Adites Invade Kam't 1200 BCE

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Great Site ForGuys!

An Eye on the American Way: West Palm Beach,Florida

What Race Were the AncientEgyptians?
A Black Afrocentrist commenter writes:
On the other hand, there is no evidence that the ancient Egyptians migrated into
or invaded the African continent, all evidence proves that they were an aborigi
nal African people, all of their text point to the Upper Nile Sudanic and Nubian
origins, and their identifiable presence as a people, city-state, and the cente
r of their dynastic empire ranges over thousands of years in one geographic loca
tion, Africa!
Any degree of non-African blood or non-Black blood that was evident in Egypt came
from outside the African continent, and until the Ptolemaic Greeks, most invader
s presence were short-lived and eventually repelled.
Again, there is no evidence of any large non-African populations migrating into
ancient Egypt even during invasions, let alone creating an 91% Indo-European pop
ulation that would have overwhelmed ancient Egypts genetic foundations, which was
African! Absolutely unfounded and impossible!
From early Greek scholars and historians, to religious text, to todays prominent
researchers, all have repeatedly cited overwhelming evidence that Ancient Egypt
was a product of ancient Africa and that the people were consider, Black and Afr
icanand if anyone look at the great Spinx face and see any other features but tha
t of an phenotypical sub-Saharan African, then they intentionally deluding thems
They are Caucasoids. North African Caucasoids. Caucasoids have been in North Afr
ica for a very long time, since the birth of the Caucasian race 42,000 YBP. The a
ncient Egyptians probably originated from this ancient Caucasoid stock, mixed wi
th a small amount of Black. Reconstructions of ancient Egyptian faces do not res
emble Negroid faces. Paintings on Egyptian walls show the Egyptians as a golden
skinned people different from White Caucasians of Libya and from Black people of
The ancient Egyptians also wrote about Blacks as a foreign people who were often
used as slaves. The Egyptians commented that Blacks were not very smart, but th
ey were great athletes, entertainers and musicians. Some things never change!
~15,000 YBP, a large movement of ancient Caucasoids moved down from Europe into
North Africa, displacing the Blacks and pushing them down further into Africa.
And the ancient Caucasoids in the Horn region have a very ancient pedigree datin
g back ~42,000 YBP. Genetic and skull studies show that ancient Egyptians were a
largely Caucasoid race that probably no longer exists, but that is most closely
related to Egyptians today who are 91% Caucasian and 9% Black.
The closest people genetically to the ancient Egyptians are the Copts of Egypt.
If you look at Egyptian Copts, they are definitely not Black people. The ancient
Egyptians were definitely not Black, but they were a part-Black people, that is
for certain.
If you think this website is valuable to you, please consider a contribution to
support the continuation of the site.

When people refer to Egyptians as a Caucasian race, most people automatically th

ink white since the word Caucasian in contemporary American usage is highly corr
elated white white people. Most N. Americans have no idea that the guy with the
turban and dot on his forehead at the 7/11 is just as Caucasian as Taylor Swift.
I think what Afrocentric Egyptologists are irked about is the white-washing of
the civilizations of ancient Egypt. Lets be honest, whites have been as ludicrous
in the past as some Afrocentrists are, portraying Egyptians in media imagery as
being lily white Europeans even though Egyptians portray their own skin color a
s copper. The Egyptians commented that Blacks were not very smart, but they were gr
eat athletes, entertainers and musicians. Thats quite a bold claim and Id like to hav
e that substantiated. I think you mentioned this once before and I asked you for
a reference and you never provided one. ps how do I enable block quotes on your b
log? I tried using the quote tags between both and [] but it didnt work.

Robert Lindsay March 20, 2012 at 1:49 PM If you Google for some pictures of
Copts, you can see what the ancient Egyptians looked like. We had a couple worki
ng at a pharmacy near me. They werent exactly European White people!

leilah September 17, 2012 at 2:43 PM The Copt people arent indigenous Egypti
ns. They migrated to Egypt just like the Arabs. Google Genetic variation and popul
ation structure of Sudanese populations as w w w . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov

KingTutTwin January 14, 2014 at 6:19 PM True! People need to accept that Ket
ians (Egyptians) were and always have been African. Not Arab at all. They migrat
ed from the south, which meant that they originated in the southern part of Afri
ca. The Bantu are their ancestral lineage.

Robert Lindsay May 19, 2014 at 4:00 AM Ok nigga I am going to have to ban yo
u and send you back to the hood where you belong. HAVE A NICE DAY!

Lisa February 16, 2013 at 9:40 AM The Egyptians which you refer to of today
e not the Ancient Egyptians of todays world. 1100 B.C. the arabs invaded Egypt an
d this is where the Egyptians are no longer just Black, for they were Black. if
your just googling information this information is not as accurate as it may see
m. I am able to read the text of these ancients and they said it themselves that
they had black skin. in the hebrew torah you can also find discriptions of the
egyptians considering the jews lived there for centuries before leaving to caana

Sam Harris June 5, 2013 at 10:04 PM They egyptians today are descendants of
the ancient egyptians, DNA studies have been used to prove that.

Cyrus June 6, 2013 at 9:50 AM Lisa Wrote: The Egyptians which you refer to
ay are not the Ancient Egyptians of todays world. 1100 B.C. the arabs invaded Egy
pt and this is where the Egyptians are no longer just Black, for they were Black
. The Arabs invaded Egypt in 1100 B.C??? What are you, a high school dropout? You sur
e write like on

SpirusSpeaks December 22, 2013 at 5:10 AM According to Jean Francois Champol
lion ( French archaeologist) who deciphered the Rosette Stone which indicated th
at ancient Egyptians in their own handwriting stated that they came from the hig
hlands of Ethiopia. People living in the Horn of Africa ( East Africa) do have m
id-brown to brown complexions with Caucasoid feathers; much like people from mod
ern day countries of Somali, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. Not all black people are Ne
groid. Some are Caucasoid, Austroloid, or a half way between both phenotypes. Th
ese people may possible mixed with people from the Arabian peninsula. The Copts
of Egypt are mixed with people of Greek and other Mid-eastern ancestry and would
not be a good example of how the ancient Egyptians looked. The Beji people of s
outhern Egyptian would more closely related to the ancient people of Egypt. Anci
ent Egyptians civilization was original found by people who traveled from south
east of Egypt around (Eritrea/Somalia) who followed the river north and then int
egrated with nomes of lower Egypt to establish the Kingdom. During later periods
of history outside populations called ( hyskos) moved into to Egypt mixing with
the indigenous population and becoming a melting pot. Nubians from the south of
Egypt and northern Sudan where conscripted into the Egyptians army and culture
accompanied with Libyans and other populations from the Levant ( middle east) wh
o varied in skin tones from light to dusky to dark. Due to the continued flow of
people from surrounding countries skin complexion varied; but for the most part
many of the ancient Egyptians where dark and would be considered black by moder
n standards. The ancients Egyptians had a 3,000 year history. Greeks and Romans
did not conquer Egypt until later part of the dynasty era around 500BC. The Arab
invasion took place in 700AD and through migration and replacement change the E
gypt population. The original name of Egypt is Khem, Cham or the land of Ham as
stated in the bible.

Robert Lindsay December 22, 2013 at 5:36 AM Look Black man, this is the 3rd
time you have posted the exact same thing. You are spamming the website. I will
give you one warning. Do it one more time and I ban your Black ass.

Enkidu May 19, 2014 at 4:42 AM Old Kingdom statues such as Prince Rahotep an
d Princess Nofert as well as the famous lifelike scribe obviously do not show bl
ack people, yet certain Middle Kingdom phraoahs obviously were black. Afro Centr
ists who read only Afro Centrist histories as well as their enemies on the opposit
e side of the fence will have to someday agree that the Ancient Egyptians were n
ot one thing or another, but a mixed society.

egyptian boy June 30, 2014 at 4:30 PM if u read books u will know that copts
were the people of ancient egypt and they were speaking coptic and they lasts t
o now . srry if my english is bad.

JC November 13, 2014 at 5:18 PM Its very simple, blacks are not capable of d
signing pyramids, Im sorry.These great pryamids were mathematically precise.Give me
a break.Nor are they capable of ruling as a world power as the Egyptians did for so
long. Just look at Haiti or the violent south african blacks and tell me that theyre
ancient cousins actually ruled the world at one time.But blacks seem to cling to
the nonsensical theory that if they can prove the existence of some sort of advanc
ed historical accomplishment, that will somehow validate their race. Its pathetic, real
ly.Blacks only started appearing in ancient Egypt during the Third Empire, long af
ter Cleopatra, the pyramids, mathematics, language, culture, and Egyptian technolo
gy were invented. This was only due to the Third Empires expansion into Somalia whe
re blacks then started appearing as slaves, mercenaries, guards, etc. There was no bla
ck hands involved in creating Egypt, hell in creating any legitimate civilization
outside of mud huts and shit pits, and thats a fact.

Wes Miller November 14, 2014 at 2:56 PM Goshare you an idiot or a goat ?? I
ave to ask because your comments are completely ignorant and delusional. Based on
what facts? Heres a fact. ..sub Saharan dark skin Africans populated not only Egypt
but the world. Basic science is based on this. Look up human migrations dummy o
r oUT of Africa theory

Gordo November 14, 2014 at 8:46 PM Generalizing The anatomy of Negroid to Ca
ucasian is so very different and the IQ not anywhere near Caucasian, they could
never have ever had the intelligence to explore and move around the world let al
one build mathmatically required structures. In Africa today if all the other ra
ces left it entirely to the negroids, all inventions of civlization would soon b
e ruins, they just dont know what the word Maintenance means, Before the other r
aces arrived these inhabitants were like all other species of early homo sapiens
and mammals very much sticking to a certain area, The early inhabitants of ancien
t Egypt probably used the Negroid people as slaves in building their structures
and did the Negroids learn anything? not as far as I can see, they are opportuni
sts who can only surf the wave of other races be it even to wearing of clothes o
r driving cars and planes but never have invented anything so how could they be
the ancient Egyptians? but for the Negroid people to try and claim some fame tha
t we the rest of the world descend from them, like I have said the anatomy is ju
st so different, Where is the missing link between them and the rest?

walied May 22, 2013 at 9:05 PM For sure, Egypt were never black, at least in
the dynastic periods. Regarding the Copts, i am sorry to disappoint you that DN
A studies of Copts show non-uniform patterns. They are never a pure race. They a
re as varied as Muslims, unless you are well-informed that Copts literally mean
Egyptians not a specific religion.

Sam Harris June 5, 2013 at 10:06 PM Egyptians were very much a mixed race an
d conqured by a few, the hyksos blended in with the egyptians and the royal egyp
tian family was known to marry some of the hittite princesses. They blended with
nubians as well as greeks and persians.

Carl August 8, 2013 at 9:10 AM How can Africans meaning Blacks originate in
Africa and inhabit the four corners of Africa except egypt

Pkr November 23, 2013 at 11:11 AM Walied, when you said that For sure Egypt
ere never black, you are saying something that is ignorant and false. The 25th Dy
nasty was a recognizably black dynasty and King Taharqa a Cushite from that dynast
y is mentioned in the Bible. Your argument is wrong. Because the word dynasty su
pports the people who say that the ancient Egyptians were black. This because the
word dynasty means line or family rule for several generations. In my research I
have found that all the images of the rulers looked like their predecessors and
successors and those images were of black people, hence the word dynasty. And it
is dynasty that lends no room for people to muddy the water by saying they were
mostly white or mixed, it is about family.

Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 5:14 AM UNESCO convened the Symposium on t
Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script in Cairo in
1974. At that forum the Black Egyptian theory was rejected by 90% of delegate http://

SpirusSpeaks December 30, 2013 at 6:32 PM Ezekiel 29:14 14 I will restore the
prosperity of Egypt and bring its people back to the land of Pathros in southern
Egypt from which they came. * ( the land of their ancestors and habitation) But
Egypt will remain an unimportant, minor kingdom. 15 It will be the lowliest of
all the nations, never again great enough to rise above its neighbors. The bible
which is the living word of God and an authoritative source of historical recor
d indicates that the ancient Egypt ancestry originated in the Southern part of E
gypt which is next to Nubian and Cush (ethiopia) to which even today in modern E
gypt the farther south you travel the darker the population becomes. The people
of ancient Sudan followed the river ( Nile) to establish the Kingdom. The bible
indicated that it will never raise to power again, and was eventually conquered
and invaded by Assyrians, Persians, Greek, Romans, Syrian, and Arabs; but these
nations ( people) were not the original people of Egypt, but eventually mixed wi
th the indigenous black population and become a part of Egyptian culture and dyn
asty. ( Remember the Americas one drop rule, if you have one drop of black blood,
you have to be consider black). Based on this standard many, but not all Egypti
ans would have to be considered black. Psalms 105: 23,, says, Then Israel arrived
in Egypt; Jacob lived as a foreigner in the land of Ham. Genesis 10:6, says, The
sons of Ham: Cush, Egypt, Put and Canaan. At the very least the Nubia which is
located in Upper Egypt and Lower Sudan ( Cush) was a part of the Egyptian Dynast
y and this Ethiopian population had to give Egypt some color to say the very lea
st. Nubian was annexed as a part of Egypt. The Nubian where the Egyptians number
one trading partner. The Meiji were Nubian soldiers and Para-military forces in
tegrated into the Egyptian Army and society. They guarded the Temple in Thebes (
Southern Egypt). Also, after the Sahara desert dried up, the people traveled Ea
st into Egypt. There had to be at least some people with dark skin and consider
black by modern standards. For Egypt is in the continent of Africa. Also, dark s
kinned people from Yemen, Sabe, Seba, and other parts of Arabian Peninsula had t
o give Egypt some color to say the very least. The bible indicates that these Ar
abian tribes were the descendants of Cush (Ethiopia). Read Genesis 10:6 Descenda
nts of Ham 6 The descendants of Ham were Cush, Mizraim( Egypt), Put,( Libya or Som
alia) and Canaan. 7 The descendants of Cush ( Ethiopia) were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah
, Raamah, and Sabteca. The descendants of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan. 8 Cush ( Gr
eek word for Ethiopia) was also the ancestor of Nimrod, who was the first heroic
warrior on earth. 9 Since he was the greatest hunter in the world,[b] his name
became proverbial. People would say, This man is like Nimrod, the greatest hunter
in the world. 10 He built his kingdom in the land of Babylonia,[c] with the citi
es of Babylon, Erech, Akkad, and Calneh. 11 From there he expanded his territory
to Assyria,[d] building the cities of Nineveh, Rehoboth-ir, Calah, 12 and Resen
(the great city located between Nineveh and Calah). 20 These were the descendants
of Ham, identified by clan, language, territory, and national identity.

SpirusSpeaks December 30, 2013 at 7:04 PM Taharqa was a pharaoh of the Ancie
nt Egyptian 25th dynasty and king of the Kingdom of Kush, which was located in N
orthern Sudan Taharqas reign can be dated from 690 BC to 664 BC.[4] Evidence for the
dates of his reign is derived from the Serapeum stela, catalog number 192. This
stela records that an Apis bull born and installed (4th month of Peret, day 9)
in Year 26 of Taharqa died in Year 20 of Psammetichus I (4th month of Shomu, day
20), having lived 21 years. This would give Taharqa a reign of 26 years and a f
raction, in 690-664 B.C.[5] Taharqa explicitly states in Kawa Stela V, line 15,
that he succeeded Shebitku with this statement: I received the Crown in Memphis a
fter the Falcon (i.e., Shebitku) flew to heaven.[6] Although Taharqas reign was fill
ed with conflict with the Assyrians, it was also a prosperous renaissance period
in Egypt and Kush. When Taharqa was about 20 years old, he participated in a hi
storic battle with the Assyrian emperor Sennacherib at Eltekeh. At Hezekiahs requ
est, Taharqa and the Egyptian/Kushite army managed to stall the Assyrian advance
on Jerusalem. Sennacherib abandoned the siege and returned home. Thus, Taharqa
saved Jerusalem and Hebrew society from destruction, a pivotal point in world an
d Hebrew history. The might of Taharqas military forces was established at Eltekeh,
leading to a period of peace in Egypt. During this period of peace and prosperi
ty, the empire flourished. In the sixth year of Taharqas reign, prosperity was al
so aided by abundant rainfall and a large harvest. Taharqa took full advantage o
f the lull in fighting and abundant harvest. He restored existing temples, built
new ones, and built the largest pyramid in the Napatan region. Particularly imp
ressive were his additions to the Temple at Karnak, new temple at Kawa, and temp
le at Jebel Barkal.[7][8][9][10][11] Biblical references[edit] Scholars[who?] have i
dentified Taharqa with Tithakah, king of Ethiopia (Kush), who waged war against
Sennacherib during the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah (2 Kings 19:9; Isaiah 37:
9). The events in the Biblical account are believed to have taken place in 701 BC,
whereas Taharqa came to the throne some ten years later. A number of explanatio
ns have been proposed: one being that the title of king in the Biblical text ref
ers to his future royal title, when at the time of this account he was likely on
ly a military commander.

leilah June 18, 2013 at 9:25 PM How can Robert Lindsay claim Egyptians origi
nated in Africa and then turn around and claim they were Caucasians that migrate
d into Africa 42,000 years ago? Your claims are FALSE. Evidence confirmed Egypti
ans are in their place of ORIGIN, which is Africa and they carry sub-Saharan Afr
ican haplogroup (E). Also, Google Nubia and look at the Wikipedia site. Notice how
the 1st NOME in Egypt was Nubia during the 1st dynasty. Nubians were Upper Egyp
tians. Most people dont know that. In addition, look at how current Nubians look on
the site down below. They dont look like the preconceive look that most ignorant
people have about Nubians. Egypts indigenous Nubians still battling to find a plac
e | McClatchy

Robert Lindsay June 18, 2013 at 9:47 PM Listen Black girl, the Egyptians wer
e a Caucasoid people who were the descendants of a Caucasoid group that migrated
from the Levant into Egypt between 10-15,000 YBP. This group eventually gave ri
se to the Ancient Egyptians, a largely Caucasoid people. I never said Egyptians ca
me to Egypt 42,000 YBP. I said that Caucasoids were created 42,000 YBP in the Ca
ucasus to Central Asia by a mixture of 1/3 Paleoafrican and 2/3 Paleochinese.

Sorryest race came last July 20, 2013 at 7:48 PM Look cave monkey we do know
that u so called whites came from cave man and were the last to be cilvleized a
nd cant st*y in the sun to long and like stelling his story

Heru October 2, 2013 at 11:47 AM While there have been no attested exemplars
of E1*, its sub-clade, E1a (M33), is found most often in West Africa, and today
it is especially common in the region of Mali. One study has found haplogroup E
1a-M33 Y-chromosomes in as much as 34% (15/44) of a sample of Malian men. Haplog
roup E1a also has been detected among samples obtained from Guinea-Bissau, Moroc
can Berbers, Sahrawis, Burkina Faso, northern Cameroon, Senegal, Sudan, Egypt, C
alabria (including both Italian speakers at 1.3% and Albanian speakers at 2.9%),
and Portugal (5/553 or approx 0.9%). Haplogroup E1a has been detected in North Af
rica and Europe independently of the ubiquitous E1b1a. Because E1b1a is known to
have expanded recently, this leaves open the possibility of an ancient expansio
n from Sub-Saharan Africa into North Africa and Europe of E1a lineages

Heru October 2, 2013 at 11:53 AM The raw values in Table 6 suggest that Egyp
ians had the super-Negroid body plan described by Robins (1983).. This pattern is
supported by Figure 7 (a plot of population mean femoral and tibial lengths; dat
a from Ruff, 1994), which indicates that the Egyptians generally have tropical b
ody plans. Of the Egyptian samples, only the Badarian and Early Dynastic period
populations have shorter tibiae than predicted from femoral length. Despite thes
e differences, all samples lie relatively clustered together as compared to the
other populations. (Zakrzewski, S.R. (2003). Variation in ancient Egyptian stature
and body proportions. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 121 (3): 219-229
. Two opposing theories for the origin of Dynastic Egyptians dominated scholarly
debate over the last century: whether the ancient Egyptians were black Africans
(historically referred to as Negroid) originating biologically and culturally i
n Saharo-Tropical Africa, or whether they originated as a Dynastic Race in the M
editerranean or western Asian regions (people historically categorized as White,
or Caucasoid). Contemporary physical anthropologists recognize, however that ra
ce is not a useful biological concept when applied to humans. Although many peop
le believe they can distinguish races on the basis of skin color, more of the vari
ation in human genetic makeup can be attributed to differences between these so-
called races than between them. There is now a sufficient body of evidence from m
odern studies of skeletal remains to indicate that the ancient Egyptians, especi
ally southern Egyptians, exhibited physical characteristics that are within the
range of variation for ancient and modern indigenous peoples of the Sahara and t
ropical Africa. In general, the inhabitants of Upper Egypt and Nubia had the gre
atest biological affinity to people of the Sahara and more southerly areas..[] An
y interpretation of the biological affinities of the ancient Egyptians must be p
laced in the context of hypothesis informed by the archaeological, linguistic, g
eographic or other data. In this context the physical anthropological evidence i
ndicates that the early Nile Valley populations can be identified as part of an
African lineage, but exhibiting local variation. This variation represents the s
hort and long term effects of evolutionary forces, such as gene flow, genetic dr
ift, and natural selection influenced by culture and geography (Nancy C. Lovell,
Egyptians, physical anthropology of, in Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancie
nt Egypt, ed. Kathryn A. Bard and Steven Blake Shubert, ( London and New York: R
outledge, 1999) pp 328-332). In this regard it is interesting to note that limb p
roportions of Predynastic Naqada people in Upper Egypt are reported to be Super-N
egroid, meaning that the distal segments are elongated in the fashion of tropical color intensification and distal limb elongation are apparent whe
rever people have been long-term residents of the tropics. ( C.L. Brace, 1993. Cli
nes and clusters..). The evidence also points to linkages to other northeast Afric
an peoples, not coincidentally approximating the modern range of languages close
ly related to Egyptian in the Afro-Asiatic group (formerly called Hamito-Semetic
). These linguistic similarities place ancient Egyptian in a close relationship
with languages spoken today as far west as Chad, and as far south as Somalia. Ar
chaeological evidence also strongly supports an African origin. A widespread nor
theastern African cultural assemblage, including distinctive multiple barbed har
poons and pottery decorated with dotted wavy line patterns, appears during the e
arly Neolithic (also known as the Aqualithic, a reference to the mild climate of
the Sahara at this time). Saharan and Sudanese rock art from this time resemble
s early Egyptian iconography. Strong connections between Nubian (Sudanese) and E
gyptian material culture continue in later Neolithic Badarian culture of Up! per E
gypt. Similarities include black-topped wares, vessels with characteristic rippl
e-burnished surfaces, a special tulip-shaped vessel with incised and white-fille
d decoration, palettes, and harpoons Other ancient Egyptian practices show strong sim
ilarities to modern African cultures including divine kingship, the use of headr
ests, body art, circumcision, and male coming-of-age rituals, all suggesting an
African substratum or foundation for Egyptian civilization The race and origins of the
Ancient Egyptians have been a source of considerable debate. Scholars in the lat
e and early 20th centuries rejected any considerations of the Egyptians as black
Africans by defining the Egyptians either as non-African (i.e Near Easterners o
r Indo-Aryan), or as members of a separate brown (as opposed to a black) race, o
r as a mixture of lighter-skinned peoples with black Africans. In the later half
of the 20th century, Afrocentric scholars have countered this Eurocentric and o
ften racist perspective by characterizing the Egyptians as black and African.. Physic
al anthropologists are increasingly concluding that racial definitions are the c
ulturally defined product of selective perception and should be replaced in biol
ogical terms by the study of populations and clines. Consequently, any character
ization of race of the ancient Egyptians depend on modern cultural definitions,
not on scientific study. Thus, by modern American standards it is reasonable to
characterize the Egyptians as blacks [i.e in a social sense] while acknowledging t
he scientific evidence for the physical diversity of Africans. Source: Donald Red
ford (2001) The Oxford encyclopedia of ancient Egypt, Volume 3. Oxford Universit
y Press. p. 27-28

fransika December 14, 2013 at 6:13 PM Ham, Shem and Japheth were brothers of
one father and one mother. Thats one family. The brothers spread out and each cr
eated his own family.
.htm In this Table of Nations they have this: The Japhetic people are, in general, th
e peoples of India and Europe (Indo-European stock), with which any demographer
is familiar. The people of India are very diverse from the very lightest of skin to
the very darkest of skin. How could these be descendants of Japheth? Japheth is
pure white. Just saying it but I dont care; We are talking about people from the
same genetic root. Plus people intermarry, this brings about change and diversi
ty. Ill like to say a thing on marriage. This is from the bible. God placed no rest
riction on marriage; only one exception, you have to find it in the bible for yo
urself. People over time made their own restrictions with regards to marriage for
different reasons that have nothing to do with GOD.

Dempster February 6, 2014 at 9:37 AM I think youre just racist funny you can
swer the question how can black africans be everywhere but egypt?

alan July 4, 2013 at 6:07 PM one of the dumbest assertions you can ever make
its like saying indigenous Americans were Caucasians since there is an American
couple working at a pharmacy near me that look like indigenous European white pe

bunny December 6, 2013 at 1:16 PM talking shit cave dweller

Robert Lindsay December 6, 2013 at 1:55 PM Ok nigga, back to your ghetto now

Dan Browney March 11, 2014 at 10:43 PM This is how they represented a face :
ace (Hieroglyph): The ancient Egyptian Face hieroglyph is a portrayal of the human f
ace,frontal view.The sign is also an ideogram for face,and related words. http://upl http
:// They used Black features to represent a f
ace and look at the ha Proof that ancient egyptians were black so shut up cocksuck
ing assole..these are too much fo your little racist white ass to handle sso res
trict yourself to your fav topics like pedophilia

Robert Lindsay March 11, 2014 at 11:24 PM All right you Black scumbag, I am
banning your Black ass. Back to the hood with you, nigga! HAND!

Robert Lindsay March 20, 2012 at 1:50 PM That quote comes from my mother. I
dont suppose she has a source for it though. If you read accounts of European exp
lorers to Africa, they say much the same thing.

alan July 4, 2013 at 6:22 PM European explorers are the culprits behind the
misconceptions of Africa. Their accounts and motives were often had racial, prej
udiced, and bigoted. For Gods sake even Jesus is depicted as blue-eyed blond hair
ed. The African story should be told from an African perspective

Vince Bingham July 17, 2014 at 8:39 AM Blonde hair and blue eyes? A huge maj
ority of white people have brown hair, How about Carthaginians? Were they black?
Afros used to say the Minoans were not European either and they portray themsel
ves as brown. You think because because they were shirtless most of the time. I li
ve in Arizona. Over a hundred degrees 110 days out of the year. Lots of white fo
lks. The chinese mummies that were blonde and red haired lived in the deserts of
china for 5000 years.

citizen 1986 August 26, 2013 at 2:50 PM Listen Black girl, the Egyptians wer
e a Caucasoid people who were the descendants of a Caucasoid group that migrated
from the Levant into Egypt between 10-15,000 YBP. This group eventually gave ri
se to the Ancient Egyptians, a largely Caucasoid people. I never said Egyptians ca
me to Egypt 42,000 YBP. I said that Caucasoids were created 42,000 YBP in the Ca
ucasus to Central Asia by a mixture of 1/3 Paleoafrican and 2/3 Paleochines Where
did u pull dis 1 out of ur arse. Funniest BS I eva read and Ive read really funny
1s Egyptians where black not copper or golden but black . Would have you know b
lack people range from as black as night to brown or copper or gold . If I come
from Kenya and my mum is white would that make me not a kenyan or not black . Yo
u people are hypocrates a man from portugal is white despite the fact he looks m
ore like an Indian you classify as mongoloid. They came from punt which is to th
e south east not mediterrian nor europe . At least they could draw and write dont
see any drawing of any white immigration they came from Africa and they stayed
there . Its an African civilization built by blacks and the rulers were blacks T
hey inbreed because heritage was maternal if your mother wasnt royal you couldnt b
e king they always preserved their colour no mixture . Where I come from they ha
ve many tribes and we arent the same color and we live in the same region . The t
ribe to the east are known to be lighter than the tribe to the North does that m
ake them less black . Please enough with the BS saying the black slaves could si
ng and play spots gawdd and you have a laptop thought you were an illiterate

Robert Lindsay August 26, 2013 at 7:19 PM All right Black man, you are banne

citizen 1986 August 26, 2013 at 3:43 PM Robert Lindsay you are a joker where
did u pull ur facts from your arse. Hope you know DNA results on the 18th dynas
ty mummies are out didnt see any white markers. If arab semitic whites or indians
wrote this ill understand but who are you a clown . Who told u the black slaves
in egypt where good at sports and entertainment the ghost of your great grand f
ather cos I sure didnt see that anywhere . Egptians were black from Africa stayed
in Africa till the greeks invaded them any other group just came and went and t
hey usually drove all the aliens . The Pharohs were blacks cos they inbreed heri
tage was matrineal if your mum wasnt royalty you had no right to the throne . It
was from the 18th dynasty that the pharoh appointed so 1 out royal lineage and d
espite that he wuz black. Egyptians came from punt south east . A black man rang
es from black as night to brown as copper with no admixture depends on you envir
onment and level of sun exposure . Clown

Yes October 21, 2013 at 6:26 PM Man citizen is right I mean come on I read i
n a book(its called the bible) that Is older than this Robert fellow. That the k
ing Ramsesses was black himself. If blacks were salves were not the Isrealites s
laves? This would mean that the savior is really black and so to Moses.

Lola November 6, 2013 at 9:41 AM Coming from someone who cant even spell ph
oh. lol

Anisa September 2, 2013 at 7:41 AM Two types of white people from two diffe
t but equally unfortunate events 1st is Drividian albinos which covers most of w
estern Europe ( Germany)example. They migrated from the indus valley (south east
asia) to a colder more sutible weather conditions. The 2nd is asiatic mongol al
binos mixing with Dravidian albinos. Central Asia both locations are not in Afri
ca. Leprosy is a skin condition that turns darker skin to white. Also in the bib
le at times God would turn people leprous usually as a curse Mariam ,Moses siste
r. 4 types of Albinism varying to eye color, hair color etc. The cause of Albini
sm is incest creating a recessive ( weak) gene example sickel cell anemia when t
wo blood related slaves were forced to procreate. Dont try to included horn of af
ricans as being cauasian. Descending from Albinism make whites a sub-race becaus
e other wise healthy population had pigment. Whites can only be ancient egyptian
s in the movies they produce and the fakely recontructed statues, painted over h
ieroglyphics and other fabricated items to try to rewrite history of Afro Asiati
c people like the hebrews also. The pope himself worships a Black Modonna and Bl
ack Jesus and so do many european countries. So if the ancient egyptians were br
own skinned whites , how was the infant Jesus, Marry and Joseph able to flee fro
m king Herod into egypt unnoticed if they were Albino offspring? The current pop
e has pictures and videos showing the BLACK not BROWN.BLACK Yeshua and Mariam. No
w current Egypt is partly caucasian buy not Master building ancients times. As a
matter of fact the black DNA has the most variety than any other racial group.
So flat noses and big lips does not always indicate a so called black person. Fe
atures vary even for non mixed blacks. So your fake anglophile style propaganda
of history has been exposed. There is factual proof. Ofcourse you may want to ta
ke these lies to your grave and not accept the truth.

M&M September 18, 2013 at 6:23 AM This Cave PIG is simply doing what his typ
e does best and that is to create conflict and confusion. His type are nothing b
ut mischief makers. They arent happy unless theyre stirring up problems and tryN
their best to place themselves above all others. Theyll say anything, do anythi
ng, and tell endless lies in order to deceive and confuse. I believe they have a
tremendous amount of insecurity issues, inadequacies, dysfunctions, etc etc tha
t causes them to feel the need to be king of the hill, shmd. Poor little Cave Pi
g, hes like a little boy fantasizing and dreaming that hes some kinda Super Hero w
ith a cape on and a S on his chest. Seek help for your deranged, demented, and m
entally ill way of thinking.

Lola November 6, 2013 at 9:44 AM Poor little negro. Your people never accomp
lished anything, so you feel the need to lie about objective facts and history.
I feel sorry for your kind.

keith November 19, 2013 at 5:14 AM
tml ancient Egyptian has a lot of bantu words in fact might even say its bantu(Afr
ican ) language I speak several bantu language and been learning as according to t
his research link above.I have seen they are the same. maybe the Egyptians where
white or wher black but one thing for sure more than half their language is 100
% similar to the current bantu language(east and southern Africa language group)

clint timberwood March 27, 2014 at 12:46 PM The black man invented the spear

Robert Lindsay December 29, 2013 at 8:07 PM Ok nigga. You are banned. Back t
o your street corner Black man, your crack customers are waiting for you.

U R a NIGGER ROBERT! April 5, 2014 at 11:58 PM Wow You are truly a product o
America Lol a nigger is an ignorant person.. And your pic should be next to the wo
rd bc you are a prime example!! Do you think that after YEARS of being called th
e same word that that can break a black person?? You Anglo-Saxons need a new word
to try to ridicule blacks because you people have actually become the niggers..
IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS!! Lmao!!!!! Dude, you are so dumb!!!! Robert Lindsay.. Th
e first white NIGGER!! Lmao! And Im actually at school at Harvard in my dorm room
weak to the floor laughing at you!!! Just dumb.. Goodnight

Robert Lindsay April 6, 2014 at 11:33 AM Ok nigga, you are banned. If you are
posting this from your dorm room at Harvard, then why was this comment made from
Prairieville, Louisiana?

wiill April 14, 2014 at 6:50 AM You have made this comment section entertain
ing. Sure your stereotypical racial comments dont make you seem biased at all. k
eep doing it, it helps you seem intelligent.

Robert Lindsay April 14, 2014 at 11:26 AM All right Black man, I am banning
you. HAND!

L.A.M November 3, 2014 at 6:02 PM Just wondering. Are you autistic. Youre a
acist, whiny baby. That always bans people for speaking there mind. You are a tr
ue dumbass.

Robert Lindsay November 3, 2014 at 9:45 PM Nigga, you cant even speak proper
English. Where did you go to school? Ebonics High? What did you major in at coll
ege? English Mangling? How did you get into college in the first place? Affirmat
ive Action? Get lost Black man. I am banning your Black ass. Now get back in my fi
eld and pick me some cotton.

Herututuankoma March 28, 2012 at 5:25 PM Genetic studies has shown that Nubi
ans are the closest people ethnically to Ancient Egyptians which is why the cult
ure is similar. Which is why the major DNA haplogroup in Egyptians especially in
the South is haplogroup E YDNA. They have the same deitie,s same type of buildi
ngs and there are more pyramids in Nubia than in Egypt. Even West Africans have
Ancient Egyptians ancestry such as the Yoruba, Igbo, Dogon and several other tri
bes who trace their lineage back to 4th and 5th dynasties. Even former Ghana Kin
g TenkAMENin name is similar to King TutankhAMEN. Also S. Africa activist Desmon
d TUTu name is similar to King Tut. There are tribes in Ethiopia such as The Ham
er who wear the Feather of Maat and have same hair styles as ancient Egyptians,
they even wear red ochre like the Egyptians did basically the culture originated
in Ethiopia as thats were life itself originated from. DNATribes posted on thei
r website ( in early 2012 that the Amarna Pharaohs genetic origins
are from S. Africa, W. Africa and African Great Lakes. The Zulus even say they m
igrated out of Egypt due to their leadership of Nguni. Even today the Zulu pries
t wear the leopard skin just like the ancient Egyptian priest have. The origins
of the ancient Egyptians are from S. East Africa as they left plenty of document
ation and artifacts to point their roots out. I think its time for Europeans to
let go of the white Egypt. My question is why does Europeans care so much about
Egypt when they have Greece and Rome to look back on? Ancient Egyptian color was
as diverse as Africans in general are today. For example the Khoisans aka Bushm
en are golden complexion and they are some of the oldest people on Earth. So the
gold people you are looking at on the reliefs are ultimately the Khoisan who ha
ppened to be Animist just like the Ancient Egyptians. The Khoisan migrated all o
ver Africa and outside of Africa just like the Twa Pygmies and other pygmy popul
ation. Same goes for the Kushites aka Ethiopians. Yes Africans come in a variety
of hues as they are the most diverse ethnic group however they place themselves
under that black umbrella because they realize that the 1st people on the Earth w
ere black and they know Africans in general are direct descendants of the 1st pe
ople. Even today you can see Queen of Shebah III wearing the golden head crown o
f Hathor/Isis. She has a website and is active on Facebook and even twitter. Las
tly there was no Caucasians or white people around 40K yrs ago. Scientific studi
es show that Europeans skin turned pale only recently circa 6K yrs ago. The 1st
people in Europe were Africans of dark skin complexion. It would have taken many
yrs and generations for a population of whites to play any role in developing a
nation. Also Egypt climate is too hot to support the skin type of a typical Eur
opean aka Caucasian aka white person as skin cancer would have been a big killer
to some one of white skinned, even albinos cant survive the hot climate and albi
nism does occur in Africa. Robert Bauval who was born in Alexandria and is the w
riter of Black Genesis states that the builders of the Egyptian Empire were of bla
ck African aka Sub Saharan origin. The findings of Nabta Playa have played a rol
e in shedding light to that. There are even recent findings of a 200K yr old civ
ilization in S. Africa in which Heru/Horus falcon statues have been found. So th
e culture of Egypt did not even originate in Egypt, it originated in Southern Af
rica. Also Robert Lindsay how can you refute the reports given by Herodutus who
stated the Egyptians were black with wooly hair, Diodorus who stated the Egyptia
ns were a colony sent out by the Ethiopians or by Count Volney who supported Her
odotus and even said the face of the Sphinx fits that of the typical Negro. . Ma
tilda blog is not credible as she has no credentials to even back up her posting
s. She pieces different findings but here posts actually contradict her own moti
ves. She states work of Keita but Dr. Keita clearly says that the ancient Egypti
ans mummies fit those of tropical and desert body structures that mainly African
s posses especially those of Sub Saharan in origin. Ever heard of the Mangbetu t
ribe? Well they have elongated heads just like the elongated skulls of the Amarn
a time period such as King Tut and Akhenaten who happen to have S. African and N
ubian roots. The Mangbetu are of the same bloodline. See you knock Afrocentrics
but Afrocentrics are citing works that were revealed by your European breathern
ie Diodorus, Count Volney, Herodotus. So Robert maybe you need to spend more tim
e doing thorough research instead of living a pipe dream which leads no where bu
t to a cess pool of bad information. Rahotep was shut down from youtube because
people like me put forth the effort to refute him and shut him up. He was just a
guy from the UK who was filled with racist ideology that black Africans never a
ccomplished anything, well that is an oxymoron because black Africans are the mo
thers and fathers of humanity. So I guess Rahotep aka Gordon Napier is NOTHING t
hen. Even Sinead OConnor has come out and wrote that all humanity originated in A
frica and if it was not for Africans that everyone else would be nothing. She sh
owed support to the Trayvon Martin vs George Zimmerman case.Good for Sinead bless
her heart! And the word BLESS comes from the Nile deity BES!

Shu June 21, 2012 at 12:52 PM Wow, even Sinead OConnor? From Left to Right-
ian, Nubian, Libyian, Egyptian in Egyptian hieroglyphics: Ill personally take the wo
rd of the ancient Egyptians over dishonest afro-centrics who falsely claim every
thing from East to West.

howie June 20, 2013 at 7:47 PM I totally agree;SO MANY blacks claim they are
direct descendants of Egyptians but NONE can tell me where the Egyptians themse
lves ever refer to this!From the accounts Ive read they are actually described as
anything BUT african in all thier physical attributes!I mean does small of waist
or thin lips and narrow noses sound ANYTHING like africans?

Awill July 15, 2013 at 12:54 AM Im sorry but do you mean to say that last ma
is Caucasian or in anyway not indicative of a black man??

Pkr November 23, 2013 at 12:27 PM The hieroglyphics of the different groups
are images that the Bible borrowed from King Seti I wall inscriptions and put in
Genesis. The images are of the sons of Ham as they spread around in Africa and So
uthwest Asia. All of the foreign rulers of ancient Egypt save the Greeks and Rom
ans rulers, were distant relatives of the ancient Egyptians through Ham if Ham e
xisted. What is most important is how they looked. They looked similar, but, in
different shades of brown. Modern Egyptians have little in common with the ancient
Egyptians they are mostly imports following the Greeks, Romans and Arabs invasi
ons long ago or recent imports to Egypt. You do not take the word of the ancient E
gyptians. Because if you did you would not be making the points that you are. If
a picture is worth a thousand words as one wise person once said, the ancient E
gyptians spoke in tremendous volume(s) through their art. And their art is of bla
ck people.

Mike Barnes September 17, 2012 at 3:08 PM Looks like some interesting stuff
erututuankoma but try to use paragraphs I didnt make it to the end

Mike Barnes September 17, 2012 at 3:09 PM also some of that stuff looks a bi
t anecdotal to me.

Boyan October 15, 2012 at 1:45 AM You seem to have some serious backing of y
our theory, but let me share the problems that are evident to me right away. 1)
Ancient Egyptian race controversy in Wikipedia demonstrates big scientifically b
ased disagreement on the issue. From reading the article it seems to me that the
Afro-centrist are loosing. We leave in a world in which it is politically incor
rect for Afro-centrist to be loosing yet.Herodotus talks about the Danaians (anci
ent word for Greeks) came from Egypt & sort of forced the name on Ancient Greeks
. This is confirmed by other Ancient Greek sources; Herodotus VI- 53 ..but if one
enumerates their ancestors going back from Danae the daughter of Acrisios, the
rulers of the Dorians will prove to be Egyptian by direct Descent..; Strabo VII, 7
. 1 For Pelops brought colonists from Phrygia into the Peloponnesus, which took h
is name; Danaus brought colonists from Egypt;; Pliny VII. LVI.195-198 ..wells by D
anaus who came from Egypt to Greece to the region tliat used to be called Diy Ar
gos.. Therefore Greeks should be blacks or at least have some genetics from Afric
a which does not seem to be the case. There is one highly contested study that s
ays they do have African blood, but most say that they are white Europeans. So w
e either cant trust all Ancient Greek sources or the Egyptians that came to Greec
e were not black or were mixed enough to be purely black! (2) Caucasian or Aryan
, does not necessarily mean blond, white with blue eyes. Iranians are Aryans as
is obvious even from the sounding of the name. There is a good percentage of Asi
an Indians that are Aryans. Both of those groups are pretty dark (maybe golden)
& survive in hot climates without skin cancer. Actually the sun causing skin can
cer is more or less a lie. In fact people with cancer including skin varieties n
eed a lot of sunlight as a prerequisite of proper healing. Too much sun or anyth
ing else is not so good. Chemicals in sunblock creams are more responsible for s
kin cancer than anything else. (3) Cultural influence of Egypt all the way to So
uth Africa is not surprising having in mind that finding of frozen ancient Aryan
in Siberia had a body tattoo that was like from an Egyptian tomb & was rapped i
n a blanket the technique of making of which has last been seen on the Balkans i
n Europe. Combine that with the Romanian Sphinx & the findings of a likely Egypt
ian cult ruins by the village of Sitovo in Bulgaria & things are getting real me
ssy. Dionysus is a cult that may have its origin in Ethiopia, Egypt or Thrace in
Europe & was popular in Thrace, Greece & Egypt. There is an alternative historia
n that is claiming that a large mountain on the Balkans is really the biggest ma
n made pyramid. The little archeological digging done there is not disproving th
e hypothesis so far. (4) You are making the argument that Caucasians did not dev
elop in time to have created Ancient Egypt which totally depends on the Theory o
f Evolution being accurate. Well it is not! It is a working hypothesis that has
scientifically been strongly challenged & dis-proven. The development of all hum
anity from blacks in Africa as a part of the Theory of Evolution is an act of Po
litical Correctness today although in the past has been used as a corner stone o
f white supremacy & apartheid. In conclusion it seems to me you really, really nee
d and want Egypt to have been created and developed by blacks. It could be but t
he evidence is overwhelmingly against that so far. On the other hand I truthfull
y do not care!!! If there is definite proof that Egypt is the creation of black
people I am fine with that. The problem is that Afro-centric science is more Pro
paganda than science in my opinion. I am not saying that a lot of the Afro-oppon
ents are not also into Propaganda.

RunswithScissors March 1, 2013 at 6:13 PM Okay, your post is a year old, but
I feel compelled to correct you. You seem to be the White inversion of an afroc
entrist and afrocentrists are idiots. Now, where to begin? Well, first off, that
Romanian Sphinx you speak of is a natural rock formation. Also, the Out of Afri
ca theory is not the product of politically correctness. It is good science. Num
erous genetic studies, paleontology, paleo-geography and various serious studies
in other disciplines all suggest an African point of origin for all human group
s. You even question evolution. Thats good; scientific theories are meant to be q
uestioned. And guess what? The theory of evolution has been questioned, tested,
retested, poked and prodded and it still holds up very well. In fact, its one of
those rare theories in science that is so well-supported and internally consiste
nt that it approaches a law of nature.

E Varick Wettlaufer February 26, 2013 at 9:01 AM The MANGBETU shape their sk
ulls from infancy.

Phylles March 1, 2013 at 10:35 AM I would love to know how you researched so
mny truths about ancient egypt, as an african studies major I want to know the
real story of our story..

keith November 19, 2013 at 5:24 AM
tml ancient Egyptian has a lot of bantu words in fact might even say its bantu(Afr
ican ) language I speak several bantu language and been learning as according to t
his research link above.I have seen they are the same. maybe the Egyptians where
white or wher black but one thing for sure more than half their language is 100
% similar to the current bantu language(east and southern Africa language group) t
ry that

Cyrus November 19, 2013 at 7:57 AM No, my black retarded friends. They were
iddle EasternYou know, the people that built the Cradle of Civilization? Gave us w
ritten language, etc? If they were black, then Ancient Egypt would have been cal
led DetroitThat is Bantu for civilization, by the way.

Sydney Light March 5, 2013 at 11:25 PM I think your response well written, w
ell spoken, and quite convincing except that Tut was shown to have European DNA,
Ramses had naturally red hair, and many mummies have red or blond hair. Clearly,
Nefertiti was not typically African, and Cleopatra was Greek. You have to put t
his into your otherwise interesting thoughts.

chercabaret May 19, 2013 at 4:45 AM No King Tut was not white. That was debu
nked by DNA Tribes a while ago. King Tuts DNA was pretty much completely Sub-Sah
aran. Sorry to bust your bubble

Heru October 2, 2013 at 12:26 PM has refuted your King Tut Eur
opean DNA. King Tut DNA mainly consists of S.African, African Great Lakes and Tr
opical West African origin. Also Cleopatra supposedly had an African Mother as C
aroline Wilksinson did scientific examination on Cleopatra family, just watch Cle
opatra Portrait of a Killer for reference. Besides the Ptolemys came to Egypt, the
y did not originate in Egypt. The Ptolemys were NOT part of the Old Kingdom or ev
en Middle Kingdom nor did they start the New Kingdom. The Ptolemys were to Egypt
what Columbus and the Spaniards were to America.

Pkr November 23, 2013 at 9:42 AM You have to convince me how can a man well
into his ninth decade of life, as Ramesses II was, when he died, have natural re
d hair? Many ancient Egyptians dyed their hair. The problem with saying that Tut
ankhamen Had European DNA is his relatives, please look up the word dynasty. All o
f his grandmother or mother, Queen Tiye images are those of a Nubia and her bloo
d ties to Queen Ahmose Nefertari is probably why she became queen. His father or
Grandfather King Amenhotep III, better known as Amenhotep the Magnificent had s
ome very prominent African features. And the number of surviving statues bearing
his likeness are numerous. Then there is Akhenaten who was Tuts Father or brothe
r who also had prominent African features. As I have said before, blond hair col
or, fair skin, and blue eyes are recessive genetic traits. And none of the above
listed traits would have bode well in a place like ancient Egypt. If Ramesses I
I had had blue eyes, fair skin and red or blond hair he wouldnt have lived to be
nearly 90 years old, he would have probably died of melanoma decades earlier. Ne
fertiti was related to King Tut through King Tiye. Cleopatra was at least of mix
ed ancestry. Nothing I can say or do can change many whites view of who the anci
ent Egyptians were, but the truth is out there. And it might create controversy,
but truth in itself is not controversial, it is fact.

Dave Mowers November 3, 2014 at 10:28 PM Which Cleopatra are you talking abo
ut? You see, the later Cleopatra took her name from the earlier Cleopatra as descr
ibed in the story of Jason and the Argonauts and the earlier one was Minoan, or
Proto-Greek or Phoenician hence, Caucasian and she lived at-minimum 1,000 years
before the story was written so somewhere between 1600 B.C. and 1900 B.C. She wa
s from Libya which was part of Phoenicia which the name of the founder of Egypt,
Mitzraim, translates-to, Places surrounding the water, and is synonymous with Phoen
ician City-States which dotted the coast of the Mediterranean from Spain to Isra

Sam Harris June 5, 2013 at 10:10 PM Nubia was part of southern egypt, you kn
ow that right? it was typically known that egyptians were a mixed race. they wer
e not pure black either.

Awill August 18, 2013 at 5:42 AM Im about 20% Eurasian like many African Ame
icans.. Am I of a mixed race?.. Am I NOT black??!! I believe its R1b lineage that
many use to claim Tut was European. First off, Tuts generation lived about 1,300
years after the pyramid builders. Secondly, R1b is Asian not European. Back mig
ration from Asia to Africa caused Tuts R lineage. These same R carriers brought i
t INTO Europe. So the statement made by spin artists that about 70% of Europeans
share lineage with Tut is true but thats because both have R1b from Asian migran
ts, NOT because Tut was European..

bunny December 6, 2013 at 1:33 PM racist pig

Alicia clery June 6, 2013 at 6:54 AM I just wanted to say thankyou for your
intelligence! This article has no basis in reality No evidence or anything! They
even have the nerve to say the Egyptian facial reconstructions do not look black
They obviously have never seen any then!

Cyrus June 6, 2013 at 9:16 AM The Ancient Egyptians were the same people you
find in Egypt today. By modern western racial slang, they were Middle Eastern. Its
pretty sick having to listen to all of these racist American black afrocentric
freaks spewing their hateThey can say it all they want to. Wont change anything in
the real world.

sadasdasd June 29, 2013 at 10:31 AM No, they werent middle eastern. Not even
Arab. Ancient egyptians looks like the hawaiian people, afro-indo people of ind
onesian island, and malay peninsula of today

Lola November 6, 2013 at 9:49 AM @sadasdad- Uh, Native Hawaiians are NOT afr
o-anything. Theyre most closely related to the Chinese, more specifically to Thai
people. Youre completely ignorant on their culture apparently. Ive done the resea
rch, my grandmother is Native Hawaiian. They are descendents of Asians, not Afri
cans. Theyre not like Aboriginals from Australia, theyre completely different. Sto
p spreading lies. Theres NOTHING African about Native Hawaiians.

southafrican February 9, 2014 at 12:07 PM im sorry but i dont know where you
. i am also a scientist and archaeologist and there is no evidence whatsoever wh
ich proves that the egyptian civilisation came from southern africa! and what th
e hell does desmond tutus name have to do with tutankamen?

SirusSpeaks July 16, 2012 at 9:57 AM According to Jean Francois Champollion
( French archaeologist) who deciphered the Rosette Stone which indicated that an
cient Egyptians in their own handwriting stated that they came from the highland
s of Ethiopia. People living in the Horn of Africa ( East Africa) do have mid-br
own to brown complexions with caucasoid feathers; much like people from modern d
ay countries of Somali, Ethiopia, and djibouti. Not all black people are negroid
. Some are caucasoid, austroloid, or a half way between both penotypes. The Copt
s of Egypt are mixed with people of Greek and other Mid-eastern ancestry and wou
ld not be a good example of how the ancient Egyptians looked. The Beji people of
southern Egyptian would more closely related to the ancient people of Egypt. An
cient Egyptians civilization was original found by people who traveled from sout
h east Africa who followed the river north and then intergrated with nomes of lo
wer egypt to establish the Kingdom. During later periods of history outside popu
lations called ( hyskos) moved into to Egypt mixing with the indigenous populati
on and becoming a melting pot. Nubians from the south of Egypt and northern Suda
n where conscripted into the Egyptians army and culture accompanied with Libyans
and other populations from the Levant ( middle east) who varied in skin tones f
rom light to dusky to dark. Due to the continued flow of people from surrounding
countries skin complexion varied; but for the most part many of the ancient egy
ptians where dark and would be considered black by modern standards. The ancient
s Egyptians had a 3,000 year history. Greeks and Romans did not conquer Egypt un
til later part of the dynasty era around 500BC. The Arab invasion took place in
700AD and through migration and replacement change the Egypt population. The ori
ginal name of Egypt is Khem, Cham or the land of Ham.

Vince Bingham July 17, 2014 at 8:17 AM Where do you get this Bullsh#t histor
y from? Heres the painful truth. And believe me if I had ancesters that were like
that I would make up one too. First off their were no such thing as Arabs that fa
r back. They are just a mud race. (mixed). And lets face it Sub Saharan Africans
did not learn how to grow food until the 1800s!! And yet they built the pyramids? L
ook at some of the reliefs on the walls. It shows Nubian captives, and they are
drawn exactly like a black. They make themselves tan color. Why? The only civili
zed ones were lived and learned near other cultures. A good example is the spain
ish, Portugese. Americas slave trade. They were completely primitive, but learned
when taught.

denarius simba July 19, 2012 at 9:35 PM dont listen to the author of this ar
ticle because if he was truly a researcher he would know that ancient egyptian s
keletons fit for the negroid(african race) skull and egyptians used copper gold
as representation of purity and i am african, 15 with a gpa of a 4.2 i am the #1
in my school (as of gpa) with the highest eoct and pre sat scores in the school
and most of my classmates are white(european descendents) so i want you to know
you are wrong for demeaning my ancestors achievements and have you even been to
egypt to figure that out(no) but i have you slandered my race but i wish u the

Jennie August 19, 2012 at 7:03 PM You have got to be kidding me. Those very
negroid features of Egypt resemble some of the negroes from the block! Obviously
you placed your anti negroid glasses on to do this report! I am Black and posse
ss an above average intelligence. What about all the dumb white people in traile
r parks out there? Whatcha got to say about them? By the way, they line dance ve
ry well. Ps , what about the smart black doctors ,lawyers and engineers so on in
society. You sound very dumb. If your theory was true, how did they succeed ? W
as it through placing a white brain in each day before attending the university?
You make me pee my pants! One thing about being black, Ive been around enough of
them to know what our features look like. When Europeans began excavating those
tombs and found those black faces, they immediately started to come up with the
bullshit your just wrote! These white men did not know after slavery and bondge
s were inflicted against the black race , they were going to uncover a civilizat
ion that was going to make every lie they spoke about our intelligence dissipate

Robert Lindsay August 19, 2012 at 7:11 PM Banned again sweetheart.

Dennis January 3, 2013 at 1:38 PM Well said Jennie, Dennis UK

Noelle January 3, 2013 at 5:00 PM Dennis, you ignorant slut, England was one
of the latest countries to start slave trading (1672) they formed the royal afr
ican trading nationbefore that, the protugese and spanish were notorious for slav
e trade, and were sold black slaves by the west africans, thats recent historyEyg
ptians are not negroidshow many races are there Dennnis? sub saharans, east afric
an -nilo, maybe cushitic/chadic.the egyptians of oldthousands of years ago, are no
t the blacks walking around in the united states.sure people were dark, look at t
he walls of the tombsthe only dark skinned I see is the nubiansand what the hell i
s wrong with some DNA exploring? maybe one could only go back so faror find littl
e traces here in therewho iknows what the future holdsbut for some people on this
site, to want to whiten up or darken up culturestoo bad for themit all sounds like
, mine is better than yours, school bsand to say that the evidence is out there,
but scholars and such dont want to give it to the blacks is bull hockywhats wrong
with doing DNA and perhaps seeing if, cushitic/chadics or what everis egyptian,
but my monies ontheir race went out a long time say that neffertiti looks l
ike one of the bi-racial women we have in the stateswhat the hell is that saying?
only that, since slaves were bought here, they have had, white/european genesvoi
la beyoncebut what did those negros look like when they came during this countrie
s slave timeblack as night, and very africanthats not egyptianif you want to go tha
t way, by what alot of people here argue aboutfacial feature.there are so many fac
tors, and alot of info, needs to be looked atfrom ABC, to DNA, to what ever crops
up.Ill say it againancient egyptians are not the blacks living todayin eygptsay what
you will, Iam of the school, that disagrees tiime line is off,

Sydney Light March 5, 2013 at 11:40 PM There are LOTS of really really dumb
white people. Right now, America has one of the most intelligent presidents ever.
This is not about racial superiority, its about accuracy. The earliest founders
of Egypt were the megalith builders who created great cities all over the globe
. They were not indigenous to Egypt, or South America, either for that matter. N
o one alive can claim themthey are gone, and we do not know where they came from,
but they were a lot more intelligent than anyone living today. After they left,
there were several different genetic clusters that came to rule Egypt over the
many centuries. The best we can do is figure out who the great megalith builders
were. Lets all stop trying to claim a heritage that belongs to everyone.

jeni September 2, 2013 at 9:12 PM Hi Jennie, as an Egypt studies major, here
is what we learned this past semester in my African Haplotypes class. Ancient E
gyptians were approximately: 68% Negroid (sub-saharan) 22% Mongoloid (far east) 8% Ind
o European 2% Pre-Arab Semitic While predominantly black, they are truly a mix. In o
ur class the data used was a composite of genetic material from mummies, and DNA
/RNA from many familial burial plots. These plots were located throughout Egypt,
and are basically a poor mans resting place. Sand burials. Both the royal lineag
e and the everyday man shows the same markers for the percentages. Egyptians were a
mix, much like Greeks, Polynesians, Peruvians, (Americans) and most ethnic group
s. Most people today would classify Egyptians as black, as that is well over hal
f of their DNA. They would have looked much like Egyptians today, with more text
ure in their hair (according to my Prof at Brown University) I identify myself a
s white (Caucasian) though my maternal grandmother is from India. I look white.
The Egyptians did not look completely Negroid, the way most people would picture
someone from Ghana, but they were black with Asian, Indian, and Semitic ancestr
y as well. I think to suggest that these ancient peoples; who influenced many of
our modern ideals including culture and government were white, is uninformed. I
n some cases, it is a surpressed truth, and very unfortunate for the Blacks of t
oday. Hopfully this will not be the case as more people attend Universities, bec
ome better educated, and drop the longstanding prejudices so common in these tim

Lola November 6, 2013 at 9:54 AM Someone doesnt understand averages. The ave
age African-American IQ is 85, 15 points lower than the average white IQ, 20 poi
nts lower than the average Asian IQ. The average African (black) IQ is 70, borde
ring on mentally-disabled. Give me a break. Just because there are a few intelli
gent people in the black race, does not mean the entire race is intelligent on a
verage. If youre so intelligent, you would comprehend this.

tammy ross February 9, 2013 at 5:08 PM If they were black, where did the str
aight hair come from? and what difference does it really make anyway? We are all
made in Gods image.

Awill August 22, 2013 at 11:23 PM Srry to troll but this racist dichotomy is
null and void! Ignorant slut..England was one of the latest countries to start sla
ve trading.. An irrelevant point preceded by pointless banter, eh? Heres my own: Som
e people never get it and some countries never enslaved millions. Sub Saharan, East
African, -nilo, maybe Cushitic/chadic Stop kidding yourself these are all brown sk
inned Africans. No ones dark as nightor jet black ,only dark brown. I had thought o
r maybe just hoped this was common knowledge. Using your logic, many Europeans are
claiming WAAAAY too much history. By your standards only Greeks should take pri
de in the oldest European traditions of math and writing. Only Italians should cla
im Rome and I believe it was Portugal/Spain, under rule of Muslim and African Mo
ors that was the center of early/8th century Europe.. Its funny the Spanish and P
ortuguese are mentioned as starting the slave trade because I personally believe
widespread European disdain for blacks may have began with Spain and Portugal a
s they were conquered and ruled by these dark people or moors for about 7 centurie
s. Egyptians are not negroids I assume by Negroid you mean Bantu or typical West Afric
an people. No one said Egyptians were/are Bantu, neither are Somalis or Ethiopia
ns. These are all different African people. Calling Bantu the only REAL africans
when EAST AFRICANS ARE THE OLDEST POPs in the WORLD/Africa is obvious bias. Also
, Narmer(1st king, 1st dynasty) looks very Bantu, which is no surprise given the
Bantu Expansion. Yet some English people feel they can claim Macedonian history.
Why?.. Because theyre both considered European correct. Egyptians ARE Africans, b
rown skinned Africans. More importantly, their culture stems from within Africa.
Egypt began as an African nation, both in population and practices. Tammy Ross sa
ys if they were black, where did the straight hair come from Well, where does straig
ht hair come from? Where does nappy hair come from? What is the original human phe
notype? These questions need to be answered before this often asked question. Th
e broad nose and extremely curly/nappy hair evolved to deal with VERY humid envi
ronments. Ethiopia and Sudan arent mostly rainforest, theres no reason to assume t
he first people/Africans would have evolved humidity responses like the populati
ons that broke from them and entered the jungle. Even the Great Apes have straig
ht hair.

Pkr November 23, 2013 at 12:54 PM Tammy Ross, Your latter sentence is spot o
n, but what preceded it is problematic. Both men and women in ancient Egypt shav
ed their head and many if not most wore wigs to keep cool. The difference that i
t makes is the truth should be told. Especially since lies have been told for ce

Cyrus June 6, 2013 at 9:19 AM If you are an African-American, those ancient
yptians were 100% NOT your ancestors. You need to go to someplace like Nigeria t
o findem.

TK August 27, 2013 at 4:31 AM D@s so stupid where do you think the people of
Nigeria come from they just appeared there. Every region comes from somewhere a
nd there are different tribes in Nigeria and most peoplr say they migrated from
the east hope you know ancient igbo people in Nigeria built pyramids . Have you
heard of the Benin or Oyo empire. You white people blew up our monuments and par
ked all our arttifacts google it dumbass

Heru October 2, 2013 at 12:45 PM Cyrus, West Africans are descendants of Eas
t AfricaDNA proves that. What do you think West Africans just fell out of the sky
or grew from the ground? Even the Dogon state they left Egypt during religious
turmoil mainly due to invasions. The Yoruba who happen to live currently in Nige
ria trace their roots back to Egypt. There is a tribe in Chad called the SaRa wh
ich means Sons of Ra Ra is a Nile Valley deity. Even the Zulus claim they left Egyp
t due to their leader Nguni. Nguni happens to be a name of a cattle that the Zul
us herd. You can also see that the culture of the Zulus is similar to ancient Egyp
t. Some Europeans fail African studies because they either refuse to study the e
ntire continent or just plain dont know due to ignorance. African Americans can c
laim any country in Africa just like Europeans are quick to embrace Greece, Rome
, Germany etc.. Besides Africans in general dont need permission from Europeans w
hen it comes to how they admire their own history. Europeans did not create Afri
can history and were not even around when Africans started to walk the Earth, so
what makes you think you have authority to tell Africans what to do yet alone h
ow to think? Thats like a grandchild trying to a grandparent how to think and wh
at to do. You cant even tell Asians what to do considering they are older than Eu

Pkr November 23, 2013 at 1:08 PM Cyrus, Africa is a vast continent and there
are other countries besides Nigeria. Do you remember this verse in the Bible: C
an the Ethiopian change his skin . Why travel across the continent when Egypt had b
lack neighbors?

Shari Rhodes May 28, 2014 at 1:40 AM Ive been reading through all these rema
ks and I just have to say this. It would be wonderful to know beyond a shadow of
a doubt exactly what race the original Egyptians were. My question is this.what
is it that prevents intelligent, logical people from discussing their various op
inions and findings, without animosity? Why does it have to be a spitting contes
t, with attitudes skewed by whatever race the speaker happens to be? The whole h
uman race is much more mixed than what the average person believes; I found that
out recently from getting my DNA analyzed. Im not what I thought I was, and I am
some things I never dreamed. To get to my point.other than just being curious re
garding the race(s) of ancient Egyptians, what difference does it really make? A
ll races make up the family of MAN, and none are less important than the others.
We just are we all exist as human beings on this planet. If we truly were all d
escended from one male and one female, and science says we were, then we are tru
ly all biologically related, right? This discussion is a prime example of a sick
ening intolerance that infuses mankind. I am so sick of racism and hatred, and p
utting each other down. How about just waiting for science to prove absolutely w
hat ancient Egyptians DNA was, and accept it for whatever it turns out to be?

Raynauld October 7, 2012 at 10:16 PM The Egyptians commented that Blacks wer
not very smart, but they were great athletes, entertainers and musicians. Some t
hings never change! Are you insane? How could you have been around 3,500- 4000 y
ears ago to hear such a comment, besides the Egyptions of Ancient Antiguity neve
r wrote about there history as to the origin of their race and the hieroglyphs h
ave never been deciphered, as far as copper skin tone sure their were various de
pictions symbols art etc, Studies show that the dominate population here in Americ
a and especially in Europe has always wanted the claim everything for them selve
s while excluding historical fact out of ancient Kemit. So they made up alot of
stories as they traveled, meaning the so called europeans or white explorers, wh
en they got there black people were already there, some kind of black people, ye
llow people or red, brown etc. Every body they ever found, (europeans) every tomb
they ever raided they found something symbolic of the black man, features, mouth
, hair, nose, if you do your research you will find that the black man is the ro
ot of civilizations. Research will tell you the alphabet science math and archit
ecture medicine came out of kemet (eygpt) if you can disprove any of what I am p
roclaiming I welcome you do so because I will provide evidence at the conclusion
. Over the last 1000 years their has been a protracted effort to make sure that wh
at we have done was eraced irrevocably from the minds of all our people, then ca
me alexander the greek the first known Europeon, up til that period Kemit was ru
led and bulit by blacks under the diraction of black Pharaohs. An error occurred. Try
watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled
in your browser. An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enab
JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. An error occurred. Unable to execute Java

jmb1969 August 12, 2013 at 11:07 PM Keep dreaming fuck-tard.just look at De
it,South Africa (after the blacks took over) total breakdown period in every face
t of life!!!!!

Heru October 2, 2013 at 12:54 PM Detroit collapsed due to the failure of the
auto industry and the fact that banks such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo and
Chase Red Line and Predatory Lending to Africans and Hispanics. There are several
lawsuits pending due to the unfair business practices by those institutions. Tho
se unfair business practices led to the housing crisis in Detroit and throughout
the country. There are plenty cities in America where Europeans are the majorit
y that are suffering even the Great Depression was proof of that. What happened
in S. Africa was due to the results of Apartheid.

Pkr November 23, 2013 at 1:44 PM Jmb1969, Detroit is a city, and the ancient
pyramids werent built in a day. Detroit will not be fixed in a day neither will So
uth Africa. Several decades of things within Detroit and outside of it caused th
e fall. And several decades of Apartheid wont be erased very easily. If the truth
was told the rapid decline in ancient Egypt may have started after the 31st dyn
asty when the Greeks and Romans took over.

bunny December 6, 2013 at 1:48 PM cave pig. even greece said europeans are a
bunch of savages

alpha5747 January 4, 2013 at 1:47 PM This is a response to most if not all o
f the comments made about the appearance or race of the Egyptians. First of all,
the use of the word Egyptian clearly shows how the arguments made are lacking i
n substance and removed from facts of reality. I am from Merita (misnomer Africa
). I still speak the language of the ancient Khem (as we would prefer to be call
ed). The region to which you refer as Egypt we know it as Itoure. This area incl
uded the Hapi Valley, parts of Europe, middle east and Indus Kush. Egypt is a wo
rd derived from Heg-Ptah/Hej-Ptah which means the rising of Ptah from within. Th
e word Africa is a derogatory term which the Greeks gave to us the Khem people a
s a spat for calling them Greek. The word Greek is derived fro the Medu word: Gr
er-Ka which means dark soul. Africa on the other hand comes from a Medu word: Af
ri-ka meaing burning/smoldering soul. This they did after invading our lands and
spent time in the initiation temples. These are facts, not emotional utterances
based on some racial bias of superiority. Those of you claim that caucasians ar
e the ancient Khemioo of Itoure, my question to you is why are you not speaking
and writing the language today? What is the origin of the Medu if you are descen
t from those who first spoke it? According to the history of my people ( the his
tory which the caucasian races will not docuument), the caucasian races invaded
our lands and forbade our people to speak/write the language or be put to death.
The observations made by caucasian explorers which led them to conclude that my p
eople were Ethiopians is not rooted in facts. Why should a history written by a
people who are known to have gone around to this day terrorizing other human bei
ngs, stealing, plundering, robbing, raping, pillaging, enslaving, renaming a peo
ple, committing mass genocide etc, be more credible than that told by victims? L
et me guess! It must be because they are white, superior, intelligent and theref
ore their research, scientific analysis, archeology etc is credible. And any oth
er method of investigation which does not follow rules that they have establishe
d and imposed on others must by default be unreliable. There are pyramids all ov
er the planet and these were built after the people of those lands received civi
lizing principles from the Khem people. My comments are just snippets. The rest
of the factual history of who we are can be found in our secret initiations that
had to be protected due to barbarism. Lastly to all: We are all human and posse
s the same capabilities of barbaric behavior as those who are now ruling and bei
ng destructive.

Gezwil Percy January 24, 2013 at 4:03 AM Profound.every word resonates with
uthi need not look further

southafrican February 9, 2014 at 12:23 PM There are pyramids all over the pl
net and these were built after the people of those lands received civilizing pri
nciples from the Khem people. this is the biggest load of crap ive ever heard. there
are pyramids all over the world but it didnt take black people to teach this to
other civilizations, they figured things out quite comfortably on their own. wh
ere is the evidence that black people travelled to south america or china to tea
ch them how to build pyramids?? they couldnt even build ships. lol

tshepokobane February 3, 2013 at 6:17 AM If you truly believe the nonsense t
hat you wrote above can you kindly give us the names and images of the first thr
ee Egyptian pharaohs or images of these pharaohs you talk about? And also explai
n how America, Australia & New Zealand became Whitesince you claim it is not [poss
ible for invaders to overrun the indigenous people?

Compassion February 4, 2013 at 1:36 PM Hey, who ever told you it is not poss
ible for invaders to over-ride indigenous folk. To the contrary. Egypt is too ho
t for a semi-white race to originate from there. Egypt is even hotter than the t
ropical African countries like Nigeria and Congo!.

ME April 2, 2013 at 11:44 AM If youre so learned you would know that Egypt
not always a desert and supported human life BEFORE it became arid. Not to menti
on, white people can live just fine it arid environments. Your assertions are la

Cyrus June 6, 2013 at 9:21 AM So, all those Middle Eastern people dont exi
n account of the heat?

SpirusSpeaks December 22, 2013 at 5:04 AM According to Jean Francois Champol
lion ( French archaeologist) who deciphered the Rosette Stone which indicated th
at ancient Egyptians in their own handwriting stated that they came from the hig
hlands of Ethiopia. People living in the Horn of Africa ( East Africa) do have m
id-brown to brown complexions with Caucasoid feathers; much like people from mod
ern day countries of Somali, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. Not all black people are Ne
groid. Some are Caucasoid, Austroloid, or a half way between both phenotypes. Th
ese people may possible mixed with people from the Arabian peninsula. The Copts
of Egypt are mixed with people of Greek and other Mid-eastern ancestry and would
not be a good example of how the ancient Egyptians looked. The Beji people of s
outhern Egyptian would more closely related to the ancient people of Egypt. Anci
ent Egyptians civilization was original found by people who traveled from south
east of Egypt around (Eritrea/Somalia) who followed the river north and then int
egrated with nomes of lower Egypt to establish the Kingdom. During later periods
of history outside populations called ( hyskos) moved into to Egypt mixing with
the indigenous population and becoming a melting pot. Nubians from the south of
Egypt and northern Sudan where conscripted into the Egyptians army and culture
accompanied with Libyans and other populations from the Levant ( middle east) wh
o varied in skin tones from light to dusky to dark. Due to the continued flow of
people from surrounding countries skin complexion varied; but for the most part
many of the ancient Egyptians where dark and would be considered black by moder
n standards. The ancients Egyptians had a 3,000 year history. Greeks and Romans
did not conquer Egypt until later part of the dynasty era around 500BC. The Arab
invasion took place in 700AD and through migration and replacement change the E
gypt population. The original name of Egypt is Khem, Cham or the land of Ham as
stated in the bible.

Sparkles September 1, 2013 at 11:46 AM Dont care what Egyptians call themsel
es as long as they dont try to hijack European heritage. They never have been, ar
e not and never will be, white.

Manny September 1, 2013 at 12:23 PM Right. just like the Dalit untouchables
an never be upper castes.

Manny September 1, 2013 at 12:25 PM And just like the Whites can never be up
per caste.

Ambrose D. Roger September 1, 2013 at 12:38 PM Manny you fucking Brahmin pie
ce of shit. You are a guy with a very small dick. Your father was a transvestite
and your mother liked sucking 13 year old boiis off. Your ass smells like saliv
a and your mouth smells like shit because your dad eats your shit while you lick
your husbands asshole. I honestly hope someone wipes India off the map because y
ou people are a 1 billion man waste of oxygen. Death to India. Death to Indians.
Kill all Indians!

Manny September 1, 2013 at 1:40 PM Do you know many upper caste Brahmins wou
ld have to wash their house clean if a whites (lower castes) visit their home? Its
not illegal you know.

Manny September 1, 2013 at 1:45 PM The reason I believe is, the upper caste
Brahmins are convinced..and they genuinely believe they are more civilized unlike
the lower caste/untouchables whites who have not evolved beyond their animalist
ic militaristic stealing and using violence against others as some kind of achie
vement. That would be like a bully thief beating others and getting stuff that d
oes not belong to them and then strutting around like they are something. This i
s looked down up by the civilized people of society. They also believe you have no
t evolved if you continue to eat dead carcass.. They look at it like you eating

Manny September 1, 2013 at 1:50 PM Although I am not a Brahmin and I pretty
much eat everythingI find it totally amusing when white supremacists are appalled
that there is someone else out there who thinks they are superior and that thes
e whites are like untouchables! HA HA!

Sammi wilson March 25, 2014 at 9:22 AM Well I think the the black people wer
egyptions because the whites were slaves once for Egypt they built the pyramids
but how the slavey for the black people was very different the black people sol
d off other black people. To the white man for slavery I guess the black people
when silly with being rich and every black person became a slave some how

Robert Lindsay May 1, 2014 at 8:37 PM All right nigga, I am banning you. Don
you have some hos in your stable to attend to and some crack customers waiting
for you on the corner?

Edeyan July 26, 2014 at 8:54 PM Hey Robert, it appears to me that youre a bi
time racist who doesnt even make effort to hide his dislike for black people. Th
e funny thing is I feel a great pity for you and those who bother to reply to yo
ur posts without perceiving that you are not objective in your writing but rathe
r very sentimental, rude, even violent. The way you categorize and stereotype al
l of black humanity by referring to crack corners is very offensive. If I were c
lose to you Id pour you a keg of hot oil just to help rid humanity of one of your
sorts. Pretty soon youd take over from Hitler and try to kill all blacks, Jews e
tc. As for Indians every one knows they are mostly always feeling inferior to Eu
ropeans. The whole thing is like a laughable contest from which there seem to be
no respite. You all should go to and become Jehovahs witnesses so the wo
rld can love themselves as one and be as peaceful as the witnesses are. Having s
aid my piece, I hope your site crumbles because you lack the ability to give us
factual information that is free of your dumb kill all coloured people attitude.
The next thing I know I will start hating Caucasians if I stay here one more se
cond and that bro, will be reducing myself to your animalistic level..#long hiss
# shake head#cant wait for this world to end and for God to ruin all those ruining
the earth like you..

Robert Lindsay July 26, 2014 at 9:01 PM All right Black lady, you are banned
. Head on back to the Welfare Office now, youre late for your appointment. HAND!

Vince Bingham July 17, 2014 at 7:55 AM Herodotus wrote while trying to find
the source of the Nile. He was with Egyptian guides and had been in Egypt for ye
ars studying it. When going southeast through libya to Ethiopia which they called
all black. They were taken by locals, who Herodotus says they were short in statyr
e and were black of skin. Why would he mention they were black if he had been wit
h blacks the whole time?? Because they were not black. They drew black nubians,
BLACK, but not themselves why? You cant pick and choose, look at the whole thing. b
l people!

Robert Lindsay October 2, 2014 at 2:54 AM All right Black man, you are banne
d. HAND now!

Rene December 31, 2014 at 11:27 AM Tulio I couldnt have said it better.

Wes Miller January 2, 2015 at 10:47 AM Rene if you agree with Tulip youre
t as much a racist idiot. Tulip said the Egyptians said blacks were stupid, but
great at sports & musicians. Thats contridiction as musicians as it takes above a
verage intelligence to play instruments. Egyptians were indigenous Africans aND by
ddefinition are not caucasian as the original people who populated Egypt came f
rom east Africa and the great Lakes which makes them sub saharan and black.

Dave Mowers January 2, 2015 at 3:55 PM the original people who populated Eg
came from east Africa Absolutely false! The Nile river valley has no inhabitants prio
r to the invasion by Celtae Scythians under Sargon of Persia. His son, Menes, is
the founder of the First Dynasty and that dynasty built the canals, dams and sy
stems that were used to control the annual flooding so a civilization could live
there. East Africans from Ethiopia, (a Greek name by the way) were called by the
Egyptians in the Middle to Late Kingdoms, Nubians, and were represented in hierogl
yphs as Black people. In those same hieroglyphs they are shown as laborers, slav
es and tribal groups who pay annual tribute to Egypt. They are also described as
revolting periodically and being brought back in line through war.

Wes Miller January 3, 2015 at 8:54 AM Mowers you are so delusional, where d
I start. 1)Give me the name of the scientists and the papers theyve written that
supports this nonsense. 2)I find it interesting you respond to this particular po
st but not the ones discussing ancient human migrations corroborated by DNA trees
. This data shows ancient sub Saharan Africans migrating into where Egypt is tod
ay and also populating the rest of the planet. 2A) Again modern man was born in th
e great Lakes of Africa and these Africans migrated north and populated the saha
ra before it became a desert and moved into the Nile valley as the sahara became
a desert. 3)The modern names of Egypt, Ethiopia or even Africa are references we
all can relate to and renamed by the conquers and not the original name of these
people or places. So your non point about Greek words is a ridiculous one. 4)Agai
n the Ancient Egyptians were indigenous Africans. They spoke an Afro Asiatic lan
guage. Afro is first because the language originated in Africa. See Dr. SOY Keita
on that, there are actual YouTube videos of his lectures where he shows the Egyp
tian culture language etc is proto african. 5) The only genealogy company to relea
se Tut DNA tribes and there study showed Tut was more closely related to sub Saha
ran Africans than caucasians and that includes the caucasian north Africans mixe
d European and Asian.

Wes Miller January 3, 2015 at 9:10 AM Nubians, and were represented in hier
yphs as Black people. In those same hieroglyphs they are shown as laborers, slav
es and tribal groups who pay annual tribute to Egypt. Mowers is another non point! E
gyptian iconography also show caucasians as slaves and paying tribute so what wa
s the point you were trying to make? Ivery also scene reliefs showing nubians and
Egyptians the exact same complexion so again what was your point. I also call b
ullshit on saying Egyptian complexion was dark red vs the brown it actually is.
The Egyptians are darker than I am and I never get mistaken for being caucasian.

Wes Miller January 3, 2015 at 9:27 AM Celtae Scythians Mowers thanks for
ift and saying these are the people who founded Egypts first dynasty. If you loo
k up thes people and by the time they had a culture Egypt was a already at least
2 thousand years old. Furthermore arent these the same people the Romans depicted
as barbarians lol.

Emma January 19, 2015 at 3:26 PM Oh, so now the one drop rule doesnt apply h
re all of a sudden. So according to your reasoning, Obama is black, but the anci
ent Egyptians some of whom (a minority of them) may have had some white blood ar
e white. You are one of those white guys who just cant accept or bare to think th
at black people could have been the anchor of most of what you falsely profess t
o have pioneered e.g. your religion, education etc. For your information Africans
are composed of different shades of black. From Ethiopians and Nubians in the no
rth east to the Yorubas and Fulanis in the west, the Tutsis, Hutus, Masais, and
Baganda in the east and the Zulus in the south just to mention a few. I urge to
re-educate yourself about Africa before you continuously make a fool of yourself
online. From your writings, you know little to nothing about Africa or the hist
ory of the region.
. AndrewV March 20, 2012 at 2:23 PM My second hand experience with Afr
ocentrist is that many of them are religion ridden and are members of Nation of
Islam. Apparently Egypt being black in antiquity is a tenant of their religion. Th
at they are impervious to any facts from science should come as no surprise. This
blog while still up, has not been updated since June 2010. However, follow the l
ink, read some of the articles and comments and you may see why I do not bother
arguing with an Afrocentrist.

Robert Lindsay March 20, 2012 at 2:51 PM Matildas Anthropology blog is an ex
ellent source, but she did have a few quirks. I really did feel that she was ant
i-Black. She was very much anti-Afrocentrist though, that is for sure. And she w
as very, very smart.

Gay State Girl March 20, 2012 at 4:01 PM Have you read Gordon Napier?

Robert Lindsay March 20, 2012 at 4:08 PM What does he have to say?

Gay State Girl March 20, 2012 at 4:28 PM He made an account Rahotep1, dedica
ted to dispelling the afrocentrists version and usurpation of Egyptian history.
He felt comfortable making some bold charges about Africans (nothing good ever c
ame out of Africa) under the protection of a pseudo-pseudonym but quickly closed t
hat account after he realized it was useless to argue with these people and afte
r he realized he got discovered by the institution he was affiliated with. No one
really takes the Afrocentrists or feminazis seriously. I dont know why anyone wou
ld consider them a threat or invest any energy into arguing with them.

Cyrus June 6, 2013 at 9:31 AM @Gay State Girl: No one really takes the Afroc
rists or feminazis seriously. I dont know why anyone would consider them a threat
or invest any energy into arguing with them. My thoughts exactlyIts like arguing wit
h spoiled, retarded children. Its best to just smile, pat them on the head, and w
alk away. Preferably to where the adults are mingling.

Deborah Boldt September 12, 2013 at 9:37 PM I agree 100%. You pretty much su
mmed it up in a few words. More than 20 yr of study myself. So I do not agree fo
r political reasons but because the breadcrumb lead to the door and into the int
erior of inner Africa. And you are right about the Ancient Egyptians they were x
enophobic and regarded the Royal line through of the Maternal mother. In some wa
y that we do not know the knew about the Mitochondrial DNA How did they know? I f
ind that truly amazing. The black male Y Chromosome causes a mutation the results
is Albinism. Weak muscles rapid aging some more server than others. It can effec
t the brain too. Evidence of this is the Republican Party and the people that in
sist that the Ancient Egyptians were White.

Lola November 6, 2013 at 11:05 AM LMAO. Someone does not understand albinism
. What an idiotic racist moron you are. Keep it up, its cute. I need a good laugh

Pkr November 23, 2013 at 2:10 PM Andrew V, African-centric are really Truth-
centric because there are facts that support African-centric claims. And opposin
g points of view are a desperate attempts to hide the truth, some of it is becau
se of ignorance, but most of it is to cover-up truth. Although my reply is late
it is better late than never.
. kevin g dukes March 20, 2012 at 2:45 PM this is just ur mom i
s the source for that stupid quote about blacks not being very smart..etc.but u dont k
ow the real source? your mother is a racist and a liar.

Robert Lindsay March 20, 2012 at 2:48 PM Black man, you are banned. My mothe
r has a 145 IQ and she attended two years of law school at US Berkeleys Boalt Hal
l. Shes a good source, but you are right, that I ought to track down a better sou
rce than someones word of mouth. I have a feeling she is right though, and shes no
more racist than any typical liberal White person.

tulio March 20, 2012 at 3:01 PM A high IQ and a law degree doesnt automatica
ly make one a reputable Egyptologist. But Im sure you knew that. Id just like to kno
w if the Egyptians really thought that or did it come from one of those early 20
th century anthropology books that considered black people the missing link.

Robert Lindsay March 20, 2012 at 3:13 PM I will call her tonite and ask her
where she got that quote from.

tulio March 20, 2012 at 3:36 PM Cool. Im quite curious.

Robert Lindsay March 20, 2012 at 9:55 PM I called her. She swears she heard
it, but she doesnt remember where. Must have been long ago too, because I have he
ard this from her since I was a kid.

Elias Mbanze August 21, 2012 at 2:15 PM Why does it hurt white people that s
omething good came out of Africa or that black people are smart? Why would you t
ry to argue if this was not true? I guess it is true what they say; The truth hur
ts. Why do these so-called white people, who are actually pinkish or sort of pale l
ooking people, have a huge interest in painting a bad picture about the Africans
? Just how exactly does it benefit them to put their time and resources into dis
torting the image of Africa? Well in all you do, just remember that we as Africa
ns find your claims futile and wont waste our time on your utter nonsense! The wo
rld may see the picture that you paint of us but it doesnt chance the reality abo
ut Africa. You can paint as many bad pictures as you want but we here in Africa
know the entire truth so it wont affect us in anyway. You can post as much crap as
you want but the facts will always remain straight. Unchanged by time or any att
empts of distortion.

Robert Lindsay August 21, 2012 at 4:30 PM Ok, Mr. Afreekan, you are banned.
Now head on back to your Dark Continent. Africas history is so unremarkable that
theres no reason for us to make up lies to make them look bad. That they accompli
shed little in their history is simply evident. The truth works well enough. No
need to lie about the non-accomplishments of Africans historically speaking.

Deborah Boldt September 12, 2013 at 9:44 PM You and your mother are sufferin
g from mutated chromosome syndrome Albinism. Crazy like a fox is one of the sympto
ms Robert Lindsay. For help see a doctor.

Robert Lindsay September 12, 2013 at 9:52 PM Ok Black lady, you are banned.
. dubz March 20, 2012 at 9:45 PM I find it to be almost laughable to s
ay that many African-centrist are members of the Nation of Islam or some sort of r
eligious zealots. So who do your average Eurocentrist follow? Whats interesting is th
at after being subjected to years of Eurocentric textbooks in my youth that excl
uded every group of peoples accomplishments on the face of the earth to the absol
ute exultation of the white European and Western Civilization, whereas artistic
depictions of all Indo-Europeans, let alone ancient Egyptians were all similarly
portrayed and represented as whites of Northern European ancestry, I began my o
wn research concerning this subject matter way before I had even heard of the Na
tion of Islam! The first I had ever read of Egyptians being Black came by way of the
accounts of historians of ancient Greece and other later European scholars, not
African or so-called Afro-centric scholars. If were going to input religiosity, it w
as the King James Bible that grouped Cushites of the Upper Nile valley and ancie
nt Nubia, now parts of Southern Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Sudan with the ancient
Egyptians, all being supposedly the descendents of Ham (Kem), along with the Can
aanites of the Levant who were also described phenotypically and derogatorily as
a Black African people in the Babylonian Talmud. Western scientist and researchers
of European ancestry developed and proved the Out of Africa theory, not a group
Black religious fanatics or cultural zealots! So be it science, religion, or early
European chroniclers and historians, they perceived nothing about ancient Egypt
that was relative to Europe, the Central steppes of Asia, or the Caucasus Mount
ains. The racializing of modern genetics in favor of attempting to create a separa
tely unique Caucasian race is bad science and a poorly subjective interpretation
of the data. The South didnt win the Civil war and the descendents of Eurocentric
revisionist, exclusionist, eugenicist, and racialist will not prevail either.

Matt March 22, 2012 at 6:55 AM There are afrocentrists. Outside of the ferti
le imaginations of Afrocentrists, there are no Eurocentrists. No one is saying t
he Egyptians were white like Swedes. Im certain that virtually everyone with an i
nformed opinion would admit that Egyptians were dark. They would almost certainl
y have trouble getting a cup of coffee in 1950s Mississippi. But to say they wer
e predominantly sub Saharan is complete nonsense. And its a fact that almost all Af
rocentrists are religiously motivated, usually by religions that are certifiably
loony. I hear Elijah Muhammad is coming for you in his Muthaship, dubz! LOL.

Herututuankoma March 28, 2012 at 5:37 PM There are plenty of Eurocentrics wh
o are religious as well ie Christians and Jews. So your point Matt, is pointless
. Fact is 2009 studies have shown that Nubians are the closest people ethnically
to ancient Egyptians. Fact is in 2012 DNATribes has released that the genetic o
rigins of the Amarna Pharaohs are from S. Africa, West Africa and African Great
Lakes region. Fact is Queen Tiye, King Tut grandmother was of Nubian descent, sh
e even had a temple built for her in Nubia. Fact is Diodorus a Greek scholar sta
ted that the Egyptians were a colony sent out by the Ethiopians. Life originated
in Sub Sahara Africa ie Ethiopa, Kenya, Tanzania region which means the ancient
Egyptians were of Sub Saharan descent like all Africans. Some Eurocentrics act
like Africans dont have the right to trace their roots back 20k yrs and more. Hon
estly Africans dont need permission or approval from Europeans as Europeans would
not even exist on Earth without Africans. Did your parents need permission or a
pproval from you when they wanted to do something with their lives? So why would
Africans who are the mothers and fathers of humanity need permission from a per
son like you when it comes to how they go back to study their own historyNOT your
story but THEIR Story!

menmac June 25, 2012 at 4:08 PM Excellent point,I have been reading these re
plies after reading the above article after searching for the truth of the DNA f
indings, and i have come to the conclusion that the people who are denying the t
he ancestry of the ancient Egyptians(white people) are doing so without any fact
s or even logical reason.Just a smug almost offhanded way of saying that they ta
ke pleasure in trying to deny black people of anything.I knew when i saw the His
tory channels depiction of the DNA test and later read that they dident publish al
l the results( see link)
s-pharaoh-DNA-for-real.aspx that it was a wash.To these people facts dont matter
so dont waste your time just understand that if they acknowledge the truth it wou
ld ruin there whole perception of the world.God is not white nor was Jesus nor a
re the Angles and yes white people neither where the Egyptians. LOL

Joshua Pitso September 9, 2012 at 6:37 AM I would like to know Matt and Robe
rt Lindsay what you gain from demeaning black people(egyptians), does that make
you look smart or superior? does it make you strong? Facts are facts and history
cannot be altered. your ancestors defeated africans and colonized them(fact), t
hey took with them the knowledge of the african, erased any african achievements
and history, rendered us useless and uncompetitive, it is known all over the wo
rld what the european caucasian did to africa and their continued perpetration i
n the continent to this day, why are you persistant in proving that we are not t
he descendants of the egyptians while the geographical location, arts and cultur
al observation, archeological evidence is proof to the fact. why are you bent on
keeping us down when we are actually down, does this fulfill your satisfaction.
Robert if really we were nothing as a people your mother wouldnt be concerned ab
out our inability in other disciplines but entertainment, sports and physical ac
tivities. is that why your sisters are obsessed with our physical sexual abiliti Matt as you said..

Robert Lindsay September 9, 2012 at 6:46 AM Look Black man, you seem pretty
agitated. Why dont you go get yourself a 40 oz and guzzle it down. Then you will
feel a lot better. Meanwhile you are banned!

nominay September 9, 2012 at 9:41 AM LOL Robert. You forget to suggest eatin
g fried chicken with that.

Lotus February 3, 2013 at 2:43 PM Wow! Ancient Egyptians nor current Egyptia
ns come from black heritage as you put it. There are many DNA studies that show
them to be caucasoid. Not white per say, but caucasoid. You can look those up an
d read them . I do believe Queen Tiye to be black based on paintings, but that i
s only 1 family out of the entire history of Egypt Egyptians to this day do not
even like blacks and use them to do menial work. Egyptians dont appreciate other
cultural groups trying to steal their history. They have a unique culture and He
ritage to themselves.

Compassion February 4, 2013 at 1:33 PM The present-day Egyptians are off-spr
ing of the invaders. Archeologists have found better pyramids in South Sudan, Nu

Lola November 6, 2013 at 11:16 AM If Africans are so great, superior, and ca
pable, WTF happened? You guys have had the beautiful continent of Africa for tho
usands upon thousands of years, yet have done what with it exactly? The ONLY thi
ng great that came out of Africa was Ancient Egypt and the giving black Nubians
credit for that is tenuous at best, ludicrous is more like it. They were brown,
like Middle Easterners, not black. The truth is that African blacks have an aver
age IQ of 70. They are not creators, inventors, they are mud-hut dwellers who th
ink raping babies will rid one of AIDS. They are as backwards and primitive as y
ou can get. This is why EVERY other race on the planet views you with disdain. Y
ou are destroyers, not creators. Yes, white people destroy too, but our race has
also contributed much to this planet. You wouldnt be on the computer spewing you
r nonsense in a white language if it werent for the white people who invented the
electricity that runs it, and the internet and computer that you use. You need
only take a trip to the Louvre or the Smithsonian to see the accomplishments of
the white race. In fact, you need only look around you, at the architecture, the
art, the form of government, the literature, the science, the medicine, etc. to
know that the black race isnt even competition to the white race. The black race
, on the other hand, you can go buy a Kanye West album or a Lebron James jersey.
Thats black contribution for you.

Mike Barnes September 17, 2012 at 3:05 PM lol @ the mothership

Heru October 2, 2013 at 1:04 PM Lotus, what proof do you have the modern day
Egyptians dont like Blacks? Here is proof from a Native Egyptian of his love for
. des March 20, 2012 at 9:48 PM Why are Copts closer to ancient Egypti
ans? Are not the Muslim Egyptians just descendants of Copts who became Islamifie
d over the centuries? I doubt that real Arabs (Arabians from the Arabian peninsu
la) settled or intermingled heavily in any of the non-Arabian (peninsula) Arab cou

Robert Lindsay March 20, 2012 at 9:53 PM Copts have way less Black in them.
They only marry their own kind, and they never kept slaves.

Xera March 20, 2012 at 10:00 PM Are the Egyptian Copts that ran Ancient Egyp
t close relatives of the Dravidians that settled in India?

Robert Lindsay March 20, 2012 at 10:21 PM Hi, not genetically, but no one kn
ows. We cant see genetic links extending back that far very well.

Xera March 21, 2012 at 6:11 AM Yeah there was someone saying the ancient Pho
enicians may have resembled Brown Indians but bred heavily with the North Africa
ns and other Europeans to form the present day Lebanese.

SirusSpeaks July 16, 2012 at 4:49 PM According to Jean Francois Champollion
( French archaeologist) who deciphered the Rosette Stone which indicated that an
cient Egyptians in their own handwriting stated that they came from the highland
s of Ethiopia. People living in the Horn of Africa ( East Africa) do have mid-br
own to brown complexions with Caucasoid feathers; much like people from modern d
ay countries of Somali, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. Not all black people are Negroid
. Some are Caucasoid, Austroloid, or a half way between both phenotypes. The Cop
ts of Egypt are mixed with people of Greek and other Mid-eastern ancestry and wo
uld not be a good example of how the ancient Egyptians looked. The Beji people o
f southern Egyptian would more closely related to the ancient people of Egypt. A
ncient Egyptians civilization was original found by people who traveled from sou
th east Africa who followed the river north and then integrated with nomes of lo
wer Egypt to establish the Kingdom. During later periods of history outside popu
lations called ( hyskos) moved into to Egypt mixing with the indigenous populati
on and becoming a melting pot. Nubians from the south of Egypt and northern Suda
n where conscripted into the Egyptians army and culture accompanied with Libyans
and other populations from the Levant ( middle east) who varied in skin tones f
rom light to dusky to dark. Due to the continued flow of people from surrounding
countries skin complexion varied; but for the most part many of the ancient Egy
ptians where dark and would be considered black by modern standards. The ancient
s Egyptians had a 3,000 year history. Greeks and Romans did not conquer Egypt un
til later part of the dynasty era around 500BC. The Arab invasion took place in
700AD and through migration and replacement change the Egypt population. The ori
ginal name of Egypt is Khem, Cham or the land of Ham.
. etype March 20, 2012 at 11:04 PM For one the designation of European
s as Caucasian is based entirely on fantasy, regardless of so called linguistic tr
acing. The theory originated to back up the British idea of they being a lost tr
ibe of Israel, and then put into the mouth of a eager and ambitious German anthr
opologist, because at that time anthropology in Germany was far advanced of any
other, so it was a appropriate branding to sell a propaganda yarn to other British
scholars. His German colleagues considered Blumenbach a complete fool and a bou
ght manand the theory wasnt established until the British used their propaganda ar
m to cement certain ideas they wished established after WWI. Neither are the so ca
lled exact science of genetics anything other than another propaganda hand tool. G
enetics is only just established and so far has only really served as a plank to
make logically laughable dives into the dumpster of preconceived and pre-ordain
ed ideas. All science has become a tool of the PTB. Example; physics and the recen
t work on quantum mechanics and computation. All this was done in the
t they revive it and slap a few possible hardware uses on it, and bam someone puts
his name to it and is credited with futuristic vision and given a Noble. This cir
cus of managed perception has gotten so bad they bring out a paraplegic idiot sa
vant or retard, pervert confined to a wheelchair, who speaks through a voice box
, write a book for him on string theory (again string theory was fully thought out
and formalized as hypothesis in the early 20th century) and put him on stage, g
ive him a noble prize for his groundbreaking work, (which is just regurgitation)p
erfectly confident of ahs and oohs instead of laughter and scorn. Stephen Hawking
is a circus clown, and so was Einstein, they are actors copywrited figures to pus
h forward larger ideas of what they want an impression on society as a whole. Si
nce the formation of the Royal Society of Sciences science has been deemed to im
portant to be left to scientists and logical inquiry and is considered governmen
t property as a form of media. The bottom line is all these avenues of inquiry are
using tainted sources that should be used with great caution, for they are at b
est only partial truths. Any person of average intelligence can see the myriad o
f engravings and artifacts of ancient Egyptian providence tell a story that the
only Negroes present were slaves. Yet everyone feels they have a nod (especially
as sanctioned victim) to get into the action and make up the past, present and
future according to their woes and wants. Sorry about the long post
. etype March 20, 2012 at 11:20 PM another bottom line is that even th
e most intelligent of us has only a very sketchy conception of what happened two
weeks ago. Reconstructions of two weeks ago, much less two or three thousand ye
ars ago are almost like accounts of dreams no matter how much societies lends it
s imprimatur and becomes militant in its certainty of ordained truths, time again
they are proven completely and entirely wrong. The only lasting general truth i
s everything is wrong. Statistically, the above axiom has proven %99.99 correct. Think
of how throughout history humanity looks back and takes note of how utterly del
uded and phantasmal common knowledge was in all areas yet each era is absolutely
adamant they are cutting edge and possessed of eternal truth. Well this rule ha
s held true for all of human history you can be assured the future will look bac
k and see everything we think we know today is as primitive groping in the dark
punctuated with flashes of imbecility. Trust yourself and no one else everything i
s wrong.
. Pepperoncini March 21, 2012 at 6:42 AM Easier to tell who they werent
rather than who they were.
. asante March 21, 2012 at 7:17 AM I doubt that the ancient egyptians
were either african or caucasianoid. Ive studied this subject at SOAS and most of
the sources i looked at and most of my own tutors found little much to go on sc
ientifically of culturally

Pepperoncini March 21, 2012 at 7:49 AM My best guess is some dark skinned ra
ce , somewhat like a Cushitic speaker but with straight hair . Or assuming that Su
merians were dark skinned as they called themselves the Black Headed People, the
Ancient Egyptians could phenotypically have more in common with dark skinned an
cient peoples stretching from Sumer to Elam to Indus. I am not saying they were
the same race as these other people because linguistics does not show a connecti
on, am only saying that from a phenotypic POV they (AE) likely more closely rese
mbled these dark skinned ancient Easterners than others. The tomb of Seti I which
has fresco of the 4 races that Ancient Egyptians knew about shows them being dif
ferent from Libyans (Berbers), Nubians and Asiatics (Asyrians). The Egyptian pot
ray themselves as red/brown/ochre color and their beard is not caucasoid looking
like the Asiatics and Libyans beard. The Nubian obviously looks different from th
e Egyptian in skin tone and features.

Ruth Feldman January 25, 2013 at 3:04 AM From what I read about the color of
Egyptian males, on wall paintings, was that they were always painted, as an art
istic convention, that red-brown color. The Egyptian women were usually depicted
as pale yellow. The men and women were not of different races. You cant tell wha
t color ancient Egyptians were from the wall paintings. But there must have been
a lot of racial mixing between Egyptians and the black nations around them. Egy
pt was conquered by a neighboring black nation twice, with black pharaohs placed
on the throne. There are at least two sphinxes in honor of those pharaohs.

anansi January 25, 2013 at 4:49 AM Ruth If one was to asked what color the R
omans were,most would say white and most cases that would be true but as time pass
es by they would absorb more people who would become Romans, not not just slave
or working class either,but religious figures,writers, high ranking soldiers and
even an emperor or two, Ex :Now when the confusion in the state was at its height
, inasmuch as it was made known that there were three several emperors, Septimiu
s Severus, Pescennius Niger, and Clodius Albinus, the priest of the Delphic Apol
lo was asked which of them as emperor would prove of most profit to the state, w
hereupon, it is said, he gave voice to a Greek verse as follows: Best is the Dark O
ne, the African good, but the worst is the White One. p449 2 And in this response i
t was clearly understood that Niger was meant by the Dark One, Severus by the Af
rican, and Albinus by the White One. 3 Thereupon the curiosity of the questioner
s was aroused, and they asked who would really win the empire. To this the pries
t replied with further verses somewhat as follows: Both of the Black and the White
shall the life-blood be shed all untimely; Read more: http://egyptsearchreloaded.p B
ut if one were to ask were the Romans culturally European,or more correctly Medi
terranean then that answer would be more precise. so then it was with ancient Ke
met and most cosmopolitan civilizations, for at its core Kemet was African and sp
rang from an African populous as far south as the great lakes area,the Sahara an
d the Horn of Africa.

Dave Mowers October 17, 2014 at 9:57 PM Tell me where you find Zecharia Sitc
hins Sagigi, in here translated as, Black-headed people?
sd/nepsd-frame.html I know your answer, Penn States, the oldest Sumerian translatio
n effort in the world, is obviously part of the Great Grand White Conspiracy to
falsify history as a means of disenfranchising African blacks. Go with the guy w
ho translates Sumerian words into, Rocket-ship and Aliens, and claims the planet was
colonized by entities from outer space who flew here on a secret planet no one
can see because it is hidden out past Pluto somewhere!
. Matt March 21, 2012 at 7:32 AM Get a load of these clowns lol An error
occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it i
s disabled in your browser.
. Gael Force Nine March 21, 2012 at 3:07 PM Hi, first post. Ive been in
terested in Egyptology since I was a kid, to the extent of having bought Gardine
rs Egyptian Grammar and learning the language. Which is not that difficult, compare
d with such languages as Latin, Classical Greek, Hebrew etc., and actually quite
fun There was definitely a pecking order, of which skin colour was a part, but it
was closer to present-day Brazil than Apartheid South Africa.http://en.wikipedi is an example of a dark-skinned woman with Nubian-like features
who made it to the top. Modern Copts, as you mention, only marry among their own k
ind and are visibly distinct from Muslim Egyptians, who vary between almost pure
Copt all the way to almost pure Arab. The most notable characteristic is that m
any have broad shoulders and a narrow waist exactly as depicted in Egyptian Art.
. dubz March 21, 2012 at 8:11 PM The most well-known and only depictio
n that has been exposed to the general public of Nefertiti (that youre referring
to) is the only depiction of her that has come under scrutiny as being a fraud.
All other depictions of Nefertiti, including a computer-generated reconstruction
of her skull by way of modern-day forensic science applied to x-rays reveals th
at of an African woman. That which I submit below was not the creation of any Af
rican-centered Egyptologist or artist. When real science is properly applied to th
e evidence, not being swayed by prejudice, institutionalized racism, or distorte
d eurocentricity, then the truth in the end always prevails.

dubz March 21, 2012 at 8:20 PM

Robert Lindsay March 21, 2012 at 9:29 PM As you can see, looking at that phe
notype, Nefertiti looks nothing at all like a Black woman. Look at that long, ta
ll, thin nose. Extremely Caucasoid feature. Now, I am not sure she is a European
either, but she aint no Negroid African. She is probably some sort of indigenous
North African Caucasoid.

bbblackwell December 18, 2012 at 6:38 PM hummm,,thats crazy because im black
and i have a long thin nose so what your sayin is all black people have big fla
t noses?? im just trying to be clear about the point your making,, August 25, 2013 at 6:36 PM Youre an idiot and probably
a Jew! If youre indigenous to Africa, Youre probably African. White people like yo
u are the reason every other country in the world hates whites. Just like every
other single country in Africa, Kemet produces blacks. The current inhabitants o
f Egypt are land whores! Just like white America! The same way Euros did America
is the same way the Greeks then the Arabs did Egypt.

Robert Lindsay August 25, 2013 at 9:36 PM All right Black man, you are banne

Robert Lindsay March 21, 2012 at 9:26 PM Look man, this is 100% crap. Unless
by African you mean Egyptian. Right. Nefertiti I assume was just a typical Egyptian
woman. I read an analysis of skulls and genes in the American Journal of Physic
al Anthropology. The genetic samples tested: 91% Caucasoid 9% Black African The skulls
lined up very well with the skulls of modern Egyptian people. I believe that th
e phenotype is best expressed in the Copts because they have the least Black adm
ixture. The modern Egyptians are much more heavily admixed with Black than the a
ncients were. The moderns may be up to ~30% Black (not sure), but the ancients w
ere only 9% Black. The Egyptian people have gotten much Blacker over time since
the fall of the Dynasties.

dubz March 21, 2012 at 11:40 PM Robert, Im trying to figure out what modern
nd legitimate scientific study uses the shape of the nose alone to determine eth
nicity, race, or genetic origins? Being that it has been proven that Africa, the c
radle of all mankind is the most genetically diverse region or continent on the
face of the earth, sub-Saharan Africans exemplify just about every phenotype kno
wn to man, there is no one monolithic sub-Saharan African facial feature, hair t
exture, skin complexion, nose shape, or cranium; All human phenotypes are not on
ly found in sub-Saharan Africa, but are derived from their most ancient sub-Saha
ran genetic predecessors. The Ancient Egyptians looked to their beginnings in the
South (the Upper Nile) not in the North or Asia. Im sorry Robert, a thin nose is no
t exclusively an European trait. I think the picture itself, which was reconstruct
ed by a white forensic scientist (not the Afrocentrist most here despise) speaks v
olumes, and most people can see that this is the facial representation of a woma
n that is still present throughout sub-Saharan Africaand these more aquiline-feat
ured unmixed African people, as seen today in Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Mali,
Niger, Chad, Southern Egypt, and Rwanda view themselves as being Black Africans
relative to all other sub-Saharan Africans on the continent. But this is what I ha
ve always found absolutely fascinating, that throughout White Eurocentric histor
y, excluding a few exceptions, Europeans colonizers, scholars, intelligentsia, a
nd the general White population always referred to the Australoid, Dravidian, and
every other group of dark-skinned non-whites as being Black and in many cases used
other derogatory terms, same as directed at Black African people worldwideso I g
uess its alright to postulate online that the East African, Australoid, Dravidian
, and many of these other non-white people are truly Caucasians, while white society
as policy refer to them or treat them in the real world as something different
than any other Caucasian brethren because of their ancestry, features, and most
obvious skin color. Based on all I have read, heard, and studied, its obvious that
the Aborigines of Australia didnt get the memo, putting them on the same footing
as their white Australian Caucasian counterparts. They are refer to as Blacks and
not Caucasians, and in most cases, refer to themselves as being Black people. This w
hole dark-skinned proto-Caucasian myth is really convoluted, disingenuous, and has
never had much appreciable merit to those who some whites desire to incorporate a
nd manipulate within this myth.

Robert Lindsay March 22, 2012 at 12:08 AM Most Australoids by skulls are Asi
ans. A few Australoids by skulls are Caucasoids by genes. Some Australoids by sk
ulls, Aborigines and Papuans, are also Australoids by genes. All Dravidians are Ca
ucasoids genetically, and most are Caucasoids on skulls. East Africans are very in
teresting. They are usually tossed into Blacks or Africans, but true Horners are
quite honestly a completely separate race that is neither Black nor White. We c
an do this separation on a clear genetic basis. What race the skulls of the Horn
ers fall into, I have no idea. The Horners are VERY different and best seen as a
race in between Black Africans and Caucasoids. All of the racial groups Caucasoid
s, Africans, Australoids and Asians, form in general very nice compact groups in
which we can differentiate out these races genetically very easily.

Robert Lindsay March 22, 2012 at 12:10 AM The proto-Caucasoids may well have
been dark skinned. We dont know. White skin only goes back 11,000 years in Europ
e. Before that, Caucasoids were probably quite a bit darker.

Herututuankoma March 28, 2012 at 6:19 PM East Africans are 1st and foremost
Africans. Now you use the word black but you fail to realize that with that word c
ome diversity. Africans in general are the most diverse ethnic group that there
is on Earth. Even Cornell University has researched that and reported it with th
eir findings that Whites are genetically weaker than Blacks I agree with Dubbz tha
t Aboriginals in Australia have been thrown into the category as being black peop
le. In fact they were part of the migration of Africans who left Africa circa 70K
yrs ago. When the British invaded Australia they killed off the Aborigines and
treated them just as bad as they did Africans back on the mother continent and e
ven the Redman Indians. When you use the word blackhat exactly do you mean? There
are Aborigines in Australia who are darker than Wesley Snipes. The Dravidians ar
e very dark as well same as the Negritos of Asia. See blacks if you want to use th
at word are not just subject to Africa or even America, in fact it was those blac
ks who were the 1st people on Earth and 1st to migrate the Earth. It really Euroc
entrics who like to mislabeled things so they can shrink the numbers of blacks so
they can try to use their diametrical view of life all for exploitation and thei
r financial gains. In all honestly why should Europeans feel as if their word ov
erseas the original people to walk this Earth?

Michael Porter March 27, 2012 at 12:05 PM Sorry about this, Dubz Im not ca
ng doubt on YOUR integrity, but This is a photograph of the banqueting scene from t
he tomb of Nebamun and Ipuky: And this is a portion of the scene as it appears on t
he Afro-centric blog To-Seti: One Afro-centric blog posting doctored images where E
gyptian red ochre is replaced by lamp black doesnt prove that ALL Afro-centric bl
ogs are fraudulent, I know that, but what is going on?

Heru October 2, 2013 at 1:43 PM From National Geographic: By S. O. Y. Keita,
enior Research Associate, National Human Genome Center, Howard University; Resea
rch Associate, Anthropology, Smithsonian Institute Based on fossil and DNA evidence
, modern humans may have existed in Africa as many as 140,000 years before they
successfully colonized other parts of the world. Considering this from an evolut
ionary perspective, we should expect great diversity among indigenous Africans,
and this is what has been found, even when northern African populations have bee
n excluded from the research. All human populations exhibit biological variation
in one way or another, and there is no single way to be biologically Africannot
by DNA, skin color, hair form, blood type, or variation of face and nose. Fossil r
emains of modern humans have been found in the Nile Valley, including those of a
child from Taramsa, in Egypt, believed to date to 60,000 to 50,000 years ago, t
hough perhaps to as much as 80,000 years ago. The Nazlet Khater skeleton, also f
rom Egypt, dates to around 33,000 years ago. Excavations in Egypt have also prod
uced skeletal remains that date back to the cultures immediately preceding and f
ollowing the first kings of a united Egypt, around 3100 B.C. By carefully using
various scientific techniques, one can determine changes over time in the skelet
al pattern of a particular place. The pattern of the craniofacial region and lon
g bones is believed by most investigators to be helpful in understanding the for
ces of evolution on a population and, in some cases, when the pattern can be com
bined with other information, the populations region of origin. A similar pattern
among different groups may indicate either a common ancestral origin, populatio
n interactions via intermarriage, and/or a common adaptive pattern related to th
e environment. Other information may help in assessing the meaning of similarity
. There has been scholarly interest in the biological variation and genealogical r
elationship of the ancient Egyptians to other populations outside of the Egyptia
n Nile Valley. There is no scientific reason to believe that the primary ancesto
rs of the Egyptian population emerged and evolved outside of northeast Africa. S
keletal analyses have figured prominently in research. When comparisons to non-E
gyptians are made, depending on which samples and methods are used, the craniofa
cial patterns of ancient Egyptian show a range of similarities to other African
populations, Near Easterners, and Europeans. Overall, these studies can be inter
preted as suggesting that the Egyptian Nile Valleys indigenous population had a c
raniofacial pattern that evolved and emerged in northeastern Africa, whose geogr
aphy in relationship to climate largely explains the variation. Dental affinity
studies generally agree with the craniofacial results, though they differ in the
details. The body proportions of ancient Egyptians generally are similar to tho
se of tropical (more southern) Africans. Very little DNA has been retrieved from a
ncient Egyptian remains, and there are not many studies on the modern population
. However, the results of analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the Y chromo
some in the living Egyptian population show the existence of very old African li
neages that are consistent with the fossil remains and of younger lineages of mo
re recent evolution, along with evidence of the assimilation of later migrants f
rom the Near East and Europe; mtDNA is passed only through the female line, from
mother to offspring, and the relevant part of the Y chromosome, the nonrecombin
ing section, passes only from father to son. The basic overall genetic profile o
f the modern population is consistent with the diversity of ancient populations
that would have been indigenous to northeastern Africa and subject to the range
of evolutionary influences over time, although researchers vary in the details o
f their explanations of those influences. So that debunks your 91% Caucasian and 9%
Black African myth. The further you dig the darker it gets. Africans can dig the
ir origins all the way back to the Twa people aka pygmies. Which happens to have
a deity modeled after them named Bes and Ptah. I have yet to see one Egyptian & Nub
ian deity modeled after an European or Caucasian. The name of their deities is n
ot even European in origin. End of Story
. Gael Force Nine March 21, 2012 at 9:17 PM Nefertiti was probably Tiy
es daughter-in-law. Not even a blood relation. I have to say probably because histo
rical revisionism has a history almost as long as, well, history. However, both
were depicted frequently in art, and they look nothing alike. And I forgot to ment
ion Egyptians typically did not have straight hair, more wavy or a bit curly, li
ke modern North Africans. The mummies of Tiyes parents, both amazingly well prese
rved, and many other mummies, show this. Hair was normally very short, the elabo
rate headdresses you see were wigs. They must have been unbearable to wear putti
ng on the headdress, the false beard, and, in earlier dynasties, the tail, must
have taken ages and the ceremonies were surely not short. If you spend the small a
mount of money and take the not extensive amount of time to learn to read the la
nguage, you will be pleasantly surprised at how human Ancient Egyptians were. Wh
ile most inscriptions are of the bombastic form you will find on Roman Triumphal
Arches and Communist-era newspapers, the less formal stuff (ostraka and the lik
e) are a bit wooden sometimes, but you get the feeling of a people with a fairly
dry sense of humour, and capable of taking a joke against themselves. The mothe
r-in-law joke, it seems, is as old as writing. Probably as old as marriage. Hierog
lyphics, commonly perceived as a first crude attempt at writing and not a very g
ood one, are actually quite good for representing the language. Firstly, a rarel
y-used symbol is quite often spelled out; and there is always the determinative
to give you a clue. So if you come across something lthat looks like a mongoose
strangling an iguana, and you cant find it in the dictionary, it will almost cert
ainly be followed by a full or partial spelling out, So (Im making this example u
p) you come across nwt and you cant find it in the dictionary; but its actually wr
itten nwt.nw.female determinative. Single female nouns end in -t. This gives you
the clue that the unfortunate iguana is probably a female name and the writer h
as just made you familiar with another hieroglyph. Wasnt that helpful of him? When
you see tourist guides reading obelisks to tourists they may have just memorised
it, but they may not be faking it. Its only a hobby for me, but I can sight-read
hieroglyphs in a way I wish I could sight-read music. Of course, I can always s
top and consult the dictionary, which I cant with music.

Michael Porter March 27, 2012 at 11:18 AM Surely the biggest problem with th
e written language is the absence of vowels. Apart from a consonantal y and a co
nsonantal w, theres only a glottal stop with no indication of which vowel-sound i
t introduces. As a consequence no one really knows what the language sounded lik
e, and even the most recent transliterations are partly guess-work. No sooner ha
ve you got used to Sebeknefrure than she reappears as Sobknofru. Likewise Hatshe
psut becomes Hashepsowe, Senusret becomes Senwosre, and Radjedef becomes Djedefr
e. One thing has always intrigued me perhaps you can help me. There doesnt seem t
o have been an L sound in the Egyptian language. I cant think of a single royal nam
e with a letter L in it until the advent of the Ptolemies, and they of course ar
e Macedonians. I seem to recollect that Sir Alan Gardiner decided the feminine end
ing -t wasnt voiced. Am I right? Just once the Egyptians let us down and didnt spell
out an unusual sign. The predecessor of King Narmer is denoted by a drawing of
a scorpion, but no consonantal signs follow it, and because we have no idea what
the early dynastic word for a scorpion was, we have to content ourselves with c
alling him the Scorpion King. Was the mother-in-law joke you referred to the one w
here a mans mother-in-law is sitting in the shade of his sycamore tree when a bra
nch falls off the tree and kills her, and when his neighbour hears about it he c
omes round to the house and asks if he can have a cutting from the tree? The Egy
ptians must have had a wicked sense of humour. Have you ever read Herodotuss acco
unt of his visit to Egypt during the Persian occupation? If you havent, then you
must. The Persians gave him an Egyptian guide to show him round, and that guide
must have really taken the piss, because Herodotus solemnly reports that the ins
cription at the base of the Great Pyramid was a record of the amount of money sp
ent on radishes for the workers, that King Cheops had to put his daughter to wor
k in a brothel to help him pay for the wretched thing, and that if ever there wa
s a house fire in Bubastis, the citizens had to link arms round the burning buil
ding to stop the sacred cats from committing suicide by leaping into the flames!
. dubz March 22, 2012 at 8:47 AM Many esteemed and even conservative E
gyptologist see Zahi Hawass as a joke, both scientifically and possibly even pol
itically compromised.. And of all the depictions of Nefertiti, this is the only
one that has no verifiable inscriptions that identified it as being actually the
queen herself! Also, the same scientific community has scanned and x-rayed the bu
st and have found that the plaster overlay is concealing her truest features, as
compared to that which is being seen outwardly on the surface by the viewing pu
blic, and some researchers have been cited as saying, it doesnt even represent th
e artistic style of the period! And why would a genuine artifact that is so comp
letely intact, dedicated to an esteemed royal figure, a queen, have only one eye
? unfinished model? damaged? tampered with? or possibly Nefertiti, the one-eye q
ueen? To this day, there are a number of researchers that still find this bust to
be controversial, and almost every year, there is some previously believed authe
ntic ancient artifact displayed in some of the worlds most prominent museums that
has finally been deemed inauthentic and a well-crafted forgery. Historically, E
gypt and Israel has always been overrunning with artifact forgers and con men, e
ven amongst the archeological community. You can turn this into the Shroud of Turi
n all you want, which has been also closely-examined repeatedly by a plethora of
scientist, and still, they would have to take a leap of faith to authenticate i
t. During the time period when the Nefertiti bust was supposedly found, many self-
appointed archeologist and Egyptologist were not even scientist and were more so
treasure-hunters. And we know Ludwig Borchardt was a con man, a thief, and a sm
. Herututuankoma March 28, 2012 at 6:02 PM Zahi Hawass has been fired
from Egypt antiquities he has never been a credible source. For him to say that e
ven tho Egypt is in Africa, that does not mean the Egyptians were Africans. That
was one of the dumbest statements I have ever heard, thats like saying Even tho C
hina is in Asia that does not mean the Chinese were Asians. The head bust you com
monly see of Nefertiti is a fake. The original reliefs show her with Nubian brai
ds. Nefertiti is a Nubian name just like Nefertari who was of Nubian descent. Th
e original people in Israel were Africans, Israel is right next door to Africa.
Even today there is the Beta Israel people who originate from Ethiopia along wit
h the Lemba people who are in Africa today. Also the bible is not a great source
for history as it has been corrupted & revised more times than a Lindsey Lohan
relapse. Moses never lived that is a fairy tale ie him parting an entire sea in
half. But if you want to go off the fairy tale in the book it says he was from E
thiopia and even went back to Ethiopia to marry a wife. It seems you are caught
up in the misrepresentation of history & literature even mythical stories due to
Western Education whos whole attempt was to distort history, literature and myth
s for social, economic and political gains. Wake up dude you have been lied too,
if Presidents and other political leaders can lie dont you think teachers and ot
her curriculum writers can lie too? For example in the recent Clash of the Titans
movie they have Andromeda being played as a lilly white when in the original wri
tten legend she was an Ethiopian princess born from an Ethiopian Queen and King.
The original name of Egypt was Kemet for the Black people and for the Black land.

Mike Barnes September 17, 2012 at 3:13 PM What happened to the whole Dynasti
Race theory that used to be bandied around in the 1950s?

Marko June 1, 2013 at 10:08 PM Yes and the Caucasian Indians are Asian and l
ive in Asia, but phenotypically and genetically different from East Mongoloid As
ian. So the statement that all Africans are Sub-Saharan black is invalid. The Be
rbers are a classic example of Native North Africans who look nothing like Black

Heru October 2, 2013 at 1:19 PM There are some Berbers who are dark such as
the Tuareg. If the Tuareg were living in America they would be called black. Black
is merely a pseudonym that has been used to describe Africans. In reality Afric
ans come in different hues as they are the most diverse ethnic group on Earth du
e to the fact that they are the oldest and still have the original gene that all
ows for skin pigmentation to be produce properly. Outside of Africans the only r
ace that has the original gene are Asians. Black is really not correct when desc
ribing all Africans however White fits better with Europeans because they lack t
he original gene which allows for skin pigmentation. Lastly the Berber DNA mainl
y consist of African origin. European DNA is not original so anytime you find Eu
ropean DNA in anyone of African descent the European DNA will be the minor make
up of the DNA profile of the individual.
. alf June 13, 2012 at 3:49 AM ancient Egypt in the broad sense is muc
h like america was and is, the first peoples of america the amerinidans where we
ll astablished before europeans and africans emerged. similarly ancient Egypt ha
d diferent racial groups inhabiting their land at different times. Evidence. the old
est mummy found in africa was in uan muhuggiag, found by Professor Fabrizio Mori
. this was dated to about 6000BC and older than any mummy found in egypt. The mu
mmy had sub Saharan features. link below it is
worth mentioning that at about 6000BC and before that most of the saharah was l
ush, and as the saharah desert as we know it began to emerge, the people in that
area migrated towards lush areas, nile to the north east and niger to the south
west. There have been and burial mounds found in north west africa (libya) that h
ave drawings of Egyptian like gods (they are dated to about 6000BC). aside from ev
idence in modern day libya, looking at the sculpture of egyptian pharaohs from t
he old dynasty to the latest dynasties you can obviously tell what race the phar
aohs where. the oldest statue of the pharaoh that you can clearly detail. djoser
, from the 3rd dynasty, and huni dfrom the 3rd dynasty, it is most clear that hu
ni and djoser look sub saharan. you can see a link to a picture of huni below and d
joser l
ater dynasties seem to have Caucasian features,
. anansi July 22, 2012 at 5:19 AM Ah no Uncle tancred it is blatant ra
cism dipped in 19th cent pseudo science emanating from men like Nott and Gliddon
plus Egyptomania that caused much confusion about who the Kemites were,but the
question it self is loaded and simplistic,ie what RACE were the early Egyptians, t
hen I must ask you and the blogger for a scientific definition of race for as I ha
d been led to believe there is no such thing among modern humans,a better questi
on would have been were the ancient Kemetians biologically and culturally Africa
ns. If the answer is yes then they looked and acted no different than their clos
est neighbors,keeping in mind that their first nome or district was in the south
and connected with A and C group culture that they bare similar cattle keeping
culture with folks as far away as the Great lakes regions(see DNA Tribes) one of
cultural and biological incubators of ancient Kemet other being the Sahara and
the Horn.
. Seriously? July 22, 2012 at 7:00 AM Arrian wrote about what Indians
and Egyptians looked like in Indica: the southern Indians resemble the Ethiopians a
good deal, and, are black of countenance, and their hair black also, only they
are not as snub-nosed or so woolly-haired as the Ethiopians; but the northern In
dians are most like the Egyptians in appearance.
a_(Arrian) This is consistent with how both Indians and Egyptians look now. The on
e thing you could say with absolute certainty is that the Egyptians, throughout
history, have never been black or white. But was this even worth responding to? Af
rocentrists and Nordicists alike are beyond the point where you could hope to re
ason with them.

Seriously? July 22, 2012 at 7:09 AM Oh god, now I just realized Afrocentrist
s will try to steal Indian achievements, not realizing Dravidians are nowhere ne
ar blacks genetically. I should note how sad it is that Africans dont find any of t
heir ancestors achievements notable. This is one of the few explanations I can co
me up with for why they would try to steal modern Egypts birthright.

Bhabiji July 26, 2012 at 11:32 PM Seriously? Seriously! I dated a black afro
-centrist who insisted I was as African as he was, even more so! because there i
s some sort of afro-dalit alliance now. Who created that, Ive got no idea, but ye
ah, theres a few crazy African Americans and Indian Dalits peddling this. Seriously

anansi July 27, 2012 at 12:12 AM While I dont believe there is much connecti
n between Africans and Dravidians, Afro-centrist are hardly the ones who made th
ose connections early travelers did, and Africans are not the only one in ancien
t times self identified as Blacks,read the quotes by Marco Polo Marco Polo In 1288 a
nd again in 1293 the Venetian traveler Marco Polo visited the Pandyan kingdom an
d left a vivid description of the land and its people. Polo exclaimed that: The dar
kest man is here the most highly esteemed and considered better than the others
who are not so dark. Let me add that in very truth these people portray and depi
ct their gods and their idols black and their devils white as snow. For they say
that God and all the saints are black and the devils are all white. That is why
they portray them as I have described. Read more:
ead=47#ixzz21nqzsQJp And Asia and the Pacific is filled with Black people sometime
s in the millions, there is a reason why New Guinea is called New Guinea after all
but these are Asians not Africans no matter what they looked like but they are

Bhabiji July 26, 2012 at 11:47 PM the southern Indians resemble the Ethiopia
s a good deal, and, are black of countenance, and their hair black also, only th
ey are not as snub-nosed or so woolly-haired as the Ethiopians Mallus and Ethiopian
s look practically indistinguishable from one another. That Nefertiti bust looks t
ypically Black African to me. Of course the ancient Egyptians were dark skinned
Africans. What else would they be? All ancient drawings, paintings and sculpture
of them (by them) look like what Ethiopians look like today. Ancient Egypt was a
phenomenal civilization therefore everyone wants a piece of it, but it is undeni
ably African.

jayjay November 24, 2012 at 7:05 PM South Indian substratum a lot of Ehtiopi
an look alikes with mesorrhine nose.

seanthesheep October 31, 2012 at 11:46 AM nordisits? where on here or anywhe
re in great numbers do you find White northern Euroupeans claiming Egypt as thei
r culture? also please look at other afrocentrisits on the web who now claim tha
t Euroupes royalties are mostly ,or where mostly black sub saharan african!? the
y claim that the kingdom of bohemia moravia was ruled by black kings because of
heraldic shields that show african heads? or that the black nobility where actuall
y african????, another is the miss interpritation of the term black irish which co
mes from the white irish slaves taken to west indies from 1500s through to 1700s t
hese mixed culturaly with black slaves who arrived late 1600s, black irish refere
s to west indian africans who talk with irish accents, afro lunatics see 17th ce
ntuary paintings where a duke or king has frizzy long curly black hair & say look
hes got a afro but they do not realise all men & women ( of royalty or wealth) wo
re bloody wigs!! it might even have been wigs made of exotic african hair as a f
ashion statement!! i give up on afro lunatics! i doubt theyll accept anything tha
t refutes their theories & doesnt soothe their childish egos, notice how its allwa
ys the WHITE MAN whos stealling egypt or falsifying history? when indians deny afri
can loons who say indian culture is really from africa its WHITEY egyptians say bla
ck africans didnt build Egypt, its A WHITE CONSPIRACY what scares me is in 200 yea
rs time these idiots will be saying modern Euroupe was built by them, that it wa
s blacks who invented the plane computer car train ,modern industry ect, theyll s
ay look africans where here but these whites came as immigrants & took over then
changed the history!! it would be very sad if it wasnt so dangerous!

Robert Lindsay October 31, 2012 at 11:53 AM LMAO @ Afrocentrists! Biggest fuc
tards on the planet LOL!
. Ahmed July 26, 2012 at 11:06 PM The belive that cristians are the cl
osed to ancient Egyptians is a lie. Many roman people have mixed with those cris
tians. All Egyptians today are copts. It is the name called on all Egyptians by
arabs in the times of prophet muhamed (pbuh).
. anansi July 27, 2012 at 1:35 AM

anansi July 27, 2012 at 1:45 AM
?board=pav&action=display&thread=633 Like I said earlier non of the above are Afri
cans dispite their looks but Asians both culturally and biologically although Af
ricans did travel to Asia under many circumstances as soldiers,sailors,traders,r
eligious figures and slaves. Please clik.
. Kenneth R. Pleasant August 8, 2012 at 11:24 AM Words have meaning an
d as someone has said, a picture is worth a thousand words. First there is the wor
d dynasty. Many people put very little importance on this word, but it is the el
ephant in the room. Websters Dictionary defines the word this way: 1. A succession
of rulers from the same line or family. 2. A family or group that maintains powe
r for several generations. These definitions are an understatement when it comes
to ancient Egypt. Instead of ruling for several generations which at the time a
generation was between fifteen and twenty years, the 18th Dynasty ruled for ove
r two and a half centuries. And, with the pharaonic system, royals often married
close relatives. The thousand words or many thousands of words are written on G
oogle. Just Google , statues of the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt . You will see who
the ancient Egyptians were and who they werent. They were Africans of color who
werent Caucasians. And the further you go back the more it was self-evident that
the ancient Eyptians were not Caucasians. Just look at statues of the Pharaohs f
rom Fourth Dynasty. All of mankind can take credit for the ancient Egyptians ear
ly great civilization. Because we are all from one race of people, the human rac
e. But, it is very cynical for Caucasians to dismiss people who have ties to Afr
ica, culture that comes from and is unique to Africa and people who physically r
esemble the the ancient Egyptians.
. Jennie August 19, 2012 at 6:43 PM You have got to be kidding me. Tho
se very negroid features of Egypt resemble some of the negroes from the block! O
bviously you placed your anti negroid glasses on to do this report! I am Black a
nd possess an above average intelligence. What about all the dumb white people i
n trailer parks out there? Whatcha got to say about them? By the way, they line
dance very well. Ps , what about the smart doctors lawyers engineers so on in so
ciety. You sound very dumb. If your theory was true, how did they succeed ? Was
it through placing a white brain in each day before attending the university? Yo
u make me pee my pants!

Robert Lindsay August 19, 2012 at 6:45 PM Ok baby, youre banned. Now head on
back to the corner, you still have work to do.
. Hassan September 12, 2012 at 4:11 PM Read the holy Quran and you wil
l see truth! Its a small poetic beautiful book. History has mostly been fabricate
d through time by a minority to suit their needs.. All man are one and same and
IQ doesnt fucking care about color, Im lucky to have meet with the brightest of ma
n and the dumbest. In every color and they are all one and the same. SOoo if ur
stupid, work harder and if ur smart, dont gloat.
. Sifa September 30, 2012 at 11:57 AM Ha ha ha. This has to be the mos
t provocative online forum I have had the joy of skimming over for a good while.
Mr. Robert Lindsay; is the rest of your blog as inflammatory as this? I would l
ove to read more right now, but alas, I have to take my primitive, underdevelope
d African brain to bed, so as to be perky and semi-lucid for my boss tomorrow. P
lease keep it up, I will definitely be coming back here. We all need some light re
lief from time to time, and I have the sneaking (and hopeful) suspicion that you
r musings will provide that. Perhaps your next topic should be On the study of Fe
lines; are white cats more aesthetic and erudite than black cats: An ethnographi
c (feliographic?) study by Robert Lindsay Dont disappoint!! Love from the dark continent
. xoxoxo

Robert Lindsay September 30, 2012 at 12:44 PM Yes the whole site is this pro
vocative or more so. Glad you love it baby. I see you are from Central Africa. N
ice place, except for the genocidaires and the AIDS and all that minor stuff. An
yway, hope you are well. So where are you from ? Rwanda, Congo or Kenya?

Gay State Girl September 30, 2012 at 1:26 PM Uganda.

