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How do you boost an
organizations creative
potential? We asked
some of todays most
innovative leaders.

I ts one of the toughest challenges an execu-

tive faces: How do you get your people to
think creatively to challenge the status
quo while still keeping your everyday oper-
ations running smoothly? Innovation is not
like most other business functions and activi-
ties. There are no reliable templates, rules,
processes, or even measures of success. In a
sense, each act of innovation is a unique
feat, a leap of the individual or the collec-
tive imagination that can be neither pre-
dicted nor replicated. Innovation, in short, is
anything but business as usual.
And yet certain organizations are some-
how able to come up with great ideas over
and over again. Some of the ideas are for
new products, some for new ways of work-
ing, others are for new strategies, still others
for entirely new lines of business. Is there a
secret to these companies successes? Can
other organizations learn from their exam-
ples? To nd out, we turned to the people
most qualied to answer not necessarily in-
ventors (although youll nd a few of them
in the group) but those whove been able to
inspire others to creative genius. We asked
them a single question: Whats the one
thing youve done that most inspired innova-
tion in your organization? Heres what they
had to say.

Copyright 2002 by Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. 3

Make It the Norm to create a breakthrough product, one that re-

solves a paradox without requiring any trade-
Craig Wynett is the general manager of offs. You can see how opportunities like this can
future growth initiatives at Procter & Gamble come up in just about any industry. In the tele-
in Cincinnati. communications business, before call waiting,
for example, you could either talk on the phone
What weve done to encourage innovation is or receive phone calls but not both.
make it ordinary. By that I mean we dont sepa- A nal word of caution. Isolating innovation
rate it from the rest of our business. Many com- from mainstream business can produce a dan-
panies make innovation front-page news, and gerous cultural side effect: Creativity and lead-
all that special attention has a paradoxical ef- ership can be perceived as opposites. This arti-
fect. By serving it up as something exotic, you cial disconnect means that innovators often
isolate it from whats normal. Companies dont lack the visibility and clout to compete for the
trumpet their quality assurance processes or resources necessary for success. Only when in-
their packaging as special practices because novators operate with the credibility of leaders
theyre part of the ber of what they dotheyre will innovation become a productive part of
ordinary business. The same has to be true of everyday business.
innovation. Too many times weve seen corpo-
rate innovation programs that are the business
equivalent of footballs Hail Mary pass they Put Aside Ego
start with all kinds of hope and excitement, but
in the end they rarely produce results. And why Thomas Fogarty invented the rst balloon
would they? For innovation to be reliable, it catheter to be used therapeutically. He prac-
needs to be addressed systematically, like any tices cardiovascular surgery at Stanford Uni-
business issue in which you dene the problem versity Medical Center; creates companies that
and then solve it: What do we want to accom- develop and market his medical device de-
plish, and how? What resources will we need? signs; and is a cofounder of Three Arch Part-
Who will be on the team? How do we motivate ners, a VC rm in Portola Valley, California,
and reward them? And how will we measure that funds medical start-ups.
Todays most sought-after business talent is The most important thing, Ive found, is to help
the ability to originate. But the perception of people broaden their perspective. In medicine,
the creative process is still based on self-limiting the denition of a better way to do something
assumptions about eureka lightbulbs ashing often depends on whether youre the giver or
over the head of some inspired genius rather the recipient of care. For example, Im involved
than the well-managed diligence of ordinary in a company that diagnoses sleep apnea. Cur-
people. At P&G, we think of creativity not as a rently, a patient has to subject himself to whats
mysterious gift of the talented few but as the known as a diagnostic sleep lab. Hes taken out
everyday task of making nonobvious connec- of his normal environ-
tions bringing together things that dont nor- ment his home and One of the hardest things
mally go together. One way to do that is to look put into an articial en-
at contradictions in the marketplace. For exam- vironment where hes
about innovation is
ple, we developed a product called ThermaCare, hooked up to three sepa- getting people to accept
a disposable heating pad that provides regu- rate monitors that check
that the way they work
lated low-level heat for at least eight hours. heart rate, breathing,
Howd we come up with it? Lots of aging baby and blood oxygen levels just might not be the best.
boomers out there have all kinds of creaks and and attached to myriad
muscle twinges. Drugs can treat the pain, but other devices. It costs him $2,000. A physician
they can also create other problems, like stom- would say, Thats how to make the diagnosis;
ach ailments. So you have a contradiction: Peo- whats wrong with it? But if you talked to a
ple dont want to live with pain, but they dont patient, youd nd theres a whole lot wrong
want to take painkillers. We saw that contradic- with it. Consequently, if you want to improve
tion in the market and viewed it as an invitation the experience from the patients perspective,

