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Q.1 What do you understand by organ transplant? Why is organ transplant

considered as a race against time? Give the act that legalizes organ transplant.
Q.2 What is NOTTO? What was the need of setting it up?
Q.3 Do you agree that lack of awareness leads to organ wastage and ultimately to
loss of lives? List the various efforts made by non-governmental organizations in
order to spread awareness about cadaver organ donation.
Q.4 What are the two categories of donors? Write the various conditions that result
in the brain-death of a person and also list the organs that can be harvested from
these persons for transplantation.
Q.5 Expand ESRD. Give some possible reasons for chronic renal failure.
Q.6 What are the reasons associated with the unwillingness of an individual to be an
organ donor? List the three basic areas of risks associated with the organ donor.
Q.7 Elaborate the importance of stem cell research and tissue engineering to
improve the organ transplantation. What are Muramonab-CD3? How it is useful?
Q.8 List the points to prove that advances in healthcare is a boon for human life.


Q.1 Better health is central to human happiness and wellness. Justify. Also state
Indias role in health and wellness.
Q.2 what was the theme of World Health Day, 2016? How does diabetes occur?
What steps should be taken to control diabetes?
Q.3 Why is diabetes called killer disease? What is the cause and symptoms of type 1
and type 2 diabetes?
Q.4 what are the risk factors for type2 diabetes? Discuss the role of Islet of
langerhans in diabetes.
Q.5 How is hypothyroidism different from hyperthyroidism? what changes are
observed in a person suffering from hypothyroidism when iodine is increased in
his diet?
Q.6 What is Euthyroidism? What type of food should a person take to curb mild
hyperthyroidism in order to avoid taking medicine?
Q.7 Take a look at the graph and explain the term sob-clinical hypothyroidism and
sub-clinical hyperthyroidism. Is thyroidism seen equally in both the genders?
Compared to other disorders, Why is thyroid considered to be an easy disorder to
Q.8 What is IDD? Why is Indian population prone to this? IDD control programme in
India is one of the success stories of public health in country. Justify`

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