Robert Lindsay September 30, 2012 at 2:12 PM How do you know?
. john October 19, 2012 at 4:14 PM I think it has already been establi
shed that the ancient Egyptians are still represented by their modern counterpar
ts in BOTH the North and South of modern Egypt.The Y-dna studies done in recent
years show that the slight distinction,genetically speaking,between reddish-brow
n Egyptians and black Nubians is still present in modern haplogroups E-V22,E-V12
and E-V32.These subclades of E-M78,which ALL the authorities agree originated i
n N.E.Africa are still represented in Egypt in the North as well as the Sudan an
d the African Horn nations.Even today,these areas are remarkable for physical and
ethnic differences as they were in ancient times.(PLEZE!) Color wasnt a divisive
issue with the ancient Egyptians WHY should it be with us??
. ras October 25, 2012 at 5:51 AM lol john what a joke i am 100% sure
the egypsian are still there just check this The term Bejawi comes from Ta-Itjaw
y people of Itjawy. Ta-Seti Neferet, the mother of Egyptian King Amenhemet Is was of
a peoples from Upper Egypt known as Ta-Seti. He built a great city state called A
menemhat-itj-tawy (Amenemhat the Seizer of the Two Lands), more simply called Itjta
wy. Populations from the Ta-Seti region came to people Itj-tawy and from this po
wer centre, Amenemhat Is armies extended the Egyptian empire. Egyptologists who b
elieve Amenemhat I may have waited until his twentieth year to make the move to
his new city base their evidence on an inscription found on the foundation block
s of the pyramids mortuary temple. It records Amenemhats royal jubilee, and also t
hat year one of a new king had elapsed, suggesting that the pyramid was started
very late in the kings reign. King Amenemhat I reorganized the administration of
the country, keeping the hereditary nomarchs who had supported him, while weaken
ing the regional governors by appointing new officials at Asyut, Cusae and Eleph
antine. Another move, both to dilute the armys power and to raise personnel for c
oming conflicts, was his reintroduction of conscription. In order to protect Egy
pt and fortify captured territory in Nubia, he founded a fortress at Semna in th
e region of the second Nile Cataract, which would begin a string of future 12th
Dynasty fortresses. Along with protecting his newly acquired territory, he also
create a stranglehold over economic contacts with Upper Nubia and further south. A
menemhats Ta-Seti army and conscripts came to be known Ta-Itj-tawy. In modern lan
guages this is pronounced Bigawy, Bedjawi or Bejawi. The Beja have been named Blemm
yes in Roman times,[1] Bugas in Aksumite inscriptions in Geez[citation needed], and F
uzzy Wuzzy by Rudyard Kipling. Kipling was specifically referring to the Hadendow
a, who fought the British, supporting the Mahdi, a Sudanese leader of a rebellion
against the Turkish rule administered by the British.[2] [edit]Language. john you
have to accsept your Gread gread grand fathers was black befor they left punt la
nd to the ice age
. evenwhenilie October 31, 2012 at 4:51 AM the ancient Egyptians skull s
ize and shape is more consistent with Africans from Sudan, Ethiopia, and other b
lack Africans in the region. The culture and artifacts found in ancient Egypt is
more consistent with cultures deeper within Africa, not without. The resent DNA
test done on king tut, and other mummies from similar time periods in Egypt wou
ld show DNA outside of Africa because thats when Egypt was ruled by foreigners. K
ing tut and a great many other famous ancient Egyptian names sighted by Eurocent
ric egyptologists are actually closer to our time period then they are to the fi
rst kings of Egypt. Egypt was already ancient by king tuts time, so he is of no c
onsequence when determining the ancient race of the Egyptians.
. hailu November 8, 2012 at 2:47 AM hi,im a light skinned Ethiopian whi
ch believed we are the part of ancient Egyptian dynasty telling from where i sta
nd and where im right know in east africa,during egyptian ancient time because of
Nile river and trade route all kind of people used to live or by pass usthis resu
lted east africans skin to became light brown and ancient people give us a name cal
led Habeshmeaning mixed race or you can call it Egypt.and please note that Nubians
are our native fathers!
. Egyptions were black November 13, 2012 at 6:56 PM Egyptions were bla
ck ! You could see on Anchiet hyroglephics that thet were obsiously black. Every
body is black EVERYBODY ! The first people on Earth were east africans who then
migrated to other parts of the world and the weather changed their skin colors s
o tell me how may someone living in Anchiet Egypt be white ? It makes no sense t
hey are lieing to you ,people they dont want us to know our history . Everything
came from africa . Math science ! Just watch HIDDEN COLORS its a documentary ab
out an hour and a half long order it from amazon or just watch it online . Without
Africa imagine what society today will be like
. Capp1 November 17, 2012 at 11:15 AM we are all of African decent,peo
ple we need to wake up, life began in Africa, the apple never falls far from the
tree. The people of African tribes lived in the Saharan desert and when it drie
d up they moved along the Nile Vally and ended up in Egypt. Stop hating who god
createdit is in your DNAwhite, black and all mixturesyou came from what god created
a beautiful black womenwhat brothers you about thisare you embarrassedif you really
want the truth about who the ancient Egyptians were than you need to study lang
uage and culture of groups of people still living in Africa. The ancient Egyptia
n word Serekh , this is hieroglyphic symbol that used to be designed on the fron
t doors of the kings and royal houses to show that they were the residences of r
oyalty and power.This design can be traced to the early dynastic period and the
old kingdom of ancient Egypt. It was the image of the falcon standing on a recta
ngular frame with the kings spiritual name in the rectangle. It was in later time
s when another African tribe became the pharaoh of ancient Egypt that the name s
erekh was conferred onto this symbol, and that is what modern scholars know it t
o be.the language from which the word serekh originated from links to a African t
ribe.the Hausa word Sariki, meaning king. Notice how this word has been transpose
d into European orthography and phonology as SEREKH. Ancient Egypt, Hausa royalt
y were also kings. The modern descendant of their ancient royal dynasty is now c
alled the Sadauna of Sokoto and he can be found in Kano in Northern Nigeria. For
m such a detailed revelation, the word Serekh and the ancient Egyptian story do
not become part of an ancient history, it becomes the continuous story of a livi
. Noelle November 18, 2012 at 10:47 AM Ancient Eygptians are not the s
ame as the current say that ancient egyptians were Negroid is just pla
in wrong.they were not in my opinionand I can have onethe reason, egyptians are pro
trayed in movies as caucasian like Elizabeth taylor is because, one wants beauty
and pomp in film.if you look at the tomb paintingsegyptians had copper like skinwi
th their slaves a black (nubian) coloras for lips being negoid,thats ballony.examp
leneffertitishe had more caucasian features, even mexicans are labeled under cauca takes a spanaird and an indigenous indian to make a mexican.but for examp
le.llike in quadalajarayou have blue eyed blond mexicansdue to the french and germa
nswho stayed after the thats like history threw out, how blood lines change
and such.but Egyptians are not negroidCleopatra was part greek, check your factsbu
t copper skin is not black skin.
. Noelle November 18, 2012 at 10:52 AM forgot to mention, when in 2009
or there abouts, a mummy was ,how do you say, reconstructed facial.he looked lik
e an average arab man.blacks were in an uproarthis was on the cover of newsweeklook
it upI cant remember if it was tutor some other importatnt dude.why dont we all ta
ke a dna test.Oprah was found to be from senegal..saw it on tv around 2010.
. NonKoolAidDrinker November 18, 2012 at 2:05 PM Lastly there was no Ca
ucasians or white people around 40K yrs ago. Scientific studies show that Europe
ans skin turned pale only recently circa 6K yrs ago. The 1st people in Europe we
re Africans of dark skin complexion None of the modern day races existed 40k yrs. a
go. The first modern people in Europe were from Central Asia not Africa, they we
re probably light brown skinned, not much darker than many modern day Southern E
. NonKoolAidDrinker November 18, 2012 at 2:13 PM Pepper:Or assuming tha
t Sumerians were dark skinned as they called themselves the Black Headed People,
the Ancient Egyptians could phenotypically have more in common with dark skinne
d ancient peoples stretching from Sumer to Elam to Indus Black Headed was a reference
to hair color not skin color. The Sumerians are clearly depicted in their own a
rt work as a relatively light complexioned people with dark hair and unambiguous
ly Caucasoid features.
. anansi November 18, 2012 at 8:13 PM Rubbish why would dark heir be s
pecial in a geographical area filled with dark haired folks,an area I am familia
r with having been there on several occasions. Lament For The People Of Ur. 112-122.
To me, the woman, in the Agrun-kug, my house of queenship, they did not grant a
reign of distant days. Indeed they established weeping and lamentation for me. A
s for the house which used to be where the spirit of the black-headed people was
soothed. 192-196. The scorching potsherds made the dust glow (?) the people groan
. He swept the winds over the black-headed people the people groan. Sumer was ov
erturned by a snare the people groan. It attacked (?) the Land and devoured it c
ompletely. Tears cannot influence the bitter storm the people groan. The black-hea
ded people were carried off from their strongholds. Its queen like a bird in fri
ght departed from her city. The black-headed people do not bathe during your festi
vals. Like mourning has been decreed for them; their appearance has indeed change
d. Saragon of
Akkad the first Semitic King boast The black-headed peoples [Sumerians] I ruled, I
governed; mighty mountains with axes of Bronze I destroyed. I ascended the uppe
r mountains; I burst through the lower mountains. The country of the sea I besie
ged three times; Dilmun I captured. Unto the great Dur-ilu I went up, I I altere
d Whatsoever king shall be exalted after me, Let him rule, let him govern the bl
ack-headed peoples; mighty mountains with axes of bronze let him destroy; let hi
m ascend the upper mountains, let him break through the lower mountains; the cou
ntry of the sea let him besiege three times; Dilmun let him capture; To great Du
r-ilu let him go up. Genesis 10:8 And Cush begat
Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. The first centers of his kingdo
m were Babylon, Erech, Akkad and Calneh, ine Shinar.f 11From that land he went t
o Assyria, where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir,g Calah 12and Resen, which is bet
ween Nineveh and Calah; that is the great city.
. annie joe November 21, 2012 at 10:08 PM I found the somethings never
change comment about black HIGHLY offensive. Blacks are and always been just as i
ntelligent as whites and any other race. choose your words wisely! In my opinion
, Ancient Egyptians were definitely a type of african decent. Their culture and
lifestyle is exactly the same or more similar than other races.

Noelle November 22, 2012 at 3:08 PM Well I think we can all agree that the g
reat spirit, Gods, what ever made us,yet even if egyptians were in the sub sahar
a/african what? that doesnt make them blackthey should do DNA testshell opr
ah comes from senegalhas anyone ever noticedTuts mask has almond eyeshe kind of fav
ors a thai personoriental.but when the scientist did his face.he looked like a regu
lar arab persongood figure
. Mike November 22, 2012 at 7:30 AM Thats great you getting your info
from a lying thief that was arrested and his whole motive was to boos t tourism.
Even the team who took the DNA samoples confirmed he liedstated king tut was ca

anansi November 22, 2012 at 7:02 PM Mike they are basing that on the suppose
dly R found on a screen shot from that T,V documentary on Tut but it was NEVER O
FFICALLY RELEASED but that did not stop net trolls and Stormfronts types from ru
nning with that,the irony is that in Chad and Camaroon is where one finds the mo
st underived R in Africa so jokes on them either way.
. Mike November 22, 2012 at 7:40 AM Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) Greek p
hilosopher, scientist, and tutor to Alexander the Great. Aristotle is said to have
written 150 philosophical treatises. Too black a hue marks the coward as witness E
gyptians and Ethiopians and so does also too white a complexion as you may see f
rom women, the complexion of courage is between the two. (Physiognomics, Vol. VI, 8
12a) Aristotle makes reference to the hair form of Egyptians and Ethiopians: Why ar
e the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is it because the bodies of living
creatures become distorted by heat, like logs of wood when they become dry? The
condition of their hair supports this theory; for it is curlier than that of oth
er nations, and curliness is as it were crookedness of the hair. (Physiognomics, Bo
ok XIV, p. 317)
. Noelle November 22, 2012 at 2:44 PM Really, eygptians are caucasian?
? guess it could be truemexicans are classified under caucasianbut so do you think
that makesyou,an obvious caucasianBetter than other races?? God must be laughing
at us,and deciding how to rid this grey and granite planet,from the boobs that p
rolificate it, yes, indeed, and most serial killers, and guys who take out their
families, and shoot innocent people (as meritage) are Caucasian.,how much pain a
nd injustice, because someone is a different hue or color , and the shape of the
nose and lips.lets seeflood, timefireballyea

jose November 22, 2012 at 2:50 PM most mexicans have high cheekbones,small e
yes and a nose between the long pure caucasian and the small pure mongoloid,here
are many types of noses,so mixed and confusing,but the rest of the face is crea
rly more mongoloid than caucasian,damn caucasians are present in europe,middle e
ast,india! and invaded united states,canada,argentina,australia,so many space un
der caucasians and you still put mexico under them?no sir,mexico is 55% mongoloi
d,caucasians are common in mexican tv,but in the real mexico,they are very few,i
live in mexico!

mrcuteblackie January 15, 2013 at 1:31 PM If there is any such entity as God
, that is. ha ha ha

mrcuteblackie January 15, 2013 at 1:39 PM And do you know that the most perv
ert people on earth are the caucasians, thought they claim to be more civilised?
Parents fundle and kiss infront of kids, smoke with an infant in the pram, and
hate all other races. What have we done to these guys, who treated us like shit,
and now they cannot have enough compassion to apologise and compensate. On the
contrary, they still hold us in bondage. It is really sad. They hate us, that is
why every good thing is documented far away from our names.
. Noelle November 22, 2012 at 2:55 PM Lets face it people love beautyif
it has a straight nose and yada yadahey its caucasian.but Mike I must sayI didnt g
et my info from hawasspersonally I dont like the manthe way he treats people and h
is know it all personabut I digressIve gathered my opinions from reading, you must
admitthe ancient eygptians are not the egyptians of todayl

Mr January 25, 2013 at 12:02 PM Beauty is a point of view. To me, a woman is
REALLY beautiful if she is as dark as a nubian, and has natural Afro hair.
. anansi November 22, 2012 at 6:41 PM Noelle the ancient Egyptians or
as I like to use one of the names they called themselves Kemou litterally the Bl
ack community are genetically related to the people south,east and west of them
some from the Great Lakes regions of central Africa where they indeed have cultu
ral connections ie the god Bes,and lets not forget that the land of the ancestor
s or founders were in that general area keeping in mind thats where the Mountains
of the moon (killamangiro) is located or in Eritrea where they found baboons wi
th the same genome with remains found in Egypt.
. angieb09 November 24, 2012 at 12:49 PM TO THE NEGATIVE COMMENTS SORR
ou-should-know/ A WHITE COLONIZATION AREA . sEE Sunny SA and Skin cancer Some Thing
s You Should Know As SOUTH AFRICA is one of the countries with the highest incidenc
e of skin cancer we are fortunate to have local scientists whose knowledge is cr
ucial to the continuing education of professionals working in the health and env
ironmental sectors, says CANSA CEO, Sue Janse van Rensburg. We wish to equip role
players and the public with the appropriate knowledge to make informed decisions
. What is new for South Africa. High UV concentrations, an ozone hole, a sunny clima
te, and a sport and outdoor lifestyle orientated nation are just the right ingre
dients for a recipe for disaster. The incidence of Non- melanoma skin cancer (Ba
sal Cell Carcinomas and Squamous Cell Carcinomas) has reached epidemic proportio
ns. Humans like other all other animals adapt to their surroundings, through evolut
ion, and we live through the Sun. We all need Vitamin D to live -Africans have d
ark skin to block out the dangerous ultra violet rays of the sun, in Africa BUT
STILL RECEIVE VITAMIN D Science also provides that Blacks more then likely evolv
ed into Whites over thousands of years when they migrated to cold areas with LES
S SUNLIGHT Because their skin needs to be light so they can asborb more Vitamin
D, or DIE OFF. A new scientific study in America cites that even many Blacks a mu
lti ethnic American group transposed of mostly only part African part White part
Indian and whatever other ancestry suffer from Vitamin D deficiency because Bla
cks do not get enough Sun IN AMERICA, and suffer from a lack of Vitamin D defici
ency. Science and reality proves and shows who came out of and who belongs in Af
rica, with 3 billion people dark skin An Africa to this day. The Egyptians are a
lso still of dark complexion today, and any Country region that borders on the c
ontinent of Africa is of highly melanin (black) people dark people, with variati
ons of curly/ wavy hair. So any Argument is illogical Even Romans and Greeks are
of Mediterranean with dark skin, and dark hair there HAVE been no documented RE
AL Caucasoid whites groups BORN OUT of THE REGION or land up until the present d
ay. ALSO The Copts are people who practice Christianity Egyptian- NOT an ETHNIC
GROUP Neither Christianity, nor Islam was the religion to the early Egyptian civ
ilizations, this came wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaay later.
. ashwini December 13, 2012 at 8:06 PM For nearly two hundred years no
w, White scholars have removed Black people from Egypt, Egypt from Africa and Af
rica from world history. They have always taught that Egypt is in the Near East,
the Middle East, the Mediterranean and even the Fertile Crescent. They have nev
er informed the world that Egypt is and always has been on the Continent of Afri
ca. We understand that most White people and Arabs have great difficulty imagining
Black Africans to have laid the foundation of civilization. We sincerely regret
that Western racist propaganda has so narrowed their worldview. But, at this si
ith evidence not propaganda, not passion, not preconceived notions or white supr
emacy. While White publishers controlled everything written and taught about Afric
a and often published books stating that the Ancient Egyptians were White no one
, except Black people, complained. However, since Black people began publishing
their own work and using the internet to tell our story, suddenly everyone is in
terested in setting Black people straight by insisting that the Ancient Egyptian
s were neither Black nor white, but Arabs, like the Arabs of today. We disagree. A
rabs invaded Egypt in the 7th Century AD, long after Ancient Egyptian civilizati
on had declined and faded away. Arabs have no more connection to Ancient Egypt t
han Europeans have to Ancient America. We, of course, believe that the Ancient Egy
ptians were Black Africans and the following is a synopsis of some of the eviden
ce that supports our view: Evidence from Physical Anthropology The skeletons and sku
lls of the Ancient Egyptians clearly reflect that they were a Negroid people wit
h features very similar to those of modern Black Nubians and other people of the
Upper Nile and of East Africa. Melanin Dosage Test Egyptologist Cheikh Anta Diop in
vented a method for determining the level of melanin in the skin of human beings
. When conducted on Egyptian mummies in the Museum of Man in Paris, this test in
dicated that these remains were of Black people. Osteological Evidence Lepsius canon,
which distinguishes the bodily proportions of various racial groups categories t
he ideal Egyptian as short-armed and of Negroid or Negrito physical type. Evidence Fro
m Blood Types Diop notes that even after hundreds of years of inter-mixture with f
oreign invaders, the blood type of modern Egyptians is the same group B as the po
pulations of western Africa on the Atlantic seaboard and not the A2 Group charac
teristic of the white race prior to any crossbreeding. The Egyptians as They Saw Th
emselves The Egyptians had only one term to designate themselves =kmt= the negroes
(literally). This is the strongest term existing in the Pharaonic tongue to indi
cate blackness; it is accordingly written with a hieroglyph representing a lengt
h of wood charred at the end and not crocodile scales, singular. Kmt from the adjec
tive =kmt= black; it therefore means strictly negroes or at the very least black
men. The term is a collective noun which thus described the whole people of pha
raonic Egypt as a black people. Divine Epithets Diop demonstrates that black or negro i
s the divine epithet invariably used for the chief beneficent Gods of Egypt, whi
le the evil spirits were depicted as red. Evidence From the Bible The Bible states t
hat [t]he sons of Ham [were] Cush and Mizraim [i.e. Egypt], and Phut, and Canaan.
And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah and Sabtechah. Ac
cording to Biblical tradition, Ham, of course, was the father of the Black race.
Generally speaking all semitic tradition (Jewish and Arab) class ancient Egypt w
ith the countries of the black. Cultural unity of Egypt With The Rest of Africa Throu
gh a study of circumcision and totemism, Diop gives detailed data showing cultur
al unity between Egypt and the rest of Africa. Linguistic Unity With Southern and
Western Africa In a detailed study of languages, Diop clearly demonstrates that An
cient Egyptian, modern Coptic of Egypt and Walaf of West Africa are related, wit
h the latter two having their origin in the former. Testimony of Classical Greek a
nd Roman Authors Virtually all of the early Latin eyewitnesses described the Ancie
nt Egyptians as Black skinned with wooly hair. So why is black ancestry covered up
? Is there truth that should stay buried? Over the years, African-Americans have b
een introduced to a form of Christianity that was largely recast through the Eur
opean culture, says Dr. Cain Hope Felder, a New Testament language and literature
professor at the Howard University School of Divinity and the author of several
books on the subject. We are not creating something new. We are going back and r
ecovering what was always there. What was always there, Dr. Felder and other religi
ous experts say, is incontrovertible evidence that noted biblical figures, such
as the Queen of Sheba, Moses Cushite wife Zipporah, Prophet Jeremiahs right-hand m
an Ebedmelech, and Sarahs Egyptian handmaiden Hagar, are among the many royal Bla
ck personalities mentioned in the Bible. Although evidence on the presence of Blac
ks in the Bible dates back to the 18th century, only in the past 25 years have B
lack scholars and ministers made major breakthroughs on a subject that has been
practically ignored or suppressed by White religious authorities. Modern researc
h, however, is based on the findings of Black historians like William Leo Hansbe
rry and W.E.B. DuBois, who identified major Black biblical characters more than
50 years ago. Black people have been duped into running from the Bible, thinking it
was the White mans book, says the Rev. Walter A. McCray, pastor of the First Bapt
ist Church in Chicago and author of two volumes titled The Black Presence in the
Bible. But in fact, Rev. McCray says, Many notable biblical personalities were B
lack. Although there are differences of emphasis, Black scholars and an increasing
of White biblical scholars agree on the eight most widely accepted Black persona
lities in the Bible: * The Queen of Sheba. The queen, who visited King Solomon and
marveled at his wisdom, was queen of Ethiopia and Egypt. In scripture, she is c
alled the queen of the South. Scriptures: I Kings 10:1; II Chronicles 9:1; St. Mat
thew 12:42. * Zipporah. She was Moses Cushite wife. It is said that Moses siblings,
Aaron and Miriam, did not like her. Some say it was because of a family spat. Ot
hers claim its because Zipporah, daughter of Jethro, was Black. Scripture: Number
s 12:1. * Ebed-melech. This Ethiopian eunuch saved the life of Jeremiah, the proph
et. Scriptures: Jeremiah 38:7-13; 39:16. * Ethiopian Eunuch. This unnamed eunuch r
eceived a spiritual conversion and a better understanding of the Scriptures afte
r speaking with Philip. Scriptures: Acts 8:26-40. * Hagar. She was Sarahs Egyptian
handmaiden, and she eventually had Abrahams first son, Ishmael. Scriptures: Gen.
16:1,3; 21:9. * Pharaoh Tirharkah. He was an Ethiopian king. II Kings 19:9. * Asenat
h. She was the Egyptian wife of Joseph, given to him by the Pharaoh. Asenath and
Joseph had two sons, Manessah and Ephraim. Scriptures: Gen. 41:45. * Simon of Cyr
ene. He helped Jesus carry the cross. Cyrene was an ancient city in Libya, Afric
a. Scriptures: St. Mark 15:21. Although few, if any, believe in the curse of Ham, wh
ich was used as a justification for slavery, some experts, like Dr. McCray of Ch
icago, maintain that Blacks are indeed descendants of Ham, the youngest of Noahs
three sons. Ham translated from Hebrew to mean hot, heated or Black was called the
father of Canaan in the Bible. Canaan, along with Cush (or ancient Ethiopia), Miz
raim (early Egypt) and Phut are considered to be Hams direct offspring. If this is
true, according to Dr. Copher, Dr. Felder and other scholars, at least one book
of the Bible was written by a Black man, namely Zephaniah. Called the son of Cush
i, Zephaniah was counted among the minor prophets of the Bible. In addition to agre
eing that Zephaniah was Black, some read King Solomons lyrical prose in The Songs
of Solomon and conclude that he, too, was a Black man and that this song-like b
ook was devoted to his relationship with the Queen of Sheba. In the books first c
hapter Solomons female companion proclaims, I am black, black, but comely look not
upon me because I am black, because the sun has looked down upon me. If Solomon, Ki
ng Davids son, was Black, some scholars reason that Jesus Christ himself accordin
g to the genealogy outlined in the first chapter of St. Matthew was Black. Other
observers, not as convinced by this logic, just conclude that he was not White. B
lack Africans of Rome have contributed greatly to the growth of Christianity and
the development of Roman Catholic doctrine. Three of the greatest scholars and
founding theologians of Christianity were Black Roman Africans that includes Ter
tullian, Cyperian and St. Augustine, but the greatest contributions were clearly
made by these three Black Popes: * Pope Victor I, the 14th pope, served from 189A
D 199AD * Pope Miltiades, the 32nd pope, served from 311AD 314AD * Pope Gelasius I,
the 49th pope, who came to office in 492AD (1,000 years before America was suppo
sedly discovered) Understanding Biblical prophecy and Black history can set the re
cord staight, where certain myths can be corrected in terms of showing that Blac
k people were never cursed because of their Black skin as promoted by the slave
masters and the supremacist, neither were they genetically inferior race, nor th
e product of Eve mating with satan. HOSEA 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that t
hou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I w
ill also forget thy children. The curses placed on Israel will help to identify wh
o the real Hebrew Israelites are. DANIEL 9:11 Yea, all Israel have transgressed th
y law, even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice; therefore the curs
e is poured upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servan
t of God, because we have sinned against him. Following is a preview of some of th
ose curses mentioned: * THE TRANS ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE (Deut 28:68) * HIGH PRISON PO
ES (Leviticus 26: 37-38 Deut 28:25) * HAVING NO POWER, ALWAYS ROBBED AND SPOILED (
TED OFFICIAL LEADERS (Isaiah 3:12) The Egyptians descended from the Ethiopians Moses w
as born in Egypt, and Egypt is inseparably part of the African continent; theref
ore, Moses was an African. Joseph, the son of Jacob, was the viceroy of Egypt, s
econd in authority under the Pharaoh (king). If it can be shown that the ancient
Egyptians were Black people, then that would mean that the ancient Hebrews were
Africans (Black) people also. Herodotus, the Father of History, visited Egypt and
Ethiopia about 400 years before Jesus Christ was born; he recorded as an eyewit
ness, that the Egyptians and Ethipians were black-skinned with woolly hair. Tacitu
s, a Roman Historian, recorded that many in his times said that the Hebrews had
an Ethiopian origin. God Almighty says that the children of Israel are like the
Cushites (Ethiopians) to Him.Deuteronomy 33:4 & 5th verses says that Moses was c
alled a King of Israel. Moses was born in Africa (Egypt), so the first king of I
srael was African!

Noelle December 14, 2012 at 3:07 PM Egyptians living during the time of phar
oahare not the egyptians living today,thats a you figure,that ancient eg
yptian are negroid,is beyond me..look at the wallsyou see nubians,and they are co
lored black the egyptians are an orange bronzewhen scientist,did a forensic facial,
of king tut,he looked just like an arab of todaysorry you feel,your people were g
iven a bad rap, Cleopatra,was half greek and tolomec

Dennis January 4, 2013 at 12:47 PM An error occurred. Try watching this vide
n, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. Take a look
and listen to this video Noelle. Your starting to remind me of napoleons troops wh
o were ordered to destroy the nose and lips from the sphinx in 1798, because it
depicted a black African. You seem to have a underlying hatred you hold on to, for
black Americans that you would deny any evidence showing the link, for reasons
only you no, I dont think any evidence would make any difference to you, it is ob
vious you have a job to do here in discrediting enlightened people from sharing
and examining old and new evidence of our shattered and stolen ancient history. Ra
cial hatred is one of this worlds most destructive things, of which can destroy
a person, it seems to overwhelm you and is evident in what you have to say at ti
mes, so much so you need this blog to vent it, better this than hurting someone
in the street. Better to hold out your hand in friendship, some may not take it bu
t most people will.

Dennis January 3, 2013 at 3:40 PM Thank you ashwini, God bless you
. BILL December 14, 2012 at 2:09 AM Europe from the time of Augustus h
ad been to protect the area of civilization within the empire from the barbarians ou
tside. In Scotland and Ireland , the barbarians were Celtic, an artistic, warlik
e, and highly emotional people, who for several centuries had been withdrawing e
ver further northwards to the coastal fringes of northwestern Europe from the la
nds they had once held, in France and Germany . On the continent between the Rhi
ne-Danube frontier, Scandinavia , and the Black Sea , lived the Germanic tribes.
In spite of the danger they represented to the empire, these tall fair-haired w
arriors, dressed in skins and draped in gold armbands and chains, fascinated the
urbanized Romans. Why dont you groups read/study white people real (they did nt ta
ke bath, they ate their lices.But they will claim Rome as their history The Vandals E
ven before the Goths sacked Rome , another Germanic tribe, the Vandals, had push
ed into the empire over the Rhine . Crossing France , they settled for a short w
hile in Spain , from which the Visigoths expelled them. They then crossed the St
raits of Gibraltar, conquered the rich province of North Africa, built themselve
s a fleet, and in 455 sacked Rome with greater thoroughness than the Visigoths.
They took the treasures from the emperors palaces on Palatine hill and even the t
ile from the roofs of the temples, and returned with their spoil to their new ca
pital of Carthage
. BILL December 14, 2012 at 2:18 AM Little of White people real histor
y But, will claim RomeTheodoric died in 526. His successors lacked his skills, a
nd in less than forty years, the Ostrogoths were driven from Italy by the army o
f the Eastern Roman emperor; they moved north of the Alps , and rather surprisin
gly disappeared from history. Thus, the Visigoths, the Ostrogoths, and the Vanda
ls, who were largely responsible for the disappearance of the Roman Empire in th
e West, left little lasting trace. The Franks and the Anglo- Saxons, however, we
re to become the principal creators of medieval civilization. The Franks Whereas in
France , the original Romanized inhabitants vastly outnumbered the invading Fran
ks, in England the Germanic invaders, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes from norther
n Germany and Denmark , drove most of the original Celtic inhabitants to Cornwal
l , Wales , and Scotland in the far western regions of the British Isles . The i
nvaders, whom for convenience we call the Anglo-Saxons, ignored most of the Roma
n achievements they found. They disliked the land already being farmed. Roman Em
pire in the West had fallen. Britain , France , the Low Countries , Spain , nort
h Africa, and Italy itself were all in the hands of Ger- manic invaders, whether
or not those invaders paid lip service to the emperor in faraway Constantinople
. Dr. Clarke will give you a truth history of their history they do not wanted t
o talked about.
. BILL December 14, 2012 at 2:25 AM White and stole lands If you call in
vading other peoples land, stealing it, killing of the inhabitants, genocide, sla
very, enacting laws with which to keep them at the socio economic bottom babied, Id
hate to see what whites do to those they hate. This person picked quite a poor an
alogy. Australia is the result of the overwhelming criminal element in Briton. H
owever, the number of criminals pales in comparison to the number of FREE WHITES
who came during the gold rush. They decimated the Tasmiania population and murd
ered en mass and with government sanction untold numbers of Aboriginal Australia
ns. White people love to use the word conquer instead of what it actually is. Murd
er. Whites are the invaders. They are quick to invade other peoples land and then
whine about Go back to yada yada yada neglecting to mention the fact that anyplace
outside of Europe where they dwell has been stolen. If you want to stop hearing
people bitch about you, YOU go back to Europe and tell whites that if they want
such a homogenous society, BUILD IT IN EUROPE and stop forcing yourselves into
places where you dont belong. This person illustrates the entire point the gentlema
n in the video is trying to make. Notice also how certain races are so quick to us
e Black people in their little hypothetical rants. I find it creepy that Black p
eople are always the default with which a certain genetic recessive race loves p
oint fingers at. Why does a certain race not understand that most of the world f
eels this way about them. History has shown that they have interfered with Chine
se, Japanese, Phillipinos, Indians, Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians, Na
tive Canadians, even the Inuit have been malevolently touched by these people. y
et they stay focused and foaming at the mouth rabid about Blacks. I guess we pos
e the biggest biological threat. You wouldnt have the problems you do if you didnt i
nvade and steal what belongs to others. The world is tired of your woe is whitey a
ntics as you decimate the globe.
. BILL December 14, 2012 at 2:46 AM You should study Europes history le
arn how they where a country of disease and famine. Learn how in the 1400s a thir
d of Europes population died before the age of five, and 50% before the age of 21
. While the African empire of Ghana in the 1100s had established the use of Iron
tools, their European counterparts only had wooden tools so they could only till
the commons, or common grounds 2 months out of the year, so the people starved

Noelle December 14, 2012 at 3:33 PM Your forgetting the Mayanthey were super
or in mathematics, astronomy,etcorientals how did it go all wrong for t
he africansis it like what were seeing now, in our time? gangsthief?and its not woe
with whitey your the one, bitching and moaning.trying to make a case out of mistak
en info, and hatred.look around bud. as for disease and faminewonder when the next
pandemic is comming.just around the corner.think the powers that be, think theres
too many peopledont ya think? yea.its comming

ME April 2, 2013 at 12:37 PM Thats all a load of crap. 50% of people were no
dying by 21. If that were the case they wouldve died out long ago. Africa has ha
d its fair share of disease and famine without European interference. And if Gha
na was just getting on the Iron Age bandwagon in the 1100s, they were WAY behind
the rest of the world considering Europes iron age started in 1200BC and lasted u
ntil 400AD at which point we were using steele. Unless you mean 1100BC in which
case you were still behind.
. jayjay December 14, 2012 at 6:02 PM In life everyone must earn respe
ct. So dont talk about history. Talk about the here and now. Black Africans have
NOT contributed positively to themselves much less the world. Mostly the ontribu
tionshave been negative. Hence the disrespect and disparaging
. ZSun-nee Matema December 17, 2012 at 9:48 PM Is it just me, or has e
veryone gone crazy. Mankind migrated from Africa to all parts of the world. I re
member a white woman I worked with telling me that Egyptians were black but that
they were a special type of white person. A black-white person, I suppose. What
is it about black Africans and Africa that truth about their contributions fall
s into the no-tell-zone. Several years ago, an Indian historian was a guest on the
Diane Ream Show, an American University talk radio show. He gave an overview of
his book but never mentioned anything about the African priests from Egypt who
migrated to India and ruled for many years. I decided to call in and give the hi
story of these Africans who created the Indus Valley Civilization. I told of the
three wars fought by the African armies with those from the Caucus Mountains. I
told how finally the Caucus Mountain armies were victorious. The victors eventual
ly intermarried with Indian women and created the caste system based on color. T
hose natives of India whose skin had lightened were placed at the top of the cas
te system and those who remained as dark as their previous black African masters
and teachers were placed at the bottom of the caste system where they are calle
d to this day, the untouchables. This is why Indians are classified in the America
n census as Caucasian. When I completed my comments, the Indian historian paused, to
ok a deep breath t said, Everything the lady says is true. I didnt include it in m
y book because had I included it, I would not have been given the grants needed
to complete my book. I will be so glad when everything African is no longer poli
tical. I was gratified but shocked at the same time. I will never forget this on ai
r conversation. Films from Bollywood struggle to tell this truth. They too, labo
r under the delusion that Africans from Egypt have nothing to do with their hist
ory. It is all so sad. Not all Egyptians depicted on ancient walls are fair. Her
odotus described ancient Egyptians as black skinned with thick lips, broad noses
and coarse hair. He thought they were so wise and knowledgeable that they were
like gods. Arabs came into Egypt about 300AD. Asians have been tested and retest
ed. Their oldest DNA markers are African like everyone else in the world. Schools
wont allow the truth to be taught and there seems to be a vicious determination t
o write black Africans out of ancient Egypts vast and illustrious history. Why? W
hat is the fear? And will someone tell me why any historical commentary written
to show reasonably fair treatment of blacks in history must always be identified
as afrocentric. I take it when commentary is written by whites it is the truth inst
ead of being Eurocentric. Its 2012 and yet many are lost in fears of every kind. By
the way, in The Journey of Man, a PBS Special tracing DNA research around the wor
ld, the scientist found that in older communities of Europeans, there was more A
frican DNA, than found in inner-city African Americans in American urban areas.
So much for the races theory. There is only one race of man.

jayjay December 17, 2012 at 11:32 PM here ye! here ye! David Frawley the so
called Dravidian expert believes that the true Dravidians were white people
. jayjay December 17, 2012 at 11:39 PM And yes that Nobel winning gene
tecist Watson has got black genes
. anansi December 18, 2012 at 1:25 AM Thats because Robert Lindsay and
a lot of Eurocentrist buy into the race theory where the so-called races are sta
tic, no amount of evidence to the contrary will suffice but the last 500 yrs has
been especially hard on Africans because of the lingering effects of slavery an
d the justifications for it,take for example the biblical legend of the curse of was used as a religious justification for enslavement of of Blacks anywh
ere,but a quick look at the sons of Ham in the very same bible made them out to
be founders of mighty civilizations, Four Sons of Ham 1. Mizraim (Egypt) 2. Cush (Su
dan, Ethiopia) 3. Put (Lybia) 4. Canaan (Hivites, Jebusites, Arvadites, Girgashites,
Amorites, Arkites, Sinites, Hittites, Sidonians, Perizzites, Zemarites) And Kush
begot Nimrod, who grew to be a mighty warrior on the earth* and the beginning of
his Kingdom was Babel in the land of Shinar (Sumer) Genesis 10:8 So the problem bec
ame how to square the inferiority of the sons of Ham with their dominance in eve
rything in the distant past,the answer double speak,simply change the sons of Ha
m into white folks with a Tan that refused to go away but keep the curse on visi
bly black folks.(keep in mind that Ham means Black in Hebrew,Kam meant Black in
ancient Egyptian which they called themselves in anycase Kemitu the black commun
ity) But perhaps some are more scientifically minded,in that case go around measur
ing skulls and nose width and if you find narrow featured skulls in anywhere in
Africa especially in an ancient context then these are your Caucasoid,but in a m
odern context when they are pot bellied and starving with flies in their eyes th
en they are pathetic Negroids who cant find food and are too violence prone to ru
n a country in any case you dont want one marrying your sister or living next doo
. Jorge Martinez December 18, 2012 at 7:54 AM Im having a hard time bel
ieving that ancient Egypt was built by a Caucaziod people or even asiatic peoples
. The hard evidence is in present day Sudan. There are more pyramids in presen d
ay Sudan than there are in all of Egypt. Now are you saying that those pyramids
where Nubian kings were buried have nothing to do with the exact same traditions
that ancient Egyptians practiced?Im so sorry but if you take a look at the way a
ncient Egyptians depicted themselves you cant deny the African roots. Skin color
was definitely dark just look at the walls of Ramses ii or look at Tutankhamens t
hrone. Dark skin and Nubian twist hairstyles. History has accounted for multiple
invasions of Egypt and Sudan (considered Ethiopia in ancient times) by Persian
militarys and Roman militarys for the simple fact that they wanted total control o
f the gold trade. It is so sad that nobody wants to acknowledge the fact that Nu
bians actually had an advanced civilization before any Caucasian. Greek gods are
just a replication of ancient egyption beliefs. The first written language was
developed by ancient Egyptians and of course money. And for the record I am not
African or an Afrocentrist, I am actually of Hispanic heritage but leave African
heritage alone eurocentrist you have your own history just as I do. Even though
Europeans tried to bury our ancient cities and steal our gold they survived the
test of time and you cannot take that away.
. Jay Blaze December 20, 2012 at 1:30 AM My Black Brothers and Sisters
, Its a waste of time arguing with these Johnny come lately wanna be Egyptians. I
f it wasnt for the Moors, they would still be in the dark ages. They are only kno
wn for stealing, killing, raping, kidnapping and many more ungodly things. We be
en on this planet for millions of years, They only been here a little over 6 tho
usand years. We are their mothers and fathers. Melanin is the Key to it all, wit
hout it, they are doomed. All praise is due to Amen-Ra the most high.

kay December 20, 2012 at 5:30 PM Dr James Watson, Nobel prize winner in Gene
tics, once claimed that darker guys have more testesterone and hence libido. Tha
t theory sure fits in well with the East Asian men
. Porcelain doll December 20, 2012 at 6:15 PM Well well well, I have r
ead the most delusional crap ever. For one thing google the very first pharaoh a
nd please tell me thats not a Negro nose!! And furthermore white ppl were never e
laborate in dressing themselves like all true Africans are Egyptian or otherwise
. You all still are very shabby dressers who wear virtually no flamboyant colors
. So i really cant see an ugly white man or woman wearing a gold headdress. Or t
he men with a beard or goatee. And egypt is not the true name of the land along
the the nile.It was even on the hieroglyphs called kem or kmt which translates t
o black. Even your so called historians Herodotus said they were black with wool
y hair. I meant really though, the fact of the matter is look at those death mas
ks!! If them aint negro noses lol then there must not be a such thing as a Negro
nose.. Again lol!! And I have one more brief observation.. Why are their pyramid
s on every continent except Europe! In Africa (not just Egypt either) south amer
ica (the mayans) , asia too. Im just saying what was yall ancestors doing besides
drinking and having sex with boys, oh and please dont hit me with that Rome n Spa
rta bullshit either lol all that shit is crooked lol leaning towers n whatnot. N
ot impressive. I guess somethings never change too on your end! Stealing ideas a
nd plaigurising our geometric system, introducing liquor to clean ppl, and robbi
ng Timbuktu for its vast libraries and gold. Yes!! Timbuktu is in west Africa n wa
s wealthier than Egypt. Were the first makers of what we call books. So exactly
what did yall flatbacks do in our world besides steal, kill n destroy?.. P.S and
there is no way you can think those fine ass pharaohs were anything but brothers
cus whites boys aint hardly that well built and good looking.

Robert Lindsay December 20, 2012 at 7:07 PM Listen here Black woman. I am ba
nning you baby. HAND! Merry Christmas!

I SMELL A FART December 21, 2012 at 8:38 PM Hand is good
. Chichi December 20, 2012 at 11:17 PM Ancient Egyptians were black, b
ut not black like African Americans (West African stock) and West Africans. Anci
ent Egyptians looked like what modern day Horn Africans (Ethiopians, Somalis, Er
itreans, Djiboutians) look like. Basically, they are indeed black people, but th
ey dont have the big gorilla nose that other negroes tend to have.

anansi December 21, 2012 at 12:54 AM Chichi man I am sure you believe the tr
ipe that you wrote, but one I have never seen a gorilla nose on any Black person
I have seen wide broad noses on humans including some Africans, but genetics do
not support your stance in any case see
012-01-01.pdf or
tion=display&thread=991 and then again broad featured Africans were present in t
he north med In the ancient sample of the Iberian Peninsula highlights the prese
nce of 50% of sub-Saharan lines. From this point on you can ignore the links and p
ost in willfull ignorance or you can clik the links and learn something your cho
ice Chichi man. Read more:

jayjay December 21, 2012 at 8:04 PM Look at the pictures and statutes of Egy
ptian royalty to suss out how they looked. Nefertiti had fine acquiline nose if
I am not mistaken

anansi December 21, 2012 at 8:31 PM Yeah and so does my mom and sis matter o
fact so does a lotta blacks and nose shape varies in kemet as well as other par
ts of Africa,ever seen Winnie Mandela??
d3_9tjFvAy-2iK/Shepseskaf%20-%20fourth%20dynasty.jpg?psid=1 But why the insistance on
what nose shape they have instead of who thet are culturally,geographically,and

jayjay December 22, 2012 at 1:10 AM Thats the only racial classification sys
em in the world. Physical anthropometry. Bobs a bit shallow and fleeting in his ana
lyses. For example he talks about Iranians as if they are a race- then he shows
a picture of a woman who lives in Iran but is ethnic Azeri. So I dont get his poi
nt. Iranian is not a race but a conglomerate of many people. For example the sur
name ending with ian is actually Armenian I think but is now a property of 3 count
ries ( Azer Iran Armen) and now America. But hes got some real interesting articles
I grant you that

Noelle December 22, 2012 at 11:40 AM ancient egyptians are not negroidand th
y did not have negroid features, cleopatra,was half greek, and tolomec,they inte
rmarried alot..look at the tomb wallsthe people were a nice kind of bronzesome of t
heir slaves were nubianblack skinif you look at civil war pics of blacksthey didnt
get more aguiline feautures,..until they started having babies with the white bo
ssesOprahs DNA was linked back to Senegaldid you see that episode? when newsweek re
ported the finding of king tuts facial reconstructionhe looked more like a modern
arab boyand alot of blacks were outragedbut I did enjoy the michael jackson rememb
er the time video,where they were dressed like egyptianswhere dark skin (bronze) i
s more realistic,that whitie that time. and Iam not a white woman ,I cant
wait til science does a more extensive profile on DNA..maybe that would help pu
t to rest,some of these outlandish arguments, that egyptians are negros,were all
so mixed bloodsremember egyptians of old are not the same living today in egyptOp
rahs DNA shows her roots going back to Senegal

anansi December 22, 2012 at 12:48 PM Why would anyone care about Cleopatra a
decendant of an interloper Greek whose claim to fame was that she humped her wa
y into power but was an epic fail anyways,unlike the Queen of Kush in the same e
ra that fought the Romans rather than fuk-em and kept her empire for the next 15
00yrs And what the hell does Oprah have to do with anything but since you did not
clik to any of the above studies lemmie help you out for a sec. DNA Tribes, P.O. B
ox 735, Arlington, VA 22216 DNA Tribes Digest January 1, 2012 Copyright 2012 DNA Trib
es . All rights reserved. To request an email subscription to DNA Tribes Digest, emai with the subject heading Subscribe. To unsubscribe from DNA Tr
ibes Digest, email with the subject heading Unsubscribe. Previou
s issues of DNA Tribes Digest are available online at
html. Table of Contents: Introduction 1
Last of the Amarna Pharaohs: King Tut and His Relatives The famous King Tut and
his relatives. These individuals lived in a unique time more than three thousan
d years ago: the Amarna period, which has left a vivid archaeological record of li
fe in pharaonic Egypt. Mail: DNA Tribes, P.O. Box 735, Arlington, VA 22216 Last of t
he Amarna Pharaohs: King Tut and His Relatives Historical Background During the expl
oration of Egypt, a puzzle emerged along the Nile River: a singular ancient city
that had been hastily abandoned to the desert. The site dated to the mid 1300s B
CE (the height of New Kingdom Egypt) and became known as Amarna (named for the l
ocal Beni Amran tribe). Unusual discoveries here included cuneiform tablets (the
Amarna letters), written in a peripheral Akkadian vernacular spoken in the Levant
ine cities of the former Tutsi/Hyksos and their relatives to the north.
Even more unusual was the Amarna art found in the city. Unlike the idealized royal
icons customary in ancient Egypt, Amarna was decorated with naturalistic portra
its emphasizing the individuality of the kings family and retinue.
Absent from Amarna were images of Egypts ancient pantheon. Instead, this abandoned
city had been dedicated to the more abstract Aten, symbolized by the suns orb exte
nding its rays.1 Examination of texts and monuments revealed this as the lost ci
ty of Akhetaten (Horizon of the Aten), freshly built for the rebel pharaoh Akhenaten
and his wife Nefertiti. The iconoclastic Akhenaten had opposed the wealthy and in
fluential priesthood of Egypt by closing temples, removing the names of the gods
from monuments, and even forbidding use of the plural term gods. Known in life as
Living in Maat (Justice or Truth), he was later remembered only as the Criminal of
After Akhenatens rule ended in unknown circumstances, his name was erased from al
l future king lists. Traditional polytheism was then re-established under Tutank
hamun (King Tut) and the former vizier Ay.2 Despite helping the return to Egyptian
customs, the names of Tut and Ay were also omitted from Egyptian records for th
eir association with the rebel pharaoh. Shortly after it had been built, the city of
Akhetaten was abandoned. Ironically, the ruins of the City of the Horizon became
an archaeological time capsule. The Egyptian desert preserved the citys documents
, naturalistic art, open air building designs, and urban layout as a testament t
o an innovative moment in ancient history.
The end of the Amarna period marked the conclusion of the Thutmosid 18th Dynasty
of Egypt. King Tut and his relatives were to be the last descendants of one of th
e ancient pharaonic families, sometimes said to have ancestral links with the Land
of Punt (near the Horn of Africa).3 Archaeologists have discovered several royal
mummies linked to the Amarna period. These include not only the famous mummy of Ki
ng Tut, but also his mother KV35YL and relatives Amenhotep III and Yuya. However,
the association of the mummy KV55 with the iconoclast of Amarna remains uncertain.
KV55 has been tentatively identified as Akhenaten; however, it is still debated
whether this is the rebel pharaoh himself or instead the remains of another relativ
e (such as Smenkhkare). 1 During Akhenatens reign, the Aten was represented as a phon
etic name and inscribed in a cartouche, suggesting an abstract yet personal concep
t of deity sometimes compared to the Abrahamic traditions. For instance, some scho
lars have compared Psalm 104 with devotional poetry found in the ruins of Akheta
ten. 2 Ay was Overseer of All the Horses of His Majesty and possibly the father-in-l
aw of Akhenaten and related to several studied Amarna mummies. 3 More recently, some
archaeologists have compared the Predynastic Naqada culture of Egypt with the A-
Group culture of Nubia (located south of Egypt along the Nile River). DNA Tribes Diges
t January 1, 2012 All contents 2006-2012 DNA Tribes. DNA Tribes DNA Tribes patent pen
ding analysis is available exclusively from DNA Tribes. All rights reserved. DNA Tri
bes Digest January 1, 2012 Page 3 of 10 Web:; Email: dna@d Mail: DNA Tribes, P.O. Box 735, Arlington, VA 22216 Genetic Analysis of
Amarna Mummies Geographical analysis of the Amarna mummies was performed using th
eir autosomal STR profiles based on 8 tested loci.4 Results are summarized in Tabl
e 1 and illustrated in Figure 1. Maps for individual Amarna mummies are included i
n Figures 2-8 in the Appendix. Discussion: Average MLI scores in Table 1 indicate
the STR profiles of the Amarna mummies would be most frequent in present day popul
ations of several African regions: including the Southern African (average MLI 326
.94), African Great Lakes (average MLI 323.76), and Tropical West African (avera
ge MLI 83.74) regions. These regional matches do not necessarily indicate an exclusi
vely African ancestry for the Amarna pharaonic family. However, results indicate t
hese ancient individuals inherited some alleles that today are more frequent in po
pulations of Africa than in other parts of the world (such as D18S51=19 and D21S11
=34). MLI for World Region Thuya Yuya KV35EL Amenhotep III KV55 KV35YL Tut Average Souther
n African 359.72 34.48 20.73 108.53 174.90 71.17 1,519.03 326.94 African Great Lak
es 233.49 35.53 20.87 222.53 381.30 44.58 1,328.01 323.76 Tropical West African 14
2.84 8.91 6.93 37.43 53.03 22.99 314.00 83.74 Horn of Africa 14.65 0.79 5.17 12.03
4.54 22.00 44.35 14.79 Sahelian 39.14 0.74 5.76 2.97 4.40 16.85 30.41 14.33 Levanti
ne 0.40 1.56 0.66 10.30 6.07 8.40 21.08 6.92 Aegean 0.12 0.35 0.87 9.06 7.05 20.16
9.85 6.78 Arabian 0.12 0.42 0.70 5.58 2.83 21.41 10.91 6.00 Northwest European 0.21
0.28 1.26 3.99 10.41 15.01 5.33 5.21 Mediterranean 0.08 0.23 0.74 4.54 5.81 16.80
6.04 4.89 North African 2.22 0.21 0.75 3.39 3.25 12.63 6.55 4.14 Mesopotamian 0.06
0.41 0.63 6.24 2.69 11.54 5.27 3.84 Table 1: Top MLI (Match Likelihood Index) scor
es for Amarna mummies based on the world regions identified by DNA Tribes STR analy
sis. Each MLI score identifies the likelihood Aquiline Features before OOA movemen
ead=1049 If you can comprehend the above then you are making head way.
. Dennis January 1, 2013 at 5:03 PM Absolute Nonsense the scientific c
ommunity are at logger heads over the testing methods used, any result can not b
e relied on because of ancient and new contamination , the result can be twisted
and lead to false claims please read the article in the link: http://www.nature.c
om/news/2011/110427/full/472404a.html If you really want to know the truth, resear
ch what van sertima had to say regarding the melalin tests carried out by Unesco
on the Phoeroes mummified bodies which proved without a shadow of a doubt that
the Mummies of the pharaohs were in fact that of black African men. As the high
levels of melalin in skin can only be found in black Africans and people of black
skin. The melanin in the skin is produced by melanocytes, which are found in the b
asal layer of the epidermis. Although, in general, human beings possess a simila
r concentration of melanocytes in their skin, the melanocytes in some individual
s and ethnic groups especially black Africans are higher than everyone elses, an
d thats a fact that is indisputable. So please dont try and use false DNA testing re
sults to try and claim a link to the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, because it is ut
ter rubbish.

Noelle January 2, 2013 at 9:16 AM Why not use DNA? and all other scienctific
measures ? Eygptians of old, are not the eygptians of todayEygptians may have be
en in the african region, but they were not Negroids Cleopatra was part masadonian
,(greek)and tolomecif DNA wouldnt help to clear up this part of the argument,then
what would/ endless debate and argument

Dennis January 2, 2013 at 3:56 PM I agree Noelle, but until the scientific c
ommunity agree on a solid basis for Dna testing of the ancient Pharaohs , which
can take into account the substances they used to in balm them I dont think the r
esults can be relied on to be accurate. But I believe there is just too much evide
nce which proves who they were and what they looked like, for example I witness
accounts from just one of the Greek theologian. Herodotus Book 2: Euterpe [50] n
o 57 & Herodotus Book 2: Euterpe [100]
.htm I believe these and many more statements from these ancient greek theolgians
should close the argument about who they really were.
. Noelle January 2, 2013 at 9:27 AM In 2005 I joined genebase.comthey s
end you a swaband test it in their laband you can see where your ancestors origina
tedI only did my mothers side, she was born in north africa, of french spanish je
wessmy dads a mexican american,with apache great grand dadwere a mix, thats for su
remy skin color is that kind of orangey red,you see on the tomb wallsbut what the
hells does that meanjust that people ask me especially during the summer, wow, wh
at beautiful skinso are you saying, . lets see, twelve tribes in israeleveryone, w
ent off their own wayyou get latinos, whites, blackskmaybe when we hhit the other
side, we can see whats really going onwith features,and skin color
. Nadir January 2, 2013 at 4:22 PM I think they were mixed. As are mod
ern Egyptians today

Ancient Black Wisdom January 2, 2013 at 7:51 PM Dear Robert Lindsay, Its gre
youre interested in the Ancient Egyptians, but quite frankly, youre just another I
ceman racist. Youre the residue of Europe, full of hate, war, and disease..see th
e Black Death, catchy name! You monkeys, and I say that because science claims A
LL NON AFRICAN people come from neanderthal, are so smart, can you explain the D
ark Ages? Or how you didnt get a book until the 17th century? Where are you getti
ng youre research, the so-called Jews? Because theyre thieves too! I love you Robe
rt, you and your cave-men brothers and sisters have always been cold

Robert Lindsay January 3, 2013 at 9:05 AM Ok Great Black Man, you are banned
. The Black Death was a misnomer. If you want to experience the real Black Death u
p close and personal, just go pay a visit to any US inner city. Make sure to wat
ch your back! Ancient Black Wisdom is a great thing. It lives on today, especially
in US inner cities, where we see the Ancient Black Wisdom on display so well. I
t takes a special sort of wisdom to take a great inner city and turn it into a D
ystopian throwback state. Its probably not that easy; not anyone can do just that
! Kudos to the primordial Black mind you all are tapping.

alf January 3, 2013 at 9:42 AM its funny how both extremes want to claim Egy
pt as their own race. like it makes any difference. Lindsay, you obviously have a
problem with black people, were you molested by a black person as a child? Anyways
lets get down and dirty with this debate. Firstly all DNA evidence performed on m
ummies seem to show an admixture of both sub Saharan, and eurasian DNA, however
it appears the % of the eurasian admixture is greater, and it mostly comes from
the paternal side (y chromosne) BUT thats looking at mummies of relatively recen
t dynasties (ie king tut of the 18th dynasty) going back to the earlier dynastie
s we dont really have dna samples of the mummies, but we do have some sub Sahara
n looking statues. PLEASE check out statues of Huni and Djoser. for me thats not
evidence anyways. what i would call evidence and intriguing is the fact that the
oldest mummy in africa is of a sub saharan child in libya that is about 6000 yea
rs old. its funny how people forget about it. also the fact that Kushites and to
a certain degree the Dmt civilization that preceded aksum were very similar to
egypt, then again for me that isnt really evidence( apart from the uan muhuggiag
mummy). i have so much other circumstantial evidence that i could write, ie the
similarities of sports that the hausas of nigeria or sum tribes of sudan perform
that is very similar to egyptian sporting rites. please search Dambe. also the fa
cial characteristics of the sphinx appear to be sub Saharan, but i really cant b
e bothered. anwayz i feel afrocentrist just try to use egypt to tell themselves th
at sub saharan Africans could achieve something, they dont intelligently look at
the evidence or try and see sense, they just see conspiracy. and people like lind
say, might have a problem with blacks (perhaps due to the fact that we was fondl
ed by a big bad negro) or he just thinks that statistical evidence (bell curve b
ullshit) shows that on average sub Saharan tend to be intellectually inferior. wel
l all i can say is this, pre rome, most of western europe where in the stone age
, the mayans ethipians, nubians, Chinese, assyrians sumerians, all were technoli
gically superior back then, but who rules the world now? its not about who dominat
ed 5000 years ago, its about where you are going.

anansi January 3, 2013 at 10:28 AM Alf claming Kemet as Black and African is
not an extreme as especially in the early dyn,right up to the Greco/Roman era t
hey were for the most part just that black and African and as far as biology goe
s the were a tropically adopted people,as they were discribed as Super Negroid a t
erm I hate corresponding to bone structure and Profile on the Nile Genetic kinship
analyses revealed identical haplotypes in both mummies (table 1); using the Whit
Atheys haplogroup predictor, we determined the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a. T
he testing of polymorphic autosomal microsatellite loci provided similar results
in at least one allele of each marker (table 2). Hawass et al 2012. Revisiting the
harem conspiracy and death of Ramesses III. British Medical Journal, BMJ2012;345
:e8268 Haplogroup E1b1a (now known as E-M2) is an African DNA group, most commonly f
ound in sub-Saharan Africa QUOTE: Haplogroup E1b1 now contains two basal branches,
E-V38 (E1b1a) and E-M215 (E1b1b), with V38/V100 joining the two previously separ
ated lineages E-M2 (former E1b1a) and E-M329 (former E1b1c). Each of these two l
ineages has a peculiar geographic distribution. E-M2 is the most common haplogro
up in sub-Saharan Africa, with frequency peaks in western (about 80%) and centra
l Africa (about 60%). Trombetta et al 2011. A New Topology of the Human Y Chromosome
Haplogroup E1b1 (E-P2) PLoS ONE 6(1): e16073. Read more: http://egyptsearchreloaded Whil
e the preceding 18th Dyn plotted heavily with the people of the Great lakes and
Southern Africans And while Kemet was important there are those of us who look at o
ther river valleys and further up the Nile river. African Historical Ruins you nev
er see on TV An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable
JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. Read more: Pls clik
the links

Robert Lindsay January 3, 2013 at 9:48 AM All right alf. I never got moleste
d by anyone, much less a Big Black man, when I was a kid. Most sane folks have a
problem with Black people when large enough numbers of them are present. Thats w
hat White Flight is all about. White Flight is all about *sanity.* Sane people o
f any race start taking off real quick when the neighborhood starts getting too
Black. In fact, even the sane and decent Black people start taking off when the
neighborhood gets too Black. The stories I could tell you. And Black people are in
deed intellectually inferior on average, but I dont like to talk about it too muc
h on here. Thats not even really controversial among any honest scientists.
. Noelle January 3, 2013 at 10:02 AM Alf, you talk about eygpt 5000 ye
ars agoEygpt is alot older than , more than 9000, and probably oldersome responder
s on this site, say well neffertiti looked like some of the black bi-racial wome
n,we have today, think Beyonce etc..and thats suppose to be evidence,that negros
were eygptiansyour way offyour graspingwhat is that all about? just because eygpti
ans were in africa, deosntg meantheir Negroidlook at the tomb wallks as a starting
pointthe nubians, were black , ethiopians have more linear features,and they are
black, but are they negroidseyptians,were a bronze kind of orange huelook at civi
l war pics, of black slavesis that suppose to be egyptian blacks?

Alf January 3, 2013 at 11:49 AM Haha!!! Its like you guys just ignored my co
ments on the famed Libyan mummy, or the statues or the cultural similarities wit
h some west African tribes ( Hausa ) Yeh I know some theories claim egypt to be ol
der, for example a prof of geology at MIT asserts that due to water erosion visi
ble on the body of the sphinx, It could be as old as 9000 years. Whats funny is t
hat 9000 years ago the inhabitants of much of the Sahara were what you would cal
l black. And some archeological dogs in Libya, Sudan and Egypt show a similarity
to what became ancient Egypt, google uan muggiag mummy. Anyways my point is the p
re dynastiic and even the early dynasties were predominantly black, With little
to know semite admixture. But towards 3000bc Semites started to migrate towards
the Nile, and they started to influence Egypt

Cedric Harris January 3, 2013 at 12:01 PM A US inner city is the result of r
acial disparity in the criminal justice system, otherwise known as slavery. No nee
d to watch my back around my own people, although you should. Ancient Black Wisd
om is most certainly a great thing, its actually the topic of your blog. Of cours
e, youve seen Ancient Egyptian depictions of themselves, right? (Theyre obviously
not, um..lets say white) I just dont understand how these apes, living in holes, t
hawed, came to Kemet and built Pyramids! Why? I mean there was plenty of room in
Europe! Where is the evidence of their greatness before the 17th century? Ha! N
either do I! Neither do they! Youre so ridiculously racist and ignorant. The inner
city in this God-forsaken country your ancestors stole, is the result of their o
wn policy. And, you, the great-grandson, better yet, the waste matter of years o
f oppression, have the audacity to claim the goodness of Africa? May God have me
rcy on your wretched soul. Your people have spoiled His people and divided His l
and. And have taken the goodness of our God and our ancestors and called your ow
n. The only mistake Afrikans have made is welcoming a stranger into our home, who
stole, murdered, raped, and utterly destroyed our family structure. Chains and p
rison cells come from your people, just as war and disease. You cowards never go
one on one, with no weapons, youre not able. Take it back home with you. Mr. Rob
ert Lindsay, youre a coward, lying and hiding behind webpages and false literatur
e, in order to feel some assurance, because even you know how wretched the devil
is. But, the dry bones are sleeping, not dead. And our Creator is breathing new
life into the Ancient Man. On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Robert Lindsay wrote: >
** > Alf commented: Haha!!! Its like you guys just ignored my comments on > the f
amed Libyan mummy, or the statues or the cultural similarities with > some west
African tribes ( Hausa ) Yeh I know some theories claim egypt to > be older, for
example a prof of geology at MIT asse >

Robert Lindsay January 3, 2013 at 12:04 PM Such an intelligent Black guy, an
d you are wasting your time with Afrocentric idiocy. So sad, and also, you are b
anned. Happy New Year!

Alf January 3, 2013 at 11:57 AM Haha!!! Its like you guys just ignored my co
ments on the famed Libyan mummy, or the statues or the cultural similarities wit
h some west African tribes ( Hausa ) Yeh I know some theories claim egypt to be ol
der, for example a prof of geology at MIT asserts that due to water erosion visi
ble on the body of the sphinx, It could be as old as 9000 years. Whats funny is t
hat 9000 years ago the inhabitants of much of the Sahara were what you would cal
l black. And some archeological digs in Libya, Sudan and Egypt show a similarity
to what became ancient Egypt, google uan muggiag mummy. Anyways my point is the p
re dynastiic and even the early dynasties were predominantly black, With little
to know semite admixture. But towards 3000bc Semites started to migrate towards
the Nile, and they started to influence Egypt
. Noelle January 3, 2013 at 10:20 AM Really I bet if one went to eygpt
and asked the current egyptians if the american black man is a decendent of eyg
ptiansyoud get an ear full.take an atlas out and look at itthe africans that were ta
ken to american, were on the other side of where egyptians wereif they were a bro
nze orangey hue, what happend thenthey got darker in the US???? you want us to be
lieve, that compton thug, is a decendant of king tut? I would ask, how wide was
the fallpeople/tribes have been wiped out for millienium, and disappear, never to
be found, like I said before, egyptians of old, are not the ones of todayI think
the only way to stop this ridiculous, banter, is to get more scientificlook at t
he blood types of todaywhat is ittype O is only 20,000 years old? or something lik
e thatscientific will but this all to restmy mothers from north africa, her skin i
s white in winter, but she can get black literally in summermeI have latin father,
so I get that bronze huelike eygptiansso does that meanthat Iam part egyptian.MY PO
INT ISdoesnt matter coloryou can look in any ones familysome dont look like they be
long.if you take one persons grandparentsand then their you know ho
w many people it tooksomething like 2400 peopleto just go back a a few hundred yea
rs.maybe someday this will all get fetered outbut for nowmost people dont believe t
hat eygptians werre negros.your sayingeygptians were bronze, nubians blackand today
s blacks are the egytptians of old?? bull hockey

anansi January 3, 2013 at 10:56 AM Really Noelle?? if you go to Egypt and sa
y Egypt was black you get an ear full,well that might depend on who you are taki
ng with An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable Java
Script if it is disabled in your browser. But not from friends of mine who happends to
be Egyptians and yes that includes lite-skinned ones.

tanisha May 27, 2013 at 12:22 AM I cant wait to go back to work to tell my b
ack brown Egyption friends that they are not really black. Hahahahaha. And my Et
hipians friends they are brown with nappy hair straight hair curly and dreads th
ey are really a special kind of what people. And yes by the way any black whose
ancesters were shippe across the atlantiv is a hebrew. White people have always
stolen our history. Hell we couldnt even make a song cause they still that too. A
nd everytime they deny the facts do you notice its always done with racism and n
ame calling like thug and gorilla and taunting. They are eviln and the truth is
not in them and they are jealous and steal kill and destroy. I am a brown women
and flamboyant colors match my tone. My egyption friends wear vibrant colors and
have family that live by pyramids. Ethiopians and blacks in america are related
cause of Moses and marrying a cushite ethipian. Blacks if thats what you want to
call us have been scattered to the four corners of the earth handed over to our
rnemies until Yahwehs curse is lifted. Yes I know who I am. Far from dumb too.
Almost done with a undergrad in Health Care Management and accepted into nursing
without having to sit for the entrance exam so my comments are reliable and fac
tual. Read duet28. Just accept the truth.
. anansi January 3, 2013 at 11:07 AM An error occurred. Try watching this
video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browse
r. An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript
it is disabled in your browser. an Egyptian woman discussing a the origins of their peo
ple this time from lower Egypt.
. anansi January 3, 2013 at 11:11 AM An error occurred. Try watching this
video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browse
r. An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript
it is disabled in your browser. Sorry for the split post but here is the rest from an E
gyptian historian/guide enjoy.
. Noelle January 3, 2013 at 11:58 AM Anansi, if your reply is to disua
de me, your comment didnt even really make senseits a Giventhat if one were to spea
k to someone else, yourd get a different reply, Duh.WTF??? Iam in the camp, that d
oes not believethat the American Black person is decendent from Egyptiians of ove
r 6+ thousand of years agogo down the lineof papers, and scientific tests, and all
the info isnt in yetin a few more years, hopefulloy it can all be brought to a s
atisfactiontake a simple fact, look at the tomb wallseygptians, bronze/orange skin
color, Nubians, Black (not saying they are usa black) how did eygptians go from
bronze to blacker than a black?? the egyptians of old, are not the egyptians to
day ,the blood types of many people living today and have 0only been in existenc
e for some for just 5 thousand years.sure who wouldnt want to be related to egypt
ians of oldthen what? look at old civil war pics of slaves taken from there homes
in africayour saying those are eygptians of old??

anansi January 3, 2013 at 1:21 PM Noelle Iam not here to disuade you from an
ything I dont care if you hold on to your belief like a religion,but I will respo
nd to misstatement of facts and it was you who challange anyone to go to Egypt a
nd ask Egyptians on the matter and recieve an ear-ful,we did and we have a coupl
e of answers,I especially like the lady historians answers and explaination,and f
rankly Africans south of the desert come in all shades and and phenotype,but mor
e importantly they are connected biologically to each-other and yes that include
s AAs and others,lemme clue you on a lil something,you see about 6-7kyrs B.C the
re was the green Sahara,well it dried up and folks scattered East West North and
South some hit the Nile some went to the Niger others eventually reached the Za
mbezi.Look up Nabta Playta and Gilf al-Kebir,look up the cattle keeping cultures
along the entire Nile up to the Great Lakes where the God Bes came from and the
Land of the Gods Ta netjer(Land of the Gods) to the East is located,eyeball ant
hropology is useless,but ill make this a lil easier for you. An error occurred. Try wa
tching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in
your browser. Pay attention to time 14;00 The first one is a sculpture of a Yoruba fig
alled a Child of Obatala. Obatala is a Yoruba god. And the second one is the Egy
ptian god Bes. And they are both wearing a skull necklace. Read more: http://egypt

Noelle January 3, 2013 at 5:45 PM I belong to the camp, that as Hawass says,
that Eygptians were not Negroid look at the tomb wallsNubians are blacker than cof
feeI dont think they are decendants of American blackslook at the egyptians on tho
se same walls(tomb) king tut, is bronze colored, trampling on NubiansAnansi, you
ramble, and you say nothingare you kidding me? you make no sense whats so everI li
ke it short and sweet,just like I wrote it here, go on utube, and see some rasta
fan dude, yelling at the king tut, exhibit, that its all a lie, about king tut,
comming out looking like an arab boy of todayphysically.go on and dilude yoursel,
dearbut your way off

anansi January 3, 2013 at 8:09 PM Noelle you chose to stick your fingers in
your ears,put blinders over your eyes,and ignore evidence to the contrary,like g
enetic, biological,cultural evidence and eye witness testimony of the Hebrews,Gr
eeks Romans and early Arabs and Egyptians themselves,you rely on eye ball anthro
pology and personal antidote which is selective, even your ramblings about bronz
e orangy skinned painted Egyptians is off the mark as the same color scheme can
be found in Kushitie Temples and paintings right across Africa and into the dias

Noelle January 4, 2013 at 9:58 AM Look whos calling the pot blackYes there
e black pharoahs in kush, there was a kush dynasty who reigned in the middle of
the 7th dynasty BC who was driven out by the Assyriansthe greeks called those peo
ple Ethiopiansbut king tut was not a negroand I dont believe he was whiteHe lived in
the east northern part of Africa, the slaves that were picked up thousand of ye
ars later were in the west coast by that timewere from Ghana,cape verde, and othe
r placesso for the most part, blacks in the united states, to affiliate themselve
s with the Egyptians,for the most part that most people see romantizies on tv an
d movies, is not where the blacks/negros are of todaylook at photografes of black
slaves in the 1800there blacker than coffeeis that what your saying is King tuts d
ecendants, ridiculoushave you seen the newsweek remake of King Tuts face (forensi
c)? yet you sayits white America, cover up!! are you for real?? how do you reason
with someone such as yourself?? look at all the evidencethe tomb wallsif Eygptian
s were black, why do they show nubians, as B L A C K and themselves a brown orang
e bronze?? I find that blacks are more racist than any other peoples I have enco
untered, to say that all pharoahs were black is ridiculous

anansi January 4, 2013 at 10:58 AM Blah blah blah and more blah, black slave
s ad-infinatum,dude Africans came to the Americas from all points in Africa ever
heard of Estevanico the Explorer of Arizona and New Mexico?? well where was he f
rom?? we Africans coming from as far east as frikin Madagascar.and again with th
e bronze orange thingy..I see chocolate brown for the most part,and again look a
t how the Kush painted themselves,and if you gonna use the Greeks to buttress yo
u argument why not go all the way. Diodorus Siculus: that the Egyptians are colonist
s sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. For,
speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when
in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile
during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was
gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of th
e Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof,
in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; for as each
year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the s
ea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving th
e increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold,
Ethiopian, the colonists still preserving their ancient manners. For instance, t
he belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay t
o their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practi
ces, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiop

Noelle January 4, 2013 at 10:26 AM Anansi, yes there were kush Pharoahsthe g
eeks called them ethiopians, not all pharoahs were Black.King Tut, was not a negro.g
o to utube, and watch that rastifarian dude, shouting outside of the King Tut exhi
bitthat its all whiteys lieswhen the exhibit, displayed the forensic, display of T
uts looked like an Arab youth of todayeven tho the eygptians of Tuts day, a
re not thesame egyptian of todayso? whats your point.I bet if they did DNA(go to ge and pay, 120.00 for a saliva swab of one side of your mothers side of
the familyand see a map of where you originated) you can also get your fathers s
ideI bet youll see yusa Blacks are not ethiopians, or eygptianthere senegal, ghana,
cape verdeetcfor the most part, its a hatred of blacks for whitesIam sorry but I fi
nd some black here in los angeles, more racistthan whitesI dont say Tut and his pe
ople were whitethats just in moviesand as far as, comments, that look at neffertit
i, and examplea Beyonceand that proves it, is ridiculouslook at civil war pics,of b
lack slaves, blacker than coffee groundsits only when black and whites in the las
t 2 hundred years in this country.that you get thatbeautiful bi racial mixthat this
modern day woman, would look like a neffertitithe slaves ancestors of the people
here in the americas todayare from the west coast of africanot from the sudan, an
d eygptyet, blacks here, want to believe, that they come from king tuts people, r
. Noelle January 3, 2013 at 12:09 PM I suggest you go to
put your DNA in there, its a startI know a black woman, who was sure they had ame
rican Indian blood (family folk lore) and found out, they actually had a chinese
relativebut no American IndianI know, it sounds romantic huhIve know alot of peopl
e, in the 70s that all told me, they had an American Indian princess in there lin
eage.ReallyWTFis that suppose to make me, feel more kindred with you?? its mystifyi
ng why us Black want to believe they are decendent from Egyptianswe as a people,
are so intertwined, but to say, us blacks are eygptians I dont believe is correc
t, wait till all the info comes inand when your in a hot enviorment, your skin ge
ts darkerand being born or moving to africa, doesnt make you negroid.isnt there on
ly what like 3 or how many races? negroid, caucasoid,oriental, and then what??
. Dennis January 3, 2013 at 1:22 PM Im sorry Noelle but you have to ta
ke into account the slave trade which deported so many black africans of that re
gion all over the world, most losing there history and connection, with who they
were ,surely your not denying that fact , it seems you are denying i witness ac
counts from the greek theologians, i think i would rather listen to a i witness
account , of which descibes or indicates who the early ancient peoples of Eygpt
were, rather than a study of DNA now which can be manipulated . there are not many
high courts in the world where a, i witness account or a wriiten account from a
witness isnt taken as the truth , especially from a people or person with no ax
e to grind at that point in time. think about it, please do some more research.
your right to a extent the later dynisties were possibly very mixed after severa
l invasions and a period of time.. my issue is the fact that there has always been
and there is now, so much evidence which is not reported and not written about
and published and hidden because it does fit with the current modern day image o
f the builders and the peoples of that pirticular civilisation amongst other reaso
ns of which i wont go into here, But the truth will always come out & win in the
. Noelle January 4, 2013 at 10:13 AM The Black slaves that came to the
Americas were taken from the west coast of africa, yes there were black pharoahs
, in kush, the greeks called them ethiopiansto say that all pharoahs in egypt wer
e Black is wrong, King Tut, was not negroand no ones quite sure ..I hear different,
but Iam not going to debate thatpeople also argue, about the tomb wallsif Tut was
black, why are the nubians blackand hiimself and his people, a brown bronze hue?
? oh yea, thats the white mans lies!!! go to utube, and watch that rastifi dude,
saying thatoutside of the King Tut exhibitbecause they did forensic,on King Tuts fac
e and he didnt look (gasp) blackhe looked like a modern day arabeven tho, the eygp
tians living in Tuts time, are not the same as the eygptians of today.and I also
find, Blacks today in America, where Iam from, Los Angeles, to be very racistIam
considered white, by them, but Iam not considered white, by whitesand thats the t
ruth, but I will get death threats, and s for using my !st ammendment

anansi January 4, 2013 at 11:56 AM Noelle I asked you to look at how other A
fricans painted them selves but intead you insist on making an ass out of yourse
lf without doing the most basic research. Benin painting of battle scenes West Africa.
ite scene trade or tax mission Ethiopian prayer book from the mid-15th century pain
ted dark Ethiopian Religious Painting Painting done by Zulus. Now please shut up about yo
r Bronze orangy painting it means fuk-all as Africans painted themselves with pr
etty much the same hues.

Noelle January 4, 2013 at 6:13 PM I didnt use any derogatory words to you! c
alling me an ass, because I have a right to my opinion, just shows me and others
, what a weak argument you have, you make lousy arguments..When people start atta
cking others personally, it just shows, what an Idiot you are.Take a hike and go
pound sand, Iam not interested in your drivel.
. Objectivity January 4, 2013 at 12:03 PM I picture the ancient Egypti
ans looking like obama

anansi January 4, 2013 at 12:34 PM Sigh! more eyeball anthropology Mentuhote
seskaf of the 4th dynasty Yes some did look looked like Obama but they were like any
other group of people did not all look alike the painting at the very least is
more of an ideal than anything else they differ among themselves
. Noelle January 4, 2013 at 6:25 PM Is that how you debate? calling pe
ople names, and dismissing people with Blah Blah Blah that doesnt sound like a lea
rned personwhich now is blantantley evident.My God woman, with your infantile rhet
oricIam still in the other camp.which alot of people agree withI havent opened up y
our screen timeyou look as dull as your makes no sense drivelyour just spouting word
s that make no senseyour unreasonabledense.take it somewhere elseIam not interested
in your stupidity.Your like a dog with a boneLOL

anansi January 4, 2013 at 8:45 PM You deserved to be dismissed at this point
as your are repetitive and bring nothing new to the table, I am not interested
in your opinions with absolutely nothing to back it up but your imagination, mos
t of all I hate willful ignorance and lazyness, just saying you are in the other
camp is not using any scientific approach,you made claims which have been easil
y shut down,you lack objectiveness and gloss over information presented, you mad
e no counter argument based on information provided and this was no debate as it
has become obvious you are not my equal. PS Anansi is Akan and means, simply, spi
der. and Iam a male.

Noelle January 5, 2013 at 9:57 AM Anansi,When you child man ,cannot debate ,
without calling people names,you sir are dismissed, where did you get your degree?
and if you havent noticedyou are dismissed clueless so stop emailing meId like to see
you talk to the expertsand use name calling.. and you can bet Iam not your equal
Iam above youyou mysogynist.yea brilliant, look the word upThank God were in the USA
, if I was in your neck of the woodsId be murdered because Iam a woman. you are IG
. FEAR! January 11, 2013 at 2:53 PM Hello Im an afrikan the evidence h
as already been made concrete that Ancient Egypt/Kemet was of an intellectual, a
nd at the acme of modern knowledge race of very dark as in skin people. Denial i
s just a result of fear for the pale faced people. I know what they fear more th
an anything, and that is afrikans(true afrikans) obtaining knowledge by the mass
es. They know even if by the slightest of degree that when we unite we will exce
l, and outdo them succinctly. We will unite as an afrikan race, and when we do w
e will rein in on you pale faced people. Im sorry it will be this way, but you h
ave sewn this judgement all your own. It is why you all desperately try to cloud
truth out of fear. Do you actually believe that the pale faced people will not
be punished for your years of oppressing? Not only to afrikans, but many others
you all have done oodles of wrongs. When the time comes the pale faced, and arab
s, and any not of our afrikan fatherland will be cast out like the lowly swine y
ou are. I am truly sorry it has to be this way, but as Ive said the doing is all
your own. We are working on unity, trust, and education! amongst my afrikan broth
ers, and sisters. We have been beaten, and broken to shun these. Time brings all
to light, and we will have our time again. We ask not that you give us our heri
tage, we want nothing from you, as we are not of, but you of us. We will TAKE ou
r heritage, and lift the shade from the eyes my people, and beat the pale faced
people with a truth that dries them out, and tizzies their minds. Pretty soon yo
u will see more afrikans everywhere in places held in high regard doing prestigi
ous professions at a caliber that pale faced people arent capable of. Remember my
words because before you know we will be upon you before you are aware. It is r
ight to fear us

Robert Lindsay January 11, 2013 at 3:14 PM Pretty soon you will see more afr
ikans everywhere in places held in high regard doing prestigious professions at
a caliber that pale faced people arent capable of. Remember my words because befo
re you know we will be upon you before you are aware. It is right to fear us LOL, t
rembling in my boots here guy.

Brengunn January 11, 2013 at 3:38 PM you all have done oodles of wrong Beauti
ul phrase, I may use that myself, if you dont mind.
. FEAR! January 11, 2013 at 3:01 PM Also understand we are different f
rom you in every meaning of a superior mould. We are easily physically superior,
but we will defeat you a your own game smarts. As we are the reason you have an
y if at all rem my words

Brengunn January 11, 2013 at 3:35 PM We are easily physically superior Ye are
certainly that, alas, thats where the superiority ends. Best leave the thinking t
o the pale faces, ok!
. mrcuteblackie January 15, 2013 at 1:28 PM It would be foolish to thi
nk that ancient Egyptians would have been any other race than black Nubians, giv
en the hotness of Egypt. Egypt is even hotter than Cameroon and Congo, the land
of the true bantus. Given the hard work of the Egyptians at that time, it would
be unlikely that the art and science could have been done by caucasians, who wou
ld not have coped in that weather.
. para January 24, 2013 at 6:10 PM A little poem for a tune. Everywhere
you look you see me everywhere you dig you find me you go into outer space you find me you g
o to inner space you find me oh what despair you say where am i this day you go back in
time all you find in mine where am i you cry so you try to replace me, with yourself but y
ou have no success you create an army of geneticists to probe and map me but your mind j
ust cant see because of the complexity of that which is me. by pararealist.
. Chloe antonia January 26, 2013 at 3:28 PM For all the effort and ene
rgy expelled in discussing the ethnic connections of an ancient people, not a si
ngle post has questioned the relevance if such connection. Am I to take credit f
or accomplishments of my predecesors because we share genetic information? Am I
also personally liable for the crimes of those sharing such genetic traits? This
notion is ludicrous. The origins of those who built ancient Egypt are relevant on
ly in so far as the truth has been distorted in order to propagate the view that
Black Africans are intellectually inferior. There is no scientific basis for th
is assertion. Alas there is no scientifically agreed definition let alone measur
ement of intelligence. Eurocentrics you are wrong. Black Africans are in no way in
ferior and yet have been made to feel so, systematically to the detriment of an
entire race. Afrocentrics I empathise as much as a European can, if I were black Im
sure Id be beyond angry. I have just one caveat, and for want of a better phrase
; two wrongs will never make a right. Caucasians are not intellectually inferior
either. I agree that black people are physically superior, to everyone else, no
t just whites. However, is ths how we measure humanity? By who can run faster or
invade the most nations? We are all, whether you believe in god or evolution, des
cended from the same people/place. We all deserve to be credited for who we are
and the deeds that we have undertaken. As a European I do not deserve to be blam
ed for the slave trade, unless I continue such attitudes, which I do not, and no
r do I deserve credit for the invention of penicillin. I am incredibly suspicious
of anyone who seeks affirmation of their self worth by reference to earlier huma
ns with whom they may or may not share genetic information. Is that really all y
ou got?

Mr January 28, 2013 at 11:42 AM A good post. However, note that most Afro-ce
ntrics make these connections because our race is still being seen as inferior,
even by people of our black race. If this was not the case, no-one would be writ
ing here. Is there any smoke without fire? Since when did the truth cease to mat
ter? Of course we go on with our lives and personal successes, but my success sh
ould not be considered as an exception, and our children should not grow in a so
ciety where their self-esteem is lowered. What Chloe says makes sense, but it is
not futile for Africans to make the claims they do. Put your feet in our shoes.
For instance, if it is alleged that your parents murdered to build the house yo
u lived in and everyone avoids you when in reality you knew that they had gotten
the money by lawful earnings, would you say the truth doesnt matter? Africans just
want not to be written off as a low-IQ race, You could ask us to prove by succe
eding now, but our kids have this legacy where their opportunities are less, let
alone their confidence. And why on earth would world magazines describe beauty
in a woman as blonde? What absurdity! Are there not ver beautiful women in China
, Vietnam, Kenya, etc? Have you not heard of these jet-black Sudanese type women
known as black beauty? I have met the most beautiful of these jet-black girls who
have no idea that they are the most gorgeous, and I blame this on white media.
. Australoid Negroid Indian February 16, 2013 at 1:23 PM As a Negroid
Indian I do have some sympathy for blacks who say the Egyptions were black but s
adly I can not agree. Ancient Egyptians were some sort of Caucasian race as we s
ee in the rest of North Africa. The Coptic Christians are the direct descendants
of such people. The paintings and sculptures are distinctly of Caucasian lookin
g people just like the Coptics which just means Egyptians in their language a di
rectly descended language from those time. Nordics also make claims on the Greeks
and Romans and say that they were Swedish or Norwegian. Again I can not agree. T
he direct descendants are still there and they neither look or talk like Swedes.
Swedes at that stage were illiterates living in the frozen wastes of the North
hundreds of miles from the great ancient civilization. Arabs of course claim every
thing good that happened in Europe after the seventh century was due to them. Ag
ain the same mentality of claiming the work of others as your own. A massive pro
paganda effort costing lots of money is an on going thing in the current educati
onal system of lots of Western countries in order to convince them. Even Ben Kin
gsley the actor and Prince Charles is involved. Time for Nordics, Arabs and Blacks
to get real. Reality is not so sweet but it is the truth.

narut00 February 16, 2013 at 1:34 PM i agree,however some time ago i claimed
that thai architecture was highly probably designated by chinese immigrants (in
my case i am not chinese,just saying to stop criticism against china) and i thi
nk my claim might be really true on the basis of facts like thailand since ancie
nt times had a chinese minority that controls that country instead of the thais,
highly suspicios of the thais,they dont seem bright in lots of things but their
architecture is so bright =O i might be wrong but i will wait for robert lindsay
to post some day what race were the architects of the traditional thai architect
ure? thai? chinese? here the answer
. Australoid Negroid Indian February 16, 2013 at 2:11 PM Narutto anoth
er group that needs to learn this lesson of not claiming the work of others is w
hites from countries that learnt from the creative white countries. Any white fr
om deepest Siberia to toughest roughest Serbia claims all the achievements of ju
st a handful of white creative countries just because they just happen to be whi
te.. Most of the noteworthy achievement of civlisation, even up to 95 percent, com
e from Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Italy, Germany, Holland, France and Britain
(England and Scotland); the rest of the white countries had very little to do w
ith anything. Off the top of your head can you name a Norwegian scientist? No ne
ither can I. But I can easily do it for Italy. Volta. Off the top of your head c
an you name a Croat painter. No neither can I but I can easily do it for Holland
, Vermeer. I could go on but you get the picture. If I was white from anyone of th
ese exceptional countries I certainly would not be happy for any Sven, Slobadan
or Ivor were to make any such claims.

narut00 February 16, 2013 at 2:34 PM you are right; though at least russians
have Dmitri Mendeleev, that analogy also apply and even more accurately to my p
eople from spainthey created almost nothing croats are few,spaniards are a lot,the
y should have done more,i dont claim the glory of the west as mine,i reject spai
n and adopt japan as my culture so i support your views
. Australoid Negroid Indian February 16, 2013 at 4:30 PM Dear narutoo
do not forget the great Cervantes, the writer of the greatest novel of all time
Don Quixote. Your people have done more than the Nordics. They discovered the Ne
w world through Queen Isabella and kicked out the imperialist muslims from Spain
, created Spanish as a language for a great number of countries and created the
worlds best novel. You people also had the great Salvidor Dali my favourite paint
er. But you are humble and true, compared to italy, britain ( ie england and scotl
and), france, germany, holland and ancient greece and ancient rome this is a tin
y fraction of the Western glory but it is certainly more than say Norway or Esto
nia or Croatia ever created. The nordics, blacks and arabs are totally untruthfu
l in the way they claim other peoples achievements as their own. The slavic natio
ns are also quite honest and do not claim things that they did not create. You n
ever hear the honest people of the Ukraine for example boasting in the shameless
way blacks,arabs, and nordics do.

narut00 February 16, 2013 at 5:25 PM awww thank you for trying to encourage
me,however i already made my choice and decided to be japanese (by soul) some men
are unsatisfied of being men and try to transform themselves biologically in wom
en (transexuals) or try to look and dress like women (travesties); i am in a sim
ilar situation but with my race,i consider myself a biological white,but a japan
ese in spirit i never would make plastic surgery to look japanese,but sure i would
try to dress like one; dont judge me,the law recognizes and protects what trans
exuals/ travesties want to be; likewise respect me i am happy like this

Brengunn February 16, 2013 at 6:47 PM however i already made my choice and d
ecided to be japanese (by soul) You are mental but in a good way.

narut00 February 16, 2013 at 7:18 PM WWWWWWW x) www= japanese lol,we japanese
use warai (which means laugh)=lol so because it starts from w, we can only use w,if
ant to express more laugh by using w, you can just add w for example..wwwwww as man
you want ^.^

Brengunn February 16, 2013 at 6:44 PM I dont believe you, ANI. There is no w
y a slum dweller has read Don Quixote. Of all the books in all the world, why wo
uld that book even be on your horizon? Youre not from a slum at all!

Australoid Negroid Indian February 17, 2013 at 3:18 AM I live in one of the
biggest slums in Delhi but I do have an underground lab with a nice reading area
in a separate room of the underground complex. Let me give you an insight into
what we do in the lab. Come with me into the strange world of underground labs u
nder the slums of India. I have dissected hundreds of flys in these labs over the
years and of course to do so requires a certain degree of intelligence. I knew I
was not particularly good at solving new problems but my assistant Igor was. He
was less intelligent but certainly more CREATIVE. He demonstrated this when he ca
me over from India from Romania and felt that we could do things differently by
making laser models of the flys and dissecting them first with a real knife (the
models did not need a knife to unravel as they were time sequenced to unravel,
but the knife doing the work looked good in our presentations) and then by devel
oping a laser knife that actually would cut the fly into anatomical parts in rea
l time. Later he developed the technology for use by vets and finally he develop
ed it into a useful product for medical research involving human bodies . No mor
e human cadavers are now needed in India thanks to Igors research. This is all due
to the fact that Igor was quite squeamish and wanted to solve this problem as he
was a lab assistant. I would dismiss his squeamishness as western induced bunny
hugging nonsense that had somehow even affected Romania, but he solved his prob
lem by being creative and pioneering a new set of products. Igor is certainly more
creative than I am but I am actually more intelligent than he is. I organise th
e lab. I organise the speaking tours to the various places we tour and do the ex
planations for what our laser software reveals in a real time dissection. Can you
see the distinction between intelligence and creativity I am making here Brengun
n? Our research has not just highlighted new insect anatomical tools and procedu
res but showed that intellect and creativity do not mean the same thing. There i
s a link but one has to look carefully to see the fine distinction. Sure Igor ca
n do all the lab stuff but I can do them all better (more intelligence) but he w
ins hands down when he goes away to think and comes back with startling new insi
ghts into how to do things in new ways (more creativity).

ProudFeministGirl November 7, 2013 at 10:49 PM Yup, Swedish Shit, i am final
ly proud to be Spaniard, a big part of the world worship our Soccer (Madrid / Ba
rcelona) ,Spain is one of the biggest producers of TV formats ,(i have been watc
hing lately Spaniard TVseries like El Internado, instead of Anime. I dont listen to
J-pop anymore, i have been enjoying Enrique Iglesiass music, and now i appreciat
e the culture of Flamenco and Bullfighting, i am finally a proud Spaniard guy.
. Athen February 16, 2013 at 6:59 PM The ancient Egyptians also wrote a
bout Blacks as a foreign people who were often used as slaves. The Egyptians com
mented that Blacks were not very smart, but they were great athletes, entertaine
rs and musicians. What is your source for this Robert?

Robert Lindsay February 16, 2013 at 7:10 PM LOL, my own mother.

Brengunn February 16, 2013 at 7:39 PM Excellent stuff! Where else do we get t
is kind of forensic research!
. Kieran February 26, 2013 at 2:48 PM I remember reading in books abou
t the Bushmen of Southern Africa by Laurens van der Post, that Bushmen were wide
spread over Africa before being driven away and massacred by the Bantus (or in t
he North, Caucasians). In fact, he claimed, there were such people as Bushmen li
ving in the Mediterranean area. Most interestingly is a possible connection betw
een them and some of the earliest Egyptians. Copper skin, somewhat Asiatic featu
res and the so called tablier egyptien are found in the Ancient Egyptian paintings
and in the Khoisan. I wonder too if the Egyptians had such peppercorn hair too,
and small stature. It seems a bit far off, and I dont know of any good sources, bu
t its an interesting thought that Khoisan type people may have played a part in Egy
pts history. By the way. the tablier egyptien means Egyptian apron and is a fancy name
for elongated labia. I would be interested to learn of sources for the Egyptian
connection here, to back up van der Posts claim.
. syn March 6, 2013 at 1:01 PM Clearly you are a racist yes some thing
s never change
. jennicat March 8, 2013 at 6:29 PM The Race of Ancient Egyptians (as
the builders of Egyptian civilization) was overwelmingly Caucasoid, but differen
t subtypes existed, including Mediterranid, and evidence has revealed a small No
rdic and Armenoid presence. Anthropologist Robert Gayre (1972: 85) http://en.metap
. tara reed March 12, 2013 at 2:04 PM You are such a racist pink face
and that will NEVER change.

Robert Lindsay March 12, 2013 at 2:06 PM Ok Black lady, you are banned, swee
theart. HAND!

Mike Shaw July 24, 2013 at 2:24 PM Africans populated the world stopped took
a dump and created the white man.
. lee March 12, 2013 at 10:09 PM Robert, sweetheart, stop. When will t
his black/white supremacy end? certainly not with people like you. You are smart
er than your ignorant comments and your ignorant mother, arent you? Then again th
e apple doesnt fall far from the tree it seems. You are smart enough to start suc
h a controversial blog. Kudos to you! i suggest proving your ability to do exten
sive research and posting accurate non hateful information. Try to entice your r
eaders by being just and unbiased. I am very disappointed to have commented on t
his feed. However, i couldnt resist.
. bastardoTed March 13, 2013 at 6:30 PM Look lets be realistic here, af
ro or euro-centrism aside. The ancient Egyptians would most likely resemble peop
les such as the Egyptian fellahin, Northern Sudanese, Northern Ethiopians, Eritr
eans and Somalis. All these groups, although having black/brown skin are counted
as caucasoids. Caucasoid doesnt simply include the ideal of the European blond-b
lue eyed Nordic or the tan aquiline Mediterannean Latin but also peoples such as
Berbers (who are perhaps some of the most diverse phenotypic peoples on earth s
ince they can be fully European-looking such as Riffians and Kablyes or quasi-Ne
groid such as the Tuaregs, Sanhaja and Zenata making it impossible to generalise
what they are), Persians, Levantine Arabs (i.e. Palestinians, Syrians), Peninsu
la Arabs (i.e. the black/brown skinned bedouin and Yeminites (excluding the Akhd
am)), Horn Africans (excluding Nilotic, Somali bantu and Omotic groups), Egyptia
ns, and South Asians (predominantly the northern groups, even though a lot of th
em have skin as dark as many Ethiopians or Fellahin Egyptians). These groups, al
though counted as Caucasoid due to phenotypic features such as thinner noses, sk
ull shapes would be considered non-white due to their darker skin tones and outl
andish features. Going back to the ancient Egyptians, theyre only black in the sens
e that Ethiopians, Somalis and Fellahin are, and that is in reference to the wid
e range of skin tones Europeans consider black. In terms of the 19th and 20th cent
ury racial-classifications they would be caucasoid (in same way as the ethniciti
es I have mentioned before) but to suggest they share a heritage or culture of s
ome kind with Europeans (especially Northern ones) is complete and utter nonsens
e. Meanwhile to suggest they share a cultural or heritage of some kind with West
Africans (affectionately named Negroes) also is just a nonsensical, despite the f
act there was a reference to a kingdom in the central Sahel called Yam, but no p
roof other than sporadic texts reference this place. I can sympathise with Eurocen
trists trying to claim such cultures since Northern Europe as a whole doesnt have
much of an ancient history, even in the Roman empire the more developed half wa
s the Hellenic-Eastern side not the western European half and plus Northern Euro
peans being the most powerful people in the Modern Age (17th C. AD onwards) woul
d need to establish a foundation myth to justify their superiority (regardless o
f how recent it may have occured). In the case of afro-centrists, their angle is
that of a victimised/traumatised people. Their outlandish claims are that of a
therapeutic nature. Although there is some truth in what they say, i.e. A. Egypt
ians are African and black in the same sense that an Ethiopian/Somali/Fellahin is
(even though they are classified by 19th/20th century racial science as caucasoi
d and by genetic testing as predominantly caucasoids) but negroid in the same se
nse as a West African is unlikely and near nonsense. Hence in conclusion, A. Egy
ptians are caucasoids (but not kin to Europeans but akin to Horn Africans, and m
odern day Northern Sudanese/Southern Egyptians) not akin to West African Negroid
s and definantly not New World Afro-Americans (who are predominantly west africa
n with European admixture) however if we were to get a hypothetical ancient Egyp
tian based on paintings and written sources and have him stand in a Western Euro
pean or American town/street he/she would be described as black or mixed. As an Egypti
an I find these arguments to be quite tragic,since we have two groups (Euro & Af
ro centrics) who have nothing to do with Ancient Egypt trying to claim kinship w
ith them. The only descendants of Ancient Egypt (regardless of degree of admixtu
re) are Copts, Nubians, (maybe) the Beja, and the Fellahin. Please, we have to s
top defining ancient and medieval peoples by concepts that only appeared in the
17th century onwards (modern-concept of race and racism). Please Study these gre
at peoples achievements as their own and not yours; Europe has the legacy of the
modern states and the Greco-Roman empire and West Africans have the legacy of Ma
li, Songhai, Wagadou/Ghana and even Kanem Bornu (who were powerful states in the
eyes of the Muslim world in their day). So quite fucking with everyone elses shi
t. Hopefully Ive sounded as rational as possible without sparking any foolish, in
coherent racist outburst from euro and afro centrists. -So yeah, cheers and fee

Robert Lindsay March 13, 2013 at 11:04 PM No the ancient Egyptians did not l
ook like the northern Sudanese, the fellahin, the Nubians, the Eritreans, the no
rth Ethiopians or the Somalis. Most of those folks are about 50% Caucasian and 5
0% Black last time I checked. The paintings show the Nubians as being much darke
r and having much more Negroid features than the Egyptians. Modern Egyptians and
modern fellahin are much Blacker than the ancient Egyptians. The ancients were
only ~12% Black. The modern fellahin are up to 40% Black and modern north Egypti
ans are 20% Black. The Copts most closely resemble the ancient Egyptians. March 18, 2013 at 7:01 PM no of course not Look at th

ichigo kurosaki March 18, 2013 at 7:18 PM those were picture of nubian neigh
bors, not of egyptians probably

anansi March 18, 2013 at 7:34 PM Zen zen chigaiimas kemetu-jin desu! and wha
t is called Nubia is part of Upper Egypt,which consist of the first state or nome
of Kemet called Ta-Seti.for further reading put the term Ta-Seti in your search

bastardoTed March 18, 2013 at 7:39 PM Im afraid youre mistaken, the paintin
and the statues clearly show that resemblance to darker peoples. Modern day Copts
are not merely Egyptians but also have sizable amounts of Levantine, Greco-Roman
and more recently Southern European (late 19th to early 20th century) heritage
hence a more European appearance. At the same time Copts are generally urban peo
ple, hence more subject to mixing with foreigners. The Fellahin are clearly the mo
st direct, since these people are the peasant that have always been the backbone
of Egypt and there are no records of large massacres that would suggest that th
e peasants were replaced wholly by foreigners and the fact that they live in the
rural regions makes them more isolated (trust me in this aspect, my grandmothers
family lives only a few miles from Giza and its as rural as one can get). The ca
se of Egypt is that, like almost of the Arabic speaking world, the locals genera
lly adopted Arabic culture (the Arabs were never large enough in number to ever
wipeout and completely replace their conquered subjects they preferred to Arabis
e and to intermarry the few they had with the locals) hence they are still indig
enous peoples (i.e. Egyptians, Berbers of the Maghreb and Sahara, Levantines, Ku
rdo-Persians of Iraq) but all adopted a foreign culture. Also so, when I mentioned
Nubians, Im refering to modern-day Nubians, Nubians today dont really have much o
f the pitch black skin depicted in the Earlier dynasties. By the 25th dynasty, t
he Nubians actually saw themselves as Egyptian (due to proximity and intermarria
ge) and were considered as such since they re-established Egyptian culture usher
in a short-lived Renaissance before the Assyrians came along. The distinction b
etween the two became blurred by that time period. Im convinced that you seem to wa
nt to believe that they were some how related to Europeans, however this isnt tru
e. Too much evidence points else where from paintings, to descriptions from resp
ected Greek historians (Herodotus, Aristotle) and the Torah (Egyptians are consi
dered descendants of Ham like the Libyans, Canaanites, Nubians and Ethiopians).
The common A. Egyptian would have been of dark skin and the like, the elites how
ever do not necessarily represent the commoners this is very apparent in the lat
er dynasties. To suggest a Caucasoid/Caucasian elite or remnants is possible con
sidering the Hyskos, the Assyrians, Persans and later on the Ptolemies (who were
Macedonian Greeks) and the Romans.

anansi March 13, 2013 at 11:46 PM An error occurred. Try watching this video, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. There was a t
ime when there was no Sahara An error occurred. Try watching this video on www.youtub, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. Maybe some dont want the
truth from a black person easily labeled Afrocentrics,so how about couple of white
guys. look past what you think
you know
. March 18, 2013 at 6:55 PM Really? Ancient Egy
ptians were Caucasoid? Tiye, Mentuhotep, Sennedjem, Akhenaten, Panehesy (any and a
ll of them), Here is what is so funny about the whole DNA and phenotype game. You tak
e modern black people right? Variations all around. You see the ones in the midd
le, the brown ones, you dont even blink an eye. THey are black, not caucasoid. You
take the SAME PERSON put an egyptian wig on him, photograph them. BLING! Caucaso
id! Then with DNA, all this DNA haplotype jargon? WHERE does that relate to the ph
enotype? You assume haplotype B or C means non negroid in appearance. Another non sc
ientific interpretation of science. Its almost as funny as what is a Caucasoid game.
Hey lets expand it, include all the measurements, Dna, anything that describes E
gypt, Ethiopia heck throw in all of East Africa just throw it all in there. Now so
rt out the DNA, the whole thing. Now fit THAT into the Caucsoid model. Just say
it is. But my all time favorite: These so called Caucasoids allegedly got off depi
cting themselves all over the place with knappy hair, dark brown skin and just r
esembling their slightly darker skinned neighbors up the Nile.

bastardoTed March 18, 2013 at 8:05 PM Look, I was only using the European mo
del of race regardless of how ridiculous it is. Im an Egyptian and quite frankly
I dont stand out much from horn Africans, desert Berbers and even Cushites. The C
aucasoid card, is only used for phenotypic classifications irrespective of Genet
ic marker studies. It doesnt necessarily refer to Skin tone, or else Northern Ind
ians, Middle Easterner North and Horn Africans for the most part would have been
excluded from their definitions and geenetic studies would show unique markers
with plenty of various admixtures. I emphasise that I was using a European definit
ion (since race is a MODERN, EUROPEAN concept) it will be plagued with Eurocentr
ism and the reactionary Afrocentrism. Im not denying their black/dark skin, its as
obvious as the sun in daytime but to suggest kinship with peoples from West/Cen
tral Africa is nonsense. At the same time the only peoples the Ancient Egyptians s
eem to have anything in common with are the Nubians (despite earlier depictions
of having charcoal-coloured skin, by the 25th dynasty they were virtually indist
inguishable from their northern neighbours) and the Puntites (who most likely li
ved in the Horn of Africa). I apologise if I have not fully defined the paramete
rs of the definitions or terminology used. I am not denying their black/brown skin
but they have nothing to do with Europeans (since Europe didnt exist in the Anci
ent Egyptian context) or with West/Central Africa (and their offshoots, the Black
s of the Americas). They are North-East African, both in features and genetics. W
hich I must add is unique. I will tell you from personal experience that most Af
rican Americans do stand out in the Horn and in North East Africa since their fa
cial features not skin tone are considered foreign. A side note, people in the old
world are not bland homogeneous groups of whites or blacks please stop using such imm
ature, foolish classifications. Since people in the old world do not see themselve
s solely as such, skin-tone is not a basis for kinship we have culture, language
, religion, lineages for that. So one more time, Ancient Egyptians: NORTH-EAST AFR
ICANS (black/brown skin with unique facial features) NOT EUROPEANS, MEDITERRANEAN
r and sufficient for everyone, those are my two cents as a actual descendant of
the Egyptians (my mothers a Copt from Giza and my Fathers from Aswan).

TK August 27, 2013 at 7:47 AM The debate is are they black or white not if t
hey were black from anywherelse and subsaharan people come from different locati
ons in Africa I dont want to believe that you feel they sprang up from the ground
if you study the culture and customs and arts of people from this region youll u
nderstand that everybody in Africa is connected and am very sure you dont live in
Africa . And whos DNA did you people test here because Ive neva seen any 1 who ha
d their DNA tested before. Egypt is in Africa their next door neigbhours were bl
ack so why would it be so diffcult for a reasonable person to believe they werent
. And how can some1 from east Africa be caucosoid . Just shows you guys are conf
used . Skin tone nose shap hair texture are all formed as a means of adaptation
. Who is then a negroid . We dont even need any Egyptian mounments to potray our
accomplishment there are so many ancient kingdoms in West Africa we are proud of
. You think people in subsaharan Africa use to live in mud houses and dance nak
ed under the Sun . Open your eyes and free your mind race is nothing but a socia
l construct. Slave Trade was a means of making money Kingdoms where built from t
he revenue white didnt go and hijack black people on the road they bargained with
the people . Am not saying its right but it doesnt mean because they sold slaves
means the Kingdoms were impverished or uncivilised . You need to do some resear
ch before you comment
. anansi March 18, 2013 at 7:27 PM Amen to that .
. Rini March 28, 2013 at 3:29 PM i read a book called nature knows no
colorline and the man who wrote it described ancient Egyptians were in fact havi
ng negroid features but due to the massive intermarriages happening over the yea
rs the civilization began producing a lighter skinned peoples alongside the dark
er skinned peoples in the book it shows a picture of a mixed marriage between a w
hite prince and the princess of the Cheops *her father made the great pyramids* a
nd she clearly was African. there even suggested evidence that the ancient egypt
ians were actually ancient Ethiopians who migrated towards that Nile and settled
there since it was during the age of migration and agricultural evolution. besi
des if some think about it natural whites would have had a hard time living in e
gypt due tot he fact 1:it gets crazy hot there and 2: think scientifically they
dont have as much melanin in their skin as people of a dark colour there for mas
sive sunburns would be rampant plus scientists who do dna testing on mummies wou
ld have found most likely early forms of skin cancer in them. so imo ancient egy
ptians were a race of people mixed between brown and black and of peoples CLOSE
to white

bastardoTed March 28, 2013 at 4:00 PM Your two cents do contribute to my sta
tements, but remember the elites do not necessarily reflect the common people. T
he elites do marry foreigners (there are plenty of cases of Egyptian Pharohs hav
ing mothers and wives from the Levant, Libya and Nubia). However the common people
would be darker than the elites (who could afford the mummification of their co
rpses),. We must be careful in using mummies as a standard for society as a whol
e, since they only reflect the upper echelons of their culture. Also your opinion
is a fair one, since North-East Africans do have a wide range of skin tones due
to natural/indigenous factors and foreign influences, you can go to Egypt, or Su
dan or Northern Ethiopia youll see a large range of skin tones but most would be
a reddish/brown colour which western society would consider a black/brown colour (in
terms of skin tone not ethno-racial definitions i.e. Negro). Please dont consider
this an attack but an affirmation of your opinion Rini.
. Ben March 29, 2013 at 10:41 AM If M.Gimbutas was a Jewish Marxist bit
ch while she was Lituanian(aryan) nazi sympathiser,who ran to nazi Berlin in 1944
, so my trust of Roberts arguments of the Aryan Egyptian origin is infinite.
. bastardoTed March 29, 2013 at 12:20 PM So what are you trying to say
, mate?
. Darkseid, Lord of Apocalypse April 2, 2013 at 5:53 PM Numbers 12 1Miri
am and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife, for he had
married a Cushite. 2Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? they asked. Hasnt he al
so spoken through us? And the Lord heard this 10When the cloud lifted from above t
he tent, Miriams skin was leprousy it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward
her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease, 11and he said to Moses, Please
, my lord, I ask you not to hold against us the sin we have so foolishly committ
ed. 12Do not let her be like a stillborn infant coming from its mothers womb with
its flesh half eaten away. 13So Moses cried out to the Lord, Please, God, heal he
r! 14The Lord replied to Moses, If her father had spit in her face, would she not
have been in disgrace for seven days? Confine her outside the camp for seven day
s; after that she can be brought back. 15So Miriam was confined outside the camp
for seven days, and the people did not move on till she was brought back Genesis 1
0:6 The sons of Ham: Cush, Egypt, Put and Canaan. 2 Kings 5:27 Naamans leprosy will c
ling to you and to your descendants forever. Then Gehazi went from Elishas presenc
e and his skin was leprousit had become as white as snow. Leviticus 13:9-11 9When the
infection of leprosy is on a man, then he shall be brought to the priest.10The pr
iest shall then look, and if there is a white swelling in the skin, and it has t
urned the hair white, and there is quick raw flesh in the swelling,11it is a chr
onic leprosy on the skin of his body, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean
; he shall not isolate him, for he is unclean. Not only are you a liar. Not only d
id African people come up with every scientific discipline and Herodotus, Diodor
us Siculus, Homer, Strabo, and every other Greek Philospher establish the Egypti
ans as black and wooly haired but very soon your world will literally come to ashe
s. Grow up you little weak, albino racist, you precious New World Order will col
. Darkseid, Lord of Apocalypse April 2, 2013 at 6:32 PM Songs of Solom
on 1:5-6 I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Keda
r, as the curtains of Solomon. Look not upon me, because I am black, because the
sun hath looked upon me: my mothers children were angry with me; they made me th
e keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept. Solomon: Hebrew me
aning- Sol-o-mon, or man of the Sun. Sun = Sol, as in Solar Samson: Hebrew meaning-
Sam-son or Sa meaning Son and Son or Sun. Sam means Son of the Sun. Psalms 105:23: Isra
el also came into Egyptthe land of Ham.
. Timothy Holloway April 13, 2013 at 9:20 AM You are a Liar! Egpytians
descended from Ham.a black man. Read the bible!
. Kemet April 13, 2013 at 4:20 PM i would never expect anyone that use
s black afrocentric to tell the truth, just like most whites, unable to see life f
rom a side they dont know and then marjonalize how others feel with a we did grea
t things attitude.whites could never believe in a arab jesus, lies had to be told
(mentions his nappy hair in the bible but whites pick and choose whats good and
bad and then carry out there secular agenda) YOU SAY THERE DEFFINITLY NOT BLACK look
what them arabs are to america nowANYONE WHO IS NOT WHITE IS BLACK.oppresion bree
ds the connectedness within others that whites will never have and find it so ha
HERS FOREVER! let your hate controll peoples minds for 100s of years IT ENDS SOON
. Kemet April 13, 2013 at 4:27 PM it seems you typed this up to attempt
to dispute blacks, not to convey the truth.your not looking for the truthor you wo
uld post what YOU found rather then commenting on someone who did the workyour de
ff smarter then DR BEN YOSEFhaving knowledge is pointless if your only shooting o
thers down with itBUILD A PYRIMID FUCK HEAD!
. Rocker 1 April 21, 2013 at 11:24 PM That race dosent exist because t
hey werent caucaoid at all. Even the bible has said so.your speak of Egyptian fac
es not representing any black people. Really? Lol have you looked at Akenaten, Q
ueen Tiy, Imhotep, king Tut ? You gotta be kidding . Y had the full lips. Nose a
nd hair. Even many copts today have full lips and and kinky hair . Egytians are ev
en more of a fine mix today. And the only caucasian stock they had is when the g
reeks took over. The amount of black blood is greater than you assert. Egyptians
are hammites just like every other so called negoid is . By the way you can take
your dumb and ignorent racist sterotypes and gagg on them . Black people are sti
ll inventing and progressing inspite of evil of racism and slavery. Your just an
other racist idiot trying to push their agenda

Robert Lindsay April 21, 2013 at 11:42 PM Hey Black man! Your baby Momma jus
t called. You have some crack customers on the corner waiting for you. Please go
attend to them Crip dick dog!
. nominay April 22, 2013 at 4:43 AM Blacks are really good at jumping
and running. Did I mention running? They can haul ass, especially when the po po
are in fast pursuit!
. John Fountain April 24, 2013 at 7:40 PM Where is the European histor
y before they were civilized by the Romans? What were the Europeans doing while th
e pyramids were being built? Egypt was a power for 5000 years before there was a G
reece. I can understand your attempt to claim Egypt as some kind of Caucasoid Hami
tic nonsense, but the real question is why didnt this Caucasian super race build
pyramids and were the last people to be civilized. You people have tried the same
thing in India with that Aryan nonsense. There is no evidence of the so called Ary
ans anywhere on earth, out side of some vague Sanskrit similaritys, there is no g
enetic evidence in India of some Aryan their culture is their own. Where is the
Caucasian ancient history? John Fountain

bastardoTed April 24, 2013 at 8:59 PM One must understand that in the 19th c
entruty, when the West had fully established themselves as the most dominant pow
er in the world, they had to go through a revisionist approach in looking at his
tory. It doesnt make sense so claim that White-Western Europeans are inherently s
uperior when they have become dominant in recent history. This results in the wh
ite-washing of the histories of Northern Africa, Western Asia and Southern Asia
(centres of civilisation that have heavily influenced Western civilisation). To
be honest the only ancient civilisations in Europe are the Greeks, the Romans an
d to some extent the Iberians (due to Carthaginian and Greek influences). In the
case of Northern Europe, although the Celts were rich in culture they were not
considered civilised by the peoples of the time (i,e. Romans) and the Germanics
were basically axe-wielding barbarians with little to no notion of settled civil
isation. So when European scholars (modern western Europeans are direct descendent
s of those barbarians, i.e. The English descend from the Anglo-Saxons, the Frenc
h from the Franks, the Spaniards from the Visigoths, Italians from a mixture of
Romans, Goths and Lombards, Germans from the wide range of Germanic tribes like
the Saxons, Teutons, etc) from the 19th century saw this, it clearly contradicts
the prevailing ideas of white-power racism that had more or less become the ide
ology that dominated Western culture. Its no surprise that with this sub-consciou
s inferiority complex that Western Europeans (a.k.a Whites) want to take credit
for deeds their ancestors had nothing to do with for example the Aryanism (a rid
iculous notion), Aryans are not blonde blue-eyed Germanics their direct descende
nts are the Persians, Afghans, Pakistanis and Northern Indians who are not consi
dered White in the eyes of Western Europeans. If Western Europeans wish to look back
to some kind of ancient history they should focus on the Greco-Romans (even tho
ugh they do give credit to the Aethiops, Aegyptians and Asiatics for bringing th
em civilisation), since its them who are the catalysts behind Western civilisatio
n for without them Europe would be a continent of Barbarians and savages.
. Pooh Huffy May 4, 2013 at 7:02 AM

escapefromobamastan September 20, 2014 at 12:07 PM Ha! Thats funny! Tiyes h
is more red, though.
. Paula Jane Hess May 4, 2013 at 1:50 PM Ptolemiac genetic traits appe
ar in which immigration group or person to North American and when did that occu
. Krysten May 19, 2013 at 7:44 PM Does really matter what ethnicity th
e Ancient Egyptians were? Ancient Egypt was a multiracial society like many soci
eties today. DNA testing on Egyptian mummies have shown not every pharaoh was of
the same genetic background as other pharaohs. Ramses the third and his father
and sons had paternal sub-Saharan genetics.But, does prove that their skin color
was black? No, it doesnt. There is a different between genetic background and ph
enotype background. The point is that Ancient Egypt was a multiracial society an
d had a mixture of genetic backgrounds.
. Grace May 22, 2013 at 5:01 PM As an English Honours Major, this is t
he most biased/frustrating blog post that Ive read in a long time. What makes me
most frustrated is not only that you base an item that you write about in your b
log post about how you heard it from your mother when you were a child, but also
that you feel the need to label people by Black man and Black woman when you are ad
dressing them in the comments, and then proceed to tell them that they are banne
d. How childish. Lastly, I do not understand how you can make a comment like Some t
hings never change! in regards to Black people excelling at stereotypical activit
ies. You cannot generalize and discriminate Black people as not being very smart
. Theres different types of people in every ethnic group and you absolutely canno
t make a statement that Black people are not smart and that this has been the ca
se in the past, and will continue to be the case in the future because some thing
s never change. You are horrendous for making a statement with such implications. Y
ou should really take time to reflect on your biases and discrimination towards
people who are the exact same as you, and have suffered even more only because o
f the eumelanin in their skin. You are walking evidence of why there is still oppr
ession towards minorities in the world. And no, I am not a Black man or a Black wom
an. I am even paler than you are in your picture. If you feel that it would make
your little self feel better, then ban me.

Robert Lindsay May 22, 2013 at 5:28 PM Yes I am banning you.
. Robert Lindsay May 22, 2013 at 7:02 PM Yeah, it is completely insane
Nordicist crap. The ancient Egyptians were not Nordics! Look at those drawings
of Libyans, Nubians and Egyptians in their artwork. The Libyans look most like W
hite people. The Egyptians dont look like White people at all. Look at the drawin
gs, they have Asian looking eyes, sparse dark hair (like Asians) and yellowish s
kin (not like an Asian but more honey colored). They were members of a race that
no longer exists. The best theory is that they came out of the Levant about 7-1
0,000 YBP and moved down into Egypt. They are probably like no modern race today
, except they may somewhat resemble some of the honey-colored brown Arabs in the
region. You can see some photos of Egyptian women, and there are a few who look
like Dynastic Egyptians. Those women dont exactly look like White people. You real
ly need to get off this Nordicist kick. The Nordicists are some of the most insa
ne, idiotic and evil White nationalists of them all.
. tanisha May 27, 2013 at 12:44 AM Please pardon my spelling and gramm
er errors. I typed it very fast and did not edit because its really a waste of t
ime and I didnt really feel like taking the time and energy to speak on it. But
I am so tired of non blacks whites in general speaking lies. You make it bad for
all white people and is why you peope cant be trusted until you prove it. Even i
f Egyptions are not african why do most of you resort to saying horrible things
about black people to prove a point but no facts. Egyptions are not just bronze
they have burnt skin too. And eithiopians are black and act it and know it
. chris May 27, 2013 at 1:06 AM Its weird to me how people think ancie
nt Egypt was white. Well im going to tell you something concrete. Religion, Reli
gion Greeks have greek godsthat are WHITE correct. The Romans had Roman godsthat a
re WHITE. The Egyptian had what color gods.BLACK GODS. Ancient people did not wor
ship gods of a different RACE they created their gods in THEIR IMAGE. After Napo
leon conquered Egypt, ancient Egypt was pushed out of Egypt. Just like the Navti
ve Americans was pushed west into America.

Real White Nationalist May 27, 2013 at 12:19 PM Actually, they didnt worship
black gods, and anyway, they only have like 5% Arab DNA, so that makes it imposs
ible for them to be a different race than they were.
. chris May 27, 2013 at 2:22 AM Egypt as a white nation in Africa real
ly? Thats like saying Great Britain was a BLACK nation in Europe really? We can g
o by skin color but that would be to easy. So we are going to go by religion. An
cient people betrayed their gods in their image correct. Greek good gods are WHI
TE in skin color and shiny. Roman good gods are WHITE in skin color and shiny. G
reek and Roman bad gods are WHITE in skin color but dull in appearance. EGYPTIAN
gods were BLACK and BROWN in skin color and have a SUN over their heads. So i g
uess i did use skin color and RELIGION. Have you ever gone into a white church a
nd see a BLACK BABY JESUS? People worship gods of the same color. Also Egyptian
were great artist and painter. They painted white as WHITE, black as BLACK, brow
n as BROWN and gold as GOLD. They painted the PHARAOHS as they saw them BROWN no
t WHITE. Another thing to cry about Christianity was based off of HORUS and EGYP

Robert Lindsay May 27, 2013 at 2:24 PM Not really. Egyptians are 70% White a
nd 30% Black. Ancient Egyptians were 87% White and 13% Black.

Robert Lindsay May 27, 2013 at 2:33 PM Ethiopians are ~43% White and ~57% Bl
ack, something like that.

Robert Lindsay May 27, 2013 at 2:46 PM The San dont place closer to Whites o
a map. All Africans are very far away from Whites on a map like that. San dont h
ave any White in them. But you know, the San were the group that become the OOA
(out of African) people that gave rise to Whites and everyone else, so maybe tha
t explains it.

Robert Lindsay May 27, 2013 at 3:11 PM Congoids are the Bantu types that alm
ost all modern Blacks are nowadays. Capoids are the San types. Pygmies really ar
e totally different.
. Real White Nationalist May 27, 2013 at 12:15 PM King Tuts haplogroup
really was Western European, and Ramses II really did have red hair.
. Real White Nationalist May 27, 2013 at 2:41 PM I always thought Horn
Africans were their own race.

Robert Lindsay May 27, 2013 at 2:48 PM They are more or less a major race be
tween Africans and Caucasoids.

Robert Lindsay May 27, 2013 at 2:51 PM Not sure if we have found the remains
of the OOA people in Africa. I know only a small subgroup left.

Xera May 28, 2013 at 5:56 PM I dont believe in Out of Africa, I do believe i
multi-regional hypothesis though, I think there are some serious faults and iss
ues with the Out of Africa model that is overlooked. There is an Out of America
that is equally valid as the Out of Africa theory. The evidence for Out of Afric
a isnt as great as it seems.
. Real White Nationalist May 27, 2013 at 2:44 PM By the way, is the bl
ack admixture in Egyptians, Bantu/Nubian, or Horn African?

Robert Lindsay May 27, 2013 at 2:50 PM Horner.
. chris May 28, 2013 at 10:52 PM In 1787, Count Constantine de Volney a
French nobleman, philosopher, historian, orientalist, and politician embarked o
n a journey to the East in late 1782 and reached Ottoman Egypt were he spent nea
rly seven months.Constantine de Volney was troubled much by the institution of sl
avery. His expressed opinion that the ancient Egyptians were black Africans much
departed from the typical European view of the late eighteenth century, but it
gave many people cause for reflection. During his visit to Egypt he expressed am
azement that the Egyptians whose civilization was greatly admired in Europe were
not White! (Why were they admired because of the BLACK generals Napoleon had. All t
he Egyptians, wrote de Volney, have a bloated face, puffed-up eyes, flat nose, thi
ck lips in a word, the true face of the mulatto. I was tempted to attribute it t
o the climate, but when I visited the Sphinx, its appearance gave me the key to
the riddle. On seeing that head, typically Negro in all its features, I remember
ed the remarkable passage where Herodotus says: As for me, I judge the Colchians to
be a colony of the Egyptians because, like them, they are black with woolly hair In oth
er words, the ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native
-born Africans. That being so, we can see how their blood, mixed for several cen
turies with that of the Greeks and Romans, must have lost the intensity of its o
riginal color, while retaining nonetheless the imprint of its original mold. Just th
ink, de Volney declared incredulously, that this race of Black men, today our slav
e and the object of our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, scienc
es, and even the use of speech! Just imagine, finally, that it is in the midst o
f people who call themselves the greatest friends of liberty and humanity that o
ne has approved the most barbarous slavery, and questioned whether Black men hav
e the same kind of intelligence as whites! In other words the ancient Egyptians were
true Negroes of the same stock as all the autochthonous peoples of Africa and f
rom the datum one sees how their race, after some centuries of mixing with the b
lood of Romans and Greeks, must have lost the full blackness of its original col
or but retained the impress of its original mould.

Real White Nationalist May 31, 2013 at 3:51 AM Volney recanted his black Egy
pt position, so using him as a source is unwise.
FibW6TOKNyI As for Herodotus, that quote was mistranslated from dark skin, (And th
eir skin would have been dark to a Greek), and curly hair. The DNA makes it impo
ssible for the Egyptians to have mixed with Greeks, and Romans, look at the Fayu
m mummy portraits, to see who the Egyptians were.
. Darryl Hollis May 30, 2013 at 5:01 PM I think a major problem is the
sourcing the white people here use.If you are reading books and stating facts ma
de by the racist people who refuse to accept the true facts of the negroid peopl
e then how can you re-state there answers as truth even though they are clearly
biased. The best way I think for all of us here to learn about there true histor
y, origin, color, race, or whatever is to study it yourself. I am one who believ
es in the intelligence of all mankind and I believe intelligence prevails and my
one statement to you Mr. Robert Lindsay is do your own research try to stay awa
y from biases even though I know that is hard because it is the majority. I feel
comfortable saying this to you because from reading your comments you dont strik
e me as a racist you strike me as a person who reads and uses the facts that you
were taught. I really believe you have been misled so I ask you do your own res
earch and consider your sources. Honestly you look middle-aged so im guessing yo
ur mother is older and if she told you something she was taught it had to come f
rom a older book written by a more European biased writer not making her racist
or making you racist only making you two people stating only what they know. Rea
lly consider the source such as I read a fact about the rosetta stone saying tha
t it when translated saying something about they are from Ethiopia..Can you hone
stly answer me how you can refute that? Honestly I really am curious as to your
answer if you would like to respond,
. Darryl Hollis May 30, 2013 at 5:04 PM and I changed my mind I do thi
nk you are kind of racistbut what you are not is stupid BLACK PEOPLE WATCH HIDDEN C

alpha5747 May 30, 2013 at 9:18 PM Khafra! Nw-ke hwokwo puwi. Ab more-i khati
. Ra Neteru hri oati mo reyi. Nw-ke Ra iyah-u. Nedjee! James, your education and
credentials are confined to what you have exclusively been exposed to. Any rese
arch you do/did is an extension of your imagination and consequently an expressi
on of who you are. What is/was the agenda of those from whom you acquired your k
nowledge? Your method of inquiry/investigation will return the results that are
based on the manner in which you inquire/investigate, coupled with what youve bee
n exposed to. The fact that you defend the ignorance of others by shielding your
self with no reason to lie on behalf of White people clearly demonstrates your com
plicity to the criminal act that is still being perpetuated. Your statement plac
es you in a position of a victim that has no alterior motive and anyone who diff
ers with you will automatically be an aggressor. Its through this type of mentali
ty that criminals who present themselves as messegers of love/peace continue to
rape the planet and its inhabitants whilst hiding behind the veneer of victim. W
hen the Caucasoid races first appeared on the planet about 6000 years ago, the I
toure Kingdom was well over 140 000 years old. To those who like yourself claim
that the Egyptians were Caucasoid, I say: Well said! I dispute not with you beca
use the people you refer to are your ancestors from the 18th Dynasty who ruled d
uring the occupation/colonization. They never understood the original meaning of
the word. Most of the original inhabitants of Itoure had already left the regio
n and moved towards the interior of Merita/Ta-Mert. They spread throughout Meh-T
oure and Resut-Toure. My ancestors did not call themselves Egyptian nor will the
y ever refer to themselves as such. As a people we called ourselves Khem/Ba-Khem
a/Aba-Khemu, even to this day. My ancestors had had to adopt other names and rec
onstructed their languages in order to survive from those who killed them for sp
eaking the Medu. Anyone who refers to the original inhabitants of Itoure as Egyp
tians is just simply exposing their level of ignorance by giving an opinion abou
t that which they know nothing about. Heg-Ptah from which the word Egypt was der
ived is not a people, never been and never will be. The concept behind the word
is not for the uninitiated. What Ive shared you will not find in the White peoples
history or books. Even after these comments with correct names of places, I rec
ognize that some will continue in their ahn mentality. I also recognize that there
are some white people who will not acknowledge so called historical facts comin
g from white historians if their writings do not support their agenda. Menkh

Robert Lindsay May 31, 2013 at 3:54 AM Caucasoids go back ~42,000 YBP. 140,0
00 YBP, the humans in Africa were neither Pygmies nor Khoisans. No one knows wha
t they looked like. Bantus go back 6-12,000 YBP.

Robert Lindsay May 31, 2013 at 3:59 AM Never went to sleep LOL.

Robert Lindsay May 31, 2013 at 4:36 AM No I am fine, Woke up very late, 3:30

attack_the_liars May 31, 2013 at 9:28 PM The Ancient Egyptians were WHITE. Ho
wash. 1. The most ancient statue of this most ancient civilization, the Sphinx, sh
ows a clearly negroid face. 2. The numerous colorful paintings of ancient Egypt sh
ow an overwhelmingly dark brown complexioned race. Anyone can Google this and co
nfirm. 3. The ancient Egyptians lost control of their country some 2500 years ago.
Much influx of foreign invaders and settlers, greeks, romans, turks, circassian
s and others has significantly changed the complexion and features of Egyptians. 4
. The ancient Greeks, who actually saw them, compared the Egyptians color not to
the Mediterranean races but to Ethiopians and Indians.

Xera May 31, 2013 at 5:41 PM I am an actual Egyptian and the red and differe
nt colored hair are a result of hair dyes and the mummification process which dr
astically changes hair colors of corpses. The different colored hair does not in
dicate White ancestry. However the original Egyptians were not a black race but
an extinct and unknown Med race that were related to the Berberids, Basque and P
hoenician people; technically Meds are both Whites and non-Whites but definitely
not Nordic or Europeans. Nor were the Egyptians attempting to mimic Euros. If you
are trying to prove that the Egyptians were Europeans then you are wrong and fal
se. However the Egyptians definitely were not black or Africans nor any other ra
ce. Like every civilization in its time, Egypt had its routine number of invaders;
there were several early periods where Central Asian Eurasian Caucasian genes i
nfiltrated Egypt changing parts of its population makeup, so some of the pictures
and skulls are not an accurate depiction of the entire story. Not to mention th
at Egypt was part of the Roman empire and had a considerable amount of an influx
of Euro genes later on.

Real White Nationalist May 31, 2013 at 6:15 PM technically Meds are both Whi
es and non-Whites No, just Whites. Not to mention that Egypt was part of the Roman emp
ire and had a considerable amount of an influx of Euro genes later on. The European
genetic impact on Egyptians was negligible.

Robert Lindsay May 31, 2013 at 6:41 PM Coward, you really need to lose the N
ordicist shit along with the WN shit. WNs and especially Nordicists will NEVER ac
cept you as one of them. You will always be a NIGGER to them, to all of them, fo
rever. OK? These people are the biggest assholes on the face of the Earth, and y
ou are better than that. And as insane as WN is, Nordicism is one of the most in
sane ideologies on Earth. Furthermore, most Nordicists are EXTREMELY EVIL people
, way more evil more than most WNs. They are just bad people, and Nordicism has a
bad record, to say the least. I mean the greatest Nordicist that ever lived was
a guy named Hitler. And almost ALL Nordicists love Hitler and love Nazis, no ma
tter what they tell you. This is a loser philosophy whose heroes are some of the
worst human beings of the past century if not in human history.

Xera May 31, 2013 at 7:51 PM There was definitely no Ancient Egyptian with b
lond hair and blue eyes, thats just not likely to ever be a possibility. I dont se
e those traits on people like the Phoenicians, Berbers or Basque (unmixed). I th
ink the entire categories of classification like Alpine, Dinarids (hitlers fav),
Nords are flawed because they all show similarities with each other in physiolo
gy for it to be accurate.

chris June 15, 2013 at 8:56 PM even the white man that conquered Egypt Napol
eon said typically Negro in all its features he was talking about the Sphinx and
the Sphinx only has a human face and a body of a lion. so what was he talking a
bout and facial features broad nose in full lips, Im done.
. Real White Nationalist May 31, 2013 at 7:41 PM Coward,what race are

Robert Lindsay May 31, 2013 at 8:02 PM Cowards Mom is a Nordic White blond a
d his Dad is a Black guy who basically put the nig in nigga LOL. He is essential
ly a mulatto like Obama MY HERO.

Xera May 31, 2013 at 10:54 PM Well he isnt as bad as some of the indians and
subcons i had the misfortune of coming across. Now those people are downright u
nbearable and repulsive to the extreme. no wonder gypsies are so bad

Brengunn June 2, 2013 at 9:21 AM @Coward, evil Dravidian albino That is one
most poetic slurs Ive ever come across. Give your Pops respect for that, it real
ly is a peach. Can I ask, do you worry that your father will read these pages and
come across your racial self hatred? Surely he would be upset to find that you f
eel so much antipathy towards the genes he has passed on to you and the philosop
hies he takes comfort in?
. Real White Nationalist May 31, 2013 at 7:42 PM Nordicism is as bad a
s Afrocentrism.
. Real White Nationalist May 31, 2013 at 10:27 PM @Attack the liars: 1. T
he most ancient statue of this most ancient civilization, the Sphinx, shows a cl
early negroid face. Nope. 2. The numerous c
olorful paintings of ancient Egypt show an overwhelmingly dark brown complexione
d race. Anyone can Google this and confirm. They painted the men as red, and the wo
men as white. All with Caucasoid features. 3. The ancient Egyptians lost control of
their country some 2500 years ago. Much influx of foreign invaders and settlers
, greeks, romans, turks, circassians and others has significantly changed the co
mplexion and features of Egyptians. The DNA is mostly indigenous North African Cauc
asoid, so thats not true. 4. The ancient Greeks, who actually saw them, compared the
Egyptians color not to the Mediterranean races but to Ethiopians and Indians. No.
They said Ethiopians had the color of South Indians, and Egyptians had the color
of North Indians. Notice how they never called the Egyptians, or Berbers Ethiop
ian, when that was their word for the blacks, it means burnt face.

Xera June 1, 2013 at 11:01 AM The sphinx head was originally that of a lion
but was changed several times, there is a broken nose due to Napolean using the
head as target practice for his soldiers.

Xera June 1, 2013 at 12:11 PM Napolean did occupy Egypt after he defeated th
e Mamluks and he did use the various monuments as target practice, this is writt
en in actual history books about this topic. However the Sphinx head and entire
body shape and statue was originally that of a lion and its face was re-carved se
veral times. I know what I am talking about sorry man.

Xera June 1, 2013 at 12:54 PM You are right, I actually argued with Huax sev
eral times about this and he stated that the Mongols sent there were an expediti
onary force not the actual muscle. Those battles should be made into movies. BTW w
hat is it with chinks and their need to prove that they are some sort higher rac
e or a race with special sexual relationship with White people? I never understo
od why Chinks go around crowding everywhere thinking they are the shit and bette
r then everyone else. I also have never seen any moderate to decent looking Whit
e girl ever express interest or go out with an Asian guy.

Xera June 1, 2013 at 11:02 AM The Ancient Egyptians did lose control and wer
e invaded by the groups he listed, by the way the Euro/Central Asian genetic flo
w was more then negligible enough to affect population makeup.

Xera June 1, 2013 at 12:12 PM No, I will leave it at that

Real White Nationalist June 1, 2013 at 8:39 PM Euro/Central Asian genetic fl
w was more then negligible enough to affect population makeup. The genes disagree w
ith you. Most modern Egyptian genes are indigenous North African Caucasoid, The
rest are black, and theres maybe 5% Arab.

Robert Lindsay March 12, 2014 at 12:31 AM What is it now, you Black psycho?
You violating parole again? Uh-oh its back in the joint for you. Dont worry, there
will lots of your brothas in there. Make sure to wear your pants real low so th
e guys know what you like.

attack_the_liars June 1, 2013 at 9:20 PM I dont know why Afrocentrists keep
n insisting that the Sphinx is Negroid, due solely to the fact that its nose was
chopped off! Besides, sice the Sphinx is a lion, it was bound to have a flat no
se. Too much willful ignorance. The Sphinx has the body of a lion and the face of
a man. Did you really see a lions face on the Sphinx? Unbelievable dishonesty! Th
e face looks clearly negroid even with the destroyed nose. Chris earlier posted ab
out the French scholar, Count Volney, who saw the Sphinx before its nose had bee
n shot off by Napoleons gunners. Volley wrote: .when I visited the Sphinx, its appea
rance gave me the key to the riddle. On seeing that head, typically Negro in all
its features, I remembered the remarkable passage where Herodotus says: As for me
, I judge the Colchians to be a colony of the Egyptians because, like them, they a
re black with woolly hair In other words, the ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of
the same type as all native-born Africans. That being so, we can see how their
blood, mixed for several centuries with that of the Greeks and Romans, must have
lost the intensity of its original color, while retaining nonetheless the impri
nt of its original mold.

