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Total Quality Management is a management approach that originated in the 1950s and has steadily
become more popular since the early 1980s. Total Quality is a description of the culture, attitude
and organization of a company that strives to provide customers with products and services that
satisfy their needs. The culture requires quality in all aspects of the companys operations, with
processes being done right the first time and defects and waste eradicated from operations.

Total Quality Management, TQM, is a method by which management and employees can become
involved in the continuous improvement of the production of goods and services. It is a
combination of quality and management tools aimed at increasing business and reducing losses
due to wasteful practices.


TQM is mainly concerned with continuous improvement in all work, from high level strategic
planning and decision-making, to detailed execution of work elements on the shop floor. It stems
from the belief that mistakes can be avoided and defects can be prevented. It leads to continuously
improving results, in all aspects of work, as a result of continuously improving capabilities, people,
processes, technology and machine capabilities.

Continuous improvement must deal not only with improving results, but also more importantly
with improving capabilities to produce better results in the future. The five major areas of focus for
capability improvement are demand generation, supply generation, technology, operations and
people capability.

A central principle of TQM is that people may make mistakes, but most of them are caused, or at
least permitted, by faulty systems and processes. This means that the root cause of such mistakes
can be identified and eliminated, and changing the process can prevent repetition.

Total Quality Management (TQM) is an organizational process that actively involves every
function and every employee in satisfying customers needs, both internal and external. TQM
works by continuously improving all aspect of work through structured control, improvement and
planning activities that are carried out in concern with guiding ideology that focuses on Quality
and Customer Satisfaction as the top priorities. There have been many arguments that TQM
succeeds only by incorporating a concern about quality for the customers throughout the
organization. The truth of this statement and those facts that disagree with this statement will be
look into and discuss in more detail to achieve the success of TQM. TQM recognizes that the
Customer is at the center of every activity. The customer may be external or internal. The key is to
determine the gap between what the customer needs and what the system delivers. Once the gap is
recognized, it would be systematically reduced and results in never-ending improvement in
customer satisfaction at every level. TQM depends on and creates a culture in an organization,
which involves everybody in quality improvement. Everyone in the company can affect quality but
must first realize this factor and have the techniques and tools, which are appropriate for
improving quality. TQM system considers the rewards and recognition to be critical to a company's
programme, particularly when greater involvement of staff is required. Positive reinforcement
through recognition and rewards is essential to maintain achievement and continuous improvement
through participative problem-solving projects.


TQM is not just the awareness of quality for the customers. It demands the implementation of a
new system. Finally, the main objective of TQM may put the customer at the center of every
activity and consider the process as customer driven, but all other factors, which do not involve the
customers, have to be taken into consideration for the successful implementation of TQM.


Total Quality Management (TQM) is an integrative management philosophy for continuous

improvement of the quality of an organization's products and processes in order to meet or exceed
customer expectations. There are several TMQ strategies used to improve business management
systems. The nine most common TQM practices as:

1. Cross-functional product design

2. Process management

3. Supplier quality management

4. Customer involvement

5. Information and feedback

6. Committed leadership

7. Strategic planning

8. Cross-functional training

9. Employee involvement

British Airways is largest airline which offers the flights services to more than 550 destinations.
Passengers can chose from first class, business, premium and economy class. A service comes a
long way since that first flight. British Airways offers food services and a selection of
entertainment options including movies, TV, games, and music. Passengers can even shop in the
on-board Highlife shop. British airways is a global airline which offer year round low fares flights
with full service an wide global network flying to a form located airports book flight tickets and
great value hotels and car hire services.. They also provide the meals facilities on demand BA
offers enthusiastic check-in facilities at some airports.

The British Airways was formed in September they consist tow companies named BOAC British
Overseas Airways Corporation and BEA. 1987 the company becomes privatize and they expand its
acquirement with the British Caledonian and routes of some flights stands carrier Dan-Air in 1992.
The company of Richard Branson's Virgin Atlantic start stressed relations through British
Airways that end with one of the most harsh long drown out defamation step in aviation history"
in which British airways act contrite for the movement against the Virgin airlines and paid
damages of the company and legal costs.
They give order for airbus aircraft in 1998 but for some of the years the airline deal with mainly
Boeing customer. In 2007 The Companys start ordering for Boeing 787s and Airbus A380sas its
substitute for long fleets.

