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Review Adrenal Glands

Management of the Incidental Adrenal Mass

Arun Z. Thomas a, Michael L. Blute Sr. b, Christian Seitz c, Mouhammed Amir Habra d,
Jose A. Karam a,*
Department of Urology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA; b Department of Urology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, MA, USA; c Department of Urology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; d Department of Endocrine Neoplasia and Hormonal Disorders, The
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Article info Abstract

Article history: Context: Incidentally discovered adrenal masses are becoming more common in clinical
Accepted December 11, 2015 practice.
Objective: To review the management of the incidental adrenal mass, including initial
Associate Editor: evaluation, surveillance, medical therapy, and surgical therapy.
James Catto Evidence acquisition: A literature search of English-language publications that included
the keywords adrenal incidentaloma and incidental adrenal mass was performed
through July 2015 using PubMed. Relevant original articles and guidelines on the
Keywords: management of the incidental adrenal mass were ultimately selected for analysis, with
Adrenal mass the consensus of all authors.
Evidence synthesis: Data from the manuscripts included in this review were synthe-
Adrenal incidentaloma
sized, and ndings were categorized into metabolic evaluation, imaging, biopsy, surgical
Adenoma considerations, and follow-up recommendations.
Carcinoma Conclusions: Ideally, management of patients with adrenal incidentalomas should
involve a multidisciplinary approach with experienced surgeons, radiologists, and
endocrinologists to determine whether such lesions are benign or malignant and
functional or nonfunctional and/or whether they require surgical resection.
Patient summary: Management of patients with adrenal incidentalomas should involve
a multidisciplinary approach with surgeons, radiologists, and endocrinologists to deter-
mine whether such lesions are benign or malignant and functional or nonfunctional and/
or whether they require surgical resection.
# 2015 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of

Urology, 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Unit 1373, Houston, TX 77030, USA. Tel. +1 713 792 3250;
Fax: +1 713 794 4824.
E-mail address: (J.A. Karam).

increases with age (<1% in patients aged <30 yr and as high

1. Introduction as 5% in those aged 70 yr) [2]. More recent large
contemporary imaging series reported the incidence of AIs
Adrenal incidentalomas (AIs) are defined as asymptomatic to be as high as 45% in patients without prior history of
masses >1 cm in diameter discovered on cross-sectional malignancy [3].
imaging studies performed for reasons unrelated to adrenal The majority of incidentally detected adrenal lesions are
disease [1]. The increasing use of radiologic investigations benign and nonfunctional (nonsecreting) adrenal adeno-
including abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), mas. Table 1 summarizes the differential diagnosis associ-
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has led to an increase ated with AIs. There is remarkable variation in the reported
in the detection of such incidental adrenal lesions. The risk of adrenocortical carcinoma in AIs. In patients with no
prevalence of AIs is approximately 2% on autopsies and prior history of malignancy, it is less likely for incidental
2405-4569/# 2015 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
224 EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUS 1 (2016) 223230

Table 1 Common differential diagnosis and summary of initial hormonal/screening evaluation of adrenal incidental masses

Differential diagnosis Biochemical abnormality Primary screening test Other conrmatory tests Circumstances leading to
false positives

