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Release 5000.1.13
Training Manual

2014 Halliburton

Part Number 220027D October 2014

2014 Halliburton
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3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3D Surveillance, 3DFS, 3DView, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir Surveillance, Adaptive Mesh Refining,
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Release 5000.1
Training Manual
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1
Manual Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1

Technical Support Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-2

Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Exercise 1: Creating the Data Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Exercise 2: Specifying Tubular Properties and Working with Catalogs . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Exercise 3: Using the Case Menu and Libraries, and Configuring the Workspace . 1-1

Exercise 1: Creating the Data Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Steps and Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

Exercise 2: Specifying Tubular Properties and Working with Catalogs . . 1-12

Steps and Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14

Exercise 3: Using the Case Menu and Libraries, and Configuring the
Workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20
Steps and Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20
Using the Case Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20
Using Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23
Configuring the Workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23
Configuring and Using Plots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-25
Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-28
Using the Case Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-28
Using Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-35

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual i


Configuring the Workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-45

Configuring and Using Plots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-58

Drilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Workflow Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
What is Covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Input General Well Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Torque Drag Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Hydraulics Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Surge Swab Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Well Control Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Critical Speed Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Bottomhole Assembly Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Stuck Pipe Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

Torque Drag Analysis (Using the Torque Drag Analysis Module) . . . . . . . . 2-5
Data Import for Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Analyze Results at TD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
Analyze Torque and Drag at Other Depths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9

Analyze Hydraulics (Using the Hydraulics Module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Analyze Hole Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Analyze Pressure Loss and Annular Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Determine Required Horsepower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Check ECDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Bit Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Final Design Check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15

Analyze Surge/Swab Pressures and ECDs (Using the Surge Module) . . . 2-16
Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
Analyze Transient Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Tripping Out Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Tripping In Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17

ii WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual


Investigate Well Control (Using the Well Control Analysis Module) . . . . 2-19
Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
Determine Kick Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
Estimate Influx Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Analyze Kick Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Use Animation to Review Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
Generate a Kill Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21

Determine Critical Rotational Speeds (Using Critical Speed Module) . . . 2-24

Input Analysis Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
Examine the Stresses Acting on the Workstring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
Examine String Displacements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Review Bending Moments and Shear Stresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Review Results in 3D Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26

Predict BHA Build and Drop (Using Bottom Hole Assembly Module) . . 2-27
Input Analysis Parameters and Review Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
Determine Where BHA Contacts the Wellbore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
Evaluate Effect of WOB and ROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29

Stuck Point Analysis (Using Stuck Pipe Module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30

Input General Analysis Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
Determine the Stuck Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Setting and Tripping the Jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Yielding the Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Backing Off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32

Drilling Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

Torque Drag Analysis (Using the Torque Drag Analysis Module) . . . . . . . . 3-2
Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Analyze Results at TD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
Analyze Torque and Drag at Other Depths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26

Analyze Hydraulics (Using the Hydraulics Module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Analyze Hole Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual iii


Analyze Pressure Loss and Annular Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40

Determine Required Horsepower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47
Check ECDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51
Bit Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54
Final Design Check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58

Analyze Surge/Swab Pressures and ECDs (Using the Surge Module) . . . 3-61
Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-61
Analyze Transient Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62
Tripping Out Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62
Tripping In Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-66

Investigate Well Control (Using the Well Control Analysis Module) . . . . 3-68
Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-68
Determine Kick Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-70
Estimate Influx Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-71
Analyze Kick Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-72
Use Animation to Review Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-81
Generate a Kill Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-82

Determine Critical Rotational Speeds (Using Critical Speed Module) . . . 3-91

Input Analysis Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-91
Examine the Stresses Acting on the Workstring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-93
Examine String Displacements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-98
Review Bending Moments and Shear Stresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-100
Reviewing Results in 3D Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-101

Predict BHA Build and Drop (Using Bottom Hole Assembly Module) . 3-102
Input Analysis Parameters and Review Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-102
Determine Where BHA Contacts the Wellbore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-105
Evaluate Effect of WOB and ROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-106

Using Stuck Point Analysis (Using Stuck Pipe Module). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-109

Input General Analysis Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-109
Determine the Stuck Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-109
Setting and Tripping the Jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-110
Yielding the Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-111
Backing Off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-112

iv WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual


Running Liner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Workflow Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
What Is Covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

Centralizer Placement (Using OptiCem Module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

Using Bow Centralizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Using Rigid Centralizers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

In-depth Torque Drag Analysis (Using Torque Drag Module). . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6

Matching Friction Factors to Actual Field Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7

Determining Surge and Swab Pressures (Using Surge Module) . . . . . . . . . . 4-8

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Specify the Operation Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Analyze Transient Response. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Check the Tripping Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Reciprocating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10

Condition the Well Prior to Cementing (Using Hydraulics Module) . . . . . 4-11

Running Liner Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

Centralizer Placement (Using OptiCem Module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

Using Bow Centralizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Using Rigid Centralizers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

In-depth Torque Drag Analysis (Using Torque Drag Module). . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

Matching Friction Factors to Actual Field Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17

Determining Surge and Swab Pressures (Using Surge Module) . . . . . . . . . 5-22

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual v


Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22

Specify the Operation Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24
Analyze Transient Response. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
Check the Tripping Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32
Reciprocating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36

Condition the Well Prior to Cementing (Using Hydraulics Module) . . . . . 5-39

Cementing the Liner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Workflow Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
What Is Covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

Open the Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

Input and Review Wellbore Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4

Review Hole Section, String, and Wellpath Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Define Cement Slurries and Spacers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Review Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Review or Input Geothermal Gradient Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Review or Input Circulating System Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5

Centralizer Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6

Specify Depths of Interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6

Estimate Bottomhole Circulating Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7

Input Cement Job Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8

Analyze Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10

Review Circulating Pressures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Review Downhole Pressure Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Review Density and Hydrostatic Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Compare Rates In and Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Review Wellhead and Surface Pressures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
Review Hookloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
Use the Fluid Animation to Analyze Job Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11

vi WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual


Review Hole Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12

Fine-tune the Job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
Re-examine ECDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
Re-examine Fluid Tops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13

Cementing the Liner Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

Open the Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

Input and Review Wellbore Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

Review Hole Section, String, and Wellpath Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Define Cement Slurries and Spacers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
Review Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
Review or Input Geothermal Gradient Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
Review or Input Circulating System Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8

Centralizer Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9

Specify Depths of Interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10

Estimate Bottomhole Circulating Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11

Input Cement Job Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13

Analyze Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18

Review Circulating Pressures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18
Review Downhole Pressure Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
Review Density and Hydrostatic Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21
Compare Rates In and Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22
Review Wellhead and Surface Pressures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23
Review Hookloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-24
Use the Fluid Animation to Analyze Job Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-25
Review Hole Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-31
Fine-tune the Job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-34
Re-examine ECDs and Fluid Tops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-34

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual vii


viii WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter I
Getting Started

Manual Overview

This manual contains one chapter covering basic functionality. The

remaining six chapters cover three workflows: Drilling, Running Liner,
and Cementing. Each workflow is covered in two chapters, one
containing the exercise or workflow steps, and the other containing the
workflow solution. If the exercise steps for a workflow do not provide
enough information to complete the step, please refer to the solution in
the subsequent chapter for that workflow.

An overview of each workflow is contained in the exercise section

pertaining to the workflow.

The data used in this exercise is not from an actual well. Although an
attempt has been made to use realistic data in the exercise, the intent
when creating the data set is to display as much software functionality
as possible. Therefore, some data may not be realistic. Please do not let
the accuracy of the data overshadow learning the functionality of
the software.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual I-1

Chapter I: Getting Started

Technical Support Information

Landmark operates a number of Technical Assistance Centers (TACs).

Additional support is provided through district support offices around
the world. If problems cannot be resolved at the district level,
Landmarks escalation team is called to resolve your incidents quickly.

Support information is always available on the Landmark Graphics

Support internet page:

I-2 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1


Exercise 1: Creating the Data Hierarchy

In this exercise, you will create a new company, project, site, well,
wellbore, design, and case.

Exercise 2: Specifying Tubular Properties and Working with Catalogs

In this exercise, you will create a new pipe grade and use it to create a
new pipe in an inventory you create. You will also review creating a unit
system and importing a catalog.

Exercise 3: Using the Case Menu and Libraries, and

Configuring the Workspace
This exercise builds on the previous two exercises. Using the data
hierarchy created in Exercise 1, you will specify additional data that
defines the case you are analyzing. You will use both the information
you entered into the catalog in Exercise 2 and the catalog you imported.
This exercise will also familiarize you with using libraries to quickly use
predefined strings or fluids. You will also learn how to configure the
workspace (tabs) for easily accessing the data and results you need.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-1

Chapter 1: Basics

Exercise 1: Creating the Data Hierarchy

Steps and Questions

1. Launch the WELLPLAN software.

2. Enter your user ID and password on the login screen.

3. Create a new company. There is more than one way to do this.

4. Specify Company properties.

a) Rename the company Class. Entry of other company

information is not required for this course at this time.

b) What would you do if you wanted to prevent editing of the

company level data?

c) How do you prevent editing of all data associated with

the company?

5. Create a new project.

a) Name the project Class Project. Use Mean Sea Level as the
System Datum Description. Entry of other project information is
not required for this course at this time.

6. Create a new site.

a) Specify general site information. Name the site Class Site. The
Default Site Elevation is 100 feet above Mean Sea Level. Do not
apply a tight group (use UNRESTRICTED). Entry of other site
information is not required for this course at this time.

7. Create a new well.

a) Specify general well information. Name the well Class Well.

Do not use a tight group (use UNRESTRICTED). Use API well
units. Leave other fields on this tab blank.

1-2 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

b) What unit system will be used for any design or case associated
with this well?


Use the online help.

c) Specify the well depth reference, configuration (offshore or

onshore), and to view a depiction of the datum. This is a subsea
well in 500 ft of water. Specify a 490 ft wellhead elevation.

d) What datum will be used for designs associated with this well?


Use the online help.

e) Entry of other well information is not required for this course at

this time.

8. Create a new wellbore.

a) Define general information about the wellbore. Name the

wellbore Class Wellbore. Entry of other wellbore information
is not required for this course at this time.

9. Create a prototype design for the Class Wellbore. Name the design
Class Design.

10. Create a case for the Class Design. Name the case Class Case.

11. Open the case you created.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-3

Chapter 1: Basics

1. Launch the WELLPLAN software by selecting Start > Programs >
Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.1> WELLPLAN.

2. Enter EDM as the user ID and Landmark1 as the password on the

login screen.

3. Create a new company. Using Well Explorer, right-click the

Database icon ( ) and select New Company from the menu.

1-4 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Alternatively, create a new company by selecting

File > New > Company

4. Specify company properties.

a) On the General tab of the Company Properties dialog box, type

Class in the Company field in the Details section.

b) To prevent editing of the company-level data, you can set a

company-level password by clicking Company Level and
specifying a password. You can also check the Company is
Locked check box; however, this box will not be
password-protected unless you set a company-level password.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-5

Chapter 1: Basics

c) To prevent editing of all data associated with the company

(projects, sites, wells, wellbores, designs, and cases), click
Locked Data to specify a locked data password.

5. Create a new project when prompted or by selecting File >

New > Project.

a) Use the General tab of the Project Properties dialog box to

specify project properties. Name the project Class Project.
Select UNRESTRECTED from the Tight Group Name pull-
down list in the Security section. Select Mean Sea Level from
the System Datum Description pull-down list.

1-6 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

6. Create a new site when prompted by clicking Yes.

a) Use the General tab of the Site Properties dialog box to specify
general site information. Name the site Class Site. The Default
Site Elevation is 100 feet above MSL. Do not apply a tight group

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-7

Chapter 1: Basics

7. Create a new well when prompted by clicking Yes.

a) Use the General tab of the Well Properties dialog box to specify
general well information. Name the well Class Well. Do not
use a tight group (Select UNRESTRICTED). Select API from
the Well Units pull-down list. Leave the other fields on this
tab blank.

b) API units will be used for any design or case associated with
this well.

1-8 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

c) Use the Depth Reference tab of the Well Properties dialog box
to specify the well depth reference and configuration (offshore
or onshore), and to view a depiction of the datum. This is a
subsea well in 500 ft of water. Specify a 490 ft wellhead

d) Designs and cases associated with this well will use the datum
with the Default check box checked.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-9

Chapter 1: Basics

8. Create a new wellbore when prompted by clicking Yes.

a) Use the General tab of the Wellbore Properties dialog box to

define general information about the wellbore. Name the
wellbore Class Wellbore.

9. Create a design for the Class Wellbore when prompted by clicking

Yes. Name the design Class Design. Indicate the design is a
prototype by selecting Prototype from the Phase pull-down list.

1-10 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

10. Create a case for the Class Design when prompted by clicking Yes.
Name the case Class Case.

11. If the case does not automatically open, you can open it by double-
clicking the case name in Well Explorer.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-11

Chapter 1: Basics

Exercise 2: Specifying Tubular Properties and

Working with Catalogs

Steps and Questions

1. Access the Materials spreadsheet.

2. Create a material named Class Material. This material has the

following properties:

Description: Leave blank.

Youngs Modulus: 30,000,000 psi
Poissons Ratio: 0.3
Density: 490 lbm/ft3
Expansion Coefficient: 6.9 E -06 oF
Thermal Conductivity (BTU/hftF): 26.8
Specific Heat Capacity (BTU/hftF): 0.13

3. Access the Grades spreadsheet.

4. Create a pipe grade named Class Grade. This grade has the
following properties:

Section Type: Casing/Tubing

Material: Class Material
Minimum Yield Strength: 125000 psi
Fatigue Endurance Limit: 25,000 psi
UTS: 135000 psi
Temperature Deration: Steel

5. Create a new Casing/Tubing catalog. Name the catalog

Class Casing.

6. Open the catalog you created and create a casing with the following
properties. If a property is not listed below, leave the entry for that
property blank:

Nominal Diameter: 11 3/4 in

Nominal Weight: 65 lbs
Grade: Class Grade
Body OD: 11.75 in
Body ID: 10.682 in

1-12 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Weight: 65 lbs
Pipe Type: Special
Drift ID: 10.625 in
Burst: 9,940 psi
Collapse: 6,540 psi
Body Yield Strength: 2,352,010 lbf
Linear Capacity: 0.1108 bbl/ft
Closed End Displacement: 0.1341 bbl/ft
Average Joint Length: 40.0 ft
Wall Thickness: 87.5%

a) If the Pipe Type is Standard, what casing properties cannot

be specified?

b) Save and close the catalog.

7. Make a new unit set and name it Class Units. (Tools > Unit
System) Base the new unit set on API units.

a) Use the psi/ft unit for Mud Weight.

b) What is the active unit system?

c) Is the unit for density psi/ft? You can refer to the Fluid Editor
(Case > Fluid Editor) to determine what unit is associated
with density.

d) Activate the API unit set.

e) Have the units for mud density changed to ppg?

8. Save the case, but do not close it.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-13

Chapter 1: Basics

1. Access the Materials spreadsheet by double-clicking Materials in
the Well Explorer. You may need to expand the Tubular
Properties node.

2. To create a material named Class Material, add the new material

in the first blank line at the end of the list.

3. Access the Grades spreadsheet by double-clicking Grades in

Well Explorer.

4. Create a pipe grade named Class Grade. Add the new grade in the
first blank line at the end of the list. It is very important to specify
the Section Type. If not, the grade will not be available to you
when you create a new pipe in a catalog later in this exercise.

1-14 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

5. Using Well Explorer, right-click the Casing/Tubing catalog and

select New from the right-click menu.

To create a new catalog:

1. Click on the catalog group (Drilling
Tools, Completion Tools, or Wellhead
Equipment) in the Well Explorer. For
this example, select Drilling Tools.
2. Highlight the catalog type in Well
Explorer. In this example, Casing/
Tubing is highlighted.
3. Right-click the highlighted catalog
category and select New from the
right-click menu.

4. Specify the name of the

new catalog in the
Catalog Properties
dialog box.
5. Optional: Specify a
description of the catalog
to help you identify it later.
6. Click OK to create
the catalog.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-15

Chapter 1: Basics

7. The new catalog

displays in the Well
Explorer within the
catalog type you
selected in Step 2.

6. Using the Well Explorer, double-click the catalog you created to

open it. After the catalog is opened, you can specify the new catalog

a) If the Pipe Type is Standard, the Collapse Resistance and Body

Yield Strength will be calculated based on the grade and
associated material of the casing.

b) Save and close the catalog using the catalog node right-
click menu.

1-16 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

7. Use Tools > Unit System. Base the new unit set on API units.
Notice that the active Unit Set name is displayed in the Status Bar.

Click New to
create a new
unit system.

Select API from the

Template pull-down list
to base the new unit set
on API units.

a) Use the psi/ft unit for Mud Weight.

Select Mud Weight from
the list of unit types and
then select the unit you
want to use for that
unit type.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-17

Chapter 1: Basics

b) The active unit system is Class Units. You can tell what unit
system is active by referring to the Active Viewing Unit System
pull-down list in the Unit Systems Editor. The active unit system
is also displayed in the Status Bar.

c) Refer to the Fluid Editor (Case > Fluid Editor) to determine

what unit is associated with density.

d) Activate the API unit system using Tools > Unit System. Select
API using the Active Viewing Unit System pull-down list.

1-18 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

e) Refer back to the Fluid Editor (Case > Fluid Editor) and note
that the units are now ppg.

8. Save the case by selecting either File > Save As or File > Save.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-19

Chapter 1: Basics

Exercise 3: Using the Case Menu and Libraries, and

Configuring the Workspace

Steps and Questions

Using the Case Menu

1. Define the hole section, including the last casing, liner, and the open
hole section. (Case > Hole Section Editor)

The hole section depth is 17,968 ft.

Select the Additional Columns check box.

The Riser section depth is 590 ft, outer diameter 22.00" and
inner diameter is 20.00". Use vertical for the riser depth

Set API 13 5/8, 88.2 lb/ft, Q-125 casing at 13,124 ft MD. The
effective hole diameter is 17.5. (Effective hole diameter is only
used in the OptiCem-Cementing module for cementing

Set 11 3/4, 65 ppf, Class Grade liner at 16,721 ft MD. (Class

Grade is the grade of the pipe. You must select this casing from
the catalog you created in the last exercise.) Use Casing as the
section type for liners. The effective hole diameter is 14.75.

There is 1,247 ft of 12 1/4 open hole. The open hole is gauge.

Use 0.2 friction factor in cased hole and 0.3 in open hole.

2. Define a simple drill string to become familiar with using the

Case > String Editor.

