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SHORT PIECES FOR SMALL CHORUS by Tui St George Tucker HYMNS Tantum Ergo Ave Verum Christus Jesus ZEN SONGS Hakuun Tensai Sei ro Yucho Nezumi CANONS Christe Eleison Sanctus Agnus Dei TAATUM Z oO words b 7 St Thomas Aguina: Goon witty yor SE George Mocha Adogio with so inna sestasy cae heen in fhe stl. a] ted hymns | 1 1 ! == a %rTAN: TUM IMEN- TuM | ¥E> WE- 7 as oe ae Te que |saus ET | sy- BI Loe 2 =| + Do~ CU- IME N- Tum WAa- Tus |900-9UE vo | c&- DAT Er AN-|Ti- Quum er| BE. NE- 5A- LS |How- oR i + Fo Te [as MAES~ TET TH \o PRo- CF- Sat SEN- SU- CoM- PAR~ a — Z 1984 copy ry OTe 15 bGanpiTicber AVE VERUM CORPUS Andante Dynaaie i fs . Tur STUEORGE Tuck ‘ raion ab iit va, le J cogently Ree TuckeR => = oe ee NE: pte — 7 == 4 op Slt PRE Gus TA- TUM v MoR= TS (aawerees CHRISTUS TESUS SPLENDOR PATRIS Hamm for the Transh guration dour Lord Moderate Pyremics ad libitim th the style x emgregatiinal hymns % I = s CHRESTUS JE- u ~~ GU-AR Su state s & SS EM PEC: CA~ TO- RUM Ep-ci- ENS fixer 60m ees ranvans a ca a = poet £ f = Hom dle € bir ATES pots. OF Daun A-HEy — a SSS E T = SE- cU-LO- RUM A> MEV D = $ E P gé-CU- LO-“RUM A. MEY ee A- MEN it —— ps» +S be ——— bs. Se t = | Se SE CU foe RUM Ge men AHAKUUY £¢seXio id TN io idaku Yhite clouds hold lonely rocks in Adagio ir embyace oot he baw Z, SE GSS Fovwd gow OAK: SahOTOAI TT DaKo DAKO! DARDNON “KER (OMY ifiaesteO G TENSAL bi avbori tsuki kodero, Kanzen gama gekeko mize samushi At the tmits ob heaven the 309 riie8 and the moon 42%, be a ee = watvs become chill, » Beyond tha talestrade He mamtains deapen and te And aite, Tél merta voce EN mezeo ve wanzo yak TEN mane Lag SCAR WO 60 Ri No o> Fl es sm Ni Ten gai ni No — bo - ki sai ni be | Uts-wi E a Kor Aone” care 7 an g=——~__ Gina) iaoare o vu “~~ Ging) oe mi 20 se OK Ov Yever abme lowers it me qorlectone CEL yo a ai, 72 set o mir The well /oks at the a8s,The 05s looks ot the well, Alege Aeeleande theaughort a= =A CTD "2 = SF ee oT | os —_ ™E =, a [SSS SS sei 70 Omi, TO wi =O i “ye oo mi, YO gai Oo WO, | mf | 2 —-t SS — : = i ro Bw Si nity Set ° sei aie mg Sti fob wi, vo T, Si 1 6 mi, vo si oD 7, wo =+——+ SS rrr Sr rr— “ Berl anny = —— ——— ee — ~ = mi, Yo Sai 0 wey, bei Yo O My YO Sei 0 Sy, — ed Sei Yu o mi ro shi Yo 0 mi, Yo si 0 Pore mined, $0i minty, Sei fo 0 Yo Yo Om, Yo si 0 m- w, C GONANNAN £ ji shed ni iru. kidd er Cee NT fare obi shits wo Blea tegen, 0 #260 all voices Without vibrote Fests denor¥ bass et St $s SET sug? 6U- MO TT Zz x t boss Y- CHO foud sustained whisper tee Ci = ag an err td = p. So pe es mc i> Te, KU- Mo o J] SRI es RAM- PO NI |=RU, RAM- PO M/ (lacs NEZUMT sests oi ite gi sode ot Wwanaco, The cat that entered the rman box is of its uil’s end. Modaralo WE Kite ~ ne | 20- a2 62) su-DE | areca. 20 ee out NTN ex su he se EMR NTRO ME krona ~ FY =o : 5 WE Ri-wa-Ba RU IE KI- WAS HA [ey NE KI-WA> HA” RU _ WE RY-WACHA - RO ME ei wae HA RU — wear seals he Vel? qe 6x do-v€ | wr erwin = . 2U- Mi SEN- TO Ne IT- TE ef sure On 4? Co a ym KI UAHA | gu, KEM HA yCKE ore y eau, KE WANA RD, KLwR MA . Kiewit Rana & — a NT Ki-wa-MA~ RU, NE Kt-wh-HA- ki-wA -HA-| RO NE HUA RA - RU NE Ki -wreHa— Reon a RY _ HA pu; Rewit MA RY, en AY Rear Bocpe hh CHAISTE ELEISON == CHRI= STE E + ISTE E- LfI-SoN, =a CHAI de E- = LE-I- SON, GHRIM ote E+ LEA teehee soueti-ste B= LE ——= IGiaesteo! \ SON, CHAI Ss —— = = 4 cHRI- STE | SON, CHRIH a= i Be a. == a0—|-0 Oo: = =p SSS CHAI ste E- LEI: SON,cHRe © ste = LE- - 46 SANCT UO S% Tul Stbeerge Tye Ker Andoxte Ohe a “ay Li et Ue re a 7 ENT Fiecer sis PE Jo. as a ps ayes Tus 00" MIMS DE ate: > san-NN WO cece S18 iiarrot 48 AGNUS DE\ your LIS PEC 8 (oes 4 t DE- Ue gu ceorra 20 FEST gu Is, ASGNUS DET!) 2! Ss vi PA- Cem. ¥ ae

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