Real White Nationalist June 1, 2013 at 10:01 PM Too much willful ignorance.
he Sphinx has the body of a lion and the face of a man. Did you really see a lio
ns face on the Sphinx? Unbelievable dishonesty! The face looks clearly negroid ev
en with the destroyed nose. The Sphinx was a lions head. Chris earlier posted about the
French scholar, Count Volney, who saw the Sphinx before its nose had been shot
off by Napoleons gunners. Volley wrote: .when I visited the Sphinx, its appearance g
ave me the key to the riddle. On seeing that head, typically Negro in all its fe
atures, I remembered the remarkable passage where Herodotus says: Volney recanted h
is black Egypt position, and there were reports of the sphinxs nose missing, year
s before Napoleon came. As for me, I judge the Colchians to be a colony of the Egyp
tians because, like them, they are black with woolly hair Some translations say that
. More accurately, it translates to dark skinned (compared to the Greeks they we
re dark) and curly haired. Also the Colchians are modern day Georgians (Whites).
Not blacks, but they have darkish skin and often curly hair. For the fact is as I
soon came to realise myself, and then heard from others later, that the Colchian
s are obviously Egyptian. When the notion occurred to me, I asked both the Colch
ians and the Egyptians about it, and found that the Colchians had better recall
of the Egyptians than the Egyptians did of them. Some Egyptians said that they tho
ught the Colchians originated with Sesostris army, but I myself guessed their Egy
ptian origin not only because the Colchians are dark-skinned and curly-haired (w
hich does not count for much by itself , because these features are common in ot
hers too) but more importantly because Colchians, Egyptians and Ethiopians are t
he only peoples in the world who practise circumcision and who have always done
so. Source, The histories By Herodotus, Robin Waterfield, Carolyn Dewald You will fi
nd translations where black skinned and woolly haired are used, but the term melan
chroes, which was translated to mean black in some versions, was used to describ
e any skin tone from bronzed to black, and through usage translates as dark. As is
seen in this piece of text from Homers Odyssey. With this, Athena touched him [Ody
sseus] with her golden wand. A well-washed cloak and a tunic she first of all ca
st about his breast, and she increased his stature and his youthful bloom. Once
more he grew dark of color [melanchrois], and his cheeks filled out, and dark gre
w the beard about his chin. And the term ulotrichous meant curly. As this Herodotu
s book commentary points out: Despite the efforts of Armayor and English, there is
no linguistic justification for relating this term to Negroes. Melanchroes coul
d denote any colour from bronzed to black, and Negroes are certainly not the onl
y physical type to show curly hair. These characteristics found in many Egs., an
cient and modern, but they are at variance with what we should expect to find am
ongst the inhabitants of the Caucasus area. To Hippocrates the Phasians of Colchis
were sallow (ochros) whilst the complexions of the modern-day Georgian populati
on have been described as fair, sallow or ruddy. On the other hand, Arab geograp
her Istakhri describes an element of the Khazar people dwelling east of the Cauc
asus from at least the 6th century AD as if they were a kind of Indians.

attack_the_liars June 1, 2013 at 10:16 PM The Sphinx was a lions head. Stubb
willful ignorance. A sphinx (Greek: /sphin, Boti
/Phi) is a mythical creature with, as a minimum, the body o a lion and a human
head. Unlike the Greek sphin which was a woman, the Eyptian sphin is typically
shown as a man (an androsphin).

attack_the_liars June 1, 2013 at 10:22 PM And here is the famous writer Gust
ave Flaubert describing the Sphinx half a century after Volney, after the nose h
ad been blown off : We stop before a Sphinx ; it fixes us with a terrifying stare.
Its eyes still seem full of life; the left side is stained white by bird-droppi
ngs (the tip of the Pyramid of Khephren has the same long white stains); it exac
tly faces the rising sun, its head is grey, ears very large and protruding like
a negros, its neck is eroded; from the front it is seen in its entirety thanks to
great hollow dug in the sand; the fact that the nose is missing increases the f
lat, negroid effect. Besides, it was certainly Ethiopian; the lips are thick.
. joy June 1, 2013 at 10:33 PM 1) I dont know where you got this garbag
e, but it isnt true. 2) were learning this stuff from a group of professors whos agen
da is to please a system that treats everyone who isnt Caucasian as other Caucasian,
European, etc are always the default in everything, including history! now you
guys are trying to take an entire civilization from Blacks through education. yo
u theorize your way out of everything, whatever YOU say is the truth, and no one
shall disagree!

Real White Nationalist June 1, 2013 at 11:55 PM now you guys are trying to t
ke an entire civilization from Blacks Because it wasnt a black civilization.
. joy June 1, 2013 at 10:36 PM Oh, I get it nowYoure a leftist in CA wit
h messed up a messed up, liberal Christian theology.
. Real White Nationalist June 1, 2013 at 11:53 PM On the Sphinx: An error
occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it
is disabled in your browser.
. Real White Nationalist June 1, 2013 at 11:56 PM Oh, the videos not sh
owing up
. Sylvia June 3, 2013 at 5:26 AM I enjoyed reading most of the comment
s and article.Why were the slaves of ancient Egypt painted a darker skin shade i
n tomb drawings? Were they Nubians? So if the Ancient Egyptians were black would
nt they have depicted themselves the same shade as those slaves? Just guessing Bu
t who cares they seemed fascinating, intelligent and beautiful regardless. Black
white pink red brown .. Still comes down to one thing-Human!

attack_the_liars June 3, 2013 at 11:37 AM Actually the paintings show that E
gyptians had many slaves lighter skinned than themselves. According to the Bible,
the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt for some 3 centuries.
. Darryl June 4, 2013 at 6:07 PM my last question to you mr Robert Lin
dsay is what if the Egyptians are discovered to be black or a darker skinned rac
e a true African then what? just a hypothetical? How do your views of them chang
e? are you sure you are basing your findings on fact and not on personal feeling
s your answer sound more emotionally involved than needed (same for the others a
s well) just what happens if they are discovered as black? and honestly im am ju
st curious as to your answer I have no further interest in arguing my beliefs wi
th yours no one has a definitive proof yet so as of now its my word versus yoursa
s of now the truth is what you accept and I accept what I want and you do the sa

Robert Lindsay June 4, 2013 at 6:20 PM The debate is over. They are not Blac
k, but they were about 13% Black by genes, if that is any consolation to you.

Darryl June 4, 2013 at 6:28 PM No that wasnt my question was wh
if they are how does that change your attitude?

Cyrus June 6, 2013 at 10:10 AM Knowing Robert, if the data were there, hed a
cept it without question. He is brutally logical like that. Problem is, the data
just aint thereSorry, child.
. Darryl June 4, 2013 at 6:23 PM sorry my true last few questions.What
makes your racist? What leads you to believe you are better than me I am a black
male in college right now aged 20 and I am from Chicago a very segregated city
blacks are on the southside and whites on the north side there are a few mixture
s but its mostly separated and i mention that because i dont know to many whites
and the few i do know are not racist and i have never come across a racist or ha
d a conversation with one and now i have this opportunity to ask you a person i
believe is a racist. What fuels your racism? The belief that you are better than
us? Anger? Pure disbelief? What makes you think your poo smells any better than
ours? Honestly there may be a few blacks you are better than but for that every
one you a better than there is one who is better than you and i judge that base
d on a life scale such as things accomplished money made, intelligence (based on
schooling), philanthropy, awards, career, and etc and your not stupid i know yo
u know there are people out there black people who have done better than you and
more than you in less time and my question to you as a racist how can you possi
bly feel better than them? Also please answer i am curious and this is not just fo
r Robert Lindsay it is also for the other racist.

Darryl June 4, 2013 at 6:32 PM and i dont know your religion but if its Chri
tianity how can you let yourself be racist and call yourself a Christian?

Robert Lindsay June 4, 2013 at 6:40 PM A lot of Christians are racist and vi
ce versa. Anyway, I am not a racist and you need to quit calling me that like now.

Robert Lindsay June 4, 2013 at 6:36 PM I do not consider myself a racist and
you dont get to call me one on here. I ban on that. I do not think I am better tha
n Black folks. My co-blogger on here, Alpha Unit, is a better person than I am i
n a lot of ways.
. Cyrus June 6, 2013 at 10:07 AM When I read through some of this delu
sional crap posted by these Afrocentric spoiled children, I am reminded of that vi
deo taped meeting between the esteemed Egyptologist Dr.Zawi Hawass, and Henry the
ugly American Louis GatesGates made sure to lecture Hawass, while in Egypt no les
s, right in front of the Pyramids, that Hawass is not connected to his own ances
try, the Ancient Egyptians, i.e the Egyptian People. Rather that he, Gates, an A
merican descended from West African slaves imported to the Americans as well as
the occasional horny European plantation owner, somehow is How embarrassingAnd laugh
ableAnd only in America. Get a clue, Black People.
. Admin June 6, 2013 at 12:45 PM *visits ignorant blog* *reads a few com
ments.laughs* *researches comment made by alpha5747.dope!* *leaves stupid ass blog*

Robert Lindsay June 6, 2013 at 4:37 PM Nigga I am banning your Black ass. Sh
ouldnt you be running along now? One of your babymommas is calling.

Cyrus June 6, 2013 at 4:46 PM Kick his ass on back to the plantation!

Arab American Vedantist & Idol Worshipper June 6, 2013 at 4:56 PM Raj Guatam
u meant Raj Gautham. If youre going to troll, you must be accurate so we will believe
you. Also, no mention of the Afro-Dalit alliance? Tsk. Tsk. A bit behind on our ident
ity politics now, arent we?

Admin August 5, 2013 at 11:00 AM Lmao. Peace my nigga.
. Vanessa June 24, 2013 at 3:40 PM Wow what an ignorant passage.

Robert Lindsay June 24, 2013 at 8:45 PM Banned Vanessa.
. Robert Lindsay June 27, 2013 at 6:40 PM That is a Dynastic Egyptian.
They did not look like any other race of people. However, there are still some
people in Egypt, especially women, who resemble Dynastic Egyptians.

Robert Lindsay June 27, 2013 at 7:51 PM Actually there were a few. I think m
aybe 5-10% of them were Black, maybe. And at the end, when the Dynasty was colla
psing, the Nubians conquered them and ruled the collapsing structure for ~300 ye
ars or so. That is where the Afrocentrist lunatics get their Egypt was Black bulls

Robert Lindsay June 28, 2013 at 11:27 AM Nubians are about 40% Black right n
ow I believe. Maybe they were the same back then, who knows?

Cyrus June 28, 2013 at 11:51 AM I think most African-Americans, i.e the peop
le coming here with very Afrocentric leanings, do not realize that there is a pr
etty huge divide between East Africans, and that of the West.

Cyrus July 7, 2013 at 4:35 PM Or like when Latino Aztlan idiots put up pict
s of Aztecs all over Los AngelesAs though the natives here had anything to do wit
h the Aztec Empire.
. Cherlynn Kendricks June 28, 2013 at 11:23 AM This is the most ridicu
lous thing I have ever heard. To say people in Egypt are not of any black decent
but caucasian has been proven time and time again who the original peopl
e were and where they came from. Look at the art look at the monuments look at t
here hair and noses clearly of black decent if not black themselves. Every statu
e or picture of an curly knotted-hair or cornrows caucasians to this day will ne
ver look like this. Please get your facts together.

Cyrus June 28, 2013 at 11:49 AM I have looked at the monuments. They look j
like modern Egyptians. Not black West Africans, from which most African-Americans
are descended fromThe degree of racism that Afrocentric scholars in Americas overpr
iced diploma mills are spreading racism and bigotry against Middle Easterners is
sickening. You should go to your local liquor store, and beg the Arab behind the
counter for forgiveness. You owe him that.
. Cyrus June 28, 2013 at 4:17 PM I cannot speak at all for Robert, but
in my experience, yes. The only Egyptians that Ive met who have positive views o
n Black folks, are ones who grew up in the U.S, in what is best politely describ
ed as an inter-city setting. They thought themselves African. I would imagine this has
much to do with modern manifestations of the colonial era? Not sure, though. The
irony is that one Egyptian doctor I knew hated African-AmericansYet meeting him o
n the street, you wouldve assumed he is simply an upper middle class Black guy wi
th some funny foreign accent.
. Robert Lindsay June 28, 2013 at 9:47 PM In Egypt, they are not, at l
east I do not think so. I dated an Egyptian woman once, and she was a mulatto, m
aybe 35% Black, I have no idea the % really. Like a really light skinned Black g
irl. She even had freckles like a lot of them do. She told me that the view in E
gyptian society was that the Black woman was hot, like she was good for sex. And a
lot of Egyptian guys wanted a Black chick for that reason. But the Black women
in Egypt are not all that Black. They are pretty mixed/mulatto types all the way
. Tutankhamen of Kemet-Ancient Black Man July 4, 2013 at 12:15 PM Robe
rt Lindsay-sir, congradulations, you sir are a racist douchebag. Now white peopl
e like you want to steal an entire civilization from the Black Man and claim it
as their own. As if all the decades of murder, rape, and theft of the Black Afri
can People wasnt enough. Did you know that Jesus was Black as well? Yes, Jesus wa
s a Black Man, in the book of Revelations, it describes Jesus skin as bronze and
his hair as wool. The original Hebrews were Black Men, and you white dogs stole
credit for their acheivements. White people are the sexual partners of dogs, not
ice how similar they look. White people are descended from African albinos who h
ad sex with dogs. You are a disgusting, feral dog Mr. Lindsay, and the President
is a Black Man. We are slowly returning to our rightful place as the rulers of
this planet, called Gaea, which the white dog has dubbed as Earth. I am a Black
Man with a 115 IQ, so your claims of the lowly Black IQ is meaningless. Also, Bl
ack People do not have a higherbcrime rate than white dogs. I have never committ
ed a crime in my life. However, white dogs are the serial killers and pedophiles
. So fear the wrath of the Great Black Man you white dog, fkr your dog kind has
provoked us. Rot in hell Lindsay!

Robert Lindsay July 4, 2013 at 3:39 PM Ok nigga, I am banning you. Bye now.

Jasper July 30, 2013 at 10:13 PM Your a nigga yourself. Lol that term is no
longer a term to belittle a black person. Anybody can be a nigga, nigga.
. John Fountain July 6, 2013 at 7:09 PM You people toss around terms l
ike Caucasian and Caucasoid, what is the science behind those terms? Is there a
Caucasian gene? The term Caucasian is bogus, there is no there there and that st
atus is the same for this whole argument about the Egyptians, admit it white his
tory is very recent and owes a great deal to the Africans and Asians

Robert Lindsay July 6, 2013 at 7:17 PM A Caucasian race certainly exists, an
d can be isolated by skull phenotype as well as genetically as a clade or race.

Cyrus July 7, 2013 at 4:32 PM The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was a copy
of the British Royal Navys surprise air raid on the Italian Navy in 1940. http://e In other words, the Asians copied the Caucasia
ns once again
. John Fountain July 7, 2013 at 11:59 AM Origin of the concept ( Cauca
sian ) he term Caucasian race was coined by the German philosopher Christoph Meiners
in his The Outline of History of Mankind (1785).[4] In Meiners unique racial cla
ssification, there were only two racial divisions (Rassen): Caucasians and Mongo
lians. These terms were used as a collective representation of individuals he pe
rsonally regarded as either good looking or less attractive, based solely on fac
ial appearance. For example, he considered Germans and Tatars more attractive, a
nd thus Caucasian, while he found Jews, Slavs and Native Americans less attracti
ve, and thus Mongolian.[5] The concept of a Caucasian race or Varietas Caucasia li
nked to white race was further developed around in the 1790s by Johann Friedrich B
lumenbach, a German professor of medicine.[6] Blumenbach named it after the Cauc
asian peoples (from the Southern Caucasus region), whom he considered to be the
archetype for the grouping.[7] He based his classification of the Caucasian race
primarily on craniology.[8] Blumenbach wrote: Caucasian variety I have taken the
name of this variety from Mount Caucasus, both because its neighborhood, and esp
ecially its southern slope, produces the most beautiful race of men, I mean the
Georgian; and because all physiological reasons converge to this, that in that r
egion, if anywhere, it seems we ought with the greatest probability to place the
autochthones (birth place) of mankind.[9][10] //////// We know that Meinars and Blu
menbach were wrong, yet this bogus classification continues and has morphed into
an even more bogus Caucasoid. Whites are merely the Albino variety of the Afric
an. The birthplace of mankind indeed, but only in the Bible and the Bible is not s
. John Fountain July 7, 2013 at 12:45 PM When you dont have anything in
telligent to say act like the fool you are, that always works.

Awill July 26, 2013 at 1:57 AM Earlier I saw a comment saying egyptians were
something like 90% caucasoid and 10% African. You do know caucasoid is a phenot
ype correct? Furthermore, any suggesting that a specific phenotypic trait is exc
lusive to a certain genotype is absurd. The long, slender, acquiline nose actual
ly has a LARGER area than the short, broad nose we see in so called negroids. Th
e larger nose and thusly larger mucous membrane is thought to be achieved throug
h selective factors applied in an arrid, dry/cool environment to help extract mo
isture. The shorter, broad nose has a smaller membrane achieved through selectio
n in a wet and/or humid environment. The distinctly different phenotypic traits
of the human nose, have distinctly different effects on the face as a whole. Som
alis have long slender noses because their population has lived in a very dry en
vironment for millennia, NOT because theyre black Europeans. Egyptians in no way re
lated to central and west africa?? The so called black mummy was found in central Sa
hara/Libya and is undoubtably black!!.. its the oldest african mummy to date..wit
h all its organs removed and much of its skin still intact, this black African m
ummy shows complex mummification practices were held pre-Egypt, not in the nile
valley but the central Sahara.. In the central Sahara we also find carvings into
rock and sculptures.. One depicts a man wearing a jackals head, an illustration
thats commonplace in Egyptian art( human body, animal head), though this particul
ar drawing probably predates Egypt by a few hundred years. Pottery found in the
central Sahara, dating to this time period is more complex than pottery in Egypt
around the same time period. This central Saharan culture also practiced large
scale cattle sacrifice, paralleled by the so called cattle cult of Egypt. This v
ery ancient civilization, the findings of which center around modern day Libya,
stretched from Mali to the edge of Egypt. Many feel this is the pre-Egypt cultur
e weve been looking for and according to artwork they were both dark and light sk
inned.. The fact that the black mummy, a child and a commoner (or so it would seem
) would be so cared for, proves this was a relatively egalitarian society. Much
of the artwork found centers around what were large lakes in the middle of the S
ahara that are now desert sand. As these lakes dried up these people must have w
ent somewhere.. Evidence points to mega-lakes also exiting in Chad, Sudan, and Liby
a. Locations of these ancient oases could help explain the migratory patterns of
modern humans. (Just a site I googled for a quote on the subjec
t, please do some research of your own if you havent heard) Also interesting is the
genetic studies done on the orang asli people of the Malay peninsula.

Carlos Danger July 26, 2013 at 2:05 AM What a bunch of garbage. What you nee
d to do young man, is actually go meet some real Egyptians. Then you will realiz
e how racist, ignorant and moronic you sound.
. Ahmed July 10, 2013 at 7:03 AM Recent discoveries in northern Somali
a brings this long standing debate on the location of the Land of Punt and the o
rigin of Ancient Egyptians to a close. It is no other place than Waaqooyi (the Lan
d of Gods) the northern mountainous areas of the Somali coast where the ancient
Egyptians traded with as a source of the marvels and products of Punt. The book co
ntains conclusive evidences in the form of statuettes (never found anywhere else
) which seem to be a true copy of Ancient Egyptians.
. Cyrus July 15, 2013 at 7:00 AM Oh, you mean like modern Egyptians?
. Cyrus July 15, 2013 at 10:35 AM Funny, cause genetically theyre the sa
me people. I guess you just like inventing things
. Cyrus July 15, 2013 at 10:37 AM You are using a Spanish term and con
cept from the 1600s to describes the Egyptian people. Not sure thats very accurate
, my friend.

Cyrus July 15, 2013 at 12:40 PM OkayBut we are talking about the region of N
rth East AfricaNot West Africa.
. Cyrus July 15, 2013 at 10:39 AM In other words, they looked like Egy
ptians, i.e the guy who owns the gas station down the street.
. Cyrus July 15, 2013 at 12:37 PM I never did. Egyptians are a mix bet
ween continental Africans from the Horn of Africa and North Eastern Africa, as w
ell as both ancient and modern West Asian DNA. Not surprising, considering their
location and main means of travel(boats). The declination between Asia and Africa a
s separate worlds would seem weird to both ancient and modern peoples in the regio
n. If anything, they are/were part of a greater Mediterranean civilization. In some
ratio it was true 4,000 years, and its true today. In the modern world, we call t
hem Middle Eastern, though that term would have been meaningless prior to the mode
rn era. Saying a modern Egyptian has no connection with Ancient Egypt is akin to t
elling a modern Mexican they have no connection with the Aztec Empire. Not nice,
and pretty damn racist when you think about it.
. Cyrus July 15, 2013 at 4:22 PM Yup An error occurred. Try watching this vi
deo on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
. Big G July 21, 2013 at 6:27 AM I believe that there are no distict r
aces and everyday that becomes more blurred with interbreading.. With the info o
n the dna studies of our newest neighbor, I believe put all homo sapian in the s
ame race. we can all be of the same family and we should act like it. there is n
o way to solve the real problems of the world if so many people have spent this
much time on race. Race isnt a problem. try hunger , water shortages, murder , th
eft , environmental problems. Now with the internet we dont need governments or c
orporations. Try ignoring things thatb dont matter and think about the poisons th
ey put in our food during processing. Where will our grandchildren get water.
. billy July 24, 2013 at 3:44 AM There are many things that are certai
n: 1-Ancient egyptians were not purely african black 2-Ancient egyptians were not st
upid people . They have genetic mutations that enabled them to build a great civ
ilization . Clearly , blacks lack these genetic mutations 3-Modern Egyptians are m
ixed . They have ancient Egyptian blood , European blood , Northeast African blo
od and Middle eastern blood . Im Egyptian . There are many fair skinned individua
ls with european features and even blonde hair and many dark people here .

Cyrus July 25, 2013 at 11:38 AM Could not have said it better, myself.
. wizkid69 July 25, 2013 at 3:12 AM The creator of this post is an idi
ot. He wouldnt be able to see the truth with those huge glasses. Anyway. You and
your mom are idiots ban me please. Dumb ass. Who cares what race the egyptians were
..egypt is in africa. So they are africans! There you go. Case closed

Robert Lindsay July 25, 2013 at 11:17 AM All right Black man, youre banned.

Mott August 5, 2013 at 11:18 AM Egypt is in Africaso they are Africans Wha
about Blacks in general? (not all Blacks, thank God) Why are they the LEAST LOG
ICAL of all the racial groups? Why do they make snap judgments, based upon emoti
on and bias, and then stick to their guns based on racial party lines, even when
theyre proven wrong? Blacks make themselves look silly with Afrocentric stuff, Taw
ana Brawley, Trayvon, etc. They have enough legitimate bragging rights and griev
ances, why do they always want to go into science fiction and totally undermine
their credibility?

allimcbiel November 19, 2013 at 12:23 PM Time for the Chinese and the Indian
s to completely take over Canada. Lots of real estate and too little people.
. Big G July 26, 2013 at 6:18 AM The 3 richest countries in the carrib
ean. is this excluding the Bahamas and, Puerto rico that have a greater average
income than your samples put together. Also the poorest contries in the carribea
n are run by mullatoes.
. kenneth waddington July 29, 2013 at 7:38 AM ptomelmaic kingdoms were
greek yes but eygpt is black.copy and paste links.
n-Akhenaten-and-Amenhotep-III-were-R1b http://mathildasanthropologyblog.wordpress.
forum/threads/28592-Egyptian-mummy-identified-as-belonging-to-Y-haplogroup-I2 http
:// haplogroup E is highest in blacks! whites o
nly have 2-25% of it anyways its black dna.
neticsoutofafrica.html An error occurred. Try watching this video on,
or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
A) borano oromo have the highest frequencies of e1b1b also known as M15+ http://www. borono oromos are blacks and besides i am e1b1b too i am no
rh west african and black case closed.
. kenneth waddington July 29, 2013 at 7:51 AM An error occurred. Try watc
hing this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in yo
ur browser. case closed. and no hard feelings
. Robert Lindsay July 29, 2013 at 3:06 PM I read an article in the Jou
rnal of Physical Anthropology in the early 1990s that said that the ancient Egypt
ians were 91% Caucasian and 9% Black. More recent studies put it at 85-90% Cauca
sian and 10-15% Black. I figure they were about 12% Black by genes. A few of the
m here and there were more Black, but that was not common. Blacks were mostly en
tertainers, athletes and slaves (LOL).

kenneth waddington July 31, 2013 at 8:38 AM also I would like to add that th
e nubians are sudanese people were part of the group classed as nilotes who are
the blackest and the tallest people in the world and dont have much of aquiline
20the%20blackest%20people%20in%20africa&f=false nilotes
g?zz=1 eygptians were e1b1a and so are bantus and igbo peoples are non nilotic. igb
a carriers Borana oromo highest e1b1b carriers in the world. http://cache3.asset-cache.n
%2BTxzHZT93oSm%2B2X8JFIQ%3D%3D theres no real diference between e1b1a and e1b1b.
tics and they are the darkest people in the world in comparison to non nilotics
.So the eygptians had a very good reason to distinguish from nilotic people that
s why nubians are darker and eygptians are lighter in the drawings also e1b1b ev
olved in eygpt and E1b1a is east african bought e1b1b and e1b1a have mtdna L3 wh
ich evolved in eygpt in the near east and other L lineages 60% of african americ
ans belong to e1b1a and 40% belong to e1b1b.This proves the eygptians were black
people.and the way the depicted themselves is rightly so. eygptians
biw=1024&bih=509&bvm=pv.xjs.s.en_US.jOYpRJj4zMA.O&imgdii=_ http://i

kenneth waddington August 11, 2013 at 11:51 AM No blacks werent slaves also
heres the killer e1b1b mutated in eygpt and if you have been to eygpt youself yo
u will see upper eygptians are black and upper eygpt was were ancient eygpt bega
n also i did mention e1b1b is highest in the borana oromos but I already gave a
comment on that so you needed to look in my previous comments.Robert you need to
update yourself in these things also you should know that people with haplogrou
p E are black.
-egypt.htm http://www.dailymail.c

Cyrus August 11, 2013 at 12:24 PM Where in those links does it say that thos
e Pyramid builders were Black Americans with ancestry from Central Western Afric
a? Oh, thats rightThey dont.
. Monkey D. Luffy July 29, 2013 at 3:12 PM Lindsay, commentor Sandy on
Dotas blog asked a question that i would like to know too, what race are these S
outh American writers of Soap Operas? is she pure Caucasian or she looks mixed wit
h Black or Native or Asian? Likewise
is he pure caucasian or he looks mixed with Native?

Robert Lindsay July 29, 2013 at 3:20 PM In Latin America, if you are 75-85%
White, you are White. So both of these people would be considered White. However,
the Colombian man may be mixed with Indian and the Brazilian woman may be mixed
with Black.

Anisa September 11, 2013 at 8:36 PM Depends on the part of Latin America.The
people of northern Spain example Catalan are more European blood, however those
from central and southern Spain are more Arab and Moorish. Spain and Portugal w
ere ruled by arabs for about 700-800 years and then they mixed with indigenous In
dian and Africans in the New World. Surname Medina is a wellknown Spanish name als
o a holy city in Islam. Andalusia Spain Al Andalus Kuwait.connect the dots people
. demand respect July 30, 2013 at 12:29 PM Why is this argument even c
onsidered a argument. if twoprominent dna companies tace the roots of the egypti
ans back to the great lakes region and other parts of africa why bother. This ha
d to be a home grown society in which one had to be able to endure the harsh sun
, as egyptians have left many clues to leaving their shirts out of pictures. So
what skin toned would be needed to work hard in the north african heat. Would it
be white caucasoid or black . This is simple and you should answer.
. Jasper July 30, 2013 at 9:57 PM Some people will come up with every
reason why ancient Egyptian werent of BLACK AFRICAN DECENT, but lets just face it
: BLACK AFRICAN EGYPTIANS made modern day civilizations they have come to be now
. Everybody is of BLACK AFRICAN DECENT. Africa was the heart of Pangaea, the Mot
her Land. Sorry to bust yall in denial ass bubbles but yall came from us (Black As
s African People). Yall are products of OUR DNA. I dont see how yall can look at al
l those gotdamn murals and walls and convince yall brains that those arent BLACK N
EGROD AFRICAN PHARAOHS & QUEENS yall looking at. Lets be real in denial people. W
e were made the CHOSEN people. We are the CHOSEN people. And as far as that BS a
ss DNA goes, THE MAN can say whatever the hell he wants to say about how reconstruc
ted ancient Egyptian skulls are not of NEGROD decent. LIESSSSSSSSSS. We come in a
ll shapes and sizing and have a variety of different facial features. We are not
limited to FACIAL FEATURES like small lips or squinted eyes. We have all those fe
atures. (Man its feels GREAT to be apart of the TOTAL PACKAGE RACE) please just g
et over the non sense. The civilization that directly impacted your way of livin
WEARING, & once again BEAUTIFUL BLACK AFRICAN people. The Chosen People.
. Derek Mason August 1, 2013 at 1:14 PM Modern scholars who have studi
ed Ancient Egyptian culture and population history have responded to the controv
ersy over the race of the Ancient Egyptians in different ways. Since the second ha
lf of the 20th century, scholars have rejected the notion ofrace as having any valid
ity in the study of human biology.[6] [7] The 2001 Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egy
pt states that Any characterization of race of the ancient Egyptians depends on m
odern cultural definitions, not on scientific study.[9] Frank M. Snowden asserts that E
gyptians, Greeks and Romans attached no special stigma to the colour of the skin
and developed no hierarchical notions of race whereby highest and lowest positi
ons in the social pyramid were based on colour.[11] [12] Additionally,typological andhier
rchical models of race have increasingly been rejected by scientists in favour of
models of geographical origin. Scholars such asFrank Yurco believe that Modern Egypt
ians are largely representative of the ancient population, and the DNA evidence
appears to support this view.[20] It is now largely agreed that Dynastic Egyptians
were indigenous to the Nile area. About 5,000 years ago theSahara area dried out, a
nd part of the indigenous Saharan population retreated East towards the Nile Val
ley. In addition peoples from theNear East entered the Nile Valley, bringing with th
emwheat ,barley , sheep, goats and possibly cattle.[21] Dynastic Egyptians referred to th
eir country as The Two Lands. During the Predynastic period (about 4800 to 4300BC)
theMerimde culture flourished in the northern part of Egypt (Lower Egypt ).[22] This cul
ture, among others, has links to theLevant in theNear East .[23] [24] The pottery of the
erButo Maadi culture, best known from the site atMaadi nearCairo , also shows connection
o the southernLevant as well.[25] In the southern part of Egypt (Upper Egypt ) the predyn
asticBadarian culture was followed by theNaqada culture . These people seem to be more
closely related to the Nubians and North East Africans than with northern Egypti
ans.[26] [27] Due to its geographical location at the crossroads of several major cu
ltural areas, Egypt has experienced a number of foreign invasions during histori
cal times, including by theCanaanites (Hyksos ), theLibyans , theKushites (Nubians ) the
s , theBabylonians , thePersians , theMacedonian Greeks , theRomans (Byzantium in late a
rly Middle Ages), theArabs , theOttoman Turks , the French and the British. UNESCO convene
d the Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroi
tic Script inCairo in 1974. At that forum the Black Egyptian theory was rejected by 90
% of delegates,[28] [29] and the symposium concluded that Ancient Egyptians were much
the same as modern Egyptians. The arguments for all sides are recorded in the U
NESCO publicationGeneral History of Africa ,[28] with the Origin of the Egyptians chapte
r being written by Diop. In 1996, theIndianapolis Museum of Art published a collectio
n of essays, which included contributions from leading experts in various fields
includingarchaeology ,art history ,physical anthropology ,African studies ,Egyptology ,
ric studies,linguistics , andclassical studies . While the contributors differed in some
opinions, the consensus of the authors was that Ancient Egypt was a Northeast A
frican civilization (although ethnic type was not mentioned), based on Egypts geo
graphic location on the African continent.[30] In 2008,S. O. Y. Keita wrote that There
is no scientific reason to believe that the primary ancestors of the Egyptian po
pulation emerged and evolved outside of northeast Africa. The basic overall genet
ic profile of the modern population is consistent with the diversity of ancient
populations that would have been indigenous to northeastern Africa and subject t
o the range of evolutionary influences over time, although researchers vary in t
he details of their explanations of those influences.[31]Yyu
. Killua Zoldyck August 5, 2013 at 11:43 AM Oh well, whatever what anc
ient Egyptians were, to be honest, i dont find their achievements particularly be
autiful ,in a Brazilian Tv show ,the characters went to Egypt ,and it wasnt anyth
ing special, a country full of sand everywhere, it looks sad, and the clime is t
oo hot to my taste, the pyramids are big but not particularly beautiful and neit
her their art, the ancient Iranians, Greeks or Japanese did more aesthetically b
eautiful art, to me Blacks can claim Egypt all they want, not that i am very pro
ud of it.

kenneth waddington August 11, 2013 at 11:34 AM you havent been to eygpt its
different from what you see in television greek art was inspired by by the eygpt
ians so you cant say much rubbish.

Cyrus August 11, 2013 at 7:33 PM Ive been to Egypt. Everybody hates blacks t
ere. Its refreshing. Egyptians are a wise people.
. Paul Van August 8, 2013 at 8:35 PM During an excavation headed by the
German Institute for Archaeology, Cairo, at the tombs of the nobles in Thebes-W
est, Upper Egypt, three types of tissues from different mummies were sampled to
compare 13 well known rehydration methods for mummified tissue with three newly
developed methods. .. Skin sections showed particularly good tissue preservation
, although cellular outlines were never distinct. Although much of the epidermis
had already separated from the dermis, the remaining epidermis often was preser
ved well (Fig. 1). The basal epithelial cells were packed with melanin as expect
ed for specimens of Negroid origin. (A-M Mekota and M Vermehren. (2005) Determinat
ion of optimal rehydration, fixation and staining methods for histological and i
mmunohistochemical analysis of mummified soft tissues. Biotechnic & Histochemist
ry 2005, Vol. 80, No. 1, Pages 7-13 The peoples of ancient Egypt, in the aforement
ioned tropical and semi-tropical/arid tropic zones, show clear limb proportion c
haracteristics of tropically adapted people, and MORE closely resemble other tro
pically adapted Africans on the continent, than Europeans or Middle Easterners. (R
axter and Ruff 2008, Zakrewski 2003, 2007; Holliday et al, 2003, Kemp, 2005) Europ
ean/Asiatic cold climate or light skin inspiration was unneeded by the tropicall
y adapted Africans of ancient Egypt. They peopled the Nile Valley from the Sahar
a and the Sudan, and ancient Egypt is part of a tropical African lineage. Indige
nous development sprang from a long tradition going back deep into the Sahara an
d the Sudan. (Lovell, 1999; Lefkowitz, 1993, 1996; Keita 1993, Irish 2006) There is n
ow a sufficient body of evidence from modern studies of skeletal remains to indi
cate that the ancient Egyptians, In general, the inhabitants of Upper Egypt and
Nubia had the greatest biological affinity to people of the Sahara and more sout
herly areas... In general, the inhabitants of Upper Egypt and Nubia had the great
est biological affinity to people of the Sahara and more southerly areas. (Nancy
C. Lovell, Egyptians, physical anthropology of, in Encyclopedia of the Archaeolog
y of Ancient Egypt, ed. Kathryn A. Bard and Steven Blake Shubert, ( London and N
ew York: Routledge, 1999) pp 328-332) Study after peer reviewed study proves concl
usively that ancient Egyptians were indigenous Black Africans. Black Africans are
the most genetically diverse people on earth. Only a Black man could create the Wh
ite man and all the colors in between. Where are the peer reviewed studies that
prove the Ancient Egyptian were Blumenbachs version of some bogus Caucasian?

kenneth waddington August 11, 2013 at 11:56 AM Can you give me the link to t
hat? please?

Cyrus August 11, 2013 at 12:20 PM He cant, because the quotes are made up
ibuted names to things those professors did not actually say.

kenneth waddington August 12, 2013 at 10:37 AM I already found the links and
the qoutes are true.

Cyrus August 12, 2013 at 1:41 PM Nope. You didnt. You are full of shit. Just
like all niggers.
. kenneth waddington August 11, 2013 at 12:08 PM more recent studies t
han Roberts 20th century articles this is what the 21st century says. http://nilev

Cyrus August 11, 2013 at 12:21 PM OOOooohhhA blog! OMG!!! It must be true!
. jonathan August 11, 2013 at 6:04 PM DNA research done by white scienti
sts which can be found and analyzed on DNATRIBES, have found that the most close
ly related peoples to Pharaoh Ramses the second and King tuts parental figures co
me from a majority sub-Saharan lineage. Ancient Egyptians called them selves KMT
pronounced kemet which means land of the blacks or blacks. They migrated north fr
om East africa from the Cushite/ cushitic, kush, or Ham/kam, depending on the bo
oks and translations from the native Bantu or nilotic language into English. The
y migrated first into Nubia or as some know it as, ancient Sudan, through the ni
le river into south egypt, where the first rulers established what we now know a
s dynastic Egypt/kemet. The mother of Egypt was Nubia, who are subsaharan kushit
ic peoples. The Dna of the ancients are clearly cushite however this does mean i
t might be different from Western African tribal groups due to differences of Dn
a between africans being greater than between africans and non africans, due to
migration. The Eyptians then inter married daughters of syrians and semites,whic
h would logically mean, the color of Ancients would have become mixed, after a w
hile and of course with the 18th dynasty when Romans invaded Egypt and destroyed
artifacts that could be traced back to black kemet its become ambiguous of their

Cyrus August 11, 2013 at 7:31 PM Bull. DNA shows that both ancient and moder
n Egyptians were Middle Eastern. A form of COCKASIANSuck on my hummus you low-IQ
nigger faggot.

kenneth waddington August 12, 2013 at 10:34 AM what you said is bull modern
day eypgtians descend from ancient eygptians if you ignore the racial mixing thr
oughout eygptian history that is but it doesnt stop them from descending from an
cient eygptians. also the eygptians made its very clear in their art they werent
middle eastern also look at my previous comments and nowhere does dna evidence
say eygptians were caucasian there were always carrier of haplogroup E that whic
h the known haplogroup of black people.

Cyrus August 12, 2013 at 1:36 PM Wrong. Ive talked to Egyptian people. They
e niggers, just like all healthy people do.

Lucius August 13, 2013 at 3:33 PM Niggers are faggots.

kenneth waddington August 12, 2013 at 10:41 AM Case closed boy! http://mathil

Cyrus August 12, 2013 at 1:40 PM Thats just some silly blog, for lower I.Q i
secure niggers to read. Everyone knows Egyptians are not really actual Arabs. Bu
t they are Middle Eastern Mediterranean people, like Italians, Berbers, Greeks,
Lebanese, and Israelis, etc. DNA studies have shown clearly that ancient Egyptian
and modern Egyptians are basically nigger free! P.SI had some dinner with some Egyp
tians last year, All we did was talk about how stupid and useless niggers are! I
t was great fun! Wish you were there!

Robert Lindsay August 12, 2013 at 6:46 PM Cyrus, ancient Egyptians were 13%
Black. Modern Egyptians may be up to 30% Black, but it is hard to say. Not exactly n

Cyrus August 12, 2013 at 7:18 PM I knowHell, modern Egyptians still are. But
these Afrocentric douche bags are so easy to troll.

Mott August 12, 2013 at 7:29 PM Ancient Egyptians were not Blacks. There wer
e a few Pharaohs at the very end of the main period that were Nubians (sorta Bla
cks). They didnt last for long. They didnt build any of that stuff. This is the whol
e story. End of story.
. Bay Area Guy August 12, 2013 at 7:39 PM The ironic thing about Afroc
entrists is that theyre conforming to the very eurocentric paradigm they claim to d
espise so much. There have been many successful or prominent African civilizations
that were not Egyptian. Ethiopia (which got a nod from the ancient Greeks), Nub
ia (which was one of the younger Christian nations in the world at the time), So
nghai, and others. By desperately latching onto Egypt, theyre basically saying, we b
lack people are so ashamed of our heritage (specifically, West African heritage)
that we must claim Egypt in order to feel any sense of pride! Imagine if white nat
ionalists desperately latched onto societies such as ancient India or Persia, an
d claimed their accomplishments as their own on account of the fact that the peo
ples of those lands were either Indo-Aryan or Caucasoid. How pathetic would that l

Mott August 12, 2013 at 9:36 PM That would be almost as pathetic asAfrocentr
sts claiming Egypt. Also, just because a few nuts might claim the India/Persia thing
for whites, that doesnt account for Afrocentrism being basically taught as fact
in colleges, accepted as science by P.C.s. and, like you said, the Egypt thing b
eing the sacred basket that they put all their eggs in, without any clue how foo
lish they look, or how wrong they are. They make blacks look far sillier, its har
der to take them seriously because of it. Ethiopia I agree is a civilization to ho
ld up against non-African ones. Problem: I dont know about you, but I think Ethiopi
ans are are a distinct race- a cross between blacks and whites. Maybe Im wrong

jmb1969 August 12, 2013 at 11:45 PM could very well be a cross between the 2
spieces but we have our ancient anscetors to blame for the black race for if th
e stories are true we came from mars and could have created a biological robot t
o do the work.

rifleman45 December 28, 2013 at 12:02 AM right on bay area guy; they seem so
ashamed of their own cultures and ancestors
. jmb1969 August 12, 2013 at 11:36 PM LOL too funny ..but soooooo true
. Lucius August 13, 2013 at 3:31 PM How can anyone still believe that
the ancient Egyptians were black ? this shouldnt be a question anymore North Africa
is obviously a white region. besides do you think modern blacks could possibly
descend from ancient Egyptians with their behavior seen in modern society? such
a barbaric people descending from such a noble people is impossible I dont care w
hat genetic say if any scientists claims this to be true that black people desce
nd from ancient Egyptians then theyve got to be obviously lying because nobody wh
o descends from the ancient Egyptians could possibly behave like that hey this i
s the absolute truth you guys can think what you want but did Roman Emperor Juli
us Caesar give birth to the better homeless person on the street who lies steals
rapes and murders 56 to 70 times more than the average Roman citizen and is alt
ernately responsible for the decline of the Roman Empire bringing it to an abrup
t en wild bear drinking Kool Aid smoking weed getting locked up been driving aro
und with big ass rims is this even remotely possible no young grasshopper it is
not black people descend from black tribes in Africa and no one else and that is
the only history so stop stealing our history also you Negros or a bunch of hom
. Akhona August 14, 2013 at 4:57 PM Copt is a religion not race

Cyrus August 14, 2013 at 8:40 PM They are best described as an ethnicity in
. Kanda August 16, 2013 at 7:19 PM These racists People look at the cu
rrent situation of some actual African countries as criteria to to have an ideal
of the past of the native African race aka black. All serious scholars know the
origin of Egyptian civilization a typical native African culture from the south
: Ta Seti aka Nubia; Kerma; Nagada;Meroe. the Egyptian were not Semite/arabs/whi
te caucasian they were Hamite aka native Africans all Geographical;phenotypcal,g
enetic,Historic evidences proves it . denying the First Human their legacy of be
ing the builders of the first civilizations! Egypt is just a few among the civil
izations created by Africans(Black) Just see in this blog how the Egyptian and Nub
ian portrayed themselves(just Images)

Kanda August 16, 2013 at 7:22 PM and Nubia,Kerma,nagada,Meroe ,KUSH , I forg
. Lulz August 18, 2013 at 2:12 AM I love how Blacks and Whites fight o
ver racial ownership of the ancient Egyptians like wild dogs brawling over a por
k rind. There is little, if any, empirical evidence about the race of the ancient
Egyptians. However, if one employs their deductive reasoning skills, it is possi
ble to come to a probable conclusion in that regard. Lets see: 1) They were smart eno
ugh to have a well beyond their era grasp of astronomy, physics, and mathematica
l equations. So that rules out the Blacks, of course. 2) Egypt is in one of the ho
ttest geographical locations of the African continent, known for its merciless s
unlight. Whites go outside on a cloudless day in July and theyre frying like a st
rip of bacon in less than five minutes. So its highly doubtful that Whites were
even able to adequately survive in ancient Egypt; specifically in a time before
SPF-50 was handy. That excludes Whites. You silly rabbits, the ancient Egyptians w
ere people of color, but not Black and definitely not White. Continue to fight a
bout it, however. It amuses me.

Robert Lindsay August 18, 2013 at 5:54 AM They were Middle Eastern Caucasoid
s, Caucasoids from the Middle East. The closest example of them would be the Cop
ts. We have excellent genetic evidence of the race of the Egyptians. Many ME Cau
casoids are quite dark, but they are still Caucasoids.

Lulz August 18, 2013 at 2:21 PM ^Lol
. Awill August 26, 2013 at 11:19 PM Africans claiming an African count
ry is pathetic? Where is the proof for this remark? Egypt is one of many ancient
African empires you are correct. These other heritages arent debated however. Su
ch ignorance inspires intelligent minds to produce facts.. The evidence also points
to linkages to other northeast African peoples, not coincidentally approximatin
g the modern range of languages closely related to Egyptian in the Afro-Asiatic
group (formerly called Hamito-Semetic). These linguistic similarities place anci
ent Egyptian in a close relationship with languages spoken today as far west as
Chad, and as far south as Somalia. Archaeological evidence also strongly support
s an African origin. A widespread northeastern African cultural assemblage, incl
uding distinctive multiple barbed harpoons and pottery decorated with dotted wav
y line patterns, appears during the early Neolithic (also known as the Aqualithi
c, a reference to the mild climate of the Sahara at this time). Saharan and Suda
nese rock art from this time resembles early Egyptian iconography. Strong connec
tions between Nubian (Sudanese) and Egyptian material culture continue in later
Neolithic Badarian culture of Upper Egypt. Similarities include black-topped war
es, vessels with characteristic ripple-burnished surfaces, a special tulip-shape
d vessel with incised and white-filled decoration, palettes, and harpoons Other ancie
nt Egyptian practices show strong similarities to modern African cultures includ
ing divine kingship, the use of headrests, body art, circumcision, and male comi
ng-of-age rituals, all suggesting an African substratum or foundation for Egypti
an civilization The race and origins of the Ancient Egyptians have been a source of con
siderable debate. Scholars in the late and early 20th centuries rejected any con
siderations of the Egyptians as black Africans by defining the Egyptians either
as non-African (i.e Near Easterners or Indo-Aryan), or as members of a separate
brown (as opposed to a black) race, or as a mixture of lighter-skinned peoples w
ith black Africans. In the later half of the 20th century, Afrocentric scholars
have countered this Eurocentric and often racist perspective by characterizing t
he Egyptians as black and African.. Physical anthropologists are increasingly conclud
ing that racial definitions are the culturally defined product of selective perc
eption and should be replaced in biological terms by the study of populations an
d clines. Consequently, any characterization of race of the ancient Egyptians de
pend on modern cultural definitions, not on scientific study. Thus, by modern Am
erican standards it is reasonable to characterize the Egyptians as blacks [i.e in
a social sense] while acknowledging the scientific evidence for the physical div
ersity of Africans. Source: Donald Redford (2001) The Oxford encyclopedia of anci
ent Egypt, Volume 3. Oxford University Press. p. 27-28 There you have it.. Thus, by
modern American standards it is reasonable to characterize the Egyptians as blac
k.Its even more reasonable when you consider Egypt/Kemet is IN Africa. This quote i
s an excerpt from Oxford Universitys Encyclopedia. As you can see, black or more ap
propriate dark brown egypt is excepted by modern academia. Middle Eastern caucasoid
s? How about.. East African caucasoids. How is it, Mr. Lindsey, that the Egyptians
are indigenous africans yet middle eastern? I argue that lumping black Egypt with al
l of Afrocentrisms ridiculous theories (Black Ceasar) is irresponsible. Nancy Lov
ell is a self proclaimed critic of Afrocentrism and a physical anthropologist. Ther
e is now a sufficient body of evidence from modern studies of skeletal remains t
o indicate that the ancient Egyptians, especially southern Egyptians, exhibited
physical characteristics that are within the range of variation for ancient and
modern indigenous peoples of the Sahara and tropical Africa.. In general, the in
habitants of Upper Egypt and Nubia had the greatest biological affinity to peopl
e of the Sahara and more southerly areas. (Nancy C. Lovell, Egyptians, physical a
nthropology of, in Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, ed. Kathryn
A. Bard and Steven Blake Shubert, ( London and New York: Routledge, 1999) pp 328
-332) Can those that disagree with the above scientific literature provide any tha
t refutes it in clear terms? Heres the American Anthropology Associations statement
on race.. In the United States both scholars and the general public have been condi
tioned to viewing human races as natural and separate divisions within the human
species based on visible physical differences. With the vast expansion of scien
tific knowledge in this century, however, it has become clear that human populat
ions are not unambiguous, clearly demarcated, biologically distinct groups. Evid
ence from the analysis of genetics (e.g., DNA) indicates that most physical vari
ation, about 94%, lies within so-called racial groups. Conventional geographic ra
cial groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes. This mean
s that there is greater variation within racial groups than between them. In neigh
boring populations there is much overlapping of genes and their phenotypic (phys
ical) expressions. Throughout history whenever different groups have come into c
ontact, they have interbred. The continued sharing of genetic materials has main
tained all of humankind as a single species. 94 percent variation within race absol
utely dwarfs the 6 percent variation between race leaving the lines hopelessly b
lurred. This is learned from genetic analysis. IT DOESNT EXIST!! Only populations
, regional affinities, and our personal feelings. The often spouted notion that
DNA is somehow color coded is not fact. Heres the first Europeans.
om/watch?v=vDXBv_k6gNY&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DvDXBv_k6gNY This program is not
PC, quite the contrary. So much for European DNA as it pertains to white dna. A nice
illustration of how data clashes with whats often portrayed. Associating a genet
ic cline with people of a certain skin tone is pure assumption. Skin tone can on
ly be deduced from melanin tests or historical context. Some estimates say very
light to pale skin didnt become a part of the human genome until 8ka. There is no
empirical evidence to say how long it would have took Eurasians (or their DNA)t
o lose their dark skin. We DO KNOW however, they would have been much darker tha
n now, probably a tropical/brown complexion in the beginning. So the question is
what color is European DNA, please show proof and the fortune that should accompa
ny. Also, those middle eastern caucasoids of 15,000 years ago have a name. Since Nat
ufian facts arent highly debated, heres Wikipedia The Natufian culture /ntjufin/ was
ipaleolithic culture that existed from 13,000 to 9,800 B.C. in the Levant, a reg
ion in the Eastern Mediterranean. It was unusual in that it was sedentary, or se
mi-sedentary, before the introduction of agriculture. The Natufian communities a
re possibly the ancestors of the builders of the first Neolithic settlements of
the region, which may have been the earliest in the world.There is some evidence
for the deliberate cultivation of cereals The Natufian culture held the most advan
ced people in the region if not the world. No need to speak of white caucasoids
of 40ka+ as these much later people at 15ka are just as African as anything else
. Heres some quotes from C.L. Braces 2005 study.. The Questionable Contribution of
Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form. If the Late Pleistocene
Natufian sample from Israel is the source from which that Neolithic spread was d
erived, then there was clearly a SubSaharan African element present of almost eq
ual importance as the Late Prehistoric Eurasian element. Those middle eastern cauca
soids seem to be of substantially black lineage???!!! Even more startling is the
fact that the late prehistoric Eurasians didnt cluster with moderns, thus the n
ame of the study. ..the failure of the Neolithic and Bronze Age samples in central
and northern Europe to tie to the modern inhabitants supports the suggestion tha
t, while a farming mode of subsistence was spread westward and also north to Cri
mea and east to Mongolia by actual movement of communities of farmers, the indig
enous foragers in each of those areas ultimately absorbed both the agricultural
subsistence strategy and also the people who had brought it. The middle easterners
that developed agriculture were absorbed by many populations. No evidence they d
isplaced but data suggests they were engulfed by indigenous peoples along with t
heir strategies. Braces study is based on craniofacial data which is often used t
o suggest (especially dental affinities) East Africans are more similar to Euras
ians than West Africans/Bantu which some are. This is because West Africans most
likely split from East Africans much earlier than the rest of the world. This a
llowed them more time to develop independently. Historically however, ancient Ea
st Africans are much more related culturally/racially to ancient and modern West A
fricans than Middle Eastern people. This is obvious. Kenyas not in West Africa, s
o Obama isnt a black man?? How pathetic of me to assume such a thing. What some would
like to ignore is that skeletal limb proportion is much less variable from gene
ration to generation than craniofacial features and is indicative of regional or
igin. As too is skin tone. Limb proportion data clusters ancient and modern Egyp
tians closer to Africans than Europeans. In other words their limbs are negroid. Ano
ther common misconception is the thought that the peopling of the Nile Valley so
me 20ka+ has complete bearing on today, it doesnt . During the early Holocene humid
optimum, the Southern Sahara and the Nile Valley apparently were too moist and h
azardous for appreciable human occupation. After 7,000 B.C.E. human settlement b
ecame well established all over the eastern Sahara, fostering the development of
cattle pastoralism. Retreating monsoonal rains caused the onset of desertificat
ion of the Egyptian Sahara at 5,300 B.C.E. Prehistoric populations were forced t
o the Nile Valley or ecological refuges and forced to exodus into the Sudanese S
ahara where rainfall and surface water were still sufficient. The return of full
desert conditions all over Egypt in 5300 B.C.E. coincided with the initial phas
es of pharaonic civilization in the Nile Valley. Climate-Controlled Holocene Occupa
tion in the Sahara: Motor of Africas Evolution. Rudolph Kuper and Stefan Kropelin
(2006). More Afrocentric nonsense I presume.. These findings arent scientifically r
efuted! The peopling of the Nile Valley that coincided with the initial phases of
pharaonic civilization came from within Africa Western Saharans and southern peop
le predominantly, the Egyptians themselves say they come from the south. The arc
heaology supports it. During the times some would say white caucasoidscame from th
e north with large enough numbers to dominate the area, it was often inhospitabl
e for appreciable human occupation. Now that the Levant corridor is out youre force
d to claim your caucasoids came across the Red Sea and Somalis and ancient Ethio
pians are really white. I hope people are starting to see how misguided this log
ic is. Where is the proof of this. Another common argument is this caucasoid race
came in and dominated the whole or major portions of North Africa prior to the a
frican holocene humid period. Starting as early as 40ka!! I have seen no evidenc
e for this, but if it IS true this isnt very relevant, as I said before the peopl
ing of the Nile Valley has been fragmented. From pre dynastic times on, Egypt tr
aded most frequently with Nubia and migrations from the South were just as preva
lent as migration from the north. More importantly, the people migrating from th
e north werent modern looking Asiatics. As Brace pointed out, Neolithic and Bronz
e Age Eurasian samples(15ka) DID NOT cluster with modern Mediterranean and Europ
ean people; and If Eurasians 15ka didnt look like modern Europeans, how can one s
uggest those living 40ka did? For example, consider what was written about Nazle
t Khater man The oldest modern human remains found in Egypt and North Africa as a
whole. Strong alveolar prognathism combined with fossa praenasalis in an African s
kull is suggestive of Negroid morphology [form & structure]. The radio-humeral i
ndex of Nazlet Khater is practically the same as the mean of Taforalt (76.6). Ac
cording to Ferembach (1965) this value is near to the Negroid average. Thoma A.,
Morphology and affinities of the Nazlet Khater man, Journal of Human Evolution,
vol 13, 1984. If the oldest remains of modern humans in North Africa/Egypt dates b
ack to 30,000bc and shows what are said to be negroid featureswhere is the evidence
that white or middle eastern caucasoids dominated the area some 40ka. Truly, the
better question is what does 40ka have to do with the peopling of the Nile Valle
y 15ka. Neither period holds much evidence of middle eastern people dominating t
he area. As Keita has explained, population theory suggests that migrating populat
ions as small as ONE PERCENT of absorbing populations can greatly change the abs
orbing populations phenotype over a thousand year period. Mr. Lindsey and people
like Mathildas best argument is color coded dna.. a lie. If one were to determine
physical variation from the dna and then categorize these physical fearures in
terms of race, you would find about 15x more variation within race than between.
Meaning race exists in the mind not in the data. Any categorizing of dna into r
acial groups is based on personal/cultural ideas. Ill take the American Anthropol
ogy Association over a blog. Eye ball anthropology is on par with color coded dn
a as pseudo-science. Most who believe what Mr. Lindsey says are victims of cultu
ral bias/miseducation. The term caucasoid was popularized by racist literature.
Multi-origins hypothesis and notions of white caucasoids civilizing the ancient
world is more nazi germany than modern scholarship. Mr. Lindsey hasnt spoken on t
he history of these terms because his hand will be shown, though his racist comm
entary has done as much. The thought that Egypt was an African state in both geogr
aphy and culture is the mainstream hypothesis. Narmer, Djoser, Khufu, Imhotep..
all look sub saharan.Where is the evidence they were middle eastern? Mummy pics?? Ea
st Africans have straight and curly hair. The color doesnt matter as much, we kn
ow mummies had their hair died and sometimes replaced with a wig. The texture co
uld be natural or chemically induced as the hair was immersed in alkaline based
treatments. Many african american women use this to straighten their hair today.
LOOKING at the hair of mummies is not completely indicative of their hair type
while alive, no debate. Red hair AND blondism occured in Africa first, a rare fa
ct. The badarian culture, Qustful incense, and many other things(according to Oxfo
rd, look above) link pre dynastic Egypt to older, more southern African societie
s. The eyewitnesses circa bc agree. Some argue that the word translated as black
in ancient texts is really brownok. Diordorus Siculus mentions the Egyptians as
black AND brown while Aristotle claims egyptians are TOO black/ brown. How do th
ey explain these verses outside of mentioning dark skinned africans. There is mo
re to be addressed but hopefully this helps the debate. An error occurred. Try watchi
ng this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your
browser. Egyptologist Dr. Sally-Ann Ashtons comments on the challenges of changing the
perception of Egypt as a non African entity. Note how she explains the contrasti
ng nature of responses to her writing that Cleopatra was half black as opposed t
o showing it with facial reconstruction. As I said, many in modern academia acce
pt it as obvious fact Public opinion lags behind. I am not an afrocentrist, yet I
DO believe that ancient Egypt is black in the modern sense both physically and
culturally. Mary Lefowitz, another Afrocentrism critic (Note the title below) an
d actual anthropologist seems to agree, her words.. Recent work on skeletons and DN
A suggests that the people who settled in the Nile valley, like all of humankind
, came from somewhere south of the Sahara; they were not (as some nineteenth-cen
tury scholars had supposed) invaders from the North. See Bruce G. Trigger, The Ri
se of Civilization in Egypt, Cambridge History of Africa (Cambridge, Cambridge Un
iversity Press, 1982), vol I, pp 489-90; S. O. Y. Keita, Studies and Comments on
Ancient Egyptian Biological Relationships, History in Africa 20 (1993) 129-54. (Mary
Lefkotitz (1997). Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach
Myth as History. Basic Books. pg 242) Dr. Shomarka Keita is the authority on the
subject regardless of his so called race. His work stands in direct opposition o
f ideas stated most frequently on mathildas blog; seemingly the only source left
for the Mr. Lindseys of the world. Forgive me if Im wrong, where is all this OBV
IOUS evidence that counteracts the above statements as is often promised. Color
coded DNA and eye ball anthropology is all yagot, the archeaology and PN2 clade i
s what buries you. If theres no problem with DNA tests explain why DNATribes 2012
study on Armana mummy DNA show them to be Atrican. Reference Keita if youre conf
used. This should sum it up.. We study the major levels of Y-chromosome haplogroup
variation in 15 Sudanese populations by typing major Y-haplogroups in 445 unrela
ted males representing the three linguistic families in Sudan. Our analysis show
s Sudanese populations fall into haplogroups A, B, E, F, I, J, K, and R in frequ
encies of 16.9, 7.9, 34.4, 3.1, 1.3, 22.5, 0.9, and 13% respectively. haplogroups
F, I, J, K, and R are more frequent among Afro-Asiatic speaking groups includin
g Arabs, Beja, Copts, and Hausa, and Niger-Congo speakers from the Fulani ethnic
group. haplogroups F-M89, I-M170, J-12f2, and J2-M172 were found to be more freq
uent in the Afro-Asiatic speaking groups. (Y-Chromosome Variation Among Sudanese:
Restricted Gene Flow, Concordance With Language, Geography, and History Hisham Y.
Hassan, Luca L. Cavalli-Sforza, et al 2008) F, I, J, K, and R are associated with
more Asaiatic people. A, B, and E are African add it up and understand the Egypt
ians cluster with Sudanese.

Robert Lindsay August 26, 2013 at 11:33 PM All right you Afrocentric scumbag
, I am banning your Black ass.

Awill August 26, 2013 at 11:54 PM Accepted by modern academia.. Ive been on
his blog too long.

Ambrose D. Roger September 1, 2013 at 4:52 PM F, I, J, K, and R are associat
ed with more Asaiatic people. A, B, and E are African add it up and understand th
e Egyptians cluster with Sudanese. Haha, no, you retard nigger, I and J are Europea
n, R is mostly European, but there is some R2 indigenous to SE Asia. A and B are
not related with Bantu nigger expansion, which is what you are, A and B are San
Bushmen, who are a different race from niggers. E is Nigger DNA, no doubt, but
whites have 10-25% E1b, and there is a R1b admixture in ancient Egyptians (King
Tut), and the majority of Ancient Egyptian DNA is North African Caucasoid, not n
igger DNA. DNA Tribes is a psuedoscientific inaccurate piece of niggerbabble, and
not considered accurate by mainstream scientists. Interesting how every nigger p
rofessor I have ever had the Kemet debate with ALWAYS pointed to DNA tribes while
NO ONE else does. There were numerous skull measurements and craniofacial analys
is on ancient Egyptians which shows Caucasoid features. Dont start with your bull
shit on how Ethiopians and Somalis can have Caucasoid features too because both
of them are Horners; which means they are related to the OOA and are genetically
mulattoes. Funny how there are no pure nigger acheivers, every nigger of histor
ical siginificance has some YT runnin through their veins. Look at skull reconstru
ctions of Pharoahs and tell me how many niggers you find.

Blacky October 19, 2013 at 9:41 PM Ambrose D Roger., Listen Punk ass white ca
e monkey., if u hae time apart from indulging in orgy with your family then go p
ick up a book and read it is clearly evident from any theories that ancient Engy
ptions were negroids. Dont try to fool us with your nerdy theories EAST COMES WE
ST COMES NORTH COMES SOUTH COMES. we dont give 2 shits about your theories.. shi
t eating punk
. zanenobbs September 1, 2013 at 4:10 PM Doesnt the illustration on the
tomb of Seti I, mentioned earlier, demonstrate the perspective of the Egyptians
themselves? As I recall it shows a Libyan (white), Nubian (black), Sumerian (wh
ite) and Egyptian (tan or brown). And, when I worked at the United Nations, two
Egyptians there informed me they were definitely NOT black and preferred to iden
tify with the Arab culture. It has also been proven, scientifically, that the UN
ESCO has confirmed that the Ancient Egyptians were definitely not black and actu
ally developed in the Nile Valley indigenously. Facts are facts, like them or no

Anisa September 2, 2013 at 2:04 AM Ancient egpytians were black just like th
e ancients hebrews. These racial classifications were made in 1800 1900s by Germa
n and british so called historians. They basically raided all the artifacts and
created their own history. Being descendants of albinism and leprosy were too sh
ameful and embarrassing for eurosupremacy so they ripped off ancient afro asiati
c civilizations and still use people till this day. Please dont let me post proof
from all types of sources (Bible, paintings, egyptian hieroglyphics not painted
over , statues, cave paintings , archeological remains and more. Even Hitler knew
that whites came from Albino Persians, Indians, Afgani Aryans ancient sanskrit.
Some were also albino and asiatic Thus forms Cau Asian !!!! Wake up people the U
.S. pays Egypt 3 billion a year to LIE about the true orgin of ancient egyptians
. But if you cant bear the truth.believe lies than.

zanenobbs September 2, 2013 at 6:14 AM An amazing fantasy! However, rather c
ircular logic from relying on self-proclaimed facts however, whatever it takes to
make one happy, even after UNESCO has proven their conclusions with scientific,
DNA evidence. Life in lala-land. Well, wasted enough time on this convoluted fan

Anisa September 11, 2013 at 6:33 PM Really Im in fantasy? Google the Pope wo
shiping a Black Jesus and Modonna! The ancient Hebrews were black. We all know t
he Ethiopians were and are still black. Amos chapter 9-7 Are you not as the Ethio
pians/ Kushites to me If the Hebrews were black the the Egyptians were also black
because Moses was adopted by the pharaohs daughter and Jesus escaped to Egypt f
rom King Herod. Theses people were all black. The may have not had flat noses or
big lips but the were still black
. Anisa September 2, 2013 at 1:28 AM Most of the white race came from
dravidian indians as their albino offspring. Why do you think most euorpean lang
uages are classified as Indo european?! The white people of north africa are fro
m slavic people mainly women that were used in harems by black moors. I know rea
lity is hard for some anglophiles but its the truth my friends.

Ambrose D. Roger September 2, 2013 at 9:49 AM Look you dirty Indian Hindu pi
ece of shit, our beautiful white race did not come from India. Keep talking shit
you faggot Hindu and one day we will bomb the everlasting shit out of your land
. Indo-European languages did not originate in India. Neither did the R1a clade or
white people or anything else except for shitty dirty Indians. Aryan Invasion i
s what brought Sanskrit to India; thus the term Indo-European. We learned Aryan
Invasion in school, it has never been debunked. Whites are not albinos, no genet
ic evidence for this or our ancestry from Dravidian albinos as you fucking pissfac
ed Hindu fags claim. Go kill yourself.

Manny September 9, 2013 at 6:57 PM I dont know Ambi! But its difficult to ar
against this evidence An error occurred. Try watching this video on,
or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. LOL

Manny September 9, 2013 at 6:58 PM The one on the top left looks like he cou
ld Boris Becker! Ha Ha!

Robert Lindsay September 10, 2013 at 7:20 PM Manny, I am banning you. I got
a number of calls to ban you. Also you are spamming the website. Spamming the bl
og is a violation of the Comments Rules. I have wanted to ban you for a long tim
e, but I needed to wait until a certain number of complaints came in. The criter
ion has now been reached.

Rensi September 9, 2013 at 8:17 PM Ambrose, Listen you fucked up nigga redne
ck you dont know what the fuck is history you shit eating ambrose bastard. You fee
l jealous of our culture similar to this wanker robert lindsay and you try to pr
ove your stupid aryan invasion theory when extensive research and some beautiful
comments by our indian intellectuals has proved that OIT model is true. You kee
p blowing the same horn and beating around the same bush you shitfaced talkin -o
ut-of-the-ass moron. I know you lost your shit and are having tremors in your as
s crack by not able to counter the aruments you dick less pig. Go and suck Robert
Lindsays dick afterall you wankers sole claim to fame is tonguing the shithead li
ndsays ass crack and assisting him in fecal removal duties

Robert Lindsay September 9, 2013 at 8:30 PM Ok you slimy little Hindu worm,
I am banning you.

Manny September 9, 2013 at 6:55 PM Your theory has as much credbility as the

Mott September 9, 2013 at 8:48 PM The Moors were not Blacks. The Arabs captu
red Slavic and other Euro women for their harems- but thats not where the whites o
f N. Africa come from. Whites didnt come from Dravidians, and the languageoh never
mind! Lets just say youre wrong about everything and leave it there!

Anisa September 11, 2013 at 4:10 PM Your in denial big time sweety, I have m
ajor proof. would you like my email so I can send you proof. Im being respectful
about it.we can do this if your really up for the challenge.

Anisa September 11, 2013 at 4:55 PM Robert why is it when one of your fellow
white socialist insults me you do nothing but when a non white person defends me
, you ban them? I know he insulted you and the other commenter but you are so re
ady to slam other that is just as racist is you. I know its your blog and all but
seriously. Have the same standards for ALL offenders. Remember your showing how
superior the so called white race is so have some class Honey.

Robert Lindsay September 11, 2013 at 7:46 PM I only ban if they insult me. T
hose Blacks who defended you also attacked me, so they got banned. I do not have
a racist banning policy.

Will September 17, 2013 at 11:16 AM Some were black.

Nisha October 6, 2013 at 8:12 PM Ofcourse Moors were blacks you fking nigger
. Anisa September 11, 2013 at 5:08 PM Ok your on
. Anisa September 11, 2013 at 9:16 PM There really is no refuting the
Dravdian theory. Look many white women are very beautiful and babies and so amaz
ingly cute but that still doent change the fact that they originally descended fr
om either Albinism or Leprosy. If you really want we can go tow to tow on proof.
I dont care about black or white power. I care about truth ego aside.
. M&M September 18, 2013 at 6:33 AM I think this little Cave Piglet ne
eds to worry about the fact that his race were the last to be civilized. His rac
e were and in many cases still are the most uncivilized of all. He needs to focu
s on why members of his race are committing so many mass murders, serial killing
s, wars, pedophilia, etc etc instead worried about our black history. Cave Piggi
es like him really have only one objective and that is to create confusion, caus
e division, and start war in order that he can establish himself. All you have t
o do is look at the history of his people and youll see that that is exactly how
theyve functioned for centuries.

Robert Lindsay September 18, 2013 at 7:04 AM Blacks fight just as much war a
s Whites. Blacks are more likely to be serial killers and pedophiles as Whites a
re, nigga.
. Will September 19, 2013 at 10:56 PM For those interested in facts, i
f theyre allowed.. DISCLAIMER: There is no scientific basis(OOA THEORY) to reasonab
ly exclude exclusively African phenotypes from exclusively Eurasian genotypes becaus
e Africans were the first Eurasians (Theres always some overlap). WE DO NOT KNOW
if exclusively Eurasian genotypes originated in mostly African or mostly Eurasia
n phenotypes. In light of this same data, exclusively Eurasian phenotypes (blue
eyes, blond hair) can to a point, be excluded from the oldest, exclusively Afric
an genotypes historically. Some have not accepted this, if youre one, please do s
ome reading. The delusional are blind to this fact, dragging mainstream science in
tow. Luckily, all ideologies are subject to intellectual standard. Haha, no, you r
etard nigger, I and J are European Europeans are Asiatics. My paraphrasing was accu
rate but Ill explain further since you attempt to claim a point through semantics
. When I said F, I, J, K, and R are more associated with Asiatic people (which I
dont necessarily agree with) I was not excluding Europe obviously, but simply ex
pressing the thoughts conveyed by the study itself. The direct quote reads ..hapl
ogroups F, I, J, K, and R are more frequent among Afro-Asiatic speaking groups i
ncluding Arabs, Beja, Copts, and Hausa, and Niger-Congo speakers from the Fulani
ethnic group.. The ethnic populations mentioned ARE MORE ASSOCIATED WITH ASIATIC
PEOPLE.. at least in proportion to other more southern/western Africans. Am I n
ot speaking about Nile Valley populations in relation to Asiatics and Africans?
That being said, in the context of this debate I obviously meant light skin by A
siatic and by African I meant dark skin. I was simply showing that even WITH you
r color coded interpretation of genetic data, the study is on my side. These ana
lyses often come into conflict, a telling fact. Though F, I, J, K , and R are most
frequent within people we see as more Asiatic than SS Africans, this doesnt mean t
he phenotype holding these haplogroups was originally light skinned. Most of the
data Ive seen suggest otherwise(OOA, SSA diversity). I showed the anthropologica
l evidence that Bronze Age Asiatics (people of the Levant) still showed SUB SAHAR
AN AFFINITIES and did not cluster with modern European or Mediterraneans. A and B ar
e San Bushmen, who are a different race from you niggers. I showed the futility of
this assertion in my previous comment. If theyre a different race, prove it. San
people are indigenous brown skinned Africans. Though some indigenous Africans do
, Khosians dont have straight hair. They have what anyone in America would call bl
ack hair. To add, Khoisan women are renown for their large buttocks. Those that r
ead Guns, Germs, and Steel may remember steatopygia (retention of extra fat in t
he butt area) was stated to be more common in Khoisan women than any other popul
ation. Culturally they are obviously most related to the Africans theyve live amo
ng for thousands of years. Brown skin, nappy haired, big-butt Africans of related
culture and language..In other words, what makes them a different raceexactly? Is
it skin tone? This line is never drawn in Europe or Asia. May I ask, are Brits a
nd Spaniards different races? What about Scottish and Italian? This argument is
flawed and really doesnt take on the claim you attempt to address. I only mention
A and B as African, do you have something to reasonably suggest otherwise? If n
ot my claim stands A, B, and nigger DNA E (most common of all reported) are all Afr
ican. Ancient Egyptian DNA is North African Caucasoid, not nigger DNA More of the same
. North Africa is a part of Africa. Ancient Egyptians are indigenous Africans. Ca
ucasoid features most likely originated in Africa and Ill address this specificall
y. Unfortunately though, it seems you missed the point. Color coded DNA is not s
ound science and a weak argument. How can you, through genotype, exclude the phe
notype that populated the eastern hemisphere from ANY population there?? This is
impossible to do with genetics and the archeological data refutes you. I posted
that literature to help show racial interpretation of DNA results are subjectiv
e. Yet, even with your pseudo ideals intact, anyone who has mastered simple addi
tion can see this modern study refutes the claim East Africans are mostly Near E
astern. My true point however is some would claim this states something different
entirely!! Interpretation of genetic data is exactly that. OOA Theory is the cre
dible science. The a priori assumptions of the author and/or reader has the most
bearing on the results, or better yet, racial interpretations thereof. For exam
ple, the Wilson study shown repeatedly by some failed to include the Oromo, one
of the largest ethnic groups in East Africa. Its results are obviously skewed. T
his is the problem. I asked IF theres nothing wrong with using DNA tests as outrigh
t proof, explain the results of DNATribes study of Tel Amarna mummies. The result
s, you conclude, are a psuedoscientific inaccurate piece of niggerbabble. It seems
we both agree these tests are subjective. A priori assumptions on race are NEED
ED, in order for genetic data to cluster to specific races. Based on these assum
ptions, sometimes entire populations are excluded from or added to a specific re
gion. Others may be grouped with populations outside of their closest relatives.
I never said those groups were Asiatic but that they were commonly associated w
ith them. Haplogroup E is most commonly associated with blacks and is most preva
lent in this modern Nile Valley population. They ARE mostly black according to thi
s study. Also, the comment on EVERY Afrocentric professor youve debated bringing
this study up seems a bit exaggerated. The results were only published January o
f last year. Nile Valley populations are most simply indigenous Africans. What FEA
TURES are indigenous is harder to discern. Though SSA is the most physically div
erse region in the world, North Africa definitely has the most recent admixture.
This admixture looks to come from small scale migration over large spans of tim
e, not vice versa. No large displacement event is evident from ancient times. In
modern times, change has been a bit more abrupt. This is why some modern Egypti
ans deny African heritage though they are an indigenous African population. In sho
rt, I argue some NORTH AFRICANS have more Eurasian features due to Eurasian admi
xture but are related to all other Africans through the PN2 clade and E haplogro
up. This means, though they look different, they still share the most meaningful
african clines with other Africans. They remain African. Modern/ANCIENT EGYPTIANS
have super-negroid body plans and are heavy in haplogroup E. They ARE indigenous
Africans. The CAUCASOID, or the facial features the term refers to, falls under
the immense umbrella that is SSA diversity. The Bantu people some wish to make s
ynonymous with SS African are just one of a very diverse region, the most divers
e in the world actually. Do you disagree? Dont start with your bullshit on how Ethio
pians and Somalis can have Caucasoid features too because both of them are Horne
rs; which means they are related to the OOA and are genetically mulattoes. This is
exactly what I mean. Its good to go over thoroughly because some people just dont
get it. These mulattoes populated the world! They arent dark skin Eurasians, if a
nything, Eurasians are light skinned Africans. Its most reasonable to assume cauc
asoid features are originally derived from Africa. Why? The evidence says so. Th
e Brace study for one shows Bronze Age Levantines showed SSA affinities and the
Nancy Lovell quote I posted shows Ancient Egyptian/Caucasoid features are indige
nous to Africa. Saying this arrived mostly from admixture is not the mainstream
conclusion and an outright, misguided assumption. Physical variation is greatest
in SSA, and DECREASES the farther you get from SSA. The source is Sub Saharan Af
rica!! The most diverse region in the world. Home of the tallest AND shortest pe
ople.. Home to the thickest AND thinnest lips in the human phenotype. Your preci
ous caucasoid isnt from the Caucasus Mountains, but East Africa!! This is why the
modern, mainstream theory on human populations origin is deemed.. Out Of Africa..
Not many disagree. Im not just talking variation in facial features either, genet
ic and skin tone variation is also most prevalent in Sub Saharan Africa.. Previous
studies of genetic and craniometric traits have found higher levels of within-po
pulation diversity in sub-Saharan Africa compared to other geographic regions. T
his study examines regional differences in within-population diversity of human
skin color. Published data on skin reflectance were collected for 98 male sample
s from eight geographic regions: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, Europe, West
Asia, Southwest Asia, South Asia, Australasia, and the New World. Regional diffe
rences in local within-population diversity were examined using two measures of
variability: the sample variance and the sample coefficient of variation. For bo
th measures, the average level of within-population diversity is higher in sub-S
aharan Africa than in other geographic regions. This difference persists even af
ter adjusting for a correlation between within-population diversity and distance
from the equator. Though affected by natural selection, skin color variation sh
ows the same pattern of higher African diversity as found with other traits. Releth
ford JH.(2000). Human skin color diversity is highest in sub-Saharan African pop
ulations. Hum Biol. 2000 Oct;72(5):773-80.) As I said, the fact that variation DEC
REASES the farther you are from SSA debunks you. The source is SUB SAHARAN AFRIC
A, not ancient admixture from less diverse populations!. Genetic traits, craniom
etric traits, and skin tone all show the most diversity in SSA. Physical anthropolo
gists are increasingly concluding that racial definitions are the culturally def
ined product of selective perception and should be replaced in biological terms
by the study of populations and clines. Consequently, any characterization of ra
ce of the ancient Egyptians depend on modern cultural definitions, not on scient
ific study. Thus, by modern American standards it is reasonable to characterize
the Egyptians as blacks [i.e in a social sense] while acknowledging the scientific
evidence for the physical diversity of Africans. Source: Donald Redford (2001) T
he Oxford encyclopedia of ancient Egypt, Volume 3. Oxford University Press. p. 2
7-28 This quote is shown twice on Wikipedias page on the peopling of early Egypt. E
ach time, the part about the Egyptians being black is omitted. Still, data regar
ding the indigenous, physical diversity of Africa IS my scientific evidence as t
he above quote shows. You have no evidence that contends with this or the the br
oader OOA Theory. Clustering North and East Africans with Asians instead of othe
r Africans is dishonest. Given African diversity, there is no a priori scientifi
c basis to do so, only stereotypical, opinion based racial categories. These peo
ple fall within the indigenous, genetic AND craniometric variation of Africa. Ge
netic, craniofacial, and skin tone variation is higher within SSA than any other
region. Not only that, but physical variation decreases in an almost linear fun
ction with the distance one travels from SSA. This is because Eurasians descend
from a SUBSET of East Africans, who are in turn a SUBSET of Africans as Tishkoff
explained. All you have to refute the facts is color coded DNA. Yet the aborigine
s are the oldest Asians and cluster far from West Africans. How does your patchw
ork, color coded DNA analysis recover from the oldest Asian population being bla
ck to this day? Or better yet, why is it the very negroid looking people of East
Asia dont cluster with African genotypes?(Except MCR1 which codes for skin tone)
. Will September 19, 2013 at 11:01 PM To add Recent work on skeletons and
DNA suggests that the people who settled in the Nile valley, like all of humanki
nd, came from somewhere south of the Sahara; they were not (as some nineteenth-c
entury scholars had supposed) invaders from the North. See Bruce G. Trigger, The
Rise of Civilization in Egypt, Cambridge History of Africa (Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 1982), vol I, pp 489-90; S. O. Y. Keita, Studies and Comments o
n Ancient Egyptian Biological Relationships, History in Africa 20 (1993) 129-54. (Ma
ry Lefkotitz (1997). Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Tea
ch Myth as History. Basic Books. pg 242). Studies on skeletons AND DNA say they ca
me from the South. The ancients agree. Unfortunately for some, the facts are the
facts indeed. Never mind your subjective interpretation of data. Given the make
up of your comments it seems youre highly subjective. Can any of you produce a s
tatement of equal caliber from a respected anthropologist, linguist, or genetici
st effectively contradicting the above? The Seti tomb shows, by modern standards,
two black people and two white or Asiatics. The last man shown wouldnt be considered
tan, but black in America. He also lived on the AFRICAN CONTINENT among an INDIG
ENOUS AFRICAN population. Hes a brown skinned African quite simply. This is the b
asis of being black is it not? Theres simply no doubt about it, unless of course
you see a different color. His culture was AFRICAN. There are many African Ameri
cans and Khoisan lighter than this man, but not many Europeans or Mediterraneans
can get that great of a tan. We see from the illustration he isnt the color of t
he Syrians/Libyans. The Egyptians did sometimes show Nubians in this same hue, h
owever. I replied to that comment specifically. As I said, the man depicted is a
brown skinned African and any argument to the contrary is simply false. Funny how
there are no pure nigger acheivers, every nigger of historical siginificance has
some YT runnin through their veins An idiotic statement. What science have pure No
rdics developed without any prior non-Nordic knowledge? How can you prove purity
when Nordics descend from Africans, or do you just deny these facts? The Viking
s didnt shape western history to the degree that the Greeks did and they definite
ly had admixture. Did pure Nordic people independently develop metallurgy as pure We
st Africans did? Did they domesticate cattle independently as Africans did? Did
you know pottery from West Africa dating back 10,000bc is the oldest ever found?
Have you compared the dates of Stonehenge to that of Nabta Playa? At risk of bl
owing your puny mind.. I offer this consideration of The Ishango Bone.. In the earl
y fifties, the Belgian Prof. J. de Heinzelin discovered a bone in the region of
a fishermen village called Ishango, at one of the farthest sources of the Nile,
on the border of Congo and Uganda. The Heinzelins Ishango bone has notches that s
eem to form patterns, making it the first tool on which some logic reasoning see
ms to have been done. In this paper a new interpretation is proposed for these p
atterned notches, based on a detailed observation of their structure. It can be
called the slide rule-reading, in contrast to former arithmetic game and calendar expl
anations. Additional circumstantial evidences are given to support the hypothesi
s that the Ishango bone is a primitive mathematical tool using the base 12 and s
ub-bases 3 and 4.Does The Ishango Bone Indicate Knowledge of the Base of 12? An I
nterpretation of a Prehistoric Discovery, The First Mathematical Tool of Humanki
nd. Vladimir Pletser. European Space Research and Technology Centre. The Ishango Bo
ne refers to a set of baboon femurs displaying a series of marks on each. Some cl
aim these marks are simple decoration yet most seem to believe the Ishango Bones
are the oldest mathematical artifacts known to man. Most bones show two columns
of checks. One shows sets of 2, beside it, sets of 4. Another shows 4s and 8s, an
other 3s and 6s. Another has 10s on the left and 5s on the right. These extremely an
cient humans were evidently experimenting with the multiple of two!! One bone sh
ows a series of even numbers, another has all odd numbers. The most famous of Th
e Ishango Bones shows prime numbers between 10 and 20. The checks on all add up
to either 48 or 60, maybe illustrating some knowledge of the base of 12. The Ish
ango Bones were found in the Congo and date back to 20,000bc!! Thats right, the o
ldest evidence of mathematics comes from the Congo and severely predates anythin
g remotely similar in Asia or greater Africa!!! Have you never heard of Benjamin B
anneker hand carving every piece of the first American made clock, gears include
d, out of wood. He was also a renown astronomer and weather forecaster. Elijah M
cCoy, son of slaves, invented the lubrication cup, a system for automated lubric
ation of a trains axles and bearings. This task was at first done several times t
hroughout a trip, requiring the train to stop. The lubrication cup revolutionize
d the railways and heavily impacted the worlds industrial revolution. Though the
invention was often duplicated, manufacturers would always ask for the real McCoy.
Fred Jones created the first portable x-ray machine. He also invented the first
refrigeration unit for boats, trains, and ships, revolutionizing the entire foo
d industry. An African American, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, performed the first s
uccessful open-heart surgery. Charles Drew discovered blood plasma could be remo
ved to allow blood storage longer than the natural 2 day breakdown cycle of red
blood cells. Garrett Morgan developed the first cream to straighten hair, the ga
s mask, and the stop light after witnessing an automobile accident. Lewis Lattim
er, Edisons black apprentice, developed the carbon filament that allowed the ligh
tbulb to last a few months instead of days. These are all African Americans, bla
ck people. Some children of slaves. More so, your racial purity argument is fant
asy. No ones pure anything (As I highlight in the quote below).The first american
female millionaire was Madame C.J. Walker, a black woman from Delta, Louisiana.
If there are no nigger achievers how do you explain the number of rap moguls wort
h hundreds of millions of dollars. Oprah, a self-made billionaire, traces her li
neage to Senegal. Also, Ancient Egypt is an African state made of indigenous Afr
ican people. Their achievements are many. There is evidence of Theban hieroglyph
ics predating the Mesopotamian cuneiform. You wish to explain these accomplishme
nts through Eurasian admixture but some have none. If this is true please explai
n how pure blacks developed metallurgy and show anything pure white/aryans did at th
is time to clearly express intellectual supremacy. All you have left at this point
is IQ tests. It has been shown they skew upon socio-economic lines as much as g
enetics. Over and over in fact, still racists push this pseudo science like its l
aw. As I said, bigotry wanes under pressure of true facts. This is from Wikipedi
as comments on race and intelligence, quote.. The decoding of the human genome has
enabled scientists to search for sections of the genome that may contribute to c
ognitive abilities. However the geneticist, Alan R. Templeton suggests this ques
tion is muddled by the general focus on race rather than on populations defined by
gene frequency or by geographical proximity, and by the general insistence on p
hrasing the question in terms of heritability.[105] Templeton points out that RA
that therefore there is no basis for making claims about the general intelligen
ce of races.[105] He also finds that phrasing the question in terms of heritabil
ity not helpful because heritability by definition is not applicable to between-p
opulation phenotypic differences and is therefore completely irrelevant to the que
stion of genetic differentiation for any trait, including intelligence, among hu
man populations. Templeton says that the only way to design a study of the geneti
c contribution to intelligence is to the correlation between degree of geographi
c ancestry and cognitive abilities. He states that this would require a Mendelia
n common garden design where specimens with different hybrid compositions are subj
ected to the same environmental influences, and that when this design has been c
arried out, it has shown no significant correlation between any cognitive and th
e degree of African or European ancestry.[105]. A 2005 literature review article on
the links between race and intelligence in American Psychologist stated that no
gene has been shown to be linked to intelligence, so attempts to provide a compe
lling genetic link of race to intelligence are not feasible at this time.[107] Se
veral candidate genes have been proposed to have a relationship with intelligenc
e.[108][109] However, a review of candidate genes for intelligence published in
Deary, Johnson & Houlihan (2009) failed to find evidence of an association betwe
en these genes and general intelligence, stating there is still almost no replica
ted evidence concerning the individual genes, which have variants that contribut
e to intelligence differences.[110] A 2012 review in American Psychologist conclu
ded that Almost no genetic polymorphisms have been discovered that are consistent
ly associated with variation in IQ in the normal range.[55] There you have it. Firs
t, it has not been scientifically demonstrated that intelligence can be complete
ly measured, let alone that IQ tests do so. Second, we dont know all the genes sp
ecifically involved with intelligence, in fact, we havent found any one in partic
ular. Candidate genes have been proposed but a review of them quote, failed to fi
nd evidence of association between these genes and general intelligence. We dont r
eally know much about connections between race and intelligence. All we know is
it seems, in America especially, IQ tests skew upon racial lines. White people tes
t higher on IQ tests than Blacks and Hispanics, while Asians typically test high
er than Whites. Is this genetic, environmental, or a combination of both? We dont
know. Moreover, IQ tests are meant as A VIEW of cognitive ability, not an overa
rching judgment on the individuals intelligence. There is no test to take on all
aspects of human intellect. Is there an IQ tests based on dancing? There are man
y channels of human cognitive ability, movement in general, that IQ tests simply
fail to address. Socio-economic and emotional status has a lot of bearing on re
sults as well. IQ tests are shown to not only correlate to classroom performance
and race, but income and health status also. What does this tell you? We need a
n entirely new view on intelligence beyond simple literacy and direction taking.
. Heres a beautiful talk on the matter. KEN ROBINSON DO SCHOOLS KILL CREATIVITY?
nothing that irks me more than pandering arguments. Racial, derogatory remarks
are far less annoying than the blasphemous sentiment of mainstream science coming
to a definite conclusion on the race of the Ancient Egyptians. This is not as mu
ch a statement of fact as it is an appeal to public opinion. Its simply untrue. M
ainstream scientists will tell you theres more evidence to dispel race than prove
it. Mainstream scientists will tell you the population that peopled early Egypt
came from within Africa. Mainstream scientists will tell you caucasoid features a
re well within the range of indigenous African features. The answer to the race
question is an admitted hypothesis, but to say there is more evidence the Ancien
t Egyptians were Eurasian than African is truly false; relying on RACIAL OPINION
NOT DATAbacked by the patent pseudo sciences of colored DNA and eye ball anthrop
ology. Have I not provided specific scientific statements to back up my specific
claims? Where is yours? UNESCOs statement on the issue was a general cop out tho
ugh an overwhelming majority refuted Diops take on the issue. Still, it is Diop w
ho wrote the section on early Egypt in the UNESCO document. Those that disagreed
admitted Diop and his colleagues were far more prepared. Heres the Unesco Statemen
t from BBCs site on Ancient Africa..
ures/storyofafrica/3chapter5.shtml It is more than probable that the African strain
, black or light, is preponderant in the Ancient Egyptian, but in the present st
ate of our knowledge it is impossible to say more. It is MORE THAN PROBABLE the Afri
can strainis PREPONDERANT in the Ancient Egyptian.. What more is there to say? Maybe
some more of Robert Redfords stunningly afrocentric comments from Oxford will do. The
evidence also points to LINKAGES TO OTHER NORTHEAST AFRICAN PEOPLES, not coincid
entally approximating the modern range of languages closely related to Egyptian
in the Afro-Asiatic group (formerly called Hamito-Semetic). These LINGUISTIC SIM
oday as far west as CHAD, and as far south as SOMALIA. Archaeological evidence a
lso strongly supports an AFRICAN ORIGIN. A widespread northeastern AFRICAN CULTU
RAL ASSEMBLAGE, including distinctive multiple barbed harpoons and pottery decor
ated with dotted wavy line patterns, appears during the early Neolithic (also kn
own as the Aqualithic, a reference to the mild climate of the Sahara at this tim
e). SAHARAN and SUDANESE rock art from this time resembles early EGYPTIAN ICONOG
RAPHY. Strong connections between NUBIA (Sudanese) and EGYPTIAN MATERIAL CULTURE
continue in later Neolithic Badarian culture of Upper Egypt. Similarities inclu
de black-topped wares, vessels with characteristic ripple-burnished surfaces, a
special tulip-shaped vessel with incised and white-filled decoration, palettes,
and harpoons Other ANCIENT EGYPTIAN PRACTICES show strong similarities to MODERN AFRI
CAN CULTURES including divine kingship, the use of headrests, body art, circumci
sion, and male coming-of-age rituals, all suggesting an AFRICAN substratum or FO
UNDATION FOR EGYPTIAN CULTURE ALL TOGETHER, this is my argument..they were brown skin
indigenous Africans, most related to Africans and originating from within Africa
. What say you? Name calling doesnt do. Sorry for the lengthy post but there is s
till much more to be addressed and thoroughly so. Archaeological evidence also stro
ngly supports an African origin. The key to this entire debate is some believe colo
r coded DNA analysis or denial of African diversity adequately refute this fact
(among others). They dont. Saying Mr. Lindsays commentary has shown racist bias and
bigotry is no ad hominem. Hes referred to people as nigger a few times and adorne
d many other racial epithets. A quick scroll over the above content should prove
as much. Many black people here have shown the same penchant, it seems somewhat
contagious really. It also seems some room should be given to both sides as Mr.
Lindsays comments can get quite colorful indeed. Theres no point acting as if you
dont draw conclusions upon racial lines. Much of your blog is built around discu
ssion on these theories. We can all see this. Your task should be rescuing the t
erm racist from its modern seating into an intellectually valid category. In thi
s you will and do fail. I conclude that the denying of your obvious position sho
ws even you feel your argument is weak. We are the human race, not the human race
s. I could go on and on lol.. But thats my rant

Robert Lindsay September 19, 2013 at 11:08 PM All right Black man, you calle
d me racist. You do not get to do that on here. I ban on that.

Robert Lindsay September 27, 2013 at 7:46 AM I have never referred to Black
people as niggers on this thread. I am banning you, Will.
. Oliver Smith September 27, 2013 at 3:46 AM I appreciate this blog th
at debates this controversial topic. Basically, my perspective: There was no large s
cale movement into Egypt by non-Africans during the Neolithic and state formatio
n (early dynastic period). Wetterstrom (1993) showed that domesticates of middle
-eastern origin were very slowly incorporated into a pre-existing foraging cultu
re. So there was no intrusive settlement by Levantine farmers. This is now archa
eological consensus, but of course small numbers of traders etc settled, no one
denies that. Caucasoid migration models into Egypt during the Neolithic or early dyn
astic period (i.e. Emerys 1961 dynastic race theory) were discredited and abandoned
by the 1970s, as were typological race models on ancient Egypt. 30 or more years
later and people are still clinging to outdated ideas. The following sources ar
e useful in showing the move away from these old discredited ideas The Retreat Fro
m Migrationism William Y. Adams, Dennis P. Van Gerven and Richard S. Levy Annual Rev
iew of Anthropology Vol. 7, (1978), pp. 483-532 Greene, D. L. (1981). A critique of m
ethods used to reconstruct racial and population affinity in the Nile Valley. Bulle
tins et Mmoires de la Socit danthropologie de Paris .XIII. 8(3). pp. 357-365 But rather
than update race as such, anthropologists from the 1980s/1990s increasingly came t
o deny they exist in humans, largely as a product of political correctness. This
is unfortunate, since race really does make sense in an ecological framework th
at takes into account clines.

Robert Lindsay September 27, 2013 at 7:43 AM Thank you very much for this, O
liver. I do not believe that Dynastic Egyptians were Black though, in any way, sha
pe or form.

fransika December 14, 2013 at 3:57 PM Great. Egyptians are descendants of Ha
m black brother of Japheth.the white Why did brothers come out looking different like
Jacob and Esau. Esau was red and extremely hairy. Smooth skinned Jacob had to we
ar goats skin to deceive his father into believing he was Esau. ha ha ha ha. I li
ke how God did his thing. Who care what colour anybody is? Did anyone get to say w
hat he wanted to look like, where he wanted to be born or who his parents should
be? No one has a say. Mans business is to accept who he is. and also who his bro
ther is. Man has one say. After death, What? I know for sure that man is concerned
about death and what follows.. READ THE HOLY BIBLE. All the answers are in it.
. Robert Lindsay September 27, 2013 at 10:47 AM NO! NONE of the Dynast
ies were primarily Black. The ancient Egyptians looked very much like the modern E
gyptians. In fact, the modern Egyptians have become much Blacker over time. Anci
ent Egyptians were 13% Black, and modern Egyptians are 30% Black.

Robert Lindsay September 27, 2013 at 11:12 AM I am not going to debate this.
one of the statues from any Dynastic Period is made of mostly Black people. None
of them, zero %. We are talking about a race of people who no longer exist. Thi
s is ancient Caucasoid group that migrated into Egypt from the Levant ~12-13,000

Heru October 2, 2013 at 2:14 PM Zoser statue has black African features wit
ide nose and dreadlocks. The statue of Mentuhotep is as well. There are plenty o
f statues that shows Afros and braids. Even King Tut chariot shows him sitting do
wn next to a woman who has braids. Lastly the animal life is of African ie Centr
al and Tropical Africa such as Lions, leopards ostrich, baboons, hippos, crocs et
c.. There are no European or Caucasian deities in Egypt. The Nubians shared the
same deities. As a matter of fact it started in Nubia. Even Bes was worshiped in
Nubia before Egypt. Human remains dating back 50-60K yrs have been found in Egy
pt and that dates back before Europeans and Caucasians were around. Even pygmies
remains have been found.

pithom May 18, 2014 at 11:42 AM Well, one of them was- the 25th, which ruled
both Egypt and Kush and resisted Assyria: None
of the others were primarily Black, though.
. Oliver Smith September 27, 2013 at 1:16 PM Robert, narrow or narrowi
sh noses and reduced prognathism are traits that are in situ to the dry-heat Sah
ara. The shape of the nose is selected by vapour pressure (r = 0.82) and to a le
sser extent temperature. So narrow noses and absence of subnasal prognathism in
the Sahara does not require Caucasoid admixture. What Egyptian skeletons show from
the Neolithic to proto-dynastic period is a continuous reduction in nasal index
(i.e. narrower noses) and reduced prognathism that were a product of the desert
ification of the Sahara. Likewise the climate at this desert latitude would sele
cted light or medium reddish-brown skin hues (Glogers ecological rule) which is p
recisely what one sees in ancient Egyptian art. The early ancient Egyptians were
predominately Saharans or elongated meaning dry-heat Africans (see Hiernaux The Pe
ople of Africa 1974). Negroids are not of this elongated physiognomy, and are broad
since they are humid-heat adapted below the Sahara. Early 20th century anthropolog
ists recognised Pygmies, Bushmen and Negroids (broad Africans). What they missed w
as a 4th ecological race of Africa Saharans or elongated Africans. The dry-heat ad
apted peoples in north East Africa like the Horn are also of this physiognomy, b
ut they are darker because they are at more southern latitude approximating the
equator. None of these peoples climatic traits require Caucasoid admixture- they a
re the product of in situ ecological clines. The idea these peoples climatic tra
its (narrower noses etc) require race admixture has been discredited since the 7
0s by biological anthropologists.

Heru October 2, 2013 at 2:05 PM Keep in mind the Sahara was not always a des
ert at one part in time it was tropical which means the people living there woul
d have had tropical features. Those features are typical of broad Africans. Study
the culture as well it fits tropical Africa. The deity Bes and Ptah is modeled a
fter the Twa pygmies. Also the animal life that the Egyptians were living with i
s of Central Africa and Sub Sahara ie Lions, Ostrich, Leopards, Vultures, Baboon
s etc

Oliver Smith October 2, 2013 at 9:13 PM Evidence shows it was an indigenous
state formation. However by the mid-3rd millennium BC, there was a sizable numbe
r of colder adapted white peoples. If you want to see the evidence for this you ca
n check my research paper I put together:
al_Affinities_of_the_Ancient_Egyptians So the Afrocentric view ancient Egypt was e
xclusively or almost entirely Black (until the Hyksos and later Greco-Roman settle
d) is wrong.

Mott October 2, 2013 at 11:59 PM Wassamatta, Cowie? Been gittin sum black pu
zay? Your complete 180 degree turn proves youre pulling our leg(s). You aint fifteen,
either. You are a liar. Not to be taken seriously anymore!
. DD October 2, 2013 at 8:43 PM May God have mercy on you races souls!
!!! ps- They where blackDNA test done on mummies prove that!!!
. EgyptianQueen October 6, 2013 at 12:10 PM lol he blocks people when
they out fact him and lmao cave monkeys

Robert Lindsay October 6, 2013 at 12:34 PM Black woman, you are banned.

kenneth October 27, 2013 at 6:01 AM North Africa as a whole are in the m
ack migrants from Asia within the last 40,000 years and the sub Saharan admixture is
pretty recent. the sub saharan part is false considering that e1b1b and other E subcl
ades are ethiopian and ethiopia is in sub saharan africa yes there was some back migra
tion but its not the majority sub saharan would be huge considering E subclades are
ethiopian.but what did people look like 40,000 yrs ago? /watch?v=Aj-JZnpcSs Googlee1b1
b in eupedia this is my genetic marker but interestly as the link show its what mar
ker the eygptians were which belongs to the haplogroup y dna E e1b1b is a subclade of
my e1b1b is younger than the eygptian e1b1b also i am of tuareg ancestry so that exp
lians tuareg also descend from the garamantes they are a younger independant off sh
ot of eygpt.googleFall of Gaddafi opens a new era for the Saharas lost civilisation a
ent eygptianswere e1b1b carrier My link is peer reviewed everyone googleThe African
Origin of Ancient Egyptian Civilization by Brandon Pilcher this women Sally Ann Asht
on confirms ancient eygptians were essentially black africans and theres a conse
nsus to add along too /watch?v=CLoDgDE83rs and these are king tuts real dna result
s by dna tribes because ignea took strs from a TV screen in documentry channel a
nd king tuts doc ignea never got king tuts actual dna but most likely someone el
ses here is his actual dna results dnatribes did get king tuts actual y dna hapl
ogroup /dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf and to add ramses 3 /dnatribes-digest-2013
-02-01.pdf so ancient eygpt was a black civilization. Why is it immposible for eyg
pt to be white in the first place? This links explains why google http://www.daily
ood-habits-changed.html yes whites only evolved 5500 yrs ago but when did whites a
rrive to africa has been revealed google Ethiopian Genetic Diversity Reveals Ling
uistic Stratification and Complex Influences on the Ethiopian Gene Poolheres the
link the link saysUsing com
parisons with African and non-African reference samples in 40-SNP genomic window
s, we identified African and non-African haplotypic components for each Ethiopian in
dividual. The non-African component, which includes the SLC24A5 allele associate
d with light skin pigmentation in Europeans, may represent gene flow into Africa
, which we estimate to have occurred 3 thousand years ago (kya). The non-African
component was found to be more similar to populations inhabiting the Levant rath
er than the Arabian Peninsula, so ancient eygpt was never white because whites on
ly evolved 5500 yrs ago and migrated to africa 3000 yrs ago this however seems t
o coincide white the encounters of king solomon and queen sheba and other indepa
ndent travels of whites in africa and also the arabization of certain areas of a
frica such as east and north africa.
. Bill October 9, 2013 at 2:03 PM Oliver Smith your paper is well put
together. Im not sure what youre suggesting however. In one vein you speak to the
fact only small scale migration occurred into Ancient Egypt, yet you still sugge
st Eurasian migrants may have been a significant portion of the population very
early on. A jump from 5% to 27% within the Old Kingdom period isnt consistent wit
h small scale migration. Unless of course you take population theory into accoun
t as I mentioned earlier. A very small group (relative the greater population) c
an greatly change the phenotype of the population at large. I did not research y
our sources but would have to guess the jump in rounder headed specimen arises f
rom gene flow due to steady migration and not from actual Armenoids or Europoids acc
ounting for nearly a third of the population. In other words, 27% is due more to
individuals with Eurasian admixture gained over time than to some historically
mute invasion of Armenoids. Forgive me if Im wrong, but making these connections
seems to be a reassertion of the same old ideal. Black people or Africans may owe
their most storied accomplishment, construction of the Great Pyramids, to Eurasi
an populations. Make no mistake, not just the population but divine kingship, mu
mmification, astronomy, and the language all come from inner Africa. The insiste
nce upon mentioning the Eurasian population present has been damaging enough, cr
eating a false, exaggerated public opinion of the facts. Yet the obvious sub Saha
ran affinities of figures as pivotal to Egyptian lore as Narmer, Khufu, and the S
phinx are rarely mentioned. Also, you mentioned Queen Nitocris as fair skinned, as
in European. Does this not serve to link your ecological thesis to the discredi
ted taxonomic perspective you mentioned? Do you feel the words of the historian
you quote speak more to Egyptian tradition than the Sphinx, with its undeniably n
egroid prognathism cleaved atop an undeniably African animal, the lion? If Nitocr
is had fair skin due to Eurasian admixture, she was simply a mixed African, not
a part of some detached Eurasian. As I said, small scale migration can greatly i
nfluence the population. It seems youve used this to again postulate some large n
umber of essentially European people coming in and maaaybe building one of the g
reat pyramids. I believe its quite the opposite and my views arent fringe but acce
pted by quite a few. That being said, I truly appreciate your effort with a good
piece, a lot of nice info you packed in there. Never knew that bit about green
and blue eyes having higher visual acuity in darker environments. I agree Eurasi
ans were present and that only small scale migration occurred into Egypt from bo
th its north and south. I disagree with the assertion that somehow through this
small scale migration, Levantines in particular came to hold over a quarter of t
he population. I also disagree with the assertion someone isnt black because theyre
fair-skinned. This doesnt match our modern or historical views. Many black people a
re fair-skinned. If Nicrotis was light skinned, living in the Levant, and part o
f an extended family of middle eastern descent you would have a point. However h
er family, language and state was that of indigenous brown skinned Africans/blac
k people. She was an African

Oliver Smith October 15, 2013 at 1:52 AM Bill, sorry missed your comment. I
can now respond From the research ive looked at, Whites in ancient Egypt made a sizab
le appearance from the 4th dynasty. This was also the view of Frank Snowden Jr.
(1997) while not a physical anthropologist or Egyptologist, was a classicist who
had knowledge about ancient artwork. He discusses the increase in non-African p
hysiognomies in art from the age of the pyramids. This is also supported by the
cranial evidence I show from Raymond Darts measurements from 2861 skulls. By sizab
le I dont mean ever predominant, but at least non-negligible. So my view would be,
as I expressed, ancient Egypt was an indigenous (Saharan) state formation but t
hat by c. 2600 BC the population was recognisably mixed. The White segment of the
population however declined at the end of the 3rd millennium BC, later returning
with the Hyksos settlement. The mid-3rd millennium was the height of the Bronze
Age, and Asia Minor was a hotspot for ores peoples from this region also spread
into Mesopotamia, and the Levant at the same time they appear in Egypt, as well
as the surrounding Mediterranean. The dynastic race theory is obsolete. Virtually
none of the pharaohs until the very late (i.e. Greco-Roman) periods look white in
busts or sculptures, so there was not some sort of racial caste system going on
. What I leave however open is the possibility for some outside influences and t
he Egyptian tradition of the 3rd pyramid having been constructed by a woman with
fair skin interested me. Fair is subjective and may differ per culture, however t
here is another ancient description of Nitocris as flava rubris genis, meaning bl
onde with rosy cheeks (Eusebius Chronicon, xlvii). I dont know how this tradition ar

Bill October 26, 2013 at 4:11 PM Im not too familiar with the data you rely
n. I wish I could say I was so virtuous to apply due diligence in all these inst
ances. So Im not sure if I disagree with your data as much as, honestly, the pers
pective offered. My main issue was it seemed you were suggesting more than you e
xplain here. A group as large as 27% is a bit more than non-negligible. I felt I
should make a comment because most of the papers Ive seen on this suggest contin
uity from predynastic Egypt up through early dynastic times. Again, it seems to
me youre suggesting a bit more than small scale migration, though you do state th
ats what occurred. A number that large(quarter of pop.) showing Eurasian affiniti
es COULD, I assume, be explained through small scale migration but linking it to
Nicrotis and her fair skin (in regards to not being African specifically) start
s to paint a slightly different picture. A large, distinctly Eurasian population
, living in Africa but not African. By mentioning the pyramids and metallurgy it
seems, again to me, that your assertions fall somewhere in line with Mr. Lindsa
ys. Maybe not to the same scale but essentially the same point. Eurasians, in ter
ms of phenotype, genotype, and culture, coming into the area in somewhat large n
umbers and perhaps being those truly responsible for these achievements. I havent
seen anything to suggest these migrants were anything but engulfed by the great
er African population, over millennia changing the greater phenotype , especiall
y to the north, of the larger indigenous population. Heres a bit of the data I sp
eak of Previous analyses of cranial variation found the Badari and Early Predynastic
Egyptians to be more similar to other African groups than to Mediterranean or E
uropean populations (Keita, 1990; Zakrzewski, 2002). In addition, the Badarians
have been described as near the centroid of cranial and dental variation among P
redynastic and Dynastic populations studied (Irish, 2006; Zakrzewski, 2007). Thi
s suggests that, at least through the Early Dynastic period, the inhabitants of
the Nile valley were a continuous population of local origin, and no major migra
tion or replacement events occurred during this time. AP Starling, JT Stock. (2007)
. Dental Indicators of Health and Stress in Early Egyptian and Nubian Agricultur
alists: A Difficult Transition and Gradual Recovery. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICA
L ANTHROPOLOGY 134:520&#8211 As I said I am truly not an Afrocentric, this is the
truth. I only feel so strongly about this specifically because as a black man Ive h
eard Ancient Egyptians were black since an early teen and thought it was ludicro
us. I was thoroughly surprised to learn what I have since taking a solid view at
this debate. Forgive me if I misunderstand you Oliver, but can you see what Im s
. Bill October 9, 2013 at 2:14 PM If Nitocris had fair skin due to Eur
asian admixture, she was simply a mixed African, not a part of some detached Eur
asian population*.
. Don October 10, 2013 at 7:25 AM Due to new DNA evidence from King Tu
ts remains, there is definite proof that the direct descendants of the pharaohs o
f Ancient Egyptians now live in England. Out of Northeast Africa, into Europe, br
ed with the Neanderthal, and then migrated back to Egypt.. Not hard to understan

Don October 10, 2013 at 7:30 AM When Egypts resources for life dried up, the
moved to the northwest. Which is why DNA confirms this.
. Don October 10, 2013 at 10:24 AM So if anyone is wondering the race
of ancient Egyptians, we know now at least the pharaohs were the average white b
. Don October 11, 2013 at 11:29 AM They left Europe because the land i
n Egypt was plush and flourishing back then, and no your wrong, people in Senega
l have less than 10% of the genetic make up from the DNA of king tut compared to
the 70% in England. So no, what I said was correct because there is clear genet
ic proof. In regards to the skin color, they could have been a bit darker because
they constantly bathed in the sun, and most likely, after leaving Egypt they bre
d with people that had high concentrations of Neanderthal DNA so it turned their
skin lighter.
. Don October 11, 2013 at 12:49 PM The Nubians in the hieroglyphs with
very dark skin were portrayed as slaves, not the regular Egyptian.
. Don October 11, 2013 at 12:55 PM And the Egyptian men portrayed on t
he hieroglyphs had tan skin because they bathed in the sun for their worship of
their sun-god(s) Horus and/or Rah (depending upon when.) The women tended to sta
y inside more thats why they were depicted to have fairer complexion.
. Cromanion/neandertal hibrid October 11, 2013 at 4:00 PM Most of the
pharaohs were neanderthals. Some egyptians mommies were white and red haired. Pr
oblably grey eyed. If neanderthals interbride with cromagnons they can loose the
y witheness. Egyptian civilisation existed for mor than 3000 years, so Manu pharaon
s could have any kind of sin color. Black, white Brown, etc. Egypt also suffered m
any invasions from north and south and the invades lides tale the place of the p
haraoh. Precolombin civilizations knew laso the art of mommification (and also mad
re piramids, mmmmMmmmmmmMmmmMMhhmmm. strange). Many mummies ar red haired. Jajaja
. It s hard to find information now by internet but i have seen photos. Genhis kan,
atila, alexander the great were red haired. It is funny when racial retardeds say
that pharaohs were black because there is a statue made of black material. Of c
ourse, by the same logic, if the statue is made in stone, pharaohs skin was grey
and their origin was in Mont Blanc, France. Or something like that. In the north
of Europe, the land of arian race, some kings have statues made of bronze, so aria
n race leaders were BLACK! And later they evolutionate because of the rain and be
came GREEN! So they were reptilians and their anvestors were the crocodiles of Fl
orida and their anvestral city was Disney Land! Of course, greeks were whites with
white hair because statues were made of white marble. Not always, because there
was an statue of Zeus or Athenea that was made of gold, so the rich greeks wereyel
low! And they came from China! So mao tse tung and Bruce Lee were Greeks!
. Cromanion/neandertal hibrid October 11, 2013 at 4:17 PM Well, even i
f you ar a skin supremacist or not, egyptian and nubian civilisations get their w
ealth with opium trade. Cleopatra was a narco dwarf, black or white, i dont care.
There is a strange story with cleopatra and two romans emperors. There is a mov
ie with the famous battle sea. The opionistan wars of the ancient times. An indu
strial reconversin must be done. Nothing new under the sun (ra, zeus, amon, odin,
etc), jaja. Coward, the black pharaohs were opium traders, so its normal that than
ks to MTV niggars come back to da gangsta Style. Now the kings of drugs ar the na
rco Popes, so their anvestors were black. Something strange. There is a conspira
cy. There is no black popes, coward. The Vaticano needs a gangsta style to come
to their roots. Bring also some brotjas and sistas like Beyonce. Pharaohs were nea
nderthals or guls, and were pedofiles, necrophiles and canibals.
. Cromanion/neandertal hibrid October 11, 2013 at 4:30 PM Coward, orig
inally neanderthals were white skin red haired. By interbreeding they can change
external appearence, but are pedophilo predators in their hearts. Its quite posi
ble that ramses II was a neanderthal, look at his skull, he couldnt be a cromagno
n. Im not shure, but i think you ar a cromagnon, even if you ar black or not. When th
ey say that ramses II was red haired neanderthals, black or white, know perfectl
y what does it means. If you ar proud of your black Neanderthal pharaohs it is your
problem. I would not be proud of a leader that is psicopath, pedofile, necrofil
e, zoofile, canbal and blood thirsty. Search for Sekmeth and her bloody pedophilo
/canbal orgies and baths.
. Don October 14, 2013 at 9:33 AM I thought about it over the weekend.
. And came to the conclusion that it was most likely the royal bloodline IE. Ame
nhotepiii, Akinhaten, and Tut were pharaohs that came from England, instead of t
he whole Egyptian race having the same blood and belonging to the same genetic h
aplogroup. I am sorry Coward for your inability to accept proven blood testing..
apparently I am a racist for stating facts?? weird..
. Don October 14, 2013 at 12:25 PM LOL! Thats what they said he has, al
ong with his father and grandfather but if they havent released it than it hasnt b
een cross-referenced.. I am usually the first one to be skeptical, I was under t
he impression that it had been released and was under cross-referencing. Where d
oes it say it hasnt been released? I am definitely up for more more research!
. Don October 14, 2013 at 1:15 PM
? It has been released!
. Don October 14, 2013 at 1:27 PM
. Robert Lindsay October 14, 2013 at 11:03 PM LOL Robert Lindsay is a
complete idiot and his mom is even more idiotic. She shouldnt have been allowed t
o breed. It would be nice to go back, in time and spay her. And, YES, I know Im b
anned!!! Cover your webcam, people are watching you masturbate you foolBack Orifi

Robert Lindsay October 14, 2013 at 11:09 PM All right Black man, you are ban

Bob Lindsay October 15, 2013 at 7:31 PM Youve banned me 4 times already! Wha
is this ban you speak of? DNA Tribes did tests on Ramses and another mummy, as we
ll as 7 Amarna mummies and they all tested as sub-saharan black African. Ban tha

Robert Lindsay October 15, 2013 at 7:54 PM I am banning you, you worthless n
igga. Now GTF off my blog, Black man!

Robert Lindsay October 15, 2013 at 8:05 PM Get off my site, you worthless Bl
ack POS.

kenneth October 16, 2013 at 1:38 PM North Africa as a whole are in the m
ack migrants from Asia within the last 40,000 years and the sub Saharan admixture is
pretty recent. the sub saharan part is false considering that e1b1b and other E subcl
ades are ethiopian and ethiopia is in sub saharan africa yes there was some back migra
tion but its not the majority sub saharan would be huge considering E subclades are
ethiopian.but what did people look like 40,000 yrs ago? /watch?v=Aj-JZnpcSs Googlee1b1
b in eupedia this is my genetic marker but interestly as the link show its what mar
ker the eygptians were which belongs to the haplogroup y dna E e1b1b is a subclade of
my e1b1b is younger than the eygptian e1b1b also i am of tuareg ancestry so that exp
lians tuareg also descend from the garamantes they are a younger independant off sh
ot of eygpt.googleFall of Gaddafi opens a new era for the Saharas lost civilisation a
ent eygptianswere e1b1b carrier My link is peer reviewed everyone googleThe African
Origin of Ancient Egyptian Civilization by Brandon Pilcher this women Sally Ann Asht
on confirms ancient eygptians were essentially black africans and theres a conse
nsus to add along too /watch?v=CLoDgDE83rs and these are king tuts real dna result
s by dna tribes because ignea took strs from a TV screen in documentry channel a
nd king tuts doc ignea never got king tuts actual dna but most likely someone el
ses here is his actual dna results dnatribes did get king tuts actual y dna hapl
ogroup /dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf and to add ramses 3 /dnatribes-digest-2013
-02-01.pdf so ancient eygpt was a black civilization.
. Don October 18, 2013 at 12:34 PM No, dnatribes didnt prove anything..
The DNA Tribes paper culled its raw data from an earlier Discovery Channel-fina
nced, Egyptian-led study from 2010 by Albert Zink et al. that was published in t
he Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). It was this JAMA studys re
searchers that actually extracted the DNA from the mummies. The DNA Tribes autho
rs just analysed the raw data, which had been made publicly available for indepe
ndent analysis: Plugging the indicated STR values in the table above into one of t
he various free online population affiliation calculators (such as PopAffiliator
), one consistently gets a Sub-Saharan affiliation for all of the Amarna mummies
. This is in agreement with DNA Tribes own analysis of the raw data. On its face,
these results indeed suggest Sub-Saharan affinities for the Amarna royal family
. However, the various lines of evidence discussed in the OP that preclude a Sub-S
aharan biological origin for the Ancient Egyptians beg the question: Just how ac
curate is the JAMA raw data to begin with? The answer to that query is that it is
apparently not very reliable at all. As it turns out, many geneticists have alre
ady expressed serious doubts about the validity of Zink et al.s reported findings
. These scientists have concluded that the likelihood of the indicated STR value
s actually being accurate is very low. This is due to a variety of reasons, chie
f among which is the difficulty of avoiding contaminating the mummy tissue with
modern DNA (probably the single biggest obstacle to ancient DNA extraction). In pl
ain language, this simply means that the DNA attributed by Zink et al. to the Am
arna royals may actually be the DNA of people that physically handled/touched th
e mummies over the centuries and whose own DNA was then mistakenly analysed in l
ieu of the mummies DNA. Thats potentially a lot of people too. This scenario is hi
ghly likely given the lack of precautions that were apparently taken to prevent
any such possible contamination. It is also especially likely given the fact tha
t the reported Sub-Saharan affinities of the raw data are completely at odds wit
h the already affirmed affinities shared between a general sample of Ancient Egy
ptian workers and modern Egyptians (see the Cairo University Medical School quot
e and link in the OP). By their own admission, the JAMA team didnt even get the s
ame results each time. (talk) 08:12, 27 September 2012 (UTC) The resu
lts varied each time they tried it.. so dnatribes is a false reference.

Sifu Qin October 18, 2013 at 4:26 PM Many geneticists are intent on demorali
zing Black people. The fact is; those DNA results are 100% accurate. The only DN
A that is inaccurate is King Tuts R1b, that comes from deliberate Nordicist conta
mination and LIES. King Tut was a Black manWhat in the hell looks British about t
his nigga Huh? Sorry, looks like
a Negroid to me. So does the Sphinx. The Sphinxs face is unbelievably flat. Unle
ss he was half way that is a Whitey. It is Black. Only Blacks and Asians
can possess that phenotype. Nordicism is the most rediculous of all ethnonation
alisms. Nordics were SO advanced that they left their homelands in a primitive m
ess and were building kingdoms all over America, Asia, and Africa? Then some sma
rt Nordic scientist said Guys, fuck it, lets return to nature. And that is why Gre
ece and Rome collapsed. Lol.

Bill October 19, 2013 at 10:31 AM Don, contamination is a problem for all An
cient Egyptian samples not just Zink. The genetic data is not consistent due mos
tly to the fact that genetic testing is highly subjective. Contamination from ha
ndlers is just yet another issue, as you said, among many. Its funny you bring th
is up as the inconsistencies of genetic testing really does more to hurt your po
sition. All you really have is this sort of spotty data to back EC conclusions.
When one realizes the shortcomings of genetic data along with the obvious pictur
e set out by the archaeology, your argument falls apart. The PN2 clade links all
Africans to this day. Even the blue-eyed Berbers still hold their African linea
ge. How can color coded DNA analysis recover? This is the real issue. Unfortunat
ely, knowing whether or not your results are actually derived from the correct s
pecimen is just an added obstacle that comes into play when examining ancient sa
mples in particular. Yet again, it seems we agree genetic data is not completely
reliable. Each side can choose to accept or exclude whichever studies theyd like
. Still the proper consensus remains the same. Genetic data is often contradicti
ng and consequently inconclusive. This is no surprise, as geneticists know, you g
et what you screen for. How is it the referenced study claiming Ancient Egyptians
hold the same genetic markers as moderns not subject to the same issues, mainly
contamination? King Tuts R1b doesnt prove hes European as I mentioned early on in th
is thread. Even if it did, how can one prove this is actually HIS dna? Again, ge
netic analysis of ancient samples can be spotty to say the least. If the Eurocen
tric side of this debate would like to truly silence Afrocentrics, you must go t
o the archaeology and linguistics; but this is where your argument goes to die s
o the pseudo DNA arguments persist along with a general denial of any put forth
by ACs.

kenneth October 20, 2013 at 11:48 AM google /dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf
and to add ramses 3 /dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf copy and paste the links the
se are king tuts real dna results black african dna!

kenneth October 20, 2013 at 12:02 PM dnatribes results are true because they
actually got a sample from king tuts dna besides if theres a contreversy then p
rovide a link thats reliable to proof what your saying is true people here want
facts not opinions
. Blacky October 19, 2013 at 9:33 PM punk ass white nerd nigga. Go and
fuck the theory in your assNo one will buy that shitty theory.

Robert Lindsay October 20, 2013 at 2:02 PM Later nigga.

Yes October 21, 2013 at 6:39 PM This dude so racist man go get a life and st
op trying to believe you something.

rifleman45 December 28, 2013 at 12:07 AM back to your mud hut Nigger
. Bill October 26, 2013 at 4:25 PM During an excavation headed by the G
erman Institute for Archaeology, Cairo, at the tombs of the nobles in Thebes-Wes
t, Upper Egypt, three types of tissues from different mummies were sampled to co
mpare 13 well known rehydration methods for mummified tissue with three newly de
veloped methods. .. Skin sections showed particularly good tissue preservation,
although cellular outlines were never distinct. Although much of the epidermis h
ad already separated from the dermis, the remaining epidermis often was preserve
d well (Fig. 1). The basal epithelial cells were packed with melanin as expected
for specimens of Negroid origin. (A-M Mekota and M Vermehren. (2005) Determination
of optimal rehydration, fixation and staining methods for histological and immun
ohistochemical analysis of mummified soft tissues. Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2
005, Vol. 80, No. 1, Pages 7-13 The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity of 58 indiv
iduals from Upper Egypt, more than half (34 individuals) from Gurna, whose popul
ation has an ancient cultural history, were studied by sequencing the control-re
gion and screening diagnostic RFLP markers. This sedentary population presented
similarities to the Ethiopian population by the L1 and L2 macrohaplogroup freque
ncy (20.6%), by the West Eurasian component (defined by haplogroups H to K and T
to X) and particularly by a high frequency (17.6%) of haplogroup M1. We statist
ically and phylogenetically analysed and compared the Gurna population with othe
r Egyptian, Near East and sub-Saharan Africa populations; AMOVA and Minimum Span
ning Network analysis showed that the Gurna population was not isolated from nei
ghbouring populations. Our results suggest that the Gurna population has conserv
ed the trace of an ancestral genetic structure from an ancestral East African po
pulation, characterized by a high M1 haplogroup frequency. The current structure
of the Egyptian population may be the result of further influence of neighbouri
ng populations on this ancestral population.(Stevanovitch A, Gilles A, Bouzaid E,
et al. (2004) Mitochondrial DNA sequence diversity in a sedentary population fr
om Egypt.Ann Hum Genet. 68(Pt 1):23-39.) What more do you want?
. antichrist October 26, 2013 at 6:04 PM because they are Nordic Whites Wh
at an douchebag you white Euro Trashs are

kenneth October 27, 2013 at 5:55 AM North Africa as a whole are in the m
ack migrants from Asia within the last 40,000 years and the sub Saharan admixture is
pretty recent. the sub saharan part is false considering that e1b1b and other E subcl
ades are ethiopian and ethiopia is in sub saharan africa yes there was some back migra
tion but its not the majority sub saharan would be huge considering E subclades are
ethiopian.but what did people look like 40,000 yrs ago? /watch?v=Aj-JZnpcSs Googlee1b1
b in eupedia this is my genetic marker but interestly as the link show its what mar
ker the eygptians were which belongs to the haplogroup y dna E e1b1b is a subclade of
my e1b1b is younger than the eygptian e1b1b also i am of tuareg ancestry so that exp
lians tuareg also descend from the garamantes they are a younger independant off sh
ot of eygpt.googleFall of Gaddafi opens a new era for the Saharas lost civilisation a
ent eygptianswere e1b1b carrier My link is peer reviewed everyone googleThe African
Origin of Ancient Egyptian Civilization by Brandon Pilcher this women Sally Ann Asht
on confirms ancient eygptians were essentially black africans and theres a conse
nsus to add along too /watch?v=CLoDgDE83rs and these are king tuts real dna result
s by dna tribes because ignea took strs from a TV screen in documentry channel a
nd king tuts doc ignea never got king tuts actual dna but most likely someone el
ses here is his actual dna results dnatribes did get king tuts actual y dna hapl
ogroup /dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf and to add ramses 3 /dnatribes-digest-2013
-02-01.pdf so ancient eygpt was a black civilization. Why is it immposible for eyg
pt to be white in the first place? This links explains why google http://www.daily
ood-habits-changed.html yes whites only evolved 5500 yrs ago but when did whites a
rrive to africa has been revealed google Ethiopian Genetic Diversity Reveals Ling
uistic Stratification and Complex Influences on the Ethiopian Gene Poolheres the
link the link saysUsing com
parisons with African and non-African reference samples in 40-SNP genomic window
s, we identified African and non-African haplotypic components for each Ethiopian in
dividual. The non-African component, which includes the SLC24A5 allele associate
d with light skin pigmentation in Europeans, may represent gene flow into Africa
, which we estimate to have occurred 3 thousand years ago (kya). The non-African
component was found to be more similar to populations inhabiting the Levant rath
er than the Arabian Peninsula, so ancient eygpt was never white because whites on
ly evolved 5500 yrs ago and migrated to africa 3000 yrs ago this however seems t
o coincide white the encounters of king solomon and queen sheba and other indepa
ndent travels of whites in africa and also the arabization of certain areas of a
frica such as east and north africa.
. Mott October 26, 2013 at 8:37 PM Coward and all of you- Stop. Now. The
Ancient Egyptians were not Black Africans (except for couple of very late phara
ohs). They also were not Brit or Nordics. They were Egyptians- similar to todays Eg
yptians. Not Black, not Euros, different from Arabs, kinda unique group. Whered the
y come fromoriginally? North of the Sahara. Now SHUT IT!

Bill October 27, 2013 at 7:48 AM Yes they were Egyptians.. But where did Egy
ptians come from as the Eastern Sahara was inhospitable for dense populations du
ring the Saharas humid Holocene. (Big noses and lips, or negroid features are humid
adaptions.) The make up of the modern Egyptian is the ancient African strain, g
reatly changed through small scale migration over millennia. What dont you unders
tand, do you disagree with the literature Ive posted? Our results suggest that the G
urna population has conserved the trace of an ancestral genetic structure from a
n ancestral East African population, characterized by a high M1 haplogroup frequ
ency. The current structure of the Egyptian population may be the result of furt
her influence of neighbouring populations on this ancestral population.(Stevanovi
tch A, Gilles A, Bouzaid E, et al. (2004) Mitochondrial DNA sequence diversity i
n a sedentary population from Egypt.Ann Hum Genet. 68(Pt 1):23-39.) They originall
y came from the north? That is the exact opposite of our modern views on the peo
pling of early Egypt. They came from the South, predominantly Afrasian East Afri
cans and Nilotes. This IS NOT MY OPINION.. You are simply unwilling to deal with
the facts.

Mott October 29, 2013 at 12:20 AM You are simply an idiot. Are you black, Bi
ll? Because, if you are, Im going to give you a pass. North means not Sub-Saharan,
you twit. I leave you with the bust of Nefertiti- its not her tits, so dont get too
excited, black man. Izzat a sista or what? Obviously, shes had some work done- lips
thinned, nose narrowed, skin lightening, a process, ya know the dealobviously thi
s artwork is some later, Whito-Centric interpretatin of what a White Pharaoh-ess w
ould look like! The Egyptians probably came from the North-East (of Egypt), Bill.
Not from Europe or England. And not from Sub-Saharan Africa. They also had a lot
of influx from the Nubia/Ethiopia region. Not from West Africa. Keep your smelly
stink-bug opinions to yourself, Bill.
. Mott October 26, 2013 at 8:43 PM The best things architecturally tha
t Black Africans have produced are those Star Wars- mud wasp-looking things in M
ali (that the Black Muslim a-holes are destroying) and the Great Zimbabwe thing
inZimbabwe, which looks like a pile of boulders roughly chiseled. Blacks should be
proud of stuff they can rightfully claim and not get grabby- they only make them
selves look like silly little kids when they do this. Reinforces the negative st
ereotype of them being illogical, non-scientific and non-historical. Which is anot
her reason why they didnt design those pyramids.

Pkr November 24, 2013 at 5:14 PM Mott, you are very ignorant with your The b
st things architecturally that Blacks have produced are those Star Wars-mud wasp
-looking things in Mali . Hear is an assignment for you: Google or Bing images of
the following people: King Narmer, King Djoser, Imhotep, King Snoferu, King Khuf
u, King Djedefre, King Khafre, and King Menkaure, they all except King Narmer Bu
ilt or were responsible for the building of pyramids. Imhotep built the first ev
er pyramid for Djoser. And Narmer is said to be the first king of Egypt. Google
or Bing Images of King Ahmose I, Queen Ahmose Nefertari , King Thutmose III, Que
en/King Hatshepsut, King Amenhotep III, Queen Tiye, King Akhenaten, Queen Nefert
iti, Queen Kiya. King Tutankhamen, King Horemheb and do a biographical search on
all. Next Google or Bing images of Ramesses II, and then check his biography. You
can except the assignment or you can just take my word. They all were black African
. kenneth October 27, 2013 at 5:51 AM North Africa as a whole are in the m
jority back migrants from Asia within the last 40,000 years and the sub Saharan admi
xture is pretty recent. the sub saharan part is false considering that e1b1b and othe
r E subclades are ethiopian and ethiopia is in sub saharan africa yes there was some b
ck migration but its not the majority sub saharan would be huge considering E subcl
ades are ethiopian.but what did people look like 40,000 yrs ago? /watch?v=Aj-JZnpcSs G
ooglee1b1b in eupedia this is my genetic marker but interestly as the link show its
what marker the eygptians were which belongs to the haplogroup y dna E e1b1b is a subc
lade of E my e1b1b is younger than the eygptian e1b1b also i am of tuareg ancestry so
that explians tuareg also descend from the garamantes they are a younger independa
nt off shot of eygpt.googleFall of Gaddafi opens a new era for the Saharas lost civili
sation ancient eygptianswere e1b1b carrier My link is peer reviewed everyone googleThe
African Origin of Ancient Egyptian Civilization by Brandon Pilcher this women Sally
Ann Ashton confirms ancient eygptians were essentially black africans and theres
a consensus to add along too /watch?v=CLoDgDE83rs and these are king tuts real dn
a results by dna tribes because ignea took strs from a TV screen in documentry c
hannel and king tuts doc ignea never got king tuts actual dna but most likely so
meone elses here is his actual dna results dnatribes did get king tuts actual y
dna haplogroup /dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf and to add ramses 3 /dnatribes-dig
est-2013-02-01.pdf so ancient eygpt was a black civilization. Why is it immposible
for eygpt to be white in the first place? This links explains why google http://w
rs-ago-food-habits-changed.html yes whites only evolved 5500 yrs ago but when did
whites arrive to africa has been revealed google Ethiopian Genetic Diversity Reve
als Linguistic Stratification and Complex Influences on the Ethiopian Gene Pool the
link saysUsing comparisons with African and non-African reference samples in 40-
SNP genomic windows, we identified African and non-African haplotypic components for
each Ethiopian individual. The non-African component, which includes the SLC24A
5 allele associated with light skin pigmentation in Europeans, may represent gen
e flow into Africa, which we estimate to have occurred 3 thousand years ago (kya)
. The non-African component was found to be more similar to populations inhabiti
ng the Levant rather than the Arabian Peninsula, so ancient eygpt was never white
because whites only evolved 5500 yrs ago and migrated to africa 3000 yrs ago th
is however seems to coincide white the encouners of king solomon and queen sheba
and other indepandent travels of whites in africa and also the arabization of c
ertain areas of africa such as east and north africa.
. Jackson Tang October 27, 2013 at 8:24 PM fuck your theory man!!! Fro
m a sexy black man down here

Robert Lindsay October 28, 2013 at 2:11 AM Banned, nigga. HAND!

kenneth October 28, 2013 at 9:05 AM Robert Lindsey science has moved on the
ancient eypgtians werent caucasians just listen not to what i am saying but what
scientists are people sayingNorth Africa as a whole are in the majority back migrants
from Asia within the last 40,000 years and the sub Saharan admixture is pretty recen
t. the sub saharan part is false considering that e1b1b and other E subclades are ethi
opian and ethiopia is in sub saharan africa yes there was some back migration but it
s not the majority sub saharan would be huge considering E subclades are ethiopian.
but what did people look like 40,000 yrs ago? /watch?v=Aj-JZnpcSs Googlee1b1b in eupedi
this is my genetic marker but interestly as the link show its what marker the eygp
tians were which belongs to the haplogroup y dna E e1b1b is a subclade of E my e1b1b
younger than the eygptian e1b1b also i am of tuareg ancestry so that explians tuareg
also descend from the garamantes they are a younger independant off shot of eygpt
.googleFall of Gaddafi opens a new era for the Saharas lost civilisation ancient eygp
nswere e1b1b carrier My link is peer reviewed everyone googleThe African Origin of
Ancient Egyptian Civilization by Brandon Pilcher this women Sally Ann Ashton confirms
ancient eygptians were essentially black africans and theres a consensus to add
along too /watch?v=CLoDgDE83rs and these are king tuts real dna results by dna tr
ibes because ignea took strs from a TV screen in documentry channel and king tut
s doc ignea never got king tuts actual dna but most likely someone elses here is
his actual dna results dnatribes did get king tuts actual y dna haplogroup /dnatr
ibes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf and to add ramses 3 /dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf
so ancient eygpt was a black civilization. Why is it immposible for eygpt to be wh
ite in the first place? This links explains why google
changed.html yes whites only evolved 5500 yrs ago but when did whites arrive to af
rica has been revealed google Ethiopian Genetic Diversity Reveals Linguistic Stra
tification and Complex Influences on the Ethiopian Gene Poolheres the link http:/
/ the link saysUsing comparisons wi
th African and non-African reference samples in 40-SNP genomic windows, we ident
ified African and non-African haplotypic components for each Ethiopian individual. T
he non-African component, which includes the SLC24A5 allele associated with ligh
t skin pigmentation in Europeans, may represent gene flow into Africa, which we
estimate to have occurred 3 thousand years ago (kya). The non-African component w
as found to be more similar to populations inhabiting the Levant rather than the
Arabian Peninsula, so ancient eygpt was never white because whites only evolved
5500 yrs ago and migrated to africa 3000 yrs ago this however seems to coincide
white the encounters of king solomon and queen sheba and other indepandent trave
ls of whites in africa and also the arabization of certain areas of africa such
as east and north africa.