String Depth: 17,968 ft

Drill Pipe: API Drill Pipe Catalog, 17,045 ft, DP 5 in, 19.50 ppf,
G, NC50(XH), P

Heavy Weight: System Heavy Weight Catalog, 60 ft, HW Grant

Prideco, 5 in, 49.7 ppf

1-20 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Jar: System Jar Catalog, 33 ft, Dailey Mechanical 6 1/4 OD,

2.25 ID

Heavy Weight: System Heavy Weight Catalog, 300 ft,

HW Grant Prideco, 5 in, 49.7 ppf

Drill Collar: API Drill Collar Catalog, DC, 390 ft, 8 X 2.5,
7 H-90

Stabilizer: System Stabilizer Catalog, 5 ft, IBS, 10 5/8 FG,

8 X 2.5

Drill Collar: API Drill Collar Catalog, DC, 30 ft, 8 X 2.5,

7 H-90

Stabilizer: System Stabilizer Catalog, 5 ft, IBS, 10 5/8 FG,

8 X 2.5

Drill Collar (Non-mag): API Drill Collar Catalog, 31 ft,

NDC 8 X 2.5, 7 H-90

Stabilizer: System Stabilizer Catalog, 5 ft, IBS, 10 5/8 FG,

8 X 2.5

MWD: System MWD Catalog, 30 ft, MWD 8, 8 x 2.5 in

Mud Motor: System Mud Motor Catalog, 30 ft, BHM 8,

8 x 2.5 in

Sub: System Sub Catalog, 3 ft, BS 6, 6 x 2 1/2 in

Bit: Security DBS, 10.625, Tri-Cone Bit, XL20, 517X

3. Import a catalog containing a bi-center bit using the file Change the bit in the string to
the bi-center bit in the catalog you imported.

4. Import the Wellpath data using the file

WP5000_1_13_TrainingWellpath.txt. Your instructor will tell you
where the file is. The column order and units are: MD (ft), Inc
(deg), and Az (deg). Review the wellpath data using Case >
Wellpath > Wellpath Editor.


It is important that you correctly specify column order and units.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-21

Chapter 1: Basics

5. Create a fluid using the following properties. Activate the fluid after
you create it. In this example, PV and YP are specified. If you have
access to Fann data, it can be specified instead of PV and YP. Use
the following properties:

Name: 15.1 ppg OBM

Density: 15.1 ppg at 70o F
PV: 24 cp at 70o F
YP: 12 lbf/100ft2 at 70 oF
Rheological Model: Bingham Plastic

6. Copy all pore pressure and fracture pressure from the file
WP5000_1_13_PoreFrac.xls. Paste the pore pressure data into the
Case > Pore Pressure and the fracture gradient data into the Case
> Fracture Gradient.

a) How is the first row of the Case > Pore Pressure

spreadsheet calculated?

b) Depth is always required for entry into either of these

spreadsheets. Why is it necessary to specify either EMW or
pressure for entry or copy into these spreadsheets?

7. Specify the geothermal gradient. The surface ambient temperature

is 80o F, the mudline temperature is 40o F, and the temperature at
TD is 279.5o F. What is the geothermal gradient?

8. Specify mud pump and other circulating system data.

a) The surface equipment rated working pressure is 6,000 psi, the

surface pressure loss is 100 psi, and the surface equipment type
is IADC.

b) Select the following two pumps from the catalog. Activate only
the A1400PT pump.

Make Description Type Liner Rod Efficiency


Oilwell A1400PT Triplex 5 none 100

Oilwell A1700PT Triplex 6.5 none 100

1-22 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Using Libraries
9. Export the string you created by clicking Export on the Case >
String Editor. Name the string Class BHA.

10. Export the fluid titled 15.1 ppg OBM by clicking the Library
button in the Fluid Editor. You could change the name if you
wished, but, for this exercise, you will not change the name.

11. Create a new case by right-clicking the Database icon in the Well
Explorer and selecting Instant Case from the right-click menu.
Include this case in the Class Company. Create new names for the
remaining hierarchical levels. The well is subsea, in 328 ft of water,
with a wellhead depth of 323 ft, and a default site elevation
of 100 ft.

12. Open the case you created in the previous step, if it is not
already opened.

13. Open the Case > String Editor. Notice there is no string data in
String Editor. Import the Class BHA string you created from the
library. Set string depth to 17,950 ft.

14. Open the Case > Fluid Editor. Notice there is no fluid data in the
Fluid Editor. Import the 15.1 ppg OBM fluid you created from
the library.

15. Assume you want to transfer your libraries to another computer, or

you want to share your libraries with another person. Create a
library transfer file.

Configuring the Workspace

16. Continue to use the case you created in Step 11 (using the
Instant Case option).

17. Create the following tabs by renaming or creating additional tabs.

Use window splitters near the scroll bars to create window panes.

a) Create a tab titled Schematic. On that tab, put the Well

Schematic-Full Stringnot to scale.

b) Create a tab titled Editors. Create two horizontal panes on that

tab. Open the Hole Section Editor in one pane and the String
Editor in the other pane.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-23

Chapter 1: Basics

c) Create a tab titled Wellpath. Open the Wellpath Editor in

this tab.

d) Create a tab titled Plots. Open the Inclination plot in this tab.

18. To illustrate the Copy/Paste functionality between cases and

designs, you will copy the hole section from the Class Case in the
Class Project you worked with earlier in this exercise.

a) In the Well Explorer, highlight the Class Case in the Class

Project. What items are linked at the case level?

b) In the Associated Data Viewer (located at the bottom of Well

Explorer), right-click the Hole Section entry and select Copy.

c) In the Well Explorer, right-click the case you created in Step 11

and select Paste from the right-click menu.

d) Notice the Associated Data Viewer indicates the hole section

depth has changed.

e) Notice the Case > Hole Section Editor displays the hole
section data.

19. Copy the wellpath from the Class Design in the Class Project to the
design you created in Step 11. Notice the wellpath is now displayed
on the Wellpath tab and the inclination is displayed on the Plots tab.

20. Using the Associated Data Viewer, determine what data is linked at
various hierarchy levels (design, case, wellbore, and so on).

a) What data is shown to be linked at the design level?

b) What data is shown to be linked at the case level?

c) What data is shown to be linked at the wellbore level?

21. Save the tab configuration as User Defined Workspace. Name the
workspace Class Workspace. Notice the workspace you created is
now listed as User Defined Workspace in Well Explorer.

22. Save and close the case.

23. Re-open the case. What tabs are displayed and why?

1-24 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

24. You can export your workspaces if you want to share them with
another person. Export the Class Workspace you created.

25. In the Well Explorer, notice the node titled System Workspaces.
System Workspaces are installed with the software. Can you
modify a System Workspace? Review the tab configurations
associated with each System Workspace.

26. Module Workspaces are a convenient way to use the same tab
configuration every time you use an analysis module, regardless of
the case you are analyzing. To illustrate, continue to use the case
you created in Step 11.

a) Activate the Torque Drag Analysis module.

b) Apply the Torque Drag Analysis System Workspace. Did the

tabs change?

c) Save this as the default workspace for all Torque Drag analysis.

d) Open the Class Case in the Class Project, if it isnt already


e) Activate the Torque Drag Analysis module and notice the tab
configuration. What tab configuration is used?

f) Assume you do not want to use the Torque Drag default

workspace configuration; how can you use the Class Workspace
you created?

Configuring and Using Plots

27. This exercise step demonstrates the Freeze Line. Continue to use
the case you created in Step 11.

a) Freeze the curve on the Inclination plot using the Plots tab.
Specify the color of the freeze line to green, change the width
to 3, and change the name of the curve.

b) Using the Wellpath tab, change the inclination near 2500 ft to

50o. Notice the two curves visible at this depth on the
Inclination plot.

c) Right-click the curve with the 50o inclination and select

Hide Line. What happened to the line?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-25

Chapter 1: Basics

d) Add a Halliburton logo as a background logo to the plot. Your

instructor can tell you the location of the file.

28. Generate a survey Vertical Section plot. Use the Plot tab.

a) Change the width of the data curve (vertical section line) on the
Vertical Section plot to 3.


Right-click the curve and use the Line Properties option of the right-
click menu.

b) Activate the Graphics toolbar by clicking anywhere on the plot.

c) Use the Data Reader (third button from the left on the Graphics
toolbar) to determine the vertical section at TD. What is it?

d) View the plot in tabular format. After viewing, return to the

graphical view.

29. Click the Properties button to open the Properties dialog box. The
following questions highlight the functionality of these tabs.


To easily view the changes to the plot, move the Properties dialog box so that
the plot is visible. Do not forget to click Apply to implement changes.

a) Using the Axis tab, draw the X axis where Y = 0 and remove the
tick marks from the Y axis.

b) Using the General/Grid tab, remove the grid lines from the plot.

c) Using the Labels tab, change the Y axis label to True

Vertical Depth.

d) Using the Font tab, change the axis labels to green and italic.

e) Using the Markers tab, display data markers every

50 data points.

f) Using the Legend tab, turn off the legend.

g) Click OK and notice the changes to the plot.

1-26 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

30. Save and close this case.

31. Export this case at the company level using the file name of
your choice.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-27

Chapter 1: Basics


Using the Case Menu

1. Use Case > Hole Section Editor.

2. Use Case > String Editor.

1-28 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

3. Right-click the Catalog node in Well Explorer and select Import

Catalog from the right-click menu. Use the Import Catalog dialog
box to navigate to the correct folder, then select the file you want to
import. After you import the catalog, it will be located under the
catalog category titled Bits because it is a bit catalog.
1. Click an inactive (gray) cell
in the row defining the bit in
the Case > String Editor.
2. Access String > Catalog
using the main menu.

3. Select the
catalog you
imported by
selecting Class
Bits from the pull-
down list.
4. Highlight the bit
you want to use.
(In this example
there is only one,
so it is
5. Click OK and the
selected bit will
replace the bit in
the Case >
String Editor.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-29

Chapter 1: Basics

4. Use File > Import > Wellpath File to import the file
WPR5000_TrainingWelpath.txt. Review the wellpath data using
the Case > Wellpath > Wellpath Editor.

It is important that
you correctly
specify column
order and units.

5. Enter mud properties in the Fluid Editor. Click New to enter data
for a new fluid (Case > Fluid Editor). After you have finished
inputting fluid properties, click Activate to indicate you want this
fluid used in the analysis.

Click New to enter a

new fluid.

After you activate

the fluid, a tear-drop
symbol is placed
next to the active
fluid. There can only
be one active fluid.

1-30 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

6. Copy all pore pressure and fracture pressure from the file
WPPoreFrac.xls. Use Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V to copy and paste the
data. In Excel, select the columns you want to copy and use Ctrl-C.
In the WELLPLAN software, highlight the second row (because it
is the first empty row in the spreadsheet) and use Ctrl-V to paste
the data. Paste the pore pressure data into Case > Pore Pressure
and the fracture gradient data into Case > Fracture Gradient.
Because these spreadsheets contain no data except for the first
calculated row of data, you can either Overwrite or Append the
data into these spreadsheets.

In Excel, select the

columns you want to copy
and use Ctrl-C to copy the
data to the clipboard.

Highlight the row

where you want to
begin the copy. In this
example, highlight the
first empty row. Click
on the row number to
highlight the row.
Click Ctrl-V to paste
the data into the

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-31

Chapter 1: Basics

Indicate whether you want to

Overwrite existing data or
Append data by clicking the
appropriate button. In this
example, either button
will work.

a) The first row of this spreadsheet is automatically calculated from

the data on the Well Properties > Depth Reference Tab.

b) Entry of either EMW or pressure is required. The other value

will be calculated.

7. Use Case > Geothermal Gradient. The gradient is calculated

based on the supplied temperature data.

1-32 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

8. Use Case > Circulating System.

a) Surface Equipment Tab

b) Mud Pumps Tab

Click Add
Catalog to
select a mud
pump from
the catalog.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-33

Chapter 1: Basics

Double-click to select the Make, Description, Type, Liner ID,

Rod OD, and Efficiency.

Select the System Pumps


Click the Active check

box to check or
uncheck it.
Check only the Oilwell
HD1400-PT 5 Liner
pump to make it the only
active pump.

1-34 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Using Libraries
9. Export the string you created by clicking Export on the Case >
String Editor. Name the string 10.625 BHA.

Click Export to export the

string to a library.

Click Yes to save the

case before you add
the string to the library.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-35

Chapter 1: Basics

Specify the name you

want to give the string.
You will use this name
to identify the string in
the library.

Click Export to make

a copy of the string in
the library using the
assembly name
you provided.

1-36 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

10. Export the fluid you created by clicking Library on the Case >
Fluid Editor. Highlight the fluid you want to move to the library. In
this example, highlight 15.1 ppg OBM. Click the left-facing arrow
to copy the fluid to the library. The fluid will have the same name in
the library as it did in the Fluid Editor. You could change the name
if you wished, but, for this exercise, you will not change the name.

Click Library to
export a copy of a
fluid to the fluid

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-37

Chapter 1: Basics

Highlight the name of the

fluid that you want to copy
to the library. Click the left-
facing arrow to copy the
fluid to the library.

1-38 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

The fluid is now in the

Library Fluids list.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-39

Chapter 1: Basics

11. Create a new case by right-clicking the Database icon ( ) in the

Well Explorer and selecting Instant Case from the right-click
menu. Include this case in the Class Company. Create new names
for the remaining hierarchical levels. The well is subsea, in 328 ft of
water, with a wellhead depth of 300 ft, and default site elevation of
100 ft.

To include this case in

the Class company,
select Class from the
Company pull-
down list.

Notice the case you

created is
associated with the
Class company.

12. Double-click the case name in Well Explorer to open the case you
created in the previous step, if it is not already opened.

1-40 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

13. Open the Case > String Editor. After the import, notice that the
string data is displayed.

Click Import. When the warning message displays, click Yes to

indicate that you want to overwrite any existing string data.

Highlight the Class BHA

string library entry in the
Import Assembly String
From Library dialog box.
Click Import to import
the string from the

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-41

Chapter 1: Basics

14. Open the Case > Fluid Editor. Notice there is no fluid data in the
Fluid Editor until after you import the fluid from the library. You
must click Activate if you want to use the fluid in the analysis.

Click Library.

1-42 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Highlight the 15.1 ppg OBM

fluid library entry in the
Library Fluids column.

Click the right-facing arrow

button to copy the fluid from
the library to the Wellbore
Fluids list. Click OK.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-43

Chapter 1: Basics

15. Using the Well Explorer, right-click the Database icon and select
Export from the right-click menu. Specify the file name you want
to use and be sure that Save as Type says Library Transfer Files
(*.lib.xml). Click Save to create the library transfer file. You or the
person to whom you are giving the file can import the library
transfer file by selecting Import from the Database icons
right-click menu.

1-44 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Configuring the Workspace

16. Continue to use the case you created in Step 11 (using the
Instant Case option.)

17. Use View > Tabs.

Click New to create a new

tab. Click Rename to
rename an existing tab.
Click Delete to delete the
highlighted tab.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-45

Chapter 1: Basics

Window splitters

You can also rename

a tab by double-
clicking on it and
specifying a
new name.

a) Use View > Schematics > Well Schematic-Full String and then
use the Option pull-down list to select Non-Deviated Not To

1-46 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

b) On the Editors tab, put the Case > Hole Section Editor in one
pane and the Case > String Editor in the other pane.

c) Put the Case > Wellpath Editor on the Wellpath tab.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-47

Chapter 1: Basics

d) Open the View > Wellpath Plots > Inclination plot on the
Plots tab.

1-48 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics


a) In Well Explorer, highlight the Class Case in the Class Project.

Highlight the case by clicking it.

Refer to the Associated Data
Viewer to determine which items
are linked to the case.

In this example, the Hole Section

and Assembly use the default
names of Hole Section and
Assembly. You can rename
items in the Associated Data
Viewer by highlighting them and
then clicking them again. The
active fluid is also displayed.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-49

Chapter 1: Basics

b) In the Associated Data Viewer (located at the bottom of the Well

Explorer), right-click the Hole Section entry and select Copy.

To copy a hole section

associated with the
highlighted case, right-click
the hole section in the
Associated Data Viewer.
Select Copy from the
right-click menu.

c) In Well Explorer, right-click the case you created in Step 11 and

select Paste from the right-click menu.

Highlight the case to

which you want to copy
the hole section.
Right-click and select
Paste from the
right-click menu.

1-50 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Click Yes to indicate you want to copy.


Notice the
Associated Data
Viewer indicates the
hole section depth
has changed.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-51

Chapter 1: Basics


19. Follow the same procedure as in the previous step.

20. Using the Well Explorer, highlight the hierarchy level in which you
are interested, then view the linked data using the Associated
Data Viewer.

a) Well path, pore pressure, fracture gradient, geothermal gradient,

and casing designs are linked to the design level.

Highlight the design in

which you are
interested. The
Associated Data
Viewer displays the
items that are linked to
this design.

1-52 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

b) Rigs, hole section, assembly, and fluids are linked to the

case level.

c) Fluids are linked to the wellbore level.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-53

Chapter 1: Basics

21. In Well Explorer, right-click User Defined Workspace and select

New from the menu. Name the workspace Class Workspace and
click OK. Notice the workspace you created is now listed as User
Defined Workspace in the Well Explorer.

Right-click User
Defined Workspace
and select New from
the right-click menu.

Notice the workspace you

created is now listed as User
Defined Workspace in the
Well Explorer.

22. Save and close the case by using the File menu, or by right-clicking
the case name in the Well Explorer.

1-54 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

23. Re-open the case by double-clicking on it in the Well Explorer.

Notice that the tabs are those you created. When you save a case,
the current tab configuration is saved with the case data. Therefore,
when you re-open the case, the tab configuration is
automatically displayed.

24. Right-click User Defined Workspaces and select Export.

25. System Workspaces are installed with the software and cannot be
changed. You could use a System Workspace as the basis for a User
Defined Workspace, but you must always save your workspaces as
User Defined Workspaces. Review the tab configurations
associated with each system workspace by double-clicking the
workspace name in the Well Explorer, or by highlighting the
workspace and selecting Apply from the right-click menu.

Apply the workspace by

highlighting it and selecting Apply
from the right-click menu.


a) Activate the Torque Drag Analysis module by using Modules >

Torque Drag > Normal.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-55

Chapter 1: Basics

b) Apply the Torque Drag Analysis System Workspace by double-

clicking it in the Well Explorer. Ignore any error messages
displayed in the Status Message area. These errors occur because
you have not entered required analysis data.

Notice the tabs have



Right-click the Module

Workspaces node in the
Well Explorer tree and
select Save As Default.

1-56 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Notice that Torque Drag

now displays beneath the
Module Workspace node.
This indicates that a
workspace default has
been associated to the
Torque Drag Analysis
module. (This is not the
name of the workspace,
but rather the name of the
module.) You can only
have one default for each
analysis module, although
you can change the default
whenever you want.

d) Using the Well Explorer, right-click the Class Case case in the
Class Project project to open the case, if it is not already open. If
it is open, you can use the Window menu to switch to this case.

e) Click the toolbar icon to activate the Torque Drag module.

