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Solar Oven: Application of Thermodynamics


A common problem today is that people dont apply what they have learned. Most of them didnt
know that solar energy is not only used for electricity but can also be useful for cooking. Because
of this, people tend to use fuel which is bad for the air and firewood which at the cost of trees
just only for cooking. However, solar cooker was invented thanks to the application of
thermodynamics. This prompted the researchers to conduct an experiment on how solar cookers
use solar energy to heat food.


To discover on how the solar oven uses thermodynamics.

To provide information about thermodynamics.
To provide the benefits of the instrument in people and society.
To help in the application of thermodynamics in the everyday life of people.


Cardboard box
Box cutter or scissors
Aluminum foil
Clear type of tape
Black construction paper
Plastic wrap or large, transparent plastic bag
Food for cooking


Clean the box first.

Using the ruler and pencil, draw a square one inch in from the edges of the top of the box
Use the box cutter or knife to cut out three of the four sides of the square.
Make a crease along the uncut side of the square to create a flap that stands up.
Cut a piece of aluminum foil large enough to cover the inner side of the cardboard flap.
Wrap the foil tightly, and secure with tape.
Line the bottom of the pizza box with black construction paper.
Cut two pieces of plastic wrap that are the same size as the top of the pizza box.
Use tape to secure the plastic wrap to the inside edges of the square window you cut into
the box. You are creating an airtight window.
Roll up some newspaper pages into tubes to stuff into the sides of the box. Make sure
you are still able to close the lid of the pizza box.
Now it is time to cook something! The best time to use your oven is between 11 AM and
2 PM. Make sure to set the food on a dish so you dont mess up the interior of your oven.

Data and Results:

Most solar cookers work on basic principles: sunlight is converted to heat energy that is
retained for cooking.


Sunlight is the "fuel." A solar cooker needs an outdoor spot that is sunny for several hours
and protected from strong wind, and where food will be safe. Solar cookers don't work at
night or on cloudy days.
Dark surfaces get very hot in sunlight, whereas light surfaces don't. Food cooks best in
dark, shallow, thin metal pots with dark, tight-fitting lids to hold in heat and moisture.

Dark surfaces are very useful in cooking the food. This is known as


A transparent heat trap around the dark pot lets in sunlight, but keeps in the heat. This is a
clear, heat-resistant plastic bag or large inverted glass bowl (in panel cookers) or an
insulated box with a glass or plastic window (in box cookers). Curved concentrator
cookers typically don't require a heat trap.

Plastic is useful in covering as it traps heat.

One or more shiny surfaces reflect extra sunlight onto the pot, increasing its heat

Aluminum foil is good as a reflector for solar oven.

Guide Questions:

How does the sunlight cook the food?

It is not the suns heat that cooks the food, nor is it the outside ambient temperature,
though this can somewhat affect the rate or time required to cook, but rather it is the suns
rays that are converted to heat energy that cook the food; and this heat energy is then
retained by the pot and the food by the means of a covering or lid.

What parts of the world would a solar oven work the best? the worst?

The hot/warm regions and tropical regions work the best as they have sufficient sunlight
for the solar oven while the cold regions especially polar regions as they dont have
sufficient sunlight.

What are some disadvantages of using a solar cooker?

Solar cookers are less useful in cloudy weather and near the poles, so an alternative
cooking source is still required in these conditions.

What are some advantages of using a solar cooker?

Solar cookers use no fuel. This saves cost as well as reducing environmental damage
caused by fuel use. Also, solar cookers could have large economic and environmental
benefits by reducing deforestation.

What are some health benefits of using a solar cooker in developing countries?
Moderate cooking temperatures in simple solar cookers help preserve nutrients. Also,
Cooking fires are dangerous, especially for children, and can readily get out of control
causing damage to buildings, gardens, etc.

How are solar cookers beneficial to the environment?

By using a solar cooker, you can let go of your dependence on gas or electricity. You can
maintain better air quality indoors and reduce the amount of carbon monoxide emissions.
This also reduces deforestation and desertification.


We therefore conclude that solar energy helps not only in electricity but also in producing heat.
Because of this, cooking via sunlight was made possible because the heat energy converted from
the suns rays cooks the food inside the oven with the help of additional parts such as dark
surfaces, transparent cover and reflective surfaces. Since the source of heat was from the sun,
solar oven is eco-friendly as this doesnt cause air pollution and this doesnt use firewood from
trees. Through this experiment, we are able to learn that everything that we have learned from
our lessons especially on physics can be applied in a simple but helpful way.


Solar ovens are very useful in everyday life especially when it comes to cooking. The concrete
example for this is when you have no available fuel at home for cooking; solar ovens are the best
alternative for the problem because they only need sunlight in order to cook food. Also, if want
to help in saving our environment in a simple way, cooking with solar oven is a good choice.
Solar ovens are actually easy to make, as they only need materials that can be found at home.
Moreover, the solar oven and this experiment is a good application of thermodynamics. Not only
it is fun, but also helpful to all of us.

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