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Preparatoria Regional De Lagos De Moreno

Gonzalo Quintana Minero

Lengua extranjera VI
Luna Campos German Ramn

6 B t/m 13 de febrero
1. Gramar modals
2. Vocabulary 1
3. Gramar infinitive and gerunds
4. Vocabulary 2

Should: Recommendation
She has a headache she should take an aspirin
Must: Obligation
The exam is tomorrow
You should study or you must study
Can: ability
Peter can play the bas
Sandra can dance
May: Permission
May I come in?
Might: Present possibility
Could: future possibility
Could help you with them?
Excuse me. Is the elevator out of order?
Yes. Im afraid youll have to take the stairs
With all these shopping bags?
Could I help you with them?
No, its ok. You dont need to do that
Dad, can I go to a fast food restaurant with my friends to night?
Again? You mustnt eat so much fast food you know. Its bad for you. At your age you
need to have lots of heathy food
Know ones way around 3
By the way 5
Be on ones way 2
Be in ones way 6
Lose ones way 1
The other way around 4
1 become or get lost
2 stop someone from moving or doing something
3 be able to get around a place
4 the opposite situation
5 now that I think of it
6 going to a place

3-Gramar infinitive and Gerunds

Expresses the purpose of the Action
-You want to eat fruit
-Raul needs to play less
-We exercise to be lose weight
Some purposes are expressed by gerunds
Enjoy finish
Like go

Whenever, Im too tired to go out, I stay at home
I was surprised to see sherry at the movies last night
Steven left his project at home and Mr. Miles made him go at home to get it
We arranged to visit the National Gallery in the afternoon but we didnt have enough
time to see everything
Its very relaxing to listen to the radio while driving you must try it
I want to watch the news to see the weather forecast

3 Vocabulary
Dorothy waved good bye to Gordon
My grandmother hugs me whenever she sees me
Do people in your country shake hands when the greet each other?
Maria met Carla at the bus stop and they kissed each other on the cheek
The king entered at the room and everyone bowed
Theres ben said Janet and pointed to a boy who was walking past
Smile! I want to take your picture

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