The tab configuration is the one you specified to use as the
default for all Torque Drag Analysis, regardless of which case
you are analyzing.

f) Double-click the User Defined Workspace you created to apply

that workspace. Notice the tab change.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-57

Chapter 1: Basics

Configuring and Using Plots



Using the Plot tab, place the

cursor (arrow) on the data
curve of the Inclination plot.
Click the right mouse button,
and select Freeze Line....

Specify the color of the freeze

line to be green, the width to 3,
and change the name of
the curve.


Using the Wellpath tab,

change the inclination
near 2500 ft to 50 deg.

1-58 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Notice the two curves

visible on the Inclination
plot. The legend indicates
the name of each curve.


Right-click the
desired curve.
Select Hide

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-59

Chapter 1: Basics

When a line is hidden, it

disappears from the plot.

d) Add a background logo to the plot. Right-click anywhere on the

plot and select Properties. In the Background tab, select the
Bitmap radio button. Add the Halliburton logo to the plot. Your
instructor can tell you the location of the file.

1-60 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

Notice the logo

is applied.

28. Generate a survey Vertical Section plot using View > Wellpath
Plots > Vertical Section.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-61

Chapter 1: Basics


b) Activate the Graphics toolbar by clicking anywhere on the plot.

Data Reader

c) Use the Data Reader (third icon from the left on the Graphics
toolbar) to determine the vertical section at TD. What is it?

Move the data reader to the point on

the curve in which you are interested.
Read the coordinate values here.

1-62 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

d) Click the Grid View icon (fourth icon from the left on the
Graphics toolbar) to view X/Y coordinate data for the plot. Click
the Arrow icon (left-most icon on the Graphics toolbar) to return
to the Plot view.

To toggle between tabular

data and plotted data, you
can also select Graph/Grid
from the right-click menu.

29. Click the toolbar icon.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-63

Chapter 1: Basics

a) Using the Axis tab, draw the X axis where Y = 0, and remove the
tick marks from the Y axis.

Click this radio

button to draw
the x-axis
where y = 0.

tick marks

b) Using the General/Grid tab, remove the grid lines from the plot.

Uncheck this
check box to
remove the
grid lines.

1-64 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics

c) Using the Labels tab, change the Y axis label to

True Vertical Depth.

Specify the Y axis label here.

d) Using the Font tab, change the axis labels to Green and Italic.

Click Axis
Labels to
change the
fonts used for
axis labels.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-65

Chapter 1: Basics

e) Using the Markers tab, display data markers every

50 data points.

Check the Show

Data Markers check
box to indicate data
point frequency.

f) Using the Legend tab, turn off the legend.

Uncheck the Show

Legend checkbox to
remove the legend from
the plot.

1-66 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 1: Basics


30. Right-click the case name in Well Explorer and select Close.

31. Export this case at the company level using the file name of
your choice.

Click the company containing

the case you want to export.
Select Export from the right-
click menu.

Note: You must close all cases

associated with the company
before you can export.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 1-67

Chapter 1: Basics

1-68 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2


The data used in this exercise is not from an actual well. Although an
attempt has been made to use realistic data in the exercise, the intent
when creating the data set is to display as much software functionality
as possible. Therefore, some data may not be realistic. Please do not let
the accuracy of the data overshadow learning software functionality.

In this section, you will drill one hole section in a well. During this
analysis, you assume previous hole sections have been drilled, and will
focus only on the current section being drilled.

The following is a brief, general overview of the workflow and does not
include a description of all workflow steps.

Initial analysis evaluates the stresses acting on the string when the bit is
at TD. Adjustments to the drill pipe are made based on this analysis.
Next, the torque and drag is evaluated at depths other than TD.

After all string adjustments based on torque drag analysis are completed,
hydraulics analysis begins. First, hole cleaning is reviewed. Flow rate
adjustments are made to improve hole cleaning. Pressure losses,
including system, string, and annulus is examined. Critical annular
velocities are determined. Pump horsepower requirements are
determined. ECDs are analyzed, and bit nozzle sizes are optimized. A
final design check is performed to ensure hole cleaning, pressure losses,
and ECDs are acceptable.

After the hydraulics analysis is completed, tripping surge and swab

transient pressures are investigated.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-1

Chapter 2: Drilling

Well control analysis is the next step in the process. The kick type is
determined, as well as the expected influx volume. Using the estimated
influx volume, the kick tolerance is examined. A kill sheet is generated,
and the well control animation is used to display the pressures and other
parameters as the kick is circulated out of the wellbore.

After well control analysis is completed, critical vibrational speeds are

investigated, as well as the stresses, bending moments, and
displacements acting on the string.

Next, the BHA performance is investigated, including the response of

the BHA to various WOB and ROP combinations.

Finally, the forces required to set, trip, and reset a jar in the event the
pipe becomes stuck are determined.

Workflow Solution
Solutions for the workflow steps in this chapter can be found in the
Drilling Solution chapter.

What is Covered
During this workflow you will:

Input General Well Data

Integrate between WELLPLANTM software modules
Define the hole section
Define the workstring and the component parameters
Define the wellpath and how to apply tortuosity
Define wellbore fluids

Torque Drag Analysis

Understand the torque and drag analysis parameters, including:

analytical methods
stiff string and soft string models
mechanical limitations
selecting desired tripping and drilling modes
defining friction factors

2-2 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

Analyze torque drag at TD, and at other wellbore depths

Examine effective and true tension and when to use each
Examine fatigue
Determine available overpull
Determine the torque acting on the string
Investigate the possibility of buckling
Investigate ways to resolve torque and drag issues

Hydraulics Analysis
Examine hole cleaning at various pump rates
Investigate the effect of ROP on hole cleaning
Determine pressure losses
Determine annular velocity
Input circulating system information
Investigate required horsepower
Check ECDs
Optimize hydraulics

Surge Swab Analysis

Analyze transient surge/swab pressures and ECDs
Generate a trip schedule

Well Control Analysis

Investigate well control
Determine predicted kick type
Estimate influx volume and kick tolerance
Evaluate pressures as a kick is circulated out
Predict a safe drilling depth
Generate a kill sheet

Critical Speed Analysis

Determine critical rotational speeds
Examine the stresses acting on the workstring at various ROPs,
including the type of stress and where it occurs
Examine string displacements
Review bending moments

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-3

Chapter 2: Drilling

Bottomhole Assembly Analysis

Predict BHA build and drop
Evaluate BHA contact points along the wellbore
Analyze the effect of various WOB and ROP combinations on BHA

Stuck Pipe Analysis

Estimate a stuck point for specified surface conditions, and
string stretch
Determine loads required to set and trip a jar
Determine load required to yield the pipe

2-4 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

Torque Drag Analysis (Using the Torque Drag

Analysis Module)

The Torque Drag Analysis module predicts the measured weights and
torques while tripping in, tripping out, rotating on bottom, rotating off
bottom, slide drilling, and backreaming. This information can be used to
determine if the well can be drilled or to evaluate conditions while
drilling a well. The module can be used for analyzing drillstrings, casing
strings, liners, tieback strings, tubing strings, and coiled tubing.

The Torque Drag Analysis module includes both soft string and stiff
string models. The soft string model is based on Dawsons cable model.
In this model, the work string is treated as an extendible cable with zero
bending stiffness. Friction is assumed to act in the direction opposing
motion. The forces required to buckle the string are determined, and if
buckling occurs, the mode of buckling (sinusoidal, transitional, helical,
or lockup) is indicated. The stiff string model includes the increased side
forces from stiff tubulars in curved hole, as well as the reduced side
forces from pipe wall clearance.

Data Import for Exercises

At this time, it is necessary to import the training data. Select File >
Import > Transfer File from the drop-down menus and import
Training Company.edm.xml from the training data folder.

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options

1. Using the Well Explorer, open the Case titled Drilling.

2. Activate the Torque Drag Analysis module.

3. What is the mudline depth (MSL)?

4. Review the hole section information.

a. Why is the riser length 590 ft?

b. What friction factors are used?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-5

Chapter 2: Drilling

5. Review the string information.


The length of the top row component is automatically adjusted.

a. What is the string depth?

b. Does the drill pipe weight include the tool joint weight?

c. What type of connections are used for the drill pipe, and what is
the make-up torque for the drill pipe connection?

6. Review the wellpath information.

a. What is the best azimuth to view the View > Wellpath Plots >
Vertical Section plot?

b. How can you use this dialog box to set the Vertical Section plot
to use that azimuth?

7. Apply tortuosity to the open hole section. Use the Sine Wave
Tortuosity Model, 12,500 ft MD Top, a 500 ft Angle Change
Period, a 0.5 degree magnitude, and a 30 ft Depth Interval.


In this example, only one MD Top is specified. Therefore, the same tortuosity
will be applied to all data points below the specified MD Top.

a. When should you use tortuosity?

b. When using the Sine Wave model, why should angle and pitch
not be a multiple of each other?

c. Review the Inclination and Azimuth plots. What is causing

the corkscrews?

8. What fluid is used in the analysis?

Torque Drag Analysis uses viscosity and density for the analysis.

2-6 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

9. Specify the Torque Drag Analysis setup options. Check all the
boxes in the Mechanical Limitations section. This information will
now be displayed on the applicable plots.

The Soft String model is more widely used than the Stiff String
model. For more information, refer to the online help.

10. Review the additional analysis parameters.

a. From what source are the friction factors coming?

(Calibrated, Hole Section Editor, and so on)

b. What operations will be analyzed?

c. What is the WOB (or overpull) and the bit torque?

Analyze Results at TD
Using the Normal Analysis mode, you will review the results when the
bit is at TD (total depth). Later, you will use Drag Charts to review the
results when the bit is at other depths along the wellpath.

11. Review the Summary Loads table.

a. What problems exist?

b. Can you determine where the problems occur?

c. What is the overpull margin with and without tortuosity applied?

Continue the exercise with tortuosity applied.

d. If you consider viscous drag effects of the fluid acting on the

drillstring, what is the overpull margin? What additional
problem have you introduced and in what mode of operation?
Do not consider viscous effects after this point.

e. Does buckling occur?

12. Review the Effective Tension plot.

a. Why not use the True Tension plot?

b. Which operation is close to exceeding the tension limit?

c. Is buckling predicted based on this plot?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-7

Chapter 2: Drilling

13. Review the Torque Graph to determine the location in the string
when the torque limit is exceeded for each operation indicated in
the Summary Loads table.

14. Review the Fatigue plot to determine where fatigue may be

a problem.

a. What is fatigue, and why is it important?


Refer to the online help.

b. What is one possible cause of the fatigue?

15. Review the load data to determine which limits are exceeded during
the Backreaming, Rotating On Bottom, and Rotating Off Bottom
operations. When backreaming, at what depth is the yield strength
and utilization factor exceeded?

16. What can you do to avoid the problems in the string? There are
several possible options. For this exercise, change the drill pipe.

a. One option would be to change the drill pipe to 5, 25.6#, S, FH,

Class 1 pipe.

b. Review the make-up torque and fatigue limits for this pipe.

17. Review the Normal Analysis Summary Loads table as another

means to confirm the problems are resolved. Is the overpull

18. How could you save some money on the string? Continue to use the
S grade pipe in the top 7,500 ft of drill pipe. Because the original
drillpipe (5, 19.5 lb/ft, G, NC50, P) was sufficient below that
depth, change to the original pipe below 7,500 ft. Review results
again using the Summary Loads table. (7,500 ft of S pipe is used
because the problems began about 7,000 ft. The additional 500 ft
allows for a margin of safety.)

There are other possible drill pipe configurations that would be

acceptable. Because of time constraints, additional analysis will not
be performed in the course setting at this time.

2-8 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

Analyze Torque and Drag at Other Depths

19. Select the Drag Charts analysis mode.

20. Analyze every 100 ft from 0 to TD.


Much of the information on this dialog box defaults from the data specified in
the Normal Analysis mode.

21. Review the Hook Load chart.

a. What does the Max Weight Yield line represent?

b. How can you determine the overpull at a specific point?

22. Review the Torque Point chart.

a. This plot displays the torque at what depth?

b. Why is there 0 torque while tripping in and tripping out?

23. Specify an RPM of 80 for the tripping operations (as with a top
drive). Notice the difference in the plot. Set the RPM back to zero
before proceeding.

24. Review the Minimum WOB chart. Look at the last data point and
compare the results to the Normal Analysis Summary table results.
Notice the Run Depth is the same as the bit depth.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-9

Chapter 2: Drilling

Analyze Hydraulics (Using the Hydraulics Module)

The WELLPLAN Hydraulics module is designed to assist the engineer

with the complicated issue of designing hydraulics. The module can be
used to optimize bit hydraulics, determine the minimum flow rate for
hole cleaning, determine the maximum flow rate to avoid turbulent
flow, analyze hydraulics for surge and/or swab pressures, and quickly
evaluate rig operational hydraulics.

The module provides several rheological models, including Bingham

Plastic, Power Law, Newtonian, and Herschel Bulkley. The chosen
rheological model provides the basis for the pressure loss calculations.

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options

25. Access the Hydraulics module.

26. Review the string information.

a. What are the bit nozzle sizes?

b. What are the flow rates and pressure losses for the mud motor?

c. What are the flow rates and pressure losses for the MWD?

Analyze Hole Cleaning

27. Access the Hole Cleaning - Operational analysis mode.

28. Review the analysis parameters.

29. Review the Hole Cleaning Operational plot at 600 gpm and a rate of
penetration (ROP) of 50.

a. What is the minimum flow rate to clean the wellbore?

b. What is the bed height in the riser?

c. What is the bed height in the casing (between the drill pipe and
the casing)?

2-10 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

d. Will changing the flow rate help clean the annulus (not including
the riser)? Try 615 gpm.


Use the slider on the plot to change the flowrate

e. How much additional flow is needed to clean the riser? Try a

flow rate of 720 gpm.

f. To pump at the lower flowrate of 615 gpm, add a booster pump.

The injection depth is 590 ft, 40o F injection temperature, and an
injection rate of 105 gpm.

g. Now that you have added a booster pump, set the flowrate to
615 gpm. Are the wellbore and riser clean?

30. Review the Minimum flow Rate vs. ROP plot.


Using this plot, you can perform sensitivity analysis by selecting any RPM. To
increase ROP, you can vary the RPM or the flowrate.

a. At 0 rpm, what flowrate is required to achieve an ROP

of 70 ft/hr?

Rotary speed is the speed of the rotary bushing or the top drive.

b. How fast can you drill, and keep the wellbore clean, if you rotate
at 30 rpm?

c. Set the rpm to 25 before proceeding.

Analyze Pressure Loss and Annular Velocity

31. Access the Pressure: Pump Rate Range analysis mode.

32. Review the surface equipment and mud pump information.

a. What is the surface equipment rated working pressure?

b. What is the maximum discharge pressure and horsepower rating

of the active pump?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-11

Chapter 2: Drilling

33. Now that you know you need to pump at 615 gpm to clean the
wellbore, analyze pressure losses for a range of flowrates to
determine if your pumps can handle the required flow. Use the
following analysis parameters:

Analyze rates between 475 - 725 gpm using an increment

of 50 gpm.
Include mud temperature effects.
Include tool joint pressure losses.
9 hr circulation time

a. Where do the Maximum System Pressure and the Maximum

Pump Power come from?

34. Review the pressure losses. Are the system pressures losses too
high at 615 gpm?

35. Change from the 5,660 psi pump to a 7,500 psi pump.


To use the active pump in the analysis, you must update the Pumping
Constraints on the Parameter > Rates dialog box by clicking Obtain from
Circulating System.

36. Is there still a pressure loss problem?

37. Review the Annular Velocity plot.

a. Is there turbulent flow?

b. What is the minimum flowrate that causes turbulent flow?

c. If you want a turbulent flow regime in the open and cased hole,
how fast would you need to pump?


Use the Annular Pump Rate plot.

38. Save your data to the database.

2-12 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

Determine Required Horsepower

39. Check the required horsepower using the Pressure: Pump Rate
Fixed analysis mode. Pump at 615 gpm.

a. What is the standpipe pressure? Is this less than the maximum

pump pressure?

b. Using the pie-charts, review the power losses in the drillstring

and annulus. What are the total power losses and how do they
compare to the available power for the pump you selected?

c. Using the pie-charts, review the pressure losses in the drillstring

and annulus. What are the total pressure losses?

d. Activate the other 7,500 psi pump and use both in the analysis.
(Both 7,500 psi pumps should be active.)


This is a two-step process: one step to activate the pump, and the other to
use the pump in the analysis.

When using multiple pumps, the pump pressure used in the

analysis is the minimum pump pressure for any active pump.
However, if using multiple pumps, the HP used in the analysis is
the combined HP of all active pumps.

e. Clear the status messages.

Check ECDs
40. Continue using the Pressure: Pump Rate Fixed analysis mode to
check the ECDs.

a. Using the Circulating Pressure vs. Depth plot, is there likely to

be trouble?

b. Does the ECD vs. Depth plot indicate any trouble?

c. Hide the pore and fracture pressure curves displayed on the ECD
vs. Depth plot.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-13

Chapter 2: Drilling

d. Using the Freeze Line functionality, freeze the remaining curve

on the plot. To identify the curve later, change the color and
increase the thickness of the curve.

e. Include cuttings loading in the analysis.


To include cuttings loading in the analysis, un-check the Mud

Temperature Effects check box. You can then check the Include
Cuttings Loading check box.

f. Refer back to the ECD vs. Depth plot and notice the difference
in the curves. Why is there a difference?

Bit Optimization
41. Access the Optimization Planning analysis mode and specify the
following analysis parameters. What size nozzles do you need to
use to optimize based on Bit Impact Force or HHP?

The minimum annular velocity is 120 ft/min.

Allow three nozzles, with a minimum size of 14/32 nds.
Allow 100% bit flow.
Include tool joint pressure losses.

42. Access the Pump Rate Fixed analysis mode.

43. Use the Rate dialog box to investigate the effect on HSI when the
nozzle sizes are changed.

a. What is the HSI?

b. Change the Local nozzles to three 15/32nds. What is the TFA?


Local nozzles can be used for sensitivity analysis so the String Editor
nozzles can be left unchanged. After you finish the sensitivity analysis,
you can copy the Local nozzles to the String Editor nozzles.

c. Indicate that you do not want to use the String nozzles. What is
the HSI now?

2-14 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

d. Notice the stand pipe pressure is close to the maximum pump

pressure, so use three 16/32nd nozzles instead. What is the
HSI now?

e. Ensure that the bit properties are using three 16/32nd nozzles.