Adrenal adenoma Nonfunctional Unenhanced CT <10-HU See algorithm (Fig. 1) Lipid poor adrenal adenomas
attenuation, <4 cm
Cushings syndrome Hypercortisolism Low-dose (1 mg) overnight Serum cortisol, 24-h urinary Anticonvulsants, exogenous
(secondary to excessive dexamethasone test: failure to free cortisol,* late-night glucocorticoid use
production by the adrenal suppress endogenous cortisol: salivary cortisol*
gland) >1.8 mg/dl
Pheochromocytoma Hypercatecholaminemia 24-h urinary fractionated Metaiodobenzylguanidine Stop acetaminophen 5 d prior
metanephrines or plasma free scintigraphy to urinary catecholamine
metanephrines testing; stop tricyclic
Primary Elevated plasma Rule out and correct 1. Normal saline infusion test Stop potassium-sparing
hyperaldosteronism aldosterone hypokalemia; ratio of morning 2. Oral sodium loading test diuretics, mineralocorticoid
concentration and serum aldosterone (ng/dl) to 3. Fludrocortisone receptor blockers/
suppressed plasma renin renin activity (ng/ml/h) >20 and suppression test spironolactone, beta blockers
activity serum aldosterone >15 ng/ml 4. Captopril suppression test 6 wk prior to screening
Adrenocortical Functional (as above) or CT/MRI: incidentaloma (4 or See algorithm (Fig. 1)
carcinoma nonfunctional <4 cm)
Metastatic disease Biopsy, PET-CT

CT = computed tomography; HU = Hounseld units; PET = positron emission tomography.

Repeat testing recommended.

adrenal masses to harbor malignant disease. In one of the such lesions are benign or malignant and metabolically
largest published series of AIs detected on CT imaging active/functional or nonfunctional. The National Institutes
involving 1049 patients with no prior history of cancer, no of Health (NIH) consensus statement recommends meta-
malignant lesions were reported [3]. However, in patients bolic work-up for all incidentally diagnosed adrenal masses,
with oncologic disease, adrenal metastases may occur in as >10% of such lesions are potentially functional [6]. De-
approximately 50% of incidentally detected adrenal masses spite the 2002 NIH guidelines, in clinical practice, up to 80%
[2]. Other reports that included surgical series estimated the of patients are inappropriately underinvestigated and do
risk of adrenocortical carcinoma to be approximately 2% in not receive recommended endocrinology referral [7].
AIs <4 cm and 25% in AIs >6 cm [4]. Starting with history and physical examination, symp-
This nonstructured review outlines the initial metabolic toms and signs of adrenal hyperfunction and malignancy
and radiologic work-up required for the accurate diagnosis should be elucidated, followed by metabolic evaluation and
of an AI and the evidence supporting recommendations for radiologic imaging. The most frequent forms of adrenal
managing such patients conservatively or with surgical hypersecretion include hormones derived from the adrenal
resection. With the increasing use of minimally invasive cortex (cortisol, aldosterone, or androgens) or the adrenal
surgery, we reviewed the evidence comparing minimally medulla (catecholamines) [8]. In general, all newly diag-
invasive and open surgery for patients undergoing adrenal- nosed AIs should be tested for cortisol and catecholamine
ectomy for AIs. Last, we reviewed recommendations for hypersecretion and, occasionally, androgens. Furthermore,
appropriate follow-up for patients on surveillance. hypertensive or hypokalemic patients should also have
plasma aldosterone concentration and plasma renin activity
2. Evidence acquisition measurement.

A literature search of English-language publications that 3.1.1. Cushings syndrome

included the keywords adrenal incidentaloma and incidental Cushings syndrome, also known as hypercortisolism, is a
adrenal mass was performed through July 2015 using constellation of signs and symptoms associated with
PubMed. Relevant original articles and guidelines on the excessive glucocorticosteroid activity. These signs and
management of the incidental adrenal mass were ultimate- symptoms are mostly nonspecific, but some are more
ly selected for analysis, with the consensus of all authors. suggestive of Cushings syndrome. These patients often
have classic features related to the effects of glucocorti-
costeroids on adipose tissue and musculoskeletal tissues
3. Evidence synthesis (rounding of the face with plethora [moon facies],
dorsocervical and supraclavicular fat pads, central obesity
3.1. Metabolic evaluation of the incidental adrenal mass with thinning of the extremities, proximal muscle weak-
ness, easy bruising, acne, and purple striae). New-onset
Although several guidelines exist, to date, there is no hypertension or worsening blood pressure control can be
prospective validation of the suggested investigation of AIs observed in these patients. On laboratory testing, these
[4,5]. The ultimate goals in evaluation are to determine if patients may have hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, alkalosis,
EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUS 1 (2016) 223230 225