Robert Lindsay October 28, 2013 at 1:45 PM Get lost coward you asinine nigga
lover. HAND!

Pranav October 29, 2013 at 12:49 AM The Bastard deserves a strong ban. All h
e did here was trolling trolling trolling endless trolling day in and day out. Hop
e DOTA and BAG realize this and exterminate this pest from their blog as well..

Pranav October 29, 2013 at 6:34 AM Dont worry nigga, pest control folks woul
d soon be there to exterminate you.. Until then INDULGE in the orgy that happens
in your home.. Bye nigga

Robert Lindsay October 29, 2013 at 10:35 AM Get lost coward, you ultra wigge
r. Where is your girlfriend, Taniesha?

Mott October 29, 2013 at 1:04 PM Coward has revealed his true self here. A
plete phony. Not only is he not 13 or 15 or whatever he claims, but hes obviously b
een posing as a White Supremacist who has a sudden 180 degree change of heart and
sees the light. Hes a real weird troll, for sure. Intelligent, educated, and this i
s what he does with his time? Pretend to be a teenage Nazi who becomes an ultra-
PC minority-worshiping liberal? Hes laughing his ass off, too. Good riddance!
. Life Started in Africa October 28, 2013 at 1:34 PM The ancient Egypt
ians were black Africans. Anything else is laughable and quite offensive. Your e
urocentric ideas of grandeur provide no actual facts, references, or even detail
s. You are nothing but a racist with a cheap website that is used as a platform
for your idiocy.

Robert Lindsay October 28, 2013 at 1:41 PM Get lost, you scummy worthless ni
gga. HAND!

How DARE you talk to a Black man like that you worthless cracker October 2
8, 2013 at 2:10 PM How DARE you say the N word you fucking cracker? Say that to a
real Black person you fucking cracker? We will fuck your women and fuck your bab
y daughter. Well get her pregnant too. Kill yourself cracker.

Robert Lindsay October 29, 2013 at 10:01 AM Take off nigga. Dont you have so
e hos to pimp out? Banned. HAND!

Robert Lindsay October 29, 2013 at 10:33 AM Not aware that I ever jerked off
thinking about 10 yr old girls, not that there is anything wrong with that. 11
yr old girls, yep, but that is another story.

baragsen October 30, 2013 at 11:49 AM Robert refrain from using the N word a
lso why are you ignoring my posts i hope your not another racialist blogger but
anyways take heed in what not what i am saying but the scientists in my link are
saying. Robert Lindsey science has moved on the ancient eypgtians werent caucas
ians just listen not to what i am saying but what scientists are people sayingNor
th Africa as a whole are in the majority back migrants from Asia within the last 40,00
years and the sub Saharan admixture is pretty recent. the sub saharan part is false
considering that e1b1b and other E subclades are ethiopian and ethiopia is in sub sah
aran africa yes there was some back migration but its not the majority sub saharan w
ould be huge considering E subclades are ethiopian.but what did people look like 40,
000 yrs ago? /watch?v=Aj-JZnpcSs Googlee1b1b in eupedia this is my genetic marker but i
terestly as the link show its what marker the eygptians were which belongs to the
haplogroup y dna E e1b1b is a subclade of E my e1b1b is younger than the eygptian e1b1
also i am of tuareg ancestry so that explians tuareg also descend from the garamant
es they are a younger independant off shot of eygpt.googleFall of Gaddafi opens a ne
w era for the Saharas lost civilisation ancient eygptianswere e1b1b carrier My link is
eer reviewed everyone googleThe African Origin of Ancient Egyptian Civilization by
Brandon Pilcher this women Sally Ann Ashton confirms ancient eygptians were essenti
ally black africans and theres a consensus to add along too /watch?v=CLoDgDE83rs a
nd these are king tuts real dna results by dna tribes because ignea took strs fr
om a TV screen in documentry channel and king tuts doc ignea never got king tuts
actual dna but most likely someone elses here is his actual dna results dnatrib
es did get king tuts actual y dna haplogroup /dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf and
to add ramses 3 /dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf so ancient eygpt was a black ci
vilization. Why is it immposible for eygpt to be white in the first place? This li
nks explains why google
te-Europeans-evolved-5-500-years-ago-food-habits-changed.html yes whites only evol
ved 5500 yrs ago but when did whites arrive to africa has been revealed google Et
hiopian Genetic Diversity Reveals Linguistic Stratification and Complex Influenc
es on the Ethiopian Gene Poolheres the link
02-9297(12)00271-6 the link saysUsing comparisons with African and non-African refe
rence samples in 40-SNP genomic windows, we identified African and non-African haplo
typic components for each Ethiopian individual. The non-African component, which
includes the SLC24A5 allele associated with light skin pigmentation in European
s, may represent gene flow into Africa, which we estimate to have occurred 3 thou
sand years ago (kya). The non-African component was found to be more similar to
populations inhabiting the Levant rather than the Arabian Peninsula, so ancient e
ygpt was never white because whites only evolved 5500 yrs ago and migrated to af
rica 3000 yrs ago this however seems to coincide white the encounters of king so
lomon and queen sheba and other indepandent travels of whites in africa and also
the arabization of certain areas of africa such as east and north africa.
. Bill October 31, 2013 at 4:55 PM Mott, I realize now that many of yo
u here only offer your arguments in an attempt to be counter productive. Ill resp
ond to your conclusions despite how wrong they may be. North means not sub Sahar
an? What does this mean in the context mentioned? Sub Saharan is a complete misn
omer as there was no Sahara in the times were speaking of. They came from the nor
theast? Where are you getting all this false information?
11%20August%202006).pdf This is a link to one of the studies I quoted earlier rega
rding the Holocene in ancient Africa. It thoroughly addresses the peopling of ea
rly Egypt complete with some great graphs. Notice Figure 3 and how the first evi
dence of people in the Nile River delta arrives from its southwest corner, a dir
ect contradiction to your claims. Dr. Christopher Ehret is a distinguished researc
her and professor of African history and linguistics at UCLA. He comments.. There e
xists today a controversy over the sources of Egyptian culture in which the cont
ending proponents the Classicists, as they might be called, on the one hand, and
the Diop-influenced variety of Afrocentrists, on the other argue opposing views
that are equally misconceived. Both seem trapped in a time warp , the dimension
s of which were laid down in the 19th century and set out in accord with the rac
ialist orthodoxy of the times. Historical linguistics, archeological evidence an
d comparative ethnographic argumentation make it possible to resituate the argum
ents in late 20th-century terms. What emerges most strongly is the extent to whi
ch ancient Egypts culture grew from sub-Saharan African roots. In the earliest fo
rmative years, it was people from the south who moved north into Egypt and broug
ht in the primary features of a new economy and culture, along with an Afrasian
language. In later times, from roughly the seventh to the fourth millennium, the
now Afrasian-speaking population of Egypt drew from both the ancient Middle Eas
t (several major crops, the plough and two animals of secondary importance) and
the Nilo-Saharan centre of agricultural invention located to the south in the Mi
ddle Nile Basin (two animals one, the cow, of major cultural importance and seve
ral secondary crops). So ancient Egypt was both in and of Africa, and Egyptian c
ivilization was, in ways and to extents usually not recognized, fundamentally Af
rican. The African Sources of Egyptian Culture and Language As a responsible scientis
t, Dr. Ehret does not agree with using modern racial classifications to define t
he Ancient Egyptian population. That being said, he DOES conclude that formation
of the Egyptian state and civilization was fundamentally African, sub Saharan eve
n. He relies on historical linguistics, archeological evidence, and ethnography
to form his conclusions. What do you rely on?? Again, Dr. Ehret comments directly o
n Ancient Egypts close relationship to SS Africa. Several here have suggested AE
has no real connection, or sources tied to SS, Central, or West Africa. Not only
is Ancient Egypt an indigenous, African state but it is also linked to Central
and West Africa in both culture and genealogy.The Neolithic Saharan civilization
that once linked West and East Africa is thought by many to have spawned pharao
nic civilization in the Nile Valley and also greatly influenced West African cul
ture. The on/off wet phases of the Sahara fostered the ancient complex of nomadi
c societies, centered around mega lakes in the central Sahara and linked through
a series of waterways across the Sahel. This civilization not only holds the ol
dest evidence of mummification in Africa, but in its early formation it also pro
vides us some of the oldest boating technology in the world. The refined appeara
nce of Africas oldest boat suggests these ancient Africans relied heavily on rive
r ways to populate the GREEN Sahara. The Dufuna boat discovered in Nigeria is th
e third oldest ever found. Though slightly predated by evidence of water transpo
rt in Europe, it is thought to be better made which may be evidence of an older,
more defined maritime tradition. The bow and stern are both carefully worked to po
ints, giving the boat a notably more elegant form than finds of similar age from
Mesolithic Europe, such as the aforementioned dugout made of conifer wood from
Pesse in the Netherlands (Van Zeist 1957), whose blunt ends and thick sides seem
crude in comparison with Dufuna. It is highly probable that the Dufuna boat doe
s not represent the beginning of a tradition, but had already undergone a long d
evelopment, and that the origins of water transport in Africa lie even further b
ack in time. If these assumptions are correct, the makers of the dugout belonged
to a population which spread along the southern edge of the Sahara , FROM NORTH
d to the resources of the lakes of the early and mid- Holocene wet phase. P. Breuni
g, The 8000-year-old dugout canoe from Dufuna (NE Nigeria), G. Pwiti and R. Sope
r (eds.), Aspects of African Archaeology. Papers from the 10th Congress of the P
anAfrican Association for Prehistory and related Studies. University of Zimbabwe
Publications (Harare 1996) 461-468. The fact that most have never heard of this p
art of human history is testament to the fact a great disservice is done to us a
ll when African history is not properly espoused by the intellectual community.
East and West Africa are directly linked historically through this ancient Sahar
an complex. But I know, you want evidence of more direct contact between AE and
so called true negroids.. Attention to the rising position of Sirius by the populatio
n of Nabta anticipates the great importance of the helical rising of Sirius, kno
wn as Sothis, in the high cultures of the Nile Valley. The heliacal rising of Si
rius [edit:Sopdet in Ancient Egyptian] occurred at summer solstice around 3000 B
C. The Event marked the rising of the Nile and the start of the year. As such, t
he star appears to have served as the primary calibrator of the Egyptian Calenda
r for at least two millennia, starting with the First Dynasty. An ivory tablet c
ontaining an image of Sothis depicted as a seated cow bearing, between her horns
, a young plant that may be symbolic of the relationship between Sirius and the
newly born year, comes from the reign of Djer, in the First Dynasty, 3100-3055BC
. Parker (1978) suggests that a calendar was in place as early as 3100 BC, calib
rated by Sirius. The heliacal rising of Sirius was also used as the signal for t
he addition of an intercalary month, Thoth, approximately every third year. The
difference between the solar year of 365.25 days and the Egyptian calendar year
of 365 days generated the so-called Sothic cycle of 1460 years, when the heliaca
l rising of Sirius returns to the start of the solar calendar. This is an excerpt f
rom Wendorfs Holocene Settlement of the Egyptian Sahara Volume 1: The Archaelogy
of Nabta Playa. I quote this to show the immense importance of Nabta peoples know
ledge and beliefs regarding astronomy, in developing the traditions of Egyptian
astrology. The paper uses data from Joel Irish to determine the ethnicity of Nab
tians. Unfortunately, Irish, through dental affinity, groups East and North Afri
cans to Europeans ahead of other indigenous Africans. Given within population Af
rican diversity, I dont agree with this, but employing these racial stereotypes d
oes help to define the role of what some believe is the more typical African, or m
ore West African looking people, in the development of Egyptian civilization. Of co
nsiderable interest is the likely racial identity of the Neolithic people at Nab
ta. Irish (1994) has recognized two major human populations in Africa, based on
several diagnostic morphological variants of dental features among modern Africa
n populations. One group he relates to Europeans, and identifies as North Africa
n, includes the modern population in the Nile Valley from northern Sudan to the
Mediterranean. The other, which he calls Sub-Saharan, occurs through most of Afr
ica south of the Sahara. All of the individuals of Baqar Late Neolithic at Nabta
are, like the Jerar Early Neolithic burial at Site E-91-1, within the Sub-Sahar
an group, and differ from those in the Nile Valley who are included in the North
African group (Irish, Chapter 18, this volume). A larger sample is needed to be
certain, but this limited evidence suggests that, at least since the later part
of the Early Neolithic if not before, the cattle pastoralists in the southern p
art of the Egyptian Eastern Sahara had close physical ties with sub-Saharan Afri
ca. Holocene Settlement of the Egyptian Sahara: Volume 1: The Archaeology of Nabta
Playa (Chap 25: Conclusions, p 671) Neolithic cattle pastoralists of Egypt show SS
affinities. The theme continues.. Still I must insist ancient Horn Africans are
as much black, or indigenous Africans, as SS Africans. Though many dont agree with h
is views (Essentially Semitic/Hamitic classification of Africans), Irishs data is
mainstream. Negroids were there and are to this day, while the black caucasoid feat
ures of East Africa have been proven indigenous. As coward said, it is time for
a relevant perspective. From where are you drawing your conclusions? The fact is
AE is linked to West Africa culturally and genetically. The ancient Saharan soc
ieties once linked the two, a fact proven through the distribution of dotted wavy
line pottery between 6-9ka. Keita has explained all Africans to this day are lin
ked genetically through the PN2 clade. Also, the people most likely responsible
for Nabta Playa, the worlds oldest astronomically aligned megaliths, show true neg
roid dental affinities. Busts of early dynastic pharaohs and the Sphinx also sugg
est sub Saharans were intimately involved in predynastic Egypt. Again, Nile Valley
and Horn Africans ARE indigenous, brown skinned Africans, i.e. Black people. Gi
ven this what could you possibly provide to adequately credit Egypts origin to nor
thern/middle eastern populations?
. kenneth November 7, 2013 at 2:39 PM science has moved on the ancient
eypgtians werent caucasians or mixed race in otherwords part caucasian just lis
ten not to what i am saying but what scientists,historians and archeologists are
saying in the 21ST CENTURY. Anyways all my links are 21st century evidence and
from unbiased sites so if you look up to confirm thats great i made it easy for
you by copying and pasting the evidence so if you were to google it you would fi
nd it in an instant. Archealogical evidence of eygptians origins in sub sahara. goog
le the history of africa by wikipedia It says Around 16,000 BCE, from the Red Sea hills
to the northern Ethiopian Highlands, nuts, grasses and tubers were being collec
ted for food. By 13,000 to 11,000 BCE, people began collecting wild grains. This
spread to Western Asia, which domesticated its wild grains, wheat and barley. B
etween 10,000 and 8000 BCE, northeast Africa was cultivating wheat and barley an
d raising sheep and cattle from southwest Asia. A wet climatic phase in Africa t
urned the Ethiopian Highlands into a mountain forest. Omotic speakers domesticat
ed enset around 65005500 BCE. Around 7000 BCE, the settlers of the Ethiopian high
lands domesticated donkeys, and by 4000 BCE domesticated donkeys had spread to s
outhwest Asia. Cushitic speakers, partially turning away from cattle herding, do
mesticated teff and finger millet between 5500 and 3500 BCE.[10][11] Ethiopia is we
re agriculture began and ethiopians spread this to arabia and europe theres gene
tic evidence for this which i will show later on the genetic section of this mes
sage. googlethe Nabta playaBy wikipedia it says Analysis of human remains by Fred Wend
orf and reported in Holocene settlement of the Egyptian and Nubian Sahara, based o
n osteological data suggests a subsaharan origin for the sites inhabitants. osteolog
y is the study of bones by the way. Ancient eygptians ancestors and descendants. The
ancient eygptians claimed they came from punt google The Land of Punt, Ancient Egypti
ans Ancestors Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:07 it says Their place of origin was Ta Set
i (Land of the Bow) in the Sudan. Gradually tradition would identify both Somalia a
nd the Sudan as Ta Khent (Land of the Beginning or Ancestral land). The answers to the
questions Where did the Ancient Egyptians come from? or What race were the Ancient
Egyptians? have already been given centuries ago, by the Ancient Egyptians thems
elves. It isnt a surprise, however, that such relevant information on Ancient Egy
pt by the Ancient Egyptians themselves, is never mentioned in contemporary books
about Ancient Egypt (1) But where was punt? GoogleBaboon mummy analysis reveals Eritr
ea and Ethiopia as location of land of Punt it says However, it appears that the searc
h for Punt may have come to an end according to new research which claims to pro
ve that it was located in Eritrea/East Ethiopia. google Eritrea and Ethiopia Continual C
onflict Author: Jon Stephenson eritrea before european powers was part of ethiopia so
punt was in ethiopia it saysIn the 16th century, the Abyssinian Empire arose fro
m Tigray and the whole of Eritrea and Ethiopia became subject to Abyssinian rule
. Abyssinian rule of Eritrea was challenged at times, most notably by Ottoman an
d Egyptian powers, but generally speaking, Abyssinia ruled the whole of these re
gions for centuries. As indicated by this Rand McNally map from 1897, both Ethio
pia and Eritrea were considered to be Abyssinian at the turn of the 20th century
.[4] also googleethiopians empire in wikipedia Scramble for Africa and modernization[ed
it] In 1868, following the imprisonment of several missionaries and representative
s of the British government, Britain launched a punitive expedition into Ethiopi
a. The campaign was a success for Britain and the ruler of Ethiopia committed su
icide. The 1880s were marked by the Scramble for Africa. Italy, seeking a coloni
al presence in Africa, invaded Ethiopia and following a successful conquest of s
ome coastal regions, forced the Treaty of Wuchale upon Shewa (an autonomous king
dom within the Ethiopian Empire), creating the colony of Eritrea. ethiopia was the
origin of the eygptians but the ancestors of blacks carrying haplogroup E Descenda
nts of the eygptians the Garamantes google Fall of Gaddafi opens a new era for the
civilisation it saysThe late Muammar Gaddafi was fond of insisting on the links betw
een his republic and sub-Saharan Africa. He was less interested, however, in cel
ebrating the black African civilisation that flourished for more than 1,500 year
s within what are now Libyas borders, and that was barely acknowledged in the Gad
dafi-era curriculum. Linguistics googlee1b1b in eupedia its saysE1b1b lineages are close
linked to the diffusion of Afroasiatic languages To get a better picture of the mig
ration googleE1b1bby wikipedia it has a map it shows that e1b1b is ethiopian in or shows that ethiopians have the oldest haplgroup E subclades for eg the e
1b1b subclade. it went to eygpt became younger than went to libya and became eve
n younger. Tuaregs i am giving you this info because @horsenation racistly denies my
people were black people with no shred of evidence he claims they are white. goog
le imageLibyan tuaregs they are black african here is more evidence google Libyan Dem
ocracy:Elections After Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing it says The genocide on black
Libyans, Tuareg and Tawergha continues; so does the resistancegoogleLibyan Tuareg
s Flee to Algeria Amid Reports of Ethnic Cleansing. googlethe Tuareg of the sahara
an age old occupation. google Libya in wikipedia. in the demographics section in the
sub heading ethnic groups it says ] Other ethnic minorities INCLUDE Libyan black
s , the Tuareg , and theTebou .[143] Genetics Google Revealed: the face of the first Europea
5,000-year-old skull fragments found in Romania are made flesh by scientists Everyo
ne looked like this at one stage whites stop looking like this 5500 yrs ago asia
ns however a bit earlier 12,000 yrs ago but asians as in north east asians as in
chinese,siberian and japanese looking people have a different gene for light sk
in which evolved in north east asian most likely siberia. googleStudy of Tribe Coul
d Help Find East Asian Skin Color Genes it says While East Asians Chinese, Japanese an
d Korean also are light skinned, these European alleles are not present, suggest
ing that while both groups lighter skin color evolved to allow for better creatio
n of vitamin D in northern climates, they did so in a different way. People sayingNo
rth Africa as a whole are in the majority back migrants from Asia within the last 40,0
0 years and the sub Saharan admixture is pretty recent. the sub saharan part is false
considering that e1b1b and other E subclades are ethiopian and ethiopia is in sub sa
haran africa yes there was some back migration but its not the majority sub saharan
would be huge considering E subclades are ethiopian.but what did people look like 40
,000 yrs ago? /watch?v=Aj-JZnpcSs and you havent seen this video /watch?v=TUliLKSJ
4bQ Googlee1b1b in eupedia this is my genetic marker but interestly as the link show i
ts what marker the eygptians were which belongs to the haplogroup y dna E e1b1b is a s
ubclade of E my e1b1b is younger than the eygptian e1b1b also i am of tuareg ancestry
so that explians tuareg also descend from the garamantes they are a younger indepe
ndant off shot of eygpt.googleFall of Gaddafi opens a new era for the Saharas lost civ
ilisation ancient eygptianswere e1b1b carrier My link is peer reviewed everyone googl
eThe African Origin of Ancient Egyptian Civilization by Brandon Pilcher this women Sal
ly Ann Ashton confirms ancient eygptians were essentially black africans and the
res a consensus to add along too she proves that cleopatras was half eygptian (h
alf black african) here father however was white macedonian she was have black v
ia her eygptian at 7:45 many racists who deny are mainly from the U
SA european schools acknowledge that ancient eygpt was a black civilization /watch
?v=CLoDgDE83rs and these are king tuts real dna results by dna tribes because igne
a took strs from a TV screen in documentry channel and king tuts doc ignea never
got king tuts actual dna but most likely someone elses here is his actual dna r
esults dnatribes did get king tuts actual y dna haplogroup /dnatribes-digest-2012-
01-01.pdf and to add ramses 3 /dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf so ancient eygpt wa
s a black civilization. Why is it imposible for eygpt to be white in the first pla
ce? This links explains why google
1210056/White-Europeans-evolved-5-500-years-ago-food-habits-changed.html yes white
s only evolved 5500 yrs ago but when did whites arrive to africa has been reveal
ed google Ethiopian Genetic Diversity Reveals Linguistic Stratification and Compl
ex Influences on the Ethiopian Gene Poolheres the link
bstract/S0002-9297(12)00271-6 the link saysUsing comparisons with African and non-A
frican reference samples in 40-SNP genomic windows, we identified African and non-A
frican haplotypic components for each Ethiopian individual. The non-African compo
nent, which includes the SLC24A5 allele associated with light skin pigmentation
in Europeans, may represent gene flow into Africa, which we estimate to have occ
urred 3 thousand years ago (kya). The non-African component was found to be more
similar to populations inhabiting the Levant rather than the Arabian Peninsula, s
o ancient eygpt was never white or mixed because non african features found on whi
tes arrived in africa 3000 yrs ago so before that the eygptians didnt have any n
on african dna that would effect their features in making them mixed or white. B
ecause whites only evolved 5500 yrs ago and migrated to africa 3000 yrs ago this
however seems to coincide white the encounters of king solomon and queen sheba
and other indepandent travels of whites in africa and also the arabization of ce
rtain areas of africa such as east and north even if european dna went
to africa say 7000 ,9000yrs or 15,000 yrs or anytime before the existence of wh
ite skin which was 5500 yrs ago they would have still been black for example in
cameroon the kirdi people and ouldelme have 95% r1b many black africans carry eu
ropean haplogroup but because they all came before whites evolved the european w
ho migrated were still black people. So lets recap the ancient eygptians language
which was part of the afroasiatic phylum traced to ethiopia began 18,000 yrs ago
.e1b1b the dna of the eygptians traced to ethiopia agriculture began in ethiopia
at 16,000 BC which was 18,000 yrs ago nabta playa which is 12,000 yrs ago in su
dan by these migrating e1b1b people who soon become the eygptians there descenda
nts in libya the garamantes have the same language and dna but they are younger
than the eygptians also the eygptians dna and language were both younger than th
eir ethiopian ancestors.whites only evolved 5500 yrs ago and only arrived in nor
th africa 3000 yrs ago.also the dna tests done on the ancient eygptians were afr
ican if they were mixed race they would have varying dna results of non african
and african but as my link states the have separated non african genes from afri
can genes in the non african mutations arrived 3000 yrs ago this included white
skin and all caucasian features. Anthropology The ancient eygptians had flat nasal b
ridges lack of prominent foreheads,high cheekbones and a lack of a prominant chi
n(your nasal bridge is the part of the nose that is between the eyes) these are
black african features google imagepainting in the tomb of Nakht. google imagerekhmire
tomb paintings and google imageancient eygptians wooden models google image niankepi be
honest they have african features. now lets see unmixed africans google image each
of the following separatly:congolese,himba,fulani, igbo,senegalese,Tutsis,khoisa
n,borana people,libyan tuaregs,yoruba,herero,.masai sudanese. Now these people are
nt mixed also note that these people have a reddish brown skin and the features
are what i described. now if we look at whites the dont have those features Caucasia
ns(whites) have the following a prominant forehead,narrow cheeks,high nasal brid
ge and prominent chins googlewhite americans the dont have these features and google
mixed race their features are a mixed not african not europeans and the eygptia
ns didnt have a mixture of those features. in conclusion all my info prove eygpt
was black using recent aspects and avoiding afro and euro centric sites and all
info is 21st century! googleNew World Encyclopedia Ancient eygpt this link is a long
story short of almost everything i gave you. it says Neolithic Egypt was probably inh
abited by black African (Nilotic) peoples (as demonstrated by Saharan petroglyph
s throughout the region). Following the desiccation of the Sahara, most black Af
ricans migrated south into East Africa and West Africa. The Aterian culture that
developed here was one of the most advanced Paleolithic societies. In the Mesol
ithic the Caspian culture dominated the region with Neolithic farmers becoming p
redominant by 6000 B.C.E.. The ancient Egyptians spoke an Afro-Asiatic language,
related to Chadic, Berber, and Semitic languages, and recorded their origin as
the Land of Punt. Herodotus once wrote, the Colchians are Egyptians on the fact tha
t they are black-skinned and have wooly hair (Histories Book 2:104). A genetic st
udy links the maternal lineage of a traditional population from Upper Egypt to E
astern Africa.[1] A separate study that further narrows the genetic lineage to N
ortheast Africa[2] reveals also that modern day Egyptians reflect a mixture of Euro
pean, Middle Eastern, and African). The racial classification of Ancient Egypt ha
s come to play a role in the Afrocentrism debate in the United States, where Egy
pts legacy becomes a prize over which Africans and Europeans contest ownership.
. allimcbiel November 19, 2013 at 12:19 PM They were not white people.
Thats for sure.
. Pkr November 22, 2013 at 10:53 PM Forty-two thousand years ago there
were no so called Caucasians on Earth White people evolved from black Africans. A
nd the 42,000 number is astounding because one of the first white civilizations on
record is that of the ancient Greeks and that started about 1000 B.C. Which mea
ns a lot of years in the wilderness. Since their is only one race of people who
differences are a matter of geography. Why cant whites around the world acknowledge
that if mankind started in Africa that all civilizations were influenced by Afr
ica. And the arguments about ancient Egypt being a Caucasian civilization is ver
y lame. Some say because some ancient Egyptians mummies had blonde or red hair t
hey were Caucasians. This without taking into consideration that blonde hair is a
recessive trait that is accompanied by fair skin and is influence by geography. If
the ancient Egyptians were Caucasians melanoma would have been widespread. I ha
ve not read anything that said melanoma was wide spread in ancient Egypt. This c
onsidering that the average daily daytime temperatures probably ranged from abou
t 100-120 degrees for a significant part of the year. History shows us that the
ancient Egyptians were masters of dyes which explains why ancient Egyptian mummi
es had many hair colors. But the mummification process itself probably had somet
hing to do with it. Further proof is the fact that ancient Egyptian dyes used in
artwork has lasted for millennia. On one hand very few whites wont admit that ancien
t Egyptians were the color that we call black, but there is ancient Egyptian art i
n several museums around the world and those images are of black people on the oth
er hand. Matriarchy is another thing, ancient whites societies were patriarchal an
d women were treated no better than children and their husbands were their guard
ians. It was different in ancient Egypt because kingships were traced through th
e mother. And a lot of males married their sister to strengthen their ascension
to the throne. Why would whites treat women one way everywhere else, but different
ly in ancient Egypt? Male circumcision is another elephant in the room. The ancien
t Egyptians and other Africans were the only people in the world who(m) practice
d circumcision. The ancient Hebrews took it up more than two millennia later. No
where did Caucasians practice circumcision. Now we are to believe that that the
Caucasians did not practice it anywhere else, but did practice it in ancient Eg
ypt. This strains credulity. Today modern Egyptians are used as a tool to disass
ociate blacks from the ancient Egyptians. It goes something like this: modern Egyp
tians share 90% DNA with ancient Egyptians. What is not said is that all humans
on earth share 99% DNA. And present day Egyptians share very little with the anc
ient Egyptians. A prime example is the Building of the Aswan Dam. The building mea
nt many ancient burial sites would be submerged under water, this included the t
emple at Abu Simbel. The United States did not think that the temple and the colos
sal statues of Ramesses II should have been saved. I wonder why? If the Egyptian
s government cared they would not have built the Aswan Dam. This is what was sai
d to the ancient gods on judgment day millennia before the dam was built : I have
not stolen from or disrespected the deceased. That is what the building of the A
swan Dam has done. Somewhere it said that it was sinful to stop the flow of a ri
ver. No one on earth who is a truth seeker and is or claim to be an intelligent
person can ignore the mountain of evidence that tell us who the ancient Egypt we
re and who they werent.
. Pkr November 24, 2013 at 2:47 PM Uncle Tancred, I tried to send you
a long response, but it somehow got lost when I tried to send it. Zahi Hawass do
es not want to tell the truth about the ancient Egyptians. If anyone know he kno
ws because he had the keys to the proverbial shop. I will summarize what I attem
pted to send. I went through at least 27 dynasties and pointed out four Kings of
Egypt who were mentioned in the Bible, and were black. I have framed pictures of
all four with the Bible verse that pertained to each of them. I described them a
nd pointed out that they were black because I have images of them. Since the image
s of the ancient Egyptians left us with were of black people how other could the a
ncient Egyptians depict themselves? Using Nefertiti bust is a poor example. She
belonged to the Amarna period of the 18th Dynasty and that art was most certainl
y black. The main sculptor Bak made a self-sculpture of himself and his wife and h
e hand prominent black features and a very large midsection. King Akhenaten, Nefer
titis husband was the only King of Egypt to prominently show his family in his ar
t and his family was a black family. We know that it was very sunny and very hot i
n ancient Egypt. We also know that fair skin, Blond hair and blue eyes would hav
e meant trouble in ancient Egypt. We know that Moses wasnt fair skinned. He was r
aised as an Egyptian which meant he had brown skin because as I have mentioned,
the Egyptians were black which translates to different shades of brown.
. Pkr November 26, 2013 at 4:22 PM Uncle Tancred, you seem to live on
the words of Zahi Hawass. He is heart broken that he was in charge of antiquities
and had black subject material to take care of. After centuries of having people sa
y that ancient Egypt wasnt a black civilization he couldnt or wouldnt tell the truth.
But if he had told the truth he would have said yes, Tutankhamen was black and
yes, ancient Egypt was a black civilization. How could anyone see the colossal sta
tue of King Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and many others in the Cairo Museum and
say that the ancient Egyptians werent black. Zahi Hawass is an Arab Egyptian whose
ancestors are not indigenous to Egypt and came millennia after the things he la
ter was put in charge of to preserve. He no longer has that job, good riddance!
. Derek December 2, 2013 at 5:41 AM What those uniformed, we descended
from the pharaohs, Turk/Kurd/Mediterranean-types should know is that Arabic did n
ot arrive in that region until 7th AD. Before the Greeks called the place Egypt (w
hich is derived from Aigyptos or Aegyptos, meaning Black) it was known as Kemet,
which means Black Land. Kemet does not refer to the colour of the soil; the soil
is not black. Herodotus agreed. Further, there are no Arabic hieroglyphs, but yo
u will find words, dress, dance and cultural similarities to some Nubian tribes
and to the people of Punt, which is now in Somalia. People keep trying to use the
Sahara as some sort of divide but the fact is, black Africans are in and always
have been in, the Sahara. North of it too. The true pyramid builders moved south,
away from the Mediterranean and Arab invaders and colonisers. So today we have T
urk/Kurd/Mediterranean-types refusing to be African, but try to be when it comes
to the pyramids. They were built by real Africans, thousands of years before th
ese people arrived.

Dave Mowers December 2, 2013 at 2:59 PM Aegyptus does not mean black or anyt
hing even remotely close to. While there was a late period of black Pharaohs who
came up and into power (Pharaoh Psusennes) before Greeks took over, colored peo
ples of Africa had nothing to do with the Egyptian Old Kingdom or Middle Kingdom
. The black-Africans lost power and Greeks took over as according to Greek histo
ry their culture and the culture of ancient Egyptians was identical as told by S
olon circa 600 B.C. and they sought to preserve it. Older literature (and current n
on-mainstream literature) maintained that the label Gods Land, when interpreted as H
oly Land or Land of the gods/ancestors, meant that the ancient Egyptians viewed the
Land of Punt as their ancestral homeland. W. M. Flinders Petrie believed that t
he Dynastic Race came from or through Punt and E. A. Wallis Budge stated that Egy
ptian tradition of the Dynastic Period held that the aboriginal home of the Egyp
tians was Punt -Gavin Menzies The Lost Empire of Atlantis and Wikipedia Gyptus has a co
unterpart in Sanskrit Goptri and if you investigate ancient Egyptian terminology c
omparing it to Sanskrit you will find thousands upon thousands of similarities.
This is because Egypt was populated by the same Aryans who invaded the eastern n
ations. Now, how someone can continually come up with hypothesis of who founded
Egypt based on proximity alone (to central Africa) without any even slight attem
pt to decipher the language or cultural customs is laughable. Goptri means protector
as in a king or God(s) who look over the land and its peoples. It is a Greek wo
rd containing Greek word-structures overlaid upon a Sanskrit root word. Aegyptus m
eans Land of the Protectors (Gods) .you can stop with the Africans ruled the world a
nd Aryans stole everything from them routine which has become a Gish Gallop. Egy
ptians from Mizraim, what they called their homeland, are colored in their own m
ural paintings RED, that is R.E.D. which has over thousands of years turned brow
n or brownish in color. Even the Egyptians call themselves The Red Peoples as they
had a hue identical to Native American Indians with Caucasian features. The Land o
f Punt was in the Indus valley currently known as Afghanistan-Pakistan-India wher
e Mohenjo-Daro lies today as the single example of the oldest city known to huma
n civilization by scientific dating methods. Punt was a term denoting Puru or land o
f Purus which according to L.A. Waddell is the root in Sanskrit of Pharaoh. In sh
ip manifests written by Egyptians we have listed everything found in this land o
f Punt and all of it can be found in India. We even have an entire buried ship with
items from Punt that was found and studied- see also Gavin Menzies work. Several
types of the wood cannot be found in Africa. There is also an identical astronomi
cal stone circle to the one Nabta Playa in . . . central India. Which was used t
o plot star positions for sea navigation. How many black Africans sailed the oce
ans historically? How many star charts have been found in the Congo? They have even
DNA-tested the mummies and found them to share DNA with Europeans. Case closed.

Dave Mowers December 2, 2013 at 3:06 PM Today this land where the Egyptians
ancestors came from is known as Punjab and it is in Northern India.

Bill December 3, 2013 at 8:59 AM Aegyptus is Greek not Egyptian, can you tru
ly not see youre making a completely erroneous point. Kemet was the name A referen
ce to black not red. Stop your Sanskrit delusion, Ive posted more than enough to
refute you. No one knows where Punt is, but your India reference is ridiculous.
The Egyptians SAY they come from the south along with the archaeology. Dr. Chris
topher Ehret, a distinguished scholar of African linguistics agrees. Wheres the e
vidence for an identical Nabta Playa and do these people share the cultural simi
larities with AEs that Naptians did?? If so, post it!! How in anyway would it be
more reasonable to assume your identical megalith is as important to Nile Valley c
ivilization as the one created within it.

Pepperoncini December 2, 2013 at 3:40 PM They have even DNA-tested the mumm
es and found them to share DNA with Europeans. Case closed. This is often repeated
on White Power websites but it is categorically false. No official testing has
ever shown a genetic relationship between Ancient Egyptian mummies and Europeans
. There is absolutely no proof to the claim that Ancient Egyptians were geneticall
y or culturally related to Europeans.

Dave Mowers December 2, 2013 at 3:51 PM Discovery Channel showed the episode
man. The DNA graph presented was analyzed even the researchers who participated
spoke about why they were ejected from Egypt after the discovery of Caucasian D
NA. I guess in your mind red and blonde hair, blue and green eyes, thin long noses
, red skin, writing, an alphabet, math, geometry, architecture, star charts are
all historical traits of black Africans but in reality these things are Aryan an
d they come from the Middle East. Name a single black African emperor. Name a single
mathematics principle older than 1,000 years attributed to a black man. Name a si
ngle tablet written in an African language that compares to stone tablets from S
umer. Name the code of laws established by black Africans from any period. Where are
your ancient ships? Where are your stone buildings in central Africa predating
the pyramids? The Egyptian Red Sea port whereby they built and launched ocean-navi
gable sailing ships was Peru Nefter and it was (according to Egyptians who wrote
about it) built for the Pharaoh by Minoans who spoke Greek.

allimcbiel December 3, 2013 at 9:54 AM Dont you knowEgyptions were these wh
Euro trash. And the same whtie euro trash also wrote the Rig Vedas and went to In

allimcbiel December 3, 2013 at 9:57 AM Dave Mowers Without the dark skinned I
dian Hindus and their contribution of the p resent day numerical system where wo
uld the world be without mathetmatics and science? Still counting in I, II, III, I
V.X. ?
. Dave Mowers December 2, 2013 at 5:39 PM I think everyone can agree t
hat if ancient Egypt was founded by African blacks then the ancient words for th
at land would contain African-black language as traders call a place after the n
ame given to said place by its inhabitants. Egypt was known as Mizraim which contain
s, as it should, a Semitic present participle of im which again, is formed from a
much earlier Sumerian root of lim. Now it should be noted that both Semitic Jews a
nd Aryan-Sumerians inhabited Sumer and both were Caucasian. This root word means
people(s) and is usually attached to another word to denote a people(s) (of that wo
rds meaning). So we have a starting point of peoples of Misra which corresponds to th
e Wikipedia entry on the subject (I remind you that peer-reviewed scholars run p
ages like the one on Egypt); Ugaritic inscriptions refer to Egypt as Msrm, in the A
marna tablets it is called Misri, and Assyrian and Babylonian records called Egy
pt Musur and Musri. The Arabic word for Egypt is Misr (pronounced Masr in Egypti
an colloquial Arabic), and Egypts official name is Gumhuriyah Misr al-Arabiyah (th
e Arab Republic of Egypt). The Assyrian and Babylonian records can have any vowel e
xchanged as early Sumerian allowed for it so that Musur and Musri can be Masar a
nd Masri. Now we know that Mar, Mer, Mir was a name meaning west in early Sumerian
and as Maru, Meru was called The Desert Land in the West denoting a sea of sand or de
sert. Mer is the ancient Celtic word for..Sea. In Sumer is meant Western. In Persia a
ypt we find the root of Mis Mises Moses in Mizraim and this root means the same in al
orms it is water so that in forming a new constructed word from all the terms for
a modern audience (modern for back then) you can find Mizra as Meru and Mises combin
ed into a new word which contains a suffix of peoples so that these are the Peoples
of the Western Seas; Desert Sea. So why would Black Africans refer to Egyptians as
people west of them unless you also assert black Africans are Sumerians? Lets cont
inue because that is not the whole of it; Together with the Vedic common noun mitra
, the Avestan common noun mira derives rom proto-Indo-Iranian *mitra, rom the r
oot mi- to bind, with the tool sui -tra- causin to. Thus, etymoloically mitra/mir
means that which causes bindin, preserved in the Avestan word or covenant, contr
act, oath -Wikipedia on Mithra o that Mithra is the One who binds by oath. In the Hebr
ew the one man who by his covenant with od is bound by oath (The Laws) is Moses
who conseuently is called, The Law Giver. The Persian and Eyptian orms o Mises
are also known as law ivers who brouht us the word o God. A person who ives an o
ath to od and provides us with his word has a modern euivalent term used to de
note him; Priest. ounder o Eypt accordin to Mitzraim; Menes. Who is known in B
abylonian and Hindu-Aryan mytholoy as Manis, Mani, Manu; Man. Mizraim thereore mea
ns People o the ea Priests which is conate to Meropis or ea Peoples who are descri
bed by ancient Eyptians and were Phoenicians-Minoans whom Eypts own priests tol
d the Greeks they descended rom. At the temple o Abydos there is a hierolyphi
c depiction o the results o a battle between these ea Peoples whom are reerred
to as Ketiu (remember ancient Eyptians claimed to be related to these Meropis
) and they are all colored with white paint and blonde haired and blue-eyed. I cit
e to you that Eypt is the land o the ods (Aeoptri) where the priests o ods
wisdom tauht the word o od. Mitzraim means the people o the sea priests or s
ervants. see also- Gerald Massey, Gavin Menzies, Paul Pezron, L.A. Waddell, ir l
inders Petrie, Aleander Hislop, Thomas trane Please, anyone who can, cite a bla
ck Arican tet disprovin any o this rom any Arican culture showin where th
e roots o these words come rom a black Arican lanuae. Thank You

Dave Mowers December 2, 2013 at 5:57 PM Manoah Manu survived the flood an
the laws in the Hindu. The word Man means thinker or one who thinks as Vi-Mana means
tal Activity or imagination. One can see where all the elements of the myths associ
ated with these names come from translation between cultures so again; Show me the
black-African words that relate to the Sanskrit or Celtic; the oldest known lan
guages. Tell us all the black-African Moses myth which apparently has its roots
in Egypt and India. Do you honestly believe that ancient Hindu-Aryans were slaves
of black people? If blacks developed earlier than Caucasians then why isnt the wo
rld run by blacks and why arent there more blacks than any other race? Is everyth
ing a vast conspiracy to keep the black man down?

Pkr December 3, 2013 at 6:38 PM Dave Mowers, When you say Sanskrit or Celtic
; the oldest known languages., you are not telling the truth and I wonder where d
id you pull that one from. When you say Moses, that was not his given Hebrew Lev
ite name. Moses is basically translated as a baby boy pulled from the water. Moses
didnt act as an ancient Hebrew because he was raised as an Egyptian until about
the age of forty. And if he was excepted by the ancient Egyptians it is because
he looked like one. There is not a person living today that can honestly and fac
tually say that the ancient Egyptians did not see themselves as black Africans. Th
is because of the record they left us. Go through the kings and queens list of anc
ient Egyptian dynasties and then Google images or Bing images and see for yourse
lf. I may sound like a scratched record because Ive said this before. But, Ill con
tinue to say it. Maybe one day it will soak in. Well the three thousand years of
ancient Egyptian civilization is the longest in recorded history. And Ive said i
t was a black civilization. The human race we believe is about 120,000 to 140,000
years old: it started in Africa. So how could not others not be developed from Afr
icans? The world is run by Caucasians (whites) because whites have killed their
way to the top of the world. The number of blacks in the world is understated an
d the number of whites is overstated. One example is Brazil, and the one drop ru
le. If Brazil used the one drop rule there would be well over 100 million blacks i
n Brazil making it the country with the most blacks. The would is not run by blacks
because nothing last forever. And it is white supremacy that categorizes others
especially blacks negatively when we all should embrace the humanity of all people
on this earth.

Pepperoncini December 3, 2013 at 6:48 PM Neither Sanskrit nor Celtic Languag
es are the oldest, just another fact you pulled out of your arse. It is not even certa
in one can identify any language as the oldest, unless one is speaking of its writ
ten form, in which case that likely goes to Sumerian or Egyptian.

Bill December 3, 2013 at 4:26 PM I think everyone can agree that if ancient
gypt was founded by African blacks then the ancient words for that land would co
ntain African-black language as traders call a place after the name given to sai
d place by its inhabitants. Absolutely false and so goes your entire post.. erroneo
us nonsense. People didnt just trade, but warred and had sex also. The names for
foreign peoples and places can be derived from a great many sources. Do we not c
all Kemet by its Greek name? Are you saying Cherokee, Seminole, and Navajo peopl
e all actually thought they were from India? Using Sumerian, Aryan, Assyrian, Ba
bylonian, and Hindu text to show AE language was non-African is absurd??? Your a
rgument is nonsensical, indeed, youre intelligent enough to know this.
. Dave Mowers December 2, 2013 at 7:06 PM Nature (dot) com Egyptian mumm
ies yield genetic secrets Next-generation sequencing finds DNA preserved in hot cl
imates. Jo Marchant 12 April 2013 The researchers determined that one of the mummifie
d individuals may belong to an ancestral group, or haplogroup, called I2, believ
ed to have originated in Western Asia. Eupedia (dot) com Haplogroup I2 Geographic distr
ibution; Haplogroup I2 is the most common paternal lineage in former Yugoslavia, R
omania, Bulgaria and Sardinia, and a major lineage in most Slavic countries. Its
maximum frequencies are observed in Bosnia (55%, including 71% in Bosnian Croat
s), Sardinia (39.5%), Croatia (38%), Serbia (33%), Montenegro (31%), Romania (28
%), Moldova (24%), Macedonia (24%), Slovenia (22%), Bulgaria (22%), Belarus (18.
5%), Hungary (18%), Slovakia (17.5%), Ukraine (13.5%), and Albania (13.5%). It i
s found at a frequency of 5 to 10% in Germanic countries. From Wikipedia entry Kor
ochun; Koroun or Kraun was a pagan Slavic holiday. It was considered the day when the
Black God and other spirits associated with decay and darkness were most potent
. The first recorded usage of the term was in 1143, when the author of the Novgo
rod First Chronicle referred to the winter solstice as Koroun. It was celebrated by
pagan Slavs on December 21, the longest night of the year and the night of the
winter solstice. On this night, Hors, symbolizing old sun, becomes smaller as th
e days become shorter in the Northern Hemisphere, and dies on December 22, the w
inter solstice. It is said to be defeated by the dark and evil powers of the Bla
ck God. On December 23 Hors is resurrected and becomes the new sun, Koleda. Hors just
like Horus in the Egyptian. Modern scholars tend to associate this holiday with ance
stor worship. On this day Western Slavs lit fires at cemeteries to keep their lo
ved ones warm and organized feasts to honor the dead and keep them fed.
. Pepperoncini December 2, 2013 at 7:12 PM To Dave Mowers What have Blac
ks and or subsaharan Africans got to do with my post ? Stick to the topic, namel
y that fact that not a single academic institution has ever claimed that any of
the mummies were European. Discovery in one of their programs had a Computer scree
n in the background which some amatuer geneticists claimed had a screen shot of
King Tuts genome. King Tuts DNA was never been released to the public, so no genet
ic testing company ever had access to it. What happened was a Swiss company took
the above mentioned screen shot and then claimed it was a sub clade of R1B that
was most prevalent in Western Europe. No mention was ever made of blue eyes or
blonde hair. Let me reiterate, the Swiss company who is the source for this unsupp
orted claim that King Tuts Y-DNA was of a sub clade similar to most Europeans eng
aged in nothing more than sensationalist advertising. They know a bunch of gulli
ble and delusional White Supremacists will latch onto it and hopefully send in t
heir money to them (the Swiss company) for genetic testing. Ancient Egypt was abso
lutely not Aryan or for that matter Indo-European. Ancient Egyptian language is
a Language Isolate and its only descendent is modern day Coptic. In the wider li
nguistic world, Ancient Egyptian was a member of the Afro-Asiatic language famil
y. It was categorically not Indo-European. If Ancient was Aryan or White as your
claim, their language and culture would have shown it. It is pathetic trying to a
ppropriate someone elses culture as your own.

Dave Mowers December 2, 2013 at 8:19 PM Wrong on all points. Philology and e
tymology are proven sciences and the root words, their meanings and uses, prove
Egyptian language is derived from Indo-European. Why dont you explain to us then
why then, when Solon went to Egypt in 600 B.C., Egyptian priests not only spoke
Greek but claimed they and the Greeks both descended from the same culture? Thats r
ight, because you cant. You cant back up anything you claim with historical veraci
ty. Libya and Morocco were populated by Phoenicians as was Egypt and Phoenicians
were Caucasians. That is a fact attested to everywhere historically and one you
cannot discount because of the sheer enormity of statements attesting it. I gave
you the article information from that DNA testing which shows clearly Caucasian
DNA in Egyptian mummies. Their own depictions show them as olive-skinned Aryans or
reddish-hued and every mummy ever found, aside from one, anywhere in the world
has had red, light-brown or blonde hair. The ones from Peru (Peru-Nefter), the C
anary Islands, London England, Sumer, China and Egypt. No black mummy has ever b
een found anywhere on earth save for the reign of Psusennes. What is pathetic are
colored people believing in Al Sharpton and Baptist preachers reverse-racism and
of course, your arguments. Which are pathetically lacking in science or history.

Pepperoncini December 3, 2013 at 1:22 AM Linguistics rules out Ancient Egypt
ian being an Indo-European language. Why dont you show proof, such as a Peer Revi
ewed Academic journal claiming it is Indo-European. Simply babbling that it is I
-E does not make it so, you must provide proof . Ancient Egyptians in the Tomb of
Seti clearly show they have a reddish brown complexion relative to Nubians , Asi
atics (Assyrians) and Berbers. If the Ancient Egyptians were White, their skin t
one would be lighter than that of Berbers and Asiatics. You have not shown any pro
of that their DNA was European or Aryan as you put it. You have no proof because
there has never been any published material on their genetic origins in regards
to ethnic ancestry. What is present day Libya and Morocco had Phoenician colonies
in the coastal regions, by no means were they mostly populated by Phoenicians.
In any case Phoenicians were a Semetic speaking ethnicity from the Levant, so no
thing to do with your Aryan or Indo-Europeans. Lastly, why are you veering off int
o discussion of Al Sharpton and Blacks, neither has anything to do with your lie
about the Ancient Egyptians being Aryan. Stick to the point, instead of going o
ff on some rambling nonsense. Here is Dienekes Blog on the issue of Tuts DNA. http://

Dave Mowers December 3, 2013 at 1:37 AM Ill be just lazy about it and use Go
gle to do my work for me;
numerals_are_cognates_of_Indo_European_or_Proto_Indo_European_equivalents BLAH BLA
SPOKEN HERE TONIGHT. Dude, seriously, get something that stands up to reality or
just accept that you are wrong. Afro-Egypt-Theroy is bogus.

Pkr December 3, 2013 at 1:41 PM Dave Mowers, there are ways that a lay perso
n can determine the race a mummy. It is the eye socket, nasal opening, the shape
of the skull and the mouth can help one determine race. The mummy of Thutmose I
II is clearly that of a black African. When a mummy has a sloped forehead instead
of a steep forehead that alone is an indication that the skull is likely that of
a black person. In a rare moment of candor a National Geographic spokes person ex
amining mummies from the 18th Dynastys Thutmose family for DNA matches, said this
: The mummies have wide noses. Some of the most import rulers in ancient Egypt his
tory came from this dynasty. There is dispute whether Thutmose I, is the son of
Amenhotep I, If so there is a straight line from the first king of the dynasty,
King Ahmose and Queen Ahmose-Nefertari to King Ay. This is what the word dynasty
means. This period represented about 200 years of family rule. Whenever a perso
n says that an ancient Egyptians mummy has red or blond hair they should think b
efore he or she says this. Hair color has a lot to do with the distance from the
equator one is born. It is most likely to have dark hair and brown eyes if one
came from the geography that Egypt is located. And it has been strongly proven t
hat ancient Egypt was influenced by Upper Egypt and places further south. Becaus
e of this skin color, hair color and eye color are more predictable. The people
dyed their hair, they dyed their wigs, they has color hair extensions, they wore
eyeliner and probably wore color eye contact lenses.
. Dave Mowers December 2, 2013 at 10:57 PM @ Derek : December 2, 2013
at 5:41 AM What those uniformed, we descended from the pharaohs, Turk/Kurd/Mediterran
ean-types should know is that Arabic did not arrive in that region until 7th AD.
Before the Greeks called the place Egypt (which is derived from Aigyptos or Aegy
ptos, meaning Black) it was known as Kemet, which means Black Land. Ancient Egypt is
commonly referred to as km.t , with the theorized reference to the black Nile Del
ta earth. -Wikipedia Kemet Ki Ke Ka in Sumerian is Land, Place, Earth and Met Mat
t Egyptians repeatedly called the area they lived in My Place or My Land WOW! Tota
lly amazing to hear that a culture identified an area where they lived as theirs
. Oh, wait, they also did that, identifying, a lot so, with frequency, they used
a term meaning; My Land. Holy Crap Batman! That must mean black Africans built the
pyramids! or it means the Sumerians and Egyptians were of the same culture and use
d the same language; Sanskrit.

Dave Mowers December 3, 2013 at 12:51 AM At some point Robert you should chi
me in on this Mises Metis Mitzraim hypothesis because I am wholly relying on you and o
thers of greater knowledge to support my claims. Not in the sense that you will
blindly follow but you can disprove my hypothesis and that disapproval will enha
nce our greater knowledge of the matter through real debate. You have been around
the countries we cite enough to have an opinion beyond just opinion. Answer Robe
rt! Yezidis think what?

Pepperoncini December 3, 2013 at 3:55 AM Sumerian is a Language Isolate. It
is not related to any other language or in any of the known linguistic families. N
o evidence of Indo-European or Aryan contribution to Sumer. Sanskrit wasnt even wri
tten down until around 300 BC. Just another pathetic attempt by a Indo-Europeancen
trist (you) to claim other cultures as your own.
. Dave Mowers December 3, 2013 at 2:29 AM An error occurred. Try watching
this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your b
. Pepperoncini December 3, 2013 at 2:45 AM Dave Mowers Did you even read
the article in the link ? Below is a quote It also formulates the hypothesis, des
pite the widely accepted African-Asiatic (previous Hamito-Semitic) identity of Ancie
nt Egyptian, In other words, the consensus is that AE is Afro-Asiatic but the writ
er is putting forth a different Hypothesis. A Hypothesis is not an accepted theo
ry. You have yet to prove that Egyptology accepts an IE origin for Ancient Egypt.
A Hypothesis does not make it accepted scientific theory. You dont understand the
difference between a Hypothesis and Scientific Theory . Ancient Egypt is a member
of the Afro-Asiatic group of language families.
. Pkr December 3, 2013 at 11:15 PM Dave Mowers, this will probably be
my last response to the erroneous things that you have written. The Discovery Ch
annel, Military Channel, National Geographic E.O., and the History Channel are a
ll whitewashes, I have the pictures to prove it. You said Discovery showed the e
pisode man., The DNA samples probably were cherry-picked and were only mummies of
the Ptolemy period. And they probably were ejected from Egypt because museums aro
und Europe are replete with Items taken out Egypt especially by the French, chec
k out the Louvre. I wont go into the eyes, skin color of hair issue , because your
argument about it is very lame. You said name a single black emperor. ,Thutmose
III. You also said name a single mathematics principle older than 1,000 years att
ributed to a black., although white supremacy wont allow the truth. The building o
f the first pyramid, the Step Pyramid uses lots of mathematics principles. Inste
ad of being a thousand years it was built about 4,700 years ago by the architect
Imhotep who was a black male. And the man he built it for, King Djoser was black, l
ook at his statue! You said Name a single tablet written in an African language tha
t compare to stone tablets from Sumer. The Amarma Letters (tablets), although not
written in an African(Egyptian) language it was written in Akkadian which was d
iplomatically used by Akkadian rulers in their communications with King Amenhote
p III, King Akhenaten and probably King Tutankhamen, the communications went bot
h ways and all of whom were black Africans. And the Akkadian rulers were men of co
lor, I have images. The ancient Egyptian Priest had to learn the language and th
ey interpreted for the Kings of Egypt if the king didnt know the language themsel
ves. The stone tablets you mentioned probably are the same one Im talking about s
ince ancient Sumer was in the same region of Akkad or ancient Babylon in central
Mesopotamia. Hieroglyphics(esoteric text) is a language that the ancient Ethiop
ians and ancient Egyptians used. You said Name the laws established by black Africa
ns from any period. There are the Laws of Maat, which are in the Book of Coming F
ourth By Day (Book of the Dead), which spans a period from the Old Kingdom to th
e New Kingdom. Two rulers, Queen/King Hatshepsut and King Amenhotep III, incorpo
rated Maat in their names, Maatkara and Nebmaatra respectively. But there are ot
her laws like, pre-nuptial agreements, child labor laws that black Africans instit
uted. The oldest known ship that you can see was found in the pyramid of King Kh
ufu, I have images of his one known statue and it is of a black African man. It wo
uld be great if people would research things before they spew falsehoods masquer
ading as scholarly research. And are laced with ad hominem attacks on people who
you disagree with.

Dave Mowers December 4, 2013 at 7:59 AM You disprove your own hypothesis tha
t my use of etymology is incorrect by asserting at the same time, Black African
language use for ancient Egyptian and the Amarna Letters are written in Akkadian
. The Akkadian culture was Caucasian. So in your vain effort to prove a long-hel
d view by Black revisionists that somehow all culture and civilization was due t
o ancient black man and that it has bee co-opted by white supremacists -your words
is akin to saying that everything smart that ever happened historically was don
e by ancient Aliens. The Egyptian Old Kingdom was Aryan, it was an Indus valley cu
lture and all the Egyptian hieroglyphs can be translated into Sanskrit and Sumer
ian. I can literally go word-for-word with you through the entire scope of Egypt
ian gods and mythologies and translate each word using Sumerian or Sanskrit inst
antly finding a direct counterpart to the Egyptian in those languages and cultur
es. The mummies were listed here as containing Caucasian DNA. Thutmoses own statute c
ontains no African features. Maat is the same goddess depicted on tablets in Sumeria
predating the Egyptian Old Kingdom by thousands of years. Tiamat, the goddess of
wisdom who formed the Zodiac sound familiar? As a hermaphroditic male form of h
erself was known as the Phoenician god of darkness Mot. So, you assert that you ha
ve no facts to disprove anything I have stated aside from your assertions, with
no evidence mind you, that the Egyptian culture is Black African. Show us all one
single written, hieroglyphic, logogram or historic parchment saying flat out tha
t Egypt was run by black people. Just one will do. Your racist rants about Cauca
soid features on statutes being Black African is probably the single wildest hyp
othesis I have ever heard. Did white people steal your genetic traits to? Is it more
of the vast conspiracy against Africans?

Pkr December 5, 2013 at 9:53 AM Dave Mowers, I said that my previous reply w
ould probably be my last. But, I must clarify one thing and give a reply to anothe
r thing that you said. First the Akkadians were in a way subjects to the kings I
mentioned . The Armana Letters were the Akkadian princes asking or informing th
e Kings of Egypt for intervention or reporting on a range of issues. And just be
cause the diplomatic language wasnt the Egyptian language, does not express the s
cope of the ancient Egyptian Kings rule. Many Egyptian kings never stepped foot a
gain on land they conquered or had influence over. They allowed local rulers to
take care of their people. You also said, Thutmose own statue contains no African f
eatures., Sadly, this is one of the most ridiculous things that you have said. It
is ridiculous because the statue you talk about is the only statue whitewashers o
f history want us to see. But, if you look a that statue very closely, one can s
ay that it is a statue of a black man. There are a number of statues of Thutmose I
II, But, you cherry-picked the one that supports your assertions. This is truly
a Sesame Street moment, because one of Thutmose III statues doesnt look like the
others. What are the chances that Thutmose III was Caucasian ? Yet, the overwhel
ming number of images of him are of a black man. Just Google or Bing images of him
. Keep on writing, Im sure there will be people who disagree with you.

Dave Mowers December 6, 2013 at 2:52 PM This is a dead issue. All the earlie
st pictogram images at Abydos are written in a Sumerian cuneiform-pictographic s
cript. Ancient Egyptians were Sumerians from the Indus valley who were in turn;
Caucasians-Aryans. Egypt shares the same words used by Sanskrit and Sumerian for A
ryan mythology; they are same words man. They used the same ports as white-Phoenic
ian traders. Their incursive written script came from Caucasians, along with, thei
r alphabet. They had the same mythology, same Zodiac, same star charts, same mathe
matical and geometrical concepts. Speak of the same origins in a Land of Punt from
THE EAST not black African Congo-land. Their own Kings List from Seti 1 matches exact
ly the Aryan-Turan Kings List, the Sumerian Kings List and the Hindu Kings List. A
rguing over statutes and assertions by black-American professors who are self-pr
oclaimed Revisionists is ludicrous; they are liars who present no real facts to su
pport their claims. The wildest of which is a translation of Egyptian culture by t
he Hebrew Bible definition of Kham or Khamen as Biblically-connected to Ham and meanin
g, according to Jews not Egyptians, black, burned or burning therefore considered
in Kemet to be translatable into Black Africans Land is completely without merit and
based on no etymological phonetic or philological science. Ke.Met is the Sumerian K
i.Met which means simply, My Land. The single piece of evidence from Jewish claims in
definition, one which , mind you, does not actually define the word at all but
applies synonyms to it, with Bible passages from a religion who escaped persecut
ion by Egyptians as the sole method of determining the root of Kham, Kem does no
t in any way prove anything. Your claims that statues look like black people prove
s nothing when held up to DNA evidence proving otherwise. Cry all you want, you ca
nnot change the evidence I have presented that ancient Egyptians were Caucasians
. I can go all day translating hieroglyphs by Sumerian pictographic script provi
ng endlessly over and over again that the language they spoke was from the Aryan
family. I am sure you can spend an equal amount of time making yourself sound f
actual by asserting that a stone colored black and carved into a statue means th
e pyramids were built by black-Africans totally ignoring their own statements in
their own language.
. Dave Mowers December 4, 2013 at 10:34 AM Seti I 1290 B.C. Soane Muse
um England Google it, then come back here and tell us all how a hooked nose became
a trait shared by Black Africans when it most commonly found in Europeans, spec
ifically British and Jews. Then ask yourself why Egyptian Copts are Caucasian an
d claim to be originally from Egypt with their identity taken from the word Egyp
t itself; Goptria, Gopta, Gupta, Gopt and then ask yourself how this word, which
is clearly Indian Sanskrit, became a term applied to a Black African Land? The caba
l of white supremacy has obviously conspired with Ancient Aliens to travel back
in time and swap the original black African mummies with Caucasoids or Caucasian
features which explains why black Africans are depicted as slaves in murals in
Egypt; white people is liars and good at tagging and they gots time machines.
. jay December 6, 2013 at 6:08 PM Wow what a racially driven article.
You do realize that anything you read in school today only promotes the raise of
white people. Everyone knows that Egypt were black. I mean seriously DNA suppor
ts that blacks are the oldest. lets take religion into account. Christianity n J
udaism came from egypt, if you dont believe me. Amen is said after every christi
an pray, Amen is short for Amen-Ra, who is a god created by blacks in egypt. The
garden of eden is in Ethiopia. What more obvious proof you need? Enough of this
racial hierarchy!!!.

Dave Mowers December 6, 2013 at 7:09 PM Myself, like you, spent a lot of tim
e perusing internet sites reading different hypothesis about ancient Egypt and m
any of these sites contain valuable tidbits or references where you can obtain f
urther, more scientifically-produced material but frankly; most of it is pure sp
eculation and fancy. Only when you begin studying the mythology, archaeology, phil
ology and etymology of language combined can you even come close to understandin
g these ancient cultures. Now granted I will give you that historically because
Harrapan after Sumerian after Assyrian, after Akkadian after Persian after Ugari
tic after Egyptian after Greek were mostly in that order studied as mono-culture
s totally independent of one another over vast lengths of time was the way we un
derstood initially these civilizations that does not mean they had no connection
s to one another or developed out of one another. There was a time when it brought
a professor or archeologist international fame to have discovered a new culture hit
herto unknown and during these rock-star archaeologists rise to fame many of them
completely made-up words and meanings which today have no basis in any fact and
cannot be shown to be correct because no culture in history appeared on earth f
rom out of nowhere completely separate from any other earlier cultures. You can
look at modern history for the example of how each successive wave of civilizati
on is predicated upon the last. No one contests Proto-Indo-European foundations fo
r language and to do so would mean to have to discount all the archaeological re
cords connecting words across cultures by trade. You might as well assert that a
ncient Egypt never traded with any culture outside of their kingdom which is who
lly incorrect based on other cultures records of trade with Egypt. We have in our
possession, at museums, actual documentation of the Garden of Edin being called t
he Land of Eden and Garden of Etin in the Indus Valley. 2,000+ yr old seals confirmi
ng where this location was in the past. We have keys to decipher Harrapan, Ugariti
c, Persian, Sumerian, Sanskrit and we have a method for determining the carry-fo
rward by a succeeding culture of words due to a common origin or trade using PIE
hypothesis. Amen is Ammon or Amun which is the Sumerian-Arabic Umun or Ummun whic
h in turn is Ummu-Hubur; Tiamat. It means mother and in the sense of Tiamat, Mother-
Creator said to have formed all things in the beginning. Now dialectically and inf
lectively ancient Egyptians may have sounded the word vocally slightly different
and that is a given even in countries which speak a single language but have ac
centual changes but this cannot change the fact that Sumerians came first by tho
usands of years and used that word first. Ask yourself this, if modern Americans d
escend from European Celts and Britons then why arent we speaking High German, Ga
elic or Old English? We have their words in our language, we come from them but
yet we speak a wholly distinct language built upon them. You want to understand
ancient Egypt? Study Sumer and the Indus Valley. You want to get famous among uneduc
ated fans of T.V. shows? Make up wild meanings based on modern language for ancien
t words with no cultural understanding. Everything else is just conjecture. I disa
gree with allowing a translation of Egyptian hieroglyphic words to stand in the
face of more modern research just because some said it first.

jay December 7, 2013 at 2:34 PM The purpose of my response was to bring the
common theories and arguments used in our society to bring light using reality.
Again every one knows that the first race was black. Theres artifacts, quotes fr
om famous conquerors(alexander the great) etc, there are evidence of black afric
ans in all parts of the world(central/South america included) that predates reco
rds from newer races. You are correct language only evolves from trading with ot
her tribes(dialects) or most common when ones country is conquered by another. Y
es some of your facts are correct but again you are missing a strong point. When
people are conquered, records of their existence are often destroyed and modifi
ed by the conqueror to further his grip on that civilization(Thats take over 101,
reference every culture). Africa for the most part, hasnt been changed at all, t
hats why its a Continent full of thousands different dialects that supersedes an
y Caucasian, asian or middle eastern language. Irish spoke gallic until britons
conquered them. Can you explain how africans are black on every corner of the co
ntinent except egypt? Yes education helps but at the same time common sense expl
ains alot more. I respect your knowledge but your sources are again modified to
sled light on Specific ideals. Read : Black Profiles in Courage- A legacy of afric
an american achievement. Just might change your mind. I bet you think that Black
s first visit to the Americas came via slavery.

Dave Mowers December 7, 2013 at 5:48 PM DNA testing of Denisovans in Iberia
proves that Neanderthal and Denisovan merged into Caucasoid. Caucasians, from th
e Caucasus in Central Asia invaded Egypt from their kingdom in the Indus Valley.
According to archeological records from Turkey, Iraq, Iran, India and Egypt; Sa
rgon did this. Sargons son was Manis, the Aha Manas, Aha-Men, Ash-Manshu, Manis-T
usu, Aha-Manji, Asa-Manji, Manasyu; Menes. Menes, like Sargon, came from the Indus
Valley. He can be found under his various assorted titles in archeological reco
rds, statues, cuneiform tablets, written histories and mythologies. On their tom
bs at Abydos the inscription contains the Sun-hawk (Horus) the same Sun-Eagle of
Persia who is a symbol of God (Zeus) called by Sumerians; Akha. The early Egypt
ian hieroglyphs are based on Sumerian pictographs with the same phonetic values.
If Menes was Aryan and he founded and sired the dynastic lineage of Pharaohs, t
hen Egyptian civilization was created by Caucasians. This Phoenix sun-bird is how
I found this blog; See Yezidis. Irish and Britons are the same race of people. Bri
tons being Turan-Aryans, Irish are Turanian Dans who fled Turkey to Carthage aft
er a war with Greeks then fled the Romans to Scandinavia and onward to Ireland. Can
you explain how africans are black on every corner of the continent except Egyp
t? Invasion by foreigners it is in the history, first Caucasians then Arabs. In answe
r to your earlier post about Amen I say it relates to a prayer structure and wor
ship ritual of Aha-Menes who, like the Pope in Catholicism, is the Vicar of God on
earth (Vicar of Christ) in that he is the vehicle whom will address your concer
ns because he alone converses with god. Therefore, to say Amen was to invoke the n
ame of your king so that your prayer will be heard by god and acted upon during
his relations with your king.

jay December 9, 2013 at 4:07 PM Dude im sorry but you seem not to understand
my point. I told you when civilizations are conquered. The conquerors normally d
estroy all evidence of record keepings. To enhance their grip and control. Examp
le irish were tribes that spoke ancients languages that predates gallic, but war
changed that. Thats why africans have so many different languages that predate
Egypt itself. You seem to cling to history that was modified but others to promo
te their ideals. You have to use common sense. And how does blacks invade an ent
ire continent but theres new evidence of that?You seem very intelligent but extreme
ly naive. Where did blacks come from? Why are they black? Why are white people w
hite? Its called genetic mutation. Blacks are black because we are born in the h
ottest parts of the world, which allows our body to reject the heat, thus our bo
dy reflects the climate. White people our white so they can absorb vitamin e fro
m the suns rays because they are genetic mutations as they migrated north to lan
ds where its foggy, cold, and wet. You ont dneed to decipher any transcript to c
ome up with that. Thats physics holmes. Anything else is simply white washed, di
d you read that book i referenced yet.

Dave Mowers December 9, 2013 at 5:08 PM Except that you cite no archaeologic
al or historical evidence of this alleged mass destruction of black African writi
ngs you have nothing but pure opinionated speculation based on radical left-wing c
laims by sixties-era civil rights activists who themselves admitted they in fact
, did not believe their own theories but used the ideas to inspire revolt agains
t white Jim Crow laws. White people have Neanderthal, Denisovan and Cro Magnon DNA
along with a strand of homo sapiens. All three of those races of humans lived t
hrough Ice Ages and underground in caves. Sunlight absorption provides humans wi
th critical vitamins D and E without which, deficiency causes color loss. If you
live on snow you dont raise crops you hunt and animals come out at night to hunt
. After thousands of years of living in caves during the day and hunting at nigh
t (Younger Dryas) Caucasians lost their pigmentation. This is proven science. It i
s also described by Zoroaster; the Aryan from Persia, you know, the people who c
reated morals as the science behind religion? The original inhabitants of Ireland
were the Fomorians and we have no historical details about them or their languag
e as they were wiped out completely by the Tuatha De Danaan which means literall
y, Dans of the North and they are from Carthage in Africa and they are todays red-h
aired Irish. From Africa should I yell that loudly? Polynesians live along the equato
r so by your logic they are black-skinned as well? You need to learn how to read (
and spell) and study ancient cultures.
. Sphinx December 8, 2013 at 1:47 AM Today this land where the Egyptian
s ancestors came from is known as Punjab and it is in Northern India. LOL at Dave Mo
wers. What a nutjob! Pulling all kinds of crap outta his sorry arse and throwing it a
round Probably another scrawny hindu loser. Where the hell did you learn that the
ancient egyptians were aryans???

Dave Mowers December 9, 2013 at 11:55 PM The Egyptians claimed to be from Th
Land of Punt in the east.

Pepperoncini December 10, 2013 at 12:25 AM Probably another scrawny hindu l
ser. Where the hell did you learn that the ancient egyptians were aryans??? That t
hought did cross my mind, that Dave Mowers may be Indian . Even the White power
adherents in the West who claim Ancient Egypt was White dont claim these so calle
d Whites came from India.
. Pkr December 8, 2013 at 1:22 PM Most of my life I have been told tha
t the ancient Egypt was a black civilization. But, then I saw The Ten Commandmen
ts on television. As a youngster this confused me. Then in 2002, Mark Goldblatt
wrote an article for the USA today that said Black History Month Distorts Accompl
ishments. He stated black Africans had no influence on ancient Egypt. This is wha
t sparked my interest in ancient Egypt, which picked up during the past two year
s. Someone once said A picture tells a story just as well as a large amount of de
scriptive text. This is where my argument starts. So when I say that the ancient
Egyptians were black it is based on the quote above. I have seen thousands of imag
es on the internet and I have downloaded hundreds of images from the internet. B
ut, while I was downloading images, I was purchasing books on ancient Egyptian a
rt and history. One of these books is: Visual Encyclopedia of Art, Egypt by SCALA.
In the forward flap of the book is written: No civilization of the past has left
such imposing and fascinating vestiges as that of Egypt, and yet so little trac
e of the human. In ancient Egypt art was not an expression of the human world. it
was a living and active representation of the act of creation. The extreme and f
orceful nature of the Nile Valley, where fertile plain runs without a break into
the desert, where the annual flooding erases the landscape in a relentless cycl
e as it brings new life, has shaped Egyptian art. It is in the first place a dir
ect emanation of the divine, and as such proposes the order established by the g
ods with mathematical rigor and in strictly codified canons. Religion was everyt
hing and everything was religion in ancient Egypt. Art had no aesthetic value in
this world: art was a symbol of nature; it had to capture its essence rather th
an imitate it, and left no freedom or independence of expression to the individu
al. The works that adorn temples, palaces and tombs always have a magical functi
on: they are intended to protect. Thus they are not an imitation of nature. On t
he contrary, they are a creation in their own right; they are alive and potent.
The magical and religious conception that inspired these artist-creators can sti
ll be perceived today, even when their works have been transported to lands fara
way from the blazing sun of the African desert. Even inside the showcases of museu
ms they still speak of a natural world inhabited by human beings but which has b
een created by divinity that pervades it through and through. A world where humani
ty and its art represent the pinnacle of divine creation. In that book as well as o
thers, It doesnt describe the pictures as being those of black Africans, but the pi
ctures do leap out at you. But, in at least in one book the author went out of t
he way to disparage the 25th Dynasty to strip away its connects to the 24 dynast
ies that preceded it. The pictures are still there and ones eyes doesnt need to be
told what they see. There have been writers on the site that say that I have no
proof to my assertions. But the proof is there and I dont really have to prove i
t because the book that I have mentioned does the proving and it speaks for me.
But, their are other books that I have that speak to me and for me. Here are the
books: Akhenaten King of Egypt by CYRIL ALDRED, Egypt 4000 years of Art by JAROMIR
MALEK, Egypt Art by ROSE-MARIE and RAINER HAGEN, The Timeline of Ancient Egypt by SH
EREEN RATNAGER, The Monuments of Ancient Egypt edited by CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPI
E and MICHEL DEWACHTER, which is somewhat of a whitewashed but knowledge can be
gained from it. One writer on the site talked about mythology, archaeology, phil
ology and etymology. All are important, but are deflections used to complicate t
he issue. But, art is visual and tangible and paints a picture for the eyes to s

Dave Mowers December 8, 2013 at 2:19 PM Egyptians practiced slavery through
conquest. This act or cultural anomaly was specifically practiced by Celts or Ar
yans and is referenced as far back as Hindu mythology as well as commented on by
early Romans and Greeks when speaking of Germans or French Gauls. It is based o
n cosmological understanding of traits associated with certain peoples by color.
I feel in the mythology this is made clear where they get it from; Asas and Dav
as, Aesir and Vanir etc. The Romans felt it bizarre to enslave ones own people but
in response to travesties against their people and nation decided, since Celts d
id it to their own, they would enslave the losers of wars in Celtic nations as p
ayment for the costs. No other race does this. In India it was Brahmins doing it
to Indigenous aborigines of the subcontinent who learned this from Aryans. Now, I
will not discount kings choosing any beautiful woman from any race to be queens o
r mistresses and therefore the possibility of mixed-race Pharaohs seems highly li
kely but the only black Pharaohs we can attest to being black are the Psusennes.
Ill tell you that while this practice may have stood in Egypt or Carthage or Ara
bia it is not allowed in ancient Caucasian tribes for any reason. Ancient whites ap
pear to be extremely racist, high-minded, cultural idealists who seem to me to s
hun anything of foreign nature unless it was ground-breaking science but it woul
d have been hard to accept another races logic as they did not perceive them to b
e men or equals at all. I believe everyone can agree on this point based on the
history of Aryans. Germans had such an adoration for nature and in particular, tre
es, that they assigned various tortures for people who stripped trees of bark or
felled an tree too young according to some unknown cultural standard. Do ancien
t Africans describe murdering people for cutting down a tree? Are modern African
s responsible for the military-grade machine guns used in conflict today? It is a
long time before foreign races to the Caucasus, Middle East and Europe begin ret
urning the favor by invading and mass killing Aryans but it is quite obvious the
y derived their inspiration from incredibly debasing and murderous actions by Ar
yan cultures towards their own. In Turkey for instance, Aryans even appear to ha
ve classified their people into two distinct divisions based on height calling t
hemselves men and anyone under a certain size a dwarf. Dwarves did labor by decree a
nd they are always pictured laboring while Aryan man masters oversee their work. Germa
ns did the same but went even further choosing hair color and eye color along wi
th height and even looks. The fairer the higher status you were given in society. I
put given in quotations to exacerbate a point, that this was given unto them by the
gods. Meaning beautiful people descended from heaven itself and by living alone,
had a mandate to treat others anyway they wished. You tell me, does this sound fa
miliar to you? Does this sound like black people, the same people who fought aga
inst slavery and spoke out against racism in the sixties? Why adopt a mental metho
dology used by a race that is clearly evil to use against the same said race in
historical debates? Is it not smarter to point out that along with this so-called c
ivilization we can credit white people with murder, war, resource depletion, hatr
ed, envy and evil? Doesnt that effect reason enough to allow other races the shot
at governance? Is it necessary to use depleted-uranium on colored peoples? Is the
re no intent in doing so? No long-term strategy to genetically damage Arabs? Is th
e point of GMO plants to feed the poor and hungry in colored nations or is it to
spread immuno-deficiency through forced-evolution bacterial, fungal, viral chan

Pepperoncini December 9, 2013 at 3:27 AM Lots of different races practiced s
lavery. Arabs are well known for their slavery. Some Amerindian tribes did it, s
o too did some Sub Saharan African tribes.
. Pkr December 8, 2013 at 9:58 PM It is ridiculous to say that but the
only black Pharaohs we can attest to being black are the Psusennes. Who are we, and
wasnt the 25th Cushitic Dynasty a recognizably black dynasty? Look up the word d
ynasty, it doesnt mean a few blacks as pharaohs. Dynasty mean(s) line of family r
ule for several generations. People of different races got together even during
the Ptolemy period in Egypt. By the way, the first King of Egypt, Narmer was bla

Dave Mowers December 9, 2013 at 1:33 PM I has just completed reading a secti
on of work on translations of inscriptions at Abydos and can tell you that Narme
r was not black African. He is listed as Naram Enzu and is the son of Menes; the
first Pharaoh. Narmer is the next-in-line and was only a King meaning he lost con
trol of the broader kingdom that expanded to India. Pharaoh is a title of the empe
ror of Mesopotamia and it is used in India in the mythological kings lists and wa
rs. In their own history ancient Egyptians describe coming from the east and conqu
ering the Land of Magan, named after the indigenous title. It appears that Menes
decided to form an independent state separate from his fathers rule in India. Wa
s for some unknown reason allowed to do so but after his father dies the other c
ity-state fiefdoms each fight over succession perhaps believing that Menes has a
bdicated the throne. He did not see it that way apparently and lead a war campai
gn to reunite the kingdom settling back in India at his fathers city in Pakistan. H
is son then became king of Egypt. The lower kingdom of Ethiopia revolted and Nar
mer suppressed the revolt. Now it appears to suggest, from descriptions and draw
ings and statues that this division of the so-called Egyptian Two Kingdoms continu
ed to produce strife as each side continually fought over leadership. This suggest
s something interesting might have occurred here which we know from Aryan politi
cs in European tribes and monarchies; intermarriage to quell internal dispute. N
ow, by the time of Khufu we start seeing the lineal descent obscured with incomp
lete renderings or strange attestations which may be accounted for by intermarri
age, therefore successional change from Aryan-dominated politics to African-cult
ural ideas. We know that during this period onward Egypt was beset by warring, H
yksos, Hittites, Assyrians, Canaanites etc. so this possibility gets stronger th
e more disruptions due to civil strife impede the ability to defend the kingdom. T
he Egyptian kingdom does also appear to be getting smaller and smaller over time
until eventually it is just a collection of city-states administered by Greeks
and later Romans. As reigns like Psusennes spent all of their time quelling civi
l strife and infighting just to hold the two kingdoms one can understand why the
broader empire fell apart. They could not afford expensive, drawn-out Alexander
ian conquests anymore. It fits with other cultures attempts to reunite this lost
kingdom like the Greeks with Alexander who must have known the history of Mesop
otamia because their own history describes descent from a great conqueror in the
east named Acmon. I agree with some of what Pkr says. Slavery is a distinctly Aryan
concept as established in textual records 3-6,000 years old according to archae
ological evidence of the actual places. If I put into practice for thousands of
years a custom, does that mean some Asian guy who just came to America and follo
ws our customs invested them? No. Therefore to find the invention of a thing you mus
t rely on actual evidence of its origin and we have that in the form of mytholog
ical texts which contain a jumbling-up mix of historical details proven historic
al by actual stone records and city-states. Slavery was brought to India by whit
e people. It was also practiced by white people ON white people and for what see
ms today to be quite ridiculous assertions. In ancient Germany women apparently co
uldnt marry into wealth without blonde hair so dying of the hair with citric acid
compounds became vogue even though what they put on themselves burned their ski
n. They died hair in Egypt to you know? They died it red which was the color of
the hair of Phoenicians; the tribe of Dan.
. Devon December 9, 2013 at 2:33 AM n terms of Egypt, I believe the wo
rse thing that we could ever do is ascribe ONE RACE to these people. That would
only show the true extent of our incompetence within the scope of these discipli
nes collectively called The Humanities. I have studied with some of the most well kn
own Afrocentric scholars and have debated with many pro-whites from professors to th
e likes of StFr (sorry, I just can no longer plug them). So, Ive seen both extremet
ies of thought and theory. Let me tell you, for both of them, their levels of ig
norance runs SO DEEP that I have made it a point to completely disassociate myse
lf from either sickness and the likes of those who subscribe to their train of t
hought. The fact of the matter here is that we must remain composed in the midst o
f such rude, mis-informed individuals who in their ignorance only wish to stir u
p trouble online instead of offering an intelligently challenging our views and
i am sorrry you are one of those depraved fools

Robert Lindsay December 9, 2013 at 10:43 AM All right Black man, you are ban
ned. HAND!
. Dave Mowers December 9, 2013 at 1:37 PM I think I just realized the
discrepancy between viewpoints in our collective posts; time. If you say, What Race
were Egyptian Dynasties? that is different from saying What Race were ANCIENT Egy
ptians? Ancient Egyptians were Caucasians from Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. I
think we may all be saying kind of the same things but confusing the time frames

Pepperoncini December 10, 2013 at 5:45 PM Ancient Egyptians were not from Su
mer or Indus .

Pkr December 10, 2013 at 6:35 PM Your argument is subterfuge, because What R
ce were the Egyptian Dynasties? And What Race were Ancient Egyptians is almost one
in the same. You do not rule a group of people for 3000 years if you are an outs
ider, and are totally different than them. One has to see something in their lea
ders, A different culture(cult) would not be excepted. What I think you are sayi
ng is the dynasties were Caucasian and the people, who may have been black were
subjects of the Caucasian kings. Homogenized Caucasian civilizations have collap
sed a lot sooner than Three millennia. Mesopotamians treated their women maybe a l
ittle better than so-called Caucasian civilizations treated their women. So you
want us to believe that a group of people treated women not so good in their nat
ive land and then went to Africa and treated women much better. Where is or who
are the Mesopotamian or ancient European versions of Queen Nofru, Queen Ahmose-N
efertari, Queen Hatshepsut, Queen Tiye, Queen Nefertiti, Queen Nefertari, Queen
Tawosret or even Queen Cleopatra VII, who was of mixed race? You said Ancient Egypt
ians were Caucasians from Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley, collides with what I
said above and collides with the Images that I have that numbers in the thousand
s. Everyday I can look at these images of King Narmer of the First Dynasty, a ki
ng from the Second Dynasty, four kings from the Third Dynasty, six kings from th
e Fourth Dynasty, two from the Fifth Dynasty, two from the Sixth Dynasty, and th
en there is a break because the King leading up to the Eleventh Dynasty were ver
y obscure. There are kings from the Eleventh, Twelve and Thirteenth Dynasties, the
re is not a list for the fourteenth Dynasty. Then there is the Fifteenth and les
ser Sixteenth Hyksos Dynasties that ran simultaneously with the Seventeen Theban
Dynasty and were the relatives of the first king of perhaps the most remarkable
dynasty in ancient Egyptian history, the Eighteenth. This is the dynasty that I
have the most images of and there were as many as fifteen rulers. Then their is
the Nineteenth Dynasty where I have images of four of the rulers . All these ima
ges are of black people from Dynasty one through thirty. This includes the Hyksos
Dynasties as well the Nubian(Cushitic) Twenty-fifth and the Persian Dynasties. A
nyone who cares can research each and every dynasty that there is information on
, and find out for yourself. It is not like art books and the internet are tryin
g to hide it from anyone.
. jay December 9, 2013 at 4:20 PM Worlds most ancient race traced in DN
A study
in-dna-study-1677113.html Please read this, what more proof do you need. Africans
were the first man and black..If you still argue this point, shows what your true c
olors are and why you supposedly willingly dissociated yourself from the arrogant
black scholars.

Dave Mowers December 9, 2013 at 5:24 PM Out-of-Africa hypothesis is predica
upon the assumption that because we have found high concentrations of skeletal
remains in Southern Africa that must have been the origin of man. Let me repeat th
at statement for clarity; hypothesis is predicated upon the assumption In short; unpro
ven as scientific fact. We have cave drawings in Europe and the Middle East. We
have ancient texts, stone tablets, stone carvings, inscriptions, buildings, whol
e cities, pottery, clothing, tombs, mummies and remains in such a high concentra
tion in Central Asia that if a theory can in fact be derived from; hypothesis predi
cated upon the assumption that because we have found high concentrations of skel
etal remains then humans came from Asia and went into Africa. Which in fact, based o
n written testimony, they did and brought with them civilization. Caucasians cam
e from Central Asia and were the first humans. No amount of DNA-testing alone can
show where they came from. As students we must rely on all the many scientific f
ields to find the clues to their origins and we have plenty of evidence in these
fields. DNA testing has shown ancient Pharaohs to be Caucasian. There are also Ar
yan mummies in the Gobi Desert in China. The practiced mummification in the Indu
s Valley and Sumer according to texts detailing the practice.

Pkr December 10, 2013 at 1:14 PM More than skeletons have been found in Afri
ca. Tools that were about 80,000 to about 170,000 years old were found in Zaire.
The lesser number precedes tools found in Europe by more than 60,000 years. Thi
s is not speculation on my behalf, it was written in a news paper in the mid-nin
eteen nineties and titled Discovery in Africa jolts ideas, and I have a copy of it
. We know the first people were born near the equator and the equator almost spl
its Kenya in half from north to south. Tanzania is just below the equator, and Z
aire which I have mentioned is on the equator. No European can claim to have broug
ht civilization to Africa. First you have to live civilly yourself to bestow civ
ilization on an outside group. In Africa while it happened nowhere else, women w
ere treated much better than women were treated anywhere in Europe or elsewhere. W
omen in Africa could sue their spouse in court, could file for divorce, receive
property from their husband, were protected by pre-nuptial agreements, were givi
ng custody of children, and could go out into public without their spouse. In Eu
rope women were treated no better than children and a husband was the guardian.
Women in ancient Greece were not citizens or werent threated like citizens. And n
ewborns in ancient Greek had to have a ceremony about five days after they were
born to determine rather they would be excepted as human beings. It also was exc
epted if parents didnt want their newborn they could leave that child outside to
the elements to die, or hope that someone adopted the child. If a person picked
up that child it could become a slave. Similar things happened in Rome during th
is period. While in Egypt(Africa) children received prenatal care and there chil
d labor laws. And parents treated their children well because the children would
later be responsible for preparing their parents for the afterlife. You said what
DNA testing has shown ancient Pharaohs to be Caucasian, Wow! All, or some from t
he Ptolemy period? Is this a throw away line or is it something that you really
believe? You have taken a number of things from ancient Egypt and bestowed it on
whites. Im sure you probably heard of Imhotep, who was King Djosers physician and
he set the standard on mummification and wrote about it and other medical procedu
res. Can you give me one name of a Sumerian physician, that accomplished anythin
g that could be compared to the accomplishments of Imhotep? And looking at the o
ne statue I know of Djoser, it is safe to say it looks a lot like Imhotep. Saying
that humans came from Asia and went into Africa, is nothing that can be honestly s
aid and hold up to scrutiny. Caucasians did not come from Central Asia and were
not the first human beings. If one found skeletal remains in Africa and they wer
e carbon dated, that is not a hypothesis, that in scientific research. And those
remains would be older than any remains found anywhere else. One thing that has
been scientifically proven is that the first Europeans came from Africa and immig
rated to Europe. But, it cannot be truthfully said that Africans came from Europ
e. This is the essence of the argument that humanity began in Africa.

Pepperoncini December 10, 2013 at 5:49 PM Out of Africa is the accepted theo
ry. No counter claims has been accepted by the Scientific community. Apart from ha
ving the oldest homonid ancestors of Anatomically Modern Humans, Sub Saharan Afr
ica also has the greatest genetic diversity of any Anatomically Modern Human pop
ualtion. This finding has also been used to further butress the Out of Africa cl
aim. You are out and out lying by claiming Indus texts talk about Mummification be
cause Indus Script has not been deciphered.

jay December 10, 2013 at 6:38 PM Thanks for disregarding DNA evidence. I und
erstand it must be hard for you to accept. Im not the scientists who proved the he
ritage of men. So debate how much smarter you are than scientist with PHDs, at u
sing math, chemistry, n physics. And stop contradicting yourself. How can you sa
y theres no evidence of records, then say war destroyed ancient tribes( referenc
e ganghis khan, alexander, etc). So where is the evidence that blacks invaded an
d took other the entire country of Africa? Wheres the evidence that asians invad
ed asia? And hunting at night though? Why arent whites nocturnal then? How come w
hite people dont have huge eyes to see at night? Black people are from Africa ge
t over yourself, and there were black african tribes that predate Egypt itself.
Why do black have traits similar to apes being that we did evolve from apes righ
t? And the fact that ancient whites have the similar DNA to blacks just confirms
my point. Ill give you credit, this race hierarchy has worked extremely well ove
r the years. Im glad white and other races were able to learn from the blacks ad
apt their ways and culture. And For some reason ignorance is bliss to you. This
will be my last message on here, truly hope you come to reality. And i guess you
re not going to read that i told you to reference huh?.so sad http://en.wikipedia.o
. Dave Mowers December 10, 2013 at 4:37 PM Neanderthals are Europeans
and we have stone tools going back over 300,000 years. Mummification was used by
Sumerians and Indus Valley cultures it talked about in the mythology. At Abydos t
he script of the founders of Egyptian civilization is Sumerian pictograph and it
explains where they came from and who they were. Therefore your claims must be
predicated upon a belief that every Hindu in history is wrong and they are all w
hite Caucasian liars whom are part of a vast conspiracy over thousands and thous
ands of years to denigrate the black man and falsify history. Equally as challen
ging to the mental veracity established by archaeological and textual sciences a
s my claim of Denisovans, Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal being a separate set of races
not descended from Africa and the parentage of Caucasoids. Nowhere, in any myth, h
istory or archaeology has it ever been shown that Caucasoids existed in Africa p
rior to Central Asia. Current hypothesis claim that Europeans were living in tri
bal townships as far back archeologically as 20-30,000 years ago. What were black
Africans doing two hundred years ago? I remember now; they were slaves of white Eu
ropeans because they had no language, no math, no weapons, no cities and no abil
ity to defend themselves or resist enslavement. Quite a fall from claims here by
you and others of having created everything ever done that contributed to civili
zation but had that stolen from them by the white man wouldnt you say? http://en.wik
ipedia.orgwikiArchaic_human_admixture_with_modern_Homo_sapiens Based on a 2001 stud
y of the gene that results in red-headedness,some commentators speculated that N
eanderthals had red hair and that some red-headed and freckled humans today shar
e some heritage with Neanderthals Ancient Egyptians and civilization in Africa come
s from the Indus Valley and Sumer.

jay December 10, 2013 at 7:00 PM Wow kid you really lost control, but i gues
s that shows that you are bigot at heart, and youre obsession with reading trans
cripts from limited sources of history is pathetic. But then again i guess you h
ave alot free time since you clearly have problems with the ladies haha..And for
the record blacks enslaved other blacks dumbass, just like every race and every
war. Its funny how whites pretend to hide their ignorant savage ways, i guess no
thing ever changes.
. Pepperoncini December 10, 2013 at 5:41 PM Neanderthals are not Homo
Sapien Sapien Europeans. Not only are you trying to claim Egypt and Indus, but n
ow you are trying to claim Neanderthals also, truly pathetic. Where is your proof
that Sumer and Indus talk about mummification? I can tell with certainty that yo
ur claim about Indus and mummification is false because Indus script has not bee
n decipered. Indo-Europeans were not civilized when Indus, Sumer and Egypt started
. The first European civilization was Minoan and they were NOT Indo-Europeans .

Dave Mowers December 12, 2013 at 10:48 PM Hittite logogrammic script has bee
n positively identified as identical to Minoan. Mummification is described in th
e Hindu-Aryan mythology.

kp50 December 13, 2013 at 10:53 PM Dave Mowers, You seem to be stuck on esot
eric script and text. But a picture or pictures are worth many thousand words. A
ll that precedes, supersedes is to say that prior to Greeks and Romans coming on
the scene in Egypt, there were 3000 years of civilization. The ancient Egyptian
mythological figures preceded the Greek ones by Millennia and many of the ancie
nt Egyptians figures were copied by the Greeks. I think you refuse to Google or
Bing the images of the people you claim were white. This cant be a black conspira
cy because blacks didnt put those images on the internet. Unfortunately blacks do
nt go to ancient art museums in any great numbers. That is the irony of it, museu
ms around the word are replete with ancient Egyptian art and it is art of black
people. Since blacks dont go to museums in high numbers I created my own ancient
Egyptian art gallery with 78 images of people that you insist were Caucasians, b
ut when I look at them I dont white people. We all have been going back and forwa
rd on this issue and some will not submit to fact. Because for some the truth is t
oo painful to except.

Dave Mowers December 14, 2013 at 4:49 AM No one who reads my posts seems to
understand the meaning of words like ancient and the header of the blog post to be
gin with. The ancient Egyptians wrote down, in their language, where they came fro
m and who they were. It is written in pictographic script at the temple of Abydo
s and on jars found in the Valley of Kings. They even had mythical tales about the
land they came from describing it that after the first kings of Egypt which wer
e repeated by Greeks. Solon, around 600 B.C. or so went to Egypt and was told by E
gyptian priests that the Egyptian people had descended from the same people as t
he Greeks. The priests even spoke Greek for Christs sake! Now you can ignore the ac
tual written history all you want to but in the myths from India and Sumer and E
gypt are vivid descriptions of the founders of civilization and they are Aryans.
Ancient Egyptian pictoglyphs, which became hieroglyphs are Sumerian in origin a
nd even share identical phonetic values as both Sumerian glyphs and Minoan-Greek
-Hittite-Phoenician logogrammic script. The Phoenician mythology came from Egyptia
n priests who said they were in fact Phoenicians but far removed. You are the on
e ignoring facts by trying to claim that negroid features on a few statues means
that ancient Egypt was black-African. Even Narmar relates the battles with blac
k Africans from the south and his enslavement of them. There are even murals dep
icting it! It is simple to figure out, black-African tribal groups controlled Ethi
opia when the Aryans got there and called it Magan. Aryans kicked the crap out t
hem, organized the indigenous who would be assimilated and enslaved the rest. Th
en, to quell further disturbances and strife intermarried with tribal leaders dau
ghters as monarchies have always done and as was done in practice originally in
Sumer. Everything practiced in Egypt was first found in Sumer and the Indus Valley
. The Egyptian language, writing and religion is from that region. Sargon beget Ma
nis who is Menes the first King of Egypt and Sargon was the first Pharaoh. Sar mea
ns Scorpion or Serpent Gon means conjoined. Sar.Gon in Sumerian literally means, the Sc
orpion Man. You can find half-man, half-scorpion images in Persian and Sumerian art
. The myth of Orion states that the Scorpion arose and stung the giant killing h
im. Scorpius follows Orion westward each evening from the EAST. The Land of Punt w
as in the EAST. After his fathers death Manis Tusu, Manasyu fought a great war in
the EAST to re-establish his control over the Indus Valley and Sumer. Egyptians
traded with Phoenician colonies in India. The process of mummification is first
talked about in Indian mythology. My God man Sargons name means Scorpion-Man; The
Scorpion King! You can take all that to the bank rap-star.
. Bill December 12, 2013 at 8:26 AM Mowers youre absolutely wrong. Ther
es not a credible scholar that agrees with you. Back up your lingual, Nordic fant
asy with some archaeology please.. Oh, never mind!! Ill just prove you wrong. Ive me
ntioned Guns, Germs, and Steel a few times and Ill refer to it here. The author,
Jared Diamond, attempted to answer the question of why some people grew civiliza
tion faster than others. He does so by examining the rise of food production and
domestication of crops and animals in prehistoric and ancient peoples. The ques
tion he looks to address is loaded, but unlike most ACs, I still feel the book is
an excellent source. I will be thorough since you are persistent. Diamond is a Pr
ofessor of Geography at UCLA. Hes a graduate of Harvard and Cambridge and has wor
ked in numerous fields. These include Anthropology, Ecology, Physiology, Geograp
hy, Evolutionary Biology, Environmentalism, and Zoology. He has also done work i
n History, Linguistics, and Etymology. You discuss these matters as if you know
what youre talking about, lets see if Diamond agrees with your view in his Pulitze
r Prize award winning work. First, from p.386 When Europeans reached sub-Saharan Af
rica in the 1400s, Africans were growing five sets of crops, each of them laden
with significance for African history. The first set was grown only in North Afr
ica, extending to the highlands of Ethiopia. North Africa enjoys a Mediterranean
climate, characterized by rainfall concentrated in the winter monthsThe Fertile
Crescent, where agriculture arose, enjoys that same Mediterranean pattern of win
ter crops. Hence North Africas original crops all prove to be ones adapted to germi
nating and growing with winter rains, and known from archaeological evidence to
have first been domesticated in the Fertile Crescent beginning around 10,000 yea
rs ago. Those Fertile Crescent crops spread into climatically similar adjacent a
reas of North Africa and laid the foundations for the rise of Ancient Egyptian c
ivilization. When Diamond says the foundation.. of AE civilization he means in terms
of food production, not culture or people. Obviously, a civilization must have f
armers before pyramid builders, the general premise of his book. Still, due to e
xcerpts like this, some ACs look to discredit Diamond as many ECs love to ignore p
astoralism in a rush to harp on the early appearance of Near Eastern crops in Eg
ypts history, though the existence of Near Eastern crops doesnt necessitate a larg
e Near Eastern population. The archaeology tells us these were small groups, eng
ulfed by the indigenous African populations. Yet, you insist these Near Eastern
agriculturalists came in large numbers, carrying an Indo-European language, and
fostering some Aryan substratum to Egyptian language and culture. Given this, let
us examine Diamonds words on p.391.. Putting together direct archaeological evidence
of crops with the more indirect linguistic evidence, we deduce that the people
who were domesticating sorghum and millet in the Sahara thousands of years ago s
poke languages ancestral to modern Nilo-Saharan languages. Similarly, the people
who domesticated wet-country crops of a West Africa spoke languages ancestral t
o modern Niger-Congo languages. Finally, speakers of ANCESTRAL AFROASIATIC LANGU
AGES may have been involved in domesticating crops native to Ethiopia, and they
ientist and author deems it a certainty that the Near Eastern agriculturalists t
hat introduced Fertile Crescent crops to North Africa were Afroasiatic or Afrasi
an speakers, not Indo-European. According to Diamond, Afrasian languages are nat
ive, ancestral African languages. As I said, youre absolutely wrong. To add, Ive p
osted the 2005 Brace study showing the earliest Near Eastern population to culti
vate grain had craniometric features of sub-Saharans. The Natufian sample did no
t cluster with modern day Europeans or Mediterraneans. Dr. Christopher Ehret is th
e foremost linguistic source on the issue, here are his words again.. ancient Egypts
culture grew from sub-Saharan African roots. In the earliest formative years, it
was people from the SOUTH who moved north into Egypt and brought in the primary
features of a new economy and culture, along with an AFRASIAN LANGUAGE. -The Afric
an Sources of Egyptian Culture and Language. Heres Keita.. The genetic data, specifica
lly the M35 subclade affiliated with haplotype V in Africa, can be related to th
e spatial range of much of the Afroasiatic linguistic phylum, which evidence sug
gests most likely originated in Africa; only one member (Semitic) is found in th
e Near East (see Bender 1975, Greenberg 1966, 1973, Fleming 1974, Nichols 1997,
Ehret 1984, 1995, 2000). The peoples of the Egyptian and northern Sudanese Nile va
lley, and supra-Saharan Africa now speak Arabic in the main but, as noted, this
largely represents language shift. ANCIENT EGYPTIAN IS AFROASIATIC, and current
inhabitants of the Nile valley should be understood as being in the main, althou
gh not wholly, descendants of the pre-neolithic REGIONAL INHABITANTS although th
is apparently varies by geography as indicated by the frequency of Near Eastern
haplotypes/lineages (Table 1, Lucotte and Mercier 2003a, Manni et al. 2002, Cruc
iani 2002). An accurate spatio-temporal interpretation of the PN2/M35 lineage co
rresponds to the northern core range of Afroasiatic: We suggest that a population
with this subclade of the African YAP/M145/M213/PN2 cluster expanded into the s
outhern and eastern Mediterranean at the end of the Pleistocene (Underhill et al.
2001:51). (Southern here refers to supra-Saharan Africa.) . . . a Mesolithic popu
lation carrying Group III lineages with M35/M215 mutation expanded northwards fr
om sub-Saharan to north Africa and the Levant (Underhill et al. 2001:55). S.O.Y. KEI
TA In the main, but not whollyregional inhabitants. So you have your Eurasian admixtu
re from small groups over long spans of time yet they ARE STILL regional inhabit
ants, meaning indigenous Africans. African Americans also have Eurasian admixtur
e, are they not black? Also, the presence of ancient Near Eastern hgs doesnt neces
sarily equate to modern Eurasian features. Some ancient Near Eastern people had
African features, see the Brace study I mentioned. As Keita goes on to explain a
bove, African populations went into the Mediterranean and LEVANT. Ive posted quot
es from Oxford that agree with the above. I hope this makes it clear. Lets take o
ne more look at Guns, Germs, and Steel, which should show ACs and ECs alike, Diamo
nds true conclusion on these matters. From p. 383.. a big shock for Eurocentric belie
vers in the superiority of so-called Western civilization. Were taught that Weste
rn Civilization originated in the Near East, was brought to brilliant heights in
Europe by the Greeks and Romans, and produced three of the worlds greatest relig
ions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Those religions arose among peoples spea
king three closely related languages, termed Semitic languages: Aramaic (the lan
guage of Christ and the Apostles), Hebrew, and Arabic, respectively. We instinct
ively associate Semitic peoples with the Near East. However, Greenberg determined
that Semitic languages really form only one of six or more branches of a much la
rger family, Afroasiatic, all of whose other branches (and other 222 surviving l
anguages) are confined to Africa. EVEN THE SEMETIC SUBFAMILY IS MAINLY AFRICAN,
12 of its 19 surviving languages being confined to ETHIOPIA. This suggests that
Afroasiatic languages arose in Africa, and that only one branch of them spread t
o the Near East. Hence it may have been Africa that gave birth to the languages
spoken by the authors of the Old and New Testaments and the Koran, the moral pil
lars of Western civilization. Check Jared Diamond, Christopher Ehret, or Shomarka K
eitas resume and take your Aryan delusion elsewhere.
You a single detractors from hundreds of years of professional science behind Cau
casian migration theory and archaeological evidence? Im sorry but you disqualified yo
urself from being taken seriously by quoting Mr. Diamond as proof your Black-Afri
cans Created Everything and Everyone Descends from them Hypothesis is truth.

The Appearance of the Original Berbers According to European Perceptions.. All th
e early major Berber tribes including the:
Ketama Zenata and
Nafusa are described as dark reddish brown like the Indi or as blacks or Ethiopians
in early documents (12th century the notion of the early Berbers as being whites o
r Caucasoid is a new and racist one related to the concept of the African Hamite.
Certainly the original Berber-speakers were never referred to as anything but bla
ck or something near it until the 12th century and were otherwise considered the
color of Abyssinians and other so called Indi.
12th century CE The original Berber-speakers were never referred to as anything
but black or something near it until the 12th century and were otherwise considere
d the color of Abyssinians and other so called Indi.

19th century CE The Kabyles a notoriously fair-skinned Berber people of North Afri
ca are up until the 19th century described as brown apart from a few clans. The know
ledge that Europeans were changing the complexion literally and figuratively of
North Africa up until the 19th century has disappeared from modern European hist
Most know about the large part played by sub-saharan black slaves in the making
of modern North Africa and Arabia.
15th century CE The white slave trade was the dominant trade in North Africa unt
il the fall of Constantinople (Istanbul in Turkey) in the 15th century had been
largely ignored in historical writings of the 20th. A few centuries ago European
s visiting North Africa commenting on the fact that, on almost every street of th
e cities of Barbary, Europeans could be seen harnessed to carts like draught hor
ses or selling water from jars loaded on the backs of donkeys.
1500 to 1650 CE From 1500 to 1650 when trans-Atlantic slavery was still in its in
fancy more Europeans were taken to Barbary than black African slaves to the Amer
icas. See, Robert Davis Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the M
editerranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800, MacMillan Publishers, pub
lished 2003.
The impact of the white slave trade and its contribution to the modern biology a
nd appearance of the modern North African stems from before the Arabian and Musl
im waves into Africa. The Roman ruler Claudian spoke concerning Gildo, the Mooris
h ruler of Africa and treatment of Roman women from the Levant by this North Afri
can chief and his countrymen:
1809 CE Commentary on those called Moors by an early 19th century observer: They ca
rry the Christian captives about the desert to the different markets to sell the
m for they soon discover that their habits of life render them unserviceable , o
r very inferior to the black slaves of Timbuktoo. from An Account of the Empire
of Marocco, by J. G. Jackson published 1809 and 1814.

4th century CE Claudian wrote, when tired of each noblest matron Gildo hands he
r over to the Moors. These Sidonian mothers, married in Carthage city must needs
mate with barbarians. He thrusts upon me an Ethiopian as a son-in law, a Berber
as a husband. The hideous hybrid affrights its cradle. Claudian, by Claudius Cla
udianus, translation by Maurice Platnauer, Published by G.P. Putnams sons, 1922 p
. 113. (Gildo was brother to other Berber chiefs Firmus and Maseczel. Gildo is r
elated to Aguellid or Galdi which remains the modern Tuarek word for chief. Mase
k, Amazigh ot Imoshagh was the name for the ancient and modern Tuareg clans in g
eneral. The Mezikes tribes were called Ethiopians in a Roman text of the time. )

1stt c. A.D. Diodorus Siculus speaks in reference to the expedition of Agathocles

a Sardinian general, of three Libyan tribes on the coast of Tunisia, the Micata
ni and Zufoni (see Zafan ),who were nomads and the Asfodelodi, who by the color
of their skin resembled the Ethiopians , p. 50 The Mediterranean Race Book XX, 38
, 57 Guiseppe Sergi, 1901. The Micatani were also called Ukutameni and Khethim b
y Josephus. In later writings they are called Ketama Berbers. The name Maketa or
Imakitan remains a name for the eastern branches of the Tuareg.
1st century A.D. Marcus Valerian Martial was one of the earliest Europeans to use
the phrase woolly hair like a Moor in one of his Satires, and the phrase was comm
only used up until the Middle Ages. See Nature Knows No Color Line by J.A. Roger
s, 1952. p. 50 The Muslim era didnt begin until the birth of Muhammed, the Prophe
t, over four centuries after Martial. By the 7th century the word came to be use
d for Arabians who in the early era of Islam for the most part were also describ
ed as of near black complexion.
1st century Silius Italicus also describes the Moors with the term Nigra meaning b
3rd century CE In the 3rd century Roman dramatist Platus or Plautus maintained t
he name Maure was a synonym for Niger which was a common term for the word black.
6th century Isidore Archbishop of Seville claimed the word Maure (from MaRa/Mar
e) meant black according to Brunson and Runoko Rashidi in The Moors in Antiquity i
n Golden Age of the Moor, 1991.
6th A.D.- Corippus uses the phrase facies nigroque colorus meaning faces or appear
ance of black color to describe the North African Berbers. In his book Johannis,
I/ 245.
6th A.D. Procopius in his History of the Wars book IV contrasting the Germanic V
andals who had settled in North Africa with the Maures claimed the Vandals were
not black skinned like the Maurusioi . The tribes he classified as Maurusioi are t
hose now classified as ancient:
the Numidians,
Massyles and
Mezikes several other Berber tribes then settled between Tunisia and Morocco.
8th century CE After the 8th century the term Moor came to be used for the many
Arabian clans who had invaded the Mediterranean and Africa because of their comp
lexions which were the same dark brown or near black to absolutely black color o
f the Berbers.

1914 Archeologists observance of the ancient North Africans portrayed in ancient

Egyptian tomb paintings, The brun Libyan type is the only one portrayed in the O
ld Empire, the xanthrochroids predominate in the New Empire representations. P. 4
0 from The Eastern Libyan Oric Bates The intrusive xanthrochroidsdo not appear be
fore the XII dynasty It safe to say that they were immigrants. from The Eastern Li
byans by Oric Bates Frank Cass publishers 1914. pp. 40 and 41. (These paintings
of the ancient Libyans as a brown in color are in the works of Nina Davies.)
1939 The extreme long-heads, concentrated in the Hoggar and in parts of the Alger
ian plateau are the Tuareg and the purer families of ancestral nomadic Berbers,
preserving the head form which they brought from East Africa, their Hamitic (Kam
itic) homeland. Carleton Coon The Races of Europe, p. 257 1979 reprint.
7th-8th Cen CE Five major tribes of Berbers were spoken of by early Muslim write
rs including the Sanhaja, Masumuda Zenata, Ketama and Goddula which were categor
ized into dozens of others which in turn were divided into many more. Among them
were the early Kabyles originally a group of Sanhaja Berbers. Most descriptions
refer to the modern Kabyles as fair-skinned, but in the 19th century and early
20th, descriptions and in fact many photographs depict them as dark and near bla
ck. (Photos from the 19th century show both very dark-skinned and near white ski
nned Kabyle individuals from different villages in the region).
In early Arabian tradition the lowland of Canaan or the Kenaniyya tribe was in a
n area of the western region of Arabia north of Yemen and not farther to the nor
th in modern Palestine or Israel (See the Bible Came from Arabia. Kamal Salibi )
1890 The Kabyles or Kabaily of Algerian and Tunisian territoriesbesides tillage, w
ork the mines contained in their mountainsThey live in huts made of branches of t
rees and covered with clay which resemble the Magalia of the old NumidiansThey ar
e of middle stature, their complexion brown and sometimes nearly black. (The Ency
clopedia Britannica: Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General Literature Henry G
. Allen Company p. 261 Volume I 1890).
1834 The Scotsman Thomas Campbell says, The Kabylesdress like the Arabs and a part
from a few tribes, are brown complexioned and black haired p. 109 Barbary and En
lightenment: European Attitudes Toward the Maghreb in the 18th Century, Ann Thom
son. Published 1987 by E. J. Bull
1865 CE A description by Gillebert dHercourt in Etudes Anthropologiques sur Soixa
nte-Seize indigenes de lAlgerie in 1865 said the Kabyle crania that were studied
were generally dolichocephalic. In fact the physical anthropological studies do
ne on ancient and modern North Africans show that early North Africans were doli
chocephalic like the Tuareg and other dark-skinned berber tribes.
Not surprisingly most modern Berber-speakers who are fair skinned including mode
rn Kabyles are predominantly mesocephalic (middle headed) or even brachycephalic
. It is interesting that the dress of these modern Kabyle women resembles that m
odern women of the Balkans and that palm and blood group types are also like tho
se of European Mediterranean Greeks. Many of these Kabyles also have a strong Tu
rkish influence as judged from the recognizable Turkish Eurasian or even East As
ian facial features. Obviously some groups other than a Berber one makes up the
main genetic strain in many modern Kabyle-speakers. Culturally the modern fair-s
kinned Kabyles have been documented as among the most patrifocal people in North
Africa whereas the ancient and modern Berbers like the Tuareg were notably matr
ilineal and matrifocal to the chagrin of early Muslim documenters who considered
this among their wicked customs.
1901 The Oases if Nafzawa and Wed Suef and Wed Regh and other Berbers of the Sus
as of very dark complexion in Guiseppi Sergi The Mediterranean Race: The Study of
the origin of European peoples The Walter Scott Publishing Company
1st century AD The Libyo Berbers called Gaetules or Jeddala were the most populo
us of the Libyan tribes of Strabos time (1st century AD). Josephus claimed they w
ere descended from Havilah or the Avalioi who he says children of Kush child of
Kam (corrupted to Ham). Among the Gaetules were a tribe Dari or Darae Gaetuli, t
here was also a stream called Daradae Ethiopus (DARAE were a Gaetulian tribe in
the W. of Africa, on a mountain stream called Dara, on the S. steppes of M. Atla
s, adjacent to the Pharusii. (Plin. V. 1: Oros. i. 2: Leo Afr. P. 602.)
The Draa (Arabic: ???) (also spelled Dra or Dra, in older sources mostly Darha or
Dara) is Moroccos longest river (1100 km). The inhabitants of the Draa are called
Draawa (an exonym), the most famous Draawi undoubtedly being mawlay Mohammed as
h-Sheikh. Outside of the Draa region this name is mostly used to refer to the da
rk skinned people of Draa which make up the largest portion of its inhabitants. R
etrieved May 13th 2008 from Descriptions of the Masmuda, Sanhaja, Ketama, Zenata
Berbers of coastal North Africa and the Upper Atlas.
1st -2nd century Juvenal, the Roman writer in his Satire V. 53 referred to a Gaet
ulian, as a black a Moor so black youd rather not see him at midnight (Found in Mad
ans translation of Juvenal, vol. I by J. Vincent published at Oxford).
1200 B.C. The Adites invaded Egypt before 1200 B.C. and advanced toward the Maghre
b. Their descendants are the Amalekites (Amalek) from Canaan and Himyarite from Y
emen, who are generally referred to as "Berbers. The Berbers were the sons of "Be
rr" who were said to descend from Mazigh ibn (son of ) Canaan Ibn Ham Ibn Nuh (N
oah) (The tradition found cited in Nafousa: Berber Community in Western Libya, O
mar Sahli citing Dabbuz: , July. 12,

The Zenata are called a Canaanite race by other Muslim writers (see The Berbers Ge
o. Babington Michell, Journal of the Royal African Society, Vol. 2, No. 6/Jan.,
1903, pp. 161-194). The traditions state that in fact Berbers were descendants o
f Amalekites (Amalek) from Canaan and Himyarite from Yemen both descendants of Ad
ites that had invaded Egypt before 1200 B.C. and advanced toward the Maghreb.
The Berbers as represented by the Tuareg especially appear to have called themse
lves Mashek or Mazigh who are associated with bringing the camel into Africa. Ma
shek is still the name of a tribe of the Mahra of Oman and Hadramaut who also cl
aim an origin in the Yemen.

8th century CE Most Arab-speaking historians beginning as far back as the 8th ce
ntury when Wah ibn Munabihh a South Arabian and descendant of an Iranian mercena
ry claimed the Berbers belonged to black races of Ham. Several Muslim writers cl
aimed the Berbers were the sons of Berr who were said to descend from Mazigh ibn
(son of ) Canaan Ibn Ham Ibn Nuh (Noah) (The tradition found cited in Nafousa:
Berber Community in Western Libya, Omar Sahli citing Dabbuz. Retrieved on-line f
rom , July. 12, 2008).