Final Design Check

44. Review the hole cleaning. Is everything OK?

45. Review the pressure losses. Is everything OK?

46. Review the ECDs. Is everything OK?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-15

Chapter 2: Drilling

Analyze Surge/Swab Pressures and ECDs (Using

the Surge Module)

The Surge module is a transient pressure model to determine surge and

swab pressures throughout the wellbore caused by pipe movement. This
analysis is used for well planning operations when surge pressures need
to be controlled and to evaluate well problems related to pressure surges.
It is also useful for critical well designs when other surge pressure
calculation methods are not sufficiently accurate.

The Surge module is based on a fully dynamic analysis of fluid flow and
pipe motion. This analysis solves the full balance of mass and balance
of momentum for pipe flow and annulus flow.

Surge solutions consider the compressibility of the fluids, the elasticity

of the system, and the dynamic motions of pipes and fluids. Also
considered are surge pressures related to fluid column length below the
moving pipe, compressibility of the formation, and axial elasticity of the
moving string. In-hole fluid properties are adjusted to reflect the effects
of pressure and temperature.

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options

47. Access the Surge module.

48. Review the pore pressures. At what measured depth is there a

0.5 ppg pore pressure increase in the open hole section (other than
at the shoe)? (Hint: Use Convert Depth/EMW.)


Use Convert Depth/EMW.

2-16 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

Analyze Transient Responses

Tripping Out Operation

49. Specify operations data. Specify the following analysis parameters.
Use defaults for other options.

Swab analysis.
Enter 15,000 ft for the Additional Depth of Interest.
Specify 12,500 ft (shoe), 15,000 ft (depth of interest), and
20,000 ft (TD) pipe depths. Use 270 ft/min for the pipe speed at
all depths.

For each depth of interest, the analysis will be performed assuming

the pipe is at the depths specified in the Pipe Depth column, using
the trip speed specified in the Pipe Speed column.

50. Review the Swab Transient Response Plot. Examine all depths, but
the following questions pertain to TD.

a. Why is the initial EMW presented on the plot not equal to the
original mud weight?

b. Is there a problem?

c. How much of a swab effect exists (in psi)?

51. Run a trip schedule for the open hole. What is the recommended
safe trip speed?

52. Adjust the trip speed to 150 ft/min, and review the transient plots to
confirm the problem is resolved.

Tripping In Operation
53. Change the operation from swab to surge. Leave all other
parameters the same as for the swab operation.

54. Review the transient plot. Why was the analysis not performed?

55. Adjust the moving pipe depth, and review the transient response
plot at all three moving pipe depths. Are there any problems?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-17

Chapter 2: Drilling

56. Is it possible to experience a swab effect while tripping in and a

surge effect while tripping out? Review any transient
response plot.

2-18 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

Investigate Well Control (Using the Well Control

Analysis Module)

The Well Control module can be used to:

calculate the expected influx volume.

assist with casing design in terms of shoe settings depths.
calculate expected conditions resulting from an influx.
generate kill sheets.
determine maximum safe drilling depths and maximum allowable
influx volumes.

Well Control Analysis analyzes three different influx types: oil, water,
and gas. The default influx type is gas.

If the influx type is gas, the analysis assumes the influx is a single,
methane gas bubble. Dispersed gas influxes are not modeled. The influx
density is the density of methane at the current temperature and
pressure. The compressibility factor, Z, is based on the critical
temperature and pressure of methane.

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options

57. Activate the Well Control Analysis module.

58. Review geothermal data.

59. Review well control setup data.

60. Review the temperature distribution model.

61. Review the geothermal plot.

Determine Kick Type

62. Specify the Kick Interval Gradient of 0.732 psi/ft. Why is this a
kick while drilling?.


Refer to the online help.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-19

Chapter 2: Drilling

Estimate Influx Volume

63. What type of kick detection method is used?

64. Review the reservoir information.

65. Review the reaction time.

66. What is the expected influx volume, and how long did it take to
detect the kick?

Analyze Kick Tolerance

67. Access the Kick Tolerance mode.

68. Use the Wait and Weight method.


Available tabs on the Case > Well Control Setup dialog box vary depending
on selected analysis mode.

69. Specify the kick tolerance analysis parameters.

The Kill Rate is 135 gpm.

Specify the shoe depth as the Depth of Interest.
Assume a 50 bbl kick.
Design for a 14.3 ppg kill mud (0.743 psi/ft).


Press F4 to convert units.

Analyze between the shoe and TD. (Depth Interval to Check

is 7,500 ft).


The Depth Interval to Check begins at the Depth of Interest.

Assume a Gas kick. This is the worst-case kick type.

Influx types can be Gas, Oil, or Salt Water.

2-20 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

70. Analyze kick tolerance results.

a. What is the maximum allowable influx volume?

b. Is the annular pressure at the shoe between the pore and fracture
pressures as the kick is circulated out?

c. What is the highest choke pressure?

d. Review the Maximum Pressure plot. How does this plot

compare to the Pressure at Depth plot?

e. Review the Safe Drilling Depth plot. What does this plot
tell you?

f. Review the Formation Breakdown Gradient plot. What does this

plot tell you?

g. Will there be a problem if there is a full evacuation to gas?

Use Animation to Review Results

71. Use View > Animation > Schematic to view a representation of
the fluids moving through the pipe and annulus using the Wait and
Weight method. What fluid is in the wellbore and string at the end
of the animation?

72. View the animation using the Drillers method. What fluid is in the
wellbore and string at the end of the animation?

73. Set the kill method back to Wait and Weight.

Generate a Kill Sheet

74. Access the Kill Sheet analysis mode.

75. Specify the following analysis parameters:

Use a choke and kill line (590 ft line length, and both choke and
kill line IDs are 3.5 inches).
Use the Wait and Weight method.
BOP pressure rating is 10,000 psi.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-21

Chapter 2: Drilling

Casing burst pressure rating is 10,035 psi.

Casing burst safety factor is 80%.
Leak off pressure is 450 psi.
Leak off mud weight used for the leak off test is 13.8 ppg.

The WELLPLAN software internally calculates the equivalent mud

gradient when performing the Well Control analysis. If the calculated
equivalent mud gradient is less than the fracture gradient, the calculated
gradient will be used in the analysis.

76. Optional Step: Use the Notebook module to determine the

formation breakdown pressure and equivalent mud gradient based
on a leak off test. Use a test pressure of 450 psi.

a. What mud density should you use?

b. The leak off test was performed at the casing shoe. What is the
casing shoe measured depth, and how can you easily determine
the true vertical depth at the shoe?

c. How can you easily determine the air gap and sea depth?

d. How does the calculated equivalent mud gradient compare to the

fracture gradient?

77. Access the Well Control Kill Sheet analysis mode.

78. Review the slow pump information.

79. Review the kill sheet analysis parameters. Specify a 6 bbl pit gain.
Select the pump with the 40 spm speed.

a. What weighting material is used?

b. What shut-in casing pressure is input?

80. Review the Kill Graph.

2-22 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

81. Does pump efficiency make a difference?

a. Freeze the current line on the Kill Graph.

b. Change the pump efficiency for pump #1 to 90%.

c. Compare the two curves on the Kill Graph.

d. Set the pump efficiency back to 95%.

82. Access the Kill Sheet report.


The last page of the report contains an index to assist with locating
information in the report.

a. Review report options.

b. How many sacks of weighting material are required?

c. What is the final circulating pressure?

d. How many strokes and minutes does it take to fill the drill pipe?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-23

Chapter 2: Drilling

Determine Critical Rotational Speeds (Using

Critical Speed Module)

The Critical Speed Analysis module identifies critical rotary speeds and
areas of high stress concentration in the drillstring. The analysis uses an
engineering analysis technique called Forced Frequency Response
(FFR) to solve for resonant rotational speeds (RPMs). The Critical
Speed Analysis module is based on a nonlinear finite element solution
written to include intermittent contact/friction, finite displacement,
buoyancy, and other effects that occur while drilling.

The Critical Speed Analysis module is designed to analyze the 3D

lateral bending vibrational responses of a bottomhole assembly. The
analysis can model axial vibrations (vibrations parallel to the drillstring
axis), lateral vibrations (perpendicular to the drillstring axis), and
torsional (twist) vibrations. The module includes damping and mass
effects in order to more accurately represent the downhole environment.

Input Analysis Parameters

83. Access the Critical Speed module.

84. Input the following analysis parameters:

Torque at bit of 2000 ft-lbf

Weight on bit of 25 kips
Steering tool orientation of 0o


If you use a steering tool, the orientation will be included in the analysis to
determine the original position of the string in the wellbore. Steering tool
parameters can be input to the mud motor using the Case > String Editor.

Starting speed of 20 rpm

Ending speed of 200 rpm
Speed increment of 5 rpm
Excitation Frequency Factor of 3
Mesh from 0 to 99999 ft

2-24 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

a. Why are you using an excitation frequency of 3?


Look in the online help.

b. Why do you mesh to 99999 ft?


Look in the online help.

c. Why is Dynamics disabled?

85. Review the mesh zone parameters. Use the default parameters.

a. Why is a mesh used in the analysis?

b. In what size elements will the BHA be meshed?

c. Why is Aspect Ratio 1 the smallest ratio?

d. What is Length 2 used for?

Examine the Stresses Acting on the Workstring

This exercise will focus on one critical rpm at 140. In reality, you should
analyze all peaks, and the range of rpms near a peak rpm. For example,
for the peak at 140 rpm, you should consider between 130 and 150 rpm.

86. Examine the stresses acting on the workstring.

The model used is based on harmonic analysis, therefore stresses are

relative and not actual.

a. What rotational speeds may result in high relative stress in the

string? Look for abnormalities in the curve.

b. Where in the string are these stresses likely to occur at 140 rpm?
Consider re-scaling the plot to view the data easier.

c. What components are at these points in the string?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-25

Chapter 2: Drilling

d. What type of stress is causing the high equivalent stress?

e. Explain the difference between the View > Position Plots >
Stress Components plot and the View > Rotational Speed >
Stress Components plot.


Split the window and display each plot in a vertical pane.


Many plots have a slider to change analysis parameters.

Examine String Displacements

Vibration may result in excessive displacement in all directions.

87. Review string displacements.

a. Is there more relative displacement at certain rotational speeds?

b. At 140 rpm, how does the relative magnitude component stress

in the MWD compare to the relative magnitude displacement in
the MWD?

Review Bending Moments and Shear Stresses

88. Review bending moments and shear stress to determine if there are
concerns at 140 rpm. Split the screen.

Review Results in 3D Plots

89. Access View > 3D Plots > Resultant Stresses > Equivalent. What
is the advantage of using a 3D plot to review results?


Use the left mouse button to zoom, rotate, and move the walls of the 3D plot.

2-26 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

Predict BHA Build and Drop (Using Bottom Hole

Assembly Module)

The Bottom Hole Assembly module analyzes a bottomhole assembly

(BHA) in a static in-place condition or in a drillahead mode. Many
different factors influence the behavior of a bottomhole assembly. These
factors include more controllable parameters such as WOB, and
drillstring component size and placement, as well as less controllable
items such as formation type. Because the performance of a bottomhole
assembly is impacted by such a wide and varied range of parameters,
predicting the behavior of a bottomhole assembly can be very complex.

Engineers in other fields have often relied on the Finite Element

Analysis Method to solve complex problems. The Finite Element
Analysis (FEA) method solves a complex problem by breaking it into
smaller problems. Each of the smaller problems can then be solved
much easier. The individual solutions to the smaller problems can be
combined to solve the complex problem. Depending on the number of
elements (smaller problems) that the complex structure (overall
problem) is comprised of, the solution can become very laborious.
Fortunately, the combination of the increasing speed of computing
power and creative mathematics have significantly simplified
FEA analysis.

Because a bottomhole assembly is composed of many different

elements of varying dimensions, it lends itself quite well to the FEA
method. The following sections describe the major steps performed by
the Bottom Hole Assembly module while solving for an in-place
solution, as well as a drillahead prediction.

Input Analysis Parameters and Review Results

90. Activate the Bottom Hole Assembly module.

91. Review the mesh zone parameters. Use the default parameters.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-27

Chapter 2: Drilling

92. Input analysis data and review results. How is the bit tilt relative to
the wellbore?

Torque at bit is 2,000 ft-lbf.

Weight on bit is 12 kips.
Rotary speed is 120 rpm.
Do not check the Enable Drillahead check box.

93. Examine the results for drilling ahead 300 ft. Unless noted
otherwise, use the same analysis data as in the previous step.

Check the Enable Drillahead check box.

Steering tool orientation is 0 degrees.
Drill interval is 300 ft.
Record interval is 30 ft.
Bit coefficient is 50.
Formation hardness is 30.
Rate of penetration is 30 ft/hr.

a. What is the build rate?

b. What is the walk rate?

Determine Where BHA Contacts the Wellbore

94. Access View > Plot > Displacement.

a. Where is the BHA in contact with the wellbore?

b. What does the inclination curve represent?

95. Access View > Plot > Side Force.

a. Where are the side forces greater than zero?

b. What component has the highest side force?

2-28 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

Evaluate Effect of WOB and ROP


Analysis parameters are shared between modes.

96. Activate the BHA Parametric mode.

97. Specify the following WOB and ROP data.

WOB (kip) ROP (ft/hr)

5 15

25 35

35 50

a. How will the build and walk rates be affected by weight on bit?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-29

Chapter 2: Drilling

Stuck Point Analysis (Using Stuck Pipe Module)

The Stuck Pipe analysis module calculates the forces acting on the
drillstring at the stuck point. It can be used to determine the location of
the stuck point, the overpull possible without yielding the pipe, the
measured weight required to set the jars, and the surface action required
to achieve the desired conditions at the back-off point.

The Stuck Pipe Module:

includes the frictional effects of the drill string in a three-

dimensional wellbore.

adjusts for stretch when the string is buckled.

uses the WELLPLAN Torque Drag Analysis calculations,

including equilibrium equations and stresses, stretch, and buckling

uses yield load limits based on the calculated effective yield stress.

does not consider fatigue in the Yield Analysis.

Input General Analysis Parameters

98. Activate the Stuck Pipe module and select the Stuck Point
Analysis mode.

99. Input the analysis parameters.

Traveling assembly weight is 50 kips.

Check all three Mechanical Limitations options and use the
values provided.

2-30 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 2: Drilling

Determine the Stuck Point

100.Compute the stuck point. Assume you were tripping out when the
string became stuck. The initial load of the stretch test was
375 kips, and the final load was 395 kips. The stretch was
23.8 inches.

a. What is the measured weight when stuck?

b. Where is the stuck point?

c. Is the stuck point below the jar?

Setting and Tripping the Jar

101.Activate the Jar Analysis mode.

102.Specify the following jar operating forces:

Up set and trip forces are 10 kips.

Down trip force is 10 kips.
Pump open and seal friction forces are 5 kips.

103.What are the forces to set, trip, and reset the jar?

Yielding the Pipe

Yield analysis can be performed to ensure the pipe is suitable for a jar.

104.Activate the Yield Analysis mode.

105.Determine if the loads required to set, trip, and reset the jar cause
the string to fail. Is the pipe buckling or yielding?

Minimum applied measured weight is 200 kips

Maximum applied measured weight is 500 kips
Increment is 10 kips

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 2-31

Chapter 2: Drilling

Backing Off
106.Activate the Backoff Analysis mode.

107.Determine the initial surface actions required to backoff at

19,158 ft using the following parameters:

Backoff force is 5 kips.

Backoff torque is 2,000 ft-lbf.

a. What is the initial surface action for setup?

b. Why do you slack off?

c. To back off, what do you do?

2-32 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3
Drilling Solution


This chapter contains the answers for the exercises found in the previous
Drilling chapter.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-1

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Torque Drag Analysis (Using the Torque Drag

Analysis Module)

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options

1. Using the Well Explorer, open the Case titled Drilling.

2. Click the Torque Drag Analysis Modules toolbar icon ( ).

3. The Reference Datum section is located in the Well Explorer. If the

Well Explorer is not displayed, click the icon. If the Reference
Datum is not displayed, click the Datum button ( )
at the bottom of the Well Explorer.

depth is
500 ft.

3-2 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

4. Use Case > Hole Section.

a. The riser length of 590 ft (490 ft + 100 ft) is based on the

Wellhead Depth (490 ft) specified on the Well Properties >
Depth Reference tab plus the Elevation (100 ft) specified on the
same tab.

b. The default friction factors are used. These friction factors

(0.2 for cased hole and 0.3 for open hole) are generally accepted
within the industry as defaults, or a place to begin your analysis.


It is a good practice to correlate friction factors to existing data

where possible.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-3

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

5. Use Case > String Editor information.

a. The bottom of the string is at the String Depth (20,000 ft). Notice
that the string is entered from Top to Bottom, therefore the bit
is the bottom row of the spreadsheet.

b. The drill pipe weight includes the tool joint weight. This
information can be found in the online help topic titled String
Drill Pipe Data dialog box.

3-4 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. To determine the type of connections used for the drill pipe, and
the make-up torque for the drill pipe connection, double-click a
non-editable cell in the spreadsheet row that describes the drill
pipe. The String Drill Pipe Data dialog box will display. The pipe
is 5, 19.5 lb/ft (the stated weight of 21.92 lb/ft includes the tool
joints), G grade, P class pipe with a makeup torque of
21,914 ft-lbf. The connections are NC50(XH).

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-5

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

6. Use Case > Wellpath > Editor.

a. The current vertical section azimuth is 0.0 degrees. It is best to

view the View > Wellpath Plots > Vertical Section using the
same azimuth as the last survey point. In this example, the
azimuth at the last survey point is 224.84 degrees. View the
Vertical Section plot with the azimuth at the original 0.0 degrees,
and again at 224.84 degrees.

3-6 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. Use the Azimuth field in the VSection Definition group box to

set the viewing azimuth.

Vertical section plot

with vertical section
azimuth set to 0.0

Vertical section plot

with vertical section
azimuth set to
224.84 degrees.

7. Use Case > Wellpath > Options, or click Options on the Wellpath
Editor to specify tortuosity.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-7

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. Apply tortuosity to the open hole sections of planned wellpaths

to simulate the variations found in actual wellpaths. Applying
tortuosity allows for more realistic predictions of torque and
drag for planned wells. See the online help for more information.


Do not apply tortuosity to actual survey data.

b. When using the Sine Wave model, angle and pitch should not be
multiples of each other because the result will go to zero. Refer
to the online help for an example.

c. Review the View > Wellpath Plots > Inclination and View >
Wellpath Plots > Azimuth plots. The corkscrews are caused
by applying tortuosity. Tortuosity creates ripples in the
planned wellpath.

3-8 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-9

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

8. Use the Case > Fluid Editor. The 13.8 OBM is used.

To activate a fluid,
highlight the fluid name
and then click Activate.


The teardrop next to the fluid name indicates it is the active fluid.

