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eee DIFFERENT aera VOICES ieee eter eeereeneters Women and the Holocaust redo nd he oa Life 1969 lt ‘he taal Philp of Waianae (28) 1969 Prone of se Pap Ral 1971 Te Poffo Rowe) 197 ea Soff rn Osos) 197 EDITED AND WITHE INTRODUCTIONS By ean Rigas Eins ih re Sot) 972 5 “pct Dome Carol Rittner sx» John K. Roth Gok nk meri are (in Fredrick Sort) 1977 “A Cousin ie 1979 ‘The Ameen Dreem th Robert H. Fos) 1981 "he Dee of Ga (ed. With Fredvick Sontag) 1985 egy and Anerian Espa ed with Rober. Whiterore) 1986 “Appr we Audis with Rican L Rubenstcn) 1987 “Pi Qnovions of Pilogly (vih Fredrick Sontag) 1988 ‘Aneion Good (eth Rober H. Fossum) 1988. {The Pl Lain Aer Lert They (it Rad “uterstcin) 1988 Hae: Relgios and Pll! Ipton (o wth Michal ‘Bezenbsum) 1989 Ethie 991 @ PARAGON HOUSE, ST PAUL, MINNESOTA —— 2 Etty Hillesum nats gong an, al stra ar tesa wat srt tts Inecanem hve we sa sms? Te ans cannt sn ‘a bas areal cova We a at a We tet much eee esto. In Ocer 1939 the Dut germane elite wep nthe pt bags of mnt Holand. Located near the Gouan bare, Woes dnl nora only ae se eh eigen ene he [Nate leg Westboro deine lovee to ce nad ware en plce ee Geran eed leon May 10,100, Werb ae bee am rt. ed, ft aed mf “pnt Ppl ee rain“ if Bu os thw oe Weber eters al Jamaal rely we epi ly ‘ge tog Datel os fo trap Ni et ap “engin idly 1943, tin frm Werk ered epprsinately 104000 of Hale’ 140000 Jes she Eat Ma fe re et ‘Sida asi. Te iin ine he Flee ay Ey ey ine be ferns btn, li sou i Tey tee pred fm ‘Ware ow Seen 7, 1083, Upon arial ar Auch ily date Sipe 0, 1913p prove ged ‘nei in sed wl ch 1944. On Neer 30. 1943, the ‘raonr ppeation at the Arte mpc cnated of S446 men ed $53,846 ens tat nm 9273 no ad 497 wore pried Ha ” nna A Red Cor None, 1 the a of ‘a er, ig, aon, Jonny 1, Hit vases sng nd pl ng wo te ed te Cao op ‘on Sy ei mt ee Song nk. goon tans po anys a2 deterrent hey sa And so, msn good fends ere “eapgedaway by darboy iy ins for ane mentors. Ora: he edt dag them a)—our commandant did, someone of whom ie ‘nts that he a geneman Evens, ithe boy beable ove ih Tims once neon fim eats whac u's ba eh ss of? And how sila he eke ee on Boar the tesin ress him? That bo going > Isa very har me The episode might ave ban ower peshap ‘hoe hada bec so mich tevin scat aves our heehee onsmanane ms have bee fete by tht eo. “Deere, soe yng, tonight!” Ihewda gest sa as ie oked up ate sar eoplsil harbor ich cis hopes hate tranapot won’ rgethough, Many fa were able fom ere oh eh Barto es ON probly Emden. So hy shouldbe posible fr sera neo Be i foo, afr th ain eo be oped from ling? Ir neer been Koon 9 happen vet Bs people keep png wil wich ech ne espe and wih ewe tigging hope The evening tefl, [had walked though the camp. People were groupe together berwen hebartaks under ry coud sk “Look at sus baw people behave af a sas, sanding out on set corners esc {thers happens” mi empanion ssid tame ha wha ke eo Inporsible ro underand" I burs ou. "Th di, bs the date” ‘Whence misortune rer, people hae marl nie ond» hl ing hand snd vo sve Wht ean be saved. Tonight Taal be helping des tae spd eo calm mothes and vat all an hope todo woud almest fuse nal for dat For we ll Koow that eae king up our sk ad foes brdis and sites hung, bet, cold expose, and deste in and eee des hem and escort them the areca cas—and they an wale ecm themon steers. What going, wae mtr a ‘hse in what oro ta mesons hae we some enmeshed? The nese "nnosmplybedha wearcalleovands, Were nec tht ba, West Bete amen domes queen Tnshcaferroon id sroundof hc hospital burs one mor tine, going from bedtobed Which bas would beep the nextday? The anapot at remover published unl he very nt momen, bu some of kno el in slcance that oar ares willbe down. A your ital me She ang [okupeightinherbo, ee ie open. Thi grlhaethinwritands poy ee ‘ace. Shes papal zed, ad as jt besten walk again, ben ‘onurstone sep aatime, “Have you heard? Thaseto go" Welokateach btherforalong moment Tesasfher fechas disappear seisalleyes Then Shessinaleeh grav fit vie, "Sochapiy, mie Thacveyhingouave [etme in ie gos for nothing" And, fo ha i od” Sen the ‘anata igi of erepeetiongivswavandshevobs "Ohne wort fof teal basing eo leave Holand And, "Oh, why warn Ualowe odie befre.