11th century The Berber women are from the island of Barbara, which is between th
e west and the south. Their color is mostly black though some pale ones can be f
ound among them. If you can find one whose mother is of Kutama, whose father is
of Sanhaja, and whose origin is Masmuda, then you will find her naturally inclin
ed to obedience and loyalty in all matters, active in service, suited both to mo
therhood and to pleasure, for they are the most solicitous in caring for their c
hildren. 11th century the Christian Iraqi physician Ibn Butlan quoted by histori
an Bernard Lewis.
11th century Nasr i Khusrau, an Iranian ruler described the Masmuda soldiers of
the Fatimid dynasty as black Africans. See Yaacov Lev, Army, Regime and Society in
Fatimid Egypt, 358-487/968-1094, International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies,
19.3 (1987) p. 342.
13th century Primary Cronica General of Alphonso X of Spain describes the 300 Al
moravid Amazon women whose leader is described as black and Moorish. They were led
by their leader Nugaymath al-Tarqiyya (the star of the Tuareg archers in Arabic) w
ho led the Almoravid siege of Valencia; cited in Nubian Queens in the Nile Valley
by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Ninth International Conference of Nubian Studies, Mus
eum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA. See also The Berbers in Arab Literature by H.T. N
orris 1982.p. 20. Harvey , L.P. Nugaymath Turquia, Primera Cronica General, Chapt
er 956 Journal of Semitic Studies 13, no. 2:232. Targiyyat or Targiya is a varian
t form or pronunciation in North Africa for the name Tuareg. 13th or 14th centur
y Abu Shama, a Syrian, described the Masmuda Berbers as blacks in his, Kitab al-Ra
vdatayn. Found in Golden Age of the Moor, 1991 edition p. 57, edited by Dr. Ivan
Van Sertima.
14th The Almoravid or Al Murabitun dynasty coming from the Atlas was one of the
last dynasties coming from Africa to rule in the Iberian peninsula. One of the 1
1th century rulers of Andalusia and North Africa was Yusuf Tachfin who had come
from a long line of miltary rulers. According to Roudh el-Kartas (History of the R
ulers of Morocco) by Abd Allah, and A.Beaumiers French translation of the 14th ce
ntury work, Yusuf was of brown color, of middle height with , thin, little beard, so
ft voice and woolly hair. The Almoravid dynasty was supposedly composed mainly of S
anhaja clans of Massufa, Joddala (Gaetuli) and Lamtuna (or Auelimidden Tuareg)-
the Auelamidden have since moved southward and live in Niger.
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When Europeans Were Slaves of North Africa
JUNE 21, 2009 AT 7:45 AM
Hi Dear Tariq Berry
Europeans cant explain our history , one of the main reason is because they dont u
nderstand our language.
The Portuguese (slave raiders) arrived in Senegal the first and they didnt meet t
he moors, but the serers who killed a bunch of them;
I know this thesis : Senegal is from the Zenaga (which was a pejorative name in
the time of the french colony see Maurice Delafosse) berber tribe is highly diff
used but its wrong:
Su Nu Gaal means Our Dugout, the name of the country Sngal is taken from the river
Sngal; like for the country Congo and the river of the same name;
When the french arrived in our country, Moors didnt rule Senegal, the Almoravides
kingdom was passed away many centuries ago. We had many kingdoms with black afr
ican rulers: Baol, Cayor,Djoloff; Wolofs; ie the moors didnt rule our country dur
ing the French colonisation; They were settled in the North at Mauritanian/Seneg
alese border like nowadays;
The Almoravides berbers didnt rule Senegal even if they were settled there in ord
er to flee the persecution ( Berbers were generally christians or jews before th
eir rising); Their capital was Marrakech in Morocco (founded by Yusuf Ibn Tashfi
There were also black Almoravides named Mannas, Yusuf Ibn Tashfin ( whose mother
was sonink or Sarakholl) and his cousin Abu Bakr were allied to War Diabi Ndiaye
King of Tekrour and Ibrahima Sall; This is why there wasso many black soldiers a
nd rulers in Spain during the Almoravid period. Yusuf Ibn Tashfin himself was a
black African and had many africans in his family [ See the work of , Seidou Kan
e and Aboubacry Moussa Lam ]
What I was trying to say is that the Almoravides was a group of Berbers (Black a
nd White) allied with muslims West Africans rulers (Fulanis and Tuculors mainly)
The Zenaga ( many berber tribes, Lemtuna, Sanhaja,Messoufa etc) were generally s
ettled in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria etc) , while few of them lived in black
Africa; Even today the majority of the zenaga are in North Africa specially the
Sanhaja (who lived in Morocco);
In Mauritania for instance it was not the Zenaga who had the power but the Hassa
As I explain to Dana earlier, the name of the actual capital of Sngal is Dakar in
French , in our Language its Dakhar (Tamarind), the kh is pronounced with the j in sp
anish; Dakhar was the Name of the tree where our ancestors used to have meetings
in order to settle important issues. But they called our capital Ndakarou which
is now Dakar;
French did the same in many countries in Africa, for instance Algeria (Algrie in
French) was named Al Djazair by the locals, french couldnt say it so they transfo
rmed it into Algrie;
Abb David Boilat (19th century) a french bishop ( his mother was senegalese , a s
ignare) who understood wolof had the same explanation of the name senegal; Mauri
ce Delafosse who studied many years the languages and peoples of the French suda
n (West Africa), has the same too;
Moors have never ruled the senegalese specially the wolof who is a warrior peopl
e; even during the slave trade their arrival were forbidden in many new countrie
s: Hispaniola, Porto Rico, Colombia, Panama etc. They were the people who led th
e first slave rebellion in the new world: Santo Domingo (1522), Porto Rico (1527
), Panama (1530, 1531) etc;
The Moors have been enemies to west Africans countries since the 16 th century w
hen the king of Morocco destroyed Tomboctou with his English Allies ( Djouder Pa
cha) and their guns and canons;
During the slave trade French and british (Governor OHara) provided guns to the M
oors of Mauritania in order to destroy the senegalese people and to provide slav
es to these slave dealer nations. Since that time ours relations are based on di
If you know any senegalese in New York learned or not, around you please ask him
. You can even contact the senegalese scholars at University Cheikh Anta DIOP, t
hey wont accept this equation : SENEGAL is from ZENEGA;
Tariq Berry
JUNE 22, 2009 AT 10:02 AM
Hi Nehesy,
You said:
Europeans cant explain our history , one of the main reason is because they dont un
derstand our language.
Unfortunately, much of what is written and read in the history books of the form
er colonized countries of the area was written by the former colonizers.
You said:
Su Nu Gaal means Our Dugout, the name of the country Sngal is taken from the river
Sngal; like for the country Congo and the river of the same name
But read this:
As early as 1850 Abbey David Boilat wrote in his Sketches of Senegal that it was
in fact a deformation of the Wolof words suu gaal, meaning our pirogue. As it is a
very popular explanation, it is the one most frequently found in the media. Howe
ver, since the 1960s it has been questioned and several other etymologies have be
en suggested, including its being attributed to the toponym of a Saharan Berber
tribe, the Zenaga. Even today the debate continues.
Who is this Abbey David Boilat? Read this:
Boilat, Abb Pierre D.
fl. 1840 to 1853
One of the first French-assimilated Senegalese, he was the first African to stud
y African culture and society from a Western perspective.
He was one of a group of young Senegalese selected by missionary educators to st
udy in France in order to prepare for teaching in Senegal. Ordained in France in
1841, he returned to Senegal two years later to open a secondary school in St.
Louis. The school was plagued with personnel problems and a loss of French suppo
rt because it aimed to give its students a classical French education. It ceased
to exist in 1849. Boilat was transferred from the school in 1845, accused of im
moral conduct. During his tenure there and later on the island of Gore he studied
the history and societies of the interior. His work was published as Esquisses
Sngalaises (1853), illustrated with his own accomplished drawings. The book also s
et forth Boilats assimilationist philosophy.
You said:
When the french arrived in our country, Moors didnt rule Senegal, the Almoravides
kingdom was passed away many centuries ago. We had many kingdoms with black afri
can rulers: Baol, Cayor,Djoloff; Wolofs; ie the moors didnt rule our country duri
ng the French colonisation; They were settled in the North at Mauritanian/Senega
lese border like nowadays
What do you mean when you say that the Moors were settled in the north? Does it
make a difference what part of Senegal they were in- north or south? Can you exp
lain what you mean by that?
What exactly do you mean by black African rulers. You know that Yousef Ibn Tashf
in was dark-skinned with kinky hair and he was from the Sanhaja tribe. Do you co
nsider him a black African ruler? He looked like the other people in the area no
w called Senegal. Do you agree with the tradition that the Wolof are descended f
rom Yousef Ibn Tashfins cousin Abu Bakr Ibn Umar (Abu Dardai) and that this Abu B
akr Ibn Umar had a son named Ahmed (Amadu), who was called Ndyayan Ndyay (the an
cestor of the Wolof)? Do you reject this? If so, why?
You said:
What I was trying to say is that the Almoravides was a group of Berbers (Black an
d White) allied with muslims West Africans rulers (Fulanis and Tuculors mainly)
Here you have Berbers on one side and Muslim West African rulers on another side
. Can you explain the distinction?
Nehesy, when talking about history, can we use terms like Africa or African? Wha
t do we mean by these terms? Before the coming of the European colonizers, no on
e called himself/herself an African and a place called Africa was unheard of. It
was the European colonizers who started separating people and giving them their
classifications. They decided to make some people in the area that you call Afr
ica Africans and people just a stones throw across the Bab Al Mandab another, sep
arate people. They want to make people like the Wolof consider themselves differ
ent from and unrelated to peoples like the Zenaga and other Sanhaja, for example
. They want the Wolof to reject the tradition that they are descended from the S
anhaja. They want them to consider themselves Africans and to consider the Sanha
ja a separate, white, Berber or Arab people. Black-skinned people are not only f
rom the area that you call Africa. The descendants of Ham and the descendants of
Sam were dark-skinned people. The descendants of Jafeth were light-skinned. Try
to understand, Nehesy, that the Mandingo drawn in this picture (drawing by Boil
at himself) looks like an Arab 100%.
Tariq Berry
JUNE 22, 2009 AT 2:06 PM
I also read that the dreadlocks in the picture in the posted link here is a Moor
ish Roman:
JUNE 22, 2009 AT 3:25 PM
Dear Tariq
Europeans cant explain our history even if they wrote it. For instance the old an
cient Egyptian language is an African language that we can find nowadays in all
other africa within the following tribes:
Fulanis or peuls
etc, etc
But Europeans scholars cant or dont want to say the truth so they speak of a Semit
ic Egypt even if their language has only survived in black Africa; They dont spea
k African languages so they cant make the relation;
I have the chance to speak my language even if was born in France, my parents (M
y father is Wolof, my mother is Fulani), taught it to me. So when I read the med
u neter many words are familiar to me and have the same meaning in my native lan
When I made the distinction between the Berbers (Black and Whites) and the West
African rulers, it was a modern way to make everybody understand.
We Africans dont call ourselves Africans but by the name of the different ethnics
groups or tribes : Woloffs, Lebous, Susus, Malinks, Bambara, Khassonkh, Yoroubas,
Ibos, Mossis, Diolas, Mandiaks etc, etc.
And we can recognise each other just by a look
Youll find the same process in all over Africa , East, West, North , South.
Even the berbers or touaregs distinguished themselves by the name of their tribe
s. They dont call themselves North Africans, except here in Europe in order to ex
plain their origin;
In my language wolof we call the Berbers (black or whites) : NAR , and we call t
he moors of Mauritania : NAR GANAR , GANAR is Mauritania;
We use the same word to call the Arabs ie NAR, but you knew our culture in west
africa youll find out that its very impossible (Zenega gave the name of Senegal).
I dont reject that some tribes africa came from Arabia (Yemen) or even Persia, be
cause I found it in other books ( Caussin de Perceval, Flora Shaw, Adolphe Bloch
), but what happened between the Berbers and us make this thesis impossible (Zen
ega gave the name of Sngal)
I doesnt object that there is black Berbers tribes too because I saw them with my
own eyes, and of one my childhood friend is a black berber from Algeria and he
looks like an Ethiopian or Somalian. I saw them too in Morocco.
My mother told me that when I was I child some moors in Senegal asked her if my
father was a moor, even if Im ebony black.
I know that wikipedia says that LAbb boilat was perhaps wrong but the people who w
rote this article cant speak woloff. Abb Boilat was right I think because at least
he spoke and understood woloff;
At the Border between Mauritania you have Blacks and Moors, you have (had) more
blacks (mainly Soninks and fulanis) in Mauritania than Moors in Senegal. The Ghan
a empire was located in some parts of modern Mauritania but it was ruled by Blac
ks, soninks named Ciss. It was the black griots who allowed Bonnel de Mezires to fo
und the location of Ghana in 1918, not Berbers or Arabs;
One big problem in Africa history, is that Europeans want to make everything civ
ilization coming from the Berbers ( specially the White Berbers) : Ghana, Songha
i, Zimbabwe, Tomboctou etc. The big problem is that Its hard to find these kind o
f civilizations in North Africa ( except the Carthaginians who were Phoenicians
, Romans, Numidians). This is why they try to berberized Black civiizations in the
mother continent even ancient Egypt
In the North of Senegal you have also some fulanis and soninks, but what I was tr
ying to say that you couldnt find a Moorish empire in Senegal when French arrived
The Portuguese had destroyed them before by raids and kidnapping, and they were
sold as slaves in Portugal , Spain and in the New world ( See : Michael Gomez, D
e Azurara, Gilberto Freyre etc)
The best thing I could suggest to you is to contact the Senegalese scholars at C
heikh Anta DIOPs University, theyll tell you the same thing I guess.
And about Ndiadiane Ndiaye they are actually from Soudan (Nuer) like many groups
from sngal, people with the names: Ly, Sy, Ka, Ba, DIOP, Kane, Wane
In our legend Ndiadiane Ndiaye is a Brother of Djob or Diop both are from Sudan,
you can see it in Cheikh Anta DIOPs Books (Cicilization or Barbarism)
We wolofs are nothing to do with berbers except some unions (War like for the al
moravid, marriage ) because :
Our language is different
Our customs are different (we are totemic not the Berbers)
The origins of the Wolof people has to be found on the Nile Valley (Egypt and So
udan) not from the berbers or arabs; Cheikh Anta DIOP has prooved without any do
For instance the name DIOP is DIOB or DJOB in wolof. The totemic animal for thi
clan is the Hoopoe (Upupa epops). Their child have the same hairdress style (Hoo
When you take the Gardiner Dictionnary page 469 it says that the Hoopoe or Upupa
epops was called db by ancient Egyptians : db = DIOB, DJOB
In africa the family name is lake the finger prints, so that Berber theory cant s
tand Ndiaye and DIOP are wolof/lebou names,Barry, Diallo, Ly, Sy, Ka , Ba are Ful
anis/ Tuculors (From Tekrour names). You had also Pharoahs of the first dynasty
who were called Ba, and Ka (see Toby Wilkinson). Diedhou or San is Diola, Camara
(Ka-Ma-Ra) is mandingo, Sankara or Sankar ( San-Kha-R) sometimes sonink ( One phara
oah was named Sankhar); Siby or Dram are soninks name etc,etc
Nevertheless you may find some wolof who have the same features of the black ber
bers or black arabs, but its general to all other Africa : Somalia, Ethiopia, Rwa
nda, Guinea etc.
Berber culture is from Ethiopia, Martin Bernal and others has showed it.
Peace and Respect
JUNE 22, 2009 AT 3:35 PM
Brother Jahdey
No Doubt within the moors or black berbers in North AFrica ( Algeria, Morocco, T
unisia, Libya) many of them are black and they are autochtonous people.
In south Morocco you can find Bob marleys doubles. Actually you have many north a
fricans rastas specially Algerians, they wear dreadlocks and smoke ganja lol.
Many moors during roman times were blacks and had dreadlocks Im sure about this (
I discovered it into Snowden and Van Sertima books, RIP Both). The word Moors w
as dedicated for black north Africans and then socialized to all North Africans.
JUNE 23, 2009 AT 3:26 PM
My good brother Nehesy
My question to you will be this:
Who first used the name Senegal for that body of River so called today?
Tariq Berry
JUNE 23, 2009 AT 1:26 AM
Peace and respect Nehesy.
JUNE 24, 2009 AT 10:55 AM
Hi Jahdey
Its only a guess, but I think that French gave this name Senegal to our country S
enegal according to the name given to the natives to that river ie sunugaal. Lik
e Congo in central Africa or Niger in West Africa.
Sngal was part of the Mandingo Empire (Soundjata Keita) . And before the French ca
me the all country was called Djoloff by our ancestors.
When the first empire collapsed according to some wolof traditions, a moor (fath
er Lemtuna and a fulani mother from the tekrour named Farimata Sall) renamed Ndi
adiane Ndiaye by a priest was the first ruler.
His father being Lemtuna (from the zenega group) I guess some people made this r
elationship between Zenega and Senegal. This idea is not stupid though, but the
key is the understanding of the wolof language.
Wo-lof or Wa-laf as said by Cheikh Anta Diop , is a maritime people. Laf means t
he rivers Bank. Perhaps they used the name sunugaal for this river because it was
a mean for travel or transport, it would be an explanation for the meaning Our
This Ndiadiane Ndiaye is different from the 1st we know in our tradition who cam
e from the Sudan.
However in our tradition he (the 2nd Ndiadiane Ndiaye) had a brother called Bark
a who gave the name of the king of Walo (another kingdom in Senegal) : Barka; Ba
rak; Brak.
Barka has a Carthaginian root.
Ndiadiane Ndiayes mother was a Belianke Fulani (Farimata Sall).
In our langage BEL + IANKE means Men of Bel or Baal a Phoenician or canaanite Go
d. Like MALINKE is people from Mali;
The family Name BAL or BAAL is present within the tuculors of tekrour.
May be their forefathers are those people whose story is described by Hanno of C
arthage .
Without no Doubt , Koushites from the Middle East and Arabia settled in Africa : E
ast, North, West;
The best explanation I think could be given by our Elders ( theyre all agree abou
t sunugaal gave senegal though ) and the senegalese scholars at university cheik
h anta diop.
JUNE 24, 2009 AT 11:15 AM
Great piece of narrative you have sent back to my question. However, you may be
missing my point.
If it was the French that named the River as Senegal, would they not be the best
ones to explain where they got that name and what they intended to say by it.
Insisting that the Wolof ethymology of Senegal suggests Suunugal rather than Zen
ega is somewhat of a leap.
The French named the River Niger after the Berber word Ger meaning River. So Ni-Ger
simply means the River. But the French had to identify the origin of this fancif
ul name they bestowed on to River Jolliba, which is the name by which the great
River is identified by many people in Guinea, Niger and Nigeria. One cannot legi
timately seek for the ethymology of Niger iin any other root.
Lake Victoria was so named by the British. It is only legitimate that we use the
British history of the naming of Victoria Lake to understand their reason for d
oing so. The indigenous Africans had different names for Lake Victoria, and we c
an look to those names when we seek the ethymology of the African names of the l
So back again to Senegal, my understanding is that the French named the River Se
negal after their habits for re-naming African landmarks. However, according to
the French sources, the origin of the name Senegal as they used it came from Zen
ega. Inspite of what the Wolofs may call Cannoe in their original language, the
French did not keep that in consideration when they named the great River as the
Zenega or the Senegal. At least, that is my understanding.
Sunugal as used by the Wolofs then may be a legitimate word in Wolof. But as use
d for the River, I think the French were trying to say Zenega.
Note: Guinea comes from a corruption of Gana (the old African Empire). Ghana was
long dead and gone by the time the Europeans renamed the coast as the coast of
Guinea. Also Old Ghana was also in North Africa and not down by the Atlantic coa
JUNE 25, 2009 AT 12:16 PM
This never theory ZENEGA/SENEGAL has never been validated by any senegalese scho
lar like Cheikh Anta DIOP, Aboubacry Moussa Lam, Ibrahima Sall, Birago DIOP, Ibr
ahima THIOUB, Leopold Sedar Senghor or any French scholar who understood wolof l
ike the french Maurice Delafosse.
Actually Maurice Delafosse in his book Haut Sngal Niger , Tome 1 in 1912, destroys t
his theory pages 58 to 62; he says that even El Bekri separated the name of the
Zenaga and the river Senegal.
We and Berbers have fought each other, married, allied, dominated each over ( Bl
ack kings with berbers vassals, slaves and concubines, and it happened the same
in the Berber side), I dont have any problem with that theory but according to wh
at I know ( may be Im wrong too) which means our culture, our mentally , our lang
uage it seems to me wrong.
El Bekri said that North Senegal was ruled by woloff and they dominated Trarzas
Tuaregs and The few Zenegas present in that region. Plus Maurice Delafosse prese
nted many testimonies from the first European travelers (since the 15 th century
) who always separated the Zenega Berbers with the name of the river Senegal.
You can download the book here :
Europeans in Africa have altered many names Zinguinchor from Izguichor, Angola w
ho was Ngola, Guinea is from Ghana and was a Vassal of that Empire with Senegal
and Mali;
I knew that Niger is not an autochtonous name like the Volta in Burkina Faso (An
ciently named Haute Volta by the French), Martin Bernal in Black Athena II and I
II says that its a semitic word N(gr) which means Water which flows(sinks) into th
e sand ;
However the Latin used this word NIGER as a synonym of beauty for the Nigretes o
r Nigretai Black tribes;
dana marniche
AUGUST 23, 2009 AT 2:07 PM
Strabo Geography I ii 26 reads: Ephorus says the Tartessians report the Ethiopia
ns overran Libya as far as Dyris and that some of them stayed in Dyris, while ot
hers occupied a great part of the sea-board. These Ethiopians were undoubtedly th
e ancestral Tuareg or the original Mazikes who are coming from the Yemen under t
heir ruler Teras or Idris bin Harun (Jether son of Aaron), the Midianite brother
of Yathrib (Jethro) bin Harun circa 1100 B.C..
These Ethiopians might have taken their name from the Niger as the early Nigreta
i were supposed to have been nomadic peoples and are mentioned with the nomad Ph
arusii in early sources. The latter are undoubtedly the Iforas( or Ifuraces also
anciently Afarik) Tuareg of modern Mali.
Interestingly Pliny speaks of the Gaetulians as extending to the river Nigris .
From A History of Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans,. Vol. II, p. 43
I also found this quote on the internet, in Maurusia, which we call Mauritania, th
e river Dyris, from Mount Atlas, which, rising in a northern region, proceeds we
stward to the lake Heptabolus, where, changing its name, it is called the Niger.
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio de Architectura Book VIII
dana marniche
AUGUST 23, 2009 AT 2:15 PM
I should have said circa 1100-1500 B.C when a dam at Marib (Meriba of Exodus 17
SEPTEMBER 27, 2009 AT 9:00 AM
Hi Dana
Sorry I didnt see your message about French and white slavery in Algeria. Ill find
the source and post it here.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AT 1:08 PM
As for slaves coming from Europe. Ive learned within the past few years that Over
the last 15 years their have been a number of scholarly books on the subject .
A number of reviews have been done on these books stating the figures. Some exam
ples are below
White Slaves, African Masters
An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives
Edited and with an introduction by Paul Baepler
The University of Chicago Press 1999
This book illuminates a subject once well-known in the history of the West but w
hich is now somewhat neglected: the enslavement, over several centuries, of tens
of thousands of white Christian Europeans and (later) Americans in Muslim North
Africa or the so-called Barbary states of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Tripoli.
Over the course of 10 centuries, tens of thousands of these unfortunates became
the possessions of Muslims in North Africa courtesy of the feared Barbary pirate
s. These pirates cruised the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in search
of European and, later, American ships to pillage and plunder.
As Baepler notes in his introduction, Christian slaves of European ancestry were
hardly an uncommon phenomenon in the Barbary States. The Barbary pirates were e
xcellent seafarers and, from the Coasts of North Africa, sailed as far north as
Iceland (where they went ashore and captured 800 slaves during one incident) and
as far West as Newfoundland, Canada, where they pillaged more than 40 vessels a
t one time. By 1620, reports Baepler, there were more than 20,000 white Christia
n slaves in Algiers alone, and by the 1630s that number tolled more than 30,000
men and 2,000 women. The most famous of all white Christian Europeans to serve a
s a slave in the Barbary States was probably Miguel de Cervantes, the great Span
ish author of the Don Quixote epic, who was taken as a slave in the late 1500s.
In a 1902 book entitled, The Moors: A Comprehensive Description
Another way in which the Europeans have been frequently outwitted is by the impor
tation of Circassian and other slaves and eunuchs from Turkey via braltar or Alg
iers in foreign vessels, usually entered as members of the family of their maste
r This is often the case with white concubines, who are in great demand, even if
natives. Consequently white girls are frequently kidnapped, and in time of war o
penly sold
We know that unlike the black women slaves in North Africa, the European or whit
e slave women were brought to Africa especially for among other things, propogat
ion purposes especially Circassians.
Miss kitty
NOVEMBER 20, 2016 AT 8:00 PM
Hi that is very interesting maybe the moors when they occupied Spain had white s
laves from other countries apart from Iberia that might account for the so calle
d white berbers I wonder how many moors actually have European ancestry I will t
ry to learn more about white slaves they did exist
yugerten masinas
JULY 25, 2010 AT 10:15 PM
I think there is many studies and books about berbers,and each one is contradict
ing the other,especialy when talking about the kabyles.all that because of the c
olonial ideology (the arabs ,and the europeans),to say that the early kabyles we
re brown skin or dark skin ,then the modern kabyles are fair skin is stupide.the
kabyles are whites folks with a very mixt origins,since the neolhitic . I can s
peak as a Kabyle myself, for me and my entire family (all being berber-kabyles f
or generations),I myself am very light skinned, and blond, many of my family .co
usins,friends are as well, and blue eyed, which are almost non-existant traits a
mong arabs. Berbers of north africa are the original inhabitants of the land. Arab
s came later during the arab conquest, they spread Islam and began mixing with t
he native population, but many of the people in the mountains and remote areas w
ere not as affected by the mixing. There have been many foreign invasions in Nor
th Africa including the romans, ottomans, spanish, arabs, french,but kabyls were
never been dark skin,they are very different from the sub and the saharian berb
ers!I dont think saint agustune of hypo was black or the berber-empror of rome we
APRIL 10, 2011 AT 8:56 AM
Although the majority of Moroccans ARE racist against balck people (Ive been I ex
perienced this first hand very racist!) they themselves do not realise their anc
estry this is crazy, Ive spoken to a dark brown moroccan and asked him his race (
a man in his 30s) his reply was white. They see themeslves as white or arabian noth
ing more. There are very black moor-occans! The shades vary, so why are they so
racist of BLACK people? If they are arab, why are they in AFRICA??!!!
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AT 12:55 PM
Yes the word part is even the brown Moroccans dont want anything to do with black
Africa, something like many northern Egyptians. They are racist because of the
influence of the late Ottoman Empire from the 1700s forward a time in which most
of the slaves brought into Morocco and North Africa were from so- called black
Africa (unlike the previous 1,000 years). Of course European colonialism across
Northern Africa and Arabia added to this.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AT 12:56 PM
Meant to say the worse part
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AT 12:51 PM
in fact there are still dark -skinned kabyles. Furthermore, the area that has be
en considered Kabylia has also seen change in the last 200 years. Kabylia and th
e Aures were connected peoples the area AS ARCHEOLOGY SHOWS has been settled by
blond Vandals, iron age Greeks, Berbers and Romans. And also many European slave
s have come to the region as Berber came down from the mountains to acquire conc
ubines. There is nothing contradictory about colonial observations. They basical
ly said the majority of the Berber clans of Kabylia were dark or near black and
that some were not. They also said these people dressed differently and had diff
erent or distinct cultures.
You are right Kabylians today are a result of mixture of peoples of diverse orig
in since the iron age. The Berbers who occupied Kabylia were called Kitama and w
ere the Moors spoken of by Procopius who had black skins unlike the Vandals. Their d
escendants the Imakitan are still near black in color.
Thus, iIf you are trying to to say early Berbers were blond and blue eyed or tha
t even most whites in kabylia were blond and blue-eyed you need to start studyin
g the Vandal, Greek and Roman heritage of Kabylia. maybe that will resolve some
heritage issues for you. Stop leaving that out which is part of your MANIPULATING
HISTORY and we wont be having this discussion!.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AT 1:12 PM
You are correct in that anybody who today speaks Berber is called a Berber or Moor
s. That doesnt mean they have anything to do with the people anciently called Ber
bers by Greeks, Romans and Byzantines.
Berbers are not a homogeoneous people or culture.
There is little doubt that the whole of North Africa spoke Berber languages at on
e time while in the Middle Ages they occupied much of Spain and Sicily as well.
But just as the dialects are mutually incomprehensible so the people themselves
are extremely heterogeneous: the existence of an ethnically defined unified peop
le is no more demonstrable for the past than it is today. Indeed, there are a be
wildering number of cultures, economies and physical characteristics.
The Berbers, by Brett and Fentress
Algeria: A Country Study, which reads: The Berbers are a composite people, presen
ting a broad range of physical types and the bond among various Berber groups is
almost entirely a linguistic one.
DECEMBER 3, 2016 AT 5:04 AM
There are plenty of pictures of dark skinned Kabyle. Not all are dark skinned bu
t some. All Berber men carry haplogroup E in frequencies as high as 80%. Haplogr
oup E is from East Africa. So get over it there are black Berbers in northern Ma
li, Niger, southern Morocco, Algeria etc. if you are really from Africa how come
you dont know that???
JANUARY 4, 2017 AT 6:39 AM
We are all a mixture of different groups. Even if you go as north as possible in
Europe, the scandinavians have asiatic features, and it has been genetically pr
oven that nordic people are part asian, although people like to say they are the
purest of the whites. every god damn population in the world had admixtures fro
m other groups that were racially different than they were. Skin color and eye c
olor is a mere human adaptation to the climate they live in. I mean look at them
blond blue eyed asians up in North Europe.
All of these afrocentrists are also significantly of european ancestry. afrocent
rism tends to be a product of the western world (USA) but dna studies have shown
most african americans to be like a quarter or more european in ancestry.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 AT 12:30 PM
Someone proud of their Germanic heritage put the above videos up about the Vanda
ls i.e. modern inhabitants of Kabyles.
Ancient History Sourcebook:
Procopius of Caesarea:
Gaiseric & The Vandal Conquest of North Africa, 406 477 CE
Now the Vandals, dwelling about the Maeotic Lake [the Sea of Azov], since they we
re pressed by hunger, moved to the country of the Germans, who are now called Fr
anks, and the river Rhine, associating with themselves the Alans, a Gothic peopl
e Thus the Libyans were visited with every form of misfortune.
The Vandals and the Alans he arranged in companies, appointing over them no less
than eighty captains, whom he called chiliarchs [i.e., leaders of a thousand], maki
ng it appear that his host of fighting men in active service amounted to eighty
thousand. And yet the number of the Vandals and Alans was said in former times,
at least, to amount to no more than fifty thousand men. However, after that time
by their natural increase among themselves and by associating other barbarians
with them they came to be an EXCEEDINGLY NUMEROUS PEOPLE. But the names of the A
lans and all the other barbarians, except the Mauretanii, were united in the nam
e of Vandals.
berber eb1b1b1
JULY 3, 2012 AT 9:30 AM
The ancient Berbers are white (skin color) and Caucasian for you to believe.
The ancient Berbers are
-on en on
ancestors of black people in Marocco or Algeria were used as slave. The Berbers
used black slaves and their trad slave to Arabs. Blacks ho slaved blacks? Dont tr
y to still history.
JULY 4, 2012 AT 6:41 AM
Lmbao!! Its actually have and steal you melanin deficient albinoid.
So, I suppose Visigothic chronicler John of Biclaro has no clue what he was talk
ing about while in north alkebulan? He clearly stated that, the inhabitants were
full of blackness.
Also moor and berber meant the same thing. In the Chronicle of Najera (twelfth-centu
ry Leon) Abd al-Rahman I, the Umayyad amir of mid-eighth century al-Andalus, is
called King of the Mauri, and Abd al-Rahman III, the tenth-century Umayyad Caliph,
is called the Maurus. (Chapter 559 General Chronicle of Spain).
Where did you get your false information from? This can be found on http://www.r
The books are referenced, so your diseased skin having arse can verify. These ar
e people who were there.
Were you there to see them? No, your ignorant ass is just upset that we found ou
JULY 4, 2012 AT 6:31 PM
there are three tribes of Ethiopians: Hesperians, Garamantes and Indians (See IX i
i The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, Stephen A. Barney, 2006, p. 199)
Diodorus Siculus speaks in reference to the expedition of Agathocles , of three L
ibyan tribes on the coast of Tunisia, the Micatani and Zufoni who were nomads an
d the Asfodelodi, who by the color of their skin resembled the Ethiopians p. 50 T
he Mediterranean Race Book XX, 38, 57 Guiseppe Sergi
Indeed, by the time Isidore of Seville came to write his Etymologies, the word Ma
urus or Moor had become an adjective in Latin, for the Greeks call black, mauron. In
Isidores day, Moors were black by definition (Staying Roman: Conquest and identity
in Africa and the Mediterranean, 439-700. Jonathan Conant, 2012 Cambridge Unive
rsity Press.)
An anonymous poem included in the Latin Anthology discusses a Moorish slave in str
ikingly similar terms: The dregs of the Garamantes have now advanced to our regi
on and the house slave Niger rejoices in his pitch-black body. If the voice disch
arged from his lips did not make him sound human, the gristly demon would terrif
y living men.p. 271 Staying Roman: Conquest and identity in Africa and the Mediter
ranean, 439-700. Johathan Conant, 2012 Cambridge University press.
Troops of black Numidians scour the Field, And bold Illyrians? narrow Bucklers wi
eld; Here twang the Syrian, and the Cretan Bow, And the fierce Gauls provoke the
ir well-known foe..From Book VII of Lucans Pharsalia translated into N
. Rowe James 1772.
Silius Italicus wrote on his hot steed unused to curb or reign, a black Numidian
prances oer the plain quoted by from Records of Roman History from Cnus Pompeius to
Tiberius Constantinus Volume 1 p. 357, 1860.
there are three tribes of Ethiopians: Hesperians, Garamantes and Indians (See IX i
i The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, Stephen A. Barney, 2006, p. 199)
The Berber women are from the island of Barbara (sic), which is between the west
and the south. Their color is mostly black though some pale ones can be found am
ong them. If you can find one whose mother is of KUTAMA, whose father is of SANH
AJA, and whose origin is MASMUDA, then you will find her naturally inclined to o
bedience and loyalty in all matters Ibn Butlan 11th century
MAY 7, 2016 AT 12:21 PM
Thanks for posting these quotes from my site, Sancho.
I will add a few more
It is in Tunisia that Corippus poetically speaks of how during an officers meeti
ng the Berber leader Antalus the Moor is Hades surrounded by black faces ( nigrae f
acies) a war council of a thousand monsters lining the path out of Hell. (see Stark
s, John, Was Black Beautiful in Vandal Africa in African Athena p. 256 published 2
the Fatimid army was largely an infantry force composed of blacks. (Nasir Khusrau
included the Masimida among the blacks). See Yaacov Lev, State and Society in Fat
imid Egypt. pp. 93-94 published 1991.
Masamida were Berbers from the Western Maghreb. Nasir-i Khusrau, however, says th
at they were blacks and characterized them as infantry who used lances and sword
s. From Yaacov Levs Army, Regime and Society in Fatimid Egypt.
Nasir Khusrau was a Persian lived in the 11th century.
Abu Shama a Syrian living in the 13th century also called the Masmuda blacks. See
Ibn Nadim in the 10th century claimed the same about the Berbers, Nabataeans and
Zanj. He wrote
The Masmuda or Masamida today are mostly fair skinned Berbers the Ghomara still
being among the largest clan of the Masmuda as they were in the ancient times wh
en they were still BLACK.
Ibn Nadim in the 10th century claimed the same about the Berbers, but also about
the northern Arabian Nabataeans and the East African Zanj.
From his book The Fihrist we learn The Nabataeans were people with black complexi
on. See Inscriptional Evidence of Pre-Islamic Classical Arabic by Saad Abdulhaab,
p. 10 We also learn that those who adopted the Nabataeans lifestyle AND ARAMAEAN
LANGUAGE came to be called Nabti. That is why there are people today thinking th
e Nabataeans were something other than black. were also the Chaldaei or Khalid o
f the ancient world.
The Imama Reza the 8th holy Shiite Imam speaks of the black Nabati who came to suppor
t the Abbasids. He said in the 9th century the black Nabati have undertaken their
ministries. These people are still represented as Phillip Hitti rightly claimed
by the Haweitat or Huwaytat bedouin a still mainly near black complexioned group i
n the Sinai and Jordan area.
They are the reason in the Akhbar al-Zaman it says Among the children of Canaan
are the Nabit, Nabit signifies black (See the Curse of Ham, 2003, by David Goldenb
erg, p. 352 fn. 23) They are best known as the Ishmaelites or sons of Ishmael al
so called Kedar or Qudar. A name which also came to mean the black.
THus in the European Jewish commentaries it speaks of the the Kushim in the tent
s of Kedar And the word Kushi came to mean the blacks among Syrians as well and stil
l does in Israel.
The Nabataeans or Nabataei are a historically well-documented people whom al-Jah
iz in the 9th century had said were sailors on the Euphrates had big butts and w
ere ape-like in appearance!
In the inscriptions of the Nabonidus of Assyria these Nabataeans are called Amur
ru. (Arabia Before Muhammed, p. 53 by D. OLeary , 1927) They were the occupants o
f Teima and Duma to which is related the names Tema and Dumah, children of Ismai
l (Ishmael).
It is why Europeans spoke of these early true Arabians as the whole black Ishmaeli
te people accursed and senseless religion (See Christians, Blasphemers and Witches
by Joan C. Bristol, 2007, p . 28 )
Wrote Phillip Hitti in History of Syria the Nabataeans are represented by the low
ly Huwaytat Bedouins, who still rove where their ancestors once flourished and p
itch their tents outside of their rose-red city half as old as time 2004
But the Ishmaelites and Israelites were siblings : )
The sister tribe of the Nabataeans are called the Salamians or Salmonaeans. In the
Middle Ages they were known when they had turned to Islam as Banu Sulaym black a
s lava. They are called a sister tribe BY SCHOLARS because they are mentioned in se
veral ancient inscriptions from 1st c. BC to 4th century) together with the Naba
ti (Kedarites) extending from the Harrah region of the Hauran in southern Syria
and into Mesopotamia in the west. Both of these groups are the black Syrians menti
oned by Strabo. And they are the Solymi mentioned by Homer and Tacitus in the De
ad Sea region who were said to have founded Uru solyma, i.e. Jerusalem.
The Torah and European Jewish commentaries say the Salamian peoples were also de
signated the Kenites from the House of Hobab, Rechabites and Hammath. Biblical sch
olars also have said or surmised that these Solymi or Salmonaeans Kenites of Jor
dan, Hijaz, Najd and Syria were the same people as the Salma or Salmon of the To
rah 1 Chronicles 2:11, 51, 54 people who wrote the Akafa ka ama-Salma or Psalms. T
hus Moshe Gil points out that the Targum calls the Kenites, sons of Jethro, Salam
ians: the sons of Salmaa. see Jews in Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages, 2004,
p. 16.
Hence the people who came from Caleb father of Salma and became known as Judaean
s. See King Solomons Miners parts I, II and III on my blog for detailed confirmat
ion. These Salma and Caleb or Kaleb were the black Arabians known as Banu Kalb a
nd Sulaym bin Mansur in medieval writings and their clans of Habib or Hubayb, al
-Qayin or Baal Kain from the Baliyy branch of Banu Qudhaa from which was derived t
he name Kenite and Kuth, Hobab.
Now Heber the Kenite A descendant of Kain, a principal man among the Midianites;
the Targum calls him the Salmaean: [which was] of the children of Hobab The Midia
nites whom Josephus said occupied the Trogodyte area of Africa (ancient Berberia
) home of Afren or Afar or Faran. These were the people of Heber (Khaibar in Hij
az) from where came David ha Reubeni of the 15th century. a man of dark complexio
n, like a Negro according to Talmudist Gedaliah bin Yahyah which even Wikipedia m
This is why the Spanish Jewish explorer Benjamin of Tudela mentions the tribes of
Reuben, Gad, and half-Manasseh in the desert of Chabor (Kheibar). These are Sula
ym bin Mansur or Manaseir and their kin. (The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela, 19
07 translation Marcus Adler, p. 49.) Khaibar is in the volcanic Harrah where al-
Jahiz 9th c. mentions the Sulaym and all other tribes of the harrah being black l
ike the lava of the harrah .
According to the Torah or Bible these people founded Bethlehem -Ephrathah and Je
rusalem. Salma is son of Caleb who married Ephratahand from them came the Maonian
s or Meunites, Boaz, Natuphites, Jabez, Rechabites, Shemechites, Benjamin (Yamin)
, Atrothites and the house of David etc., etc.
The other names associated with these modern Huweitat people who claim to have o
riginated further south in Arabia are thus real Salmaeans or children of Judah a
nd other Israelites.
British Colonial adventurer Richard Burton speaks of the remnants of the Soleim
or Banu Sulaym mentions the in Jordan the Huwayti owners, the Sulaymiyyin, the Su
laymat in his Land of Midian Volume 2
People can believe what they wish but the Truth is the facts are about to be bro
ught again into the light about who brought the Word out. There will be no escap
Feel free to prove me though wrong though. : )
noble terrell ali bey
JULY 3, 2012 AT 1:20 PM
this is not from research this is from the search of the ality before the re we
the muurs do not live in the land of re of illusion of make believe the suisse i
n morrocco are not white in skin color only the amazighs from europe germany an
this suisse muurs family works high in govt this is stanely lane poole who told
what negro an muurs being inducted into fake red ruddy amazon turk white race,,,
,,,,,this is false but his point was that the muurs were not from pale skin peop
le like him but his people came from us the euopen sons o f the muurs who now ru
n america an always have before obama ,,,civilization strted in the wetas did al
bions red rudy amazon turks now mis called white for fake nobility status mm can
t be white an a slave or strawman its fraud ,,,,,,, their is no false red ruddy
amazon turk white race in north africa before morrocco replaces mauritania on th
e new maps of illusion..theirs nothing ancent about this s called red ruddy amaz
on turk carrion cagot skin color its only 6000 -7000 years old so noting ancient
is that young its god we know the suisse who deflect the lies of white sking co
lor with theis not being amazigh german or te lowest class in morrocco living in
moutains an their was no morrocco in ancent times in akebulan,, it was where am
erica is now the amexums they were called north n south thats why u dont see mor
rocco in the east on ancient maps that have atlantis an lemuria which is ancient
times ,caucus of the asion caucasion grafted not from three penis phallus satur
n eel moloch baal baphomet zionist jesuit patriarchal stolen from matriarchal he
aven ,,numidians set up hannible with ccyprio africaanus to take carthage ,,,the
se were not caucasions ,, but nobles in status which s whaat white mean in law b
laccks law dictionary volume 4 free white soveeign doess not mean caucsion race
or aryan race , white stolen from whiggamor is only from 1863 in america not so
ancient not this enlish from 1832 ,,thats when it became official in america ,,,
berber barber barbary coast barbarian barbara babar the king the elephant is the
symbol of the muurs an the republican party we started in america usurped by de
mocrats after great compromise by ruther ford by hayes in south carolina which w
as what birth of a naion bullsht was really about ,the creation of the fake whit
e kkk man at the expense of the muurs we used blu eyed blone haire slaves also c
ause it hd n color like in rome an caucasions were still slaves still after 1865
going by the convention against white slavery 1910 in spain ,,,,study marc wash
ington on rasta livewire ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,protocols of learned elders of zion merid
ith quinn time walker ,,you tube treaty law
noble terrell ali bey
JULY 3, 2012 AT 1:36 PM
civilization started in the west as did albions as did spanish language in south
amexum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that moroccoin east is not ancient morrocco so called whi
te skin berber got a lot of nerve bragging bout ottoman empire invasion skin ,,h
izzztory books lie,dana marniche is right an we long ago showed what is being re
plyed to her as being false with fake skin color ,,we are white in status owners
lndlords of the land ,, an know that skin color is illusion an what they use to
take all ur rights away b taking land from people an getting them to grant the
land over to tthem by callin them white THEY NOT WHITE thats what happened in am
erica to indiginous muurs who now call them self black ,,people who clAim to be
a color in pubic have no knowledge oF any of the law,,civil rights are priviledg
es in law ,,color of law is civilitter morteus,,, let the teacher dana teach
jorge dorta
FEBRUARY 7, 2013 AT 4:12 AM
The cronicles of conquest of the canary islands in the XV century relates that t
he berber tribes where there had many whites, including blue eyed. Mommies also sh
ow a high % of blonde and redissh blonde individuals. By isolation,this populati
ons can be considered quite archaich and free of the Bedouine invations in the V
II century AD.
The arguments that Libians where immigrants is simply ridiculous and politically m
otivated. Quite the oposite, the libyans where natives of the Nile delta as show
n by Goddess Neith cult. All this contradicts your appreciations.
There is also a high percentage of mechta individuals and less of the mediterran
ean type, although the % varies upon wich island is considered.
What it seems to be true by the prehistoric paints of the Sahara Dessert is that
black populations where present in the area when it was a green palin full of l
SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 AT 12:44 AM
Can you tell me the source of the enchanting portrait of the Kabyle Girl? Morgan
SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 AT 8:39 PM
For any of you that may have also been looking for a high resolution copy of the
image of the Kabyle Girl shown in this article (incidentally its by Frank French
) details are here:
JANUARY 4, 2017 AT 6:16 AM
she is obviously not negro She has strong features. I tan out in the sun but I a
m a Portuguese caucasion. Not a black man with a roman nose
DECEMBER 22, 2015 AT 7:41 AM
I am Berber and I have blond hair and blue eyes. 95% of my family have blond or b
rown hair and have colored eyes (green/blue/amber.)
JANUARY 19, 2016 AT 6:16 AM
Im berber from north Morocco ( average atlas) and I have blonde hair , blue eyes
like 75% of berber in riff and average atlad
MAY 7, 2016 AT 8:55 AM
Various early writers said that the Berbers were becoming light -skinned and blu
e -eyed in certain areas of North Africa due to the white Christian subject peop
les and slaves being brought to Africa from Spain. Ibn Tumart pointed out to the
people of Tinmal that many of their children had light complexions and blue eyes
, whereas their fathers had very dark skin and dark eyes. It was the legacy of t
he Christians who came every year to collect taxes for the Almoravid Amir in Mar
rakech, he said. (p. 150) From the book The Almoravids and the Meaning of jihad.
by Ron Messier.
Another major reason many people of North Africa have fair -skin and light eyes
was the import of concubines and slave women which had been happening since and
before the Byzantine era under the Galadi (chiefs) of the Tuareg until the 20th
century. Thus, there is mention in the time of Claudian of Gildo the Moor or Nasam
one importing women from the Levant woman so that Ethiopian hybrids affright the c
radles of Roman Africa. The name Nasamone comes from the name of the Tuareg clan
Inusamani still living in Africa!
The Tuareg were great slave traders who had many white slaves up until recently
and thus even they have become lighter.
My brother has one blue and one green eye and fair skin. We have European ancest
ry. It doesnt mean my African ancestors were fair-skinned with blue and green eye
s. My EUropean ancestors had fair-skin and light eyes. PERIOD!
I am not understanding what the inability of some people is to comprehend what h
appens biologically when people intermingle ? Too bad North Africans have been b
rainwashed into think there has been little intermixture of various Near Eastern
and European peoples with the black Africans Beriberi or al-Barabir whose compl
exion was so well documented in the ancient and medieval world. : (
al habshi
MAY 7, 2016 AT 11:53 PM
According to Imam Maliks school calling a Berber white is crime but not nonpunish
able. see the following you dirty albino. You belong to Europe.
JANUARY 4, 2017 AT 6:12 AM
full of shit, you are obviously not a berber. alot of berbers that i know person
ally claim roman ancestry.
Pingback: Islamophobia Did Not Begin on 9/11 Muslim Reverie
JANUARY 4, 2017 AT 6:03 AM
anyone that has seen the result of admixture between blacks and caucasions knows
that it would take more than just over a century to make a black population loo
k caucasion and devoid of black features. I have friends that are black dominica
ns, and who have had ancestral dna tests tell them theyvare only like 50% subsah
aran, although they are as black psysically as can be. I have seen these already
mixed blacks have children with blond blue eyed people, and still have children
that are abviously part negro. That is not the physical appearance of white beb
ers people are talking about. These people are white, features and skin and all
and can fit in in Europe easily.
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Dave Mowers December 12, 2013 at 10:57 PM You (sic) cite My bad for being di
ssive even of grammar when replying to such ridiculous posts.

Bill December 14, 2013 at 8:37 AM I didnt quote Diamond as proof of your s
straw man. I quoted his acclaimed, award winning work as a reputable source, cou
nteracting the bs youve posted. He is not a linguist but he knows what hes talking
about. Joseph Greenberg and Christopher Ehret are definitely leaders in the fie
ld however. I also referenced Keita. Thats a bit more than a single detractor. Wh
o have you referenced? Years of professional science behind Caucasian migration
theory? Who are you trying to fool? What archaeological evidence? As you said Di
amond IS an Anthropologist, so too is Keita. What do you have to refute what Dia
mond deems certain??.. That Near Eastern agriculturalists were Afrasian speakers
. Bill December 12, 2013 at 9:28 AM You also talk about AE mummies hav
ing Caucasian DNA, referencing the appearance of I2 in ancient specimen. Well, h
eres a quote from the beginning of the study you posted.. We applied, for the first
time, next-generations sequencing (NGS) technology on Egyptian mummies. Seven NG
S datasets obtained from five randomly selected Third Intermediate to GRAECO-ROM
AN Egyptian mummies (806 BC124AD) Obviously a Greco-Roman era mummy shows Caucasian
DNA. The study says only ONE of the five had this marker. Who are you trying to
fool? Also, OOA Theory is not solely based on a high concentration of specimen but
spans an entire series of disciplines. It is mostly the huge scope of archaeolo
gy in Africa including in situ diversity, carbon dating, and yes the sheer numbe
r of anatomically modern humans that forms the base theory. This archaeological
information has been corroborated by mitochondrial DNA evidence placing Mitochond
rial Eve in Ethiopia some 200,000ka. There is much more. We all know this, as we
know the term theory doesnt mean absolute, still, this doesnt change the evidence. You
also talk about Punt, the Egyptians homeland. As I said, no one knows for sure
where it is but the evidence points to Africa, mainly Ethiopia. As Diamond noted
, 12 of the 19 Semitic languages are spoken in Ethiopia exclusively, what does t
his tell you? Punt: in ancient Egyptian and Greek geography, the southern coast of
the Red Sea and adjacent coasts of the Gulf of Aden, corresponding to modern coa
stal ETHIOPIA and Djibouti. Encyclopdia Britannica, American Heritage Dictionary,
EWB There is still some debate regarding the precise location of Punt, which was o
nce identified with modern Somalia. A strong argument has been made for a locati
on in Southern Sudan or modern Eritria-ETHIOPIA. -Oxford History of Ancient Egypt R
emember Herodotus claimed Egypt was a colony of Ethiopia, not just Herodotus, th
e elder Greek historian, but general Ancient Egyptian lore and other Ancient Gre
ek sources as well.. 2. Now the Ethiopians, as historians relate, were the first of
all men and the proofs of this statement, they say, are manifest. For that they
did not come into their land as immigrants from abroad but were natives of it They
say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris ha
ving been the leader of the colony. For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt,
they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being
formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation car
ried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit And t
he larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the co
lonists still preserving their ancient manners. -Diodorus Siculus, The Library of H
istory, Books II.35 IV.58, Translated by C.H. Oldfather, Harvard University Pres
s, 2000 Heres an account regarding Punt from Queen Hatshepsut whose expedition to P
unt was depicted in reliefs shown in the link below. It is a glorious region of Gods
-Land; it is indeed my place of delight. I have made it for myself, in order to
divert my heart, together with Mut, Hathor, Wereret,mistress of Punt, the mistre
ss, Great in Sorcery, mistress of all gods. They took myrrh as they wished, they lo
aded the vessels to their hearts content, with fresh MYRRH trees, every good gift
of this country, Puntites whom the people know not, SOUTHERNS of Gods-Land Queen
Hatshepsut Ancient Records of Egypt, Historical Documents, Vol. II, 1906 Punt was
in the south not the north. Heres a page discussing Punt, notice the AE depiction
of the Puntites, who do you see? It is also interesting to note the round hut l
ike houses of Punt and the tropical nature of the wildlife said to be taken from
there. Can you show me the leopards and giraffes of Central Asia? http://wysinger The term Aryan has nothing to do with skin tone and isnt der
ived from white people. Neither is Sanskrit or Sumerian. Examine Classical Sansk
rits similarities to Ancient Ethiopic, you may be surprised!! It is one of the ironi
es of history that Aryan, a word nowadays referring to the blond-haired, blue-ey
ed physical ideal of Nazi Germany, originally referred to a people who looked va
stly different. -American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language VASTLY differe
nt, seems you havent done all your homework. These are all credible sources your ca
ucasoid nonsense is null and void at this point. As I said, all the credible sch
olarship refutes you. They werent Indo-European, how could someone as intelligent
as yourself come to such a fervently incorrect conclusion unless through purpos
eful delusion. Upper Egypt IS was always written before Lower Egypt in t
heir inscriptions, we all know who united the Nile Valley. In general, the inhabita
nts of Upper Egypt and Nubia had the greatest biological affinity to people of t
he Sahara and more southerly areas. (Nancy C. Lovell, Egyptians, physical anthrop
ology of, in Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, ed. Kathryn A. Bar
d and Steven Blake Shubert, ( London and New York: Routledge, 1999) pp 328-332) Th
e case is closed. Please, please Show us something relevant and conclusive that c
an refute the massive amount of references weve produced in this thread.. Where i
s your evidence?? Here is a comment on the oldest remains found in Egypt.. Thoma co
ncludes that the Nazlet Khater specimen is: (a) indisputably anatomically modern w
ith certain archaic characteristics; (b) related to the Nubian Epipaleolithic skelet
al series from Wadi Halfa and Jebel Sahaba; and (c) displays Negroid characteristics
such as alveolar prognathism and sub-nasal fossa. The results obtained from the multi
variate analyses performed in this study suggest: .. a sub-Saharan origin for the
Nazlet-Khater population type.. The specimen is clearly not associated with any othe
r North African or Levantine finds.. P. Vermeersch 2002. Paleolithic quarrying sites

Dave Mowers December 12, 2013 at 11:05 PM The Land of Punt was IN THE EAST
you people even bother to read what the Egyptians wrote? What a f_cking joke tr
ying to have a conversation based on historical facts when all you do is cite er
roneous garbage. Wasnt Herodotus called the father of lies as well? Oh, and are we
not talking about the mythical Aethiopians? You know the ones, from the land in
the sky or are you trying to place these peoples in Africa in a country named af
ter the mythology. A Greek name by the way not originated from Black African lan
guage. Why wont black create their own words if they created the name of the coun
try? So a bunch of ancient Phoenician-Greeks decide to name a place after their my
thology and that means somehow they are descended from blacks? Too funny.

Bill December 14, 2013 at 10:59 AM Queen Hatshepsuts account of Puntites as
outherns would qualify as what the Egyptians wrote. So would the depiction of Punt
ites in the link. What do you have to say of the wildlife in Punt? Are you sugge
sting anyone credible believes the Egyptisns came from the North, if so, who? Ive
already posted the study regarding the peopling of AE. Herodotus is more well kno
wn as the father of history. Despite his detractors, he is an extremely valuable
source and had no reason to lie about the appearance of ancient peoples. Much o
f the reason some look to discredit him is because of all the credit he gives to
Africa. Anyway, I didnt quote Herodotus, that lengthy bit was Diodorus Siculus..
And youre right were NOT talking about mythical Aethiopians.. The science and myt
hology ARE in agreement still.. The origin of Egypt and her people lies SOUTH..
They ARE Africans, most likely of a tropical, brown complexion..the linguists, a
nthropologists, and mythology all agree.

AWoLsco December 14, 2013 at 1:46 PM The origin of Egypt and her people lies
SOUTH.. They ARE Africans, most likely of a tropical, brown complexion.. I disagree
. Something I wrote earlier Africans as a result of mutation give rise to expelled outla
wed gangs of whites and mongs (Downs syndrome). The whites and mongs split.The w
hites head out of the jungle and savannnah to the coast.They survive by building
boats( maybe domesticating dogs as well for defence), and take to island hoppin
gout from the Canaries along a chain of volcanic islands to a big central oneyes folk
s were talking about good old Atlantis. There, a maritime civilisation develops.
So what has that to to do with Egypt and perhaps Babylon too? Well circa 10,000BC,
after a few warnings, marked by small waves of emigration of cro-magnons back t
o the mainland, Atlantis goes. Sea levels abruptly rise, then more gradually as
the ice age comes to an end. Cutting a long story short the survivors make their
way through N Africa and encounter favourable conditions in the Nile delta and
inland.and before you know where you are there are temples, roads,agriculture, do
mesticated farm animals, markets, armies and even medical services. It all seems
to happen very quickly. Too quickly to have evolved. Where are the failed exper
iments? Somebody knew what they were doing . They had an example already in thei
r heads.So I say the early pharoahs were descendants of white Atlanteans, cro-ma
gnons. The phenotypic appearance of RamesesII seems to back that up. Surrounding
semitic and negroid tribes supply the necessary slave labour. The pyramids of Giz
a, the ones we all know about, the best ones, are built early on.The rubbish one
s are attempts at imitation. The civilisation has its ups and downs and graduall
y declines as unrelenting miscegenation takes place. The knowledge, the real usefu
l hard stuff ie the size and shape and even the mass of the earth gets lost( exc
ept to a few)and the religion becomes ever more elaborate and contaminated with
mystic, airy -fairy, mumbo jumbo.which seems to hold our present day Egyptologists
in thrallI suspect because few have the appetite for the mathematics of geodesy,
astronomy and engineering. It is in those subjects that the real mysteries of Egyp
t lie. How were the massive stones cut and moved into position( or were they mou
lded, geopolymers?), for not only the pyramids but many other structures? We sti
ll dont know and cant replicate those feats of construction. When it come to mathe
matics its very interesting when our mathematicians look back at the creations of
the ancient world and the things they uncover..such as the origin of the inch, n
ot three barleycorns at all, but 1/250millionth of the earths polar radius, the s
implicity and ease of use of the 360 degree circle, the 24hr day with 60 mins to
the hour and 60 secs to the min. Take the royal Egyptian cubit.on average 20.625 . A
h yes, I hear you saythe length in inches from the elbow to the finger tip of the
average man. They must have made em big in old Egypt. Im 6 tall and I measured that
distance on myself and could only manage a measly 19. Now try this for fun. Take 3
60 deg and mutiply each degree by 3600( the no. of seconds in each degree(60 tim
es 60). You should get 1,296,000. Now divide by 2 pi to get r expressed in arc s
econds. I get 20624.8. Lets call it 20625. Shove in a point at 20 and call it 20.
625. That might be handy to have on the old memory stick.and so it proves to be th
e case in any museum fortunate enought to possess an ancient Egyptian measuring
rod. Of course theres a lot more to this than just a few coincidences. Dont take my
word for it. Instead look in more detail at the curious behaviour of no less a fig
ure than Isaac Newton, that rational hard-headed man of science but with a curio
us and intense interest in the occult. Just why did he send professor of mathemati
cs, John Greaves all the way to the great pyramid to get its measurements? This
is almost as freaky as Himmler and his legendary Ahnenerbe being despatched on a
sight -seeing tour of Tibet.Interestingly Newtons figures on gravitation all wor
ked out after Greaves visit to the pyramids. Now all those figures are of little im
portance to a land-based agrarian society, but they would be extremely important
to a maritime civilisation. What Im basically saying is that our history of civili
sation is deeply flawed. It did not start with Egypt and Sumer/Babylon, but with
a maritime island civilisation, the only remnants of which are visible today, a
re the Azores. Weve got to look at this again. Himmler liked the idea, so I suppo
se thats why we dont bother.
. Robert Lindsay December 12, 2013 at 9:23 PM All right Black man, you
are banned. HAND!
. James December 13, 2013 at 3:00 AM Its obvious that the ANCIENT Egypt
ians were black because we would not be having this discussion lol. There is no
conduct about the great wall of China,Stonehenge,Greece or Rome. The truth hurts
. You dont see blacks taking responsibility for the internet. Just give us Egypt
great white man and you can have everything else
. rifleman45 December 14, 2013 at 4:28 AM so if blacks were egyptians,
how did they go from building pyramids to mud huts?

Dave Mowers December 14, 2013 at 5:14 AM Caint chu read man? Id waad alt a
at White Conspiracy to keep the black man down dammsor the other hypothesis presente
d was that all Caucasians are in fact Negroes who lost their skin color because
they live in cold climates. So why do black people exist in England then? Out of A
frica Theory is bogus intellectual gravitas bearing down the pain of many Egos ha
ving to admit they are really guessing. A guess predicated on skeletal remains w
hich deteriorate rapidly in open air or soil so another way of seeing it would b
e to say that the monkeys found at Sterkfontein are in truth; monkeys and not ve
ry old but lets ignore human accounts of history and just go with something we m
ade up.

Bill December 14, 2013 at 1:57 PM What?? Mud huts like that of Punt? How did
Ancient Greece and Rome become illiterate feudal states in the Dark Ages? Have
you seen Egypt in modern times? Empires rise and fall and so do the peoples of t
hem. When you mention the great white conspiracy, are you referring to the two and a
half centuries of enslavement, rape and murder or the hundred years of subjecti
on into a second class citizenry. Or maybe you mean the general denial of Africa
n American influence on American prestige, namely, the fact that Americas dominan
ce on the back end of the industrial revolution was tied to her invaluable advan
tages at the front end. The front end being the introduction of the cotton gin a
nd also one of the worlds first global industries. Large swaths of pristine terra
in obtained through genocide and thievery along with large numbers of West Afric
an agriculturalists obtained through human trafficking allowed America to head t
he Industrial Revolution, over a century before Edison Bell, or Ford, through th
e agro-industrial complex that was the American south. Some dont want to call it
what it is, though white conspiracy isnt how it should be defined. Still, destructi
on of the American Indian and the inhumane practice of colonial slavery are not
only what occurred, but also what gave America her distinct advantage in earlier
times, setting her on course for world domination. The other hypothesis, Out Of Afr
ica Theory, is about as widely held as Evolution Theory. You concur this intellec
tual gravitas, is only masking as credible science. Your contending theory is exe
mplified in questions as intellectually dull as Why do blacks exist in England th
an?.. Its painfully obvious whos masquerading as credible here. All that you posted
arrived at an absolutely refuted, outdated conclusion. The same old Coon like i
deologies that have been completely thrust aside by modern scholarship.

Mott December 14, 2013 at 10:49 PM Hey Mr. Bill- The countries of South and C
ntral America (and the Caribbean) all got the pristine land from the natives, an
d used African slave labor for their plantation economies. Yet, none of them led
the Industrial Revolution, as the U.S. did. Thats because the U.S. Industrial Re
volution had nothing to do with slavery, or wit taking land from the Indians. It
came from England and Northern Europe (neither of which had slavery or free land)
and it exploded in the Northeastern U.S., where there was no African slavery, a
nd it did not depend upon the seizure of native lands and resources. All the cotto
n gin did was put a whole lot of slaves out of work, making the Southerners even
richer, but to say that this money fueled the Industrial Revolution here is not
true. You are hallucinating, Mr. Bill. The closest thing Ive heard to what youre al
leging is the charge that the Industrial Revolution in Europe was funded at least
in part, by colonialism and slavery in the New World and in the European colonie
s. But that really doesnt explain why the Industrial Revolution happened in Engla
nd and in Northern Europe- when countries like Spain and Portugal had as many co
lonies, slaves, etc. The Industrial Revolution came from scientific advances and e
ducation, and the relatively free-enterprise atmosphere in England and Northern
Europe, in contrast to the Crown-controlled commerce of other countries like Spa
in, etc. Put a sock in it, Mr. Bill!

Mott December 15, 2013 at 2:02 PM Mr. Bill- i do retract my comment about th
e cotton gin- it was late at night! I was going from memory, that it basically did
the work that used to take 10 or more slaves to do (maybe even more?). You woul
d think that this would reduce the need for slaves! I didnt re-check this before
postingyou caught me! Yes, paradoxically, the reduced need for labor created by thi
s machine made slavery and cotton plantations way more profitable than before, a
nd so lead to the fast growth of the slavery/cotton/plantation industry, which b
efore had been too labor intensive So, its counter-intutive that a labor-saving mach
ine actually results in more slaves, for more plantations! Shows you how stupid
economics is. It would be like computers putting millions of people out of work, y
et somehow creating 5 times more jobs in the process for the computer industry (
this isnt happening, by the way!) Im glad you learned something, Bill, and Im glad yo
u find my ideas intriguing. You might be OK after all, Mr. Bill. You are very wron
g about the Industrial Revolution being fueled by slavery and conquest, however.
The factories and coal mines were manned with white men, women, and children. N
ot blacks, not slaves. The use of the word genocide when talking about the American
Indians is also inaccurate, with one exception: what happened in California duri
ng the Gold Rush (which was not executed or sanctioned by the U.S. govt .)
. Dave Mowers December 14, 2013 at 8:14 PM @AWoLsco Check out Graham Han
cock on YouTube. He has video showing a stone carving from the Old Dynasty perio
d at a ruined temple. On it is the entire story of Atlantis as told by Plato whi
ch was told to him by his grandfather; Solon. The same Solon who went to Egypt and
studied with the priests who told him, in Greek, which they spoke, that Egypt a
nd Greece were once part of the same kingdom and had the same founders. That would
be the Greek named Acmon a derivation of the Sumerian solar title for warrior-kin
g; Akha-Man. Known in his homeland of the Indus Valley as Sargon and called Nimr
od by the Hebrews, Assyrians and Greeks. Acmon is a grandson of Noah and his his
tory/mythology claims he consolidates all the foreign lands to his birth-home; S
outhern Mesopotamia. He was deified as a God under the name of Poseidon to Minoa
ns and Uranus to the Greeks. In India he was known as Varuna and Sharru Kin. Sargon
in ancient Sumerian means Scorpion-Man. The Akha bird was said to be the first bir
d of creation, the solar hawk or eagle. In the Zodiac, Scorpius was known as the
Eagle and the Scorpion. The most ancient name for the constellation is Sargas, a cl
ever amalgamation of Sar Akha and As, Asa forming three root words; Scorpion, Eagle, L
ord. The Egyptian Scorpion King. Nimrod is formed from two Proto-Germanic root words m
eaning conqueror. Literally translated as, Taker of Blood. See if you can find the lin
guistic correlates in black-African language.

Bill December 15, 2013 at 1:36 AM See if you can find a linguist that agrees
with you, the other guys post doesnt warrant a response. Mott, my post on the Ameri
can Industrial Revolution was admittedly more of a rant than I intended. The fac
ts are easy to see still. Surprisingly, some of your points actually intrigued m
e, particularly that bit about the cotton gin putting slaves out of work while g
rowing the trade. I realized, though Ive seen the numbers on how the cotton gin i
nfluenced the cotton industry as a whole, Ive never actually STUDIED how it influ
enced the slave population. It always seemed the most logical assumption that th
e number of slaves would rise with profits, but your view seems just as probable
with slaves being put out of work and plantation owners on winning big. I decided
to do a quick search to see if you caught me overreaching here, Mott. So I goog
led cotton gin, went to Wikipedia to see if they had something brief and ran acros
s this bit of text. Whats funny is Ive never read this before, but it somewhat agr
ees with the view I outlined earlier Actually.. It complete agrees!! This portion
is entitled Effects in the United States Prior to the introduction of the mechanical
cotton gin, cotton had required considerable labor to clean and separate the fi
bers from the seeds.[12] With Eli Whitneys introduction of teeth in his cotton gin
to comb out the cotton and separate the seeds, cotton became a tremendously prof
itable business, creating many fortunes in the Antebellum South. New Orleans, Mo
bile, Charleston and Galveston became major shipping ports, deriving substantial
economic benefit from cotton raised throughout the South. Additionally, the gre
atly expanded supply of cotton created strong demand for textile machinery and i
mproved machine designs that replaced wooden parts with metal. This led to the i
nvention of many machine tools in the early 19th century.[13] The invention of the
cotton gin caused massive growth in the production of cotton in the United Stat
es, concentrated mostly in the South. Cotton production expanded from 750,000 ba
les in 1830 to 2.85 million bales in 1850. As a result, the South became even mo
re dependent on plantations and slavery, with plantation agriculture becoming th
e largest sector of the Southern economy.[14] While it took a single slave about
ten hours to separate a single pound of fiber from the seeds, a team of two or
three slaves using a cotton gin could produce around fifty pounds of cotton in j
ust one day.[15] The number of slaves rose in concert with the increase in cotto
n production, increasing from around 700,000 in 1790 to around 3.2 million in 18
50.[16] By 1860, the Southern states were providing two-thirds of the worlds supp
ly of cotton, and up to 80% of the crucial British market.[17] The cotton gin th
us transformed cotton as a crop and the American South into the globes first agric
ultural powerhouse, and according to many historians was the start of the Indust
rial Revolution.[18] Thanks for leading me to something I hadnt read, doesnt refute m
e however. The cotton gin transformed the South and Americas slave trade. I said
there is a general denial of African Americans historical role in Americas presti
gious role in history through the silencing of the immeasurable value of labor p
laced into the agro-industrial complex that was the American South after the intro
duction of the cotton gin. This value can be defined as A jump start to Americas
industrial revolution and playing A role in producing the immensely productive 1
9th and 20th centuries in America. Before Big Oil, Big Steel, or Big Invention..
It was COTTON by over a century!!!

Mott December 15, 2013 at 2:11 PM Mr. Bill- The Industrial Revolution had bee
going on in England and Europe since the 1700s- no black slavery involved. It w
as coal, if anything, that fueled it. Yes, the cotton gin (an IR invention) increa
sed the prevalence of slavery, not the other way around, as you propose.

AWoLsco December 15, 2013 at 4:31 AM @ Dave Mowers. See if you can find the
guistic correlates in black-African language. I dont think Ill bother looking. Africa
and civilisation just dont mix, for I believe Africans worked, and still work, o
n the principle of producing offspring as fast as possible and if they survive t
hey survive. Whites by contrast. being derived from genetically inferior stock,
albinos with a high proportion of recessive genes, plus inhabiting higher latitu
des, had to adopt a different strategy as a consequence of a poorer breeding rat
e and delayed pubertynamely, considerable devotion of resources to prolonged protec
tion of fewer offspring and providing them with an education necessary to meet t
he greater demands of life in higher latitudes. Whites arent really comfortable in
the tropics. Had they stayed there, they would have been wiped out. Whites moved
out to go exploring, looking for secure places where they couldnt be attacked. B
oats and islands must have been attractive. It is strange that despite the prodi
gious material resources of the tropics that the production of sizeable boats by
the black races is so dismal, whereas the earliest white settlements are invari
ably coastal or riparian or both with substantial watercraft. Another idea I have
is that early whites, far from avoiding vulcanism actively sought it out. The so
ils are more fertile there, thus holding more game and berries but also would te
nd to yield interesting useful materials for both defence and saving of precious
labour and of course trade. As far as myths and gods go, I think there is too muc
h emphasis put on all this mumbo jumbo. That was largely for consumption by the
common people and still is. The ancients, or at least their leaders were a lot sma
rter than that. The hunt was on for security and comfort and understanding the w
orld around them. In this they succeeded over all other races..but they have weak
nesses..a poor breeding rate, almost insane levels of altruism and a dangerous af
fected xenophilia borne out of misplaced feelings of superiority. The dodo wasnt a
xenophobeand look what happened to that!

Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 12:01 AM The Akha was represented as a bir
falcon-type, hawk or eagle called in Egypt a mist-eagle and symbolized as a hawk-f
alcon-eagle atop a Kings head. Ancient man did not recognize a difference in spec
ies of birds of prey they way we do today. His symbol was the bird perched on to
p of a tall building as King or Pharaoh but as just the bird it was the Masonic
origin of the Compass and Square; double Vs intersecting one another similar to th
e Star of David in the Hebrew. It has a constellation named Aquila next to Scorp
ius who was known as Sargas and the Scorpion-Eagle! Sar, Sir Scorpion, Eagle. It is cogn
ate to the Yezidis celestial bird symbol which in Egyptian was Siri as the bird
of creation as it touched down on the sacred mountain to form all things; the Be
n-ben or Ben-Nu with Ben being the Gaelic word for Mountain and Nu the goddess of
water or the waters. This bird of the heavens meeting earth causes creation the
moment it does it forms the first Sun or sunrise which is the Phoenix or Phoibos,
Phaistos meeting Nix the Radiance meets Darkness forming the dawn causing the purple-
ue in the sky of purpura to be pierced as it does upon the rays of dawns sunlight
creating the crown against the purple aethers of Aethiopia which hardens on the
horizon into the golden-crown of day; Athena. The Ben-nu-bird is the Mountain rising
from the waters to meet the Sun as the Great Pyramid does each morning if you st
and west of it and behind it to watch the Sun rise above the uncapped building.
You can witness the act of creation as told in the myth every morning. Mar, Mer, Mu
r Egyptian, Sumerian, Celtic meaning West, Waters, Desert Sands and place of the dea
d in the west where the Sun goes to die each evening; Amarru! These are not Black-A
frican words.
. Paul Van December 14, 2013 at 9:26 PM I find Graham Hancock to be ve
ry entertaining, but I do not consider him or his theories as a quotable source,
I am not alone. From Wikipedia Hancocks most recent non-fiction book, Supernatural:
Meetings With the Ancient Teachers of Mankind, was published in the UK in Octobe
r 2005 and in the US in 2006. In it, Hancock examines paleolithic cave art in th
e light of David Lewis-Williams neuropsychological model, exploring its relation
to the development of the fully modern human mind. His first novel, Entangled: The
Eater of Souls, the first in a fantasy series, was published in the UK in April
2010 and in the US in October 2010. The novel makes use of Hancocks prior resear
ch interests and as he has noted, What was there to lose, I asked myself, when my
critics already described my factual books as fiction? Although his books have sol
d more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into twenty-s
even languages, his methods and conclusions have found little support among acad
emics, his work being labelled pseudoarchaeology.[1][9][10]

Dave Mowers December 14, 2013 at 10:14 PM I totally agree. I only say to che
ck that video out because he films the wall so you can see the hieroglyphs yours
elf and it confirms Platos account of Solons tale. Im not saying I believe Atlantis
was real, or ancient aliens did whatever or even that secret, magical knowledge
existed. I personally agree with Max Mueller, George Cox, L.A. Waddell and Paul P
ezron in that through the names, language and etymology one can deduce the histo
ry to an extent. I find the fact that in Sumer we have both a King Gudea (Judah)
, Menes, Nimrod, Babylon, an area of the Indus Valley literally called Etin, Edin
fascinating though. Moses, Mises, Manu, Manuah, Noah, Manasyu, the worship of a
sacred tree, enlightenment through the minds eye, reincarnation, mummification ma
ssive stone-building, all intriguingly validating myths, making one question wha
t is fancy and what was real. It should be obvious a connection between ancient Eg
ypt, Sumer and the Indus Valley existed but how much of the tale is real; exciti
ng stuff.

fransika December 15, 2013 at 9:33 AM Hear the conclusion of the whole matte
r on race Genesis chapter 10 1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem
, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. 2 The sons of Ja
pheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras
. 3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 And the sons of Ja
van; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. 5 By these were the isles of the
Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their familie
s, in their nations. 6 And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaa
n. 7 And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtecha
: and the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan. 8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to b
e a mighty one in the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore i
t is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. 10 And the beginning
of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shina
r. 11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehobo
th, and Calah, 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city. 13
And Mizraim begat Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim, 14 And Pathrusim,
and Casluhim, (out of whom came Philistim,) and Caphtorim. 15 And Canaan begat Si
don his firstborn, and Heth, 16 And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasi
te, 17 And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite, 18 And the Arvadite, and the
Zemarite, and the Hamathite: and afterward were the families of the Canaanites s
pread abroad. 19 And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest t
o Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zebo
im, even unto Lasha. 20 These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after the
ir tongues, in their countries, and in their nations. 21 Unto Shem also, the fathe
r of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him wer
e children born. 22 The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud,
and Aram. 23 And the children of Aram; Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. 24 And Ar
phaxad begat Salah; and Salah begat Eber. 25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the
name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brothers n
ame was Joktan. 26 And Joktan begat Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jer
ah, 27 And Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah, 28 And Obal, and Abimael, and Sheba, 29 And
Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab: all these were the sons of Joktan. 30 And their dwe
lling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east. 31 These are
the sons of Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, aft
er their nations. 32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their gener
ations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth aft
er the flood. Read the Holy Bible. Acts chapter 17: 24-32 22 Then Paul stood in the
midst of Mars hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye
are too superstitious. 23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found a
n altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly
worship, him declare I unto you. 24 God that made the world and all things therein
, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with
hands; 25 Neither is worshipped with mens hands, as though he needed any thing, see
ing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; 26 And hath made of one blo
od all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determ
ined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; 27 That they
should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though h
e be not far from every one of us: 28 For in him we live, and move, and have our b
eing; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring
. 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the
Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and mans device. 30
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every
where to repent: 31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge th
e world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath give
n assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead. The Bible is y
our best source on race. Believe it or leave it; no man is a robot. man is male an
d female.

Dave Mowers December 15, 2013 at 4:34 PM On number 13; Mizraim begat Capht
hereas Mizraim came from Ham who everyone claims was a black-African negro and the
root of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph K-M-T used to denote the land of Egypt
according to some interpreters who wish to use Bible passages as historical fact
along with Hebrew claims about translation of words. Two things to note here whic
h I have already presented in my posts; 1. Hebrew claims are based on no attestati
on. In fact, all ancient Greek depictions, except Herodotus, separate black Afri
cans from Egyptians. Hebrew claims are spurious as they contain no basis, simply
an assertion. 2. K-M-T hieroglyph does not infer nor contain the vowels used. Ass
uming the K to be the Kha sound as in Khamen, which is what the Hebrews do, changes
the meaning to the ASSUMPTION of a relational connection to Ham thereby validati
ng the Bible stories by placing a relative of Ham in Egypt through the naming of
the country. Except there is a fatal flaw in this. Egyptians used H in hieroglyph
s to denote the H sound. K-M-T is Ka, Ki, Ke Me, Met T, Id, Dis in Sumerian it mean
My Land with the T vowel emphasis used as an inclusion principle connecting that ar
ea of the world with the founding kingdom in Sumer as a whole of the one. This amazi
ngly fits Hindu, Egyptian AND Sumerian texts about the regions Kings. In science th
ey call that a clue. So if Ham begat Mizraim and Mizraim begat Caphtorim then, en.wi
i/Caphtor I guess someone needs to explain how blond-haired, blue-eyed, olive-skin
ned Caucasians descended from black Africans so we can attribute the Minoan civi
lization to Negroes as well.

kp50 December 18, 2013 at 7:38 PM You seemed to be hooked on the ancient Sum
erians, but I dont think you have an idea how they looked. You throw around names
like Narmer/Menes, Nimrod and Sargon. According to the Bible which I dont take l
iterally, Nimrod was the grandson of Ham and the son of Cush. It not a matter of
Ham being black it is that Noah could not have been white and fathered a black
child unless he or his wife was black. And if Ham was black so were his two brot
hers. Cush, Hams eldest son had the entire land south of Mizraim/Egypt named afte
r him this area was, Ethiopia(land of Cush) which is called sub-Saharan Africa.
Saharan Africa is basically a racial code word which has no basis for being call
ed what it is called. What we call the Sahara desert was green about 5200 years ag
o. Which means it wasnt always a desert. And when it did dry up, that is when anc
ient Egyptians moved Eastward and westward toward the Nile River. Without water
from the highlands of Ethiopia there would not have been and ancient Egypt. So C
ush/Ethiopia helped out his younger brother, Mizraim/Egypt. And as soon as Egypt
became a desert the Lower Nile would have dried up. But the water continued to
flow in from Ethiopia and flood Egypt. There is no such thing as the curse of Ha
m. The Bible said Cursed be Canaan; . Canaan, the patriarch of the Hyksos, who went
on to rule their cousins in Egypt in the 15th and Lesser 16th Dynasties. You sa
id something that was not true. The ancient Greeks didnt see themselves as relate
d to the Egyptians or Sumerians. The Greeks saw these two groups as barbarians,
not because they were, but that is how the Greeks saw foreigners. The Sumerians we
rent white, their patriarch was Nimrod who as I have said was the son of Cush. Cu
sh was the patriarch of the Ethiopians after the Great Flood. And when I Google or
Bing search images of Persian kings I dont see white men, I see brown-skinned be
arded men. The picture beside my post is a picture of a statue of Narmer,Menes.
So you cant get away with saying Narmer/Menes was whites as well as other Kings o
f ancient Egyptian Kings. I will give you five names of kings, look up their ima
ges. Here is the list: Huni, Sahure, Mentuhotep II, Amenhotep III. and Taharqa. I
would take issue with your saying You are the one ignoring facts by trying to cla
im that negroid features on a few statues means that ancient Egypt was black-Afr
ican. But you have said other ridiculous things before. In one of my previous pos
t I went through almost all Thirty or Thirty-one Dynasties and said that the anc
ient Egyptians Kings were black. How can you throw around a term like a few? Sargo
n wasnt around when Narmer was King. Sargon was around in the 22nd or 23rd Centur
y B,C. Narmer was king in about 3200 B.C. which is almost a millennia earlier. Y
ou said that Everything practiced in Egypt was first found in Sumer and the Indus
Valley. Does that include male circumcision, which would come as a big surprise
since circumcision started at least two millennia in Africa before it was practi
ced anywhere else in the world. When you said Even Narmer relates the battles with
black Africans from the south and his enslavement of them, Well the people he went
into battle with looked like him and it wasnt the only time that blacks went into
battle with other blacks and the losers became slaves.

Dave Mowers December 21, 2013 at 11:32 PM Narmer was the son of Menes, Menes
was the son of Sargon, Sargon was also called Nimmirud and lived around the tim
e of 2,700 B.C. There are multiple historical kings named Sargon. Male circumcisio
n was started under King Gudea of the Gutians in Lagash in Sumerian circa 2,300
B.C. On the Narmer Palette he is holding a defeated Nubian king down ready to smas
h his head with a mace. On his Naram Sin Stele he is climbing all the peoples of
the world conquering them on his path to sitting atop the world mountain above
which rises the Sun which at the North Pole is always sitting just above the Ear
th on the northern horizon inferring that he is climbing the kingdoms of the world
from the lowest, Mesopotamia-Africa-India to the highest Scandinavia. On the Vict
ory Stele of Naram-Sin he wears a Gothic horned crown, has a long pointed beard,
carries the Vajra mace-head of Indian Kings, the bow of Scythia and the writing
is Sumerian cuneiform script. He is Narmer. Biblical Cush is the younger brother of
Japheth who beget Gomer who beget Acmon who founded Greece and Egypt and was Cau
casian. Sargon can have two possible meanings in Sumerian, The Twisted Serpent or Sco
rpion Man he is the Scorpion King of Egypt and the founder of the first Egyptian
Dynasty. Menes, on his tomb at Abydos relates this information as he is Manis-Tu
su. The Persian dialect is near-German at its roots thought to have stemmed from t
he same source originally. Sargon had a palace at Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan, part
of India, part of Persia and within his empire including all of Mesopotamia and
Egypt and Greece and Spain. Nimrod is Nemen Rud and it is proto-German meaning Taker
f Blood. How many ancient Nigerian or Ethiopian kings had German names? How many ha
ve Sumerian names? Sargon is described in the Indian Epics as having been mummifie
d stating; The corpse of Nimi was preserved from decay by being embalmed with fra
grant oils and resins and it remained as entire as if it were immortal pg. 184 Th
e Makers of Civilization by L.A. Waddell
. Jairo Galvis December 16, 2013 at 9:26 AM The Egyptian came from the
Cochero constellation, exactly from the Capella planet, once their karma on earth w
as complety, they went back home. Left the pyramides with all the knowledge for
for future generations..
. Paul Van December 16, 2013 at 3:27 PM Dave Mowers, let me see if I c
an help you understand. The following is from the National Institute of Health. **** H
ow are changes in the OCA2 gene related to health conditions? oculocutaneous albin
ism caused by mutations in the OCA2 gene More than 80 mutations in the OCA2 gene h
ave been identified in people with oculocutaneous albinism type 2. People with t
his form of albinism often have light yellow, blond, or light brown hair; creamy
white skin; light-colored eyes; and problems with vision. The most common OCA2
mutation is a large deletion in the gene, which is found in many affected indivi
duals of sub-Saharan African heritage. Other OCA2 gene mutations, including chan
ges in single DNA building blocks (base pairs) and small deletions, are more com
mon in other populations. Mutations in the OCA2 gene disrupt the normal producti
on of melanin, which reduces coloring of the hair, skin, and eyes and affects vi
sion. *** Did you see the part where it says the gene
is found in in many affected individuals of sub-Saharan African heritage? Based o
n your previous statement about Minoan civilization and the scientific explanati
on of how blacks beget whites, we can say, yes the Minoan civilization was black

fransika December 16, 2013 at 7:58 PM Egyptians are descendants of Ham black
rother of Japheth the White. and Shem the in between. .Jacob and Esau were men of co
mpletely different looks but they were brothers. one extremely hairy and red the
other smooth skin, colour was not described. Esau was so hairy,Jacob had to be
covered with goats skin to deceive his father into believing that he was Esau.. H
am had a son named Canaan. Canaan is not an an African country it is the same co
untry called Israel today. Ham maybe has the largest variety of descendants from t
he very lightest to the darkest. Africa was obviously of different shades. Some
table of nations puts Asia under Ham. But Racism would associate Ham only with b
lack. But who cares? Only the racist. The chosen people of God, shemites, are no
t white, The racists call them minorities. Mind you, not all whites are racists; g
et that straight. Some of the best people you can find are white. Here is the hard
fact. There are three main kinds of Nigers: Black Nigers, White Nigers and in b
etween Nigers, all are Nigers. check this:
cient/White_people.htm Take it or leave it. Who had the privilege of saying what he
wanted to look like before he was born, where he wanted to be born or who his pa
rents should be. No one!!!!!!!!! Everyone has to accept himself who he is and who
his brother is or get mad with God and set up yourself as God. I dont care I love t
he variety. Skin dont make one anything. It is heart and character and integrity. R
acism was designed by Satan to demean the image of God in black people. Racism i
s a class system where whites is the most superior and black most inferior. This
is fact racist wants to re-write to fool people. God looks on. He is love, But He
knows how to get angry when he is ready..

Dave Mowers December 16, 2013 at 11:02 PM Egyptians are descendants of Ham
ck brother of Japheth the White. and Shem the in between
Km_%28hieroglyph%29 Since the 17th
century a number of suggestions have been made that relate the name Ham to a He
brew word for burnt, black or hot, to an Egyptian word for servant or the Egypti
an word Kmt for Egypt.A review of David Goldenbergs The Curse of Ham: Race and Sl
avery in Early Judaism, Christianity and Islam states that Goldenberg argues pers
uasively that the biblical name Ham bears no relationship at all to the notion o
f blackness and as of now is of unknown etymology. Herodotus claimed Ethiopia meant bu
rning or black. Many scholars
(Aubin, Heeren, Davidson, Diop, Poe, Welsby, Celenko, Volney, Montet, Bernal, Ja
ckson, DuBois, Strabo), ancient and modern, routinely cite Herodotus in their wo
rks Another way of saying this is to relate that many scientists cite an author know
historically as the Father of Lies. From Wikipedia; Their own artistic conventions pa
inted them as pink, but pictures on their tombs show they often married queens s
hown as entirely black For Diop, Ham means heat, black, burned in Hebrew, an etymology
which became popular in the 18th century Yet it was in fact Bernal who first made
this association between modern Hebrew religious interpretation and ancient Gree
k including Biblical passages as proof of historical truth. From Wikipedia; Support
ers of the Black Egyptian hypothesis claim that the name Kemet, used by Egyptian
s to describe themselves or their land (depending on your point of view), meant B
lack.Ancient Egyptians referred to their homeland as Kmt (conventionally pronounc
ed as Kemet). According to Diop, the Egyptians referred to themselves as Black peo
ple or kmt, and km was the etymological root of other words, such as Kam or Ham,
which refer to Black people in Hebrew tradition. Diop, William Leo Hansberry, a
nd Aboubacry Moussa Lam have argued that kmt was derived from the skin color of
the Nile valley people, which Diop et al. claim was black. The claim that the An
cient Egyptians had black skin has become a cornerstone of Afrocentric historiog
w_language Hebrew had ceased to be an everyday spoken language by around 200 CE, an
d survived into the medieval period only as the language of Jewish liturgy and r
abbinic literature. Hebrew, in the modern sense, is a revived language not the orig
inal language so that interpreting ancient Hebrew with modern is a flawed method
. Basing an entire theory (Black African Hypothesis) on one mans (Bernal) interpr
etation of Biblical Hebrew words and meanings is not science. It is wishful thin
king, hoping to tie an ancient culture to the Bible tales to make the Bible real
and a historical document that fits with the Father of Lies version of history. Now
I have, using real Sumerian, shown in my posts the origin of the word used by t
he inhabitants to describe their country Kemet. It is Sumerian and means simply,
My Land. The other word used in ancient times to describe Egypt was in fact, Egypt
which is based on another term we find in Sumer and the Indus Valley; Eye of Gop
ta. Gopta is a Sanskrit word meaning Protector so when used in conjunction with Ke
met would infer Protector of My Land and is represented with a circle-sun and eye
which further means; Ra, protector of my land. Pharaoh comes from Puru, Para, Per aa a
nd it is a name for kings in Hindu mythology. Land of Punt, which the Egyptians
said they came FROM BEFORE SETTLING IN AFRICA means in Sanskrit; Land of the Gods
who are seen in Hindu as protectors of man and protectors city states in Sumer wh
ere each city is named after a God. You can find a translator for Sumerian at Penn
States site.

Dave Mowers December 16, 2013 at 11:34 PM Have you also noted that Neanderth
al DNA is only found in high concentrations in Asians and Caucasians? http://en.wi The His615Arg allele of OCA2 is involved in the light skin to
ne and the derived allele is restricted to East Asia with high frequencies, with
highest frequencies in Eastern East Asia (49-63%), midrange frequencies in Sout
heast Asia, and the lowest frequencies in Western China and some Eastern Europea
n populations. Some other known geological, archaeological, mythological and histor
ical facts; A. Dolmens are found in their highest concentrations in Korea. There a
re white-skinned Koreans and Japanese. In feudal Japan these white clans ruled. In
pre-WWII colonial Japan the white clan descendants ruled their cousins in Korea.
In Hindu mythology white-skinned nomads are noted having come through India on the
ir way to a home in the east they are called Kurus or Kur as in Kurgan as in (Proto-
Indo-European Language Hypothesis) as in the cursed of Kore goddess of Phrygia an
d Greek goddess known as Persephone who is Death personified and the root origin o
f of the word person. In Hindu mythology she is a male named Kuberos god of the u
nderworld. They came from the Caucasus and Asia Minor also known as Turkey. Kurds
in Iraq are related to them. B. An asteroid broke up in the atmosphere above east
Asia including Japan, Korea, China and the Vietnam peninsula around 800,000 yea
rs ago setting the entire region on fire and killing all indigenous life; all pl
ants all animals everything gone based on sedimentary analysis. C. Civilization is
thought to have began in the Indus Valley but at the same time we also find the
oldest burial ground/cemetery on earth (4,750 B.C.) in . . . Bulgaria called Va
rna from the Varna Culture. The word Varna is a derivation of the Hindu-Sanskrit Va
runa spoken with an Eastern European accentual change to the Breton vocalization
of Varuna with the R dropped to Vauna the Eastern European puts that R back in it whil
e the Scandinavian drops vowels in their accent to Van which is identical to the
Orphic Greek (which came from Phoenicia myth by the Egyptian priests) Phanes. You
know what that means right? Varuna was Breton-Aryan mythology which is Bharat B
arat Buru Bur Puru Para Per Aa or Pharaoh just like the Hindu mythology relateshm
mm? D. Modern science has proven that Caucasians held highly organized tribal colo
nies as far back as 20-30,000 B.C. in Europe. Proto-Indo-European language migra
tion route show that these 20-30,000 year old cultures were routinely invading lan
ds to the east and south and inhabiting these lands as far away as Siberia and C
hina; In 2007 the Chinese government allow
ed a National Geographic Society team headed by Spencer Wells to examine the mum
mies DNA. Wells was able to extract un-degraded DNA from the internal tissues. Th
e scientists extracted enough material to suggest the Tarim Basin was continuall
y inhabited from 2000 BCE to 300 BCE and preliminary results indicate the people
, rather than having a single origin, originated from Europe, Mesopotamia, Indus
Valley and other regions yet to be determined and I can go on and on and on and on
and on and on smacking your face left to right and back again with endless detai
ls and proofs that Caucasians are not Black Africans and that white Caucasians c
reated civilization and everything that came with that, furthermore all of this
is proven science born out by historical, archaeological, genetic, mythology and
just plain common sense.

Paul Van December 17, 2013 at 8:26 AM Dave, your statement, Some other know
geological, archaeological, mythological and historical facts; points to what is
wrong with your argument, myths are not proven facts. However I am pleased to see
that you are acknowledging that whites stem from Albino Black Africans through
the OCA2 mutation. I do take exception to the term Caucasian, there is no science
behind this term it falls in to the realm of myth, Blumenbach essentially made i
t up. During the nineteenth century Europeans made up a lot of things, including t
he lies, Europe is a continent, the Egyptians were white, India owes its culture
to whites, this grabbing at the culture of others, appears to be an inferiority
complex on the part of some Europeans. Most if not all of what nineteenth centur
y Europeans thought on the so called races has been discredited. Scholars today
call it Scientific Racism, that term covers a lot of what you say on these pages

fransika December 17, 2013 at 10:20 AM The most lying history out there is E
uropean. What are they trying to hide about the past. The worlds first great leader
s were black and set the foundation for modern civilization. Why are things bein
g hidden? I do believe that albinos suffered from some kind of inferiority because
of skin colour related to burning by he sun. But all people are one as it is writ
ten in Acts 17: 24-26 GodAnd hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell
on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, an
d the bounds of their habitation; God still looks on at the mess created by man aga
inst man. Man needs to repent and turn to God.

fransika December 17, 2013 at 11:15 AM Check these out: http://stewartsynopsi

Dave Mowers December 17, 2013 at 1:08 PM Myths are not proven facts but this
entire debate was started by someone quoting researchers who relied solely on B
iblical fairy tales to translate the Egyptian hieroglyph for Kemet. Okay. I did no
t acknowledge that whites stem from Albino Black Africans through the OCA2 mutat
ion. Brahmins rule India in their caste system and they are descended from white
Caucasians. DNA tests of Egyptian mummies confirms ancient Egyptians were white
Caucasians. Their artwork confirms ancient Egyptians were white Caucasians. The
ir mythology confirms ancient Egyptians were white Caucasians. The mythology of
Mesopotamia confirms they were all white Caucasians, historical texts confirm th
is, archaeology confirms this, the only people who dont believe are posting here
and they post no evidence to the contrary.

Pepperoncini December 17, 2013 at 3:29 PM P.I.E isnt 20-30,000 years old, th
t is just your delusional thinking.

fransika December 17, 2013 at 5:03 PM Lets suppose that ancient Egyptians we
e white, which I dont care a hoot. What is all the Racist crap about. What is it
proving? Nobody knows what complexion Noah was. If Egyptians were white, how com
e their father was black. Then black gives rise to white. Racist associate Ham w
ith black, but he is the father of the Egyptians, whole of Africa and also of th
e Asian peoples.people. What is the basis for white supremacy. Albinos and whites
have the same problem, pigmentation. they have little or no sin screen. they are
easily burnt. Is that a good reason to lift self up above people of colour? It se
ems like Noah had three sons; one was black, one was in between, and one was alb
ino, all from the dust of the earth. Back to my point the people of the earth ar
e one. Defects are present because man rebelled against God in the Garden Of Ede
n. My question is who would be saved from the wrath of God. Would anyone be save
d by his colour or lack of colour? God is calling on all men to repent. black, whi
te. pink, yellow, brown, green, purple, orange, whosoever. God is not interested
in skin. He is interested in heart. Man looks at the outward appearance But the
Lord looks at the heart. God said unto Samuel, 1Samuel 6:7 Look not on his countena
nce, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord s
eeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord l
ooketh on the heart. People! People! People! One day we are going to die, We are n
ot going to be always here to argue and discuss this and that. After death is judg
ement. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: He
brews 9:27 God cant be left out. He is the creator of all people and things and of
the unseen world. People, Wake UP! How could we leave Him out?
. Dave Mowers December 17, 2013 at 1:32 PM Out of Africa hypothesis is
a fraud. Multiple types of hominids evolved simultaneously but several groups e
volved more quickly than others and those earlier hominids survived ice ages los
ing their skin tone. The hypothesis is being reversed every new settlement of Ne
anderthal we find is undoing it and one day soon you will see the headline; Into
Africa Theory Now Corrects Century of Incomplete Scientific Speculation. http://www
anderthals-europe-cave-art.html White people are not albino blacks. White people a
re the first intelligent hominids and black people owe their evolution to inter-
breeding with them.

Paul Van December 17, 2013 at 1:59 PM Dave, we are what we read sometimes, a
nd I can see that you have been reading a lot of 19th century European authors a
s well as Zacheria Sitchin and von Daniken. When are you going to tell us about
the Alien DNA? The snippets of Neanderthal DNA is present in some not all European
s and Asians. If whites have recessive genes, what was the dominant factor that wh
ites receded from? Do you agree that whites have the recessive genes trait?

Dave Mowers December 17, 2013 at 5:44 PM I agree that we have an altered gen
e caused by evolution and not a defective gene from sub-humans who later inter-b
red with humans. The first hypothesis is th
at H. erectus migrated from Africa The second hypothesis is that H. erectus evolved i
n Eurasia and then migrated to Africa. The species occupied a Caucasus site call
ed Dmanisi, in Georgia, from 1.85 million to 1.77 million years ago, at the same
time or slightly before the earliest evidence in Africa. Excavations found 73 s
tone tools for cutting and chopping and 34 bone fragments from unidentified crea
tures. hypothesis hpTHsis/ noun: noun: hypothesis; plural noun: hypotheses 1. a suppo
or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting poin
t for further investigation. supposition spziSHn/ noun: noun: supposition; plural nou
ppositions 1. an uncertain belief. The science and the oral history, mythology, etymol
ogy, archaeology weigh heavily in my favor but you Believe in your supposition-ba
sed logic if you want to.

Dave Mowers December 17, 2013 at 5:46 PM Again for the dimwitted; at the sam
ime or slightly before the earliest evidence in Africa

Bill December 17, 2013 at 7:12 PM They were brown skinned, indigenous Africa
ns, speakers of an Afrasian language. The language, deities, pastoralism, astrol
ogy and astrological megaliths, divine kingship, funerary practices, and peoplin
g of Ancient Egypt all look to have arrived from within Africa. Refer to the DAT
A of Keita, Ehret, Diamond, Brace, Irish, Wendorf, Tishkoff, Greenberg, Leakey,
Zakrzewski, Redford,

Bill December 19, 2013 at 8:58 AM Accidentally hit post comment..Refer to th
e DATA of Keita, Ehret, Diamond, Brace, Irish, Wendorf, Tishkoff, Greenberg, Lea
key, Zakrzewski, Redford, Kro pelin and Kuper. To name a few They ALL refute mower
s. You could also look at the eye-witness accounts of Aristotle, Plato, Strabo,
Diodorus Siculus, Herodotus, or the Bibles author, to name a few. The Afrocentric v
iew on this debate has been described as pseudo-science with connections being m
ade that arent backed by science or first hand accounts. Any honest reader of thi
s thread and those across the web can see the truth is contrary to this popular
notion. It is ECs who have no evidence for their claims. No one credible refutes
OOA or indigenous African diversity.

Mott December 19, 2013 at 3:10 PM The eye-witnesses and Herodotus referred t
o their skin tone by a Greek word melanchroes which only AfroCentros interpret as b
lack. Much of their art depicts them with dark reddish skin and looking very diff
erent than Nubians drawn side by side. A lot of Egyptian art also obeys a conven
tion where males are drawn as black-skinned and females are drawn with white ski
n. They werent negroid, but they werent European Caucasians, either. They were much
like modern Egyptians, and they certainly had some black African genes in their
makeup. A few statues and busts do look like Negroid, absolutely. But the vast m
ajority do not. Only a few late Pharaohs were Nubians. This has nothing to do with
Out of Africa. And answering one pseudo-science (Egyptians were Black) with more
questionable stuff (Egyptians were white) is not helping. Just because they were ind
igenous to Africa (all of Egypt is in Africa) doesnt make them African, Bill. Bill,
may I ask, are you Black? Why? Because blacks LOVE substituting logic with emotio
n-driven myth, pseudo-science, etc. Must be genetic!

Pepperoncini December 17, 2013 at 3:25 PM OOA is the accepted Scientific the
ory. No other hypothesis is accepted .

Paul Van December 17, 2013 at 6:23 PM Dave, Homo erectus is extinct, it play
s no part in the human genome. Are you confusing OOA with an extinct species that
played no part in the Black African colonizing of the world, Think of it, 60,000
years ago Africans crossed oceans to settle in Australia, that was about 60,000
years before the Europeans learned how to navigate the oceans and with great fa
nfare announced that they had discovered Australia.
. vogers December 17, 2013 at 9:04 PM lindsay cracker egyptians were b
lacks period..Refer any sources that will tell egyptians were blacks.. Dont try
to fool people with punk ass theories east north west south racist nerd ass crac
ker.. Dopt try to take credit for the black history after all genetically you ca
ve monkeys have been stealing civilizations.. idiot!!!

Robert Lindsay December 17, 2013 at 9:53 PM Black man, you are banned. HAND!

fransika December 18, 2013 at 6:42 AM Lets suppose that ancient Egyptians we
e white, which I dont care a hoot. What is all the Racist crap about. What is it
proving? Nobody knows what complexion Noah was. If Egyptians were white, how com
e their father was black. Then black gives rise to white. Racist associate Ham w
ith black, but he is the father of the Egyptians, whole of Africa and also of th
e Asian peoples.people. What is the basis for white supremacy. Albinos and whites
have the same problem, pigmentation. they have little or no sin screen. they are
easily burnt. Is that a good reason to lift self up above people of colour? It se
ems like Noah had three sons; one was black, one was in between, and one was alb
ino, all from the dust of the earth. Back to my point the people of the earth ar
e one. Defects are present because man rebelled against God in the Garden Of Ede
n. My question is who would be saved from the wrath of God. Would anyone be save
d by his colour or lack of colour? God is calling on all men to repent. black, whi
te. pink, yellow, brown, green, purple, orange, whosoever. God is not interested
in skin. He is interested in heart. Man looks at the outward appearance But the
Lord looks at the heart. God said unto Samuel, 1Samuel 6:7 Look not on his countena
nce, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord s
eeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord l
ooketh on the heart. People! People! People! One day we are going to die, We are n
ot going to be always here to argue and discuss this and that. After death is judg
ement. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: He
brews 9:27 God cant be left out. He is the creator of all people and things and of
the unseen world. People, Wake UP! How could we leave Him out?

Dave Mowers December 20, 2013 at 7:32 PM Nowhere does it ever say that Ham w
as a black man! Nowhere.
. Jay Dubz December 18, 2013 at 11:21 AM As it has been proven, indige
nous Africans are the most genetically diverse people on the planet earth. There
is no one isolated and myopic phenotype that describes what is an African. And
all Homo sapiens DNA come out of Africa from Black Africans! When we talk about th
e reign of the Black Pharaohs from the Upper Nile, this is actually describing o
ne phenotype of African features and skin hue of one particular ethnic region wi
thin Ancient Egyptian Dynastic expanse, which was darker than most of the Africa
ns ruling Ancient Egypt in the previous and conquered dynasty. You still see thi
s broad array or difference in skin hue and features throughout Africa and so-ca
lled sub-Saharan African to this present day. The term brown is a more recent descri
ptive term, which actually meant, dark, the term for red as found in the Afro-Asiati
c language relative to the Sumerian term, meant dark red as akin to a brownish compl
exion as seen on the pictographs throughout Ancient Egyptian relics and temples. Bl
ack as a historical and social construct does not denote any particular shade of
brown skin or phenotype amongst indigenous African people, but references histor
ically and presently, a broad and diverse representation of indigenous African p
eople and their descendents, both in the continent and throughout the African Di
. Adrian Bilba December 18, 2013 at 1:11 PM My opinion is that the Afr
icans was no so black in the period of emerging the population up north. This is
my opinion. In the last thousands of years black minority became majority. Hote
ntots and bushman was shrinked in the middle of the southern Africa without seei
ng sea shore anymore. I think that ancient Egyptians was even lighter in color t
han today (arabic input).

Bill December 19, 2013 at 4:18 PM Your opinion versus.. During an excavation
aded by the German Institute for Archaeology, Cairo, at the tombs of the nobles
in Thebes-West, Upper Egypt, three types of tissues from different mummies were
sampled to compare 13 well known rehydration methods for mummified tissue with t
hree newly developed methods. .. Skin sections showed particularly good tissue p
reservation, although cellular outlines were never distinct. Although much of th
e epidermis had already separated from the dermis, the remaining epidermis often
was preserved well (Fig. 1). The basal epithelial cells were packed with melani
n as expected for specimens of Negroid origin. (A-M Mekota and M Vermehren. (2005) D
etermination of optimal rehydration, fixation and staining methods for histologi
cal and immunohistochemical analysis of mummified soft tissues. Biotechnic & His
tochemistry 2005, Vol. 80, No. 1, Pages 7-13 During an excavation headed by the GE
RMAN Institute for Archaeology, it was found Ancient Egyptian nobles have skin pa
cked with melanin. I have seen some argue that the TYPE of melanin is not referre
d to and may not be the eumelanin responsible for the brown to seemingly black t
one of human skin. This isnt completely true as the researchers themselves say th
e findings were consistent with what would be expected of Negroid origin. You do
nt need the strongest deductive reasoning skills to see what type of melanin is b
eing discussed here. Color coding of DNA, denial of widespread OOA Theory, and i
ndirect, inaccurate linguistic evidence can not stand evenly with the above in t
erms of the ethnicity of AEs.

Dave Mowers December 20, 2013 at 7:28 PM You mean the site were they buried
workers right? Your talking about melanin content in slaves. If you are talking
about mummies perhaps you should read up on how mummy gets made because his body
is coated with oils to preserve the skin. Oils containing melanin. Genetic testin
g by bone marrow showed the Pharaohs to be Caucasians.

Bill December 20, 2013 at 9:06 PM Post it then, guy.. And no I dont mean the
burial site of slaves, did you read the text? Many Egyptologists dont believe the
workers were slaves but this MELANIN TEST was done by GERMAN researchers on New
Kingdom nobles and concluded with a phrase from Diops melanin test on Middle Kin
gdom AEs, didnt you recognize it?? The basal epithelial cells were packed with melanin
as expected for specimens of Negroid origin. THE FACT IS.. The German Institute fo
r Archaeology at Cairo AND Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop have both concluded the exact sa
me thing (the above) on the only known tests of melanin levels in the Ancient Eg
yptian. Im glad youve chosen to contend with something Ive offer instead of ranting
nonsensically. I say so, because if nothing else, the above should be highlight
ed. Cant run or hide from this one Davey.. The empirical evidence in plain view.
I havent quoted Diop this entire debate, but this is 2/2 in terms of finding extr
emely high levels of melanin, you know.. The progenitor of dark brown/black skin
.. In ancient Egyptian specimen. As I said, your casual departure from lingual r
eality is impressive yet futile. They were speakers of an Afrasian language, how
do you explain the fact only 12 of 19 Semitic languages are spoken outside of E
THIOPIA!!! Or the anthropology showing Bronze Age Near Easterners didnt look like
modern Europeans or Mediterranean people? This particular DATA you so weakly co
ntend with is from work done by GERMANS!!! Sorry!!!.. but your alone in your Ary
an delusion, refuted from all sides!!

Bill December 20, 2013 at 9:10 PM Sorry, I misspoke.. 12 of the 19 Semitic l
anguages are only spoken within Ethiopia..

Dave Mowers December 21, 2013 at 12:58 AM King Tuts DNA is Western European
ted by EU Times on Jun 7th, 2010

Bill December 21, 2013 at 9:18 AM This has already been discussed but lets g
a little more in depth. First, Tut lived over a millennia after the pyramid bui
lders. His ethnicity has no bearing on the source of the Egyptian state. Second,
the results were never published. Why? The studies referred to are all done by
people who have only seen a screen shot, not of Tut, but of of some unnamed spec
imen assumed to be Tut. This screenshot was taken from a Discovery Channel (aka
television) program. This is your evidence? Thirdly, R1b is Asian, not necessari
ly European. If any, Tut would have gained R1b from the same Asian migrants that
brought it into Europe. To add, the oldest underived R is found in Africa! Zahi
Hawass is a known liar. As a staunch critic of Afrocentrism, why would he not p
ublish the data if it was sound. Take a look at the info from Discovery Channel wh
en run.. Africa: Found 0 of 2528 matching haplotypes [f=0 (95% CI: 0 1.458 10-3)] in 0
of 25 populations. Oceania / Australia: Found 0 of 11 matching haplotypes [f=0 (95
% CI: 0 0.2849)] in 0 of 1 populations. Europe: Found 0 of 19818 matching haplotyp
es [f=0 (95% CI: 0 1.861 10-4)] in 0 of 167 populations. Arctic: Found 0 of 342 matchi
ng haplotypes [f=0 (95% CI: 0 1.073 10-2)] in 0 of 8 populations. Asia: Found 0 of 196
35 matching haplotypes [f=0 (95% CI: 0 1.879 10-4)] in 0 of 100 populations. Latin Ame
rica: Found 2 of 8187 matching haplotypes [f=2.443 10-4 (95% CI: 2.959 10-5 8.822 10-
1 of 69 populations. North America: Found 1 of 4317 matching haplotypes [f=2.316 10-4
(95% CI: 5.865 10-6 1.29 10-3)] in 1 of 7 populations. Hawass didnt release the allel
s, making it impossible to run the set. The derived allele values (taken from a pa
per shown in the program, not said to be anyone in particular) from the DC progr
am produce the above. Absolutely no old world hits.. this isnt Tut, a relative, o
r anyone from the Eastern hemisphere for that matter. Thomas Krahn, an industry
professional, says the data is most likely the calibrating sample that comes wit
h the kit. When run, the specimen comes back with only 3 hits, 2 from Carribean,
1 from US This is most likely a recent western citizen used by the company that
made the kit. Hawass has made you ECs look silly yet again. Do you really think h
e wouldnt release the data if it supported the side he argues so passionately? Al
l over the net ECs have adopted this assumption with no published results.. Youre
a foolish and desperate lot for sure..

kp50 December 20, 2013 at 9:15 AM Adrian Bilba, the people that you are talk
ing about were the first people in South Africa. You have it backward, the first
ancient Egyptians were darker. The Greeks and the Romans came after the numbered D
ynastic System. King Narmer wasnt white look beside my post.
. Yun Bak Ho December 19, 2013 at 3:41 PM It is interesting because a
lot of my white racists friends tell me Genghis Khan is a red haired white perso
n. Hmmm.interestingthey say that the Persians who saw Genghis described him as whi
te. I personally think Egypt was multiracialmaybe the reason why there are African
and Cauvasian art in Egypt is because they were interracials. Mixed black and wh
ite women are so hot! Also, how can blacks and whites get so butthurt over Egyptia
ns of ancient times? History is not importantwhat matters is what you do now.

Cyrus December 19, 2013 at 5:34 PM Your white racists friends are full of sh
it. In modern Farsi, Mongol is synonymous with looking Asian As for EgyptOf course they
are multiracial. Duh! Everyone in the fucking Middle East is on some level.

kp50 December 20, 2013 at 9:00 AM History is the only thing that make the pr
esent coherent. And the main reason why whites dont except the fact that the anci
ent Egyptians were black is because it turns white supremacy on its head. So whi
tes will go to almost any extreme to say that the ancient Egyptians were anythin
g except for black. The ancient Egyptians must have been some inspired people. B
ecause they have left a record that white supremacy cant contain and really cant t
ruthfully deny. This argument is very strange because I have just put together t
hirty plus color images of ancient Egyptian royals in a 1114 frame and the images
are of black Africans. Beside my post is a picture of a statue of King Narmer. Yo
u tell me who does it look like?

Cyrus December 20, 2013 at 11:30 AM Whites, i.e Europeans, dont consider Mid
le Easterners as white, my Nigga!
. Yun Bak Ho December 19, 2013 at 3:50 PM I think Egypt was about 85%
Arab, 5-6% European white (especially the Pharoahs, on my visit to the Cairo Mus
eum of Antiquities I saw alot of blonde hair mumnies), and 7-9% African Black. I
ts not really fair to take history away from modern Egyptians who are Arabs. How
ever, the Sphinx is clearly black due to its extremely flat face and huge bulgin
g lips. Anyone who says otherwise is white racist guy. Clearly sphinx is nlack,
only blacks have those features.

Cyrus December 19, 2013 at 5:42 PM Arab is an ethnicity, sort of like Hispan
c. Saying a modern Egyptian has no connection to the Ancient Nile civilization, i
s akin to telling your average Mexican that they have no connection to the Aztec
s, etc.

kp50 December 20, 2013 at 7:11 AM Cyrus, do you understand that Arabs arrive
d in Egypt long after the Egyptian Dynastic System? The cultures are vastly diff
erent, most modern Egyptians have Arab ancestry mixed with white. They have litt
le in common with ancient Egyptians. The thing they have in common is that both li
ve or lived in Egypt. The claim that the ancient Egyptians were Arab is a racial
smoke screen. And some whites will accept that the ancient Egyptians were dogs
or space aliens before they except the truth that they were black Africans. Speaki
ng of dogs, the ancient Egyptians revered dogs, have you heard of Anubis the Jac
kal-headed god? Many modern Arabs hate dogs. Some Arab males do not respect wome
n, the ancient Egyptians had women rulers which happened nowhere else in the wor
ld. The United States hasnt had a woman lead this country yet. I know that the ancien
t Egypt had a 5000 year(s) head start. But it gives us an example of it happenin

Cyrus December 20, 2013 at 11:26 AM kp50 Wrote: Cyrus, do you understand that
Arabs arrived in Egypt long after the Egyptian Dynastic System? Do you understand
that you sound like a stereotypical retarded nigger? The cultures are vastly diffe
rent, Oh, really? Care to explain how different they are? Do you even know, or are y
ou just another confused little nigger. most modern Egyptians have Arab ancestry
mixed with white. They have little in common with ancient Egyptians. Nope. DNA tes
ts from mummies place modern and ancient Egyptians in the same boat. You my frie
nd, are completely full of shit. You African American morons truly are an embarras
sment to America. The thing they have in common is that both live or lived in Egyp
t. As well as ancestry, my Nigga! You see, there were never that many Arabs in propo
rtion to the lands they invadedMy Nigga! The claim that the ancient Egyptians were
Arab is a racial smoke screen. Nobody has ever claimed that the ancient Egyptians
were Arabs my Nigga! They were and are Middle Eastern my Nigga! And some whites will acc
ept that the ancient Egyptians were dogs or space aliens before they except the
truth that they were black Africans. White people dont count Middle Easterners as whit
e my Nigga! And they HATE Arabs my Nigga! Speaking of dogs, the ancient Egyptians r
evered dogs, have you heard of Anubis the Jackal-headed god? Many modern Arabs h
ate dogs. You know jack shit about Ay-Rabs my Nigga! Some Arab males do not respect
women, the ancient Egyptians had women rulers which happened nowhere else in the
world. Silly little Nigga! If the ancient Egyptians were black, they would make b
abies with their women, and never get a job or pay child support, my Nigga! The Un
ited States hasnt had a woman lead this country yet. I know that the ancient Egypt
had a 5000 year(s) head start. But it gives us an example of it happening. So did
other MIDDLE EASTERN civilizations, my Nigga!

Yun Bak Ho December 20, 2013 at 2:54 PM Thank you Cyrus. Egyptians are not w
hites or blacks, but actual Egyptians! Gee.who would have guessed, that modern Eg
yptians descend from..ancient ones! Blacks and whites need to understand that the
y are both being assholes here. How would you like it if somebody came and took
youdr house snd fucked your wife and claimed that the house is their ancient civ
ilization? That is what blacks and whites are doing right now. Good job cyrus, a
lthough I am not sure I agree with your very unrestricted use of the term nigger.
This will only stir up more hatred between whites snd blacks. Why cant whites an
d blacks get along and stop trying to kill each other? Whitrs like football, bla
cks like basketball. Just combine the two, play it, and kiss and make up. You wo
uld think that since Obama was elected that whites and blacks could be friends.
Instead they use death rays to brutally annihilate each other

Cyrus December 20, 2013 at 3:16 PM Yun Bak Ho, in all fairness, I aint white
or black, and last I checked, whites and blacks hold hands and enlist in the Mar
ine Corps to kill my kind

Cyrus December 19, 2013 at 5:44 PM As for the SphinxWho the hell knows. Ther
werent too many West Africans running around Egypt back then. You are looking at
the Sphinx with 21st century eyes. For all we know, the model had down syndrome

Sphinx August 11, 2014 at 10:09 PM Fucking hilarious. According to this idio
t the ancient egyptians built a gigantic monument to a retard with Downs Syndrome
! Actually, that makes YOU a retard, Cyrus, for even entertaining that possibility
. This shows the desperately ridiculous levels racists can sink to..

Chacko August 11, 2014 at 10:25 PM Sphinx, This idiot isnt even a white.. He
an Iranian Muslim. SHows how far the white lies penetrates.. Also its become a f
ashion for these dipshits to identify with whites. You know the whole pan aryan
movement adapted by some of these whites are a defense mechanism against blacks

Sphinx August 11, 2014 at 11:34 PM I figured he was one of them silly delude
d iranian racist assholes going by his moniker. But why is he still a muslim? Mo
st all of these swarthy aryan assholes hate the brown arabs of the peninsula who,
along with their black african allies, conquered their Zoroastrian ancestors and
shoved their stupid psuedo-judaic religion down their throats (probably the sam
e way ISIS is doing to non-muslims in Iraq today).

Gordon Keith August 12, 2014 at 1:33 PM Hi Guys We all seem to have the same
desire to know who these clever people that lived in what is now Egypt and mayb
e each one of us has a little thats right and it would be interesting to sit dow
n together and debate peacefully about it , who knows maybe we can come up with
better results than all the so called experts who have given us the incorrect in
fo that we have been fed from schooldays, Shoot me down for saying this if it ma
kes you feel good. I still think these ancient beings that built the unexplainab
le not only in Egypt but all over the world were probably much more advanced tha
n today and also maybe a variety of races is it possible that they expired wheth
er by war or disease whatever and were the land masses at the time closer, _____

kp50 December 20, 2013 at 8:30 AM Stop using hair color as a racial designat
ion. Have you ever heard of hair dye or the affects of the mummification process
? You can take away history from modern Egyptians if their ancestors werent the a
ncient Egyptians, which they werent. Blacks are the most diverse racial group, so s
top putting blacks in a small narrow-minded box. Black Africans have the most la
nguages and dialects? It is the black Africans, which comes in many varieties fr
om skin tone to facial features.

Cyrus December 20, 2013 at 11:28 AM Black African = Sub-Saharan African, my

kp50 December 20, 2013 at 1:04 PM Cyrus, I hope you know that sub-Saharan Af
rica is a racist term used to Separate Africa. You dont hear anyone saying, sub-N
orth America, or sub-South America, sub-European or sub-Asian. Blacks in north A
frica preceded the Sahara desert. As I have said before the Sahara used to be gr
een and is wasnt called the Sahara Desert . And the highlands of Ethiopia breathe
life into ancient Egypt after it was dried up on both sides of the Nile River.
Without the annual floods from Ethiopia in the Upper Nile, Egypt would have been a
n utter wasteland. So ancient Egypt will always be connect with so-called sub-Sa
hara. There you go again, putting blacks is the sub-Saharan box as though blacks d
idnt occupy the four corners of Africa. No one is saying that Europeans didnt occu
py the four of Europe. I wonder why?

Cyrus December 20, 2013 at 3:03 PM Cyrus, I hope you know that sub-Saharan A
frica is a racist term used to Separate Africa. Nothing racist about itIt called ge
ography my Nigga! You dont hear anyone saying, sub-North America, or sub-South Amer
ica, sub-European or sub-Asian. Its called Latin America, my Nigga! Blacks in north Afr
ica preceded the Sahara desert. As I have said before the Sahara used to be gree
n and is wasnt called the Sahara Desert . And the highlands of Ethiopia breathe l
ife into ancient Egypt after it was dried up on both sides of the Nile River. Wi
thout the annual floods from Ethiopia in the Upper Nile, Oh, how romantic, my Nigg
a!According to your retarded logic, the entire world she be relabeled as Africa! BA
HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Egypt would have been an utter wasteland. So ancient Egypt will al
ways be connect with so-called sub-Sahara. So what! 18th century France depended o
n Egypt for grain imports to feed its populationDoes that mean France is part of A
frica, my Nigga! There you go again, putting blacks is the sub-Saharan box as thou
gh blacks didnt occupy the four corners of Africa. No one is saying that Europeans
didnt occupy the four of Europe. I wonder why? Black Niggers are from Sub-Saharan Afr
icaSand Niggers are from North AfricaMy Nigga! My Nigga so badly wants to eat an Ara
b dickMy Nigga!

Bill December 20, 2013 at 7:52 PM ancient Egypts culture grew from sub-Sah
African roots. In the earliest formative years, it was people from the SOUTH who
moved north into Egypt and brought in the primary features of a new economy and
culture, along with an Afrasian language. -The African Sources of Egyptian Culture
and Language. The words of Dr. Christopher Ehret, historical African linguistics L
EADING SCHOLAR.. not some guy on a blog.. What now, my nigga??

Cyrus December 20, 2013 at 9:14 PM Bill My Nigga Wrote: The words of Dr. Chri
topher Ehret, historical African linguistics LEADING SCHOLAR.. not some guy on a
blog.. What now, my nigga?? Silly NiggaHes talking about what is now Sudan, Ethiopia
and the Horn of AfricaI.E Northwest Africa. The birth place of the Afro-Asiatic(
and therefore Semitic/Near Eastern) languages. This, over a period of 10,000 yea
rs. Silly NiggaYou retards come from Sub-Saharan WEST AfricaNamely AngolaNow please,
park your Rosa Parks sized butt in the back of the bus, where it belongsAdults are

Bill December 20, 2013 at 10:36 PM No you ridiculous buffoon, he meant what
he said. He described the roots of Egyptian culture and language as sub-Saharan.
Youre wrong about a few things.. The living peoples of the African continent are di
verse in facial characteristics, stature, skin color, hair form, genetics, and o
ther characteristics. No one set of characteristics is more African than another
. Variability is also found in sub-Saharan Africa, to which the word Africa is somet
imes erroneously restricted. There is a problem with definitions. Sometimes Afri
ca is defined using cultural factors, like language, that exclude developments t
hat clearly arose in Africa. For example, sometimes even the Horn of Africa (Som
alia, Ethiopia, Eritrea) is excluded because of geography and language and the f
act that some of its peoples have narrow noses and faces. However, the Horn is at
the same latitude as Nigeria, and its languages are African. The latitudeof 15 d
egree passes through Timbuktu, surely in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as Khartoum i
n Sudan; both are north of the Horn. Another false idea is that supra-Saharan an
d Saharan Africa were peopled after the emergence of Europeans or Near Easterners
by populations coming from outside Africa. Hence, the ancient Egyptians in some
writings have been de-Africanized. These ideas, which limit the definition of Af
rica and Africans, are rooted in racism and earlier, erroneous scientific approach
es. (S. Keita, The Diversity of Indigenous Africans, in Egypt in Africa, Theodore Cle
nko, Editor (1996), pp. 104-105. [10]) All leading scholars refute you loons. Mott
said something like just because theyre indigenous to Africa doesnt make them Afr
ican. (It does, along with the fact that their culture and language were indigen
ous African features also.) This nonsensical perspective forwarded by Mott, Mowe
rs, Cyrus, Yun and some other truly ridiculous folk here, cannot be backed by an
y credible research while I have posted quote after quote from leading scholars.

Mott December 20, 2013 at 3:04 PM OK, soK-50 centAfricans are very, very, d
rse, so The Ancient Egyptians were Black Africans who just happened to have very li
ght brown skin, light colored hair, and Caucasoid features, like we see in (almo
st all) the artwork. They also happened to build stuff that is seen nowhere else
in any other ancient African culture Thats some wild diversity! I just looked in th
e mirror- Im a very, very, very light-skinned Black! (especially from the waist dow

kp50 December 21, 2013 at 10:14 AM The ancient Egyptians where different sha
des of brown which is the case among blacks today. Hair color as Ive said ad naus
eam, is a geographical and recessed gene thing since a small percentage of human
s on earth are blondes without help from hair dye. There were no naturally blond
e ancient Egyptians. Name me five pieces of artwork from the dynastic period tha
t have Caucasian features. And if you find one of the statues of the same person
there should be more. The wall painting especially are of light-brown represent
ing most women, to very dark brown Egyptians. (almost all) is a very ridiculous st
atement because it is not true. There were more pyramids built in Nubia (Ancient S
udan) than there were built in Egypt. Of course they werent built on the same sca
le in ancient Nubia. And there were a number of Nubian sites that were buried un
der water when the Aswan Dam was built. And there were other sites destroyed for
whatever reason. For those who want to separate Egypt from Ethiopia(so-called s
ub-Saharan Africa) this is a translation: The Ethiopians(=Egyptians) do not use a
ny letters, but only different animals, their limbs and organs. Earlier priests
only taught their own children this allegorical or symbolic way of writing with
characters in an attempt to keep their knowledge about their own spiritual teach
ing a secret; a woman beating a drum means joy, a man grabbing his chin, looking d
own means sorrow, a tear-filled eye misfortune -Chairemon of Alexandria, 1st century

Dave Mowers December 20, 2013 at 7:23 PM However, the Sphinx is clearly blac
due to its extremely flat face and huge bulging lips. -Yun Bak Ho The Sphinx has b
een run through a computer modeling program and it has proven that the current s
tatue is out of mathematical balance; something no other Egyptian statue has. Wh
en you replace the modern head with an equally balanced lions head you get a perf
ect symmetry. The Sphinx has been recarved by a later Pharaoh.

Cyrus December 20, 2013 at 9:16 PM That actually makes very good sense.

Bill December 20, 2013 at 10:49 PM Without a shred of evidence, who cares ho
w it sounds. Have u pseudo idealists never heard the term burden of proof. What co
mputer modeling program? Who did the test? What mathematical balance exactly and
where is the evidence every other Egyptian statue has been shown to have this s
pecific symmetry? Dont bs, back up just one of your erroneous claims.

Dave Mowers December 21, 2013 at 12:51 AM Robert Schoch, a professor of geol
ogy at Yale has confirmed that weathering on the quarry-pit sides around the Sph
inx is consistent with long-term rainfall. Egypts geology shows that it once rain
ed all the time and had jungle which extended past the site of the pyramids. The
weather changed sometime during 12,000 B.C. to 8,000 B.C. The pit is believed t
o have contained water and functioned as a moon pool reflecting the moon or sun
on the face of the Sphinx lighting it up from below. The Age of Leo was during thi
s same time period circa 11-9,000 B.C. The shape of the Sphinx, if it had a lions
head, is identical to the constellation of Leo. During the Age of Leo the const
ellation would have crossed the celestial equinox at the same point as the Sun h
ad during the day each evening and during the March Equinox the Sun would begin
its annual journey northward when Leo crossed each evening during the same three
months that Leo is prominent in the sky March-April-May. The Sphinx, as a the l
ion Leo, also faces the point on the horizon when during this same time of year
the Sun rises at dawn. In perfect alignment with the Suns daily rise marked by th
e Age and crossing the same point each day/night once a year for three months. It
marks the Sun and Leo in conjunction in three different ways. The lion was worsh
iped as a symbol for the Sun in Celtic, Greek, Phyrgian, Assyrian and Babylonian
cultures. You tell me.was the Sphinx a lion or a Pharaoh?

Pepperoncini December 21, 2013 at 2:09 AM Or the Ancient Egyptians did not n
ecessarily aim for symmetry for the Sphinxs head. In any case, even if it was car
ved over a previous head, the point is the head that everyone is faimiliar with
does look Negroid . We do not know what the alleged original head looked like.

Mott December 22, 2013 at 1:39 PM Hey, wassup, Cyrus? Actually, lions are Aff
rcan, so that means lions are black, so the Sphinx is black an thassa fact! Actuall
ythe head is way, way too small- its way out of proportion. Not asymmetrical. So, this
smallness would align with a theory of being re-carved at least once. But it do
esnt prove it. The fact is, no one knows who built it, or what it is supposed to
represent. None of the pharaohs that may have been models for it are known to ha
ve been Nubian. I dont think the face looks negroid. Most of it is gone, anyway. Af
fro-Setriss think anything with a broad nose and full lips is a negroid. Nah. The
problem with looking at the statues and busts is that some of them were probably
made much later, and so were not modeled from life. Some look more than a littl
e negroid (which doesnt prove much) and most of them look decide non-Negroid.

Dave Mowers August 11, 2014 at 10:37 PM
st/51664794820/mirekulous-ramses-from-the-ramesseum-now-in Absolute perfect symmet
ry found in all Egyptian statues
. Yun Bak Ho December 20, 2013 at 2:45 PM Blacks and whites are being
assholes about Egypt. It belongs to a people genetically and physically similar
to Arabs. Most modern geneticists in the mainstream say that modern Egyptians ar
e 85% genetically similar to ancient ones. Most modern historians sayvthat Moder
n guys come from ancient ones. The Egyptians are the same as always and ever bee
n . The do not belong to either blacks or whites. Only people that can claim it
are actual moderm Egyptianas and Arabics. End of story.

Dave Mowers December 20, 2013 at 7:34 PM Modern Egyptians are Copts and they
are Caucasian descendants.

Pepperoncini December 21, 2013 at 2:21 AM How can you claim they are Caucasi
an descendents? Copts today are a mixed people of essentially of pre Arab Islami
c stock. Their liturgical language is descended from Ancient Egypt. There were m
any invaders of AE, but it does not appear any of the invaders radically altered
the genepool of the land , like is the case with North America. If you are clai
ming Copts are Caucasian ,you are indirectly claiming the AE were Caucasian , yet th
eir racial origins are debatable. Also, use the term Caucasoid as opposed to Cauca
sian because the latter term is more accurately a term for the people of the Cau
casus and or those who speak a Caucasian Language.

kp50 December 20, 2013 at 7:49 PM The ancient Egyptians do belong to everyon
e, they where members of mankind. The problem is some believe that blacks should
nt embrace ancient Egypt in any way. People try to separate Arabs from black Africa
ns when we must understand that the Arabian peninsula is connect by land to to nor
th Africa and the Arabian peninsula connects like a puzzle to Egypt and it more
than likely was totally connected to Africa before an earthquake created the Red
Sea or the Sea of Reeds. When we talk about genetic makeup 85% similarity doesnt
mean much because nearly all human DNA is in the high ninety percentile. It is
that fraction of a percent that sets us apart. We will have to disagree about mode
rn Egyptians and Arabs coming from the ancient ones. We hear experts say that th
e ancient Egyptians were more closely related to the ancient Nubians. But this s
eems to escape many people. Saying that Arabs and modern Egyptians are the only
people who can claim ancient Egypt is very shortsighted. The Arabs conquered Egy
pt in the 7th century A.D., not the 20th century B.C. , Not in the 10th century
B.C., and not in the 1st century B.C. . By the time of the 7th century A.D., Egy
pt already had a nearly 4000 year(s) old civilization. When the criticism is levie
d out on whom is claiming ancient Egypt, it is not as though we live in a parall
el universe. Blacks have had white supremacy separate them from their history an
d separate them from their humanity.

Pepperoncini December 21, 2013 at 2:10 AM Egyptians for the most part are No
t Arabs. Arabs imposed their religion and language on the Egyptians. The majority
of Egyptian Y-DNA is not of Arabic origin.

scottmatheson58 August 24, 2014 at 12:50 PM I dont have any science or histo
y to back that up but your comment feels logical.In addition to your idea I think
Egypt in that time must have been thought of as the center of the world and as s
uch must have hosted a large mixture of people from all over the known world.It
strikes me that Nubians must have played an important role in the over all makeu
p and story of ancient Egypt given their proximity to everything.I think I read
somewhere that race was not an issue in those times and so-one supposes-it follo
ws that people would have ascended through the ranks of that society based on th
eir individual merits and abilities.

Gordon August 24, 2014 at 9:21 PM Surely no race presently on Earth have the
required intelligence to have made the ancient structures around the world, the
y may have been used as labour if that was required, Looking at the different ra
ces some are with higher IQ, but even they were probably used in the same way, N
egroid people are struggling to be recognized as this, but why are they forever
boasting The first Black Man to do this or that which is usually what other races
have done ages ago, Forget it none of the races left presently here did it
. Yun Bak Ho December 20, 2013 at 10:04 PM Why does everybody hate bla
cks so much? Is it the skin color or what?

Paul Van December 20, 2013 at 10:34 PM The European 19th century misinformat
ion campaign is at the heart of it, it is akin to the leaves thinking that they
are better than the tree that bears them.

Dave Mowers December 21, 2013 at 12:54 AM According to Switzerland geneticis
s, British men and many Western European men are related to Egyptian Pharaoh Tut
ankhamun. Scientists working at Zurich-based DNA genealogy center, iGENEA, caref
ully reassembled the boy Pharaohs genetic profile. Scientific analysis demonstrat
ed that King Tut is biologically related to a genetic profile group, commonly re
ferred to as haplogroup R1b1a2. This haplogroup belongs to roughly half the men
living in Western Europe, confirming that many Western European men share a comm
on ancestry with ancient Egyptians living in the 18th dynasty. Finally, King Tut was
99.5 percent confirmed to be R1B1A2 along the paternal line. He may have had da
rk skin because many of Akhenatens grandparents took Iraqi Indo-European speaking
or black concubines daughters with them to marry. Academic Sources: Ancient Egypt; D
r. Donald P. Ryan; 2002. Ancient Greece; Dr. Eric D. Nelson; 2004. Decoding Your Gen
es; Dr. Mark V. Bloom; 2000. Silver Back Magazine (SBM); Robin Walker; 2011. World H
istory; Timothy C. Hall, M.A. 2008.

Pepperoncini December 21, 2013 at 3:15 AM The Swiss company did not have Tut
confirmed DNA information , so whatever they claim can not be accepted as proof
. Igenea is just a private Gene testing company, they are not an academic institut
ion. They are resorting to sensationalist and misleading claims to garner public
ity and sucker in delusional White Nationalists to buy their gene testing kits.
. Dave Mowers December 21, 2013 at 1:45 AM Libyans were the Carthagini
ans. Roman authors put them as coming into Africa from Turkey originally and Iri
sh, Scandinavian, Norse mythology lists them not only as Danaans (Tuatha De Dana
an, Dans of the North) but calls them a sea-faring people who came to north and l
aunched an attack on Ireland from there being known as Nemedians cognate to Numidia
ns who were expelled from Libya by Romans around 46 B.C. Their empire extended as f
ar as Egypt. Original Phoenician-Egyptians with red-hair who later populated Ire
. Pepperoncini December 21, 2013 at 2:04 AM From Dave Mowers King Tuts DN
A is Western European Posted by EU Times on Jun 7th, 2010
0/06/king-tuts-dna-is-western-european/ Still peddling this unsustantiated claim I
see. I corrected you on this earlier. Here are the facts: King Tuts genetic ancestry
has NOT been released to the public. So there is no way a 3rd party Gene testin
g company (igenea in this case) can make any claim as to his specific ancestry. ht
tp:// http://blogs.disco King Tuts DNA is We
stern European Igenea claim was about Tuts Y-DNA , not his autosomal DNA. Even if we a
ccept Igeneas Y-DNA claim, it would still not mean Tuts DNA is Western European as
you would need Autosomal DNA information to claim whether Tut was most similar
to Western Euros. An African American with a Western European Y-DNA can still be
mostly Sub Saharan African in ancestry as Y-DNA does NOT tell the % of a person
genetic ancestry.

Dave Mowers December 21, 2013 at 6:33 AM Who do you believe is making an aut
hentic case, the anonymous pickled pepper or Dave Mowers?
egyptian-mummies-yield-genetic-secrets-1.12793 The researchers determined that one
of the mummified individuals may belong to an ancestral group, or haplogroup, ca
lled I2, believed to have originated in Western Asia.
e/2011/08/01/britain-tutankhamun-dna-idAFL3E7J135P20110801 The results showed that
King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to whi
ch more than 50 percent of all men in Western Europe belong, indicating that the
y share a common ancestor. I know, I know, I know everyone is lying, all the news m
edia, all the scientists, all the bloggers, all ancient historians and mythologi
sts, all the archaeologists even the people who made the statues and stone table
ts we are all connected by an invisible psychic link! All just part of the Great G
rand White Caucasoid Conspiracy to Rob The Black Man of his Heritage

kp50 December 21, 2013 at 7:41 AM King Tutankhamen had no surviving offsprin
g. So any genes associated with him comes from his predecessors. And that is not
to say that whites didnt inherit genes from members of the 18th Dynasty which Tu
tankhamen belonged to. But the problem is that many, who want to write blacks ou
t of ancient Egyptian history, arent as charitable.

Pepperoncini December 21, 2013 at 9:30 PM You do not help your cause by link
ing to that liar and revisionist Arthur Kemp , who would have everyone believe t
hat Nordic Whites built all the worlds ancient civilizations or had a crucial han
d in it. The articles in the news media are written by those who have no clue on t
he details of the science or what the opinion in academia is. Case in point, the
BBC carrying the story of those alleged ancient pyramids in Bosnia. All the media
stories simply link to Igenea, which as I have stated is without merit because
they do NOT have Tuts DNA ancestry information, no one does. I already linked you
to Dienekes , where he debunks the Igenea claim. Listen unless you can actually p
rove that Tuts DNA profile was made public or that Igenea had access to it, all t
he links you provide are worthless because they all go back to Igeneas unsubstant
iated claim. No Peer Reviewed academic journal has backed up Igeneas claim.
. Dave Mowers December 21, 2013 at 7:03 AM
2009/04/egyptian-mummies-clearly-white.html http://mathildasanthropologyblog.wordp
/index.php/blog/346-dwarf-roman-mummy Although
this photograph does not serve well to illustrate the reason for naming this ma
n Ginger he received that nickname when he was first put on display in the British
Museum because of his golden curly locks. In excavations at Hierakonpolis during th
e 1998 season many samples of hair was retrieved for laboratory study. Joann con
tinues: The vast majority of hair samples discovered at the site were cynotricho
us (Caucasian) in type as opposed to heliotrichous (Negroid), a feature which is
standard through dynastic times . . . Conspiracy by ancient Nordics?

Yun Bak Ho December 21, 2013 at 9:10 AM Its interesting about the whole Ging
r/Red Hair supremacy. My white friends (most of them are hardcore closeted racist
s, but very intelligent) insist that Genghis Khan and other prominent Asians wer
e actually white people with red hair. Plus both Christopher Columbus and Leif E
rikson; the first two people to discover America had red hair. I am inclinedto b
elieve that there may be a connection between red hair and adventurous prrsonali
ty. I dated a red hsired girl before who was very wild and adventurous. She snow
boarded, skydived, took copious amounts of LSD and cannabis. She also fought at
a local womens MMA club and was pretty hotheaded. She was also a nymphomaniac and
wanted to fuck like three to four times a day, and threatened to break up with
me if I didnt constantly give her sex. Eventually, I got fed up with her psycho
shit and dumped her, but thid does raise an interesting point about gingers. Are
theysuperior in some type of way, or correlated with violence like Genghis Khan
? Also, what is it about whites and always trying to makevyou feel shitty? All m
y white friends cannot resist making fun of me for my race every opportunity the
y get. They also talk a lot of shit abourt black peoples and call them niggers b
ut act like non-racists in public. But behind closed doors they talk about nigger
s all the time. Why? I have always shown respect for whites and their great accom
plishments, and Itry my best to be nice to them, but sometimes it is hard with t
heir attitude towards me as a human being. I also dont understand their severe h
atred for blacks. They always act like non racists in public, but alone they wil
l say barbaric, terrible things about blacks, advocating violence and saying tha
t those negores were not on welfare when picking cotton, and one day they are goin
g to have hot sex with a nigger bitch and nut in her mouth and call her a nigger.
Why do whites hate black peoples so much csn some whites on this board tell me?
I am really curious. They also hate us Asians because we look like blacks due to
having flat faces and noses.

Mott December 21, 2013 at 3:04 PM Whites dont hate Asians (certainly not lik
they hate blacks), in general. And they dont lump them i with blacks- the two gr
oups couldnt be more different. Whites dislike black males, mainly, for their dan
gerous and violent behavior. And, black culture is seen as dumbed-down, anti-int
ellectual, anti-academic, anti-science, pro-sports and pro-stupid. I dont hate blac
ks per se, but I am appalled and terrified of ghetto black males. Is that racist
? Only some whites are hardcore racists. And theyre all on the internet! A lot of o
thers might talk shit, make jokes, but are not actually racists. And, probably h
alf of whites arent racist at all. Being afraid/leery of blacks, or disliking tra
shy culture, is not being racist. Whites dont have a monopoly on racism- study histor
y. In the U.S. a lot of blacks, Asians, and Latinos claim that only whites are r
acist here in the U.S. While some may be telling the truth, a lot of others disl
ike whites intensely and are actually racists, too.

Dave Mowers August 11, 2014 at 10:59 PM If you go back to the to Greek autho
rs, Polybius and Pausanias during Roman times you can find statements about the
nature of white Celtic culture. They are essentially degenerates. The culture is a
ll about social dominance, asserting yours over others and even two thousand year
s ago all they did was constantly fight and talk shit. One passage describes to Ro
mans how difficult it was going to be to negotiate with these barbarians as their
speech is filled with superlatives and inflections , metaphor and double-meaning
so much so as to basically nullify any possible profit in trade deals as the pe
ople prided themselves on being able to con you; to get over on you. I remember on
e instance where Polybius describes an average night in a Celtic town. They eat
at a hall or diner where everyone shows up. The women are whores being screwed l
eft and right by any man interested while the people are stoned drunk every nigh
t. If you dont act like them, get drunk, revel and party, youll be seen as an outs
ider and readily murdered if you are not careful. Each evening the strongest of
their males argue with each other and every night someone calls out, Challenge fo
r single combat or the phrase used by that particular Celtic tribe which means it
and this means that the two men must now fight to the death usually bare-handed
while people cheer them on and make wagers against it. He goes to ask the questio
n, why would you want to kill your strongest fighters this way by allowing such
activity? Celtic Kings paid their soldiers for each head they brought back from a
battle. Celtic Kings homes were easily identifiable as they encased the exteriors
with human skulls. You could be king anytime you wanted to by declaring a chall
enge for combat and winning but most of these Kings were where they were for a v
ery good reason. Just imagine a President who literally defends his office by be
ating other men to death with his fists and when a war comes; runs in front of t
he men to get his glory first? The Romans thought all of this was insanity. All I ca
n say is, if you beat a dog long enough it becomes vicious and the white race ha
s been acting vicious for a very long time. There is no race that has killed as
many humans and ultimately our religion calls for an Apocalypse that in prophecy
will annihilate everyone. High intelligence appears crazy because it verily is
psychotic. And yes, white women, especially Irish, Welsh and Australian are entire
ly nuts. Good luck with them. There are normal whites out there just avoid rural
areas and the south.
. Yun Bak Ho December 21, 2013 at 7:10 AM Why does it matter which rac
e was which? Its history. How the fuck does that affect us today?

Paul Van December 21, 2013 at 11:13 AM King Tut Related to Half of European
Men? Maybe Not A personal genomics company in Switzerland says theyve reconstructed
a DNA profile of King Tutankhamen by watching the Discovery Channel, claiming t
he results suggest more than half of Western European men are related to the boy
king. But researchers who worked to decode Tuts genome in the first place say th
e claim is unscientific. Swiss genomics company iGENEA has launched a Tutankhamen DN
A project based on what they say are genetic markers that appeared on a computer
screen during a Discovery Channel special on the famous pharaohs genetic lineage
. Maybe they didnt know what they showed, but we got 16 markers from the Y chromosom
e from these pharaohs, Roman Scholz, the managing director of iGENEA, told LiveSc
ience. If the claims were true, it would put King Tut in a genetic profile group s
hared by more than half of Western European men. That would make those men relat
ives albeit distant ones of the pharaoh. But Carsten Pusch, a geneticist at German
ys University of Tubingen who was part of the team that unraveled Tuts DNA from sa
mples taken from his mummy and mummies of his family members, said that iGENEAs c
laims are simply impossible. Pusch and his colleagues published part of their resu
lts, though not the Y-chromosome DNA, in the Journal of the American Medical Ass
ociation (JAMA) in 2010. The Y chromosome is the sex chromosome found only in ma
les, and looking at the genes in this chromosome would show Tuts male lineage. Pusc
hs team used snippets of Y-chromosome DNA to link Tut to his closest relatives, i
dentifying his mom and dad. But they didnt publish the full genetic data that wou
ld allow genomics companies like iGENEA to link modern people to the Tutankhamen
lineage. According to Scholz, that crucial data is what appeared on the Discove
ry Channel. Dr. Albert Zink from the EURAC [European Academy of Bolzano, an indepen
dent research center] in Bolzano and co-author of the 2010 JAMA publication scre
ened the footage and confirmed that the company acts very unscientific, Pusch wro
te in an email to LiveScience. The Swiss company did not try to get into contact
with us prior to launching their new Internet page. The alleged Discovery Channel m
arkers put Tut in a genetic profile group, or haplogroup, that also includes mor
e than half of the men in Western Europe. Scholz said the company is now searchi
ng for the closest living relatives of Tutankhamen, men who share all 16 genetic
markers on the pharaohs supposed Y chromosome. Exact matches get a refund for th
eir $179 to $399 test and will also get free additional DNA analysis. The haplogro
up R1b1a2, which iGENEA claims includes King Tut, arose 9,500 years ago in the B
lack Sea region. How Tuts ancestors would have gotten from that region to Egypt i
s unknown, but Scholz said iGENEA hopes to learn more by collecting more close a
nd exact matches from modern people of Western European descent. The better the mat
ch, the more recent the common ancestor, Scholz said. But people hoping to prove th
at theyve got an ancestor in common with the notoriously sickly boy king should t
ake iGENEAs claims with a grain of salt, Pusch said: It appears that they try to b
etter sell their DNA testing kit by using the media attention connected to King
Tut. **** It is all about the Benjamins. Exact matches get a refund, how many refunds h
ave they given back? This is laughable.

Paul Van December 21, 2013 at 11:16 AM
overy-channel-tutankhamen-dna.html *** Source for my above post.

Dave Mowers August 11, 2014 at 11:04 PM Ancient Greek historians put the Cel
tic peoples around the Black Sea and migrating into Mesopotamia and onward to th
e Mediterranean then to Europe. They were called the Sacae look it up.
. Dave Mowers December 21, 2013 at 4:59 PM Here is a site with a trans
lation posted online of the french (the language it was written in) from Diops st
udy. In it you will find that the poster here named Bill is intently leaving out n
oted irregularities found in all mummies specifically that the treatments applie
d to the bodies contain melanin and therefore may affect the outcome of test res
ults. Read it yourself, Bill does not understand science and chooses to see what
he wants to see including the fact that numerous other groups find this method
used to define ethnicity or race wholly incorrect missing key steps to achieve a
desired result. A result mind you, that confirms Diops own earlier flawed language
analysis that began with a mistranslation of ancient Hebrew and Egyptian. This
is classic confirmation bias.
=print_topic;f=8;t=006995 Now read what Wikipedia has to say about this BLACK AFRI
CAN SCHOLAR who desperately wanted to prove Black African Egypt Hypothesis as hi
s lifes work. Some cr
itics have argued that Diops melanin dosage test technique lacks sufficient evide
nce. They contend the test is inappropriate to apply to ancient Egyptian mummies
, due to the effects of embalming and deterioration over time In 1974, Diop was one
of about 20 participants in a UNESCO symposium in Cairo, where he presented his
theories to specialists in Egyptology. This symposium generated a lively debate
about, but no consensus on, Diops theories. His forceful assertions that the orig
inal population of the Nile Delta was black and that Egyptians remained black-sk
inned until Egypt lost its independence, was criticized by many participants. Diop
also wrote a chapter entitled Origin of the ancient Egyptians, in the UNESCO Gene
ral History of Africa. However, Diops contribution was subject to the editorial c
omment that The arguments put forward in this chapter have not been accepted by a
ll the experts interested in the problem Despite all evidence to the contrary Diop
continued his racist ideology even going as far as blaming A WIDE FLUNG CONSPIRA
llenged the various assertions of Afrocentrists on the cultural and biological c
haracteristics of Ancient Egyptian civilization and its people. At a UNESCO Symp
osium in the 1970s, the vast majority of the delegates repudiated the Afrocentri
c assertions. Zahi Hawass has gone on record as saying that the Ancient Egyptian
s were not black and Ancient Egypt was not a Black African Civilization His wild as
sertions have now been combined with modern Negro-racism and Out of Africa HYPOT
HESIS (meaning it has not been proven and is contested as a theorem) to create a
false narrative which always ends with blacks claiming that since everyone in th
e past was once black all civilization can be credited to black people going as
far as to deny genetics and state that all Caucasians are in fact; black! They bas
e their ideas on cold climate causing skin tone discoloration over time except b
lack Africans live and have lived in North America and Europe for hundreds of ye
ars and they are still black colored? How can this be? Their skin is supposed to c
hange color and become white in cold weather? Why are black-colored people in En
gland and Ireland? The Moors invaded Europe thirteen hundred years ago but we st
ill have dark-skinned people? Why wont their assertions become reality.. Proverbs 12
:19; The truthful lip shall be established forever, But a lying tongue is but for
a moment.

