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Transaction: MEMASSRQ

After executing, copy the PR numbers to clipboard.

After executing the same,

1. Each PR may or may not contain more than one line item.
2. It is advisable to enter the PR number and line item number i.e. 10, 20, 30
etc. for deletion indicator.
3. So that deletion indicator will be set for particular line item instead of all line
4. If there is a left over qty. in the PR which we need to close, there is no
standard functionality to close.
5. In that case, please put the tick the mark in PR i.e. CLOSED. If we do so, PR
cannot be converted to PO.

Click fields:
Now, select Deletion Indicator field and proceed further.
Now put X in field, select column and click on carry out a mass change as below:

After clicking mass change button, it will get copied to PR as below

Now save it. Automatically deletion indicator will set to the line items in all the PRs.

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