Assignment 1 (Energy Balance)

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Nqmq ', I\rvi::oti tioutrt Blnfi MohollT ad Not-

No. Motnh " 5qo5l

A tiluicl rnixlqve ccnJqins Go .Ut% e{honol CE) , 5 .,}t % e,4 q dissolvcl

Bol\lle ts) qnd the bqtqrlce ij,rcr{y Lw) . A slreqrq 6{ {his mil'ltlve is ted Jo
diStillqliorr co\ufDf) operotirrg qt sleoag tc{e, produC.l S{reorn emesge crt tr,e
top o{ {he colurtrrD . The columD destgn cq\\S {or {f,e produCi s1yarps 1o
hd\,e etuq I moss ftou roler qnd for tbg top s{reqm c.ontcrins qo7" ethqDol
qrd Fo solrlle , Usiog mcr\evio\ arH eqeYg$ bo\qnce eno5si s. , pvedict i

o) *h,e mqss frq6lion of clissslvec{ solul ol lbe uottoro e{reoros

b) the troctiofi of the dhqnei io {he {eed Jtn'l rcqves io -tl bolt(}m
groduct strecrrn t kg E iD bolbro a{rectn / b E in JC )

,, ttgl.)
o .qoo(r9 e){s)
o.eoo(r9 E /l.J) e. roo(rg H-:of k9)

oEo(19si$) nnr thg r1i.3)

3bO(t"9 ll:oIFg) Dr qrg r lr9 )
t'r* Crgsirg)
l-Di-hs (hgttoo/hg)
fo-- ffi, =05

$ Bosis I o{ feed stulioo

too l"gls
+ UnBooun : ; rF),,f)2 = 3 Ctolot)
r) Indepeo4end e4tt0lioh : Ei S/ HrO: g ( tonql )
+ Degree of {reedorn ?'= 3 LunEnot-n ) " 3 clft{ePerldeol et\qilo r)
+ overqll botqrlcg j t00 '5[Ir
F0 = 5O hg/s
+ rthcn* banncg ", o, 6 t 166 = F) r 1(
60 - 50Dr
D1 . 1,.) F? E /Fg t
+ Solqf e bq lqnc e : o.o60x loo .f)a x 50
Ol = O,l Eg s lk5
c) ,*, tflgss {roc{rbn 6f dKsolve.l solute crt {he bottonn streorns
= I )h3 e /F'g
b) {rqttion "{ the ethoD6l in .the {eed "lhqi tavee in the bot+CIm
product 6"if eom

' hg E in uo'ltenn streofln

ica F io fee.t

6 )r lo0
= D.eB 19 E/kq

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