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In Partial Fulfillment

To the Subject

Society and Culture with Family Planning

A Research Paper in connection with

Drug Addiction and Abuse

Mainly focusing on Shabu

Its History and Effects

Prepared By:

Ma.Vctoria C. Ma ebo

A.Y.: 2016-2017
The main purpose of this research paper is to provide information on how drugs affect the

brain and body of a person. Reports of drug related crime are common in the Philippines media mainly on

news reports. The main concern tends to be towards Shabu or Methamphetamine which gets the most

media attention.

One of the most abused drugs in the Philippines is a local type of methamphetamine mixed with caffeine

known as Shabu. This is a powerfully addictive drug that can cause people to have intense hallucinations

and become extremely paranoid. This stimulant is believed to be the drug of choice for 90% of the

Philippines illegal substance users. Methamphetamine causes feelings of euphoria and the user feels full

of energy. Some users of this drug have even jumped off high rise buildings because they believed they

could fly. Shabu didnt arrive in the Philippines until the mid eighties, but it soon became hugely popular

among drug users.

It does seem that illegal drug use is on the rise, and this has worrying implications for the future. There is

an urgent need to educate young people as to the dangers of drug use, and there is also a great need to

help those who are already addicted to escape their misery. Failure to do this could mean there will be

further deterioration within many Filipino communities.

Addiction can develop very easily and the consequences of substance abuse can cause serious problems in

a persons life also harming the lives of their loved ones. Unfortunately when a persons addicted to drugs

or alcohol attaining a clean and sober lifestyle isnt nearly as easy to achieve as some may think.
Looking back on the history of the locally named Shabu, it is said to be discovered in

Japan in 1919. Shabu is a slang term for the drug methamphetamine used in Japan, Hong Kong,

Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.

During World War II, methamphetamine is widely used as stimulants to keep the fighting men going. And

after World War II, when military surplus became available to the public, methamphetamine abuse

became epidemic. In the 1950s, legally manufactured tablets of methamphetamine became readily

available and were used non-medically by college students, truck drivers, and athletes. As use of

methamphetamine spread, so did their abuse. Methamphetamine became a cure-all for such things as

weight control to treating mild depression. In the 1960s, the route and degree of abuse changed

dramatically with the increased availability of injectable methamphetamine.

In the 1980s, the smokable form of methamphetamine, "ice," became available. Like crack cocaine, it is

smoked in glass pipes, emitting no odor, with effects lasting for 12 hours or more. Shabu, a powerfully

addictive meth stimulant, easily accessible and affordable, is the drug of choice of over 90% of Filipino

drug users. A single "pingi" or 0.1 gm costs P100. One mongo-sized "gram" costs P1,000 2,000. Street

meth is never pure, cut with a miscellany of substances, including talc or heroin.

The National Drug Law Enforcement and Prevention Center gives a conservative estimate of at least

250,000 drug abusers, possibly over half a million. Another conservative estimate puts the number of

addicts at one million.

A question regarding how Methamphetamine is used will be discussed as well as the

effects short term and long term.

Methamphetamine stimulates release of excessive amounts of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine

is produced in the nerve cells of the ventral tegmental area and is concerned with pleasure regulation in

the brain. Upon entering the nerve cell, meth stimulates release of dopamine which then binds to

specialized receptors of other nerve cells creating the typical "rush."

Short-term effects include: heightened attention and energy, excessive talking, euphoria, decreased

fatigue, increased activity, increased sexuality, decreased appetite, increased respiration, hyperthermia

occasionally leading to convulsions and lethal levels. The effects last up to - 4 to 16 hours.

Long-term effects include: dependence, anxiety, confusion, insomnia, addiction psychosis, paranoia,

hallucinations - visual and auditory, mood disturbances, repetitive motor activity, stroke, weight loss,

violent behavior, homicidal or suicidal thoughts, crank bugs, disturbed sleep patterns, decreased sleep

needs, disinterest in usual social interactions sex & food, cardiovascular inflammation of the heart

lining and stereotypical behavior.

Meth users will have oral-dental problem wherein normal white teeth can change in a few months into

twisted grayish-brown stubs that eventually fall out.

Meth induces hypersexual behavior, and especially with anal intercourse, HIV / viral transmission

concerns are raised and unprotected users are put in greater risk.
Weve shown in this paper that addiction is prevalent in our country, affecting millions of

people. Incidents are extremely high in cases of addiction. Not to mention that globally it is a very

common issue. The effects I mentioned before might not be familiar with you. To sum it up the effects

might be wondrous for a moment but not for long it will damage your body, risking your life.

Drug addiction should be taken as a serious problem. People going through this kind of situation should

not be taken for granted. They should be guided and be surrounded of the people they love and love them.

Like other illnesses, drug addiction should be given attention especially those who are really trying their

best to overcome such addiction, and for those who are still in the stage of addiction or being confused on

what to do. Always remember that you are not alone. There are certain people and agencies that you can

lean on to, they would help you. Don't lose hope, there is always hope for those who strive hard and

determine to change and make a difference.

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