and leukocytosis (with increased percentage of neutrophils, addressed the topics of pheochromocytoma and metaboli-
lymphopenia, and eosinopenia). cally active urologic tumors and included details on optimal
Cushings syndrome is often caused by exogenous use of perioperative management strategies [16,17].
glucocorticosteroids, and a minority of patients have
endogenous cortisol production. Patients with endogenous 3.1.3. Primary aldosteronism
Cushings syndrome can be divided into adrenocorticotro- Approximately 1% of AIs are aldosterone-hypersecreting
pic hormone (ACTH)dependent Cushings syndrome tumors that clinically present as Conns syndrome, in which
(ACTH-producing pituitary adenoma, ectopic ACTH produc- patients may present with hypertension. Nearly 5% of
tion, and rarely ectopic corticotropin-releasing hormone patients with new-onset hypertension may have an
production) or ACTH-independent Cushings syndrome underlying adrenal mass [18]. Consequently, routing
associated with adrenal tumors. In these patients with screening for hyperaldosteronism is mainly recommended
overt cortisol overproduction, ACTH is usually very low or in hypertensive patients. Historically, low serum potassium
near the lower end of normal reference range (usually <10 levels were the first-line investigation for aldosterone
pg/ml), with evidence of hypercortisolism (elevated 24-h hypersecretion; however, up to 40% of patients exhibit
urinary free cortisol, elevated late-night salivary cortisol, or normal or low serum potassium [19]. The more appropriate
failure of 1 mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test). first-line screening for Conns syndrome is the ratio of
Some patients with AIs have no typical features to suggest morning plasma aldosterone to renin, for which a ratio of
Cushings syndrome, but they have subtle laboratory >20 and a concurrent elevated serum aldosterone level
abnormities to point to a mild case of autonomous cortisol (>15 ng/ml) are suggestive of primary hyperaldosteronism
production. The term subclinical Cushings syndrome (SCS) and must be followed by confirmatory tests (eg, 24-h
was first introduced in 1981 to describe patients with AIs urinary aldosterone level while on a high salt diet or 4-h
and autonomously producing glucocorticoids with no normal saline suppression test with plasma aldosterone
obvious signs of overt Cushings syndrome [9]. SCS can be measurement) (Table 1).
seen in 58% patients with AIs [10]. Despite the term
subclinical, these patients are still are at risk due to 3.2. Imaging and size of adrenal mass
continuous excess cortisol exposure, including hyperten-
sion, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and obesity. As the AIs are most commonly found on abdominal ultrasound, CT,
majority of patients do not have overt Cushings syndrome, or MRI, with an incidence of approximately 5%. The latter
24-h urinary cortisol levels are often normal and are not two imaging modalities form the cornerstones for further
sufficient for diagnosis. Autonomous cortisol hypersecre- characterization and evaluation for such adrenal masses. A
tion is best assessed initially with an overnight dexameth- homogenous mass with smooth borders and attenuation of
