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Reading Comprehension Test

Submitted By: PK Panthakorn Thampipit 1003

Pluto is a dwarf planet, a Kuiper Belt object and a trans-Neptunian

object. Clyde Tombaugh, a U.S. astronomer, discovered Pluto in 1930. That
same year, Venetia Burney, an 11-year-old girl from England, suggested it be
named "Pluto" after the Roman god of the dead.

(5) On average, Pluto is a distance of 39.5 astronomical units, or AU, from

the sun. That is almost 40 times farther from the sun than Earth is. Because
of its elliptical orbit, Pluto is not the same distance from the sun all the time.
Pluto's closest point to the sun is 29.7 AU. Getting this close means that Pluto
sometimes crosses Neptune's path. Neptune is 30 AU from the sun. Pluto's
(10) farthest point away from the sun is 49.3 AU. Pluto is in a region called the
Kuiper (KY-per) Belt. The Kuiper Belt is a large donut of thousands of small,
icy objects that orbit the sun beyond Neptune. Pluto is only 2,370 kilometers
(1,473 miles) wide. That is about half the width of the United States and
smaller than Earth's moon. Pluto takes 248 Earth years to make one
(15) revolution around the sun. That means one year on Pluto is about 248 Earth
years. Pluto takes 6 1/2 Earth days/nights to rotate, so one day on Pluto is
about 6 1/2 days/nights on Earth.

Pluto has five known moons. Its largest moon, named Charon (KAIR-
uhn), is about half the size of Pluto. The U.S. Naval Observatory discovered
(20) Charon in 1978. Astronomers discovered Pluto's four other moons -- Nix,
Hydra, Kerberos and Styx -- using the Hubble Space Telescope. Each of
these four moons is much smaller than Charon.

Scientists have found other objects like Pluto that are called dwarf
planets. The first five dwarf planets that astronomers have identified in the
(25) solar system are Pluto, Ceres, Makemake (MAH-kay-MAH-kay), Haumea
(HOW-may-ah) and Eris (AIR-riss). Scientists believe many more dwarf 111 ! ! !
planets will be discovered. Pluto itself may be classified in other ways. The
dwarf planet is called a trans-Neptunian object. Trans-Neptunian objects are
any objects in the solar system that have an orbit beyond Neptune. Pluto is
also a Kuiper Belt object. The Kuiper Belt is a donut-shaped region of icy
objects beyond the orbit of Neptune.

1. The word that in line 12 refers to?

a.) Pluto
b.) Neptune
c.) Kuiper Belt

d.) United States

2. According to the passage, how large is Charon compared to Pluto?

a.) of Pluto
b.) of Pluto
c.) of Pluto
d.) same size as Pluto

3. How do astronomers discover Pluto's moon?

a.) Use Hubble Space Telescope to discover Plutos moon
b.) Send Astronomers to Pluto
c.) Use a satellite
d.) Use Gran Telescopio Canarias

4. According to the passage, which of these is not dwarf planet?

a.) Makemake
b.) Haumea
c.) Eris
d.) Amalthea

5. Why does Pluto not have the same distance from the sun all the time?
a.) Because of its elliptical orbit
b.) Because Pluto is very far from the sun
c.) Because Pluto sometimes crosses Neptune's path
d.) Because Pluto is in a region called the Kuiper Belt

6. When did The U.S. Naval Observatory discover Charon?

a.) 1985
b.) 1987
c.) 1930
d.) 1962

7. In a Plutos year, how many years does Earths years contain?

a.) 248 years
b.) 365 years
c.) 245 years
d.) Every revolution around the sun isnt the same on Pluto because Pluto is
not the same distance from the sun all the time

8. According to the passage, where does the name Pluto come from?
a.) Greek god
b.) Roman god
c.) Egyptian god
d.) Islamic god

9. The second paragraph mainly talks about

a.) What is Pluto?
b.) The Kuiper Belt
c.) Dwarf planet
d.) Physical characteristic of Pluto

10. Which of the following information is Not mentioned in the passage?

a.) Plutos moon
b.) Plutos orbit
c.) Plutos atmosphere
d.) Plutos size

Flint Wild(2015). What is Pluto? Retrieved from


A tornado is born from a powerful storm called a supercell. Tornadoes
have been reported in all states, but most tornadoes happen in the central
parts of America called Tornado Alley. In some supercells, warm, moist air
rises quickly into the atmosphere. Winds blowing at different speeds at
(5) different parts of the supercell produce wind shear and cause a horizontal,
rotating column of air. A funnel cloud will form as the air column rotates faster
and more tightly within the supercell. The rain and hail within the storm cause
the funnel cloud to touch the ground resulting in a tornado. The strength of a
tornado is measured by whats called the Fujita scale. The weakest tornadoes
(10) (F0) feature winds of 40-78 miles per hour, while the strongest tornadoes (F5)
have winds of up to 318 miles per hour. All tornadoes can be devastating,
especially if they touch down in areas with lots of people.

A tornado outbreak occurs when one storm system produces multiple

tornadoes. Some tornado outbreaks can result in the formation of dozens of
(15) tornadoes over several states. One particularly powerful tornado outbreak
occurred between April 25 and April 28 of 2011, where a record 355
tornadoes in 21 states and Canada were recorded, an including an F5
tornado that completely destroyed parts of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Much of the
destruction was caught on camera and broadcast across the country and
(20) internet. The same weather system produced hailstones that measured 4.5
inches across in southern Virginia. 328 people were killed as a result of the
outbreak, which totaled over $11 billion in damages.

1. The word devastating in line 12 is closest in meaning to

a.) destruction
b.) dangerous
c.) damaging
d.) harm

2. The word funnel in line 8 is closest in meaning to

a.) Large
b.) Thick
c.) Tube
d.) Fluffy

3. When does a Tornado outbreak occur?

a.) When Tornadoes occur in many states at the same time.
b.) When One strom produces two tornadoes
c.) When Tornadoes wind speed get up to 300 miles per hour.
d.) When there is a very powerful tornado

4. Which country got hit by Tornado outbreak between April 25 and April 28 of
a.) Mexico
b.) Venezuela
c.) United States of America
d.) Hondurus

5. What is an F5?
a.) Strongest Tornadoes
b.) Weakest Tornadoes
c.) Name of a Tornado
d.) another name for Tornado Outbreak

6. Which part of USA got hit by Tornadoes the most?

a.) Central Part
b.) East Part
c.) West Part
d.) Northern Part

7. How does Tornado occur?

a.) Winds blowing at same speeds at same parts of the supercell
b.) Winds blowing at same speeds at different parts of the supercell
c.) Winds blowing at different speeds at same parts of the supercell
d.) Winds blowing at different speeds at different parts of the supercell

8. Which area have been reported about tornadoes?

a.) East side of USA
b.) West side of USA
c.) Nothern America
d.) All states

9. The second paragraph mainly talks about

a.) Tornado output
b.) What is Tornado?
c.) How Tornado forms
d.) Tornado Speed

10. Which of the following information is not mentioned in the passage?
a.) Areas Effect
b.) Tornado strength measure
c.) Eye of a tornado
d.) Supercell

Tornado Reading Comprehension. (n.d.) Retrieved from http://

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