-" Later during the igh, ia ber agai forthe seme “There was ede woman in the wathous bask of dipping lth tr am, She grsbbed hold of me he looked deranged. Aaa of woe poured over me: "That isn ihr, how can tat be igh? Te gb go apd ‘ones be able to gem wing dy by tmocrot. And my hi ak, he feverish, cane you things 0 tat don't have to go? At Ton have ‘ough things forthe el he rormpr the sent ato sales bigger sne, enough vo dive You mad. An vow nee alone ‘ake blake long, wee pong to Hex to death, vou dun think of ha, id you? Ther cosa af mine here, he ams bee Ue sae te | dpe docs ogo, he’s goede igh pape. Could you bp ret gt some woo? Fuse dont veto 25, 0 you dik he eve the eidren Wid her mothers, farsi, You cme back agai tonight youl ep me then, nyo, bat do vo thn, would mei’ paps 2” Fi wer toy that Fay nhl che gh, we wold aly being ‘ou Leauge mal saying ie tod in he nigh, sou eo msl angie ery, "Sonar what hliske”Youral-snel who ging inne this eme Alnor everyones up, the sick each oer nee dre, ‘Thee are some who have no codes atl, wane hggage has Been ost oF ‘hsarved yt Lats fom the “Well” walk abou dling ow clothes ‘wich may for noi does mates longs ya eovered youre th omeching, Sone ol women lok ido sghe. Sal bie of mare ‘cing prepared make ong wth bab, hose pil eeane puncte l'the ance acety inthe Barack A somng mn ssf me ast spolgetialy; "Mi baby doesn wales amon ithe cane hat [ppening” She picks up the dls lovey baby aboot months oi, from sakes nb ad sls aie “Ifyou dow behave youre Nn ‘went you alongwith her” She tlle out sme cds “When hone ‘eninge cae fo fc ther i Amsterdam cece cit eb “Then dhe aches, Tyo don’ behave youses, you won be aloe to go in that gen car, hu green gereman wont take you” Ad tat Feped-the ern ed down She winks a oe rch i, dak lise woman witha vel olvestinne fae. She fs dred in fg ay ‘rouse ans green woolen sen." my beaming,” she se "bu et Hao a prey af" The lie woman with the Wet washing i nm the pon oF Frere “Can you ik my child fr ne? Goon plese won Yu de my he got igh eer, tow ant posi ae fim tong?” She plo ae bundle of mer with blond ciel and s bring bg! le fis. The ‘hid rsrsbout in isroagh wooden cox Theme wane the mother pa fom an ses wollen seater, rest pl eorer herds She rfc. oe going to ke aoythng dong, wha se would be. me” And ‘he sobs They take the sick cde say and you nice gotham bck “Then woman comes upto het ast Woeking-ls woman wisn soub nosed face, des the desperate other down With i om ee ge oF fone ofthe ion bunks and aks to her alos crooning. "These now, Youre fae an orca Jos arene you? So youl je ae fo gO, on ot?” "ew beds slong Izod ach igh ofthe ah gr esd se of colleague. She ageing beside ee to a dng woman who ae ‘allowed some poison snd who happens to be her mother God Aimigh what are You doing tous?" The words us exape me ‘ver there is tha afectionste de woman from Rota, Shen iat mons. Two mares rt gree dese. She ast sas hes, be Ssvolen ot leaning agase her chi’ cor Deops of swe ean dove eric, Sherrer into the dane, adiance nto which anno Ello ee, nists i tones. worn-out woe, “Two month ago I soln 25 ‘rch husband ro Potnd. And een I ware awe boc abe ave sch fia pregranccs And now Uo hater go Bera someone wid to run a tonight" Tac walla of dhe Babs rom fuer su Eng every nok and cranay ofthe bara, oo bathed in ghost Bah eis dost oo mach to Gea. Anam cose othe: sod ‘On the eter onthe way to the ai, br abo pais bein, nd we ae slowed 1 cry te woman fo the hosp nsead ofthe Hele eine ‘which ths igh seams rae act of Rama Tas the bed a he pralyzd gi. The others have helped co des he. nee sch great gees sch ie face. "Teak eal” Shippers eo me A ew ope soa and ny ld hanced Reson {roan 1 tld you about her befor: Sh tans there rapa in a web oF Soro. The puralaed gi isa Rend of hes. Late she sid ut me, °Sbe

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