asone (1 mg) suppression test. A patients failure to <10 Hounsfield units (HU) on unenhanced CT is strongly
suppress cortisol levels (<1.8 mg/dl) following low-dose suggestive of a lipid-rich benign adrenal adenoma. The low
dexamethasone administration (1 mg overnight dexameth- attenuation on unenhanced CT corresponds to high
asone suppression test) is indicative of Cushings syndrome intracytoplasmic lipid content. Overall, 98% of adrenal
and has sensitivity >90%. If positive, further confirmatory lesions with 10 HU on noncontrast CT are benign adrenal
tests are required to rule out a false-positive rate of adenomas; however, attenuation alone is not diagnostic
approximately 10% [11]. Other tests include the late-night because 1530% of adrenal adenomas are lipid poor, with
salivary cortisol test and ACTH measurement [12]. 10 HU on noncontrast CT, and thus may be interpreted as
Because adrenocortical carcinoma can present with malignant [20,21]. In such cases, additional imaging with
mixed cortisol and adrenal androgen overproduction, intravenous contrast is required. On delayed contrast-
careful assessment is warranted to exclude adrenocortical enhanced CT, adrenal adenomas exhibit rapid washout of
carcinoma. Most cortisol-producing adrenal adenomas are the intravenous contrast medium. If the absolute washout
associated with excessive cortisol and low adrenal andro- of contrast is 50% after 10 min or relative washout is 40%
gens (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate). after 15 min from administration, this is indicative of
adenoma, with sensitivity and specificity of 100% [22,23].
3.1.2. Pheochromocytoma Similarly, MRI can assess the differences in signal between
Approximately 5% of all AIs are pheochromocytomas, and fat and water to evaluate intracellular lipid content. This is
up to 50% of these may be clinically silent (ie, normoten- known as chemical shift MRI, which exploits different
sive), hence biochemical assessment is warranted for all resonant frequency rates of protons in fat and water. Adrenal
patients. First-line investigations for pheochromocytomas adenomas exhibit loss of signal intensity on out-of-phase
should include either plasma free metanephrine/normeta- sequences compared with in-phase imaging, confirming the
nephrine or 24-h urine fractionated metanephrines [13]. By presence of intra-adrenal fat. In comparison to CT, however,
itself, testing for plasma free metanephrine is associated contrast-enhanced MRI with gadolinium washout studies
with lower specificity (8590%) [14], especially in older does not appear to exhibit the same diagnostic strength as its
patients, and has higher false-positive rates if patients are CT counterpart. Consequently, CT washout studies remain
taking acetaminophen, tricyclic antidepressants, or phe- the gold standard, especially in the evaluation of lipid-poor
noxybenzamine; therefore, these medications should be adenomas [21,24]. Moreover, patients with a previous
withheld 5 d prior to testing [15]. Two reviews recently history of extra-adrenal malignancy should also undergo
226 EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUS 1 (2016) 223230