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youd make the diagnostic procedure less ex- Dont Fear Failure
pensive and intrusive, and youd make it avail-
able in his home. Michael Dell is the founder, chairman, and
Getting people to expand their views to see CEO of Dell Computer in Austin, Texas.
a situation through others eyes often raises
ego issues. People dont want to believe that At Dell, innovation is about taking risks and
theyre doing things in ways that are less than learning from failure. Today, were well known
optimal. In fact, one of the hardest things about for inventory management,
innovation is getting people to accept that the logistics, supply chain man-
way they work just might not be the best. agement, and such, but that You need to encourage
wasnt always the case. Back innovation when your
in 1989, we had a very large
companys doing well.
Mix People Up disaster large, at least, for
the small company we were The last thing you
Lieutenant General Ronald T. Kadish is the at the time. The personal
want to do when
director of the Missile Defense Agency in computer industry was mak-
the U.S. Department of Defense. The MDA is ing the transition to a new youre in the lead is
responsible for acquiring ballistic missile de- type of memory chip, and we become complacent.
fense systems for the U.S. armed forces. found ourselves stuck with
far too many of the old kind.
One of the surest ways to get a job done more That was a costly mistake, and it took us about
innovatively is, quite simply, to reorganize fre- a year to recover, but we learned from it. The
quently. When you put people into a new struc- failure led us to develop a new way to manage
ture, it stimulates them to rethink what theyre inventory, and we went from being last place in
doing on a day-to-day basis. the minor leagues to where we now win the
Ive reorganized the Missile Defense Agency World Series every year.
on a major scale twice in less than two years. To tap into that kind of innovation, we do our
Why? We needed to transform ourselves from best to make sure that people arent afraid of
an organization dedicated to scientic experi- the possibility of failure, and we do a lot of ex-
mentation to one focused on the design and periments. For instance, one of our managers in
acquisition of weapons. The technologies wed the consumer group came up with the idea to
been working on for 20 years had become suf- offer installation service to consumers in order
ciently mature that we could actually start de- to reach people who might be apprehensive
veloping effective systems, and the geopolitical about setting up a new computer. The idea
environment had changed to the point where seemed like it would help out a group of cus-
we had a mandate to move forward. We needed tomers, and it made a lot of sense from a cost
to orient people toward a new goal, and reorga- standpoint as well. We knew from our experi-
nizing was one way to do that. ence with business customers that when our
Its traumatic for most people, especially in staff installs a computer, the incidence of set-
very hierarchical organizations like ours. But on up failures is almost zero. The consumer team
balance, I nd that people respond well if you threw around the idea, did a pilot with one
can get them to focus not on the inconveniences group of salespeople, and found out what
of restructuring but on the satisfaction of set- worked and what didnt. Within two weeks,
ting high goals and then knocking down the wed made this service available to every con-
barriers to achieving them. sumer in the United States. I actually found out
about this by accidentit wasnt something that
we had a bunch of meetings about in board-
rooms. Incremental improvements and experi-
ments happen all the time.
One other thing: You need to encourage in-
novation when your companys doing well. The
last thing you want to do when youre in the
lead is become complacent.



