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Wedding Ceremony Flow

Whatever the chosen structure of the ceremony, it is important that both the bride and groom or
couple have some agreement and ownership of the words in the marriage rites. A wedding is a
distinctly personal experience; a very personal occasion and should define the bride and groom.
The entire ceremony is a formula thats made to be tampered with.

Processional Also known as your entrance

Officiants Welcome and Opening These words set the stage so to speak. We greet the
guests and state the purpose of the gathering. They acknowledge the importance of the event,
introduce the principle people the couple and the witnesses and invite the audience to be
attentive to the moment and sometimes share a short story or words about you so that all in
attendance feel connected. In this moment you may also want an opening prayer or poem to
be offered.
Remembrance We take a moment to honor the memory of those loved ones who could
only be here today in spirit (simply unable to be physically at your wedding ceremony or
deceased). Some like to light a candle during the ceremony for these individuals.
Thoughts about Relationship This moment is unique to Michele and Tims wedding
ceremony. Here we set intention and define some of the most important aspects of
relationships and marriage commitment that are important to you.
Affirmation of Audience (Optional) This moment provides an opportunity for the
audience to say yes to all they have witnessed; a chance to offer their support and to remind
everyone of the importance of family and community.
Ring Blessing The rings are a physical reminder and symbol of the promises binding
two people together on their very special day and in their very special relationship.
Wedding Readings (Scriptural or Otherwise) / Music / Poetry This moment is
intended to introduce into the wedding understandings, feelings, and reflections on love and
marriage that are chosen by and have influenced and inspired the couple.
Thoughts on Vows and Commitment by entering this marriage today you are
declaring your journey towards the unity of two hearts.
Declaration of Consent These words serve as preparation for the vows. Each declares
their intentions, e.g., Is it in this spirit and for this purpose that you have come here today,
Exchange of Vows Time for your lifelong promise; words that express the will to
honor and cherish and the commitment to love and support. This part of the ceremony is
required by law and is the agreement of the couple in the presence of official witnesses to take
one another as husband and wife. The vows represent the moment of covenant, e.g., I take
you to be my wedded wife, etc.
Or Personalized Vows This is an opportunity for the bride and groom to be creative
and compose their own wedding vows that are meaningful to both partners; that say
something unique about your love for each other and how they envision their life together.
Exchanging of Rings The rings are placed on each other Name, I give you this ring
to wear with love and joy.
Pronouncement of Marriage This is the moment when the Officiants declare that the
purpose for which the couple has gathered is complete and the act of covenant is now
fulfilled. You have declared your intention and vows before your community of family and
friendsI now pronounce that you are husband and wife together, etc. This is where the
brides parents cry, the grooms family grins a lot and everyone collectively nods their heads.
Officiants Closing Remarks This can be a prayer, a blessing (not necessarily a
religious blessing) chosen by the couple or especially chosen remarks by the Officiants.
Seal your promises and begin the marriage with a kiss Kissy, kissy because we
know youve been waiting for this part!
Recessional . . . and they live happily ever after!

Traditional Philippine Church Wedding Entourage Processional Order

I. Pre-processional Order

1. The groom should be the first to arrive in the church venue before his bride. He waits,
together with the participating clergy members, at the back of the church until the
wedding ceremony starts.
2. The bride, soon as she arrives, stays inside the bridal car or out of site and waits for a
signal when to step out.
3. As guests arrive, they are ushered to their appointed seats by the groomsmen. The brides
immediate family members are ushered to be seated first before the grooms. Ideally, the
bride's kin and friends are seated at the churchs left side facing the altar, while the
groom's are on the opposite side.
4. After all the guests have been seated, the groomsmen gather with the bridesmaids and the
other members of the wedding entourage at the churchs entrance to prepare themselves
for the processional.

II. Actual Processional Order

The sound of the processional music heralds the beginning ceremonies of the wedding.
Thereafter, the wedding celebrant takes his place before the altar, and then waits for the
procession to unfold. Traditionally, the wedding entourages processional march along the church
aisle follows this order:

1. Best Man
2. Groom, together with his parents
3. Principal Sponsors (a gentleman and a lady principal sponsor are partnered to walk down
the aisle together)
4. Secondary Sponsors (coupled bearers of the Candle, Veil, and Cord)
5. Ring Bearer
6. Coin Bearer
7. Bible Bearer
8. Flower Girls
9. Bridesmaids and Groomsmen (also partnered, to march together). If ever the wedding
entourage has a simulated child version of the bride and groom, they march together next
to the last couple of bridesmaid and groomsman. The female entourage members are
seated behind the bride or in the left side of the church as the male entourage members
stay at the right side.
10. Maid or Matron of Honor

After each of the marching party reaches the altar, they part and headto their designated seats and
places. At this point, the guests formally stand, and then turn facing thechurchs entrance to
welcome the appearance of the bride. As the brideenters the churchs doorway, she is met and
greeted by her father. The bridestays at the left side of her father, who thereby, walks her down
the aisle forthe sentimental, yet, climactic part of the procession giving her away."

Upon the father and bride reach the altar, they are approached by the groom, who then takes the
hand of the bride. Facing the altar, the groom remains on the right side of the church, while his
bridestays at the left. This particular placement was based from practices of yore,where the
groom has the ease and facility to draw his sword from his right sideto keep scorned rivals from
stealing his bride. The matrimonial mass ceremonybegins soon as the brides father is already
seated beside her mother.

However, certain parts of theaforementioned order may have variations. Nowadays, the groom
and his parents wouldskip the march and rather wait for the bride at the altar. Also, the bride
isgiven her shining moment to walk the aisle alone from the churchs entranceuntil halfway when
she is met by her parents to march along together.

III. Order of the Recessional March:

Once the wedding ceremony has ended,the bride and groom are introduced as one to everyone
around. But most of thetime, after the wedding rite has ended or before the recessional
proceedingsbegin, photo sessions immediately take place for everybody to pose for posterity
with the newlyweds. The recessional marchfollows, which is actually the processional in a
somewhat reversed fashion.

1. Bride and groom, where the bride is at the right side of the groom while walking arm in
arm together.
2. Flower girls, bible bearer, coin bearer, and ring bearer, one at a time.
3. Maid or Matron of Honor and Best Man, coupled to walk together.
4. Bridesmaids and groomsmen, who meet up from their seats towards the aisle, then walk
arm and arm together, exiting the church.
5. The family members follow next soon as all the members of the wedding entourage have
6. The guests are last to leave the church, and everyone else proceeds to the wedding
reception venue.

Now, whether or not all the pre-planning and specific details arealready set in place, it must be
borne in mind that the actual church wedding procession impacts the biggest impression upon the
guests soon as the wedding ceremony begins. Such memorable instance is actually comparable to
watching the arrival of celebrities strutting at their best along a red carpet. Thus, a perfect church
wedding procession should be planned and organized ahead of time.

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