positron emission tomographyCT with flurodeoxyglucose reached its limit, and results of biopsy will ultimately
(FDG) and/or biopsy to rule out metastasis. In general, change or influence clinical management. A recent study by
metastatic lesions tend to have increased FDG uptake Villeli et al. [30] reported specificity of 88%, sensitivity of
because of increased glucose metabolism, whereas benign 86%, positive predictive value of 97%, and a much lower
adenomas do not [25]. negative predictive value of 58% for diagnoses using adrenal
The use of functional imaging such as iodine 131 metaio- core biopsy specimens.
dobenzylguanidine (MIBG) imaging for the diagnosis for Image-guided FNA or biopsy is safe overall, and
pheochromocytomas is limited, given that most pheochro- complication rates are low (<3%) [31]. When indicated,
mocytomas can be accurately diagnosed with cross- FNA or biopsy should always be carried out after
sectional imaging and metabolic evaluation for catechola- biochemical investigation has excluded pheochromocyto-
mines; however, this modality can be useful for detection of mas, which have been reported to lead to life-threatening
metastatic disease. MIGB is a structural analog of norepi- hypertensive crisis [8]. Other complications include adre-
nephrine, and increased uptake of MIGB suggests the nal/abdominal hematoma, infection, pneumothorax, pan-
presence of chromaffin cells found in tumors such as creatitis, tumor seeding along the needle track, and
pheochromocytomas. Previous series suggest sensitivities hemorrhage [31,32].
and specificities of 100% and 94%, respectively, in identify-
ing pheochromocytomas with MIGB imaging [26]. 3.4. Indications for surgery and patient selection
Regardless of the initial imaging modality used for
diagnosis of an adrenal mass, size of the mass is one of the Indications for surgery for AIs should consider factors that
most important parameters that helps distinguish malig- involve both tumor functionality and radiologic criteria that
nant and nonmalignant adrenal lesions, in which larger may suggest malignancy. History and physical examination
masses are more likely to exhibit adverse clinical and of patients at presentation will highlight signs and
pathologic features. In a large Italian multi-institutional symptoms that reflect glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid,
retrospective analysis of 887 patients with AIs, tumor adrenal sex hormone, or catecholamine excess. If present,
diameter was highly correlated with the risk of malignancy. these must be confirmed with further biochemical inves-
Adrenal masses with tumor diameter >4 cm were associat- tigations, as outlined (Fig. 1). Surgery should be considered
ed with 90% sensitivity in adrenal cortical carcinoma (ACC) in all patients with functional adrenal cortical tumors.
detection [27]. Similarly, all patients with biochemical evidence of
Another review of >1300 patients with AIs showed that pheochromocytomas should undergo adrenal resection.
the incidence of malignant neoplasms significantly in- More than 60% of incidentalomas <4 cm are benign
creased for masses >6 cm in diameter and should be adenomas. Of these, <2% represent ACC and are almost
considered malignant until proven otherwise, almost always benign lesions if nonfunctional. In contrast, if the
always requiring definitive resection [10]. Similarly, in- adrenal mass is >6 cm, ACC accounts for >25% cases, of
creasing size is associated with increasing incidence of which only 15% are benign adenomas [8]. For lesions 4
adrenal hypersecretion [28]. Consequently, almost all 6 cm, closer follow-up or surgery should be considered,
nonfunctioning lesions <4 cm are benign and may be taking into account other imaging parameters including
observed in the absence of worrisome radiologic features or attenuation >10 HU, irregular boarders, or inconclusive
clinical suspicion for malignancy based on history. In percentage of contrast-enhanced washout on CT or MRI.
contrast, the optimal diagnosis for adrenal masses between Rapid growth rate in adrenal masses has also been
4 and 6 cm is not established and remains controversial. If advocated as a potential indicator of malignancy, even
such lesions are hormonally inactive and exhibit benign though a reliable adrenal mass growth cutoff value is not
radiologic appearance, they also may be considered for well established to confirm or exclude a malignant lesion
observation [8]. [33]. Furthermore, almost all lesions resected due to
Occasionally bilateral adrenal masses are noted, and increased growth kinetics are benign. In a prospective
these should be interpreted and investigated in the context multi-institutional Swedish study, 29 of 229 patients
of the whole clinical picture, as they could be related to a (12.6%) undergoing surveillance of AIs underwent resection
neoplastic (malignant or benign), infectious, or immune due to an increase in size of adrenal lesions ranging between
process [29]. 5 and 10 mm, all exhibiting benign pathology. Another
study reviewing 873 patients with AIs showed that up to 9%
3.3. The role of biopsy of lesions grew at least 1 cm at mean follow-up of 3 yr, with
only one lesion proving malignant. The authors concluded
Histologically, adrenal adenomas cannot always be reliably that the rate of malignant transformation is approximately
differentiated from ACC on fine needle aspiration (FNA) or 1 in 1000 [10]. Although such reports suggest that growth
biopsy [20]. FNA and biopsies are usually reserved for kinetics in conservatively managed adrenal lesions corre-
patients with known extra-adrenal malignancies when late poorly with malignancy rates, growth rates of 1 cm
histologic diagnosis will assist in distinguishing between often prompt surgical resection; therefore, change in
adrenal versus nonadrenal origin of the lesion. Furthermore, adrenal mass size should be used in conjunction with other
biopsy should be considered only after pheochromocytoma imaging and clinical characteristics when surgical resection
has been ruled out, when radiologic investigation has is being considered.
EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUS 1 (2016) 223230 227

