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Reading Comprehension Test

Submitted by: Nathanicha Mailueang(Ning)

Passage 1

Islam Overview

Islam is one of the largest religions in the world, with over 1 billion followers. It
is a monotheistic faith based on revelations received by the Prophet Muhammad in
7th-century Saudi Arabia. The Arabic word islam means submission, reflecting the
faith's central tenet of submitting to the will of God. Followers of Islam are called

According to Islamic tradition, the angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet over
the course of 20 years, revealing to him many messages from God. Muslims
recognize some earlier Judeo-Christian prophetsincluding Moses and Jesusas
messengers of the same true God. But in Islam, Muhammad is the last and greatest of
the prophets, whose revelations alone are pure and uncorrupted.

The Prophet dedicated the remainder of his life to spreading a message of

monotheism in a polytheistic world. In 622, he fled north to the city of Medina to
escape growing persecution. This event marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
Eight years later, Muhammad returned to Mecca with an army and conquered the city
for Islam. By Muhammad's death, 50 years later, the entire Arabian Peninsula had
come under Muslim control.
The sacred text of Islam, the Qur'an, was written in Arabic within 30 years of
Muhammad's death. Muslims believe it contains the literal word of God. Also important
is the tradition of the sayings and actions of Muhammad and his companions, collected
in the Hadith.

1. The word prophet" in line 6 is closest in meaning to

a. god
b. Islam King
c. priest
d. tutor

2. The word city in line 12 is closest in the meaning to

a. Mecca
b. Saudi Arabia
c. Medina
d. Hadith

3. The word it in line 18 refers to

a. Muhammads death
b. the Qur'an
c. Muslim
d. Muhammad

4. According to the passage, which of the following was not mention about

a. He is the greatest prophet in the world

b. He overcame other city for islam.
c. He received revelations.
d. He use the remainder of his life to spreading his religion.
5. When did Islam calendar begin?

a. Muhammad came to the city of Medina.

b. Muhammad died.
c. Muhammad went back to Mecca.
d. Muhammad spread Islam.

6. When was the Quran written?

a. Within 50 years of Muhammads death

b. Within 8 years of Muhammads death
c. Within 30 years of Muhammads death
d. Within 20 years of Muhammads death

7. Why does Islam mean submission?

a. Because it reflect submission to the will of the god.

b. Because it reflect submission to the will of Muslim.
c. Because it reflect submission to the will of Muhammad
d. Because it reflect submission to the will of Muslim and Muhammad

8. What happen after Muhammads death?

a. Muslim controlled Arabia.

b. Persecution was increasing.
c. The Qur'an was created.
d. New prophet began.

9. What does the first paragraph mainly discuss?

a. description of Islam
b. Muhammads history
c. beginning of Islam religion
d. overview of Islam

10. What can you tell about Islam?

a. Muslims should submit to Muhammad because he was similar to god.

b. Muslims trust in Muhammad because he was wise and enthusiasm.
c. Muslims have faith in their only god so much.
d. Muslims start their belief after he was revealed by god.
Passage 2

Why Running is Incredible Medicine for your Brain

What makes running such a potent cerebral enhancer is its ability to spark
neurogenesis: the growth of new brain cells. How it does this is still a mystery. It could
be because exercise induces increased blood flow, or limits the production of stress
hormones like cortisol, or some combination of reasons. However it happens, running
could be a better antidepressant than anything you'll get from a pharmacist.

Depression is linked to reduced neurogenesis, and it's possible that SSRI drugs
like Prozac encourage the growth of new brain cells. Recent research on running
indicates that it does the same thing, but on an even larger scale and without the
infamous side-effects of the drugs, like weight gain and decreased sex drive.

The Cambridge study used mice to demonstrate how running beefs up the
memory centers of the brain. Neuroscience researchers put one group of mice on a
training regimen of running on a wheel up to 15 miles a day. The other group did nothing
but nibble on carrots, wander around their cage and poop (the rodent corollary to a
typical human office job).

Both groups were then periodically put in front of a computer screen showing two
identical squares side-by-side. When the mice nudged the left square, they received a
sugar pellet reward. When they nudged the right square, they received nothing. In other
words, the mice had to remember which square yielded a reward.
1. The word induce in line 3 is closest in meaning to
a. lead
b. encourage
c. contain
d. show

2. The word beef up in line 10 is closest in meaning to

a. appear
b. strengthen
c. built
d. help
3. The word it in line 8 refers to
a. medicine
b. SSRI drug
c. depression
d. running
4. What is difference between running and drug?
a. helping in neurogenesis
b. reducing sadness
c. effect
d. taste of happiness
5. What animal was used to demonstrate in experiment of effect of running ?
a. dog
b. mice
c. cat
d. rabbit
6. How many miles did mices, which were trained, need to run per day?
a. 5 miles
b. 10 miles
c. 15 miles
d. 20 miles
7. Where was the experiment done?
a. Pennsylvania university
b. Oxford university
c. Chicago university
d. Cambridge university
8. What will mice receive after go to left square?
a. sugar pellet
b. bread
c. rice
d. banana

9. What does fourth paragraph mainly discuss?

a. Explain how researchers compare running mice and sedentary mice.
b. Result after running mice was test in front of a computer screen.
c. Describe how running and sedentary mice were prepared before experiment.
d. Describe why running mice was clever than sedentary mice.
10. What is the purpose of the experiment?
a. to find out effect of running to mice brain
b. to insist that running is the best
c. to compare different between each mices membrane
d. to find out way to improve mices brain


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