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Erin Zoromskis Final

Reflection Project Coloring

(Originally for LD0515 but adapted for
LD0530 Theology of Ministry and

*Coloring pictures were found with search engine under Google images.
Table of Contents
(A) revisit my definitions and theology of church,
ministry, and leadership, adding relevant
theological and theoretical concepts that have
captured my imagination in this course (pgs. 3-21)
(B) reflect on my call to ministry in my area of
concentration (pgs. 22-28)
(C) analyze my current strengths in ministry leadership
(specifically in my area of concentration), my
current challenges in ministry leadership, and
specific, next-step plans for attending to those
challenges (pgs. 29-39)

(A) Definitions & theology

Church: Happens anywhere

You can discover the sacred in the small things throughout our daily
lives that are not necessarily found in a church (Taylor, 2009).
Church: Jesus as a leader

We have the church because of Jesus. He is the example of hospitality

as well, which is a huge part of the Church (Young, 2008).

Church: Baptizes

For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one bodyJews or
Greeks, slaves or freeand we were all made to drink of one Spirit
(New Revised Standard Version, 1 Corinthians 12:13).
Church: Spread the Word

Finally, brothers and sisters, pray for us, so that the word of the Lord
may spread rapidly and be glorified everywhere, just as it is among
you( 1 Thessalonians 3:1).
Theology of Ministry

Ministry: Love

All you need is love!

Ministry: Love your neighbor

He answered, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your
mind; and your neighbor as yourself (Luke 10:27).
Ministry: More love!

Behold, from faith thus flow forth love and joy in the Lord, and from
love a joyful, willing, and free mind that serves ones neighbor willingly
and takes no account of gratitude or ingratitude, of praise or blame, of
gain or loss, (Luther, 1970, pp. 304).
Ministry: Creativity

Ministry should make room for creativity.

Ministry: Exploration

I think it is time for a spiritual journey. Go explore!

Ministry: Creates community

Leaders can create a place for community to thrive in (Block, 2009).

Ministry: Creates hope

Hope is hope in the promise of the world, inscribed on the surface of

matter in a distant corner of the universe, in a rose that blossoms unseen,
blossoming because it blossoms, without why (Caputo, 2016, pp. 199).
Theology of Leadership

Leadership: Be educated or trained

There is so much to learn about faith and other useful concepts that
include practical theology by Osmer (2008) and Friedmans (2007)
insights about leadership to help out your ministry.
Leadership: Be able to educate others

Teach about Jesus and what knowledge you have obtained from your
education and/or training.
Leadership: Opportunity for all

Everyone has the capability to lead (Schmitz, 2012).

Leadership: Compassion and empathy

Compassionate communication should be applied here.

(Hunsinger & Latini, 2013)
Leadership: Fun!

Do not forget the fun!

(B) Call to ministry

(Children, Youth and Family & the Arts)

I want to be able to use my theatre skills

Theatre and the Church have a long history with each other, which was
both bad and/or good (Johnson & Savidge, 2009).
and I want to use my music skills.

My music skills include singing and being able to play musical

instruments, like the flute and piano. I have always wanted to put on a
biblical musical.
I want to bring out the creativity in others.

From the very beginning, the arts have had a tenuous place in the
church (Sokolove, 2013, pp. 130).
The Lutheran Campus Ministry and my theatre training
has inspired me to continue my call into ministry.

I would love to work with young adults at a campus ministry and put on
more plays within a ministry setting.
I want to work with all ages, especially with children,
youth, young adults, and families.

They are more likely to be a part of creative activities I dream of doing.

Most importantly, I want to spread the love of God.

I cannot say this enough.

(C) Strengths, challenges and
next-steps (assessment of

Strength: I have improvisation skills or I can think on my

I learned this by being a part of improvisational groups, theatre in

general, and I usually can think up an activity if needed.
Strength: Creativity skills

As mentioned before, I have theatre, music, art, and other creative skills
that I like to use for others. This picture is very creative too.
Strength: Organization skills

I love planning and organizing things. My stage management skills

require this organization ability as well.
Strength: I am positive.

I agree.
Strength: Public speaking skills

I have a BA in Communication Studies, so I did a lot of creative

speeches and presentations along with acting in some of my theatre
Challenge: Saying, no

I sometimes say, yes to too many things and I end up too busy.
*Next steps: Say, no to some things and designate others to do certain
Challenge: Being at an unfamiliar place

For some reason I feel uncomfortable when I am at a new place,

especially at a church that has been established by members, so I like to
learn about the place as soon as I can.
*Next steps: I can let myself feel uncomfortable and learn to reflect from
that. I know that I learn the most when I feel uncomfortable and at a new
Challenge: Learning and remembering names quickly

I take forever to learn and remember names.

*Next steps: I can ask peoples names again and I can associate
something to a person that will help me remember their names.
Challenge: Being an audience member during worship

When it comes to church or worship, I like to be a part of the worship

team instead of being an audience member in the crowd. I think that I
need to be doing something to be a part of it.
*Next steps: I can be a part of worship or I can learn to appreciate the
audience perspective of worship.

Challenge: Coffee hour or fellowship hour

I tend to sit by the same people when it comes to coffee hour or

fellowship hour after church.
*Next steps: I can start meeting new members and I can maybe be a part
of serving during this time to meet the people who work in the
*Majority of the sources can be found under my annotated bibliography.
*APA in-text citations were used in order to save space and so the
pictures were large enough for coloring purposes.

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