Scary Rules Test

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The FRC Team 4362

2017 100 Rules Test

1) How long is the autonomous period? _______

2) How long is teleop (not the whole match)? _______
3) How many kPa is needed to earn one ranking point? _______
4) How many gears are required to be delivered to earn a ranking
point? _______
5) Does the retrieval zone boundary include the volume of the tape?
Yes / No
6) Does the key include the volume above the tape? Yes / No
7) Does the loading lane include the surrounding tape? Yes / No
8) How many pilots are allowed on the airship at a time? _______
9) Fill in the blanks in the scoring table (ready for take off =
Teleop Autonomous

10) Label the zones on the field including Red Loading Zone
(RLZ), Blue Loading Zone (BLZ), Launchpad, Blue Key, Red Key,
Red Retrieval Zone (RRZ), Blue Retrieval Zone (BRZ), Neutral
Zone, Both Base Lines and Both Launchpad Lines

11) Fill in the blanks

12) How many rotations of the crank does it take to engage

rotors 2, 3, and 4? _______
13) How long can an unengaged rotor remain idle before the
counter resets to 0? _______
14) What does the yellow stack light next to ROTOR 1 and
ROTOR 2 indicate? _____________________________________
15) Fill out the chart for 30 kPa corresponding to the steam tank
pressure lights
16) Fill out the chart for 45 kPa corresponding to the steam tank
pressure lights

17) How long do you have to engage the touchpad in order for
the climb to count? _______
18) At what time does the touchpad HAVE to be depressed in
order for the climb to count? __________
19) How can you tell the climb will count? ________________________
20) When can the pilot deploy the climbing rope?
21) What two cues (other than clock) indicate when it is time to
deploy the climbing rope? _____________________________
22) What do the following Team LED signal light (at the player
station) statuses indicate?
i. Solid: ______________
ii. Blinking: _______________
iii. Off: ______________
iv. Amber: _______________
23) What is the capacity (range) of the return and overflow bins?
24) What happens to excess fuel when a return bin overflows?
25) How many fuel is each robot allowed to preload in their
robot? _______
26) How many fuel start in each loading lane? _______
27) How many fuel start in each hopper (both sides)? _______
28) Where do any not preloaded fuel go? ______________________
29) How many gears can each team preload in their robot?
30) How many gears start in each loading lane? _______
31) How many gears start in each airship (not including pre-
populated gears)? ________
32) Where do any not pre-loaded gears go? __________________

