‘link it rive ta gle of Be ‘nthout being aborted oF deo is coor amet acer the attack ratings of friendly air units cel ash doe. ou must designate ali units that wil defend the command serat before you resalve any attacks All ofthese Ute are commited to defending the ‘command air unit and cannot attack ISattacking the command aera. ‘Aunt ha attack or defend a com ‘raed sasson ait unt ave troved {fom the air board and et aide after {he attack They donot count toward al superonty i thelr setr said Wonesiegans contol ofthe sky over 2 bated hat nde has ar perio fi. A sapere determined spa rately for the northern and southern tector. There are tree possible out omer when determing superior Jy: NATO alrsuperoriy, Wars Pact Sr cupesoniy or contted si caper ny Determining Alt Superiority ‘Ale superiority i determined ster all Sinerai cout has beenreolvedn 8 Sector If bath player ll have ute Sled tothe a superiority ston fn the ar Bose, shen ir sapertrty ver tht secon i conteate. Tha Slt the cae the rare tance where fete players ony ar wit era Ingen the air speroty sion 1é onl one player has air uits onthe Be 'board, then that player hat it peony: Elects of Air Superiority ‘Air supriorcy affects the chance that Sr une atid to tial misone willbe damaged or abored re Tac ‘al Mion Bree BCE Alrunits placed inthe tactical missions ‘boc the aboard canbe moved to the game map at certain times daring the rm Thre they can be ted ther tontlackenemy army picesorto inter. {ere wth (nrc the movement of 10 “Tce misions must ake plac in the Same stclor ofthe map bead ashe at tits sector of theairboard Airstrike Loss Tables Frey eb er oe Bere aes Be eae Ei gaeed vs ete Simei See homies ae ee ea rea rans one ot fcieos aa “The de rol compared to one ofthe thre Alte Loe tables pred on themapboard, Thetabetowe eter ‘ned by which layer as ar uperion ign ha er the. ple forming the cil aie mission hes Gi cpencty in tt seaor ene Friend Ae Superiority tabi. tt air pero & corel fn tat sector Sitthe Conteaed Ar Supeionty abe {The Enemy Air Supetorty table ted of cote, for ose Sines when 8 {Sica arms rst into ser thee te enemy haar pei Mosk the de rol for thes factors there no enemy piece in the space {you maveto, your opponent sd one Whirl on be Antes Low table ae pace you put onthe board is. 2 Ialleopter unt, Your epponeat sib tacts oe rom ede lhe space you movetoconaas one of ‘your army pees, your opponent ads ‘eet voll This mow key se Ingaitborneand armable overt) Results on the Airstrike Loss Tables 1 the ret $6 “Mision Performed” then the tactical alr mision ‘nit i place in the cose space on heap Board the elt sir Squadra Abst” then the sgeadros removed tr the ‘oardandte andes ecambeused gain the cesultis “Ale Squadron Ht Mis: son Performed the unt flipped 6 idamapedede bute place inthe target spe othe ap board I he tau was aleady damaged or has 2 blak ack, i is eliminate from the sare bythe el Ie th routs “Ai Squadron #t and ‘Aber the ir ut fipps oe damaged side and removed trom the boards itcan be used agin eet tm ‘isnot eliminated bythe ‘Terrain Effects on ‘Tactical missions an ar uit tacks ground unit ina space containing acy arforet, the ait nis attack vating i lowered by one Foe that attack Performing Ground Attacks When its your attack sep, you ean move any aunts inthe acl ie Slons bow of thea Boat ko spacer on {heme map in that sane sei) om taining eneany ante You ean move "oye aisumtatoany one space. Ait allof your alr units ae placed, your ‘ppeneat rolls one die for ech sad checks the Aistets Loss ble “Then a5 our nd its stack, cach of Your ai nis on the map can tack bo, in any orde you want Altos roid stack are ten om te Aer round stack: ‘ivi tata ie inthe pce they ace + Ui ind ink an lr unit shat liinats one pce na pace doce ot toa the secon pce in that apace + An stack by an alr voit sever iets amt pce to eet A succenfal stack sinaye cours 2 fat bet there no farther ete. + Theret no spc eet for ling Aone inardrground combat. Yor