Incidental Adrenal Mass (>1 cm) diagnosed on CT/MRI

Hormonal evaluation in all patients
1. Dexamethasone (1 mg) suppression test
2. Plasma or 24-h urine metanephrines
3. If hypertensive, include plasma aldosterone:renin ratio

Functional Mass Nonfunctional Mass

(Hormonal evaluation abnormal/positive) (Hormonal evaluation normal/negative)

Size of adrenal mass <4 cm Size of adrenal mass 4 cm

Endocrinology Consultation
Confirmation testing of autonomous
secretion of cortisol, catecholamines,
aldosterone, other Benign Imaging Features Suspicious Imaging Features
Medical and preoperative management Homogenous Heterogeneous
Low density Necrosis
Smooth margins Irregular margins
Unenhanced CT 10-HU attenuation Unenhanced CT >10-HU attenuation

Consider surgery
CT with contrast

50% contrast washout <50% contrast washout

at 10 min at 10 min

Positive autonomous hormonal secretion Consider Conservative Management Consider Surgery

Growth >1 cm Repeat imaging 612 mo If history of malignancy: PET-CT, biopsy
Size of mass 4 cm Repeat hormonal evaluation annually for 4 yr

Fig. 1 Algorithm for management of an adrenal incidentaloma.

CT = computed tomography; HU = Hounsfield units; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; PET = positron emission tomography.

Metastases are common in patients with an adrenal mass Despite the obvious advantages of LA, the underlying
and a history of malignancy. Work-up of these masses adrenal pathology is paramount in planning the optimal
should always exclude the possibility of other adrenal surgical approach, as it may significantly affect oncologic
tumors, with proper imaging, serologic testing, and and survival outcomes for the patient if complete resection
sometimes biopsy. Adrenalectomy can be a viable treat- is compromised. Most important, cancer control, especially
ment option for well-selected patients with adrenal in ACC, is highly dependent on wide local excision with
metastases. In general, operative intervention is best negative margins and meticulous attention to prevent
reserved for patients in whom the adrenal gland is the tumor spillage in these friable tumors. ACC tends to be an
solitary site or in the presence of oligometastatic disease for aggressive disease in which locoregional recurrence can be
which complete resection is feasible. The absence of local as high as 60% [36]. Consequently, known adrenal vein or
invasion into contiguous structures and a disease-free vena caval involvement are still regarded as absolute
interval >6 mo from the original cancer diagnosis are also contraindications to laparoscopic surgery. Furthermore, to
suggestive of favorable tumor biology and better survival obtain an R0 resection of a locally advanced ACC, it is often
outcomes after adrenalectomy [34]. mandatory to resect adjacent organs such as the wall of the
Historically, open adrenalectomy (OA) was considered vena cava, liver, spleen, colon, pancreas, and/or stomach,
the standard of care for surgical excision of the majority of mandating an OA approach [37,38].
adrenal tumors; however, contemporary studies show that The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic
minimally invasive laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA), done Surgeons guidelines for the minimally invasive treatment of
with a transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach, can be adrenal pathology state that large adrenal tumors without
offered safely to carefully selected patients. Relative pre- or intraoperative evidence of primary ACC can be
contraindications for LA continue to include tumor size, approached by LA by a skilled laparoscopic surgeon;
obesity, and ACC; however, the increasing use of minimally however, such cases may be associated with longer
invasive surgery in adrenalectomy reflects the increasing operating room time, more blood loss, and a higher rate
skill sets of surgeons that attain oncologic outcomes similar of conversion to open surgery. If any evidence for metastatic
to open surgery while offering improved postoperative pain carcinoma is found intraoperatively, conversion to an open
levels, decreased morbidity, less or equivalent operative approach is warranted and should be strongly considered
blood loss, shorter hospital stay, and faster recovery [35]. [35]. Of great concern is that previous studies have shown
228 EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUS 1 (2016) 223230