Paul Van December 21, 2013 at 5:31 PM Dave, now that you have mounted a resp
onse to Diops melanin test, are you also saying that the German melanin test are w
rong and are there any other experts in Egyptology, such as yourself that agree
with you. Do you have any sources stating this cold climate, skin color connecti
on and attributing this to Afrocentrist.
. Bill December 21, 2013 at 6:00 PM Yun.. one aspect of white imperial
ism is the need to justify and propagate itself through the denial or shrinking
of black/brown achievement and potential while celebrating Europe as the end all
-be all in terms of civilization. The vestiges still exist today on the mind and
tongues of those who identify with white supremacy. This is shown in the rush o
f third party bio labs and ECs around the nets inexplicable use of an unnamed spec
imen as proof that Tut was European. I address this directly following the eutim
es link Mowers posted. It seems youre all terribly incorrect yet again. Even if a
ll checked out, which it doesnt, how did the original R1b carriers look? They def
initely werent pale skinned or cold adapted. Mowers, no ones fooled. Ive already addr
essed your claim that AE mummies show I2. These were Greco-Roman era mummies, on
ly one had this marker. As far as hair goes.. It has been explained time and time ag
ain, yet bias will not allow you to see. Hair of all shades is colored by both e
umelanin (yellow, brown, black) and pheomelanin (red). Pheomelanin is more stabl
e, over time the eumelanin oxidizes, leaving pheomelanin as the predominant feat
ure (red hair). Ramses was around 90 when he died, obviously gray-haired, still
you silly people say his red hair is proof of European descent and not what it i
s.. the postmortem oxidizing of eumelanin. How do you explain the number of red
haired Native American specimen? Oh, thats right.. They were red headed Aryans as
well. (Im not being serious here.) As far as texture..The nappy/straight hair of A
Es debate is rooted in eye ball anthropology. The process is tedious and unscien
tific. Not all indigenous Africans have nappy hair. Widespread cultural bias and g
eneral ignorance are responsible for such limited views. The scientific method t
o resolving this dispute is to actually measure the hair, as straight and curly
hair have discernibly different widths to their hair strands. This work has been
done and shows Egyptians to have indices consistent with curled hair, not as ti
ghtly as Bantu but they definitely DID NOT have straight, Nordic like hair. Thei
r hair indices, like their genetic profile, is most similar to their Sudanese ne
ighbors to the south!
. dubz December 21, 2013 at 9:12 PM What Im trying to figure out, is ho
w the phenotypical features of the Northern European Caucasian, who derived from
the darker people of the Southern hemisphere, i.e., Mother Africa can be consid
ered the standard, prototype, or premise on which to properly identify or analyz
e other more ancient and primordial people? I guess this is the ole what came first
, the chicken or the egg? For if this is not the epitome Eurocentrism, I dont know w
hat is! Its not that the Australoid, Dravidian, or in this case, the ancient Egypti
an has Caucasoid or Nordic features as been described, it should be that the whi
te European Caucasoid has retained certain phenotypical features that were first
manifested and derived from their Black and darker-skinned African ancestors! As
we know, straight hair, aquiline noses, so-called keen features, thin lips, and
even blue-eyes and blondish to reddish hair can be found amongst some of the old
est, darkest, and Blackest people in Africa and on the planet earth, as in the A
borigines and Melanesian of Australia and the South Pacific. It wasnt an so-called A
fro-centrist scholar, but countless astute and conservative white European schola
rs and researchers that developed and uphold the science that the Black Africans
were the first and original Homo sapiens i.e., the Out of Africa theory.
. Dave Mowers December 21, 2013 at 10:31 PM here comes theBOOM! Yes its t
heBOOM! Rattling the ground, violent force of sound, your theories are unwound, B
lack Egypt going downMad crazy compliance, Caucasian proven science, totally reli
ant, like Thor against the giants, Jotun and the Negroes, hatin on the heroes, wi
shing to change history they wallow in their misery! Bountiful. As Nordic truth a
plenary we hit them with the summary, a testament to potency with radical consis
tency, the world for you a mystery cant understand the history, backed up by the
mythology, dissing phoney anthropology, Black Egypt just a forgery, a pseudo-ety
mology, laid low into your place by me now face the corollary; http://wakeup-world
/ it seems too far out to admit, but while Homo Erectus was muddling along in the r
est of the world, a few erectus had got to Australia and did something dramatica
lly different not even with stone tools but it is here that Homo sapiens emerged
and evolved. Thirty thousand years before the first Africans supposedly entered Aus
tralia, Original, not African, genes turn up in Siberia. Much to their surprise, the
DNA they recovered the oldest yet by over 100,000 years most closely resembles D
NA from an enigmatic lineage of humans known as Denisovans None of what they found f
its into any traditional version of human ascension, and according to Dr. Luis A
sauaga (Paleoanthropologist, Universdad Complutense de Madrid) this discovery de
mands that we have to rethink the whole story. And that last statement by Dr. Asa
uaga really sums up the case for the entire Out-of-Africa theory: it is a story, i
t was never a fact. the finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from A
frican haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid,
as well as all non-African groups do not carry either SNIs M91, P97, M31, P82, M
23, M114, P262 Now you have the take-a-way, I play no more with you to-day, your ar
guments illogical and mostly all improbable, errors you make me laugh in jest an
d now with facts do I digress! You rap-stars let me know if I hurt your feeling to
o much

dubz December 21, 2013 at 11:55 PM Outside of this authors article as presen
ed here, who is an white Australian that believes all types of fringe theories a
bout Australia as if it were the center of world, and this one paper that is bei
ng copied and pasted on various web sites, including Stormfront, this self-publi
shed research by this chemist, Anatole A. Klyosov (the real focus of this theory)
has not been confirmed by peer review, and still 99.9% of thewhite European GENETI
CIST are still standing by THEIR original well-researched consensus as pertainin
g to the Out Of Africa scientific finding! Where is the breaking news story?!! White
people control all of the major news outlets, and the top and most widely read
publications! I know one story that broke in the news recently and that is that va
rious scientific publications have been receiving payoffs to hastily publish unr
eviewed and unsubstantiated researcha fact! I guess this story will break soon on F
OX News along with the empirical and irrefutable evidence that Santa Claus was d
efinitely white and Jesus was actually a Nordic European blonde! Ill be waiting p
atiently BTW_I didnt know that the majority of the WHITE European geneticist in this
world could rap? H_mmmm????

Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 12:06 AM To be fair I dont believe Jesus wa
white because I believe the Gnostics were correct in interpreting the stories a
s having been written by a single author using dialogue to act out the various a
postles roles opposite what, in his mind, would be the perfect human as a morali
ty guide for later generations to be inspired by. So Jesus didnt really exist. Etym
ology is the study of words and word structure along with origins of words. I wi
ll give you a lesson using Jesus. He is Celtic and Proto-Indo-European for Lord as a t
itular epithet. In Latin (Roman) He is Je which is identical to the word Ja and Jou f
ed as deity in Roman vernacular Jove. In Roman it also means Lord. As Jou-Pater Jupite
ans Father Lord or God. Jove in Roman-Latin is pronounced Ja-veh or Yahweh with a S
accent. Hesus or Esus was a Celtic deity who was a carpenter and shepherd and son of G
od who predates Jesus. Sus Sas Sakh Sagg Seus Zaz Zag Zak Zuz Zeus were th
ribes spelt their gods name. Essentially it is a carry Z or S as in long sound with a
vowel and ending in the same consonant. Sus is Zeus He or Je is Lord Jesus in Greek
rd Zeus Zeus is a dialectic variation of Dyaus, Deus, Dios, Dis meaning God. Translat
ed in modern English; Lord God This is all backed up by historic and scientific fact
. Look it up yourself on Wikis.

dubz December 22, 2013 at 9:33 AM Dave, Dave, DaveI was being a little sarca
ticanywayIve been studying etymology, comparative religion, mythology, and archetyp
es way before the internet or Wikipedia was a twinkle in your fantasies. Etymology
is a very fascinating discipline, but in many ways, an inconclusive study. Thou
gh over time, there may be some consensus amongst scholars, however, a lot of th
ese ancient names, titles, and words are still wide-open for interpretation, and
then there is the deeper meaning of words that only have meaning to the culture
s that either presently speaks, or more importantly spoke the language at that t
ime, and over time, its not uncommon that even the indigenous speakers of a langu
age or either a familiar language to either lose or change the true meaning of a
word until it has no actual definitive meaning relative to its original idea or
description. Man, I have read some very interesting scholarly papers denoting int
erpretations of some of what you have written, all differing, yet worth noting a
nd further study. Most deities worshiped along with the canonical writings and div
ine liturgy of most religions predated the culture of the worshipers themselves
and were borrowed or continued over, which means even the names of these deities
, their meaning, along with language used in worship or ceremony was foreign to
the adopting culture of worshipers, with words being many times misinterpreted o
r mispronounced, or in some cases, disassociated with a dead language. For just ab
out every religion on earth had long oral traditions before being inscribed or t
ranscribed, with the mythology, liturgy, or rituals only being fully understood
and privy in their truest esoteric meaning to a select and privileged few of ade
pts and hierarchical initiates. Dave, if I had the time, I could dig out some old
books and blow your mind when it comes to the various interpretations of scholar
s over the ages pertaining to the meaning of the name Jesus and many other god-lik
e figures and terms. Most Europeans in general take too much too literary, or try
to overly objectify and abstract everything, this is not how the ancient world f
unctioned or communicated ideas.

Mott December 22, 2013 at 4:42 PM Santa Claus- Saint Nicolas- was from Turke
y but he was a Greek guy. So, yeah, hes basically a white guy. Christians have been
painting Jesus as a European-looking guy for 1.500 years. The Nordic Jesus look y
oure referring to always pictures him as English-looking, maybe even with blue ey
es, but never as a blue-eyed blonde Swedish-looking dude. Mid-Easterners painted J
esus as looking more Greek or Mid-Eastern, but in reality he was probably short,
dark eyed, black hair, and very Jewy-looking. Blacks in Africa depict him as bl
ack. So what? The question is not whether AE were Nordic Euros (they were not, I b
elieve) the question is whether they were black Africans or not. As someone poin
ted out, they were not Arabs either. What were they? They were Egyptians, you fuckin
g morons. Egyptians dont look like any other people on Earth. The modern ones are
mixed with Arabs, and theyve always had more than a little black African blood,
but that doesnt make them Black Africans. You, Dumbz, are taking one silly non-scie
ntific argument and saying that if its not true, then the AEs had to be blonde No
rdics. Bullshit- paper tiger.

dubz December 22, 2013 at 6:02 PM Hey Mut, youve been swiggin on the moonsh
-spiked eggnog a little early havent you buddy? the Egyptians in all actuality would
not even identified themselves by this elusive category of being, merely, an Eg
yptian, as defined by the ancient Greeks and further embraced by early European
adventurers and tomb raiders. Kemet was a very broad and diverse imperial state
with African rulership and roots. Yet for contextual reasons, we will call the peo
ple of Kem, Egyptians. Just as a side note: (its sort of interesting how backwards
Europeans wanted to allow the Biblical and mythologized people of Ham (Kem the A
ncient Egyptians) to be the progenitors of all Black Africans, until they realiz
ed how advanced these people actually were, then all of a sudden, they immediate
ly made them officially and honorarily white people overnightLOL!) any way. The Ancient
Greeks themselves reported these people as being no different or similar to the
Black Ethiopians (which translates into sun-burnt face). Now you know this Mut! Th
e science and visuals are overwhelmingly tellingThe Egyptians and their culture d
id not fall out of the sky and it had no signs of Indo-Europeanism. What you fin
d in ancient Egypt cultural roots we find the mythology deriving from the upper
Nile, deeper into Africa, and it was no doubt a culture that was related to the
African continent more than anything. Lets move on Turks and Greeks might have a lot i
n common with other Southern Europeans, however, this standard of whiteness was no
t always allotted to them, again, you are trying to umbrella dozens of uncommon
people with a racist sociocultural designator that was at one time exclusively a
llotted to a small minority of white Northern Europeans. Now to make an argument
stick, everyone who was once denied this white privilege now becomes honorary whit
es. There is no Greek ethnic purity, and Greeks historically like other people of e
mpire where defined more by language and customs than racial pseudo-sciences white
status. Saint Nichols the Turkish Greek saint picture doesnt depict an African (nev
er said he was), however, it surely doesnt depict a white man as the standard was f
irst derived. White people know he wasnt the preferred image of a white man so like Je
sus, they further mythologized him and made him look very Nordic! Also, there are
several depictions of Jesus of the catacombs of Rome is very non-white European
looking along with his mother, the Black Madonna worshiped throughout Europe. Ho
wever, this is all imaginative artist rendering of believers check the forensic a
rcheology of the Levant, and you will find African people White people thrive off o
f images and myths to keep their power and existence credible, as they downplay
and malign all other people outside of their contrived status as a people apart
from the rest humanity. This will backfire one day, so be careful for your sake,
yet, be even more careless for my own

dubz December 22, 2013 at 6:14 PM Sure dont look like Leonardo da Vincis La

Robert Lindsay December 22, 2013 at 7:36 PM Dumbz LOL.

Mott December 22, 2013 at 8:38 PM Dumbz- 1. I dont drink eggnog. 2. Are you
igger? Why? Because only a Dumbz-Ass nigger would make the stupid inferences you m
ake! There are smart niggers, but youre not one of them! Your Last Supper pic is laug
hable- the faces are darksotheyre AFRRECENS! Saint Nic pic- Looks like I would expect
a Greek to look. His nose pretty broad, even for a Greekskin is kinda swarthy (t
ypical Greek) but.oh nothis means HESSA NIGGRO! His nose is broad, even for a Gree
kbut it says in the scientific article that he had his nose SEVERELY BROKEN, the
real St. Nick. You can read, boy? I mean, Dumbz-ASS? You stated that the Minoans w
ere Niggers because Niggers were in Europe 35,000 years ago, which is longer ago
than 8,000. Makes sense! Dont believe? Look at this!
/media/img/Minoan_Queens_Fresco.jpg You futher postulate that all ancient Europeans
must therefore have been Niggas. Yes, the Ancient Greeks, and why not the Roman
s, too? Youre too smart for your own good! And, as you correctly, state, Jesus and
the Apostles were all Niggas because Afercins settled the Levant. Damn you smart
! Yes, and every human with dark skin, broad nose and/or big lips is an Afferican-
this includes Aborigines, Melenesians, Negritos, Asians (small lips, tho), and
one of my own (white) brothers. Theyre ALL AFFERICINS! Im an AFFRIN TOO! Why? I have
a big dick! Makes sense! According to your logic, the Great Wall of China was buil
t by Affricens, because humans came from Afferka, and Asians are obviously de-pi
gmented Niggas with small dicks and small lips. OMG! If you keep talking, Dumbz-As
s, Im gonna retract my statement about there being smart niggers! Mr. Bill aint as
dumb as you- he must have more white in him. And yes, Dumb-Ass, you are so racist
against Whites/Euros that it is laughable. Whites stole everything they know fr
om the Affrins! About the Egyptians againI found this very revealing site! Proves i

dubz December 22, 2013 at 9:08 PM Hey Mutant, I mean mutton, I mean Mutt. Da
just helped me checkmate you and all the other recessive genetic anomalies with
transparent epidermises that think they are more than a horde of knuckle-scrapin
g troglodytes. Using his own source, this issue has been resolved Mutt (btw wheres J
eff) you are a johnny-come-lately on the world scene, you dont know where youre from
or who you are, so you make it up as you go. You want to be white one day (blanco
> bleach meaning colorless) and then when convenient, appropriate the histories
of all of the people you have despised and racistly hated, even other Europeans
. And its obvious that youre not that intelligent based on your vile and uncivilized
responses, its obvious that you cant express yourself intelligently under pressur
e, so you babble, unravel, and throw tantrums. I see that the irrefutable truth
is wearing you down Check at the bottom of the pageits over little man

Robert Lindsay December 22, 2013 at 9:09 PM LOL about smart Blacks. The raci
sts call smart Blacks magic niggers. That sucks but its pretty damn funny.

Darryl December 22, 2013 at 9:22 PM I honestly dont mind if whites are super
or to AsiansYun are the most pitiful of everyone hereand FYI if you do a little res
earch you will see that there are more whites on welfare than blacks also before
you call my race violent you should consider the socioeconomic status they are
placed in. I am pretty sure you would be much more hostile person if you could n
ot support yourself you may even be more likely to commit a crime. and affirmati
ve action has helped white woman more than any black person. Also i feel you alm
ost try to put your self in the same box as whites. another FYI they dont like y
ou either. Try telling them the originals ninjas were asian watch them tell you
they are white. Also Bill has been owning you mfers. and Bill consider your sourc
es the smart people know the truth. Arguing with these racists is almost pointle
ss ive been watching you go back and forth constantly destroying everything they
say but they continue to refute you. No matter what facs or hardcore evidence y
ou show they dont care they are in disbelief My final question for Dave, its a hypo
thetical. What if they are black? do you hate us so much that you absolutely ref
use to come from blacks? Like whats the big deal? is it my skin? i really am cur

Yun Bak Ho December 22, 2013 at 9:27 PM According to your logic, the Great W
all of China was built by Affricens, because humans came from Afferka, and Asian
s are obviously de-pigmented Niggas with small dicks and small lips. I think I pun
ctured a lung. I need to call an ambulance. Holy shit. I was drinking Sprite too
. I havent laughed this hard since a British guy tried to pronounce 9/11

kp50 December 22, 2013 at 9:28 PM The first known image of mother with child
(so-called Immaculate Conception) is Isis with Horus. That image was a black wo
man with a black child. The image of Mary with Jesus is a duplication of the abo
ve mentioned. There are images hidden in the Vatican in Rome of a black Mary wit
h Jesus who is black. And at one time this was widely excepted by a lot of peopl
e. Over the centuries the images have Changed. The past five hundred years are w
hen the present images became widely excepted. Ancient Egyptians did look like oth
er people and today there are a lot of people who look like ancient Egyptians. Im
sure not many will admit it, but Queen Tiye was a black women, whom, I call eve
ry black woman because her most famous image looks like a number of black women
who are alive today. One example is the bust of Queen Tiye and an early album co
ver of Diana Ross. The resemblance is amazing. There are images of Ahmose-Nefert
ari that also look like that album cover of Diana Ross. Their mug shots viewed fro
m the same angle looks almost like the same person, But the two are separated by
more than 3340 years. There is an image of President Obama beside an image of K
ing Akhenaten. I believe this was to make fun of Barack Obama because most image
s of Akhenaten are different to say the least. But, the two images of the two lo
ok similar. There is an image of a young King Amenhotep III, which resembles tha
t of the slain Oscar Grant. There are more, but the point is there are black con
temporary people who look like people whom they are separated from by millennia.
Whenever people say that the ancient Egyptians werent black or didnt see themselv
es as being black, I say,why didnt they? The images they left us with are the way
they saw themselves. So the way they saw themselves is not up for interpretatio
n. It is to be seen through the eye(s) of the beholder with art they left us.

Yun Bak Ho December 22, 2013 at 10:04 PM My dick is about 10 inches erect..I
swear to God I wouldnt be surprised if my DNA came back as part black. Not even
joking here. I also find mulatto black women very attractive. Not even trying to
be funny, I really do think i have some black in me.

Mott December 22, 2013 at 11:35 PM Queen Tiye looks like Diana Rossnow THAT
scientific argument! Actually, KPFitty-Cent, Diana Ross is a Mulatto. Yeah, I sai
d it. Look it up. And, our Prez.wait for itisa Mulatto. Half lily-white, actually. And,
yes, he does look a little like an Egyptian. I have a doctor whose race I cant f
igureI have guessed that she is either half-black and half-white, or Egyptian. Th
eres nothing else she could be. i have always thought that the Egyptian look is a cro
ss between Black and White features. Hence, the confusion when people look at the
artwork and statues, but most of this is stupid- the Egyptians had dark skin, de
finitely. And all males were painted dark reddish brown. Some representations lo
ok more Negroid, but most look more Caucasoid. I wouldnt call them white or Euros,
. Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 3:01 AM The White Conspiracy Grows
Ever-Larger. Interbreeding With Neanderthals: Telltale evidence of ancient liaisons
with Neanderthals and other extinct human relatives can be found in the DNA of
billions of people. By Carl Zimmer|Monday, March 04, 2013 http://discovermagazine.
com/2013/march/14-interbreeding-neanderthals#.Ura_qPuCSSo all the human versions res
embled each other more than any of them resembled the Neanderthal version. But t
hen their computers began to spit out some strange results. Chunks of Neandertha
l DNA turned out to be more similar to the corresponding chunks of Europeans and
Asians than they were to African DNA. On the other hand, in no case did Africans an
d Neanderthals share similar versions of a gene, to the exclusion of other human
s. They had to reject a pure version of the out-of-Africa model. Since Africans do not c
arry Neanderthal DNA, it would appear Neanderthals bred only with the ancestors
of Europeans and Asians. When Krause sequenced a small sample, he could immediately
see it was not quite human and not quite Neanderthal. It belonged to SOME OTHER H
OMININ unknown to science. He would not be surprised if the genome of yet another anc
ient hominin comes to light in our DNA. .then the conspiracy grows deeper as civiliz
ation is once more attributed to White Europeans. The Minoans were Caucasian: DNA d
ebunks longstanding theory that Europes first advanced culture was from Africa Brit
ish archaeologists who in 1900 discovered the Minoan culture believed they were
from Libya or Egypt. The Minoan civilization arose on Crete in the 27th century
BC and flourished until the 15th century BC
dvanced-culture-Africa.html DNA analysis has debunked the longstanding theory that
the Minoans, who some 5,000 years ago established Europes first advanced Bronze A
ge culture, were from Africa. Findings suggest that the Minoan civilization arose fr
om the population already living in Crete, and that these people were probably d
escendants of the first humans to reach there about 9,000 years ago. Our mitochondria
l DNA analysis shows that the Minoans strongest genetic relationships are with th
ese Neolithic humans, as well as with ancient and modern Europeans. These results
suggest the Minoan civilization arose 5,000 years ago in Crete from an ancestra
l Neolithic population that had arrived in the region about 4,000 years earlier.
Our data suggest that the Neolithic population that gave rise to the Minoans als
o migrated into Europe and gave rise to modern European peoples.

Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 3:09 AM Findings suggest that the Minoan ci
ilization arose from the population already living in Crete, and that these peop
le were probably descendants of the first humans to reach there about 9,000 year
s ago. Dave Mowers December 21, 2013 at 12:51 AM The Age of Leo was during this same tim
e period circa 11-9,000 B.C. The shape of the Sphinx, if it had a lions head, is
identical to the constellation of Leo. Those pesky clues again

dubz December 22, 2013 at 10:37 AM Dave, I couldve posted the Daily Mail art
cle (as you did) or sourced a Black website, however, since science should be irre
futable and some white Eurocentrist here falsely believe that whites have an exclu
sive patent on disseminating information, I thought I would go right to the white
scientific source. The question is, who were the early Europeans to populate Crete
? What did they look like? .timeline evidence. And then we will go back even furth
er. Genetic study unravels ancient links between African and European populations Mar
ch 27, 2012 Large numbers of people moved between Africa and Europe during recen
t and well-documented time periods such as the Roman Empire, the Arab conquest,
and the slave trade, and genetic evidence of these migrations lives on in Europe
ans today. But were there more ancient migrations? In a study published online t
oday in Genome Research (, researchers present the first genetic
evidence for prehistoric gene flow between Africa and Europe, dating back as far
as 11,000 years ago. To trace the evolution and ancestry of humans, scientists st
udy the DNA sequence of the mitochondria, a specialized cellular structure that
produces energy for the cell and carries genetic information that is separate fr
om the rest of the genome that resides in the nucleus. While the nuclear genome
is a mix of genetic information from both mother and father, the mitochondrial D
NA (mtDNA) is passed directly from mother to child without any contribution of D
NA from the father. But not everyones mtDNA is exactly alike: over long periods o
f time, small changes in the mtDNA sequence have arisen in different populations
. Geneticists can use these changes as markers that indicate the movements and m
igrations of humans in the past, and classify them into specific haplogroups. In thi
s study, an international team of researchers performed the largest analysis of
complete mtDNA genomes belonging to haplogroup L (a lineage of sub-Saharan Afric
a origin) in Europe to date, aiming to untangle the history of genetic links bet
ween the two contents. By comparing the sequences of mtDNA genomes from various
regions of Europe with mitochondrial genomes from around the world, they made a
very surprising observation regarding when sub-Saharan lineages appeared in Euro
pe. It was very surprising to find that more than 35 percent of the sub-Saharan lin
eages in Europe arrived during a period that ranged from more than 11,000 years
ago to the Roman Empire times, said Dr. Antonio Salas of the University of Santia
go de Compostela and senior author of the study. The other 65% of European haplo
group L lineages arrived in more recent times. The authors explain that these cont
acts likely connected sub-Saharan Africa to Europe not only via North Africa, bu
t also directly by coastal routes. Salas said that it still remains unknown why
there was genetic flow between the Africa and Europe in prehistoric times, but o
ne possible scenario is that some bidirectional flow was promoted when the last
glaciation pushed some Europeans southward, until the glacier receded and popula
tions returned north. In addition to tracing the genetic links of Africa and Europ
e back to prehistoric times, Salas expects that their work will also help those
individuals who want to learn more about their own ancestry. There is a growing i
nterest in direct-to-consumer genetic testing, including those aimed to serve a
public interested in reconstructing their ancestry, Salas said. Studies like the o
ne presented here will help to unravel inferences made in these studies.Scientist
s from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain), the University
of Perugia (Perugia, Italy), the University of Pavia (Pavia, Italy), the Sorens
on Molecular Genealogy Foundation (Salt Lake City, UT), the University of Oxford
(Oxford, UK), and the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Science (Se
villa, Spain) contributed to this study. This work was supported by the Ministry o
f Science and Innovation (Spain), the EUROTAST Project, and Italian Ministry of
the University. ____________________________

dubz December 22, 2013 at 10:57 AM Scientists reveal face of the first Europ
ean The face of the first European has been recreated from bone fragments by scien
tists. By Urmee Khan, Digital and Media Correspondent 8:22PM BST 04 May 2009 The head
was rebuilt in clay based on an incomplete skull and jawbone discovered in a cav
e in the south west of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania by potholers. Using rad
iocarbon analysis scientists say the man or woman, it is still not possible to d
etermine the sex, lived between 34,000 and 36,000 years ago. Europe was then occup
ied by both Neanderthal man, who had been in the region for thousands of years,
and anatomically-modern humans Homo sapiens. Modern humans first arrived in Europe
from Africa. The skull appears very like humans today, but it also displays more
archaic traits, such as very large molar teeth, which led some scientists to spe
culate the skull may belong to a hybrid between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals an
idea discounted by other experts. Erik Trinkaus, professor of anthropology at Was
hington University in Missouri, said the jaw was the oldest, directly-dated mode
rn human fossil. Taken together, the material is the first that securely document
s what modern humans looked like when they spread into Europe, he said. The model w
as created by Richard Neave, a forensic artist, for a BBC programme about the or
igins of the human race and evolution.
urope/romania/5273654/Scientists-reveal-face-of-the-first-European.html Here is a
link to their portrait below!!! And this is the original European that was already
in Europe 11,000 years ago when the so-called first Black sub-Saharan African ente
red as noted above! So who settled Crete in around 9,000 BC as you suggested???? Sur
ely not the phenotypic white Europeans you were hoping for And these are your sci
entist, yes, white European scholars and researchers presenting these findings!! I
wonder if they can rap? H_mmm???? LOL!

dubz December 22, 2013 at 11:01 AM Oh BTWhere is the link to: Genetic study
nravels ancient links between African and European populations http://genome.cshlp

dubz December 22, 2013 at 11:22 AM Lets see??? 2000 AD + 9,000 BC = 11,000 y
s ago, exactly when the evidence reveals a significant population of genetically
-verified sub-Saharan Black Africans moved north and populated Europe, and no doub
t intermingled with another phenotypical Black African-looking people already in
habiting Europe (and Crete) going back at least 35,000 years, known as the first
Europeans!. Man, oh man, what now? So Dave, who was already in Crete before 9,000 BC
, and who was transversing the Mediterranean to Crete in 9,000 BC??? This is not
hard to figure out, this is simple math and reason, let alone scientifically ev
ident. Either way they came, be it from the south or the north, I see African peop
le!!! LOL! and you do too!

dubz December 22, 2013 at 11:30 AM Dave, I just realize you just went back t
o 7,000 BC (only 9,000 years ago) man this makes it even more evident and clear
that the settling Minoans (using your estimates) were Black sub-Saharan Africans
! As the youngsters say, my bad yet, its even better

Pepperoncini December 22, 2013 at 7:07 PM You have very little if any connec
tion to the Minoans as their language is a language Isolate, so you shouldnt be a
ppropriating their achievements for your ethnicity.
. Yun Bak Ho December 22, 2013 at 3:51 PM Dave Mowers, I do notice you i
ncreasingly support Nordics as the founders of civilization. I am not a Nordic o
r even white myself, but what you did say in your above post about Koreans and J
apanese were populated by ancient Nords who built the dolmens got me thinking, b
ecause in Korea there are a lot of legends about tall gods who shining skin and
eyes who founded our civilization. And the truth is Korean nobility look vastly
different from Korean working class. A lot of nobility do have Aryan facial feat
ures, and body hair is found on a lot of noble bloodlines. Do you know where the
se sources you got them from? I would be interested in hearing about it, since i
t fascinates me. I am first generation Korean myself. Thanks

Pepperoncini December 22, 2013 at 7:05 PM Never seen Korean, the upper class
included that looked Aryan. Problem nowadays is that plastic surgery is soo popul
ar in Korea, one doesnt know what the original features of soo many Korean pop si
ngers, actresses and other celebs.

Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 7:54 PM Exactly right! Just Google Japanese
generals from WWII and tell me then if they do or do not look descended from Br
itish? The word Kurus is used in the Rig Vedas.
dom There are two migrations of these Kurs that occur, sorry for the pun, one of the
m the people are said to have continued east and disappeared. Now the word Kur is
found in Turkey goes all the way back to Proto-Indo-European language (Kurgan Hy
pothesis) is used to name an area of Iraq Kurdistan which is the name the locals u
se for themselves Kurds is also a Sumerian word meaning mountain Kur but which has t
he same meaning in Hittite language. Is the foundation for the name of the godde
ss Kore who was Phyrgian a kingdom in Turkey adopted by the Greeks as Persephone o
r death personified as her followers were called, get this, the accursed of Kore. In
Sumeria, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylon this symbol is three triangle pointing tow
ards the left laying on the horizon and means Mountain(s) almost like a map symbol
you would see denoting a geographic element. The symbol goes back to 3,500 B.C. I
believe that this symbol is more than just a symbol for mountain. I believe it
represents the three pyramids at Giza or what those pyramids are meant to repres
ent, as in the identical concept, which is the points-over-time that make up the p
ole stars! It is the source for the Vesica Pisces. The three pole stars are used
to form the Vesica inbetween them. You take each pole star and draw a line to the
center between them all so three lines then loop back to the starting point cre
ating an oval. Why an oval? Because the wobble appears to be one when drawn out
on paper. The Vesica Pisces is formed in the center as an attempt to find the tr
ue center between the three points; true North. Why understand points of stars? Be
cause early man was a hunter-gatherer and without a system of navigation, if he
goes too far out away from his familiar surroundings, he becomes lost and can on
ly guide himself by the Sun or star positions in time meaning he must study the
night-time sky and mark a time system to find his bearings or possibly die. Now th
is is weird but maybe it means something to you being from Korea. Calling someon
e cursed is unique to Mesopotamia, Hittite and Egyptian cultures. It has the meani
ng of being cursed by a god or series of events which are thought to be caused b
y a god(s) or the Egyptian and Jewish use of applying a person or peoples name t
o an object to swear out a curse upon them then smash and bury the object, usual
ly something of value that the God invoked will appreciate so much that he execu
tes upon you curse. In order for Kurs to have made it to Korea they would have to
have had a star system making their culture very old and sophisticated. In ancie
nt language the G and K sound was dialectic, an accentual variant being easily inter
changeable depending on accent and vocalization; Goryea, the founding name of yo
ur country is pronounced Korea by foreigners and modern Koreans. It is literally
in your name Kore Kur Kurus Goryeans The People of the Three Mountains. Are Thre
cred in your peoples history? Koreans con
sider Mount Baekdu as the place of their ancestral origin and as a sacred mounta
in, one of the three spirited mountains (Jirisan, Hallasan and Baekdusan; san means
a mountain in Korean); the one contained in the legendary foundation of Korea. http
:// As the reign of the king expanded from th
e time when the country was divided by the Three Kingdoms of Kokuryo, Baekje, an
d Silla, Your moon goddess is a woman with a moon-circle on her head and body of a
fish or serpent? Just like Egyptian gods right? Just like Vishnu the Man on the Ser
pent or Dagon the half-fish, sea-serpent man of Sumeria, or Sobek-Ra the half-man,
half-crocodile god of Egypt. Medusa, Nagas, Typhon, Ophineus, Tiamat, Loki, Quet
zalcoatl, Viracocha who charmed the serpent all represented the same way as serpen
tine or tied to the serpent; Ouroboros. Your cultures mythology contains latent mem
ories of your Aryan roots. Your mythological system is based on the same systems
from Mesopotamia. Your name comes from there. Your nobility are them but that i
s not say you are not as well. As far as I am concerned it is your heritage, mea
ning that the mythologies of the Middle East owe as much credit to Koreans as th
ey do the present inhabitants.

Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 8:17 PM The Rig Vedas. Kur, Kurus, Kurgan K
ore, Goryea, from the Proto-Indo-European root word for mountain Kur which is also
found in Sumerian. Kore (Persephone) came from Turkey (Phrygia) is a goddess of
death in the underworld who guards treasures (stars, sun, moon, planets, shinin
g objects) cognate to the Hindu Kuberos both of which have two or three dogs Cer
berus, a three-headed dog that guards the gates to the underworld; the constella
tion of Orion with his two dogs which is the point in the heavens the ancient Eg
yptians claimed a gateway to the pure-light heaven was located. http://en.wikipedi They are known in Greek mythology as the accursed of Kore
while in Hindu they leave their homeland because they are plagued by something o
r cursed. One wave continues east to an unknown location while a later migration
settles in India becoming the Kuru Kingdom. In Sumerian pictoglyph the Kur-Kur-K
ur is a three mountains symbol. Kore is Persephone or the personification of death so t
hat being named after her would be to apply a curse of death upon yourself. In M
esopotamian magic, myth, religion to allow someone to know your true name allows
them to curse you perhaps indicating that Kurgan was their true name? Modern-day
Kurds in Iraq are descended from these people and up to 100 years ago were almos
t entirely Caucasian in appearance. Here is where it gets interesting, hunter-gath
erers could not stray far from familiar surroundings or they would get lost havi
ng only the sun to guide them directionally. No guarantee due to terrain variabl
es and weather you ever get home. The ancient Sumerian symbol of the sacred thre
e mountains represents the same thing that the three pyramids at Giza do; three
pole star positions. Draw it out as three triangles, which are the origin of both
the Vesica Pisces and Triskele. The Swastika is sacred to Koreans yes? The Swast
ika is rooted in this concept but deals with another aspect of it. You draw a li
ne from each pole star, Thuban, Kochab, Polaris to the center between them each
and back around in a loop to the starting point and you get a relative true nort
h over time and a Vesica Pisces. The Sumerian Triple Kur or a way to navigate by the
stars to find your location anywhere on earth relative to their positions over
time on certain days.

Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 8:59 PM That symbol, the Vesica Pisces is
Third-Eye of Hindu gods is represents the true north over long periods of time; a
ges. This three-mountain symbol is sacred to Koreans as well; http://en.wikipedia.or
g/wiki/Paektu_Mountain#Korea Koreans consider Mount Baekdu as the place of their an
cestral origin and as a sacred mountain, one of the three spirited mountains (Jiri
san, Hallasan and Baekdusan; san means a mountain in Korean); the one contained in
the legendary foundation of Korea As th
e reign of the king expanded from the time when the country was divided by the T
hree Kingdoms of Kokuryo, Baekje, and Silla, Dan-Gun created the first Korean Kingdom
and as in Sargon the Sumerian-Mesopotamian root words are apparent. Dan for Danaa
ns, Tribe of Dan, progenitors of Phrygia, Minoa, Phoenicia and Egypt, Ireland. Gu
n, Gon has the meanings of Twisted, twisting, conjoined, twin represented in mythol
ogy from the region as a Man and Serpent or Man on a Serpent or Half-man, Half-serpen
t. Egyptian; Sobek-Ra (half-man, half-crocodile) Sumerian; Dagon (half-man, half-sea s
erpent or fish) Hindu; Nagas (body of a man, heads of snakes) Scandinavian; Loki (pu
nished for eternity by being tied to a serpent) Hindu; Vishnu and Vritra (sleeps o
n a serpent) Persian; Azi Dahaka (man on the serpent) Japan; Susanoo and Yamata no O
rochi (Man and Great Serpent) Greek; Typhon (Man with Two Serpents for legs) Christi
anity; The Dragon (both a Man and a Beast) Buddhism; Buddha and Ahi Budhnya (Man a
nd Serpent) The Swastika has eight directions inferred by its arms. In Korea is re
sides where the Third-Eye does on the forehead of Buddha. Yamata no Orochi of Japa
n is called, the Eight-Forked Serpent your Moon-Goddess Goguryeo is half-woman, half
-serpent. K and G are interchangeable in ancient languages as dialectic or accentual v
ariants Goryea, Korea, Kur. Your origins are revealed in the mythology. This is al
l original work put together by me but you can follow what I have done researchi
ng everything I have stated on Wikipedia except for the Swastika, Triskele and V
esica Pisces astrology and astronomy and some assertions as it requires old book
s with no online references and my own etymological translations of which a prim
ary element is intentionally obscured by me in my posts as it is the single key
tying all mythologies together and for that I will paid.

Yun Bak Ho December 22, 2013 at 9:00 PM Interesting. I honestly dont mind if
whites are superior to Asians.after all, after tens of hundreds of thousands of
years evolving separately, one of us is bound to be a superior race and the othe
r one inferior. One of us had to have the short end of the turkey bone. But it i
s pretty interesting learning about ancient white influence in Asian civilizatio
n. But I dont think whites trying to claim Egypt is very productive. Black peopl
e do require encouragement to get them through their tough socioeconomic times,
and telling black schoolchildren Egyptians were dark skinned blacks with black f
acial features might inspire these kids to be engineers or doctors instead of dr
ug dealers. Afrocentrism may be a complete load of giant dogshit, but it can be
very beneficial to the direction in which black children are steered. So shouldnt
whites be supporting Afrocentrism instead, to make blacks less likely to commit
crimes or be on welfare? I think Afrocentrism is great for blacks, and while it
is schizophrenical bullshit, I do support it, I would rather have blacks be ave
rage citizens. I pay taxes too, you know.and having my money go to welfare and ot
her affirmative action programs can be a huge financial toll. In addition, helpi
ng blacks acheive is a very humane thing to do. So a glass of Afrocentrism anyon

Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 9:22 PM I apologize for the redundancy in p
osts as some kind of error occurred posting an early unedited form of my later p
ost. I must also note that the Sumerian Kur symbol is made up of Three Triangles.
. dubz December 22, 2013 at 4:41 PM I love how the Eurocentrist here a
re trying their best to make the Sphinx a representation of a Caucasian on one h
and and then a bad alteration of a Lions head on the other.Everything but African,
which is obvious. As we can see above in the first illustration, the French surveyo
rs along with the testimonies of several other European scholars of the 18th and
19th century were also compelled to report that even to their already biased an
d xenophobic eyes, the Sphinx was without a shadow of a doubt, Negroid i.e., Black
African. Having a background in visual art and art history I find this argumnet c
oncerning the body to head disproportion wanting, for I notice that disproportio
ns and exaggerations are not only found in Egyptian art throughout the dynasties
, but also amongst the Etruscan and even the Greeks. Deification and exaltation th
rough art has always sacrificed exactness for meaning.and grandeur. even until t
his very day. Here is what one scholar says about Etruscan art: Thus the art of Etru
riaroughness of outline, the exaggeration in anatomy, the disproportion and incom
pleteness or rather unrefined completion of delicate details as in the terminati
ons of a figure, are other characters that it never quite shook off And the followin
g is early Greek: Name: Mantiklos Apollo Date: 700-688 BCE Period/Style: Orientalizing Ar
tist: Mantiklos Patron: Apollo Location: Thebes, Greece Material/Technique: Bronze sta
tuette, with a message carved into the thighs for the deity; votive offering, el
ongated neck with the pectoral and abdominal muscles that define and stylize the
triangular torso Function: Votive offering for the god Apollo Context: showed the i
ncreased interest of the Greek artists that reproduced the idea of detailing the
human anatomy. The inlaid eye sockets has something inside & the head a separat
e helmet Descriptive terms: unnatural, disproportionate, triangular torso Ideas: the
unnaturalness of the statue can represent the god having a specific part enhanc
ed because that was more significant

Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 7:14 PM
ontent.html The Sphinx is out of proportion. No other Egyptian statue has ever bee
n done that way.

dubz December 22, 2013 at 8:22 PM Well Dave, lets get to the bottom of this
posted a link to who you view is an expert source that I am very well familiar w
ith, yet, by doing so, you have unknowingly backed yourself into a corner. His w
ork has been an eye-opener in especially re-dating the origins of the Sphinx and
the foundations of Ancient Egyptian civilization. Yet, here is where you must c
hoose Im going to post a paper written by Dr. Robert M Schoch as he cites facts rela
tive to his original involvement in analyzing the Sphinx antiquity. All of this
was presented in documentary some decades ago: THE GREAT SPHINX CONTROVERSY by Dr. R
obert M. Schoch 1995 [A modified version of this manuscript was published in the Fo
rtean Times (P.O. Box 2409, London NW5 4NP) No. 79, February March, 1995, pp. 34 39.] (
Excerpt) the Sphinx was older than the pyramids, modern Egyptologists have galvaniz
ed around the dogma that the Great Sphinx was built by Khafre, circa 2500 B.C. T
he basis for this attribution is purely circumstantial, the strongest piece of e
vidence being the reputed similarity between the face of the Sphinx and the face
of Khafre as seen on other statues. Yet forensic expert Frank Domingo of the Ne
w York Police Department has definitively proven that the face of the Sphinx and
the face seen on signed statues of Khafre are not of the same person (4); indee
d, the face of the Sphinx apparently does not pertain to the same race as the fa
ce seen on statues of Khafre (the Sphinx has a distinctive African, Nubian, or Negroid
spect which is lacking in the face of Khafre). AGAIN!! (the Sphinx has a distinctive
African, Nubian, or Negroid aspect which is lacking in the face of Khafre). http://w A REMARKABLE TURN IN HISTORY THE
SPHINX An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable JavaSc
ript if it is disabled in your browser. Sphinx May Really Be a Black African The New Yor
Times Published: July 18, 1992 To the Editor: In The Case of the Missing Pharaoh, (Op-E
d June 27), John Anthony West shows that the Sphinx does not resemble the Old Ki
ngdom pharaoh Chephren, the traditional attribution. The analytical techniques he
and Detective Frank Domingo used on facial photographs are not unlike methods or
thodontists and surgeons use to study facial disfigurements. From the right late
ral tracing of the statues worn profile a pattern of bimaxillary prognathism is c
learly detectable. This is an anatomical condition of forward development in bot
h jaws, more frequently found in people of African ancestry than in those from A
sian or Indo-European stock. The carving of Chephren in the Cairo Museum has the
facial proportions expected of a proto-European. Thus, the Sphinx is likely a fac
ial representation of a black African. Considering that the peopling of ancient
Egypt derived from an ancestral mixture of Africans and Mediterraneans, facial s
oft-tissue analysis of this fabled man-lion would support a much earlier origin
for the Sphinx, when Africans may have dominated the region. SHELDON PECK Newton
, Mass., July 3, 1992 The writer is an orthodontist. _____________________________
________ No so-called Afro-centrist views for miles around! Now what are going to beli
eve Dave, your illusions and the other contrived myths presented here, or your ly
ing eyes and ears?? This is your expert! Your source refuting all that you have posted

Dave Mowers December 22, 2013 at 9:12 PM The face on the Sphinx has been rec
arved from a Lions head to a face. It does not matter what ethnicity that face ap
pears as since it is not the original head of the statue. Again for the obviously
dim-witted; The Face on the Sphinx was Not There When The Sphinx was Constructed
it is a Recarved Face from the Original Lions Head. The race or ethnicity of the r
ecarved face in no way proves that Egypt was founded by blacks. That is like say
ing a race of Lion-Headed men founded Egypt.

Mott December 22, 2013 at 9:12 PM Of course, ol Dumbz is right again- the an
ient Egyptians, Etruscans and Greeks used to all hang out together at Med coffee
shops and trade art techniques, so, if one ancient culture did something , so d
id the rest. All three cultures used their frequent flyer miles to travel not only
around the Mediterranean, but across space and time. They would also Google-search
on the ancient internet for design ideas using ancient stone I-Pads. Actually, onl
y in the Amarna period does Egyptian art start doing weird stuff- dark for femal
es and men, weird proportions, etc.

dubz December 22, 2013 at 9:18 PM Dont be sore losers boys, its a rap, its
ne deal Either you can read and comprehend or you cant It was a good source until i
t backfired on youwell, well And its obvious that Mutt-ant is sort of slow, so I dont
want to be too hard on the mentally challenged

Mott December 22, 2013 at 11:11 PM Mutt- wheres Jeff? ROFLMAO! Youre wit
LING me, Dumbz! Seriously, boy. What source are you referencing. You are TOO QUICK F
OR ME!!!! (Steve Martin WIld Crazy Guy voice) I know Im slow, Dumbz, so type it out
reeeeally slllooowwwwwllyyy for me! And I agree, for someone who has degrees in A
rt, and in History, and in Political Science, and a Masters in Teaching, I am way
fucking stupid. Teach me more, Massa!

dubz December 22, 2013 at 11:39 PM Quoting Mutt, I am way fucking stupid Ye
arethats about the wisest statement youve posted thus far Its about time we agree on s
omething I pity your students Most of the published racist lies about the history of m
ankind were established by well-respected white Europeans that had doctorates an
d tenureso what are you trying to say? No wonder the US educational system is so fa
r behind and imploding fast, there are too many disturbed educators like yoursel
f in the mix.

Dave Mowers December 23, 2013 at 12:24 AM
1/10/the_sphinx_decoded.html the notion that the Sphinx is a lion is a very old one,
dating even to Egypt of the New Kingdom (circa 1400 B.C.), when the Pharaoh Thu
tmosis IV excavated and restored the already-ancient monument. The human-headed sphi
nx as a motif in Egyptian art is really something that became popular in the Mid
dle Kingdom only after about 2,000 B.C. and was not a motif of the Old Kingdom. Rober
t M. Schoch of Boston University. Schoch, who earned his Ph.D in geology and geo
physics at Yale, has personally conducted a number of extensive geologic surveys
of the Sphinx and its enclosure. To the consternation of Egyptologists, Schoch
claims there is evidence of heavy precipitation over prolonged periods of time o
n the Sphinx. The problem, as Schoch maintains, is that the Giza plateau has not
been subject to these kinds of rains since pre-Dynastic times The Sphinx is older
that Egyptian civilization. It is from the Age of Leo circa 10,000 B.C. http://www It so happens that a number of ver
y early kings of Egypt left inscribed labels at the sacred city of Abydos in Egy
pt. Leonard shows pictures of small segments from three of these, one from King
Aha-Menes, one from King Narmer, and one from King Djet. These are all earlier t
han pharaoh Khephren by quite a bit, a fact that the author considers very signi
ficant. He wants his readers to focus on one particular symbol among the hierogl
yphs on each of these labels, a glyph which he describes as a large lion half-bur
ied, with only paws and a large head visible.
h/article-1092827/The-Great-Sphinx-Giza-reborn-lion-desert.html Historical architec
t Dr Jonathan Foyle, who worked with Mr Reader on the project, said the head and
body were massively out of proportion. He said the reason for this could be tha
t the Sphinx originally had an entirely different head that of a lion. According
to this theory, the statue was later re-carved to be modeled on Khufu.

dubz December 23, 2013 at 7:55 AM Dave, Whatever the Sphinx was before, will
lways be a hypothesis and a unsubstantiated postulation, being the fact that you
cant definitively prove this without conclusive pictorial evidence or ancient do
cumentation extrapolating an actual existence of a Lion-head Sphinx existing bef
ore what we see now.. The water undulation that eroded the Sphinx is evident, so i
n that case alone, I believe Dr. Schoch premise as it relates to the age of this
monument based on what has happened to Sphinxs zoomorphic torso. Zoomorphism, depi
cting Egyptian deities (Neteru) with the bodies of animals and human heads, or h
umans bodies with animal heads is as old as the first dynasty and is represented
in Predynastic Egyptian art, though I will admit that the latter was represente
d more and was the norm. But lets stick to the bottom line, the Great Sphinx as see
n and only ever known by those who have described it, it is the face of a Black
African! This fact was reinforced by the same expert youre constantly referencing,
Dr. Robert M. Schoch, who cited the findings of forensic expert Frank Domingo fo
llowed up by another testimony and expert opinion of, Dr. Sheldon Peck, whose ye
t to be refuted professional opinion was highlighted in the New York Times. What p
art of this do you not understand?

Mott December 23, 2013 at 12:34 AM Well, if Im that retarded, then I MUST BE
BLACK, Dumbz. Which means Im just like you! Unlessyoure really whiteand youre trolling
tending to be a pseudo-intellectual black Afro centrist in order to embarrass th
e entire black race But then, I, as a de-pigmented Black person, should agree with
KP-Dooty that Jesus and Mary were blackBut then I would be betraying my Jewish ro
ots (my [big] dick is one-third Jewish). Tell me again about the Minoans, or the 3
5,000 yr old guy, Dumbz- I need a laugh! And to answer your question, our educatio
nal system is not the reason blacks and spanics do poorly. They are just not real
smart- its their culture, also. You make a real good pseudo-intellectual, Dumbz.
Go with it! Have a White Christmas! Hope you freeze to death! Smiley Face!

Mott December 23, 2013 at 12:15 PM Dumbz has quoted an orthodontist and a gu
y who used to work for the NYPD as an artist. That settles it! The experts have
spoken! Dumbz doesnt realize that these sources of his say that Khafre wasnt black, so
that would mean the pharaohs that built the pyramids werent black, shooting his
own theory in the head. I agree that it is very interesting that the Sphinxs tiny h
ead appears to look more than slightly Negroid. Since no one knows, when, why, o
r who carved it, or it has been re-carved, apparently we wont know whos (if anyones
) face its supposed to be, or why, etc. Lets assume we just take it as fact the the fa
ce is Negroid. What does that prove? Sure, it could mean it is the face of real
African person, a king, etc. Thats just one possibility. If the Sphinx is much ol
der than the Dynastic culture, then its even weirder. Were there black kings befo
re the Dynastic era? Good question! No one knows. Would that mean that the Dynas
tic Egyptians were Africans? No. BTW, Dumbz- were you gloating over the Atlanta Bl
ack Star link I posted? Ridiculous photos of rotten, black-colored mummies? That
is just one of the 10 slides, some are much less absurd, but the ones showing t
he male/female dark/light convention next to two modern Africans is also a hoot! D
umbz- answer me this: Why do blacks love unscientific thinking so much?

dubz December 23, 2013 at 1:19 PM To Mutt the miscreant mutant The observati
of the source that Dave unwittingly directed us to by way of a scholar that he
seemingly respects, Dr. Robert M. Schoch made scientifically sound observations
pertaining to the cephalic index and a bimaxillary prognathism thats attributed a
lmost solely to Black African people, or using the lesser pseudo-scientific term
, Negroids. If you cant handle the science, well, just say so Mutt Hey buddy, it was Dr
Robert M. Schoch who included the terms, African, Nubian, or Negroid in his paper refe
rencing the face of the Great Sphinx, not me! These are your people white man presen
ting these facts I can make my case just using your own researchers, since you seem
to believe that white is always right And let me help you with this, what they are
saying is that the depiction of Khafra in Egyptian art and sculptures does not h
ave the strong prognathism amongst other traits that are depicted when you obser
ve the Sphinx However, Khafra features can be found amongst millions of indigenou
s East Africans to this very day! This shows how little you know or understand, be
the fact that many Africans have unique features that are exclusive to Black Af
ricans, there is no one set of so-called negroid features on the continent! This one
trick pony race classification pseudo-science you embrace is passe and unscientif
ic, for Black sub-Saharan Africans are the most genetically diverse people on th
e planet earth, and every feature and phenotype along with a multitude of hair t
extures were expressed in Black Africa first and foremost and still exist! White f
olks got their features on the tail end of African genetic devolution, however. t
he whole recessive transparent colorless skin thingwelloh wellmy mythats a whole diff
erent ball of waxhehehe Science has spoken, there is nothing unique about being whit
ethere just are not enough genetic discrepancies to make you a different race or spe
cies. sorry Mutt However, if you really want to be a mutant race or alien being, as
in something less that Homo sapiens, than have at it. If white folks would stop b
eing in denial or pillaging every place they go (like Egypt), they may finally l
earn how to relax and enjoy being humans Theres enough for us all, Mutt

Bay Area Guy December 23, 2013 at 1:10 PM @ Mott Ive always found it fascina
g how afrocentrists try to claim Egypt, or even certain European Mediterranean c
ivilizations as African. Its as if theyre saying that theyre so ashamed of their ow
n (predominantly West African) heritage that they must desperately claim other c
ivilizations as black. There are actually a good number of legitimately black civili
zations that dubz could take pride in. Ethiopia, which was a prosperous kingdom
and one of the oldest Christian lands in the world, even more so than most of Eu
ropean Christendom, until it was rendered impoverished by its conflict with the
Arab Muslims. Or how about Nubia, which managed to resist the wave of Arab Musli
m conquest during its height, and whose wealthiest elites even had running water
in their homes? Or what about Mali and Songhai? Whats ironic about these afrocentr
ists is that by constantly trying to claim Egypt as black, and by then going on
to claim that civilizations such as Greece owe their success to Egypt, theyre rei
nforcing Eurocentric beliefs. (since white people admire Greece and ancient Egypt,
its like theyre trying to say, look white people, these civilizations you like wer
e actually black. That makes us black people cool!)

dubz December 23, 2013 at 1:46 PM Bay Area Guy, there is no need to claim,
that is an Eurocentric approach to research, science, and discovery. And thats t
he problem, whereas, Europeans went around the world trying to claim rights to eve
rythingthis is world history 101! And to make these claims stick, in the long run, Eu
ropeans had to develop a justification. Basically, The victor writes history All tha
t you say that we should be already proud of had to be reattributed back to Afri
can people after decades of overturning European imperial revisionism. A lot of th
e young white men here dont remember the textbooks of years ago, where no one on
earth had a viable history but white Europeans, and all great archelogical finds w
ere to be interpeted by the same racist as to uphold the supremcy of white Europ
ean racial pride, culture, and conquest. Almost every initial discovery made to rewr
ite this history and expose the presence of African people thoughout world and t
heir contributions were presented first by white scholars, a vast number of Blac
k scholars studied and enhanced what was already surmised (not to say that there
were many who did not do their own research or went to the sources themselves).

brsai March 8, 2015 at 6:46 AM sphinx were originally caucasian. they destro
yed and rebuild as negro looking
. Darryl December 22, 2013 at 9:25 PM I honestly dont mind if whites ar
e superior to AsiansYun are the most pitiful of everyone hereand FYI if you do a li
ttle research you will see that there are more whites on welfare than blacks als
o before you call my race violent you should consider the socioeconomic status t
hey are placed in. I am pretty sure you would be much more hostile person if you
could not support yourself you may even be more likely to commit a crime. and a
ffirmative action has helped white woman more than any black person. Also i feel
you almost try to put your self in the same box as whites. another FYI they don
t like you either. Try telling them the originals ninjas were asian watch them t
ell you they are white. Also Bill has been owning you mfers. and Bill consider yo
ur sources the smart people know the truth. Arguing with these racists is almost
pointless ive been watching you go back and forth constantly destroying everyth
ing they say but they continue to refute you. No matter what facs or hardcore ev
idence you show they dont care they are in disbelief My final question for Dave, it
s a hypothetical. What if they are black? do you hate us so much that you absolu
tely refuse to come from blacks? Like whats the big deal? is it my skin? i reall
y am curious.

Yun Bak Ho December 22, 2013 at 9:44 PM Darryl you idiot.I was trying to say
my suggestion would HELP blacks. Not trying to demean them, but I even said that
we should use Afrocentrism to combat the lack of guidance in black students. No
w how is that pitiful.? I am not racist. Racism is legally defined as the discri
mination of people based on race, by denying them opportunities. The thing is, I
own a fairly decent buisness, which I built up, from the ground up, since I was
selling video game hacks and mods at the age of 17. Within a year or so, I had
enough fairing well, and not welfare, that I used my college fund to increase it
, and now I am fairly wealthy, even though I was dirt broke, I came straight fro
m the working class of Korea. I have hired more blacks than any other race, and
I pay them well, so I am not racist at all. I havent discriminated against them
at all. What sets me apart from ghetto blacks (and NOT the hard working assimila
ted blacks, who are very good folks), is that I didnt sit around making excuses
or blaming my situation on the evil crackas institutionalized racism. I am not pi
tiful, it is the folks who make excuses, stay on welfare, and go around claiming
Egypt was 100% black that is pitiful. And I do not hate blacks, I try my best t
o socioeconomically advance them, something dem evil whitey crackas wont do no m
ore, because they are out on tax money and their mulatto grandchild is on welfar
e. So dont go calling me racist or pitiful, I was merely giving introspection, n
ot racism. I have done a lot more for blacks than any white liberal who lives in
a all white neighborhood and hires suburban white kids but always moans about h
ow superior blacks are. I havent once used the n word in a non sardonical or sar
castical sense. Its dumb fucks like you who are keeping the black man down by en
couraging them to bitch and whine about racism and how magic black pharoahs buil
t the Colesseum and traveled to the moon on an acid trip. Its the sellout, Uncle
Tom blacks that really teach blacks to get their shit together. You are not helpi
ng blacks one bit dumbass. Help them by making them work hard ansd strive for su
ccess, not by teaching them God has a flat nose.

Darryl December 22, 2013 at 10:09 PM not to proud to admit my mistakes howev
er.i am hardworking,in college right now (winter break) i wouldnt define my self
as assimilated but i do believe in everyone doing there part (not bitching and w
hining) also your silly if you dont believe there is a system in place against m
y people you may not be endorsing it but it is out there(me saying that dont tak
e that as i think its ok to sit around and accept it no. but it exist and i do t
hink it needs to be acknowledged). also i would define myself as somewhere in be
tween the uncle toms and acid trip blacks i dont believe in the word afrocentrism, a
nd im not claiming that egyptians were 100% black i believe from my point of vie
w it is fact. and i dont believe any race is superior to others i had a problem
with that statement that you made forgive my emotional response. Also that last
part wasnt for you it was for Dave in regards to the them being having a problem
with being black.

Yun Bak Ho December 22, 2013 at 10:20 PM Thanks. I do agree that there is a
system, but the only way to break it is through raw hard work. The Jews had a sy
stem against them, but in a few decades they completely flipped the tables on th
e world. Why? Because they are the most hardworking folks in the world. Their p
arents are strict as all hell too. Jews are stuill the most hated. But they have
demonstrated that the system can be broken. So I do believe in a few generation
s, blacks will have dramatically improved given more role models like Obama and
less stressful events such as the injuries Rodney King sustained or Trayvon Mart
ins death. These stressors cause blacks to lose motivation. But knowing that one
of their own kind is a president will get black kids thinking about being a pre
sident themselves. We need more Obamas for the blacks and less sociopolitical cat
astrophies. This is thwe road to change. Change is slow, but certain. Although t
he Jews did it faster than anyone could have.but Jews throw their whole body whol
ehearted ly into it. Those guys are crazy.

Dave Mowers December 23, 2013 at 12:12 AM I dont have a problem with you bei
g black or black people. I am simply responding to Roberts blog post by asserting
different facts, some known, some I am literally deducing right here in public
along with other posters to try and ascertain the correct answer to; What Race Were
the Ancient Egyptians? Now since I began I have been insulted, attacked, berated,
lauded as a charlatan, belittled but not once has anyone provided any conclusiv
e evidence that ancient Egyptians were in fact black. What they have done is reh
ash all the debunked Black-African-Egypt-Hypothesis arguments which are based on t
hree things at their root; 1. Egypt is in Africa and due to proximity to Central A
fricans ancient Egyptian culture must have been black. 2. Some statues and images
contain Negroid-type features. 3. The interpretation of the word used by ancient E
gyptians, from their own hieroglyphs, Kemet. None of these arguments address the m
ythology or histories of Hittites, Sumerians, Indians, Assyrians, Canaanites, Mino
ans, Greeks showing or describing something wholly different. They do not addres
s the fact that Egyptian hieroglyphs are based on Sumerian pictoglyphs and their
words hold identical meanings to translated ancient Egyptian text in Sumerian l
anguage. Mummies, statues, artwork, texts, steles from both inside Egypt and out
side cultures depicting Egyptians show them as red or olive-skinned Caucasians.
That the Minoan empire was part of Egypt or vice versa and Minoans were white pe
ople. That the Turan, Isin, Sumerian, Egyptian and Hindu Kings lists all match an
d the accompanying mythology explains who the ancient Egyptians were and where t
hey came from. Dna evidence proves the Egyptian dynasties were Caucasian. The myth
ology claims the same. The history claims the same. The artifacts backed this up
. Ancient Egyptians married black women from the southern kingdom to unite the c
rown ending internal strife because they had enemies from outside and cannot fig
ht their own people in their own kingdom while fighting off foreign invasions. The
founder of Egypt was Menes (Hindu- Manasyu, Sumerian- Manis Tusu) but the mytho
logical founder was Misor known as Mizraim. Misor is Phoenician, a people who at
one time claimed all of the islands and shore lines surrounding the Mediterrane
an. Sumerian Masar, Musur, Misar, Misor closely correlates to Great Water or Great Bo
dy of Water or Great Sea and or Sea which in the form of Mizraim adds an additional e
lement meaning land around or enveloping, encircling as the lands surrounding th
e Mediterranean; the ancient Phoenician Kingdom. My etymology is correct. My phi
lology is correct. My translations are correct. You can search these subjects on
Wikipedia for evidence to a point, the rest of which you can get from reading b
ooks about the subject matter. I am correct. Egyptians, like Phoenicians, trace th
eir ancestry not to Africa but a land of the gods in the east; the land of Punt. S
aying that Khafre looks black means that Egypt was a Black-African culture is ak
in to saying that because Martin Luther King has a memorial in Washington D.C. l
ater generations of Americans must assume that the Founding Fathers were Black-A

Congi January 12, 2015 at 10:34 AM Even though Im Asian. I have far more res
ect for Black people than Asian people. People like Koreans and other Asians are a
degraded and humiliated race in hollywood. But Black people have far more pride
, they dont take bullshit from fake white historians, scientists.
. Darryl December 22, 2013 at 9:27 PM another thing..Black is the super
ior race we are all homo sapienyour part neanderthal lol..

Yun Bak Ho December 22, 2013 at 9:51 PM Actually Darryl, Neanderthals are ju
st a subspecies of homo sapiens. They were 99.5-99.9% genetically identical to u
s. And OI am assuming you are a black American, you have a hell of white ancestr
y dude. You got some subhuman Neanderthal in your veins too, dude. Average black
American is 30% Euro by genes, although more recent studies place that at 17-25
%. Either way, you got some subhuman white blood in you too. You are inferior as

Darryl December 22, 2013 at 10:10 PM wrong i can dunk and dance i obviously
have no neanderthalFACT

Mott December 22, 2013 at 10:36 PM which is apparently the intelligent part
Z YUKYUKYUKYUKYUK!!!!! Seriously, it is pointless arguing w/racists. Like you, and
K-Fitty-Cent. And Dumbz. Is it your skin? No, its whats under your scalp- not a lot
of gray matter there. For the record- I do not disbelieve the Out Of Africa theor
y. I believe that the earliest humans had darker skin, and were not very Euro-lo
oking. Blonde and Red hair have only been around for 9,000 years, and maybe whit
e skin isnt much older than that. However, modern Negroids havent been around for th
at long, either. So, trying to label a 35,000 yr. old human with a modern race t
ag is silly. Also, because all of the three big modern races- Negroid, Caucasoid
, and Mongoloid, evolved recently, it kind of renders the we all came from blacks
thing silly. We all came from ancient African humans, not from modern Negroid Af
ricans. I also do not believe that Egyptians were blonde Nordics, nor was that kik
e Joshua or Jesse or whatever his name was.

Dave Mowers December 23, 2013 at 3:50 AM Black African Hypothesis claims tha
t skull deformation proves ancient Egyptians were blacks has been thoroughly dis
proven and shown to be an Aryan practice;
he-skull/ The earliest recorded evidence of artificial cranial modification dates t
o 45,000 BC in Neanderthal skulls from the Shanidar Cave in Iraq Hippocrates tells u
s that the practice among the Scythians was for the purpose of giving a certain
aristocratic distinction.
-preserved-de-1458835300 It resulted in the discovery of a whopping number of artif
acts and human and animal remains from Neolithic, Gallic, Gallo-Roman, and Merov
ingian societies. Thats over 6,000 years worth of stuff.
omo2/mod_homo_2.htm It is likely that at least some Neanderthals had pale skin colo
r and red hair. This is based on the discovery of a variant of the MC1R gene ass
ociated with these traits in the bones of two European Neanderthals dated to aro
und 50,000 years ago. At the back of their skulls, they had a prominent bulge or pro
jection called an occipital bun Svante Paabo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutio
nary Anthropology in Germany concluded that the Neanderthal and modern human gen
omes share 99.5-99.9% of their base unit sequences. He estimated that the Neande
rthal line began to diverge from ours by about 800,000 years ago I wonder what other
event occurred approximately 800,000 years ago that could account for minimal e
vidence supporting Out-Of-Asia-Hypothesis as an origin for modern humans? sniffsniffI s
mell a clue again then the genetic difference between us and them must not have been
as great as would be expected between two distinct species. In other words, this
would suggest that the Neanderthals were a distant variety of Homo Sapiens rath
er than a distinct species.

Yun Bak Ho December 23, 2013 at 2:45 PM The thing is.history doesnt matter.
ust because you know that Egyptians were ancestors doesnt amount to shit. The fi
rst Egyptians didnt have any Egyptians of their own for history, so how did they
become Egyptians.hmmmm? Just because you dont believe you are capable of lifting
a teacup does not render one incapable of lifting a teacup. Everyone can do so,
whether you believe it or not. Arguing over history is pointless. The original f
ounders of civilization had no history attesting to their capabilities. If knowi
ng your ancestors were civilized is an essential to building a civilization of y
our own, how did the first civilizations start?

Paul Van December 23, 2013 at 8:05 PM Dave, I know what you are smelling, it
is BS you are covered with it. Out of Asia lets see. **** New Genetics Evidence Proves
African Origin of Modern Chinese Modern humans, or Homo sapiens, might migrate fr
om Africa into China by way of Southeast Asia between 18,000 years and 60,000 ye
ars ago, researchers say. This latest research finding by Chinese scientists and t
heir international colleagues concluded that modern humans might have moved from
Africa to China replacing Mono erectus (archaic upright- walking human beings)
there to become the ancestors of the country s modern humans. The conclusion is bas
ed on the comparison and analysis of Y- chromosome DNA using samples of the exta
nt 88 populations living in East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Oceania, says Li J
in, one of the Chinese researchers of the study Chinese Human Genome Diversity Pr
oject. Li Jin is a professor of both the National Human Genome Center in Shanghai a
nd the Institute of Genetics of Fudan University. Scientists found that the variat
ions of Y-chromosome in north China are derived from those in south China, a res
ult proved as that a small number of settlers of African origin moved to norther
n China due to the hurdle of the mighty Yangtze River. And Polynesians, who live
in the islands in the Pacific Ocean, are found to have different Y-chromosome t
o Taiwanese, forcing scientists to reconsider the hypothsis that Polynesians wer
e descendants of ancestral Taiwanese aborigines. As a whole, nearly all Y-chromoso
me variations in East Asia and the Oceania could be found among those in Southea
st Asia, adds Li Jin. So, the findings also indicate that modern humans migrated f
rom Africa to Southeast Asia nearly 60,000 years ago. http://english.peopledaily.c *** So you see Dave, we come full circle, eve
ry turn you try and take brings you back to Africa, I am still waiting for the D
NA from outer space gambit.

Pkr December 23, 2013 at 9:15 PM Sometimes I wonder if people actually read
entire post instead of taking bits and pieces and attacking those. When I say th
at a younger image of Diana Ross look like an image of Queen Tiye it was not mea
nt to be scientific it was only an observation. Diana Ross could have some white
ancestors in her history, that is not my point . But, she isnt a mulatto. I dont
think that you saw the Wiz, which Diana Ross played Dorothy and Michael Jackson pl
ayed the Scarecrow. She had a short afro and she didnt look a bit mulatto. I thin
k you are confusing here with her daughter who I believe has a white father. Preside
nt Obama is a light-skinned black male, but there is little in his features that
say mulatto. What is not widely known is there is a study that said President Oba
ma mom had an African forebear. His name was John Punch and he had a child with
a white woman. Details of this can be found by entering Obamas Mother Had African
Forebear, Study Suggest-NY, or You said Some look more N
egroid, but most look more Caucasoid, this is a remark that needs to be qualified
. I have no less than seven books on ancient Egyptian Art and History. And the i
mages arent mostly of Caucasians. Only in the late period, after the dynastic sys
tem that the ancient Egyptians rulers can be seen as being white. I know for som
e I could have a thousand books on ancient Egyptian Art and History and swear on
a hundred Bibles concerning the images I saw. But, some will dismiss it as noth
. Yun Bak Ho December 22, 2013 at 9:56 PM Who the fuck cares about thi
s anymore? Whites can show blacks how to get through college, blacks can show wh
ites how to please a woman. Asians can cook wonton soup, and Mexicans can climb
the highest of fences. Ill teach you how to use chopsticks, you camn teach me ho
w to use my penis in bed. Whites can give us their latest inventions, and in ret
urn we can brighten up their day with karate teams and basketball teams. And His
panics can guard our borders, since they know all the tricks in the book.

Darryl December 22, 2013 at 10:19 PM the reason i care and like when we expo
se our true history is because its hidden.This is what my education system taught
meThat human evolved into modern black humans however many thousands of years ag
o..but didnt start doing shit until recently (20,000 or so whatever) when they t
urned white. So what you want me to believe my people were just running around n
aked for millenia? no.the oldest castle in the world is in sub-saharan africa we
were getting shit done

Darryl December 22, 2013 at 10:20 PM watch the movie Hidden Colors..everyone
here see yourself some black history and have your mind blown

Darryl December 22, 2013 at 10:22 PM so excuse me if i feel a little opresse

India Land of Paradise December 23, 2013 at 3:02 AM I myself can not underst
and why any of this matters. Someone please explain.

Mott December 23, 2013 at 5:33 PM Because the Ancient Egyptians have been se
en by modern societies to be the earliest great civilization that reached incred
ible heights of achievement, and that lead to monotheism, Greece, Romeand to Weste
rn Civilization. Egyptology became huge during the Enlightenment (1700s) and Europe
an elites (and others around the world) have always looked on Ancient Egypt with
amazement- wondering how they were able to do what they did. Early Eurocentric ex
plorers and scientists wanted to claim them for Caucasoids, Whites, Euros, and d
raw a straight line from them to Greece, Rome, and modern Euros. Nutty Black AfroC
entrists have recently arisen to proclaim that Egyptians were Black Africans, th
us proving that Blacks are not just not inferior, but are superior, to all other
races. Afrocentrists also claim that Blacks invented everything and everyone el
se has degenerated from the original great Black Race. AryanCentrists have count
ered with Egyptians were Aryan. Everyone wants to claim the Ancient Egyptians as them
, just like SinoCentrists, Hindutvas, and all insane nationalists want to claim t
hey invented everything and therefore they are the greatest race, bla, bla. Thats w
hat this is about.

Mott December 27, 2013 at 6:25 PM Mr. Bills errors are so numeroussimply p
ipated in what the Spanish, Portuguese, Arabs, and yes Africans were already doi
ng. (All people sold people who looked like them into slavery). No- only the Afric
ans were selling people who looked like them into slavery. Is Mr. Bill is referrin
g to Greek/Roman times, 1,500 years previously? Even then, Mr. Bill, they didnt e
nslave their own kind- as in ethnicity. However, you could have argued that trib
es enslaved other tribes (which is true) but you didnt. Tsk tsk. Im also really su
rprised Mr. Bill doesnt spout the usual line about African-African slavery and Ar
ab-African slavery being not so bad here. Bad form, Prof. Bill. Prof. Bill has an As
soshit of affro-Sentriss Siense degree (A.S.S.) so who is to argue? Oh, and Mr. Bi
ll thinks Im a young-Earth creationist. No, not religious at all. I leave unscienti
fic bullshit to others. Mr. Bill thinks that blacks got their own civil rights on t
heir own. Oh yeah, Angela Davis was real popular and influential with whites, as
you say Bill. Bill, even MLK was never popular with whites while alive, and he w
as losing popularity among blacks when he was killed. His being killed probably
did more for civil rights than if he had lived. I happen to think MLK was a grea
t man, but then every white racist says that, Mr. Bill, right? Im stating to think
Mr. Bill, Dumbz. K-50 cent, and the rest are all the same insane BlackFroCentris
t individual. Or maybe they just all think alike.

Bill December 31, 2013 at 10:19 AM I said all people sold people who looked
like themselves into slavery which is true. Yes I was referring to older times f
or whites but human traffickers dont discriminate even to this day. Are you serio
usly suggesting that modern syndicates operating in Europe dont abduct white wome
n, only other races? Blue-eyed women are the most prized in the modern sex slave
market. Go read, Mott Your silly rambling is becoming mowers-esque.. Blacks didnt t
ake MLK seriously?? Look up his I Have A Dream speech, the spectacle that was ML
K, the greatest AA orator of all time was always held in highest regard. Im not t
he one who thinks blacks are mostly responsible for their own rights, the Harvar
d scholars who have studied the period say this. Im starting to think you cant rea
d Mott. And yes, your inability to accept facts is as heightened as a young eart
h creationist Id say.

Mott December 31, 2013 at 12:27 PM Mr. Bull- You managed to imply that Spanis
and Portuguese were enslaving their own people at the same time they were ensla
ving blacks- now you correct yourself and say you were talking about slavery in
antiquity. Now you say that whites enslave each other routinely nowadays and you b
ring up sex slavery involving blue-eyed blonde women, something you clearly know
a lot about. All of this white slavery youre referring to comes from sex trafficking
in Russia and Eastern Europe. The numbers are bad, but this is only a fraction
of worldwide human traffiking. Most of it comes from China, India, Africa, and S
outh America. No whites involved. For the record, I dont consider Russians or Eas
tern European Slavs to be white except in skin color. They are clearly deficient,
plus, they are impoverished- not a good combo. What does this have to do with blac
k slavery? You missed my point entirely- that U.S. kids are not taught that blacks
sold the whites all of the slaves- they were not hunted down by slavers in the
jungles as shown in Roots. Why? Because it ruins the story line- and implies tha
t the guilt is somewhat mutual. Instead, it helps to demonize Euros, so run with
it! In European antiquity was not of any particular race or ethnicity- anyone cou
ld enslave anyone else, pretty much, as long as they were foreigners. So, it was
nt a race enslaving others of the same race systematically. If one of the same ra
ce was enslaved it was more like indentured servitude, and any slave could work
for or earn his/her freedom. It was not nearly as bad (for the slave)as the Euro
/African slavery that came later, that is true. So, let me get this straight- you
are defending the blacks who sold the slaves to the whites- saying whites did it
too, centuries previously? Or, youre saying that everyone does it still? Whatever. Y
ou say that I said blacks didnt take MLK seriously. Thats not what I said, DUMMY. I
said he was losing popularity with blacks and whites when he was shot because of
his anti-war and pro-Marxist views. If you read what I wrote (you can read, Bil
l-Boy?) I said I think MLK was a great man, DUMMY. Go tend to your blonde, blue-ey
ed sex slave Mr. Bill!

Bill January 1, 2014 at 9:34 AM 1. I see youre confused again. What I said w
s that the English participated in what the Spanish, Portuguese, Arabs and Afric
ans were already doing Enslaving West Africans. I mentioned that all people have
enslaved people looking like them (in terms of modern racial categories) as a si
de note. 2. As you said, your opinion of Russians and Slavs doesnt change their ski
n color. 3.What does this (modern slavery) have to do with black slavery?? Its SLAV
ERY, you imbecile!!! Have you forgotten the point already? Im not defending black
s by saying whites did it too as you say, but telling the facts as they seem to
evade you. People have taken and forced others to do things against their will t
hroughout time, including those who look like them. During both the Dark Ages an
d Roman times, whites took others whites systematically. Mostly through conquest
not trade, but once slaves are taken they are often sold amongst owners. Just b
ecause gladiators were forced to fight and not work, doesnt make it anything less
than enslavement. Still, there are those who make it their business to kidnap and
sell humans for profit, women especially, throughout the world to this day. It
is a quite lucrative practice. Maybe some of these disgusting bastards are as no
ble as you say up there in Europe, (I only sell black bitches) but Im guessing shar
ed phenotype isnt as much a deciding factor as MONEY when you sell women for a li
ving but thats just me. This is just an example, do you understand now? 4. MLK was a
great man indeed. Saying he was losing popularity to the extent that the advanc
es of the Civil Rights Movement were in peril is to me, a suggestion that blacks
didnt take he or the movement seriously. Look at the grandeur of his famous spee
ch, that moment, and see he embodied the Civil Rights Movement in life and death
. No one as outspoken as he, Malcolm X, or Huey Newton go without a list of detr
actors and others (black and white) just didnt agree. These men were killed becau
se of their prominence, not because they were fading, becoming non factors, or o
therwise not being taken seriously such as yourself. 5. My point was that I agreed
, West Africans enslaved large numbers of West Africans prior to Europeans. Stil
l, here you are rambling about me blaming whites for slavery or implying colonia
l Spaniards enslaved each other. Please keep your ridiculous projections to your
own commentary. Still, the English participated heavily in the Atlantic Slave Tra
de, this is not to assign blame but a simple fact refuting your theory that the P
C public university system is wildly overstating British involvement. I agree the
re is however a failure to tell the whole story.

dubz December 24, 2013 at 8:42 AM Listen to Mott, Early Eurocentric explorer
nd scientists as compared to, Nutty Black AfroCentrists how racist, ignorantly indif
ferent, and hypocriticalLOL! @ India Land of Paradise Heres the correct response, it w
as those early nutty and definitely racist Eurocentric explorers, tomb raiders,
artifact thieves and robbers who at some point, along with in time, nutty and ra
cist Eurocentric benefactors and scientist who applied a non-scientific pseudo-r
acial classification to the Ancient Egyptians and all other people in order to m
ake all great civilizations of the past that they finally discovered the product o
f either Indo-Europeans, mythical Aryans, Caucasoids, or influenced and develope
d by either group who they deemed as one in the same, their ancestors, and super
ior. This type of revisionism was being proposed in the deepest of sub-Saharan Afr
ica. If you study the history of race science, youll find it interesting that eve
n some eastern and southern Europeans were not considered white at first, and youll
be amazed how the racial classification of white or Caucasoid has grown exponential
ly over the centuries to include those who were once deemed as being racial other
s and were discriminated against and mistreated (and in some cases still are). (T
his happened even to the people of India also). And it was not, Nutty Black AfroCen
trists who were the first to began to give Black Africans the credit for various
great civilizations and influences in diverse places throughout the world and hi
story, it was a vast number of unbiased European chroniclers, explorers, histori
ans, researchers, and scientist who began writing down these facts about African
people as discovered, as far back as the Ancient Greeks and to this very day. Bef
ore there was an attempt to make Ancient Egypt the glory of Caucasian and Arab-E
gyptian achievement, this is how they both related to and honored the history of
this great world civilization (as excerpt from the web): Not only have the images
in the tombs and temples of African mummies been altered and defaced; there is a
tradition dating back to at least 1000 A.D. in which Arabs and later Europeans
engaged in the practice of eating mummy. This practice was widespread in Egypt and We
stern Europe and it consisted of countless ancient African mummies being burned,
ground up and made into a kind of powder in order to be eaten. This incredible
act of cannibalism was considered an effective medical practice and folk remedy.
The belief became widely prevalent that cures could be obtained by eating groun
d-up preserved bodies. Eating mummy was considered effective in treating; contusio
ns, coughs, epilepsy, migraines, ulcers, cases of poison and as a general panace
a. Thousand upon thousands of Ancient Egyptian remains were destroyed this way, and
as fuel and for other products Lets move on In the US, there is a historical One Drop Ru
le which was devised by whites to endorse and protect their illusion of white rac
ial purity. This rule said that if a person was 1/32 Black or African geneticall
y, then they were to be considered, Black, Negro, colored, or negroid (all the sa
me at that time) and to be treated as suchno matter how white European they looked
or were genetically! As we can see, this rule still has precedence to this very d
ay, yet only until it comes to archeology and the history of the world Black people
are not claiming anything, thats a conquesting European thing, we are just interes
ted in the science and the whole truth as discovered and reported. Whites cant prohib
it Black people and other people of color from reading, becoming educated, or me
rely going to the public library anymore, so theyre losing control of their lies,
myths, and the dissemination of information and their mad about it. case closed

Mott December 24, 2013 at 12:33 PM Dumbz is hilarious- a vast number of unbi
sedbegan writing down facts. Thats his version of unbiased research! Dumbz, what does
burning mummies, or eating mummy powder, have to do with anything? A: Nothing.
This was going while the AEs were being claimed by some white scientists. It was
done because there were literally thousands and thousands of mummies being foun
d at the time- they were cheaper to burn than coal- weird! What does that have t
o do with his argument? Dumbz, what does the one-Drop Rule have to do with anything? T
here was no such rule or law in America until some Southern and a few Midwestern
states passed them in the 1910-1920 period. Before that, it was considered that
being 3/4 white was enough. Many mulattoes passed for white. So what? What does t
his have to do with Egypt? A: Nothing. Babbling Dumbz is a typical illogical Black
psuedo-intellectual. Pathetic. At least Mr. Bill was a real intellectual, althou
gh his habit of dumping a bunch of incomprehensible stuff he found on genetic re
search sites and presenting it as his own was annoying. Poor Dumbz. Not all black
are dumbz, but Dumbz is definitely all black. Whites cant prohibit Blacks from read
ing- they do it themselves. When they do read they are uncritical and predispose
d to their own prejudices. Critical thinkers they are not.

dubz December 24, 2013 at 5:30 PM Poor Mott the marginalized mutant maniac,
got all of his facts twisted concerning the One Drop Rule and passing Motty, do you act
ually know why it was called passing? No you dont, for the One Drop Rule as law was n
othing but the legalization of what was already in place throughout the South, j
ust as the viciousness of de facto Jim Crow was alive and well in the North for
decades and even during the Civil Rights era. When has a racist white citizenry an
ywhere in the US ever needed a law on the books to discriminate, deny, mistreat,
torture, and murder Black people or anyone else? You ignorantly say, Before that,
it was considered that being 3/4 white was enough. Many mulattoes passed for white
. Again, if being 3/4 white was enough.. why pass?!! And 3/4 white does not make one a
mulatto, who if discovered passing, would have been killed by the same white comm
unity that he passed into. Get your facts straight. Mott, you cant teach or speak o
n that which you have not lived, unless you are prepared to stop being a racist
and do some intensive study, for your hillbilly backwardness and superficial und
erstanding of American history as it pertains to African Americans is obvious, j
ust like the big disconnect thats obvious in your logic. You cant study from reruns
of Roots on your VCR and get this level of knowledge and understanding. And this i
s why I put forth my previously posted observations of white Americas thoughts an
d behaviors, for this is the same incomplete ability to reason or be unbiased th
at was used in parsing and then lying about and hiding the truth concerning Afri
can people and the Ancient Egyptians of Africa. I know your racist relatives have
raised and then convinced you to believe that all facts and hypothesis are to be
developed and then secured within a very narrow and unchallengeable Eurocentric
vacuum unrelated to anything else but the myopic and exclusive views of other w
hite Europeans and their view of world, but unfortunately Mott, that is not the
real world (not anymore). And then you post something as oxymoronic as, Mr. Bill was
a real intellectual..yet what Mr Bill posted was (your words), incomprehensible wew!
you are starting to scare me Motty pass it to the left MottLOL! If whites were such
critical thinkers, why is the world theyve mugged and have so wickedly controlle
d thus far in such a mess? I meaneating the mummies???I be Damned! Critical thinkers?
H_mmm? critical thinking white peopleh_mmm?? oh well Hey Mott, make sure you leave some
milk and cookies and some of your medication for ole Santa, and just be glad your
e seeing another white ChristmasLOL!

Mott December 24, 2013 at 7:44 PM Dumbz- You win! I cant take debating someo
e who doesnt make any sense- it gives me a headache. Battle of wits with an unarm
ed n-word is not worth it.You win! ANCHENT GYPSHUNS IS BLACK AFFERCUNS! You were
right the whole time. Now will you shut up? Before I go away from this thread for
ever, though, Dumbz- a couple of points. 1) I have no racist relatives, I was ra
ised to be non-racist 2) Hillbilly? No, Im from L.A. and O.C. My dad worked as a sc
hoolteacher for 35 years in the ghetto schools of Compton and Watts, Dumbz. Teac
hing ungrateful n-words like you how to read and write. But, yes, I know nothing
of your Black experience! Im a real racist, Dumbz, thats why I voted for Obama twic
e (glady) and am a diehard Democrat. Thats why I graduated from the most diverse
university in California, where I had friends of every color, ethnicity, and per
suasion. Where I got a degree in History by taking class after class on the raci
al history of the U.S. and the rest of the world. But, youre right- I know nothing.
A white guy cant say anything about blacks- ever! How could I know what its like
to be as Dumbz as you? I could not You win! ANCHENT GYPSHUNS IS BLACK AFFERCUNS!You
ANCHENT GYPSHUNS IS BLACK AFFERCUNS! Have a Black Christmas, Dumbz, you smelly St
ink Bug! Smiley Face!

dubz December 25, 2013 at 7:46 AM Oh a Beverly HillbillyLOL! (probably befor
your time) Mott, because you live in LA and your father was a unsuccessful inner-
city teacher in Compton, this means nothing, for if he actually taught someone t
o actually read and write, he would have not deemed them ungrateful and had more o
f an appreciation for his craft and his student body. Obviously, he didnt, and then
came home influencing you with his disinterest and racist venom concerning his
students, who so happen to be Black. The Public school system is full of teachers
that shouldnt be teaching regardless of race (nothing new here). You say youre not a
racist and then call me the infamous n-word, a white liberals closeted way of say
ing niggerLOL! you got to be kiddingLOL! poor Mutt Hey Mutt, you maniacal mutant miscre
ant moron, do your so-called colored friends realize youre a closeted racist?? Youre
so paternalistic that its disturbing LA is full of racistit has a very long history
of very caustic white racist attitudes and violent actions towards Black people,
from the governing bodies, to the police force, to the citizenry that hired the
m both. Do you know how many racist white boys I know who are Democrats? The natio
n is full of hillbilly racist who vote as Democrats because the Democrats are pr
o-Union (good paying jobs), yet they will still elect Republican governors who r
ule over their rural backwater hollows. Mutt, youre more like those Dixiecrats of t
he ole Jim Crow SouthBlack folks are okay, as long as they keep quiet and stay in
their place. Mutt, you can say what you want to me, however, lets remember, the firs
t comments you made were insults, so youre going to get insults in returnHey Mutt,
didnt grandpa tell you? Slavery is over Lets nip this in the bud The ancient Egyptians
were a people of African descent, and they did not come to Africa from outside t
he continent and were always there, They themselves traced their beginnings back t
o the Upper Nile region, which is even deeper into sub-Saharan Africa. However, si
nce ancient Egypt (Kemet) was a large empire, it like all other empires was inha
bited and visited by people from all over the known world, including in later dy
nasties, Greek scholars. No one race represents France, England, or Germany, and t
here were great men of African descent part of these nations histories for hundre
ds of years, however, we know that the origins of the ruling classes of these na
tions were for the most part, white Germanic Europeans, and so were their cultur
al influences. With this knowledge at hand, we know Ancient Egypt had to be a di
verse empire, yet it was not in the Middle East (it didnt exist then), and it was
on the continent of Africa, had African rulers, and developed out of African be
ginnings, basically, a Black African (negroid) hierarchical lineage (matrilineal)
that came down from the upper Nile to establish what we know of now. http://images. I have never
met an actual white man or white woman this dark-skinned in my life! (below) To be WHIT
E, is to be WHITE! You dont put a Black African (negroid) head on a monument as mon
umental and great as the Sphinx, unless this person and those like he or she wer
e of significant importance to your empire! This is just common senseMutt! Merry whit
e Christmas Mutt

Mott December 25, 2013 at 3:17 PM You won, Dumbz. Your photobuckets prove it
. You can shut up, now- you won! Oh, thats right, if I tell you to shut up you wo
ntsokeep going! Beethoven was black, and there were tons of great Africans throughout
the early histories of France, England, and Germany. And, youre right- the Middl
e East didnt exist back in those early days. And, your point about how smoking crac
k should be legal is a salient one. I used a big word there, so I would sound mo
re edumacated, like you. And, youre right- my dad was a total racist (my brother
is in stiches over this). Dont stop! Keep the hits coming! And, yes, I am no racist
, you nigger piece of shit. I fucked your momma and your sister- would a raciss
do that? There- I said it.

dubz December 25, 2013 at 7:36 PM LOL! Mut, youre a sick little puppy LOL! A
viously, a very weak-minded white boy Check your prescriptions, for obviously, theyr
e not workingLOL! A closeted liberal white racist (never was an oxymoron), the most
insidious kind of racist, if you pull their string hard enough, they will revea
l their hidden inner Klansman Mut, you just cant handle the truth and youre a great exam
ple of what happens to some white people when they are faced with the truth, and t
he reason why the truth was kept from you Your father, mother, grandfather, and tex
tbooks all lied to you Mutt, yet youre too self-conceited and dumbed-down to know
it Go turn on the FOX News channel and enjoy some white Christmas programing. You dont
phase me little boy I dont have the time to listen to the psychopathic maniacal mutt
erings of the descendent of desecrating tomb robbers and mummy-eating savages.

Yun Bak Ho December 25, 2013 at 8:49 PM I dont have the time to listen to th
psychopathic maniacal mutterings of the descendent of desecrating tomb robbers
and mummy-eating savages. Too be honest that was actuslly quite funny. During this
whole argument Mott was fighting back with Sandlerian humor, but now we see tha
t Dubz has a few tricks up his sleeve as well. As long as everyone can fight wit
h this twisted humor I dont mind grabbing some popcorn and watching you guys shi
t on each other. Now when yall start to revert to DNA tests and mummy bullshit i
t gets boring, but the way Mott and now recently Dubz as well is employing humor
, this hads got to be one of the best discussions. We want moar! Moar humore and
bullshit,vnot boring lectures on DNA. Please shit diarreah of the mouth on each
other, you shit talking foul mouthed halitosis fucks!

Mott December 25, 2013 at 11:00 PM @ Yun- Yes, I have to agree with you ther
e that Dumbz has a way with verbiage that is not exceptional for his ilk, but is
instead part of long, great history of blackfrican storytelling, from the circu
mcision/manhood rituals of the Gombe to the cries for freedom as Kunta Kinte ran
from his evil white blood sucking kidnappers, the mandibulations of Mandela and
the mandrill monkeys vs, the baboons as the honky spaceman invaders in 2001 A S
pace Oditty and Rosa Parks did not only stand DOWN for the bloody shirt of the t
he Mandingo-oppressed silverback racism which double-manifested itself unto itse
lf as Brother Jesse and Father Martin Luthers Supremes Greatest Hits album, as the
darkest of all darkie Sambo Pharaohs of the Kush-Tush you know what Im talkin abo
ut . Just let me know where you want to go to that home Ill call La Grange where the
white girls and the KKK and Uncle Sanders BBQ fricassied lynch party has done b
egotten the Trayvons and the LaToyas and the white lines going through my mind c
ause its a mans mans mans mans world and I float like a butterfly sting like a bee an
d that, Viginia, is why Ejipshons are Black!

dubz December 26, 2013 at 9:28 AM zzzzz-z Mut, you almost put me to sleep wit
your ridiculously riotous rant @Yun Mutt just dont know, I havent even warmed-up on hi
mLOL! However, he just aint worth it, for he unravels rather easily. And Im not trying
to totally ruin his white Christmas holiday What is going on here, is more a battle
of public opinion than just DNA analysis alone. A public opinion that was reinfo
rced by decades, if not a couple hundred years of racist and compromised science
, anthropology, and archeology, all geared to enhance the illusion of the racial
superiority of a global minority and anomaly, the white people. First the white race
had to be invented, and then the identifying social constructs and perceived phy
siological markers had to be tweaked over a few centuries. And following this, w
as an onslaught on reason and the way whites were to be compared to, not only Bl
acks, but all other minorities. And this is where the weapon of education or the
lack thereof came into the picture. Just a few decades ago in the US, world histo
ry was basically, European history, no dignified historical mention of Africans
or African Americans, barely of Asians, and even Native Americans were marginali
zed. All attempts at scholarship were to prove that whites, Caucasians, Indo-Europea
ns, or Europeans (take your pick) were responsible for every great historical ev
ent and discovery relative to almost every great civilization; nothing else or a
ny other hypothesis, opinion, or fact had relevance until it was Eurocentrically
approved or scrubbed. Basically, white is always right The racial and social construc
ts that were used even when analyzing historical events and civilizations that d
efined if a people were to be deemed white (European), yellow (Asian), brown (In
dian or Hispanic), black (African) and so forth were all set firmly in place and
freely manipulated by Eurocentrist, no matter what percentage of other one may ha
ve in their genome or not. Eurocentrist feel they have the sole and exclusive righ
t to adjust racial definitions at will relative to their own benefit and glory. Wh
ite people always want the last word Being 25%, 50%, or 31/32% white has never chan
ged our Black racial category or treatment in the US, unless we were white enough to
hide the fact (by appearance or documentation) that we were not racially pure (as
if being white is the highest and most purist genetic exclusivity). Yet now when
it comes to great civilizations and histories, somehow, every phenotype, dark to
blackest complexion, and culture in the world is becoming an acquisition toward
s the glory of European or white history and civilization! The finding of a few blon
de hair mummies near or within China proper has the Eurocentrist ball-rolling ag
ain What has happened with Egyptology is that either the ancient Egyptians had to b
e Caucasoid or some newly-discovered Homo Sapiens unrelated to any other genetic
lineage, and definitely unrelated to the African genome of the continent they o
ccupied for millenniums and from which all humankind arouse this is amazing! simply
amazing! These are one of the few people in history that have not been allowed to
be identified by the continent of which they were discovered, lived, and develo
ped within, i.e., Africa. The fact is that most whites are such latent racist th
at they cant even call the Ancient Egyptians what they were, Africans, alone spea
ks volumes.

Mott December 26, 2013 at 1:48 PM Dumbz is quite obviously a product of the
P.C. Multi-Culti B.S. public college/university system. I know this for a fact b
ecause I just survived four years of that same system. Virtually every class cou
ld have been labeled Hatred of Euros 101. It was also filled up with so much non-s
cience and questionable assertions, all in the name of Multi-Cultural education, t
hat it was laughable, and quite outrageous at the same time. In my classes, they t
aught that race doesnt exist- its a social construct. If thats true, than there is no b
lack race, asian race, mestizo race. Minoritie dont exist. Of course, then they c
laim that its only the white race that doesnt exist. Every other race ROCKS! La Raza
racist stuff about Hispanics being the Magical Race and how half the U.S. is stole
n from Mexico and they are on a Reconquista mission to re-take their land. This is
being taught as fact in our public universities. Any challenging is of this nons
ense is labeled racist and is shut down. They teach history now in such a way that
you would think that every bad thing ever done was done by a W.A.S.P. (or maybe
an evil Catholic like Columbus). What a joke! How do I know thats what they teac
h? Because I got a degree in history from this ridiculous P.C. system. The ultra
-conservatives are actually very right on this one issue. The P.C. Multi-Cultis ar
e the knee-jerk reaction to the Old Dead White Guys Never Did Wrong way of teach
ing history in the U.S. To say that they are going way, way too far is an unders
tatement. Lets just take one issue that Dumbz should know about: slavery No mention i
s ever made of certain key facts: African slaves were all purchased from other A
fricans who had already captured and enslaved them. 85 % of all these slaves wen
t to the Caribbean, Central & South America. Only 15% of all African slaves went t
o the Southern U.S. In the South, only about 15% of white male Southerners owned
slaves. Of these slave owners, 60% were middle-class males who owned 1-2 slaves
who basically lived with the families, 25% were upper-middle class who owned be
tween 3-10 slaves. Only 15% of all slave owners were stinking rich plantation owne
rs, however, they owned 85% of all slaves! So, only 15% of all African slaves- s
old by their own people- were owned by only 20% of the Southern whites, of which
almost all were a very small group of whites. Yet, every white American is to b
lame for this! In spite of 400,000 white male Union soldiers dying (at least par
tly) on behalf of freeing black slaves. Blacks in the U.S. can thank liberal White
s for their civil rights and the lack of oppression that they enjoy now. Yet, th
ey will never stop attacking ALL whites. Ive never treated anyone badly on accoun
t of prejudice- yet Im a racist! Wow! Dumbz says that Whites have done a terrible job
of running the whole worldWell, lets see- look at China, look at India- wonderful
places that are both, according to Dumbz, run by Whites. That accounts for abou
t 3/4 of the humans on the planet. Whites also do a terrible job of running Africa
, Dumbz home continent. Look at how terrible Africa is- and whites are to blame! I
am told by those in the know that it is de riguer for U.S. blacks, if they have
any intelligence at all (for blacks), that they must embrace Black-Fro-Centrism
and Ancient Egyptians= My Niggas. It is virtually a rule among blacks who hold Ma
ssas degrees (ironic!) and PhDs, Im told. Scary! I dont think Dumbz is that bright- he
probably has (almost finished) his B.A. in Negroidal Studies from an inner city
community college. But, it shows you how even smart U.S. blacks arent that intellig
ent. They engage in magical pre-scientific thinking. Every black person that I met a
t university who was as smart as a white person was a black from Africa. There a
re some smart U.S. blacks, but where are they to blow the whistle on the idiocy? H
eres some advice for Dumbz- When you present evidence in the form of photos, pictur
es, etc. to back up a claim, you have to state exactly what it is, what it is ca
lled, when it is from, where it is now and what the scientific consensus (if any
) is on it. Otherwise, its meaningless. Happy Kwanzaa-mass, Dumbz!

ProudFeministGirLIsBackAndInFullForce December 26, 2013 at 6:40 PM The racia
and social constructs that were used even when analyzing historical events and
civilizations that defined if a people were to be deemed white (European), yello
w (Asian), brown (Indian or Hispanic), black (African) Except that Hispanic is an e
thnicity, not a race, the Brown people are called Mestizo or Native American, th
ere are White Hispanic people too, this Telenovela actor is a Hispanic ( a White
one ) and he dont look any Brown ,he is of Jewish and Armenian ancestry and dont ha
ve any Native Brown on him. An error occurred. Try watching this video on
.com, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.

Bill December 27, 2013 at 4:22 PM Race IS a social construct, though applica
ble in certain biological terms, it absolutely fails in others. Mott struggles w
ith the facts and now must project some version of his own racist ideology upon
the entire academic landscape, deeming his very education useless and unreliable
. Public universities aside, the scholarship we present is mainstream and widesp
read. You side with those who say OOA has no credence! You are less some weary i
ntellect, exasperated by a limited classroom experience, than you are the young
earth creationist, cursing the presence of evolution theory in textbooks. Im sorr
y your ideology has been utterly destroyed in light of the facts, actually, not
so much.. The Abolition movement was a joint effort of freed blacks and white peop
le, yet it was the former which embodied the movement. Given his comments on the
cotton gin and the industrial revolution, it seems our resident historian is co
rrect in questioning his educations credibility. First published in 1999, Africana:
The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience is a 2,095 page
, Dubois-dreamed encyclopedia of black people. A Harvard-led production, the boo
k doesnt back Afrocentric or Eurocentric ideology, making arguments sure to frust
rate both sides. (The term moor isnt even included.) This is an excerpt from the le
ngthy bit on Abolitionism, which Mott claims was a white liberal movement blacks
should be thankful for. This was written by James Clyde Sellman, a white, Harva
rd scholarp9 Abolitionism was never a self contained or singular movement. It encomp
assed a bewildering array of national, state, and local organizations, contradic
tory practices, and clashing personalities. Abolitionists are commonly portrayed
as benevolent white people deeply concerned with the well-being of enslaved bla
cks, epitomized by such activists as Garrison and Harriet Beecher Stowe, the aut
hor of Uncle Toms Cabin(1852). In fact, a great number of abolitionists, includin
g Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth, were African American. Free blacks in
the North were stalwart in their dedication to the cause and provided a dispropo
rtionate share of the movements monetary support, including a large majority of t
he Liberators early subscribers. Whether black or white, most abolitionists found i
nspiration in two key strains of American thought: republicanism, the intellectu
al legacy of the American Revolution, and Protestant Christianity, especially an
emotionally charged evangelicalism. Yet like their nonabolitionist contemporari
es, many white abolitionists were convinced of the racial inferiority of blacks.
Abolitionists acted forthrightly to correct what they perceived as a grievous w
rong, but they could not wholly separate themselves from the assumptions and lim
itations of their time. Blacks can thank themselves for progress. Your arbitrary pe
rspective and numbers based on air serve no purpose. 100 percent of blacks in Am
erica have dealt with the affects of racial subjugation. We all know Brits playe
d a major role in the slave trade. Heres the hard numbers concerning the slave tr
ade (1519-1867) compiled at Harvard, from the same book: Region of Departure: 5%(578
,450) Senegambia 7%(809,800) Sierre Leone/Windward Coast 9.1%(1,052,800) Gold Coast 18
%(2,082,400) Bight of Benin 17%(1,966,730) Bight of Biafra 39.4%(4,558,200) West Cen
tral Africa 4.5%(520,600) Southeast Africa Region of Arrival: 38.5%(3,850,000) Brazil 17
.5%(1,750,000) Spanish Americas 3.25%(325,000) English Americas 13.6%(1,360,000) F
rench Americas .3%(30,000) Danish Americas 2%(200,000) Dutch Americas 18.4%(1,840,000)
British America(minus North America) 6.45%(645,000) British North America United
States The English took 502,500 slaves in the 17th century and 3,100,100 in the 18t
h. Though it was a relative few taken to the US, the cotton gin would make them
by far the most productive and a large part of Americas early Industrial Revoluti
on. This is rarely mentioned or portrayed. (We always see the factories, with ma
chines and workers at task under merciless demand and aspiration. Still no one t
alks about the economic realities of the American South and its briefly becoming
the richest region in the world, blacks excluded, through the Whitney-produced,
GLOBAL COTTON INDUSTRY.) As usual, youre a bit off on the slave trade dynamics bu
t for the first time we agree somewhat. The trans-Saharan slave trade, already a
live between African and Islamic tribes, was the predecessor for the Atlantic sl
ave trade. The mass infrastructure of the Atlantic Slave Trade began in the larg
e gold trade between Europeans and Africans. Brazil, not the US, was the colony
that took the most slaves by far, more than doubling any other. No wonder black
men love Brazilian woman!! English people didnt begin the mass enslavement of Wes
t Africans but simply participated in what the Spanish, Portuguese, Arabs, and y
es Africans were already doing. (All people sold people who looked like them int
o slavery). We disagree on blacks owing their rights to white liberals however.. I
t was compassionate whites who took part in what I call the Black Liberal Moveme
nt (Abolition, Civil Rights) led by an entire host of historical African America
ns from Douglass, Banneker, and King to Tubman, Parks, and Angela Davis.

Mott December 27, 2013 at 5:23 PM OH NOOOO!!!!! MR. BILL IS BACK!!!! I retrac
what I said about you being a black intellectual, Bill. Youre a DUMB FUCKING NIGGER,
Mr. Bill. 1) Where did I say I side with those who give OOA no credence? I dont, you
fucking moron. You just lied. Imagine that BackFroCentrist making stuff up! 2) I
said the Civil Rights movement was successful because of white liberals, you dum
b monkey. Not the Abolitionist Movement of the 19th century. 3) You claim my numbe
rs are based on air about the slave trade and then confirm them. And yes, and even
less than I said- actually only about 5% of all slaves went to the American Sou
th. 4) You then conflate Southern America with British possessions in the Caribbea
n, Central, and South America, which had almost nothing to do with slavery in Am
erica. You imply that because Americans were all English, and England had more sla
ves in other places besides the U.S.then Americans were more guilty in the slave
trade? Huh? You imply that the cotton gin was invented by an English guyso that m
akes the English more guilty in the slave tradehuh? Babble on, Bill. Your argument
about Abolition is wrong, also. Blacks couldnt vote in the numbers required to ge
t abolition laws passed in the North. Nor did they have the money to finance the
movement. It was a white, Christian movement with a good number of rock stars in
the form of educated, articulate male blacks who wowed audiences. And, though wh
ite women couldnt vote, they played a huge part in Abolitionism. I should find a
big book where one Jewish academic backs up my assertion, then just copy/paste i
t in as research. Sloppy, Prof. Bill! But then, you say white Abolitionists were nas
ty people because they were still racist, and wanted to send them back to Africa
. They should have. Yes, and Lincoln was a racist and a bad person. Washington a
nd Jefferson were bad guys, nasty racists. Fuck you, niggers, is more like it! If
all Black Americans were like you, Professor Bill, I would recommend all for imm
ediate deportation to Africa. Blacks never, ever should have been brought over a
s slaves in the first place. We would have never had a lot of nasty stuff- inclu
ding a permanent, surly, uneducated underclass who champion magical thinking, ps
eudo-science and therapeutic rewriting of history.

Bill December 27, 2013 at 6:19 PM Also, the union soldiers who died in the c
ivil war died for their country. (A country whose leadership decided to follow i
ts own ideals and stop participating in large scale human trafficking for nation
al profit.) What did Confederate soldiers die for? I dont know many intelligent bla
cks who see white people today as responsible for slavery or that really know an
ything significant about Ancient Egypt. Theyre as EC as any other group. The thou
ght that these are tenants of black intellectualism in the US is false. What man
y DO feel is that anyone, of any color, should be able to see the modern facts a
s they are. Black poverty in America starts with slavery not welfare and public
housing. The whole of America gained from the free labor provided by slaves in t
he south, the first agricultural powerhouse. South Carolinas early economy was abso
lutely dependent on rice, not only worked, but locally domesticated by Africans
who received nothing. Your numbers are bs and EVERYONE except blacks benefited f
rom their labor in early America. There may have been a small amount of large pl
antation owners, but there WAS a large slave population and there WAS enough mon
ey to make them a powerful, adjusted group had they been paid anything close to
a fair wage. Will you truly disagree with this? By the time European immigrants
came flooding into Ellis Island, blacks should have held office and real estate.
Instead, Irish, Scottish, Jewish, German, Italian, and so on would be given swa
y, leapfrogging the African people who literally spent centuries in bondage to t
he American economy the recent arrivals had come to utilize. Many whites feel th
eir European descent gives them deeper American heritage than the blacks who can
trace their Americanism to the origin of the state. No Ellis-derived Europeans fo
ught in the Revolution!! To include slavery, subjugation, and segregation, white
racism has been absolutely devastating to the black population. A lack of educa
tion and general resources are to blame for modern circumstances. Teenage pregna
ncy and substance abuse are effects not causes. If YOU cant see this then yes, YO
U, are to blame. Bay Area Guy, youre confusion was remedied earlier. What is so fas
cinating about Africans claiming African history? Why dont you contend with the e
vidence presented instead of hurling redundant, refuted bias from the sideline? So
me more on Cotton from Africana p.456.. By 1860 cotton King Cotton, as it became kn
own was the chief crop of the South and totaled 57 percent of all United States
exports. Largely because of the dominance of cotton, the South resisted the indu
strialization that swept the North in the nineteenth-century. Thus the South man
ufactured little, and most manufactured goods had to be bought from the North or
imported from overseas. Meanwhile, the North by the eve of the Civil War had be
come an established industrial society. For economic and moral reasons the North
did not use slave labor, instead relying on its own workers and European immigr
ants to power its factories, build its railroads, and settle the West. Northerners
demanded high tariffs on imports to protect their goods from cheap foreign comp
etition. The South, however, wanted just the opposite: low tariffs on the many g
oods imported. The persistent conflict over the tariff was crucial because, at t
he time, the federal government had few other sources of revenue neither persona
l nor corporate income taxes existed. Thus the tariffs funded the turnpikes, rai
lroads, and canals that were so important to Northern industrialization and West
ern expansion. The South preferred to do without these improvements in return fo
r lower tariffs. This conflict was never fully resolved until after the Civil Wa
r. The Confederacy sucked, the physical, mobile embodiment of backwards racist thin
king which once contended with the American military. The presence, power, and p
ersistence of white racism isnt as imagined as some like to argue. Reverse-racism i
s irritating but doesnt compare and has had no real effect on whites liberty or op
portunities in general.

Robert Lindsay December 27, 2013 at 6:40 PM Hey Bill, I want to compliment y
ou. You have a fine mind when you are not talking about that Egypt stuff. I dont
read your Egypt stuff because my mind is made up on that one. But I like your ot
her writing. Nice stuff. Happy to have you on the board my Black friend.

Mott December 27, 2013 at 6:51 PM Mr. Bill- Thanks for the lesson on the Ci
ar that you copy/pasted. I didnt need it. But, lets take the North for moral and ec
onomic reasons, did not use slave labor and juxtapose that with your assertion: E
veryone except blacks benefited from their labor in early America If the whole of A
merica was befitting so much from slavery (along with every poor white Southerne
r), as you claim, then why didnt the U.S. economy collapse with the end of slaver
y? The North wasnt profiting from slavery, stupid. If it was, it may not have gon
e to war in 1865. The answer is that while slavery was very profitable for a small
portion of the population in the South, the wealth was not spread around, and w
as dwarfed by the wealth of the North. Slavery was also getting cumbersome and l
ess profitable- slaves got old, got sick, etc. and couldnt be replaced with new one
s- they had to breed them. The South wasnt so rich. Thats why the South lost- that, a
nd they had far fewer people (esp. non-slaves) to do the fighting. Your figure a
bout the South being the richest, briefly is because there werent that many total (
non-slave) citizens, so that skewed the income per capita. Can you copy/paste some
more of your skollarshup, Bill?

Bill December 27, 2013 at 7:04 PM Ok, Mott.. 1. You side with Yun and Mowers
n this debate, I believe Yun has, but Im sure Mowers has voiced his complete oppo
sition to OOA. I know youve said you dont disagree with OOA, thats why I hope you s
ee the ridiculous nature of those you side with in this, the race of AE debate.
Your own comments fall in line with wandering caucasoid theory. As I said, you sid
e with the loons and they with you. Some ACs are crazy too but I have voiced my o
pposition to racism on either side and produced no insanely bigoted thoughts of
my own to place me in line with them. 2. You said Blacks in the U.S. can thank libe
ral Whites for their civil rights and the lack of oppression that they enjoy now
. The Abolition movement was part of blacks gaining civil rights and comfortable li
ving in America. The words I quoted were that of Harvard scholarship, more than
credible enough for this debate. Your statement on freed blacks having no money
is false as stated in the quote. What voting rights for abolition laws in the No
rth? This was about abolition of slavery IN THE SOUTH. 3. Where do you get your nu
mbers then? I suspect its air as I suggested. I said I agree with you somewhat bu
t you were a bit off. I also said Englishman were not responsible for the start
of slavery in anyway but DID participate in a sizable fashion. I dont blame Ameri
cans for anything, but Americans DID gain from the slaves brought to the US, esp
ecially after the introduction of the cotton gin.

Bill December 27, 2013 at 7:13 PM Not only did the Northerners gain from sla
very but there were entire boomtowns in the North created from the expansion of

Mott December 27, 2013 at 7:36 PM Mr. Bill sez By the time European immigr
s came flooding into Ellis Island, blacks should have held office and real estat
e. I have heard this before from revisionist, politically correct types. Only its wr
ong. If it wasnt for slavery, Africans never would have set foot in America in an
y kind of large numbers (at least not until after the 1965 Immigration Act). Afric
ans didnt build ships that crossed the Atlantic, and they never voluntarily emigr
ated to the Northern or Western U.S. in any numbers before or after the Civil Wa
r. One could imagine that even if Africans voluntarily emigrated to the North (or
South- if slavery hadnt existed) that they would have run into some real roadbloc
ks to social advancement- not being white, not being European, not being Christi
an? Three strikes and you were out in those days. They would not have even been
granted U.S. citizenship in the 18th and 19th centuries ( slavery ironically led
to citizenship with the 14th Amend.) So, no, Africans would not have been owning
real estate by the time the Irish and Italians rolled in. Hell, Irish and Italia
ns werent even considered white then, and were relegated to slums when they got off
the boat. Did yo mamma eat yo homework, Mr. Bill? Or is it Mr. Bull As in Bullshit

Mott December 27, 2013 at 8:04 PM Bill- We can agree on some things, yes. Re:
o Ellis Island Euros fought in the Revolution. Very true. My ancestors go back to
the 1600s- just as many African Americans ancestors do. However, Southern slaves
escaped by the thousands and fought (or tried to fight) for the British in the
Revolution. Cant say as I blame em, tho! Not many Northern blacks fought for the c
olonists, however. I do agree that U.S. black poverty comes from slavery and oppre
ssion. i would advocate reparations to blacks if it was feasible. It isnt, so it
aint happening. I will agree that there were some boom towns in the North that proces
sed and shipped the Souths cotton- two things the South couldnt do or couldnt do we
ll enough. But- the North would have profited in some way from anything the Sout
h did, as long as they didnt have factories or enough good ports. A better argument
that you could have made would be that sugar cane rum from the Caribbean was a
key to the early U.S. economy, even in the North. That makes more sense. I do not
believe in a wandering Caucasoid theory. Mowers is crazy. At least you think that so
me ACs are loons. You have some sense! I want you to know that I participate in thes
e intellectual pissing contests not to hurl invective but in order to hone, furt
her, and brush up my historical knowledge. I did appreciate you pointing out my
error on the cotton gin- I remembered it did the work of 10 slaves, but not the
other part. As long as you can be reasonable, I can be civil!

Bill December 27, 2013 at 10:06 PM I wish you were more receptive to whats b
en presented Mr. Lindsay but thanks anyway. Mott, that seems fair enough.. Im not o
ne who feels one must be racist to not see AE as a black/brown civilization. Giv
en the way Egyptians and blacks are often portrayed, it must seem a strength for
some. I can also see how some, including some AAs, can see Bantu as the real Afric
an given the Bantu Expansion (one of the largest migrations in human history). S
till, once the evidence is presented in a coherent manner within full historical
context, I for one, feel the picture becomes clear. Ancient Egyptians were indi
genous Nile Valley Africans of a most likely burnt bronze complexion. Regardless
of skin color however, their history undoubtably traces back south to sub-Sahar
an Africa. I will continue to argue my position but it seems many of us will jus
t have to agree to disagree.

Mott December 23, 2013 at 12:42 PM Hey Yun- Im very close to agreeing with y
when you said, Why dont we just let the Blacks have the Egyptians? If it makes them
feel better, prouder, drives them to higher accomplishments? Yeah, I would actu
ally love to give it to them- they need something. I just dont think that rubber-st
amping psuedo-science and accepting wild claims as fact just so people can feel
better is a good thing to do. There is some interesting and conflicting evidence r
egarding the Black African/Egyptian argument. If everyone stuck to these legitim
ate questions, it would be a good argument. Instead, you have insane Black-Fro-Cen
trists debating Aryan-Centrists who also claim the Egyptians. The Afros are just
wrong, IMO, and I am not inclined to believe the Aryan theory at all, either, b
ut I havent looked into it. Its a fringe thing- most Whites wouldnt try to claim th
e Egyptians. Black paranoia.
. Dave Mowers December 23, 2013 at 3:57 AM iGenea responds to detracto
rs says original study participants refuse to release data and also refuse to ou
t-right state that iGeneas conclusions are wrong!
ds/the-tutankhamun-dna-project.20/ Therefore and as there has been no denial of our
result yet we are convinced that the data we published is correct. -Roman Scholz h
Egyptian-Pharaoh-Tutankhamun.html Around 70 per cent of Spanish and 60 per cent of
French men also belong to the genetic group of the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt more
than 3,000 years ago. We think the common ancestor lived in the Caucasus about 9
,500 years ago, said Scholz.

Pepperoncini December 23, 2013 at 7:17 AM So now that we have settled that I
geneas claim is unsubstantiated, we can agree it has no merit. Academic institution
s do not need to deny Igeneas claim because onus is on Igenea to prove it. It is no
t even settled that DNA extracted from those ancient mummies have not degraded t
o the point that Haplogroups can be ascertained.

Dave Mowers December 23, 2013 at 12:17 PM
n-mummies-yield-genetic-secrets-1.12793 Egyptian mummies yield genetic secrets: Ne
xt-generation sequencing finds DNA preserved in hot climates. Jo Marchant 12 Apr
il 2013 Now, Pusch and his colleagues, including Rabab Khairat, have carried out ne
xt-generation sequencing on five Egyptian mummified heads held at the University
of Tbingen. The heads date from relatively late in ancient Egyptian history betw
een 806 bc and 124 ad. The researchers determined that one of the mummified individu
als may belong to an ancestral group, or haplogroup, called I2, believed to have
originated in Western Asia. Haplogroup
I2 (Y-DNA) is Continental Europes Mesolithic paternal lineage. In human genetics
, Haplogroup I-M438 is a Y-chromosome haplogroup. Until 2008, it was known as Ha
plogroup I1b, but it is now named I2 (ISOGG 2013). Haplogroup I-M438 might have
originated in Southeastern Europe some 15,000 17,000 years ago
m/europe/Haplogroup_I2_Y-DNA.shtml Haplogroup I2 is the most common paternal lineag
e in former Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria and Sardinia, and a major lineage in m
ost Slavic countries. Identical to the Egyptian Horus..
rochun It was celebrated by pagan Slavs on December 21, the longest night of the ye
ar and the night of the winter solstice. On this night, Hors, symbolizing old su
n, becomes smaller as the days become shorter in the Northern Hemisphere, and di
es on December 22, the winter solstice. It is said to be defeated by the dark an
d evil powers of the Black God. The anonymous pepper-boy everyone is lying no matte
r what evidence is produced to the contrary!

Pepperoncini December 23, 2013 at 8:37 PM If you provided the above links to
counter my statement that the science is not as settled as one may think in reg
ards to ascertaining the genetic profile of Egyptian mummies, then read the belo
w from the journal Nature:
l Granted the above paper is from 2011, which is before the new techniques but you w
ill see I didnt wholly discount the science just that there was contention in aca
demia on whether the extracted DNA was good enough to do a study on.

Pepperoncini December 23, 2013 at 8:38 PM Also want to add, that none of the
links you provided support Igeneas claims.
. Yun Bak Ho December 23, 2013 at 2:33 PM The ancient kingdoms of Asha
nti, Zimbabwe, Songhai, Adal, Aksum, Nubia, and Mali were great black civilizati
ons. The Greeks, Romans, Turks, imperial Britain/NW Europe were great white civi
lizations. Egypt is an Arab civilization, along with Babylon, Mesopotamia, Akkad
, Elam, Hebrews, CanaaniteUnless you are North African or Mkddle Eastern, you ha
ve no genetic connection to Egypt. Also, sorry for my constant dpelling mistakes
. I have jumpy fingers. My bad grammar is because English is my 7th language, af
ter Korean, Canotnese, Mandarin, Japanese, German, and Hindi.

Dave Mowers December 23, 2013 at 11:10 PM At some point, The Science Will Be
Settled. and I will be here to throw it in the face of detractors, to belittle th
em, as they have done I, to gloat in Sufism-ideology, to hear their error as the
y will later want us too, understand the relative meaning of their philosophy bu
t will we suffer their reality? Shall I, like they expect, gibe unto their philo
sophy? F.U.C.K. Y/O/U/
. Paul Van December 23, 2013 at 3:21 PM Well, since this is the Christ
mas time ,we can all agree that Jesus Christ was a blond blue eyed European. *** Kin
gdom Identity Ministries is a Politically Incorrect Christian Identity outreach
ministry to Gods chosen race (true Israel, the White, European peoples). We procl
aim the Gospel of the Kingdom (government according to Gods Law) through books, t
racts, tapes, videos, the American Institute of Theology Bible Correspondence Co
urse, our international Herald of Truth Radio Broadcasts, a Prison Ministry, Bib
lical Counseling, Seminars, and other means. The Elect Remnant, Christian Patrio
ts, Nationalists, Reconstructionists, Racialists, and all seeking a higher level
of understanding will learn Biblical solutions to personal and national problem
s, and be given keys to unlock hidden truth. *** See I to
ld you Jesus Christ was a blond blue eyed European. I think some of you are member
s of this church now.

Paul Van December 23, 2013 at 7:48 PM More from the true Jews: WE BELIEVE tha
the New Covenant was made with the Children of Israel, the same people the Old
Covenant was made with (Jer. 31:31-33; Heb. 8:8-10) in fulfillment of the mercy
of promised our forefathers (Luke 1:72). WE BELIEVE the White, Anglo-Saxon, German
ic and kindred people to be Gods true, literal Children of Israel. Only this race
fulfills every detail of Biblical Prophecy and World History concerning Israel
and continues in these latter days to be heirs and possessors of the Covenants,
Prophecies, Promises and Blessings YHVH God made to Israel. This chosen seedline
making up the Christian Nations (Gen. 35:11; Isa. 62:2; Acts 11:26) of the earth
stands far superior to all other peoples in their call as Gods servant race (Isa.
41:8, 44:21; Luke 1:54). Only these descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel scat
tered abroad (James 1:1; Deut. 4:27; Jer. 31:10; John 11:52) have carried Gods Wo
rd, the Bible, throughout the world (Gen. 28:14; Isa. 43:10-12, 59:21), have use
d His Laws in the establishment of their civil governments and are the Christians
opposed by the Satanic Anti-Christ forces of this world who do not recognize the
true and living God (John 5:23, 8:19, 16:2-3). Yes it
all fits, it is as Blumenbach first wrote Adam and Eve were white and and the fi
rst people were white and they changed color because of geography and climate. W
ait,that may not be right, I didnt bring in the red-skinned Solutreans and Atlant

Dave Mowers December 24, 2013 at 3:36 AM Fuck You.

Paul Van December 24, 2013 at 6:34 AM Dave, bless your heart, there is no ne
ed to get snippy,relax and learn.
. Dave Mowers December 23, 2013 at 10:59 PM In my crowning, Weak and wea
ry..; Trying to use language, so much to as a query, ..,and the Cats in The Cradle fo
r the Silver Spoon ..When youre coming home son I dont know when, but well get togethe
r then, son He had grown up just like me. I missed out on life
. Dave Mowerws December 24, 2013 at 4:26 AM Use you Erinn logicwhen you
see a dawn, a twilight, do you not see a blue hue? A strange phase of the world
containing the aethers of the sky above? Aethiopia.
. T December 25, 2013 at 1:13 PM The Ancient Egyptians were a Black Af
rican people.

Mott December 27, 2013 at 12:35 PM The mummy photos are a joke. Lots of mumm
ies are black in color because of decomposition and all the mummification oils t
hat they applied to the bodies and wrappings. Hair color is also deceiving- the re
d or blonde hair that some mummies have may not be the actual color. Ancient Egy
ptians mostly did have black hair, probably, and males and females wore wigs of
woven black hair. When you put one of these wigs on a blackened mummy body is su
re does look like Queen Latifa! The artwork obeys a convention that males were dep
icted as very dark reddish-brown (not black) and females were depicted as lighte
r yellowish-tan. In the Amarna Period, both sexes ere depicted as dark reddish-b
rown. It is interesting that some statues and busts look more Negroid than others.
However, AEs were definitely part Negroid (10%), and lived among Kushites and Bl
ack Africans, and racial mixing no doubt occurred. For every example that looks
more Negroid, though, there are tons that dont. Most of the ones shown are votive
statues- very small, hand-held objects that were not official, were not carved fr
om life, and were possibly made long after the reign of a pharaoh. The Sphinx is
very interesting- why does it look Negroid? Nobody knows anything about it, unf
ortunately. The Black Pharohs ruled Egpyt for less than 100 years. End of story. htt

Mott December 27, 2013 at 7:01 PM Since its your favorite phrase, why dont
change your name to Beyond Stupid? Just askin. Who said blacks came from whites? Are
you on crack? Geography is a stupid way of determining racekinda like Egypt is in Afr
ica, so, Egyptians are Africans?
. Mott December 27, 2013 at 1:19 PM Yes, Insane AfroCentrist Scholar! Yo
u forgot to mention that Jesus and Mary were Black, that the Ancient Greeks were
Black, and that the Olmecs were Black, proving that Blacks discovered the New W
orld. Yes, Negritos, Dravidians, Melanesians, Australo-Aborigines, and SouthEast
Asian Australoids are all Black, too! Blacks were first on the Moon, also. Did yo
u see how high those spacemen jumped? Case closed! Oh, heres photo evidence for d
eniers: If it wasnt for un-adaptive Whites inventing modern medicine and agriculture
, millions more Africans would die every year of disease and starvation. Black A
fricans never invented sea-worthy boats and never would have gotten off the cont
inent (except by walking through the Sinai)if it werent for ships created by non-
Africans. But they are the most adaptable- thats why so many Blacks live at the ext
reme latitudes and where weather is the worst and coldest. Blacks have adapted v
ery well to the arid, barren Sahara desert by dying in the millions annually of
starvation- adaptivity in action!
. rifleman45 December 27, 2013 at 6:49 PM Why cant those Blacks be prou
d of their own civilizations? They have the asante empire and axum to be proud o
f. Why try and claim egypt?
. rifleman45 December 27, 2013 at 11:50 PM Robert, I just love how you
destroy those afrocentrist morons
. rifleman45 December 28, 2013 at 12:14 AM By the way Robert, I forgot
to ask you if I can let the n word fly

Robert Lindsay December 28, 2013 at 12:41 AM You can say the n-word on this
site. I try not to use it myself, but I allow commenters to use it. I am not wil
d about the word, but I will not ban on it.
. Robert Lindsay December 29, 2013 at 12:34 AM I dont like commenters u
sing the word nigger in an inappropriate way and I would prefer that they not do
it, but I wont ban on it. I ban on way too much stuff as it is, trust me.

Robert Lindsay December 29, 2013 at 8:10 PM On this website, it is acceptabl
e to use it sardonically. Also you can quote someone else as using the word. If yo
u cant handle the fact that I allow that word on here, maybe you need to leave th
e site, Black man.

Robert Lindsay December 29, 2013 at 8:11 PM I do have a problem with using i
t myself. On this site, it is perfectly ok for me to say, We allow the use of the w
ord nigger on this site. People can also say, Robert allows people to use the word
nigger on this website. You see? Now that is acceptable. PS Pkr: You are right on th
e verge on a ban for hostile tone.

Mott December 29, 2013 at 9:54 PM Mr. P- I only use that word in posts when a
tacked by blacks who call me a racist, uneducated redneck (wrong on all counts)
just because I disagree and think they are being illogical. Im not using it to be
mean-spirited. In spite of their insistence, mere use of the word doesnt make so
meone a racist, either. If blacks had an equivalent word for whites (they dont) the
y would use it all the time against whites. They are frustrated because there is
no equivalent word that they can use, thats all. They shouldnt be so afraid of it-
its only a word (and one they use themselves) that I use to mean a stupid black p
erson. The stigma and fear of that word is ridiculous. It was the Southern pronunc
iation of the word Negro. They need to stop feigning outrage over it. If they cant
see that Im using it with humor and irony, they need to reevaluate their sensitiv
ity. Everyone- black or white- needs to get over this ridiculous word, and that do
esnt mean making it illegal to use.
. INDY December 29, 2013 at 11:18 PM Look at the sphinx special snowfl
akes, but we wouldnt want logic to come into it. Thats not the white way.

Mott December 30, 2013 at 11:57 AM special snowflakes- See, I told you that
acks are frustrated that there is no white equivalent for the n-word. Look at the Sph
inx. Perfect example of black logic. Just look at something, thats all. Empiricism
at its worst. The sun revolves around the Earth, too. Just look! I agree, the Sph
inxs appearance is interesting- it may indeed be a Negroid face, and it may repre
sent a Negroid king. Maybe a very early, pre-Dynastic king? Thats just one possib
ility. Or, a very late Kushite pharaoh who had it re-carved? But we dont know whe
n, by who, and for what reason it was made. It may not be an image of a king. We
dont know if the face is more recent. So, its a puzzle. Why do a handful of Negroid
-looking statues (and the Sphinx) prove something, but the thousands of non-Negroi
d images are just misleading?

Paul Van December 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks
, Study Finds Published February 22, White Americans are both geneti
cally weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University
-led study finds. Analyzing the genetic makeup of 20 Americans of European ancestr
y and 15 African-Americans, researchers found that the former showed much less v
ariation among 10,000 tested genes than did the latter, which was expected. They a
lso found that Europeans had many more possibly harmful mutations than did Afric
an, which was a surprise. Since we tend to think of European populations as quite l
arge, we did not expect to see a significant difference in the distribution of n
eutral and deleterious variation between the two populations, said senior co-auth
or Carlos Bustamante, an assistant professor of biological statistics and comput
ational biology at Cornell. Its been known for years that all non-Africans are desc
ended from a small group, perhaps only a few dozen individuals, who left the con
tinent between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago. But the Cornell study, published in t
he journal Nature Thursday, indicates that Europeans went through a second popula
tion bottleneck, probably about 30,000 years ago, when the ancestral population w
as again reduced to relatively few in number. The doubly diluted genetic diversity
has allowed bad mutations to build up in the European population, something that
the more genetically varied African population has had more success in weeding o
ut. What we may be seeing is a population genetic echo of the founding of Europe, said
n-blacks-study-finds/ ***** Mott, you are living proof.

Mott December 30, 2013 at 10:17 PM Hi, Mr. Paul Van DumbNigger- Thanks for yo
r comments. They speak for themselves. Only problem is that the only thing factu
al in your copy/pasted research gleaned from an online Fox News article is that Af
rican Blacks do indeed exhibit more genetic diversity BETWEEN the various differ
ent large groups of niggers. That has been established as scientific fact, however
, genetic diversity BETWEEN different groups speaks to nothing about the charact
eristics of the various groups YOU DUMB NIGGER and furthermore, genetic diversit
y between different large groups does not mean the same thing as genetic diversi
ty within a very small, isolated group. Further, genetic diversity in and of itsel
f does not equal genetic or any other type of strength YOU DUMB NIGGER and the mer
e presence of mutations is not indicative of much- mutations can be beneficial o
r harmful (the harmful ones tend to die out- its called evolution YOU DUMB ASS NI
GGER), but the Fox News article seems to imply that more mutations could be harmf
ul and yet does not elaborate. Mr. Van DumbNigger: Tell me how your ridiculous theo
ry about how Africans are superior is 1) different than any other races supremacy
theories, other than its lack of facts, and, 2) is less offensive than some Sto
rmfront white supremacist stuff. Also, Van DumbNigger, esplain why Black Africans h
ave advanced so little, and accomplished little compared to Caucasians and Asian
s. You cant- because youre genetically so strong and superior! There is a very rare
variety of nigger known as the Intelligent Black Person but these exceedingly scar
ce specimens tend to be shy, retiring , shun the internet, and tend to employ lo
gic over hubris. If you know of any, Mr. DumbNigger, please tell them to post so
mething here- weve been waiting a long time!

Dave Mowers August 6, 2014 at 11:20 PM Try reading history. Youll see that
tes are descended from Cro Magnon and that genetically they are stronger than black
s AND they migrated INTO Africa not from it.

INDY December 31, 2013 at 3:21 AM First Genius, read my tag, Im not Black, I
Aryan, you know, the people who dont believe the pink race is capable of differen
tiating different types of logic. Fact. Second, you little special snowflake, you
think there are no words comparable to Nigger for whites? Sheltered. Very Sheltere
d. But lets keep it symmetry * Nigrum, latin for Black * Albino, latin for white Ok Ali
baba? now you can finally understand your genetic predisposition towards wanting
to steal other peoples lands/cultures/histories and cloak it in deductive logic
which must sound quite impressive to people who on the introduction of science
or daily baths thought it a work of the devil. Well Aryans are a Inductive civil
ization my little pork chop, the most impressive Egyptian monument after the Giz
a Pyramid has a Nigger Face. That clear enough for you Alzheimer you redundant naz

Mott December 31, 2013 at 10:49 PM Gee, Mr. Indy- you sound ezzakly like an
yan! Your grammarage and speling, and punctuations are impekable. Youre on your w
ay. You will soon lose all your nig-pigmentage, your big black dick will shrivel
, and you will thus grow a brain 10x larger! You will be an albino, mutant white
man! Welcome to the True Brotherhood!
. Paul Van December 31, 2013 at 5:33 PM Mott, bless your heart, it war
ms the cockles of my heart when the truth hurts a bigot, my, you did pop a blood
vessel, for your information I am not black. Here is something else that might
interest you. It has a bearing on the Fox News story. ****** Albino Gorilla Snowflake
Was Inbred, Gene Sequence Shows A famous albino gorilla that lived for 40 years at
the Barcelona Zoo got its white coloring by way of inbreeding, new research sho
ws. Snowflake was a male Western lowland gorilla. He was born in the wild and capt
ured in 1966 by villagers in Equatorial Guinea. As the only known white gorilla
in the world, Snowflake was a zoo celebrity until his death of skin cancer in 20
03. A few studies had attempted to get to the bottom of what caused Snowflakes colo
r-free complexion, but the exact genetic mutation had never been found. Now, Spa
nish researchers have sequenced the gorillas entire genome, revealing that Snowfl
ake was probably the offspring of a pairing between an uncle and a niece. http://w
_3453137.html *** Now do you see how a bottleneck could produce you.