Eannotiminafes pee oar met Simply Beare one was ole Alun with gree attack ratings tol two dice a airtoground stack theres too pent foace, the unit can tack each thee: ork eanaiack the same pine tice trbohrol acted two fs scored + Rirtopround attacks do not have {othe eee apsinet the font Sry piece bea hereare tro plac inthe space The attacker can chrecterant (orboth hile bithesageen stack alin as his target Asin arti combat the {drgt foreach ofthe to dice st be declared before the fie die ue ‘Alter the atacs are resolved, ground Stack ar units are removed fem the map board and ot ae for we dai ‘Attacking Assets ‘A ground ack alert can attack an ‘ut carred by an army pee instead ofthe amy plese ul When making {hs tach point oa and wien the fame space ae our round stack ae {ra andannocnes tat you ae atic ing am sear. your stack its the Stet destroyed Tf two aise sre ‘mounted on the opponent pies, you fan aect which of them dese ‘your opponent mus ell you what hey ate before you cht the al unit ha green tac ating, syouansoll wo dice saint thal ast Teboun bt the second hit as no ad tinal flee Or jou ean we one defo aitack the ase ar one diet alah the land unit or another land unt of ‘nother ase ithe sme space As Slnays, tangs foreach de must be ‘ecard belre you al. Performing interdiction ‘As the begining of your opponents Move step you can take si nite fre thetactsl mista box on tat board and place thei spaces onthe ‘map. These uns can then ty fo tee ir enemy pees as they move nye of ai nts can be signed to inert given space Alter the unis sre place. your oppo: ‘ent rolls one die foreach and checks the Aare Loss abe ‘When your opponent moves an sey pete ino the pace you havent fc youcan seca peel every Inttdeing ir ait you haven the Space. Piece wth green allack ratings {too dice per attack Your alr uns ‘an attack every piece your opponent ‘moves int that once Aintondicing aru that scorer hit by rolling ts attack rating excl pre ‘ens that Ino nt fons sing ny Fathee that ten Fee ier ese u thanthesirunitsatackeaingtheland container. These are drawn during the table but even an aborted move counts luncan move nofarterthat tum and Reinforcement sep of tach turn and stone of the her allowed iif ‘Hida tothe payers pool of avalable Ay sir ove counts ne an airborne ‘Av enemy ic that dart move in tical For ae tring al subseaent— Sysente veto tha te {he merited space canTeavemthout 8 ‘annot move by alr and then move being mended ‘The NATO player places the flowing Spain by land. Altborne pieces can Earoecubehg aiddlandby mee} release: {it Fomene orn oem ‘ny alr andtaleady contains two 1 USE Sentry (AWACS) ‘my plc, no other amy lees can 1US 4-10, ‘AL the tas ofthe game, you can ke ‘ove no ortheough that space ifone 3 US Ra {oar sirborne unt off the map board ‘ithe wo paces in the space ges out, US Cabra ‘This means tha they ae elle o be nother an move (and be interdict’ 1 UKTorrado moved by al You can alco place hem oh, 1 French agar ‘te map, ering then on with Your 1 Bein Alper inforemes on any tun. Onc a | ey Meet! eee atte The MnP ple placebo frbmeanben fare Eee aes Renee Rem iene moved Oa ‘oe ding theme be, 1 Maintay (AWWACS) unt iMeat Micat Psapp PeCeee 3s {alco of enemy ae. Howeve 3504 a aly that ws pied by some 7 Troops and ever subssquelly ocr ‘The Frisbees Echplyer eam andoly thee ny a rear nd a oes foecng surat unite eah tm unl all_Gounledomard vitory unl the ply Theo Fighter unt possessed by Reeenicaaie osteo rea renforcements have eared er who captured # ean Wace 3 pth of forme unit san he board, however, oo cere sok oem eeatnes Dears ee Seiagatanataer je Wie St eae agai see eager Sedeeearontetocune (QUAREMUCReuneg Sscyislassmansliy comp ‘hrsnis oor he j Beth player howe prtvop ane a Paratroops an Bt el insets bat fhe Maw Pact i eis) MObHE is the Al/land Cae. yyy your tum oma, ou can acting mati mba too os ae ceca mne Pk apaparaton pec hat athe their attack ratings for that attac ot ty ak taser there ™ap