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Amlilas Head
Start Songs
Track 1
dzalxw'iddzalxw'iddzalxw'ida u'ligan run run run wolf
wey wey we ayi ya X2 wey wey we ayi ya X2

galax'id galax'idgalax'ida n'an crawl crawl crawl grizzly bear

wey wey we ayi ya X2 wey wey we ayi ya X2

a'nia'nia'nida gwa'wina fly fly fly raven

wey wey we ayi ya X2 wey wey we ayi ya X2

pa'idpa'idpa'ida kwikw soar soar soar eagle

wey wey we ayi ya X2 wey wey we ayi ya X2

ta'idta'idta'ida max'inuxw breach breach breach killer whale

wey wey we ayi ya X2 wey wey we ayi ya X2

daxw'iddaxw'iddaxw'ida waes jump jump jump frog

wey wey we ayi ya X2 wey wey we ayi ya X2

galax'idgalax'idgalax'ida kutala swim swim swim salmon

wey wey we ayi ya X2 wey wey we ayi ya X2
Track 2
mala mala mala ayandzistuayandzistuayandzistu white white white orange orange orange
malx'stuwuxda anwa'yi X2 ayandzistuwuxda gadza X2 the clouds are white X2 the starfish is orange X2
mala mala mala ayandzistuayandzistuayandzistu white white white orange orange orange

tsua tsua tsua dzasadzasadzasa black black black blue blue blue
tsu'stuwuxda tubani X2 dzastuwuxda kwaskwas X2 the cormorants are black X2 the bluejay is blue X2
tsua tsua tsua dzasadzasadzasa black black black blue blue blue

anxaanxaanxa salsasalsasalsa green green green purple purple purple

anx'stuwuxda kitam X2 salstuwuxda u'la X2 the grass is green X2 the mussel is purple X2
anxaanxa anxa salsasalsasalsa green green green purple purple purple

wan'xawan'xa wan'xa brown brown brown

wan'x'stuwuxda giwas X2 the deer is brown X2
wan'xawan'xawan'xa brown brown brown

tixstutixstutixstu yellow yellow yellow

tixstuwuxda tisala X2 the sun is yellow X2
tixstutixstutixstu yellow yellow yellow

igistuigistuigistu grey grey grey

igistuwuxda gwa'yam X2 the whale is grey X2
igistuigistuigistu grey grey grey
Track 3
tsantsanxwidaga X4 wash your hands X4

tsutsaxwamdaga X4 wash your face X4

tsutsaxex'idaga X4 wash your teeth X4

Repeat Repeat

xaxida xus sayax X4 comb your hair X4

Track 4
nugwa'am Thomas X2 I am Thomas X2
gayutan laxa Gusgi'mukw X2 I am from the Gusgi'mukw X2

yehiye heyale yehiye heyale yehiye heyale yehiye heyale

heyale e yehiya heyale e yehiya heyale e yehiya heyale e yehiya

nugwa'am Thomas X2 I am Thomas X2

olakala Gusgi'mukwan X2 I am really from the Gusgi'mukw X2

nugwa'am William X2 I am William X2

gayutan laxa 'Namgis X2 I am from the 'Namgis X2

yehiye heyale yehiye heyale yehiye heyale yehiye heyale

heyale e yehiya heyale e yehiya heyale e yehiya heyale e yehiya

nugwa'am William X2 I am William X2

olakala 'Namgisan X2 I am really from the 'Namgis X2

nugwa'am Pewi X2 I am Pewi X2

gayutan laxa awitsis X2 I am from the awtsis X2

yehiye heyale yehiye heyale yehiye heyale yehiye heyale

heyale e yehiya heyale e yehiya heyale e yehiya heyale e yehiya

nugwa'am Pewi X2 I am Pewi X2

olakala awtsisan X2 I am really from the awtsis X2
Track 5
uxtsudatsus asanex X4 put on your shirt X4

uxtsudatsus dagansex X4 put on your socks X4

uxtsudatsus axsisex X4 put on your pants X4

uxtsudatsus dadatsawakwex X4 put on you jacket X4

uxtsudatsustitabayux X4 put on your shoes X4

Track 6
wiksuxda nalax? X3 How is the day? X3
'yoluxda nalax X3 It is a windy day. X3

'wiksuxda 'nalax? X3 How is the day? X3

'wadaluxda nalax X3 It is a cold day. X3

'wiksuxda 'nalax? X3 How is the day? X3

tsaluxda nalax X3 It is a hot day. X3

'wiksuxda 'nalax? X3 How is the day? X3

yugwuxda nalax X3 It is a rainy day. X3

'wiksuxda 'nalax? X3 How is the day? X3

tisaluxda nalax X3 It is a sunny day. X3
witas le axwala? X4
Track 7 Where are you going love? X4
latan laxa autatsi! X4 I am going to autatsi! X4

witas le wala'yu? X4 Where are you going 'reason for living'? X4
latan laxa kalwilas! X4 I am going to the store! X4

witas le 'wadzid? X4 Where are you going precious? X4

latan laxa panxsa'las! X4 I am going to the gas station! X4

witas le dugwala? X4 Where are you going sweetie? X4
latan laxa gukwdzi! X4 Iam going to the bighouse! X4

witas le axwala? X4 Where are you going love? X4

latan laxa tsamatsi! X4 I am going to church! X4

witas le wala'yu? X4 Where are you going 'reason for living'? X4

latan laxa amlilas! X4 I am going to amlilas! X4

witas le dugwala? X4 Where are you going sweetie? X4

latan laxa dala'elas! X4 I am going to the bank! X4
*axwala, wala'yu, 'wadzid, and dugwala are all terms of
endearment and are loosely translated

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