Hire Outsiders Abandon the Crowd

Hal Tovin is the group executive vice president Larry Keeley is the president of Doblin, an in-
of the Emerging Channels Division of Citizens novation strategy rm with ofces in Chicago
Financial Group, headquartered in Provi- and San Francisco.
dence, Rhode Island. He directs the banks
ATM and debit card business, in-store banking, A nearly universal misconception about inno-
business banking, and on-line banking and vation is that the ideal goal is to create the next
Internet strategy. hot product. Thats why most companies focus
their R&D dollars there. But because its in-
The most important step Ive taken to encour- creasingly easy for other companies to copy any
age innovation is to hire people who have ex- new product, you rarely get a return on those in-
perience outside of banking creative people vestments. So the principal thing weve done to
who can apply what theyve learned in dynamic, encourage innovation is to help people see that
customer-centric categories to our more tradi- there are actually many types
tional businesses. For example, our in-store bank- of innovationproduct innova-
ing business weve put full-service branches tion is one type, but so is inno-
You can actually
into grocery stores is run by a person with a vation in customer service, in spend less and
sales and marketing background. Our ATM busi- business models, in network-
make more money
ness is run by someone who used to be in real ing, and so on.
estate. I myself am a classically trained marketer Consider the Chrysler mini- in innovation if you
of packaged goods. van. Chrysler developed it at a pay attention to the
Employing people with diverse skills and tal- time when the company was
ents helps us challenge the status quo when de- on the verge of bankruptcy. It valleys, those places
veloping business strategies. Most banks, for ex- created the van as a platform your competitors
ample, look at in-store banking as a service for and depended on a network
have overlooked.
existing customers. We take a very different of suppliers to develop family-
view; we use our grocery store branches to ac- oriented advances that could
quire new customers. We hire people from retail be plugged into the platform video games, re-
stores like the Gap, Macys, and Starbucks and movable seats, integral baby seats that fold
screen them for what we call BVAC characteris- down so beleaguered parents dont have to
tics: bright, verbal, assertive, creative. The staff wrestle with them. The suppliers had to bear the
go into the grocery aisles wearing their Citizens cost of the R&D. Thats an example not of prod-
aprons, pushing their Citizens grocery carts with uct innovation but of networking innovation.
promotional offers, and getting into friendly Companies miss out on all sorts of opportu-
conversations. Their objective is to develop re- nities for innovation because they focus so
lationships with store customers. Then when closely on their competitors. If you map out the
shoppers have banking needs, theyll nd a fa- different types of innovation activity in a given
miliar face at the bank. The result is that weve industry, youll almost always nd that most
built a billion-dollar bank in just our in-store organizations are concentrating on the same
branches. types theyre all investing in the same things,
just to keep up. There may be a lot of activity in
customer service innovation, for example, but
nothings happening in networking.
Mapping innovation activity gives you a
sense of the terrain the peaks and valleys in
investments and actions. Theres an old saying
that theres gold in them thar hills. Well, there
may be even more gold in them thar valleys.
You can actually spend less and make more
money in innovation if you pay attention to
the valleys, those places your competitors have

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Let Go of Your Ideas I hear from member states that provide funding
to CERN, What could we possibly do with an
Nolan Bushnell is the CEO of uWink, an understanding of quarks? My answer is that
entertainment and game network located pure science always drives innovation just as
in Los Angeles. A longtime Silicon Valley pio- much as markets do. An incredible amount of
neer, he founded Atari, the worlds rst video technology transfer happens during R&D, when
game company, in the early 1970s. He is also were building the advanced tools needed for
the founder of Chuck E. Cheeses Pizza Time large-scale experiments. The most well-known
Theater. example is the protocol for the Web, which was
developed at CERN. But theres also a range of
I think its essential to build a culture where potentially promising applications medical-
theres no such thing as a bad idea. At uWink, for imaging applications, for example coming out
example, we have regular compost sessions to of the R&D from our accelerator, the Large
come up with new game ideas. We dont debate Hadron Collider.
their value. Our priority is simply to get as many I always try to make technology transfer very
ideas as possible out of individuals heads and visible by urging our research scientists to le
into the groups heads. The ideas then become patents on their R&D breakthroughs and to seek
collective problems or puzzles that percolate out joint ventures to develop commercial appli-
throughout the group. And a couple of months cations. As a particle physicist, I know the value
later, someone very often not the person who of pure science. But in this day and age, its
came up with a particular idea has a break- wrong to argue that pure science is all that mat-
through insight that allows us to move forward. ters. Science and technology go hand in hand.
In software, especially, the best ideas lose their
owners and take on lives of their own.
We have very fast product life cycles, so I be- Fight Negativity
lieve in a tough love approach to new product
development. Give people too much time, and a Mike Lazaridis is the founder, president, and
project can become a breeding ground for in- co-CEO of Research In Motion, a maker of a
ternal politics. Likewise, too much money can range of wireless solutions including Black-
become a crutch for creative thinking. Firm Berry, which connects users to their corporate
deadlines and tight budgets keep people fo- e-mail and to other information through wire-
cused on creating viable products and getting less data networks. The company is located in
them to market as soon as possible. Theres no Waterloo, Ontario.
substitute for getting something on the shelves
and hearing what customers have to say. The Innovation is like professional sports: It looks
true test of any innovation is how the market- easy, but when youre on the eld, you see how
place responds. complicated and difcult it is. To me, the key is
building conviction. Few companies have the
conviction to proceed down a path in the face of
Dont Underestimate Science differing opinions from the industry, competi-
tors, analysts, and the media. When companies
Luciano Maiani is the director general of the get discouraged by these challenges and lose
European Organization for Nuclear Research conviction, they make mistakes.
(CERN), based in Geneva. Some 6,500 scien- Also, one of my cardinal rules is,Always hire
tists, half of the worlds particle physicists from people who are smarter than you. I tell people,
laboratories and universities all over the globe, dont worry about your job. Find people who
do research at CERN. can do it better than you.