board and move it to any clear {G6 a: minimum atlack rating of S708 the map by alr wantr there ore onthe map board that fb ot ae ‘They ae ditinguced Oy these ye OccuPied by an enemy army piece. A 2 ‘earepace one that doesnot contain ‘The Frisbees of Dreamland te g poe ee Inaddtion, the fsbees gta chance to aie eee oe re Panatroop movement subject toaoll eens ewes oie ‘them to avoid certain hazards: pUEMOBILS Buen) by eo a peters Otitis emer Sunieene ole Soe wioravemenee [Oa) DX) seen! paleo Pactairuitecan stack the Es ‘ced on the amt the Faratoops Pararoop ‘Aimobila —_havean stack rating OFwo the si Both frisbee can ltack inthe : same sector ov they can attack llr a cnteecors, Each pager can more upto thee pare Normal modifier an the Ais Lose ‘Aircraft Reinforcements "0°? srairmebile pecs by artane- table apply incloding a +1 if there are Dort each tum (any combination of noenemy inten the space and a Fi ‘At the start ofthe game, eich player thre aimnble and paratonp ents i» the mcr already contains 2 rendly ‘mus sort out some of his alr unis and allrghd) Eachof these moves might be lard unit (except anther paratroop ce them in'aclfce cop or similar aborted bya rll onthe Airstrike Los unt that alas dropped thst. rs Airmobite Units ‘An sirmobil uni an be brought onto theman byarand pice inary typed Space That apace tgs not have be dear but it must be cecuped by @ ‘enya nt ‘Aimobile unit air movement is ao Subj to roll on the Aske bose {sble W aborted, the ait removed ‘romite may bicdandcane tad on ature tar. the unt dora ‘Sach shit or mint nhc A leaitinate tactic to move a para ‘oop uit to anempty, cat pace and then move an airmail nit ere he dpace is now occupied by 2 fly ithe paratoop eats erences “The Optional Rules are a icllaneous Callection of modifications you can InaketotheAW/Land game to add var fy or increase sli Chemical Munitions Inthe noel Red Storm Rising, the War Ss Pat deies not to employ ts wast $osiplesof chemi werpons Because pressure rom the East Gernata Winer the Soviets had not yielded to that presure? ‘Chemical Assets ‘The assets for chemical munitions should be placed in ech players aut ‘ovat the start ofthe game, The Ware ‘Sve Pact player reclves five chemical fuses and the NATO player two [NATO chemscal ats canon be sed by Aeon ee “The NATO player cannot uses cher al asets unl ater the Wars Pact Player ha ed is ‘Chemical Munitions Etfects ‘Using. chemical_ munitions asset Increases the army ple atack ating byte In order to simulate the polite lect ‘of dhmicl weapons web predicted the nova if the Warsaw Pact player tsa chemical ste he meine ‘ly remove all Eat Geman unis from pay draws an Et German Usa a reilorcemen, counts = Fenforcement forth ten at ne tly removed from ay The standard sequence of play reflects the operational dts of NATO snd the Warsaw Pace The vain gree tsch layer more conl ove the tee o_o his pame, allowing. 4 more ‘chodial Warnay Pat advance sds ‘more aggresive NATO deere All ofthe tes of the tom ae sl played bat each player gets to chonee Whether he wants to move Aint ot {Mach is: The procedure hin each Bp renal unchange ‘The Wirsaw Pat player, fr example could decide that he doesnt have ‘rough good atacks stp when ts ‘ormally time for him to pesorn his ‘take (Step 3). Theor he decker tomave hspiecesfint Steps and then tack ‘Thie way, he can attack more NATO piece. but he gives up the ‘advantage of being able to. move theoaph the hole he might open Uf wh se stare alan Correspondingly, the NATO player ‘might find hel in conte eth Pct tris ia many paces, when i would Formally este to move is pecs (Step 8) So he decides to stack fet (Seep, hoping te punch a ew holes theeneny postion. Then hecan expla Use hols se he pvtonns Step 8 ter lVof his combat completed ‘OF course, players are il ree to per form the ier nthe standard order {hs rae aloes you to change. that Sequence cay fe wt 19 ds, jr-to-Ground Combat Limitation ‘An air unit cannot eliinate an army piece that