Mott December 31, 2013 at 10:21 PM Mr. Paul- You are as black as snow that h
as been saturated with car exhaust. And then shit upon. You are also a dumb ass. I
will let your Snowflake/Albino posts speak for themselves. If you only knew how m
any are laughing at younot with you Oh well, happy new Year, Mr. Dumb Black Person
! How do I know that? Well, youre pretty stupidand there are stupid whitesbut, youre s
tupidity is of a special variety. Your Indy alter ego doesnt fool me either. Fuck You
, you Nigger Troll(s)! and Happy New Year- its better in Africa- please move back
! Im free now- Im done w/AC trolls. Have the last word, you big mouth/lips small brain
niglet! Tell us all about how whites are all inbred albino mutants!
. Bill January 1, 2014 at 10:08 AM I missed a bit and Id like to addres
s a few things but one of Mowers post in particular. First, MOWERS do you have a
response to dubz post regarding the genetic background of Greece and Europe? See
ms you ran as fast as you could with those long, counterproductive posts on Kore
a. When will you all retire this lowly charade? How many pretentious claims can
you produce? What number of outdated, refuted authors could you source if you ba
cked your statements by more than those mostly ridiculous sites you posted? Your
game of hopscotch etymology is refuted at all corners. Mowers vaguely postured,
imaginary clove of linguistic pathways has been rendered through bigoted fantasi
es of ahistorical revisionism. I dont think Mott, Yun, or RobL have offered anyth
ing that could be considered evidence. No amount of ranting can change the fact
that your basic premise is terribly flawed. As Darryl said, a look at the source
s we provide in opposition to your side alone show how far off base you are here
. As I said, Im not one who thinks having (some) views like Mowers is racist, mos
t just dont know. Given the modern presentation of AE I can see how many would se
e it as mostly Near Eastern, rifleman. Given the Bantu Expansion, one of mankinds
largest migrations, I can also see how many would see Bantu as the true African.
But once you are given large amounts of good information to the contrary and fai
l to change your views.. you are either incompetent or biased. We all know which
is at work here. Looking at the comments of some, it seems old habits truly die
hard, but die they will. You refute Diop as if youre the first, Mowers. Who cares
about the opinions of 1974? I offer more recent scholarship. As I said, I hadnt r
eferred to Diop this entire debate prior to you making incorrect assumptions reg
arding the melanin tests on basal epithelial cells done by Germans. You count the
so called Afrocentric claims but dont include melanin dosage tests? What funerary
treatments are you referring to specifically that increases the melanin below t
he epidermis? Youve referred to hair color as proof of AEs European heritage, this
is much better evidence than that. You never answered my request for sources on s
oftware showing the Sphinx was somehow distinctly different than every other Egy
ptian statue as you propose. There are some other unsubstantiated leaps you make
but the above should be a start. What does an even more ancient African monumen
t resting in the GREEN Sahara do to suit your Aryan philosophy? Who added the he
ad? (This is important. Is there ANY evidence of ANY pharaoh changing the Sphinx
?) If the face didnt represent Egyptians, why would later pharaohs allow it to st
and? Modern forensic scientists and many credible historians have noted the negro
id prognathism of the monument. Mott, it was a modern human in East Africa from whi
ch we all descend brother!!! Its funny you guys bring up Asian blacks in this deb
ate, still it wasnt spoken about in depth. We should talk more about the Aborigin
al or Original Australians and Daves first good evidence regarding Mungo man becaus
e there are quite a few of people pushing this while others like Mott prefer to
have it both ways, saying he agrees with OOA but not that all people are descend
ed from Africans Out of Australia Theory?? (Picking up from Mowers comments over a we
ek ago.) This is probably the best argument against OOA, but the Boom hardly leave
s a dent. Nice try Quoting a recent article to make this seem like breaking news
when it isnt. First off, I feel you must be confused, native/prehistoric Australi
ans arent white. Your attempt to move human origins outside of Africa to Australi
a, again, does nothing to ease your Nazi-spread affliction. Theres no connection
to these people and Nords. The article you quote is a rehash of the debunked the
sis of anthropologist Alan Thorne. In 2001, Thorne published his heavily debated
evidence for the multi-regional theory that modern humans evolved and lived out
side of Africa, prior to the migrations renown for populating the world. He does
nt claim the wandering caucasoid theory youve adopted Dave, he thinks the evidence s
ays Aboriginal Australians were first to migrate, not Nords. Thornes evidence was
55-70kyo DNA he claims to have extracted from a male specimen exhumed near Lake
Mungo named Mungo-man. With slender features and a tall, straight stature, Mungo
Man is anatomically modern. Thorne and his colleagues say Mungo Mans DNA isnt rela
ted to anyone on earths and thus obviously isnt African, proving modern humans fro
m Australia were out prior to those leaving Africa. Thorne says.. They were arguing tha
t because the earliest forms of this particular genetic sequence in living peopl
e was found in Africa, that meant that all people must have come from Africa Well
, logically, thats not true anymore because we now have an older form of indisput
ably modern human that comes out of Australia. The above is from a BBC article whic
h also comments on the number of geneticists who doubt DNA can be gained from a
specimen that old (70ka). The oldest prior to Thornes team was 28ka!!! Another is
sue was the high success rate. The report that Thornes team successfully sequence
d DNA from 10 out of the 13 fossils they tried, wreaks of contamination says Dr.
Chris Stringer, a professor quoted in the article. Another Australian team has
dated the specimen to 43ka however, a bit more logical and accepted age. The art
icle concludes with a rebuttal by said Dr. Chris Stringer, head of human origins
at the Natural History Museum in London.. But even ASSUMING the DNA sequences were
correct, Professor Stringer said it could just mean that there was much more ge
netic diversity in the past than was previously realized. What it says is that some
of that genetic diversity has been lost today, he told BBC News Online. This sequ
ence could have been in Australia and in Africa. In other words, it might have b
een in Africa 200,000 years ago, [it] came out with some of the African people a
nd then got lostThere is no evidence here that the ancestry of these Australian f
ossils goes back a million or two million years, which is the multi-regional pre
diction. Where is the evidence Thorne and his team sequenced this DNA properly fir
st of all? Has the genetics field abandoned their cynicism regarding Thornes work
? Has his perspective been adopted or refuted? Its known that 25-30 percent of hu
man mtDNA has been LOST so Mungo mans unknown genetic profile isnt the strike agai
nst OOA that Thorne suggests. At least youre finally providing sources and we may
now engage in debate. So.. A rehashed version of refuted anthropologist Alan Th
ornes 2001 theory is your source, while Ill reference Cambridge University from it
s 2007 article, New Research Confirms Out Of Africa Theory Of Human Evolution. The a
rticle relies on study done by Cambridge, Oxford, and Stanford as commented. Her
es a report on the article and what it says.
007/05/070509161829.html This particular page is an example of the stubbornness of
Eurocentrism. Cambridge considers this information CONFIRMATION OF OOA THEORY,
still, the writer decides to close with this piercing caveat.. Australias archaeolog
ical record provides several apparent inconsistencies with the Out Of Africa theor
y. In particular, the earliest known Australian skeletons, from Lake Mungo, are
relatively slender and gracile in form, whereas younger skeletal finds are much
more robust. This robustness, which remains, for example, in the brow ridge stru
cture of modern Aborigines, would suggest either INTERBREEDING between homo sapi
ens and homo erectus or multiple MIGRATIONS into Australia, followed by interbre
eding. The archaeological data also indicates an intensification of the DENSITY an
d COMPLEXITY of DIFFERENT STONE TOOLS in Australia during the Holocene period (b
eginning around 10,000 years BP), in particular the emergence of backed-blade st
one technology. The first dingos arrived at around the same time, and it is thou
ght both were brought to the continent by new human arrivals leading to THEORIES
OF A SECONDARY MIGRATION that has resulted in disputes regarding the single poi
nt of origin theory. This is unfortunate.. as it relates directly to the outdated t
heories the original article looks to fold!! Why would the author refer to these
ideas without stating that this is EXACTLY WHAT CAMBRIDGE CONTENDS WITH. Direct
ly above this ill-minded backtrack, the author writes.. Dr Toomas Kivisild, from th
e Cambridge University Department of Biological Anthropology, who co-authored th
e report, said: The evidence points to relative isolation after the initial arriv
LOW into Australia while the land bridge from New Guinea was still open, but onc
e it was submerged the population was apparently isolated for thousands of years
. The differences in the archaeological record are probably the result of this,
, refuting your fringe Australian theory. Mungo man has been, and probably bette
r dated at 40ka. This would fall right in line with OOA, adding to the heap of e
vidence already at work. Even a specimen of 60ka is explained by OOA as it would
take movement of only a mile per year over 10,000yrs for early Homo sapiens to
move from Africa to Australia by 60ka. His unique genetic profile doesnt mean he
wasnt descended from Africans, but only that he had lineage that is now gone. MR
Hypothesis states, as OOA does, that archaic humans left Africa some 2 million y
ears ago so even if your evidence was credible, that would serve to push humans c
ommon ancestor back quite a bit but not change its origin..Africa! NO ONE DEBATES
THAT. As Stringer said, theres no evidence of these Australian fossils going bac
k 2 million years..OOA remains the prevailing theory. Again, the recent Cambridg
e article relies on work done by they, Oxford, and Stanford University and is en
titled New Research Confirms Out Of Africa Theory Of Human Evolution. Again, lets take
a look at Diamonds Guns, Germs, and Steel This is from the chapter regarding Aus
tralia and New Guinea. Diamond is a leading Anthropologist in the field, but thi
s part of the world is his expertise. There truly isnt a better source. Negative,
inaccurate views against blacks in general, but particularly his friend Yali an
d the New Guinea population to which he belonged, were Diamonds motivation for th
e book. This chapter is entitled Yalis People, lets see if the long prevailing view
of early Australia is in line with the fringe Australian researchers you cite cl
aiming finds there defeat OOA; or if it agrees with the view outlined by the mor
e geneticist-friendly 40k age for Mungo man and Cambridges explanation that anthrop
ological and genetic anomalies in Australias early inhabitants result from acute
isolation. Again name a better source on this issue. When Diamond mentions Austral
ians he means aboriginal people. From p.300-307 Australia and New Guinea were both o
ccupied by at least 40,000 years ago, at a time when they were both still joined
as Greater Australia This conclusion is supported by genetic relationships betwe
en modern Australians, New Guineans, and Asians, and by survival today of a few
populations of somewhat similar physical appearance in the Philippines, Malay Pe
ninsula, and Andaman Islands of Myanmar. Once the colonists had reached the shores
of Greater Australia, they spread quickly over the whole continent to occupy ev
en its farthest reaches and most inhospitable habitats. By 40,000 years ago, foss
ils and stone tools attest to their presence in Australias southwestern corner.. At P
leistocene times when Australia and New Guinea were initially occupied, the Asia
n continent extended eastwardnearly 1,000 miles nearer to Australia and New Guine
a than Southeast Asias present margin The crossings must nevertheless have been di
fficult, because after their initial landfall by 40,000 years ago the archaeolog
ical record provides no compelling evidence of further human arrivals in Greater
Australia from Asia for tens of thousands of years. Not until within the last f
ew thousand years do we encounter the next firm evidence, in the form of the app
earance of Asian-derived pigs in New Guinea and Asian-derived dogs in Australia. T
hus, the human societies in Australia and New Guinea developed in substantial is
olation from the Asian societies that founded them. That isolation is reflected
in languages spoken today The isolation is also reflected in genes and physical a
nthropology. Genetic studies suggest that Aboriginal Australians and New Guinea
highlanders are somewhat more similar to modern Asians than to peoples of other
continents, but the relationship is not a close one. In skeletons and physical a
ppearance, Aboriginal Australians and New Guineans are distinct from most Southe
ast Asian populations, as becomes obvious if one compares photos of Australians
and New Guineans with those of Indonesians and Chinese. Part of the reason for a
ll these differences is that the initial Asian colonists of Greater Australia ha
ve had a long time in which to diverge from their stay-at-home Asian cousins, wi
th only limited genetic exchanges during most of that time. But probably a more
important reason is that the original Southeast Asian stock from which the colon
ists of Greater Australia were derived has by now been largely replaced by other
Asians expanding out of China. There is no item that can be identified as having re
ached New Guinea via Indonesia, after the initial colonization of New Guinea ove
r 40,000 years ago, until the time of the Austronesian expansion around 1600 BC. The
tightly coiled hair of most New Guineans contrasts with the straight or wavy ha
ir of most Australians. Australian languages and New Guineas Papuan languages are
unrelated All that divergence of Australians and New Guineans from each other re
flects lengthy isolation in very different environments. Since the rise of the A
rafura Sea finally separated Australia and New Guinea from each other around 10,
000 years ago, gene exchange has been limited to tenuous contact.. Thorne explains
everyone on earths having African mtDNA as probably being derived from some more
ancient, non-African homo sapien. As I said.. a reach. Mungo mans genes show ther
e was more diversity than we thought and a portion of it died out. The changes i
n skeletal form and tool use are explained through isolation and the circumstanc
es it created. This is the best youve offered yet and important work, but a stret
ch if you say it can contend with OOA. Also, changing the A in out-of-Africa(n) ( As
I imagine some of you see it) to Aboriginal Australian doesnt do much to help yo
ur Aryan origins theory. OOA says 1. Archaic humans left Africa around 2 million y
ears ago and 2. Modern humans left Africa between 60-120ka and populated the MOD
ERN HUMAN WORLD. Modern Aboriginal Australians arent (nor are any other human on
earth) related to Mungo Man but instead the OOA migrants, see the University of
Cambridge article. Theres your evidencejust because Mungo man LOOKS modern doesnt m
ean hes the same as we are, Thornes whole point is THERE IS NO RELATION. Even IF m
odern humans evolved independently in Australia they were still replaced by yes,
modern African Homo sapiens, Mott! This is one of the major predictions of OOA
that has been substantiated many times. Also there is no evidence of archaic hum
ans originating in Australia and even multi-regional hypothesis agrees the first
humans of any kind came from Africa. OOA is safe on both its major predictions.
(I agree there is evidence these modern humans didnt just kill but mated with oth
ers of their genus. Speciation is a touchy subject, almost as bad as race. Neand
erthals may actually be Homo sapiens, still neither they nor Cro-Magnon are our
descendants. It was a small group of modern humans from East Africa.) The view of
early human history obtained through OOA has been an absolute dagger to the hear
t of racist ideology and many racists dream of the day it can be truly refuted,
if only to serve their own backwards ideals. Thus, like the preacher on Sundays,
Mowers proclaims some reckoning day as far off as he In which evidence will fall
from the sky and prove Hitlers worldview correct.. A truly insane approach to le
arning and gaining truth. Mr. Lindsays site is an exhibition of satire, you hopel
ess fools cant see hes making fun of you!!! What I just argued against is by far t
he best you people have come up with. Please go get the trolls who are actually
good at misrepresenting evidence!!!

Mott January 1, 2014 at 3:22 PM Mr. Bull- Mowers was banned from here before
Xmas. You are shouting at a wall. He was an interesting guy but rather odd. Sin
gling him out as the epitome of anti-ACs is classic paper tiger strategy. The paper
tiger you have constructed is: All who deny AEs were Blacks and all who deny AC
and Black Superiority are somehow all Nazis, Hitler-like, Aryan Supremacists, Eu
rocentric fanatics who think that AEs were Nordic Aryans. You forgot the mantra: F
irst one to bring up Hitler/Nazis lose the debate. The humans that came OOA 120,00
0 -60,000 ybp were not modern humans or modern Africans. All the modern races ar
e fairly recent in developing (only Australian Aboriginals may be a lot older). Of
course, the idea that whites evolved from blacks could be used to mean they are
more evolved than blacks, or could be used like ACs use it, to indicate some ki
nd of Black Supremacy. I think both ideas are stupid- modern whites didnt evolve
from modern blacks, nor did Asians, etc. They split off from each other long bef
ore the modern races developed. They were Homo Sapiens, as was Cro-Magnons, so the
y were modern in that sense, but not in a racial sense. I dont believe an Out of Aus
tralia theory. Never heard of it. Why would you ascribe it to me? OOA has nothing
to do with AEs or AC. Why all the cut-paste research, Mr. Bull? Its not relevant
to the topic.

Bill January 1, 2014 at 9:56 PM He was the most active in terms of trying to
provide some type of evidence, so it is his post I argue against. Im not sure ab
out this ban but well see. I never mentioned anything about Black superiority but
you HAVE mentioned white superiority a number of times. I could single out any of
you loons, youve all made ridiculous statements, but Dave refuted me with an act
ual argument relying on something more than whatever bs he typed into his comput
er. I only mentioned you as one who would say you agree with OOA, somewhat, yet
you feel Asians and Europeans arent African descendants This is Multi-Regional hyp
othesis. Make your mind up. Mower brought up the best argument for MRH, Out of A
ustralia Theory, but it fails to move OOA Theory. Obviously OOA is extremely relev
ant to this topic as many ECs ultra-speculative, ever-refuted perspective on huma
n origins is absolutely vital to their delusion of Caucasoids and denial of in sit
u African diversity. We arent descended from Cro-Magnon, another EC misconception
destroyed by OOA. This was confirmed by C.L. Brace, the same guy who showed Bro
nze Age Near Easterners had sub-Saharan features (another piece of evidence for
OOA that ties into this debate). Cut and paste research?? aka providing resources
and ACTUAL commentary from ACTUAL professionals. If the relevant sources agreed
with you, Im sure you would post them. Ive provided a heap of public sources and
a nice amount of content from two of my own books, Guns, Germs, and Steel and Af
ricana, each of which was written by Harvard-trained scholars. As Ive said again
and again, none of you have provided anything that even begins to contend. The huma
ns that came OOA 120,000 -60,000 ybp were not modern humans or modern Africans.
All the modern races are fairly recent in developing (only Australian Aboriginal
s may be a lot older). Then why do all people share African mtDNA? Read the Cambrid
ge articles stating CONFIRMATION OF OOA THEORY. I posted the link.

Mott January 2, 2014 at 12:30 PM Mr. Bull- I dont believe I subscribe to the
lti-Regional theory that youre talking about. You cant seem to get the timeline th
at has been proposed. Humans originated in Africa. Thats why all humans have Africa
n mtDNA. Some humans left Africa 120,000-60,000 ybp. The ones that did developed i
nto Cro-Magnons (proto Euros), proto-Asians and Australoids, etc. The ones that
didnt eventually developed into the modern African races. These early humans were
not members of any modern race and probably looked rather strange and primitive
to our eyes. So, we all came from African early humans (who were not Negroids), b
ut we all didnt come from African modern Negroids. Why do you seem to scramble and
distort this theory and misrepresent it? Why do have to divide the world into ACs
and ECs? I would not call myself one, if by EC you mean some kind of extremist who
wants to make stuff up to prove Euro superiority. Thats youre problem- in your worl
d, everything not AC is EC, and is therefore white supremacy and crazy. Havent yo
u heard from Sino-Centists and other centrists? They all want to claim to be the o
riginal at everything, and are just as nuts. Back to slavery, Bull- if it was so c
ommonplace and normal throughout much of European history and is persisting stil
l in Africa and Asia, why is it that only white Americans are singled out for ex
treme guilt and shame for their history, when most of our ancestors never owned
slaves? Slavery in the U.S. was bad- very, very bad. But why is it not presented i
n context? Why isnt the whole story told. only the parts that make all U.S. white
s look guilty as hell, while Africans and the rest of the world are innocent in it

Bill January 6, 2014 at 10:22 PM Srry.. No one says you descend from modern b
acks.. We all know which race has the most affinity with those black Africans yo
u DO descend from regardless of their craniometric features. Why is it that the
features of caucasoids, negroids, and all others are present in modern African p
opulations? Well get back to this Cro-Magnon arent Porto-European A quote from Brace..
-Magnon is not the same as the Basque or Canary Island samples. Fig. 4 plots the
first and second canonical variates against each other, but that conclusion is
even more strongly supported when canonical variate 3 (not shown here) is plotte
d with variate 1. The probabilities of Cro-Magnons ties to any of the groups in F
igs. Figs.33 and and44 are shown in Table 4. If this analysis shows nothing else
, it demonstrates that the oft-repeated European feeling that the Cro-Magnons ar
e us (47) is more a product of anthropological folklore than the result of the met
ric data available from the skeletal remains. No need for lackadaisical, wit-defici
ent name calling to make my point, Ill just call you wrong. Some modern populatio
ns may have some Cro-Magnon DNA (Neanderthal also), but to say they evolved prim
arily from Cro-Magnon in Europe to become modern Europeans is false from what we
can see so far. Now, Afrocentrism is highlighting the African contribution to his
tory, while Eurocentrism highlights the European contribution to history. I dont
divide the world between these two views, you seem to!!! Yes, theyre both heavily
at work in this debate, and yes, I definitely take an AC perspective here. I do
nt blame whites for slavery though sorry, I blame any individual who sees primal
inferiority or superiority as the proximate determining factors behind the gener
al tracts of human history. There is no scientific evidence for this but there I
S extensive evidence showing Eurasians had a large advantage in domesticable pla
nts and animals compared to Africans and Native Americans, their numbers grew mu
ch faster as a result. It was the Eurasian landscape that lent itself to huge po
pulations and the subsequent onset of civilization, not the humans beings living
there. I dont believe in racial superiority of any kind, but we have all seen yo
u do. Trying to attribute your dazed view of facts to me wont work. Youre just wro
ng in just about every sense. I do agree that the role of Africans in selling Af
ricans is almost never mentioned. Human variation decreases the farther one gets f
rom AFRICA. The rest of the combined world holds less diversity than AFRICA. Afr
ica is the undeniable center of human variation in modern populations, it isnt sp
read out in multiple regions in any significant way other than skin tone. Youre d
efinitely a multi regionalist if you deny African descent in modern peoples.

Pepperroncini January 5, 2014 at 9:18 PM Mr. Bull- Mowers was banned from h
re before Xmas Mowers was banned?

Dave Mowers August 6, 2014 at 11:24 PM I cannot understand either of you two
nonsense. One of you constantly promotes Diamonds research which ultimately will b
e based on refuted research by others and the negating Diops hysteria over the or
igins of Egyptian peoples is exactly the reason for this blog post. Diop was a r
evisionist liar and his garbage is responsible for the modern black view that Eg
ypt was black and all civilization comes from black people which is a lie.
. Paul Educated White Man January 3, 2014 at 10:04 AM racist site lmao
ooo. Shame on Google for letting this site disgrace our screens.. Sorry to break
it to you but this is the modern consensus: First of all SO WHAT? and Second of a
ll, Ancient Egyptians were a lend of various cultures. Including BLACKS.. HELLO
such is AFRICA my friends. Modern scholars who have studied Ancient Egyptian cultur
e and population history have responded to the controversy over the race of the
Ancient Egyptians in different ways. Since the second half of the 20th century, sc
holars have rejected the notion of race as having any validity in the study of h
uman biology.[3][4] Stuart Tyson Smith writes in the 2001 Oxford Encyclopedia of
Ancient Egypt that Any characterization of race of the ancient Egyptians depends
on modern cultural definitions, not on scientific study. Thus, by modern Americ
an standards it is reasonable to characterize the Egyptians as blacks, while ackno
wledging the scientific evidence for the physical diversity of Africans.[23] Fran
k M. Snowden asserts that Egyptians, Greeks and Romans attached no special stigma
to the colour of the skin and developed no hierarchical notions of race whereby
highest and lowest positions in the social pyramid were based on colour.[24][25]
Additionally, typological and hierarchical models of race have increasingly bee
n rejected by scientists in favour of models of geographical origin. Scholars su
ch as Frank Yurco believe that Modern Egyptians are largely representative of th
e ancient population.[26] It is now largely agreed that Dynastic Egyptians were in
digenous to the Nile area. About 5,000 years ago the Sahara area dried out, and
part of the indigenous Saharan population retreated East towards the Nile Valley
. In addition peoples from the Middle East entered the Nile Valley, bringing wit
h them wheat, barley, sheep, goats and possibly cattle.[27] Dynastic Egyptians r
eferred to their country as The Two Lands. During the Predynastic period (about 48
00 to 4300BC) the Merimde culture flourished in the northern part of Egypt (Lowe
r Egypt).[28] This culture, among others, has links to the Levant in the Middle
East.[29][30] The pottery of the later Buto Maadi culture, best known from the s
ite at Maadi near Cairo, also shows connections to the southern Levant as well.[
31] In the southern part of Egypt (Upper Egypt) the predynastic Badarian culture
was followed by the Naqada culture. These people seem to be more closely relate
d to the Nubians than with northern Egyptians.[32][33] Due to its geographical loc
ation at the crossroads of several major cultural areas, Egypt has experienced a
number of foreign invasions during historical times, including by the Canaanite
s (Hyksos), the Libyans, the Nubians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persia
ns, the Macedonian Greeks, the Romans (Byzantium in late antiquity/early Middle
Ages), the Arabs, the Ottoman Turks, the French and the British. At the UNESCO Symp
osium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Scrip
t in Cairo in 1974, most participants concluded that the Ancient Egyptian populat
ion was indigenous to the Nile Valley and that Ancient Egyptians were much the s
ame as modern Egyptians. The Black Egyptian theory was rejected by 90% of delegate
s,[34][35] but none of the participants voiced support for earlier theories whic
h claimed that Ancient Egyptians were dark skinned whites,[36] and some particip
ants agreed that at least 1/3 of the Ancient Egyptians were black. The arguments
for all sides are recorded in the UNESCO publication General History of Africa,
[34] with the Origin of the Egyptians chapter being written by Diop. In 1996, the In
dianapolis Museum of Art published a collection of essays, which included contri
butions from leading experts in various fields including archaeology, art histor
y, physical anthropology, African studies, Egyptology, Afrocentric studies, ling
uistics, and classical studies. While the contributors differed in some opinions
, the consensus of the authors was that Ancient Egypt was a Northeast African ci
vilization (although ethnic type was not mentioned), based on Egypts geographic l
ocation on the African continent.[37] In 2008, S. O. Y. Keita wrote that There is n
o scientific reason to believe that the primary ancestors of the Egyptian popula
tion emerged and evolved outside of northeast Africa. The basic overall genetic p
rofile of the modern population is consistent with the diversity of ancient popu
lations that would have been indigenous to northeastern Africa and subject to th
e range of evolutionary influences over time, although researchers vary in the d
etails of their explanations of those influences.[38] Recent DNA studies of mummies
of the Ramesses dynasty and the Armana dynasty of the New Kingdom state that th
ese dynasties carried the Haplogroup E1b1a, which is common in modern Sub-Sahara
n African populations.[6][7] However many experts in the DNA field dispute these
conclusions, and claim instead that DNA sequencing from ancient material is unr
eliable and prone to contamination.[8] 3^ Jump up to:a b Statement On Race by Ameri
can Anthropological Association 4^ Jump up to:a b Biological Aspects of Race by Am
erican Association of Physical Anthropologists 23^ Stuart Tyson Smith,(2001) The O
xford encyclopedia of ancient Egypt, Volume 3. Donald Redford, Oxford University
Press. p. 27-28 24 Bard, in turn citing Bruce Trigger, Nubian, Negro, Black, Nilot
ic?, in African in Antiquity, The Arts of Nubian and the Sudan, vol 1, 1978. 25 ^ F
rank M. Snowden Jr., Bernals Blacks and the Afrocentrists, Black Athena Revisited,
p. 122 26 ^ Frank Yurco, An Egyptological Review in Mary R. Lefkowitz and Guy MacLea
n Rogers, eds. Black Athena Revisited. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 1996. p. 62-100 28^ Bogucki, Peter I. (1999). The origins of human society
. Wiley-Blackwell. p. 355. ISBN 1-57718-112-3. 31 ^ Jrgen Seeher. Maadi and Wadi Dig
la. in: Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. Compiled and edited by
Kathryn A. Bard. London/New York 1999, 455458 38 ^ Keita, S.O.Y. (Sep 16, 2008). An
cient Egyptian Origins:Biology. National Geographic. Retrieved 15 June 2012.

Robert Lindsay January 3, 2014 at 3:03 PM Black man, you are banned. You are
not even White, you are obviously Black.

Dave Mowers August 6, 2014 at 11:28 PM Temple of Abydos cuneiform inscriptio
ns found on artifacts clearly state that Menes, who founded Egypt, came from the
East, in the Land of Punt which is India. Argue with Egypts founder over whether o
r not he knew where he came from. This entire debate is ridiculous, the Egyptian
s said where they were from and told the Greeks their records went back to 9600
B.C. they were Phoenicians from Sumer who came into Egypt not out of it.

Dave Mowers August 10, 2014 at 10:16 PM Kush was in modern-day Iran-Afghanis
tan look it up.
%20Origins/Egyptian_CivilizationIts_Sumerian_Origin__RC_1930-Waddell.pdf Punt was I
. White Man Will Rule Again January 5, 2014 at 2:01 PM Fucking niggers
. What has your race accomplished, huh? Us WHITE folks have invented guns, autom
obiles, electronics, space travel, and modern cities. You dumb niggers have inve
nted sticks, and youve been on Earth for 200,000 years since the birth odf homo
spaiens. And how come there are no impressive civilizations in West Africa? The
mulatto Ethiopian niggers and the Nubian mulatto niggers have barely managed to
rise to famewhich was crushed by Cock-Asian Egypt. Ive lived in Egypt, Syria, Ital
y, Germany, Japan, Russia, Mexico, Vwenzual (sorry I meant Venezuela), and they
all have ONE thing in common. They ALL FUCKING HATE NIGGERS! Choke on some hummu

Paul Van January 5, 2014 at 6:38 PM How painful it must be, to know that the
very thing you hate the most created you. Nubians and Ethiopians are Mullattos
,go back to your Meth pipe.
. White Man Will Rule Again January 6, 2014 at 1:40 PM Fuck you you fi
lthy nigger. If I ever saw you on the street Id kill you.

Paul Van January 6, 2014 at 6:18 PM Your inferiority complex is deep seated,
I bet as a child you caught your mom with a black man. The only thing you will
ever rule is a little corner in some back woods trailer park. Now go take your p

Bill January 17, 2014 at 3:24 PM If you see yourself as an intellectual and
havent had your fill of, you dont know what youre missing. Some more interest
ing info regarding ancient African architecture and theology and its connection w
ith the binary code utilized in modern computing. RON EGLASH THE FRACTALS AT THE HEAR
. Donnie February 1, 2014 at 4:30 PM Egyptians are not the people who
built the pyramids , nubians who were black built them and the pyramids were not
tombs they are called per-neters idk why western world tries so hard to steal h
istory of africans both africans of america and the homeland their were also afr
icans who settled in america at least 1,000 years before columbus but fake histo
rians will tell you its not true

Dave Mowers August 6, 2014 at 11:32 PM Per natah, Ptr or Per Nefter means Fa
her as does Ptah, Patah, Pater. It was a designation for God. Blacks tried to build
pyramids during the Meroitic period and their works look like fast-food restaur
ant playground-sized kiddie tombs. Google It.
. Terry February 11, 2014 at 9:19 PM @Sam Harris The DNA proof that the mo
dern Egyptians are the descendants of the Ancient Egyptianswas based on a ruse and a
fraud. The trick goes like this: DNA test the modern Egyptians, DNA test the mode
rn adjacent Black Africans, MAKE THE ASSUMPTION THAT the Ancient Egyptians were NO
T Black Africans. Now compare the DNA results of the non-Black African modern Egy
ptians with the DNA results of the surrounding Black Africans. If the DNA compari
son shows, AND IT WILL SHOW, that the DNA of the modern Egyptians is non-Black Afr
ican, then based on the initial assumption that the Ancient Egyptians were not Bla
ck Africans, the pseudo-scientists may conclude that the modern non-Black Africa
n Egyptians are therefore the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians, and heres the s
weetest part: they are living proof that the ancient Egyptians were not Black. Quite
a clever hoax.

Dave Mowers August 6, 2014 at 11:37 PM

Dave Mowers August 10, 2014 at 10:20 PM Please inform Wikipedia that their s
cholars who work on their pages are wrong then; wiki/List_of

Dave Mowers August 10, 2014 at 10:23 PM Archaeologists have revealed that th
y have discovered Europes oldest civilization (4800-4600 BC) in parts of Germany,
Austria and Slovakia. The unearthed buildings predate the pyramids in Egypt. http:

Robert Lindsay August 11, 2014 at 4:24 AM Black man, get lost. Dont you need
to go pick up your wife from the welfare office? HAND nigga!
. Alexander February 13, 2014 at 1:33 PM Robert Lindsay is a fool and
has no real knowledge and understanding of history.. Racism is a mental illness
and Robert Lindsay needs a lot of treatment From early Greek scholars and historia
ns, to religious text, to todays prominent researchers, all have repeatedly cited
overwhelming evidence that Ancient Egypt was a product of ancient Africa and th
at the people were consider, Black and Africanand if anyone look at the great Spi
nx face and see any other features but that of an phenotypical sub-Saharan Afric
an, then they intentionally deluding themselves.

Robert Lindsay February 13, 2014 at 1:35 PM All right Black man, you are ban
ned. Now go back to your babymommas. HAND!

Dave Mowers August 6, 2014 at 11:39 PM
. Israel Hector February 19, 2014 at 7:32 AM A lot of you are ignorant
I will tell you as an Egyptian American, I am PROUD of my heritage and will say
my country has been ignorant for a long time also. Numerous archaeological digs
have revealed plenty of information about my ANCIENT CULTURE, and our origins ar
e AFRICAN there were three MAIN GROUPS were Nubians,Dom, Beja people INDIGENOUS O
F AFRICALater on the Berbers, northern Bedouin and our Caucaus brothers came and
inter mixed as well as Persian, Arab, Moorish and Roman peoples in order to buil
d an alliance to strengthen kingdoms and obtain power and status eventually we mi
xed and in fact 91% of our population TODAY IS MIXED RACED BUT THAT 91% is mixed
with aboriginal African blood and European/Arab/ and Caucasus admixtures the oth
er 9% consisted of foreign cultures like Abaza, Greeks, Turks and such and FYI th
ation majority of East Africans have thinner facial features but still possess a
variation of skin tones and hair textures Also myself I am a yellow tone, with almo
nd shaped hazel eyes, a button nose, small lips with NATURAL BLACK, SOFT WAVED HA
IR. My father is 100% Egyptian born and raised, of Nubian, Midianite, Semitic an
d Caucasus decent my mother is American Native American card holder, Irish, Mexica
n and Cape Verdean (creole). I have been to Egypt six times
. DeJanee February 23, 2014 at 11:40 AM As a nurse, it is interesting
to note that we ALL look EXACTLY the same on the inside! Racism is so evident wh
en a person or group of people go out of their way to steal and hide the truth a
bout another race of people. If a person has 9% Black in them they are considere
d black. But if it is found that something historically profound originated from
this race, you will see how many Europeans will hide, lie and do whatever they
feel it takes to stop All from learning this! If it wasnt nothing important then
why hide the information? Be content within yourself! We should All be on the sa
me page as a Human society, but rascism divides not unite!

qwertyuiop March 10, 2014 at 6:38 AM you imbecile, you have 2 white names f
a white language yet you atack whites,dumb creature
. Robert Lindsay March 12, 2014 at 12:30 AM Yes I do have some hos to
pimp out nigga. Now get back to work picking that cotton, Black man.
. Nigger March 27, 2014 at 1:49 PM crackas gon crack, you can tell whe
n white boys are lying off the simple fact that they try to belittle another rac
e while trying to prove some non-factual bullshit, why so much hate in your hear
t, black people do not hate you lindsay

Robert Lindsay March 27, 2014 at 3:24 PM All right Nigger, I am banning you.
. Robert Lindsay March 27, 2014 at 6:53 PM All right Ken I am going to
ban you.

pithom May 19, 2014 at 6:38 PM Why wasnt Ken banned already? Hes a really u
nged character.

Robert Lindsay May 19, 2014 at 9:30 PM All right Strickland, you idiot. I am
banning you. You need to go home now nigga. One your Baby Mummies is calling! HAN
. Rosa Williams May 12, 2014 at 8:37 PM When i was in college there we
re two men waiting until it was time to go in just as i was and one asked me whe
re i was from, i said here in America, he said he and his friend were from Egypt
. We talked mostly about the classes we were taking and one said it surprised hi
m to learn that some people did not realize the Egypt was in Africa and that peo
ple actually believe they are white. The two went to say that few Egyptians woul
d say they are white or black we are a mixture of both and would only say we are
Egyptian. Maybe it should be just left that way.

truthteller99 May 19, 2014 at 6:56 PM If they are invaders, why is their DNA
different and can be differentiated from Saudis and Bedouins? The admix compone
nts are significantly different.
. pithom May 17, 2014 at 8:53 PM Wow. It truly amazes me how many peop
le try to re-cast the largely Caucasoid (though not White, Aryan, Semitic, or No
rdic) Ancient Egyptians as somehow largely Negroid. The closest population to mo
dern-day (and ancient) Egyptians are modern-day (and ancient) Libyans. Most Liby
ans are not Black! This site debunks the whole largely-Negroid Ancient Egyptian nons
ense quite well.

pithom May 18, 2014 at 11:27 AM Many Caucasoids are not White (e.g., Palesti
nians, Druze, Iraqis):
.pdf and this has been recognized since the late 18th century:
&f=false You show no evidence of misrepresentation in
brace.pdf , but merely claim it without any basis. There are no racist Eurocentric wh
ites in Egyptology today. Did you even read the Nubia (Bronze Age), Upper Egypt (Pre
dynastic) and Somalia labels on the chart I referenced? Even if one uses skeletal f
inds from graves established after the Greek conquest of Egypt as a proxy for mo
st Ancient Egyptians phenotypes and genotypes, this does not make one a fraud as th
ere is (to my knowledge) little evidence that European immigration into Egypt ha
d a substantial and long-lasting impact on Egyptian genotypes and phenotypes.

pithom May 18, 2014 at 1:41 PM No references. No evidence. Nothing but basel
ess caps-locked assertions. Is this really your creed? And how do you expect to
convince anyone with this?

pithom May 18, 2014 at 6:50 PM My claim that there are no Racist Eurocentric
Whites in Egyptology today is very easy to disprove, but very difficult to prove.
So the burden of proof lies on you here to show that there are racist Eurocentr
ic whites in Egyptology, not on me to show that there arent. Also, since when did es
tablished after an invasion equal established by invaders? You have provided no evi
dence that there has been any substantial and long-lasting impact on Egyptian ge
notypes or phenotypes as a result of invaders. So far as Im aware, there has been n
o such impact: If you are not willing to provide sou
rces for your claims, your claims are baseless. Assertions made without evidence
can be dismissed without evidence. Also, your amazing capacity to read my mind gi
ves you the opportunity to win $1 million via the JREF. I speak with much sarcas
m. I know damned well that youre wrong. I did prove several of your claims wrong, i
ncluding the claims in your first paragraph in your first response to me and you
r manifestly false claim that they went out of their way to avoid mentioning any
comparisons to any East Africans(Nubians/Ethiopians & the Ancient Cushites)..

Marvin Haggleworth August 11, 2014 at 11:07 PM Those really cawcrazians?

pithom August 12, 2014 at 7:49 AM Yup. The hats & beards obscure the general
shape of the heads.
. Paul Van May 28, 2014 at 10:10 AM Nile River, Arabic Bar Al-Nl or Nahr
Al-Nl, Nile River [Credit: nicolas lecoz/Fotolia]Nile River basin [Credit: Encyc
lopdia Britannica, Inc.]river, the father of African rivers and the longest river
in the world. It rises south of the Equator and flows northward through northea
stern Africa to drain into the Mediterranean Sea. It has a length of about 4,132
miles (6,650 kilometres) and drains an area estimated at 1,293,000 square miles
(3,349,000 square kilometres). Its basin includes parts of Tanzania, Burundi, R
wanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopi
a, Sudan, and the cultivated part of Egypt. Its most distant source is the Kager
a River in Burundi. *** I
emphasize the Nile River flows south to north, so the River Nile to all these pe
ople flows down stream. Are we to believe that Africans can populate the world,
yet cant float downstream to Egypt. Caucasoid is an invented term, invented by Blum
enbach ,Whites have only been around about 9,000 years, Out of Africa dates some
where around 65,000 years ago or more. You cant tell me that people who are explori
ng and conquering the world cant float downstream and create Egypt.

Shari Rhodes May 28, 2014 at 11:17 PM Geez, I wanted to join this conversati
on in hopes that I could learn something that is of interest to me. But all this
really is, is a bunch of childish, racist nincompoops, each one trying to offen
d worse than they were offended. BTW, I am 99% European in my heritage, but I am
NOT racist and have lived my life in a completely accepting way of every race/p
erson. I have no desire to denigrate or demean black races, or any other, and ap
plaud the contributions of all races. Your racist attacks on each other are much
more offensive than you may realize. Thought someone ought to point that out to
those of you who give a flip.

Dave Mowers August 12, 2014 at 1:25 PM 400,000 year old Caucasoid found in S
pain Dna confirmed,
. Pkr June 10, 2014 at 3:11 PM The biggest white supremacist lie told
on this website by posters is that in the beginning of the dynastic system in Egyp
t the pharaohs were white and the decline came later with blacks. First is the word
dynasty itself. Its basic meaning is: family rule for generations. In the case of
the ancient Egyptians that rule sometimes meant for centuries. All six of the firs
t six dynasty Kings were black, Narmer, Hetebsekhemwy, Sanakht, Senefru, Userkaf, and
Teti, just internet research their images and it plain to see that they werent so-c
alled Caucasians. Research images of five of the most famous Queens in ancient Egy
ptian history, Ahmose-Nefertari, Hatshepsut, Tiye, Nefertiti or Nefertari and you
will find out that they were black. What gives more credence to my point is that the
royal blood of the mother strengthen the male princes elevation to the throne. Kings
often married foreign born women and took them as secondary wives. But, Egypt pri
ncesses didnt take foreign born husbands. In some cases kings married their own dau
ghters if a male heir wasnt available. There are scenes in books of ancient Egyptia
n art and images on the internet(s) of priest, scribes, soldiers, sculptors, sailo
rs, hunters, entertainers, carpenters, religious scenes, servants , those images ar
e of brown skin people(blacks) . There has been a number of posters who gave websi
te which supports what I have said, but there are still those who cannot accept it
. The same thing they say about Afrocentics, is more so the case with them. They,
the white supremacist give lip service about who the ancient Egyptians were are we
rent. This without one picture, that as said, is worth a thousand words. If they do
it is a doctored image from a white supremacist website. After the 31st Dynasty c
ame the Macedonian dynasty 332-305 BCE, The Ptolemaic dynasty (304-30 BCE, the R
oman period (3O BCE -395 CE and Byzantine Egypt 395-642 CE. This was followed by t
he Arab led invasion which started in 639-642 CE. This mean there was nearly a mil
lennium of non-African rule leading to the Arab takeover. Yet, uninformed whites s
ay the decline started with blacks. Is anyone saying that the Greek and Romans were b
lack since as I have said, nearly the last one thousand years was lead by the latte
r and the former before the Arab conquest? What is amazing and shows cognitive disso
nance, is when people say the blacks destroyed the great ancient Egypt, but Europe
ans led the decline of Egypt. Not one cultural thing about ancient Egypt is synony
mous with ancient European culture. Yet we are to believe that the ancient Egyptians
were white, Caucasian, Aryan, European, Arab, Jewish or whatever you want to call
them, except for black.
. Paul Van June 18, 2014 at 7:49 PM Caucasian is a bogus term populari
zed by Fredric Blumenbach it has no scientific relevance, to understand this you
have but to read Blumenbach. Caucasoid like Caucasian completely bogus. **** Blumenba
ch argued that physical characteristics like skin color, cranial profile, etc.,
depended on geography, diet, and mannerism. Like other monogenists such as Georg
es-Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon, Blumenbach held to the degenerative hypothesis
of racial origins. Blumenbach claimed that Adam and Eve were Caucasian (Georgian
) inhabitants of Asia, (see Asia hypothesis),[4] and that other races came about
by degeneration from environmental factors such as the sun and poor diet. Thus,
he claimed, Negroid pigmentation arose because of the result of the heat of the
tropical sun, while the cold wind caused the tawny colour of the Eskimos, while
the Chinese were fair-skinned compared to the other Asian stocks because they k
ept mostly in towns protected from environmental factors. He believed that the d
egeneration could be reversed in a proper environmental control and that all con
temporary forms of man could revert to the original Caucasian race.[5] http://en.w Whites are free to call themselves w
hatever, but the terms Caucasian and Caucasoid are bogus.

Sudhir June 23, 2014 at 3:37 AM amazing ken, these white media have repeated
ly destroyed civilizations and their media often subdues genuine efforts by the
blacks or any others to reclaim their achievements.. You are doing an amazing jo
b by calling out their on their open lies.

Akira Sadonabe June 29, 2014 at 11:15 AM KEN STRICKLAND. TANK YU FOR YURR AC
ICS DO YA? the ancient egyiipshuns wuz BLACK!! WHY???? cuz WHITE SUPREMASYYY, and
BY YAKUB TILL THE YEAR 1,3863,897437745!!!!!???!?!? PRROF dat de anchunt EGYPSH
camacated and abovel all RAYYYYCIST!!!!!! My IQ like 1,756,957,456. Black POWER!
!!!! You do realise dat da majoritee of ppl r laffing at ur retarded drivel, wrigh

Robert Lindsay June 29, 2014 at 11:20 AM LOL, LMAO @ Akira.
. Pkr June 22, 2014 at 10:51 PM White supremacy has put the world in a
conundrum, predicament, quandary or dilemma which ever one suit your fancy. To
enslave Africans the slaveholders had to create a self-fulfilling prophecy, that
Africans were inferior and that this is why Africans were only suitable to be s
laves. There was a big problem; you cant change history because history is someth
ing that has already happened. Millennia prior to this, Africans had already pro
duced the greatest of all ancient Civilizations in ancient Egypt and they did bu
siness with there cousins in Nubia. Try as people may, no one can tear the compl
icated ties between Kush and Egypt. Ancient Egypt was developed out of Kush, but
ancient Egypt wanted to distinguish itself from all other nations. Hear is wher
e the complications began. So many people have said that the ancient Egyptians w
ere the same as modern Egyptians. This is one of the biggest lies ever told. One
individual showed modern Egyptian beauty pageant contestants as a representatio
n of ancient Egyptians. This is like showing an automobile and saying it is a re
presentation of dinosaurs, since cars use fossil fuel, which decomposed dinosaur
s are. If those who say the modern Egyptians are the same as the ancient ones, w
hy havent side by side images been produced? It is very easy to do today. Prior t
o the internet(s), it wasnt as easy. And the cognitive dissonance is very clear.
On one hand some whites say that the ancient Egyptians were white. But, on the o
ther hand, images are put in museums in Europe and the United States. The images
are clearly not of white people, but that doesnt matter. I have put together ima
ges with fifteen kings that had pyramids build. All 15 were images of Africans o
f color with prominent African features. Then I followed this up with those king
s, queens and nobles buried in the Valley of the Kings and Queens. I found out t
hat the most exclusive burial site(cemetery in the world housed black people. The
irony of this is, within the past fifty or so years there were places in the U.S
., where blacks couldnt be buried in the same cemetery as whites because of white s
upremacy. Yet, for millennia the ancient burial sites of Africans of color (blac
ks) were plundered and the mummies (corpses) were robbed of their personal effec
ts. Another irony is that mummies of long gone black people are on display, but, m
any whites despise blacks. Let me take a pre-exempted strike by saying, although m
any of the mummies on display have their head severed from their bodies, the hea
d is all that is needed to tell the race of a mummy. Some of the most known roya
l mummies are from the 18th Dynasty. Two of the famous Thutmose III, and Tutankh
amen are clearly of black men. Im not an anthropologist nor a forensic scientist on
this subject. But, I will take a stab at describing the mummies. Each mummy sha
res these characteristics: Rounded, project glabella (the smooth area between th
e eyebrows just above the nose, sagittal plateau (of or pertaining to the suture
joining the two parietal bones of the skull, rounded forehead(self-explanatory)
, prognathism one with conspicuously projecting jaws, rounded occiput (the back
of the skull) especially the occipital area. What I described above is phenotype
that is more consistent with a person who is described as being an Africoid or
of African descent. To put it another way, people of African descent are disting
uished by steep mandibular plane; sharp, vertical chin; protrusion of the inciso
rs; prognathism, which Ive mentioned, greater lower facial height but with less m
id-facial height; upper mouth is more projecting than lower mouth(higher ANB ang
le). The information I listed above was taken out of a dictionary and off the in
ternet(s) So, if white supremacist who claim ancient Egypt as their own wanted t
o cover up the lies, the mummies could have been destroyed. Finally, getting bac
k to the present day Egyptians looking like the ancient ones. I stumbled upon an
African/American women wigs magazine and matched those images with queens of an
cient Egypt. And I was very shocked that people living today have an uncanny res
emblance to ancient Egyptians queens, whom preceded them by millennia.
. Jazz June 29, 2014 at 6:50 AM

Jazz June 29, 2014 at 7:03 AM
res-of-the-first-visit-of-the-kursk-root-icon-to-russia/ http://www.johnsanidopoul

Dave Mowers November 21, 2014 at 5:17 AM These are wars fought in the heaven
s displayed on the vases. The characters are all characters that have been place
d in the heavens as constellations or representing celestial phenomena. Stars, and
celestial phenomena like the wars of the Hekatonchires (the Leonid Meteor Showe
r) (100 handed/100 meteors per hour rate) occurred at night in the night-time sk
y which is . . . black. Greeks used metaphor and allegory in their artwork which,
I believe, they also stated. You should try reading some books about the Greeks.
Then you will be able to understand what you are looking at. Youll notice Athena i
s white in color, that is because her name originally was a metaphor for the, daw
n crown, of the morning sun in the east on the horizon. Athena is white like ligh
t. Her name is in fact two root words, one Sumerian and one Phoenician and liter
ally translates into, red-headed serpent, as in all mythology, for each male god,
there is a female counterpart and the two primary gods in any myth represent a c
osmogony of the Earth and Heaven, (serpentine Zodiac with all celestial objects
as parts so-that the, Sun, is at the head of the serpent representing the Dragons f
ire while the clouds and winds are his breath). Serpentine, because over the course
of a year the stars appear to snake up and down and side-to-side like the moveme
nt of a snake. In this piece Zeus is the all-encompassing cosmogonical egg whils
t Athena is the serpent squeezing the egg and Dionysus is the earth itself. The
creatures like Geryon all reside in Hades which is under Mount Tartarus. Mount Tar
tarus is identical to the Hindu cosmogony of the planes of Mt. Meru whereby each
visible piece of the world is part of a stack of planes that make up a mountain
which goes into outer space itself and upwards to the eternal light of heaven.
This, mountain, was known to the Greeks as, Mount Olympos, which means, Place of Po
werful People, when translated into Sumerian and Semitic roots. While, Tartarus, mean
s, Spinning Mountain, representing the night time sky which rotates with all the m
ythological characters as constellations, inside, her. Tart, is Babylonian for, spinn
ing, and Tar,Tor, is Celtic for, Mountain, the, us, is a feminine particle as the nigh
time sky must be female if the day time sky is male as Olympos. Plato states that
the Greeks created myths from the meanings of barbarian words in their language
and in the native original. Read Cratylus.
. Smart Man July 10, 2014 at 10:15 PM This guy is full of shit!! Copts
are not white 1st off and theyre of mixed race. Second Egyptians never wrote tha
t Nubians werent smart and were only good for entertainment or whatever that igno
rant false BS you typed and if they did what language would that be in? Third an
cient artifacts shows Egyptians in many different shades just like people across
Africa is now.

Robert Lindsay July 11, 2014 at 1:58 AM All right Black man, you are banned.
Back to the Hood now. HAND!

Robert Lindsay July 11, 2014 at 9:27 AM All right honey, I am going to have
to ban your sweet little Black ass. Arent you somebodys babymomma? Back to the hoo
d with you now! HAND!

Robert Lindsay July 11, 2014 at 9:29 AM Didnt I just ban your hot little Bla
k ass? Shoo! Back to the hood! Your babydaddies are waiting for you to share your
welfare check with them.

Robert Lindsay July 11, 2014 at 12:08 PM Ten baby daddys? Whoa! Nigga please
that is too much sister. I know you be a ho, but even us hos have to have some l
imits! You shamin us!

Robert Lindsay July 11, 2014 at 12:06 PM 20 kids? Dang. Baby you been busy,
. Enkidu July 11, 2014 at 7:23 AM Have only been aware of this site fo
r a few months but have noticed that this subject seems to be the one that produ
ces the most vitriol and the extremest passions. Why do you think that is, Mr. L
indsay? What is it about the racial makeup of the Ancient Egyptians that brings
this out of both sides, white and black?

Pkr July 11, 2014 at 11:08 AM The vitriol is caused by the people who know i
f the truth ever got out to the world, white supremacy will be smashed into piec
es. This isnt to say that Africans and Africans in the diaspora dont have problems
, because they do. But, Africans and African Americans cant be separated from the
ir history. There is an African proverb that says: The creator of dance should not
be excluded from it. This is to say, if you have created something, however long
ago you created it, you should not be exclude from it. There is a juxtapose positi
ons, blacks have no history, but blacks have the greatest ancient history, black
s in ancient Egypt enslaved others, albeit nothing like slavery in the Americas,
but blacks were enslaved in Africa and elsewhere, whites were the ancient Egypt
ians, but there are no pictures of white ancient Egyptians before 332 BCE, white
s gives ancient Egypt credit for a great number of things, but as long as the an
cient Egyptian arent portrayed as who they really were, brown skin (blacks) Afric
ans. You see images of ancient Nubians doing trade with ancient Egyptians, but you
dont see whites doing trade with ancient Egyptians. This proves that other black
s had influence on ancient Egypt, and they werent slaves. Images of ancient Afric
ans show the males had no natural facial hair, images of ancient whites have fac
ial hair. Ancient Egyptian images of gods and goddesses are of black people, but
God is white. Many whites say the ancient were white, but when you give them webs
ites to find images of ancient Egyptians, they wont search or wont tell you they s
earched. Mummies are dead proof, but anthropologist and forensic scientist wont say
. Do we think for one second that if the royal mummies from the Valley of the Ki
ngs and Queens were white we wouldnt be told it ad nauseam? Do we think if there
were images of the kings who built the pyramids that were of whites that we woul
dnt see those images. I have the images to prove it? Do we think if the writing o
f the ancient Egyptians were matched to their images and those images were of wh
ites that we wouldnt know it? Remember, images + deeds and accomplishments = who th
e ancient Egyptians were, brown skin (black) Africans.

Enkidu August 11, 2014 at 4:32 AM Hmm, so the fact blacks havent apparently
contributed anything to the world is nothing more than a vast caucasian conspira
cy? The old stolen heritage thing? So, as always, its somebody elses fault? The
damned melanin-lacking assholes. One way to prove the ancients were black would
be to scour their writings to see if they blamed everyone else every time someth
ing didnt go their way. That would convince me. And: How come all these banned peo
ple keep showing up on this site??
. Traci July 11, 2014 at 9:08 AM Lol I love your thought on this, but
I am literally crying from laughter.Let my school you a little bit sweetie.First
off are you forgetting that the Egyptians THEMSELVES, called Their Home Kemet,
meaning The Black Land. (Do your research)And Im sorry to say but just from a COMMO
N SENSE point of view, that so many people lack nowadays (This article being a p
rime example.)Everyone know that the Ancient Egyptians worshipped the sun god Am
un-Ra religiously ..So if all of this that you are saying is true, then why does
the Caucasian race of today need protection from the sun, such as sun screen to
be exact because the sun burns your skin like crazy from the lack of Melatonin?W
here as an African American can stay out in the hot sun for hours without burnin
g.Why worship something as much as they worshipped the sun god if they couldnt e
ven with stand it?I guess thats the real reason your ancestors had to flee to the
Caucasus Mountains in Eroupe , hence thats where you get the word Caucasian(Do y
our research fully before you try to write an article on something you obviously
no nothing about lol)..and thats not even the beginning of it.I just dont have the
time or concern to say anything else but I did get a good laugh.Thanks

Dave Mowers November 21, 2014 at 5:29 AM All ancient Caucasians worshiped th
e sun as god. It written about everywhere but the last thing I read it in recent
ly was the Lost Tales of Miletus. Kemet is mistranslated and assumed to be linked
to Ham Biblically but the entire hypothesis rest on an assumption you can read W
ikipedia on it. It is not a proven theorem nor is the translation of KMT. White Ca
ucasians were in the Caucasus because they were nomadic hunters who followed the
animals in that area which grazed in the south as far as Persia and Sumer and w
intered in the mountains to protect their young and give birth. Caucasians are a
mix of Neolithic hominids, all current research is proving this more and more e
very day, and these species primarily survived from hunting. If you watch the T.
V. show, Wild Russia, you can see the grazing patterns of animals directly corresp
onds to human activity. In Spring-Summer we forage and grow food, the animals foll
ow us, then in Fall-Winter we hunt and the animals run from us.
. Paul Van July 11, 2014 at 3:41 PM Spot on, about Europe not being a
Continent, the Europeans just announced to the world that there was a continent
named Europe, just like they announced that Egypt was a white civilization. Both
are false. Let us not forget the attempt to claim Zimbabwe as a white civilizatio

Cyrus July 11, 2014 at 4:24 PM I know. Its like how black people in America
laim the Ancient Egyptians were black! Its freaking silly! They were Middle Easte
rn! Duh!

Cyrus July 11, 2014 at 5:15 PM Middle Easterners are a race. They are a type
of Caucasian.That means the Ancient Egyptians were Caucasian.

Cyrus July 11, 2014 at 6:20 PM Ive met many Middle Eastern people. They come
from the Middle East. All the Egyptians Ive met are Middle Eastern. Not Negro.

Cyrus July 11, 2014 at 6:22 PM You sound like an angry black man.

Dave Mowers August 1, 2014 at 5:24 PM Yeah, so Caucasians came from northern
latitudes and INTO Africa and interbred with your ancestors so you could have i
ntelligence and be able to one day come on a network created by white people, wi
th your computer created by white people and your language created by white peop
le and a website-blog sun by a white guy and give your opinions freely. I wonder i
f that would be possible in your ancestral homeland of Central Africa? FYI; Ancien
t Egyptians were Phoenician, even their own myths say so and Phoenicians came fr
om Sumer and had red-hair and white skin.

Dave Mowers November 21, 2014 at 5:40 AM Europe, in Celtic, Sumerian and Pr
-Indo-European languages translates into, Foot-man, or more succinctly, Nomad. Since, w
hite people, originally came from Asia, created language, writing, building, scie
nce, arts, war and in general civilization one could state that, Asia, is in fact
a subcontinent of Europe. That in ancient times what is considered, Europe, is any
where nomadic Caucasians existed so that includes all of the Middle East, Northe
rn India, Central Asia, Russia, the Arabian peninsula, Turkey, North Africa etc. I
f you translate, Europe, as a directional quantity based on the Gammadion or Flyfo
t and Sumerian-Indo-European you get roughly the, Northern appendage or foot, and
titled as it was on the Nazis version thereby corresponds to this idea. The furt
hermost left arm covers the Mediterranean Seam southern arm Egypt and the Levant
, right arm, eastern Baltics and Russia. The Fylfot is distinctly and historically
an Caucasian symbol; Save from Map of Europe - Swastikas - Yale Stu
Done Learning The Power of Symbols This map is from a Yale University study.

Paul Vann February 19, 2015 at 9:36 AM Light skin in Europeans stems from ON
E 10,000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East, claims s
tudy Study focused on DNA differences across globe with the A111T mutation Those who
had mutation also shared traces of an ancestral genetic code This indicates that
all instances of mutation originate from same person The mutated segment of DNA wa
s itself created from a combination of two other mutations commonly found in Eas
t Asians
SDHDjOEB The so called Whites are only about 10,000 years old, Whites came about t
hrough inbreeding, called population bottlenecks.
. Paul Van July 11, 2014 at 7:24 PM Wasnt it nice of Cyrus to confirm y
our points on Europeans running around making stuff up, Cyrus has the Ancient Eg
yptians as Middle Easterners another invented European term that is less than 10
0 years old. The terms Caucasian and Caucasoid are bogus, I defy Cyrus or anyone e
lse to take Blumenbachs writings and produce one Caucasian or Caucasoid that will
pass any scientific scrutiny,
. Pkr July 12, 2014 at 5:00 PM The ball is being moved,some put the or
igin of the ancient Egyptians in the so-called Middle East. But, for those who s
ay that they believe the Bible, Egypts (Mizriam) brother, Kush, Begot Nimrod; he b
egan to be a mighty one on the earth. Where was Nimrod, in Southwest Asia. Someone
needs to take a class in geography, because there are many names that part of th
e world could be called, but, not the Middle East. Lets look at where it is located
: Asia is where it is located. What part of Asia is it located, Southwest Asia? So
what should we call it, Southwest Asia? What else could it be called, Northeast
Africa, since the people who first arrived were Africans, so it is really just
an extension of Africa? That would be, Africa Extension. The people some want to giv
e credit for ancient Egypt, were brown skin peoples themselves. If you dont belie
ve me, just internets search wall paintings in King Seti I tomb, or go on realwo website, and see for yourself. Who had diplomatic relations with
ancient Egypt besides other African nations? That would be the ancient Sumerians
, ancient Mesopotamians, ancient Akkadians, ancient Babylonians .
. SY July 17, 2014 at 8:30 AM The Roman said the Egyptians looked they
were North Indian Ever seen how dark they are? Why you think they (European) cal
led the gypsies, black? Afrocentric, they go around lying..
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obert Lindsay
. William jernigan July 20, 2014 at 7:45 AM I would also like the actu
al proof that you exist before 6000 years ago the Caucasians have no origin and
if so show evidence where is that origin.there is no proof the Caucasians even e
xist so please provide us with real food.and just the mere fact that you would c
all somebody a n**** really shows that you are not confident nor qualify enough
to even do this research or to make a claim about it.your whole mission is to do
om my people and convince them that they were nobodies with no direct history no
direct contribution to this world but in fact we are the history we are the con
tribution to this world we brought the sciences we we brought mathematics we bro
ught the total understanding of civilization to this world you need start respec
ting GODS people.but I see you scrambling you dont gotta answer to us you gotta a
nswer to God. may God bless you all dirty souls were doing all the dirt that yall
have done to try to show some position in this world you know you have absolutel
y no no contribution to the civilized world.and in fact you know that my people
African civilized Caucasians civilizations civilized every other nationality on
this planet and you also know that you got black blood in you

Robert Lindsay July 20, 2014 at 8:43 AM All right Black man, take off. Back
to the hood now. And no, I havent any Black blood in me. HAND!

Robert Lindsay July 20, 2014 at 9:41 AM Banned, Ken.
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Board - Political Discussion Forum
. Bill Housden August 1, 2014 at 10:00 AM There is only the one human
race, if you believe in different human races, you are a racist. All humans desc
ended from Adam and Eve. Then you got the world wide great flood. After this you
get Noah and his three sons, the Egyptians are direct descendants from Ham, the
further Hams descendants moved into Africa, the more darker their skin colour be
came, because of more sun and heat. If they had moved north, their skin would ha
ve become lighter and lighter, because of less sun and colder temps. This is the T

Robert Lindsay August 1, 2014 at 1:23 PM I guess I must be a racist then.

Dave Mowers August 1, 2014 at 5:12 PM That is a really, really simplistic vi
ew of human evolution but Ill bite. First off, long before the Semitic book of Hebr
ew tall tales was a book from Persia called the Avesta. Magically, this book des
cribes something born out by modern DNA, geological and archeological evidence,
that a mini-Ice Age occurred during the time of homo sapiens or their predecesso
rs and forced them underground. Now, in order for you to lose skin pigment due to
vitamin D and E deficiency you would have to stay out of sunlight for hundreds o
f generations. We know a peoples who hunted at night and lived in caves called th
e Neanderthal. We know that in Cappadocia, where Zoroasters underground city has
been found, there were an ancient peoples who disappeared called the Kurgans. We
know them from the Greeks as the people of Kore, or Koreans. Goryea, Goryeans is
a dialectic mispronunciation of a foreign word that became modern-day Korea/Kor
ean. That is why the Koreans and Japanese share the same mythological concepts a
s ancient Phrygians, Phoenicians, Egyptians and Greeks; because all of these peo
ple descend from the Kurgans. The stories of the Kur can be found in Sumerian and
Hindu. In the Hindu they are described as people who pass through India headed e
ast. We also know that white Caucasian Denisovans lived in Central Asia, interbred
with Neanderthals and Homo-Sapiens in Europe as far back as 400,000 years ago,
were larger than modern humans, were civilized 20-30,000 years ago based on dirt
mound-forts uncovered all over Europe and are said by the Greeks to be sons of
Japheth. Are also claimed to be the fathers of the Greeks and Sacae-Celts from t
he east past the Euxine Sea (Black Sea) so past Ukraine into Southern Russia. Egyp
tians are said to be sons of Shem not Ham. White people existed as white people at
the very least back to the last mini-Ice Age which was 14-18,000 years ago Youn
ger and Older Dryas period which corresponds mythologically to Zoroaster story. In
short, there is no way the story of Adam and Eve is correct as modern-day Cauca
sians are part Neanderthal, part Denisovan and part Homo Sapien whereas modern-d
ay blacks are something else being part Homo Sapien with some Caucasian admixtur
e but none of the DNA from white peoples ascendants. The Out of Africa hypothesis is
bunk and the notion that Caucasians were once black people is yet to be proven a
nd verily looks to be bunk as well. If you have any solid evidence from mytholog
y, history, science or archaeology please post it I would welcome a thorough deb
ate on this subject.
. Gordo August 1, 2014 at 1:34 PM if the negroid people built the pyra
mids who did their hyrogliphics for them? possibly the little bushman who at lea
st was able to leave some identifiable art on the walls of caves , You see the n
egroids never had any alphabet or written language also what about IQ it require
d an amount not in any race today to make the pyramids also the average IQ of th
e negroid is the lowest of all humans and has yet to invent anything even a bric
k let alone the wheel, so if they were once so clever what happened? They are al
so the only creature on Earth with hair like theirs ,so now also where the heck
did they originate.

Dave Mowers August 2, 2014 at 1:02 AM L.A. Waddells The Makers of Civilizat
shows the earliest Egyptian hieroglyphs were actually pictoglyphs from Sumerian
culture so that; IE: it means ancient Egyptians were Sumerians. but Afrocentrists f
rom Diops camp still go with the, if white people did it; it is only because white
people were once black people which explains why modern-day black people invente
d language, the arts, the sciences, architecture, engineering, democracy, the in
ternet, software, computers, websites and society at-large just like they contin
ue to do in Somalia and Nigeria. Those twin beacons of intelligence and creativity
. Dave Mowers August 1, 2014 at 5:33 PM Punt was the Egyptian Land of th
e Gods is referred to by them on temple artifacts as the ancestral homeland and
a ships manifest and an entire ship have both been found with items not found in
Africa but found in abundance in India. Punt is India and Egyptians came from that a
rea we call them today; Sumerians or Harrapans. Here are some white people living
in caves 400,000 years ago using tools, wearing clothes and painting and guess w
hat? They are white peoplehow can this be? Is all modern science just keeping the
black man down?
. Yonas August 2, 2014 at 12:32 AM Robert Lindsay! .Youre fuckn BANNED!..

Robert Lindsay August 2, 2014 at 12:40 AM What have we here? Another lunatic
Black person, this time from Africa, the Failed Continent. Shoo! Go away! Back to
your grass hut. Heres a spear. Go hunt some antelope and leave me alone.

Dave Mowers August 2, 2014 at 12:56 AM Im a crackerin up!
. Dave Mowers August 6, 2014 at 11:41 PM They called themselves red men
Greeks said they were pink skinned. Exactly the tone of southern Caucasians you
call rednecks.
. Dave Mowers August 6, 2014 at 11:48 PM
. Sphinx August 7, 2014 at 3:37 AM You are absolutely right Ken Strick
land. The ancient Greeks, who actually eyeballed the ancient egyptians, never co
mpared them racially to themselves or even to the darker arabs, persians, levant
ines etc of the neighborhood. Instead they compared the egyptians and ethiopians
of their time to north and south indians, who are both dark skinned even by wes
t asian standards, and who are genetically and phenotypically close to each othe
r. Logically, this implies that the ancient greeks, who were far more rational a
nd honest than the racist white crackpots (mostly descended of northern euro bar
barians) of the last couple centuries, saw the egyptians and ethiopians as relat
ed races.
. scott August 8, 2014 at 1:20 PM Ive always thought of ancient Egyptia
ns as looking like their modern counterparts however looking at some ancient mur
als and artwork I get the impression that it was a multi-cultural society.In fac
t it may have been one of Earths first examples.Certainly it was the ancient cen
ter of power and would have drawn peoples from all over the known world.In the m
urals Ive mentioned some people look south african and some look closer to modern
egyptians.Looking at the glorious golden mask of King Tut I definitely see clas
sic negroid features.Plus it seems like a lot of people wore their hair in braid
s in the southern african fashion.This is a very controversial subject and Im sur
e there are things about the past that we will never know but as time goes on ho
pefully we can clear up a few more questions as to their ethnicity.As a White ma
n Id be comfortable learning that they were south african in origin and in fact w
ould be happy to see black people given their proper credit in the history of th
e world and mankind (if so deserving).Still the truth will inevitably out.
. michael t August 8, 2014 at 6:24 PM I dont think youre racist Rob I ha
ve the same views as you and dont count myself racist! I just get angry at the id
iocy of these people making claims as fact without proof or saying something is
irrefutable without the science to back it up. Or all evidence proves when there i
s no evidence just the ramblings of blacks that despise whites because of slaver
y! Without slavery and lets not forget it was black Africans that sold other blac
k Africans but without that happening the blacks would still be in their shit an
d straw huts where they have been living for thousands of years. Without western
and far eastern technology all of Africa would still be like this not just part
s. And they believe that the most advanced civilization of its time was run by t
hem hahaha I say to them that they should be grateful that some nice white guy for
ked out to procure their ancestors, otherwise right now it would ebola and gammy
dog on the menu!

Traci August 8, 2014 at 11:08 PM Please help me understand , how taking peop
le out of a land with all the natural resources such as Gold,Oil, Diamonds and o
ther valuable commoditiesincluding the sticks and straws and all that other bullsh
it you said.Bring them here to a society who do know there ass from there elbow.
Whos history is based on invading others lands, settling there then calling it yo
urs and calling yourselves the original people of the land.Christopher Columbus
is a prime example, he discovered America even though there were people here ?Im
agine that I can just walk into someones house and discover it, settle there and
call it my own.What a wonderful place this is that your ancestors brought us toI
can hear the Lion King Theme song playing right now

Gordon Keith August 9, 2014 at 10:53 PM All you try to be recognized as the
intelligence that built the Pyramids fails, was there a mighty nuke type event t
hat erased every microscopic trace of memory that made inventing anything later
possible. Most races of people have managed to invent something, excepting of cou
rse the Negroid people who are desperately struggling to have an identity that m
akes them an equal, As I have said before architecture requires enough knowledge
to make a brick let alone a wheel and the total knowledge of Negroid architectu
re is that they did and still do make nest like habitations that do not in any w
ay resemble buildings or pyramids. The builders of ancient especially round site
s seen all over Southern Africa were most likely made by Eastern Caucasian that
is the people who lived from India to Norway, the Zimbabwe ruins were more likel
y built by the people who came from Lebanon, and yes maybe the Negroid people di
d build but under the supervision of the Lebanese, the Negroid can only achieve
if supervised! _____

Traci August 10, 2014 at 1:50 PM Lol you funny retarded child, learn your da
mn history (not his story he made up or stole to make your race seem more superi
or than you really are.Not once did you state an actual facts just info you gath
ered from your arrogant mind and the History channel on television(tell-lies-to-
your-vision).Where Ken on the other hand has given facts after facts, and proof
but out of pure ignorance(ignoring-the -truth).it is just soooo impossible to be
true.Just look at your race overall physical and mentally(being book smart and h
aving common sense are two diffrent things).Physical omg dont let me get started
on that.Why is it that your skin burn in the sun (which is the life source of th
is planet).As for us because of the melanin in our skin it PROTECTS US(Thanks to
god, not man).also proven fact look at the difference between an old black pers
on and and old white person.Why is that your skin becomes so much pale and frail
Alot quicker than an old black person?I mean with your race being all supreme a
nd everything.And last but not least why is it that even after hundreds of years
of being known as a race that has been beaten so low and is known for not being
worthy of anything ,still to this day is the MOST MANIPULATED AND IMITATED race o
n this PLANET by every other race(just look at your kids of today)I tell you its
so common now if their skin wasnt so pale, I would think they were one of our ow
n.How many people you see trying to imitate your people, beside the ones you see
on the hills have eyes and the fucking wrong turn movies?Inbred fucks which is
the true nature and history of your people.
. isaiah August 11, 2014 at 5:43 PM There is a differences between nor
th africans and sub Sahara africansIn ancient egyptian murals, the Egyptians went
out of their way to distinguish themselves from nubians ect. They colored nubia
ns dark like coal and themselves a browish hue. Ancient egyptians were not arab
nor sub saharan africans.

Gordon Keith August 11, 2014 at 9:28 PM Isaih I kind of agree with you but i
s it possible that any of the races present today descend from the ancient ones
like I said before there is no trace of intelligence equal to what they must hav
e had and their engineering abilities!!!! the structures were not for burials an
d mummies that have been found in the south some 400 miles away which might have
been from a more African stock and not necessary the ancient builders of things
we dont yet understand for what purpose.. Maybe the Nuked themselves out, I fee
l that any race today claiming themselves to be descended from these clever ones
is on the wrong track, there might be some relationship to the other pyramids e
tc in the Americas and China and even Stonehenge _____

Dave Mowers August 11, 2014 at 10:18 PM White Caucasians carry DNA from Cro-
Magnon, Neanderthal and Denisovan. Or you can go on believing that Caucasians just
got lucky and ended up ruling the world by chance.
. Sphinx August 11, 2014 at 11:09 PM It is so laughable to see retarde
d people of northern european ancestry desperately trying to convince themselves
and others that they founded all the great civilizations of the world. Listen u
p you stupid assholes: you werent even civilized until a 1000 to 1500 years ago.
The greeks and romans considered you barbarians, and it was they (converted to a
middle-eastern religion) that finally civilized you human-sacrificing, cannibal
savages. All of the the ancient civilizations: Egypt, Sumeria, Indus Valley, Chin
a were founded by non-whites, non-europeans while your ancestors were still shiv
ering in caves. Get real bozos.

Dave Mowers August 12, 2014 at 1:48 PM From the Apocrypha here is King Dariu
s holding court over his kingdom, the same Four Quarters that the Caucasian Sargon
originally conquered when he founded Egypt, India, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor and
Egypt. Now Darius also called himself an Aryan as did Sargon; *(From 550-486 B.C. fo
r Darius and 2,800-3,300 B.C. period for his ancestor Sargon both ruling from Pe
rsia and this straight from the Jews and Persians as written history) The First Bo
ok of Esdras: 2:20-3:1; Now King Darius made a great banquet for ALL HIS SUBJECTS
and all his domestics and all the nobles of Medea and Persia and all the VICERO
Y-SEVEN PROVINCES FROM INDIA TO ETHIOPIA. King of the Four Quarters means what it mea
nt in circa 3,200-3,300 B.C. when the white Caucasian named Sargon (twisting ser
pent) so aptly named from the observance of his miles-long army snaking over the
lands, whos birth-name is Nimrod and whom the Greeks call a Son of Japheth the pro
genitor of the Greek peoples known to them as ACMON. The ancient Greeks referred t
o themselves as Dans and the Dans had red-hair and blond hair and blue eyes and carr
ied the standard of the Dragon called a Basilisk. What could more a Dragon, who was s
aid to be, King of the Serpents, than a man whos title was SARGON which in Sumero-P
ersian means, Twisted Serpent. IE: Dragon. Deny history, deny archaeology, deny myth
ology, deny the Bible, deny, deny, deny, deny R-E-A-L-I-T-Y.
. Jeremiah August 13, 2014 at 8:13 PM Im sorry Mr. Lindsay, but can yo
u cite your sources? By looking at the replies and comments made on this page, i
t seems like you are having a hard time defending your thesis. Not to pick a fig
ht, but I can easily put a end to all of this chaos and ignorance. If you dont li
ke to truth then continue to lie to yourself and whom ever decides that they sho
uld believe you, but you simply cannot change the past. Especially over the inte
rnet. First to try to destroy the claims of the many historians of the past is a b
ig mistake, for example, Appollodorus called Egypt the country of the black-foot
ed ones. Herodotus wrote that a Greek oracle was known to be from Egypt because
she was black, that the natives of the Nile region are black with heat, and that Egy
ptians were black skinned with woolly hair. Gaston Maspero states that by the almost
unanimous testimony of ancient [Greek] historians, they [ancient Egyptians] belo
nged to the African race, which settled in Ethiopia. SECONDLY, if Egypt was found
ed by Caucasians, then perhaps there would be more artifacts that reference white
s and not browns as you say, because there is no such thing as a black man, Ive never
met one. I have met a lot of brown Africans,they come in all shades, but I do not
recall a black one. The third truth to enlighten you a little more is that acco
rding to University of Pennsylvania, the San people of southern Africa, who have
lived as hunter-gatherers for thousands of years, are likely to be the oldest p
opulation of humans on Earth, according to the biggest and most detailed analysi
s of African DNA. The San, also known as bushmen, are directly descended from th
e original population of early human ancestors who gave rise to all other groups
of Africans and, eventually, to the people who left the continent to populate o
ther parts of the world. So if they were first then they were only. If they were
only then where did Caucasians come from? Im sorry Mr. Lindsay, no matter how h
ard you try to bend the rules, there is just to much evidence that KMT, or Kemet
of course means The Black Land. And ancient Egyptians refer to egypt as KMT, beca
use they are kemetic, hence, they were black.

Robert Lindsay August 13, 2014 at 8:20 PM Simply looking at the drawings on
their sculptures ought to be enough. The Egyptians look nothing whatsoever like
the Nubians, who are drawn with typical Negroid coloration and features. Furthermo
re, genetic studies reveal that ancient Egyptians were only 13% Black by genes.
They were 87% Caucasoid by genes. Source is Wikipedia. They were not White people
but instead looked more like Arabs. Honestly they were part of a race that is no
longer around anymore. These ancient Caucasoids migrated to Egypt from the Leva
nt ~13,000 YBP. Of course these ancient Caucasoids came from African type people
at one point (not Negroids actually but instead Khoisanid types). And of course
all humans are derived from Khoisanid types leaving Africa 70,000 YBP. So what? W
hats your point? That we are all Black?

Robert Lindsay August 20, 2014 at 2:33 PM All right you lunatic nigga, I am
finally banning your crazy Afrocentrist ass. Modern genetic studies put the Black
% in the Ancient Egyptians at 10-15%. The argument is over. The real fraud is Afro
centrism, possibly the STUPIDEST form of ethnic nationalism known to mankind.

Robert Lindsay August 13, 2014 at 8:22 PM Also Black man, I am banning you.
You cant call me a liar. Shouldnt you be hanging out in front of the liquor store wi
th a 40 with your homeboys, nigga? HAND!
. Grace August 22, 2014 at 1:51 PM That comment about Africans being n
othing but unintelligent entertainers was sooo rascist . . . as a second generat
ion African American, it insulted me personally. Id like to see some actually pro
of before you something so . . . unproven.

Robert Lindsay August 22, 2014 at 9:57 PM Yes I have heard that the Ancient
Egyptian attitudes towards Blacks were that they were great athletes and enterta
iners, but they werent all that smart. As you can see, some things never change.
What proof do you need. We know that the Black group are better entertainers and
athletes than the White group and we also know that the Black group is not as s
mart as the White group. Just as it was in Ancient Egypt.
. Shawn September 14, 2014 at 6:23 PM Its sad that people are still rac
ist and hate to admit things were not as they have been programmed to believe. T
he racist educational system was build to create an mentality of inferiority upo
n others of a specific ethnic group. The safest thing is that there are thousand
s of historians and anthropologist who are European and dosent believe in the whi
te washing of history that prove they were negroid. But for some reason they igno
red due to the propaganda of the main stream media. Truth is truth and a lie is
. Dave Mowers September 14, 2014 at 11:54 PM Here we have fortunately p
reserved to us in the Indian epic the concentrated tradition of the Aryan King M
anasyu as, Pharaoh of Gopta or Egypt all in a nutshell. His genealogy is authentic
ated back to his grandfather Puru II, Puru-Gin of the Isin listsand Buru or Puru
of his Indus Valley seals as the father of Sargon-the-Great. -L.A. Waddell, Makers
of Civilization pg. 233 The place-name Gopta is of great historical importance. It
equates with the Ancient Egyptian Gebt or Gabt name for Koptos and it survives i
n the modern, Copt title for native Egyptians as opposed to immigrant Arabs and it
is clearly cognate with Kopt-os of teh Greeks, the name of the oldest immemoria
l trade-city in Upper Egypt on the Nile L.A. Waddell, Makers of Civilization pg. 23
4 Geb is an Egyptian God of the Earth, the male Gaia, Ge in Celtic and the origin of
the angel Gabriel, the source of Islam. I have asserted numerous times that Gupt,
Gopt, Goptrian are the Sanskrit originals of Egypt and another way of calling t
he place a, Land of Gods which Egyptians referred to when speaking of their place
of origin in the East in a place called, Punt translated to, Land of the Gods. Theres a
round six hundred pages of tidbits like these if anyone would like to challenge
. Pingback: Black Africans who are indeed in the Bible - Page 5 -
Christian Forums
. Dave Mowers September 26, 2014 at 9:11 AM Not to drone on about it b
ut I found references to the practices of ancient Egyptians in coating their bod
ies in oil. They apparently used these same oils for suntan lotion. I had made t
his claim earlier from other sources. E.A. Wallis Budge, Egyptian Magic pages 187-19
1 The Ritual of Embalmment Egyptians when mummifying the dead coated the entire body
in melanin-containing oil. They re-coated it once bandaged, covered the bandage
s in resin and coated again so basically melanin-containing oil was on everythin
g. They started by dipping the whole body in it but if every part of the process
involved these oils then evidence that ancient Egyptians were black due to mela
nin in the skin is entirely fallacy. The melanin content is there because of the
oils used on the bodies. This ends the last argument made by Diop and his argumen
ts are essentially the entire proof used by African America revisionists to clai
m Egyptians were black. The only claim they have left is appearance or racial ph
enotype which is easily explained on some Pharaohs as racial inter-mixing with t
ribal daughters from Magan. The next argument is clothing and hair coloring stil
l in use by African blacks but again Egyptians ruled these people for thousands
of years so the use of Egyptian techniques and clothing simply mean they adopted
the practice from their rulers. That leaves no proof whatsoever that ancient Egyp
tians were black people even though it should be obvious since even today Africa
ns are not creating civilization in their own countries.
. Dave Mowers October 2, 2014 at 7:15 PM From about 3,000 to 2,300 B.C.
their tools were restricted to axe-heads and daggers, which were made of heavy
metal. With the arrival of torque wearers sometime in the twenty first century B
.C. several new types made their appearance including the socketed spear head, t
he socketed battle-axe, the torque. the biconical beads and toggle pin. -Dimitri
Baramki, Phoenicia and the Phoenicians circa 1961 It should be noted that the battle
-axe and torque necklace are distinctly Celtic products so ask yourself, Why are
Celts joining African-Americans in Egypt and teaching them better ways to manufa
cture weapons? A: Because ancient Egyptians were Caucasians not African-Blacks! Phoeni
cia included all the city-states around the Mediterranean Sea and that includes E
gypts. They were not from Africa.
. Wes Miller October 11, 2014 at 11:02 PM Clearly you and the other ra
cists have been thoroughly refuted, but will post some basic facts to debunk you
r whole program. 1) You and the other white supremacist types are in fact delusion
al & racist, your comments clearly show that. 2) Your beliefs are based on scienti
fic racism, a phenomenon created during the worlds most racist time period and ar
ound the same time Kemet started to appear on the worlds radar. Im sure all those
white scientists explorers etc were astonished when they discovered this amazing
civilization founded and created by dark skin indigenous Africans. So they imme
diately began to backward engineer a non black, non African civilization. That w
as a huge mistake because all of Which has been completed debunked! So much so,
that even if you go to the Egyptian exhibition at the Museum of Natural History
in New York, a plaque clearly states the people of Egypt Unquestionably came from
the South Surely they know a lot more than you do Robert. For example: a) Instead of
calling black them with various shades of black and brown, they called them dar
k redmany of those depictions are darker than I am and so far no one has mistaken
me for an non African American, go figure! b)language culture etc came from outsi
de of Africa. debunked. c)Then it was ok language, culture etc was heavily influen
ced from the outside. that was debunked too. d) Dont take my word for it look up th
e works by Dr. SOY Keita, more over there are videos of him lecturing on the sub
ject on youtube. 3)Race and the term Caucasian are misnomers, myths constructed by w
hite European scientists who put themselves at the top of a hierarchy because th
ey just happen to be running the world at the time. Look up Meiners and Blumenba
ch who invented the term Caucasian. Blumenbach, thought man was born in the Caucus
mountains and the first humans. Wrong! 4)Out of Africa is the leading theory beca
use of a substantial amount of evidence, so it is a accepted fact man was born i
n Africa. 5)There is so much DNA evidence it is ridiculous: a) If you look up ancien
t human migrations/human DNA trees they show not only that man was born in sub S
aharan Africa near the great lakes, but that he migrated and populated the plane
t but also show his routes leading right into where Egypt is today. b) Check the dat
es, of dna mutations, how Europe was the last place on the planet to be populate
d etc. c) Why is this important? Everybody on the planet who is non African can be
traced back to Africa, including and especially you Robert! In fact, the sub Sa
haran east Africans you and all Europeans come from are sometimes referred to Eu
rasian Adam & Eve, because these Africans gave birth to you and that is the only
reason they are called Eurasian Adam & Eve, and not because they have Eurasian
origins. So dont get it twisted you come from the very people you call nigga. d) Th
is should have been a) or mentioned even earlier and stated more clearly, race i
s a myth, created by Europeans to create a racial hierarchy. There is only one r
ace human and our roots are in black sub Saharan African near the great lakes. 6) Wh
y were on the topic lets put the back migrations of an ancient causasian race to
bed, by definition if you are Caucasian, you cannot also be an indigenous Africa
n, get it, got it good! Ill start at the beginningLook up the works of scientist,
Nina Jablonski a specialist on human skin. According to her research: when man was
born near the great lakes he had very dark skin and it was very necessary to pr
otect him from the suns uv rays, as the region was very close to the sun. There ma
y be still available a 17 minute video of lecturing on the internet, Google it,
in it she states the dark skin of Homo Genus man goes back to over a million year
s. So well before we even had modern homosapien man, man had dark skin. 60kya when
sub Saharan east Africans started leaving Africa they had dark skin and when the
se Africans started migrating back they still had dark skin and looked like othe
r sub Saharan Africans. Here is the rub: - In the last few years scientist have the d
iscovered the gene for white skin, estimated it to be 6-12kya depending on who y
ou read google it. This means before then, the world was only populated by dark
skinned people. - Furthermore It is estimated this gene for white skin entered Afri
ca only 3kya ago. This covers the time period when Africa was invaded by Greeks,
Romans and Asians and we know the history of all these invasions pushing the da
rker populations further south. - Another point should be made here, All of the wor
lds diversity came from Africa and any traits so called Caucasians have, they in
herited them from sub Saharan Africans. Again, numerous racist scientists studie
d Ethiopians/Somalians/Eriterians/Kenyans etc to prove they looked they way they
do is based on Caucasian or European admixture. Again, this has been debunked,
remember Eurasian Adam/Eve, according to Sarah Tishkoff, ALL non Africans are a
sub set of sub Saharan east Africans, east Africans are a sub set of other Afric
ans and DNA confirms. If you critically, read any study that says otherwise, its
because as someone has pointed out earlier, those studies are intentionally ske
wed. Again you cannot refute basic accepted facts: 1) Only one race human. Let me debu
nk any basic counter arguments such as the one my wife chemical engineer wife wh
o works for big pharma once gave me. They make certain drugs based on race. Truehow
ever, it has more to do with what region of the world you evolved, diet etc. not
your race. Case in point, ancient Egyptians had sickle cell anemia and so do ma
ny African americans and this is a marker for blacks (this is one connection for
African americans to Egyptians). Stay with me, These people dont have sickle cel
l anemia because they are black, they have it because people lived/evolved in a
region of Africa stricken with malaria and developed sickle to protect them from
malaria, period. 2) Sub Saharan Africans migrated right into where Egypt is today
and the rest of the world. Look up any map of human migrations and dna tree sup
erimposed on a world map. This is confirmed by the works of Spencer Wells, SOY Keita
, Sarah Tishkoff and Nina Jablonski

Robert Lindsay October 12, 2014 at 12:18 AM Ok I am banning you, you Black l
unatic. Shouldnt you be hanging out in front of the liquor store with your homies
? Isnt that one of your baby Mommas calling you on the phone? Better hurry up and
come over, the welfare check just arrived! HAND nutcase!

Wes Miller October 17, 2014 at 5:29 AM Ok ban me you delusional dummyyou res
onded with a racist rant without refuting a word I wrote.

Robert Lindsay October 17, 2014 at 7:21 AM Ok Black man, you are banned. Don
you have to go to an appointment with your parole officer? HANFD jerk!

Robert Lindsay October 17, 2014 at 4:04 PM How many times do I have to ban y
ou, Black man? Why cant you leave this blog and go back your home in the Hood?

Pranav October 18, 2014 at 2:15 AM Why did you delete Stricklands comments?
That guy was funny, He did provide the much needed entertainment in this space.
You should have kept his comments as a sample just how disillusioned the afrocen
trists are with the real world

Pranav October 18, 2014 at 2:16 AM *disconnected it should be

Robert Lindsay October 18, 2014 at 6:23 AM He is starting to make me very an
gry. He wont stay banned. I am on very good terms with a lot of banned people. In
fact, some of them still email me. A lot of them departed on very good terms. B
ut others are just out and out enemies. They go over to other websites and bash
away. I am deleting a lot of the comments of my total enemies. I do not see why
my enemies should have the honor of being in comments section.

Gordon October 18, 2014 at 11:51 AM The Negroid people might probably have b
een living in Egypt before the builders of the ancient structures but more likel
y to have lived in more fertile places, well when those builders arrived they ma
y have even used them as labour,if they could make them work!!! But what did the
y learn from it ? well comparing anatomy how could they have been the ones to sh
ow the rest of humanity anything if the negroids were the ones that showed us ev
erything, and with their definate primitiveness please someone tell me where its
gone because it appears in this day they have lost everything and can only surf
the wave that more civilized races have developed even to wearing clothes. mere
ly stating facts so all the insults they care to throw my way only proves that t
ruth hurts, they get very touchy, well like others have said I like the more imp
ortant request of who were the ancient people living in Egypt and I find sensibl
e writers have given me a lot of food for thought. Robert I would like to know t
he origins of the pyramids and were these builders the original Egyptians or wer
e there others before them.I dont believe this cradle of mankind thing thats goi
ng in South Africa led to the other races growing out of Africa for if that was
true why did their developement stay behind. Todays most civilized and sophistic
ated race whatever they are would find building the ancient structures difficult

Dave Mowers October 17, 2014 at 9:31 PM So you wholly deny that the Achaeans
ever settled Egypt and the surrounding Phoenician City states? Youre calling Justi
n a liar then? You are saying that every Greek, Phoenician and Roman text I have
cited is an outright fabrication designed solely to disenfranchise African blac
ks from their heritage? Once again we see black racism in action and historical re
visionism. Caucasians are not homosapiens. They are an earlier branch that interbr
ed with Neanderthal, Denisovan and Cromagnon man. The evidence is overwhelming. Yo
ur wife is a liar,

Dave Mowers October 17, 2014 at 10:11 PM
. bodhidharma October 12, 2014 at 8:11 AM The ancient Egyptians (1900
BC 1000 BC) were Aryans of Indian origins, related to Buddhism, decendents of Ku
sha, an Indian prince. Not only Egypt but Sudan and Ethiopia were also ruled by
them. The etymologies of all Egytian pharaohs have sophisticated Sanskrit/Pali n
ames (e.g. mrne ptah Father of death). They were the same race as Babylonians, Scy
thians and amorites. The Ethiopians kings were also Indian origin (mentioned by
Herodotus) with Indian names including the king nasta-sen (Mr Destroyer) who met

Dave Mowers October 17, 2014 at 9:22 PM THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Its
ebating with five year olds here over this subject. The sheer amount of written
and archaeological evidence that Egyptians were Caucasian is just overwhelming.
The fact is, ancient kings took many wives and sometimes those women were from d
ifferent races and thanks to sibling rivalry sometimes the first born didnt too l
ong so it is possible that some Pharaohs could look like Africans but Africans d
id not found Egypt! For crying out loud the word Egypt is from India. It translate
s from the Sumerian philologically into Agade (Akkad) which was Nimrods capital e
xcept he never lived their, he lived in Babylon! When you translate Agade in Sum
erian root words it literally means, Crowned Lord, or Crown Creator, synonymous with
, Coronation, so that Egypt was the, Place of Coronation, where the King of the Four
Quarters was crowned and what better place than in the West at the end of the k
nown world? The place where the King of Earth retired each evening; the Sun. So he
is crowned in the West and Rises in the East. He rules from the East but Dies i
n the West. That is why there are graves surrounding the Great Pyramid; it was a H
oly Church.

Inventor October 18, 2014 at 4:49 AM Scythians also moved all the way up to
Scandinavia ( originally named Scythia). the Southern part of Sweden is still ca
lled Scania ( also after Scythia). they probably settled in the South areas and
along the coast. The Romans still called this part of Sweden Scythia and they call
ed the people on the west coast Picts for their famous tatoos, also nown amongst
the Scythians. All the Nordic goods where called Asa gudarna meaning the Asiatic
goods. The Vikings where still travelling down to the black sea on regular basis
, evidensed by archealogical finds, nordic tales and also Ibn Fadlans writings.
Probably the so called Aryan invasion Went in the opposite direction, they spread
to the North rather than coming from the north. The north was then populated sin
ce a long time allready by the Finnish and the Same peoples, excluding the troll

Inventor October 18, 2014 at 5:01 AM More on this topic, is that the Finnish
called the arriving people ( Scythians) Ruotsi meaning Whites and they still call S
weden and Swedes Ruotsi. Ruotsi is also the original name for Russia or Ryssland in S
wedish, as the founders of the actual country started with tribal leaders from S
weden establishing themselfes firstly in the area of Kiev, and then expanding ou
t from this area.

Dave Mowers October 18, 2014 at 3:31 PM Yes, and before the Romans and for s
ometime afterward, Picts, were a Celtic tribe in Northern France. They are mentioned
by name. According to Paul Pezron, at one point in world history the worlds lead
ing Celtic language expert, the Scythians are part of a bi-directional move into
Europe and Mesopotamia by an earlier Celtic tribe; the Sacae. Sacae renamed thems
elves Getae. Sacae invented chess and the signature move of, sacking, the King is na
med after a battlefield tactic attributed to them using their very name! Scythians
are a later move that according to Justin in Trogus, as well as other Greek aut
hors, went south all the way to Egypt. Vikings, Scandinavians, came from Phrygia,
today known as Turkey and Armenia at the area around Lake Van. Named after their
creator-god, Phanes/Van, the father of the Vanir.
. jimistarr October 12, 2014 at 9:01 AM In Kemet (Ancient Egypt) trave
ling to East and West Afrika was normal. In Ta Seti (Nubia) existed the oldest l
and all of which were melanin enriched, Black people. This is also why the featu
res (i.e. nose) and Black profile was destroyed by Napoleon and systematically w
hitened by White society. Greco Rome invaded and stolen the ways of Ancient Egyp
t, and will still today embraced a stolen legacy and claim it as their own. What
can you expect from a people with virtually no history or culture but to lie an
d steal. This is a serious mental problem as well. To know the truth but to perp
etuate a system based on falsehood. The truth is written IN THE STONE!

Dave Mowers October 17, 2014 at 9:42 PM According to the Bible, Midian was t
he later name for the Land of Mitzraim, the founder of Egypt. Mitzraim was said
by the Greeks to have been a . . . Phoenician. Mitzraim means, Places surrounding t
he water, IE: Phoenician City-States and Phoenicians were Caucasians. Phoenicians
came from Lagash in Sumer. Phoenicians established trade with India via ship rout
es and one of those cities in India has a stone circle formation (Kerala) identi
cal to the one found in Southern England. India also has the oldest recognized J
ewish colony on earth which came from . . . Sumer.
. sofia October 14, 2014 at 12:22 PM God are you racist. Every time pe
ople dont agree with your post you reply things like hey black girl or look black ma
n or say something about their black ass or about niggas. Come on, grow up! That make
s you look extremely stupid. And by the way, Im a white girl, and still I find your
attitude insulting. Then you talk about people insulting you!

Robert Lindsay October 14, 2014 at 12:49 PM Just for calling me racist, I am
going to ban your sweet little White ass too, honey. HANFD!

Robert Lindsay October 14, 2014 at 3:45 PM Didnt I ban your Black ass alread
, nigga? Dont you have a welfare check to go pick up? Come on, make yourself usef
ul. Go grab a 40 and hang out in front of the liquor store with your homies. HANFD
. Felipe Pizzitola October 19, 2014 at 1:49 AM Adore that bag!!!! Oy!!
. Dave Mowers November 9, 2014 at 8:58 PM As I suspected everything we
used to know about human evolution and migration has just been changed once aga
in! And it turns out Neanderthals definitely mixed with homo sapiens in RUSSIA, cre
ating a totally new race of humans who all Europeans are descended from. Gee, wh
ere have I heard this before? Oh yeah, thats right, the ancient Greeks, Persians,
Hindus and Egyptians all made this same claim.hmmshould we believe people who live
d through it or should we continue to make up fantastical tales of politically-c
orrect philosophical probabilities of what might have been based on our personal
opinions? Now guess what? This happened prior to the alleged, black-homo sapiens lea
ving Africa, hypothesis once again calling into to question the logic that all Ca
ucasian peoples were once black Africans. How many different ways, other than th
e actual written histories AND mythologies will people need to throw the, Out of
Africa, hypothesis in the garbage can? this inter-species fling occurred somewhere ar
ound 50,000 to 60,000 years ago, but Willerslevs team was able to narrow that fig
ure down even further, to 54,000 years ago.
neanderthal-lovemaking-was-short-lived?trk_source=popular When a race of people, o
ver many thousands of years, believes that one cannot go to heaven unless their
body is burned, practices this rite for such a long period of time so-that, the
majority of skeletons are not found on the continent in which these peoples live
; why must we continue to ignore this as the reason why more skeletons have been
found in Africa? Here we have evidence that Caucasian people lived through an Ice
Age! As if that isnt tantalizing enough for one paper, Willerslevs team also discove
red that our earliest European ancestors basically lived through a Game of Thron
es world of constant winter. They were subjected to the freezing cold temperatur
es of the Last Glacial Maximum as a sprawling meta-population of three major linea
ges: Western Eurasians, East Asians, and a mysterious third lineage that has yet
to be mapped.
. Geraad November 19, 2014 at 2:22 PM Ancient Egyptians werent Negroid
like the West Africans but infact are related to the ancient Hamitic/Cushitic ra
ce in the Horn of Africa. The ancient Egyptians refered to the area, now encompa
ssing Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somalia, as the land of Gods (Punt). In ot
her words, their origin. Mankind was born in southern Ethiopia and Somalia where
the first people there were of Hamitic/Cushitic origin. Caucasians have gotten
their distinct facial features from this race, which now encompass only the Soma
li, Amhara, Tigray, Beja, Tigre, Oromo, Afar, Berber and formerly the ancient Eg
yptians. The ancient Egyptians looked exactly like these people, Somalis, Ethiop
ians and Eritreans. If you look at Somali traditional clothing and accessories y
ou will see the resembles with the white clothes worn as a skirt and the shawl. Ev
en the language still resembles even though Somali is heavily influenced by Arab
ic and to a lesser extent English and Italian. So the ancient Egyptians were Hamit
ic/Cushitic not Negroid nor Caucasian and todays Egyptians are a product of mixed
people. The original Hamitic/Cushitic people in Egypt are mixed with invaders l
ike Greek and Arab people and that is where they get their looks, they are a lit
tle darker compared to Arabs in Saudi Arabia for example. But if you look at Yem
en, which was also inhabited by the same genetically related people, which also
have been invaded by Arabs, you can see how they resemble Egyptians as well.
. Dave Mowers November 21, 2014 at 5:59 AM I would like to comment on
the theory being thrown around that colored peoples living in these areas, Middl
e East and Egypt, and the low numbers of Caucasians today, represents a true pic
ture of the population of those regions 2,3,4,5,000 years ago. In reading about th
e Greek Wars ones comes to interesting numbers of kill ratios for Caucasian figh
ters in these places. Under Alexander the majority of people killed, the bulk of
war-fighters in all the regions, were in fact Caucasians and since they resiste
d their own kind the Macedons had an interest in making examples of them so no q
uarter was given to whites who fought against the Greeks; none. Alexanders men kill
ed at an average rate of 12 people per second. At Issus alone (modern-day Syria)
they slaughtered 170,000 in a day. That is the kind of warfare the Celtae peopl
es engaged in. There have never been a more bloody killing race than Caucasians.
Caucasians are the reason why colored peoples rule the Middle East and Egypt to
day. Just try to imagine what 720 people per minute being slashed and speared to d
eath would do to a population.
. vashti December 6, 2014 at 9:08 PM I will just say PLEASE everyone r
ead this article that totally undermines and puts in check all of the naive clai
ms in this article lol.
. dango December 8, 2014 at 2:14 AM There is a falsification destructi
on and repainting program right now by the Arab Egypt govt funded by American un
iversities. They are doing a complete repainting of the tomb arts of African fea
tures into a European look. Also the sawing off of the African nose features and
making them look European. Brothers its high time. The evidence is vanishing bef
ore our own eyes. African Americans should form an organisation which would work
alongside the African Union to save our history. The Arab Egyptians and the Whi
te man are soo jealous of our history to the point that they are defacing everyt
hing just as Napoleon Bonaparte cut off the African Sphinxs nose. Please pass thi
s message to church, friends, community leaders, etc. Also type (vanishing Black
evidence of Egyptian civilization) into your computer to see for yourself.
. Dave Mowers December 17, 2014 at 7:57 PM Because I enjoy beating dea
d horses into pulverized mush of blood and guts. ONE MILLION MUMMIES DISCOVERED IN
EGYPT IN SINGLE CEMETERY. They have been divided into two groups; red-haired and b
lond-hairedimagine that?
st-found.html Yeah, yeah, yeah Ive already thought of your response but think about
that number again, one million, then think about how many Caucasians have to be
living in Egypt for how many years to accumulate such a vast number of Caucasia
n mummies?

Paul Vann February 19, 2015 at 9:50 AM It is thought that the mummies were b
uried around 1,500 years ago, between the 1st and 7th Century AD, when Egypt was
controlled by the Roman and Byzantine Empire. Unlike many famous mummified remain
s discovered in Egypt, these were found in mass graves and appear to be ordinary
citizens rather than royalty or other important figures.
0-year-old-desert-necropolis-largest-found.html#ixzz3SDLXMrp6 Your question is ans
wered, as well as to the origin of these people, they were not Egyptians.

pkr March 4, 2015 at 11:13 PM One million mummies in one cemetery seems like
a mass graves site to me and royal Egyptians werent buried in mass graves. There a
re about 63 tombs in the Valley of the Kings and Queens, which is the most exclusive
burial site in the world. These mummies didnt have blonde or red hair unless it
was dyed, turned colors because of the mummification process or changed over the
millennia. I guarantee it didnt take the 70 days plus for the so-called million mu
mmies that you are talking about took as it did for the kings and Queens.
. thesitrep December 21, 2014 at 5:13 PM I think there has been DNA st
udies that show Egyptians were of a similar haplotype as people that populated t
he Iberian peninsula. It would seem odd that Egyptians were Congioid because no bl
ack culture evented numbering or writing systems. But if Afrocentrist do want to c
laim ancient Egypt as black then they will have to own the slavery of the Jews t
hing too. Ha, maybe then theyd STFU about reparations.

Gordo December 21, 2014 at 10:02 PM Why dont the negroids show us something
intelligent that they invented and then proving and comparing its use in making
anything the ancient Egyptians did, instead of throwing up their pathetic argume
nts, The rest of the world races have amongst all types of inventions earth movi
ng equip. which we are told is not quite enough yet is one step nearer, but negr
oids cry foul at everything any other race does because they have yet to prove t
hemselves and they have to be treated with kid gloves all the time in order not
to embarress them for their still primitiveness , In South Africa there is an ex
cuse for a president who at the drop of a hat leaps back into his skins and does
his ape like mating dance at functions, a display of primitive thats hard to be
at and its not re-enactments which other races have at fun and historical events
, its for current now. Intelligent articles by students of the subject about who t
he ancient Egyptians were is worth reading but the comments by some who claim It
s Us Dark Fellas Just is their pathetic endeavours of claim to fame.

pkr March 4, 2015 at 10:04 PM Anyone who uses the word negroids is opening
his mind for the world to see inside. The root of negroid is negro, negro is Spanish
for black. People are classified by their geographical region not skin color. We
dont call the Chinese people Amarilloids(yellow people).

pkr March 4, 2015 at 10:41 PM There is absolutely no proof that Jews were sl
aves in ancient Egypt, the tales of the Exodus in the Bible notwithstanding. That on
e exodus that was written about when it happened was the Hyksos exodus. What was c
alled slavery in ancient Egypt was not the same thing as slavery in North America.
There are no credible DNA studies that the ancient Egyptians were from Spanish, Por
tuguese or from any other parts of the Iberian Peninsula. Which was connected to Afr
ica before it broke from Africa. The Ethiopians wrote hieroglyphics, which were a
writing system, the builders of the pyramids used numbers in building them and they
were black. Just Bing or Google for images of Kings Huni, Khufu, or Sahure and you w
ill see for yourself. who the ancient Egyptians were and werent.
. Dave Mowers December 23, 2014 at 11:09 AM I have maintained that anc
ient Egyptians came from, Punt, which is what they claimed and that Punt is, in the
east, as they also claimed. I stated that it is my belief that this, Punt, is the e
astern corner of the ancient dominion spoken of by Greeks, Persians, and Jews in
the Bible, known as, The Four Quarters, which is to say the four cardinal directi
ons from center whereby the original kingdom that controlled Egypt existed in Su
mer. Egypts desert was known as, Martu, which means, West, in Sumerian and it was descr
ibed as a, Sea of Sand, created when Phaeton, the sun-god, crashed his chariot int
o the earth. Now the root, Phae, comes from Sanskrit and means alternately, master,
lord, shining, and combined with the Celtic root, Ton, doubles the meaning of, Lord
, making him the, Shining Lord of Lords, IE: The Sun. Plato explains that Greeks formed
whole mythologies from the translations and meanings of words between cultures
and this is why you can break words that contain different language roots down t
o divine the origin of their storys content. To my original point; Pharaohs People, T.
G.H. James University of Chicago Press 1984 From the Nubian Tomb of Harkhuf who wa
s tasked by the Pharaohs with raiding the southern lands, lands mind you, filled
with Black Africans, who were tribal groups that were plundered by the Egyptians
. This is a quote. Pg. 29; You said in your dispatch that you have brought a dwarf,
like the dwarf brought by the Gods Treasurer, Bauwerdjed from Punt in the time o
f Isesi.My majesty longs to see this dwarf more than the spoils of the MINING COU
NTRY and of PUNT. Djedkare is known to sen
t expeditions to Byblos and Punt. The expedition to Punt is referred to in the l
etter from Pepi II to Harkuf some 100 years later. Harkuf had reported that he w
ould bring back a dwarf of the gods dancers from the land of the horizon dwellers. LAND
OF THE HORIZON DWELLERS. Punt was India and the Aryans invaded India before they w
ent west settling Sumer and conquering Egypt. The, mining country, is Spain where
the Phoenicians established the worlds first copper and tin mines at Rio Tinto th
erefore when the Pharaoh uses Spain as his western extreme his counterbalance is
the easternmost extreme to his empire; India aka: Punt.

Dave Mowers December 26, 2014 at 11:19 AM Same book; Pharaohs People, by T
ames Pg. 69-70 Rekhmires tomb inscriptions circa 1,500-1,600 B.C. Seventeenth Dynasty
; Receiving the tribute of the southern FOREIGN land, together with the tribute o
f PUNT, the tribute of Retjenu, the tribute of Keftiu, together with the plunder
OF ALL FOREIGN LANDS First; Africa, Magan, the whole of the continent south of Egyp
t was called, the southern lands, and not considered part of the Egyptian Empire. Se
condly; Punt, is listed as not in Africa but separate of the, southern foreign land
s. With, foreign, being the signifier yet again that the body of Africa south of Eg
ypt was not Egyptian. Retjenu was Canaan, Syria and Babylon showing once more that
Egypt controlled all of these lands proving that the, Four Quarters, was an empir
e that contained every land paying tribute mentioned including, Punt, which is Ind
ia. While Keftiu is the Egyptian name for Cretans, Minoans, Greeks of the northern
lands. Why specifically mention these lands if not that they were part of an empi
re? One that went far back into antiquity and practiced traditional tribute to t
he mother-land.
. dango January 4, 2015 at 3:05 AM In African tradition, If you dont kn
ow something Dont guess it. Leave it alone. You were right in The first part. The
n totally wrong on the second. The light skinned north Africans, I.e. Berbers an
d the rest, Excluding Arabs, came from the moors. You must also know that at tha
t time there wasnt any desert. No state Borders. It was just one giant continent
ruled By very, very powerful African kings only next to God. Another thing, anci
ent Egyptians also came from West Africa, i. e. Nigeria, Ghana, and Mali, and so
uthern Africa from Zimbabwe, south Africa, and East Africa. Why. A lot of trs ve
lling anf trade. Even to this day theres similarity in language And meaning betwe
en Nigerias Yoruba, Malis Dogon, and east African Swahili, as well as the Matabell
SE WE STILL SHARE That Close tradition till this day.

Gordo January 4, 2015 at 8:36 AM Dango you really must study a bit more. Mat
abeleland is in the South west part of Zimbabwe, the Language spoken by the Mata
bele people is mainly derived from Zulu its known as an Ndebele language nothing
like an Arabic or Egyptian language not even like the Swahili spoken in Kenya a
nd if you want to know how come go learn about Chaka and his merry band of broth
ers from Zululand in the Natal province of South Africa, it just so happened tha
t one of his clan stole cattle, mated with some of his umfazis and Ntombis his nam
e Mzilikazi and he had to hightail it away because he was what is known as a ske
llum, in doing this him and his merry band of skellums rampaged across Eastern S
outh Africa, conquering other tribes of Sothos , Swazis and various other clans a
nd just like most primates and other wild animals the alpha males get taken out
by the new conquering one and the rest of the tribe, women and children of the n
ow deceased just fall in line joining with the new Alpha model and follow on, He
is now the Man!!!. They eventually settled in the area known as Bulawayo (Place
of Slaughter) Mzilikazi s son was Lobengulu who did the thing with J.C.Rhodes, rem
ember him? they named the country after him , Rhodesia. All this is documented a
s it took place in the time of settlers. explorers etc who could read and write
and even built the country up for the indegenous ones to take apart, in fact the
Africans are today even acting on the greatness of Chaka, (Like the do for Mande
la) all pumped up out of reality info that they only had from the people who doc
umented it, little do they realise that he was quite savage even killing more th
an a thousand of his own people just because his mother had died of old age, you
see these Africans had no way of keeping records , they did not even paint pict
ures like the Khoi. As for Zimbabwe where Mugabi comes from thats from a different
set again , they are the Mashonas , there might be a connection with them and th
e Venda people who might have come into contact with people from Lebanon, who it
is speculated might have made the Zimbabwe And other ruins that are all over So
uthern Africa even to the terraces on the Eastern part that borders Mozambique h
ave something in common with those in Lebanon , note these were Arab people who
may of at some time been in Egypt, but the ruins left by them are nothing like t
he ones in Egypt. No doubt you will call me a racialist etc, go ahead feel free bu
t you will have to study more to be able to lead up to Negroid people being the
original developed civilization of Egypt, Truth is we dont know and for me to cl
aim Caucasion or Spanish, whatever would be not so bright as not enough evidence
suggests who , most of the Dark guys are saying its them and the white guys the
m but we all need to do more research to know the truth and not wish it our own
. TheGreatSomali January 8, 2015 at 9:38 PM . Land of the punt is in s
omalia due to geneticall relations cultrul linguisticall simalarities it is in s
omalia. Buun was somalias old name and buunta means horn in somali. As well as n
orth in somalis means waaqoyi which means land of the gods. There are many ancie
nt egyptian artifacts found in somalia like pharoanic plates lookhttps://m.flick And nefertiti head bust
#/photos/anbessa2011/8388721843/ Nefertiti means the good girl in somali But also fo
und in somalia mini pyramid with construction plans for Giza and sphinxs https://m
795599457121766/?type=1&source=42 They also found many kingdom of punt artifactsht
61557./795599457121766/?type=1&source=42. The ancient egyptian language is closest
to somali than any other example
555/1/ Not only that but the ancient egyptian mummies resemble somalis more than a
ny other group see Dr. Soy keita Great african professor and scholar sayhttps:// Quote: the mummies are somali like very elonga
ted long african. Noted many mummies have wavy hair straight hair like many soma
lis have and very narrow features like somali. There is remnans of ancient punt
civilisations example
stle.jpg not only that but
Even old roman map seems to indicate that punt was infact in somalia http://wa1 They were not persian/aryans they were fr
om somalia. Land of the Punt. You keep Saying caucasoid but somalis are also cau
casoids look We are listed as Hamite
caucasoids. The persian migration into Egypt is well documented. Do not use soma
li caucasoid features to pass them off as arab or european. The ancient egyptian
s came from Land Of The Punt in somalia.

Swedophobic Finns January 9, 2015 at 4:32 AM Somalia received a lot of artef
acts over time from the EGYPT. Later ARABS gave them a whole lot of stuff includin
g their ideology. Later still the Italians and the British conquered them and brou
ght Europen artefacts. In the future some bright Somali will claim all the Europea
n artefacts show that Somalis helped to civilise Europe and that is why Somalis
just flee as refugees to reclaim their heritage in Europe. Somalia is the worlds
most failed state so I guess it needs tall stories? Actually what it needs is a
functioning country but until then tall stories will do. All artefacts can be tra
ced. The history of Egypt is one of the most studied of all histories. IT shows
Caucasian people often with blue eyes who ruled this land. The evidence from ske
letal remains show a Caucasian people. Hence now we do not even need artefacts a
nd tall stories from Somalia. We can look at the genetic evidence and that concl
usively proves the case that Egypt was at its peak one hundred percent Caucasian
with black slaves. A mummy has been found with red hair remnants! THE Genetic pro
of is conclusive.

pepperroncini February 19, 2015 at 7:46 AM There is no proof any of the mumm
ies had blue eyes and red hair can be ascribed to breakdown of the different col
ored pigments in hair .

pkr March 4, 2015 at 9:40 PM There is a chart that shows eye color by geogra
phic locations. According to Wikipedia, the highest percentage of blue eyes are
in the United Kingdom, with the Scottish leading the way at 57%. In Africa, Algeri
ans leads with 2.6% and there is one other country at 2%, Morocco. The rest of the c
ountries in Africa are 1.2% or below. This is the current populations, and I dont t
hink these numbers were much different in ancient times.

evenwhenilie January 11, 2015 at 3:54 AM
/maat0297.html While citing three reliable sources for this report, Hancock nonethe
less cautions that it has not been completely verified. Less restrained is Ameri
can author and astronomer Richard Hoagland. Speaking on Art Bells early morning n
ationwide talk show (KABC radio) on December 20, 1996, Hoagland devoted a consid
erable amount of time to a discussion of the same report and defended it with co
nfidence. He also noted that, after the information leaked out, one of the sourc
es was immediately fired and subjected to other severe discipline.3
. evenwhenilie January 11, 2015 at 3:59 AM It must be recognized that
Egypt is and always has been on the continent of Africa. References to this coun
try as a part of the Middle East, Near East, Mediterranean or even the Fertile C
rescent, to the exclusion of its location in Africa, is a blatant, racist distor
tion. The color black cannot be defined as white. The only reasonable definition o
f the Black race is the following provided by Diop: There are two variants of the
black race: (a) straight-haired, represented in Asia by the Dravidians and in A
frica by the Nubians and the Tubbou or Tedda, all three with jet- black skins; (
b) the kinky-haired blacks of the Equatorial regions.5
. evenwhenilie January 11, 2015 at 4:09 AM We flatly reject the specio
us reasoning of the early Egyptologist J. J. Champollion-Figeac and modern anthr
opologists, who insist that [t]he two physical traits of black skin and kinky hai
r are not enough to stamp a race as negro. . .6 They then proceed to transfer som
e of the blackest people in the world to the white race, if the blacks in questi
on are the progenitors of an advanced civilization. If black skin is insufficien
t to qualify one for inclusion in the black race, then, what on earth is!? The bri
lliant African American historian W.E.B. DuBois, recognized the contempt that th
e Western academic establishment has had for Black people and addressed it nearl
y 60 years ago:
. evenwhenilie January 11, 2015 at 4:15 AM We would like to inform our
readers that a remarkable discovery has taken place in the Queens Chamber of the G
reat Pyramid! According to a report published on the Internet on December 1, 199
6, by Robert Hancock, British author of the best selling books, The Sign and the
Seal and Fingerprints of the Gods, the Gantenbrink experiment1 was conducted in the
Great Pyramid on October 20, 1996. This project entailed an exploration of the
narrow passage leading up from the southern shaft of the Queens Chamber in the Grea
t Pyramid. For several years, Egyptologists have known that a door exists at the
upper end of the Queens Chamber, but until October 20, no one had penetrated it. H
ere, then, are the words of Hancock regarding the events of that date: At the end o
f the ascending passage, 8 inches square, leading from inside the Great Pyramids Q
ueens Chamber is a small door with two metal handles. On October 20, 1996, Dr. El Bas
and two assistants sent a fiber optic camera lens through a flaw in this door. W
hat was allegedly found was a 2 meter by 1.5 meter chamber inside of which was a
statue. The statue seemed to be in the image of a black male, holding an ankh i
n one hand. On the opposing wall of this chamber was a round shaped passage lead
ing out.2
. Dave Mowers January 24, 2015 at 9:57 PM King of, The Four Quarters, is
the key to discovering who the original Egyptians wereit is a statement found in
Persian, Hindu, Egyptian and Greek and I think I may have discerned one way, if
you believe the Jews, of determining what these, four quarters, are? Isaiah 19:19;
In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egyp
t and a pillar at the border thereof The, altar, is the Great Pyramid, the seat of the
Lord, his Merkabahand the, pillar, must be something that can/could survive into a
ll ages and stand to mark the borders of Agade/Akkad. The center of the circle is
Persepolis. And that tells you everything you need to know.

pkr March 4, 2015 at 9:00 PM The four corners of the world are North America
, South America, Southeast Asia and Australia. Northeast Asia was tundra and all
people arrived there later. Africa is the center of the world. All people who m
oved to the four corners came from Africa. So, the question is how is that Caucasi
ans moved to the four corners and Africa, yet, the first people in the Americas
had brown skin that could be called black, the first people in Southeast Asia had
dark skin, and the same for the people in Australia. In the Western Hemisphere,
not counting Antarctica which is in more than hemisphere, the farther one goes s
outh the greater the population. The same can be said in South Asia.
. mark February 19, 2015 at 1:51 AM White women smell like puppys and w
hite men have small penises
. Historia Nerd February 19, 2015 at 5:38 AM I feel like believing the
whole Sumerian, Tamil and Egyptian narrative are one in the same. Because, all
of them were dark Caucasoid or Dravidian looking people. Then, Aryans came and i
nvaded each of these lands. Finally all of them broke down, as more invaders got
absorbed into the gene pool. In Egypt, there are people who have a significant
amount of Negroid blood. In India, Australoid blood and Iraq Semitic blood.When
a great civilization lets inferiors into it, it is bound for failure. The Elamit
e people were great and wise people. The Aryans were great and wise people as we
ll. But both of them made the mistake of mixing with others.

pkr March 4, 2015 at 6:48 PM What is a dark Caucasoid, a tanned European, be
cause a brown skin Egyptian is a brown skin African?

Kenneth Strickland March 5, 2015 at 1:04 AM Its truly amazing how SELF SERVI
G MORONS can actually believe it makes sense to claim WHITES/CAUCASOIDS/CAUCASIA
NS, who represent the most recent human linage & the most GENETICALLY RECESSIVE,
, can easily produce permanently dark/brown skin. Yet, at the same time have no
problem whatsoever believing humans with DARK/BROWN SKIN cant be considered BLACK
or NEGROID, despite representing the oldest human linage & being the most GENETI
,if they live in certain areas WHITES/CAUCASOIDS/CAUCASIANS want to claim(includi
ngAfrica, theirplace of origin). How can anyone BE SO DOWNRIGHT IGNORANT,DESPERATE,
DELUSIONAL & STUCK ON STUPID that they would believe & or claimtheir Ancestors w
ere INDIGENOUS to the warm/hot&/or desert climates ofNorth Africa, India, Persia,
Sumeria, Mesopotamia etc, & still manage tobecomethe most GENETICALLY RECESSIVE, M
MINDED MORONS actually have the audacity to question the intelligence of anyone
who poses these LOGICAL COMMON SENSE QUESTIONS &/or FACTS,or believes otherwise.
And these clowns actually believe it takes a big brain & superior intelligence t
o come up with their BS claims & beliefs.
. Dave Mowers March 1, 2015 at 12:05 PM I am getting closer to resolvi
ng the, Agade, Akkade, Akkad, is Egypt issue. Akkadian cuneiform was the state wri
ting system at one point showing that it is possible for their to be two languag
es used at the same time in a period for a culture, so that, in Egypt, you would
have the foreign rulers state script along with the local dialogue but also ther
e was always a distinct religious language and writing exclusively for the pries
thood as well. I contend that each city-state had its own language but that everyon
e used cuneiform was the official empiric or trade script which as trade became
the basis of each families lifestyle replacing agriculture it would eventually b
ecome the official language, one built, no doubt, on many languages containing ma
ny synonyms from each language; the root of synonymic. As regions periodically spl
it apart from the empire they would over time develop their own distinct languag
e once again only to have that assimilated by later conquering rulers. This resolv
es the issue of what race the ancient Egyptians are if you think of Egypt as a S
umerian colony that periodically, due to wars and civil strife, breaks away and
becomes a separate kingdom which is exactly what history shows happened over and
over again to Sumerian cities until eventually in the Middle Kingdom, Egypt tak
es over Mesopotamia. Now, it appears that Sargon had two identical twin sons; Rimu
sh and Manistusu. Rimush ruled in the East and Manis in the West both from state
capitals of the, Kingdom of the Four Quarters. Kishi is in Iran or perhaps the Ha
rrapan State and Egypt would be Manis throne aka; Menes. Egypt is therefore Agade
. Menes, Manis, killed his brother, Rimush and took control of his eastern kingd
om, You can explain the later cuneiform descriptions of Sumerian kings as being po
ssibly adulterated by the Egyptian courts to put Sargon (Acmon/Nimrod) and his s
ons AFTER the Middle Kingdom to show Egyptian culture came first which in ancien
t times altering historical accounts was commonplace as a way of asserting histo
rical control over peoples by claiming traditionally it had always been that way
. This may have to do with Sargons purchasing of vast foreign lands from its inhab
itants being seen as an unfair deal (done under duress) by later descendants the
refore needing to be invalidated by historical narrative as legal proof. It is a
perfect assumption based on the known history. For further reference read, Ancient
Civilizations, by Arthur Cotterell *see specifically pages 84-108 *with page 85 cont
aining a map that shows possibly Sargons path of war as a Zodiacal wheel complete
with triangle points for the cardinal directions which when superimposed over a
map of the region from the Mediterranean to India points to India and Scythia t
hrough Iran then to Sumer and Arabia and onward into Ethiopia. It would be logic
al to assume the fastest route home would take them down the Nile right into the
Nile Valley! Once again this, circle, wheel, puts Persepolis at its possible cente
r which confirms the point where the Persians believed the, Kingdom of the Four Q
uarters, began from. The kingdom every ruler has historically tried to wrestle cont
rol of.
. Lesley March 5, 2015 at 3:05 AM The ancient egyptions were probably
dark skinned with dark hair, but not negro. Thats the overall impression you get
from their art work. Though apparently Cleopatra (one of them) was actually gree
k, but then that doesnt answer the the question of what race the ancient egyption
s were because she wasnt egyption. They obviously had brown skin, dark hair what
else can you say?

Wes Miller March 6, 2015 at 9:01 AM What else can you say? Let me take a few
minutes to debunk your racist white supremacy ideology. 1)the most diverse contin
ent in the world is africa and caucasians get their diversity from Africa, in fa
ct every non African can be traced back to sub saharan Africans negroids. This is
per the ancient human migrations, DNA trees. Ever heard of Out of Africa theory?
Look up the works of Spencer Wells, Sarah Tishkoff, Tishkoff says caucasians ar
e a sub set of sub Saharan Africans. 2) Now, now you say what the AEs were not, bu
t never say what they are!? this a simple minded attempt to deny black african d
iversity. By definition if you use the same logic you can say certain caucasian
populations are not caucasian! Populations in middle east, asia, & Europe. To be
clear you inherited your traits from sub saharan east Africans, Somalia, Kenya
and Ethiopia, these people are african. Just like not all white people look alik
e and some Italians are darker than Irish Brits, they are classified together. T
he same is true of Africans my ignorant upholder of white supremacy.

pkr March 6, 2015 at 6:11 PM The ancient Egyptians werent Negroes as I have
aid before. But, neither were the Nubians, Ethiopians or are African/Americans.
Negro means black, and black is a color. People are defined by the geographicall
y location they live in or originated from. The ancient Egypt were brown skin Afri
cans. I dont know how many images of ancient Egyptians that you have seen, but th
eir are thousands of them. When Cleopatra VII died, her family had been in Egypt
for nearly three hundred years, that is longer than most white in America ancesto
rs go back in this country. Yet, after a few generations, whites called themselv
es Americans. So, Cleopatra was Egyptian (African) with Greek ancestry. What answe
rs who the ancient Egyptian were is their art they left us.

Gordo March 6, 2015 at 8:31 PM All of you seem to be giving possibilities of
differing races who to my mind only settled in Egypt as none of the ones mentio
ned appear to have had the intelligence to build the pyramids and to me they are
the real Ancient Egyptians we are looking for and for the clamouring by differe
nt present day races to claim they are the bright ones, is pathetic, we know tha
t of most races especially black ones from Africa can stop trying to claim they
are the ones as to this day they have not one single invention and most of the o
ther claimants can quit as well , there must have been a type we dont know about
who did all the clever things and their maths and other geometry and knwledge o
f the stars and the Earths north and south at least 10000 years ago puts them ve
ry different to anyone today

Kenneth Strickland March 6, 2015 at 8:55 PM Lets see how intelligent or how
ownright stupid you are by answering this question. WHAT RACE OF HUMANS DO YOU T
humans that did all of the things you mentioned. You can sure as hell bet NOWHIT
had yet to set foot on African soil.

Wes Miller March 7, 2015 at 6:52 AM Its 2015 your ignorance is astonishing.
he ideology of white supremacy has been debunked decades ago. You are willfully
stupid. So many people here have provided so many facts which you have not refut
ed. The AEs were indigenous brown skin Africans who are rooted in sub Saharan Afr
ica. How do we know this. It has been proven by DNA studies, the study by DNA tr
ibes showed Tut was more closely related to sub Saharan Africans vs the Arab Afr
icans who invaded 3kya. Moreover, ancient human migrations routes show sub Sahar
an Africans moving into where Egypt is today and North Africa and the northern o
nes moved back into the Nile valley as the Sahara became a desert. The AEs were
indigenous brown skin Africans These are facts. Another fact, the first modern h
umans were dark skin sub Saharan Africans which all modern people derive inclung
Caucasians. Any DNA tree shows This. Thus is irrefutable! But I would like to s
ee you try *smile *

Sam March 7, 2015 at 4:19 PM Africans can exhale bees that suck death from W
hite people to save them. Africans are kindly while Whites are evil. Africans ar
e not evil because they werent made by an evil scientists. Africans always know w
hat car insurance Whites should buy and are nice enough to tell us which ones. A
fricans can fly in the air like birds. I know all these things because I saw it
on TV. If its on TV it must be true.

Wes March 8, 2015 at 9:58 PM Gordo youre a full of shit white supremacist. Y
u ignore all the facts Ive given u and ignored questions Ive asked. you ask about
black inventors and focus on the last 300 distorted African history. Look up the
term scientific racism and the scientists who invented it, the pseudo science the
y pulled out their ass, such as the invention of race and putting themselves at
the top of the hierarchy. Speaking of race/DNA stupid, unless DNA is contaminate
d, it is COMPLETELY reliable. On race, you come from the very people disparage.
Again look up the root of any DNA tree.

Gordo March 9, 2015 at 9:57 AM Robert Lindsay I am so sorry these sub specie
apes are taking this into their lower realm and I am not prepared to lower my s
tandards to theirs, they sure have a complex. Its a very interesting subject but
these subspecies seem to see it as a criticism of them, well they with their at
titude sure brought it on themselves, They need to check out their anatomy and s
ee that they are not a developed specie, and unfortunately for them and they can
twiddle all the nobs to change the known facts to make them look like a race of
developers with a human identity, it wont work!!! sorry mate but you can strike
me off the discussion which I hoped to learn more than how great the Blacks are
or how Mandela was god on Earth , I tried to be factually neutral and know that
seeing our own faults first before criticising others but you sure have a bunch
with chips on their shoulders. As for you Wes good luck You dont have to reply as
I wont be opening this lot again, prefer to have communications with intelligen
t beings ,

pkr March 9, 2015 at 6:58 PM When you say differing races you are talking ab
ut the Greeks, Romans and Arabs and Jews. You are not talking about the Libyans,
Ethiopians or Nubians, since they were native Africans. Somebody had to build t
he pyramids and if you say it wasnt brown skin black Africans who built them? Show
me who built them? This is a rhetorical question that I already know the answer to
. If you really want to know, go to Google Plus and search for images of kings w
ho built the pyramids and you will get your answer. White supremacy has caused h
istorical amnesia for Africans and African/Americans. So maybe the latter and th
e former forgot that people who look like them built the pyramids. The White Crown
of Upper Egypt (Southern Egypt) originated in ancient Nubia. Since so much math
went into building the pyramids, simply match the faces with the deeds and you
dont have to wonder how. You know that it happened and by whom.
. Wes Miller March 9, 2015 at 10:59 AM You have it ass backwards dummy
. Sub species based on what evidence!? You dont reply refuting anything I said be
cause YOU CANT! !
. Dave Mowers March 9, 2015 at 1:03 PM Imagine my joy at coming here t
oday to find the latest posts from, Black Origin Theorist, contending that Caucasi
ans did not live in Africa when in fact I have just hit page 132 of Penguins Ency
clopedia of Ancient Civilizations and was flat-out stunned by a full stone bust
statue of a Carthaginian woman found buried in Spain, a former Phoenician provin
ce since the Middle Dynasty of Egypt days down through the Minoan-Mycenaean-Acha
ean periods, and Carthage as everyone knows is in Tunisia but those people known
as both Phoenicians and Carthaginians inhabited the whole of the coastline all
the way over to Morocco in ancient times! You can see the bust from side view here
; A fan
tastic blog btw but the full frontal view of this bust leaves no doubt of any ki
nd we are looking at Caucasian Celts when we say, Phoenicia. At this point I believe
it is necessary to begin referring to Black Egypt Promoters as, Black Origin The
orists, in-line with, Ancient Alien Theorists, since it is clear none of these peop
le are actually reading any historical work or looking at the evidence beyond se
lected artifacts or statements which cannot encompass the whole of the matter si
nce city-states were routinely overrun by foreign invaders who could not keep co
ntrol of them and left or were dispelled. One culture dominated these places for
thousands of years and we know what race they were.

Wes Miller March 9, 2015 at 3:44 PM Huge fail, this is another example of no
nsense. There is no context for not only the artifact(s) in question and any inf
ormation provided. there is no name, dates etc and no suppOrting scholarly data. T
his is like another idiot I know who said the Egyptians wrote poems about their
white skin, but conveniently does not mention the Egyptians who wrote this were
the Greek conquerors, who are not indigenous to Africa. Just like your massed grav
e of caucasians in Egypt. Which got debunked btw.

Dave Mowers March 9, 2015 at 6:43 PM The Tribe of Dan is from Mesopotamia an
d they were the first to inhabit the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea incl
uding all of Egypt to Thebes. The ancient Greeks called them Scythians.

pkr March 9, 2015 at 7:53 PM I have no idea where you pulled this ancient Eg
yptians were from Mesopotamia or were Greeks, who ruled ancient Egyptian for thr
ee hundred and two years from 332 BCE until 30 BCE. By this time the oldest pyra
mid was more than 2300 years old. The great dynasties were long gone and ancient
Egypt was in serious decline. Bing or Google for images of ancient Egyptians an
d please use a kings and queens list. Please concentrate on the 4th and 18th Dyn
asties specifically.

pkr March 9, 2015 at 8:15 PM What race were the people who dominated these p
aces for thousands of years? When did the Phoenician rule ancient Egypt? What do c
all what you are doing, African Truths Denier? When you said selected artifacts o
r statements. to diminish ancient Egyptian Art and literature remember this, Art
is history and is art.

Dave Mowers March 9, 2015 at 10:31 PM In Iraq two distinct groups developed,
a city-state group and a sea-faring group. These two groups became what we call t
oday, Greeks and Phoenicians. Now you can argue all you want but I have listed mor
e than ample proof with references including pages of books with direct quotes.
Sumerians split into two factions; sea peoples and city-state peoples. Every singl
e city in ancient Egypt was modeled on the Sumerian city-state. Every single anc
ient Egyptian word can translate as Sumerian. Egyptians used cuneiform writing f
rom Sumer. The first king of Egypt, Menes, is known throughout Mesopotamia and all
the way to India as various versions of his namesake, Manus, Manis-Tusu, Manji,
Minos, Menes, his father is listed in historical Sumerian Kings lists, Hindu mytho
logical genealogies and the Bible. The very name used for the mythical founder of
Egypt, Mitzraim, translates into Sumerian and means, The places surrounding the Sea
, as-in the Mediterranean Sea , as-in CITY-STATES OF PHOENICIA. These early peoples
who built these city-states came down from the Caucasus, invaded tribal areas a
ll the way to Libya and Italy and this genealogy is literally listed in the hist
ory of Ancient Greece as the descendents of Menes father; ACMON. Acmon, son of Gome
r, son of Japheth, founder of the Greek city-states, of Phrygia, of Germany, Ita
ly and the first person to open up the Rio Tinto mines in Spain. His peoples wer
e called Pelasgians. The Rio Tinto mines where known to be operated by a single
colony of these peoples in Crete. Go as far back as you want and you will see th
at Caucasians ruled ALL of the Middle East and North Africa. Period, end of stor
y. Just because you do not see them there today does not mean that they were nev
er there and in fact every single DNA-study of the peoples still in these areas
shows the Caucasian DNA lineage still present even in those who dont look like wh
ite people. Prove me wrong by citing sources of shut the fu_k up.
. Wes Miller March 9, 2015 at 8:22 PM Again Dave, where is the support
ing evidence, data, scholars and scholarship of whats in the blog? At the end of
the day there are images without context. For example, I give my view and the name
s of scientists and data that debunks you. Such as if you look up ancient human
migrations and look up the DNA of these people it shows their routes right into
Egypt. It also shows the dates of these migrations which supports the comments o
f Ken Strickland. Again how do you explain these migrations and say these are no
t the people who built Egypt. At the same time you dont see any migrations out si
de of Africa into Africa. In S.O.Y Keita, states their no evidence of a large mi
grations of people coming into Africa and building AE. Again you disparage the ver
y people who are your ancestors. That is according to Sarah Tishkoff who said no
n Africans like you are a sub set of Africans. Why do I make the point of you bein
g a sub set? Our current concept of race for the most is based on the pseudo sci
ence of the eurocentric European scientists he invented a racial hierarchy and th
en putting themselves at the top. Look up Blumenbach & Mieners who coined the te
rm caucasian. We now know is entire supposition is entirely incorrect. By defini
tion caucasian is a sub set of other races not a stand alone race. Really there
is only one race human and african. Everybody on the Planet are traced back to s
ub saharan Africa. Hence the out of Africa theory and the overwhelming evidence
that support it. These are facts! Irrefutable! A very small minority argue again
st. And stumble all over themselves with nonsensical theories, like the ones Mr.
Strickland already pointed out.