SWOT Analysis of British Airways

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strength, Weakness,
Opportunities, and Threats involved in projector in a business venture or project and identifying
the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve the organizational

SWOT Analysis of British Airways

Strength Weakness
Reputable Brand Name Cost of Management
International Operation Labor strikes and poor employee
Employee Productivity relation history
Skilled Staff Cost of Flight
Heathrow Terminal 5 Outsourcing
Customer Loyalty program
Expansion of fleet Aircraft.

Opportunities Threat
Global Airline Market Government Interventions
Skytrax Quality System Labor Market
Establishing Manufacturing Unit Rising International Fuel rises
Emergence of New Market Rapid change in Technology
Growing Asia-Pacific Market. Consumer Behavior
Global Economic Crisis.

TQM Six basic Concepts

1. Management Commitment to TQM principles and methods & long term quality plans for
the Organization

British Airways applied TQM concept in their organization with a long term plan and by the end of
1999 they started getting benefits of TQM concept. At different times the management of British
Airways took different plans for the improvement of their company. BA spends a huge amount of
money for the development of their employees. They are merging with other airlines to provide
better service. British Airways has expanded its fleet aircrafts as recently in January 2011, the
merger between British Airways and Iberia will create the world's third-largest airline in terms of
annual revenue and the second largest airline group in Europe. Not only this, but British Airways
has also placed firm orders for 24 Boeing 787s, which will replace the oldest Boeing 767s in the
fleet from 2012. To change the organization culture BA took a very long term and expensive
training program for their managers.

2. Focus on customers- Internal & External

The aim of BA to provide a premium service to all their customers at every touch point, providing
comfort, convenience and reliability. The main focus of British Airways is their external customer.
They are always changing their old aircrafts so that they can provide better service to their
customer. They provide special privileges to their business class passengers. BA provides special
training to customer-facing employees to ensure customer satisfaction. For their internal customers
at different times they tried to develop different types of payment structure. BA provides training
to their employees to increase productivity & efficiency of the employee.

3. Quality at all levels of the workforce

British Airways has been the first one to start Training centre program therefore its employees are
more productive and well trained in their specific jobs. To provide quality service to their
customers BA trains all the employees of the company. BA is spending huge amount of money,
effort and time to assure the quality of all levels of their workforce. They design the training
programs based on the tasks.
4. Continuous improvement of the production business process
British Airways is always trying to improve their quality. The target of BA is to provide premium
quality service to their customers. BA is always considering the customer feedback and opinion
with maximum importance and investing to those product and services to improve product and
service quality.

5. Treating suppliers as partners

BA had very long term relation with Boeing. They were a loyal customer of Boeing till 1998.
Considering their requirement to provide quality service from 1998 they also become a customer
of Airbus. Now, British Airways a customer of both Boeing and Airbus. BA is determined to build
strong and trusted relationships with their supply partners.

6. Establish performance measures for the process

British Airways has identified 5 indicators to measures their performance.






After evaluating these indicators they measure the progress of the process. Then based on the
performance measurement they take further action.

Strategic Grid analysis

Strategic Planning
Good Bad

Good 1 2
Bad 3 4

Fig.: Strategic Grid

Quadrant 2: Successful strategic thinking but strategic planning is poor. Clear picture of the future,
implementation of the strategy is ineffective

The British Airways top management always gave emphasize on the continuous improvement of
the organization. They set clear picture of the future but because of improper implementation of
the strategy British Airways did not get the expected result. Like, Top management of British
Airways decided to build booking information system to help the customer. But, later it was
misused to attract customer. As a result BA faced huge legal procedure and a large amount of
At different times British Airways developed different plans for improvement but the plans were
not communicated with the employees properly or the information flow was not proper. It created
conflicts between the employees and the management. As a result BA is facing loss in the current
At different time the top management took different steps to expand the business and give better
service to the customer but because of poor implementation plan they were not fruitful. Like, when
they merged with other airlines to expand their business and increase their market share they faced
different problems after implementation. Because, they did not consider all the factors in their
implementation plan. Their vision was good but they had problem in their strategic planning.

