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My Parent Plan

By Catherine
Outline For The Year
August September October November December

Letter Home Open House Halloween Serve the Holiday

Meet the Field Trip Party Community Party
Teacher Newsletter Pep Rally Day Toys for Tots
Phone Call Weekly Newsletter Thanksgiving fundraiser
during the Classroom Weekly meal Newsletter
first two Blog Updates Classroom Newsletter Weekly
weeks Blog Updates Weekly Classroom
Newsletter Classroom Blog
Weekly Blog Updates Updates
Blog Updates

January February March April May

Family Day Class Play Career Day Field Day End of the
Open House Valentines Parent Story School Spirit Year Party
Newsletter Party Day Night Parent
Weekly Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Luncheon
Classroom Weekly Weekly Weekly Newsletter
Blog Updates Classroom Classroom Classroom Weekly
Blog Updates Blog Updates Blog Updates Classroom
Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am ecstatic to have your child in my class this year! I

cannot wait to get to know them better as the year goes
on. I have lots of fun things planned for the year and it is
my hope that your child enjoys being at school while
growing academically. In order to keep you updated on all
of the happenings of the classroom I will be sending home
a monthly newsletter. This newsletter will go home in your
childs blue take home folder the first Wednesday of every
month. The newsletter will keep you up to date on all of
the events coming up in the classroom. I will also be
posting weekly updates on my classroom blog. These
updates will highlight some of the fun opportunities the
class is able to participate every week. You can follow the
blog at I hope you will feel
like a part of the classroom and that you will always be
aware of what goes on day in and day out. If you ever
need to get in touch with me do not hesitate to call or
email me. I look forward to meeting you soon!


Catherine Keeter

Types of Communication

Monthly Newsletter: I will send out a physical copy of a monthly

newsletter that will go home with the students the first
Wednesday of every month. This newsletter will keep parents
updated on upcoming events and will remind them of important
things to know for the upcoming month.

Weekly Blog posts: I will have a classroom blog that will be updated
weekly with whats going on during a specific week. The blog will
serve as a glimpse into daily life in the classroom and may even
include posts from students and pictures. Parents can follow this
blog on their mobile devices, computers, and ipads.

Phone Calls: During the first week of school I will call the home
of every child to complement the child and let the parents know
that I am excited to have their child in my class. Parents will be
given my phone number to contact me at the beginning of the

Emails: I will email parents to remind them of events and forms

and permission slips that are due, and to contact them for any
conferences for meetings that I wish them to attend. Parents will
be given my email at the beginning of the year and will be welcome
to email me any questions or concerns they may have at any time.

Parent Conferences: I will schedule parent conferences when I

feel as if there is a need to discuss a student in person. If a
student is falling behind in a subject or becomes a behavioral
concern I will contact the parent via email or letter home to ask
them to attend in an in person conference at school.
Parties, Events, and Open Houses: Every month, there will be
some type of event where parents are invited to the classroom
either to interact at a party, volunteer at an event, or attend an
open house. These events will be a positive time for parents to
experience the classroom with their child and other parents.
Using Volunteers

At the beginning of the year I will send a request for volunteers home in the

first monthly newsletter. I will ask parents if they are interested in serving the

classroom in any way in the initial request and will ask parents to email me if they

are interested. Then I will set up a volunteer page on my classroom blog. On the blog

I will post different requests for volunteers such as for a party or helping out in the

classroom. Parents will be able to sign up on the blog for what they wish to volunteer

for. Specific instructions will be posted on the blog for what is expected out of

each volunteering experience. I will always welcome parents into my classroom and

will provide ways for them to become involved, such as by reading stories to the

Parent Volunteer Form

Please complete this form if you are at

all interested in volunteering in the
classroom throughout this year. Any
time you can donate to the classroom is
so valuable and very appreciated! I
know your child would love to see your
involvement in our class! Please send
this form back to school in your childs
blue take home folder by September
13th. Feel free to contact me with any

Catherine Keeter

Days of the Week Available:

Time of Day Available:

Areas Interested in Serving In:


One way I will be able to tell if my parent plan is working is by seeing how

many parents attend each of my classroom events. If the majority of parents are

able to attend classroom events that I will know they were aware of the event.

Another way I can determine if my parent plan is working is by sending out a survey

in the middle of the year. This survey will ask the parents their favorite form of

communication and will ask if they have felt updated on what is going on in the

classroom. I will also encourage parents to give me their feedback in person on how

they like to be contacted and if they feel out of the loop of the classroom.
Classroom Communication Survey

I enjoyed the weekly classroom blog posts:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree

Strongly Agree

I enjoyed the monthly newsletters:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree

Strongly Agree

I have felt aware of what has been going on in the

classroom over the past months:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree

Strongly Agree
There have been opportunities for me to

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree

Strongly Agree

Additional Feedback:

Works Cited

Aguilar, E. (2011, September 23). 20 Tips for Developing Positive Relationships With

Parents. Retrieved November 5, 2016, from


American Federation of Teachers. (2007). Building Parent-Teacher Relationships

Retrieved November 05, 2016, from


Halloran, J. (2015). 7 Effective Parent Teacher Communication Tips. Retrieved

November 05, 2016, from


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