Our primary obstacle to innovation is getting

funding. Theres a general belief among non-
scientists that particle physics will not yield the
kind of commercial applications that physics re-
search did in the twentieth century. Very often



Ask What If? ple have a lot of great ideas, if you give them
space to do their thing and create an environ-
Mark Dean is an IBM Fellow and the vice ment that is collaborative, not competitive if
president of systems of IBM Research in York- you never say thats sillywhen theyre thinking
town Heights, New York. An engineer and in- out of the box.
ventor, he has more than 30 patents or patents
pending, including three of IBMs nine origi-
nal PC patents. Merge Patience and Passion
Since December 1999, IBM has been working John Talley is the vice president of drug dis-
on a project called Blue Gene, which is a com- covery at Microbia in Cambridge, Massachu-
puter designed to model the protein-folding setts. He led the chemistry team at Pharmacia
process in genetics. That that found Celebrex, an anti-arthritis drug,
work will require a huge ad- and received the Pharmaceutical Research
Researchers always vance in computing power, and Manufacturers of America Discoverers
want to go for that and were using a radical Award 2002.
approach to allow a very
last 2% of performance. small machine to perform I have been able to foster among people on my
But its better to get a more than one quadrillion team a passion for our work. You need that
operations per second (a passion because what we do is just so darned
sufcient solution out
petaop). Moores law hard. Almost 80% of the people who go
fast and then continue that the amount of infor- into medicinal chemistry retire never
If the tools
to enhance it. mation able to be stored having worked on a discovery that leads
on a transistor will double to a commercial product. So if you get youre working
every 18 months predicts bummed out every time you make a with are hammers,
that it will take us 15 years to produce those cal- lousy compound, youre going to have
culations, but were on course to deliver them a pretty miserable life. you dont want
in ve. A mandatory partner to passion is di- all problems to
We can aim for this kind of breakthrough at versity. People with different scientic
IBM because the company places very few con- backgrounds will bring different frames
be seen as nails.
straints on its researchers. We are continually of reference to a problem and can spark
encouraged to spend time exploring new ideas an exciting and dynamic exchange of ideas. If
and asking what if? questions, and were al- the tools youre working with are hammers, you
lowed to pursue the ones we think have the dont want all problems to be seen as nails.
most promise. For instance, the PC/AT that IBM The science is just so much more interesting
launched in 1984 which featured an enhanced with passion and diversity. Look at what hap-
way to make peripherals work efciently with pened when we worked on Celebrex. Ever since
a PC or PC compatible was developed from aspirin was introduced in the United States at
something Id been doing in my spare time. I the end of the nineteenth century, chemists
have to say the only constraint Ive ever felt have been trying to make better nonsteroidal
deeply is the number of hours in the day. anti-inammatory compounds. One problem
I try to create that same unconstrained envi- everyones encountered is that the enzyme that
ronment in the project teams I oversee. I do, of causes painful inammation also helps protect
course, try to provide focus, set reasonable the stomach lining from digestive acids. So
goals, and map out timelines. I also stress the when a painkiller blocks inammation, it also
importance of getting something out there, can cause serious gastrointestinal problems.
even if the product isnt 100% of what we envi- Some of our colleagues had evidence that
sioned. Researchers always want to go for that the form of the enzyme that induced inamma-
last 2% of performance, but I have to remind tion was slightly different from that which pro-
them that its better to get a sufcient solution tected the stomach, so we set out to nd a mo-
out fast and then continue to enhance it. My lecular compound that would block only the
main role, though, is not to draw the boundaries form that induced inammation. We went
but to encourage people to keep reaching. Peo- down so many fruitless alleys and made a lot of

