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Theoretical Framework

This chapter deals with theories, principles, ideas and

concepts that were vital aspects in the design of the

Microwave Communications linking the province of Labo,

Camarines Norte to the province of Minalabac, Camarines Sur

both in Bicol Region.

The unique means of transmission as the use of microwaves

has evolved greatly since Guglielmo Marconi successfully

initiated the first wireless telegraph transmission in 1895.

Marconi proved that electrical waves could be transmitted

successfully at a considerable distance through the air.

Jeane Antoine de Nollet had already observed electric

transmission without the use of wire in the eighteenth

century. He succeeded in sending an electric discharge. Since

that time, wireless communication has developed at a feverish

pitch as the range and power of wireless technology continue

to increase.
In 1888 historically microwave signal was first

introduced by Heinrich Hertz at 66cm wavelength (454.5 MHz)

while millimetre wave signal was first generated by J.C. Bose

in 1895 at 5mm wavelength (60 GHz). Later, in 1890s Bose

also created microwave signal at wavelengths up to 2.5cm (12

GHz) wavelength. Bose also developed the worlds first solid

point contact developer working at millimetre wave, infrared

and optical wavelength use Galena crystal as the detector

material. He also developed worlds first horn antenna and

waveguide radiator for microwave and millimetre wave bands.

Bose developed a highly sensitive iron-mercury detector

in 1899 in which a U-tube, made of glass, filled up with

mercury, was used for a fine control of mercury contact

pressure to optimize the sensitivity of the detector,. Next

in 1901 Marconi employed Boses technique of the highly

sensitive iron-mercury detector.

He also worked for the first time on the response of

living and non-living materials to microwave and millimetre

wave bands, a subject which has now grown to a high level for

the studies of microwave hazards to living beings animals and

vegetation and also for microwaves diathermy therapy of tumor

and cancer. Bose is called Father of Radio Science from the

history that he worked pioneering on a wide range of fields

in Radio Science.

Investigations of the millimetre waves were continued

and stimulated by scientific and military developments. In

1930 the observation by L. A. Hyland of the Naval Research

Laboratory (NRL) about the reflection of radio signals from

over flying aircrafts, stimulated the investigation of radar

techniques for detecting flying aircrafts in NRL.

During World War 2 J. H Vleck predicated theoretically

the oxygen absorption band at 60 GHz. In 1950 Hughes Aircraft

Company successfully extended the frequency range of coupled

cavity traveling wave tubes to millimetres waves. In 1960

intensive work in millimetre wave technology was done at BTL

on the development of solid state components required in the

development of underground repeaters using low loss over

modes waveguides which was also first developed by Bose.

In 1970s, Hughes began manufacturer solid state sweep

generator which apparently triggered a chain of development

in Hughes in the millimetre wave technology area of a full

range of device.

Kennedy (1977) explained that there are various types of

propagation which largely depends on frequency. These are the

ground waves or sometimes called surface waves that permit

the propagation around the curvature of the earth; the sky

wave which are beamed into the sky and come down again after

reflection by the ionized layer of the atmosphere, returning

to earth well beyond the horizon; and the space wave or the

tropospheric waves travel in a straight line except where the

presence of the earth and its atmosphere tends to alter the

path. These waves travel in the troposphere, the portion of

the atmosphere closest to the ground.

Wayne, Tomasi discussed that the line-of-sight

transmission consequently undergoes severe dynamic

degradation. To eliminate this problem, diversity suggests

that there is more than one transmission path of transmission

available between the transmitter and the receiver. Although

there are many ways of achieving diversity, the most common

used is through space, frequency and polarization. In

microwave system, the used of diversity is to increase its

reliability by increasing its availability.

Frenzel (1995) explained that the line-of-sight

communication by space wave and most radio signals with a

frequency above approximately 30 MHz is particularly true to

VHF, UHF, and microwave signals. Such signals pass through

the ionosphere and are not bent. Transmission distances are

these frequencies are extremely limited. This is the reason

why very high transmitting antennas must be use. Transmitters

and receivers operating at very high frequencies typically

locate their antenna at the top of at all building or on

mountains to greatly increase the range or transmission and


Conceptual Framework

This study presents a conceptual structure of

assumptions, principles and processes that holds together the

ideas of comprising the design of a Microwave Communication

Link. This is an efficient tool to guide the proponents to

connect all aspects of their inquiries and serve as a basis

for the development of the study.

The paradigm that guided the development of the study is

shown in figure 1.