Quality Statements of British Airways

Vision Statement
To become the worlds leading global premium airlines.

Strategic Goal and Objectives

They have five strategic goal and objectives:
1. Be the airline of choice for long haul premium customer.
2. Deliver an outstanding service for customers at every touch point.
3. Grow our presence in key global cities.
4. Build on our leading position in London.
5. Meet our customers needs and improve margins through new revenue streams.

From their quality statements it seems that to attain their vision they fix up different dynamic
strategic goals and objectives. In a real circumstance it shows they are not much more successful to
meet their targets and the reasons already verifying in the previous analysis.

To put it in a nutshell, BA is one of the most developed and well established Airlines in the world
today and it has the great potential to increase its market share. There has been recent merger with
Iberia and now it has 55% market share were as Iberia has 45% share in market. BA has 13.5%
stakes currently which shows its credibility. It is also planning to have its merger with Air India in
upcoming years. It has the skilled and developed labor force which is good sign but they should
develop some good solid plans to control these strikes and picketing.

It has every opportunity to expand more and more by increasing its training units, establishing its
own manufacturing industries and diversify into other transports. BA also has to develop a good
plan to meet all the threats in an appropriate way.


Tata Power is an Indian electric utility company based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India and is part
of the Tata Group. The core business of the company is to generate, transmit and distribute
electricity. With an installed electricity generation capacity of 9,432 MW, it is India's largest
integrated power company. At the end of August 2013, its market capitalisation was $2.74 billion
(INR 182 billion)

Tata power was ranked for its continuous effort to transform the 90 years old power utility through
a combination of cost reduction, steady growth and change in attitude into a more consumer-
friendly place in a highly regulated environment.
Tata power as been selected among the top 13 best managed companies in India by business today.
While Tata power fundamental have remained committed to quality and pursue of excellence now
there is a definite thrust on ensuring power supply at competitive tariff to consumer of all sector
For constant self-evaluation of its plants and performance Tata power has adopted the Tata
business excellence model under the J.R.D. Quality values award which the Tata group has
instituted in the memory of MR. J.R.D. TATA

Tata values

The Tata has always been a value driven organization these values continue to direct the groups
growth and business. The five cores Tata values under the way they do their business are:
1] Integrity: we must conduct our business fairly with honesty and transparency everything we do
must stand the test of public scrutiny.
2] Understanding: we must be caring show respect compassion and humanity for our collogues
and customer around the world and always work for the benefit for the communities we serve.
3] Excellence: we must constantly strive to highest possible standard in our day to day work in
quality of good and services we provide.
4] Unity: we must work cohesively with our collogues across the group and our customer and
partners around the world to build strong relationship based on tolerance and mutual co-operation.

6] Responsibility: we must continue to be responsible and sensitive to the countries communities
and the environment we work, always ensuring that what comes from the people goes back to the
people many times over.


Functional quality objectives Measures

1. Monitoring & controlling of Logged value of parameter / logging of

operation parameters corrective measure taken .
2. Ensuring heal thinness of
equipment by timely detection of Defect register entries / check list
abnormalities entries
3. Increasing availability of
Measure taken during emergencies to
equipment by normalization
restore normal in minimum possible
during tripping of equipment
time of normalization.
lines and outage
Availability of operational data
4. Preparation and storing of
operational database
Accident free operation no wrong
5. Ensure reliability and safety operation safety practices
correct and safety operation Work instruction revisions
6. Continual improvement


T.B.E.M. purposes
1. To help improve organizational performance and business excellence practices ,
capabilities result .
2. To facilitate communication and sharing of best practices information among tata
organizations of all types .
3. To serve as working tool for understanding and managing performance and for
providing guidance for planning and identification of opportunities for learning and
improvement .