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I n s p i r i n g I n n o vat i o n

dead-end compounds. We combed through with my idea. Those managers allowed me to

mountains of literature to see if someone had break a cardinal rule of business: Always do
once made such a compound and not known it. what the customer wants. We didnt do what the
Sure enough, we found a compound created in customer wanted. We did something better.
the early 1980s that partially inhibited this en-
zyme. That was one of those eureka days. But we
were now about 2% of the way there; we still Experiment Like Crazy
had to nd out how to turn the compound into
a safe and effective drug. Even when we put the Betty Cohen is a corporate strategist for the
drug into clinical trials, we didnt expect to know Youth Segment at the Turner Broadcasting
for years whether it would make it to market. System. She is also the founder and former
In fact, Celebrex had an almost record jour- president of Cartoon Network Worldwide.
ney from the lab bench to the pharmacy shelf: Both organizations are headquartered in
seven years from the time we started work on Atlanta.
the project. In an environment with these kinds
of time frames, you need passion to sustain you. My favorite way to encourage innovation is to
Nevertheless, its important that your passion take an experimental approach to R&D. A cou-
not blind you to the fact that sometimes you ple of years ago, the cable world was abuzz with
need to kill a project and kill it fast. Before our talk of convergence, but nobody really knew
chemistry team began working on what turned what that meant. Since it was a brave new
out to be Celebrex, we were working on a blood world, we recognized that we had to experiment
pressure drug. Although it was clear that that with a variety of experi-
research ultimately wouldnt yield a product, ences for Cartoon Network What prevents innovation?
some people on the team had emotional at- fans that brought together
tachments to the technology and had a hard on-air and on-line partici-
The dangerous brew of fear
time letting it go. But if we hadnt moved on, we pation with the channel. I and complacency staying
wouldnt have Celebrex. encouraged my TV and on-
where you are out of fear
line creative leaders to plot
three different approaches of failing, of blowing too
Outsmart Your Customers to the future, and I also set much money, or of placing
an expectation of learning,
Marcian E. Ted Hoff is the chief technolo- knowing that some ideas the wrong bets.
gist of the consulting rm FTI/Teklicon in San would play better than oth-
Jose, California. One of the rst employees of ers but that wed end up with insight about why
Intel, he is credited with being an inventor each played like it did. And then we tested every-
of the microprocessor. thing from simulcasting Web and TV versions
of the same cartoon character premier to a live
You have to be able to bend the rules. Back in on-line viewer request weekend to a more in-
the 1960s, when I was with Intel, a calculator teractive on-line action and adventure show.
company named Busicom asked us to manufac- What prevents innovation? The dangerous
ture a set of 12 custom chips for some new cal- brew of fear and complacency staying where
culators it was planning to introduce. Each chip you are out of fear of failing, of blowing too
would be dedicated to performing a single func- much money, or of placing the wrong bets.
tion. I hadnt worked on calculators before, and
I was surprised to see the complexity of their
design. I wondered if it would be possible to
have one chip, a general-purpose central proces-
sor, that could be programmed to do all the
functions. My frame of reference was some re-
cent minicomputer designs, which were very
simple but which enabled you to do a lot of com-
plex things. To its credit, Intels upper manage-
ment was open enough to let me experiment



