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Measuring and Estimating

Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life Grade 12

Applications of Measurement MEL4E
Description Materials
This lesson provides students with a hands-on experience in which they will Handout
collaboratively measure an irregular area. This area represents a driveway or roadway Calculators
that is to be resurfaced with asphalt. Upon investigating the best method of
measurement, the groups will (using prompts from the teacher for common construction
practices such as asphalt thickness and density, common crew/material rates, etc) Measuring

calculate the price of the project. Each group will present their project and describe tape
their methods used and final price. The groups will then discuss their methods as a Grid paper
class, identifying possible sources of errors or omissions. Laptop

Scale ruler
Specific Expectations
Estimate quantities and describe the strategies used
Convert Measures within systems as required within applications that arise from
familiar contexts
Estimate the areas and volumes of irregular shapes and figures, using a variety of
Lesson Construct a two-dimensional scale drawing of a familiar setting on grid paper or using
Duration: design or drawing software
Solve problems involving proportional reasoning in work-related situations
70 mins
Hook - Titleist hat
Minds On Men and Women of Many Hats (physically wear hats, talk about what we learned) - Hard hat
- Hockey player (helmet) for probability of a team winning - Hockey helmet
15 min
- Golfer (golf hat) for trajectory/parabolas
- Estimator (hard hat) for measurement and estimating

Introduction (Slide Show)

Outline the days Lesson (measuring areas and calculating job costs)
Introduce learning goals (students should be able to):
- Measure and sketch a given area to be paved with asphalt
- Calculate the following:
1) Area of a driveway/roadway
2) Volume of asphalt needed to complete project (based on a
constant/common thickness for driveways). Then convert it into a metric
3) Price of the driveway ($/ft2 or $/m2) based on given crew, material and
equipment rates (given by facilitator).

Time lapse of an asphalt peel and pave.
Watch as a class (make notes to class about equipment, crew, material, etc).
Stop video as required. Explain the paving part (set up, install, compaction, clean-up,
etc) referring to asphalt paving train picture.

What Else Slide

Note to students: ft2 x 0.0929 = m2 (leave on board)
* Explain that construction customers often speak in square foot pricing for
smaller jobs *
Lead them into wanting information that they need (asphalt thickness, asphalt density,
crew rates, material rates, etc)
* Explain importance of to-scale drawings here. Give them needed materials *
Measuring and Estimating
Groups Investigation
Action! - The students will be split into two groups
40 min - Each group will be given a handout with specific instructions
explaining how to complete or at least begin their task
- In small groups the students will investigate a method of
measurement for given area(s) (representing a driveway)
- Students will calculate the area of the space, as well as the
volume and weight of asphalt needed to complete project (given
density of asphalt)
- Each group will create a to-scale drawing of their project
- They will then (given company rates, worker hrs rates, etc)
calculate the cost of their project
- Each group is to be prepared with some kind of presentation to
discuss with the class (this is to be very informal but should
explain their thinking/reasoning)
- Note that the students will be asked (in their handouts) to justify
their numbers (this is where they should be referring to the time
lapse video, and other course materials) in order to calculate the
price of the job
- If weather does not permit, they will be asked to measure an area
of the Bora Laskin and pretend it is a driveway.

Class Discussion
Consolidate Explore the validity in each groups findings. Ask open-ended questions
and Debrief
and encourage the groups to discuss possible omissions and errors.
15 min Hopefully multiple methods were chosen so a discussion can take place.
If similar methods were used, explore other methods. Students will
hopefully be justifying calculations by referring to time-lapse video
(estimating). They will hopefully have had to investigate a method of
measure (drawing back to what they have learned for area of irregular
shapes). I (M. Valley & Sons) will then choose a company to complete
the job. The most interesting part of this lesson is that there is a great deal
of variables and intangibles that play a part in estimating a construction
job. This includes but is not limited to:
- Bad history with the general contractor
- Too busy to complete the job in the given timeframe
- Poor geographic location (sub-base)
- Other work in that location

Possible topics of discussion that may arise:

- Measurement errors
- Rounding
- Calculation errors
- Estimating accuracy
- If the company wants the job or not
- Work guaranteed (insurance)
Measuring and Estimating

Kajander & Co. Paving


Date: QuickTime and a

are needed to see this picture.

A local landscaping contractor (M.