1. Delivery of ever improving value of customers , contributing to market place success
2. Improvement of overall organizational effectiveness capabilities , resulting in
enhancing to all other stake other
3. Organizational and personal learning

Visions of the quality

1. To be an excellent and efficient organization
2. To be a significant player in the national power sector
3. To participate in adjacent infrastructure business that provide opportunity for the
4. To be the best in the tata group

1. Customer driver
2. Result oriented with professional work culture
3. Abide by tata code of conduct
4. Earn trust through fair business practices with all stake holder
5. Growth with environmental protection and enrichment
6. Corporate citizenship


With increasing emphasis on the need to enhance productivity and quality of manufacturing
units , it is essential to carry out evaluation of the entire quality system from time to
time and take corrective measures overcome the deficiencies in the system .
1) Organization :- It consist of ( a.) Constitution of functional departments to look
after various responsibilities concerning planning , execution and control such as
finance , marketing , personnel , purchase , manufacturing and research and
development and ( b.) Constitution of committee to assist in conducting all the
operations smoothly , such as cost reduction committee , rejection control committee
, production improvement committee , safety committee , quality circles , etc.
2) Finance:- This section consist of major function area like function control and
report generation , corporate financial planning , budgets and budgetary controls ,
pricing , cost accounting and cost control .
3) Product planning :- It consist of function area such as current and long range
planning , plant capability and product compatibility studies , new or expanded
facilities planning , product diversification and product range modification .
4) Marketing :-The main functional area to be looked after in marketing are
marketing strategy , sales promotion and publicity, product identification and market
forecasts, sale management , customer services and technical support , customer
feedback analysis and follow-up , load planning , manufacturing engineer .
5) Material Management :- The major area to be provided are : inventory control
and purchase , receiving and warehouse, work-in-process , material handling scrap
and rework analysis and shipping .
6) Manufacturing:- This section may consist of following functional areas, each of
which must be given due attention for achieving high performance.
i.) Facilities utilization:- layout and arrangement , condition and
maintenance of plant and equipment , availability of supplies , such as
compressed air , water , fuel oil , power , etc.
ii.) Manufacturing engineering :- Design and manufacture of dies and tools,
laying down technology for production , prepare wok standards , material
development , process development , process layout planning , use of new
technology , co-ordination with research and development , management
information system and report generation for marketing .
iii.) Production :- Implementation of production schedules and control of
delays, control of production operation for maximum efficiency, ensuring
high level of performance from workers and other employees, maintaining
production standards , general house keeping in all production level .

It serve as a working tool for managing performance , planning , training , and assessment
The criteria was to design to help companies enhance their competitiveness through
delivery of ever improving value to customers , resulting in marketplaces success , and
improvement of overall company performance and capabilities .

Customer judge quality . All product and service characteristics that contribute values to
customers and lead to customer satisfaction and preference must be focus of a company
management system , value , satisfaction , and preference may be influences by many
factors throughout the customer overall purchase , ownership , and service experiences .
These factors include the company relationship with customer that help built trust ,
confidences , and loyalty . These have been identified as leadership , a people focus , a
customer focus , and a supplier focus , planning for improvement , process optimization
and organizational performance .

The organization will also have to approach the markets for new talent as strategically as
the customer markets and have to develop the same market strategy development process
for both customer markets and talent markets , including a process to develop strategic
objectives , action plans, and relates plan for how to attack and to keep talented

Ford Motor Company entered the business world on June 16, 1903, by Henry Ford and 11
business associates signed the company's articles of incorporation, with $28,000 in cash.
Henry Ford's insisted that the company's future lay in the production of affordable cars for a
mass market. In 1908, the first model of ford (model T) was introduced, since then company
has evolved as one of the best manufacturing concern globally in all segments.