Dave Mowers March 9, 2015 at 10:34 PM Cite your DNA study proving Black Afri
cans invaded or migrated into Sumer and the Caucasus and Europe and brought with
them civilization. Prove it or shut the fuck up..
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The Appearance of the Original Berbers According to European Perceptions
All the early major Berber tribes including the Masmuda, Sanhaja, Ketama Zenata
and Nafusa are described as dark reddish brown like the Indi or as blacks or Ethiopi
ans in early documents. The notion of the early Berbers as being whites or Caucaso
id is a new and racist one related to the concept of the African Hamite. Certainly
the original Berber-speakers were never referred to as anything but black or some
thing near it until the 12th century and were otherwise considered the color of
Abyssinians and other so called Indi.
Kabyle Girl
Kabyle Girl
Even the Kabyles a notoriously fair-skinned Berber people of North Africa are up u
ntil the 19th century described as brown apart from a few clans. (See quotes below).
The knowledge that Europeans were changing the complexion literally and figurat
ively of North Africa up until the 19th century has disappeared from modern Euro
pean histories. Most know about the large part played by sub-saharan black slave
s in the making of modern North Africa and Arabia while the white slave trade wh
ich was in fact dominant trade in North Africa until the fall of Constantinople
(Istanbul in Turkey) in the 15th century had been largely ignored in historical
writings of the 20th. Yet it was only a few centuries ago that Europeans visitin
g North Africa commenting on the fact that, on almost every street of the cities
of Barbary, Europeans could be seen harnessed to carts like draught horses or se
lling water from jars loaded on the backs of donkeys.
1809 Commentary on those called Moors by an early 19th century observer: They carry
the Christian captives about the desert to the different markets to sell them f
or they soon discover that their habits of life render them unserviceable , or v
ery inferior to the black slaves of Timbuktoo. from An Account of the Empire of
Marocco, by J. G. Jackson published 1809 and 1814.
2003 From 1500 to 1650 when trans-Atlantic slaving was still in its infancy more
Europeans were taken to Barbary than black African slaves to the Americas. See,
Robert Davis Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranea
n, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800, MacMillan Publishers, published 2003
The impact of the white slave trade and its contribution to the modern biology a
nd appearance of the modern North African stems from before the Arabian and Musl
im waves into Africa. The Roman ruler Claudian spoke concerning Gildo, the Mooris
h ruler of Africa and treatment of Roman women from the Levant by this North Afri
can chief and his countrymen:
4th century Claudian wrote, when tired of each noblest matron Gildo hands her ov
er to the Moors. These Sidonian mothers, married in Carthage city must needs mat
e with barbarians. He thrusts upon me an Ethiopian as a son-in law, a Berber as
a husband. The hideous hybrid affrights its cradle. Claudian, by Claudius Claudia
nus, translation by Maurice Platnauer, Published by G.P. Putnams sons, 1922 p. 11
3. (Gildo was brother to other Berber chiefs Firmus and Maseczel. Gildo is relat
ed to Aguellid or Galdi which remains the modern Tuarek word for chief. Masek, A
mazigh ot Imoshagh was the name for the ancient and modern Tuareg clans in gener
al. The Mezikes tribes were called Ethiopians in a Roman text of the time. )

Kayble boy1
1stt c. A.D. Diodorus Siculus speaks in reference to the expedition of Agathocles
a Sardinian general, of three Libyan tribes on the coast of Tunisia, the Micata
ni and Zufoni (see Zafan ),who were nomads and the Asfodelodi, who by the color
of their skin resembled the Ethiopians , p. 50 The Mediterranean Race Book XX, 38
, 57 Guiseppe Sergi, 1901. The Micatani were also called Ukutameni and Khethim b
y Josephus. In later writings they are called Ketama Berbers. The name Maketa or
Imakitan remains a name for the eastern branches of the Tuareg.
1st century A.D. Marcus Valerian Martial was one of the earliest Europeans to use
the phrase woolly hair like a Moor in one of his Satires, and the phrase was comm
only used up until the Middle Ages. See Nature Knows No Color Line by J.A. Roger
s, 1952. p. 50 The Muslim era didnt begin until the birth of Muhammed, the Prophe
t, over four centuries after Martial. By the 7th century the word came to be use
d for Arabians who in the early era of Islam for the most part were also describ
ed as of near black complexion.
1st century Silius Italicus also describes the Moors with the term Nigra meaning b
lack. In the 3rd century Roman dramatist Platus or Plautus maintained the name M
aure was a synonym for Niger which was a common term for the word black. 6th centu
ry Isidore Archbishop of Seville claimed the word Maure meant black according to
Brunson and Runoko Rashidi in The Moors in Antiquity in Golden Age of the Moor, 1
6th A.D.- Corippus uses the phrase facies nigroque colorus meaning faces or appear
ance of black color to describe the North African Berbers. In his book Johannis,
I/ 245.
6th A.D. Procopius in his History of the Wars book IV contrasting the Germanic V
andals who had settled in North Africa with the Maures claimed the Vandals were
not black skinned like the Maurusioi . The tribes he classified as Maurusioi are t
hose now classified as ancient Berbers, the Numidians, Masaesyle, Gaitules, Mass
yles and Mezikes several other Berber tribes then settled between Tunisia and Moro
After the 8th century the term Moor came to be used for the many Arabian clans w
ho had invaded the Mediterranean and Africa because of their complexions which w
ere the same dark brown or near black to absolutely black color of the Berbers.

1914 Archeologists observance of the ancient North Africans portrayed in ancient

Egyptian tomb paintings, The brun Libyan type is the only one portrayed in the O
ld Empire, the xanthrochroids predominate in the New Empire representations. P. 4
0 from The Eastern Libyan Oric Bates The intrusive xanthrochroidsdo not appear be
fore the XII dynasty It safe to say that they were immigrants. from The Eastern Li
byans by Oric Bates Frank Cass publishers 1914. pp. 40 and 41. (These paintings
of the ancient Libyans as a brown in color are in the works of Nina Davies.)
1939 The extreme long-heads, concentrated in the Hoggar and in parts of the Alger
ian plateau are the Tuareg and the purer families of ancestral nomadic Berbers,
preserving the head form which they brought from East Africa, their Hamitic home
land. Carleton Coon The Races of Europe, p. 257 1979 reprint.
Five major tribes of Berbers were spoken of by early Muslim writers including th
e Sanhaja, Masumuda Zenata, Ketama and Goddula which were categorized into dozen
s of others which in turn were divided into many more. Among them were the early
Kabyles originally a group of Sanhaja Berbers. Most descriptions refer to the m
odern Kabyles as fair-skinned, but in the 19th century and early 20th, descripti
ons and in fact many photographs depict them as dark and near black. (Photos fro
m the 19th century show both very dark-skinned and near white skinned Kabyle ind
ividuals from different villages in the region).
1890 The Kabyles or Kabaily of Algerian and Tunisian territoriesbesides tillage, w
ork the mines contained in their mountainsThey live in huts made of branches of t
rees and covered with clay which resemble the Magalia of the old NumidiansThey ar
e of middle stature, their complexion brown and sometimes nearly black. Written i
n The Encyclopedia Britannica: Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General Literatu
re Henry G. Allen Company p. 261 Volume I 1890.
1834 The Scotsman Thomas Campbell says, The Kabylesdress like the Arabs and a part
from a few tribes, are brown complexioned and black haired p. 109 Barbary and En
lightenment: European Attitudes Toward the Maghreb in the 18th Century, Ann Thom
son. Published 1987 by E. J. Bull
A description by Gillebert dHercourt in Etudes Anthropologiques sur Soixante-Seiz
e indigenes de lAlgerie in 1865 said the Kabyle crania that were studied were ge
nerally dolichocephalic. In fact the physical anthropological studies done on an
cient and modern North Africans show that early North Africans were dolichocepha
lic like the Tuareg and other dark-skinned berber tribes.
Not surprisingly most modern Berber-speakers who are fair skinned including mode
rn Kabyles are predominantly mesocephalic (middle headed) or even brachycephalic
. It is interesting that the dress of these modern Kabyle women resembles that m
odern women of the Balkans and that palm and blood group types are also like tho
se of European Mediterranean Greeks. Many of these Kabyles also have a strong Tu
rkish influence as judged from the recognizable Turkish Eurasian or even East As
ian facial features. Obviously some groups other than a Berber one makes up the
main genetic strain in many modern Kabyle-speakers. Culturally the modern fair-s
kinned Kabyles have been documented as among the most patrifocal people in North
Africa whereas the ancient and modern Berbers like the Tuareg were notably matr
ilineal and matrifocal to the chagrin of early Muslim documenters who considered
this among their wicked customs.
1901 The Oases if Nafzawa and Wed Suef and Wed Regh and other Berbers of the Sus
as of very dark complexion in Guiseppi Sergi The Mediterranean Race: The Study of
the origin of European peoples The Walter Scott Publishing Company
On the Libyo Berbers called Gaetules or Jeddala
The Gaitules were the most populous of the Libyan tribes of Strabos time (1st cen
tury AD). Josephus claimed they were descended from Havilah or the Avalioi who h
e says children of Kush child of Ham.
1st -2nd century Juvenal, the Roman writer in his Satire V. 53 referred to a Gaet
ulian, as a black a Moor so black youd rather not see him at midnight.. Found in Ma
dans translation of Juvenal, vol. I by J. Vincent published at Oxford.
Among the Gaetules were a tribe Dari or Darae Gaetuli, there was also a stream c
alled Daradae Ethiopus (DARAE were a Gaetulian tribe in the W. of Africa, on a m
ountain stream called Dara, on the S. steppes of M. Atlas, adjacent to the Pharu
sii. (Plin. V. 1: Oros. i. 2: Leo Afr. P. 602.)
The Draa (Arabic: ???) (also spelled Dra or Dra, in older sources mostly Darha or
Dara) is Moroccos longest river (1100 km). The inhabitants of the Draa are called
Draawa (an exonym), the most famous Draawi undoubtedly being mawlay Mohammed as
h-Sheikh. Outside of the Draa region this name is mostly used to refer to the da
rk skinned people of Draa which make up the largest portion of its inhabitants. R
etrieved May 13th 2008 from
Descriptions of the Masmuda, Sanhaja, Ketama, Zenata Berbers of coastal North Af
rica and the Upper Atlas
Most Arab-speaking historians beginning as far back as the 8th century when Wah
ibn Munabihh a South Arabian and descendant of an Iranian mercenary claimed the
Berbers belonged to black races of Ham. Several Muslim writers claimed the Berbe
rs were the sons of Berr who were said to descend from Mazigh ibn (son of ) Cana
an Ibn Ham Ibn Nuh (Noah). The tradition found cited in Nafousa: Berber Communit
y in Western Libya, Omar Sahli citing Dabbuz. Retrieved on-line from http://www. , July. 12, 2008.
The Zenata are called a Canaanite race by other Muslim writers see The Berbers Geo
. Babington Michell, Journal of the Royal African Society, Vol. 2, No. 6 (Jan.,
1903), pp. 161-194. The traditions state that in fact Berbers were descendants o
f Amalekites (Amalek) from Canaan and Himyarite from Yemen both descendants of Ad
ites that had invaded Egypt before 1200 B.C. and advanced toward the Maghreb.
The Berbers as represented by the Tuareg especially appear to have called themse
lves Mashek or Mazigh who are associated with bringing the camel into Africa. Ma
shek is still the name of a tribe of the Mahra of Oman and Hadramaut who also cl
aim an origin in the Yemen.
( In early Arabian tradition the lowland of Canaan or the Kenaniyya tribe was in
an area of the western region of Arabia north of Yemen and not farther to the n
orth in modern Palestine or Israel. See the Bible Came from Arabia. Kamal Salibi
11th century The Berber women are from the island of Barbara, which is between th
e west and the south. Their color is mostly black though some pale ones can be f
ound among them. If you can find one whose mother is of Kutama, whose father is
of Sanhaja, and whose origin is Masmuda, then you will find her naturally inclin
ed to obedience and loyalty in all matters, active in service, suited both to mo
therhood and to pleasure, for they are the most solicitous in caring for their c
hildren. 11th century the Christian Iraqi physician Ibn Butlan quoted by histori
an Bernard Lewis.
11th century Nasr i Khusrau, an Iranian ruler described the Masmuda soldiers of
the Fatimid dynasty as black Africans. See Yaacov Lev, Army, Regime and Society in
Fatimid Egypt, 358-487/968-1094, International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies,
19.3 (1987) p. 342.
13th century Primary Cronica General of Alphonso X of Spain describes the 300 Al
moravid Amazon women whose leader is described as black and Moorish. They were led
by their leader Nugaymath al-Tarqiyya (the star of the Tuareg archers in Arabic) w
ho led the Almoravid siege of Valencia; cited in Nubian Queens in the Nile Valley
by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Ninth International Conference of Nubian Studies, Mus
eum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA. See also The Berbers in Arab Literature by H.T. N
orris 1982.p. 20. Harvey , L.P. Nugaymath Turquia, Primera Cronica General, Chapt
er 956 Journal of Semitic Studies 13, no. 2:232. Targiyyat or Targiya is a varian
t form or pronunciation in North Africa for the name Tuareg. 13th or 14th centur
y Abu Shama, a Syrian, described the Masmuda Berbers as blacks in his, Kitab al-Ra
vdatayn. Found in Golden Age of the Moor, 1991 edition p. 57, edited by Dr. Ivan
Van Sertima.
14th The Almoravid or Al Murabitun dynasty coming from the Atlas was one of the
last dynasties coming from Africa to rule in the Iberian peninsula. One of the 1
1th century rulers of Andalusia and North Africa was Yusuf Tachfin who had come
from a long line of miltary rulers. According to Roudh el-Kartas (History of the R
ulers of Morocco) by Abd Allah, and A.Beaumiers French translation of the 14th ce
ntury work, Yusuf was of brown color, of middle height with , thin, little beard, so
ft voice and woolly hair. The Almoravid dynasty was supposedly composed mainly of S
anhaja clans of Massufa, Joddala (Gaetuli) and Lamtuna (or Auelimidden Tuareg)-
the Auelamidden have since moved southward and live in Niger.
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When Europeans Were Slaves of North Africa
JUNE 21, 2009 AT 7:45 AM
Hi Dear Tariq Berry
Europeans cant explain our history , one of the main reason is because they dont u
nderstand our language.
The Portuguese (slave raiders) arrived in Senegal the first and they didnt meet t
he moors, but the serers who killed a bunch of them;
I know this thesis : Senegal is from the Zenaga (which was a pejorative name in
the time of the french colony see Maurice Delafosse) berber tribe is highly diff
used but its wrong:
Su Nu Gaal means Our Dugout, the name of the country Sngal is taken from the river
Sngal; like for the country Congo and the river of the same name;
When the french arrived in our country, Moors didnt rule Senegal, the Almoravides
kingdom was passed away many centuries ago. We had many kingdoms with black afr
ican rulers: Baol, Cayor,Djoloff; Wolofs; ie the moors didnt rule our country dur
ing the French colonisation; They were settled in the North at Mauritanian/Seneg
alese border like nowadays;
The Almoravides berbers didnt rule Senegal even if they were settled there in ord
er to flee the persecution ( Berbers were generally christians or jews before th
eir rising); Their capital was Marrakech in Morocco (founded by Yusuf Ibn Tashfi
There were also black Almoravides named Mannas, Yusuf Ibn Tashfin ( whose mother
was sonink or Sarakholl) and his cousin Abu Bakr were allied to War Diabi Ndiaye
King of Tekrour and Ibrahima Sall; This is why there wasso many black soldiers a
nd rulers in Spain during the Almoravid period. Yusuf Ibn Tashfin himself was a
black African and had many africans in his family [ See the work of , Seidou Kan
e and Aboubacry Moussa Lam ]
What I was trying to say is that the Almoravides was a group of Berbers (Black a
nd White) allied with muslims West Africans rulers (Fulanis and Tuculors mainly)
The Zenaga ( many berber tribes, Lemtuna, Sanhaja,Messoufa etc) were generally s
ettled in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria etc) , while few of them lived in black
Africa; Even today the majority of the zenaga are in North Africa specially the
Sanhaja (who lived in Morocco);
In Mauritania for instance it was not the Zenaga who had the power but the Hassa
As I explain to Dana earlier, the name of the actual capital of Sngal is Dakar in
French , in our Language its Dakhar (Tamarind), the kh is pronounced with the j in sp
anish; Dakhar was the Name of the tree where our ancestors used to have meetings
in order to settle important issues. But they called our capital Ndakarou which
is now Dakar;
French did the same in many countries in Africa, for instance Algeria (Algrie in
French) was named Al Djazair by the locals, french couldnt say it so they transfo
rmed it into Algrie;
Abb David Boilat (19th century) a french bishop ( his mother was senegalese , a s
ignare) who understood wolof had the same explanation of the name senegal; Mauri
ce Delafosse who studied many years the languages and peoples of the French suda
n (West Africa), has the same too;
Moors have never ruled the senegalese specially the wolof who is a warrior peopl
e; even during the slave trade their arrival were forbidden in many new countrie
s: Hispaniola, Porto Rico, Colombia, Panama etc. They were the people who led th
e first slave rebellion in the new world: Santo Domingo (1522), Porto Rico (1527
), Panama (1530, 1531) etc;
The Moors have been enemies to west Africans countries since the 16 th century w
hen the king of Morocco destroyed Tomboctou with his English Allies ( Djouder Pa
cha) and their guns and canons;
During the slave trade French and british (Governor OHara) provided guns to the M
oors of Mauritania in order to destroy the senegalese people and to provide slav
es to these slave dealer nations. Since that time ours relations are based on di
If you know any senegalese in New York learned or not, around you please ask him
. You can even contact the senegalese scholars at University Cheikh Anta DIOP, t
hey wont accept this equation : SENEGAL is from ZENEGA;
Tariq Berry
JUNE 22, 2009 AT 10:02 AM
Hi Nehesy,
You said:
Europeans cant explain our history , one of the main reason is because they dont un
derstand our language.
Unfortunately, much of what is written and read in the history books of the form
er colonized countries of the area was written by the former colonizers.
You said:
Su Nu Gaal means Our Dugout, the name of the country Sngal is taken from the river
Sngal; like for the country Congo and the river of the same name
But read this:
As early as 1850 Abbey David Boilat wrote in his Sketches of Senegal that it was
in fact a deformation of the Wolof words suu gaal, meaning our pirogue. As it is a
very popular explanation, it is the one most frequently found in the media. Howe
ver, since the 1960s it has been questioned and several other etymologies have be
en suggested, including its being attributed to the toponym of a Saharan Berber
tribe, the Zenaga. Even today the debate continues.
Who is this Abbey David Boilat? Read this:
Boilat, Abb Pierre D.
fl. 1840 to 1853
One of the first French-assimilated Senegalese, he was the first African to stud
y African culture and society from a Western perspective.
He was one of a group of young Senegalese selected by missionary educators to st
udy in France in order to prepare for teaching in Senegal. Ordained in France in
1841, he returned to Senegal two years later to open a secondary school in St.
Louis. The school was plagued with personnel problems and a loss of French suppo
rt because it aimed to give its students a classical French education. It ceased
to exist in 1849. Boilat was transferred from the school in 1845, accused of im
moral conduct. During his tenure there and later on the island of Gore he studied
the history and societies of the interior. His work was published as Esquisses
Sngalaises (1853), illustrated with his own accomplished drawings. The book also s
et forth Boilats assimilationist philosophy.
You said:
When the french arrived in our country, Moors didnt rule Senegal, the Almoravides
kingdom was passed away many centuries ago. We had many kingdoms with black afri
can rulers: Baol, Cayor,Djoloff; Wolofs; ie the moors didnt rule our country duri
ng the French colonisation; They were settled in the North at Mauritanian/Senega
lese border like nowadays
What do you mean when you say that the Moors were settled in the north? Does it
make a difference what part of Senegal they were in- north or south? Can you exp
lain what you mean by that?
What exactly do you mean by black African rulers. You know that Yousef Ibn Tashf
in was dark-skinned with kinky hair and he was from the Sanhaja tribe. Do you co
nsider him a black African ruler? He looked like the other people in the area no
w called Senegal. Do you agree with the tradition that the Wolof are descended f
rom Yousef Ibn Tashfins cousin Abu Bakr Ibn Umar (Abu Dardai) and that this Abu B
akr Ibn Umar had a son named Ahmed (Amadu), who was called Ndyayan Ndyay (the an
cestor of the Wolof)? Do you reject this? If so, why?
You said:
What I was trying to say is that the Almoravides was a group of Berbers (Black an
d White) allied with muslims West Africans rulers (Fulanis and Tuculors mainly)
Here you have Berbers on one side and Muslim West African rulers on another side
. Can you explain the distinction?
Nehesy, when talking about history, can we use terms like Africa or African? Wha
t do we mean by these terms? Before the coming of the European colonizers, no on
e called himself/herself an African and a place called Africa was unheard of. It
was the European colonizers who started separating people and giving them their
classifications. They decided to make some people in the area that you call Afr
ica Africans and people just a stones throw across the Bab Al Mandab another, sep
arate people. They want to make people like the Wolof consider themselves differ
ent from and unrelated to peoples like the Zenaga and other Sanhaja, for example
. They want the Wolof to reject the tradition that they are descended from the S
anhaja. They want them to consider themselves Africans and to consider the Sanha
ja a separate, white, Berber or Arab people. Black-skinned people are not only f
rom the area that you call Africa. The descendants of Ham and the descendants of
Sam were dark-skinned people. The descendants of Jafeth were light-skinned. Try
to understand, Nehesy, that the Mandingo drawn in this picture (drawing by Boil
at himself) looks like an Arab 100%.
Tariq Berry
JUNE 22, 2009 AT 2:06 PM
I also read that the dreadlocks in the picture in the posted link here is a Moor
ish Roman:
JUNE 22, 2009 AT 3:25 PM
Dear Tariq
Europeans cant explain our history even if they wrote it. For instance the old an
cient Egyptian language is an African language that we can find nowadays in all
other africa within the following tribes:
Fulanis or peuls
etc, etc
But Europeans scholars cant or dont want to say the truth so they speak of a Semit
ic Egypt even if their language has only survived in black Africa; They dont spea
k African languages so they cant make the relation;
I have the chance to speak my language even if was born in France, my parents (M
y father is Wolof, my mother is Fulani), taught it to me. So when I read the med
u neter many words are familiar to me and have the same meaning in my native lan
When I made the distinction between the Berbers (Black and Whites) and the West
African rulers, it was a modern way to make everybody understand.
We Africans dont call ourselves Africans but by the name of the different ethnics
groups or tribes : Woloffs, Lebous, Susus, Malinks, Bambara, Khassonkh, Yoroubas,
Ibos, Mossis, Diolas, Mandiaks etc, etc.
And we can recognise each other just by a look
Youll find the same process in all over Africa , East, West, North , South.
Even the berbers or touaregs distinguished themselves by the name of their tribe
s. They dont call themselves North Africans, except here in Europe in order to ex
plain their origin;
In my language wolof we call the Berbers (black or whites) : NAR , and we call t
he moors of Mauritania : NAR GANAR , GANAR is Mauritania;
We use the same word to call the Arabs ie NAR, but you knew our culture in west
africa youll find out that its very impossible (Zenega gave the name of Senegal).
I dont reject that some tribes africa came from Arabia (Yemen) or even Persia, be
cause I found it in other books ( Caussin de Perceval, Flora Shaw, Adolphe Bloch
), but what happened between the Berbers and us make this thesis impossible (Zen
ega gave the name of Sngal)
I doesnt object that there is black Berbers tribes too because I saw them with my
own eyes, and of one my childhood friend is a black berber from Algeria and he
looks like an Ethiopian or Somalian. I saw them too in Morocco.
My mother told me that when I was I child some moors in Senegal asked her if my
father was a moor, even if Im ebony black.
I know that wikipedia says that LAbb boilat was perhaps wrong but the people who w
rote this article cant speak woloff. Abb Boilat was right I think because at least
he spoke and understood woloff;
At the Border between Mauritania you have Blacks and Moors, you have (had) more
blacks (mainly Soninks and fulanis) in Mauritania than Moors in Senegal. The Ghan
a empire was located in some parts of modern Mauritania but it was ruled by Blac
ks, soninks named Ciss. It was the black griots who allowed Bonnel de Mezires to fo
und the location of Ghana in 1918, not Berbers or Arabs;
One big problem in Africa history, is that Europeans want to make everything civ
ilization coming from the Berbers ( specially the White Berbers) : Ghana, Songha
i, Zimbabwe, Tomboctou etc. The big problem is that Its hard to find these kind o
f civilizations in North Africa ( except the Carthaginians who were Phoenicians
, Romans, Numidians). This is why they try to berberized Black civiizations in the
mother continent even ancient Egypt
In the North of Senegal you have also some fulanis and soninks, but what I was tr
ying to say that you couldnt find a Moorish empire in Senegal when French arrived
The Portuguese had destroyed them before by raids and kidnapping, and they were
sold as slaves in Portugal , Spain and in the New world ( See : Michael Gomez, D
e Azurara, Gilberto Freyre etc)
The best thing I could suggest to you is to contact the Senegalese scholars at C
heikh Anta DIOPs University, theyll tell you the same thing I guess.
And about Ndiadiane Ndiaye they are actually from Soudan (Nuer) like many groups
from sngal, people with the names: Ly, Sy, Ka, Ba, DIOP, Kane, Wane
In our legend Ndiadiane Ndiaye is a Brother of Djob or Diop both are from Sudan,
you can see it in Cheikh Anta DIOPs Books (Cicilization or Barbarism)
We wolofs are nothing to do with berbers except some unions (War like for the al
moravid, marriage ) because :
Our language is different
Our customs are different (we are totemic not the Berbers)
The origins of the Wolof people has to be found on the Nile Valley (Egypt and So
udan) not from the berbers or arabs; Cheikh Anta DIOP has prooved without any do
For instance the name DIOP is DIOB or DJOB in wolof. The totemic animal for thi
clan is the Hoopoe (Upupa epops). Their child have the same hairdress style (Hoo
When you take the Gardiner Dictionnary page 469 it says that the Hoopoe or Upupa
epops was called db by ancient Egyptians : db = DIOB, DJOB
In africa the family name is lake the finger prints, so that Berber theory cant s
tand Ndiaye and DIOP are wolof/lebou names,Barry, Diallo, Ly, Sy, Ka , Ba are Ful
anis/ Tuculors (From Tekrour names). You had also Pharoahs of the first dynasty
who were called Ba, and Ka (see Toby Wilkinson). Diedhou or San is Diola, Camara
(Ka-Ma-Ra) is mandingo, Sankara or Sankar ( San-Kha-R) sometimes sonink ( One phara
oah was named Sankhar); Siby or Dram are soninks name etc,etc
Nevertheless you may find some wolof who have the same features of the black ber
bers or black arabs, but its general to all other Africa : Somalia, Ethiopia, Rwa
nda, Guinea etc.
Berber culture is from Ethiopia, Martin Bernal and others has showed it.
Peace and Respect
JUNE 22, 2009 AT 3:35 PM
Brother Jahdey
No Doubt within the moors or black berbers in North AFrica ( Algeria, Morocco, T
unisia, Libya) many of them are black and they are autochtonous people.
In south Morocco you can find Bob marleys doubles. Actually you have many north a
fricans rastas specially Algerians, they wear dreadlocks and smoke ganja lol.
Many moors during roman times were blacks and had dreadlocks Im sure about this (
I discovered it into Snowden and Van Sertima books, RIP Both). The word Moors w
as dedicated for black north Africans and then socialized to all North Africans.
JUNE 23, 2009 AT 3:26 PM
My good brother Nehesy
My question to you will be this:
Who first used the name Senegal for that body of River so called today?
Tariq Berry
JUNE 23, 2009 AT 1:26 AM
Peace and respect Nehesy.
JUNE 24, 2009 AT 10:55 AM
Hi Jahdey
Its only a guess, but I think that French gave this name Senegal to our country S
enegal according to the name given to the natives to that river ie sunugaal. Lik
e Congo in central Africa or Niger in West Africa.
Sngal was part of the Mandingo Empire (Soundjata Keita) . And before the French ca
me the all country was called Djoloff by our ancestors.
When the first empire collapsed according to some wolof traditions, a moor (fath
er Lemtuna and a fulani mother from the tekrour named Farimata Sall) renamed Ndi
adiane Ndiaye by a priest was the first ruler.
His father being Lemtuna (from the zenega group) I guess some people made this r
elationship between Zenega and Senegal. This idea is not stupid though, but the
key is the understanding of the wolof language.
Wo-lof or Wa-laf as said by Cheikh Anta Diop , is a maritime people. Laf means t
he rivers Bank. Perhaps they used the name sunugaal for this river because it was
a mean for travel or transport, it would be an explanation for the meaning Our
This Ndiadiane Ndiaye is different from the 1st we know in our tradition who cam
e from the Sudan.
However in our tradition he (the 2nd Ndiadiane Ndiaye) had a brother called Bark
a who gave the name of the king of Walo (another kingdom in Senegal) : Barka; Ba
rak; Brak.
Barka has a Carthaginian root.
Ndiadiane Ndiayes mother was a Belianke Fulani (Farimata Sall).
In our langage BEL + IANKE means Men of Bel or Baal a Phoenician or canaanite Go
d. Like MALINKE is people from Mali;
The family Name BAL or BAAL is present within the tuculors of tekrour.
May be their forefathers are those people whose story is described by Hanno of C
arthage .
Without no Doubt , Koushites from the Middle East and Arabia settled in Africa : E
ast, North, West;
The best explanation I think could be given by our Elders ( theyre all agree abou
t sunugaal gave senegal though ) and the senegalese scholars at university cheik
h anta diop.
JUNE 24, 2009 AT 11:15 AM
Great piece of narrative you have sent back to my question. However, you may be
missing my point.
If it was the French that named the River as Senegal, would they not be the best
ones to explain where they got that name and what they intended to say by it.
Insisting that the Wolof ethymology of Senegal suggests Suunugal rather than Zen
ega is somewhat of a leap.
The French named the River Niger after the Berber word Ger meaning River. So Ni-Ger
simply means the River. But the French had to identify the origin of this fancif
ul name they bestowed on to River Jolliba, which is the name by which the great
River is identified by many people in Guinea, Niger and Nigeria. One cannot legi
timately seek for the ethymology of Niger iin any other root.
Lake Victoria was so named by the British. It is only legitimate that we use the
British history of the naming of Victoria Lake to understand their reason for d
oing so. The indigenous Africans had different names for Lake Victoria, and we c
an look to those names when we seek the ethymology of the African names of the l
So back again to Senegal, my understanding is that the French named the River Se
negal after their habits for re-naming African landmarks. However, according to
the French sources, the origin of the name Senegal as they used it came from Zen
ega. Inspite of what the Wolofs may call Cannoe in their original language, the
French did not keep that in consideration when they named the great River as the
Zenega or the Senegal. At least, that is my understanding.
Sunugal as used by the Wolofs then may be a legitimate word in Wolof. But as use
d for the River, I think the French were trying to say Zenega.
Note: Guinea comes from a corruption of Gana (the old African Empire). Ghana was
long dead and gone by the time the Europeans renamed the coast as the coast of
Guinea. Also Old Ghana was also in North Africa and not down by the Atlantic coa
JUNE 25, 2009 AT 12:16 PM
This never theory ZENEGA/SENEGAL has never been validated by any senegalese scho
lar like Cheikh Anta DIOP, Aboubacry Moussa Lam, Ibrahima Sall, Birago DIOP, Ibr
ahima THIOUB, Leopold Sedar Senghor or any French scholar who understood wolof l
ike the french Maurice Delafosse.
Actually Maurice Delafosse in his book Haut Sngal Niger , Tome 1 in 1912, destroys t
his theory pages 58 to 62; he says that even El Bekri separated the name of the
Zenaga and the river Senegal.
We and Berbers have fought each other, married, allied, dominated each over ( Bl
ack kings with berbers vassals, slaves and concubines, and it happened the same
in the Berber side), I dont have any problem with that theory but according to wh
at I know ( may be Im wrong too) which means our culture, our mentally , our lang
uage it seems to me wrong.
El Bekri said that North Senegal was ruled by woloff and they dominated Trarzas
Tuaregs and The few Zenegas present in that region. Plus Maurice Delafosse prese
nted many testimonies from the first European travelers (since the 15 th century
) who always separated the Zenega Berbers with the name of the river Senegal.
You can download the book here :
Europeans in Africa have altered many names Zinguinchor from Izguichor, Angola w
ho was Ngola, Guinea is from Ghana and was a Vassal of that Empire with Senegal
and Mali;
I knew that Niger is not an autochtonous name like the Volta in Burkina Faso (An
ciently named Haute Volta by the French), Martin Bernal in Black Athena II and I
II says that its a semitic word N(gr) which means Water which flows(sinks) into th
e sand ;
However the Latin used this word NIGER as a synonym of beauty for the Nigretes o
r Nigretai Black tribes;
dana marniche
AUGUST 23, 2009 AT 2:07 PM
Strabo Geography I ii 26 reads: Ephorus says the Tartessians report the Ethiopia
ns overran Libya as far as Dyris and that some of them stayed in Dyris, while ot
hers occupied a great part of the sea-board. These Ethiopians were undoubtedly th
e ancestral Tuareg or the original Mazikes who are coming from the Yemen under t
heir ruler Teras or Idris bin Harun (Jether son of Aaron), the Midianite brother
of Yathrib (Jethro) bin Harun circa 1100 B.C..
These Ethiopians might have taken their name from the Niger as the early Nigreta
i were supposed to have been nomadic peoples and are mentioned with the nomad Ph
arusii in early sources. The latter are undoubtedly the Iforas( or Ifuraces also
anciently Afarik) Tuareg of modern Mali.
Interestingly Pliny speaks of the Gaetulians as extending to the river Nigris .
From A History of Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans,. Vol. II, p. 43
I also found this quote on the internet, in Maurusia, which we call Mauritania, th
e river Dyris, from Mount Atlas, which, rising in a northern region, proceeds we
stward to the lake Heptabolus, where, changing its name, it is called the Niger.
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio de Architectura Book VIII
dana marniche
AUGUST 23, 2009 AT 2:15 PM
I should have said circa 1100-1500 B.C when a dam at Marib (Meriba of Exodus 17
SEPTEMBER 27, 2009 AT 9:00 AM
Hi Dana
Sorry I didnt see your message about French and white slavery in Algeria. Ill find
the source and post it here.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AT 1:08 PM
As for slaves coming from Europe. Ive learned within the past few years that Over
the last 15 years their have been a number of scholarly books on the subject .
A number of reviews have been done on these books stating the figures. Some exam
ples are below
White Slaves, African Masters
An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives
Edited and with an introduction by Paul Baepler
The University of Chicago Press 1999
This book illuminates a subject once well-known in the history of the West but w
hich is now somewhat neglected: the enslavement, over several centuries, of tens
of thousands of white Christian Europeans and (later) Americans in Muslim North
Africa or the so-called Barbary states of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Tripoli.
Over the course of 10 centuries, tens of thousands of these unfortunates became
the possessions of Muslims in North Africa courtesy of the feared Barbary pirate
s. These pirates cruised the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in search
of European and, later, American ships to pillage and plunder.
As Baepler notes in his introduction, Christian slaves of European ancestry were
hardly an uncommon phenomenon in the Barbary States. The Barbary pirates were e
xcellent seafarers and, from the Coasts of North Africa, sailed as far north as
Iceland (where they went ashore and captured 800 slaves during one incident) and
as far West as Newfoundland, Canada, where they pillaged more than 40 vessels a
t one time. By 1620, reports Baepler, there were more than 20,000 white Christia
n slaves in Algiers alone, and by the 1630s that number tolled more than 30,000
men and 2,000 women. The most famous of all white Christian Europeans to serve a
s a slave in the Barbary States was probably Miguel de Cervantes, the great Span
ish author of the Don Quixote epic, who was taken as a slave in the late 1500s.
In a 1902 book entitled, The Moors: A Comprehensive Description
Another way in which the Europeans have been frequently outwitted is by the impor
tation of Circassian and other slaves and eunuchs from Turkey via braltar or Alg
iers in foreign vessels, usually entered as members of the family of their maste
r This is often the case with white concubines, who are in great demand, even if
natives. Consequently white girls are frequently kidnapped, and in time of war o
penly sold
We know that unlike the black women slaves in North Africa, the European or whit
e slave women were brought to Africa especially for among other things, propogat
ion purposes especially Circassians.
Miss kitty
NOVEMBER 20, 2016 AT 8:00 PM
Hi that is very interesting maybe the moors when they occupied Spain had white s
laves from other countries apart from Iberia that might account for the so calle
d white berbers I wonder how many moors actually have European ancestry I will t
ry to learn more about white slaves they did exist
yugerten masinas
JULY 25, 2010 AT 10:15 PM
I think there is many studies and books about berbers,and each one is contradict
ing the other,especialy when talking about the kabyles.all that because of the c
olonial ideology (the arabs ,and the europeans),to say that the early kabyles we
re brown skin or dark skin ,then the modern kabyles are fair skin is stupide.the
kabyles are whites folks with a very mixt origins,since the neolhitic . I can s
peak as a Kabyle myself, for me and my entire family (all being berber-kabyles f
or generations),I myself am very light skinned, and blond, many of my family .co
usins,friends are as well, and blue eyed, which are almost non-existant traits a
mong arabs. Berbers of north africa are the original inhabitants of the land. Arab
s came later during the arab conquest, they spread Islam and began mixing with t
he native population, but many of the people in the mountains and remote areas w
ere not as affected by the mixing. There have been many foreign invasions in Nor
th Africa including the romans, ottomans, spanish, arabs, french,but kabyls were
never been dark skin,they are very different from the sub and the saharian berb
ers!I dont think saint agustune of hypo was black or the berber-empror of rome we
APRIL 10, 2011 AT 8:56 AM
Although the majority of Moroccans ARE racist against balck people (Ive been I ex
perienced this first hand very racist!) they themselves do not realise their anc
estry this is crazy, Ive spoken to a dark brown moroccan and asked him his race (
a man in his 30s) his reply was white. They see themeslves as white or arabian noth
ing more. There are very black moor-occans! The shades vary, so why are they so
racist of BLACK people? If they are arab, why are they in AFRICA??!!!
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AT 12:55 PM
Yes the word part is even the brown Moroccans dont want anything to do with black
Africa, something like many northern Egyptians. They are racist because of the
influence of the late Ottoman Empire from the 1700s forward a time in which most
of the slaves brought into Morocco and North Africa were from so- called black
Africa (unlike the previous 1,000 years). Of course European colonialism across
Northern Africa and Arabia added to this.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AT 12:56 PM
Meant to say the worse part
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AT 12:51 PM
in fact there are still dark -skinned kabyles. Furthermore, the area that has be
en considered Kabylia has also seen change in the last 200 years. Kabylia and th
e Aures were connected peoples the area AS ARCHEOLOGY SHOWS has been settled by
blond Vandals, iron age Greeks, Berbers and Romans. And also many European slave
s have come to the region as Berber came down from the mountains to acquire conc
ubines. There is nothing contradictory about colonial observations. They basical
ly said the majority of the Berber clans of Kabylia were dark or near black and
that some were not. They also said these people dressed differently and had diff
erent or distinct cultures.
You are right Kabylians today are a result of mixture of peoples of diverse orig
in since the iron age. The Berbers who occupied Kabylia were called Kitama and w
ere the Moors spoken of by Procopius who had black skins unlike the Vandals. Their d
escendants the Imakitan are still near black in color.
Thus, iIf you are trying to to say early Berbers were blond and blue eyed or tha
t even most whites in kabylia were blond and blue-eyed you need to start studyin
g the Vandal, Greek and Roman heritage of Kabylia. maybe that will resolve some
heritage issues for you. Stop leaving that out which is part of your MANIPULATING
HISTORY and we wont be having this discussion!.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 AT 1:12 PM
You are correct in that anybody who today speaks Berber is called a Berber or Moor
s. That doesnt mean they have anything to do with the people anciently called Ber
bers by Greeks, Romans and Byzantines.
Berbers are not a homogeoneous people or culture.
There is little doubt that the whole of North Africa spoke Berber languages at on
e time while in the Middle Ages they occupied much of Spain and Sicily as well.
But just as the dialects are mutually incomprehensible so the people themselves
are extremely heterogeneous: the existence of an ethnically defined unified peop
le is no more demonstrable for the past than it is today. Indeed, there are a be
wildering number of cultures, economies and physical characteristics.
The Berbers, by Brett and Fentress
Algeria: A Country Study, which reads: The Berbers are a composite people, presen
ting a broad range of physical types and the bond among various Berber groups is
almost entirely a linguistic one.
DECEMBER 3, 2016 AT 5:04 AM
There are plenty of pictures of dark skinned Kabyle. Not all are dark skinned bu
t some. All Berber men carry haplogroup E in frequencies as high as 80%. Haplogr
oup E is from East Africa. So get over it there are black Berbers in northern Ma
li, Niger, southern Morocco, Algeria etc. if you are really from Africa how come
you dont know that???
JANUARY 4, 2017 AT 6:39 AM
We are all a mixture of different groups. Even if you go as north as possible in
Europe, the scandinavians have asiatic features, and it has been genetically pr
oven that nordic people are part asian, although people like to say they are the
purest of the whites. every god damn population in the world had admixtures fro
m other groups that were racially different than they were. Skin color and eye c
olor is a mere human adaptation to the climate they live in. I mean look at them
blond blue eyed asians up in North Europe.
All of these afrocentrists are also significantly of european ancestry. afrocent
rism tends to be a product of the western world (USA) but dna studies have shown
most african americans to be like a quarter or more european in ancestry.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 AT 12:30 PM
Someone proud of their Germanic heritage put the above videos up about the Vanda
ls i.e. modern inhabitants of Kabyles.
Ancient History Sourcebook:
Procopius of Caesarea:
Gaiseric & The Vandal Conquest of North Africa, 406 477 CE
Now the Vandals, dwelling about the Maeotic Lake [the Sea of Azov], since they we
re pressed by hunger, moved to the country of the Germans, who are now called Fr
anks, and the river Rhine, associating with themselves the Alans, a Gothic peopl
e Thus the Libyans were visited with every form of misfortune.
The Vandals and the Alans he arranged in companies, appointing over them no less
than eighty captains, whom he called chiliarchs [i.e., leaders of a thousand], maki
ng it appear that his host of fighting men in active service amounted to eighty
thousand. And yet the number of the Vandals and Alans was said in former times,
at least, to amount to no more than fifty thousand men. However, after that time
by their natural increase among themselves and by associating other barbarians
with them they came to be an EXCEEDINGLY NUMEROUS PEOPLE. But the names of the A
lans and all the other barbarians, except the Mauretanii, were united in the nam
e of Vandals.
berber eb1b1b1
JULY 3, 2012 AT 9:30 AM
The ancient Berbers are white (skin color) and Caucasian for you to believe.
The ancient Berbers are
-on en on
ancestors of black people in Marocco or Algeria were used as slave. The Berbers
used black slaves and their trad slave to Arabs. Blacks ho slaved blacks? Dont tr
y to still history.
JULY 4, 2012 AT 6:41 AM
Lmbao!! Its actually have and steal you melanin deficient albinoid.
So, I suppose Visigothic chronicler John of Biclaro has no clue what he was talk
ing about while in north alkebulan? He clearly stated that, the inhabitants were
full of blackness.
Also moor and berber meant the same thing. In the Chronicle of Najera (twelfth-centu
ry Leon) Abd al-Rahman I, the Umayyad amir of mid-eighth century al-Andalus, is
called King of the Mauri, and Abd al-Rahman III, the tenth-century Umayyad Caliph,
is called the Maurus. (Chapter 559 General Chronicle of Spain).
Where did you get your false information from? This can be found on http://www.r
The books are referenced, so your diseased skin having arse can verify. These ar
e people who were there.
Were you there to see them? No, your ignorant ass is just upset that we found ou
JULY 4, 2012 AT 6:31 PM
there are three tribes of Ethiopians: Hesperians, Garamantes and Indians (See IX i
i The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, Stephen A. Barney, 2006, p. 199)
Diodorus Siculus speaks in reference to the expedition of Agathocles , of three L
ibyan tribes on the coast of Tunisia, the Micatani and Zufoni who were nomads an
d the Asfodelodi, who by the color of their skin resembled the Ethiopians p. 50 T
he Mediterranean Race Book XX, 38, 57 Guiseppe Sergi
Indeed, by the time Isidore of Seville came to write his Etymologies, the word Ma
urus or Moor had become an adjective in Latin, for the Greeks call black, mauron. In
Isidores day, Moors were black by definition (Staying Roman: Conquest and identity
in Africa and the Mediterranean, 439-700. Jonathan Conant, 2012 Cambridge Unive
rsity Press.)
An anonymous poem included in the Latin Anthology discusses a Moorish slave in str
ikingly similar terms: The dregs of the Garamantes have now advanced to our regi
on and the house slave Niger rejoices in his pitch-black body. If the voice disch
arged from his lips did not make him sound human, the gristly demon would terrif
y living men.p. 271 Staying Roman: Conquest and identity in Africa and the Mediter
ranean, 439-700. Johathan Conant, 2012 Cambridge University press.
Troops of black Numidians scour the Field, And bold Illyrians? narrow Bucklers wi
eld; Here twang the Syrian, and the Cretan Bow, And the fierce Gauls provoke the
ir well-known foe..From Book VII of Lucans Pharsalia translated into N
. Rowe James 1772.
Silius Italicus wrote on his hot steed unused to curb or reign, a black Numidian
prances oer the plain quoted by from Records of Roman History from Cnus Pompeius to
Tiberius Constantinus Volume 1 p. 357, 1860.
there are three tribes of Ethiopians: Hesperians, Garamantes and Indians (See IX i
i The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, Stephen A. Barney, 2006, p. 199)
The Berber women are from the island of Barbara (sic), which is between the west
and the south. Their color is mostly black though some pale ones can be found am
ong them. If you can find one whose mother is of KUTAMA, whose father is of SANH
AJA, and whose origin is MASMUDA, then you will find her naturally inclined to o
bedience and loyalty in all matters Ibn Butlan 11th century
MAY 7, 2016 AT 12:21 PM
Thanks for posting these quotes from my site, Sancho.
I will add a few more
It is in Tunisia that Corippus poetically speaks of how during an officers meeti
ng the Berber leader Antalus the Moor is Hades surrounded by black faces ( nigrae f
acies) a war council of a thousand monsters lining the path out of Hell. (see Stark
s, John, Was Black Beautiful in Vandal Africa in African Athena p. 256 published 2
the Fatimid army was largely an infantry force composed of blacks. (Nasir Khusrau
included the Masimida among the blacks). See Yaacov Lev, State and Society in Fat
imid Egypt. pp. 93-94 published 1991.
Masamida were Berbers from the Western Maghreb. Nasir-i Khusrau, however, says th
at they were blacks and characterized them as infantry who used lances and sword
s. From Yaacov Levs Army, Regime and Society in Fatimid Egypt.
Nasir Khusrau was a Persian lived in the 11th century.
Abu Shama a Syrian living in the 13th century also called the Masmuda blacks. See
Ibn Nadim in the 10th century claimed the same about the Berbers, Nabataeans and
Zanj. He wrote
The Masmuda or Masamida today are mostly fair skinned Berbers the Ghomara still
being among the largest clan of the Masmuda as they were in the ancient times wh
en they were still BLACK.
Ibn Nadim in the 10th century claimed the same about the Berbers, but also about
the northern Arabian Nabataeans and the East African Zanj.
From his book The Fihrist we learn The Nabataeans were people with black complexi
on. See Inscriptional Evidence of Pre-Islamic Classical Arabic by Saad Abdulhaab,
p. 10 We also learn that those who adopted the Nabataeans lifestyle AND ARAMAEAN
LANGUAGE came to be called Nabti. That is why there are people today thinking th
e Nabataeans were something other than black. were also the Chaldaei or Khalid o
f the ancient world.
The Imama Reza the 8th holy Shiite Imam speaks of the black Nabati who came to suppor
t the Abbasids. He said in the 9th century the black Nabati have undertaken their
ministries. These people are still represented as Phillip Hitti rightly claimed
by the Haweitat or Huwaytat bedouin a still mainly near black complexioned group i
n the Sinai and Jordan area.
They are the reason in the Akhbar al-Zaman it says Among the children of Canaan
are the Nabit, Nabit signifies black (See the Curse of Ham, 2003, by David Goldenb
erg, p. 352 fn. 23) They are best known as the Ishmaelites or sons of Ishmael al
so called Kedar or Qudar. A name which also came to mean the black.
THus in the European Jewish commentaries it speaks of the the Kushim in the tent
s of Kedar And the word Kushi came to mean the blacks among Syrians as well and stil
l does in Israel.
The Nabataeans or Nabataei are a historically well-documented people whom al-Jah
iz in the 9th century had said were sailors on the Euphrates had big butts and w
ere ape-like in appearance!
In the inscriptions of the Nabonidus of Assyria these Nabataeans are called Amur
ru. (Arabia Before Muhammed, p. 53 by D. OLeary , 1927) They were the occupants o
f Teima and Duma to which is related the names Tema and Dumah, children of Ismai
l (Ishmael).
It is why Europeans spoke of these early true Arabians as the whole black Ishmaeli
te people accursed and senseless religion (See Christians, Blasphemers and Witches
by Joan C. Bristol, 2007, p . 28 )
Wrote Phillip Hitti in History of Syria the Nabataeans are represented by the low
ly Huwaytat Bedouins, who still rove where their ancestors once flourished and p
itch their tents outside of their rose-red city half as old as time 2004
But the Ishmaelites and Israelites were siblings : )
The sister tribe of the Nabataeans are called the Salamians or Salmonaeans. In the
Middle Ages they were known when they had turned to Islam as Banu Sulaym black a
s lava. They are called a sister tribe BY SCHOLARS because they are mentioned in se
veral ancient inscriptions from 1st c. BC to 4th century) together with the Naba
ti (Kedarites) extending from the Harrah region of the Hauran in southern Syria
and into Mesopotamia in the west. Both of these groups are the black Syrians menti
oned by Strabo. And they are the Solymi mentioned by Homer and Tacitus in the De
ad Sea region who were said to have founded Uru solyma, i.e. Jerusalem.
The Torah and European Jewish commentaries say the Salamian peoples were also de
signated the Kenites from the House of Hobab, Rechabites and Hammath. Biblical sch
olars also have said or surmised that these Solymi or Salmonaeans Kenites of Jor
dan, Hijaz, Najd and Syria were the same people as the Salma or Salmon of the To
rah 1 Chronicles 2:11, 51, 54 people who wrote the Akafa ka ama-Salma or Psalms. T
hus Moshe Gil points out that the Targum calls the Kenites, sons of Jethro, Salam
ians: the sons of Salmaa. see Jews in Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages, 2004,
p. 16.
Hence the people who came from Caleb father of Salma and became known as Judaean
s. See King Solomons Miners parts I, II and III on my blog for detailed confirmat
ion. These Salma and Caleb or Kaleb were the black Arabians known as Banu Kalb a
nd Sulaym bin Mansur in medieval writings and their clans of Habib or Hubayb, al
-Qayin or Baal Kain from the Baliyy branch of Banu Qudhaa from which was derived t
he name Kenite and Kuth, Hobab.
Now Heber the Kenite A descendant of Kain, a principal man among the Midianites;
the Targum calls him the Salmaean: [which was] of the children of Hobab The Midia
nites whom Josephus said occupied the Trogodyte area of Africa (ancient Berberia
) home of Afren or Afar or Faran. These were the people of Heber (Khaibar in Hij
az) from where came David ha Reubeni of the 15th century. a man of dark complexio
n, like a Negro according to Talmudist Gedaliah bin Yahyah which even Wikipedia m
This is why the Spanish Jewish explorer Benjamin of Tudela mentions the tribes of
Reuben, Gad, and half-Manasseh in the desert of Chabor (Kheibar). These are Sula
ym bin Mansur or Manaseir and their kin. (The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela, 19
07 translation Marcus Adler, p. 49.) Khaibar is in the volcanic Harrah where al-
Jahiz 9th c. mentions the Sulaym and all other tribes of the harrah being black l
ike the lava of the harrah .
According to the Torah or Bible these people founded Bethlehem -Ephrathah and Je
rusalem. Salma is son of Caleb who married Ephratahand from them came the Maonian
s or Meunites, Boaz, Natuphites, Jabez, Rechabites, Shemechites, Benjamin (Yamin)
, Atrothites and the house of David etc., etc.
The other names associated with these modern Huweitat people who claim to have o
riginated further south in Arabia are thus real Salmaeans or children of Judah a
nd other Israelites.
British Colonial adventurer Richard Burton speaks of the remnants of the Soleim
or Banu Sulaym mentions the in Jordan the Huwayti owners, the Sulaymiyyin, the Su
laymat in his Land of Midian Volume 2
People can believe what they wish but the Truth is the facts are about to be bro
ught again into the light about who brought the Word out. There will be no escap
Feel free to prove me though wrong though. : )
noble terrell ali bey
JULY 3, 2012 AT 1:20 PM
this is not from research this is from the search of the ality before the re we
the muurs do not live in the land of re of illusion of make believe the suisse i
n morrocco are not white in skin color only the amazighs from europe germany an
this suisse muurs family works high in govt this is stanely lane poole who told
what negro an muurs being inducted into fake red ruddy amazon turk white race,,,
,,,,,this is false but his point was that the muurs were not from pale skin peop
le like him but his people came from us the euopen sons o f the muurs who now ru
n america an always have before obama ,,,civilization strted in the wetas did al
bions red rudy amazon turks now mis called white for fake nobility status mm can
t be white an a slave or strawman its fraud ,,,,,,, their is no false red ruddy
amazon turk white race in north africa before morrocco replaces mauritania on th
e new maps of illusion..theirs nothing ancent about this s called red ruddy amaz
on turk carrion cagot skin color its only 6000 -7000 years old so noting ancient
is that young its god we know the suisse who deflect the lies of white sking co
lor with theis not being amazigh german or te lowest class in morrocco living in
moutains an their was no morrocco in ancent times in akebulan,, it was where am
erica is now the amexums they were called north n south thats why u dont see mor
rocco in the east on ancient maps that have atlantis an lemuria which is ancient
times ,caucus of the asion caucasion grafted not from three penis phallus satur
n eel moloch baal baphomet zionist jesuit patriarchal stolen from matriarchal he
aven ,,numidians set up hannible with ccyprio africaanus to take carthage ,,,the
se were not caucasions ,, but nobles in status which s whaat white mean in law b
laccks law dictionary volume 4 free white soveeign doess not mean caucsion race
or aryan race , white stolen from whiggamor is only from 1863 in america not so
ancient not this enlish from 1832 ,,thats when it became official in america ,,,
berber barber barbary coast barbarian barbara babar the king the elephant is the
symbol of the muurs an the republican party we started in america usurped by de
mocrats after great compromise by ruther ford by hayes in south carolina which w
as what birth of a naion bullsht was really about ,the creation of the fake whit
e kkk man at the expense of the muurs we used blu eyed blone haire slaves also c
ause it hd n color like in rome an caucasions were still slaves still after 1865
going by the convention against white slavery 1910 in spain ,,,,study marc wash
ington on rasta livewire ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,protocols of learned elders of zion merid
ith quinn time walker ,,you tube treaty law
noble terrell ali bey
JULY 3, 2012 AT 1:36 PM
civilization started in the west as did albions as did spanish language in south
amexum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that moroccoin east is not ancient morrocco so called whi
te skin berber got a lot of nerve bragging bout ottoman empire invasion skin ,,h
izzztory books lie,dana marniche is right an we long ago showed what is being re
plyed to her as being false with fake skin color ,,we are white in status owners
lndlords of the land ,, an know that skin color is illusion an what they use to
take all ur rights away b taking land from people an getting them to grant the
land over to tthem by callin them white THEY NOT WHITE thats what happened in am
erica to indiginous muurs who now call them self black ,,people who clAim to be
a color in pubic have no knowledge oF any of the law,,civil rights are priviledg
es in law ,,color of law is civilitter morteus,,, let the teacher dana teach
jorge dorta
FEBRUARY 7, 2013 AT 4:12 AM
The cronicles of conquest of the canary islands in the XV century relates that t
he berber tribes where there had many whites, including blue eyed. Mommies also sh
ow a high % of blonde and redissh blonde individuals. By isolation,this populati
ons can be considered quite archaich and free of the Bedouine invations in the V
II century AD.
The arguments that Libians where immigrants is simply ridiculous and politically m
otivated. Quite the oposite, the libyans where natives of the Nile delta as show
n by Goddess Neith cult. All this contradicts your appreciations.
There is also a high percentage of mechta individuals and less of the mediterran
ean type, although the % varies upon wich island is considered.
What it seems to be true by the prehistoric paints of the Sahara Dessert is that
black populations where present in the area when it was a green palin full of l
SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 AT 12:44 AM
Can you tell me the source of the enchanting portrait of the Kabyle Girl? Morgan
SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 AT 8:39 PM
For any of you that may have also been looking for a high resolution copy of the
image of the Kabyle Girl shown in this article (incidentally its by Frank French
) details are here:
JANUARY 4, 2017 AT 6:16 AM
she is obviously not negro She has strong features. I tan out in the sun but I a
m a Portuguese caucasion. Not a black man with a roman nose
DECEMBER 22, 2015 AT 7:41 AM
I am Berber and I have blond hair and blue eyes. 95% of my family have blond or b
rown hair and have colored eyes (green/blue/amber.)
JANUARY 19, 2016 AT 6:16 AM
Im berber from north Morocco ( average atlas) and I have blonde hair , blue eyes
like 75% of berber in riff and average atlad
MAY 7, 2016 AT 8:55 AM
Various early writers said that the Berbers were becoming light -skinned and blu
e -eyed in certain areas of North Africa due to the white Christian subject peop
les and slaves being brought to Africa from Spain. Ibn Tumart pointed out to the
people of Tinmal that many of their children had light complexions and blue eyes
, whereas their fathers had very dark skin and dark eyes. It was the legacy of t
he Christians who came every year to collect taxes for the Almoravid Amir in Mar
rakech, he said. (p. 150) From the book The Almoravids and the Meaning of jihad.
by Ron Messier.
Another major reason many people of North Africa have fair -skin and light eyes
was the import of concubines and slave women which had been happening since and
before the Byzantine era under the Galadi (chiefs) of the Tuareg until the 20th
century. Thus, there is mention in the time of Claudian of Gildo the Moor or Nasam
one importing women from the Levant woman so that Ethiopian hybrids affright the c
radles of Roman Africa. The name Nasamone comes from the name of the Tuareg clan
Inusamani still living in Africa!
The Tuareg were great slave traders who had many white slaves up until recently
and thus even they have become lighter.
My brother has one blue and one green eye and fair skin. We have European ancest
ry. It doesnt mean my African ancestors were fair-skinned with blue and green eye
s. My EUropean ancestors had fair-skin and light eyes. PERIOD!
I am not understanding what the inability of some people is to comprehend what h
appens biologically when people intermingle ? Too bad North Africans have been b
rainwashed into think there has been little intermixture of various Near Eastern
and European peoples with the black Africans Beriberi or al-Barabir whose compl
exion was so well documented in the ancient and medieval world. : (
al habshi
MAY 7, 2016 AT 11:53 PM
According to Imam Maliks school calling a Berber white is crime but not nonpunish
able. see the following you dirty albino. You belong to Europe.
JANUARY 4, 2017 AT 6:12 AM
full of shit, you are obviously not a berber. alot of berbers that i know person
ally claim roman ancestry.
Pingback: Islamophobia Did Not Begin on 9/11 Muslim Reverie
JANUARY 4, 2017 AT 6:03 AM
anyone that has seen the result of admixture between blacks and caucasions knows
that it would take more than just over a century to make a black population loo
k caucasion and devoid of black features. I have friends that are black dominica
ns, and who have had ancestral dna tests tell them theyvare only like 50% subsah
aran, although they are as black psysically as can be. I have seen these already
mixed blacks have children with blond blue eyed people, and still have children
that are abviously part negro. That is not the physical appearance of white beb
ers people are talking about. These people are white, features and skin and all
and can fit in in Europe easily.
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Andrew Apter
Griaules Legacy:
Rethinking la parole claire
in Dogon Studies*
Few Africanists, indeed few anthropologists, remain as controversial as
Marcel Griaule. Hailed as a hero of French Africanist ethnography, with
a prodigious output and prestigious school, and assailed as an anti-hero
whose sympathy for Africa masked deeper forms of colonial violence,
Griaule embodies the best and the worst of our disciplinary history. Lecturing
in his aviators uniform, badgering his informants1, seizing the Parisian
limelight, using aerial photography, embarking on missions, collecting for
museums, and eventually becoming a Dogon elder, Griaule remained a
curious combination of nineteenth century adventurer and 20th century colonial
commandant, at once an agent of the French government and a liberal
advocate of African cultural sophistication. Through the extended critique
of Lettens (1971), the signal essays of Jamin (1982b) and Clifford (1988),
and Hountondjis attack against ethnophilosophy (1983), Griaule became a
favorite target, personifying the violence and duplicity of colonial ethnography
and its mystification of cultural traditions2. With his substantive
research on Dogon deep knowledge questioned on empirical grounds (van
Beek 1991a), his interpretive focus on secrecy and hidden meaningwhat
he called la parole clairehas become iconic of the colonial imagination
at large (Mudimbe 1988). How, then, do we read Griaules uvre, and
* An earlier version of this article was presented at Jean-Loup Amselles seminar
on Llaboration des savoirs at the cole des hautes tudes en sciences sociales
(EHESS) on 11 January 2001. I am grateful for valuable feedback from Professor
Amselle and his students, and for an extended interview so graciously granted
by Professor Jean Jamin during my visit. I also thank Ralph Austen for insightfu
comments on an earlier draft. All errors and opinions are of course mine
1. If Griaules favored fieldwork metaphor was that of juge dinstruction (JAMIN
1982b: 87; CLIFFORD 1988: 74-75), Leiris would write, in LAfrique fantme, Je
continue mon travail de pion, de juge dinstruction ou de bureaucrate. [. . .]
Pourquoi lenqute ethnographique ma-t-elle fait penser souvent un interrogatoire
de police? (quoted in JAMIN 1982a: 205).
2. For a critical reappraisal of Hountondjis position, see APTER (1992b).
Cahiers dtudes africaines, XLV (1), 177, 2005, pp. 95-129.
assess its ethnographic legacy? What can we gain from his ethnophilosophical
project? To answer these questions, I propose a critical re-reading of
his Dogon ethnography and a new model of the esoteric knowledge that he
purported to reveal3. My aim is neither to defend nor dismiss Griaules
ethnography on political grounds, but to grasp the inner connections it manifest
between language, secrecy, and agency.
My re-reading is based on two methodological moves that recast Griaules
exegetical project in more socially dynamic terms. The first move,
based on my Yoruba research in Nigeria, is that esoteric levels of African
philosophical systems are actually indeterminate and unstable, and that this
capacity to contradict or subvert official or exoteric knowledge renders
secret knowledge transformative and thus powerful. Following Griaule, we
can acknowledge the significance of what he called la parole clairethe
deepest level of secret knowledgeas an important domain of social knowledge
and power, but contra Griaule, we maintain that its content is fluid
rather than fixed. As we shall see, this perspective vitiates van Beeks
discovery that the Dogon today do not recognize the secret myths and
cosmogony documented in Griaules later work, since we need not presume
that deep knowledge possessed a fixed content in the first place. If Dogon
esoterica is like Yoruba deep knowledge, it is context-specific, not stable
and timeless.
The second methodological move, developing out of the first, shifts the
Griaule schools elaborate analysis of Dogon language and symbolismand
more importantly, of Dogon ideas about language and symbolismto the
level of pragmatic analysis, locating dominant symbols, schemas and ritual
speech-genres in their contexts of production. Focusing on speech-acts,
locatives, and pronominal shifting, as well as on Dogon ideas about linguistic
performance, we can return to the rich Dogon material in terms of its
situated pragmatic functions. In so doing, the central figure of the body
in Dogon symbolic classification emerges within an interactive framework
of linguistic practice, what Hanks (1990, 1992) calls a corporeal field
establishing the indexical ground of deictic reference.
I will begin by returning to Griaules initiation into the realm of
Dogon esoterica, for it is here that his deep knowledge paradigm is introduced
and developed through conversations with Ogotemmli, the blind
Dogon sage. It is not my intention to endorse Griaules self-proclaimed
induction, which has become a textbook case of ethnographic mystification,
but to identify the model of knowledge he proposes and relate it to my
Yoruba material. From here I will turn to Leiris formidable study, La
langue secrte des Dogon de Sanga, focusing on the pragmatic dimensions
3. For more specialized research and discussion of Griaule and his ethnography,
see AMSELLE (2000); BOUJU (1984); CIARCIA (1998, 2001); DOQUET (1999); JAMIN
(1982b); JOLLY (1998-1999, 2004); LEBEUF (1987); LETTENS (1971); MICHELJONES
(1999), PIAULT (2000); VAN BEEK & JANSEN (2000).
of Dogon ritual language that his research brought to light, and which also
appear in the ethnolinguistic investigations of Marcels daughter, Genevive
Calame-Griaule (1986). I will then extend this communicative framework
to Griaules symbolic codifications, arguing that the dominant Dogon cosmological
configurations are better seen as generative schemes for orienting
the body in social space, coextensively with broader domains of the habitus.
How these configurations developed dialogically, and in what senses
they could be politically transformative, involve fresh considerations of politi
context and agency that Griaule himself so assiduously repressed.
La Parole claire
The famous Conversations with Ogotemmli, first published in 1948, represents
a turning point in Griaules research, away from the objectivist
documentation of his earlier Masques Dogons (1983) and into the rarefied
domain of secret meaning and knowledge. After fifteen years of energetic
inquiry into the manifold activities of Dogon custom and culture, Griaule
was initiated into the inner sanctum of what he would call la parole
claire, the deepest level of knowledge. Or so the story goes in its various
versions. Unbeknownst to him, the Dogon elders of Ogol and Sanga held
a special meeting and decided to reveal the mysteries of their religion.
Griaule was summoned to Ogotemmlis inner sanctum, where he would
return for the next thirty-three days to receive instruction, acquiring the
interpretive keys to Dogon culture and society through the wisdom of the
ancestors. From that point on, the Griaule school became a scholarly cult,
investigating the world of words, signs, and mythopoetic correspondences
throughout the Dogon and Bambara regions of the French Sudan4.
However contrived this famous mise en scne in establishing his ethnographic
authority, Griaule was onto something interesting. Whatever the
status of these privileged conversations, and the dialogical text that has
come to represent them, Griaule sketches a system of symbolic connections
represented by a stratified series of restricted words. Never mind that
the three words or levels in Conversations, condensed in his shorter essay
Descente du troisime verbe (1996), would later be extended to four (Griaule
1952), or that the ordinal series in other contexts collapsed into a binary
simple vs. deep contrast, recapitulated as exoteric vs. esoteric
knowledge, or as paroles de face vs. la parole claire. Whatever fictions
he deployed or illusions he held in his quest for the secrets of Dogon cosmology
Griaule clearly demonstrated the importance of language as its central
4. In addition to GRIAULE (1965, 1983), see also GRIAULE & DIETERLEN (1951, 1991
CALAME-GRIAULE (1986); DIETERLEN (1942, 1951); GANAY (1942); LEIRIS (1992);
PAULME (1940); ROUCH (1960); ZAHAN (1960, 1963). Despite their self-distancing
from Griaules school, Leiris and Paulme produced their work through
his missions.
organizing principle. Indeed, Genevive Calame-Griaule (1996: 14-15)
would later note the Dogon predilection for reflecting on language, proclaiming
that through Ogotemmli Dogon civilization revealed itself as a civilization
of the Word. Where father and daughter went wrong, I shall
argue, was not in their linguistic formulation of deep knowledge, but in
their approach to its meaning and content.
Griaule was convinced that la parole claire represented a highly restricted
and specialized body of knowledge, consisting of myths, codes, signs
and classification systems; that is, of philosophical ideas, symbolic associatio
and ritual techniques and procedures that together formed a sophisticated
ethnophilosophy, one that structured and ordered the Dogon world.
As his classic Conversations reveals, together with his collaborative
research with Germaine Dieterlen, this knowledge took the form of creation
mythsincluding those of the Nommo Twins, the cosmic egg, and of the
pale fox or divinatory jackaland their symbolic analogues in the material
world, particularly granaries, homesteads, villages and fields, all variably
mapped onto the human body. Part Cartesian rationalism, as with Dogon
zoological classifications, and part symbolist poetics, resonating throughout
social and celestial domains, this knowledge was compared with ancient
Greek philosophy, as a precolonial African tradition that was equally rich
and worthy of investigation. Indeed, for Griaule and his intimate group,
the pursuit of la parole claire became an end in itself, an almost exegetical
mise en abme that became increasingly unreadable the deeper it went. But
however obscure its myths, graphic signs, and secret languages, such deep
knowledge was for Griaule a coherent tradition, a fixed corpus of hidden
insights and connections shared by initiated elders of the highest order.
Griaule actually estimated the distribution of such specialized knowledge
numerically, ranging between 4-15% of the population depending on the
relative word or level of depth. Bracketing the question of their quantitative
accuracy, these figures framed la parole claire in the form of empirical
It is just such an account that van Beek (1991a) has disputed, subjecting
Griaules entire corpus of ethnophilosophical investigationsthe period following
his putative initiationto sustained empirical and theoretical critique.
So devastating is van Beeks attack, a deconstruction in the literal
sense of the term, that it warrants reconsideration to see if any of Griaules
paroles survive.
Van Beeks essay made quite a splash in the pages of Current Anthropology,
where, following the journals format, it appeared with responses from
a range of prominent scholars to whom he then replied. Presented as a
restudy, it offers a field evaluation of Griaules Dogon ethnography, raising
a host of interesting questions about secrecy, method, and the reproducibility
of ethnographic findings. After an admirable synopsis of Griaules
two initiatory textsDieu deau and Le Renard plevan Beek seeks
to demonstrate that most of the deep knowledge elicited by Griaule was
actually a hybrid product of his creative and fertile imagination, generated
in dialogue with a few idiosyncratic informants who did not represent Dogon
culture at large. Attending to what Pels (1994) calls the prterrain of the
ethnographic situation, van Beek convincingly argues that the Dogons
courtesy bias toward powerful figures of colonial authority, as Griaule
clearly was with his pith helmet, whites, and indomitable style, would have
lead them to endorse what he wanted to find. For example, van Beeks
discussion of how Griaule neglected the tonal system in his etymologies
(van Beek 1991a: 151-2), and how he badgered his informants into producing
ad hoc names for twenty-four types of dung beetle (ibid.: 154) without
appreciating the inventiveness involved, reveals systematic distorting mechanism
(if not shades of Kafka!) at work. Equally misleading was Griaules
commitment to a pristine precolonial model, one which blinded him to the
way Dogon culture incorporated the foreign within its horizonsa process
including ideas, values and techniques of neighboring peoples but also
extending to biblical and Quranic episodes at the center of his esoteric
creation myths. Indeed, as van Beek points out, Sanga was an important
market and administrative center, and the earliest Christian and Muslim
influence radiated from it (ibid.: 143). These and other examples of Griaules
interpretive excesses and limitations are indeed important and well
established, but the bulk of van Beeks negative commentary comes from
his literal-minded understanding of what deep knowledge should be.
Van Beeks most devastating evidence against Griaule is lack of corroboration.
When confronted with the contents and contours of Griaules esoteric
writings, the Dogon whom van Beek interviewed were bewildered:
The Dogon know no proper creation myth; neither the version of Ogotemmli
nor that of Le Renard ple is recognizable to informants, adding
that Dogon society has no initiatory secrets beyond the complete mastery
of publicly known texts (ibid.: 148). More important than Griaules misleading
emphases on ancestors, the Nommo spirit, and classificatory schemes
is the total absence of la parole claire within a socially restricted set
of ideas. Van Beek found that the concept of nyama, or vital force is
irrelevant to Dogon religion; that body symbolism is not isomorphic with
house plans, fields or villages; and that no sign systems or hierarchical
ordering of different paroles (so) or levels of knowledge can be found
(ibid.: 148). What secret knowledge there is, he argues, pertains to witchcraft,
sorcery, and those skeletons in the closet that cast shame upon specific
persons and groups whose unbridled ambitions generate conflict and rivalry
to undermine the public good5. As he concludes, The tendency towards
the creation of increasingly deep knowledge shows itself much more
towards the end of Griaules life, with a decreasing amount of Dogonness
marking the text (ibid.: 157). Thus the deeper we go the more we
get of Griaule, and the less of the Dogon themselves.
5. See BOUJU (1991) for corroboration on this point.
Van Beeks findings were embraced by Griaules critics and detractors,
and provide an important corrective to his lack of historicism and sociopolitica
grounding, but I will argue that the negative thrust of the article
is misguided. Contra his claim that Griaules Dogon present a paradigm
anomaly in the regional ethnography, owing to the lack of comparable
deep knowledge in West African societies (ibid.: 142), a glance at the relevant
literature shows otherwise. Many of Griaules original team did provide
comparable evidence among Bambara, Bozo and Mande peoples, as
did Leiris among the Dogon as well. Certainly research on African ritual
associations and secret societies reveals a broad distribution of such gnostic
inner circles of knowledge, as Douglas (1991: 162) points out in her critical
response. It is precisely because Griaules deep knowledge formulations
resonate with my own Yoruba research that I have continued to take them
seriouslynot in terms of a dogma to be mastered but as a rhetorical
resource to be deployed.
When I began my research on Yoruba religion and politics, or what I
now call the hermeneutics of power, I immediately ran into serious barriers.
My project seemed straightforward enoughto examine the politics
of orisha worship as a space of contesting political authoritybut even my
most preliminary inquiries were blocked from the start. In the kingdom
of Ayede-Ekiti, where I conducted my fieldwork, I was allowed to record
and photograph public festivals and visit the dominant town shrines, but
discussion of ritual symbols and practices, and virtually anything relating
to the priests and priestesses, was extremely limited at best. Over the months
and years, I built up enduring relations with ritual specialists and devotees
of Yemoja, Orisha Ojuna, and Orisha Iyagba as well as with members
of the Ogboni secret society, but I never once experienced any running
exegesis of sacred symbols and their secret meanings. Direct questioning
would provoke such responses as Asg aa ni (it is tradition), Mi og mog
(I dont know), and only eventually Awo ni (it is a secret), as if the
very acknowledgment that there was a hidden meaning was a major concession
to my intrusive requests. Even when my interviews were prepared
with schnapps and kola nuts, further demands for money often followed
from those who did not know me well, based on the understanding that
deep knowledge, called mo `j
inl, was restricted, scarce, and had etraordinary
value. I I protested such demandsand they could be uite eorbitantI
was asked whether or not specialized education was ree in America,
and urthermore, i I had any idea what initiates invested over the years to
acuire their secrets. Why would I presume that it should be iven reely
to me? Didnt I know that i its secrets were leaked, an orisha would lose
its power?
While invokin their orisha durin sacriices and estivals, devotees
oten pray not to leak any secrets, reuestin ritual assistance in sealin
their lips. An elder devotee is much like a vessel, illed with the omi or
water o the orishas power which must not leak, spill, or allmirrorin
the vessels o o` tun, or revitalizin water that they carry on their heads to
ritually reproduce the kindom. When I bean my research on Yoruba
ritual and politics, a neihborin chie with a university deree lauhed as
he told me: No matter how much time you spend with them, the priestesses
will never tell you their secretsthey will never reveal anythin! And
indeed, in terms o overt disclosures, he was riht. ormal initiation would
not solve the problem since it was predicated on a blood-oath (`ml ) not
to reveal cult knowlede to outsiders. Indeed, secrets were eually protected
within the shrines, distinuishin derees and rades o elderhood
within. I I were ormally initiated, my lips too would be sealed. Ponderin
my predicament with the help o palm wine, I eperienced somethin
o an ethnoraphic epiphany. The very barriers that so eectively blocked
my access to deep knowlede should not be seen a problem to overcome,
but were themselves part o the ethnoraphic solution, to be documented
as socially siniicant data. I the secrets remained orever out o reach,
the mechanisms protectin them were not6.
With my research perspective thus radically readjusted, my ieldwork
took a productive turn. I no loner asked inappropriate uestions unless
seekin the limits o discursive disclosure. As I spent more time with the
devotees, and was brouht into the protected roves and inner chambers o
their shrines, I came to appreciate how secrecy operated in practice, as a
mode o drawin boundaries, settin aendas, and discussin controversial
aairs. rom this method o proloned osmosisvery dierent rom
Griaules concentrated instructionI received insihts about deep knowlede
in raments, with respect to prior conlicts in the kindom, in relation
to specialized passwords and handshakes, reardin witchcrat and ertility,
or pertainin to true histories (itn) not publicly acknowleded, and sometimes
danced rather than spoken. In the more eneral terms o everyday
use by uninitiated Yoruba townsolk, deep knowlede was associated with
powerul people with access to the oriinal secrets o the irst ancestorsincanta
like yjo that were uttered by the irst people, true histories
proclaimed in the heterolossic arenas o `jal chants, in curses (p) and
incantations (o o` ) that could kill, and invocations o ancestral spirits o
and deities alike, as in ork` and un pp, not to mention the enimatic
secrets (awo) o Ia divination. Applied to issues or events, however, the
ualiier deep denoted political disruption and moral violation, as in the
usurpation o a royal dynasty by the Eshubiyi line, the murder o a kinsmen
or makin money-maic (Apter 1998: 84-86), or the nearious activities
o the once rulin National Party o Nieria (NPN) which ried ubernatorial
election results in 1983.
Two aspects o such secrets are especially relevant to van Beeks reassessment
o Griaule. The irst concerns their subversive character as icons
and indices o sociopolitical revolt. The dominant symbol o the royal
6. This methodoloical insiht was already developed by JAMIN (1977).
Yemoja estival in Ayede, or eample, is the calabash (iba) o concentrated
ritual potency (s e ) that is carriedbalanced on the hih priestesss
headrom the bush to the palace, where it empowers the kins person
and revitalizes the body politic. Like any dominant symbol, it embraces
a span o meanins ranin rom eplicit normative blessins (it brins
children and wealth, it keeps the kin healthy) to implicit, orbidden themes
o division and bloodshed, and it is this latter pole that is powerul and
deep. Yemojas ructiyin calabash represents the womb o motherhood,
the head o ood destiny, the crown o the kin, the interity o the town,
even the cosmoloical closure o sky and earth. But its suraces are decorated
with sins o a deadlier power within, indicated by red parrot eathers
(`ko odd )sins o ritual neation. Evokin the witchcrat o the priestesses
and their mechanism or deposin the kin, red parrot eathers on
the calabash simultaneously assert a broken womb, miscarried delivery, bad
destiny, a decapitated (and crownless) kin, as well as political ission and
a cosmos out o control. uch neative themes are rarely voiced in public,
but they nonetheless constitute a repertoire o potential interpretations that
under certain conditions can be invoked to mobilize opposition aainst the
status uo. The deep knowlede o royal ritual actually involves the kins
sacriice and rebirth, whereby his icons o personal power and royal authority
are literally taken apart and reassembled by authorized priests and priestesses,
culminatin in the crownin moment, as he receives the calabash,
when the kin is recapitated, reinstalled and reproduced. In the case o
non-royal estivals, the orishas calabash serves as a potential crown to
remind the kin that his chies can always rise up and usurp the rulin
line. uch themes are enhanced by various enres o ritual speech, which
invoke repressed histories and veiled warnins o ormer kins and warriors
who can prevail aain (Apter 1992a: 117-148; 1998). The dominant visual
and verbal tropes that epress these themes include those o inversion (e..
in the imae o a capsized canoe), reversal (e.. rom riht to let), and
mimetic appropriation (e.. o European crowns). The latter symbolic unction
is particularly relevant to brinin outside icons o power within local
ields o ritual command, absorbin symbols o orein value and authority
throuh metaphoric and metonymic associations.
But i this aspect o deep knowlede invokes ission, usurpation and
even militant dismemberment, it does so throuh mechanisms o ormal
opposition to received historical and enealoical charters. The deeper one
oes, in a sense, the less ied and determinate the character o the secret,
and the more ormal the mechanisms o reversal and inversion. This second
aspect o secrecy as interpretive revision is captured by what I have called
the central aiom o Yoruba hermeneutics: ecret surpasses secret, secret
swallows secret completely (Awo jawo lo , awo l bawo m tor tor).
ollowin this aiom to its loical conclusion, the secret behind the secret
is that deep knowlede has no content at all but derives its power rom
contet-speciic opposition to the authoritative discourses that it implicitly
challenes. Like Griaules discussion o Doon esoterica, a salient distinction
between eoteric (paroles de ace) and esoteric (la parole claire)
knowlede is here at play (see also Giaule & Dieterlen 1991: 55), but unlike
Griaule, I maintain that the deeper modes have no ied content into which
all ritual elders are eventually initiated. I the ideoloy o deep knowlede
asserts a ied corpus o secrets, then this should not be taken at ace value,
but as a screen that allows its pramatic unctions to masuerade as sanctiied
wisdom and learnin. As such, deep knowlede is powerul because
it is revisionary, sustainin possibilities o political transormation throuh
the revaluation and reversal o established orders. In the sociocultural contet
o historic Yoruba kindoms, the political lines o contestation and
division are ormed around kins in relation to their civil chies, and their
dominant lines o political sementation into uarters, lineaes and households.
I we assume, or the sake o arument, that Doon deep knowlede
works in similar ways, not as a ied corpus o meanins and myths but
as an interpretive space o reconiuration, van Beeks lack o corroborative
evidence poses no real threat to la parole claire. or i it is paradimatically
contet-speciic, chanin over time and space to it local political
roups and relations, we would not epect to ind the same content at
all. O course van Beeks critiue oes urther than this, denyin even the
ormal oranization o knowlede into levels o restricted access, but here
we can read him aainst himsel. The deep secrets he did receive, pertainin
more to sorcery, witchcrat and skeletons in the closet than to cosmic
es and primordial oes, are in act consistent with the divisive, issive,
and subversive dimensions o deep knowlede as a politicaland as we
shall seeillocutionary orce. They orm part o the repertoire o resources
that can be mobilized to challene the status uo. And the ramentary
manner in which such data were disclosed is indeed consistent with its mode
o dissemination to non-initiates. I am not implyin that van Beek lacked
crucial insiht into the deeper levels o Doon symbolism and meaninhis
essay on the dama masuerade is a masterpiece o ritual eeesis, linkin
ender transormations between men and women to the danerous secrets
o social reproduction (van Beek 1991b). That he does not see such meanin
as deep is more a conseuence o his methodoloical orientation: i
people do not tell him it is deep, or reconize deep knowlede in overt
declarations, then in eect it does not eist or him. I would arue that
his Doon inormants could not tell him because they did not know or could
not say, iven the discursive restrictions aainst its disclosure.
To substantiate this counter-critiue, and etract the pramatic kernel
o la parole claire rom its socially sanctioned mystical shell, I will attend
more closely to lanuae itsel; irst in the more contemporaneous work
o Griaules ambivalent secretary archivist, Michel Leiris, ollowed by the
subseuent investiations o his loyal dauhter, Genevive Calame-Griaule.
Ritual Lanuae
By the time La lanue secrte des Doon de ana was published in 1948,
Deborah Lichitzo Griaules Aricanist circlehad died in Auschwitz,
and it is to her memory that Michel Leiris dedicated this etraordinary study
o ritual lanuae. Published the same year that Griaules Entretiens irst
appeared, it presents a comple counterpoint to the rench masters voice, at
once derivative o his irst documentary tome, Masues doons (1938)iven
its etensive ocus on sii ritual tetsand yet uneasy with the colonial
situation in Arica and the German occupation o rance7. To what etent
La lanue secrte voices a muted indictment o Griaule in this broader
contet is diicult to say, since Leiris debts cut in both directions: to the
1931 Dakar-Djibouti mission in which he recorded the bulk o his linuistic
material, as well as the more socioloical roundwork irst established
by Griaule (1938); but also to the lamented Deborah Lichitz, acknowleded
in the oreword, with her comrades-in-letters Denise Paulme and
Andr chaener8. I am not suestin that Leiris collected his material
with a radical political project irmly in place, however haunted he was by
the maniold orms o colonial alienation in LAriue antme; but in Paris,
at least, he was writin up in one o the oundin cells o the Resistance
movement, the basement o the Muse de lHomme9. The issue remains
unclear, in part, because the politics o secrecy sustains ambiuous interpretat
in shitin contets.
Ambiuity and unstable content are in act dianostic o sii ritual tets,
which are marked more by simpliied synta and morpholoy than by comple
metaphors and poetic associations. ii tets are paradimatically
vacuous, posin diiculties o translation because their shitin meanins
so closely relate to their perormative contets. As Leiris (1992: v)
eplains: [. . .] la nature [. . .] du lanae secret, au vocabulaire trs rduit
et la rammaire des plus rudimentaires, lanue o les choses sont sures,
indiues plutt ue dcrites, et o la mme phrase, la mme
locution doivent parois tre entendues de aons trs direntes suivant le
7. That the Vichy reime was uneasy with Leiris is evident when they burned
LAriue antme on the pyre (JAMIN 1982a).
8. LEIRI (1992: 25) even reerred to their ieldwork in ana as la mission
Lischitz-Paulme, as i to urther accentuate their dierences with Griaule. ee
also PAULME (1992).
9. or a poinant account o how the resistance movement oriinated, to a lare
deree, in the Muse de lHomme, see BLUMENON (1977). Althouh Leiris
himsel lacked the temperament to join (Jamin, personal communication), the
cell was led by the anthropoloist-linuist Boris Vild, and included anthropoloi
Germaine Tillion and Anatole Lewitzky as well. On 19-20 May 1942, Leiris
had a nihtmare o Lewitzkys eecution, dreamin that his memories would be
published (GHRENAIA 1987: 239). Leiris also dreamed that he saw Boris Vild
in a ca, litin his lass to German oicers, cryin out Heil de Gaulle! in
an act o parodic resistance (LELONG 1987: 333).
contete ou suivant les circonstances auuelles elles sappliuent, le caractre
mme de cette lanue ui procde sommairement, par lares et brves
allusions, la ait se prter assez mal une traduction rioureuse. These
diiculties o capturin ritual meanins hihliht the relevance o indeicals
in relatin tets to their contets, thereby oreroundin the pramatics o
ritual speech. The improvisational scope around tets and their variants
also suests contetual sensitivity to ied liturical sements, which resonat
with implications that etend beyond the meanins o the word themselves.
Indeed, Leiris complains in his preace o the hermeneutical
circularity that bedeviled his translations. Returnin to previous sii transcri
in order to check or improve their accuracy, his inormateur
would never review point par point the same tet, but instead would
produce a new tetanaloue, certes, mais non pas identiueas i to
underscore the deconstructive joke that every decodin is simultaneously a
recodin (ibid.). uch resistance to deinitive philoloical documentation,
however, need not be seen as a problem to be solved, but as a critical
characteristic o ritual lanuae itsel; that is, as part o the object o desc
and analysis. rom this more inherently dynamic perspective, suested
to me by the indeterminacy o Yoruba deep knowlede, the oal o
achievin deinitive translation shits to that o raspin Doon interpretation
as situated in their social and ritual contets. What counts rom this
more indienous perspective is not an authoritative translation but the
plurality o meanins in the public domain.
In its broadest sociopolitical contet, the secret lanuae o sii so
belons to an eclusive mens society oranized by ae-rades and associated
with the primordial ancestor Awa, rom whom the secrets o sii
descended. Represented by masked dancers in red iber skirts, the spirit
o Awa embodies the complementary principles o death and rebirth underlyin
the perpetuation o ae-raded enerations. At the ape o the hierarchy
is an inner core o olubaru elders, initiated into the hihest rade
durin the ull ii ceremony, perormed every sity years at the completion
o the ull enerational cycle, and ollowin a coordinated itinerary throuhout
villaes and reions10. O course not all ii elders would make it to
this hihest rade, since a mans date o birth determined his point o entry
into the overarchin cycle. Hence the marked distinction o this elite body
o eldersthe oldest o the oldreconized as the hihest ritual eperts
minlin with the ancestors and the dead, and thus reerred to as people
o the bush, deemed socially powerul and impure. These ritual elders
were considered the oicial depositories o sii so, and it was throuh
them that the lanuae was dierentially disseminated to the lower rades
in accordance with their levels. Buildin on chaeners 1935 survey o
iron ons associated with olubaru dinitaries, Leiris estimated their total
10. or a discussion o this itinerary over a ive-year period, see GRIAULE (198
174-175). ee also DIETERLEN (1971).
number as une uinzaine in the entire ana reion, representin a hihly
restricted inner circle controllin access to secret lanuae and knowlede.
Beneath this specialized elite, the remainin elders represent the net level
o deep knowlede, acuired throuh lon association with the dama rites
and uneral ceremonies connected with the ii estival comple. ollowin
this roup are individuals o varyin aes who study the sii lanuae
with specialists, short-cuttin, as it were, the initiation hierarchy or the
conventional ee o 33,003 cowriesa iure siniyin a considerable cost
rather than a precise amount (Leiris 1992: 17). The eect o this more
direct route to the lanuae was at once inancial, providin additional unds
or the mask society, but also broadened the social rane o ritual lanuae
competence and perormance. More conventionally, however, instruction
bean with male circumcision as the irst initiation into the mens society.
While prepared and doctored in the bush, the novices received millet beer,
sesame oil, black pepper and medicines to help them hear the voice o
Awa, and bean an instruction in sii lanuae and mytholoy that increased
as they advanced up the hierarchy.
The content o such esoteric instruction, which increased with elderhood,
remains both sketchy and chared in the work o the Griaule school: curiously
displaced by each account into shitin mythic iures and linuistic
orms. The initial sii teachins involve reetin ormulae, benedictions
and propitiations, myths o oriin, the secret names o oods and drinks
used in initiation, and a new leicon or parts o the body. In addition,
initiates learn the ehortations that enhance the nyama, or vital orce, o
the masked dancers, with speciic calls linked to particular masks. Mythically
located in the realm o the bush with inn (yinu) spirits and souls
o the dead, the sii lanuae evokes earlier historic mirations by miin
Mande and Voltaic terms and archaisms toether with Doon leemes11.
The mythic oriins o the sii estival itsel, and the presidin Grand Awa
mask at the center o the ritual comple, trace back to an eponymous ancestor
who, ater becomin a snake like all old people in that time, broke a
taboo aainst speakin ordinary vernacular to humans, and thereater ushered
in death and mortality, but also reeneration. Buildin on Griaules
documentary oundation by providin alternative versions and variants o
the oriin myth recorded in Masues doons, Leiris introduced a subtle but
siniicant shit in perspective. Unlike Griaule, who operated under the
philoloical tradition o a mythic ur-tet at the heart o the sii comple,
Leiris reconized the inherent heteroeneity built into the corpus o sii
11. or a discussion o dierent sii dialects in the villaes o Banani, Oro on
Kunnu and Kabae, see LEIRI (1992: 33). As a combination o Mande and
Voltaic elements, the sii lanuae involves comple considerations o oriins,
mirations and borrowins rom Mossi, Malinke, and Bambara lanuae areas,
as well as possible Arabic inluences in articles like al-, relectin the past
throuh linuistic orms and archaisms as well as the problematic enealoy o
the Doon themselves (ibid.: 25-44, 404.)
oundin myths. In an etended ootnote to Griaules deinitive version,
Leiris eplains his variations with the insiht that il neiste pas une tradition
uniue mais plusieurs traditions, dont il ny a pas stonner uelles
soient, sur certains points, contradictoires (Leiris 1992: 146, n. 2). Throuh
this important interpretive move, Leiris locates contradiction within a corpus
o deep knowlede, not as a problem to be eliminated throuh philoloical
ratiocination but as a eature that makes sense in relation to chanin
social and perormative contets. Indeed, his investiations into sii synta
and morpholoy hihliht the critical relationship between meanin and
I have already noted that the sii lanuae is limited and impoverished
in comparison with ordinary spoken Doon, but the direction o its rammatical
reductions reveals a siniicant retreat, as it were, into the bodynot
as a transcendental symbolic scheme, but as a corporeal ield o indeical
unctions. ii tets are not ied, Leiris oten reminds us, but are rooted
in their contets o ritual production, callin on particular masks, sinlin
out dancers movements and body parts, salutin presidin spirits, shitin
subjects and objects, merin sinular with plural, voicin chanes o
action, shapin points o view, merin past with present, and above all,
activatin the nyama or eicacy o Awa and his avatars. To illustrate this
dynamic interaction between sii tets and perormative contets, I will
ocus on the corporeal dimensions o ritual speech with reerence to verbs,
pronouns, and locatives.
Verbs in sii are ew in number, and mainly epress movements o
dancers or spectators within the ritual arena. The most reuently used are
dyenunu, lossed to o, enter, or introduce, and saya, to place, place
onesel, or be placed (Leiris 1992: 416). Common utterances ehort dancers
to realize and maimize their actions, as in movin those body parts
at once protected by the spiritsostensibly to protect the masked dancer
rom allinand activated by bein called into motion:
Que Dieu arde [vos] jambes!
Que Mouno arde [vos] jambes!
Que Mounokanna arde [vos] jambes!
Que tout le iui arde [vos] jambes!
[vos] bras ont remu,
[vos] jambes ont remu,
[vos] yeu ont remu,
[votre] tte a remu,
[votre] corps entier a remu13.
12. or etended discussions and studies o the tetual status o Mande and
Cameroonian epic enres, see AUTEN (1995, 1999).
13. ee LEIRI (1992: 198, lines 1, 4, 5, 6, 13- 17). I have let out the sii t
ets and
their initial morpheme by morpheme translation because they are not necessary in
illustratin the bodily orientation o verbs.
As the activation o the eyes suests, these ehortations shape visual
as well as choreoraphic rames, interposin acts o seein and bein seen
within perormance arenas. Verbs are urther reduced in terms o tense
and mood. Limited to the present indicative, they represent a condition o
permanent actuality that or Leiris, citin Leenhardt, uite technically
points to the here and now (Leiris 1992: 53). Within this condensed
communicative ield, only the attitude and tone o the speaker distinuishes
imperatives rom ordinary indicatives. In the sii command wana boy
(Venez!), the urency with which the addressees must respondin this
case dancers made to et up and perormis epressed and enhanced by
wavin the riht hand (ibid.: 51). The dramatic ualities o sii lanuae,
and its enhanced orms o bodily epression, are thus partly a unction o
its simpliied structure.
Lack o plural and sinular orms urther reduces the lanuae o sii to
transposable schemas o situated communication. As in many West Arican
lanuaes, pronouns rather than verbs indicate rammatical number in ordinary
Doon, but in sii, the pronouns themselves are restricted to the two
loatin orms o irst and second persons plural. The pronominal matri
o ordinary Doon is thereby reduced to the plural we (emme) and you
(ye/yo/ya), a dyadic opposition that assimilates all sinular as well as third
person orms, subject only to the uantiier ina speciyin all or totality.
The eect o such pronominal reduction, combinin indierence to
time (in the verb system) with indierence to number, is the production o
discursive schemas that work, accordin to Leiris, as a series o dynamic
landmarks (repres) brinin ied relational cateories to shape the
ritual arenas o movement and participation. Within this rammar o
mythic reduction, plurality and sinularity mere throuh the very acts o
ehortation as individual persons, masks and spirits uite literally stand up
or roups, cateories and types (ibid.: 55-56). But whereas or Leiris this
schematic orderin is iconic o mythic templates and archetypes, we can
shit his emphasis rom meanin to practice, and discern a transposable
interactive scheme. In contet, the pronominal reduction in sii so to a
ied I-We/Thou-Ye opposition assimilates all ritual participants and
observers within a dyadic communicative rame.
I the pronominal system meres individual and collective bodies into
binary relations o mutual reconition, sii locatives anchor tets to their
contets by etendin the body into a corporeal ieldront and back, above
and below, inside and outside, riht and let, and their associated directional
movements (ascendin and descendin, enterin and eitin, etc.) within
the perormance arena14. It is thus perhaps no accident that Leiris hihlihts
these terms as particularly conusin and ambiuous precisely because their
meanins shit accordin to their use as substantives, representin parts o
14. or an analytical ormulation o corporeal ields, see HANK (1990: 91-95).
the body, or as proper locatives in postposition15. As he notes, in postposition
they indicate spatial relations and only contet distinuishes their meanins
as particles (ibid.: 57). The most commonly used locative in sii is
dyu (alt. dyuu) siniyin head or body as a substantive but used in
postposition to mean on, toward, or above. imilarly bin(u) doubles
as stomach or in, inside; por as back and behind, beore as well
as a cadet who is both behind in seniority and brins up the rear in ritual
procession. Etendin the body to the various social and personal spaces
o an actor (Hanks 1990: 91), terms like iiru as earth or round also
siniy below and the act o descendin, contrastin with dara as sky,
up above, and also used in ascendin. In a similar contrast, du
(house, villae) and loo (road) siniy inside and outside in more sociocentric
terms, and also used in complementary epressions o enterin and
eitin (Leiris 1992: 421-424).
These pronominal and locative eamples represent those areas o the
sii lanuae most diicult to translate because their meanins are rounded
in their perormative contets. hitin and loatin an interactive scheme
between phases and components o the ritual process, they relect a discourse
less rooted in Griaules mythic substrate (Ciarcia 2001: 218) than
in transormations o person and place. ii so does invoke specialized
mythic knowlede in raments, but does not semantically contain it. Transcribed
and translated, it reveals a privileed scheme o corporeal interaction
that mobilizes the nyama o the masked sii dancers, oranizes participants
into interposed roups, and directs the low o movement and enery as
the estival unolds.
Althouh the model o linuistic and symbolic analysis remained resolutely
eeetical and cryptoloical or the Griaule school, a perormative
approach to lanuae and to the indeical unctions o the corporeal ield
are clearly adumbrated in Leiris observations as sketched above, and nearly
take shape in the ethnolinuistic investiations o Genevive CalameGriaule.
Her Ethnoloie et Lanae, irst published in 1965, builds upon
her athers tradition o mythic documentation and symbolic classiication
in what Dell Hymes acclaimed as a pioneerin ethnolinuistic investiation
(Hymes 1986: v-vi). And ollowin her athers ocus on the body as an
important symbolic template, Calame-Griaule reveals an elaborate corporeal
system at the center o Doon ideas about lanuae, linkin speech to the
brain, collar bone, liver, heart, pancreas, spleen, laryn and mouth; relatin
the eicacy o the word to bodily substances like blood and oil; and associatin

dierent modes o discourse (reetin, jokin, rievin, even teachin)
with bodily lows and processes. Nor is this bodily template restricted to
15. Lemploi de ces locatis prte aisment amphiboloie, aucune leion nindiuant
le rle jou dans la proposition par un nom uelconue ui se trouve
plac immdiatement avant un locati et, par ailleurs, le sujet ou complment du
verbe pouvant ntre ue sous-entendu, ce ui est une autre cause de conusion
(LEIRI 1992: 422).
lanuae and speech stricto sensu, but maps onto esoteric raphic sins as
the speech o various mythic iures and animals. In this broader contet,
Doon ideas about speech and the body provide an interpretive key to the
symbolic world at lare, and this is the eneral orientation that CalameGriaule
pursues. The word or the Doon, she writes, is like a book
whose messae must be deciphered or decoded, and man is constantly
concerned to interpret the signs around him (Calame-Griaule 1986: 9).
What follows is a marvelous exposition of verbal and symbolic associations,
a decoding to be sure, but with surprisingly little structural description or
grammatical analysis of Dogon language itself.
There are revealing moments, however, of pragmatic disclosure that suggest
an alternative grounding of her ethnolinguistic corpus, less in the body
as an anthropomorphic cipher and more as privileged corporeal field, the
ground of socially situated discursive agency. As Calame-Griaule admits:
Yet, in the measure in which every social act implies a verbal interchange,
and where each act is in itself a form of self-expression, speaking is at
times synonymous with undertaking or doing [. . .] to Dogon thinking,
actions and words are linked together, and this is why, in a symbolic sense,
one also calls speech the outcome of an action (ibid.: 5.). Her two examples,
his words have gone inside (so: vomo yoa) and it has now become
tomorrows speech (i.e. the works continuation will be postponed until
tomorrow, N yogo soy) involve just those shifting locatives (stomach,
inside) and deictics (tomorrow) that extend the body in space and time.
Characteristically, Calame-Griaule assimilates this performative dimension
of language to a symbolic sense, thereby reducing doing to meaning.
Nowhere is this limitation more clearly imposed than in her ideas about
nma (nyama) as the mana or animating principle that is activated by
Nma, the life force, is envisioned as a fluid that circulates through the body
carried by blood. The idea of a nma has appeared since the earliest Dogon studies
where it has been defined as an actualizing energy, impersonal, unconscious, shar
by all animals, plants, supernatural beings, all the things of nature [. . .] the
act of calling someone by one of his names may produce an increase in his corres
nma. For we shall see that the mechanism of speaking is essentially
an action upon the personal life force (ibid.: 19-20)16.
In this passage we see how nma is linked to invoking and calling not
merely by a conventional symbolic association but through the pragmatic
functions of speech acts. Elsewhere, we learn that the nma of a speaker
determines the nma of his speech, and correlates with his power and authority,
and ability to command (ibid.: 35)17. What for Calame-Griaule remains
16. Her own, unpaginated citation is to her father (GRIAULE 1983).
17. In this respect, the Bambara and Dogon notions of nma are just like the Yorub
idea of sg eg .
an ideational explanationwords are linked to power and efficacy because
of Dogon beliefs about language and the bodybecomes from our pragmatic
perspective more of a grammatical explanation, based on the very
principle of linguistic performativity. Nma doubles as a property of
discourse and a force of nature because the social relation between both
domains in grammatically constituted through illocutionary force. The
body as mediator of this dynamic relation establishes a corporeal field,
nothing less than the indexical ground of deictic reference through which
social contexts and relations are shaped and remade.
Fragmentary evidence supports this recasting of the Dogon body as corporeal
field. To begin, the truth-value of utterances is closely associated
with bodily position. As Calame-Griaule explains, True Speech is
uttered by a speaker while sitting down. The position allows for the harmony
of all the faculties: the mind is calm, the water in the collarbone is
calm, and words in the same way are controlled and well considered. Elders
gathered under the speech shelter to converse are always seated, and
it is significant that the shelter has such a low ceiling that it would be
impossible to stay under it otherwise. Conversely, speech delivered from
standing or walking positions is unstable: If a person speaks standing up,
his words do not go down (so: sgoyele), they have no path. Such is
the case with angry speech or words of the light man: he speaks standing
up or walking along, for they have no position, no stopping point (`nu
sle) (ibid.: 63-64). rom this relative contrast between sittin and standin,
we bein to limpse how interactive rames o situated communication
structure even the truth value o discourse systemically, in relation to down
and up. We would also need to speciy associated coordinates o ront and
back, let and riht, intimated in a more symbolic reister by the social
dimensions o the namin matri in which Doon males are located (ibid.:
472, i. 41), and which is urther superimposed on a reliious schema
o ritual ualities and mystical values (ibid.: 536-538, i. 43). The Doon
person is urther characterized by a riht-let and male-emale dualism that
lies at the very core o the sel and emeres always as an aent o
imbalance despite the best eorts to control it throuh male and emale
circumcision (ibid.: 33). Indeed, [. . .] we ind that the whole person is
made up o a material carrier or body distinct rom, but in close contact
with, the outside world throuh the constant low o the our elements.
[. . .] It is watered by the nma luid, like the land by its streams, and is
the source o his vital impulse. [. . .] Thus the individual is not closed,
but open, to the world, soakin it in, it could be said, throuh every pore.
I would complement this passive or receptive view o the Doon person
with a rammatically more active voice, etendin out rom the body as a
corporeal ield to shape the interactive contets o individual and collective
aency. Thus when Calame-Griaule asks: How does the self make contact
with other, similar selves? What part of himself does he project
outside? How does he act upon others? (ibid.: 31-32), we can look not
only to the liver, blood and collar bones of the body, but also the spatial
coordinates of bodily orientation (Hanks 1990: 90) in situated communication.
Rereading Griaule
In what senses do the pragmatic functions of Dogon language and ritual
speech extend to la parole claire writ large? How does nma (nyama)
as an indigenous principle of linguistic performance inform the revisionary
power of deep knowledge more generally? By pursuing these questions,
we reanalyze Dogon deep knowledge as a sanctified form of critical agency;
one that demands not a rigid approach to secret myths and symbolic codes
but a more flexible feel for generative schemes. In the section that follows,
I use Hanks (1990) and Bourdieu (1977) to transpose the body as corporeal
field into broader structures and domains of the habitus. Where Griaule
saw the body as both cipher and microcosm of the Dogon world, we treat
the body as geometer; that is, as the locus of practical homologies and
scheme transfers that generate the structuring structures of Dogon society
(Bourdieu 1977: 114-124). By introducing this critical shift in perspective,
we can extract the pragmatic kernel from the mystified shell of Griaules
initiatory ethnography, recognizing the importance of those formal homologies
and generative schemes that his work brought to light while suspending
the mystifying constraint that they hold the same content for an inner circle
of elders. And in developing a more dynamic analysis of la parole claire
as critical practice, we can further explain why its oppositional features
would generate orthodox and heterodox variationsnot a fixed body of
wisdom but a space of critical dialogue and revision. This more dialogical
approach to the celebrated conversations with Ogotemmli, however,
involves a return to political context and agency that Griaule seems to have
repressed or ignored.
Initial evidence of a more indexical approach to la parole claire as
a body of knowledge comes from a short analytical summary that Griaule
published just four years before his premature death in 1956. Representing
his final reflections on the organization of deep knowledge, Le savoir des
Dogon reveals four degrees or levels of access, ranging from the most
general and public to the most esoteric and specialized. The first level of
giri so, which he glosses as parole de face, provides an abridged digest
of the Dogon world in which certain mythic figures are disguised or left
out, episodes conflated, and references fairly limited to the realm of the
visible. This preliminary level corresponds to the empirical documentation
of his pre-1946 mission, Griaule tells us, representing a first stage in such
works as his Masques dogons18. The second level of benne so, glossed as
18. The not so subtle implication of this claim is that the work of his students
others on his team, such as Leiris, Schaeffner, Leiris, and Paulme, remain limit
parole de ct, comprises words that were left out or forgotten in giri
so; that is, meanings that are held back until the person is ready, mainly
with reference to Dogon rites and representations. Here we reach the celebrated
turning point of Griaules Conversations, with its privileged access
to secret wisdom revealing a world of hidden insights and symbolic associations.
Beyond, or perhaps we should say beneath, this level, is that of
bolo so, or parole de derrire, which completes the preceding level with
still further secrets otherwise withheld, but also synthesizes other domains
of knowledge in relation to general, more abstract principles of classification.
In this sense depth and synthetic totality go together as complementary
principles of knowledge formation and acquisition. Represented by
his post-1949 writings, the third level of bolo so corresponds qualitatively
to the still deeper insights of Le Renard ple, written with Germaine Dieterlen
and published posthumously in 1965, and applies quantitatively to the
ethnosemiotic inventory of Signes graphiques soudanais (Griaule & Dieterlen
1951). And finally, capping, and in a crucial sense, containing, the
three levels or words of Dogon knowledge is so dayi, or la parole
claire proper, concerning the edifice of knowledge in its ordered complexity
but also ultra-restricted insights like the ethnoastronomy of the system
of Sirius. Griaule himself acknowledges a certain flexibility built into
this scheme, subject to diverse interpretations. As he notes, la parole claire
is conditioned by various channels of transmission; the family, age-set,
occupational group, priesthood, mask society, among others (Griaule 1952:
34). And as with the language of sigi so, there are regional variations of
its distribution among elders. Even analytically, a tension persists between
qualitative form and quantitative content. La parole claire is at once a
comprehensive inventory of secret signs and meanings, and the logical
predicate of an ordered triad representing the very principle by which the
three preceding words or levels are organized into a framework of knowledge19.
What is more, this very classification of levels remains one of the
deepest secrets, safeguarding a hidden logic of relations for the deserving
few, after years of perseverance and study.
Clearly there is a heroic autobiography written into this schematic disclosure,
a self-serving synthesis of research projects and fieldwork missions
that further ratifies the initiatory paradigm and the privileged position
of the European at its apex. Equally suspect is the objectivist language
of its representation as a consistent and shared body of secrets differentially
distributed between 5-6% of upper Sanga at the highest level, and between
15-20% at the penultimate level of restriction. But one striking feature
to this superficial level, whereas his own Masques becomes the first stage of a
deepening series of further studies.
19. This logic of containment, by which a relation between elements is counted
as an additional element is also found in the Yoruba proverb, Two Ogboni make
three (O gboni mji o dg ta), illustrating how the third party in the relationship
is the secret (awo) that binds them.
worth taking seriously concerns the body of knowledge as corporeal
field. In the exoteric knowledge of giri so, giri is glossed as eye, face, in
front, straight, extending eye and face of the body into the agents forward
orientation toward other interactants; that is, into social space. The next
level of benne so literally refers to the side or profile, extending the
sides of the body and face into left and right axes of the interactive matrix.
Within this emerging corporeal field, the third level of bolo so extends
backwards from the derrire of the paradigmatic social body into a dorsal
as opposed to the frontal axis, synthesizing front to back, as it were,
in the acquisition of knowledge. The fourth level of la parole claire
performs a logical synthesis by combining the left-right and back-forward
axes into a system of corporeal coordinates, thereby framing the body as
it normally engages in movement and action (Hanks l990: 90). What is
missing from this explicit matrix is the up/down axis of above and below,
but we can derive this from the corporeal field as covert dimensions of
embodied knowledge that remain embedded in social space and implicit
in interaction.
In what sense, then, does the corporeal model of knowledge extend to
the broader social contexts and domains of the habitus? Through what
techniques of the body are corporeal schemes put into practice? In recasting
the Dogon body as geometer, I will develop two related arguments that
together account for the power of Dogon deep knowledge and its shifting,
revisionary content. First, I will revisit Griaules material on homesteads
and villages to identify those generative schemes and practical operators
(Bourdieu 1977: 125) serving as structuring structures of the habitus.
Second, I will examine the political dynamics of Dogon villages and districts,
for these charged arenas of competitive action produce the orthodoxies
and heterodoxies of deep-knowledge claims.
If, as Bourdieu (1977: 89) has argued, the house is a privileged locus
for the objectification and embodiment of generative schemes, then the
Dogon homestead should provide a rich source of symbolism for practical
reinterpretation. Like the internal space of the Kabyle house analyzed by
Bourdieu (ibid.: 90-92) and the interactive matrix of the Mayan solar discussed
by Hanks (1990: 95), the Dogon big house (ginu da) represents a concentrated
space of deeply embedded meanings and values. For Griaule, these
meanings are of course mythic and primordial, relating the human form of
Nommo, the Demiurge, the reorganizer of the world to the house plan
with its towers as his limbs; and further relating the heavenly placenta and
its earthly counterpart (which together represent the head and legs of man
lying on his right side) to the kitchen (his head), stable (legs), central rooms
(trunk and belly), store rooms (arms), and entrance (penis). The logic of
the plan is explicitly generative for Griaule, in that the form and structure
of the house manifests an on-going extension of original creation. The
sexualized entryway leads by a narrow passage to a workroom containing
jars of water and grinding stones; these are used to crush new corn, yielding
a liquid associated with male seminal fluid that is carried to the left-hand
end of the entry where it is poured on the shrine of the ancestors. Such
libations are a way of fertilizing the ancestors, of extending their reproductive
powers forward in time. Griaule explains: Each part of the building
represents an original being germinating and growing from its genitor.
The whole plan is contained in an oval which itself represents the great
placenta from which have emerged, in course of time, all space, all living
beings, and everything in the world (Griaule & Dieterlen 1954: 97-98)20.
A practical reading of domestic space is structural in the sense that
it identifies key oppositions, but following Bourdieu (1977: 90), the meanings
are inhabited, read with the body, in and through the movements and
displacements which make the space within which they are enacted as much
as they are made by it. Of central importance to this dialectic of objectificatio
and embodiment is the practical mastery of the fundamental, generative
schemes shaping everyday routinesnot the symbolic oppositions
themselves but their navigation and deployment by the body. Thus from
a practical perspective, inside and outside, empty and full, open and shut,
left and right, are significant when activated, as going in and coming out,
filling and emptying, opening and shutting, going leftwards and going rightwards
going westwards and going eastwards, etc. (ibid.: 91). Like
Griaule, we can focus on the body as the organizing scheme of domestic
space, but with Bourdieu, it is the body in motion, in its habituating practical
Returning to the Dogon house with a more dynamic approach to its
corporeal oppositions, we enter from the male vestibule to the workroom
where the jars and grinding stones used to produce male seminal fluid
for the ancestors are located; turning left we proceed to the central room
(dembere) or room of the belly, moving inside to the female center of
the house: The big central room is the domain and the symbol of the
woman; the store-rooms each side are her arms, and the communicating
door her sexual parts. The central room and the store-rooms together represent
the woman lying on her back with outstretched arms, the door open
and the woman ready for intercourse (Griaule 1965: 94-95). Even from
this minimal sketch we can grasp the implicit meaning of entering a house
from the outside door of the male sexual organ (ibid.: 94) to the inner
belly of the central room as an act of male penetration and copulation,
corresponding to such oppositions as outside and inside, public and private,
active and passive, above and below that are reiterated and semantically
saturated throughout the house. Thus the ceiling is dry and male, associated
with departing smoke and measured produce (red pepper, purple sorrel, yellow
millet) drying on the roof; and also with ancestors on the carved door
and faade of the upper story; the floor inside is moist and female, with
jars of water, the place of fertilization and childbirth: When a child is to
20. See also PAULME (1940: 314-320).
be born, the woman in labor is seated on a stool in the middle of the room,
her back to the north, and is supported by women. The infant is delivered
on the ground and takes possession of its soul in the place where it was
conceived (ibid.: 95). Such a fundamental gendered opposition is also
transposedfrom right to left and left to right, and also along an east-west
axis, when man and woman are lying down in bed: The man lies on his
right side facing west, and the woman on her left side facing east. [. . .]
The man lies on his right side and touches the woman with his left hand,
never with his right. The woman sleeps on her left arm, and touches the
man with her right. They never lie in any other position (ibid.: 95-96).
Notwithstanding the large grain of salt with which we should take such
archetypal characterizations, clearly a set of qualitative oppositions is
associated with this gendered corporeal field, one which also extends back
to front, since the hearth is located at the back of the house, and the woman
delivers with her back to the north, the entrance and front of the house.
Moreover, the impurity of leftness is likely linked to the polluting powers
of menstrual blood, given its charged symbolism in the mens mask society,
when men in red-dyed fiber skirts dance as menstruating women (Paulme
1940: 268-270), and in the strict seclusion of menstruating women for five
days in special menstruation huts (ya punune ginu) located at the east-west
boundaries of the village (ibid.: 264-268), where they figure as hands
(Griaule 1965: 97). And finally, along a vertical axis of gender, we can
discern a key opposition that figures in the larger political terms of Upper
and Lower Sanga, extending from floor to ceiling. If, as Ogotemmli, tells
us, the soil of the ground-floor is the symbol of the earth and of Lb,
restored to life in earth, another reference to the earth as cosmogonic
mother, then the face of the house, which gives its name to the tallest
mask, must be none other than the grand mask of Awa, the primordial
male ancestor, although the name is not provided in this text. Ascending
is thus associated with Awa, descending with Lb.
A key concept of practical logic is that of scheme transfer, by which
generative oppositions like those sketched above are redeployed between
contexts, reproducing the same opposition within a wider or narrower social
space or field. The economy of logic, in its practical applications, refers
to the interchangeability of a core set of generative schemes over a wide
range of social, spatial and semantic domains. Moving, in a sense, from
the inside out, from the core schematic matrix of the household to the
broader arenas of the village and district, we can retrace Griaules interpretive
footsteps, recasting what he saw as a widening series of symbolic correspondence
into practical homologies extending from the corporeal field.
The key coordinates of body spaceup/down, left/right, back/frontwith
their associated domestic values, are thereby transposed into co-extensive
political and territorial relations. For Griaule, these correspondences remained
mythic and symbolic: the body of the house was reproduced, pars
pro toto, in the quarter (or section) of each village, in the village at large,
and in the most inclusive district. As Griaule (1965: 97) explains, Within
the village each quarter is a complete whole, and should be laid out in the
same way as the village, like a separate entity. This layout is none other
than the anthropomorphic template transposed from micro to macro domains.
Like the house, the village (and each of its quarters or sections) replicates
the mythic body in its layout and plan, with the iron-smelting smithy at its
head, the family houses as its chest, the womens menstrual huts as
hands, its central altars as (male and female) genitalia, and its communal
altars as feet (See diagram 1). And like the homestead correctly sited
[. . .] that is to say, open to the north (ibid.: 94), the body of the village
aligns with cardinal points: the head is north, the left and right hands east
and west, and the feet south. In terms of a dynamic corporeal field, a
significant egocentric and sociocentric synthesis is thus achieved, whereby
north is up, south is down, east is left and west is right. Because the body
is lying down on its back, front is also celestial, back is terrestrial. Clearly
the fixity of such schemes is problematicas Ogotemmli tells us, Lower
DIAGRAM 1. Dogon Village Scheme (from Griaule 1965: 95)
Ogol is almost right, and most of the houses of Upper Ogol face west
to avoid the prevailing rains (ibid.: 96, 92). But again I would emphasize
practical movement over static design; movement in and out, up and down,
back and forth, left and right. From this more active agentive perspective,
we can even predict certain amendments to the village scheme that find
support in Griaules text.
In Griaules diagram, both male and female genitalia are manifest in
complementary altars of the foundational shrinethe male organ in the form
of a cone, the female as a hollowed stone. This dualism replicates the
bisexuality of original twinship, with one gender dominating the other, and
further suggests that the body of the house and village can be male or
female, depending on context21. But if entering the village is like entering
the house, with the males frontal penetration of interior female space, then
we should find maleness outside the village, in marked contrast to female
space at the center. And in fact we do. In a revealing footnote to the
village model, Griaule & Dieterlen (1954: 96, n. 2) explain that out of
respect for the female sex [. . .] and for the women of the village, the male
shrine is often built outside the walls (my emphasis, see also Griaule 1965:
97). Whether or not this explanation is based on ad hoc secondary elaborations,
I see the discrepancy as more consistent with the generative scheme
of entering and exiting. Furthermore, following the logic of scheme transpositio
the same opposition can be inverted without contradiction, as context
and circumstances dictate. Thus from the assembled perspective of
normative politics, of the male regulation of public affairs, men occupy
the center in the mens meeting house, while women are marginalized in
menstruation huts and the inner rooms of the domestic domain. In this
gendered distribution of male authority and order, with men at the center
and women at the margins, a further ethnographic contradiction occurs that
vanishes from a practical point of view. Again, in his normative diagram,
Griaule locates the mens meeting house at the head of the village, which
is above and to the north, whereas in his text, we find such structures in
the central square of the village, and in each public square, presumably
those of each quarter. How can it occupy both positions at oncethe northern
head and the central square? In this case, Griaule is succumbing to
the synoptic illusion (Bourdieu 1977: 97-109), when practical systems of
classification are abstracted into a fixed hierarchy of logical relations apart
from their context-specific validity, and thus appear contradictory. The
mens house can occupy both positions at once because, according to the
coordinates of body space, up is male, north, dry, celestial, associated
with lineage ancestors and authority, and by implication, down is female,
south, moist, terrestrial, associated with childbirth. In effect, the male/
21. Note the male body in GRIAULE & DIETERLEN (1954: 97-98) with female parts,
and the female body in GRIAULE (1965: 94-95).
female schematism flips between north-south, up-down and centerperiphery
axes, and since Griaule could not diagram the transpositions themselves,
he privileged one location at the expense of the other.
This latter example of scheme transposition shifts into yet another significant
generative contrast that relates the words of men to the blood of
women. Returning to the mens house as centrally located in the Dogon
village, and facing north (Griaule 1965: 98), the elders [who] [. . .] confer
there and take decisions on matters of public interest (ibid.: 97) are necessaril
seated, as required by the corporeal coordinates of true speech (CalameGriaule
1986: 63-64) and structurally imposed by the low roof and rafters.
Such true speech, of good words, has a straight path that is cardinally north:
as Griaule (1952: 29) reported from native testimony, la parole de devant
et la parole de derrire [sont] bonnes paroles [. . .] car les traits droits conno
une seule parole, ordonne, droite, parvenant directement lauditeur
qui doit lentendre. In relation to the domestic matrix of gendered orientations,
however, these straight-talking elders resemble women. Like women
giving birth within the house, seated on a stool, supported by other women,
so that the infant is delivered on the ground, the men are seated at the
center of the town, supported by men, delivering good words that are
grounded in a ground plan that evokes the seventh and eighth ancestors,
the master of Speech, and [. . .] the Word itself (Griaule 1965: 98). But
if from the vertical axis of standing and sitting, these men are like women,
from the frontal and dorsal axis of ahead and behind, they again assert their
difference: women give birth with their backs to the north, whereas men
in the speech shelter, at least in principle, face north. It is the lateral axis
of left and right, however, which extends to the most significant contrast
between men and women, purity and pollution, center and periphery, and
finally, good and bad words. For at right angles to the north-facing men,
the womens menstruation shelters establish left and right hands and eastwest
limits of the village. So fundamental is this schematic opposition to
the construction of gendered public space that in the past, when a village
was founded, the [mens] shelter and the womens houses were the first
buildings to be erected (Griaule 1965: 97).
And it is in these primary village coordinates that we find the key
to the power of la parole claire. For the secret contrast to the good
words of men are the bad words of women as divisive, disorderly, polluted
and impurein short, transfigured as menstrual blood. According to
Ogotemmli, the unpleasant smell of the female sexual parts comes from
the bad words heard by the ear, adding that bad words smell and affect
a mans potency (ibid.: 139, 142). Such words are not fertile, but sabotage
procreation, since they are formed by unwanted blood, the result of motherson
incest when the jackal (later called the pale fox) violated the earth.
Bad words thus pass out of the womb in emanations (ibid.: 142). Good
words, by contrast, represent the water of Nummo, which is pure, the female
moisture and blood of procreation, mingling with the male seed to create
new life. Since the bad words of menstruating women cause such havoc,
they are exiled to the margins of the village, and after their periods, cleanse
their vaginas with Lannea acida oil which as a sweetener, works like a
good word in combating the bad smell resulting from a bad word (ibid.).
This profound association of bad words with bad blood explains why we
find, at the center of the village, the female shrine as sexual organ, made
of stones on which the fruit of the Lannea acida is crushed (ibid.: 97),
and where the bad blood of women is thus ritually converted into the good
words, or strait speech, of men.
What I am suggesting is that the polluting, transgressive, non-reproductive
menstrual blood of women represents the powerful efficacy of deep knowledge,
as hidden and secret transformative agency in contrast to the reproductive
language of paroles de face. Located at the sides and margins of
the social body, these words have a subversive and destabilizing force as
the negative dialectic of cosmological renewalthe valence that sunders
and takes apart in order to remake and recombine anew, to purify through
ritual reproduction. In sociopolitical terms, such deep knowledge aligns
with dominant sociopolitical cleavages, emphasizing the separation and division
of power competition over the administrative unity of the political body
as a whole, be it the household, ward, village or district. The secret of
deep knowledge in these oppositional contexts is not found in a hidden
doctrine for the privileged few, but in its paradigmatic negation of the status
quo associated with the relevant political authority. If the true words of
men are delivered while sitting, evoking the position of women in labor,
it is because their official words are socially reproductive. By contrast,
the destabilizing words of the left and right are transformative, false by
official standards but sanctified by deeper truth-conditions that remain
impure and off-bounds to the public.
To support this unorthodox rereading of Griaule, we can sketch the basic
contours of Dogon government, focusing on the principal relations of
segmentation between competing groups (politics) and their hierarchical
inclusion within the region or district (administration). Studies of Dogon
sociopolitical organization reveal a complex tapestry of interrelated and
overlapping institutions, including clans and lineages, occupational castes,
various cults and mask societies, indigenes and strangers, mens and womens
associations, as well as households, villages and districts stratified by ageset
and in many cases divided between Upper and Lower sections with
complementary ritual domains. Thus in the well-worked region of Sanga,
divided into Upper and Lower sub-regions, we find villages such as Ogol,
Sangui, Ennguel and Bongo, each in turn divided into Upper and Lower
sides, as well as villages such Barkou and Gogoli that are not divided as
such22. As Taits attempted synthesis of the Griaule school literature
reveals, there is a lack of consensus on such key points as whether or not
22. See TAIT (1950: 176-177) for the full list of villages.
the entire Sanga region is lead by one Hogon or two (for each division),
how his council of elders and officers are recruited, whether or not the Awa
Mens society with its Sigi rites recruits from Upper Sanga exclusively;
and if the Lb cult belongs to Lower Sanga only (Tait 1950). But such
complexities aside, we can abstract a core model of politics and administration
in the Bandiagara cliffs that identifies relations of opposition and
inclusion in the following terms: within the district or region, we find two
main halves (Upper and Lower), segmented into villages, many of which
also split into Upper and Lower divisions, and which in turn break down
into quarters or wards, and further into lineages and lineage segments organized
by households or homesteads of the grandes maisons. Headed by
the Hogon as a fused political and ritual office, the system was administered
through a council of elders that represented the dominant quarters and lineages
of each village, and these presumably were similarly organized around
a senior elder and his representative age-mates, and so forth in a replicating
pattern that applied to the village quarter and even the houses within,
each with its chef de maison. According to this ideal-typical pattern,
authority relations refer to the hierarchical inclusion of houses, quarters and
villages within the Hogons regional jurisdiction, and political relations to
the divisive competition between houses, quarter, villages, even Upper and
Lower divisionsthat is, between units of equivalent status and rankfor
the power to determine public policy and its outcomes.
From this structural framework, derived from Smith (1956, 1960), power
is transformative and divisive, generating factions from below that attempt
to prevail over others, whereas authority is reproductive, containing competitiv
politics through the execution of public policy from above, as one
administrative body. As Smith points out, this dialectic of power and authority
informs all levels of political organization; in the Dogon context, these
would include the family and its internal sibling groups up through the
ward, village, and district levels. But what I am suggesting in ritual terms
is that the transgressive potency of power sui generis, opposed to authority
as it violates its categories and constraints, is simultaneously manifest in
menstrual blood and the unbounded powers of the bush, outside of society.
Denise Paulme notes that the olubaru elders in the highest grade of the Sigi
society are not only considered impure (inne puru) and close to death, but
are also immune to menstrual blood and exempt from the taboos that otherwise
apply to hommes vivants. For this reason they are designated to
repair the womens menstruation huts every year, and preside over the sigi
and dama masks that are both powerful and impure. In fact, the red fiber
skirts, evoking the original blood of incest and womens subsequent menstrual
debt to the earth, transform the powerful masked men of the bush
into menstruating women, subject to the same taboos while manifesting their
polluting potency:
Ce caractre impur des masques atteint son maximum le jour o les hommes teignent
en rouge les vtements en fibres de sansevire (jupes, bracelets, etc. [. . .])
qui accompagnent le port des masques. Anam punia, menstrues des hommes,
dsigne ce jour de la coloration en rouge des fibres, o les hommes ne se montreront
pas plus au village que ne sy promneraient des femmes menstrues (Paulme
1940: 269).
Paulme further notes that the impure elders of the mask society are
charged with the conservation and transmission of its traditions, linking the
deepest power (nyama) of the deepest secrets to the polluting blood of
The complementary frame, in political terms, of the witchcraft of such
unbridled power is the fertility of administrative authority; the Hogon in
office, the moral order upheld, and the reproductive capacities of men and
women revitalized. In ritual terms, the power of deep knowledge and menstrual
blood must be domesticated and incorporated into the body politic,
brought from the bush into the center of the villagein effect cleansed and
channeled into regeneration. Effective incorporation within the social order
involves a cooling and freshening of the hot redness of Awa, the notion of
tawa in sigi so (Leiris 1992: 72) associated with the humidity and wetness
of cleansed female sexuality. Such a reading of the ardeur-fracheur
opposition (ibid.: 73) is consistent with van Beeks interpretation of the
dama festival as the male appropriation of female reproductive power, but
further identifies menstrual blood with political power and deep knowledge.
We therefore identify the blood of women as a critical component
of ritual reproductiona feature which van Beek cannot really explainand
the domain of deep knowledge not as fixed esoterica (which van Beek could
not find) but as a shifting corpus of generative schemes and pragmatic
functions. What makes deep knowledge powerful is not only its association
with the bush, but its formal, pragmatic and structural opposition to the
authority structures that it enters and revitalizes.
In the broadest context of Upper and Lower Sanga, the Awa mask
associated with sigi and dama clearly mediates political relations between
sub-regional levels; between villages themselves (some perform sigi
together, others apart); and within villages, between their upper and lower
halves, between their quarters, and between lineages. Clearly the crosscutting
sodalities of age-sets are crucial in this process, dividing opposed
sections in political competition and combining them in administrative hierarchy
and it is precisely such relations of union and separation that correspond
to freshness and heat, power and authority, outside and inside, deep
words and straight speech, values that are contextually situated in the dominant
coordinates of the corporeal field. And clearly, the very politics of
village fission and rebellion are signaled by new ritual itineraries and routine
But to finally explain how la parole claire relates to the semantic
and corporeal schemes of the habitus, in the overt symbolic if unstable
elaborations which Griaules ethnophilosophical investigations brought to
light, we need to return to the generative conditions of orthodox and heterodox
In Bourdieus initial theory of practice, the world of the habitusthe
house, the village, the farming cycle and agricultural ritualsis paradigmatically
silent. Implicitly embedded in social space and time, through the
practical taxonomies shaping everyday routines, practical consciousness
exists in the body, as a set of habituated dispositions rather than an explicit
ideology or body of ideas. In an oft-quoted statement, what is essential
goes without saying because it comes without saying [. . .] the play of
mythico-ritual homologies constitutes a perfectly closed world, each aspect
of which is, as it were, a reflection of all the others (Bourdieu 1977: 167,
original emphasis). In such a field of internalized doxa, there can be no
deep knowledge of la parole claire, reflecting on the secrets of empowerment
and reproduction, unless either culture contact or class formation
calls the given world into question. If Bourdieu has been criticized for
hypostasizing such an organic idiom for the traditional pre-modern world,
or incorporated into a more realistic theory of hegemony (Comaroff &
Comaroff 1991: 23-27), his insight stands as a theoretical definition of the
embodied forms of practical consciousness. As such, it remains characteristicall
uncritical: The adherence expressed in the doxic relation to the
social world is the absolute form of recognition of legitimacy through misrecogn
of arbitrariness, since it is unaware of the very question of legitimacy,
which arises from competition for legitimacy, and hence from conflict
between groups claiming to possess it (Bourdieu 1977: 168).
As I have argued in a Yoruba context (Apter 1992a: 228, n. 7), the
critical calling into question of doxathe meanings and values embedded
in the habitusis not limited to contact or class formation, but is also
found in the dialectics of power and authority motivating segmentary opposition
and administrative hierarchy. Competition for power seeks the revision
of authority structures just as administrative authority contains power
competition, thus along the dominant political cleavages and lines of segmentati
we will find heterodox challenges to the orthodoxy of the status
quo. In the Dogon context, such challenges could be leveled against the
chef de maison within a homestead, between lineage elders of a quarter or
village, or against the Hogon of Upper Sanga by a hunter or priest of Lower
Sangaperhaps by Ogotemmli himself. My point is not to document such
challenges, since I can only infer such relations from the data (see also
Jolly 1998-1999, 2004; Jolly & Guindo 2003), but to establish the political
conditions in which they arise, as a heterodox field of destabilizing discourses
against the straight speech of men. Through the ritual articulation
of political competition and mediation, the deep knowledge of la parole
claire destabilizes the very ground of political authority by reflecting on
the generative schemes of the habitus, endowing them with explicit mythic
content, and shifting their meanings to remake the body politic. That such
renewal is always transformative and reproductive, hot and cool, polluting
and purifying, powerful and authoritative, does not detract from the power
of deep knowledge, but locates it within a dynamic arena of competitive
politics and material relations.
Leach (1958: 120) has said that good ethnography sustains alternative
analyses and interpretations, including those that controvert the original
author. Thus he praised Malinowskis Trobriand fieldwork while refuting
his extensionsist kinship thesis in a rival analysis of social category terms.
In a sense, I have pursued a similar strategy, affirming the value of Griaules
Dogon studies and the enduring legacy of la parole claire in an alternative
reading of its indexical functions, privileging pragmatic over semantic
categories as shifting coordinates of a corporeal field. Despite the growing
criticism of Griaules colonial epistemology, his ahistoricism, the violence
of his strategies and tactics, and the paternalism of his sympathetic quest
problems that belong to anthropologys history more generallyhis investigations
into Dogon deep knowledge are not so easily swept aside, but provide
a body of knowledge, a corpus inscriptionum (to reinvoke Malinowski
[1961: 24]), that sustains productive reanalysis and reinterpretation.
In my own re-reading of selected texts and passages, including those
of Leiris and Calame-Griaule, the body of knowledge takes center stage not
as a collection of secrets or a symbolic cipher, but as the indexical ground
of deictic reference, generating and transforming social space and political
context through ritual performance and incantation, and thus challenging
and revising authority structures through idioms of cosmological renewal.
When secret knowledge is liberated from its ideology of fixed and determinate
content, it can be seen as a socially sanctioned rhetorical resource that
is unstable and destabilizing because it redeploys the practical homologies
of the habitus, drawing on the left hand and the polluting blood of women
to reshape the social and political body. In this capacity, la parole claire
sustains a grammatical space of critical practice and agency, which if lost
on Griaule in his search for hidden symbols, remains equally lost on his
critics and detractors.
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How do we read Griaules uvre, and assess its ethnographic legacy? What can
we gain from his ethnophilosophical project? To answer these questions, I propos
a critical re-reading of his Dogon ethnography and a new model of the esoteric
knowledge that he purported to reveal. My re-reading is based on two methodologi
moves that recast Griaules exegetical project in more socially dynamic terms.
The first move, based on my Yoruba research in Nigeria, is that esoteric levels
African philosophical systems are actually indeterminate and unstable, and that
capacity to contradict or subvert official or exoteric knowledge renders secret
transformative and thus powerful. The second methodological move shifts the
Griaule schools elaborate analysis of Dogon language and symbolism to the level
of pragmatic analysis, locating dominant symbols, schemas and ritual speech-genr
in their performative contexts. Focusing on speech-acts, locatives, and pronomin
shifting, as well as on Dogon ideas about linguistic performance, we can return
the rich Dogon material and derive a dynamic model of critical agency as an endu
legacy of la parole claire.
Lhritage de Griaule : repenser la Parole claire dans les tudes dogon. Comment
lire luvre de Griaule et valuer son hritage ethnographique ? Que peut-on tirer
de son projet ethnophilosophique ? Pour rpondre ces questions, je propose une
relecture critique de son ethnographie dogon ainsi quun nouveau modle du savoir
sotrique quil prtendit rvler. Ma relecture sappuie sur deux approches mthodologiques
qui redfinissent le projet exgtique en des termes socialement plus dynamiques.
La premire approche, qui se fonde sur ma recherche sur les Yoruba au
Nigeria, sappuie sur lhypothse selon laquelle les niveaux sotriques des systmes
philosophiques africains sont en ralit indtermins et instables, et cette capacit
contredire ou bouleverser le savoir officiel ou sotrique rend le savoir secret opra
et donc puissant. La seconde approche mthodologique fait passer lanalyse
labore de la langue et du symbolisme dogon de lcole de Griaule au niveau de
lanalyse pragmatique, plaant les symboles et schmas dominants ainsi que les genres
discursifs rituels dans leurs contextes perfomatifs. En nous concentrant sur les
actes de langage, les locatifs, le glissement pronominal et les ides quont les Dog
de leur mise en scne linguistique, nous pouvons revenir sur les riches matriaux
dogon et en tirer un modle dynamique de laction critique comme lhritage durable
de la parole claire .
Keywords/Mots-cls: Griaule, secrecy, ethnopragmatics, body, critical agency/
Griaule, secret, ethnopragmatisme, corps, action critique.

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