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Reading Comprehension Test

Submitted by: Sasi Ounpiyodom (Minnie)

Creativity in the design process: co-evolution of problem

Creativity in the design process is often characterised by the occurrence of a
significant eventthe so-called creative leap. Sometimes such an event occurs as a sudden
insight which the designer immediately recognises as significant, but often it is only in
retrospect that the designer (or an observer of the design process) is able to identify a point
line 5 during the design process at which the key concept began to emerge. Retrospective accounts
of creative events in design made by the designers themselves may not be wholly reliable.
However, some recent descriptive, empirical studies of the creative event have begun
to shed more light on this mysterious (and often mystified) aspect of design. More of these
line 10 independent studies of creativity in design are necessary in order to develop a better
understanding of how creative design occurs. The growing number of protocol studies of
design tend to be constructed as studies of normal design activity, without any specific
intention of looking for creativity.
Studying creative design is seen as problematic because there can be no guarantee that
a creative event will occur during a design process, and because of the difficulty of
identifying a solution idea as creative. However, in every design project creativity can be
foundif not in the apparent form of a distinct creative event, then as the evolution of a
unique solution possessing some degree of creativity.


1. What does the word retrospect in line 4 refer to?

a. process
b. hindsight
c. immediate
d. beforehand

2. What does the word empirical in line 8 refer to?

a. in depth
b. official
c. detailed
d. experimental

3. What is a creative leap?

a. a sudden event where the designer recognizes the key concept involving creativity
b. an event where the designer surpass his/her creative limits
c. an event where the designer start sketching his/her designs
d. a slow process in which designers discover their own art style

4. According to paragraph 1, what is the most important stage in the design process?
a. sketching possible designs by hand
b. realizing the purpose of designing
c. using creativity to identify the key concept
d. gathering information from many sources

5. What is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2?

a. there are several descriptive studies of the design process.
b. the design process is difficult to observe.
c. these studies tend to not look for creativity in the design process.
d. design process can be studied by tracking brain waves.

6. According to the passage, why are the creative events accounted by designers NOT
a. because they are opinionated
b. because their accounts are usually made long after experiencing the creative events
c. because there are no key concepts involved
d. because it is not part of the design process

7. According to paragraph 3, why is studying creative design challenging?

a. there is no guarantee that a creative event will occur during a design process
b. creativity can be found in every design project
c. the designing industry is very competitive
d. a lot of techniques are required to construct a design project

8. How can a creative event NOT be shown in a design project?

a. through techniques displayed by the designer
b. through a unique solution chosen by the designer
c. through an account of a creative event
d. through a good understanding of the design process

9. What can be inferred as the most important quality of designers?

a. cooperation
b. experience
c. techniques
d. creativity

10. What does the phrase in every design project creativity can be found infer?
a. every design project should look beautiful
b. creativity can be shown in a form of uniqueness
c. the appearance of the project is what defines it
d. an apparent technique should be shown in every design project

Learning To Program With Python

Guido van Rossum created the Python programming language in the late 1980s. In
contrast to other popular languages such as C, C++, Java, and C#, Python strives to provide a
simple but powerful syntax. Python is used for software development at companies and
organizations such as Google, Yahoo, CERN, Industrial Light and Magic, and NASA.
Experienced programmers can accomplish great things with Python, but Pythons beauty is
that it is accessible to beginning programmers and allows them to tackle interesting problems
more quickly than many other, more complex languages that have a steeper learning curve.
line 5 Python programs must be written with a particular structure. The syntax must be
correct, or the interpreter will generate error messages and not execute the program.
Programmers have a variety of tools available to enhance the software development process.
Some common tools include; editors, compilers, interpreters, debuggers and profilers. An
line 12 editor allows the programmer to enter the program source code and save it to files. Most
programming editors increase programmer productivity by using colors to highlight language
features. A compiler translates the source code to target code. An interpreter is like a
compiler, in that it translates higher-level source code into machine language. A debugger
allows programmers to simultaneously run a program and see which source code line is
currently being executed. They are valuable for locating errors (also called bugs) and
repairing programs that contain errors. A profiler is used to evaluate a programs
Despite the plethora of tools (and tool vendors claims), the programming process for
all but trivial programs is not automatic. Good tools are valuable and certainly increase the
productivity of developers, but they cannot write software. There are no substitutes for sound
logical thinking, creativity, common sense, and, of course, programming experience.


1. The word syntax in line 8 is closest in meaning to

a. grammar
b. sequence
c. program
d. tools

2. What does the word plethora in line refer to?

a. difference
b. excess
c. lack
d. feature

3. The word they in line 23 refers to

a. programmers
b. software companies
c. software developers
d. tools in Python

4. What is NOT mentioned in the first paragraph?

a. Python is useful for beginning programmers
b. beginner Python users experience many problems
c. Google uses Python to develop their software
d. professional functions are made easy in Python
5. What does a debugger do?
a. translates the source code to target code
b. locates and fixes errors occurring in programs
c. saves the file in an exportable form
d. uses colors to highlight language features

6. How does an editor increase programmers productivity?

a. autocompleting codes
b. detecting wrong uses of syntax
c. translating source codes to target codes
d. highlighting language features with colors

7. According to paragraph 1, why is Python suitable for beginner programmers?

a. its language is easier to learn than other programs
b. it has a user-friendly interface
c. it provides an easy-to-follow tutorial online for free
d. it has a steeper learning curve than other programs

8. What will happen if the program is run while written in a wrong syntax?
a. shuts down immediately
b. generates error messages and not execute the program
c. runs normally but stops at where the code is written incorrectly
d. nothing will happen

9. If each Python tools are compared to an occupation, which of these pairs is incorrect?
a. profiler - fitness trainer
b. editor - documenter
c. compiler/interpreter - translator
d. debugger - quality checker

10. What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?

a. to address the importance of programmers and developers
b. to persuade readers to learn programming
c. to warn readers that programming is not easy
d. to state that tools cannot write a successful software

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