Common Sense Media Myths Personal Experience

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What was your initial reaction when you were listening to my lecture and/or

reading through the ppt and other reading materials?

Give at least three lessons you learned from this section of the course?

Common sense
Media myths
Personal experience
People tend to associate research with two things, copy paste and google. You just
have to look it up it internet and viola instant information on your fingertips.
However, as I read and listen to our first lecture research is more than gathering
information on the internet or formulating surveys. There are beliefs, wisdom that is
passed down to from generation to generation that prevents use from fully
understanding certain topic (the term pasma comes to mind)

Furthermore, when we say research is a big word to comprehend do we just read

books and interpret surveys. Research is a science based as with it involved
scientific attitude and scientific methodologies. The two terms are similar but they
are different scientific methodologies is whats the next step do we formulate now
the conclusion, after we gather the data. Scientific attitudes on the other hand
deals on is my conclusion coherent with my gathered data. Research involves other
areas of science (behavioral sciences,) and Mathematics ( Statistics)

Lastly research is just not simply reading books you can go to communities ,
interview people, observe beliefs affect people. Thats research youre not confined
to the 4 corners of the room we must use our imagination and creativity to expand
our chosen research topic.

3 things I learned
1) Scientific attitude is more important than scientific methodologies. Scientific
attitude focus more on how do we come up with the conclusion rather than
whats next after conclusion. At first I thought that scientific methodologies is
more important but as the lecture progress I came in to realization that it is
more important to have honesty and curiosity rather than to follow steps and

2) Alternatives to social research. we only use 10% of our brain Muslim people
are violent, these are some of the things we see or read on the internet or in
television. However, we must not believe what others say is true immediately.
We must develop a critical mind on how we view things

3) Types of research. There is qualitative and quantitative both are different

from each other observation vs numbers. As a researcher, however we must
be lean both two types as it can help us do a complete research.

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