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1: SMART Goals

10:00 Keynote setup


Ive asked Paul to accomplish this, as well as find a recording of last weeks session for me.

Note, I have a Connect Coaching sign up sheet that should be circulated.

10:30 Welcome, Kathy Stoltzfus!!

10:45 New coaching tool: SMART Goals

SMART Goals narrow the coaching topic. In a coaching session, defining a SMART Goal can be a
tool that defines your coaching agenda and provides movement forward. Using a SMART Goal
can give you laser focus in a coaching session if used appropriately. Goals keep you on track,
away from irrelevant ideas and bunny trails. They are great opportunities to highlight passion
and celebrate accomplishment.

Specific: You know what you are aiming at.
Measurable: So you know when you have accomplished it
Attainable: It is realistic and actionable
Relevant: You can engage the topic with your whole heart. Its important to you.
Time-specific: The deadline for action.

Questions, comments

11: 05 5-10 min coaching demonstration. Debrief

11:20 Peer practice in pairs, 10min ea

11:50 Q&A and debrief

[Connect with your peer-coaching partner from class to explore the exercise questions below. Plan to meet for
approximately 1 hour. This can be in person, via Skype or phone. Practice coaching for at least 25 minutes each (one
peer is a coach, the other is a coachee) and spend 5 minutes debriefing the coaching skills observed, then switch
coach/coachee to repeat the exercise.]

Peer coaching: Using your coachees agenda, develop a SMART goal and if there is time, an action step

[Each week I will provide a question for reflection. Consider journaling your answers.]

How do you feel about setting goals? Process with the Lord what He says about your goals from the past.

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