Make It Meaningful greatly to the motivation and thereby the en-

ergy that employees at all levels, myself in-
Daniel Vasella trained as a physician and is cluded, devote to their work.
now the chairman and chief executive ofcer
of Novartis, a pharmaceutical company based
in Basel, Switzerland. Stop the Bickering
One way we try to foster innovation both the David Falvey is the executive director of the
technological innovation that leads to new British Geological Survey, which has its head-
drugs and the organizational innovation that quarters in Keyworth, Nottingham, United
improves the way we do business is to align Kingdom. In 2001, the organization was
our business objectives with our ideals. Doing named to Vision 100, a listing by British
so reaches peoples intrinsic motivation. Cer- Telecommunications of the most innovative
tainly, extrinsic motivation is important; we organizations in the United Kingdom.
offer stock options to our scientists and sponsor
company research awards that enhance a re- When I joined the British Geological Survey in
searchers visibility both within and outside No- 1998, I found a hierarchical organization struc-
vartis. But I believe that people also do a better tured around the various disciplines and sub-
job when they believe in what they do and in disciplines in geology. These had developed into
how the company behaves, when they see that competing empires, and collaboration on cre-
their work does more than enrich shareholders. ative approaches to a customer problem was,
In the past few years, we have complemented at worst, unthinkable, and, at best, forced.
our goal of economic value creation with an- The key to spurring a wave of innovation was
other goal: good worldwide corporate citizen- creating a structure and climate that ended the
ship. So while were develop- internal competition. I stopped the rivalries
ing what we hope will be between divisions not by dismantling the divi-
blockbuster drugs for the de- sions but by eliminating peoples afliation with
People do a better job veloped world, weve agreed, them I created a matrix structure. A program,
when they believe in for example, to donate our lep- headed by a manager, would be responsible for
rosy multidrug therapy to the a range of projects. But the people working on
what they do and World Health Organization those projects would come from a human re-
in how the company until the disease is eradicated. source pool whose allegiance would be to the
We also recognize that many mission of the organization rather than to a
behaves, when they
ailments pervading the poor- specic program. Just as I think of myself as an
see that their work est countries are neglected Australian rather than as a citizen of Sydney or
does more than diseases, with few R&D re- New South Wales, so our scientists ideally feel
sources dedicated to nding like members of the BGS community rather
enrich shareholders. treatments. With this in mind, than, for example, the Economic Minerals and
we founded a research center Geochemical Baselines Program.
in Singapore that focuses on The structural change, in addition to elimi-
developing drugs to treat diseases such as nating internal competition, heightened our ex-
dengue hemorrhagic fever and tuberculosis; in ternal competitive focus, which fostered in-
all likelihood, such drugs will be barely prof- creased innovation. Because the new program
itable at best. managers no longer own staff members, they
These activities have deep meaning for our have to devise projects that are interesting
employees and unleash their energy and enthu- enough to attract people. Furthermore, because
siasm. With regard to our breakthrough cancer staff members dont have enforced loyalties
drug Glivec (called Gleevec in the United States), to particular groups, they feel free to speak up
for instance, our researchers overcame every with suggestions that can benet the entire or-
obstacle to develop the drug, and our produc- ganization.
tion teams worked around the clock to produce That change wasnt easy. People hated letting
enough supply for clinical trials. The alignment go of their identication with specic divisions.
of objectives, ideals, and values contributes And I was a foreigner coming into a very old

10 harvard business review

I n s p i r i n g I n n o vat i o n

organizationone founded in 1835. When youre they really need is better internal communica-
a new chum, you cant just walk in and say, tion, not a new reporting structure.
Right, guys, were going to do it this way now So how do you encourage useful innovation?
unless you bring a sledgehammer. So we spent By doing two things. One, you have to promote
two years in discussions, gradually winning con- risk taking be open to experimentation and
sensus for the change. The change was more or- philosophical about things that go wrong. My
chestrated than directed by me; the orchestra motto is, Always make new mistakes. Theres
members brought about change for themselves. no shame in making a mistake. But then learn
from it and dont make the same one again.
Everything Ive learned, Ive learned by making
Dont Innovate, mistakes.
Solve Problems And two, you have to give people a reason to
be enthusiastic about trying new tools, whether
Esther Dyson is the chairman of New York youre selling the tools or trying to get them
based EDventure Holdings and the author used internally. One mistake I made was to
of Release 2.0: A Design for Living in the think that people would be eager to use e-mail
Digital Age. She is an active investor in and and other collaboration tools. But its actually
adviser to a wide range of young IT companies very hard to change peoples habits. One way to
in the United States and Europe. get people to use new things is to have the chair-
man use themif the chairman is in the hallway
I question the assumption that companies talking about something in an e-mail he or she
should try to inspire innovation. I dont try to just received, other people in the company will
encourage creativity for creativitys sake; in- focus on that result and start using it. Experi-
stead, I try to encourage creative solutions to mentation has to start at the top.
real problems. Innovation is good only if its
useful. Some companies reorganize every six Reprint r0208b
months just to do something different. What To place an order, call 1-800-988-0886.


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