Today company has 8 vehicle brands namely Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Volvo, Jaguar,
Land Rover, Aston Martin, which operates in round about 90 countries all over the world.
Ford is the second-largest U.S.-based automaker (preceded by General Motors) and the fifth-
largest in the world (behind Toyota, VW, Hyundai-Kia and General Motors) based on 2015 vehicle
production. At the end of 2010, Ford was the fifth largest automaker in Europe. Ford is the eighth-
ranked overall American-based company in the 2010 Fortune 500 list, based on global revenues in
2009 of $118.3 billion. n 2008, Ford produced 5.532 million automobiles and employed about
213,000 employees at around 90 plants and facilities worldwide.
The company went public in 1956 but the Ford family, through special Class B shares, still retain
40 percent voting rights


Today at Ford Motor Company, their most popular slogan is Ford Has a Better Idea. Back in the
1980s when Ford Motor Company total quality management practices were vast, the slogan of
Quality Is Job 1 made more sense.

In a conversation with Dan Dobbs, a Six Sigma Master Black Belt at Ford, it was noted that TQM
may have worked in the 1980s, but Six Sigma is the project management methodology of choice
these days.

When TQM, a process improvement methodology based on a customer satisfaction quality-driven

process with guidelines set by management was first utilized, it started through a joint venture.

Through a partnership with ChemFil, a division of PPG Industries, Ford wanted to produce better
quality products, a stable work environment for the workforce, effective management, and
profitability; all by the 1990s, Quality is Job 1 became Quality People, Quality Products.

Through this partnership with paint supplier ChemFil, paint process were developed to ensure that
a quality product that meets customers needs translates into financial success, according to an
insider press release obtained from the Ford Media Room. TQM was forefront in their painting
design as the process of preparation (based on customer quality standards) was implemented by
ChemFil with Ford management and workers informed of all steps needed to follow the
application of paint to a quality outcome.


The major thrust of Total Quality Management (TQM) is to achieve productivity and process
efficiency by identifying and eliminating problems in work processes and systems. TQM addresses
key problem areas such as mistakes in work processes, redundant processes, unnecessary tasks,
and duplicate efforts. TQM interventions also help with predicting and pre-empting such mistakes
and unproductive activities.

Improving process efficiency brings about many benefits to the organizations in terms of costs and

The major benefits of TQM in terms of cost savings include:

elimination of non-confirmation and repetitive work

elimination of waste costs and reject products
elimination of repairs and reworks
reduced warranty and customer support costs
process efficiency leading to improved profit per product or service
fiscal discipline through elimination of unnecessary steps and wasteful expenditure

TQM frees up management time from redressing problems and directs management time and effort

increase production
extend the range of products
improve existing products


A major long-term benefit of Total Quality Management relates to customer satisfaction. TQM
aims at improving quality, and identifies the best measure of quality as matching customer
expectations in terms of service, product, and experience. TQM interventions quantify problems
and aim to achieve the best state defined in terms of such customer expectations.

Some examples of the application of Total Quality Management to improve customer satisfaction

Reduction of waiting time by changing the method of appointment scheduling or client

Making changes to the delivery process so that the product reaches the customer faster


The application of Total Quality Management brings forth all-round benefits and makes the
organization more competitive. In the new business environment marked by demolition of
barriers and free flow of information and products, organizations retain their competitive
advantage by reducing prices, improving existing products and innovating new products.
TQM is a business strategy that allows organizations to achieve all this and much more.

Total Quality Management demolishes the myth that increased quality results in increased
costs and decreased productivity. TQM proves that quality is actually the key to decreased
costs, and better productivity and positions quality as a critical component of strategic
business advantage


Wipro Limited (Western India Palm Refined Oils Limited or more recently, Western India
Products Limited is an Indian Information Technology Services corporation headquartered
in Bangalore, India.

In 2013, Wipro demerged its non-IT businesses into a separate companies to bring in more focus
on independent businesses

As of now it is a global information technology, consulting and outsourcing company with

170,000+ workforce serving clients in 175+ cities across 6 continents. The company posted
revenues of $7.6 billion for the financial year 2014-15. Wipro helps customers do business better
by leveraging their industry wide experience, deep technology expertise, comprehensive portfolio
of services and vertically aligned business model (Wipro, 2016).