has maak ating hee ‘emore An air anit can infest on Sach apiece but cannot destroy Fer ‘tame an army pee witha stack asin four and that has alfred oo Fis already camot be damaged any 13 fortes by an ai unit An inediting ‘runt canal prevent any amy pice from movirg. Am aunt can toy a ‘sound unt with an alackaingof one Emplacing Bridges ‘An ary piece that uses an Engineer Siaio tote arivercanleve that set fee onthe map board, “bring the ver betvecn the two spaces he pice ‘moved though Any other tinal ‘Tony pieces can une tht ridge a they clr dhe see Bat oly beeen those two space The bide is destroyed ond removed from play) automatically Han enemy fey pleceevermaverinto ether he two spaces connected bythe brie. An ‘hens unit can stack the ble in Ssto-ground combat from either Soace nce place a6 bir, an Engincee ‘ee can ere ke ad ed sehete ah ast apa Reduced Strength from Damage Is unreiae aliw a dison tat zs slleed to. he i combat Stack cect nen tat ‘eset no dae Tha or Each agai an amy ple ees ‘stock ttung by on eeepc 2 thee polt un hat has feed oe He iat en alec to Secret Aircraft Deployment, Payers may wih to Screg te ir Cae ep ch others vt (The CSrer ofa dotble record situ, Sad wafer es tye poy a he aus on eel oee te creen remove Su piyes oe alminsonasorets Salaneouly, instead of one mision ae Rca ‘Combining the Red Storm Rising and Hunt for Red October Games “Theta scope of land and sea war {ire a deserted in om Caney novel ‘canbe recreated by setting up ar pay ing two games simultaneously The hme For Red October game and the Rat Storm Rig sme “This option works beet with four play two players command the fava Sa br coms in the Nosh Atlantic ‘the two eters ight the land ae fs Germany. 1 can ako be played by two people ‘xho atemate playing tara on the Red ‘October and Ret Storm Rising ap ‘Dard This il probaly take Fnger than a inl venngt complete, how sano ee tire ving nto eae nara ing amiable command esponsibies Srong he wo games When the toro gamer are combine, use ‘Scenario rom the Hu For Re to- {er Game: Warn the Adan Game Length “The combined gave works mos fee tively when the long game version of Rd Beome Reng sen this case, the game ens when the Rd Storm Ri begpame normaly ends, The combined fpnescan alo beplayed with theshort ficorsum) game plays wish “Turn Sequence 1 only two people ae playing, fllow this sequence: Step 1 and 2of Red Son Rising pe ulltrm of The a For Re October Stan of Re Storm Rising (One al en of The Fant “or Red October ‘Step 7 0 Red Sto ising yo have a separate grou of players {or ech game, then tho playa the Ht For Red October game shoul “ {ah to turns whl the Red Som Ri Ing player play one turn See the Rad Storm Rising tor shoal not be ‘layed unt both of the Flt For Red ‘Betober tune have been complete Reinforcements “The naval war determines the ate 2 which American enforces and ‘epic are delivered to Garmany. The ‘henge ref ths ‘Atthestartf the game set ade the sb 1S reinforcement wth an attack rat Ing of 4085, ara all NATO eptional, tts. These pieces do not ‘eter the fame the aeaal vray. Tstead, they Sve wth convoy rom the US. Each convoy can csry to of these Feinforement divisions an 0 fptional assets, The divislons are Paced in the Le Havre space Pane {on the Hunt for Red October board). slnthecny ems. he Pieces donot have to be pyscally froved aro the map board wth the ‘onvoy-simply designate them when theconvoy leaves the US) Darn Ste 7otthe Red Stonm Rising game rm {ny US reinforcement in Ea Hee on ie placed on the Red Storm Rising map Board ikem normal relforcemen ‘Optional assets can be ascigned to being reinforcements Or placed nthe [NATO tus bos, Options! sts can te anigned to NATO piece of 257 ional “Theres ik in the crossing, however, 1627 or mor of th 30 ship inthe convoy get through, both divisions RTS area 14231026 ships through, each of theists eked witha i a reaches Le Fave 1271022 ships gt throws, ch

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