3-10 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

9. Specify the Torque Drag Analysis setup options using Case >
Torque Drag Setup dialog box. The Soft String model will be used
because the Use Stiff String Model check box is not checked.

10. Use the Mode Data (Parameter > Mode Data) dialog box to
review additional analysis parameters.

a. Friction factors specified on the Case > Hole Section Editor

will be used because the Hole Section Editor radio button
is selected from Parameter > Mode Data.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-11

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. All drilling and tripping operations will be analyzed because the

check box associated with each operation is checked.

c. There is either 25 kips WOB while rotating on bottom or sliding,

15 kips overpull for backreaming, and 1,500 or 2,000 ft-lbf
torque (depending on the operation). WOB and torque vary
depending on the operating mode.

Analyze Results at TD
11. Access the View > Table > Summary Loads table. The Measured
Weight indicated in this table is the hookloads.

a. Several problems exist. Refer to the online help for a definition

of all failure flags.

The X flag indicates the yield strength and utilization factor is

exceeded. In this example, this occurs when backreaming.

The T flag indicates the make-up torque is exceeded. In this

example, this occurs when backreaming, rotating on bottom,
and rotating off bottom.

The F flag indicates the fatigue endurance limit is exceeded. In

this example, this occurs when backreaming or rotating
off bottom.

b. Using this table, it is not possible to tell where in the string the
problems occur. In the following steps, you will look at other
plots and tables that provide this information.

3-12 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. The overpull margin with tortuosity is 1.6 kips, and without

tortuosity is 7.3 kips.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-13

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

d. Mark the check box Use Viscous Torque and Drag in the
Analytical Methods section of the Torque Drag Setup Data
dialog box.

The overpull margin is -2.6 kips, and the yield utilization factor
is exceeded during tripping out.

e. No, buckling is not predicted to occur. Notice the buckling flags

(S or H) are not displayed in the table.

3-14 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

12. Access the Torque Drag Effective Tension plot (View > Plot >
Effective Tension).

a. The True Tension plot should only be used for stress analysis. If
you want to determine when the string will buckle or fail due to
tension, use the Effective Tension plot.

b. Notice that the tripping out operation is nearing the Tension

Limit at the surface, resulting in the very low overpull margin.

c. All operation curves fall to the right of the buckling curves,

therefore buckling is not predicted to occur.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-15

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

13. Access View > Plot > Torque Graph. Notice where the curves
cross the Torque Limit line. The curves for all rotating operations
indicate that when the string is at TD the makeup torque is
exceeded above 6,900 ft MD.

14. Access the View > Plot > Fatigue Graph. Notice the Backreaming
and Rotating Off Bottom operations have a Fatigue Ratio greater
than 1.0 at about 5,200 ft MD, indicating a fatigue problem.

a. The fatigue ratio is the calculated bending and buckling stress

divided by the fatigue endurance limit of the pipe. Fatigue
analysis is important because it is a primary cause of drilling
tubular failure. A fatigue failure is caused by cyclic bending
stresses when the pipe is rotated in wellbores with high doglegs.

3-16 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-17

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. Use View > Wellpath Plots > Dogleg Severity to review the
doglegs. Notice the high doglegs beginning at about 5,200 ft.

15. Access View > Table > Load Data.


The flags in the STF column that indicate what limit is exceeded.

3-18 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

The problems begin around 7,000 ft MD. While backreaming, the X

flag in the STF column displays at 0 ft MD, indicating the yield
strength and utilization factor is exceed at the surface.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-19

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution


a. Use Case > String Editor to change the drill pipe to 5, 25.6#,
S, FH, Class 1 pipe. To edit the drill pipe data, double-click a
non-editable cell in the spreadsheet row that describes the drill
pipe. The String Drill Pipe Data dialog box will display. Click
From Catalog to display the Drill Pipe Specification dialog box.
Select the API Drill Pipe catalog from the Type pull-down list.

Double-click each of the desired parameters to select the pipe

you want to use and click OK.

3-20 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Notice the drill pipe has been changed on the String Editor.


Double-click a non-editable cell associated with a component to view/edit

the parameters defining the component

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-21

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. Review the make-up torque (View > Plot > Torque Graph) and
fatigue limits (View > Plot > Fatigue Graph) for this pipe.
Notice the problems are resolved.

3-22 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

17. Access the Normal Analysis Summary Loads table. The problems
are resolved in all operation modes. Yes, it is possible the overpull
is over-designed.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-23

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

18. You must first insert another row of drill pipe. Because you want to
use the S grade pipe in the top 7,500 ft, insert a row of drill pipe
below that pipe. To insert another row, highlight the existing row in
the spreadsheet immediately below where you want to insert a row,
and then press Insert. A blank row will be created.

Select Drill Pipe from the Section Type pull-down list. The Drill
Pipe Specification dialog box will display. Use it to select the desired
pipe. Click OK to close the dialog box.

3-24 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Because the top row of this spreadsheet is automatically calculated,

to specify 7,500 ft as the length of the upper section of drill pipe, you
must specify the section length in the bottom section of drill pipe as
11,568 ft (19,068 - 7,500 ft).


Some longer components (drill pipe, heavy weight) are not automatically
assigned a default length in the catalog.

Use View > Table > Summary Loads and notice the problems
are resolved.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-25

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Analyze Torque and Drag at Other Depths

19. Using the Mode pull-down list, select the Drag Charts
analysis mode.

20. Using the Parameter > Run Parameters dialog box, analyze every
100 ft from 0 to TD. Notice much of the information on this dialog
box defaults from the values specified in the Normal Analysis.

3-26 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

21. Access the View > Plot > Tension Point/Hook Load chart.

a. The Max Weight Yield line represents the minimum yield

strength of all components currently in the well at that run depth.

b. To determine the overpull at a specific run depth, subtract the

Tripping Out hook load from the Max Weight Yield at the depth
in which you are interested. For example, the overpull when the
bit is at 2,000 ft is approximately 290 kips (442 - 154).

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-27

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

22. Review the View > Torque Point / Surface Chart.

a. This plot displays the torque at the surface unless the Torque/
Tension Point Distance from Bit check box is checked on the
Parameter > Run Parameters.


When the Torque/Tension Point Distance from Bit check box is

checked, you can specify a specific depth where you want to know the
torque acting at a particular point in the string.

b. There is 0 torque for trip in and trip out because the RPM field
for both tripping operations is set to 0 on the Parameters > Run
Parameters dialog box.

3-28 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

23. Use the Parameters > Run Parameters dialog box to enter the
RPM. Notice the difference in the plot. Set the RPM back to zero.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-29

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

24. Access the View > Plot > Minimum WOB chart. The results
reported in the Normal Analysis Summary table assume the bit is at
the string depth specified on the Case > String Editor. In this case,
the string depth is set to TD (20,000 ft). Use the Data Reader ( )
to determine what the buckling weights are at TD. The results
will match.

3-30 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Analyze Hydraulics (Using the Hydraulics Module)

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options

25. Access the Hydraulics module by clicking the Module Toolbar.

26. Review the Case > String Editor information. To view or edit the
parameters defining a component, double-click a non-editable field
associated with the component. A dialog box will become available
for you to edit or review the data associated with the component.

a. Double-click a non-editable cell associated with the bit to review

the bit nozzle sizes. The nozzles are 3-18/32nds.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-31

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. Double-click a non-editable cell associated with the mud motor

to review the flow rates and pressure losses for the mud motor.

3-32 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. Double-click a non-editable cell associated with the MWD to

review the flow rates and pressure losses for the MWD.

Analyze Hole Cleaning

27. Access the Hole Cleaning - Operational analysis mode using the
Mode pull-down list.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-33

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

28. Use Parameter > Transport Analysis Data.

3-34 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

29. Review the View > Plot > Operational plot at 600 gpm and a rate
of penetration (ROP) of 50. Use the sliders at the bottom of the
view to change the ROP and pump rate, if necessary. Use the Data
Reader toolbar icon as you have in the past to determine the
coordinate values on a plot.

a. The minimum flow rate to clean the wellbore is 716.7 gpm. This
flow rate is required to clean the riser. About 614 gpm is required
to clean inside the casing.

b. The bed height in the riser is less than 3 inches.

c. The bed height in the casing (between the drill pipe and the
casing) is less than one half inch.


The casing shoe depth is indicated in the Bed Height plot.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-35

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

d. As expected, a flow rate of 615 gpm cleaned the annulus in the

cased hole section. However, there are still over 2.5 inches of
bed height in the riser.

3-36 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

e. A flow rate of 720 gpm did clean the riser. Because 615 gpm
cleaned the cased hole section and 720 gpm cleans the riser,
105 gpm of additional flow is required to clean the riser.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-37

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

f. Use Case > Hole Section Editor to add a booster pump.

Double-click a non-editable cell in the row of data
corresponding to the Riser. You must first check the Booster
Pump check box before you can input the booster
pump information.

If Catenary is selected for the Type of Riser, the angle will be

used in the analysis. All analysis that considers wellbore
deviation will be affected.

g. Yes, the wellbore and riser are clean.

30. Access View > Plot > Minimum flow Rate vs. ROP plot.

3-38 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. If you want to drill with an ROP of 70 ft/hr and an rpm of 0, a

flow rate of 646 gpm is required to clean the wellbore.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-39

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. About 60 ft/hr.

c. Specify the rotary speed in the Rotary Speed field at the bottom
of the window.

Analyze Pressure Loss and Annular Velocity

31. Access the Pressure: Pump Rate Range in the Mode pull-
down list.

32. Review the surface equipment and mud pump information using
Case > Circulating System.

3-40 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. The surface equipment rated working pressure is 10,000 psi.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-41

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. The maximum discharge pressure is 5,660 psi, and the

horsepower rating is 2,000.


The Active check box is checked to activate the pump. Only the active pump will
be used in the analysis.

33. Use Parameter > Rates dialog box to specify the analysis

3-42 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. The Maximum System Pressure and Maximum Pump Power can

be entered, or they can come from the active pump on the Case >
Circulating System > Mud Pumps tab. To use the pressures
specified on the Circulating System tabs, click Obtain from
Circulating System from Parameter > Rates dialog box.

34. Use View > Plot > Pressure Loss plot. The system pressure losses
are too high. Notice that at a 615 gpm flow rate, the system pressure
losses are in the red zone.

The red zone on the Pressure Loss plot is defined as the minimum
between the pump pressure and the circulating system rating.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-43

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

35. Using Case > Circulating System > Mud Pumps tab, change from
the 5,660 psi pump to the 7,500 psi pump.

Click Obtain from Circulating System to update the Pumping

Constraints based on the pump you selected.

3-44 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

36. No, there is not a problem.

37. Access View > Plot > Annular Velocity.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-45

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. Yes, there is turbulent flow around the bottomhole assembly.

Any flow rate with an annular velocity greater than the Critical
Velocity (red curve on plot) is in turbulent flow.

b. Based on the flow rates and increments we are analyzing,

575 gpm is the maximum flow rate without turbulence. Use the
Rescale toolbar icon ( ) to enlarge a particular area of the
plot, if necessary. You can also review the data in grid form by
clicking the Grid View toolbar icon ( ).

3-46 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. Use View > Plot > Annular Pump Rate. Over 2400 gpm would
be required for turbulent flow in the riser. 834 gpm is required
for turbulent flow in the open hole, and 870 gpm in the
cased hole.

38. Save your data to the database.

Determine Required Horsepower

39. Check the required horsepower using the Parameter > Rate dialog
box of the Pressure: Pump Rate Fixed analysis mode. Use the
Mode pull-down list to select the analysis mode.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-47

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. The stand pipe pressure is 6013.90 psi, which is less than the
7,500 psi of the pump from Parameter > Rate dialog box.

3-48 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. Using View > Pie Charts > Power Losses > Drill String and
View > Pie Charts > Power Losses > Annulus to review the
power losses in the drillstring and annulus, which are greater
than the pump power of 2,000 hp.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-49

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. Using View > Pie Charts > Pressure Losses > Power > Drill
String and View > Pie Charts > Pressure Losses > Annulus,
review the pressure losses in the drillstring and annulus, which
are less than the pump pressure.

3-50 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

d. Use Case > Circulating System > Mud Pumps tab to activate
the other pump. (Check the check box next to the pump name to
activate it.) Click Obtain from Circulating System on the
Parameter > Rate dialog box to include the second pump in
the analysis.

e. Clear the status messages by right-clicking in the status message

area and selecting Clear.

Check ECDs

a. Use the View > Plot > Circulating Pressure vs. Depth plot. The
string and annulus pressure stay within the pore pressure and
fracture gradient boundaries.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-51

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. The View > Plot > ECD vs. Depth plot indicates the ECD
remains within the pore pressure and fracture gradient
boundaries in the open hole section.

c. Hide the pore and fracture pressure curves displayed on the plot
by right-clicking the curve and selecting Hide from the right-
click menu.

d. Right-click the ECD curve and select Freeze Line from the
menu. Change the line color and thickness using the displayed
dialog box.

e. Click OK to close the Parameter > Rate dialog box. The ECD
vs. Depth plot will automatically be updated.

3-52 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

f. Refer back to the ECD vs. Depth plot and notice the difference
in the curves. This occurs because suspended cuttings are now
included in the analysis. There would be a larger difference if
there was a cuttings bed in the annulus.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-53

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Bit Optimization
41. Access the Optimization Planning analysis mode using the Mode
pull-down list. Specify the following analysis parameters using
Parameter > Solution Constraints. To optimize based on Bit
Impact Force or HHP, you need three 15/32nd nozzles.

42. Access the Pressure: Pump Rate Fixed analysis mode using the
pull-down list.

43. Use the Parameter > Rate dialog box.

3-54 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. The HSI is 2.6 hp/in2 using the current string nozzles.

b. Click Nozzles to specify the nozzle size using the Local tab. The
String tab indicates the nozzles used on the String Editor. The
TFA is 0.518 in2.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-55

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. Be sure to uncheck the Use String Editor Bit Nozzles check

box. The HSI is now 5.5 hp/in2.

3-56 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

d. Using the Rate dialog box, notice the stand pipe pressure is close
to the maximum pump pressure (7,500 psi), so use three 16/32nd
nozzles instead. To use the three 16/32nd nozzles, click Nozzles
and specify this nozzle configuration on the Local tab. The HSI
is now 4.2 hp/in2.Click Apply and then click OK.

e. Go to the String Editor to ensure that the bit is now using 16/
32nd nozzles.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-57

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Final Design Check

44. Select the Hole Cleaning Operational analysis mode using the
Mode pull-down list. Review the View > Plot > Hole Cleaning
Operational plot. There do not appear to be any issues.

3-58 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

45. Select the Pressure: Pump Rate Fixed analysis mode using the
Mode pull-down list. Review the View > Plot > Circulating
Pressure vs. Depth plot. There do not appear to be any issues.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-59

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

46. Access the View > Plot > ECD vs. Depth plot. There do not appear
to be any issues.

3-60 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Analyze Surge/Swab Pressures and ECDs (Using

the Surge Module)

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options

47. Access Surge analysis using the Modules toolbar icon.

48. Use Case > Pore Pressure to review the pore pressures. The over
pressured zone is at 10,743.8 ft TVD.

Press F11 to access the Convert Depth/EMW dialog box. Specify the
TVD, and click Convert to determine the MD.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-61

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Analyze Transient Responses

Tripping Out Operation

49. Specify operations data using the Parameter > Operations Data
dialog box.

50. Use the View > Operation Plot > Transient Response plot to
review pressures or EMW vs. Time. Use the right-click menu to
select the correct plot.

3-62 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. Yes, there is a problem because the Pressure when the moving

pipe depth is at TD falls below the pore pressure, as denoted by
the green line on the plot.

If your plot does not match the above image, save and reopen the
Pressure Transient plot.

b. About 9 psi.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-63

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

51. Access Optimized Trip Schedule (View > Operation Plot >
Optimized Trip Schedule). The recommended safe trip speed
is 150 ft/min.

3-64 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

52. Specify the trip speed using Parameter > Operations Data dialog
box. Use View > Operation Plot > TransientResponse Plot to
review results at all depths. Refer back to the Operations Data
dialog box, use 150 ft/min for the trip speed, and notice the issue
is resolved.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-65

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Tripping In Operation
53. Use Parameter > Operations Data dialog to change the operation
from swab to surge.

54. Use View > Operation Plot > Transient Response Plot. The
calculations cannot be performed for a surge operation when a
moving pipe depth is at TD. The maximum moving pipe depth
allowed is TD minus one stand length. In this example, the
maximum moving pipe depth would be 19,910 ft.

55. Use Parameter > Operations Data dialog box to change the
moving pipe depth. There are no predicted problems.

3-66 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

56. Yes, it is possible to experience both. Notice the following plot

displays both surge and swab effects. Pressures above the bold line
are surge, and below the line are swab.

The line in the

middle of this plot
was added to the
manual to illustrate
the surge (above
the line) and swab
(below the line)

The conventional definition of surge operations is operations that

have increases in pressure only. Transient models can predict both
surge and swab pressures while running in the wellbore. Transient
models have been validated using downhole tools. Refer to the
online help for a list of technical references. The WELLPLAN
Hydraulics module has a steady-state (not transient) surge/
swab analysis.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-67

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Investigate Well Control (Using the Well Control

Analysis Module)

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options

57. Activate the Well Control Analysis module using the Modules
toolbar icon.

58. Review geothermal data using Case > Geothermal Gradient

dialog box.

3-68 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

59. Use Case > Well Control Setup dialog box.

60. Review the temperature model using Parameter >

Temperature Distribution dialog box.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-69

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

61. Use View > Plot > Geothermal Gradient.

Determine Kick Type

62. Use the Parameter > Kick Class Determination dialog box. This
is a Kick While Drilling because the kick interval pressure is
greater than the circulating bottomhole pressure. Refer to the online
help for more information.

3-70 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Estimate Influx Volume

63. Access the Parameter > Influx Volume Estimation > Kick
Detection Method tab. Flowrate Variation is the detection method

Flowrate variation detects flow-out increases. Volume variation

detects pit volume increases.

64. Access the Parameter > Influx Volume Estimation > Reservoir
tab to review the reservoir information.


Some fields on the Parameter > Influx Volume Estimation tabs are disabled,
depending on the kick type.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-71

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

65. Access the Parameter > Influx Volume Estimation > Reaction
Times tab to review the reaction time.

66. Use Parameter > Influx Volume Estimation > Results to

determine the expected influx volume. It took 260 seconds to detect
the expected 5.5 bbl kick.

Analyze Kick Tolerance

67. Access the Kick Tolerance mode using the Mode pull-down list.

3-72 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

68. Use the Case > Well Control Setup > Operational tab to specify
the method.

69. Specify the kick tolerance analysis parameters using Parameter >
Kick Tolerance dialog box.

70. Analyze kick tolerance results.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-73

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. Use the View > Plot > Allowable Kick Volume plot. The
maximum allowable influx volume is 55.4 bbls.

