Britlit 3-6-17

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PANABAKER Benjamin Franklin High School ENGLISH

Lesson Plans for week beginning 3-6-17 GRADE: 10

Monday Bell Work: AZMerit Test Review HW: P&P 49-53 +
A char charts (30
Reading quiz 46-48 min)

Discuss this week and Spring Break

Lizzys visit to Pemberly

Tuesday Bell Work: AZMerit Test Review HW: P&P chapters

54-58 + character
Volume II Mega-Quiz notes (30 min)

Lizzy and Darcys change of heart. Darcys work of redemption.

Wednesday Bell Work: AZMerit Test Review poetic and writing terminology HW: Finish book +
I wandered lonely as a cloud written assessment character notes (30
3-5 min break min)
Discuss the resolution about Darcys character; Lady Catherines
impromptu visit to challenge Elizabeth; review the question of
whether pride and prejudice tear each other down as well as build
each other up.
Crown of Folly activity

Thursday Bell Work: AZMerit Test Review poetic and writing terminology HW: Finish book
I wandered lonely as a cloud written assessment + character notes
(30 min)
3-5 min break
Discuss the resolution about Darcys character; Lady Catherines
impromptu visit to challenge Elizabeth; review the question of
whether pride and prejudice tear each other down as well as build
each other up.
Crown of Folly activity

Friday Bell Work: AZMerit Test Review HW: R&R Break

Volume III Mega Quiz Extra credit due
upon return;
HALF DAY SPRING BREAK opportunity to
improve character
notes due upon

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