2016 17 Trimester 2 Syllabus

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During the second trimester we plan to distribute (at no cost) to track members Tony Stoltzfus'
Coaching Questions: A Coachs Guide to Powerful Asking Skills book, which is a powerful practice
tool and coaching guide. Make sure you get your copy. Many wise students have opted to use that
as a guide for peer coaching practice.

Weekly peer coaching sessions totaling 3.5 hours
Weekly completion of Check In Form link online: http://elizabethwoning.com/bssm2/
500+ word essay Due Feb. 7: Reflect upon how coaching impacts the way you communicate. What are
your observations? How will you use this significant skill?


Weekly peer coaching sessions totaling 3.5 hours [10.5 hours of peer coaching are required to
successfully complete the track.]
Weekly completion of Check In Form online
500+ word essays due March 28: How has coaching helped you grow this year? What is your final self-
assessment? What will you do with it from here?
Written report of observations from peer reviewed recording of you coaching. Due March 7.
[Instructions: Record a full1 hour session of you coaching a coachee. Review the recording and remark
upon your observations. Did you ask open questions? Establish the client agenda? Establish goals and
action steps? What was your tone and the sessions atmosphere? Did you give advice? Etc. Give yourself
feedback. Select a peer coach to review the recording and offer feedback as well. Comment upon their
observations in your report.]

Reminder about peer coaching

At the end of every class please break into pairs for that weeks peer coaching session. You may
meet together at any time between classes in any format (personally, via Skype or phone.) In a peer-
coaching model each student will coach the other for 30 minutes using the techniques presented in
class and debrief afterwards (a total of 1 hour + debrief). Note, if you intend to pursue the Bethel
Coaching Training Certificate, please retain your own record of your coaching hours in a spreadsheet that
includes who you coached, their contact information and how long you coached them. This information
will be required to qualify for the certificate.

Coaching practice
In the track I encourage you to find opportunities to coach in addition to your peer coaching from
class. Here are some options:

Connect Coaching. Join the Connect Coaching team and work with a partner to
coach new Bethel Attendees to find their tribe here at Bethel. Contact Viviana
Eastwood at vivianaeastwood@gmail.com for more information.

Coach a First Year Student. Create a coaching profile that can be referenced by first
year students..

Be coached. Enter into a coaching agreement with a professional coach. This is one
of the best ways to learn more about coaching and refine your own skills.


There are similarities between the track and the Bethel Coaching coach-training program. Bethel
Coaching is a ministry comprised of professional coaches and coach trainers who are members of
Bethel Church. I am a member of its leadership team. Bethel Coaching carries Bethels kingdom-
minded focus into a unique flavor of Christian coaching. A key difference between the track and
their training program is the continuity and depth of this track. Bethel Coaching features 2-day
workshops that provide excellent coach training, but are scattered throughout the calendar year.
Our track will allow you to go deep with consistency and established community.

The track will be equivalent to Bethel Coachings series Level I, Level II and one Level III course.

Our track will cover similar materials found in:

Level I: Coaching Skills for Kingdom Life (our AMT)
Level II: Coaching Intensive
Level III: Supernatural Coaching

Bethel Coaching offers a certificate to those qualified who complete their training, which requires a
Level I, Level II and two (2) Level III courses, 25 logged hours of coaching and 3 mentor coaching
sessions. I will invite Dave Smith, the director of Bethel Coaching, to introduce the program for more
information during our AMT.


Students may opt to supplement their training at BSSM with the Bethel Coaching certificate, which
indicates your capability and commitment to their coaching standards. Because the total number of
training hours in this track are far fewer than the complete Bethel Coaching program I have negotiated
this option for those who choose to pursue the extra training.
Complete all Track requirements
Book report on Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills, and Heart of a Christian Coach by Tony
Stoltzfus Due February 7 [500+ words]
Completion of 1 additional Level III Bethel Coaching workshop outside of our track
25 logged hours of coaching a coachee, which may include peer-coaching time.
3 paid mentor-coaching sessions with Martin Flack or Dave Smith.


Transformational Coaching, by Dr. Joseph Umidi

Co-Active Coaching, Changing Business, Transformation Lives, By Henry
Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Phillip Sandahl, Laura Whitworth
The Invitation, by Tony Stoltzfus
Faith Coaching, by Chad Hall, Bill Copper, Kathryn McElveen
Coach 22: The Christian Coaching Bookstore, www.coach22.com
The Christian Coaching Center, www.christiancoachingcenter.org
Web Coaching Center, www.webcoachingsolutions.comd
Leadership MetaFormation: The Art of Transforming the Heart, www.meta-formation.com
Coaching Pastors, www.coachingpastors.com/stoltzfus.html
Destiny Coaching Ministries, www.destinycoachingministries.com
Dream Culture by Andy and Janine Mason

TRACK INSTRUCTOR: Elizabeth Woning

You may contact me at elizabeth.woning@team.ibethel.org or
elizabeth@elizabethwoning.com. I hope to make myself as available to you as possible and am
willing to meet outside of class individually or in small groups. As the class develops I will see what
interests you.

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