3-74 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. Use the View > Plot > Pressure at Depth plot at the shoe. The
pressure is between the pore and fracture pressures while the
kick is circulated out.

Use the right-click menu to select the correct plot, if necessary.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-75

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. Use the View > Plot > Pressure at Depth plot to analyze the
annular pressure at the surface. Use the right-click menu to select
the correct plot. The highest choke pressure is 1341.35 psi.

3-76 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

d. Review the View > Plot > Maximum Pressure plot. The
Maximum Pressure plot displays the maximum annular
pressures that will occur at any measured depth with an influx of
constant volume in the well. The Pressure at Depth plot displays
the pressure at a specified depth of interest in the annulus as the
kick is circulated.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-77

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

e. Access the View > Plot > Safe Drilling Depth plot. Use this plot
to display the maximum pressure at a specified depth of interest,
using a constant influx volume occurring at the bit as the
wellbore depth increases. The analysis begins at the last casing
shoe depth, and continues over the distance specified as the
Depth Interval to Check on the Parameter > Kick Tolerance
dialog box. (The ending depth of the analysis will be the casing
shoe depth plus the Depth Interval to Check.)

3-78 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

f. Access the View > Plot > Formation Breakdown Gradient.

This plot displays the maximum pressure (expressed as a
gradient) that will occur as a result of the specified influx size.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-79

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

g. Use View > Plot > Full Evacuation to Gas. Yes, there will be a
problem if there is a full evacuation to gas because the annular
pressure exceeds the fracture gradient.

3-80 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Use Animation to Review Results

71. View > Animation > Schematic to use the VCR buttons
( ) to start, stop, and rewind the animation. The heavy
weight mud is in the wellbore and string at the end of the animation.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-81

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

72. View > Animation > Schematic to use the Drillers radio button to
change the kill method. The light mud is in the wellbore and string
at the end of the animation.

73. Switch back to the Wait and Weight. You can also use Case > Well
Control Setup > Operational tab) to change the kill method.

Generate a Kill Sheet

74. Access the Kill Sheet analysis mode using the Mode
pull-down list.

3-82 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

75. Use the Case > Well Control Setup > Choke/Kill Line tabs to
specify the analysis parameters.

Use the Case > Well Control Setup > Operational tabs to select the
Kill Method and its analysis parameters.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-83

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

76. Click the Modules toolbar icon to access the Notebook module
and Miscellaneous mode. Use the Parameter > Leak Off Test
dialog box to specify the test pressure as 450 psi.

a. Use the mud density of the active fluid on the Case >
Fluid Editor dialog box.

b. The leak-off test was performed at the casing shoe. The casing
shoe measured depth is 12,500 ft. Use the Convert Depth/EMW
tool (press F11) to determine the TVD (9493.8 ft).

3-84 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. Use the Reference Datum section of the Well Explorer to

determine the air gap and sea depth.

d. The calculated equivalent mud gradient is the same as the

fracture gradient.

77. Activate the Well Control Analysis module using the Modules
toolbar icon, and the Kill Sheet mode using the Mode pull-down

78. Use Case > Well Control Setup > Slow Pumps tab to review the
slow pump information.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-85

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

79. Access Parameter > Kill Sheet and specify a 6 bbl pit gain. Click
Select Pump/Kill Speed button and select the pump with the 40
spm speed. Notice the other data, including the annulus and string
volumes, are already specified.

a. Barite is the weighting material. You can select other materials

using the pull-down list.

b. The shut-in casing pressure is 500 psi.


You can click Default from Editors to default the annulus and string
volumes based on data input in the Case > Hole Section Editor and the
Case > String Editor when performing future analysis.

3-86 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

80. Access View > Plot > Kill Graph.

81. Pump efficiency makes a difference.

a. Freeze the current line on the plot.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-87

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. Use Case > Circulating System > Mud Pumps tab to change
the pump efficiency for pump #1 to 90%.

3-88 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. Compare the two curves on the Kill Graph. Pump efficiency

does make a difference. It will take more strokes with a less
efficient pump.

d. Set the pump efficiency back to 95%.

82. Access the View > Reports and select Kill Sheet. Click Preview to
view the report.

a. Click Report Options to review the options.

b. 1176 sacks of weighting material are required.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-89

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. The final circulating pressure is 774 psi.

d. It takes 4,281 strokes and 107 minutes to fill the string.

3-90 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Determine Critical Rotational Speeds (Using

Critical Speed Module)

Input Analysis Parameters

83. Access the Critical Speed module by clicking the Modules
toolbar icon.

84. Use Parameter > Analysis Parameters dialog box to input the
following parameters:

a. You have a tri-cone bit, so you use an excitation frequency of 3.

b. Set Mesh to 99999 ft to analyze the entire string.

c. Dynamics is not checked, therefore the nodal torque due to

friction is not included.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-91

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

85. Review the mesh zone parameters (Parameter > CSA Setup
dialog box). Use the default parameters.

a. A mesh is used because it is a finite element analysis. The mesh

is a term for describing how the string is divided into elements
and nodes prior to performing the finite element analysis.

b. The BHA will be divided into elements based on the input values
for Aspect Ratio 1 and Length 1. Refer to the online help for
more information.

c. Aspect Ratio 1 is the smallest ratio because it is used to mesh the

BHA zone (500 ft in this example). It is preferable to mesh the
BHA into smaller elements.

d. Length 2 is used to mesh the section of the string between the

BHA and the drill pipe. The remaining pipe will be meshed
using Aspect Ratio 3.

3-92 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Examine the Stresses Acting on the Workstring

86. Examine the stresses acting on the workstring.

a. 140 rpm and 35 rpm may result in high relative stress in the
string (View > Rotational Speed Plots > Resultant Stresses).

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-93

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. Use View > Position Plots > Resultant Stresses. At 140 rpm,
these stresses are likely to occur 12 ft (mud motor) and 37 ft
(MWD) from the bit. (Click the Rescale icon ( ) to enlarge a
portion of the plot. Click the Data Reader icon ( ) to
determine a specific value for a point on the curve.)

3-94 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

c. These stresses are likely to occur in the mud motor (12 ft) and
MWD (37 ft).

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-95

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

d. Bending stress is causing the high equivalent stress in these

components. If necessary, rescale the plot to more easily view
the data (View > Position Plots > Stress Components).

3-96 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

e. The View > Position Plots > Stress Components plot displays
the stress components for a range of rotational speeds. The
View > Rotational Speed > Stress Components plot displays
the stress components at one rotational speed.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-97

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Examine String Displacements


a. Yes, there is more relative displacement at certain rotational

speeds. Significant displacement is at 140 rpm, but 35 rpm and
other speeds also have higher displacements (View > Rotational
Speed plots > Displacements).

3-98 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

b. Display View > Position Plots > Displacement in one vertical

pane, and View > Position Plots > Resultant Stresses in the
other pane. The MWD is located 30 - 47 ft from the bit. In this
interval, both the displacement and resultant stress are at a peak.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-99

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Review Bending Moments and Shear Stresses

88. Split the screen. Display View > Rotational Speed Plots >
Moments in one vertical pane, and View > Rotational Speed Plots
> Shear Forces in the other. The peaks in these plots correspond to
the peaks at 140 rpm and 35 rpm you saw in other plots.

3-100 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Reviewing Results in 3D Plots

89. View > 3D Plots > Resultant Stresses > Equivalent to view a 3D
plot which is a good visual representation of two 2D plots. For
example, using the Resultant Equivalent Stress plot, you can
determine the equivalent stress as well as the position where the
stress occurs.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-101

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Predict BHA Build and Drop (Using Bottom Hole

Assembly Module)

Input Analysis Parameters and Review Results

90. Activate the Bottom Hole Assembly analysis module by clicking the
Modules toolbar icon.

91. Review the mesh zone parameters using Parameter > Mesh Zone.
dialog box. Use the default parameters.

3-102 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

92. Use Parameter > Analysis dialog box to input analysis data and
review results. The bit is tilted downward 0.06 degrees. The
negative bit force indicates the force is acting downward. Refer to
the online help for more information. In the horizontal plane
(Direction), the string is aligned with the wellbore.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-103

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

93. Examine the results for drilling ahead 300 ft. Use Parameter >
Analysis dialog box to input analysis data and review results.
Unless noted otherwise, use the same analysis data as in the
previous step.

a. The build rate is -2.8 degrees/100ft.

b. The walk rate is 0.07 degrees/100ft.

c. 22.3 kip will keep the current inclination and direction of

the well.

3-104 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Determine Where BHA Contacts the Wellbore

94. View > Plot > Displacement and View > Schematics > Well-Full

a. The BHA is in contact with the wellbore when the Clearance line
is at 0 displacement. In this example, the stabilizers are all in
contact. Moving up the string, the collars are also in contact.
Further up, the drill pipe is also in contact.

b. The inclination curve indicates the BHA displacement is in the

inclination plane. Refer to the online help for more information.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-105

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

95. View > Plot > Side Force.

a. The greatest side forces are located at the contact points you saw
on the previous plot.

b. The first stabilizer has the highest side force.

Evaluate Effect of WOB and ROP

96. Select BHA Parametric from the Mode pull-down list.

3-106 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

97. Using Parameter > Analysis dialog box specify the following
WOB and ROP data.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-107

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. Use View > Plot > Weight on Bit to determine how the build
rate is affected by weight on bit. After 26 kips WOB, additional
WOB does not have much effect on the build rate. There is not
much change in walk after this point, either. At some point, the
string settles into an equilibrium state and is less sensitive to
WOB changes.

3-108 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Using Stuck Point Analysis (Using Stuck Pipe


Input General Analysis Parameters

98. Activate the Stuck Pipe module using the Modules toolbar icon
and select Stuck Point Analysis from the Mode pull-down list.

99. Use Case > Stuck Pipe Setup dialog box to input analysis

Determine the Stuck Point

100.Using Parameter > Analysis, specify the initial load of the stretch
test was 345 kips, and the final load was 365 kips. The stretch was
23.8 inches.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-109

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

a. The measured weight when stuck is 405 kips.

b. The stuck point is at 19,227 ft MD.

c. Yes, the stuck point is below the jar.

Setting and Tripping the Jar

101.Use the Mode pull-down list to select the Jar Analysis mode.

102.Use the String Jar Data dialog box to specify the jar operating
parameters. To access the String Jar Data dialog box, double-click a
non-editable field associated with the jar on the Case > String
Editor dialog box.

3-110 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

103.Use Parameter > Analysis to determine the forces to set, trip, and
reset the jar.

Yielding the Pipe

104.Use the Mode pull-down list to select the Yield Analysis mode.

105.Use Parameter > Analysis to determine if the loads required to

set, trip, and reset the jar cause the string to fail. The pipe does not
yield or buckle using the loads required to set, trip, or reset the jar.
If you slack off enough, the string will buckle (sinusoidal).

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 3-111

Chapter 3: Drilling Solution

Backing Off
106.Use the Mode pull-down list to select the Backoff Analysis mode.

107.Use Parameter > Analysis to determine the surface actions

required to back off at 19,158 ft.

a. The initial surface action is to slack off 140.8 kips.

b. Slacking off releases the tension in the string.

c. To back off, pick up 142.3 kips.

3-112 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 4
Running Liner


The data used in this exercise is not from an actual well. Although an
attempt has been made to use realistic data in the exercise, the intent
when creating the data set is to display software functionality.
Therefore, some data may not be realistic. Please do not let the accuracy
of the data divert attention from acquiring knowledge of
software functionality.

In this section, you will analyze running a liner in the wellbore section
drilled in the last workflow.

Determining centralizer placement is the first step in the workflow. Both

rigid and bow centralizers are used in the analysis. Comparison of the
hookloads with and without centralizers is performed. Initially, a high-
level torque drag analysis is performed.

A more in-depth torque drag analysis while tripping and rotating on

bottom is performed. Actual load data is used to validate the selection of
cased and open hole friction factors.

The Surge module is used to analyze the transient pressure (EMW)

responses while running and reciprocating the liner. Mud temperature
effects are examined. Conventional and auto-fill float options are
investigated. A tripping schedule is generated to determine maximum
trip speeds possible without exceeding the fracture gradient.

The final step in the workflow involves conditioning the well prior
to cementing.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 4-1

Chapter 4: Running Liner

Workflow Solution
Solutions for the workflow steps in this chapter can be found in the
Running Liner Solution chapter.

What Is Covered
During this workflow you will:

consider effects of both conventional and autofill float shoes.

analyze surge and swab transient pressures at several depths.
review the effect of centralizers on ECD.
review the effect of tool joints on ECD.
analyze reciprocating the liner.

4-2 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 4: Running Liner

Input and Review Well Configuration and

Analysis Options

1. Using the Well Explorer, open the Case titled Running Liner.

2. Review the casing string. What is the liner overlap?

3. Ensure the mud weight is 13.8 ppg.

Because of the integration between the WELLPLAN software

modules, the wellbore data from the Drilling case is available to the
Running Liner case.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 4-3

Chapter 4: Running Liner

Centralizer Placement (Using OptiCem Module)

4. Activate the OptiCem-Cementing module.

5. Activate the Centralizer Placement analysis mode.

Use the Centralizer Placement mode to calculate either the standoff

yielded for a required spacing between centralizers or the spacing
between centralizers needed to achieve a required standoff.

Using Bow Centralizers

6. Import the Training Centralizer centralizer catalog and Training
Casing Shoe catalog.

7. Select the bow centralizer in the catalog you imported. Determine

the centralizer placement using the following parameters.

Calculate centralizer placement based on standoff.

The top of the centralized interval is 15,000 ft.

Assume the cement design requires 70% standoff in centralized

interval, and 40% above the centralized interval.

The maximum distance between the centralizers is 160 ft, and

the minimum distance is 20 ft.

The calculated step size is 500 ft.

Select the Tripping In check box and enter the value for the trip
speed is 60 ft/min, at 0 rpm.


In order to update results in the Quick Look section, you must click Copy to
Standoff Devices on the Parameter > Centralizer Placement view.
Therefore, if you change any data, click this button to update the results. If not,
the results calculated using standoff devices may not be accurate.

a. What is the hookload with centralizers?

4-4 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 4: Running Liner

b. What is the hookload without centralizers?

c. What is the maximum hookload and where does it occur?

8. How many bow centralizers are required?

9. View a graphical representation of the hookload with and without

centralizers using the Torque Drag Analysis plot. Why is there less
hookload with centralizers?

10. In a future step, you will compare the hookload with bow
centralizers to the hookload with a rigid centralizer. Freeze the
curve representing the hookload with bow centralizer.

Using Rigid Centralizers

11. Replace the bow centralizer with the rigid centralizer from the
Training Centralizer catalog.


Use a tab other than the tab displaying the Torque Drag Analysis plot.


If you use the same tab to display another plot or view (for example, the
Parameter > Centralizer Placement view) that you use to display the Torque
Drag Analysis plot, any frozen lines will be lost.

12. Use the same analysis parameters that you did for the bow
centralizer. What is the maximum hookload and where does
it occur?

13. Review the Torque Drag Analysis plot using the rigid centralizers.
How does it compare to the torque drag using bow centralizers?

14. How many rigid centralizers are required? Use the same tab you
used to view the Torque Drag plot.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 4-5

Chapter 4: Running Liner

In-depth Torque Drag Analysis (Using Torque

Drag Module)

Using the OptiCem-Cementing module, you performed a high-level

torque drag analysis. Now you can use the Torque Drag Analysis
module for more in-depth analyses of additional operating modes.

15. Activate the Torque Drag Analysis module.

16. Access the Drag Charts analysis mode.

17. Input the following analysis parameters.

Analyze every 500 ft between 0 and 20,000 ft.

Analyze tripping in and out at 60 ft/min. There is no rotation.

Analyze rotating off bottom in addition to the two tripping


18. Review the hook loads for each operation with and without
centralizers. Are the loads within the yield limit and rig capacity,
with and without centralizers, when tripping out?


Use the Freeze line.

Use the Standoff Devices dialog box to indicate when you want the
centralizers used in the plot results.


If View > Auto Calculation is checked any time there is an OptiCem view or
a plot open in a tab, the calculations will be performed. This is typically not
desired when using another WELLPLAN module. Therefore, if you have an
OptiCem view active in a tab, you may want to consider replacing it with the
plot required for this step.

19. Include centralizers in the analysis again before proceeding.

4-6 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 4: Running Liner

Matching Friction Factors to Actual Field Data

20. Analyze tripping in at 60 ft/min and 0 rpm every 500 ft between
10,000 and 20,000 ft.

21. Enable the sensitivity plot.

22. Input the following friction factors for sensitivity analysis.

Casing Open Hole

Min 0.0 0.1

Increment 0.2 0.2

Max 0.4 0.5

23. Specify the following actual load data.

Run Depth Trip In Measured Weight

(ft) (kips)

10,000 313

12,500 293

15,000 271

17,500 276

20,000 284

24. What friction factors are you currently using?

25. Do the friction factors in use (from Case > Hole Section Editor)
match actual load data?

26. Is the make-up torque limit exceeded if you rotate while tripping in
the liner? Analyze it at 10, 15, and 22 rpm.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 4-7

Chapter 4: Running Liner

Determining Surge and Swab Pressures (Using

Surge Module)

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options

27. Access the Surge module application.

28. Review the string data.

a. Review the casing shoe information.

b. What is the difference between conventional and autofill?

c. Select the conventional float option.

d. What module uses the float option?

29. Review the standoff devices.

Specify the Operation Data

30. Specify the following operation data:

Analyze a surge operation.

Include mud temperature effects.

Pipe acceleration and deceleration is 1 ft/sec2.

Specify the following moving pipe depths and corresponding

pipe speeds:

Pipe Depth Pipe Speed

(MD) (ft/min)

12,500 155

15,000 155

19,910 155

4-8 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 4: Running Liner

a. What is the length of a stand of pipe?

b. Why is the deepest pipe depth not at TD?

Analyze Transient Response

31. Review the transient EMW, at all moving pipe depths, as a function
of time.

a. Is the formation fracturing at any depth?

b. Using the Transient Response plot at TD, freeze the curves that
are fracturing. Change the names of the curves to indicate a
conventional float is used.

32. Does auto-fill help resolve the problem? (Use a different tab to
access the String Editor.)

a. Is there still the possibility of exceeding the fracture gradient

at TD?

b. What is the EMW reduction at TD when the moving pipe depth

is at TD?

c. Is there still the possibility of exceeding the fracture gradient at

the shoe?

d. Is there still the possibility of exceeding the fracture gradient at

15,000 ft MD?

