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LMOSLLO93HAO Doc < Hector Lavoe: El Cantante: The Originals (Paperback)

Hector Lavoe: El Cantante: The Originals (Paperback)

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XSZWKS5KLU0E // Doc \\ Hector Lavoe: El Cantante: The Originals (Paperback)


To read Hector La voe: El Ca nta nte: The O r ig ina ls (Pa per ba ck) PDF, make sure you click the web link
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Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation, United States, 2008. Paperback. Book Condition: New. 302 x 226 mm.
Language: English,Spanish . Brand New Book. (Piano/Vocal/Guitar Artist Songbook). 12 songs from this
legendary Latin singer, El Cantante de los Cantantes, who s credited with bringing salsa to the masses. This folio
includes: Aguanile * Che Che Cole * El Cantante * El Dia De Suerte * Llore * Mi Gente * No Hay Quien Te Aguante *
Paraiso De Dulzura * Periodico De Ayer * Plato De Segunda Mesa * Que Lio * Todo Tiene Su Final.

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XJY0LGP50D9Y Doc // Hector Lavoe: El Cantante: The Originals (Paperback)

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