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Javier Ortega TYB 07/02/17

Engineering Talk Number 2

1. Describe in some detail the activity undertaken.

The activity we had this week was the engineering talk number 2. This time a
boy and a girl came to talk to us about their work the things they did to get it
and the benefits of being an engineer. The girl explained to us that she didnt
speck the way engineering was and that she did various things instead of just
what engineering traditionally is. For example she explained that she now was
working to reduce the stress of the workers on pressure moments so the work is
more efficient. And the man in the other hand explained to us how he became an
engineer and what important things he have done through his life.
2. What did you enjoy most about the activity and why?
What I enjoyed the most about the activity was that they spoke nice and clear
and that they spoke about real life experiences
3 What did you least enjoy about this activity and why?
That they were speaking about Irish education (this is Ireland so its rational) and
not about the one in my country (but I cant really complain)
4. What have you learnt as a result of this activity?
Ive learned more about engineering and what is needed to study for taking a
path in engineering
5 How does this activity link in with your Ty Studies?
It will help me focus in the subjects that I need to focus in if I want to learn
6. How will this activity help you in the future?
It will help me to be a good engineer in case I want to be one
7. What skills have you learned or developed?
Ive learned more about engineering
8. How did you rate your own level of participation?
9. Please rate this activity out of 10

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