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Problem on Steam Turbine Working on ideal Rankine Cycle

Problem: A steam power plant operates between a boiler saturation temperature of

180oC and condenser temperature of 45oC. Dry saturated steam enters the turbine. Draw
the T-s diagram, calculate the Rankine cycle efficiency and specific steam consumption
(SSC). Use the data below:
Compounding/Staging of Turbines:
Compounding means extracting the pressure or velocity energy in several stages.

Fig: Pressure-velocity relations in a 2-stage pressure compounding impulse turbine

Power Plant Terminologies:

Plant Load Factor (PLF): It is a measure of average capacity utilization. Its ratio of
average load to capacity. Also defined as, ratio of average load to peak load at a certain

Capacity Factor: The net capacity factor of a power plant is the ratio of the actual output
of a power plant over a period of time and its output if it had operated the entire time at
full nameplate capacity.

Peaking Power Plants: The Power plants which generally run when there is a peak
demand of power. These are generally gas turbines that burn natural gas.

Specific Steam Consumption (SSC): this is the required steam consumption rate (kg/s)
per unit power (energy) generation (kJ).

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