Anova Data Set

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Readers Point is a library chain that has its presence in various cities with multiple branches in each cit

each store during a particular weekend is given below across seven cities TPL Tirucharapalli, CDM C
1 Madurai, SLM Salem, NYL Neyveli and CBE - Coimbatore Can it be said that there is a difference in
Store Code TPL Store Code TRY Store Code CDM Store Code CBE Store Code NYL
TPL1 44 TRY1 41 CDM1 50 CBE1 11 NYL1 9
TPL2 49 TRY2 60 CDM2 54 CBE2 42 NYL2 76
TPL 3 50 TRY3 26 CDM3 57 CBE3 56 NYL3 83
TPL 4 61 TRY4 73 CDM4 61 CBE4 2 NYL4 25
TPL 5 64 TRY5 83 CDM5 35 CBE5 49 NYL5 77
TPL 6 70 TRY6 93 CDM6 40 CBE6 44 NYL6 98
TPL 7 75 TRY7 3 CDM7 40 CBE7 44 NYL7 11
TPL 8 80 TRY8 51 CDM8 48 CBE8 95
TPL 9 39 TRY9 78 CDM9 51

Test for homogeneity of variance for the below data - Rating of customer care
2 executives by tele callers.
Early 7 6 7 5 6 7 8 5 6
Noon 5 4 6 7 8 7 8 7 8
Night 8 7 4 5 6 8 5 4 7

The productivity of three senior experienced workers in a plant were considered for a
machine study. In order to set the standard machine time data was collected at
different time periods for the four senior operators. An initial analysis has to be carried
out to assess if the four operators differed in their performance levels based on the
3 time taken to complete a job.

Time taken for operation in

Mukund Sathi Balaji Anand
110 105 111 121
115 107 112 122
95 108 100 119
105 110 99 118

The Orient Bank has four deposit schemes that was introduced as a SaveIndia
Scheme. In the last months of Launch, the deposits in lakhs in each of the four
schemes are given below. At 5 % level identify whether all the four products have a
4 equal appeal in the market.

Deposits in Lakhs (Scheme

S1 S2Based)S3 S4
52 60 47 57
55 55 48 58
49 53 49 54
50 54 50 53
51 52 42 52
52 60 46 50
56 57 41 51
57 59 48 55

Three groups of customers were offered free samples of a air purifiers and were
asked to use the product for a month, their opinion on the product out of 10 were
5 sought. Were the opinion of all the three groups of customers similar
Custome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Housewi 7 6 7 5 6 7 5 4 8
Hostel 8 6 5 6 4 7 8 8 7
Office 9 9 8 9 10 8 7 8 7
ultiple branches in each city. The total circulation from
L Tirucharapalli, CDM Chidambaram, TRY Trichy, MDU-
hat there is a difference in the circulation rate ?
Store Code MDU Store Code SLM
MDU1 53 SLM1 65
MDU2 56 SLM2 19
MDU3 60 SLM3 73
MDU4 65 SLM4 70
MDU5 69 SLM5 65
MDU6 35 SLM6 98
MDU7 39 SLM7 13
MDU8 40 SLM8 77
MDU9 48 SLM9 43

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Early Morn Shift 9 57 6.333333 1

Noon Shift 9 60 6.666667 2
Night Shift 9 54 6 2.5

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 2 2 1 0.545455 0.586595 3.402826
Within Groups 44 24 1.833333

Total 46 26

product origin day value
Apple Imported Monday 5021
Orange Domestic Tuesday 1452
Pomogranite Imported Wednesday 7485
Grapes Imported Thursday 25003
Gova Domestic Friday 1452
Apple Domestic Monday 1542
Orange Imported Monday 4785
Pomogranite Imported Tuesday 2301
Grapes Domestic Thursday 4820
Gova Domestic Friday 1296

Sum - value origin

product Domestic
Apple 1542
Gova 2748
Grapes 4820
Orange 1452
Total Result 10562
Total Result
44 41 50 11 9 53
49 60 54 42 76 56
50 26 57 56 83 60
61 73 61 2 25 65
64 83 35 49 77 69
70 93 40 44 98 35
75 3 40 44 11 39
80 51 48 95 40
39 78 51 48

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
TPL 9 532 59.1111111111 206.6111111111
TRY 9 508 56.4444444444 855.52777778
CDM 9 436 48.4444444444 74.277777778
CBE 8 343 42.875 802.41071429
NYL 7 379 54.1428571429 1417.4761905
MDU 9 465 51.6666666667 144.5
SLM 9 523 58.1111111111 774.86111111

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Between Groups 1709.44563492 6 284.90760582 0.4939847439
Within Groups 30567.9543651 53 576.753855945

Total 32277.4 59

P-value F crit
0.8099735593 2.2753880932
product origin day value
Apple Imported Monday 5021
Orange Domestic Tuesday 1452
PomograniImported Wednesda 7485 Sum - value day
Grapes Imported Thursday 25003 Wednesday
Gova Domestic Friday 1452 product Imported
Apple Domestic Monday 1542 Apple
Orange Imported Monday 4785 Gova
PomograniImported Tuesday 2301 Grapes
Grapes Domestic Thursday 4820 Orange
Gova Domestic Friday 1296 Pomogranite 7485
Total Result 7485
Wednesday ResultFriday Friday ResulMonday Monday ResulThursday
Domestic Domestic Imported Domestic
1542 5021 6563
2748 2748
4785 4785
7485 2748 2748 1542 9806 11348 4820
Thursday ResultTuesday Tuesday ResultTotal Result
Imported Domestic Imported
25003 29823 29823
1452 1452 6237
2301 2301 9786
25003 29823 1452 2301 3753 55157

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