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Make a model to illustrate, describe and explain the changes

along a typical river from source to mouth.

The model should;

1. illustrate and locate; source, mouth, tributaries (at least
one), watershed.
2. detail differences in the upper, middle and lower
sections or the rivers course
3. detail changes that occur in valley shape
4. detail changes that occur to the river and river channel
as shown by the Bradshaw model
5. detail where features such as potholes, waterfalls,
meanders, oxbow lakes, floodplains, levees and deltas
6. describe and explain the formation of these features
7. illustrate (and locate) the different types of erosion and
There are three options for making this model:
Physical 3D model
Hand drawn wall display
Groups must be 3 (min) to 5 (max) students.
One week of (3) lessons to complete (plus homework time).
A* All seven aspects are covered in detail
The work is highly original
Features and processes illustrated/modeled are of top
Descriptions and explanations are accurate and
geographical terms are used.
A All seven aspects are covered but to varying degrees
of detail
Students largely use their own voice and ideas
Features and processes illustrated/modeled are of
good quality
Descriptions and explanations are mostly accurate and
geographical terms are used.
B Most of the seven aspects are covered
Students attempt to use their own voice and ideas
Features and processes illustrated/modeled are of of
good quality, but with some exceptions
Most descriptions and explanations are accurate and
some geographical terms are used.
C At least 4 aspects of the seven have been covered
Some Features and processes illustrated/modeled are
of decent quality, but with some exceptions
Some descriptions and explanations are accurate
Fail Very few aspects are covered
There is evidence of copying and pasting (plagiarized)
most text or there are far too many inaccuracies
Quality is poor

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