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Faculty of Management Sciences

Final Term Exam Fall 2016

PAPER: Strategic Management (BA-633) Maximum Marks: 50

Program: MBA (Executive) Time Allowed: 3 hours

MCQS (7*2)

1. The following are three strategic lenses into which strategy making process can be classified.
(a) Strategy as design (b) Strategy as experience
(c) Strategy as idea (d) All of the above

2. Strategic Leadership is the ability of

(a) Influencing others (b) hiring (c) goal setting (d) work individual

3. Organizational politics is the process of

(a) Formal network (b) informal network (c) none of these (d) both a/b

5. Logical Incrementalism is a term coined by

(a) Fred mickey 1981 (b) Wheelmen/Hunger 1985 (c) James Brian Quinn (1980)

6. Problems in Implementing Strategic plans

(a) Unanticipated problems (b) Crises deferred (c) not define task (d) poor control

International strategy has types

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 2

Attempt all questions (9x4)

1. Analysis of macro environment

i. PESTEL frame work
ii. Structural driver change
iii. SWOT analysis

2. Methods of strategy development also explain challenges and implication for strategy management?
3. Define directions for strategy development?

4. Explain game theory?

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