Check the Tripping Schedule

33. How can you reduce the risk of fracturing the formation by altering
the trip speed?

a. What is the trip speed at TD, at the shoe, and at the depth
of interest?

b. What speeds should you trip if the auto-fill becomes plugged?

Compare the auto-fill results with the conventional results.

c. Enable auto-fill before proceeding.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 4-9

Chapter 4: Running Liner

34. Recheck the transient pressure responses to determine if there is an

issue using the suggested trip speeds. Use 125, 120, and 115 ft/min
for 12,500, 15,000, and 19,910 ft, respectively.

35. Select the Reciprocation analysis mode.

36. Specify the following analysis parameters:

Reciprocation depth 25 ft above TD (19975 ft)

Reciprocation length 22 ft
Pipe acceleration and deceleration is 0.5 ft/sec2
No additional depth of interest
0 gpm flow rate

37. Are there any transient pressure issues at TD?

38. What flow rate resolves this issue?

4-10 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 4: Running Liner

Condition the Well Prior to Cementing (Using

Hydraulics Module)

39. Access the Hydraulics module.

40. Access the Pressure: Pump Rate Fixed analysis mode.

41. Do not use centralizers in the analysis.

42. Determine how long it takes to circulate two circulations using a

pump rate of 400 gpm.

43. Specify the analysis parameters. Dont include tool joints in the
analysis, but do include mud temperature effects. Analyze every
500 ft between 12,500 ft and TD. Circulate for eight hours.

44. Review the ECDs as a function of depth. Freeze the ECD curve on
the plot using Freeze Line.

45. Do tool joint pressure losses alter the results? If so, why? Freeze
this ECD curve also on the plot using Freeze Line.

46. Include the centralizers. Is there a change in ECD? Why is the ECD
increased after 15,000 ft MD?

47. What is the circulating temperature at TD, and what is the return
temperature at the surface?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 4-11

Chapter 4: Running Liner

4-12 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5
Running Liner Solution


This chapter contains answers to exercise questions presented in the

Running Liner chapter.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-1

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Input and Review Well Configuration and

Analysis Options

1. Double-click the case name in the Well Explorer to open the case
titled Running Liner.

2. Access the Case > String Editor. The liner overlap is 250 ft.
(Previous casing shoe is at 12,500 ft.)

3. Ensure the mud weight is 13.8 ppg using Case > Fluid Editor
dialog box.

5-2 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Centralizer Placement (Using OptiCem Module)

4. Click the Modules toolbar icon to activate the OptiCem-

Cementing module.

5. Activate the Centralizer Placement analysis mode using the Mode

pull-down list.

Using Bow Centralizers

6. To import the catalog, right-click the Catalogs node in the Well
Explorer and select Import Catalog from the right-click menu.

Using the Import Catalog dialog box, navigate to the folder

containing the catalog file you want to import. Be sure the Files of
type: pull-down list says Catalog Transfer Files (*.cat.xml).
Notice the Well Explorer now lists a catalog titled Training
Centralizer. Repeat this procedure for the casing shoe catalog.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-3

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

7. Use the Parameter > Centralizer Placement view. Click on the

Centralizer A cell, and select Use Catalog Selector from the pull-
down list. The Centralizer Specification dialog box will be
displayed. Use this dialog box to select the Training Centralizer
catalog from the Catalog pull-down list. Select the bow centralizer.

5-4 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Input the provided running parameters using the Parameter >

Centralizer Placement view.

a. Click the Copy to Standoff Devices button on the Centralizer

Placement dialog box to update the Quick Look results. The
hookload with centralizers is 254.4 kips.

b. The hookload without centralizers is 306 kips.

c. The maximum hookload is 294.9 kips and occurs at 8,000 ft.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-5

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

8. Use Parameter > Standoff Devices to determine how many

centralizers are required. In this example, 109 centralizers
are required.

5-6 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

9. Use View > Plot > Torque Drag Analysis to view a graphical
representation of the hookload with and without centralizers and
compare with results using bow centralizers. There is less hookload
with centralizers because there is more drag, and the drag force acts
in the direction opposite of motion.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-7

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

10. To freeze a curve on a plot, click the curve, then right-click and
select Freeze Line. It is helpful to change the color, line thickness,
and/or curve title to distinguish the various curves.

Using Rigid Centralizers

11. Use Parameter > Centralizer Placement. Click on the Centralizer
A cell and select Use Catalog Selector from the pull-down list. The
Centralizer Specification dialog box will be displayed. Use this to
select the TrainingCentralizer catalog from the Catalog pull-down
list. Select the Rigid Centralizer.

5-8 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

12. Remember to click the Copy to Standoff Devices button. The

maximum hookload is 330 kips and occurs at 8,000 ft.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-9

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

13. Click the tab that contains the View > Plot > Torque Drag
Analysis to compare the hookload using bow and rigid centralizers.

5-10 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

14. Using the same tab you used to view the Torque Drag plot, access
the Parameter > Standoff Devices to determine how many rigid
centralizers are required. Scroll to the bottom of the spreadsheet.
There are 93 centralizers used.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-11

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

In-depth Torque Drag Analysis (Using Torque

Drag Module)

15. Activate the Torque Drag Analysis module by clicking its Modules
toolbar icon ( ).

16. Access the Drag Charts analysis mode using the Mode pull-
down list.

17. Use Parameter > Run Parameters dialog box.

5-12 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

18. Display View > Plot > Tension Point/Hookload Chart.

Use Freeze Line to ensure that the curves for running with
centralizers remain intact so you can compare the results to those
without centralizers. (To access Freeze Line functionality, right-
click the curve, select Freeze Line, and change the properties using
the displayed dialog box.)

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-13

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

In another tab, access Parameter > Standoff Devices to indicate

centralizers should not be used in the analysis. Uncheck the Use
Standoff Devices check box on the Standoff Devices spreadsheet.

5-14 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Access the tab with the plot again. Notice that the results without
centralizers are now displayed on the Tension Point/Hookload
Chart along with the results using centralizers. Notice that all loads
for all operations are within the yield limit of the pipe. This plot can
also be used to compare the rig capacity to expected loads. In this
particular case, there is a 100-kip difference between the expected
tripping out with centralizers load and the rig capacity.


As you cursor over a curve with the mouse, notice the curve turns black. The curve
label in the legend also turns black. This can be helpful when determining what the
curve represents, particularly when there are several curves on the plot with the
same, or close to the same, color.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-15

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

19. Access Parameter > Standoff Devices and check the Use
Standoff Devices check box on the Standoff Devices spreadsheet.

5-16 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Matching Friction Factors to Actual Field Data

20. Use Parameters > Run Parameters dialog box.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-17

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

21. Check the Enable Sensitivity Plot check box on the Run
Parameters dialog box.

22. Click Input Friction Factors on the Run Parameter dialog box to
access the Sensitivity Plot Friction Factors dialog box.

5-18 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

23. Use Parameter > Actual Loads spreadsheet to input the actual
load data.

24. Use Case > Hole Section Editor to determine the friction factors
you are currently using. You are using 0.2 in cased sections, and 0.3
in open hole sections.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-19

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

25. Use View > Plot > Sensitivity Plot-Tension/Hook Load Chart to
determine if the friction factors in use (from the Case > Hole
Section Editor) match actual load data. Note that the actual load
data points fall along the curve corresponding to a 0.2 friction
factor in cased hole and 0.3 in open hole. These are the values you
are using in the Hole Section Editor.

5-20 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

26. Use Parameter > Run Parameters dialog box to specify the rpm,
and use View > Plot > Torque Point/Surface Chart. When
rotating at 22 rpm, make-up torque limit is exceeded.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-21

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Determining Surge and Swab Pressures (Using

Surge Module)

Input and Review Well Configuration and Analysis Options

27. Access Surge analysis by clicking the Modules toolbar icon.

28. Use Case > String Editor to review the string data.

a. Double-click a non-editable cell pertaining to the Casing Shoe.

The String Casing Shoe Data dialog box will display.

5-22 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

b. Click Help to access the online help to determine the difference

between conventional and autofill options. The following is an
excerpt from the online help.

c. Select the radio button associated with the Conventional (Flow

Out) option.

d. The WELLPLAN software Surge module uses the float

option. This is indicated on the String Casing Shoe Data
dialog box.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-23

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

29. Use Parameter > Standoff Devices to review the standoff devices.
These are the rigid centralizers analyzed previously.

Specify the Operation Data

30. Specify the operation data using Parameter > Operations Data
dialog box.

a. Because you are running a liner, a stand of pipe is 90 ft.

5-24 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

b. The deepest pipe depth is not at TD because a surge analysis

cannot be performed if the bottom pipe depth is within a stand
length of TD. If so, a message will be displayed in the Status
Message section at the bottom of the application window, and
calculations will not be performed.

Analyze Transient Response

31. Use View > Operation Plot > Transient Response Plot) to review
the transient pressures/EMWs at all moving pipe depths as a
function of time. Right-click in the plot to access a menu that can be
used to select a plot at a different depth. You can choose to display
the data as EMW vs. Time rather than Pressure vs. Time.

a. The formation is fracturing at all depths of interest using one or

more moving pipe depths. Notice on the following plots the
depth of interest is indicated in the plot title bar. Each curve on
the plot represents the pressures or EMWs over time at that
particular depth as bottom of the liner is at a specific moving
pipe depth. Use the legend to determine which moving pipe
depth corresponds to each curve. If a curve crosses into a red
range at the top of the plot, the pressures or EMWs are fracturing
the formation. Conversely, if a curve crosses into a red range at
the bottom of the plot, the pressures or EMWs fall below the
pore pressure and a kick may occur.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-25

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

The following plot displays the results at the depth of interest

(15,000 ft MD) for all three moving pipe depths. Notice that the
formation fracture gradient is exceeded at this depth when the pipe depth
is at the shoe or the depth of interest or near TD.

Using the right-click menu again, display the results at TD. Notice the
fracture gradient is exceeded when the pipe is at 19,910 ft MD, and also

5-26 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

slightly into the red zone when the pipe is at the depth of interest
(15,000 ft MD).

b. Freeze the curves that are fracturing.

32. Use Case > String Editor to change the float option to Autofill
(Flow in and Flow Out).

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-27

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

a. Yes, there is still the possibility of exceeding the fracture

gradient at TD when the moving pipe depth is at TD.

5-28 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

b. The largest reduction, about 2.1 ppg, occurs about 0.6 minutes
into tripping the stand. Click the Data Reader icon on the toolbar
to assist you.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-29

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

c. Yes, there is still the possibility of fracturing the formation.

5-30 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

d. Yes, there is still the possibility of fracturing the formation at

15,000 ft.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-31

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Check the Tripping Schedule

33. Review the tripping schedule using View > Operation Plot >
Optimized Trip Schedule.

a. The trip speed at TD is 122ft/min, the shoe is 132 ft/min, and the
depth of interest is 131 ft/min.

5-32 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

b. Freeze the trip speed curve generated using autofill. Using a

different tab, access the Case > String Editor and change the
float option to Conventional. Review the Trip Schedule plot
again, and notice the trip speeds must be significantly reduced
using the conventional float option.

c. Enable auto-fill before proceeding.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-33

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

34. First, use the Parameter > Operations Data dialog box to specify
the revised trip speeds for each moving pipe depth. Then, review
the View > Operation Plot > Transient Response plot at each
depth. Notice the problems are resolved.

Results at the shoe do not indicate a problem.

5-34 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Results at the depth of interest, 15,000 ft, do not indicate a problem.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-35

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Results close to TD do not indicate a problem.

35. Select the Reciprocation analysis mode using the Mode pull-
down list.

36. Specify the analysis parameters using Parameter >

Operations Data dialog box.

5-36 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

37. Use View > Operation Plot > Transient Response Plot to view
the transient pressure. The EMW falls below the pore pressure at
TD while reciprocating.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-37

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

38. Use Parameter > Operations Data to specify the flow rate. Yes,
the issues are resolved.

5-38 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Condition the Well Prior to Cementing (Using

Hydraulics Module)

39. Access the Hydraulics module by clicking the Modules

toolbar icon.

40. Use the Mode pull-down list to access the Pressure: Pump Rate
Fixed analysis mode.

41. Use the Parameter > Standoff Devices dialog box to indicate
standoff devices (centralizers) are not used in the analysis.

42. Determine how long it takes to circulate two circulations. Press F12
to determine the annular volume. Using this volume, it will take
approximately four hours to circulate one time.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-39

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

43. Use Parameter > Rate dialog box to specify the analysis

44. Use View > Plot > ECD vs. Depth.

5-40 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

45. Use Parameter > Rate dialog box to include tool joint pressure
losses by checking the Include Tool Joint Pressure Losses check

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-41

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

Click the Rescale icon on the toolbar to enlarge the portion of the plot
containing the curve data. Notice the tool joint pressure losses increase
the ECD as depth increases because the tool joints reduce the annular
volume. A tool joint may also result in reduced internal pipe volume if
the tool joint ID is less than the pipe ID.

5-42 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

46. Include the centralizers by checking the Use Standoff Devices

check box on the Parameter > Standoff Devices dialog box. The
centralizers also reduce the annular volume. The increase begins at
15,000 ft because that is where the centralizers begin.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-43

Chapter 5: Running Liner Solution

47. Review the geothermal data using View > Plot > Geothermal
Gradient. The circulating temperature at TD is 209 degrees F, and
the return temperature at the surface is 75 degrees F.

5-44 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 6
Cementing the Liner


The data used in this exercise is not from an actual well. Although an
attempt has been made to use realistic data in the exercise, the intent
when creating the data set is to display as much software functionality
as possible. Therefore, some data may not be realistic. Please do not let
the accuracy of the data overshadow learning the software functionality.

In this section, you will cement the 9 5/8 liner you analyzed in the
previous workflow.

The workflow begins with a review of the centralizer placement

determined in the previous workflow. The bottomhole circulating
temperature is estimated.

Entering of cement job data is performed using fluids provided.

Result analysis includes analyzing: circulating pressures, downhole

pressures, density and hydrostatic profiles, comparing rates in and out,
wellhead and surface pressures, and estimated hookloads.

Hole cleaning (erodibility) is investigated, including the effect of

remaining mud on fluid tops.

The animation is used to determine fluid tops, volumes, and other

cementing parameters.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 6-1

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Workflow Solution
Solutions for the workflow steps in this chapter can be found in the
Cementing Solution chapter.

What Is Covered
Integration between WELLPLAN software modules
Defining cement slurries and spacers
Different placement methods
Defining a cement job, including:

Sequence and rates fluids to be pumped

Shoe tracks
Automatic Rate Adjustments and Safety Factors
Job stages
Cement material requirements (sacks)
Displacement volumes

Surface iron works

Estimating bottomhole circulating temperatures
Determining pipe and annular volumes
Specifying a gauge or washed-out hole
Using many of the available plots (as a function of time, volumes,
and strokes) to analyze:

Circulating pressures
Downhole pressures
Density and hydrostatic pressure profiles
When free fall is occurring
Wellhead and surface pressures
Hookloads during the job

Fluid Animation when reviewing many job parameters

Hole cleaning during the cement job

6-2 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Open the Case

1. Open the case titled Cement Liner. You will be cementing the
9 5/8 liner you analyzed in the previous exercise.


If you have a Halliburton OptiCem OTC file, you can import this data
directly into an open WELLPLAN case using File > Import. You can create
a case using File > New > Instant Case.

2. Activate the OptiCem-Cementing module and the Wellbore

Simulator analysis mode.

3. Keeping in mind the data integration provided by the WELLPLAN

software, what data type of wellbore data do you think you will
need to input to analyze a cementing case that you did not input in
the Running Liner case?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 6-3

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Input and Review Wellbore Data

Review Hole Section, String, and Wellpath Data

4. Review the hole section data. Is the hole washed out?


Caliper log data can be directly imported into the Hole Section Editor using
File > Import > Caliper log.

5. What is the total annular volume and the annular volume in the
open hole? Why is the Between Strings volume zero?

6. What is the total annular volume and the annular volume in the
open hole if there is a 15% washout?

7. Set the open hole back to gauge hole.

8. Review the string data.

9. Review the Wellpath Editor. Is tortuosity used?


Click Options.

Define Cement Slurries and Spacers

10. Ensure that the following fluids are input. All fluids use the
Bingham Plastic rheology model. The 13.8 ppg OBM should
already be input because it was used in the previous exercises.

Name Type Class Density PV @ 70 YP @ 70 Yield Water Req

(ppg) degrees degrees (ft3/ (gal/sk94)

14.0 ppg Spacer n/a 14.0 28.0 12.0 n/a n/a


14.5 ppg Lead Cement H 14.5 39.0 9.23 1.36 5.91

6-4 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Name Type Class Density PV @ 70 YP @ 70 Yield Water Req

(ppg) degrees degrees (ft3/ (gal/sk94)

16.4 ppg Tail Cement H 16.4 178.3 19.81 1.41 8.35

Review Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient Data

11. Review pore pressure data. Where is the maximum pore pressure in
the open hole section?

12. Review the fracture gradient data. Where is lowest fracture gradient
in the open hole?

Review or Input Geothermal Gradient Data

13. What is the static bottomhole temperature?

Review or Input Circulating System Data

14. Review circulating system data. What is the displacement volume
in the surface iron?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 6-5

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Centralizer Placement

You can use multiple types of centralizers. You can create a pattern of
centralizers. For example, you can alternate between two types of
centralizers, or use two of one type of centralizer followed by another
type. There are several patterns available for use.

15. Review the centralizer placement. Notice these are the same
centralizers used in the previous Running Liner case.

Specify Depths of Interest

16. Specify the depths of interest based on your answers to Steps 11
and 12. Why use these depths?

6-6 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Estimate Bottomhole Circulating Temperature

It is strongly recommended that the circulating temperature profiles be

run using a temperature simulator as in WELLCAT software (HCT file)
or data obtained from a cementing service company. (Click Edit Profile
to input or import a temperature profile.) If this data is not available, a
quick temperature analysis can be run using the WELLPLAN
Hydraulics module. For this exercise, you do not have an HCT file, or
other data, so you will use the Hydraulics module for a quick estimate
of the bottomhole circulating temperature.

17. Activate the Hydraulics module and the Pressure: Pump Rate
Fixed analysis mode.

18. Specify a flowrate of 400 GPM. (This is the same flow rate used to
condition the hole in the Running Liner case.) Include the effects of
mud temperature in the analysis. Circulate for nine hours. This
allows for approximately two circulations.

19. What are the circulating annular bottomhole and surface


WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 6-7

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Input Cement Job Data

20. Activate the OptiCem-Cementing module by clicking the

Modules toolbar icon ( ). Select Wellbore Simulator from the
Mode pull-down list.

