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Grisel Torres

Speech Communication

Monroes Motivated Sequence


I. Attention Step:
A. Attention Getter: Would you consider the act of saving someones

life heroic? What if I told you that you could be a hero to three people

in a matter of minutes by doing one thing that takes no longer than an

hour to complete with very little effort and doesnt require any

strenuous physical activity?

B. Relevance: This could all be true if you donate blood. You could be

someones hero. You could be the deciding factor of whether someone

in need of blood lives or dies. I know I have been asked to donate to a

non-profit agency on several occasions by making a monetary

contribution and when I dont its because I cant afford to. Donating

blood doesnt cost you a penny, but is a priceless gift that you can

C. Credibility: Through research and my own personal experience of

donating blood, I know the importance of donating.

D. Preview Statement: After informing you of the need for an increase

in blood supply, the process of donating blood, and the benefits of

donating blood I hope you too will decide to donate blood and more

importantly, act upon that decision.

TRANSITION: Lets start by going over the need for blood donations.


II. Need Step:

A. According to Miller Keystone Blood Centers web site

every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs a blood transfusion and
Grisel Torres
Speech Communication

approximately 43,000 units of blood are used each day in the United

B. There are many different reasons a person would need to have a blood

transfusion including: blood loss from surgery or a sustained injury,

liver failure, burn patients, cancer patients and people diagnosed with

sickle cell diseases to name a few.

1. The American Red Cross website states

that more than 1.68 million people are expected to be

diagnosed with cancer this year and it is estimated that

sickle cell disease affects 90,000 to 100,000 people in the

U.S. About 1,000 babies are born with the disease each

year. Many cancer patients need blood, sometimes daily,

during their chemotherapy treatment and sickle cell

patients can require frequent blood transfusions

throughout their lives.

C. There is no substitute for blood. It cannot be made or manufactured.

Generous donors are the only source of blood for patients in need of a

blood transfusion.
TRANSITION: Now that we have identified the need, lets talk about the

III. Satisfaction Step:
A. To increase the blood supply and help aid in the demand of blood we

need more people to donate. According to the web site

37% of the population is eligible to donate blood, but only 5% actually

B. Miller Keystone Blood Center states on that if all

blood donors gave at least twice a year, it would help prevent blood

Grisel Torres
Speech Communication

C. Anyone who is in good health, is at least 17 years old and weighs 110

pounds or more can donate blood.

D. Donating blood is a safe process. A sterile needle is used only once for

each donor and then discarded and approximately 12 tests are

performed on every unit of donated blood.

E. Even if you dont know what blood type you are, you can still donate.

All blood types are needed and donating blood is a good way to find

out what blood type you are as well as maintain optimal health for

yourself as you will go through a mini physical exam every time you

donate blood.
TRANSITION: Now that I have given you information on both the need and

the solution, visualize this.

IV. Visualization Step: 4.8 million Americans would die each year without life-

saving blood transfusions according to the Miller Keystone Blood Center.

Imagine yourself being healthy and sustaining an injury that wouldnt be life

threatening if it wasnt for the tremendous loss of blood. Prior to this injury

you were young and healthy and in an instant you are on the verge of death.

One simple donation from a volunteer, one simple procedure, and a little time

and you are on your way to recovery. Without that blood you would have

TRANSITION: I hope you all are able to see the importance and the need of

donating blood.
A. Summary Statement: As I stated earlier, every two seconds

someone in the U.S. needs a blood transfusion. The gift of blood

is the gift of life.

B. Call to Action: In addition to four local Miller-Keystone locations

that are open early morning through late evening accepting both

walk-ins and appointments, The American Red Cross will be

Grisel Torres
Speech Communication

conducting a mobile blood drive at Faulkner Subaru located at

330 Stoke Park Road here in Bethlehem on Thursday, December

8th from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Charles Chrin Community Center

4100 Green Pond Road in Easton from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

C. Final Thought: I encourage you all to take action and be

someones hero. With several local blood bank locations and the

flexibility of mobile blood drives you should be able to make it a

priority to donate. Give someone the gift of blood, the gift of life.

WORKS CITED November 10, 2016 November 9, 2016 November 18, 2016

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