significant differences in recurrence-free and overall was higher in patients with adrenal lesions >3 versus <3 cm
survival favoring OA compared with LA in patients with [46]. It is important to note in the same study, however, that
ACC, with significantly higher rates of peritoneal carcino- of the 82% patients that had hormonal irregularities noted at
matosis within the LA group, strongly supporting the initial diagnosis, none went on to develop subclinical or overt
oncologic benefits of OA in ACC [39]. Cushings syndrome on follow-up.
The advent of robotic surgery has rapidly increased in In conclusion, standardized follow-up protocols or
popularity worldwide, including robotic adrenalectomy guidelines are controversial, and evidence to date suggests
(RA), which was first described in 2001 [40]. Brunaud et al. that small radiographically benign lesions (<4 cm) that are
reported that RA might be especially useful for patients with functionally inactive do not require further (or require less
high body mass index (BMI; >30) and for large tumors frequent) investigation. Outside of these parameters, even
(>5.5 cm) [41,42]. Nevertheless, in a recent systematic though radiologic and hormonal follow-up is recom-
review and meta-analysis comparing LA and RA, patients mended, the yield and cost-effectiveness of such testing
undergoing RA had lower BMI, highlighting a significant is unknown [1,49].
selection bias for RA. Furthermore, RA was shown to have no
significant difference in operative time or complication rate 4. Conclusions
compared with LA [43]. In the same meta-analysis, although
RA had less hospitalization (0.5 d less) and blood loss AIs are becoming more common due to increased use of body
(25 ml) compared with LA, these differences were not imaging. Ideally, management of patients with AIs should
clinically significant. Given the increased cost of RA involve a multidisciplinary approach with surgeons, radi-
compared with LA [41] and the lack of clear patient ologists, and endocrinologists to determine whether such
outcomes with RA, further high-quality evidence is needed lesions are benign or malignant and functional or nonfunc-
before firm recommendations can be provided. Other tional and/or whether they require surgical resection.
minimally invasive technical modifications of minimally
invasive adrenalectomy include laparoendoscopic single-
site surgery and minilaparoscopy. Author contributions: Jose A. Karam had full access to all the data in the
study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the
3.5. Follow-up for the incidental adrenal mass accuracy of the data analysis.

Study concept and design: Thomas, Karam.

There is currently no national or international consensus for Acquisition of data: Thomas, Blute, Seitz, Habra, Karam.
the follow-up of AIs. The 2003 NIH statement for follow-up Analysis and interpretation of data: Thomas, Blute, Seitz, Habra, Karam.
for nonresected adrenal masses recommends repeat CT in 6 Drafting of the manuscript: Thomas, Karam.
12 mo. For lesions that do not increase in size, further Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content:
radiologic evaluation is not supported within the literature. A Thomas, Blute, Seitz, Habra, Karam.
summary of 21 studies involving >1690 patients with Statistical analysis: None.
median follow-up ranging from 2 to 7 yr attributed the risk Obtaining funding: None.
Administrative, technical, or material support: Karam.
of developing malignancy, hyperfunction, or overt disease to
Supervision: Karam.
be very low at 0.05%, 1.2%, and 0.9%, respectively. Similarly, in
Other (specify): None.
the same review, of the 212 of 1690 lesions (12.5%) that
increased in size, only 1 was observed to be malignant [44]. Financial disclosures: Jose A. Karam certies that all conicts of interest,
Furthermore, Cawood and colleagues highlighted that including specic nancial interests and relationships and afliations
during follow-up, false-positive rates of recommended relevant to the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript
investigations may be 50 times greater than true-positive (eg, employment/afliation, grants or funding, consultancies, honoraria,
stock ownership or options, expert testimony, royalties, or patents led,
rates [45]. The average CT scan for follow-up exposes each
received, or pending), are the following: None.
patient to 23 mSv of ionizing radiation, which equates to a
1 in 4302170 chance of causing fatal cancer; this is similar Funding/Support and role of the sponsor: None.
to the chance of developing adrenal malignancy during the
3-yr follow-up of AI [45]. References
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