Planning & Preliminary Link Microwave

Preparation Analysis Communications
Selection for Preliminary Path System Design
linkage, Survey & Profile Connecting the
Data Gathering Selection of Municipality of
Communication Equipment, Labo Camarines
Principles and Antenna, Waveguide Note to
Theory & Towers Minalabac,
Camarines Sur
Engineering Design Completion of
Consideration Write-ups

FIGURE 1. Conceptual Paradigm of Microwave Communications System

Design Connecting Municipality of Labo, Cam Norte to Minalabac, Cam

Sur Province.

Planning and Preparation: Decide to what specific area

the researchers will be interconnecting and know the purpose

of transmission. What is the consideration in the design? Are

the researchers covering the whole capacity of the Base

Station? Does it involve implanting sites on the whole

vicinity for the intention of providing more service or just

simply linkage of Communication? How will the proponents

achieve the said Protected Network that the researchers are

aiming? What type of Network Topology are to be created?

Discuss and come up with a solution to the problem and be

knowledgeable enough with the Communication Principles and

theory and Engineering Design Consideration.

Subsequent to the designs decision consideration, look

for possible routes to put up relays or repeaters, pick the

best route and discuss upon choosing it. Get the exact

coordinate locations with elevation for the two stations and

the corresponding highest obstruction for each linkages.

Then, calculate the azimuth of the antennas, distances

for every Line-of-sight connection, distances from first

points to obstructions, frequency of the antennas to be used,

antenna height and corresponding path, Fresnel Clearance and

its ratio, transmission computation and the systems

reliability in percentage. Download specifications of

Equipment beforehand computation, datum needed in computing

is found at the sheets.


Ablay, Michelle P. (2010), et al., entitiled Microwave

Communications System Design Linking the Municipalities of

Ocampo, Camarines Sur and Ragay, Camarines Sur, endeavored

to link the municipalities of Ocampo and Ragay utilizing the

line-of-sight microwave communication. By schematic

inspection of the topographical map, the researchers found

out that repeater stations will be used and will be situated

at the municipalities of Pili, Camarines Sur and Libmanan,

Camarines Sur. Through appropriate analysis of gathered data

and manipulation of formulas, the overall reliability of the

intended system using the non-diversity case turned out to be

99.9999% having an outage time of 439.9644 seconds per year.

Accordingly, the design proved to be feasible that can be

installed for potential use as reference for future designers

and researchers.

Fabay, Joan M. (2006) et al., entitled A Microwave

Communications System Linking Buhi and Libmanan aims to

test the feasibility of linking the two distant

municipalities. Buhi has the coordinates of 13 24 53.48

latitude and 123 3010 longitude while Libmanan has the

coordinates of 13 42 24.32 latitude and 123 2 26.67

longitude. Through inspection, the researchers found out that

a repeater station will be utilized at the Municipality of

Minalabac, Camarines Sur with the coordinates of 13 22

59.35 latitude and 123 14 1.67 longitude. The overall

reliability of the intended system using the frequency

diversity case turned out to be 99.99997626%.

Candelaria Jr., Cecilio G. (2003), et al., entitled A

Microwave Communications System Linking Libon and Lagonoy

aims to link the two municipalities of Libon and Lagonoy.

Having a path with high geographical obstruction between the

two sites and possible diffraction of signals are likely to

occur, the researchers decided to put a repeater in Baao,

specifically in Caraday, at about 13 29 25.76 latitude

and 123 22 10 longitude. The first link operates at 8.275

to 8.500 Gigahertz and the second link operates at 7.425 to

7.725 Gigahertz. The total loss resulted to 147.4241622 dB

for the first link and 148. 3328087 dB for the second link.

In the two links, both the reflection point lies on areas

near into steep surface which ensures that no reflection will

occur due to topographical obstruction. The researchers

employ the use of radio equipments from MicroStar M/H

Corporation; tower specified as H250T from GlenMartin

Company; antenna specified as HSX6-74 and HSX6-82 from Andrew

Corporation; and elliptical waveguides specified as Type

EWP64, Type EW64 and Type EW65 from Andrew Corporation. The

overall reliability of the system was found to be

99.99999202%. Calculations resulted that frequency diversity

gives the highest figure of reliability. Based on the results

and analysis, the researchers have concluded that it is

feasible to put up a microwave link connecting Libon and

Lagonoy without enormous interference that would block the

reception and transmission of signals.

Based on the three unpublished books, the

researchers decided to put a repeater station because of high

obstruction between the two sites they are linking. On this

design, the researchers have met an obstruction that could

block the reception of the sites so they have decided to put

a repeater station to achieve the line-of-sight of the two

antennas. Copious computations have been made to attain the

antenna sizes and height, transmission power, reliability of

the sites and other factors in microwave designing.


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