Wipro Limited is a global company provider of comprehensive IT solutions and services, including
Systems Integration, Consulting, Information Systems outsourcing, IT-enabled services, R&D
Wipro entered into the technology business in 1981 and has over 140,000 employees and clients
across 54 countries. IT revenues were at $7.1 billion for the year ended 31 March 2015, with a
repeat business ratio of over 95%


Wipro chose to implement Six Sigma technique of total quality management (Sharma, 2012). Six
Sigma is a statistical term that measures how far a given process deviates from perfection. Six
Sigma was chosen because it helps in measuring the defects systematically and figures out how to
eliminate them and get close to zero defects as possible (Sharma, 2012). Wipro used it as a
measure of quality that strives to near perfection. It was centred on the accomplishment of the
objectives such as: having products and services meet global benchmarks, ensuring robust
processes within the organization, continuously meet and exceed customer expectations and make
quality a culture within.

Wipro adopted the project approach for Six Sigma, where projects were identified on the basis of
the problem areas under each of the critical Business Processes Wipro evolved the following Six
Sigma methodologies for the business processes:

For developing new processes: DSSS (Direct-sequence-spread-spectrum) methodology was used

for software development. This methodology used rigorous in process metrics and cause analysis
throughout the software development lifecycle for defect free deliveries and lower customer cost
of application development.
For developing existing processes: DMAIC (Define- measures- analyse- improve- control) and
TQSS (Transactional quality using Six Sigma) were used for non transactional and transactional
processes respectively.
For reengineering: Cross functional process mapping was used for reengineering business

The process followed for the implementation of the above methodologies is explained below:

1 Built the culture: Implementation of Six Sigma required support from high level
managers. For this the company restructured the organisation and provided
infrastructure, training and confidence in the process.
2 Selection of the project: For the selection of the right project the field data was
collected, process map was developed and importance of the project was judged
from the eyes of the customers.
3 Resources: Resources were identified on the basis of short term and long term
requirements. The project selected was a crucial factor in determining the resources
4 Controlling: Wipro developed a team of experts for reviewing the projects. It was
done to see the timeliness of the project completion, targeting of gaps, weak areas
and deviations.

The financial gain that Wipro has achieved by using Six Sigma has been commendable. As the Six
Sigma initiative started maturing Wipro identified two major phenomenons:

The biggest projects had all completed on time without hurdles.

The yellow-belt culture where smaller process improvement projects were handled using plan-do-
check-act methodology had cured little problems before they became big ones.

The Six Sigma process resulted in the achievement of close to 250%, 6 minutes for 1 MB transfer
and 18 minutes for average transfer. Furthermore, it led to lower maintenance cost, schedule
overrun costs and development costs for customers. Performance was improved through a precise
understanding of the customers requirements. Software defects were reduced by 50% and rework
in software went down from 12% to 5%. Waste elimination increased productivity up to 35%.
Installation failures wend down from 4.5% to 1% in hardware business. Ownership cost was
lowered by 30-40% and productivity went up by 20-30%. 93% projects were completed on time
and field defects were lowered by 67% of the average industry rate. The performance enhancement
enabled the clients to have an improved product with the overriding benefit that the end customer
perception of the quality of the clients product is improved


Xerox Corporation is a global document management company which manufactures and sells a
range of color and black-and-white printers, multifunction systems, photo copiers, digital
production printing presses, and related consulting services and supplies.

Xerox is headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut, though its largest population of employees is

based in and around Rochester, New York, the area in which the company was founded.

Researchers at Xerox and its Palo Alto Research Center invented several important elements
of personal computing, such as the desktop metaphorGUI, the computer mouse and desktop
computing. These concepts were frowned upon by the then board of directors, who ordered the
Xerox engineers to share them with Apple technicians. The concepts were adopted by Apple and,
later, Microsoft. With the help of these innovations, Apple and Microsoft came to dominate the
personal computing revolution of the 1980s, whereas Xerox was not a major player.
Xerox today manufactures and sells a wide variety of office and production equipment including
LCD Monitors, photo copiers, Xerox Phaser printers, multifunction printers, large-volume digital
printers as well as workflow software under the brand strategy of FreeFlow. Xerox also sells
scanners and digital presses. On 29 May 2008, xerox launched XEROX iGen 4 digital press.