Valley & Sons) has recently contacted your paving company. They would like a price to pave a
driveway/entranceway for a customer (Lakehead University) that they are currently employed by.
The head estimator at M. Valley & Sons has informed you that they have done all the prep work
(removed existing asphalt, installed and compacted new granular base material, etc). What they
need is a price to pave only and they need it by the end of the day because LU is putting pressure
on them to complete the job before school starts.

1. Measure the driveway (roadway, at current width, from stop sign for the walkway to the
turn off for the parking lot)
2. Calculate the following:
i. Area
ii. Volume of asphalt (assuming 100mm thickness)
iii. Weight of asphalt (in metric tones or tonnes)
iv. Price of the job (in $/ft2 or $/m2)

Your boss has recently changed your crew rates and material prices as shown below:
Foreman = $75/hr
Labourer = $50/hr
Skidsteer = $100/hr
Truck = $95/hr
Asphalt Spreader = $240/hr
Asphalt Roller = $75/hr
Asphalt = $115/tonne
Measuring and Estimating
The foremans truck has all necessary tools (shovels, rakes, gravel packer, etc)
Your companys shop, where all the equipment is stored and asphalt plant is set up (with
all necessary materials to make asphalt) is located in Murillo (approx 20 km from job).
The crew meets there every morning.
You will need to provide a to-scale drawing of the project (this should include enough
detail so that someone who hasnt visited the job site can easily understand the project
and what needs to be done)
Assume approximate asphalt density of 2.5 tonnes/m3
Assume a truck can hold approximately 20 tonnes/load
It took approximately 8 hours for M. Valley & Sons to prepare the job for asphalt (this
includes asphalt removal, base material installation and compaction, travel to and from
site, etc)
Only need price to supply and install asphalt. So all other works are responsibility of the
general contractor (M. Valley & Sons)
Use the attached blank page for calculations, etc
Use attached grid paper for to-scale drawing
You are encouraged to use any and all forms of technology to figure out information
that you feel is needed
Attach a copy of your calculations/justifications for areas, volumes, weight, pricing, etc
The asphalt spreader and asphalt roller will arrive on a trailer being towed by the first
asphalt truck.

QuickTime and a
are needed to see this picture.
Measuring and Estimating

Anns Asphalt

Date: QuickTime and a

are needed to see this picture.

A local landscaping contractor (M.

Valley & Sons) has recently contacted your paving company. They would like a price to pave a
driveway/entranceway for a customer (Lakehead University) that they are currently employed by.
M. Valley & Sons has done all the prep work (removed existing asphalt, installed and compacted
new granular base material, etc). They need a price by the end of the day because LU is putting
pressure on them to complete the job before school starts.

3. Measure the driveway (roadway, at current width, from stop sign to parking lot)
4. Calculate the following:
i. Area
ii. Volume of asphalt (assuming 100mm thickness)
iii. Weight of asphalt (in metric tones)
iv. Price of the job (in $/ft2 or $/m2)

Your boss has recently changed your crew rates and material prices as shown below:
Foreman = $70/hr
Labourer = $40/hr
Skidsteer = $90/hr
Truck = $100/hr
Asphalt Spreader = $200/hr
Asphalt Roller = $75/hr
Asphalt = $130/tonne
Measuring and Estimating
The foremans truck has all necessary tools (shovels, rakes, gravel packer, etc)
Your companys shop, where all the equipment is stored is located on Carrick St (near
Intercity). The crew meets there every morning.
Your company does not own an asphalt plant and therefore must purchase the asphalt
from another company. Their plant is located on Rosslyn Rd (near Resolute Mill).
You will need to provide a to-scale drawing of the project (this should include enough
detail so that someone who hasnt visited the job site can easily understand the project
and what needs to be done)
Attach a copy of your calculations/justifications for areas, volumes, weight, pricing, etc
Assume approximate asphalt density of 2.5 tonnes/m3
Assume a truck can hold approximately 20 tonnes/load
It took approximately 7 hours for M. Valley & Sons to prepare the job for asphalt
Only need price to supply and install asphalt. So all other works are responsibility of the
general contractor (M. Valley & Sons)
Use space below and additional blank page attached for calculations
Use attached grid paper for to-scale drawing
You are encouraged to use any and all forms of technology to figure out information
that you feel is needed
The asphalt spreader and asphalt roller will arrive on a trailer being towed by the first
asphalt truck.

QuickTime and a
are needed to see this picture.

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