33) Fill in the blanks in the table Assume 1pt = 1kPa

34) How many penalty points are awarded for a foul? _______
35) How many penalty points are awarded for a TECH FOUL?
36) What is the penalty for a YELLOW CARD?
37) What is the penalty for a RED CARD?
38) What is the penalty for being DISQUALIFIED in
qualifications? ___________________________________________________
39) What is the penalty for being DISQUALIFIED in playoffs?
40) How many members are there on the drive team? ________
41) Are robots allowed to deliberately cause game pieces to
leave the field? Yes / No
42) Will the game pieces that leave the field be re-introduced to
the field? Yes / No
43) What color LED lights indicate you are allowed to enter the
field? ________
44) If a pilot contacts the rotors, davits, intentionally reaches
outside the port (except for minor carriage manipulation),
below the airship deck, or contacts a deployed rope, what is
the penalty? _____________
45) If you contact a surface inside the chute of a loading station
what is the penalty? ___________
46) If you step over the GUARDRAIL to enter or exit the field,
what is the penalty? ___________
47) What is the proper way to enter or exit the field?
48) What is the condition to wirelessly operate the robot on the
practice field? _________________________________________
49) How many members of the drive team must be present for a
match? _________
50) If a team participates in the match and is not inspected what
is the penalty? ______________________________
51) If a team has passed inspection but did not participate in the
match what is the penalty? ___________________________
52) If you touch the banner in a match what is the penalty?
53) How far outside of your player station can you set your drive
station with permission from your alliance partner?
54) Where is the starting constraint for robot position for setup?
55) How many pilots minimum must be on the airship? _______
56) Can you tether on the field without explicit permission? Yes /
57) What is the penalty for touching a robot that is in contact
with its alliance rope? __________________________________
58) What is the penalty for deliberately or damaging contact
inside their frame perimeter? ___________________
59) How long can you pin a robot before a penalty is called?
60) What 2 ways can a pin be considered broken?
61) What is the minimum required time between pins?
62) How long is the grace period for a fallen robot?
63) What is the penalty if the grace period is violated? _________
If intentional? ________
a. Your red alliance robot is partially in the blue retrieval zone
and the opposing blue alliance robot is not in the retrieval
zone and contacts you. Is the penalty called? If so, which
alliance receives the penalty?
i. ____________________________________________________
b. The opposing blue alliance robot is partially in the blue
retrieval zone and your red alliance robot is not in the
retrieval zone at all but contacts the blue alliance robot. Is a
penalty called? If so, which alliance receives the penalty?
i. ____________________________________________________
65) What is the penalty for supporting (either fully or partially)
another robot strategically/repeatedly, unless its attempting to
right a fallen alliance partner? ___________________
66) What is the penalty for INTENTIONALLY leaving parts on the
field? _______________________
67) What is the penalty for being in the opponents key?
68) What is the penalty when pinned in the opponents key?
69) What is the penalty for pinning in the opponents key?
70) What is the penalty for more than 1 robot being fully
supported by the same rope? _____________
71) What is the penalty for touching an opposing alliances
rope? __________
72) What is the penalty if you are touching an opposing alliances
rope and a robot touches you or the rope?
73) What is the maximum number of touchpad points in a match
including any robot interaction (autoclimb) penalties? _________
74) Can you legally and intentionally block field elements with
other field elements? If yes, give an example, if no state the
penalty _______________________
75) What is the penalty for intentionally ejecting game pieces
from the field? ______________
76) What is the penalty for shooting fuel from outside of your
Launchpad? _______________
77) If it is just your bumpers in the Launchpad, are you
considered in the Launchpad? Yes / No
78) If your bumpers are not in the Launchpad, but another part
of your robot is, are you considered in the Launchpad? Yes / No
79) What is the penalty for launching a gear? _____________________
80) What is the penalty for intentionally putting fuel in the
airship? _______________
81) Excluding the penalty for the launching the gear, what is the
penalty for delivering a gear to the airship without the lift?
82) What is the penalty for controlling extra gears? _______ If
strategic? _____________
83) What is the penalty for driving into the opponents
Launchpad during auto? _________________
84) What is the penalty for contacting an opposing robot in the
neutral zone during auto? ________________
85) What is the penalty for contacting an opposing robot in their
Launchpad during auto (either directly or through another
object)? _________________
86) What is the penalty for removing the reserve gear during
auto? _________________
87) Can a pilot legally remove fuel from the airship and if so,
how? ________________________
88) What is the penalty for removing a pre-populated gear from
its axle? _________________
89) What is the penalty for removing a gear from a started
ROTOR? _________________
90) Do you have to bring all configurations to inspection and do
they all count towards your weight? Yes / No Yes / No
91) If your rope is modified do you need to have it re-inspected?
Yes / No
92) Fill in the chart for qualification tiebreakers

93) Fill in the chart for playoff tiebreakers

94) If you are not on the field and you decline an invitation to an
alliance, are you still eligible to move to the field as an alliance
captain? Yes / No
95) Fill in the blanks below (which alliance players which?

96) How long is a time out? __________________________

97) How many timeouts are issued to each alliance in playoffs?
98) If there is a field timeout in progress, what is the window to
use a team timeout and how much, if any, does it extend the
timeout duration? _______________________________
99) How many additional pit crew members can you have during
playoffs (when you stay in the queuing area) ____________

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