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The English language first made its entrance as the language of a small group of people held
the reins of the administration of this country more than two centuries ago. With the
acquisition of Penang Island by the British in 1786, English was first introduced to the
country. Moreover, with power in their hands, they made their language the most
indispensable requirement in the achievement of social and economic status. During the
British colonial era, English was the language of government, administration and Commerce
(Wong & Thambyrajah, 1991). For your acknowledgment, Penang Free School (1816) is a
secondary school located on Jalan Masjid Negeri (previously Green Lane), George Town,
Penang. It is the first English-medium school in South East Asia and is the oldest recorded
school in the country. This medium school became the avenue to better jobs as well as further
educational opportunities.

When Malaysia gained independence in 1957, English lost its status as the main language of
administration (Benson, 1990). It was adopted as an alternate official language together with
Malay until 10 years after independence. Today, the Malay language or Bahasa Malaysia is
the official language of the country. English has been retained as the compulsory second
language throughout all levels of primary and secondary school. It is still used as a prominent
reading language in higher education. This Situation has brought about a dramatic decrease in
the use of English. In early 20th century, Malaysian English was as exact as the British
English (BrE) but is spoken without the accent. It became the most important language for
generations and it is often associated with power and prestige. Spurred by the government
desire to push the nation into globalization, the importance of English increased.

Today, Malaysians speak Standard English and Malaysian English. However, people around
the world still argue about the proficiency of Malaysian English spoken language. You must
be wondering how well or perfect are our, the Malaysians English. Are we using the
Standard or Non-standard English? Therefore, here I shall explain what are Standard English
and Nonstandard English and elaborate the role of the Standard English. Then, I shall also
explain the importance of correct usage of English Language. Last but least, here I will firmly
state my opinion on why Standard English should be practiced in school or even at the
professional field.


When we talk about English Language, the most acknowledged kind is called Standard
English (SE). In Malaysia, English is widely used, as it is our countrys second language.
However, the type of English that is more commonly used here is known as Malaysian
English (ME). ME is quite different from SE and many view it as more inferior. It is popular
use among locals. However, has caused concern about the declining standards of English.

2.1 Standard English (SE)

What is Standard English? Standard English which also known as Queens English is
used with correct grammar and vocabulary can be spoken in many accents, say Indian
or Australian. SE started as a regional dialect that developed in the southeast of
England. It is the form of English most widely accepted as being clear and proper. SE
should be used when writing business letters, essays, reports, job applications and all
formal occasions. Speaking Standard English and being understood, is not about
accent or eliminating the lahs and leh in our speech. It is about following the basic
grammatical rules, syntax, pronunciation, and so on, of International Standard
English, said Professor Koh Tai Ann, Chairman of the Speak Good English

2.2 Nonstandard English

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