21. Input the BHCT, surface temperature, and mud outlet temperature.

22. Specify the following cement job data using the Parameter > Job
Data dialog box. Notice that all fluids are pumped at 10 bbl/min
except for the tail slurry.


Plugs indicate the start of the displacement, as well as act as a normal plug. In
OptiCem, Top Plug with the New Stage check box checked indicates the start
of displacement. In this exercise, the second stage of the tail cement is an
optional step to specify the time to drop the plug.

As the wellbore fluid, use 13.8 ppg OBM. Specify a rate of

10 bbl/min. (Because this fluid is designated as the active fluid
on the Case > Fluid Editor dialog box, it will display in the top
row of the Job Data dialog box by default.)

Use 50 bbls of the 14 ppg Spacer as a spacer. Pump the spacer at

10 bbl/min. (Select Spacer/Flush in the Type pull-down list.)
The Placement Method is Volume.

Pump the 14.5 ppg Lead cement at a rate of 10 bbl/min. The

Placement Method is Top of Fluid. Specify the top of the lead
cement at 12,250 ft (at the Liner Hanger). (Select Cement in the
Type pull-down list.)

Pump 2,000 ft of the 16.4 ppg Tail slurry at a rate of 7 bbl/min.

(Select Cement in the Type pull-down list.) The Placement
Method is Length.

Drop a plug. To do this, add a second row of 16.4 ppg Tail slurry.
Uncheck the New Stage check box so that this entry becomes the
4-2 stage of the tail slurry. Specify a shutdown time of five
minutes to drop the plug.

6-8 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Indicate the start of the displacement by selecting Top Plug as

the Type for the row between the tail cement and the
displacement fluid. Check the New Stage check box.

Pump 10 bbls of 14.0 ppg Spacer at 10 bpm, on top of the plug

as a post flush, as an extra measure to prevent slurry
contamination by displacement mud.

Select Mud in the Type pull-down list. Displace the cement with
the 13.8 ppg OBM mud pumped at 10 bbl/min.

Because the annulus is open to the atmosphere, use 14.7 psi for
the Back Pressure and 0 bbl Return Volume.

Use 80 ft of shoe track.

Select the Top Plug option and enter 350 psi for bumping
the plug.

Do not automatically adjust the rates.

Do not use foam cement.

Do not use Inner String.

Enable auto-displacement calculations. (Leave the check

box unchecked.)

a. How much shoe track volume is predicted?

b. How many sacks of lead and tail cement are needed for this job?

c. If the shoe track was 160 ft, how many extra tail slurry sacks
would be required? It is important to set it back to 80 ft
after checking.

23. What is the displacement volume?

24. What is the pipe volume, and why does the displacement volume in
the previous step not equal the pipe volume?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 6-9

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Analyze Results

Review Circulating Pressures

25. Do the circulating pressures (vs. volume) during the cement job
exceed the fracture pressure at the shoe?

26. Do the circulating pressures (vs. volume) cause a well control

problem during placement at TD?

Review Downhole Pressure Profiles

27. Access the View > Plot > Downhole Pressure Profiles plot.

a. What would you use this plot for?

b. Is it possible to take a kick or fracture the open hole during the

cement job?

c. What does the minimum hydrostatic gradient curve represent?

d. What does the maximum ECD curve represent?

Review Density and Hydrostatic Profiles

28. Access View > Plot > Final Density and Hydrostatic Profile.
What do the curves represent?

Compare Rates In and Out

29. Access View > Plot > Comparison of Rates In and Out. View
Results vs. Time.

a. What does this plot represent?

b. Does freefall occur during the job?

c. Is the predicted free fall a cause for concern in this design?

d. What does the Gas Rate represent on right side of the plot?

6-10 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Review Wellhead and Surface Pressures

30. Access View > Plot > Calculated Wellhead/Surface Pressure
(in Time).

a. What is the maximum calculated wellhead surface pressure and

when during the job does it occur?

b. What is the difference between the pump pressure and the

wellhead pressure?

c. What is the maximum calculated pump pressure?

d. Why does the pressure initially drop, and then increase?

Review Hookloads
31. Access View > Plot > Hook Load Simulation.

a. Is there any danger of pumping the non-secured pipe out of the

hole during the cement job?

b. Is the rig capacity exceeded?

c. Remove the line of interest from the plot. When is the maximum
hookload predicted during the job?

Use the Fluid Animation to Analyze Job Parameters

32. Access View > nimation > Fluid Positions.

a. Do not include any labels on the animation, and view the

animation using a 1/2 cutaway.

b. Set the down hole pointer to 19,000 ft annulus (the mid-point of

the tail slurry). View the schematic To Scale.

c. Review the colors associated with each fluid. What color is

associated with tail, lead, spacer, and free fall?

d. Run the simulation. What volume has been pumped when

freefall occurs and the Time In is 54 minutes?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 6-11

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

e. What is the bottomhole pressure and ECD at 19,000 ft (annulus)

when free fall begins?

f. Finish the simulation.

g. What is the total time to pump the job?

h. Why is knowing the time required to pump the job important?

Review Hole Cleaning

Erodibility data should be obtained from field studies, the mud
company, or lab tests.

If you do not have centralizers in the analysis, and you enable the
Eccentricity option, the pipe is assumed to be on the low side of
the wellbore.

33. Enable Erodibility and Eccentricity analysis. Specify a required

shear stress (l bf/100 ft2) of 20 for this exercise. Analyze between a
top and bottom measured depth of 18,000 ft and 20,000 ft,
corresponding to the tail slurry placement.

34. Access the View > Plot > Erodibility Profile plot. What is the
displacement efficiency in the tail slurry section of the annulus?

35. Analyze the entire open section in the annulus.

a. Access the Analysis Data dialog box, and select the Entire
Open Hole Section radio button. Click OK to re-run
the calculations.

b. Is the wellbore clean or is there mud cake remaining? Why is

there an increase in mud cake between the previous shoe
and 15,000 ft?

c. Is the remaining mud cake a problem if only a good tail cement

placement is required?

d. If a mud cake remains, what parameters, other than hole

cleaning, should be re-examined?

6-12 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

Fine-tune the Job

Re-examine ECDs
36. Use the Downhole Pressure Profile plot to determine how
erodibility affected the ECDs in the open hole. Where is the
increase in ECD most likely to cause a problem?

37. Change the fracture zone of interest from 12,500 ft to 20,000 ft.

38. Is the circulating pressure close to the fracture gradient?

39. Add a safety factor of 150 psi using automatic rate adjustment.

40. Is the circulating pressure still close to the fracture gradient? (View
in volume.)

41. How have the rates changed, and how many barrels will be pumped
at the lower rate?

42. Access View > Plot > Downhole Pressure Profiles and notice the
maximum ECD is not as close to the fracture gradient as it was
prior to the rate adjustment.

Re-examine Fluid Tops

43. Now, you will examine the top of fluids. Run the fluid animation at
19,000 ft annulus with erodibility.

a. What does the red color remaining in the annulus at the end of
the job represent?

b. What is the predicted top of the lead slurry with the

mud remaining?

c. What is the revised predicted top of the spacer with the

mud remaining?

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 6-13

Chapter 6: Cementing the Liner

6-14 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7
Cementing the Liner Solution


This chapter contains the answers to the exercise questions presented in

the Cementing the Liner chapter.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-1

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Open the Case

1. Use the Well Explorer to open the case.

2. Click the OptiCem-Cementing Modules toolbar icon ( ) to

activate the OptiCem-Cementing module. Select Wellbore
Simulator from the Mode pull-down list.

3. The WELLPLAN software is a suite of integrated engineering

applications that share data stored in the EDM database. Once
data is input, it is shared between applications as appropriate. Data
stored in the EDM database can also be shared with other
Landmark applications. Refer to the online help for more
information about integration.

In these exercises, you are using data already entered in a previous

exercise. Data already entered includes:

Hole section data

String data
Wellbore fluid
Pore pressure and fracture gradient
Shared centralizers
Shared rig data

Data specifically related to a cement job, that must be entered for

this exercise, includes:

Slurries and spacers defined using the Case > Fluid Editor.

The sequence and volume of fluids pumped during the

cementing operation input using the Parameter > Job Data
dialog box.

Other analysis parameters specific to a cementing analysis.

7-2 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Input and Review Wellbore Data

Review Hole Section, String, and Wellpath Data

4. Use the Case > Hole Section Editor. No, the hole is not washed
out. To indicate the hole is washed out, specify the percentage
increase using the Excess (%) field.

5. The Between Strings volume pertains to an inner string

configuration. If there was an inner string configuration, this
volume is the volume between the inner and outer strings.


Use Tools > Volume Calculations or press F12.

The total annular volume is 2,055 bbls.

The annular volume in the open hole section is 418 bbls.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-3

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

6. Use the Case > Hole Section Editor and change the Excess % to

The total annular volume is 2,118 bbls.

The annular volume in the open hole section is 481 bbls.

7. Use the Case > Hole Section Editor and set the Excess % back
to zero.

7-4 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

8. Use the Case > String Editor dialog box. This is the same string
configuration used in the Running Liner case.

9. Use Case > Wellpath > Editor. Yes, this is the same wellpath used
in the previous two designs

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-5

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Define Cement Slurries and Spacers

10. Specify the fluid data using the Case > Fluid Editor dialog box.

Review Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient Data

11. Use Case > Pore Pressure. The maximum pore pressure of
13.5 ppg is at 13,253 ft TVD.

7-6 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

12. Use Case > Fracture Gradient. The lowest fracture gradient of
14.75 ppg is at the prior shoe of 9493.8 ft TVD

Review or Input Geothermal Gradient Data

13. Use Case > Geothermal Gradient dialog box. The BHST is
229.66o F.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-7

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Review or Input Circulating System Data

14. Use Case > Cement Circulating System dialog box. The
displacement volume is 0.34 bbls.

7-8 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Centralizer Placement

15. Use Parameter > Centralizer Placement.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-9

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Specify Depths of Interest

16. Access Parameter > Additional Data dialog box. For Reservoir
Zone, enter the MD of the well at TD (20,000 ft) and for Fracture
Zone, enter the casing shoe depth (12,500 ft). You entered these
depths because the MD of the well at TD has the highest pore
pressure in the open hole, and the casing shoe depth has the lowest
fracture gradient in the open hole. You can enter any depths of
interest for these zones (weak zones or abnormal pressure zones not
necessarily at prior shoe depth or well depth), if desired.

7-10 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Estimate Bottomhole Circulating Temperature

17. Access the Hydraulics module by clicking the Modules

toolbar icon, and use the Mode pull-down list to access the
Pressure: Pump Rate Fixed analysis mode.

18. Use Parameter > Rate dialog box to specify this information.

19. Access View > Plot > Geothermal Gradient. Click the Data
Reader icon to determine the temperatures, or click the Grid View
toolbar icon ( ) to view the data in tabular form. The annular
surface temperature is 75.23o F.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-11

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

The annular bottomhole temperature is 208.5o F.

7-12 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Input Cement Job Data

20. Activate the OptiCem-Cementing module by clicking the

OptiCem-Cementing Modules toolbar icon ( ). Select Wellbore
Simulator from the Mode pull-down list.

21. Use Parameter > Additional Data dialog box. Select the BHCT
radio button option.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-13

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

22. Use Parameter > Job Data.

a. 5.66 bbls of shoe track is predicted.

7-14 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

b. 1,326 sacks of lead cement, and 467 of tail cement are predicted.

c. Approximately 23 sacks would be required. Set the shoe track

length back to 80 ft after checking.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-15

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

23. Use Parameter > Job Data. The displacement volume includes the
cumulative volume of fluids after the plug is dropped.
10 bbls (spacer) + 723.17 bbls (mud) = 733.17 bbls.

24. Use Tools > Volume Calculations dialog box or press F12 to
determine the pipe volume. The volumes are not equal because of
the 5.66 bbls shoe track volume.

7-16 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-17

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Analyze Results

Review Circulating Pressures

25. Use View > Plot > Circulating Pressure and Density - Fracture


Use the right-click menu to view pressure vs. volume.

No, there is not a problem. The circulating pressures do not exceed

the fracture gradient at this depth for the entire job.

26. Use View > Plot > Circulating Pressure and Density - Reservoir


Use the right-click menu to view pressure vs. volume.

7-18 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

No, there is not a problem because the circulating and hydrostatic

pressures do not fall below the pore pressure at TD during the
entire job.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-19

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Review Downhole Pressure Profiles

27. Access the View > Plot > Downhole Pressure Profiles plot.

a. Use this plot for a quick overall picture to determine if you will
have well control or ECD issues at any depth in the open hole.

b. No, because the maximum ECD and minimum hydrostatic

gradient curves lie between the pore pressure and fracture
gradient curves.

c. The hydrostatic gradient curve represents the minimum gradient

at any given time that could be present in the annulus.

d. This curve represents the maximum ECDs that can be

anticipated at various depths.

7-20 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Review Density and Hydrostatic Profiles

28. The Density curve represents the static density of each fluid at the
end of the job. The Hydrostatic Gradient curve represents the
cumulative hydrostatic gradient of all fluids in the wellbore at the
end of the job.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-21

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Compare Rates In and Out

29. Use the right-click menu to view Rates vs. Time.

a. This plot displays the total annular return rate and corresponding
pump rates versus the fluid pumped into the well (a comparison
of the volume of material pumped in with the volume coming out
of the well). The difference between the two rate curves
indicates free fall. If free fall occurs and the well goes on
vacuum, the rate out will initially exceed and then fall below the
planned pumped rate.

b. There is slight free-fall at the start of displacement during

the job.

c. The free-fall does not appear to be severe enough. The predicted

rates (in and out) are about the same for most of the job.

d. This is for foam jobs when both liquid and gas phases are
present. However, it is not applicable in this design.

7-22 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Review Wellhead and Surface Pressures

30. Access View > Plot > Calculated Wellhead/Surface Pressure.

a. The maximum calculated wellhead surface pressure is 2,017 psi,

and occurs at the end of the job when the plug is bumped.

b. The pump pressure is at the cement unit; the wellhead pressure

is at the wellhead.

c. The maximum pump pressure is approximately 2,277 psi.

d. After the heavier fluids move to the annulus, additional pressure

is required to lift these fluids up the annulus.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-23

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Review Hookloads
31. Access View > Plot > Hook Load Simulation.

a. No, the predicted hookloads during the entire job are well above
the neutral buoyancy.

b. No, the rig capacity is not exceeded. The calculated hookloads

are below rig capacity during the entire job.

7-24 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

c. Click the icon to remove the lines of interest from a plot.

Immediately after free-fall occurs, the displacement fluid
catches up with the tail slurry.

Use the Fluid Animation to Analyze Job Parameters

32. Access View > Animation > Fluid Positions.

a. Right-click the plot to access the Fluid Positions Frame

Animation Properties dialog box. Uncheck all the check boxes
associated with labels, and check the 1/2 Cutaway check box.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-25

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution


7-26 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

c. Refer to the color legend in the upper right corner of

the animation.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-27

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

d. Click the button to begin the animation. 488 bbls have been
pumped when free fall occurs. You can tell when free fall begins
because the color indicator (black) for free fall appears.


Use the VCR buttons to stop, start, and step through the simulation.

7-28 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution


f. Finish the simulation.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-29

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

g. 132 minutes.

h. To properly design the optimal thickening times for the slurries.

7-30 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Review Hole Cleaning

33. Use the Parameter > Analysis Data dialog box. Check the
Erodibility and Eccentricity check boxes. Select the Enter Top/
Bottom MD radio button and specify the depths. Click OK and the
simulation will run.

34. View > Plot > Erodibility Profile where the tail slurry section is
predicted to be fully cleaned with 100% mud removal.

35. Analyze the entire open section in the annulus.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-31

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

a. Access the Analysis Data dialog box and select the Entire
Open Hole Section radio button. Click OK to re-run the

b. Access View > Plot > Erodibility Profile. There is mud cake
remaining. There is an increase in mud cake between the
previous shoe and 15,000 ft because this interval does not
have centralizers.

7-32 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

c. Ideally, 100% mud removal is desirable for the entire cemented

section. In this exercise, only a good tail placement was required
and the tail section is 100% clean. In the centralized interval
containing the lead slurry, there is a small (less than 3%) mud

If the design required the entire cemented section to be cleaned,

the following changes could be made to the design:

A mud with a higher erodibility number could be used.

Centralizer placement could be improved over a
longer interval.
Specially formulated spacers (for example, tuned spacers)
that achieve higher mud removal could be used.
Non-conventional cementing techniques (for example,
foamed cement) could be used.
d. Fluid tops and ECDs may be affected by remaining mud cake.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-33

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

Fine-tune the Job

Re-examine ECDs and Fluid Tops

36. Access the View > Plot > Downhole Pressure Profile plot. Notice
the increase in ECDs. The increase in ECDs is most likely to cause
a problem at TD.

7-34 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

37. Use the Parameter > Additional Data dialog box. Click OK to
close it and re-run the simulator to update the results.

38. Access View > Plot > Circulating Pressure and Density -
Fracture Zone (in volume). Notice the circulating pressure is very
close to the fracture zone toward the end of the displacement at TD.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-35

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

39. To add a safety factor, use the Parameter > Job Data dialog box to
select Automatic Rate Adjustment with a 150 psi safety factor.

7-36 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

40. Access View > Plot > Circulating Pressure and Density -
Fracture Zone. Notice the circulating pressure is no longer near
the fracture gradient because the rates have been adjusted toward
the end of the job. Note the safety factor region has been added to
the plot.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-37

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

41. Access View > Plot > Comparison of Rates In and Out. Notice
the rates dropped near the end of cement job. Approximately the
last 50 bbls are pumped at the slower rate of 5 bpm instead of the
planned 10 bpm.

7-38 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

42. Access View > Plot > Downhole Pressure Profiles. Notice the
decrease in ECD as a result of the reduced flow rates.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-39

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

43. Access View > Animation > Fluid Positions. Fast forward to the
end of the simulation.

7-40 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

a. The red denotes the section where the mud was not fully
removed. Use the Erodibility plot to determine the percentage of
mud remaining.

b. Place the mouse pointer over the top of the lead slurry in the
animation schematic to view the predicted top of the lead slurry.
It is 11,947 ft (compared to the previous 12,250 ft). Fluid tops
are also reported in the Wellbore Simulator report.

WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 7-41

Chapter 7: Cementing the Liner Solution

c. Place the mouse pointer over the top of the spacer in the
animation schematic to view the predicted top of the spacer. It is
10,812 ft versus the planned 11,848 ft.

If the annular volume is significantly filled with non-mobile mud, it will

increase the velocity and frictional pressure losses elevating the ECDs.
Also, this can cause fluid tops to be higher than anticipated. It is a good
practice to review all parameters if mud displacement efficiency is
not 100%.

7-42 WELLPLAN Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

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