It also produces fax machines, professional printers, black and white copiers, and several other
products.In addition, Xerox produces many printing and office supplies.

Xerox is a technology leader that innovates the way the world communicates, connects and works.
Xerox does this for small and mid-size businesses, large enterprises, governments, graphic
communications providers, and for their partners who serve them.
Managed Print Services and Centralized Print Services - Xerox reduces costs and optimize clients
print and digital document infrastructure.
Xerox manufactures and sells a wide variety of office equipment including scanners, printers, and
multifunction systems that scan, print, copy, email and fax. These model families include
WorkCentre, Phaser, and ColorQube. For the graphic communications and commercial print
industries, the Xerox product portfolio includes high-volume, digital printing presses, production
printers, and wide format printers that use xerographic and inkjet printing technologies. Product
families include iGen, Nuvera, DocuPrint, Impika and Rialto.


Xerox started its thrive towards TQM in the 1970s in computer science, electronics, and
material science.

1. The Xerox corporation focuses on benchmarking, a reduced supplier base, and

leadership teams as a way of producing Total Quality Management. Benchmarking
is a "standard or point of reference in measuring or judging quality, value, etc."
(Webster, 1979). Xerox looks at what the competition is doing and sets a level of
quality and value that all of its products are compared against. These levels of
quality are also used by other companies because of Xerox's excellent standards.
Once the standard that has been set is met then a new and higher standard is set
so that the company is continually striving to do better and have a higher quality

2. Xerox is using in its strive for TQM is to reduce its supplier base. Xerox has gone
from individual suppliers for each of the different manufacturing facilities to a
consolidated group of suppliers for all of the manufacturing facilities (Evens-
Correia, 1991). This has drastically cut the amount of suppliers needed which
increases accountability of the suppliers to get the materials to Xerox on time and it
decreases some overhead costs because of shipping reductions and economies of
scale discounts. There are a reduced amount of people needed in overseeing the
ordering process from the suppliers which allows for a decrease in positions and
less of a chance for error.

3. Xerox uses to help in Total Quality Management is leadership teams. Leadership

teams are a new concept that many companies are adapting. These teams consist
of a group of people with different areas of specialty. The main functions of the
teams are to produce a product for the lowest possible cost with the highest quality.
These teams can have jobs that range from finding ways to cut costs all the way to
how to handle difficult employees and anything in between.

Outcome: 1. Xerox has won the Baldrige Award as well as a few other awards. The
Baldrige Award "has come to signify a standard of excellence in total quality
management, and the practices and achievements of each year's award winners have
been examined with considerable interest"

1. The workers want to take part in different and more activities because of a sense
of competition to come up with the best ideas and pride in the work the team has
done. These are the kind of employees that help make a corporation become a
success and stay a success.

2. Xerox does surveys to customers, stockholders and employees as part of this

research. These surveys are mailed out to the respective people and ask questions
about the satisfaction of the products and ask about improvements that can be
made to the products. Response were very positive and customer happier with
Xerox than ever after the implementation of TQM.


The Xerox Corporation started its thrive towards TQM in the 1970s with the invention of PARC
(Palo Alto Research Center) whose basic principles were:
I. Research on new work practices is as important as research on new products.
II. Innovation is everywhere; the problem is learning from it
III. Research cant just produce innovation; it must coproduce it
IV. The research departments ultimate innovation partner is the customer


Research is a key component when it comes to Total Quality Management.

By opening up PARC,
Xerox has given itself a place to help with the innovation process of the corporation and
thus allowing the corporation the means to do its job better.
Also, PARC is used as a way of finding out what the customer wants, if the customer can
be satisfied then the corporation is one step closer to being a strong thriving company with
Total Quality Management.


TQM plays an important role in the Xerox Corporation and it is the major philosophy of the
company and has played an important role in the success of the Corporation.


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