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Reading Comprehension Test

Submitted by: Peeraya Rujjanavet

The first case of AIDS was medically documented in 1981.

However, the virus causing AIDS was most likely around before then.
A lot of people have been infected in a relatively short amount of
time. AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Doctors
tend to say that this is the final stage
Line 5 of the HIV infection.
HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, causes AIDS. It attacks
white blood cells called lymphocytes. It infects and destroys them.
These lymphocytes are called T helper cells, CD4 cells, or T-cells.
When the virus attacks these healthy cells, it makes copies of itself.
As a result, the number
Line 10 of healthy T-cells drops off. The body's resistance to infection is
lowered. The body can't fight off germs as well and becomes
susceptible to diseases.
The process of weakening the body's immune system doesn't
happen overnight. It can take years. Therefore, not everyone with HIV
has AIDS. The
Line 15 path of being infected to actually showing symptoms can take a few
months to up to 15 years, depending on how many lymphocytes are
destroyed. When people with HIV get very sick, they are said to
have AIDS. They come down with life-threatening infections, cancers,
or problems with the nervous system.

Line 20 So how can a person become infected with HIV? A person must
exchange body fluids with an infected individual. This does NOT mean
hugging, shaking hands, touching doorknobs, or sneezing. It is spread
by having unprotected sex or by direct contact with blood, such as
sharing infected needles for drug use.

1. The word susceptible in line 11 refers to

a) sensitive
b) effect
c) weak
d) strong

2. What does they in line 18 refer to?

a) doctor
b) people
c) infected people
d) Interviewee

3. What is the cause of AIDS?

a) lymphocytes
b) T cells
c) Cancers
d) HIV

4. What will NOT going to happen after the virus attack the healthy cells?
a) T-cells are decreasing
b) The lower body's resistance
c) All blood cell will be destroyed
d) The body can not fight with other virus

5. Which of the following does NOT refer to lymphocytes?

a) T helper cells
b) CD3 cells
c) T-cells
d) CD4 cells

6. How does people become infected with HIV?

a) touching doorknobs
b) unprotected sex
c) hugging
d) shaking hands

7. Which of the following is incorrect about AIDS?

a) AIDS can be infected by sharing the infected blood
b) Everyone with HIV has AIDS
c) AIDS occurred for about 35 years ago.
d) AIDS tend to be the final state of HIV

8. According to the passage, the process of weakening the body's immune

system will not occur
a) over a year
b) over two years
c) overnight
d) over a month

9. Which of the following factor show symptoms of HIV?

a) your age
b) The amount of lymphocytes that has been destroyed
c) Time you get infected
d) depend on gender

10. Which of the following statement does the passage support?

a) The lifetime after infected with HIV
b) The cause that make people become infected with HIV
c) The process to cure HIV
d) The time it takes to spread to our body

The lithosphere, formed by the Earth's crust and the upper part
of the mantle, provides the thin outer shell for our planet. It is
sectioned into tectonic plates. These plates move along the
asthenosphere which is a deformable layer of the mantle. Scientists
believe the asthenosphere is
Line 5 "plastic" rocks located just below the lithosphere. This solid rock is
under an extreme amount of pressure and flows very slowly. In other
words, the asthenosphere provides the lubrication the tectonic plates
need to move.
Scientists have also divided our crust into the oceanic crust and
continental crust. The dense oceanic crust is formed by rocks that
Line 10 iron and magnesium. The continental crust, however, is low in density
and contains silica-rich rock. Our planet's tectonic plates can include
both types of crust or each type alone. According to the theory, the
continents and oceans are moved by these tectonic plates.
There are fifteen major tectonic plates that have been identified
Line 15 scientists. Some plates are easy to identify because they are
bordered by mountain ranges or deep ocean trenches. Others are
hard to identify because they may be located within continents away
from major surface features. Scientists have used earthquakes and
volcanoes to identify plate boundaries. Earthquakes occur when there
are sudden shifts
Line 20 along plate boundaries as the plates are moving. Scientists have
found that frequent earthquakes in one area occur where two or more
plates may meet. When moving plates generate magma that may
erupt on the surface, volcanoes may form. Lying in the Pacific Ocean
is the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of active volcanoes. This ring of
volcanoes encircles the
Line 25 Pacific Ocean and is one of our major earthquake zones. Based on
this evidence, scientists have determined that the Pacific Ocean is
surrounded by plate boundaries.

1.The word deformable in line 4 refers to?

a) to move from one place to another place
b) to change the form
c) to make some noise
d) to be used for some purpose

2. The word trench in line 16 refers to?

a) furrow
b) hole
c) scar
d) grave

3. According to the passage, what is the structure of lithosphere?
a) Earth's crust
b) thin outer shell
c) upper part of the mantle
d) Earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle

4. What could NOT be included for the tectonic plates?

a) Oceanic crust
b) continental crust
c) the mantle
d) oceanic crust and continental crust

5. Which of the following is NOT true about solid rocks?

a) Ther are under the big amount of pressure
b) They are located below the lithosphere
c) They are flows very slowly
d) They are not moving

6. How does the dense of oceanic crust formed?

a) rocks that contain iron and magnesium
b) rocks that contain silica-rich rock
c) the movement of lithosphere
d) low in density

7. According to the passage, Which of the following is NOT true about the scientist
a) They believe that the asthenosphere is plastic rocks
b) They have determined that the Pacific Ocean is surrounded by plate boundaries
c) They can not notice before the earthquakes are going to happen
d) They have used earthquakes and volcanoes to identify plate boundaries.

8. Which of the following can be used to identify the earthquakes and volcanoes
a) when the body are shaking
b) used earthquakes and volcanoes
c) the movement of the river
d) collapsed building

9. Which of the following does not refer of Pacific Ring of Fire?

a) an area of active volcanoes
b) the big fire area
c) Lying in the Pacific Ocean
d) one of the major earthquake zones

10. Which of the following statement does the passage support?

a) The frequent of the earthquakes occur when two or more plates doesnt move
b) the continents crust and oceanic crust are moved by the lithosphere.
c) The scientist has been identified fifty major tectonic plates around the world.
d) Earthquakes occur when the plate boundaries are moving.

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